#tough shit you’re the captain fuckin act like it
commic-jester · 2 years
"you think you're so tough. you're not."
Lizzie studies Chip from her spot against the doorframe, watching the younger man pore over the map that Jay hastily scribbled to show them the way to the B.L.O.C.K. He doesn’t notice her for what has to be five minutes at least until he finally glances up, nearly jumping out of his skin when he sees the captain leaning in the entrance to his quarters.
“Can I fuckin’ help you?” he asks, glaring at her.
“Not particularly.”
Chip gives her a confused look. “Ok. Why the fuck are you staring at me like— have you been there this whole time?”
Lizzie chuckles slightly.
Chip bristles. “What the hell’s so funny?”
Lizzie laughs more, before looking at Chip dead in the eyes. “You think you’re so tough, don’t you? You’re not,” she says, cutting right to the chase. In Chip’s defense, he does back off, his angry expression going slack in surprise.
“You think that just because you have a ship and some morons who will follow you that you suddenly have what it takes to be a leader? A good one?” Lizzie challenges.
“I never said—“ Chip bristles once more.
“Chip, I had to earn my crew’s trust. I saved both Caspian and John’s lives by myself. You picked up Jay in a bar, Gillion from the middle of the fucking ocean, Earl on a random ass island, and Ollie from John, which might I remind you that—“
“Where the hell is this coming from, Liz?” Chip interrupts, standing from his desk and coming face-to-face with her. “What, you think I’m not good enough to lead these guys? Newsflash, it was never about power, or leadership, or whatever you, Cas, and John have going on. I picked up Jay to get her away from the Navy, to give her a better life. I picked up Gillion because if I didn’t he probably would have died. It was never about having a good crew to go on heists with or whatever the fuck, it was about having a goddamn family. Like Arlin gave to us,” Chip says, not standing down
“Don’t you dare—“
“What? Bring up Arlin? The guy who raised me?”
Lizzie bristles, landing one hand on the hilt of her sword before sighing and calming herself. “All I’m saying is be careful. If you keep acting like you know everything, people are gonna start treating you like it, and then people are gonna get hurt,” she says more quietly. “That’s all I’m saying, Chip.”
With that, Lizzie turns on her heel and storms out of the captain’s quarters, leaving a baffled but highly defensive Chip behind.
Don’t listen to her, she’s full of shit.
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being Tony Stark’s son (Part 1)
Tony Stark x son!reader
a/n: me and noah are abt to blow ur minds lmfaooo -> takes place around the same timeline as the daughter!reader ones aka y/n was born in 2000
prompt: i had to
part 2
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the world was raving over this billionaire playboy’s newest title: father
and boy, did the headlines get interesting
among your favorite magazine covers, your all-time favorite was
Tony Stark: World’s Most Eligible DILF
^accompanied with a picture of your dad holding you
(tony stark’s superpower is being a dilf, it’s just a fact ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
“look at us, kid. that’s me and you! wow! you make me look magnificent”
you were so...boring to him
like tony watching you was wonderful, he absolutely adored having a kid to take care of...but babies don’t do much of anything
rhodey came to see you every chance he got
“rhodey! what’s going on?”
“i’m not here for you, i’m here for the baby”
rhodey was a fuckin awesome uncle
one of the only level-headed people you could call family
back to dad:
“hey, little guy, what’s up? any baby-things you wanna do today? anything on your mind?”
he really wanted you to speak to him
your first word was “duck”
he’s pretty sure you meant “fuck”
“love this kid!”
who wouldn’t?
“let’s play ‘superman’” he runs flies you around the house
he talks abt single dad things to get women to swoon over him
tony always has baby food stains and spit up all over himself
he has a separate garage for those tiny drivable cars that kids can vroom in, you know what im talking about
“god, you’re gonna be so cool when you grow up”
tony stark is a rough-and-tough dad
loves to get wild when it’s playtime
“y/n, catch!” *ball hits you in the face* “alright, not an athlete, that’s okay”
“i’m good!”
tinkering in the workshop with dear ol’ dad
“alright, sport, what’s your million-dollar idea?”
“a car that’s powered by water”
“i knew i shouldnt have let you watch that 70s show”
you actually did become a handful growing up
if tony didn’t want to Dad(tm) for a few hours, he’d make happy take you to chuck e. cheese
“buy the kid as many tokens as he wants, it doesn’t matter”
tony would either take a long, much needed nap or work until he crashed
one time he heard you blasting black sabbath in your room and opened the door to see you playing air guitar and he shut the door and cried
so proud
you wanted to go to school but you were a budding genius so he wanted to teach you himself
this would be around the time that tony went missing
which was traumatic for you and it didn’t seem like anybody cared
pepper was your godmother so she had to take care of you while he was away, but she was super busy and emotional about the whole thing
happy and pepper honestly acted like divorced parents shuttling their child back and forth
“it’s your day, happy! pick him up, i have to go to work!”
but eventually, tony found his way back to you and you cried really hard and there were snot bubbles and he tried to lighten the mood with jokes and he was like
“hey, i brought you some sand from my vacation!”
sir,,,, please
this mf started making a suit of armor and you didn’t think a thing of it
“can i help? can i help? can i help?”
lab assistant y/n reporting for duty
“sure, junior. grab me that screwdriver”
“flat or philips?”
“lets try flat, i gotta wedge this thing apart the old fashioned way”
you were learning so much
and he was really supportive of any idea you pitched
“we can give that a try, no problem!”
you hacked into the avengers initiative files bc you were curious about what agent coulson had to say
“dad, you would be such a cool superhero!”
“are you saying i’m not a superhero already? hellooo, single dad?”
“you’re not single! you have pepper!”
“dammit, you’re right i cant use that line anymore”
you started to DREAM of becoming an avenger
you thought you’d be able to get an in if your dad committed to it
“my dad’s an avenger” -you to everyone when youre trying to threaten them
“so, mr. fury, when can i become an avenger?”
“how old are you?”
“i’ll be 13 real soon”
“ask your dad”
honestly tony liked the idea of a father/son superhero team
but in practice?
“hey, y/n, sorry if i don’t tell you this enough, but i love you”
“love you too, dad”
the avengers seemed to enjoy your company
you still radiated stark energy, so that really hurt your likable-ness
“c-can i get your autograph?” -you to captain america
“not you too!” -tony
“shhh, dad, i’m talking to a celebrity”
tony is majorly offended
soon the avengers were your family, which was odd to get used to
lots happens in your life, that was for sure
every time you turned on the news it was something about an avenger
“dad...cnn says steve is a fugitive”
“sucks to be him” *eats toast*
tony makes u breakfast special :)
“want a pop tart?”
“sure...yeah, nat’s a fugitive too, it seems”
“she’ll be fine”
avengers tower was pretty cool, you and thor played ping pong together when you were there
“thor, if you use mjölnir as a paddle again you’re gonna kill me with a ping pong ball!”
you hung out at the malibu house a whole lot
theres a framed picture of the “Tony Stark: DILF” magazine cover on your wall
your friends were other rich kids
“y/n, you know all your friends are douchebags, right?”
“i am well aware”
you threw parties at said malibu house when tony and pepper were gone
“sir, there’s a disturbance at your home”
“which one, JARVIS?”
“shit, y/n’s there! what’s wrong?”
“see for yourself” *pulls up cameras*
“are you kidding me, JARVIS? you think i care if y/n’s trashing the house? you had me thinking he was being attacked or held hostage or something, jesus”
you programmed “the panic protocol” into JARVIS’s system without tony knowing, which can sense when tony has anxiety/panic attacks and figure out how to calm him
JARVIS sends you a notification if you aren’t in immediately vicinity, then he troubleshoots to find the best solution for tony until you can help
either music, counting, breathing reminders, water reminders, etc
“dad, everything alright?”
“im good, son! real good!”
eventually you found a good excuse for getting a suit
“dad, i think terrorist attacks warrant a need for armor...for my protection!”
“fine, we’ll develop a suit for you”
“no need! i already engineered one while you were busy, it’s downstairs”
“impressive. you’re grounded”
“nooo! unground me please!”
“fine, ungrounded”
youre one foot in the door becoming an avenger
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @lokihiddles // @frostedgiant // @emygirl // @lotsoffandomrecs // @johnmurphyisbisexual // @teenwaywardasgardian // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @purpleskiesstorm //
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jaynovz · 3 years
Black Sails night with Lauren @boatsfordays
Miranda gives James Don Quixote: -Lauren starts singing the man of la mancha(1972)- “I actually hate that show”
Vane’s crew “that guy needs a shower... yeah I don’t think those are purposeful dreadlocks”
Ned Lowe talking about how Vane is the one you don’t fuck with
Lauren: thank you for noticing that I’m a bad bitch
about Vane and Eleanor “Oh he’s conflictedddd. tough pirate side doesn’t want to but lover boy side wants to win her over”
about MaxAnne sex scene re: cunnilingus “her face is uhhh not low enough for that. I mean I know it’s acting but...”
Flint and Silver going ashore “Oh is it just the two of them together on shore? ohhh this is where the ship really starts to sail huh? I seeeee” (indeeeeed)
“Max is calling Vane out how he’s simping in 4k”
Flint: He must be removed from that fort:
“ohhh boy I don’t think that’s gonna happen. and Flint doesn’t know about that other captain that’s giving her trouble that Vane is trying to fix”
James opens door to Miranda “he looks so confused lol”
“he look so young without his beard”
about Miranda “she being sus”
Hornigold: how can you stand so close to him knowing what he’s done and sooner or later you’ll be next?
Lauren: cuz he wants to fuck.
Silver: five million pieces of eight
Lauren: nah it’s ass reasons
about the fort nonsense “Flint does Not want to deal with this right now, he is so annoyed”
about Jack failing to get a new crew “just stay in the brothel, live a happy brothel life. You’re doing so well there!”
“There’s a lot of simping happening in this show. it causes ppl to make questionable decisions” (listen you’re not wrong)
about Jack and Vane public reconciliation: “Jack’s like ‘I dunno if I should be excited or terrified. I’m a little afraid of getting my heart broken, please don’t break my heart sir.’ are they gonna hug, are they gonna make out. OH THEY HUGGED IT HAPPENED”
about James “he does not look like a good kisser” (RUDE)
about Toby Stephens/Flint  “listen here’s the thing, I support him, no okay I do not support him, but like, red head solidarity. But like, I can’t. He looks like my father, that’s what my dad looks like. His like freckle situation is the same freckle situation as my dad. It’s never gonna happen” (I was fucking LOSING IT)
“Everybody wants to be at sea, why?? it’s scary”
about new low “what is going on with his teeth”
“They don’t play music on the action scenes and it makes them way scarier”
“Eleanor are you still sure this is the business you want to be in?”
“Vane def had that ‘I’m bout to get LAID’ look in his eye”
“Why does everyone want to sail?? they had a good thing goin”
“Jack needs Max to show him her ways so he can be better at sex. Jack needs a teaching session” (lmaooooooooo)
(Lauren is cheering for the MaxAnneJack ot3)
“Everyone is getting laid this episode... except for Flint” (I meannnn James got laid in the flashback)
About Flint and Silver: “Is it time for them to fuck now? I mean this is the fuck episode, everybody simping in 4k”
“I guess not... Flint is still upset that he’s stuck with Silver as his new right hand man. Silver has too much sass for him, he’s too young. Flint is not here for it” (BAHAHAHAHA Lauren’s commentary is always So Interesting)
Flint speech “is he LYING to them AGAIN. This motherfucker”
“Oh god he’s goin after Vane, this is not good, don’t do it”
“Oh Flint has nice handwriting”
about Flint and Vane “Why can’t they just be friends??” 
“I still don’t like Flint, I don’t want him to succeed. He has not done anything to make me like him.” (HARSH but I get it) 
“This is so stressful, I would not want to live this life”
MaxAnneJack morning after “many feet! they had a good time”
“More peen! they like to show his peen don’t they, that’s the second time” (this is about Jack naked LOL)
“My prediction is that Jack is going to be the key to all this, the one to devise a plan and take Flint down. Jack is my favorite character btw” 
“Yeah Vane sucks but he’s not a manipulator. He’s straightforward, you know what he’s about--super violent and kinda rash but he’s not a liar. 
But Flint is like a big time liar and manipulator (Me: so is Silver) yeah but he’s not the Captain, he’s just tryna get by, survive, make some money and maybe get his dick wet” (BAHAHAHHA that’s... not a bad summary)
“stupiddd... stupid men oh my god”
(Me: I’m really fascinated that you like Vane more than Flint, I wonder if that will change)
“Well, there’s some honor among pirates and Vane understands that and Flint does NOT”
Do you see me as the villain here? convo: “Yeah you are the villain sir. but it’s okay he wants to fuck the villain. Sorry... I just like viewing everything through a horny lens” (pffffft eyes emoji)
“I like this trio. I want them all to be happy and I want them to succeed more than anyone” (about MaxAnneJack)
“His hair is so curly and clean wtf”
“Jack has so many conflicted feelings about Max, I mean I don’t blame him. She’s fuckin his girl but also she’s helping him.” 
about Alfred Hamilton, “-sarcastic- well doesn’t he look like a pleasant person”
‘James is like ‘don’t do it ho don’t do it’ and Thomas is like ‘I did it’ ” (about Thomas telling his dad about the pardons)
“I mean... I agree with him too but it’s not gonna go well” (about James talking shit at Alfred Hamilton)
About shelling the fort “Flint listen to Mr. Scott, he’s right. You better back down sir but I know you’re not going to... oh god, he can’t. oh godddddd”
Lauren’s larger thoughts right now:
“Okay okay so Flint and Silver are both manipulators, but they’re in different ways right?”
“Okay so we know what’s up with Silver right? He wants to get rich, he’s not a man in power, he’s just the cook, he’s not responsible for the good of the crew. Okay he has some power but it’s subtle. He wants to get his money and get out. And I can sort of like... I get that, that’s forgivable to me. He’s a sneaky little shit who’s going to keep doing sneaky little shit things.”
“But FLINT. He’s in power, he has so much responsibility, and he’s using his crew for his own purposes. He’s like, lying to them constantly and using them and he killed his best friend. It’s really shitty, like way shittier to me. He’s so like... dishonorable.”
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meepmoopfanfics · 4 years
you don’t get a win unless you’re playing the game: Daveed Diggs x Reader. Chapter 2.
Reminder: this is gonna be a long fic! please be patient :)
You are finally ending an excruciating first week of dance rehearsals.
You’re gearing up finishing Act I finally, your brain feeling completely fried from all of the material given, especially the vocal parts. You were so used to singing the melody line of all the songs and being given the alto part was a challenge in itself, let alone applying singing while doing the choreography. The dancing was second nature but you didn’t realize how much stamina you’d actually need to getting the notes out without sounding breathy, pitchy or exhausted. You did NOT want to embarrass yourself in front of the OBC when it came time to integrate.
You had only worked with the ensemble closely so far and were getting close with Stephanie, the universal dance captain of the show. She had mentioned to you that the principals and ensemble members would be having a little hang out session at her brother’s penthouse apartment downtown after rehearsals ended tonight.
“Brilliant work today everyone. I know it’s been tough. But take the weekend to really review the material and let everything sink in.” Stephanie’s eyes were lit up. The way she was so attentive to detail and every backstory of every movement was so inspiring and eye opening.
You wiped the sweat off of your face as you partner, aka M3, aka George Eaker, aka Cedric, gave you a wink and a thumbs up. You were way too lucky to be matched with Cedric. If you jumped across the stage, somehow you’d trust him to catch you with seconds to spare before landing.
The ensemble cheered together and began to pan out to the house to grab their things and head up to their dressing rooms to get ready for the party.
“Is everyone coming tonight?” Stephanie yelled excitedly.
You heard a cannon of yeses and hell yeahs around the group.
“The wolfpack’s coming too!” That was her nickname for the OBC crew. “It’s gonna be a raaaaaager!” She started gyrating her hips. Everyone erupted with laughter.
“A safe one at that, of course. Be on your best behavior around Lin… just kidding he’s an absolute child.
Alright now go, get out. Go get hot.”
You followed the ensemble up the stairs backstage to end up at your dressing room which you shared with W4, Michelle.
“Girl... what’re ya wearing tonight? I can’t decide.” Michelle asked while anxiously rummaging through her back full of scribbled on legal pads, muscle rollers, and random items of clothing.
You had packed your favorite black jeans that made your legs look flawless, your signature suede boots, and a Kith hoodie. You wanted to look put together but also casual and cool. Most importantly, you wanted to impress all of your idols. This was your only chance to give them the best first impression of you.
You thought about grabbing your Oakland sweatshirt that your parents got you as a gag gift for Christmas, in honor of your celebrity crush’s hometown. You immediately regretted even thinking of wearing it, as Daveed would definitely find it way too weird. You were from Massachusetts... not California. The Bay Area would be embarrassed for you.
“I just brought these little guys. All black, of course. Feel like it does the job. Also, the sweatshirt will let me eat alllllll of the pizza guilt free.”
Michelle stared longingly at your suede boots. “These are fuckin fancy!”
“They’re only Steve Madden!!” You were proud of your ability to find luxury looking goods for a cheap price. You don’t think that will ever change, even when you saw your first broadway check hit your checking account.
You were happy you could share a safe and fun dressing room space with Michelle and knew the two of you would become close friends.
You both ran into the shower room across the hallway, and quickly washed off. You decided you were going to straighten your long light brown hair. You loved your hair, but it got so curly and tangled when you sweat. Thankfully they were going to put you in a wig for the show instead of using your natural locks. Being a head sweat-er was the worst. Your makeup was minimal, as you looked best with a nice dewy makeup glow, with highlighted cheekbones. You wore a nude matte lipstick, which matched the natural color of your lips, and lightly liquid lined a cat eye over your big (insert eye color) eyes.
You saw your reflection. You didn’t know if it was the confidence of finally reaching your goal or if you just were having a good hair/makeup day... but you were stunning.
“Damn mama!” Michelle gasped as she saw your finished look. “Whose mans are you about to steal at this gig? Better not be Cedric, he’s mine.”
You laughed. You couldn’t help to think about who you already had your heart set on.
“Definitely not Cedric.”
Michelle opened her iPhone 11 plus and immediately opted for a mirror selfie. She quickly opened Instagram and posted it to her story.
You opened the app yourself to go check if it looked good.
Posted 32 secs ago
#MamaHam and #TheBullet hit the town 🎉
“Ready?” Michelle asked, putting the final touches of her gold Fenty highlight on her cheeks. “We should grab a quick bite before hitting the place. I plan on drinking my weight in Truly seltzers tonight.”
“Let’s get it.” You smiled. “I’ll call the uber.”
You called the uber, hopped in, and began driving downtown. You felt your anxiety creeping up on you.
“Trulys? Really? I’m gonna need to be doing shots of Jager in order to be able to speak a single word to any of these principals.”
“What are you... nervous? You already got the role. You’re equals with these guys.”
She wasn’t wrong.
“Guess I’ll just have to act as chill as possible. That’s the plan anyways... also Michelle, wanna know something ridiculous?”
“I’ve had a middle school full fledged crush on Daveed since I can remember.”
She blurted out with laughter.
“Well girl he is on the market now. Shoot ya shot.”
You already knew this. Daveed was recently single and focusing on rebuilding himself up. His breakup with his last girlfriend wasn’t bad. It was mature and mutual. You knew he was taking time to himself, so you didn’t want to be overbearingly flirtatious when you first met him.
You also couldn’t stop thinking about your ex, whom you left last year around this time. His goals just weren’t lining up with your future. He hated musicals, he hated almost everything you liked... but you couldn’t stand the fact you shattered his heart.
“I’ll see what happens... after 5 shots.” You responded, winking at Michelle.
You arrived at the cutest little Italian place downtown in TriBeCa. You knew carbs and wine were the perfect pregame for this shindig.
After loads of pasta and splitting a bottle of wine, you began to feel the confidence needed to shake the nerves from you. You hit the bathroom to give yourself a double check before walking to your final destination.
As you walked up to the massive high rise residence, you couldn’t believe this was your lifestyle now. As you approached, you noticed an extremely familiar face exit the revolving door.
Holy shit, that’s Rafa.
Rafael Casal. Daveed Diggs’ best friend.
You stopped in your tracks stunned.
He turned his head immediately in your and Michelle’s direction.
“Y/N?! What’s going on?!”
“Shut up shut up shut up...” you whispered through your teeth. “Just keep walking.”
As he passed you both, he smiled, and turned into the Duane Reade on the corner. Probably picking up something he forgot.
You realized you would be on edge all night not being able to keep your cool. Rafa wasn’t even in the damn OBC and here you were, freaking out entirely on the freaking sidewalk.
Through the doors you went, passing the crystal clear marble floors, giant chandeliers, and up to the doorman.
“Can I help you beautiful ladies?”
Michelle blushed. The doorman was actually attractive.
“We’re here for Klemons? Penthouse 2?”
“Oh yeah! Hamilton!!! Love that show. Have fun!”
You hit the elevator as you looked down at your phone.
Perfect timing. Almost 20 mins late. Fashionably late, of course.
“Oh shit shit shit.”
You realized you haven’t changed your wallpaper from Daveed grabbing his crotch.
Michelle laughed as you fumbled to change your wallpaper to a pic of you and your family from when you were younger. Perfect. A conversation starter. Your overthinking was killing you softly.
Your teeth were legit chattering. You felt anxiety waves rush through your nervous system. The pit in your stomach grew. Your heart was beating a mile a minute. This was it. Your chance at something greater than you ever thought was possible to achieve.
The elevator doors opened to the open concept apartment. Voices were clashing over the blaring hip hop music in the dimly lit room. A full bar in the corner, Joe’s pizza scattered over the island in the kitchen. Beer pong set up on the dining room table.
There they were. Every single one of em. Scattered across the flat. Starstruck wasn’t even the beginning of what you felt.
Your eyes scanned quickly around.
There he was. Curly headed locks and all. Leaning up against the floor to ceiling windows that circled the place, holding a cocktail in his strong, large right hand accessorized with a few rings. Simply staring at the sights of the city. He looked like a million bucks and he was in a simple casual outfit. Light washed jeans, black boots, with his left hand in his black hoodie pocket.
Wait. You guys were wearing the same hoodie.
The same fucking hoodie.
Of course this would happen.
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jeontaeh · 3 years
"Did you just say groan-"
"Listen Yoongi, my head hurts like a bitch- I drank too much last night. Why didn't any of you stop me? I'm only 18- you all are irresponsible. I'm probably not even legal in that galaxy." Jungkook grumbled, and Hoseok groaned.
"Shut up. Just shut the fuck up oh my god." Hoseok said, voice hoarse, and he grabbed a glass of water and downed it, some of it spilling out of the glass.
