#reblogs are off because this is just me ranting but like
inkykeiji · 4 months
*me, grabbing you by the lapels and shaking you gently* touya’s ice is not a quirk awakening!!! it is, more or less, a hysterical strength thing!!! aaaaAAAAAAAAAH
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measuringbliss · 2 years
People are acting so weird and possessive of Markiplier for the whole OnlyFans situation. He's an adult. He's an adult who's been a celebrity for years. He knows people thirst on him. That's why he had this idea in the first place. He's not some naive kid you must protect. He's not some innocent soul that the evil sluts of Tumblr and Twitter will corrupt. He knows the Internet, he knows his fans and he knows his job.
He's an adult and he can make his own choices.
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siryyeet · 2 months
Oh you have complicated feelings towards Germany? Let me make 91836373 assumptions about it with my piss poor understanding of history, not listen to germans at all and then come to a horrendously bad and false conclusion on why that is! Also I think you germans should stop feeling guilty and be proud of your country again!
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fishy--friend · 3 months
what the fuck is going on with tictok (im not on it i just stumble upon those vids on pinterest)
before i continue with this rant please correct me if i mess anything up i really dont wanna be considered a bad person for not knowing everything about this.
okay so at first people started spelling magic "magick" because its the traditional way of spelling it or whatever. I dont care, honestly i was raised with both spellings (my mother is convinced shes a witch) so its fine.
then they started spelling fairies "faeries"???? y-you guys know that the traditional plural of fairy is fae right? at least from my upbringing we always said that the things that went missing were "stolen by the fae" not the "faeries". also ITS PRONOUNCED "f-ay-rees" NOT JUST LIKE HOW YOU PRONOUNCE FAIRIES AUUUGHGHGHGHGH
and now theres like... wars going on about the spelling?????? huh??? its not that deep its just a spelling dudes...
tldr; tictok is fucked, stop trying to "fix" the spelling of magic and fairies and for the love of god STOP ATTACKING PEOPLE OVER IT
-- a very disgruntled fish who was "claimed by the old gods"
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aussie-bookworm · 3 months
Don’t you ever just get tired of needless gendering?
I like rock and punk music so Spotify recommended me a playlist called Bubblegrunge and every single artist I can recognise is an all female rock/punk act
Their music isn’t particularly different than any male acts but because they’re female they’re categorised as “Bubblegrunge” something considered softer and sweeter
Like fuck off with the arbitrary gendering. It’s just music. It doesn’t have a fucking gender
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dragonskulls · 9 months
Do you have any tips for getting your artwork seen by other people? I feel like every time I post it’s just crickets and it’s a little demoralizing sometimes
ahh I know that feeling. Unfortunately here on Tumblr there's no algorithm so you can't get more visibility by doing some annoying trend. I think sometimes it's a streak of luck + having good friends that will share your art tbh 😭 it takes time to build a following but reblogging your own art every once in a while can help with ppl who didn't see it bc of timezones, and fanart can help with visibility and getting more followers I think. But yeah there's really no real way to guarantee your art will get seen, but best of luck to you
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have been unpacking the scene where they bully and manipulate five into joining in the training session, which i've had to do a little at a time because there's A Lot and it is Upsetting Shit, but this bit in particular i'm just
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how to make me instantly want to punch a character in the throat: have them pull the 'i can treat you however i want, up to and including physical violence, because it's my house' card, aka every abusive parent ever lmao
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leviiackrman · 2 years
I’m making this very clear right now:
If you think AI stealing real artists artwork is excusable, unfollow me this instant. AI Generated Images is theft.
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nientedal · 1 year
god that post made me mad. "humans just CAN'T be persistence hunters, because persistence hunting doesn't make any sense to me personally! no i'm not going to cite any sources, just trust me, i read about it in school!"
okay, mmhm, sure...except it does work. it does work, and we know it does because it was still in practice by modern humans in the central Kalahari until AT LEAST 1990. some of those people have even explained some of the challenges and nuances of the practice as well as the knowledge they use to make it easier. it's not the only method of hunting humans have used over the years, but it is definitely one of the methods in our repertoire.
