yoyoyo-idk · 1 year
i love these characters who always need MORE money. like... some characters want money, find a way to become rich and then they're good to go but they're nowhere near as fun as seojun "i know you gave me 20 billion won yesterday but they've already been used so i am now financially in the red" kim or suho "give me money so i can spend it and get more money >:)" kim
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jadeburdened · 2 years
6; 18; 33
Character Development Questions || accepting
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6. Does your character have recurring themes in their dreams?
They sleep very little or not at all, if it can be helped, because the same jumbled mess of night terrors plague their mind every time. Seeing their old friends suffering, dying, vanishing just before Alatus’ own hands can reach them. Losing what little sense of freedom they have all over again as if their old, cruel master has returned to enslave them once more. Feeling the karmic energy take over their body and bring fatigue and searing aches to every part of them until they can’t freely move any longer, restricting their breathing until they wake up choking for air.
18. Is your character more likely to admire wisdom, or ambition in others?
In general it’s a mix of both. Although when it comes to mortals, they tend to find themself a lot more intrigued by the ambitions humans have. Kind of cool. Kind of insane, some of these funky lil mortals. The adeptus tries not to judge too harshly-- at least never out loud-- but there’s no denying that they are impressed. 
33. In the face of criticism, is your character defensive, self-deprecating, or willing to improve?
There’s always willingness to improve but sometimes they’ll internally mull it over a little later on self-consciously. I guess it’d depend on who was the one to criticize and correct them, and how they’ve been spoken to? Xiao highly values their peers’ and higher-ups’ opinions (especially Lord Rex’s), and they would quietly beat themself up about having failed/disappointed these people, even if it was merely a minor issue. They’ve been alive for thousands of years, have been training and fighting for most of that time, and they’ve convinced themself there’s very little room for errors at this point (when it comes to important subjects and roles pertaining yakshas/adepti/immortals, anyway).
Modern Teyvat and human-related topics, however? It’s a completely different situation, and perhaps they get a little defensive and show their age when criticized lol. (”Yes. Well. Back in MY day....”) But they try! Oh my god do they try! There is still willingness to improve! They just had to take a liking to some human and their kooky lil mortal shenanigans for Xiao to start caring enough to be open to learning about these things, y’know?
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kilopmj · 2 years
Transcension clicker heroes
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#Transcension clicker heroes code
You're welcome ily Go to this paste bin for the code!
#Transcension clicker heroes code
Here's the code you can Paste in your game (: All damage is retained.Clicker Heroes Infinite Rubies + Coins + Unlock All Zones Hack Similarly, the new Immortal damage or level does not reset upon Transcending either. The sole thing that happens regarding clans is the fact that the "Highest Zone Ever" value does freeze for a while, until the player once again reaches that zone. Therefore, the player's value to their clan isn't diminished by transcending. While Hero Souls count is reset - and with it the player's Hero Souls reward cap from defeating an Immortal - Immortal damage isn't reset. Transcend after 3-4 ascensions that gain new Ancient Souls.Note: Orphalas is a bad outsider and should be disabled in the settings. Outsiders should be leveled accordingly to the outsider calculator.For every subsequent boss, this value is multiplied by TP. Here is a table for how much Transcendent Power you will have from x Ancient Souls:Įvery point in Transcendent Power gives a bonus to the number of Hero Souls dropped, beginning with level 105, for which the boss gives 20 (× Ponyboy effect × TP%) extra Hero Souls if it is Primal. This indicates that the maximum transcendent power is 25%. Each Ancient Soul earned is worth a tiny bit of Transcendent Power. Transcendent Power increases the Hero Souls dropped by Primal Bosses. Transcendence does not replace Ascension: each Transcendence cycle is worth and will require several Ascension cycles, increasing as your Transcendence rewards do. Purchased gilds are only temporarily lost: you regain 5% of them every time you earn a gild normally. On mobile, however, Mercenaries will still be available post-trancendence. Mercenaries will be locked immediately post-transcendence, but will be kept in store "as-is" and unlock at the normal time (level 139 or after one Ascension) and remain just as they were when you left them. This makes it easier to level Outsiders, and fix mistakes. It is always recommended to Respec on Transcension. Unlike Hero Souls, all Ancient Souls are earned back when respeccing. You can choose to respec when you transcend: simply tick the "Respec on Transcension" when you transcend. Transcendence becomes available after defeating Woodchip, the Rodent (boss of zone 300). In exchange, you receive Ancient Souls (which is based on the total amount of Hero Souls sacrificed) and Transcendent Power. Transcendence is basically a super- Ascension but in addition to sacrificing your Gold, Hero levels, Relics, and zone progress, you also sacrifice Ancients, Hero Souls, and Gilds (except gilds purchased with Rubies which you'll gradually earn back). Sacrifice everything to appease the Outsiders, and gain previously unheard of things.