"What the actual fuck was in that alcohol, man? Made me horny as fuck last night-" Namjoon grumbled, rubbing his eyes.
"Same." Jin said. "Same." Hoseok and Yoongi mumbled, and Jungkook yawned. "Me too."
"So Jungkookie. I saw you and Taehyung running into your room last night. What was that about?" Jin asked with a wiggle of his eyebrows, and Jungkook blushed a little.
"You two hooked up!"
"No! Maybe! Shut up!"
"Do you like him?"
"Ew- no! Never! Like you said, I was just horny, and so was he, so we randomly hooked up. Won't happen again." Jungkook mumbled, and then Yoongi snickered.
"Who topped?"
Jungkook looked up, and saw genuinely curious eyes. He could, either tell them to mind their own business or say that they both kinda topped each other in a weird way, but-
"Me. Obviously. Do I look like a bottom to you??"
Jungkook glared at Hoseok, and then leaned against the chair, propping his feet onto the table in front of him. "Well I didn't. I topped. As always. He- was... a bottom. He bottomed. A whiny ass- fuckin'- uh- submissive ass bottom."
"Oh.. eh, we never know what goes on in someone's bedroom." Namjoon said, and then Jungkook got up from his chair.
"Well, you know that I dominated in mine. That's right, girls. Menace in the streets, even bigger menace in the sheets. Wooh!" Jungkook let out, and then turned around and walked out of the dining room, leaving them.
"Jeez." Jin laughed, and then Taehyung walked into the room, looking hungover as fuck, slumping onto the chair Jungkook was sat in, rubbing his face with his hands.
"Good.. morning, or whatever time of day it is. Space really fucks you up, huh?" Taehyung snickered in a raspy voice, and Hoseok hummed.
"It really does. Anyways- you okay from last night?" Hoseok asked, and Taehyung nodded. "Yeah. M'head hurts a little bit, that's all."
"Jungkook told us about what you guys got onto last night. So if you're sore or anything-" Jin started, and Taehyung frowned.
"Why would I be sore?" Taehyung asked, and the guys all furrowed their eyebrows. Hoseok was about to speak, but Yoongi placed his hand in front of him, stopping him.
Yoongi got a conniving, knowing smirk on his face, eyes glinting with mischief. "Taehyung.. who topped last night?"
The boys all knew what Yoongi was doing, and looked at Taehyung will great interest. Taehyung looked up. Now.. Taehyung could tell them to fuck off or just tell them that they both kinda bottomed for each other in a weird way, but-
"I did. Obviously. Do I look like a bottom to you?" Taehyung asked, and all the boys held in smiles, and just nodded along.
"Jungkook was- he was a baby in the sheets, y'know? Begging and shit. Acts all tough to hide the fact that he's secretly a submissive bottom." Taehyung scoffed, and Namjoon nodded.
"Interesting." Namjoon said, and Taehyung hummed, picking at his nails.
Jimin walked into the room, pink hair sticking up from every place. He was scratching his arm as he walked in, yawning. "Hey guys. Namjoon- why is my underwear container all womens underwear?"
Namjoon sighed. "Yeah, um- we ran out of clean underwear. So, lace panties it is. For all of us."
"That's kinda hot." Hoseok smirked, giving a wink at Yoongi, who blushed a little, but then frowned.
"You're wearing them too.." Yoongi said, and Hoseok grinned. "That's what makes it hotter, Yoongs."
"Nah. Fuck that. I rather go commando." Taehyung said, just as Jungkook walked in with a bowl of cereal.
"Who's going commando?" Jungkook asked, sitting down, and Taehyung pointed at himself, and Jungkook snickered, dipping his spoon into his bowl.
"Won't that be uncomfortable? I mean- a thing that big swinging around-" Jungkook said, and then widened his eyes, blush forming on his cheeks upon realising what he said.
Taehyung kicked his shin, and Jungkook winced, just stuffing his mouth with cereal to shut up.
"Um.... anyways. Taehyung, we have to wear our uniforms that should be cleaned in a few days- so I suggest you put on a pair." Namjoon said, and Taehyung pursed his lips.
"They're actually pretty comfortable." Jin said, and Namjoon laughed at his comment.
"Put on a pair of what?" Jungkook asked, stuffing his face with another spoon of cereal. "Women's panties."
Jungkook spit his cereal out, and it went straight onto Jimin's face- who screamed and threw a plate at Jungkook.
The plate disappeared, so Jimin groaned and rushed out of the room and into his washroom, presumably. Jungkook blushed and wiped the corner of his lips.
"Sorry, I thought I heard you say women's panties." Jungkook snickered, wiping the sheen off his forehead.
"I did."
Jungkook's eyebrows flew up. "What? Why??? I'm not wearing a thong!" Jungkook snapped, and Taehyung rolled his eyes.
"Shut up, Cherry. We need to wear something. So stop complaining." Taehyung said, and Jungkook glared at him.
"You're just saying that because you want to wear it-"
"Shut up you literally wear the tiniest booty shirts around here so I don't know why you're bitching-"
"They're not booty shorts they're normal boxers-"
"Quiet!" Yoongi snapped, and the two shut up, looking away in anger. Jimin reentered the room, face washed, and sat down away from Jungkook. "It's not like we're forcing you to wear a dress, Jungkook. Stop being a brat."
Jungkook stomped his foot on the ground. "I'm not a brat!"
"You say while stomping your foot and pouting-"
"Shut up Taehyung you're- ugh- you're so annoying." Jungkook growled, and Jin sighed.
"In good news, we're reaching that other planet in about an hour for more resources.. so Cherry and Taehyung, instead of fighting-"
"My name isn't Cherry, for fucks sake- whoever calls me Cherry next I'll-"
"What're you gonna do? Whine until they stop and give you your baby bottle back?" Taehyung snapped, and Jungkook stood up from his chair and rushed over to him to fold him like an omelette, when-
"Jungkook! Taehyung! Go to your rooms right now and get dress. One more word out of you two and I'll get Jimin to spank both of you." Namjoon snapped, and Jimin frowned.
"Why do I have to do it??" Jimin asked, and Namjoon gave him a quick look, and then turned back to face Jungkook and Taehyung.
"Don't bother threatening Taehyung with spanking, Captain. He'd probably like it-" Jungkook started, and then Taehyung slapped his ass really hard, making Jungkook jump.
"Ah!" Jungkook yelped, and then Taehyung got up to walk out, and Jungkook kicked his ass, literally. Both walked out, pushing and kicking and slapping each other's asses in annoyance, leaving the five alone.
"Oh my god they're so annoying-" Yoongi groaned, tugging at his hair.
"I know. But listen- which one of them was lying about being the top?" Namjoon asked, and Hoseok scoffed.
"Jungkook was. Taehyung clearly tops him."
"Hm.. I don't know.. Jungkook seems kinda aggressive too, y'know?" Yoongi replied.
"I agree. Plus, Jungkook's more built. My money's on him." Jin said, and Namjoon rolled his eyes.
"You guys are wrong- Taehyung's more mature and assertive. Like, yeah, Jungkook's more built, but since when did body type equate to dominance in a bedroom? Plus, if you take in their reactions to given situations-"
"Oh my god Namjoon, just write an essay." Yoongi grumbled, and Jimin sighed.
"Okay, now all of you shut up. This is weird-" Jimin started, but Hoseok frowned.
"Yoongi you're just mad because Jungkook's a bottom." Hoseok said, and Jin scoffed.
"Oh autocorrect, I think you meant top." Jin said, and Hoseok raised his eyebrow. "Jin this is a verbal conversation-"
"Are you guys seriously debating over which one of them tops and bottoms? Jeez, you guys are older than them, this is weird! It's none of anyone's business, and-"
"Y'know what- I bet that Jungkook's not a bottom." Yoongi snapped, standing up. Namjoon scoffed.
"Oh my god, now you guys are betting on this? Jesus-" Jimin started, but Namjoon cut him off.
"Sure thing, pal. Whoever loses has to be.. Jimin's servants for a whole day." Namjoon said, and Jimin suddenly grinned, sitting up.
"Okay now I'm interested." Jimin said with a dazzling grin, and Jin rubbed his face.
"We're crackheads. This space thing is taking a toll on us. I'm gonna go change." Jin said, standing up. The others nodded, letting this debate go, but agreeing on the bet.
Jimin got up and ran out of the room, and rushed right into Taehyung's room. Taehyung was in black short shorts, and sighed. "Does no one knock anymore??"
"Listen, Taehyung. I'm gonna need you to bottom for Jungkook." Jimin said, and Taehyung frowned.
"What? Why?"
"Because Namjoon and Hoseok are more study and probably give better messages." Jimin snapped, and Taehyung paused.
He look ed at Jimin for a few seconds, before giving up. "Nothing of what you said made sense." Taehyung let out, and Jimin suddenly widened his eyes.
"No wait- what am I doing?! I need to go see-" Jimin started, and then the door to Taehyung's room burst open and Jungkook walked in.
Jimin turned around, and Jungkook stood there in tiny pink panties, hands on his hips, looking angry as fuck.
"Is this for real? I'm not fucking wearing these!" Jungkook snapped, and Taehyung smirked at the sight, leaning against the wall.
"Damn, Cherry. Makes your ass look good." Taehyung commented, and Jungkook shot him a glare, and Jimin walked up to Jungkook.
"Jungkook, I'm gonna need you to bottom for Taehyung." Jimin said, and Jungkook raised his eyebrow, but Jimin didn't let him talk. "Because Yoongi and Jin cook better!"
Jungkook stilled, and then looked at Taehyung, and then back at Jimin. Jungkook let out a long sigh, and then put his hands on Jimin's shoulders. Jungkook looked into Jimin's eyes, and then looked at Taehyung. "He's high."
Jimin slapped his hands off, and then walked out of the room, grumbling to himself.
Jungkook turned to Taehyung, and then snickered. "Who's the one wearing booty shorts now?"
"Dude you're literally in panties, you don't have a right to tell me what I'm doing." Taehyung said, and Jungkook felt embarrassed, legs pressed together.
"Shut it." Jungkook squeaked out, and then turned around and walked out, knowing Taehyung's eyes were trained on his perky ass.
Hoseok walked to the exit of the spaceship, and sighed. "We look so fucking dumb." Hoseok mumbled, looking around to see all the boys gather around at the exit of the ship.
They reached the planet names Woofzuno. Now, Namjoon had done all the research on this planet, so the others didn't know much about it. Just knew it had normal grasslands. After last time's incident, the boys decoded to all go together as it would be much safer. They didn't want another occurrence of any of the boys being restrained by tentacles or something.
And, much like Hoseok said, they did indeed look very fucking dumb.
Jin was wearing a beach kimono, a sunhat, distressed white jeans and a floral top. Hoseok was wearing a pale blue t-shirt which had 'TITS' on it, and trousers which were a little too tight on his crotch.
Yoongi and Namjoon joined, and Yoongi was wearing a white croptop-ish shirt with a bunch of kittens on it, and denim shorts. Namjoon was wearing a top which reached his thighs with tight pants, and as much as he kept saying it wasn't, it was definitely a dress.
Jungkook was in a fucking romper which was light purple and had curls and lace on its side, a big bow on its back. He didn't like how small it made his waist look. Taehyung was wearing tiny black shorts and a red t-shirt which had it's back see-through, wearing sunglasses.
Jimin was perhaps a little too into it. He walked in wearing big circular sunglasses, pink jeans ripped showing off his thighs, a pink crop top which was definitely made for someone with boobs, and a pretty pink choker.
"Let's get this going, gays." Jimin snapped, and the guys all huffed a little, and then walked out of the spaceship.
"We look like lesbians."
"I'd consider that a compliment."
"Why the fuck are the pockets so goddamn small on these pants-"
"What the fuck is a romper and how the hell am I going to pee?"
"Might have sanitary restrictions, but at least your waist looks snatched!"
They all grumbled and chatted as they walked down the steps of the ship and onto the planet. Everything was normal, the air just a little lighter than usual.
"I heard everyone here is friendly." Namjoon said, looking around. There was no one near them, just some more parked ships.
They walked out of the ship holding center, and all looked a little confused. Everything was a little.. small, you could say. Doors were shaped weird,.. footpaths were small.. no tall buildings in sight..
They walked around the market area they were in, and then saw a whole DOG behind a counter of the shop.
"Oh right, I forgot to mention. This planet its full of dogs." Namjoon said, and all of them gasped.
"Oh. My god. I love dogs." Taehyung squealed, and Yoongi grinned as well. "This is amazing. Look at- ah!" Jimin squealed as well, pointing at a cute little Pomeranian puppy, black and light brown.
The puppy walked up to them, wagging his tail and tongue sticking out. Taehyung crouched down and began petting him, grinning widely. Taehyung looked at the nametag on his collar. "Hi.. Yeontan. Aw, aren't you a little cutie." Taehyung said, and the dog leaned into his touch, allowing Taehyung to pet him.
"Hey Yeontan- do you know where the government building is? We need resources for our ship, you see." Namjoon asked softly, and Jungkook snickered.
"Never thought we'd ask a dog that." Jungkook scoffed, and the dog growled at Jungkook, which made Jungkook widen his eyes and step back.
The dog nodded at Namjoon, and then wagged his tail, as if trying to tell them something. "I think he wants us to follow him." Hoseok said.
"How the hell can you tell? He's a dog-"
Yeontan barked at Jungkook, who frowned. "Jeez, okay Yeontan. We'll follow you." Jungkook mumbled.
The little dog began trotting down the pathway, the boys following him. He was quite fast, so they walked fast as well. Yeontan ran up till they reached a small white building.
"Lord." Jin said to himself, seeing a big German Shepherd sitting on a throne, quite big. He had smaller white dogs beside him, they seemed to be.. massaging his back.
Yeontan started yapping, barking, telling the big dog something. The German Shepherd nodded, barking back. Both communicated, and then the big dog howled.
Two pitbulls came up to them, and Yeontan pulled at Taehyung's shoe, as if telling them to come with him.
"Okay how the fuck do we trust this-" Jungkook said, and the others just blindly nodded and began following the tiny dog. Jungkook scoffed. "You guys! These are dogs! What the hell-"
Jungkook saw Yeontan turn his head to face Jungkook and glare at him, and Jungkook's eyes widened, and he hid behind Jin.
"Jin I think that tiny dog hates me."
"Don't be stupid, Jungkook. C'mon, let's just follow him." Jin said, and Jungkook huffed and followed the dogs into another small hut.
There were many resources there, like meat and collars. The room supposedly led to another one, perhaps one with more stuff. Yeontan barked, and then pointed his paw up at the door, which the two pitbulls were guarding.
Namjoon nodded at Yeontan, and then walked to the door. The pitbulls let him enter, and like that, let Jin, Hoseok, Taehyung, Jimin, and Yoongi enter. Jungkook walked behind them, but Yeontan began growling, biting at his shoe to keep him from moving.
"What the- yo! Let me go!" Jungkook snapped, trying to shake the dog off his foot. Yooni sighed, seeing the mess that was going on. Jungkook tried walking into the room, but the pitbulls growled at him.
"You better just stay there, Kook. We'll collect stuff." Yoongi said, and Jungkook scoffed, and saw the two pitbulls enter the room, and Yoongi close the door.
Yeontan stopped biting, and Jungkook glowered, crossing his arms. "This is fucking great, isn't it? I'm stuck in a room with a fucking dog. For fucks sake." Jungkook grumbled.
He walked around, looking at the meat and collars and other dog food. Jungkook sighed, slumping against the wall, covering his face with his hands.
"Listen up bitchass-"
Jungkook's eyes flew open,and he looked around the room. A deep ass voice just say that, and it made Jungkook frown. "W-who's there?" Jungkook asked, even though he was in a tiny room.
"Down her! Damn-" The deep voice snapped, and Jungkook fearfully looked down, and screamed when he saw Yeontan, the dog, with his eyebrows furrowed.
"W-what?! What the fuck??" Jungkook snapped back, and the dog rolled his eyes.
"Oh my god, shut up. Y'all so annoying and shit. Especially your dumbass. Can't you humans ever shut your asses up?" Yeontan said, and Jungkook stood there, frozen.
"W-what is happening.." Jungkook squeaked, and Yeontan laughed. "Not just a dog, am I?"
"How the fuck are you talking??" Jungkook cried, crouching down to face him. He still couldn't understand what the hell was going on.
"Why, y'all think we don't know shit 'cause we're dogs? Think again, ugly."
"O-oh my god," Jungkook let out, and Yeontan scoffed. "I know english, red. We're not all dumb."
"Right- u-um- sorry." Jungkook said, and Yeontan nodded. "Good. You should be. Now listen up, 'cause I'm not gonna repeat myself. Y'all want shit? Take it. But I'm coming with you on your fancy ass shit- 'cause my ass sick and tired of being stuck here, got it?"
Jungkook was frozen. "I-I-I d-don't know.. I'm not captain of the-"
"I said did you get it?" Yeontan shouted, and Jungkook nodded hurriedly. "Yes! Yes- oh my god- you can come with us. Please don't claw my eyes out."
Suddenly, the door opened, and Yeontan instantly unfurrowed his eyebrows and stuck his tongue out again. The boys walked out, holding a pile of stuff.
"Thanks a lot again!" Namjoon said, and Jungkook gulped.
"G-guys- this- this dog- he can talk." Jungkook said weakly, and the boys looked at him for a few seconds.
"He can what-"
"Talk! He just threatened me! H-he had a deep ass voice-" Jungkook cried, and the dog wagged his little tail and waddled over to Taehyung, who cooed and picked him up.
"This little thing? Oh, you're sho cute, who's a good boy?" Taehyung spoke animatedly, letting Yeontan lick his cheek.
The boys laughed. "Oh Kookie, you're probably still drunk! Dogs don't talk, silly." Jimin said, and Jungkook shook his head.
"No! Guys- don't listen to him! He's evil!" Jungkook snapped, pointing at Yeontan.
Taehyung cuddled the dog closer to him, and the boys pet him, all looking adorned. "Him? Evil? Why he's the cutest little thing-" Yoongi said, and the dog yipped cutely, making the boys aw.
They all hugged and coddled him, and Jungkook stood there in shock, which only grew when Yeontan turned and shone his sharp teeth to Jungkook. Jungkook's eyes widened.
He can't believe this dog was threatening Jungkook. He doesn't know what the fuck is going on, but one things for sure.
Jungkook hates space.
✫  ✬  ✭  ✬  ✫
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Bad Girls Club (Branjie) Chapter 6 - Joley
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[June 6th, 2018]
“Tradition or not, this shit gonna get our asses busted one of these days, and I don’t know about y’all, but I’m trynna haul ass outta this zip code as soon as I can.”
“God, who invited Captain Buzzkill?” Vanessa rolled her eyes. “You as fucked up as we are, Silk. So, shut up and grab a box.” She passed a box of snap poppers to Silky and A’keria and kept one for herself. Glancing over her shoulder, she opened hers up and took one of the small, wrapped spheres between her thumb and finger. “On three.”
In stage whispers, the three girls counted down from three before throwing the little balls at the stairs of their high school, giggling as the loud snaps filled the otherwise quiet night – well, quiet for that part of town, anyway. Despite the complaints, it was still one of their most cherished traditions, dating back to eighth grade when they set off the poppers at their middle school the night after the last day, ringing in the start of the summer.
The girls were so caught up in their celebration that they failed to notice the police officer walking up behind them until he cleared his throat to get their attention.
“Seriously, you guys?” He pinched the bridge of his nose as the three teenagers scrambled upright in a haphazard (and fruitless) attempt to save face. “Alright, you know the drill. Davenport, Ganache, Mateo, into the car.” And they were left with no option but to comply.
While the process was always the same, the outcome varied based on multiple factors – the type of crime, the time of day, whether or not Officer Watts was fighting with his wife – but everything was added to the books, so to speak. Tonight, it just seemed like he couldn’t be bothered to do more than go through the motions, bringing each girl home and walking them to the door, so their guardians knew just where they’d been.
Vanessa was the last stop and the officer dropped her off to her mom with the repeated normalcy as any sort of scheduled custody exchange. “Say hi to Kimberly and the kids for me!” she called out as Officer Watts returned to his patrol car.
“Don’t try to buddy your way out of this, Vanessa. I’m getting real tired of this bullshit.” Her mother’s tone was as sharp as her glare, punctuated by the sound of the door slamming shut. “I see that police car come down this block more often than the ice cream truck! It’s like you’re not even trying to better yourself.”
“Better myself?” Vanessa scoffed and rolled her eyes. “What is this, My Fair Lady?” She calmed herself as quickly as she had snapped. “Sorry, sorry… but I promise we ain’t done nothing wrong, just hanging out.”
“Hanging out doesn’t get you brought home in a cop car. Don’t you ever stop and think about your future? How you gonna apply to college with a permanent record like that?”
The sudden silence that followed filled the room with a solemn sense of unease. Vanessa sat down on her couch and picked her dog up onto her lap. “Can we stop pretending I got a chance of going to college, Mom? We both know I’m not cut out for that.”
Her mother’s expression softened as she sat beside her on the couch. “Mija, I wish you could see the potential in yourself that I see in you.” She wrapped her arm around her and held her close. “You are not a lost cause, and I’m not giving up on you.”
[Present Day]
“Do you think prison’s actually like Orange is the New Black?” Vanessa asked, her gaze drifting from A’keria to the grass beneath her, ripping a handful of it from the ground and aimlessly scattering the blades.
A’keria quirked her brow. “Why you worried about it? The whole point of this shit is us getting clean records, so we don’t go to prison.” After a moment, she sighed and rolled her eyes. “Is this about the whole prison wife thing you think Brooke Lynn was talking about?”
Vanessa looked away as she answered. “No…” She chewed on her lip. “Not just her. You really think this shit is gonna stick? That we’re gonna go to college and get on the dean’s list or some shit? This whole thing is just so they can pass the blame onto us when we fuck up and land in jail for real.” As she finished her rant, she noticed the expression on her friend’s face. It wasn’t quite anger or sadness, but it made her chest tighten. “What?”
“I just didn’t think you, of all people, would give up on yourself.”
“I’m not!” she quickly defended. “I’m just being realistic.”
A’keria turned and cornered her into eye contact. “Are you? Or are you setting yourself up for failure on purpose, so you don’t have to get out of your comfort zone?”
Vanessa huffed and crossed her arms. “Since when are you into psycho-ana…psych-analy-a…” She gestured vaguely. “You know, dissecting my brain and shit.”
“It don’t take fuckin’ Einstein to know you’re being ridiculous. Look, I’m not saying I’m not gonna drink or smoke or do hoodrat shit after this, but we got a chance at actually having futures. And if you’re gonna sit and act like none of this ever happened when we get back home, you’re a hugehypocrite for being mad at Brooke Lynn for wanting to go back to the good life she had.”
