#toxic dyes
multiplesifl · 1 year
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Pretty poison.
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retrokinetics · 13 days
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More of @alexilulu’s Vervain! We’ve decided she needs a pinup per room
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experimental little piece of art with elias, also soing an experiment!!!!
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civetcider · 3 months
Hi there cool gorilla woman, why are you blue?
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Problematic Yuri Tournament - Round One
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Kitanai Kimi ga Ichiban Kawaii vs. Manakashi no Yuri wa Akaku Somaru
Kitanai Kimi ga Ichiban Kawaii (manga by Hanasaki Manio)
Mod submission; they're in love! they're mutually toxic and abusive! they're kinky! they would die for each other. truly this is one of the yuri manga of all time. quick content warnings: abuse, noncon/dubcon, severe bullying, surveillance, and plenty of girl vomit.
Manakashi no Yuri wa Akaku Somaru (visual novel by Bug System)
Submitted problematic elements: kanzaki emotionally manipulates honjou using the latters inexperience in relationships in order to keep her "pure," even to the point of removing parts of her anatomy to retain that purity.
Submitted content warnings: rape, mutilation, emotional manipulation, gaslighting, abuse, incest, lolisho, transphobia(? the way they handle a specific character in the vn is kind of transphobic)
Submitted propaganda: really good VN that explores purity culture and the idea of "gold star lesbians" through guro!
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yaoicoreren · 29 days
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we'll grow out of it, surely
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michi-chelle · 2 months
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this scene hits different right after rei’s route 🥲
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bucket-barnes · 4 months
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As you wish Homie
(Suggestion from @tiredflowercrown)
Anthony Tremaine- curl up and dye
Heads up: I did very minimal research before writing this fic and embellished a bit for dramatics, I cannot guarantee that any of this information is medically accurate so you may need to suspend your disbelief a bit if you know more than I do
The Isle of the lost wasn’t a safe place, that wasn’t new, but in the case of Anthony Tremaine…danger came in a different form, the salon
The Tremaine family business may not have been dangerous in a traditional sense, the most threatening thing that happened to them was when Harriet Hook came in after a day of dealing with her father’s drunkenness and brother’s hallucinations, but even then she never did any harm, what really did the harm was when Anthony went to dye the stress-grays out of her hair
The hair dye in curl up and dye wasn’t of the highest quality, after all, it was Auradon’s leftovers, Anthony had been working with these chemicals since he was tall enough to reach the sinks, his earliest childhood memories linked to the smells of old bleach and dyes, touching up his grandmother’s roots, covering his mother’s horrid gray strands, and even helping Dizzy with her colored streaks whenever he was in a good mood. The process was therapeutic in a way, giving life to the dull and dead, the moments of peace he would get when more or less frying people’s hair…along with unknowingly frying years off his lifespan with internal burns and respiratory damage
Anthony had a few trademarks that made him stand out, his always perfect hair, the way he made rags look expensive…and his cough. Anthony had been basically inhaling poison since birth (especially when they would have to substitute the bleach with actual poison if they ran out) his lungs were thoroughly ravaged, though it wouldn’t stop him from keeping up his image. He always carried a cornflower blue handkerchief with him in the event of one of his coughing fits, people didn’t tend to pay it mind, the sound of someone hacking their lungs out in the street was the isle’s equivalent to chirping birds. Anthony always handled these fits with grace, coughing into his handkerchief and then tucking it away into his shirt pocket with one hand while the other slyly clutched his ribs. The only part Anthony couldn’t control was the rasp in his voice that would come and go, but hey…some people are into that, no harm no foul
At the incessant begging of his cousin, Anthony came to Auradon, it was wonderful, clean air, fresh food, the most fashionable clothes Anthony’s ever seen…but he kept getting weird looks from people when he coughed, it wasn’t that bad, was it? They were small, quiet, a little uncomfortable sure but…not terrible…right?? Well, they were that bad, the isle and Auradon just had very different definitions of the word, it was while working with Evie that Anthony learned this difference
It was a few days before the royal wedding and Evie wanted to get her hair touched up before her best friend’s big day so she had gone to Anthony to get the job done. Sure, Auradon had amazing hair stylists, but Dizzy had suggested letting Anthony do Evie’s hair since he knew how to get the perfect shade of blue every time. Evie sat in the chair and made small talk with Anthony, though it was interrupted by a handful of coughing fits. She must have been in Auradon a long time because, Evie didn’t remember Anthony’s coughs sounding that bad. His breath sounded labored and painful, his coughs were strained and seemed to cause him physical pain, Anthony practically doubling over at one point while he groaned and clutched his ribs. Evie would ask if he was ok and needed a break, Anthony would always insist he was fine, the cough was normal and not that bad, though the more he insisted the more Evie would protest to him continuing, but he kept on with the job at hand, the fumes making his eyes slightly water…then again, could’ve been tears from all the coughing…
It happened in a flash. Anthony’s eyes had gone vacant and his breath became more of a labored wheeze than breathing, he started to tip and the next thing he knew he was making his way to the floor as his vision went dark and his hearing became nothing but ringing…
he woke up in…not Evie’s house, the walls were white, everything was blurry…and what was that noise? It was loud and obnoxious like a broken alarm clock that wouldn’t turn off. He turned to his left and saw Dizzy, was she crying? He also felt a weird poking in his arm, he turned to his right and saw a thin tube, no thicker than a sewing needle, going right into his arm carrying some strange, gold liquid…
“Wh…where am…I?”
