#guys come oN
antimony-medusa · 5 months
*I emerge from scrolling tags to avoid writing an essay about learning styles, staring madly and with my hair torn out of my head*
okay so btw, Phil is the top requested QSMP character for the exchanges I run, usually followed by Chayanne (and then spiderbit/parrot duo, usually only like one or two votes behind).
Pissa is the 7th most popular QSMP ship, with 299 fics of this writing, and Phil & Chayanne is the 10th most popular ship, with 265 fics. Phil is the single most popular QSMP character on Ao3, tagged in 2,354 fics.
Speaking as someone who regularly goes into both the Phil and the Etoiles tags to queue art, Phil has tons of awesome art. People liveblog his lore streams. I personally saw the Cellbit discord doing a primer on his hardcore lore the other day because someone had the theory that it was going to be applicable to general QSMP lore. If I see a cool moment on stream, I can open up the tag six hours later and there's art of it.
Do you know how many fandoms would absolutely kill for that?
Phil is not sidelined by the fandom. He is doing FINE. That is the opposite of the problem we are having, we are having the problem where Phil is popular enough that people show up to other people's lore like "let me make this about my guy" and I scream and claw my face and apologize for them. We are having the problem where while MOST people in the tag are well behaved, just by laws of percentages, even a very small portion of the fandom acting badly makes fans of other characters clutch their blorbos to their chest and mutter darkly about "phil fans".
It might seem a little less if you're used to DSMP at its peak, but I assure you, DSMP at its peak was a megafandom. We are a healthy midsized-to-large fandoms and Phil is one of the big characters. I promise you.
Let me put this in DSMP terms. Phil crows? We are the inniters of QSMP. We are doing FINE. I assure you. Trust me.
Do I agree with the characterization everyone is bringing to the table for my blorbo? No. Popular characters get misrepresented. Is every fic in the tag a masterpiece? No. Baby writers get to have fun too. Do I sometimes go "aw I'd love to see more art of phil and [x] because I love their dynamic"? Yes. The nature of being human is to want more of your blorbo and for your takes about your blorbo to reign supreme.
But if you were kind of going "I want to see more of my blorbo :(" and thinking that represented that the fandom was not paying attention to the blorbo, I assure you, I've run the numbers, Phil is not being sidelined.
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miremilez · 2 years
Finally one thing that my sister and I have agreed on is that Tenoch Huerta is one handsome sexy lookin’ mf
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theriacballad · 4 months
Jekyll and Hyde au where Jekyll gets stuck as Hyde like he did in the end of the book but successfully fled with Utterson to live a quiet life on a ranch or something . Jekyll/Hyde has to deal with being stuck like this and the issues that come with it, with Utterson being there to help every step of the way. Guys . Guys hear me out
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jackstheprinceofhearts · 10 months
y'all gotta stop making AI art of book ships... it makes me so mad because there are so many talented artists who show their love and support by working hard to make a great drawing for their favorite book. the thing that actually shows that you care is putting work into it not making a computer do it for you. if you wanna use AI to make art please clarify in the post that it's AI and DONT DO FANART THAT WAY BECAUSE ITS NOT APPRECIATING ANYONE OR ANYTHING BECAUSE YOURE MAKING A COMPUTER DO IT!!!!! there's no love or support in AI art.
stop slandering my favorite ships
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avesque · 1 year
hi sweet darling my my myyy i adore your writing so very much and wanted to know if you are still taking requests from that one post you linked? if so i would love to see something with tsu’tey for the “i am in love with a moment we never had” + angst? something about him with some angst just scratches an itch in my brain idkkk lots of love btw mwah !<3
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across the stars — tsu’tey
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INCLUDES fem!reader, human!reader. angst. 1.1k words.
NOTE anon you are so sweet omg thank you so much! <3
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jakesully hands tsu’tey a note one afternoon after the battle, a crumpled piece of folded paper with specks of dirt on the edges. it looks tiny and, tsu’tey admits, unimportant.
he refuses to take it.
the olo’eyktan sighs, pushing the scrap back in his direction. “come on, brother. it’s important.”
tsu’tey begs to differ, taking a step back and scowling at the chief. a small, immature part of him is still stingy about the turn of events; how he had no choice but to pass his title to jakesully when he was on the brink of death.