It was rare for Vanessa to be at a loss for words, but she had no way to argue what had been said. It would be a conscious choice to go back home and get in trouble again, and she would be disappointing everyone that cared about her. So, maybe she couldn’t fault Brooke for longing to escape from this situation, but it didn’t resolve how she felt about her or even in general. She lay down on the ground and stared off into space while the sun warmed her skin. “I don’t know what to say to her.”
She nodded slowly. “I knew it would come back to that. You give so much of your heart so easily, Vanjie. You set yourself up to get hurt. Hell, you might still have a shot with her if you actually stop and think about what you say instead of shooting off at the mouth.”
Vanessa pushed herself back up, shaking her head. “Nah, not with how I’ve been. She probably thinks I’m psycho now.”
A’keria shifted to her side to properly look at her. “You won’t know if you don’t talk it out. Just… Don’t slip back into your old habits.”
“What old habits?”
“Really, bitch?”
[September 3rd, 2018]
“Okay, the suspense is killing me, so I’ll bite. What the hell is wrong with Vanjie?”
Silky rolled her eyes before looking in Vanessa’s direction. Their friend was sat at the other end of the lunch table, pouting with her arms crossed, but also looking sincerely solemn and crestfallen. “Oh, that girl she been hooking up with all summer dropped her ass ‘cause she has a boyfriend.”
A’keria let out an exaggerated groan. “I told her. Didn’t I tell her? I said, ‘watch yourself with her, she ain’t in it for the long haul,’ right to her.” She sighed and shook her head, deciding to save the well-earned ‘I told you so’ for later. For now, she needed to be a comforting friend. “Alright, c’mere baby. It’s gonna be okay,” she soothed and wrapped an arm around her.
“She got me fucked up, man,” Vanessa’s voice trembled as she spoke. “She really went and said she ‘never felt like this before’ and now she’s gonna act like I don’t exist. Who does that shit?”
“Straight girls,” Silky chimed in, which got a small laugh out of Vanessa – much to both of her friends’ relief.
With the tension lifted – at least for the moment – Vanessa pushed herself up to her feet. “I’m not gonna stay stressing over this, okay? I’m good, fuck her and her greasy-ass boyfriend.” And with that, the school bell rang, and they were all off to class.
Silky walked with A’keria, trailing a few steps behind Vanessa. “Do you actually think she’s done stressing over this?”
“Not a chance.”
Much to their chagrin, A’keria ended up being proven right not a full three days later.
All it took was one house party with just enough alcohol and Vanessa was making out with her summer fling off in a corner. She had one hand up the back of the girl’s shirt, the other tangled through her hair – it was as if nothing had changed at all.
Until it did, ten minutes later.
“Where are you going?” Vanessa asked, not about to be left high and dry without putting up a fight. “It was just getting good,” she added with a discontented huff.
“My boyfriend’s here,” the ex answered in a calloused tone, reapplying her lipstick without looking in Vanessa’s direction. She fluffed up her hair and sauntered off, wrapping her arms around some lanky, awkward looking guy and effectively acting as though Vanessa ceased to exist.
A’keria got up to collect her friend. “This time I’m not holding back the ‘I told you so.’”
[Present Day]
“Are you still giving me the cold shoulder?”
Vanessa shrugged it off. “There’s a lot worse I could be giving you. Don’t push it.”
Brooke Lynn sighed and pushed herself to sit up on her bed. “Baby, I can’t fix anything if you don’t tell me what’s wrong.” She pouted and reached out to grab Vanessa’s hand, swinging it slowly.
This wasn’t fair as far as Vanessa was concerned. How was she supposed to maintain her tough resolve when Brooke was giving her puppy dog eyes and a soft, pink pout? Her weakness was being used against her – it had been at least two days of freezing her out and she had been starting to get lonely anyway. She bit down on her lip and looked down. “I’m not trynna have this heart-to-heart yet. I know you ain’t about it, so the time has to be right.”
“Then let’s not talk.” Brooke noticed Vanessa wasn’t resisting her hold anymore, so she pulled her closer and closer until the smaller girl sat on her lap. “We don’t have to talk, just let me take your mind off it for a while,” she cooed as she started to place soft, slow kisses from her shoulder all the way up to her jaw.
The temptation was undeniable and nearly every part of Vanessa’s body was urging her towards Brooke. And at first, she gave in. She straddled her lap with her arms draped around her neck. Their foreheads rested against each other, lips just barely touching before connecting in a kiss. And another one, a deeper, languid one. For a moment, she was perfectly at ease. There was no yesterday or tomorrow to weigh down her mind – there was only now and only them in a dream of their own design.
Then she woke up to the sinking feeling that this was too easy. Not every problem could be solved by kissing pretty girls, no matter how hard she may try. She pulled away, standing up. “I can’t do this right now. It ain’t even you… I just…”
“You just what?”
Vanessa was shaking her head as she backed away. “You wouldn’t understand. Sometimes it’s better to not do enough than to do too much. That’s how you end up in this shit hole.”
[June 24th, 2019]
It was the dead of night, a time where – in many places – everything would be quiet and calm. But this was still Los Angeles in the early days of summer, when the weather was nice without the balmy heat making the air hazy, the kind of heat that made walking feel like trudging through a thick slime.
The ability to walk quickly and move nimbly was imperative for Vanessa and A’keria – down one from their usual trio with Silky away visiting family in Mississippi. It would’ve taken a lot more than that to quash Vanessa’s plans.
“You have got to be fucking kidding me. I swear to god, if the police don’t kill you, I will. It’s like you’re trying to invent a new level of stupid shit to try to get away with and—”
“Shh!” Vanessa elbowed her in the ribs. “We’ll get away with it if you shut the fuck up.” And with that, she had effectively tuned A’keria out as they kept walking to their destination. “Alright, this is it.”
A’keria hesitated. “You sure? Cause if it ain’t—”
“It is. Now, do you want the eggs or toilet paper?” She held up a carton of eggs in one hand and a roll of toilet paper in the other, offering up both options.
After a moment of disgruntled hesitation, A’keria sighed and grabbed the toilet paper. If Vanessa wasn’t going to come to her senses, she would at least pick the lesser of two evils on her end.
Of course, when the police arrived it didn’t really matter who was throwing what – vandalism was still vandalism. But Vanessa sat upright and indignant as she was escorted into the backseat of the cop car. Just as the car was pulling away, she stole a glance out the window, at the girl who had ignited the anger in her that drove her to revenge.
She looked indifferent – mildly annoyed at most. This infuriated Vanessa to no end. “Look at her, she don’t even care. What the fuck?”
The other girl sighed with her head against the window. “Now do you see how ridiculous you’ve been? You got your ass all worked up over some bitch that don’t give two shits about you. I keep telling you it’s gonna land you in a damn mess and look where we are now. We could catch a real charge for this, V.” She took a deep breath, willing herself to calm down. There was no point in them fighting on top of everything else. “Just once I wish you’d think things through before you act, channel that passion into something useful.”
“I’m sorry,” she mumbled. “Listen, I’ll take the whole rap for this. It was my fault – you tried to talk me out of it.”
A’keria shook her head with a soft smile. “Nah, they caught me red-handed too. Besides, we’re still ride-or-dies no matter how foolish you act.”
[Present Day]
“Hey… Vanessa, right? Do you mind if I ask you a question?”
Vanessa was undeniably caught off-guard when the hot, tattooed blonde that’d served her lunch plopped herself down beside her at the table. She blinked, taking a moment for her brain to connect to her mouth. “Um… Sure, what’s up?”
“You see that girl over there? With the blonde ponytail and the kicked puppy expression?” Kameron cocked her head in Brooke Lynn’s direction. “Every time I look at her, she’s looking at you. And I mean looking at you. So, I have got to know – is something going on between you two?”
That was the million-dollar question, wasn’t it? Vanessa looked down at the table for a good few moments before facing the girl who didn’t seem annoyed or jealous – just genuinely curious, which she supposed alleviated some of the anxiety the question could’ve caused. “You could say that,” was what she decided on. “But it’s complicated, you don’t want the whole backstory or nothing.”
Kameron chuckled, tucking her hair behind her ear. “Listen, I know complicated. And I know Brooke Lynn. I promise, nothing you could say about her would surprise me.”
It certainly wasn’t the response Vanessa was expecting, but it did explain the nonchalance Kameron had. “It’s not even her. I mean… it’s kind of her. But it’s me too. I got a… bad habit of getting real intense if I start to catch feelings, and she’s got this whole life to go back to, and I shouldn’t be mad at her for wanting to go back to her normal life…”
“So, what, she told you to fuck off back into the hood?”
Vanessa laughed, but it was a laugh filled with embarrassment and a hint of self-realization. “No… I just been avoiding talking to her about it since I’m, you know, real and emotional and shit, and she’s all closed off cause she’s a hornet.”
“Do you mean WASP?”
“Like it matters. It’s like we’re speaking different languages half the time anyway.”
Kameron tilted her head and pressed her lips together, going absolutely silent. In actuality, it wasn’t more than a minute or so, but with Vanessa unconsciously holding her breath, it felt like ages. “What if I go talk to her for you? You know, serve as a middleman or something.”
“Oh, no that’s not a— oh, okay, you already going. You ain’t even listening to me.” She hid her head in her arms on the table. “Well fuck me, I guess.” It wasn’t like the situation could get any more awkward, she figured.
Meanwhile, Kameron seemed as cheerful as she had been while serving food when she perched herself across from Brooke Lynn at the otherwise empty lunch table. “Long time no see, huh?”
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missjanjie · 5 years
Branjie Fic | Bad Girls Club (6/?)
Title: Bad Girls Club Summary:  Los Angeles’ new program, the Juvenile Female Rehabilitation Program (JFRP) was created with the purpose of taking at-risk girls in the county and send them to a summer-long program located where a sleepaway camp once stood. There, they will take classes in ethics, behavior, and other courses to help mold these young minds. Brooke Lynn and Vanessa have been sent there for wildly different reasons, but with the same result - a clean permanent record. Being roomed together, the pair might find an unlikely alliance (and maybe more) in each other. Word Count: ~2.9k (this chapter)/~16.1k (total) Relationship: Branjie (Brooke Lynn Hytes/Vanessa Vanjie Mateo) Rating: E
Read on AO3
[June 6th, 2018]
“Tradition or not, this shit gonna get our asses busted one of these days, and I don’t know about y’all, but I’m trynna haul ass outta this zip code as soon as I can.”
“God, who invited Captain Buzzkill?” Vanessa rolled her eyes. “You as fucked up as we are, Silk. So, shut up and grab a box.” She passed a box of snap poppers to Silky and A’keria and kept one for herself. Glancing over her shoulder, she opened hers up and took one of the small, wrapped spheres between her thumb and finger. “On three.”
In stage whispers, the three girls counted down from three before throwing the little balls at the stairs of their high school, giggling as the loud snaps filled the otherwise quiet night – well, quiet for that part of town, anyway. Despite the complaints, it was still one of their most cherished traditions, dating back to eighth grade when they set off the poppers at their middle school the night after the last day, ringing in the start of the summer.
The girls were so caught up in their celebration that they failed to notice the police officer walking up behind them until he cleared his throat to get their attention.
“Seriously, you guys?” He pinched the bridge of his nose as the three teenagers scrambled upright in a haphazard (and fruitless) attempt to save face. “Alright, you know the drill. Davenport, Ganache, Mateo, into the car.” And they were left with no option but to comply.
While the process was always the same, the outcome varied based on multiple factors – the type of crime, the time of day, whether or not Officer Watts was fighting with his wife – but everything was added to the books, so to speak. Tonight, it just seemed like he couldn’t be bothered to do more than go through the motions, bringing each girl home and walking them to the door, so their guardians knew just where they’d been.
Vanessa was the last stop and the officer dropped her off to her mom with the repeated normalcy as any sort of scheduled custody exchange. “Say hi to Kimberly and the kids for me!” she called out as Officer Watts returned to his patrol car.
“Don’t try to buddy your way out of this, Vanessa. I’m getting real tired of this bullshit.” Her mother’s tone was as sharp as her glare, punctuated by the sound of the door slamming shut. “I see that police car come down this block more often than the ice cream truck! It’s like you’re not even trying to better yourself.”
“Better myself?” Vanessa scoffed and rolled her eyes. “What is this, My Fair Lady?” She calmed herself as quickly as she had snapped. “Sorry, sorry… but I promise we ain’t done nothing wrong, just hanging out.”
“Hanging out doesn’t get you brought home in a cop car. Don’t you ever stop and think about your future? How you gonna apply to college with a permanent record like that?”
The sudden silence that followed filled the room with a solemn sense of unease. Vanessa sat down on her couch and picked her dog up onto her lap. “Can we stop pretending I got a chance of going to college, Mom? We both know I’m not cut out for that.”
Her mother’s expression softened as she sat beside her on the couch. “Mija, I wish you could see the potential in yourself that I see in you.” She wrapped her arm around her and held her close. “You are not a lost cause, and I’m not giving up on you.”
[Present Day]
“Do you think prison’s actually like Orange is the New Black?” Vanessa asked, her gaze drifting from A’keria to the grass beneath her, ripping a handful of it from the ground and aimlessly scattering the blades.
A’keria quirked her brow. “Why you worried about it? The whole point of this shit is us getting clean records, so we don’t go to prison.” After a moment, she sighed and rolled her eyes. “Is this about the whole prison wife thing you think Brooke Lynn was talking about?”
Vanessa looked away as she answered. “No…” She chewed on her lip. “Not just her. You really think this shit is gonna stick? That we’re gonna go to college and get on the dean’s list or some shit? This whole thing is just so they can pass the blame onto us when we fuck up and land in jail for real.” As she finished her rant, she noticed the expression on her friend’s face. It wasn’t quite anger or sadness, but it made her chest tighten. “What?”
“I just didn’t think you, of all people, would give up on yourself.”
“I’m not!” she quickly defended. “I’m just being realistic.”
A’keria turned and cornered her into eye contact. “Are you? Or are you setting yourself up for failure on purpose, so you don’t have to get out of your comfort zone?”
Vanessa huffed and crossed her arms. “Since when are you into psycho-ana…psych-analy-a…” She gestured vaguely. “You know, dissecting my brain and shit.”
“It don’t take fuckin’ Einstein to know you’re being ridiculous. Look, I’m not saying I’m not gonna drink or smoke or do hoodrat shit after this, but we got a chance at actually having futures. And if you’re gonna sit and act like none of this ever happened when we get back home, you’re a hugehypocrite for being mad at Brooke Lynn for wanting to go back to the good life she had.”
It was rare for Vanessa to be at a loss for words, but she had no way to argue what had been said. It would be a conscious choice to go back home and get in trouble again, and she would be disappointing everyone that cared about her. So, maybe she couldn’t fault Brooke for longing to escape from this situation, but it didn’t resolve how she felt about her or even in general. She lay down on the ground and stared off into space while the sun warmed her skin. “I don’t know what to say to her.”
She nodded slowly. “I knew it would come back to that. You give so much of your heart so easily, Vanjie. You set yourself up to get hurt. Hell, you might still have a shot with her if you actually stop and think about what you say instead of shooting off at the mouth.”
Vanessa pushed herself back up, shaking her head. “Nah, not with how I’ve been. She probably thinks I’m psycho now.”
A’keria shifted to her side to properly look at her. “You won’t know if you don’t talk it out. Just… Don’t slip back into your old habits.”
“What old habits?”
“Really, bitch?”
[September 3rd, 2018]
“Okay, the suspense is killing me, so I’ll bite. What the hell is wrong with Vanjie?”
Silky rolled her eyes before looking in Vanessa’s direction. Their friend was sat at the other end of the lunch table, pouting with her arms crossed, but also looking sincerely solemn and crestfallen. “Oh, that girl she been hooking up with all summer dropped her ass ‘cause she has a boyfriend.”
A’keria let out an exaggerated groan. “I told her. Didn’t I tell her? I said, ‘watch yourself with her, she ain’t in it for the long haul,’ right to her.” She sighed and shook her head, deciding to save the well-earned ‘I told you so’ for later. For now, she needed to be a comforting friend. “Alright, c’mere baby. It’s gonna be okay,” she soothed and wrapped an arm around her.
“She got me fucked up, man,” Vanessa’s voice trembled as she spoke. “She really went and said she ‘never felt like this before’ and now she’s gonna act like I don’t exist. Who does that shit?”
“Straight girls,” Silky chimed in, which got a small laugh out of Vanessa – much to both of her friends’ relief.
With the tension lifted – at least for the moment – Vanessa pushed herself up to her feet. “I’m not gonna stay stressing over this, okay? I’m good, fuck her and her greasy-ass boyfriend.” And with that, the school bell rang, and they were all off to class.
Silky walked with A’keria, trailing a few steps behind Vanessa. “Do you actually think she’s done stressing over this?”
“Not a chance.”
Much to their chagrin, A’keria ended up being proven right not a full three days later.
All it took was one house party with just enough alcohol and Vanessa was making out with her summer fling off in a corner. She had one hand up the back of the girl’s shirt, the other tangled through her hair – it was as if nothing had changed at all.
Until it did, ten minutes later.
“Where are you going?” Vanessa asked, not about to be left high and dry without putting up a fight. “It was just getting good,” she added with a discontented huff.
“My boyfriend’s here,” the ex answered in a calloused tone, reapplying her lipstick without looking in Vanessa’s direction. She fluffed up her hair and sauntered off, wrapping her arms around some lanky, awkward looking guy and effectively acting as though Vanessa ceased to exist.
A’keria got up to collect her friend. “This time I’m not holding back the ‘I told you so.’”
[Present Day]
“Are you still giving me the cold shoulder?”
Vanessa shrugged it off. “There’s a lot worse I could be giving you. Don’t push it.”
Brooke Lynn sighed and pushed herself to sit up on her bed. “Baby, I can’t fix anything if you don’t tell me what’s wrong.” She pouted and reached out to grab Vanessa’s hand, swinging it slowly.
This wasn’t fair as far as Vanessa was concerned. How was she supposed to maintain her tough resolve when Brooke was giving her puppy dog eyes and a soft, pink pout? Her weakness was being used against her – it had been at least two days of freezing her out and she had been starting to get lonely anyway. She bit down on her lip and looked down. “I’m not trynna have this heart-to-heart yet. I know you ain’t about it, so the time has to be right.”
“Then let’s not talk.” Brooke noticed Vanessa wasn’t resisting her hold anymore, so she pulled her closer and closer until the smaller girl sat on her lap. “We don’t have to talk, just let me take your mind off it for a while,” she cooed as she started to place soft, slow kisses from her shoulder all the way up to her jaw.
The temptation was undeniable and nearly every part of Vanessa’s body was urging her towards Brooke. And at first, she gave in. She straddled her lap with her arms draped around her neck. Their foreheads rested against each other, lips just barely touching before connecting in a kiss. And another one, a deeper, languid one. For a moment, she was perfectly at ease. There was no yesterday or tomorrow to weigh down her mind – there was only now and only them in a dream of their own design.
Then she woke up to the sinking feeling that this was too easy. Not every problem could be solved by kissing pretty girls, no matter how hard she may try. She pulled away, standing up. “I can’t do this right now. It ain’t even you… I just…”
“You just what?”
Vanessa was shaking her head as she backed away. “You wouldn’t understand. Sometimes it’s better to not do enough than to do too much. That’s how you end up in this shit hole.”
[June 24th, 2019]
It was the dead of night, a time where – in many places – everything would be quiet and calm. But this was still Los Angeles in the early days of summer, when the weather was nice without the balmy heat making the air hazy, the kind of heat that made walking feel like trudging through a thick slime.
The ability to walk quickly and move nimbly was imperative for Vanessa and A’keria – down one from their usual trio with Silky away visiting family in Mississippi. It would’ve taken a lot more than that to quash Vanessa’s plans.
“You have got to be fucking kidding me. I swear to god, if the police don’t kill you, I will. It’s like you’re trying to invent a new level of stupid shit to try to get away with and—”
“Shh!” Vanessa elbowed her in the ribs. “We’ll get away with it if you shut the fuck up.” And with that, she had effectively tuned A’keria out as they kept walking to their destination. “Alright, this is it.”
A’keria hesitated. “You sure? Cause if it ain’t—”
“It is. Now, do you want the eggs or toilet paper?” She held up a carton of eggs in one hand and a roll of toilet paper in the other, offering up both options.
After a moment of disgruntled hesitation, A’keria sighed and grabbed the toilet paper. If Vanessa wasn’t going to come to her senses, she would at least pick the lesser of two evils on her end.
Of course, when the police arrived it didn’t really matter who was throwing what – vandalism was still vandalism. But Vanessa sat upright and indignant as she was escorted into the backseat of the cop car. Just as the car was pulling away, she stole a glance out the window, at the girl who had ignited the anger in her that drove her to revenge.
She looked indifferent – mildly annoyed at most. This infuriated Vanessa to no end. “Look at her, she don’t even care. What the fuck?”
The other girl sighed with her head against the window. “Now do you see how ridiculous you’ve been? You got your ass all worked up over some bitch that don’t give two shits about you. I keep telling you it’s gonna land you in a damn mess and look where we are now. We could catch a real charge for this, V.” She took a deep breath, willing herself to calm down. There was no point in them fighting on top of everything else. “Just once I wish you’d think things through before you act, channel that passion into something useful.”
“I’m sorry,” she mumbled. “Listen, I’ll take the whole rap for this. It was my fault – you tried to talk me out of it.”
A’keria shook her head with a soft smile. “Nah, they caught me red-handed too. Besides, we’re still ride-or-dies no matter how foolish you act.”
[Present Day]
“Hey… Vanessa, right? Do you mind if I ask you a question?”
Vanessa was undeniably caught off-guard when the hot, tattooed blonde that’d served her lunch plopped herself down beside her at the table. She blinked, taking a moment for her brain to connect to her mouth. “Um… Sure, what’s up?”
“You see that girl over there? With the blonde ponytail and the kicked puppy expression?” Kameron cocked her head in Brooke Lynn’s direction. “Every time I look at her, she’s looking at you. And I mean looking at you. So, I have got to know – is something going on between you two?”
That was the million-dollar question, wasn’t it? Vanessa looked down at the table for a good few moments before facing the girl who didn’t seem annoyed or jealous – just genuinely curious, which she supposed alleviated some of the anxiety the question could’ve caused. “You could say that,” was what she decided on. “But it’s complicated, you don’t want the whole backstory or nothing.”
Kameron chuckled, tucking her hair behind her ear. “Listen, I know complicated. And I know Brooke Lynn. I promise, nothing you could say about her would surprise me.”
