#tortoiseshell cat appreciation day
hazeltortie · 1 year
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Every day is tortoiseshell cat appreciation day!
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futureofthemasses · 1 year
Apparently it is tortoiseshell cat appreciation day and nobody told me??? Please appreciate my beautiful child
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happy black cat appreciation day, look upon my beasts
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woso-dreamzzz · 1 month
Flirts IV
Mapi León x Reader x Ingrid Engen
Summary: You have to go
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It's not that you don't want to be there because you do.
It's that you have to go away for a surgery.
There's some rich woman in California who needs you to operate on her cat. She's paying an extortionate amount for your services and sending a private jet to pick you up.
You love those kinds of pet owners, the ones with enough money to fly in the very best if only because of the clear love they have for all of their pets.
But they're also clients you can't deny.
If someone wants to fly you out for enough money to keep a family afloat for a year, someone with enough influence to make or break anybody's career, you can't say no.
Even if your girlfriend is fighting for Euro's qualification.
"Do you have to go?" Mapi asks, sitting inside of your unpacked suitcase like she was Bagheera in a box.
Honey sits on the bed, head in her paws as she waits, tail wagging, for Mapi to throw her tennis ball.
"Yes," You say, trying to choose between your purple or your blue scrubs," It's a lot of money. Enough for that fancy holiday to the Maldives you guys want to take."
"But it takes you away from us," Mapi whines and Ingrid makes an agreeing noise from over by the door.
"I've travelled for work before."
"You're going to miss my match," Ingrid says and a pit forms in your stomach.
Before this job came up, you and Mapi were meant to be travelling to Norway to see Ingrid's last Euro Qualifiers game before going off in a camper van with her parents.
You'd still make it to the last part, depending on what the labs for this cat came back as but you'd have to miss the match.
You reach out for her, drawing her closer by the waist and resting your head on her chest.
"I'm so sorry, baby. I am, really. I can call up and cancel if you really want me to. I know a guy to recommend instead."
Ingrid sighs, her chin sitting on the top of your head. "No," She says," That cat needs the best care possible. We all know you're the best. Go and be a hero."
"I'd hardly be a hero. It's just surgery."
"Surgery for some woman that clearly adores her pet cat. What you do saves lives. I think that makes you a hero."
"You're so sweet, Ingrid."
"And hot!"
You laugh. "Thanks for that, Mapi. I'm sure she knows that seeing as you tell her everyday."
Mapi shrugs with a smirk on her face. "I'm sure it's nice to be reminded."
Honey whines on the bed and you roll your eyes.
"Throw the ball already. She's getting impatient."
Mapi frowns, waving the ball around.
Honey's eyes dart around erratically to follow it.
"She isn't barking, though?"
You laugh, crossing the space to take the ball and lay a soft kiss on Mapi's lips. "Because she's well-behaved, Mapi. She knows not to bark unless it's an emergency."
You throw the ball up and down to make sure Honey's still watching before you launch it out of the room.
She's off like a shot as Ingrid hauls Mapi out of your suitcase.
You still feel guilty though, through the flight, through the labs, through everything.
The cat is cute one, a little tortoiseshell with an amicable nature and a complete lack of awareness of her surroundings.
You've always been an animal person. You've always loved all of them but living with Mapi and Ingrid has just given you an even newer appreciation for cats.
The checkup happens quickly and the labs are already done and completed by the time you arrive.
Money really does move things along because all the charts are perfect and after what should have been a week long wait to begin, you manage to take a day to get over your jetlag and get to work immediately the day after.
Surgery is simple to you. It's easy and soon enough the cat is halfway to recovery.
You don't quite understand how private planes are hired and sent out, if someone has to book a runway days in advance or if they're open indefinitely.
The original plan had been for you to take a week to do this but now it's all done, you don't quite know what to do with yourself apart from stew in guilt.
You had planned to take your mind off Ingrid's game by throwing yourself into work.
You have no work though and can't help but imagine yourself in Norway with your girlfriends, curled up in Mapi's arms while Ingrid whispers to you.
You swipe away a tear as you head down for dinner, your host gracious enough to treat you to a meal for all your good work.
You've gone radio silent to your girlfriends but neither are surprised.
You're always like that when you go out of the country for work, focused only on your patient. You want no distractions.
Mapi sits slumped in her seat next to Ingrid watching Norway play their last qualifier, sighing to herself as she looks at pictures of the three of you together.
"What's with the pout?" Ingrid teases, running her thumb over Mapi's jutted out bottom lip.
"I miss her," Mapi mutters, feeling a bit like a little kid sulking.
"I know but she'll be here soon and then we go out exploring with my parents before heading back home for preseason. It's not that long of a wait."
"I don't want to wait at all."
"I know but-"
A body slumps down on Mapi's other side and both of them turn.
"I'm not really a fan of this hotdog," You say," It's not bad but I guess I'm not that hungry. Do you want some Mapi?"
You don't get an answer from her because she crushes you into a hug. The hotdog that you regrettably bought squishes between your bodies.
You don't complain though, especially when Ingrid moves into the hug as well, tightening her grip around the both of you.
"I thought you couldn't make it?"
"Money talks," You tease," And the owner felt a bit of pity when I told her that I'd have to watch this match on tv. Chartered a jet for me to come straight here."
"And the cat?" Mapi asks.
"The cat's good. Recovering."
"I'm so happy you're here."
"We're both happy," Ingrid says," So, so happy."
You grin at your girls, the smiling splitting your face.
"I'm happy to be here too."
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felinefractious · 3 months
I saw this really pretty pointed tortie on Facebook in the "The Bappening" group and am confused about its coloring (I couldn't find any info in the comments about the cat's breed so I'm assuming it's a DSH). I would very much appreciate a correct color ID and possibly more info on the genetics that led to this coloration.
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My guess is that she is a black and red tortoiseshell colorpoint cat. The colors on her most pointed parts are not dilute (the red on her face appears diluted but her ears are pretty red and that is definitely black, not blue, imo). The lightest parts of her body are not pure white but they are very light, with what looks to be some lightened red patches. And she has blue eyes.
I'm guessing this based on the "How to ID Your Cat's Coat Color" guide in r/cats (https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/4wbuav/how_to_id_your_cats_coat_color_a_guide/).
Thank you so much for the help!!! I'm not great at IDing cats yet but I've learned so much from following your blog. I very much love your work and aspire to be as knowledgeable as you some day. Have a lovely day!
This is all correct! Awesome job!
She’s a black tortoiseshell point, more often called a seal tortie point or even just tortie point. She doesn’t appear to have any white and the darkening of the coat with age is characteristic of pointed cats.
So she’s black (B-) with one copy of the sex-linked red gene (XOXo) making her tortoiseshell.
She has the recessive non-agouti/solid gene (aa) and the recessive colorpoint gene (cscs) causing the appearance you see.
Which adds up to a very pretty Domestic Shorthair!
I was in The Bappening group but left because I got annoyed with all the dangerous pred-prey interactions and actual aggression that got posted for laughs instead of wholesome baps.
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rissynicole · 5 months
Happy national tortoiseshell cat appreciation day to those who celebrate ✨
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clansofafeather · 2 months
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CHAPTER CW: Young pregnancy, mild blood
Petuniapaw��s steps were careful. They slunk through the tall grasses of the riverlands, trying to keep their body low to the ground. The only sound around them was the sound of their own heart beating in their chest, and the shrill cry of cicadas near the water. It was a bit chilly, and the apprentice’s body shivered. Leaf-bare would come soon.
The scent they had picked up matched that of the cat they had met the day prior, with Dahliapaw. Their pelt bristled slightly as they remembered how afraid the she-cat looked, the sadness on her face as she ran away, and just how harsh Dahliapaw had been towards her.
They knew they didn’t have permission to be out, especially not so late. But they also knew that they longed to find this mysterious she-cat, and make things right with her.
The smell was growing stronger, combined with two new scents that made Petuniapaw freeze. The first was a sweeter smell, a smell they recognized from their days in the nursery as the scent of milk. The second smell, however, almost made them gag. It was metallic and sour, the smell of blood.