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chaos-enchanted · 6 months
Thought that this was an interesting take on the relationship between Valkorion/Tenebrae and Cipher Nine. I think there's a perception in the fandom that sometimes non-force users don't fit in as well Valkorions plans (like the BH or Smuggler), because they're not force sensitive and don't have as many lines that establish that connection between for example Valkorion and Sith Inquisitor/Warrior/Jedi Knight (can't remember too much about Consular). But this line kind of highlights that despite not being force sensitive, Valkorion tries to establish that mutual ground with Cipher Nine.
Also bringing it back to when (while in the carbonite dream), Valkorion says he has transcended the need for a physical form, and apart from obviously alluding to the fact he wants to take over the Outlanders physical form, its almost like both Cipher and Tenebrae see that transcension of physical identify as a means of freedom, going back to those class specific conversations with The Old Man and Hunter. Anyway just something I thought about during the dialogue that occurs during Aric's recruitment mission in KOTFE
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Anakin Skywalker x Padme Amidala
A Star Wars AU x Greek Mythology AU x Multiple Crossovers AU
Synopsis: The late Ares had met his demise. As it was written - a primordial rule known only to the Gods - one destined mortal would transcend to divinity and claim the fallen one’s throne.
A one shot love story between two Olympian Gods.
Where Anakin Skywalker is Ares, the God of War.
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And Padme Amidala is Athena, the Goddess of Wisdom
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Rating: M
Warnings: Mentions of war, Mentions of death, Mentions of Pregnancy, Smut
Word count: 8.4k
Four thousand years ago…
“Anakin!” the Toydarian shop owner shrieked. “Where is that boy?!”
“I’m here.” 
“What took you so long?”
“I came here as fast as I could.”
The boy and his owner busily carried on with their daily tasks - Anakin with fulfilling whatever Watto threw his way, and Watto with his shady dealings - completely unaware of the eyes that observed them. Just like any other mortal all across the universe.
“He is the chosen one,” Zeus bellowed as all of the deities peered at the basin. Athena frowned in confusion as she stared at the face of the young boy.
“But he’s just a boy. There must be some mistake.” Hera’s voice rang with concern, her motherly instincts kicking in.
Athena looked at the rest of them, each one looked as doubtful as the other. The late Ares had let his guard down and met his demise from a poisoned drink while celebrating his latest victory in Exegol. As it was written - a primordial rule known only to the Gods - one destined mortal would transcend to divinity and claim the fallen one’s throne. It was the same for Padme when she had been chosen to step into the shoes of Athena. She was only fifteen at that time, and the transition had been very difficult for her.
How much more for this boy who is barely twelve?
“It is prophesied. He will be the one to bring balance to the universe.”
Athena frowned. She had not heard of this prophecy before. Had it been written way before her time?
“The pull of darkness has always been strong within Ares. But there is also light inside him. To restore the balance in the universe, he must first find that delicate balance in him. That is the prophecy of the chosen one - to do what others before him had failed to do. ” Zeus answered their unspoken question. 
She understood the concept right away. But believing it was an entirely different story.
Ares only ever had one role to play. Was it really possible to find balance when your purpose was tied with war?
Athena didn’t know that she would find the answer to that five hundred years later.
Anakin’s transcension happened in the middle of the night, when the boy and the rest of Tatooine slept. A light shone inside his room, bright enough to rouse him from his slumber. He woke up shielding his eyes. He didn’t even know where the light was coming from, but it was as if the small storage room he made a home in was…glowing.
Once his vision adjusted to the intrusion, Anakin frowned. Right at the foot of his cot was…a door made of light?
