#touya’s ice is basically a passive quirk
inkykeiji · 4 months
*me, grabbing you by the lapels and shaking you gently* touya’s ice is not a quirk awakening!!! it is, more or less, a hysterical strength thing!!! aaaaAAAAAAAAAH
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plusonetm · 4 years
Okay but eggsplane rokitodo. Please and thank u
Oop I didn't see this ask, sorry!! Enjoy each and every thing I have about rokitodo, including some new stuff!! Quite a good chunk of this'll be contributions of @theyeeyeetbois (who I love very much. seriously they're great-)
Basic premise: Todoroki Shouto is hit with a quirk that splits him into half, his fire side and his ice side. Fire-Shouto is Roki and Ice-Shouto is Todo! The first time he's split by this quirk is referred to as the initial split, I believe. The quirk's effects last about 5-7 months, thouhh that might change in the future! As implied, Roki and Todo end up dating. After their few months are up, they merge again (which means they go back to being,,,well, Shouto.)
Roki: Roki is generally the more expressive one of the two. He's a bastard and sometimes an asshole, I love him. Personality wise he's spiteful and possessive, but he's also determined and not afraid to speak his mind. Can be rebellious, but Todo keeps him from doing stupid stuff most of the time.
Roki's appearance: He has red hair and blue eyes. He also has the scar across the upper half of his face. Basically Shouto's fire side duplifated and flipped. He doesn't care about what he wears, but he mostly wears black clothes (because black attracts heat, but that's not very relevant so ignore me)
Roki sidenotes: he has Shouto's bluntness and observational skills. He notices things pretty quickly. The few times people flirt or hit on him, he picks up on it almost straight away and well...sets himself on fire. When this happens to Todo, he usually drags the other away or nopes his way out of it.
Todo: As you can guess, Todo is cold. Not very expressive or open. He's closed off and quiet most of the time. He's more passive in his anger and most definitely the type to keep a grudge. He, too, is possessive and sometimes an asshole, just much less so. The asshole part is usually an accident.
Appearance: White hair, grey eyes, no scar no sir. He is peak rich femboy fashion. White, somewhat transparent, floofy shirts. Boot heels. Hoop earrings. Choker (with chains and hoops on it, you know *gestures vaguely*)
Todo sidenotes: he's my himbo son I love him jbswxkjwbisx he's oblivious when it has anything to do with him and very VERY dense. He can pick up on when people hit on his fire boyfriend, and he usually flirts back on Roki's behalf (to scare them of? To passive aggressively hit on them? What is the real reason he does it? I don't know.) He's a sub, which I think is important to note (very loud. I will make a ns//fw post about rokitodo one day)
The scraps of ideas: so post rokitodo merge Shouto is Not Good. At all. This requires a seperate post by itself so uh I'm just gonna give the basics. Post merge Shouto is hyper aware/ extremely insecure. He thinks (knows?) that his classmates prefer Roki and Todo over him. Bla bla lost of identity and he goes begging to be split again. This is the start of an unhealthy cycle of split-merge-recover that I will cover...some day.
FANTASY ROKITODO: HOLY SHIT ITS FANTASY ROKITODO. Okay so uh Roki and Todo come from rival kingdoms in this. Roki is the heir to the Endeavour kingdom's throne. I changed it a little tiny bit so uh yeah. He has an older brother named Touya who was supposedly burned at the stake a years ago, but it's suspected that he survived. This leaves Roki to inherit the throne from Enji. The Endeavour kingdom is allied with the Bakugous' kingdom.
Todo is not the heir to any throne. He comes from Rei's kingdom. He has two older siblings: Fuyumi and Natsuo. Hie mother, Rei, was a kind queen. She was taken in battle by the Endeavour kingdom and most believed they had her killed when no ransom was posted. Todo believes she's still alive, AND SHE IS, but Roki (who's kept far away from Rei and wholeheartedly believes she's dead) tells him otherwise.