Pawsteps quickening, Petuniapaw began to run, following the strange combination of scents until they stumbled upon a den made from a bush. There, huddled inside, was the same she-cat from before.
A nest had been hastily created for the young, shivering molly to lay on. She looked up at Petuniapaw with wide, frightened green eyes, her fur matted and mildly dampened with sweat. The scent of blood Petuniapaw smelled before came from a deep cut in her right hind leg, the ground below it stained with a dark crimson.
The final thing Petuniapaw noticed was the two young kits huddled at her belly. They were less than a moon old. In fact, they were probably mere days old based on their appearance. One of the kits was a tortoiseshell like their mother, with white markings. The second kit was black, also with white markings. 
This confused Petuniapaw. The she-cat was young. She appeared to be the age of a young warrior, and definitely far too young to be responsible for the lives of others.
“Oh, please, spare me!” The she-cat pleaded, visibly tensing as if preparing to run away. “I recognize you from yesterday! Please, I can’t leave! I’m too weak to carry these kits…”
“No, it’s okay,” Petuniapaw replied. They looked around, making sure no-cat was around before turning their attention back to the queen. “Are you okay? What happened to your leg?”
“Oh…I hurt myself running away from you and your friend…” The she-cat looked down at her front paws, curling her tail to both protect her kits and cover her injury. 
“I’m sorry. My brother…He isn’t the nicest cat to stumble upon.” Petuniapaw sighed heavily, their shoulders sagging a bit. “Do you need help? What’s your name?”
“Amber…Well, maybe you can come back with me! I’m sure Blossomstar wouldn’t turn away a mother with kits-”
“No.” Amber’s whiskers twitched, and she tensed her body further. “I appreciate the offer, truly, but…I would rather build my strength and leave with my kits. I don’t want to be a burden to you or your group.”
“Can I at least help you? We have enough herbs and prey to spare!” Petuniapaw let the words spill out of their mouth. They knew that they should just leave Amber alone, turn around and walk away, but the sight of her looking so sad and hurt tore at their heart.
Amber was silent. She laid her head down between her front paws, sighing heavily before responding. “Do what you please.” 
Petuniapaw nodded. “O-okay! Hang on, I’ll be back!”
They scrambled back, turning and rushing away from the bush. They stalked back into CraneClan camp, trying to keep their pawsteps silent-
Fox-dung! Petuniapaw froze and looked around camp until they met eyes with Lilyeye. The deputy was staring at them with her head tilted, sitting outside of the warrior’s den. Her tail was tucked around  her paws neatly.
Petuniapaw padded over to Lilyeye, looking up at their mentor. “Sorry. I was going to the dirtplace…I woke up with the worst stomach ache...” They lied.
Lilyeye’s eyes narrowed, and the tip of her tail twitched. “Hmm. You should see Tallsky and Orchidpaw, then.” She stated.
“I will, if it doesn’t go away before patrols.” Petuniapaw meowed. 
“Alright.” Lilyeye chuckled, leaning down and nudging the apprentice’s cheek with her nose. “I hope you’re not trying to get out of your little punishment!”
Petuniapaw laughed, shuffling closer to the gray and white she-cat with a purr. “I promise I’m not. That’s something Dahliapaw would do.”
Lilyeye sighed, wrapping her tail around Petuniapaw. “I’m aware. I hope that he changes soon. He has so much potential, and I would hate for it to be wasted on a…Useless cat.”
“It’s my mom’s fault.” Petuniapaw blurted out, before looking away with a frown. “Um..I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that-”
“No, I agree.” Lilyeye shook her head, before standing and turning to leave. “Both of us better get rest the best we can. Oh, and Petuniapaw?”
Petuniapaw, who was already walking away, turned to face Lilyeye. “Yeah?”
The deputy smirked, before slipping into the warrior’s den.
“Bring her cobweb, horsetail, and borage.”
(A/N: A bit of a shorter chapter, but things should pick up soon!)
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artsy-dreamer · 5 months
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Today is Tortoiseshell Cat Appreciation Day! 🐱🐾
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talonslockau · 3 months
Forest of Secrets - Chapter 29
Chapter 28 || Index || Chapter 30
Fireheart looked up in surprise from his washing as someone called his name. After his sister had arrived in camp the day before, most cats were pointedly ignoring him. Only Peppermask and Tinyfrost had spoken with him, and both were out of camp hunting.
He did his best not to cower as he caught sight of Bluestar crossing the camp clearing towards him, her blue eyes ablaze with fury. What had happened now? “Yes, Bluestar?” He responded as calmly as he could in the face of the mighty leader.
“Come with me.” She mewed, turning quickly and heading for the camp entrance. He stared after her in confusion.
“But Bluestar, I’m on guard duty right now.” He glanced back at the prison that held Brokentail inside. It was hardly difficult work, and he had little doubt he could leave right now and nothing would happen, but it didn’t seem right to just walk away. “Can it wait until-”
“Dappleshine will take your place.” She responded dismissively. Dappleshine, who was sitting outside the warrior’s den nearby, seemed just as surprised by this development as he was, but Bluestar didn’t wait for any protest as she marched towards the camp entrance.
He looked at the tortoiseshell queen apprehensively, but after a moment she shrugged and padded towards him. “You should go. Bluestar doesn’t like to be kept waiting.” She told him as she sat opposite him outside the prison entrance. He blinked at her in appreciation before hurrying after his leader, anxiety suddenly filling his mind. What could be so urgent that Bluestar suddenly couldn’t wait?
He wondered briefly if something had happened on the Riverclan border, but she turned towards the Twolegplace instead. “I’m disappointed with you, Fireheart.” His ears flattened at the leader’s words. “First you attack one of my warriors, then you come to me after consorting with Riverclan cats and listening to their lies, and now you’ve been returning to the Twolegplace. I thought you were a loyal Thunderclan warrior. Was I wrong?”
Fireheart bristled angrily at what she was implying. “I am completely loyal to Thunderclan!” He snapped at her, his tail lashing furiously. How could she imply that he wasn’t? Had her opinion of him really fallen that much? “I told you before, Graystripe attacked me!”
“Yes, so you said. You also never told me why he did so. Did he find out you were talking with Riverclan, and try to dissuade you?” She looked back at him, her eyes narrow slits.
“I- No! Graystripe had nothing to do with that!” And not for lack of trying either, he recalled bitterly. He shook his head angrily. He was so sorely tempted to tell Bluestar the truth about that fight, yet somehow he had the feeling that she would somehow find a way to twist his words against him. Would she accuse him of lying to save his own fur? “I don’t really see why I ought to tell you, anyways. Last time I tried to tell you what I’d discovered, you didn’t believe me.”
“Because you were peddling outright lies, about your own deputy, no less!” She spat back at him, finally turning to face him with a lash of her tail. “Is that why you’ve been running off to the Twolegplace, then? Would you prefer to become a kittypet again?”
“No!” He couldn’t believe she would dare suggest such a thing. He would never leave Thunderclan - especially not now that his sister was a part of it. “And I wasn’t running off to the Twolegplace to become a kittypet again. I was meeting with my sister. I never poked a whisker inside a Twoleg nest!”
“Yes, your sister.” Bluestar advanced towards him, but he didn’t dare flinch back, meeting her eyes with his own furious glare. “Yet another secret you were content to hide from me, and the Clan. And for what?”
“Because I knew I would be forbidden from seeing her again on the basis that she was a kittypet!” They were nearly nose to nose now, but he wasn’t going to back down now. “You had a sister, Bluestar. Can you not understand why I wanted to talk with her? Would you not do anything to talk to Snowstorm again?”
“I-” She paused now, and the anger in her icy blue eyes gave way to sadness. He felt guilty about bringing up the leader’s sister in anger, but as she turned away, her tail lowering, he couldn’t help but feel relieved that she’d backed off.
“You know how the Clans are when it comes to kittypets.” He lowered his voice so that it didn’t echo through the quiet snow-laden woods, now that he didn’t have to shout over her to be heard. “I am sorry for keeping my meetings with her a secret from you - from the entire Clan - but I didn’t want to be torn away from speaking with my kin just because she lives in a Twoleg nest and not the forest. You and I both know that she is no threat to the Clan, and meeting with her - it helped remind me of why I belong in the forest.”