But before he could ponder whether or not he was still dreaming, a funny looking man with kind eyes came out of it. And unlike where he came through, he looked very much real. 
“Hello, Anakin.” He smiled. 
Anakin blinked. “Who are you?”
“I am Zeus. But I used to be known as Qui-Gon Jinn.”
The man called Zeus but used to be known as Qui-Gon Jinn assured him he wasn’t dead yet. He wasn’t sure what death felt like. But the void surrounding him didn’t convince him of that.  
It looked like they were inside an orb. Pathways made of light, too many for him to count, were scattered all over. There looked to be thousands above the one they were walking on, and thousands under it, too. There were some that intersected, but there were much more that never touched. But what he found most intriguing was that it didn’t seem to connect to anything. 
At least not to the naked eye. 
Much like the door they came through - vanished like it had never been there.
“Where are we?” Anakin finally gave in to his curiosity. 
“This is where everything meets. The thin divide that connects Gods to mortals - the World Between Worlds.”
“Welcome Ares.” Apollo greeted him. 
Athena’s heart squeezed, the boy looked much younger than she remembered. 
“Could you please call me Anakin?” 
The deities looked to one another, each of them unsure how to handle a child and his petty requests.
“We refer to our immortal names, that is how it is when we transcend to divinity,” Poseidon answered.
“Yes, but,” he swallowed, as if pained, “my name, it’s the only thing I have left from my mother. I just…don’t want to forget her.”
Athena’s heart dropped. Along with everyone else’s in that room. They all knew the story, how she died in his arms. He was only nine. Suddenly, the request did not seem petty at all.
“Of course, Anakin,” Hera answered without pause, reaching for his hand. 
The Gods have gathered at the gates to welcome the new deity and accompany him to his new abode. 
Each of them was gifted with one upon setting foot into divinity. 
Zeus had his up the mountain top, the only one casted in gold. Hera’s was made of pure platinum, structured just a few meters below Zeus’s. Apollo’s was down by the shoreline, always the one greeted by a new day’s first rays. Aphrodite had hers in the meadow. Poseidon’s, rightfully by the lagoon. Her own was by the brook. Its peaceful echoes, without fail, a welcome rest to her assiduous mind. 
The rest was scattered all over Olympus. Twelve temples for the twelve Gods. Each as regal and imposing as the other. 
Except for one.
The twelfth one was unlike any of the rest. It was the only place in Olympus where the sun never rose and the night never touched, bathed in a perpetual sunset. It sat, solitary, atop a rock formation. A river of molten lava licked its banks, casting shadows of red-orange flames around it. 
The sole place in the Heavens that was fit for the Underworld. 
Back when it had been Palpatine who resided in the temple, she didn’t give it much thought. 
But now, Athena found it extremely difficult to reconcile that same place with this child. 
His hand was still held within Hera’s as she guided and introduced him to each immortal there. Athena was the last in line, and when they stopped in front of her, it was unmissable how the smile he flashed her was the biggest they have seen on him since his arrival. 
A few months from now would mark her seven hundred and twenty-fifth birthday, and with a face of a nineteen year old, she was obviously the one closest to his age.
But whatever the reason for his ease, it felt contagious. 
Athena beamed at him. “I’m Athena. But you can call me Padme.”
She still didn’t have a clue about the prophecy Zeus spoke of. But she desperately hoped that Anakin was indeed the chosen one the God believed him to be. Anakin seemed too precious to lose to the dark side of Ares.
The setting sun cast a warm blend of pastels as its rays ricocheted off the marble tiles and stone pillars of the temple. The flow from the brook was music to her ears and the pleasant smell of lavender entwined with its echoes. 
On other days, the Goddess would have taken pleasure in basking in and observing this splendor. But not even the magnificence of her own garden could distract her from the mess of her own thoughts as she continued to pace around her temple, the trail of her midnight blue gown, billowing after her steps. It was a rare sight to see the normally graceful and sophisticated deity on edge. But on the few times that she was, it was always tied to him.
I know wisdom is your domain, but to me, you are my Goddess of love and beauty.