Roki and Todo first meet in battle, on opposite ends. They hate each other, and their kingdoms reflect that. Rei's people despise the Endeavour kingdom's people and rulers for taking away their queen. The Endeavour kingdom on the other hand, well...I'm not very sure. I'd say Enji wants to take over Rei's kingdom, as it's so powerful.
The war between these two kingdoms causes many deaths and many sacrifices. Eventually, Enji proposes a deal. In exchange of delivering Rei back to her kingdom and family, Todo has to marry Roki (for status, for peace between their kingdoms, for the power)
Ouch okay so that's most of what I have, though there's a lot more to come. Thank you for the ask!
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zawera · 4 years
My toughts about Dabi's quirk
I've been thinking this a lot. So, I'm gonna explain what I think it would be really cool in Touya's/Dabi's Quirk.
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First of all, I think touya's quirk isn't gonna be like this if they ever explain it. But the thing is: What if Touya ( going with the theory that he is Dabi) actually's Quirk wasn't just fire and anyone knew. Not even himself.
So, everyone already knows that Dabi has a really powerful fire quirk, more than endeavors and hotter.
Now let's talk about touya. He also has a more powerful quirk and therefore, hotter.
Both facts have been said, maybe Dabi's not even been said but it really don't needs to because blue fire is the most powerful that exists.
Now. We also know that Touya inherited a week constitution from Rei, but it's not like week constitution, it's more like week to fire. This means his own body can't handle his quirk for long time. Basically he got his mother body quirk, for saying it somehow. Let's say this way,that he has resistance to ice. But what if it's just not only resistance. What if his powerful quirk has a compensation. What if he could use his ice prepared body for not damaging himself with the fire quirk, but he doesn't even knows that. The only quirk they ever saw in him was the fire one, a very flashy one to ignore some other that could have and didn't train.
It would be, like having a really powerful quirk that can hurt you, but if you learn how to your use your passive one, it doesn't. I certainly don't know if horikoshi ever thought about something like this but if it was real, it would still be too late. I mean. Just look at dabi, his body doesn't seem to be in his best condition.
Personally, I think it would be a really good way to counter such quirk as Dabi's, and he would even be a better villain.
(right now I'm on the urge to see what happens between Tokoyami and Dabi, and of course. A CONFIRMATION THAT DABI IS TOUYA GODDMAMIT 🥺🥺🥺🥺)
If it doesn't happens, if horikoshi has just been playing with all of us I think I would kind of quit with Bnha,(like still getting noticed about what happens and that's it) 'cause seriously, right now,dabi theory is the only thing that keeps me motivated right know to keep reading.
But whatever, this is my thoughts and deep wish on dabi's quirk that isn't going to happen, sadly ;-;
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queen-ofsunflowers · 5 years
Honestly I doubt that Summer would have tried to even being civil to End*avor if she knew what he did to his family.
Oh. Oh no, she wouldn’t have stood for any of that bullshit.
Let me put it like this. When Taiyang finds out from Ruby how Shouto was raised, he immediately adds him to the list of people who are welcome in his home without question (others on this list include Weiss for similar reasons and Blake). He does not condone anything that man has done, but Taiyang remains civil. All of his hatred comes out verbally with every ounce of sarcasm, spite and sass that he can muster.
He is the most passive.
If Summer were alive in present day, all bets were off. Her friendly demeanor disappears when she’s talking to him. She turns as cold as ice, and becomes basically Raven when she has to interact with him. Though she considers him an ally, it doesn’t mean that she won’t see him as a threat. Not a threat to her personally, but a threat to her children. And that point, it includes Shouto.
Eyebrows are raised when she activates her Quirk in combat one day with him in range. And he sustains minor injuries from it.
If she had found out what Endeavor was doing to them before her death, Summer would have done what she could to legally adopt three or four children (depending on how old Touya was when he “died”) and gain a wife. As a result, Todoroki would’ve grown up in a more loving home and probably would’ve never gotten his scar.
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