The leader nodded slowly as he spoke, considering his words. “Perhaps you’re right. It’s not fair to assume that the strength of your bonds are lesser because you were not born in a Clan.” She said at last, looking back to meet his eyes. “Still, you shouldn’t be keeping secrets from your leader - especially not when they affect the Clan.”
He hesitated now, suddenly afraid to say the wrong thing and ignite Bluestar’s fury once more. Part of him wanted to snidely remind her the last time he’d told her a great secret - how she’d scorned him and acted as though he was lying- but he knew that wasn’t going to get them anywhere. “I am sorry I didn’t tell you she was interested in joining sooner. I didn’t know myself. I urged her to stay in her Twoleg nest, but she insisted…”
Something flashed in Bluestar’s eyes, and he took a step back, afraid of her lashing out at him. Instead, she gave him a watery smile. “Sisters can be so stubborn, can’t they?” She asked him, before turning and beginning to pad back towards the Twolegplace.
He began to follow her apprehensively. “I think we all can be stubborn, at times.” He replied as evenly as he could manage. “It’s just more annoying when it comes from a sister.”
“Wise words.” The leader mewed back as they walked along. For a few heartbeats, they were silent, the only noise being the crunching of snow beneath their paws. “I am sorry too, for questioning your loyalty over your sister. Despite what some in the Clan might say about the code, there is nothing wrong with speaking to a kittypet, so long as your other duties are being met. It just reminds me…” She trailed off, her ears lowering slightly.
He watched her in confusion. She’d never before had such a reaction to kittypets - after all, she had taken in both Tinyfrost and Fireheart to become warriors. As he pondered her comments on the code, a thought suddenly sprung to mind. “Does- is this about Pinestar?” He asked her after several tense heartbeats.
She grimaced, but didn’t look at him. “So you’ve heard of him.” 
He couldn’t interpret her tone, but her twitching whiskers told him enough. “Tinyfrost told me some about him. He ran away to become a kittypet - and he’s the reason behind the twelfth law of the code.” He responded hesitantly, still afraid of an outburst.
She nodded wearily. “Yes, that is all true. He started visiting the Twolegplace a few seasons before his sudden departure. As his deputy… It didn’t take me long to find out.” Her eyes were narrowed as she glared ahead, into the empty forest. “He claimed that he was merely enjoying some company without the burden of responsibility, and that it wouldn’t affect his loyalty. I believed him then, but I was wrong to do so.” She gave him a sideways glance. “I suppose you might see why I draw the parallels.”
As much as he didn’t want to, he nodded in understanding. “But I promise you, Bluestar, I don’t ever want to go back to being a kittypet. I only visited to speak to my sister.” Surely she could understand that?
The silver leader nodded again in his direction. “Yes, your situations are different. He ran from his Clan and his family, while you have made them into one. I should have seen that sooner.” She mewed at last. “Perhaps my judgement has been clouded lately. These are difficult times for all the Clans, and while we are lucky to have not lost any cats yet, I worry it is only a matter of time.”
The two padded on silent for a moment as Fireheart considered that. It was true times were tough - many days, he didn’t get anything to eat. But the Clan had been working hard, and even the queens had been out hunting now that Goldenflower’s litter had been apprenticed. Despite the snowstorms of the past moon, things seemed to be looking up.
“Are you afraid of another Great Hunger?” He asked her, recalling how often the elders had mentioned it back in leaf-fall. “I wasn’t there, but many cats were worried it would happen again this leafbare.”
She stopped in her tracks, and his heart quickened. Had he said the wrong thing? “We lost many good cats last leafbare.” She admitted slowly. She let out a deep sigh, her breath billowing out into a cloud around her. “It was so hard to be in camp, listening to the wails of hunger from those I was supposed to care for and knowing there was nothing more I could do for them. And sometimes I-” 
Bluestar cut herself off suddenly, and he tilted his head curiously. “Sometimes you what?” He pressed her, wondering what she had been about to say.
The regal leader shook her head wearily. “Sometimes I wished that my sister had survived instead of me.” In that moment, she looked like a tired elder, full of grief for what had long since transpired. “She was always the best at hunting in leafbare, and perhaps if she had lived in my place…”
Fireheart leaned into her comfortingly. “What happened last leafbare was not your fault. You may have been chosen by Starclan to lead us, but you are not Starclan. You cannot make prey appear where there is none. The Clan knows that.” He wrinkled his nose briefly, remembering how Patchpelt had implied otherwise when Tigerclaw had become deputy. “And Snowstorm wouldn’t want you to take her place. You’re Thunderclan’s leader now, and we need you! I’m sure she’s watching over you now, from Starclan.”
She was silent for a few heartbeats, observing a stray snowflake drifting in the faint breeze. “I’m sure she is.” Bluestar replied, her voice quiet as she began to walk again. “Perhaps you’re right. I let my grief for her cloud my mind too much. This season always makes me think of her the most. She is named after the weather, after all, and it’s the season in which Whitestorm was born.” Her brows furrowed and her steps slowed once more. “It’s also the season in which she died.”
The leader that he had looked up to for so long looked small and vulnerable beside him as she spoke. “I’m sure she died knowing that you loved her. It’s not like you were the one that killed her.” He volunteered after a moment, hoping the words would bring some small comfort to the molly beside him.
She stopped, squeezing her eyes shut as she did. “But you’re wrong, Fireheart.” She told him, her head hanging in shame. “It’s because of me that she died to begin with.”
He took a step back, heart racing at her sudden admission. “You don’t mean to say you killed your own sister!” He bristled in shock at the mere thought that Bluestar, the wise leader that always followed the warrior code, could have killed her own family!
She let out a hollow laugh at his yowl, looking up to meet his astonished gaze. “No, I didn’t spill her blood, not that it really makes a difference in the end.” Bluestar glanced out into the forest, towards Snakerocks. “Truth be told, she died not far from here.”
“At Snakerocks?” He guessed, puzzled. During leafbare was one of the safest times to hunt in such a dangerous area, because all the adders would hibernate through the cold. Tinyfrost had taught him that. Had she stuck her paw into the wrong burrow?
His leader shook her head slowly. “No. She died by the Thunderpath, after a Monster ran off the Thunderpath to attack her.” She sighed and looked away, her blue eyes as cold as the snow around them. “We - I was arguing with her about Whitekit. She had been spending more and more time out of the nursery and camp as he weaned, and it was making him feel like she hated him. We fought. She got mad at me and stormed off to the Thunderpath again, and I…” She trailed off guiltily. “I should have followed her. Maybe I could have-”
Fireheart stared at her, the mention of the Thunderpath tugging at something in his mind. “What do you mean, she stormed off to the Thunderpath again? Did she have a habit of doing that?” He wrinkled his nose at the thought of the dark, stony corridor that bordered their territory. Except for border patrols, most cats avoided it, and with good reason.
Bluestar blinked, her eyes briefly flashing with emotion. “Well, she- nevermind that.” He recognized the look in her eye - it was panic. But why would she care about what Snowstorm was doing on the Shadowclan border?
She died on the Thunderpath, several leafbares ago. Sometimes I wonder if she was looking for me.
Brokentail’s words suddenly rang in his ears, and he stared at the silver leader in front of him in shock and horror. Dimly, he recognized that she was saying something, but he couldn’t hear her over the blood rushing in his ears. The mere thought that the fallen leader and Bluestar could be talking about the same event seemed preposterous, and yet the parallels were too uncanny to ignore. 
Snowstorm had had a son, the only kit of his litter, with no apparent father to claim him. She had died crossing the Thunderpath during leafbare, for a reason Bluestar didn’t want him to realize. The more he thought about it, the more it made sense.
Was it really possible? Had Brokentail’s long lost son been Whitestorm all along?
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bioniclechronicles · 5 months
Hiya :D!!!