“it’s from y/n.”
tsu’tey stills. his ears fall back in his hair at the mention of your name, tail swishing in curiosity.
you were one of the researchers — a biologist, he remembers you saying — alongside grace who studied pandoran flora and fauna. before the war, you had wormed your way well into the clan with your bright smiles and tinkling laughter. despite being one of the sky people, no one was able to resist you.
you were magnetic.
tsu’tey prides himself in his great resolve, his firm judgment. he is as untrusting as one can be; calculative when needed and always skeptical.
though he cannot deny how even he was left defenseless to your charm. it pains him to admit it but he grew fond of your excited chatter, especially the way your little demon face would light up at the mere mention of new plants, among other things.
he snatches the paper in jakesully’s hands and leaves without a word.
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the note has been tucked under the woven mat in his hut for days now. tsu’tey has convinced himself there are far more important things to focus on than your flimsy little gift, and as dawn breaks over the moon, he finds himself grappling for excuses he can tell himself to prolong the inevitable.
a frustrated scowl mars his face, jumping off his hammock and kneeling on the floor, lifting the carpet to reveal the folded scrap. it seems almost threatening as it sits there, staring back.
he chooses to get it done and over with.
he turns it over a few times, looking for something; anything, but all there is is smeared dirt. finally, with bated breath, he slips a finger in the crease and unfolds it.
the paper is filled with your neat handwriting, dark ink nearly glowing on the white background. his heart sinks a bit as he sees how little you wrote but he ignores the feeling.
my dearest, tsu’tey, it reads.
his hands shake and the paper crumples beneath his fingers.
you may be reading this while i am already off this moon, or you may be reading this with a scowl perfectly painted on your face with me in front of you. either way, i just hope you’re reading this.
i would first like to thank you for your warm welcome.
tsu’tey grunts at that, shifting on his haunches, something ugly bubbling in his chest, one he cannot name.
i know how difficult it must be to accept someone like me yet you did not push me away. (you did, but you are unsuccessful! i am just stubborn, and i’m glad i am.)
the countless moments i have spent with you are everything to me. i will hold them close to my heart forever.
from the deepest crevices of my heart, thank you. i appreciate all the things you’ve done for me. for showing me the flowers and telling me about them, letting me come with you on hunts, and for merely walking with me in the forest. i hope you enjoyed those moments as much as i did.
the sky people are going back on earth soon and i have decided to come with them. before i go, i will tell you a secret.
my heart has grown too fond of you. sometimes, i fear you can hear the way my heart beats a little faster when you’re near. you have enraptured me. you are the most beautiful creature i have ever laid my eyes upon.
but i —
the letter is cut off, scrawled over by strings of ink. it starts again below, and the words sends an arrow straight through his heart.
i am in love with a moment we never had. not entirely, i suppose, since i do not go over our moments the way you do. i do not experience them in a… friendly way, shall i say? the way you do. it does not translate the same way between us.
i have spent nights with you clouding my mind, the sound of your voice a hazy lullaby in my head. i have dreamt of holding you, of kissing you, of telling you i love you.
i see you, tsu’tey. even when i am no longer in this moon, remember that somewhere in this vast universe, someone out there sees you.
thank you for sharing a part of yourself with me.
yours, y/n.
the letter is nearly balled up in tsu’tey’s firm grip. it is miniscule compared to his hand, and it is a reminder of how small yours had looked in his when he guided you over rocks that one time he showed you around.
something sits heavy in his heart. guilt, he’s come to know. the sky people left just two days ago and jakesully had given him your letter a week before.
he falls back on the floor of his hut, the mat digging under his left thigh.
had he known of your feelings… had he conquered his fear and read your letter earlier…
because tsu’tey may be known for his great resolve but all it took was your blinding smile to spear through his walls. he was untrusting as one can be but the trust you have shown you had in him had him wavering.
he suppose it is just right that he was stripped of his title. one so mighty will not cower before a piece of paper, but he had, and he missed the one chance eywa has given him to let you know of his feelings that had grown and bloomed over the course of your moments spent together.
he has nothing of you to remember by except this letter and the guilt that has taken root over his chest. he knows it will stay right there as long as he lives.