She halted on her tracks, and turned. She found him leaning against one of the pillars so casually, with that signature smirk of his. It would’ve been enough to have her fooled that this evening was one of their usual picnics followed by endless hours of frolic and exploration of each other’s bodies. But his attire told her the opposite – the perfect harbinger of the news she was trying so hard to elude. He was decked in his gilded armor, matching helmet on hand, sword tucked delicately in its sheath against his hip, while the wind toyed with the red cape that hung from his broad shoulders. She despised the mere thought of war, but every time he rode to one, he always looked so regal, so handsome.
She watched as the smirk on his face grew. He knew he rendered her speechless once again.
Padme rolled her eyes, but the uplift of her lips was evident. Such irony that the bane of her existence was also the one who quieted her storms.
“Be careful, you don’t want our darling Aphrodite to think you’re mocking her.”
Anakin chuckled and shook his head. “Adaline knows I would never. She knows I am simply besotted with you.”
But her relief was short-lived. She could continue with this charade, if only to mask and delay the inescapable. But he granted her an opening, and it was an invitation she couldn’t help but to sink her teeth into.
“Besotted enough to stay here if I asked?”
Anakin’s smile fell. And instantly she hated herself for falling prey to her own selfish whims. Anakin sighed. He placed his helmet on the stone bench and in three purposeful strides, he towered over her, her face cradled by his hands.
It was also very unusual for the Goddess of wisdom to feel small, fragile. But she always found herself in such a predicament when he called her by her divine name and with that gentle tone that he reserved when he disagreed with her.
“I hear their prayers. They call for me. I have to intervene.”
And it was true. Each time she visited the chamber of prayers, she heard the mortals cry for him.
For Ares.
It had taken nearly a century for this war to brew. Padme, knowing the repercussions of one, immersed herself in anything and everything she could get her hands on – sending omens, appearing in dreams of warning, whispering in their ears, and even going as far as to seizing control of the queen’s mind and later on posing as one of the senator’s. The latter two had been frowned upon by Zeus, Obi-Wan and Anakin at first. Only to realize later on and admit that her efforts had been effective. She had managed to delay it by seventy years. 
Still, it didn’t feel sufficient. 
But this current war tyrant was even more relentless than his father. And there were things inevitable, even from the Gods themselves.
But was this truly inevitable?
What if I wasn’t as thorough as I thought?
What if there was a detail I overlooked, a participant I missed?
What if –
“Hey, hey.” Anakin grasped her chin with his thumb and forefinger, tilting her head up by a fraction. “I know what’s going on in that pretty head of yours. None of that, alright?”
“But what if I –”
“No. I know you gave it your all. Master Qui-Gon said so, too. Or do I tell him you doubt him?”
Padme couldn’t stop her grin. “You do know we agreed that he and Hera are the only ones we can’t call by their mortal names?”
Anakin grinned back, smugly. “I’m the exception to the rules.”
That. Was a very irrefutable statement.
Looking at him again, her smile was quick to take a somber turn. “I want to come with you.”
Anakin raised an eyebrow as if expecting something. When Padme didn’t continue, he smiled and shook his head.
“Funny you say that.”
Padme recoiled, hurt.
Anakin sighed. “I don’t mean it that way. I know you can hold your ground in the battlefield. But,” he trailed off, settling his hands on her still flat womb. “You were going to tell me, right?”
Heat bloomed on Padme’s cheeks as she looked away from him. She didn’t have the courage to admit it, but that was all he needed to know that she did plan to use their unborn twins as her bargaining chip at some point in this conversation.
Anakin chuckled lightly. “Now when,” he drew her face back to him with a gentle hand, “did you ever become so cunning, my darling?”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to. But the moment you leave Olympus, you lose its protection.”
Age would still come at a century’s pace, and he would still have the strength of a hundred men. But immortality would no longer cloak him. Anakin was no stranger to this. After all, it was Ares and Apollo who often gave aid to mortals when a war broke out. The scar that ran on the right side of his face, from temple to cheek was a stark reminder of that – a token from the last war he plunged himself in. Vulnerability was about to claim him again, and Padme refused to think to what extent this time.
His hands went back to her cheeks, as he stepped closer. “We’ve loved each other for thousands of years. Do you doubt me now?”
Padme shook her head, moisture clouding her vision. “Never.”