List 5 things that make you happy, then [possibly] put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged or liked something from you. Get to know your mutuals and followers ^ ^
Aw thank you for the ask game stuff I like getting these :>
5 things that make me happy
1. Original characters
I love my own I love others, I love original characters and story works! It's so fun and personal and exciting, every day I do something related to ocs in some way shape or form.
2. My loved ones
I've been with my wife for 11 years and my boyfriend for 6, I love my family I've made with them! My best friend is apart of this little group in a way that's hard to describe in words. I love my family!
3. Clowns
I've always had a personal connection with clowns and they bring me great joy. I've got a clown figure collection that covers my office and people know me as a clown guy and that's a fine reputation for me.
4. Art and the act of creation
I love making things. I'm at my happiest when I get a chance to create something, be it through writing or painting or sculpting or sewing or any other way I do it, I just adore making things and being creative. I'm always working on several projects at once bc im just so full of ideas all the time!
5. My cats
I have two cats and seeing them every day is a blessing. I've got a large one eyed black cat and a small tortoiseshell. Their personalities are so different but each is loving in their own ways and I couldn't imagine my life without my little fellas.
Thank you again for asking, my inbox and dms are always open for questions and discussion! I promise I don't bite and appreciate getting things like this haha
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brookstonalmanac · 5 months
Holidays 4.17
American Academy of Arts and Letters Charter Day
Asia Asteroid Day
Bat Appreciation Day
Bay of Pigs Anniversary Day
Day of the Great Victory (Kampuchea)
Blah Blah Blah Day (a.k.a. Blah Blah Blah Memes Day)
Book Day (British Columbia, Canada)
Canterbury Tales Day
Children’s Protection Day (Japan)
Drunken Marathon Day
Ellis Island Family History Day
Emancipation Day (D.C.)
Equality Day (Canada)
Evacuation Day (Syria)
FAO Day (Iraq)
Feast of Random Walks
Fire Service Day (Kazakhstan)
Flag Day (American Samoa)
Ford Mustang Day
417 Day (Missouri)
Hex Sign Day
Horse Day
Hug a Cactus Day
International Day of Mastering Conversations That Matter
International Day of Peasants Struggle
International Ford Mustang Day
International Haiku Poetry Day
International Refrigeration Day
IU Day (Indiana)
Migration Service Employees Day (Turkmenistan)
National Day of Action for Higher Education
National Ellis Island Family History Day
National Go Orange Day
National Hickey Day
National Kickball Day
National 2A Day
No Limits For Deaf Children Day
Nosy Neighbor Appreciation Day
Nothing Like A Dame Day
Palestinian Prisoners’ Day
Pansy Day (French Republic)
Poetry and the Creative Mind Day
Roadway Worker Appreciation Day
Saint Grotus’s Day (Malcolm in the Middle)
Thank An Herbalist Day
Thetis Asteroid Day
Toothbrush Appreciation Day
Tortoiseshell Cat Appreciation Day
Verrazano Day (New York)
Veterans’ Day of Internal Affairs Bodies and Internal Troops (Russia)
Women’s Day (Gabon)
World Drum & Bass Day
World Hemophilia Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
International Malbec Day (a.k.a. Malbec World Day)
National Cheese Ball Day
National Crawfish Day
Pineapple Cheese Day
3rd Wednesday in April
National Banana Day [3rd Wednesday]
National Canadian Film Day (Canada) [3rd Wednesday]
National Early Years Teacher Day (UK) [3rd Wednesday]
National Officials Day (Canada) [3rd Wednesday]
Purple Up for Military Kids Day [3rd Wednesday]
Transplant Nurses Day [3rd Wednesday]
Youth Homelessness Matters Day (Australia) [3rd Wednesday]
Weekly Holidays beginning April 17 (3rd Week)
National Pet ID Week [thru 4.23]
Independence & Related Days
Charter Day (Canada)
Mayursia (Declared; 2016) [unrecognized]
Syria (End of the French Mandate, 1946)
Virginia (Secedes from U.S.; 1861)
New Year’s Days
Lao New Year Holiday
Myanmar New Year
Festivals Beginning April 17, 2024
Bogota International Book Fair (Bogota, Colombia) [thru 5.2]
Brisket King NYC (Pig Beach, Queens, New York)
Flower Parade of the Bollenstreek (Haarlem, Netherlands) [thru 4.21]
International Istanbul Film Festival Istanbul, Turkey) [thru 4.28]
PEAK 2024 (Minneapolis, Minnesota) [thru 4.19]
Feast Days
Aleksandr Golovin (Artology)
Anicetus, Pope (Christian; Martyr)
Bean Bunny’s Day (Muppetism)
Bernat Klein (Artology)
Chariot Festival of the Rain God (Nepal; Everyday Wicca)
Columella (Positivist; Saint)
Cormac Instructions Day (Celtic Book of Days)
Donnan and His Companions (Christian; Martyrs)
Feralia: Day of Purification (Pagan)
Haiku Day (Pastafarian)
Innocent (Christian; Martyr)
Kateri Tekakwitha (Canada; Christian; Saint)
Mappalicus and His Companions (Christian; Martyrs)
Money Spell Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Nick Hornby (Writerism)
Nimble Fairies’ Scattering (Shamanism)
Regina Ghazaryan (Artology)
Robert of Chaise-Dieu (Christian; Saint)
Sherlock Hemlock (Muppetism)
Simeon, Bishop of Ctesiphon (Christian; Saint)
Simeon Barsabae and Companions (Greek Orthodox; Martyrs)
Stephen, Abbot of Citeaux (Christian; Saint)
Stephen Harding (Christian; Saint)
Thornton Wilder (Writerism)
Tinkerbell Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Tom Twinkletoes (Muppetism)
Yom HaShoah (יוֹם הַשּׁוֹאָה; Holocaust Remembrance Day; Judaism) [27 Nisan]
Lunar Calendar Holidays
Rama Navami (Hinduism) [9th Day of Chaitra]
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Prime Number Day: 107 [28 of 72]
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Tycho Brahe Unlucky Day (Scandinavia) [17 of 37]
Unglückstage (Unlucky Day; Pennsylvania Dutch) [14 of 30]
Bell Hoppy (WB MM Cartoon; 1954)
Blue Exorcist (Anime TV Series; 2011)
Box Top Robbery (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 41; 1960)
Bright Road (Film; 1953)
Bugs Bunny’s Overtures to Disaster (WB Cartoon TV Special; 1991)
By Love Possessed, by James Gould Cozzens (Novel; 1958)
Caveman (Film; 1981)
Concerto for Piano, by Emánuel Moór (Piano Concerto; 1908)
Crank: High Voltage (Film; 2009)
Den of Thieves, by James B. Stewart (Book; 1992)
Desperado, by The Eagles (Album; 1973)
A Fault in the Vault or Banks a Million (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 42; 1960)
Fetch the Bolt Cutters, by Fiona Apple (Album; 2020)
Game of Thrones (TV Series; 2011)
The Great American Melting Pot (America Rock Cartoon; Schoolhouse Rock; 1976)
Heart & Soul, R&B version by The Cleftones (Song; 1961)
Hic-cup Pup (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1954)
Imitation of Life (Film; 1959)
Let’s Go (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1937)
Light’s Out (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1942)
McCartney, by Paul McCartney (Album; 1970)
Mickey’s Amateurs (Disney Cartoon; 1937)
Mother Goose Melodies (Disney Cartoon; 1931)
Out of Africa, by Karen Blixen (Memoir; 1937)
The Peregrine, by J.A. Baker (Novel; 1967)
Planet Rock, by Africa Bambaataa & The Soulsonic Force (Album; 1982)
Porky’s Duck Hunt (WB LT Cartoon; 1937)
Radio Girl (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1932)
Rocket Man, by Elton John (Song; 1973)
State of Play (Film; 2009)
Tina: The Musical (West End Musical; 2018)
The Watcher in the Woods (Film; 1980)
The White Mountains, by John Christopher (Novel; 1967) [Tripods #1]
Winner by a Hare (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1953)
A Wolf in Cheap Clothing (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1936)
Today’s Name Days
Eberhard, Rudolph (Austria)
Ilija, Inocent, Šimun (Croatia)
Rudolf (Czech Republic)
Anicetus (Denmark)
Ege, Eike, Hiie (Estonia)
Otto (Finland)
Anicet (France)
Eberhard, Isadora, Max, Wanda (Germany)
Rudolf (Hungary)
Anicet, Arcangelo, Roberto, Rondolfo (Italy)
Rūdis, Rūdolfs, Viviāna (Latvia)
Anicetas, Dravenis, Giedrius, Robertas, Skaidra (Lithuania)
Elise, Elsa (Norway)
Anicet, Innocenta, Innocenty, Jakub, Józef, Klara, Radociech, Robert, Roberta, Rudolf, Rudolfa, Rudolfina, Stefan (Poland)
Simeon (Romania)
Rudolf (Slovakia)
Aniceto (Spain)
Elias, Elis (Sweden)
Harding, Hardy, Holden, Raleigh (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 108 of 2024; 258 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 16 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Saille (Willow) [Day 4 of 28]