"humans can't run for multiple days without food and water (which is how i assume persistence hunting works, for some reason)! and they're not fast enough to chase an antelope without losing it! and tracking is a stupid concept that doesn't work, and i'm going to scoff and ignore it!"
you don't have to run for days. you don't have to be super fast. you just have to be fast enough to not let your quarry rest long enough to recover, and you do have to be able to track-- which is absolutely a real thing that people can and do learn how to do.
(i suspect the OP ignored tracking as a possibility for the same reason they tried to discredit any information about the indigenous peoples of the Kalahari as basically being (1) all noble savage bullshit from the 60s or (2) irrelevant because it's not what their forefathers were doing-- their anthropology course probably taught them about the challenges these bands are facing with colonialism, and probably also taught about the rampant misinformation about them, but it did not teach any actual respect for their cultures or knowledge. or for them as, you know, people. whose grandparents remember the way their grandparents hunted, and can talk about it, even if they are no longer able to continue the practice.)
(knowing the noble savage stereotype is bad doesn't make it less racist when you still talk about people from a stance of "but my modern ways are better than their hungry primitive ways and i'm going to talk as if they're already extinct and have no expertise worth discussing.")
"there's no POINT to it! we have tools! and weapons!" the point is not getting gored and kicked to death by a wounded animal four times your size that didn't die when you hit it the first time. the point is that an exhausted kill is an easy kill where you don't die. it's a decent point. it's fucking reasonable. also, afaik there's decent odds we learned hunting before we learned tools.
and yeah, i get that the OP was just upset and yelling in the initial post. i do understand that. and I understand their frustration at hearing a theory misrepresented as fact. but their subsequent reblogs and responses are equally thoughtless pseudointellectual posturing, and i'm sorry, it's garbage. someone pointed out modern pursuit hunters exist, and they basically went "mmmmyeah, all of that is just outdated, cherry-picked misinformation and you're very stupid and i'm very smart, look at me i know lots of tribe names and i'm going to link some articles about why these people no longer matter, isn't that sad and TOTALLY relevant to this conversation." someone else mentioned tracking, and they ONCE AGAIN basically said if you lose your line of sight, that's it, you're done, you've lost your quarry. tracking isn't real, don't even bring it up. hoofprints in wet ground in the rainy season? those are fake. doesn't happen. broken brush where a panicking animal has run? lol, that's not real. you can invent tools, but learning to follow an animal? bullshit. total malarkey. it's all just guesswork. you can GUESS where the antelope went but that's the best you can do.
anyway, i don't know enough about human evolution to guess why we're shaped the way we are, and i'm not going to speculate on it today. but what i DO know is that i am willing to believe the G/wi and the !Xo when they say, hey, if you drink a lot of water and then chase a large ungulate through the hottest part of the day in the fucking Kalahari at a steady jog, it will probably overheat and collapse before you will. because one, i kinda figure they know what they're talking about, and two, it does actually make sense when you stop and think for thirty fucking seconds. sure, you need to be physically conditioned to run distances in extreme heat, and you need to be able to find your quarry again if you lose sight of it. but conditioning and tracking are both things you can learn, no matter how badly certain clowns wish it wasn't because it doesn't support their bias. 🙃
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inkling0121 · 1 year
I'm salty about how little love Mikey gets in the tmnt show and fandom
Ive seen a lot of love in the fandom, you gotta find all the Mikey fanartists and authors (and when you do, reblog their stuff so other Mikey lovers find them), heck, Mikey is my favorite!!