“Then you know that I will always come back to you. Now, more than ever.”
And it was true, no matter how long it took him, he always came back to her.
Three thousand five hundred years ago… 
The Gods all stood by the gates of Olympus once again. Anakin Skywalker was due to return from his training. Padme couldn’t quell her excitement. She was fond of the little boy. So much that she joined Hera in admonishing Zeus when he first told them of the young one’s upcoming training.
He was Ares now. They didn’t have to ask what training he needed. But still, he left with Obi-Wan, eager to fulfill his responsibilities.
Padme shook the despondent thoughts away. The important thing was, he was coming home. Today. She clutched the necklace he fashioned for her tighter now.
And just as they promised, as soon as the thirteenth sun for the eighth month arose on the five-hundredth year, two silhouettes appeared in the distance. Only, there was no little boy in sight. The two figures drew closer, one clearly towering over the other. She didn’t need to guess which deity was which.
“Welcome back.” Zeus greeted as soon as they finally stepped foot within the gates.
Padme’s heart gave a stutter. Obi-Wan still looked quite the same from when they left half a millennia ago. But Anakin did not. The meek little boy was gone, and in his place was a young man. Everything about him screamed power. Confidence sat on his broad shoulders. He stood straight and tall, stance fit for a king. 
But it was his face that took her breath away. He had cheeks and a jaw that looked to be carved from granite, ocean eyes deep and all-seeing. His hair was a darker shade now, more honey than golden. Longer too, as his bangs curled on his forehead. The sides combed slightly over his ears, the back kissing the collar of his dark robes.
He was a sight difficult to look away from. 
But a poke to her ribs did make her look away. Adaline. 
Padme glared. “What?”
“You didn’t greet them.”
Padme’s eyes widened. They were supposed to echo the greetings after Zeus. How could she have forgotten and not heard the other Gods?
She opened her mouth only to be silenced by the sly twinkle on Adaline’s blue hues. “It’s alright. He is easy on the eyes, isn’t he?”
“And he’s gotten quite the experience, living with mortals. You’ll never know, he might be able to give your busy mind some well-deserved distraction.”
Padme blinked, warmth slowly creeping up her cheeks. She didn’t need to ask. After all Gods were allowed to partake in pleasures with humans when in their realm and the child in Anakin was clearly gone now. Still, she refused to have her thoughts paint him in that light. But it was too late now. The seeds that Adaline planted in her mind sprouted, and there was no way to unsee the images of what those soft pink lips would look like up close. Or how his curls would feel in her hands if he was hovering and panting above her, maybe have his head between her legs, too.
She felt like she was about to burst in front of all the deities. And that wouldn’t be a pretty sight.
Padme closed her eyes, drawing a breath or two, she willed her heart to slow down and ignore the whispers the tease of a Goddess blew her way. After all, she wasn’t Goddess of wisdom for nothing.
And she would have been that close to believing it too and garnering a feeling of triumph over it. Until Zeus had turned around, beckoning the newly arrived Gods to follow him. Obi-Wan smoothly fell into step after him. Anakin remained a second behind and turned, singling Padme out with ease. He looked at her, like she was the only one in all of Olympus and Padme could have melted right on the spot with his fiery gaze. Then just like that he flashed her a grin and a wink then left to trail after the two Gods.
The heat returned to her with a vengeance.
He had heard her thoughts. 
She will never admit it, but she had focused her entire energy in avoiding him.
It didn’t last long, however.
The next day, Padme had been intent on getting an early start. Daybreak hadn’t even arrived yet when she found herself at the Chamber of prayers. To her surprise though, she wasn’t alone nor its first occupant.
She didn’t have any idea how long he had been there already. But judging from the number of used scrolls beside him – a while. He glanced up at her. She steeled herself for some teasing, maybe even a little bit of arrogance. Only, none came, when he looked up, he only gave her a small smile then went right back to his scribbling. As if all the playfulness from yesterday didn’t even exist. But he wasn’t the only one with a purpose. She went to the chamber with a mission, and Padme was determined to see it through – regardless of his presence, nor behavior. So, with a roll of her shoulders, she marched for the basin and planted herself in front of it, eyes and ears dedicated to all calls to her.  