It certainly wasn’t the response Vanessa was expecting, but it did explain the nonchalance Kameron had. “It’s not even her. I mean… it’s kind of her. But it’s me too. I got a… bad habit of getting real intense if I start to catch feelings, and she’s got this whole life to go back to, and I shouldn’t be mad at her for wanting to go back to her normal life…”
“So, what, she told you to fuck off back into the hood?”
Vanessa laughed, but it was a laugh filled with embarrassment and a hint of self-realization. “No… I just been avoiding talking to her about it since I’m, you know, real and emotional and shit, and she’s all closed off cause she’s a hornet.”
“Do you mean WASP?”
“Like it matters. It’s like we’re speaking different languages half the time anyway.”
Kameron tilted her head and pressed her lips together, going absolutely silent. In actuality, it wasn’t more than a minute or so, but with Vanessa unconsciously holding her breath, it felt like ages. “What if I go talk to her for you? You know, serve as a middleman or something.”
“Oh, no that’s not a— oh, okay, you already going. You ain’t even listening to me.” She hid her head in her arms on the table. “Well fuck me, I guess.” It wasn’t like the situation could get any more awkward, she figured.
Meanwhile, Kameron seemed as cheerful as she had been while serving food when she perched herself across from Brooke Lynn at the otherwise empty lunch table. “Long time no see, huh?”
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popatochisssp · 6 years
Working Out the Kinks (Kinktober 2018) 17/31
Day 17: Masturbation | Seduction | Collaring | Orgasm Denial
Pairing: SF!Sans/Reader
Additional Kinks: None
AO3 Link
A little long (sorry to clog your dash!) but entirely sfw, so no cut again!
You got the idea when you’d asked Papyrus about his.
You’d seen them around a lot since monsters surfaced, plenty of monsters wore them, but you’d just sort of assumed it was a fashion trend and never really wondered about it beyond that.
At least, you didn’t, until you’d been taken as a monster’s lover.
So you’d asked Papyrus.
“yeah, yeah, it’s a… it’s a culture thing, i guess,” he answered you carelessly, not even looking up from his tablet. “makes a statement.”
You’d looked at the simple black leather collar around his neck and the shiny gold bone-shaped tag that dangled from it.
“So…what statement is yours making?”
“m’under my brother’s protection.” He tapped at his tag, making it twist a little. It was blank. “Sans is tough, everybody knows who he is so he didn’t even have to put his name.”
“But names are normal? For anybody else?”
“uh-huh. but y’know, only two skeleton monsters Underground, bone-tag’s gotta mean ‘Captain Sans Serif of the Royal Guard,’ and ‘this guy works for Sans, you fuck with him, you’re fuckin’ with Sans, proceed with caution.’”
“Huh. So people didn’t mess with you as much?”
“sure they did,” Papyrus had shrugged. “just didn’t usually live a lot longer after. was a little more of a deterrent that way.”
You had weighed your words, trying to figure out how to ask what you wanted to know without sounding insensitive or oversexed…
…but then you remembered you were talking to Papyrus.
“So it’s not a kink thing?”
Papyrus snorted. “shit, no.” But then he added, “can be sometimes, with couples and stuff. depends on the kind of collar.”
You had him lay it all out for you.
Apparently plain leather with no frills was for working relationships—your boss might give you a collar, or if you had a tough friend who was willing to protect you, you might finagle one out of them.
More…involuntary…relationships used metal collars, literal shackles with a visible padlock to show that this person wasn’t acting of their own free will. They were in servitude to somebody stronger and meaner than them and the only way to get them out of it was to get that person out of the way.
And then there were lovers’ collars.
They tended to be more ornate, more delicate—sometimes fine chains, sometimes ribbon or lace, but always worn by choice and always with a soul-shape on it somewhere, the color of their partner’s magic.
Mostly, it was the submissive partner who wore them, but it was something of an open secret that the dominant collar-mate would wear one that complemented it, just out of sight so it wasn’t obvious.
Armed with your new knowledge you planned your ambush with as much cunning and finesse as the skeleton you meant to catch, acting quickly, of course.
You wanted to have it ready in time for Sans’ birthday.
You were excited as a kid in a candy store when he finally got home after a long day at work on the day of, giving you a tired, shark-toothed grin as you greeted him.
“Happy birthday,” you said warmly, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “I have a surprise for you.”
Sans just huffed out a laugh. “UNLIKELY, BUT IT’S VERY CUTE OF YOU TO TRY.”
You put on an only slightly exaggerated pout. “You still don’t think I can surprise you?”
“NO ONE SURPRISES ME,” he told you, leaning against the furniture with his arms folded, trying to affect maximum-cool-badass-ness. “IT WAS A GOOD EFFORT, YOU SHOULD BE PROUD OF YOURSELF FOR THE ATTEMPT, BUT I KNOW ALL ABOUT YOUR GIFT ALREADY.”
“Oh, do you?”
You frowned. “Aww, you saw it?”
Sans patted you on the hand, a little condescendingly but you knew it was kindly meant, so you let it go.
(That, and you were already thinking about how great it was going to be to see the look on his face…)
With perfect timing, you set the jewelry box on the table with a gentle ‘tmp’ sound.
Sans’ jaw audibly clicked shut.
Yours was aching with the strain of your grin.
You watched him stare daggers at the little box, eye-sockets narrowed. You could practically see the mathematical equations floating around his skull as he retroactively put together what the hell had just happened and you wanted to laugh…
But you managed to keep quiet.
You shrugged. “The wine is your other gift,” you told him. “This one, I paid for in cash.”
You nudged the box a little closer to him, trying to break him out of his stunned stupor. “I didn’t pull it off just for you to not open it, go on.”
Sans took the box in his claws and opened it, sockets going wide at what was inside.
The custom black velvet choker you’d commissioned, just the right size to snugly fit around cervical vertebrae, with a charm in the middle in the shape of a heart and crossbones. It was the color of your soul, as Sans had shown it to you, with your name embroidered along the inside in the same shade.
“Do you like it?” you wondered hopefully. “I have one for me, too, but I thought…I thought you should put that one on me. And yours should fit under your scarf without being obvious, I tried to make sure.”
Sans was quiet for a long, long moment…
And then the exact opposite.
You reached out for the box, to…maybe take it back?
But Sans immediately pulled it closer to his chest, defensively. “NO, IT’S MINE, I’M GOING TO WEAR IT FOREVER, I’VE NEVER BEEN SO IN LOVE WITH YOU! STARS ABOVE, GET OVER HERE SO I CAN KISS YOU!”
You laughed, but…well…your collar-mate was calling you.
You went straight into his waiting arms.
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Definitely 18+ content in either direction of this, read responsibly please!!!
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crewhonk · 6 years
Touch (2)
Tumblr media
Warnings: idiots to lovers, god bucky is so stupid. protective!bucky, jealous!bucky, Y/N’s friends are all vulgar frat boy sailors so like, NSFW themes ahead
Words: 3.1K
The first bottle of Grigio had barely even been opened before the girls turned all of their attention towards Y/N— prodding and poking for her to just tell them about Bucky. He was known in Brooklyn neighborhoods for being a flirt, for being smooth and pretty, but all of that went out of the window when Y/N walked into the room. When Bucky could see Y/N, he became a bumbling fool who had never actually had a successful conversation with a woman before. The smooth Tom Cat that was Bucky Barnes became a puppy with ears so long he would trip over them. 
“Seriously, I don’t understand how you can’t see it— Bucky gets all bumbling alpha male around you. It’s really sweet, actually.” Dorris said over her completely full glass.
Dot hummed, already curled under a blanket while Socks, Y/N’s cat, lay on the back of the chair, purring loudly enough for all of the women in the room to hear. “He never acted that way around me when we were dating. Jesus, he was still like that about you when his arm was on my hip.”
“Oh, whatever.” Y/N grumbled, not quite prepared enough to be on the hot seat this early into the evening. “He’s just protective. He’s like that way about Steve too!”
“Yeah, sure, I’ll give you that,” Dot said, “but Bucky doesn’t want to warm his cock in Steve, now does he?”
At Dot’s vulgarity, the girls squealed loudly, kicking their feet excitedly while all of Y/N organs flip-flipped in her body. 
“Good god, I’ve never in my life seen anyone turn this red before!” Victoria giggled. 
“I hate you all and I regret inviting you all over.” Y/N grumbled, pressing a bottle of white to her cheeks to attempt to cool them off. 
“Cock warming out of the picture— what about that time he almost punched Mark out at last years Christmas party?” Gladys sighed dreamily. It was true— Mark had had too much to drink at the party and had gotten Y/N alone against a tight space at the bar. Y/N had never been so uncomfortable in her life— his breath smelled too bad, and he seemed to be unable to just take a hint. 
The girls closest to her seemed to sense her distress, but before they could make any move towards her to pull her away from the situation, Bucky had appeared from the bathroom and zeroed in on him. His nostrils had flared angrily as he grabbed Mark by his disheveled collar and drug him outside of the venue, throwing him into the barren street and rolling up the sleeves of his dress shirt. 
“You think you can touch a girl like that? My girl?” Bucky had snarled. Before Mark could even begin to defend himself, Bucky picked Mark up by his shirt and slammed him against the side of a parked car hard enough to set off the alarm. Someone cursed and hurried to shut off the alarm before anyone else decided to pay attention to the scene. The party had floated out of the venue to watch the spectacle, some of the braver patrons bringing their booze to sip while they watched what they hoped would be a marvelous fight. 
“I— N-no, Sir.” Mark rushed, gripping Bucky’s wrists and trying to pull. Mark was no match for him, however, as Bucky had just returned from three months of straight Army training— basic training it was called. He had returned three sizes larger, muscles stretching all of his old clothing uncomfortably. He was no longer the tall, lanky man who was known for his quick dance moves. He was known now as the same guy, just absolutely shredded with muscle. 
Just as Bucky raised a well-trained fist to collide with the mans face, Y/N had appeared, her soft touch wrapping itself around her best friends fist and her body wedging itself between the two men. 
“James. Not here.” Y/N had hissed. 
“He was touchin’ you—“
“This isn’t a back alley, James Buchanan. This is the middle of the street while all of my coworkers and their families are watching.” Bucky continued to glare over Y/N’s shoulder, only stopping his stare when Y/N’s soft hand came to rest on Bucky’s cheek. 
“Hey, Jamie. Look at me. I’m here. Hi. Let’s get outta here, yeah? Go see Ma and Papa— they have homemade bread.” Y/N said, talking him down expertly. His almost black eyes looked at her, and he released a harsh breath from his lungs while the blue-grey of his eyes began to return. 
“Hey, hi there, Honey.” Y/N had cooed. “Let’s go get our jackets and go get Stevie on the way home. There’s soup and bread callin’ your name.”
And with a nod, Bucky let go of Marks collar and spun around to collect his jacket, trudging back into the building with Y/N tight to his side. 
“Yeah, I think Mark peed himself after that,” Gladys commented, giggling at the expense of the office slimeball. 
“He so did! Oh, my God I had totally forgotten that. Has he spoken to you since?” Victoria asked, already beginning to feel the buzz of her whiskey. 
“He apologized the next morning— couldn’t even get a sentence out without looking over his shoulder. I think he was half expecting Bucky to jump out from behind a potted plant and stab him in the throat with a knife or somethin’.” Y/N submitted to the girls prodding and storytelling. Maybe it was the wine— maybe it was something else. Y/N figured that she hadn’t ever seen Bucky that angry before, and maybe a little part of her wished she had seen him in his full, raging glory. 
“Okay, okay. What about that time that he spent three bucks trying to get you that stuffed bear at Coney Island on July 4th?” Doris asked, her tough exterior beginning to melt away to reveal an eager (albeit nosey) young lady.
“Oh, the one with the red cape and blue suit and silver stars on its fur? Hold on.” Y/N asked, getting up and retreating briefly, only to return with the same bear tucked under her arm. She had slept with it every night since and had become almost dependant on it to get through the night without waking up. It was stupid, she knew, but the sentiment was sweet. 
“Oh, my God.” Gladys squealed, watching at Y/N curled up in her chair and tucked the bear behind her curled up legs. “You still have him?”
“Why would I throw out Captain America?” Y/N scoffed playfully, puffing up the little white tuft of white hair on the top of his hair. The girls giggled in response. “I tried for three years to win this guy— I’m pretty sure the only reason James could get him was because the poor carnie felt bad he was spending so much money.”
“And what’s up with that? He won that in 1936, right? That was before the Depression ended!” Dorris commented with wide eyes and a slur to her speech. 
“Bucky’s always been like that— he doesn’t seem to be able to get the concept that money is limited. He thinks that price isn’t a figure when it comes to happiness.” Y/N said fondly, taking a sip of her drink. The taste of the wine made her tongue curl in her mouth— she hated the taste of alcohol, but as long as it did its job, it was worth it. 
“I bet you the carnie was disappointed James didn’t even get a kiss at the end of it— probably the main reason why he let him have it in the first place.” Dot commented, knowing that the last comment would get a rise out of one of her best friends. That, and the use of Bucky’s real name. Y/N was particularly short of patience when it came to anyone calling Bucky James unless it was her, Steve or Bucky’s own family. 
“His name is Bucky, and why would I kiss him.” Y/N snapped, much to the girls delight. 
“He spent a whole two bucks on you at Coney Island at a stupid carnie game just to see you smile! Don’t you see it?!” Dorris all but yelled, sloshing booze onto Y/N’s already damaged hardwood floors. “Bucky’s been bitten by the loooove bug.”
“You guys are just being dramatic.” Y/N said quietly, busying herself with another drink of wine. 
“And you're not too innocent here either, Y/L/N,” Victoria said, raising her glass to point it accusingly at her friend. 
“Excuse me?” Y/N spluttered, barely even swallowing her drink. 
“Yeah, you constantly touching him in some way? You can’t go one day without playing with his damn suspenders. Jeez, you were practically leaning against him at lunch earlier today! Anyone with two eyes —maybe even one— would have been able to see how bad you have it for each other.” She continued. The rest of the party hummed in agreement, some even raising their drinks in solidarity. 
“Yeah, and you don’t see it, but he turns bright red every time you do touch him.” Dot smiled kindly. Y/N sat up a little straighter, some part of herself preening under the new piece of information. 
“…..He does?” Y/N asked, trying to pass the question off a coy and subtle, but getting a rise of shrieks and squawks in reply. 
“He so does—“ Dot chirps excitedly. “God, he looks at you like you hung the damn moon and sun. Steve took care of the stars in his eyes, but you? You’re responsible for the moon and sun and the waves and the reason the Earth itself spins— he revolves around you. It’s real sweet, honestly.”
There was a period of bated silence before Y/N spoke again, finally playing into the hands of her best friends. “Okay… so what do I do?” 
“Okay! Okay. So, have you guys kissed?” Dorris asked. 
“I mean, once or twice— on the cheek, stop squealing- Ms. Humphrey is gonna have my head.” Y/N hissed over the women’s commotion. 
“Holy shit okay. So, Ernie asked me to do this thing to him the other day— his construction buddies were talkin’ about it, but I never heard of it before, but it had him a mewling fuckin’ mess under me. It was amazing.” Dorris said, bringing a sudden anticipatory silence over the room. 
“Holy shit— you had Ernie weak? Jesus, he hasn’t been weak since he as a babe.” Victoria gasped. It was true— a well-known piece of information that Ernie was a glorious man— six and a half feet of nothing but muscle and hair. He was the same age as the women, but the way he carried himself and looked made him seem like he was a well-seasoned man. 
“I know, it was amazing.” Dorris half-moaned. 
“What’d you do?” Victoria asked. All the girls were eagerly waiting with bated breath on the edge of their seats. Y/N had turned bright red with excitement at the key to making a strong man moan— the idea of Bucky moaning under her actions was almost too good to be true. 
“Well, I got on my knees in front of him, and he got real hard and you know… I like, kissed him there and stuff.” Dorris fumbled, suddenly shy. Her vulgar personality suddenly replaced by a shy little virgin of a woman.
“You put his goods in your mouth? You nasty bitch!” Y/N gasped. She had never gone very far with a man— nothing more than a few kisses here and there— and at the age of twenty-one, still being a virgin was something that still gave her anxiety. Her mom had told her it was okay because Y/N had told her she was waiting for the right moment (unbeknownst to Y/N, her mother also knew of Bucky and Y/N’s stupidity). 
“Well, it had him havin’ a crisis in about three minutes— and you all know how long we can go for.” Dorris grinned, watching over the rim of her tumbler at the girls jaws on the floor. 
“Wow… I-- what’d it taste like?” Y/N said, hushed. It felt as if God would strike her down for her curiosity, but the idea of sucking a man off was all but unheard of. It was something that women making lives on street corners did— it was never something that upstanding citizens did. ‘But,’ Y/N thought, ‘they make good money for a reason.’
“Wanna be ready for one Mr. Barnes, huh?” Dot smirked. Y/N was surprised to see a blush coating her own cheeks because Dorothy never blushed. Y/N knew that she was thinking about how Bucky would taste, and a monster of jealousy threatened to wake in her stomach. Y/N knew, however, that Dot was fully for Bucky and Y/N getting over themselves, and would do no such thing to disrupt that. She had heard from both ends how far they had gone together (Dot had lost her virginity to Bucky— who, apparently was very gentle with her). Y/N tried not to blush at the information she had repressed. 
“Oh, shut your mouth.” Y/N groaned, eliciting a chorus of giggles and ‘awes’. The girls were also aware of how innocent Y/N was, and when Dot (the last to know) found out, she gaped at Y/N. ‘So you and, you know, haven’t?’ She had asked.
“Well, okay.” Dorris was bright red now and her nose was scrunched up in discomfort and thought. “It tasted salty? I guess? And a little musky? But it also just tasted like him— like his essence or somethin’.”
There was a period of silence before Gladys spoke up. 
“… His essence is salty?” And the girls crowed loudly with laughter. 
“No! God, you’re so annoying— I don’t know how to explain it!” Dorris laughed into her hands. The girls' laughter was brought to a violent stop as someone angrily knocked on the door.
“LADIES! Bed.” The landlady, Mildred Humphrey crowed through the door. She had ignored the several noise complaints that were brought to her, as she had a particularly soft spot for Y/N Y/L/N and her family— they had done so much for this boardinghouse and even participating in local charities which gave aid to women in need. But, rules were rules and it was eleven o'clock.
“Yes, Ms. Humphrey.” The women chorused, covering their mouths to stop any more loud laughter from keeping the tenants of the boardinghouse awake. 
“Goodnight, ladies.” Humphrey’s voice had easily lost its edge, and Y/N smiled in the direction of the door, not realizing that the landlady wouldn’t see it. It’s only another hour before the women begin to wind down under blankets and influence, and once Y/N had made sure all of her guests were comfortable, took Captain America to her room and fell asleep thinking (unabashedly) about the way Bucky Barnes may or may not taste. 
Bucky Barnes needed flowers. He needed someone to buy him flowers because frankly, his week had been god awful. Firstly, his Major had been on his ass about being late to work after lunch on Friday and had been assigned double physical training. Secondly, his Ma and Pa had been tense— the rising conditions of the war had them worried sick about him, knowing that if the president deemed it so, he could very well be sent overseas. So, thanks to some stupid little man with an even stupider mustache, his home life had been suffocating. 
And thirdly (most importantly, in his opinion) Y/N had been distant on all levels. She had canceled lunch on both Tuesday and Friday and said no to his request to go dancing later that night. He and Steve went to lunch both days, nevertheless, but they had been grossly unpleasant— Steve was on his ass, hounding Bucky and asking what he had done to piss her off. Between his interrogation, Steve was wracked with coughs that had him on the verge of vomiting— it was funny, Bucky though, because the only thing that stopped Steve from actually fighting God himself was his constant state of sick. 
“Seriously, James.” Steve groaned, looking grumpily at the empty chair where Y/N usually sat— beside him, and across from Bucky. “What the fuck did you do?” 
“I— I don’t know, okay? I walked her back to work last week, and we talked and stuff and she took my fag like she always does and then— oh, God.” Bucky groaned, leaning forward so much that his head thunked on the metal table. 
“What.” Steve moaned pitifully. God, if Y/N was pissed at Bucky, by proxy she would be pissed with him and an angry Y/N was never something that anyone wanted. 
“Dot teased us— said it was about time that we got together.” Bucky was sure Y/N didn’t like him now— not in that way anyway, and he truly didn’t know why the idea of her not liking him that way made him feel full of rocks. Steve blinked slowly at Bucky and felt it was appropriate in this moment in time to take the rolled up newspaper on the table and smack him over the head with it. The people sitting around them looked and furrowed their brows. Even the waitresses seemed concerned because as loud as they were, the three customers had become a great source of entertainment and happiness on their bi-weekly lunch dates. Now, the pretty dame was missing and the tiny, angry blonde was smacking the other boy with a newspaper— something was wrong.
“You’re so stupid, James Buchanan,” Steve grumbled, rising to his feet, tucking the paper under his armpit and coughing into his elbow. Bucky watched as his friend appeared to be leaving him, and quickly tried to defend himself. 
“It wasn’t me, Steve! I did nothing! It was Dot who said somethin’!” Bucky almost cried, trying to keep Steve with him— they had only been here for half an hour, and Steve wasn’t due for his doctor's appointment for another hour. 
“Exactly.” Steve hissed, and for the first time, Bucky held his breath in fear when Steve leaned in close. “You did nothing. Figure this shit out, Buck. I shouldn’t have to spell it out for you.” And with that, Steve Rogers left Bucky Barnes at the cafe, alone and confused. 
At least the waitress pitied him enough to give him his meal for free and send him on his way with another free cheese danish. 
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thirium-fiction · 6 years
I need The DPD gang reacting to their S/O bringing a puppy in the office with 'This cutie was so lonely! I couldn't just leave it outside!!!!'
A/N: Sorry for the mini spam! These are just really fun to make but I know I need to pace myself. I headcanon Captain Allen as a dog lover like Connor who loves the “tough” dogs like German Shepards, Dobermanns, Pit Bulls, etc. Also, I need to learn to make these a bit shorter but idk how oOF
Connor - The minute he heard your voice, the RK800 whipped his head in your direction only to be met with the adorable face of a young dog.  
As if on cue, Connor’s eyes immediately widened, his jaw slacking at the panting pooch. He watched in awe as it harnessed all the strength it could before letting out a pitiful bark. But despite its weak attempt, the sound still managed to make the android grin in amazement at the creature.  
Blinking up innocently at your eyes briefly, the small dog was gently placed into his hands causing him to hold it under the tiny arms, its legs hanging in the air. Connor looked it up and down curiously, seeing the tail on its behind wag so violently that it could’ve fallen off any moment. He observed as the animal started to stick its tongue out towards the synthetic skin on the tip of his nose, successfully covering it in light slobber. His mouth molded itself into the shape of an ‘o’ at the action before looking back up to you, his brown eyes shining.
“I have absolutely no objections to the possibility of keeping it as my own.”