Chinese: Month 3 (Wu-Chen), Day 9 (Xin-Hai)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 9 Nisan 5784
Islamic: 8 Shawwal 1445
J Cal: 18 Cyan; Foursday [18 of 30]
Julian: 4 April 2024
Moon: 68%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 24 Archimedes (4th Month) [Vitruvius]
Runic Half Month: Man (Human Being) [Day 8 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 30 of 92)
Week: 3rd Week of April
Zodiac: Aries (Day 28 of 31)
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dreamingblacktabby · 2 years
Thistlestar's Reign(part 4)
Leader: Thistlestar - Gray patched tom with yellow eyes
Deputy: Whitestorm - Big white tom with yellow eyes
Apprentice: Brightpaw
Healers: Spottedleaf - Pretty dappled tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes
Apprentice: Cinderpelt
Fireheart - Small ginger tom with green eyes
Warriors: Patchpelt - Black and white tom with amber eyes
Lionheart - Big golden tom with green eyes
Darkstripe - Dark tabby tom with amber eyes
Apprentice: Brackenpaw
Frostfur - Pretty white she-cat with blue eyes
Brindleface - Pretty dappled gray she-cat with green eyes
Runningfoot - Lithe brown tabby tom with green eyes
Mousefur - Small brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes
Apprentice: Thornpaw
Longtail - Pale tabby tom with black tabby stripes and an elegant long tail
Dustpelt - Dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes
Apprentice: Ashpaw
Sandstorm - Pale ginger tabby she-cat with green eyes
Apprentice: Fernpaw
Swiftfoot - Black and white tom with amber eyes
Apprentices: Cinderpelt - Gray she-cat with heterochromia
Brightpaw - Ginger and white she-cat with blue eyes
Brackenpaw - Brown tabby tom with amber eyes
Thornpaw - Light brown tabby tom with blue eyes
Fernpaw - Pretty dappled gray she-cat with green eyes
Ashpaw - Pretty dappled tom with dark blue eyes
Queens: Willowpelt - Diluted tortoiseshell she-cat with unusual blue eyes
Kits: Expecting
Nurses: Speckletail - Golden tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes
Kits: Snowkit and Mistlekit
Goldenflower - Big golden queen with green eyes
Kits: Bramblekit and Tawnykit
Elders: Smallear - Small gray tom with folded ears and amber eyes
Sparrowpelt - Skinny tabby tom with amber eyes and part of his tail missing
Pale-eye - Pale gray tabby she-cat with a green eye and a scarred face
Robinwing - Small brown she-cat with a distinctive ginger chest
Dappletail - Pretty tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes
Fireheart promises to tell Robinwing about this
Dewpetal then reveals she’s pregnant and has a mate, Runningbrook(with a surrogate)
At the Moonstone, Spottedleaf makes Fireheart a full healer so she can take Cinderpaw on as an apprentice and names her Cinderpelt
Fireheart sees Bluefur in StarClan and she tells him not to give up hope for there is “a fire in his heart that will burn away the darkness plaguing ThunderClan”
Upon returning to camp, Fireheart goes straight to Thistlestar and tells him that he’d had a vision that the leader would destroy ThunderClan
Thistlestar does not appreciate the warning and sends Fireheart away, telling him he might be a healer but he carries kitty-pet blood
Fireheart returns to the healers den and asks Spottedleaf if poisoning Thistlestar would be so wrong
Spottedleaf sways him away from the idea because he might get executed for it if he fails
Soon a couple ShadowClan cats show up on ThunderClan territory, begging for medicine to help them with a disease wracking ShadowClan
Thistlestar kills Whitethroat and tells Littlecloud to deliver a message to Nightstar that they will get no help from ThunderClan
Fireheart and Sandstorm help Littlecloud carry Whitethroat’s body to the border and Fireheart gives Littlecloud some herbs anyway, telling him he will leave some more the next day as well
Littlecloud thanks him profusely before attempting to drag Whitethroat’s body back to camp
Sandstorm warns Fireheart that he’ll get in trouble to which Fireheart tells her he is done with Thistlestar’s cruelty and will be helping cats who have been wronged by him
Fireheart notices Thistlestar taking an interest in Goldenflower’s kits who are revealed to be Tigerclaw’s
Fireheart can’t help but feel guilty knowing its partially his fault the two will grow up without a father
The three healers prepare to leave for the Moonstone when Thistlestar calls them to his den
He tells them this will be the last half moon gathering they will be attending as he plans on closing the borders and focussing on only ThunderClan
All three healers protest against this but Thistlestar dismisses them, telling them to pass along the message ThunderClan will no longer got attending any gatherings
On the way to Mothermouth, Cinderpelt asks if Thistlestar is actually allowed to block them from attending half-moon gatherings
Spottedleaf tells him he shouldn’t be allowed to do it but that won’t stop him from punishing them for disobeying his orders
When they meet up with the other healers, Runningnose reveals the sickness was a bit worse than they’d expected and they were leaderless again, Runningnose himself acting as the sole leader
Littlecloud is revealed to be training under him though and he thanks Fireheart for his help as the herbs he gave them helped save several cats
Spottedleaf tells the other healers about Thistlestar’s orders
When they all go to commune with StarClan, Silverpelt warns Fireheart that ThunderClan is not the only clan being threatened now
The next day Thistlestar calls a meeting and reveals he plans on wiping out ShadowClan much to everyones shock
Thistlestar reveals that ShadowClan is weak and they’ve always been a thorn in ThunderClan’s pelt, so he’s decided they will just remove the throw permanently
Fireheart protests against this, stating StarClan will punish them if Thistlestar goes through with his plan
Thistlestar attacks Fireheart and warns him to know his place
Whitestorm manages to stop Thistlestar from doing any lasting damage to Fireheart, warning his father they’ll need all their healers soon
Fireheart turns on Whitestorm once Thistlestar is gone and is furious that Whitestorm is taking Thistlestar’s side
Whitestorm explains he doesn’t want to wipe out ShadowClan but also doesn’t want to see his father kill anyone else from ThunderClan
Fireheart asks Whitestorm to join his rebellion against Thistlestar which catches Whitestorm completely off guard
Fireheart explains the plan is to eventually take Thistlestar down, but for now they are simply going against the leader’s orders if they deem it cruel or excessive
Whitestorm agrees to join the rebellion as retribution for his aunt and son(Bluefur and Graystripe respectively)
Fireheart also explains the visions he’d been having about Thistlestar
A couple days later Thistlestar calls a meeting and asks Whitestorm if he has gathered up the cats to wipe out ShadowClan
Whitestorm reveals he has not because they won’t be wiping out ShadowClan
Thistlestar is infuriated and demands to know why Whitestorm disobeyed his orders
Whitestorm reveals Fireheart’s visions and refuses to endanger ThunderClan for the sake of glory
Most of the clan sways to Whitestorm’s side after hearing this, much to Thistlestar’s anger
Thistlestar warns everyone that disobeying the leader’s word is going against the warrior code and ThunderClan will be punished either way
Fireheart worries about what Thistlestar will do
That night the forest catches fire and the clan awakens to a camp full of smoke
Whitestorm orders for the clan to evacuate to Sunning rocks but Thistlestar blocks the camp entrance telling everyone that the fire was sent to punish them all and they shall wait to see if StarClan will let them live for their disloyalty
Fireheart attacks Thistlestar and orders everyone to escape
Whitestorm helps hold off Thistlestar until the rest of camp has escaped, leaving the three cats the only ones remaining left behind
A burning tree falls and blocks the camp entrance trapping the three in camp 
Thistlestar accuses them of disloyalty and Fireheart yells at Thistlestar for ignoring all of the warnings he had received about how Thistlestar was destroying ThunderClan
Whitestorm points out that Thistlestar had almost trapped all of ThunderClan in camp where they surely would have perished
Thistlestar seems to snap to his senses and realize what he almost did