Senses diluted in her task; she was vaguely aware of the hours as they ticked by. Focusing on the most dire ones was of course a priority. Once satisfied she had answered all she needed to, she took a step back, letting the present slowly come back to her.
The first thing she noticed was the sun, now high above Olympus’ skies. The second was the silence. No sound of the rough glide of a quill over parchment to be heard. And yet, she didn’t even need to turn around to know he was still there. His presence filled the room. But when she did, she found him drawn in concentration as his eyes meticulously devoured each line on the scroll he held.
Curiosity finally won her over. “What are you doing?”
Anakin looked up, startled. “Oh. Just making sure I didn’t forget one.”
“What one?” Padme’s head tilted as she stared at his eyes. It was as piercing as always, but it carried a sheen of guilt and sadness that held her in confusion.
“Names of those who died in the war.”
“And you’re listing them down?”
Anakin nodded. “It’s my turn to pray for them.”
Padme’s mouth fell open.
“To Charon, that he’ll be kind enough to ferry those who were buried in the enemy’s soils and not given obols, that I’ll pay him in return. And to Hades, that he’ll give them a just judgment and rest to their souls.”
“They died during the war. I failed to keep them safe.” He shrugged. “It’s the least I can do.”
Feeling inexplicably drawn to him and unable to stop herself, Padme sat down on the bench beside him.
“Anakin, there is always death in war. You know that.”
“I do know that. But they called out to me. I just want to help in any way I can.”
It was silent for a short while and Padme was momentarily distracted by the slight tinge of pink on Anakin’s cheeks. But that too didn’t last long as he turned to her with eyes made of steel yet housing a little bit of uncertainty.
“Padme, can I ask you something?”
“Of course.”
“When I – if I die and if there was a chance that Ares dies with me entirely, will that…end all wars?”
For the first time in a very long time, the Goddess of wisdom was struck speechless. She did not know if it was because of the look of determination that hardened his handsome face – as if he would be ready to shed his immortality and fling himself off the fiery banks surrounding his temple if she said yes.
Or, if it was because she finally understood what Zeus meant all those years ago.
Before Anakin, Padme had come to know only one man to don the title of God of War - Sheev Palpatine. 
Palpatine was always deliberate and meticulous in his every move. He slaved over plans and strategies every time a war broke out. Padme looked up to him for a time, admiring his dedication. Until she found out his real reasons.
“I enjoy the politics behind one. I have a great love for puzzles.”
Oh, the horror on her face when she heard him say it. Wherever war was, death surely followed along with destruction, hunger and suffering. And here was one who basked in it.
He lived up to twelve thousand years. 
Before him a male from the Dathomirian Zabrak race occupied the war God’s throne - Maul Opress. Padme never had the displeasure of meeting him, but as per the other Gods’ recollections, he was the exact opposite of his successor, and aptly labeled as the most reckless deity to have ever transcended. 
He was also known as the divine being with the shortest immortal life.
But if there was one thing common between Maul and Palpatine - and perhaps all the others who came before them - is that they thrived in going into battle. They took great relish in the prestige of being war gods and heroes.
Anakin however was an entirely different story. There had always been a subdued and somber side to him, one she had once been sure he would grow out of. One look at him now, she knew that was not the case.
There had noticeably been fewer wars since he ascended to the role. She always associated that with luck.
But no, she finally understood.
That if he could, Anakin Skywalker would willingly and gladly contain all conflicts within him. If it meant ending its devastations once and for all. These past five hundred years had been the most peaceful the universe had ever known. Only because the explosions were going on inside his head – the cost of balance.
Padme’s heart ached as she stared at him. Chaos had never looked so beautiful.
She didn’t know if that was the pull that made her snap. But in the next second, Padme threw herself onto him, lips claiming his. A sound of surprise came from Anakin but was soon forgotten as his hands came around her, pulling her impossibly closer.
His lips were warm, soft yet firm as it moved against hers. She had been the one to initiate it, but dominance was pretty much second nature to him as he easily pulled it from her. The warmth of his palms seared her skin as he cupped her face in his hands. Padme gasped as he softly bit her bottom lip, granting entry to his prowling mouth.