“As our own, Connor.”
“Ah, yes.”
Hank - He was half-asleep in his seat before he heard the sounds of sniffing right next to his eardrum. Hank grunted at the feeling, scratching his ear with his shoulder as he glanced over at you. Once he landed on the puppy in your arms, he gave you a look, brow raised. “We already have Sumo.” He said, looking back down to the dog that was held out to him. “We don’t need another little demon runnin’ around.” Hank watched as your shoulders slumped in disappointment before you decided that begging was going to be your next option.
“Please?” You whined, holding the ball of fluff a little higher. “Sumo is home alone all the time! He needs a friend!” You grinned as the puppy yapped in agreement after you finished. “See? Even this little guy agrees with me!”
The old man paused for a moment, watching how your eyes lit up at the option of keeping the damn thing. His hand went up to rub his beard, squinting in thought. Finally, he sighed, reluctantly nodding his head. You were about to scream in joy but Hank stopped you before you could. “Only, if you do all the responsible shit that comes with having a dog.” He warned, moving to scratch under the chin of the puppy.  
“And I guess it isn’t that bad looking of a pooch either.”
Gavin - Of course, the man assumed you were talking about him at first, not even noticing the animal in your hands yet.  
With a devilish smirk, he spun around to you, ready to use his charm once more. “Cutie, huh? I didn’t think that- AGH! (Y/N)! Get that fuckin’ thing away from me!” He screamed, his voice reaching an octave higher in fright as some of the coffee in his hand spilled onto the floor. “Fuck!” He hissed, wiping some of the hot liquid off his sleeve as he glared at the canine.
“Gavin! Don’t be rude!” You gasped, covering the ears of the puppy despite it not even knowing the human language.  
Now, everyone knew that Gavin was not a dog person but rather a cat person. He was the complete opposite of Connor. He always made sure that no one would forget just how much he preferred the felines from his many pictures to his lockscreen on his phone.  
“Don’t be rude?” He sneered, backing away from the pup. “That mutt is fucking devil’s spawn! Have you even seen how dogs act?”
Ignoring his protests, you strolled up to the man, the puppy in hand. You brought your index and middle fingers up to walk along the chest of the cat lover. “Please?” You fluttered your eyelashes as innocently as you could. “I’ll do anything.” You whispered into his ear, your hot breath against his skin making him shudder.
Gavin gulped, glancing between you and the dog nervously.  
“I-I think arrangements could be made.”
RK900 - You knew this was going to be a difficult situation from the beginning. Conner wasn’t exactly a dog person. Well, he wasn’t exactly an anything person. It took weeks for him to warm up to you and even longer for him to even hold your hand just once (in private). But, a dog? This was not going to go well at all.
Icy blue eyes stared down at the shivering puppy in your grasp, most likely scanning everything he could about the innocent animal. Slowly, the android’s hands folded behind his back, his tall stature looming over you before raising an eyebrow, silently asking you what the meaning of this was.
“Uh-” You hesitated, feeling the nervous sweat on the back of your neck from his menacing stare. “I found it abandoned outside and I thought, ‘Y-You look like you need a h-home!’” You nervously laughed as you shrunk in your spot in front of Conner.  
Without responding, the android held his hands out to you, nodding his head down at the puppy. The canine was slowly placed in his grasp before he held it up to face level, his judgmental eyes scanning over it yet again. Conner’s gaze fell upon your hopeful face, seeing you bite your thumbnail in anticipation.
“Its health seems to be adequate and the breed could be beneficial for investigations.” He stated bluntly making your eyes widen. “I will see if the DPD will take it in when it comes of age, but in the meantime,” He paused, watching you grin. “-we shall make sure it stays in good shape.”
Placing the dog back in your hands, he moved passed you and the animal, noting how you jumped up and down in excitement.
“…For now.”
Captain Allen – The senior member of the DPD SWAT team instantly froze as he watched a German Shepard puppy run across his paperwork, playing around on his desk. His eyebrows furrowed before gently placing the pen in his hand down onto the table. Swiveling the chair to look at you dead on, he pointed to the animal causing a ruckus in his workspace. “Care to explain?”
Anxiously wringing your hands, you glanced around the room afraid to meet his eyes. In one breath, you told him how you found the little dog all alone in an alleyway on the way to work and you just couldn’t leave it on its own because it would freeze to death in this horrible winter weather.  
“Plus, it’s a German Shepard and I know how much you love ‘em! It’s practically destiny!” You squeaked out, rubbing the back of your neck.
Sighing, Allen shook his head, looking at you sadly. “(Y/N), you know I have so much work and I can’t-”
“I know! But, I’ll make sure to take care of it while you’re away. I’ll be a responsible parent!”
The captain practically choked at the word ‘parent’. Did you have to put it that way? Running a hand through his slicked back dark hair, he glanced back over at the puppy that was gnawing on his stray pencils before throwing his hands up in defeat. “Fine! But, if it pisses on the couch, it’s going to the pound.”
Allen made a low hum as you gave him a kiss on the cheek, thanking him before running off with the dog. He already knew that he didn’t have the heart to get rid of a puppy like that.
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detginski · 6 years
Space Noodle
Gavin Reed x Reader
Summary : Undercover mission, got injured and noodles with ya boy, Gavin.
a/n : its super crappy writing. just want to post this out bcs i have zero content in my brain and on this blog
How long as it been since you lay down on your own bed instead of crashing on the musty damp smelling couch that was at your now undercover temporary house. God the case Fowler assigned to you took longer to solve than you thought it would. It was the human and android trafficking case. You’ve been undercover too long for your taste. Trying to get mushy with the ringleader, gaining their trust and making them think that you were one of them was tough. You had to pretend to be interested on the ringleader’s son to gain their full trust. You can say the entire 5 months you were undercover and being with the family, was the worse you had.
Finally you were invited to the family’s event and that’s when the swat team close onto them and close the case for good.  
You really miss your boyfriend and your bed. You miss your boyfriend in your bed. Really, the only thing that kept you going was your boyfriend. And his sweater is losing his scent. Finally after 5 months of pretentious rich assholes, you can see your asshole boyfriend again.
For the entire raid, you pretended to be shocked and all, but the son you had mushied with, dragged you with him. You reluctantly let him drag you until one of the officers cornered both of you. It was a moment of blur when you were pulled to the front by the son, using you as a shield. The officer shot you on the shoulder and stomach. Pussy, you thought before collapsing to the ground. The officer arrested the man and, is that Captain Allen’s voice? You look up to Captain Allen with a medic, “That’s our undercover officer you just shot!” You weakly grin and nod slightly, “Sup’” before passing out.
Gavin Reed had the worse 5 months of his life. Since you were asked to do an undercover case for 5 fuckin months, he revert to his basic instinct, being an asshole to anything that moves. Gavin snapped at whatever Connor is doing even when he was just passing by his desk. He even snapped at Nines but stopped after the first month as Nines could only tolerate so much of his bullshit. He tried to gain information on what and how you are doing but all he ever get to hear about you is when Fowler briefed about your case for a few minutes before moving on. That is only about the case, not about your well being.
It frustrates him how much he misses you. 5 months is too long for a man like him. He hasn’t slept well in a while and threw himself into cases after cases. Gavin was working on a paperwork with Nines constantly rolling his eyes at Gavin’s constant sighing. As Gavin got up for another cup of coffee, Fowler called everyone into the briefing room for a short meeting.
“The mission Detective (L/N) on was a success. But they were injured on the mission. Shot by one of the team members.” Gavin was already halfway up from his seat but was stopped by Nines and Fowler’s voice. “But they are stable and will be back to work today. Detective Reed, I suggest you not to do anything rash. Dismissed.” All the detectives cheered for you but Hank, Connor, Gavin and Nines waited behind in the briefing room. Hank frowns slightly at the last briefing, “Fuckin (Y/N) got shot. What the hell. They’re the best among all of us for fuck’s sake.” “The officer who shot them must’ve mistook them as one of the traffickers.” Connor tries diffuse the tense atmosphere that suddenly graced the room. Gavin who had been silent the entire time, slammed his fist against the table, “Stupid swat team! I fuckin swear i will find that motherfucker who shot (Y/N)!” Nines kept Gavin from getting up, “Detectives, I suggest both of you to calm down. (Y/N) is alive and well as per Captain Fowler had said. Please stop this childish act.” Gavin is far too tired and too sleep deprived to start a banter with Nines. Hank walked out of the briefing room with Connor in tow and Gavin took awhile to get up from his seat and resume his paperwork with a heavy heart. Nines let out an inaudible sigh and prayed to anything that you’re back soon.
Finally, out of sanitized smelling hospital to earthy smokey street smell of Detroit. You had your left arm in a sling due to your shoulder injury and your abdomen covered in bandages. You’ll live. Except for the earful you’ll get from you boyfriend once he sees you. Smiling and suddenly feeling extra happy that you’re finally seeing him again after so long.
You walked into the always loud and busy precinct, “Sup Detective Chen. Miss me?” you smiled at the woman who’s currently talking to a cop and looked up at you. “Dear god if it isn’t the asshole tamer. Missed you, stupid!” She say and punched you lightly on your good shoulder. “I thought you’re supposed to be discharged tomorrow?” “Nah, doctor said I’m good to go” “Doctor said or you said?” You both chuckled at that. “You should go to the bullpen asap. Your idiots are worried about you.” “Thanks for the info, Chen. See ya around.” She smiled and nodded at you, continuing the conversation she had with the cop.
Smiling and nodding at everyone who greeted you, you finally reached your office floor and slowly step out of the elevator. God you missed the smell of the bullpen. Roasted coffee with a tinge of some air freshener that you couldn’t name. Jason was the first to notice you. “Look who’s back. Sup (Y/N). Missed me?” “No” you blatantly answered him before laughing. “Of course I do, stupid. Where’s my idiot?” “Being babysit by Nines as per usual” He shrugs and puts on his coat, “Duty calls. Catch up with you later kay?” You gave him a wink and finger guns.
Connor was the second one to realize you’re back. “Hello (Y/N)! Let me assess your injuries.” He held you still while his LED is turning yellow and blue. “Thank god no fatal injuries. How are you doing?” He asks with an attempt at a smile, “Great job at the smile. The undercover job is a bore. God. Once I was in a room full of dudes name Stu. Yes, all of them are called Stu. I had to keep up on which Stu is which.” You both laughed at that. “Well, Hank is at the toilet at the moment but I’m pretty sure there’s someone you should see first. Just so you know, he really misses you. Like really misses you. The first few months was a pain. He keeps on snapping at whatever I’m doing. He even went as far as snapping at Nines but stopped because, you know how Nines is.” You chuckled slightly and Gavin on his desk, whose back was towards you.
“I guess I gotta go and say hi now before he destroys his computer.” You say while keeping an eye on the silhouette that you missed so much. Connor nodded and went about his business.
Slowly and softly, you approached Gavin. You smiled at Nines, whose expression says ‘Finally you’re here. Calm the fucker down will you’ Nines frowned a little at the arm sling. His calculative gaze is enough to promise you a full long hour of being a competent detective and not injure yourself on the job. You rolled your eyes slightly at the android and smiled. God how you missed them. Softly and carefully, you wrapped your good arm around Gavin’s shoulder and kissed his cheek, “Guess who’s back grumpy!”
Gavin, who was super focused on finishing his paperwork on his latest arrest, felt an arm coiling around his shoulder and peck on his cheek. His sleep deprived brain automatically grip on the arm and before he threw you off, he had to load for a second before realizing who it was. He turn his head slightly to kiss you fully on the lips. “Missed you, little shit.” Then frowned when he releases you from his grip. “Aren’t you supposed to be at th-” You kissed him again before he says anything. You whisper against his lips, "Can we do this later? I missed you"
Gavin sighed and smiled weakly, “Thank god you’re alright. I swear I will find the motherfucker who did this to you and-” You smacked him in his chest and gave him your best glare, “No Gavin. He’s under suspension for shooting an officer. God calm down, babe!” you laughed at him worrying about you, “God I missed this. I missed you. How are you holding up? You look like shit.” You said releasing him from the choke hold and gingerly sat on his desk. Gavin placed his head on your thigh, “I haven’t slept all night, I’m vibrating slightly but constantly, and I’m pretty sure I just tasted god. How are you doing?” You smiled and ran your fingers through his hair and massages his scalp, earning a groan from the man. “God I fucking miss you so much.”
Both of you talked about your time undercover to his cases to you complaining about him not taking care of himself. But you were interrupted by Fowler, who frowned first at your appearance at the precinct and cleared his throat, signalling for the both of you to get back to work. “Dinner-” “Dinner at Space Ape.” Gavin interrupted you and both of you shared a smile. Space Ape was the diner you both had your first date at. It became your favorite because they make the best noodle you’ve eaten in Detroit.
You let out a yawn and stretched a bit before getting up to pack your things. Halfway through packing, a pair of arms snaking through your waist circled around you. You smiled and lean back into your boyfriend’s wellbuilt chest. Gavin smothered his face with your hair, “I missed this, I missed you. God you have no idea how long I’ve dreamed of this.” “I know, 5 months.” “Shut up, dipshit.” You both laugh and went to grab your dinner together.
The thing you really missed about being in the car with Gavin was when Gavin drive, he subconsciously puts his hand on your thigh while he drove. You put your hand on his, “Babe.” he hums back at you, “I love you.” The hand on your thigh squeezes slightly and his hand turns to hold yours in his. Pulling your hand to his lips and places a soft kiss on it. “I love you.” Gavin smiled against your hand and rubbed your hands against his unshaven beard. “Good fuck Gavin! Stop that!” Both of you laughed as you struggled to get your hand back.
Both of you arrived and immediately got to the seat that you had on your first date. Ordering both of your favorite classic noodle, Gavin put elbow on the table and places his chin on his hand. Tilting his head slightly as he watches you talk to the waitress. He smiled when you noticed his blatant stare. “Hi babe.” He said in a low voice. He puts his hand out and you put your hand on his. Smiling back at him, “Hi love.”
You talked about anything and everything. Gavin finally had a good laugh after 5months of your absence. Your boyfriend’s cologne, the smell of the dingy diner, the dimly lit diner light and the street lights that shines in from the diner window that makes your boyfriend looks extremely beautiful, the empty bowls of noodles, the tasteless green tea you both adore so much, the soft music coming from the jukebox and your boyfriend, who looks at you like you own the world. You’re finally back home.
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concussed-to-pieces · 7 years
For The Pack; Part Two
Fandom: WWE
Pairing: Baron Corbin/Roman Reigns/Female Reader
Rating: Holy shit M.
AN: Who's thirsty?! I've missed you guys! Tagging @toxiicpop, @oraclegazes, KING CAPTAIN @hardcorewwetrash and the leading authority on A/B/O, @writergrrrl29. Enjoy!
Part One
!WARNING!: This is of the Alpha/Beta/Omega variety, and involves knotting.
The hardest part was telling your parents.
You usually ended up staying with your folks over the summer to save money, unmated as you had been. When you called to tell them that you wouldn’t be returning to your old room, it was like a bomb went off.
“And why not?!” Your father’s Alpha voice boomed over the phone, making you grimace. Baron looked up from his laptop, a snarl jerking at his lip. Roman glanced at him, seeming a little startled at his sudden reaction.
“I’m staying with my mates, Dad. I’m…I’m mated now.” You confessed. “I don’t want to leave.”
“Mated? You…since when? Did you present? When the hell did this happen?”
“That’s none of his fucking business.” Baron grunted under his breath, quiet enough that the phone didn’t pick it up. Roman nodded in agreement.
“Can I talk with Mom, please?” You asked over your father’s sputtering, pinching the bridge of your nose. “Put Mom on the line.”
“Hey, I’m the Alpha in this household! I-! Yes it’s them, w…honey I was…fine. Here’s your mother.”
“How’s my favorite pumpkin doing?”
“Hi Mom.” You felt relief wash over you. Normally if your parents scrapped you got caught in the middle, but your mother sounded like she was in a good mood. “I’m doing pretty well. Just wanted to let you guys know I won’t be staying at home this summer.”
“Did it finally happen?” Your mother asked excitedly.
“Yeah, I um…” Omega tangled up in your throat, turning your reply into an awkward mumble of, “I’m a…I’m a Beta.” You didn’t mean to lie, it just kind of…happened. Both Roman and Baron looked up at that, Baron’s frown deepening while Roman just appeared confused. But your parents would never accept an Omega child! They were both Alphas. It would be too flimsy of a lie to claim to be an Alpha as well. A Beta would squeeze by. Maybe.
Your mother sounded ready to burst. “Oh pumpkin, what good news! I had a feeling you know, your cousin was just the same. Both parents Alpha but they produced that tough little Beta. I’m sure it’s a massive weight off your shoulders to not have to worry about that anymore, especially since you’re a Beta. Best of both worlds, no Alpha responsibilities and none of that...heat business. You met your mate at school? Tell me all about him!”
Your head was spinning and you sat down, pressing a hand to your aching forehead as you did your best to humor your nosy, well-meaning mother. She made a noise of disbelief when you revealed that you had not one, but two mates, both Alphas. Your father popped in and out of the conversation via speakerphone, inserting an invitation to a weekend stay between your mother’s flustered gushing and your own quiet answers.
“Are they there, can I talk to them?” She finally asked.
You tensed up. “Uh, n-no they had…football stuff. To do. Practice. You know, sports things.” Baron growled, narrowing his eyes as you made a pleading be quiet gesture. “They have to perform well to keep scholarships and stuff, it's all very official. Look, I have to run, Mom. I'm going to be late for a...study hall. I'll talk to you soon, okay? I love you.” You hung up the phone and dropped your head into your hands, groaning loudly. “They want us to come stay for the weekend. They want to meet you guys.” You muttered through your fingers.
Roman raised an eyebrow. “They think we’re up to no good or something? You’re acting like this is a death sentence.”
“I panicked.” You wiped at your eyes. “I don’t want you guys to think I’m ashamed of either of you or what I am. But I…look, Omegas have a reputation, I’m not stupid. I know how my parents will react if they know I’m an Omega.”
“How will they react?” Baron’s voice had dipped into a deadly serious tone.
“I know they won't react well, that's for sure. They might disown me, they might try to keep me locked up or something to save family face. I grew up on stories of Omegas like everyone else. I know I’m a menace, possibly a homewrecker. I’m supposed to be a flirt, I’m supposed to be able to lure guys like you two into my bed so you can knock me up and I can make more Alpha babies and then make problems when your actual mates show up. I know what I’m supposed to do, okay?” You snapped, hating yourself for doing so.
“Hey, hey.” Roman tugged you in between he and Baron, snuffling over your hair. “Shh, it’s okay. It’s okay.”
Baron offered no comforting words, just wrapped his arm around your shoulders and hugged you tightly to his side. He rubbed his jaw against your cheek, scent marking you. You nuzzled into his neck and Roman sighed heavily, resting his forehead on your shoulder.
“It’s just more bullshit Alpha crap.” Baron said quietly. “My parents were into it too. Parading my huge ass in front of relatives like I was the cream of the crop. Shit, they tried every trick in the book to get me to present.”
“I presented when I was six, man. I’ve got nothing.” Roman grimaced. “Did they dose you up?”
“Oh hell, the herb mixture? Yeah, fuck that shit. Was like fuckin’ quinine, awful.” Baron made a disgusted face. “First the herbs. Then doctors visits, charms. I had the fuckin’ circles, candles, talismans, you name it, they tried it. They wanted to label me so bad, you have no idea.” Baron fell silent again, staring at the floor and rubbing your shoulder.
“We have to go.” Roman said after another minute. “If we don’t, your parents will think you’re lying about everything, not just the Beta thing. You can’t afford for that to happen. So we’ll go, right Corbin?”
“Yeah, we’ll go.” Baron replied, a little more clipped than normal. “We won’t abandon our Omega. Our Omega.” He stressed the word, locking eyes with you.
You mustered up a weak smile. “Thank you. Both of you.”
“Also, 'sports stuff'? We're hurt. At least call it 'drills' or 'scrimmage'. Sheesh.” Roman scolded, getting a half-smirk out of Corbin and a giggle from you.
Your mother met you at the door with a warm hug, smiling fondly. “And how is my favorite only child?”
“I’m fine Mom, it’s good to see you. I’d like to introduce my mates, Baron and Roman.”
“Such handsome men! Good thing you’re a Beta, how else would you keep up?” Your mother winked and you flushed with shame. “I’m the mom around here. It’s so nice to meet you! You’ll have to forgive them for being such a late bloomer. Their father and I did everything we could to speed the process but…these things take time.”
You could feel Baron straighten up behind you, the larger Alpha all but smothering you with his closeness. Roman, on the other hand, seemed totally at ease, accepting your mother’s hug quickly. “We were okay with it. Things could have gotten dicey if we hadn’t both been there at the time of the imprint.” Roman pointed out. “I mean, last semester Baron and I were in opposite dorms. I’d say everything worked out just fine.”
“Hello boys.” Your father put his hands on your mother's shoulders, easing her to the side. “Would you like to come in? You'll have to forgive her, she's a little excitable for an Alpha.”
“Oh I'm sorry, is this not our only child coming home with their mates? I guess I'll just go sit in the living room and do some cross stitch and not be invested in my child's life.” Your mother snapped. You cringed while your parents glared daggers at one another.
Roman squeezed your hand as if to say it's alright.
Oddly, Baron was the one to break the uncomfortable stare down by stepping forward and extending a hand to your father. “Baron Corbin, sir. Number sixty-eight, offensive lineman, Golden Gloves boxing champion. Various other accolades in my high school career. I have Alpha documentation that my family can present, should the need arise.” His tone was positively icy. “It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
Your father appeared to have been suddenly struck dumb, shaking Baron's hand quickly. Which was just as well, because you were too. Your mother tittered, seeming a little confused. You'd never witnessed anyone shutting down your parents with such obvious intent.
Roman cleared his throat. “Um, Roman Reigns. Number ninety-six, defensive tackle. My parents can also provide documentation, if uh, if you guys want it.” He grimaced. “We have an imprint witness, if you need that too.”
“No no, sweetheart please. We just got a little carried away, I promise we aren't one of those families!” Your mother protested, ushering everyone inside. “Documentation isn't necessary, we're just happy they have a mate, two mates even!”
Dinner was monumentally awkward, your father almost dead silent as your mother chit-chatted with Roman and Baron and you picked at your food. How on earth were you supposed to survive this weekend?!
Your mother finally asked for your father's help in making her trifle for dessert, excusing the two of them to the kitchen.
“You okay?” Roman muttered over your head to Baron. “You got real formal earlier, man. Remember, we're supposed to be making this easier for them.”