Whitestorm uses the distraction to grab Fireheart and flee
They manage to find a small opening in the flames getting only a little singed in the process
They make it to Sunning rocks where cats are already crossing the river to escape the flames
RiverClan arrives to help and they agree to shelter ThunderClan until the fire is out
Despite his injuries, Fireheart sits beside the river, waiting to see Thistlestar but he never arrives, leading Fireheart to suspect Thistlestar didn’t make it
As the clan stays in RiverClan territory, Graystripe introduces his parents to their grand-kits as well as getting to meet his own younger siblings
Sandstorm frets over Fireheart and she reveals she was afraid she had lost him when he didn’t arrive at Sunning rocks right away
Fireheart realizes that Sandstorm likes him and reminds her that he’s a healer to which Sandstorm reveals she doesn’t care
Cinderpelt reminds Fireheart that she’s training to be a healer now so he can be a normal warrior if he wants
Fireheart wants to think about it but promises to greatly consider it
Fireheart notices the fire seems to have been properly put out by the rain and asks permission to check for Thistlestar’s body because he won’t be able to relax until he knows for sure what the leader’s fate is
Sandstorm is sent with him and they manage to find their way to camp where they find Thistlestar’s body under Highrock
Fireheart sees Bluefur’s ghost and she tells him that Thistlestar’s spirit has been taken care of and he will no longer be a threat to the clan
Fireheart and Sandstorm return to Whitestorm to deliver the news that he is the new leader of ThunderClan
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sigs-gurney · 1 year
I learned about the insane world of slap-fighting - a REAL sport mind you - and gave some of my coworkers slap-fighter names
Here goes it:
Manager 1 - Stick Bug (tall and lanky, has somewhat stunted movements and a gate like a stick bug, anxious af and rather harmless but I think if he swung hard enough his stiff arms could do some real damage)
Manager 2 - White Knight (he is the most unproblematic white boy with a mostly unpassionate flat affect, also stood up for me against that one coworker)
General Manager - Hidden Switch Blade (I just think he’d carry one just bc it’s funny)
Assistant Manager - Karrot Kake (ginger and slightly pudgy, also appreciates stupid things like replacing hard c’s at the beginning of words with k’s)
Coworker 1 - Brokeback Bastard (big lad who jokes regularly about his degenerative disk disease, a hetero who can do the splits better than most drag queens hence the gay name)
Coworker 2 - Blindsider (basically blind without her glasses, but unexpectedly strong and powerful [met Coworker 1 at a party and punched him bc he drunkenly asked her to after she drunkenly hit him by mistake once already and then knocked him literally off his feet, they’re married now])
Coworker 3 - Shooting Star (name begins with “star” irl, has a very strong personality that overwhelms me on occasion but she’s very sweet)
Coworker 5 - Little Shit (older lady who doesn’t speak any English aside from swear words and names, “little shit” is her favorite thing to say in English [all the managers either speak or have learned some Spanish to communicate with her and taught her said swear words])
Me - Biggie Bendy Straw (one coworker compared himself to Tupac and myself as Biggie and it stuck bc I am teeny and absolutely not gangsta, hyper mobile and have shown most of my coworkers videos/pics of me fitting into tiny spaces [have arranged with coworkers to prank Stick Bug by crawling out of empty cabinets eventually])
Don’t have anymore names atm, but I have decided what type/color of cat everyone would be bc I’ve always LOVED cats and it has permanently affected how I view and understand people my whole life
Me - fluffy colorpoint munchkin (colorpoints are one of my favorite colors, fluffy cats r cool, and I can fit into small spaces)
Manager 1 - black and white cat (almost definitely undiagnosed ASD and takes everything very seriously and at face value)
Manager 2 - white shorthair (see unproblematic whitey statement, impeccably clean and wears the same style pants but in different colors every day)
GM - grey shorthair (very calm and goofy, nonchalant about most things, everyone respects)
AM - short ginger tabby (see ginger above, gets along with everyone)
Coworker 1 - dumb orange and white tabby with busted up tail (ADHD and accident prone and has many scars from it but iron fortitude)
Coworker 2 - solid tortoiseshell (assertive and takes no shit but also kind)
Coworker 3 - fabulous greying silver and white tabby longhair (very glam personality, ate it up in the 70s)
Coworker 4 - short greying black shorthair (arbitrary color choice bc black cats are just my favorite and she is very very sweet)
Some others I didn’t mention before
Manager 3 - black medium hair (has nice poofy haircut and has a cool moon-related style)
Manager 4 - mousey brown shorthair (has brown hair, quiet but efficient, I made a joke about her cooking a mouse in the oven when she burned bread one time [it smelled bad and def wasn’t a mouse but I have done that on accident at home bc we get mice in the winter])
Coworker 6 - rusty tabby (friendly and mischievous, pulls pranks on Stick Bug on the reg, has gotten hit by cars riding his bicycle numerous times but has never gotten more than a scratch, dumpster dives for no particular reason other than to entertain himself [also tells harmless over exaggerated stories so maybe the car thing has only happened a couple of times])
Coworker 7 - dilute calico and white (boisterous and jokey, usually pretends she understands what you’re talking about but will immediately admit she doesn’t if you ask)
Coworker 8 - generic brown tabby (usually slacks off when he can but still gets his bread, very very southern accent so he reminds me of a barn cat)
And that’s it. Enjoy ig lol
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strelles-universe · 2 years
The Cats of ThunderClan (BP): Nightsabre
Name: Nightsabre
Other Names: N/A
Meaning: Dark Furred and Honorable
Identity: Cisgender Molly - She/Her
Orientation: Bisexual - No Leaning
Rank: Guard
Former Rank(s):
A thick but sleek furred mostly black cryptic tortoiseshell molly with pale yellow eyes and large paws. She has faint brraided stripes in the line of Ancient ShadowClan that she is fiercely proud of and was further pleased when her suffix became -sabre in regard for them. She’s decently muscular and focused a lot of her training as an apprentice building up her form and overall strength. 
Nightpaw fell for Pinepaw as apprentices; constantly challenging him during training. She admired his gentle heart and appreciated his softer demeanor when compared to his brother. When they were made warriors; he stuttered out his request for them to be mates mere seconds after they were released from their vigil and Nightsabre had agreed before unabashedly laughing at him at the realization that his nervous shuffling had been due to this question. She still teases him sometimes because he’d panicked before their girl and told her he had to pee.
She stood by his side when he protested becoming ThunderClan’s deputy in the stead of his brother after the death of Birchface. After handling the Mapleshade Incident, Pineheart and Nightsabre attempted to have their first litter and things went downhill from there. It was a difficult time in ThunderClan history - not only did Pinestar catch greencough which claimed one of his lives, it also took both of their kits from them before they’d even become a full moon old. Heartbroken and panicked, Nightsabre had to bury her kits before sitting outside of her mate’s den, worried out of her mind.
The next time they tried for kits went not much better - she was almost through her pregnancy when a Sunningrocks scuffle turned tragic. Nightsabre had stubbornly refused to go to the nursery until she truly had to and the resulting collision of her belly with the rocks caused her much pain. Later that day; she delivered a half-formed clump of blood in the form of her miscarried son under Cloudberry’s sympathetic paws. She wailed her pain to the world and when Pinestar quietly asked if they could hold off on trying for more kits until they’d grieved the loss of their kit, she agreed on the spot.