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peony-pearl · 1 year
yeah I’ll say it again: there was no reason for Azula to be put in an asylum for a year and still be going through it that bad all for a breakdown that took, what, less than a month? If we take Zuko’s betrayal, then Mai and Ty Lee swapping sides(? we never really see them “turning good” they just prevent Azula from hurting Zuko and the Gaang but that’s a different discussion) and then her father’s denial of her joining him to the Earth Kingdom (then feeling like she’s being treated like Zuko - thus she’s suddenly lesser in his eyes) followed by Zuko defeating her (which, in her mind, is a whole new failure and she probably feels like she failed her Nation)... yeah that’s stuff that, if given proper therapy, she could have just stayed in a hospital, and within a year, possibly even be living back in the palace with a whole new outlook on life. The writers make it sound like Zuko just wanted her out of his hair which is not how you want to write your hero whose arc is based around growth and wanting acceptance and is forgiven by a family elder after he hurts him. Yes he’s a new Fire Lord and he’s got a lot on his plate, but to just handwave his sister away after he knows the pain of being denied by his family is... bleh (also you all know how much I hate Iroh's canonical endgame)
And I know that there were talks of a fourth season in which she got her healing arc (which would have been really great to see); but it’s such a mess that the comics just kind of decided ‘nahh let the teenager who’s been locked up for a year keep her antagonist role, that’s fresh right?’ Not the girl who was put on a pedestal until suddenly everything she did was wrong (which... yeah, she WAS doing wrong; but she’s been raised to believe everything she was doing was for a greater good for HER nation and the world. She believes she’s a hero because she’s doing what she was raised to do, and to them she IS a hero. She has daddy’s ‘love’ so long as she’s perfect and amazing - and then suddenly all of that gets absolutely obliterated right in front of her one at a time as she realizes everything she’s been doing to maintain her power is also driving people away. Being 'the good kid' until suddenly you aren'twill unravel you.). Zuko knows how that feels, to feel like everything he did was wrong. He knows how it feels to have to break away from realizing he’s been hurting people; to learn from that and how he needs to change his ways.
And not only that but the way they write Azula as a villain in The Search is just AWFUL like it’s boring af. They recycle the same beats over and over and no one gets the bright idea to stop the cycle it’s AWFUL everyone in that comic is a raging idiot.
idk I could keep going in circles and we already know the comics are awful but there’s my extra 2 cents on the matter. They took a character that was already entertaining and fascinating and denied her a really great potential arc to make her one of the best allies the Gaang could have (and Zuko could have some FAMILY) but nope. Let's retread the show but instead let's make it bad.
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yesthefandomfreakblr · 2 months
But how do Regalians get citrus. Like. How bad is the scurvy down there and how do they treat it.
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danandfuckingjonlmao · 3 months
not that anyone is wondering or has noticed bc no one knows who i am lmao but the reason i’m often interacting with posts in the replies instead of reblogging your posts and putting comments in the tags is because y’all are STILL NOT CAPTIONING OR TRANSCRIBING THE VIDEOS YOU POST and i’m not gonna reblog uncaptioned videos like come on how many times do we have to have this conversation 😭😭😭
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onenicebugperday · 1 year
For a species that’s nearly impossible to breed in captivity, blue death feigning beetles spend A LOT of their time getting intimate with one another
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free-the-fandom · 2 years
Seeing people ship Shuri and Namor after he KILLED HER FUCKING MOM like:
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milk-lover · 2 years
Everyone this session:
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inkykeiji · 1 month
*me, grabbing you by the lapels and shaking you gently* touya’s ice is not a quirk awakening!!! it is, more or less, a hysterical strength thing!!! aaaaAAAAAAAAAH
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atlas-chaps · 9 months
Only two pages of coffee shop AUs on AO3 for Good Omens??? And only TWO tagged Beelzebub/Gabriel???
Oh absolutely not. *Cracks knuckles*
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melhekhelmurkun · 3 months
Rex and Cody are supposed to be some of the best and here they are getting the shit beat out of them by Slick 💀
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911: *throws Buck under a ladder truck and then into a tsunami*
The fanfic writers: copy that
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