“I know.” Baron slid his hand up your back beneath your shirt, rubbing in small circles here and there. You had relaxed at his touch, but suddenly he unhooked your bra, making you freeze. He then leaned in and whispered, “You are our Omega. We don’t want you to be ashamed of that.”
“I’m not, what the heck are you doing?” You hissed, glancing at the kitchen doorway. Your parents would be back any second, was Baron crazy?! He dragged his fingers up your stomach and then slipped them into your bra, making you suck in a breath. He toyed with your nipple for an agonizing minute, running slow circles over it with his index finger and smirking as it peaked.
Roman was apparently in on the plan as well, his own hand under the table to shove up your skirt and play with the waistband of your panties. You covered your mouth to stifle your whimper of don't stop, torn between fearing your father’s repercussions and wanting your Alphas hands on your body. “Omega, only you could love enough for the both of us. Only you could be this hungry just from us touching you.” Roman murmured, “Our Omega. No Beta could handle us.”
Not crazy, you realized, they didn’t like that I lied.
“Cutie, do you want to know what we’re going to do to you this weekend?” Baron asked softly. “We’re going to show you exactly why a Beta wouldn’t be good for us, why we need you. Understood?”
“Starting right now, with your parents in the other room.” Roman added, two fingers tugging down your panties and pressing into your body swiftly. You gasped, grabbing the edge of the table. “Gonna’ take care of our needy Omega like good Alphas should.” He whispered.
Both Roman and Baron resumed eating their dinner as your parents footsteps drew near, Baron’s hand pulling your thigh against his own while Roman’s fingers curled inside you. You squirmed in your seat and Baron’s grip tightened. He traced 'OK?' into your thigh, raising an eyebrow when you nodded furiously. He then proceeded to place the heel of his sneaker against the inside of your ankle, pinning your leg. Roman mirrored the motion on your other leg, leaving you spread wide open beneath the table.
For all intents and purposes Roman looked totally focused on his food. The only real indicator that he was up to something was the little satisfied noises that he kept making into his meal. If you hadn't been so wound you probably would have gotten the giggles. As such you had to keep your tight hold on the table, biting your lip to stay silent while your slick pooled around his fingers. He was teasing, just gently pulsing and shifting his fingers inside you, the heel of his palm rocking back and forth over your clit.
Baron had engaged your mother in a conversation about her trifle recipe, your father piggybacking into the talk in a transparent (and no doubt in vain) effort to impress Baron. You bucked your hips under the table and you felt the solid curve of muscle in Baron's calf twitch nervously against your leg. Roman dug his fingers in, stroking firmly up towards your stomach while you tilted your pelvis, slouching a little in your chair. You could barely bring yourself to care, slipping a hand down to cover Roman's so you could grind against his palm fiercely. You heard his breath catch in his throat and a surge of warmth flooded your body, sending familiar tingles down your legs as you tried not to shudder visibly.
Roman carefully slid his hand free once you had relaxed, bumping his jaw against your cheek in an affectionate gesture. He then pushed some of the trifle onto his spoon with his thumb, licking his fingers innocently.
You were more than shocked at the fact that he'd been able to get you off, essentially silently, with your parents right across the table. Roman had never struck you as a particularly subtle individual, always the louder of your two Alphas. You chanced a sideways look at Baron, noting the smug little smile he wore. Oh, they had put some thought into this, Baron running interference while Roman did what he would.
“Pumpkin, are you feeling okay? You're all flushed.” Your mother asked worriedly.
You nodded, straightening up and pressing a hand to your own cheek. “I'm fine, just a little tired from the trip is all. Sorry I'm not much for conversation.” You apologized.
Baron took your hand and kissed your knuckles, his smile softening. “Should we hit the hay earlier tonight? I know you wanted to show us the neighborhood tomorrow morning for our run.”
“Oh, you all run together? That's so sweet!” Your mother seemed perfectly content to embrace whatever came out of Baron's mouth. He must have asked her in-depth questions about her recipe, that sly, overgrown punk.
“It's a community sort of exercise, served us pretty well overall.” Roman shrugged. “Morning or night, doesn't matter as long as you're pounding the pavement with your pack, right?”
“Very true.” Your father agreed. “Almost forgot you were over there, big fella'. Baron's been dominating the conversation.”
“Hey, somebody's got to.” Baron shot back defensively, his smile vanishing. “Plus, I really wanted that recipe. Trying to expand my arsenal for when we have an actual kitchen at our disposal.”
“I'm totally fine with Big Banter doing the talking, great stuff comes out of his mouth once you get him started.” Roman grinned, reaching around you to bump Baron's shoulder with his fist. “And his toaster oven cooking is already leaps and bounds ahead of mine. You ought to try his Gouda panini. Amazing.”
“Reigns is talking it up. I make grilled cheese.” Baron dismissed, making both yourself and Roman huff.
“You make fancy grilled cheese.” You corrected, getting a quick chuckle out of the taller Alpha. “Fancy, delicious, gooey, melt-in-your-mouth grilled cheese.”
“We don't even have a toaster oven, could I do them under the broiler?”
Your father groaned at your mother's question, shoving his chair back from the table and beginning to collect the dirty plates from the table. “Give me a hand clearing the table, will you Roman? I swear to God, some Alphas around here should be Betas.” He grumbled.
To their credit, Baron totally ignored his barb and Roman did hesitate before opening his mouth. For about two seconds. “Look, if Baron keeps me well-fed, I don't care if he's an Alpha, Beta or an Omega. He'd bring nothing less to our relationship. Right, Big Banter?” Roman gave Baron a pointed look. Corbin had a death grip on your hand under the table.
“Yeah.” Baron replied finally, tilting his head a little. “I mean, we'd be thrown together no matter what, I don't think it really makes any sense for me to deny what I'm good at just to fit some preconceived idea of what Alpha is. I'm good at cooking, I like doing it. Just like Roman is good at keeping our space clean, and your kid is good at teaching. That's how we met, you know, they helped us out because we were failing our English class.” Baron started telling the story of Braun to your mother while your father sulkily shuffled the dishes to the kitchen. Roman kissed your cheek, patted Baron’s shoulder and got to his feet to join your father in the other room.
“You must be fucking wiped out.” Roman said worriedly. Baron had curled up on your bed the second you shut the door to your room, abandoning his normally-stoic exterior for the moment. “I know that was way more talking and interaction than we agreed on. I'm sorry, man.”
“It was worth it. I just need to recharge now.” Baron sounded exhausted. Social engagements always left him drained and either needing space or more care than usual. You immediately went to work kneading the knots in his shoulders and neck, feeling the stiffness in his motions. He hummed into the bedspread, relaxing slightly. “Was it worth it for you, cutie?” He mumbled.
You nodded shyly, forgetting that he couldn't see you. “It was definitely unexpected.”
“We figured you could use some reassuring. My parents weren't as bad as Baron's, but they still did some of that goofy, 'Betas and Omegas are inferior' stuff.” Roman looked sad. “We know you're not inherently beneath us, and we're not above you just because you surrender to us. Okay?”
“Okay.” You paused, continuing your motions. “I...Thank you for sticking up for me. Both of you.”
“You're our mate. Your well-being is important to us.” Baron said simply. “I expect you guys to be on your A game when we have to visit my parents. I'm not lying to them about you. Maybe we'll mess with them though, say that Roman is the Omega. He's good-looking, right? Built to ensnare or whatever.”
“I dunno' if I'm Omega levels of good-looking.” Roman smiled, tipping your chin up so he could kiss you. “You, on the other hand. Jesus. That was hot earlier.”
You blushed, looking down at Baron's back. The larger Alpha beneath you nodded as best as he could. “Damn right, that play was well executed. Did you like us working together, cutie?”
“Oh gosh, I...well, yeah. Yes. Absolutely. I...I mean, it's kind of embarrassing to say, but I loved the way you guys put your legs over mine to keep me still.” You confessed, your belly twisting nervously. “I was all open and defenseless but it wasn't...scary? I don't know, really. You two make me feel safe.”
“That's good. That's what we're all here for.” Baron said approvingly. “Making each other feel safe, like everything is okay.”
“Alright, scoot over. I'm tired too.” Roman flopped down on the comforter. He tugged you into his arms, snuggling you for a moment and then releasing you so you could get dressed for bed. “You're so pretty when you're coming apart for us, you know that?”
It was still strange to you how open Roman was sometimes. You smiled, kissing his forehead. “You two are the good-looking ones. You make my job easy.” Some rummaging in your old dresser secured a well-worn pair of pajama shorts and a tank top. You debated on the shirt for a second or two. Usually the more skin contact, the better when it came to Baron and Roman. But you would hate for your parents to accidentally walk in on anything that could upset them.
There's nothing wrong about laying in bed with your mates, your brain protested, shirtless or not! You frowned and pulled the tank top over your head. You drifted off quickly when you laid back down between them, lulled to sleep by the familiar sound of Baron's deep breathing and soon enough, Roman's rumbling snore.
A dream of sensation slowly crept into your sleeping mind. Large hands on you, gently gripping here and there. Fingers stroked your hair and you nuzzled into the touch, making a pleased noise. There was the press of lips on the inside of your right thigh, soft, tender kisses and nips making a trail from your knee upwards. It was Roman, you could tell even in your dream, and then Baron started up on your left thigh. The feeling of his chin strap of facial hair contrasted wildly with Roman's goatee, helping you differentiate even with your eyes closed.
You arched your back lazily, stirring to consciousness under the ministrations of your Alphas.
“I've dreamed about doing this to you.” Roman whispered, “We've dreamed about doing this to you. Will you let us?”
His hair slipped through your fingers, always so hard to keep hold of.
“Cutie, he asked you a question.” Baron's voice thrummed through your body. “We asked you a question.” You cupped his cheek and he laid his head on your thigh, purring in his throat at your touch.
You opened your eyes, met with the sight of your Alphas looking up at you expectantly. You nodded, smiling sleepily at them. “Mmhm.”
“If you're too tired, we can leave you alone.” Roman said softly. “It's just been a long day for us and you. Makes us feel stronger if we can give you something. Together, y'know.”
“Mm, yes please.” Your voice was a drowsy plea, and you watched Roman swallow hard while Baron growled quietly.
“God, you’re so pretty.” Roman murmured, Baron’s fingers hooking into the tops of your pajama shorts and peeling them off as the other Alpha spoke. “Always eager for us, always good to us. How did we get so lucky?”
“We are yours, all fucking yours. Don’t forget that.” Baron lapped at the curve of your hip, nipping the soft area until you squirmed underneath him. “You’re ours to tease and love and mate, and we are all fucking yours, cutie.”
Roman put your right leg over his shoulder, playfully nudging his nose against your folds. Then Baron was spreading you open for him, large fingers slicked already by your dreamy longing. Roman bit his lip, looking up at you for a second before lowering his mouth to you.
You arched your back at the feeling of Roman’s eager tongue on your pussy, Baron’s satisfied snarl loud in your ears. “Oh cutie, fuck. You are literally the best thing I’ve ever seen. Best thing we’ve ever seen. S’ a fucking privilege to be in this fuckin’ bed.” You whimpered when Baron bumped his forehead into Roman’s temple, Roman pausing so Baron could lick over your clit with sharp little lashes of his tongue. Roman dove back in before Baron was done, the sensation of both their mouths tangling in the absolute best way possible. Baron nibbled on your lips while Roman stroked your entrance with his tongue, the two of them devouring you with single-minded purpose. Roman’s hand was firm on your hip, holding you as still as he could manage.
You threw your head back, pressing a fist to your mouth in an effort to keep quiet. You had no idea what time it was, no idea whether your parents were still awake, and the last thing you wanted was them waking up to your Alphas making love to you with their mouths.
Roman was achingly tender, trying to keep eye contact while he sloppily devoured your cunt, trying to watch your face while he ate you out. Baron was obviously attempting to be quiet, his usual growls and grunts of satisfaction half-stifled as he suckled gently at your clit and pressed kisses to the curve of your pubic mound when Roman pushed him out of the way.
There was a breathless pause when you were on the very edge of orgasm, teetering in the sweetest pain you had ever experienced. Roman looked at Baron, and Baron looked at Roman, everything coming to a halt for a second. You weren't sure who leaned in first, all you knew was that suddenly their mouths met with intent and the heat behind their kiss made you whine and jerk your hips up. Roman hummed, grabbing a handful of Baron’s hair to hold him still. “Huh.” He said when they finally parted, staring at Baron. “You...yeah? That's okay?”
Baron nodded slowly, a slow grin spreading across his face. “Hell yeah.”
You knew then that you had found something truly rare in your mates, a trio bond of equal affection. You sat up, propping your body up on your elbows as you begged for a kiss, something to finish you off.
Baron was first, fingers taking over on your pussy so he could give you a taste of yourself. Roman followed suit, thumb circling your clit in white-hot rotations as he nipped at your lower lip, then pressed kisses to Baron’s neck. The larger Alpha accidentally groaned a little louder, flushing in the dim streetlight glow from the window. You barely spared a thought for your parents at the sight of that, reaching out to both men and holding them close. You muffled your cry with the fabric of Roman’s shirt, rocking against them as you came. Roman buried his face in your hair, whispering praise, and Baron nuzzled your cheek, that smile firmly in place.
The two of them lowered you back to the bed, your whole body a quivering mess. Roman pressed himself to your back, humming and rubbing his hands down over your shoulders and arms. Baron laid your head on his chest, wrapping an arm around Roman’s shoulders to tug him even closer. Roman raised his head to give Baron a peck on the cheek and you saw him smile out of the corner of your eye.
“Sleep now cutie.” Baron murmured, kissing your forehead.
You could feel Roman’s cock slotted firmly up against your back and reached for it, fingers clumsy with exhaustion. Roman caught your hand, kissing each finger before returning the appendage to Baron’s chest. “B-But you guys…” You yawned, “…just put in all that work, ought to get somethin’ for it…”
“We did that because we love you. Not because we wanted something in exchange.” Roman’s voice was firm. “You’re our Omega. It’s our job to keep you happy and safe, so you don’t have to feel like you need to lie about who you are.”
“It’s not you guys m’ worried about, s’ my parents.” You protested, sleep dragging at you.
Baron sighed heavily. “We can protect you from damn near anything, you know that. We’re with you all the way, okay? We aren't scared of some toothless old Alphas.”
“No buts.” Baron gently smoothed the hair back from your face. “Sleep. We’re here, Omega. We’re here and you’re safe.”
You drifted off even while you were still protesting, barely recalling mumbling some nonsense words and then snuggling back into Roman.
The morning run was much needed. You knew you’d promised to show them around the neighborhood, but you were distracted by thinking on what they had said last night.
“So you don’t have to feel like you need to lie about who you are.”
You shook your head, bouncing back and forth as you waited for Roman and Baron to catch up. You had no problem with who and what you were. Or so you claimed. You frowned. Omegas were well-known in respectable society as inconvenient, the dirty little secret people hoped their mates wouldn’t find out about. Your heart ached as you wondered how many Omegas were lucky enough to have what you had, the unconditional affection of a mate (or mates) that actually cared about you.
“Hey, you’re doing it again.” A large hand rumpled your hair and you squawked indignantly, swatting Corbin away. “Thinkin’ a hole in the wall. You damn nerd.”
“I can’t help it sometimes.” You mumbled, making his fond smile fade.
“You wanna’ talk about it?”
“I worry about other Omegas.” You blurted out. Baron blinked, seeming confused. “I know I’m very, very lucky to have you guys to protect me and keep me happy and stuff. But…I also know what people think when I say I’m an Omega. I know what people think of me. And I--it makes me sad, you know?”
“What makes you sad? I’ll kill it.” Roman threatened, having finally caught up.
“Just the fact that I’m scared about what my parents will do if I tell them I’m an Omega. The fact that Omegas are always viewed as…well, as outliers, the ones that ruin things.” You said hesitantly. “What about the ones that aren’t as lucky as I am? The ones that can’t afford suppressants and all that? Is it really their fault when they get knocked up? Can you even blame them in that instance? I mean, I know you guys don’t have heats or anything but you’ve seen me, I’m not ashamed to admit I get totally desperate and it’s just…” You searched for the right words. “You two keep me safe and sated. Why is it everywhere else, that need is made into a fucking joke? Alphas rip each other apart in some heat of the moment dispute and it’s seen as badass. Betas can’t have kids and it’s talked about but they aren’t belittled for it.”
“Being needy and affectionate is viewed as a weakness to be taken advantage of.” Baron said bluntly. “Plenty of scumbag Alphas and Betas are more than willing to stick their cock in whatever slick hole they find, and if that warm body also happens to be someone who will be incredibly easily stimulated, enthusiastic and overwhelmed into submitting to their every whim, well.” He shrugged, brown eyes sad. “That’s that.”
“It’s not right.” Roman frowned. “It’s fucking sketchy.”
“I didn’t say it was right. Look, we can’t fix everything out there, okay? Reigns and I are just a couple of dumb college jocks. But I fucking love you. We. Fucking love you. You’re our mate, our everything, our strong Omega. You’ve got this heart in you that’s fucking incredible and we’re the luckiest Alphas on this damn planet.” Baron pressed his forehead to yours as tears started trickling down your cheeks. “Whatever you choose to do, we’ll follow your lead. I think you should be up front with your parents but I can’t make that choice for you, okay? I know how hard it is to lose touch with your family.”
“I don’t want to lie to them.” Your voice was barely there.
“Then don’t. We can all sit down and talk about this like adults. We’re your Alphas, you’re our Omega. We’re here to cherish and defend you. Even when it comes to your parents.” Roman reassured you. “We’ll throw down any time, any place, understood?”
“I know, I know. You two are amazing.” You sniffled, making Roman 'tsk' and pull you into a hug. “I’m just scared.”
“There’s nothing to be afraid of, cutie.” Baron’s face hardened. “You’ve dealt with the presentation forcing, just like I did, and if anything it obviously put you off your feed. Your parents have exactly zero justification for being disgruntled about who you are.”
“Okay.” You said softly, face still buried in Roman’s chest.
Baron rumpled your hair again. “Dry them tears. You’re gonna’ be just fine.”
You felt like your tiny breakfast was about to make a sudden reappearance. Per Roman’s idea, you had shakily asked your parents to join the three of you in the kitchen for ‘an important conversation’.
You twiddled your fingers in your lap and Corbin covered your hand with his own. Across the table your mother looked on expectantly. Your father had his arms folded. His facial expression was…not encouraging.
“So I lied to you guys.” You began quietly. May as well just say it. “I’m not a Beta.”
“Knew it.” Your father grunted. “Told you.”
“I…I don’t understand, pumpkin. Why would you lie to us?” Your mother asked slowly. Her eyes widened as the truth seemed to strike her. “Oh no. You’re not…oh no.”
“This whole thing was a lie? Are you even mated? Or are you just using that as a cover up?” Your father spat, “You know, to protect your spotless reputation as an O-”
Roman abruptly stood, back ramrod straight. “Don’t finish that sentence.” He warned the other man. Baron nodded in agreement. “We are respecting your authority by being honest. Don’t throw that respect in our faces.” Roman obviously had the ability to be formal himself. “Your child knows the image that Omegas have.” Your mother flinched at the word. “They were afraid to tell you, afraid of how you would react.”
“So which one of you is their real mate and which one is just along for the easy ride?” Your father needled. “I know how you stupid meathead frat boys operate.”
Corbin shoved his chair away from the table so hard it toppled over when he got to his feet, his fists clenched at his sides. “Baron, no.” You said quietly, laying a hand on his arm.
“He’s insulting us, but more importantly he's insulting you.” Baron stated bluntly. “You expect me to just-”
“What I expect is for the two of you to let me handle this to the best of my ability, okay?” You interrupted, still quiet. You weren’t angry, if anything you were encouraged by the support your Alphas showed for you. But this was something you needed to do. Baron exhaled harshly, remaining where he stood. Reigns sat back down. You cleared your throat, focusing on your mother. “Mom, I know I can’t be anything except what I am. It’d be like asking you or Dad to be an Omega. It hasn’t been easy to adjust, my body does weird stuff that I don’t fully understand yet. I’m hoping it will get easier with time.”
“I just wish you had told me, pumpkin.” Your mother whispered, her appearance distraught. “Maybe I could have…I don’t know, I don’t even know.” She raised her eyes to Baron. “Are you boys even imprinted on them? Or was that a lie too?”
“We have an imprint witness.” Baron said tightly. “Seth Rollins, infirmary head. He’s a Beta. I was first and Roman was hot on my heels when it happened.”
“I promise we wouldn’t lie about something like that, ma'am.” Roman added.
“I was…I got my first heat right after finals. I felt like I was going to pass out, I could barely walk.” You recounted the events of that fateful day. “Baron and Roman were able to get me to the infirmary. They had both been scent marking me as a way to keep people from bothering me until I presented.”
“How convenient.” Your father muttered.
Your mother suddenly snapped, turning on her husband angrily. “If you do not keep your mouth shut I'm going to go completely insane, will you just for once in your life be quiet?!” She raged, stereotypical so-called ‘Alpha’ temper out loud and proud. You noticed Baron shudder out of the corner of your eye.
Your father glared down at the table sullenly.
You cleared your throat, drawing her attention again. You were well-used to your mother's explosive swings of aggression. Mostly you were glad it wasn't aimed at you this time. “The nurse, Seth, was the one who knew what was wrong with me, and he clued me in on the fact that two Alphas scent marking me was a little...weird. Not unheard of, naturally. But sort of rare.” You shrugged. “The rest is history.”
“We love your child, ma’am. More than anything in this world.” Reigns’ voice had gone soft, a little waver evident. “We want to keep them safe and happy. And something that was making them unhappy was lying to you two.”
“So why do it, then?” Your father didn’t seem to know when to quit.
“Because they love you, even after the shit you put them through with presenting.” Baron snarled. “Funny how that works.”
“We’ve all heard the stories, Mom. You and I both know there are parents out there that have definitely tried to keep their Omega kids a secret. Or they’ve outright disowned them, kicked them out into the street and refused to even acknowledge their existence. I felt like I had a right to fear your reaction.” You said plainly.
Your father stood and Roman did the same, staring the older man down. Baron moved closer to you, close enough for you to reach back and touch him if you wanted. “I’m not going to be threatened in my own house.” The eldest Alpha finally blustered. “I want you all out. And you’re not coming back, understand? I knew this was fishy from the very beginning, and I refuse to tolerate a lying, scheming Omega, trying to tear apart my authority.” He hissed.
Roman’s growl sounded like thunder in your ears and you hastily grabbed hold of his wrist. “No, no. Don’t let him get the best of you.” You instructed. “All he’s trying to do is piss you off so you scrap with him. Any good lying, scheming Omega worth their salt knows that.” You did your best to keep your lower lip from quivering. Now wasn’t the time for a breakdown. You had to be strong for your Alphas. “This is kind of how I figured it would go. It’s alright, Roman.”