Nightsabre has since refocused her efforts on training her apprentice; Garterpaw and intends to maybe bring up having kits again after she’s fully trained.
Mentor(s): Weltfoot (deceased)
Apprentice(s): Garterpaw
Parent(s): Nightsnap (mother/deceased), Russettwine (father)
Auncle(s): N/A
Cousin(s): N/A
Sibling(s): N/A
Mate(s): Pinestar
Crush(es): N/A
Litter 1: Hickorykit (son/deceased), Larchkit (daughter/deceased)
Litter 2: Mayhawkit (deceased)
Litter 3: Mistkit (daughter/deceased), Nightkit (daughter/deceased), Tigerkit (son)
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xkitcharmont · 2 years
♛・*˚ self-para 001.
desc: couple’a weeks ago (a day or 2 after philip is cursed). kit’s reaction to the news of his brother’s cursed state, and the events that followed. note: kit has been at elias this whole time, but keeping a low profile. below it is explained that the captain of ulstead is flown to elias to stop kit from speaking with michael mouse. in my head, the timeline goes : philip is cursed > kit hears about it > tells his father his plans > goes to sleep while his father flies the captain over > captain arrives > kit has to be dragged away from the mayor’s office > conversation the next day.
word count: 1417
There was a young savage in the skate park. Kit pulled the brakes on his bike gently, so as not to disturb his tortoiseshell, Vienna, in her cat backpack. Vienna (like Kit) longed for the outdoors but was not allowed to venture outside of their flat. This was her only way of seeing the world, and though she looked constantly grumpy, he knew she appreciated the outing as much as he did.
When she shifted, Kit made sure to stand still for a moment so she could readjust, and he watched the blustering youth roll on his skateboard around the park, demanding the attention of his peers. They jeered and laughed and pushed each other over. All with love, he supposed.
He didn’t know why he watched the group for so long. He had never had a group of friends like that; unless his brothers counted, but they always seemed to have more peers than Kit did. There were times when he would just wait for them to come home, content to hear the stories of whatever they did that day — and what stories did he have? How to negotiate a trade deal? How best to speak to a foreign dignitary?
And what stories did they have now? He feared it would be a long time before Florian would deign to tell him a story. And Philip …
Kit dismounted his bike. Wheeling the bike to the discussed park bench, he gently took off his backpack, setting Vienna next to him with a clear view of the skate park so they could watch the projection of Kit’s dreams together. To be ridiculous, to be free to be themselves, to make mistakes. He hoped they had people believing in them. He hoped they would take all the chances available. He hoped they would not have witches after them in their lifetime.
His phone buzzed. The notification for his calendar event (‘MEETING @ 12PM’) went off to announce the start of it. And, right on schedule, the Captain strode up to him with a curt bow.
“My good sir,” Kit smiled. “I had no idea you owned anything other than a uniform and long johns.”
The Captain, a towering man with a strong build, looked down at the athleisure wear he had on, and shrugged. “Thought it’d be good to dress in running clothes in case I needed to chase after you again.”
“If you needed to chase after me, I dare say this time I’ll get away,” Kit pointed out.
“Don’t hold your breath, your Highness,” the Captain responded under his breath, letting out a sigh as he sat down, a respectful distance on the other side of Vienna.
When Kit saw him massage his jaw, the prince pointed his chin to it in acknowledgement. “Still sore?” the prince asked.
The Captain shrugged as an answer. “Next time, make sure you keep your wayward fists in check.”
Kit cleared his throat awkwardly, recalling how he’d accidentally punched the Captain just the day before. A few days earlier was the long night of debating with his father (again, over how long Kit was expected to stay in Elias). And after being unable to sleep, his heart wrestling with guilt and conviction — receiving news of Philip’s coma, via newspaper, was the last straw.
After dropping by quickly to see his sister-in-law and hovering over his little brother’s sleeping figure — as if he could somehow protect him now, as if there was anything a simple man like him could do now — he resolved to take action. For too long he’d been quiet, at his father’s behest. Now he would demand answers.
They had been sent to the city of light for a reason. And until that day, he had no motive to seek an audience with Michael Mouse. He had thought they’d be safe. A child’s wish. He had thought that the presence of such a man like Michael Mouse would keep Maleficent at bay. And they were not alone. So many heroes had fought back against Hades and the monsters. They had won. But after Philip, something in him had snapped.
He shouldn’t have sent that message to his father. He should have gone directly to the Mouses that very hour; he shouldn’t have slept on his plan — the plan to storm Michael Mouse’s office and demand action. Because that had given his father enough time to send the Captain halfway across the world, just to pull him away from the Mayor’s doors and, unfortunately, get socked in the jaw by a frustrated prince. He did not get his audience with Michael Mouse that day.
“Will you tell me again what my father’s exact words were?” he asked, voice steady. Vienna reached her paw out through the little hole in the backpack window, and he reached his hand out to her distractedly.
“I fear I cannot say any more than what his Majesty has already told you.”
“He would have said something else, Captain, I know it,” Kit insisted, letting go of Vienna’s paw. “Otherwise, you wouldn’t have come all this way. You have no other business here in Elias than for this.”
The Captain fell silent, tapping his fingertips together as he thought. Kit fought the urge to expel a heavy, frustrated sigh. He needed to be patient, to show his calm.
“His Majesty was under the impression that you could not be reasoned with over the phone, or through messages.” The Captain wiped his brow, shaking his head. “He felt that someone needed to stop you, before you do something foolish.”
Kit frowned. “And I suppose seeking answers from this city’s appointed leader is a foolish task?”
“Don’t look at me like that,” the Captain raised his hands in surrender. “I was all for it, Kit, but you know your father. He’s … the King.” He shifted uncomfortably. “He was already upset … mentioned a letter sent to him by Prince Florian … I lingered by the door after he dismissed me. I shouldn’t have. But I heard him speak to his advisors … the Grand Duke said that it is best to not attract attention to … his Highness’ situation,” he ended uncomfortably.
Now Philip’s coma was a situation? It sounded nothing like his father. Or, rather, what he expected his father to say.
“And what else did the Grand Duke advise?” Kit could imagine the man twirling his oily moustache now, in ‘deep’ thought.
“That to speak to Sir Mouse would not be wise, as the purpose of your stay here is to lie low. To rally and call up arms would defeat the goal of your discretion in Elias.”
“Lie low?” Kit remarked, his eyes flashing. He had to remind himself to keep his voice level — flexing his hands on his knees to ease the tension and the urge to curl them into fists. “Do they think Philip is simply resting? That this is some illness that will pass over time, or fixed with medicine? There was no battle, there was no warning, there was no chance ... Do they not realise that Maleficent—” he stopped himself there, already seething.
The Captain looked at him below a creased brow. “My prince …”
Kit willed himself to be still. “My … humblest apologies,” he muttered. Leaning forward and propping his elbows up on his knees, he brought his hands together and pressed his fingers to the bridge of his nose. He would not cry. Not in a skatepark full of young savages, not in front of the jet-lagged Captain. He was meant to find the answers, not ask for them. He was meant to promise a plan, promise his collectedness as he took his next steps.
He was also meant to take care of his little brothers. But what was a prince to a witch?
“The truth is, Captain ... Thomas,” Kit finally said, breathing out the words, “I am tired of spending my entire life preparing to take care of my people, and my family … only to be told that my choices are imprudent and wrong.” His eyes flickered to his old friend, before moving to stand up. The Captain followed with, much to Kit’s comfort, a look of approval. Kit straightened, lifting his chin as he was taught. “You may tell my father and the Grand Duke that I respect their suggestions, but I am the one here in Elias. I am here with Florian and Aurora. And I will be the one dealing with the witch.”
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brookston · 5 months
Holidays 4.17
American Academy of Arts and Letters Charter Day
Asia Asteroid Day
Bat Appreciation Day
Bay of Pigs Anniversary Day
Day of the Great Victory (Kampuchea)
Blah Blah Blah Day (a.k.a. Blah Blah Blah Memes Day)
Book Day (British Columbia, Canada)
Canterbury Tales Day
Children’s Protection Day (Japan)
Drunken Marathon Day
Ellis Island Family History Day
Emancipation Day (D.C.)