Anthony tried to ask, though it came out more as incoherent mumbling than actual words. Dizzy looked at her cousin with a mixture of confusion and concern
“Um…somewhere called a hospital? You Passed out doing Evie’s hair and weren’t waking up, I panicked, I’m sorry!”
Gods, he must have been tired, he could barely form a sentence, though that noise from earlier wasn’t going away, if anything it was getting louder, good gods someone make it stop!
“Wh…ts that?”
Anthony tried to ask another question, though once again it sounded more like mumbling. Dizzy tapped her chest with her finger and Anthony seemed to get the message…that noise was his heartbeat, and it was getting louder because he was confused and…admittedly a little scared…wow was he screwed
Hope this sufficed! Who knew hair dye was so toxic, huh? (Cue uncomfortable laughter because I bleached and dyed my hair at home for three years straight) got any more descendants characters you want to see me medically screw over? By all means tell me! I’m bored, I’ll do it!
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tayuyya-uchiha · 3 months
Just know I'm always watching you×
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seastarlily · 1 year
SpongeBob Science Fact #1
Remember when SpongeBob did this in “I Had an Accident”?
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Sea sponges, much like flamingos, oysters, and baleen whales, obtain nutrients through a method known as filter-feeding. First, water is drawn inside the sponge through the smaller openings called incurrent pores. As the water passes through the sponge’s various channels and chambers, bacteria and microscopic particles are taken in as food, and oxygen particles transfer into the sponge’s cells through simple diffusion. Then, the water exits the sponge through the larger openings called excurrent pores, letting out waste products like carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and ammonia.
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So, SpongeBob was not lying when he said, “I’m a sponge, I’ll just filter feed.” Plus, “Feral Friends” did go on to further prove this fact years and years later by showing a de-evolved SpongeBob doing exactly that while in Sandy’s observation tank, so that’s a plus I would say.
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Discharged in large quantities by textile, cosmetic, ink, paper and other manufacturers, dyes carry high-toxicity and can bring potential carcinogens to wastewater. It's a major concern for wastewater treatment -- but researchers in Drexel University's College of Engineering may have found a solution, using a tiny nanofilament. A study lead Michel Barsoum, Ph.D., Distinguished University professor in the College of Engineering, and his team, including researchers from Drexel's College of Arts and Sciences, found that a one-dimensional, lepidocrocite structured titanium oxide photocatalyst material has the ability to break down two common dye pollutants -- rhodamine 6G and crystal violet -- under the visible light spectrum. The material also reduced those dye concentrations in the water by 90% and 64%, respectively, in just 30 minutes, when the starting catalyst to dye mass ratio was 1 to 1. "This is an exciting finding because it helps to address a problem that has been a real challenge for the water treatment process," Barsoum said. "We anticipate that integrating our titanium-oxide photocatalyst into the current processes could improve its effectiveness in removing these chemicals, as well as reducing the amount of energy required to do so."
Read more.
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dailybehbeh · 8 months
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alaskassweetdump · 9 months
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well, well, well, lookie what arrived today! Happy Hump Day to ME!
My bf is going out tonight so I have big hair plans!
Good Dye Young (founded by Hayley Williams and Brian O’Conner) released the Greenhaus line recently, which includes their first auburn shade. I had to have it. Gonna jazz it up with some toxicity and then use the color depositing conditioner to maintain it.
I will definitely show ya’ll how it turns out!
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hexjulia · 1 month
ever since some embroidery sculpture concept thing i made accidentally fell into the ceramic vessel full of water part above which it was suspended and started bleeding 5 different colours immediately i've felt slightly less good about licking embroidery thread to get it to pass through needle. but i keep doing it automatically. I keep thinking about that medieval woman with her teeth blue from the lapis lazuli she licked from the brush she was painting with.
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atoxicplague · 1 month
Just another update 💚
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problematic-yuri-poll · 14 hours
Problematic Yuri Tournament - Round One Losers' Bracket
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Manakashi no Yuri wa Akaku Somaru vs. Insecure Herami Sisters
Manakashi no Yuri wa Akaku Somaru (visual novel by Bug System)
Submitted problematic elements: kanzaki emotionally manipulates honjou using the latters inexperience in relationships in order to keep her "pure," even to the point of removing parts of her anatomy to retain that purity.
Submitted content warnings: rape, mutilation, emotional manipulation, gaslighting, abuse, incest, lolisho, transphobia(? the way they handle a specific character in the vn is kind of transphobic)
Submitted propaganda: really good VN that explores purity culture and the idea of "gold star lesbians" through guro!
Insecure Herami Sisters (manga by Kaneko Aru)
Submitted problematic elements: Incest, I guess age gap? (19 & 26)
Mod addition because this was almost a mod submission: Younger sis is a seemingly perfect popular hypercompetent idol... who's also a yandere obsessed with older sis! Older sis is a pathetic and useless menhera girl who's the least popular maid at a maid cafe! They made a promise to be idols together when they were children and little sis will stop at nothing to make sure it comes true! Love the art and character designs in this manga SO MUCH... so many cute girls..
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