“Shouldn’t have even bothered with this.” Roman seemed to be having difficulty forming words through his anger.
“Agreed.” Baron grumbled, “I lived with this bullshit. I thought you guys might be different, but hey, why prove me wrong?” He asked bitterly. “S’ too bad, I was looking forward to having someone to talk about recipes with.”
“Now wait, boys, I-“ Your mother began to protest and Roman snapped his teeth.
“Do you believe that your kid is a walking embodiment of the Omega stereotype? A stereotype that, need I goddamn remind you, Alphas and Betas came up with?” He growled. “Or do you believe that their secondary doesn’t change who they are as a damn person?”
“I don’t know!” You mother cried. “They’re my only child, I don’t want to lose them! But…”
“You’re wasting our damn time.” Baron snorted when your mother trailed off. “I think we should go. Before Pops has heart failure.”
“Can I hug you?” You asked your mother. She bolted around the table quick enough to make Baron tense up, but he relaxed after she started crying into your shoulder. You rubbed her back, feeling like the older one all of a sudden. “It’s okay, Mom. I’m sorry.”
“This is such a mess.” She hiccuped. “Oh pumpkin, what an absolute mess.”
You got the feeling that your parents would have one of their infamous fights tonight. The selfish part of you was thrilled that you wouldn’t be there for it.
“So this is home sweet home.” Roman said proudly, unlocking the door to the in-laws apartment. His parents weren’t home but they had tucked the key into an envelope with a note about the dishwasher being broken and left it under one of the patio bricks. From the looks of things Roman’s family was…well off. A small pool, the in-law apartment, and beside it the main house with a well-kept lawn.
Mostly you were just glad to not be in the car anymore. The trip had been long and your sedan had been jam-packed with all the stuff from the dorm room. Baron seemed to share the sentiment, stretching his arms out over his head and groaning loudly when his spine popped.
“Mi casa is you casa or whatever.” Roman continued, grinning as you laughed. The two Alphas had done their best to cheer you up during the drive, Roman singing along (badly) to songs on the radio or Baron trying to get your favorite snacks whenever they stopped for gas. You appreciated their effort, your mood brightening up with every attempt. It reminded you of how incredibly lucky you were to have them.
“Um, I told my parents about who you are and my mom said she kinda’ rigged the bedroom a little better for you and stuff.” Roman rubbed the back of his neck. “I don’t really…know what that means and she didn’t explain.” He admitted.
“Probably padded the corners and stuff. It’s kind of like childproofing.” Baron supplied, wandering to the kitchen. “Omegas have a rep for being thrashy. ‘Course, that’s probably just more Alpha bullshit.”
You shivered at the implication, grimacing. “Well, that’s a comfort.”
“Hey, let’s just see. If it’s bad we’ll rip it apart together, okay?” Roman bargained, a mischievous grin on his face.
You sighed, trailing along behind him past the kitchen. “You’re on thin ice Reigns.”
“Oh yeah, I’m totally scared of you.” He opened the door to the bedroom, stepping inside, and you quickly followed. It was…well it certainly wasn’t what you were expecting.
Baron whistled, meandering around you. “Huh.”
The whole room was done in a series of soothing tones, with light curtains. A large mattress on a platform frame took up most of the room, along with a series of chairs. You moved forward in a daze, reaching to touch the blanket on the bed. It was ludicrously soft under your hands, and you kneaded your fingers blankly into it for a few seconds.
Roman picked up another envelope on one of the pillows, his brow furrowed. “Dear Roman and company,” He read aloud, “although your father and I can’t be there right now, we would like to extend a warm welcome to your new mate, and hello again Baron. I think I was very thorough when it came to research. I wanted it to be a surprise. As I’m sure you know, it’s pretty hard to find inoffensive and, more importantly, accurate information on Omegas. I tried to decorate with things that are soft because there was a mention of over-stimulation issues. I hope we did well. We’ll see you at the end of the week. Eat what’s in the fridge.”
Tears filled your eyes and you crumpled beside the bed, the soft blanket ending up in a pile on your lap. “Cutie, shh, it’s okay.” Baron soothed, crouching and wrapping you in a hug.
“Damn Mom, you’re alright.” Roman said with no small amount of admiration in his tone, kneeling next to you.
“It’s so nice.” You managed to say through your tears. “This is really soft. I just…sorry, I’m overwhelmed right now.”
“Shit, you and me both.” Baron muttered.
Roman shrugged. “She’s a mom first, I guess. Here, hop up on the bed and we’ll get you changed for a swim.”
“I d-don’t have a swimsuit though.” You blubbered, still allowing yourself to be stood upright on the bed.
Roman winked up at you as he unzipped your jeans. “I know.” Baron made a noise like he’d lost all his breath, clearing his throat when Roman glanced over at him and flashed him a grin.
“Oh.” You reeled for a minute while you caught on to what Roman was saying, his deft fingers already divesting you of your jeans. “Yes, yesyesyes Alpha.” You begged, whining when Baron groaned fuck under his breath. “Can it be here? Right here?”
“Wherever you want, Omega. We’re ready when you need us.” Roman said softly.
You bolted from his grasp, quickly tearing off your shirt and underwear so you could chuck them in a pile over the side of the bed. Baron didn’t seem to be able to help the incredulous snort of laughter he let out, grinning broadly. “Cutie, Jesus Christ, you damn near broke your neck. Be careful.” He teased, urging you into his arms. “What do you want from us? What does our needy Omega fuckin’ crave?” He asked, hoisting you up easily to rest on his hips and rubbing his nose against your own. “You need to get finger fucked? Devoured? Or do you need your Alpha’s dick in you?” Corbin’s voice had dropped to a filthy growl, his mouth pressed to your ear. You nodded rapidly with a whimper. “Needy Omega wants our cocks, Reigns.”
“Is that so?” Roman murmured, a finger trailing over your shoulders. “I suppose we should. They’ve been very strong lately, y’know. Deserve a reward, I think.”
Baron laid you down on the bed and propped himself up for a minute, just watching you wriggle on the blanket. “I’d like to fuckin’ plow you right through this mattress sometime.” He said conversationally. Roman bit his lip and began fumbling to get his hair tied back. “But right now I want you to ride me, Omega. I want you to ride me and take my knot and then I’m gonna’ fucking pin you to my hips and buck into you until you scream.” Baron’s grip on the blanket tightened, his hips rocking down into the apex of your thighs. “Sound good?”
“Christ, Baron.” Roman’s voice had a gravelly undertone to it that made you want to arch your body in surrender. “Your fucking mouth, man, I swear to God.”
“What, too much?” Baron asked, all worried brown eyes as he looked up. His worry faded when both you and Roman shook your heads. “Oh, shit, you like it too Reigns? Uh, okay. That’s…I mean that’s pretty cool. What...should I say something else?”
Baron chuckled, like he could hardly believe it. “Okay, okay.”
“I like it when you say what’s going to happen.” You offered after Baron was silent for a few seconds.
“I wasn’t fucking around when I said great stuff comes out of your mouth.” Roman mumbled, seeming almost embarrassed.
“Reigns, your whole…I dunno’ man, how enthusiastic you are and shit? It’s great.” Baron swallowed hard. “Really great. So I’ll talk, yeah? About how this little Omega pussy is gonna’ take my fucking knot and milk me for everything I’ve got. And then Roman is gonna’ fuck you open, wide fuckin’ open and he’s gonna’ do it until you drench him, yeah? Then he’ll fill you up, sate you on this soft blanket so you feel amazing. Sound good?”
“Yeah, yeah, that’s what I’m talkin’ about.” Roman bared his teeth, whole body trembling eagerly. You weren’t faring much better, the low roll of Baron’s voice quickening your pulse to a thundering cadence.
Baron smirked, patting your hip. “Scoot over so I can lay down, okay?” You hastily obliged, a giggle bubbling in your throat when Baron’s shorts got tangled up around his ankles. Roman swallowed the giggle with a hard kiss, fondling one of your breasts and making you whimper into his mouth.
“You wanna’ mate them, don’t you Reigns?” Baron asked, moaning in his throat when Roman replied by rolling his pelvis against you, forcing you down onto your back. “Yeah, I bet you do. So fuckin’ eager, I bet you’re already dripping for them, aren’t you?” Baron asked. “Don’t fuckin’ deny it Reigns.”
Roman went still for a second, then fought with the zipper on his pants. “The fuck would I deny it for, I’ll show you fucking dripping, Corbin.” He snarled, gesturing to the obvious wet spot on his boxers. “I get fuckin’ hard and leak precome and it’s a Goddamn mess every fucking time I-” Roman’s frustrated rant was cut off when you leaned up and mouthed over the front of his boxers. Baron sucked in a breath and Roman bucked his hips forward, pressing the arch of his cock against your tongue. “You see what you do to me, Omega?” He asked, a hand on your chin tilting your face up to look at him. “I’m almost as slick as you are, huh? It’s because I want you. I want you.” He said firmly.
“Look at how hard he is for you, cutie. Look at what you do to us.” Baron said quietly, reaching to tug down the waistband of Roman’s boxers until his cock was free. “See, look at how much he’s leaking already, Jesus Christ Reigns.”
“I can’t h-help it man.“ Roman stammered as Baron dragged a finger lazily up the underside of his cock. “I just feel how needy they are and it’s like, an instant boner. I…shit, m’sorry.”
“It’s okay man, you’re Alpha too. We don’t exactly have to follow my lead.” Baron shrugged. “Just thought it’d be fun. It’s kind of cool going last because then you can fuck your knot in and out of them a few times before they get too tight for you to move.”
Roman made a stifled noise in his throat, watching you lap at the head of his cock.
“You maybe wanna’ have them suck your cock while I knot them?”
“I don’t know if I’ll last.” Roman confessed quietly. “This isn’t a heat rut, y’know? I’m not…stamina won’t be up to par.”
“Alright.” Baron chewed on his lip for a second, seeming to be thinking hard. “Oh! Oh...okay Reigns, take a seat.” You looked up at Baron, thoroughly confused as Roman obediently got off the bed and settled himself into the chair next to it. “Now, tell me what to do.” Baron said, standing and crossing his arms.
Roman licked his lips. “Strip.” He said finally, grinning nervously when Baron began unbuttoning his shirt. “No no, like…shit, like nice. Smooth. Make them ache.” He ordered, Corbin snickering a little as he slowed down.
“Like this?” Baron asked, sliding his fingers into the waistband of his boxer briefs and stroking himself.
You voiced your desperation with a keening whine, please Alpha! Roman relaxed a little, leaning forward in the chair. “Lay down on the bed and have them straddle you. Omega, I’m gonna’ say stuff but you just…I mean, you do what you like, if you wanna’ do what I say that’s fine, if you’re not okay with it tell me. Baron, I want you to just lay there.”
“All over it. Get up here, cutie. Fuck, look at those thighs.” Baron breathed, clapping a hand over the back of your right leg. “You’re gonna’ get fucked, Omega. You’re so fucked.”
You straddled him and rested on his pelvis, stroking his cock and watching it twitch in your hand. Your whole body was tense with anticipation and Baron groaned, clenching his fingers into the blanket when you reached down and collected some of your slick to coat his cock. “I want to be good for you.” You said sweetly.
“Oh Jesus, naughty Omega.” Roman gasped, “Sink onto that fucking cock then, no teasing. I want you to ride him into a lather, show him you’re in charge, okay? You fuck that cock good, you make those noises, don’t you dare hold back. Your Alphas are here and we’re going to fill you up, fuck you until we’re empty, yeah?” Roman looked up at Baron for confirmation. “Yeah?”
“Jesus fucking Christ, Reigns.” Baron snarled. “Hell yeah. You ride me until those thighs are fuckin’ quivering, cutie.”
You scooted up his body and held his cock so you could slide it into your pussy, hearing Baron’s grunt when the head of it finally breached you. It always felt so good, so right when you were being claimed. This was different, though, like you were claiming him. Baron was yours. Roman was yours. The notion hit hard. You were used to thinking about submitting, about being owned and taken care of. But here, now, you were taking your pleasure from your willing Alpha, instructed to do so by your other Alpha. The idea of being even partially in charge made your back straighten, and you raked your nails down Baron’s chest as you settled fully onto his cock.
“Mine.” You said softly.
Baron’s eyes went wide and then he covered his mouth with his hand, making an attempt to stifle his startlingly loud moan. “Fuck, when you say that I just…shit, ride me, mate me.” He pleaded, flinching and then stilling when Roman carded his fingers through his messy hair.
“Shh, just me. Omega, you want to ride his cock, yeah? He’s yours to fuck, so fuck him.” Roman demanded, making you circle your hips.
Baron cried out and started panting when you rolled your body, rubbing your clit against his stomach and then raising yourself up on your knees until just the head of his cock was in you. “Oh Jesus Christ, please, please cutie please I need you-” The way his voice sounded when he was begging sent a fresh wave of warmth through your body and you couldn’t help but oblige, eliciting a satisfied growl from Roman when you started a fast paced rocking motion on Baron’s cock.
“This is mine.” Your breathless statement made both of them groan, Baron’s voice cracking a little. “It’s mine.”
“It’s always been yours, always been fuckin’ yours.” Baron said desperately. “The second we were imprinted I was yours, all yours, why’d you wait so long to claim this cock? S’ fuckin’ yours.”
“Omega, nip at his ear and whisper whatever the hell you want. He loves that shit.” Roman snickered at Baron’s facial expression. “You’re welcome, Corbin.”
“Oh God, oh fuck just…” Baron trailed off when you leaned forward and started licking at the shell of his ear. His whole body shuddered violently, cock throbbing in you.
“Someone likes that, huh?” You whispered, teeth grazing the skin. Baron whimpered. “You like having your Omega take your knot, Baron? You want me to squeal and beg for you?”
“Oh God yes.” Baron choked. You ground yourself down onto his cock and he wrapped his arms around your waist, pinning your hips to his own. “Fuckin’ keep talking Omega, keep talking, keep saying dirty shit fuck me, you are the best.”
Roman’s fingers were in your hair abruptly, his mouth pressed to your ear. “Tell him how good he makes you feel.”
“Christ, so good!” You cried out and Baron snarled, fucking his knot up into you as it swelled.
“Tell them how good they feel around your cock, Baron.” Roman instructed.
“The absolute best I’ve ever had, want you to feel me in your fucking belly, Omega, come on my fucking knot because I’m gonna’ fuck you through it, fuck you through it, fuck me fuck me mate me you’re so fucking beautiful I just want-” Baron’s ramble was a heated frenzy of motion and words, his knot finally settling deep enough to make your stomach ache sweetly and you came with a loud moan of his name. “God yes, yes! Fuck, drench my fuckin’ dick because I’m gonna’ fuckin’ come in you, gonna’ come-” Baron seemed to dissolve into nothing but snarls and mutters of gonna’ come, his whole body tight under you when Roman murmured something in his ear. “Yes.” Baron said finally, pinning your hips to his own and then coming with a gasp. “God, Jesus, Reigns, makin’ me fuckin’ twitch in them.” He groaned, you echoing the noise as his knot jolted and rubbed at your walls.
You collapsed on his chest, breathing hard. Baron stroked your hair, sucking wind himself. He reached out and clumsily grabbed the back of Roman’s neck, hauling the other Alpha in for a kiss. “You’re both incredible.” Baron panted. “Holy shit, Reigns. How’d you know about the ear thing?”
“I pay attention.” Roman grinned.
“Thank you for that.” You huffed, making both of them laugh. “Thank you so much. Now get in me before I pass out.”
“You still…okay, wasn’t sure if you would after all that.” Roman said, helping Baron ease you off his body so you could lay down on your stomach. “You can just stay right there, I’ll fill you up like that.” He continued calmly, a hand coming to rest on the small of your back. “Baron can stroke your hair while I knot you, you’ve done so good. What a good mate you are.”
“The best.” Baron agreed, his breathing still a little ragged.
Roman slipped a hand beneath your hips and arched you up, just enough for him to slide home. You whimpered at the sensation, able to weakly rock against his hand with every deep thrust. Baron hummed quietly, his fingers digging into your hair and massaging your scalp. You closed your eyes in bliss, your cheek pressed to the pillow as Roman practically covered you with his body. Baron’s voice was shot but he still managed to demand, “Faster, Reigns. Get them to come again.”
“I don’t need to, I just-” You began to protest and then Roman pulled you up and backwards onto his cock, crushing every last inch into your cunt. His knot slid in and out of you, over and over in a maddening rhythm as Roman grunted in your ear and mouthed over your shoulders hungrily.
“Omega, this is fucking yours.” He snarled, and you felt his hand slide to grip the base of his cock below his knot for a moment. “And yours only. This fucking throbbing cock is for you, for you to mate and claim and own, it’s yours, it’s all yours, Jesus Christ we love you so fucking much-” His knot popped in one final time, cock arching hard against your belly and you screamed as you came, Roman growling and fucking you through it with furious, sharp bucks of his hips. His knot secured him firmly and he rocked against you, back and forth while he kept talking. “God yes God fucking yes come on me, oh God you’re so beautiful like this, so good for us, Jesus-”
You were speechless, your pussy in spasm around his cock as he muttered and Baron crooned softly, kissing your forehead. “You’re amazing, cutie.” He praised, his smile warm. “He’s gonna’ fill you up, thank him being so good to you, okay?”
“Thank you, Alpha.” You whispered.
You felt Roman shiver violently as he came, pelvis jerking out of tempo. “Anything for you.” He murmured, kisses landing on the back of your neck and shoulders. “Anything for you. We love you.” He dragged his finger through the hot trail of slick and come that was trickling down your thighs, rubbing his thumb over his index to smear the combination. “Christ Big Banter, look at this fucking mess.” He sounded proud.
Roman played with your hair absently as Baron read slowly from one of your books. The air conditioner hummed quietly in the window, comforting background noise to the rumble of Baron’s voice. You rolled over onto your back, sneaking a hand through the crook of Baron’s elbow and linking the three of you together. The scent of comfort and content wove through your senses in a soothing manner.
“Whatcha’ thinkin’ about?” Roman asked, his voice drowsy.
“You two.” You answered simply.
Baron threw a leg over Roman’s, giving the both of you a stern look. “Interrupting the story is not good behavior, guys. Takes a lot of brain power for me to string these words together.”
“M’ sorry, Corbin. Make it up t’you.” Roman mumbled, already half-asleep.
You craned your neck to kiss Baron on the cheek, smiling at him. “Keep reading? I promise I won’t interrupt again. It's one of my favorites, and I like when you read. You sound nice.”
Baron blustered for a minute, his face endearingly pink when he cleared his throat and started back in. “...and when, released, he sprang to his feet, his mouth laughing, his eyes eloquent, his throat vibrant with unuttered sound, and in that fashion remained without movement, John Thornton would reverently exclaim, 'God! you can all but speak!'" He stopped, clearing his throat again. “Shit.”
“You alright?” You asked softly.
“Yeah, yeah. M' good. It's just...I mean, I like pack stuff.” Baron's eyes closed for a minute, his jaw working. “For the pack, y'know?” He muttered.
You took the book out of his hands and placed it on the bedside table, then pulled Baron in close to rest his head on your chest. Roman was already snoring and you gently petted Baron's hair, making the larger Alpha close his eyes and sniffle a little bit.
For the pack.
Part Three
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spider-man-and-i · 6 years
3. Can I stay with you
Peter woke up screaming sometime in the night. A few thuds later and Dead Pool had burst into the room not hesitating to sit on the bed and bombard the boy with questions.
"What? What is it? What happened? Are you okay?" But Peter didn't have the strength to answer anything. He just sat there staring blankly at his hands. The hands that have saved so many people..The hands that have caused so much loss. The hands that were so blood stained. He held the hands in front of him and watched as they shook. He couldn't count on both hands the amount of people he saved nor could he count the nights he woke up screaming from nightmares of the people he lost. He could count them though the people he dreamed of so regularly.
1: Uncle Ben
2:Norman Osborn
3: Gwen Stacy
and now
4: Aunt May
He counted the names silently, using his fingers to keep track. There were others. 17 in total. But those were the ones that really hurt him. Those were the ones he really could do nothing to stop. Those were the ones that had forever marked his once bright soul with a dark streak that grew with each death of loved ones. His shaking hands still held in front of him, he felt the first tear fall. After that it was impossible to stop it.  Dead Pool just sat there staring and then he wrapped his arm around the kid's shoulders, and he was almost sure that his arm would get rejected and thrown off but it didn't instead the heat of Peter's shaking body ended up slumped against his own. The kid had fallen asleep.
"Of course the author would make him fall asleep on me, I mean, what else would the readers be here for?" Dead Pool said, making sure not to speak too loudly. But it didn't help, the kids eyes opened as soon as he felt his phone buzz against his leg. He shot up, careful not to rip the stitches that pulled on his skin.
From Ned: Peter? Oh my god! I just seen the news r u ok? Peter just threw the phone to the ground, not caring how  a crack splintered up the screen. Instead he looked to Wade, or as he knew him Dead Pool.
~Are you kidding? He doesn't know our name?~ Yellow basically screamed in Dead Pool's head.
**Well, out friendship with him was based around protecting the city. And he always kept his identity a secret until now and so have we.** White said logically but he sound disgusted. **Tell him!** Wade looked back down at the kid, not knowing where to start or what to say. Instead he felt that nothing needed to be said as he laid the kid back down and watched his eyelids droop.
"Can I stay with you?" Peter asked in a sleepy voice, he had meant to ask earlier but couldn't remember when he had forgotten. Wade didn't need an explanation he had already gotten one earlier.
"It's alright, you can go back to sleep." he said massaging small circles into the kids arm. It was meant to comfort Peter but instead it made Wade feel even worse about himself. If Petey ever seen what a horror he was under the mask he would surely run in the other direction. He stayed there until the kid fell back asleep.
"No, I don't know where the kid is. Yes, I'm sure I would know if freaking Spider-Man was in my apartment. Sure I guess I could. Why not?" Wade said into the phone as Peter stared at him intently. He had stayed with Wade since he got shot. Not quite ready to go to the Police Station and having no where else he could go...Wade hung up and looked at Peter.  
"Peter.." Wade said breaking the silence that hung in the air around them. "Peter, I think it's time to go to the police station." He said and Peter just nodded. He stood up fast and walked to the door. The stitches had helped the healing process but Wade insisted on keeping the masterpiece of stitches as he called it in for at least another day. They still hurt of course, and he wasn't completely healed.  He put on some jeans and a shirt over his suit. Which had merged back together during that first night, remaining perfectly useful. He had also made more web liquid because he was almost out.
When he reached the Police Station he walked with his head down and ignored the gasps from the workers inside. He remembered the times the police in Queen's had tried to arrest him. He remembered Captain Stacey dying and his promise. If he had just left Gwen alone..