Equality Day (Canada)
Evacuation Day (Syria)
FAO Day (Iraq)
Feast of Random Walks
Fire Service Day (Kazakhstan)
Flag Day (American Samoa)
Ford Mustang Day
417 Day (Missouri)
Hex Sign Day
Horse Day
Hug a Cactus Day
International Day of Mastering Conversations That Matter
International Day of Peasants Struggle
International Ford Mustang Day
International Haiku Poetry Day
International Refrigeration Day
IU Day (Indiana)
Migration Service Employees Day (Turkmenistan)
National Day of Action for Higher Education
National Ellis Island Family History Day
National Go Orange Day
National Hickey Day
National Kickball Day
National 2A Day
No Limits For Deaf Children Day
Nosy Neighbor Appreciation Day
Nothing Like A Dame Day
Palestinian Prisoners’ Day
Pansy Day (French Republic)
Poetry and the Creative Mind Day
Roadway Worker Appreciation Day
Saint Grotus’s Day (Malcolm in the Middle)
Thank An Herbalist Day
Thetis Asteroid Day
Toothbrush Appreciation Day
Tortoiseshell Cat Appreciation Day
Verrazano Day (New York)
Veterans’ Day of Internal Affairs Bodies and Internal Troops (Russia)
Women’s Day (Gabon)
World Drum & Bass Day
World Hemophilia Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
International Malbec Day (a.k.a. Malbec World Day)
National Cheese Ball Day
National Crawfish Day
Pineapple Cheese Day
3rd Wednesday in April
National Banana Day [3rd Wednesday]
National Canadian Film Day (Canada) [3rd Wednesday]
National Early Years Teacher Day (UK) [3rd Wednesday]
National Officials Day (Canada) [3rd Wednesday]
Purple Up for Military Kids Day [3rd Wednesday]
Transplant Nurses Day [3rd Wednesday]
Youth Homelessness Matters Day (Australia) [3rd Wednesday]
Weekly Holidays beginning April 17 (3rd Week)
National Pet ID Week [thru 4.23]
Independence & Related Days
Charter Day (Canada)
Mayursia (Declared; 2016) [unrecognized]
Syria (End of the French Mandate, 1946)
Virginia (Secedes from U.S.; 1861)
New Year’s Days
Lao New Year Holiday
Myanmar New Year
Festivals Beginning April 17, 2024
Bogota International Book Fair (Bogota, Colombia) [thru 5.2]
Brisket King NYC (Pig Beach, Queens, New York)
Flower Parade of the Bollenstreek (Haarlem, Netherlands) [thru 4.21]
International Istanbul Film Festival Istanbul, Turkey) [thru 4.28]
PEAK 2024 (Minneapolis, Minnesota) [thru 4.19]
Feast Days
Aleksandr Golovin (Artology)
Anicetus, Pope (Christian; Martyr)
Bean Bunny’s Day (Muppetism)
Bernat Klein (Artology)
Chariot Festival of the Rain God (Nepal; Everyday Wicca)
Columella (Positivist; Saint)
Cormac Instructions Day (Celtic Book of Days)
Donnan and His Companions (Christian; Martyrs)
Feralia: Day of Purification (Pagan)
Haiku Day (Pastafarian)
Innocent (Christian; Martyr)
Kateri Tekakwitha (Canada; Christian; Saint)
Mappalicus and His Companions (Christian; Martyrs)
Money Spell Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Nick Hornby (Writerism)
Nimble Fairies’ Scattering (Shamanism)
Regina Ghazaryan (Artology)
Robert of Chaise-Dieu (Christian; Saint)
Sherlock Hemlock (Muppetism)
Simeon, Bishop of Ctesiphon (Christian; Saint)
Simeon Barsabae and Companions (Greek Orthodox; Martyrs)
Stephen, Abbot of Citeaux (Christian; Saint)
Stephen Harding (Christian; Saint)
Thornton Wilder (Writerism)
Tinkerbell Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Tom Twinkletoes (Muppetism)
Yom HaShoah (יוֹם הַשּׁוֹאָה; Holocaust Remembrance Day; Judaism) [27 Nisan]
Lunar Calendar Holidays
Rama Navami (Hinduism) [9th Day of Chaitra]
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Prime Number Day: 107 [28 of 72]
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Tycho Brahe Unlucky Day (Scandinavia) [17 of 37]
Unglückstage (Unlucky Day; Pennsylvania Dutch) [14 of 30]
Bell Hoppy (WB MM Cartoon; 1954)
Blue Exorcist (Anime TV Series; 2011)
Box Top Robbery (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 41; 1960)
Bright Road (Film; 1953)
Bugs Bunny’s Overtures to Disaster (WB Cartoon TV Special; 1991)
By Love Possessed, by James Gould Cozzens (Novel; 1958)
Caveman (Film; 1981)
Concerto for Piano, by Emánuel Moór (Piano Concerto; 1908)
Crank: High Voltage (Film; 2009)
Den of Thieves, by James B. Stewart (Book; 1992)
Desperado, by The Eagles (Album; 1973)
A Fault in the Vault or Banks a Million (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 42; 1960)
Fetch the Bolt Cutters, by Fiona Apple (Album; 2020)
Game of Thrones (TV Series; 2011)
The Great American Melting Pot (America Rock Cartoon; Schoolhouse Rock; 1976)
Heart & Soul, R&B version by The Cleftones (Song; 1961)
Hic-cup Pup (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1954)
Imitation of Life (Film; 1959)
Let’s Go (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1937)
Light’s Out (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1942)
McCartney, by Paul McCartney (Album; 1970)
Mickey’s Amateurs (Disney Cartoon; 1937)
Mother Goose Melodies (Disney Cartoon; 1931)
Out of Africa, by Karen Blixen (Memoir; 1937)
The Peregrine, by J.A. Baker (Novel; 1967)
Planet Rock, by Africa Bambaataa & The Soulsonic Force (Album; 1982)
Porky’s Duck Hunt (WB LT Cartoon; 1937)
Radio Girl (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1932)
Rocket Man, by Elton John (Song; 1973)
State of Play (Film; 2009)
Tina: The Musical (West End Musical; 2018)
The Watcher in the Woods (Film; 1980)
The White Mountains, by John Christopher (Novel; 1967) [Tripods #1]
Winner by a Hare (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1953)
A Wolf in Cheap Clothing (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1936)
Today’s Name Days
Eberhard, Rudolph (Austria)
Ilija, Inocent, Šimun (Croatia)
Rudolf (Czech Republic)
Anicetus (Denmark)
Ege, Eike, Hiie (Estonia)
Otto (Finland)
Anicet (France)
Eberhard, Isadora, Max, Wanda (Germany)
Rudolf (Hungary)
Anicet, Arcangelo, Roberto, Rondolfo (Italy)
Rūdis, Rūdolfs, Viviāna (Latvia)
Anicetas, Dravenis, Giedrius, Robertas, Skaidra (Lithuania)
Elise, Elsa (Norway)
Anicet, Innocenta, Innocenty, Jakub, Józef, Klara, Radociech, Robert, Roberta, Rudolf, Rudolfa, Rudolfina, Stefan (Poland)
Simeon (Romania)
Rudolf (Slovakia)
Aniceto (Spain)
Elias, Elis (Sweden)
Harding, Hardy, Holden, Raleigh (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 108 of 2024; 258 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 16 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Saille (Willow) [Day 4 of 28]
Chinese: Month 3 (Wu-Chen), Day 9 (Xin-Hai)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 9 Nisan 5784
Islamic: 8 Shawwal 1445
J Cal: 18 Cyan; Foursday [18 of 30]
Julian: 4 April 2024
Moon: 68%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 24 Archimedes (4th Month) [Vitruvius]
Runic Half Month: Man (Human Being) [Day 8 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 30 of 92)
Week: 3rd Week of April
Zodiac: Aries (Day 28 of 31)
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