As for shows and movies, I swear he was allergic to character growth, except for the third orginal tmnt movie, loved that one, I need to rewatch it
However mutant mayhem gives me plenty of hope, and I hear he gets a lot of love from the comics
But seriously, you guys gotta look for other Mikey fans, surf through the tmnt mikey tag and see what blogs appear the most, go through the Michelangelo (tmnt) tag on ao3, and follow people! Share their stuff! Especially on tumblr, reblog their posts (art or not) because thats how people on this platform grow and are motivated to keep posting
Reblog doodles, reblog big pieces, write stuff in the tags, reblog one shots and drabbles and other fanfics, share links from ao3 stories, reblog gifs and screen shots and character analysis, follow people
Support fellow fandom people, you'll find and see a lot more Mikey love (as well as love for the other characters)
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begging people to learn the difference between atheism and anti-theism. you can be an atheist without being insanely disrespectful towards minority religions and ethno-religions; it's really not that hard.
if you wanna criticize christianity, you can do so without lumping in innocent people from other cultures; especially those that are actively harmed by the same christian hegemonic ideas you claim to fight against.
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autumnday19 · 2 years
#screaming into the void#please don't reblog#tw rant#seriously I'm really upset and frustrated so don't bother reading this#just needed to get this off my chest#my birthday is coming up and I'm not going to be home for it so my parents decided to hold an early birthday celebration#and I'm very grateful that they did anything at all for me#I don't want to sound spoiled#I just wish there was more thought put into it#I don't need a grand celebration#but it was just a key lime pie and a card with $100 in it#and I couldn't even have the pie bc I'm having an acid reflux flareup#not to say $100 isn't a lot#but I honestly appreciate my friend's gift more#they're taking me out to a restaurant just eat and hang out#just a cheap place like cracker barrel or olive garden or something#this person I've only known for a couple months is giving me a more thoughtful gift than my parents#by the way I know for a fact they didn't even know how much they were going to give me this morning#because my mom straight up admitted it#it's not about the money#I just feel like they don't give two shits about me#because they couldn't even be bothered to decide#how much they were going to put in the card#until the morning of the celebration#my brother couldn't make it home because he had work#and one of the few friends I have back home is busy so she couldn't hang out#the rest are always busy so I didn't even bother asking bc I didn't want to be let down#I should have just fucking stayed in my dorm#the only fucking reason I went home was because I wanted to see my brother and because my mom kept talking about how much she wanted me to#I should have just stayed so I could have gotten school work done
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coelacat · 2 months
as much as i want to i could never be any sort of biological educator. so many humans have such a poor grasp on the value of life that it just makes me angry. no, a wasp doesnt need a reason to be alive. it is and isnt that beautiful? but also like. jesus fucking christ dude have you never seen a bird eat a bug before. is a wasps role in the ecosystem really that hard to figure out
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impostorsshow · 4 months
Unspecified issue that im going to blame on my pika hospital rating time in a non linear order 4/10
I had to go to the ER twice since they didn't believe me the first time
Despite being afab between 4 women nurses and 1 male nurse the guy was the only one who came back like 4 times to my room to make sure I got an ultrasound and the
women kept trying to brush me off and say it was just period cramps [i am not on my period fuck you], etc thank hell for that guy. He also drove my hospital bed [since I could not fucking move more than like 2 feet] like a damn racecar and took some really smooth corners and that was very fun. Actually the way he handled it makes me think the [3/4] girls that treated me had like an ongoing rumor about shitty care or something
Another girl failed at putting in my IV twice and brought over "the IV guy" who was about to go on lunch break and they literally had to ultrasound my veins to find a good spot i sincerly apologized like 5 times for "having the shittiest veins in the west"
I had to lie multiple times and say my pain was a 9 in order to get pain meds. Yes I did want to cry but that's like a 7.5 I was not dying and whoever decided a 10 was crying obviously never has had chronic ankle and knee pain [or any chronic pain but y'know. Those are my chronics]. Despite sending me home for period cramps the first time in the ER I said my pain was at a 7.5 and they didn't give me Jack shit [they had to bump up the pain medication they gave me to be stronger so I don't think it woulda worked anyway, just maybe delay how long it took for me to beg to be taken back to the ER]