"Peter Parker." He said to the lady at the front desk, she just kept her head down and nodded. She directed him back to an interrogation room. They asked him the normal questions.
"What happened?" "Why didn't you call the police?" "Where were you at the time of death?"
The questions were answered as Peter Parker, not Spider-Man. They were answered as the boy who had lost all of his family. They were answered by the broken boy who couldn't stop the depression or the nightmares, or the tears. When he was asked where he had been he said a friend's house. Wade was a friend. Dead Pool had been a friend to Spider-Man and Wade a friend to Peter. A while later they let him leave, believing he was going to a friend's house for a while. But Peter went back to a familiar apartment.
"Wade?" He asked knocking on the door. He walked in when there was no answer. He found Wade in his room talking to himself. He seemed on edge and Peter knew he must have been talking to his boxes as he called them. Peter had received a short, confusing explanation of what the boxes were. They were  voices in the older man's head, voices that were pretty good at tearing the merc down from his naturally smart ass personality.  He walked in and Wade turned and didn't say anything just guided the spider to the bed where he checked the stitching.
"You will most likely be done healing in in the next few hours. So I'm gonna take out the stitches You heal pretty fast you know.. That's pretty cool, not as cool as yours truly, but pretty cool for a baby hero."
"I'm not a baby! We discussed this already. I'm-" Peter said with a huff but the Merc cut him off.
"You're 16, Peter."  Wade said and Peter opened his mouth then closed it again, wondering how he had found it out. Why was he so upset?
"I'm sorry.."Peter said and then he just stopped and shook his head. "You know what no! I'm not sorry. I have seen more shit and been through more shit than any 16 year old. I don't have to apologize to you, Wade! Don't you think I wanted to tell you? To tell you that I wasn't who you thought..But I didn't need you looking at me like a child too.!"
"Tough shit, Webs." Wade said and he sounded angry, he sounded furious. He sounded disgusted but some how Peter knew it wasn't because of him directly this disgust in the older man's voice was caused by something he did himself. Some internal conflict he was having.  "You are 16 and you won the Stark internship last year after you won the fucking prize for a fuckin science project at your fucking high school and you're 16. Fucking 16 years old, Peter." Wade said the last bit with what seemed like disappointment. Peter was becoming more and more aware of the changed in Wade's voice while his face underneath the mask remained emotionless. Peter remembered a conversation with Tony and Natasha he had a while back. Tony had said he was a killing machine while Black Widow said that he was bat shit crazy but surprisingly functional and didn't know how he was able to remain functional with his mind so far gone. Peter contemplated his next words and thought for a few extra seconds.
"I'm almost 17. It's just 2 months away. It's not that big of a deal."
"The fuck it is!" But there was no detectable emotion under his words. Something was wrong. Something was really, really wrong with Wade. Wrong may not have even been the word he was looking for because when was there not something wrong with Wade. But something was off..somehow. He had known the merc for so long he knew. He acted different. Somewhat subdued and almost restrained. Just enough to make Peter feel slightly uncomfortable in his own skin.
"What's going on Wade?" Peter asked after a few minutes. "What are they saying?" He said referring to the 'boxes'.
"In my head? Too much. You wouldn't be able to process the little yellow boxes that keep disturbing my very deep inner monologue which is quite important right now."
"No...Dea-Wade why is this such a big deal to you?"  Peter paused and ran his teeth over his bottom lip, not catching the way that Wade's eyes followed.
"It's not like my age would stop be from being who I am! I am still Spider-Man! I am still your friend."  Peter said with a huff he had expected some kind of response. Anything but Wade was silent. "It changes nothing.." Peter added more to himself than anything.."It shouldn't change anything.." He said, more pointedly at Wade. Wade was quiet again and in one swift movement, one graceful move he was pinning the younger man to his bed, pushing down on his throat with one hand. The other reached for Peter's face, strong fingers on his jaw, bringing his eyes up to those of the mask. He struggled, gasped for air, and watched the mask of the man he had befriended so long ago. The grip on his face tightened as his head was pulled up. Wade's mask was pulled up to his nose and he grazed Peter's ear before speaking into it. His breath was hot on the younger boys ear and what could be considered a moan escaped the younger boy's mouth.
"This changes everything." Wade said into the boys ear. And then the air filled Peter's lungs and the pressure of Wade was gone. He had moved quickly to the other side of the room as if his restraint had faltered and he had just realized. Peter could feel the tears but couldn't see anything other than the friend he needed in Wade right then. Wade backed away slowly, he went to the couch again, letting Peter have his bed for another night.
When Peter woke Wade screaming again, Wade could see the sheer terror in the boy as he shook him awake. That as the first time he realized just how much the web flinger had been through, that was the first time he noticed just how fucked up the kid was... He sat on the bed and stared down at the kid sleeping in his bed moments after being awoken from a night mare But now his face was peacefully blank as he slept almost too close to Wade. One arm ended up across Wade but he hadn't noticed as he had fallen asleep. At some point he had cuddled the body next to him, even though he hadn't slept next to anyone in so long, he could still remember what it was like to cuddle and as if his body was addicted to the heat sourcing from the boy next to him he stayed all night.  
Author notes
So I know that Gwen was not in Spider-Man: Homecoming but I just thought that it would add more depth to my character. I wanted to see a more broken side of Peter. This is going to be Movie and comic based if you all haven't noticed but I mean..Yeh
0 notes
concussed-to-pieces · 8 years
Kitten; Epilogue
Fandom: WWE
Pairing: Jon Moxley[Dean Ambrose]/Unnamed OFC
Rating: Holy shit M.
AN: Thirst Party Crew, welcome to our epilogue! Tagging the amazing @tox-moxley, the awe-inspiring @oraclegazes, and our brave captain on this voyage, @hardcorewwetrash. Enjoy!
It wasn’t as if he had forgotten. More like that time was over. He was a free man, freer than he’d ever been in his life. And as he headed to the gorilla position backstage, body jittering with nerves and excitement, he knew that she was waiting for him at ringside. Like she always had. Like she would continue to do, hopefully for the rest of their lives.
A wave of emotion seared Mox’s throat and he quickly rubbed at his eyes. A large fist tapped the back of his shoulder gently. “How you doing, Uce?” Roman asked, his smile tight with his own nerves. “You’ve got this man. It’s all you.”
“It’s kinda’ gotta’ be, man. Ya’ ain’t exactly gonna’ fit under the ring in all your fuckin’ gear.” Jon grinned. “Hell of a secret fuckin’ weapon you’d make though.”
Roman laughed, pulling him in for a headbutt and squeezing his forearm comfortingly. “You’ll do just fine.”
“I wish…shit, I wish Callihan coulda’ made it.” Jon admitted quietly. “He always dreamed of headin’ to somethin’ like this, the two of us whippin’ ass in a legitimate fuckin' promotion.”
“There’s always next year, Uce.”
Jon was startled by the conviction in Roman’s voice. “Y’ really think I’m gonna’ be around? Damn, you’ll make me fuckin’ cry Reigns.”
“I know you’ll be around, man. Bet you’ll even have a belt. Nice shiny one for your waist. I’ve dealt with Lesnar before, though. Be careful and you’ll come out on top. Barring any unforeseen sneaky bastards cashing in on you, of course.” Roman said ruefully.
“'Careful’ ain’t really in my vocabulary, Reigns.” Jon knew that the ‘tough guy’ act wasn’t necessary around Roman, but it was a difficult habit to break.
Reigns rolled his eyes at him. “It is now, Uce. Just think about all the progress you lose if you’re out injured. Remember that and it’ll help.” Roman’s smile was knowing. “Think about her.”
“Every second I ain’t with her, Reigns.”
Roman squeezed his arm again, bringing him in for another headbutt. “Stay safe out there. We’re rooting for you.”
The crowd roared deafeningly loud when his music hit.
Jon found himself awestruck, just turning in place on the entrance ramp for a minute to take it all in. Hundreds, thousands of people. Screaming for him. Losing their fucking minds, absolutely going ballistic. For him! Street dog, lunatic, underfed, scrappy, mean-spirited and never-say-fucking-die Jon goddamn Moxley.
This was a once in a lifetime moment and he wished with all his goddamn heart that Callihan could be here to witness it in person, be part of it, instead of watching from home.
“You go the fuck on, Mox. Get ya’ shit together, get in there an’ beat some fuckin’ ass.” Sami had encouraged him before he left the CZ warehouse for the final time, giving him a hard wallop on the back. “Don’t forget us little people when ya’ up there at the top with some fancy fuckin’ belt, got it? I’ll be cheerin’ for ya’. Fucker.”
Moxley knew why they had chosen him to play with Brock. He could take a beating, could land on his neck and roll through it to stand again and again. Lesnar wasn’t known for being careful or even remotely respectful, a fact that Jon was made painfully aware of once Brock and Paul Heyman made their way to the ring.
Lesnar leaned over the barricade, practically nose to nose with Kitten while Jon stood in the ring, his fists clenched. Mox just had to hope Kitten didn't panic.
“I’ll kill him.” The large man sneered, gesturing up at the ring.
To her credit, she smiled back at him and coolly replied, “You can try.”
Jon had worked with a lot of the men in the locker room, earned respect through discipline. He’d done time all over the world with all kinds of promotions, fought his way up through FCW, NXT into the big roster, and here he was on the grandest stage of them all against the one guy who would do everything in his power to fuck him up. Life sure was strange. Really, the only thing he could count on Brock doing was botching a perfectly good Shooting Star Press. Other than that all bets were off.  
Brock didn’t want a good match, he wanted an easy match. A squash. Knowing that they had this fight, Jon had thrown idea after idea at Heyman for great spots (some more ludicrous than others, granted), but Lesnar had no interest in any of them. Anything that involved him not giving Mox as many suplexes as he could wasn't a big seller. And so Jon went into the fight, took two good ones and sandbagged the third. When Lesnar refused to let him go he went limp, forcing Brock to heft his full weight unassisted.
“What the fuck are you doing, asshole?” Brock snarled in his ear.
“Givin’ these people what they fuckin’ came here for.” Jon snapped, digging his elbow back into Brock’s stomach. “You ain’t gonna’ sell anythin’ I hit ya’ with, so now my gloves are fuckin’ off. Ya’ fake ass-” Brock’s large, gloved hand all but covered his face and Mox bit down on the padding over his knuckles. Lesnar grunted, releasing Jon as he tried to pull free.
Jon ground his teeth together, momentarily biting hard enough to make his jaw ache before letting go and rolling out of reach. “Nice try, ya’ fuckin’ gorilla.” He rasped, wagging his finger at Brock, who at this point was obviously incensed. “You want an easy fuckin’ match, go get fuckin’ Cena or some shit. Right now though, big man, it’s you an’ me. Ya’ ain’t exactly been receptive t’ my fuckin’ ideas. Know what that means?” Moxley murmured, tapping the side of his head. “Means I gotta’ get fuckin’ creative. I beat guys with fluorescent light bulb tubes. I’ve played in enough concertina wire t’ keep a maximum security prison cozy. I’m hard an’ bitter an’ built of fuckin’ hate, Lesnar. Ain’t some motherfucker who wanted to play with the fuckin’ MMA big kids.” He stood to his full height, glaring at the larger man.
“You really want to do this now?” Brock asked incredulously, gesturing at the arena around them.
“Oh sweetheart, I will do this all day an' fuckin' night if it gets a better match out of ya' fuckin' lazy ass.” Jon growled. He slid out of the ring, flipped the apron banner up out of the way and started rummaging. Mick Foley and Terry Funk (Mick fucking Foley and Terry goddamn Funk, Jesus Christ) had given him some presents and he aimed to use that shit. When he looked back up, Brock had yanked his left glove off and was working on his right, a savage grin firmly in place on his face. Moxley knew he should be scared. Should be intimidated. But he couldn't help the thrill that raced through his body.
This is what he wanted, this was why he'd agreed to this match. The arena lit the fuck up when he hoisted Mick's bat high over his head and then mouthed over the side of it like some kind of nutcase, like he used to do to the girls they sent in to him. He swore he could hear Kitten screaming along with the crowd, 'get him Mox!' With Barbie in his hands he rolled back under the ropes.
And stopped dead as a chainsaw revved to life.
The crowd lost their fucking minds all over again.
Sami! The mad bastard had scrambled out from beneath the ring on the opposite side and was currently standing tall on the announce table, Terry Funk's thankfully-chainless gift rumbling in his black-taped hands. He slashed wildly at the air, the grin on his face unable to be described as anything but shit-eating. He’d gotten a new black coat somewhere along the way, purple studs and accents matching Mox’s florid entrance vest.
The Switchblade Conspiracy rides again.
Jon thought his face was going to crack from how hard he was smiling. “Call'han!” He hollered, pointing with Barbie. “Getcha' ass in here, we got a Beast t' kill!”
Kitten hugged Callihan tightly when they returned up the ramp, wiping her eyes. “You did great! Did you hear them cheering for you guys?” She was practically bouncing in place, looking absolutely thrilled. Jon couldn't handle it when she looked like that and proceeded to kiss the breath out of her lungs.
It had blown his mind when he had paused for a second and realized the crowd was chanting Switchblade Conspiracy, not Suplex City, and Moxley had almost lost his shit. Almost.
Sami's laugh was shaky and he patted Mox on the shoulder, seeming suspiciously close to tears. “Shit yeah I did. S' fuckin' mindblowin'.”
Jon didn't let go of Kitten, just caught Callihan with his other arm and dragged him in to butt heads. “Y' little shit, had that crap all planned out an' fuckin' everythin'.” He rasped. “I kept thinkin' all fuckin' week, damn Callihan woulda' liked that or shit I wish Sami was here t' see an' then ya' just showed up, goddamn neat as y' fuckin' please. Fucker.”
“I couldn't fuckin' believe it m'self when I had Triple fuckin' H callin' me on my fuckin' cellphone, Mox.” Sami admitted, grinning again. “I only jus' signed t' NXT, figured I'd keep it a s'prise f' ya' ass. Instead, Wrestle-fuckin'-mania.”
“Hell of a surprise.” Jon said quietly as Brock and Heyman stormed through the curtain.
“Moxley! You've got some nerve, you little punk!” Paul raged, his face crimson. “My client-”
“Ya' client knows better now.” Mox interrupted, a nasty smile twisting his mouth. He bared his teeth. “Jus' be thankful I didn't take a fuckin' chunk wi' me, Heyman.”
Brock's huge hand landed on the top of Jon's head and the former MMA fighter proceeded to give him the world's most brutal noogie. “Don't try it again, shithead.” He grunted, words a little hard to get out due to how swollen his face was. Jon and Barbie had paid him back in spades for the suplexes he had pulled off. “Got lucky today, I'll give you that. Scrappy fuck. We'll be in touch.”
Jon's tongue poked out from between his teeth as he smirked up at Lesnar. Kitten all but plastered herself to his side, fingers digging into his ribs as he and Callihan stared Lesnar down. “Lookin' forward t' it, Magilla.” Jon said finally. Brock released him, giving him a smirk of his own before turning and limping away.
“Whoo, I dunno' how y' fuckin' do that shit.” Sami exhaled loudly once Lesnar and Heyman had turned the corner. “I feel like I need t' piss m'self every time th' guy looks at me.” He slapped his forehead suddenly. “Shit! I almos' f'got. Drake...y' 'member Drake Younger? He's one of our fuckin' referees now. In NXT. It's so fuckin' funny, man, he said t' say h--”
Jon grabbed Sami around the waist and hoisted him up in the air, ignoring the shake of his overused muscles as Callihan squawked indignantly. “Callihan y' little shit, don't change th' fuckin' subject! We jus' beat Brock fuckin' Lesnar, at fuckin' Wrestlemania!” Mox yelled, shaking his partner. “Holy fuckin’ shit!”
Callihan laughed harder than Jon remembered him laughing in years, wrapping his arms around Mox’s head and crushing his face into his chest. “Shit yeah!” He crowed.
Kitten’s hands settled on Jon’s hips from behind, gentle kisses landing on his shoulder blades.
Not a bad first try, for Wrestle-fucking-mania.
She was voracious that night, her normal worry about his bruises apparently pushed aside as she pounced on him. She tore at his tank top, the little noises in the back of her throat driving Mox crazy enough to flip her over and pin her to the hotel bed. She had dressed in Wrestlemania finest, a slinky purple number (she had informed him it was actually lilac) that matched his entrance vest and collar. Explicit MOX Violence, spelled out across his back in an obnoxiously bright shade of purple. As much as he loved the dress on her, he loved sliding it off of her a thousand times more so he could spread her thighs and eat her out until she screamed.
Kitten was soaked, grinding against his face and chanting his name under her breath already. It hit Jon hard that he was so completely, inescapably, hopelessly in love and he had to fight the urge to pull back. The match had been hours ago and he was still pinging with adrenaline, emotions running hot and close to the surface. “Love you.” He finally said quietly, kissing her thigh. “Love you so fuckin’ much.”
“Jon…” She was fucking quaking under his mouth, legs draped over his shoulders. He could feel her thighs shuddering in time with his motions, see the way her belly heaved as she panted for breath, whimpering and writhing and coming undone for him, for him.
“Kitten, Kitten.” Jon felt fucking reverent, like this was a moment that he should savor. So he did. He did again, and again, and fucking again, until his jaw was sore, until she was pulling at his collar and sobbing for him because it was too much, too much, need you. She refused to let him go, her hand clenched around his collar and hips rocking against his own as she dragged him up to her mouth for a hungry kiss.
Mox went willingly. Who was he to deny her a taste of herself?
“Fuck me please, please, please.” It wasn't a question this time, it was a demand. She was still the only one he'd ever been with that had asked so damn nice, though.
“Anythin' for you, Kitten.”
Deja vu washed over Jon and it was as if everything faded away, like they were back in the CZ warehouse with her spread out beneath him for the first time. The first slow stroke of his cock burying itself in her was enough to make them both moan, Mox pressing their foreheads together and kissing her fiercely. “'Unno if y' remember.” He began hesitantly, biting his lip and then rolling his hips to set the pace for her. “I was waitin' f' them t' send the girls in, an' instead it was you that came into the ring. All fuckin' shaky, flinchin' every damn time I moved.”
“You were crouched in the corner with that old collar around your neck. Ch-chained up.” Of course she remembered. She had to pause then, filling the gap with a breathy groan when Jon bottomed out in her. “I was just so tired of getting hit all the time.” She continued, barely a whisper.
“M' gonna' be grateful f' the rest of my fuckin' life that you decided t' step closer.” Jon admitted, smoothing the hair away from her forehead. “Grateful that I'm the one wakin' up next t' you, I'm the one who gets t' touch ya' like this.” His voice threatened to die right there, but he soldiered on. “I jus' love y' so fuckin' much, Kitten.”
“I love you too, Jon. You did so good.” She praised, her fingers running through his unruly hair. “I'm so proud of you.”
Jon didn't duck away, didn't brush her off. He pressed a kiss to the inside of her wrist and fucked her harder, his pelvis crushing warmly into the apex of her thighs. Words failed him and all he could do was bury his face in her neck, quietly growling as her grip on his collar tightened and her legs rose to wrap around his hips. He mouthed over her shoulder, over her collarbone, his hand sliding between their bodies to stroke her clit.
“Kitten m' gonna' come, gonna' come, come f' me please, please please-” He begged, doing everything that he could to keep from tumbling over the edge before she did. Kitten's teeth dug into his shoulder and Mox shivered when she cried out as she came, her noise muffled by his skin. She bit down harder and that was it for Jon, his forehead dropping to the junction of her neck and shoulder while he spilled into her with a satisfied snarl.
Her fingers were in his hair, her breath sighing out with his face buried in her neck. He had done it. They had done it. Who knew what the future held from this moment on? Maybe a title run, maybe Sami would get shot up to the main roster. One thing he was fairly certain of was that the long, hungry nights were far behind.
The future was terrifyingly bright for someone like him.
He’d honestly expected to die pretty young, but he kind of just...kept going. Every birthday that passed was a semi-pleasant surprise, every time he woke up in a puddle of his own blood with Callihan pulling him back to his feet a tally-mark on the list of 'Not Fucking Yet'. He hadn't known what he was continuing for, really. Food, a place to stay. Surviving at its finest.
He hadn’t expected to fall in love. Hadn’t expected her to make everything better just by offering her love in return for whatever pitiful affection he could muster up. His life without her would be an absolute shit show and he knew that with a bone-deep conviction.
Jon had never gotten over just how fucking lucky he was. How incredibly fucking easy it might have been for her to never come back, or for him to forget about her entirely after that first night of taking her apart with his mouth.
“Promise, no bitin’. Good Behavior.”
“Can I stay here tonight? Please?”
“Jon?” She asked softly, sounding a little worried. Her fingers fidgeted with his collar. “Are you alright? God, I should have made sure you were okay before getting all greedy, I'm so sor--”
Moxley tried to reassure her by kissing her hard, but he ruined it because he was still panting for breath. She started to laugh, peppering his face all over with kisses while he grunted in annoyance. “Fuck’s sake Kitten, m’ fine. Probably won’t feel any of th’ bumps til’ t’morrow anyhow.” He mumbled, shoving a hand beneath the small of her back and arching her up into him again. “Mm, fuck. Kitten, love y’ so damn fuckin’ much.”
“I love you too, Jon.” She replied, cupping his jaw. “More than anything in the world.” She squirmed a little underneath him, getting comfortable and draping her arms over his shoulders. “Where to from here, oh Slayer Of Beasts?” She asked teasingly, hips shifting against his own.
“I dunno’, really. Never thought I’d get this far.” Jon admitted. “Kinda’ excitin’, huh?”
“Maybe a little too exciting.” She said, her tone dry.
Ever his beautiful, practical Kitten. Jon snorted. “I’ll talk t’ the boss. See where I’m goin’, whether this was a one-off or what. I feel like they wouldn’t have brought in Call’han if they weren’t plannin’ on keepin’ my ass in the picture.” She nodded in agreement, stifling a yawn. Jon’s eyes softened and he kissed her gently. “Sleep, Kitten. Y’ had a busy fuckin’ day.” He smoothed the hair back from her face, off her forehead. “Only good shit from here on.”
“Promise?” She murmured, seeming already half-asleep.
“Promise.” Moxley said softly.
Good Kitten.
Post-script AN: I would like to thank you all for joining me on this endeavor. However much or little you liked this story, I'm so glad I got to share it with you. I'd like to thank the Thirst Party crew and Mox Hoe Club, every one of you (especially you Tox!), because you motivated me to write every week as far as Thirst Party Saturday goes, and continue this story in general as far as the MHC goes. An extra special thanks goes out to hardcorewwetrash, naturally, forebear of the Thirst Party!
Thank you all for your time. Thank you all for your consideration of my tale. Most importantly, thank you all for enjoying. I'll see you real soon.
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