I was supposed to see the Garfield movie and had to have minor surgery like 3 hours before so womp womp [I am able to refund the tickets and am determined to see it in theaters]
I GOT ICE CUBES?? THEY GIVE YOU ICE CUBES?? brings it up from a 4/10 to a 6/10 honestly bitches love ice cubes
My assigned nurse read fanfiction and I told her about that one 400 chapter batim fanfic and she reaffirmed the name of it like 3 times shes definitely into that shit Good luck gal. I also said "i read this Hermitcraft fanfic-" and she immediately went "HERMITCRAFT??? Oh we are not on the same sides of ao3" and I'm still very unsure of what I implied or what she implied by that so I just transitioned into telling her about my sonic death fanfic from 2019
In the waiting room the second time I went they were playing a horror movie that used a theremin [that one famous no hand instrument] and the movie played the same 4 note creepy audio clip like 7 times in 30 seconds with no dialogue in between each time. What was. What was that excuse me?? Also it was like 11 pm at this point
So yippee me irrational [?] fear of my useless organ I forgot the name of exploding being the thing to have a risk of permanently fucking me over was Not the thing to bring me to the hospital. Here's doodles from my hospital visit taken in approximately shitty lighting that I mind my damn best to save with filters
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Also you made it this far read the alt tags
#it was not in fact caused by pika but i do have pika so fuck you you do not need to know why i was in the hospital#the trip both fully solidified why i fucking hate hospitals and why hospitals are usually the best option#like i think i would have had pernament damage/bled out/had an ambulance called if i didnt insist on going back to the ER within an hour#and my nana insisted on going with me to be a karen since shes had cancer like 3 times so i actually got treated this that time yippee#fuck you to the two girls that saw me the first time i went to the er [where i had to wait 2 fucking hours] and thought i was just absolute#-ly fucking insane and bonkers or some shit. they used medical terms to call me a liar to my face. second time i went the wait was only lik#15-30 minutes at the most?? even if i had to stay overnight thats fuckin better than 3 hours#i also took the uh anti anxiety shit they offer before a surgery so i do not remember anything unfortunately or else i would have rated tha#the post surgery girl did listen to me when i said crackers were too salty and got me jello in my preferred color though!!#talk talks#also the read more is weird because ✨ clickbait in the middle of a run on sentence ✨#also i turned reblogs off so my friends that reblog my items. please just leave me an ask in my inbox i do not want my hospital experience#going all over tumblr i want it to stay on My Account#forgot to mention i specifically mean the like 3 people that reblog with a matching rant in the tags. ill know its about this post dw
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wompty-domptydom · 1 year
there's so much discourse about disco elysium on my dashboard that im not even sure disco elysium fans like disco elysium
i dont understand why this fandom is like cannibalizing itself
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wild-at-mind · 1 year
Don’t have time to elaborate on this at the mo, (ETA apparently I did in the tags) but it’s starting to get really weird how much people want to equate early 90s homophobic edginess made by straight people with queerness as we understand it today.
#i know everything is super interpretable and fluid now but it wasn't back then#that's why straight people felt safe doing this stuff#not even just straight people but it came from mainstream straight culture#i think this is why i often find fandom uncomfortable#like i decided to dip my toe into listening to gwar after seeing them live on tuesday which was a fucking blast#their live shows man everyone should see at least one#but their back catalogue is vast and varied in quality#so i played skumdogs of the universe and it was probably the most enjoyable sound i had heard in the selection i tried from a playlisyt#but it's also speckled with casual homophobia and racism#as was normal when people did shock jock shit in the early 90s#i was telling my bf that i would describe it as not as bad as it could have been for the time i guess#the marshall mathers lp came out years later and is CONSIDERABLY more homophobic while going for a similar tone#and is still regarded as a classic record#anyway now i go on tumblr looking for gwar stuff to reblog and i'm finding people saying actually gwar is queer???#like.....no it's not!!#this is why i try to not get into bands with characters fuckin hell#becuase they get fandoms and fandoms are just like this and i hate it#gwar get a pass by me because they put far more efffort into the spectacle of the show than building their lore#but there is no way in hell i'm ever learning the lore of the gorilaz or something fuck off#i ranted but honestly i don't want to take away anyone's thing like if you really believe that gwar is the essence of queerness#i'm glad for you but for me it's super patriarchal metal shit that's fun in small-medium doses
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