And when the tip of his tongue gently touched hers, she was chocolate melting in his arms. Padme’s hands trailed down to his chest. It was firm underneath her fingertips and she wondered what it would feel like against her skin.
Padme shuddered as Anakin’s lips left hers and started tracing a line down the column of her neck. She shifted and a loud moan was pulled from her as something stiff and definitely not small, brushed her between the legs. She wanted more. Planting her knees on the sides of his hips, Padme secured a firm hold on his shoulders, desperate to chase that feeling again and again and –
Wait. When did I get on his lap?
She straightened, her eyes snapping wide open.
Anakin, not having caught on to her inner turmoil yet, continued mapping her chest with his mouth. Padme flushed, it was one thing to just feel it but another thing to watch it, too. His lips were dangerously close to her neckline. She bit her lip wondering how he would react if she were to pull it down by a little.
What am I doing?
Scandalized, Padme pushed him off her and scrambled off his lap, hands hastily fixing her disheveled gown. Anakin slightly tipped forward, eyes opening in a daze. Confusion was evident in his face until the image of Padme fixing herself finally made his brain catch up. He stood up, red blotching his face and neck.  
“Padme I – wait! Padme!”
Anakin continued to call out for her, but Padme was adamant to make a run for it. She was grateful that he didn’t chase after her.
Although, if she were to stop and listen to her heart of hearts, she would know at that moment that there was a part of her wishing he would. But the Goddess wasn’t just wise.
She was also stubborn.
And maybe that wasn’t a trait to be proud of. But right now, it dug through her veins, fueling her intent to get to the bottom of things.
It took her a few moments, but she found the bottom of things the next day.
At Aphrodite’s temple.
“Oh, hello Padme, come have some tea.”
“I didn’t come here to have tea.”
“Come now –”
“No! I don’t want to hear it and I don’t want to be part of your pranks!”
The only response Padme received was a curious raise of a brow.
Padme steeled herself, “whatever you did – reverse it.”
“Oh.” Unfazed, Adaline’s voice rang with amusement. And by the glint in her eyes, Padme knew she needed to brace herself. “Or you could own up to whatever it is you did.”
“I – I – No – I – He –”
Adaline’s eyes narrowed. “Did you kiss him?”
Padme’s face was on fire.
“Because of you!”
“Excuse me?”
“You! You’re the Goddess of love. You just – you just make things happen!”
“Oh, that age-old misconception again!” Adaline sighed, exasperated. “I help make love matches happen, not love spells. I don’t manipulate people and certainly not deities to act on their impulses.”
Padme glowered.
Adaline sighed again, albeit on a calmer note this time. “Have a seat Padme, come have tea –”
“I don’t want tea!”
“Padme, you are at my temple, therefore you’re my guest. Please, come sit and have tea.”
Padme’s mortification resurfaced with a vengeance, only this time of a different nature. Both of them boasted of more than a thousand years of divine experience under their belts, and yet here she was acting like a petulant child. To make up for it, she did as told and with a timid hand, accepted the piping hot cup.
She had no clue what kind of tea was in the cup. But she did detect a faint aroma of cinnamon, and the hint of spices were a pleasurable surprise to her tongue, and after a few mouthfuls, she felt soothed.
“Where I come from, people have a lot of quotes about love.” Adaline spoke. Her relief and calm, palpable.
“Earth?” Padme asked and Adaline gave a nod. Humans, like all other races, were scattered across the universe, each ethnicity possessing a telltale characteristic. The ones from earth seemed like an eccentric one.
“But there’s one that perfectly sums it up for me. Whatever our souls are made of –”
“His and mine are the same.” Padme finished. She had heard of it before.
Adaline nodded, placing her cup down. “When someone is born, I see something in their souls. It’s like,” she trailed off, lips pursed as she searched for the right word, “a spark.”
“A spark?” Padme repeated.
“Yes, it’s usually dull and small. But when they finally meet the person with the other half of that spark, it explodes into something beautiful and big and bright. Sometimes they meet other people along the way who – how do I put it, hmm?” Adaline paused, tapping her chin with a finger, “Ah, they’re like the journey but not the destination – if that makes sense?”
This time it was Padme’s turn to ponder – jilted lover? Former lover? No. They had a new term for that now. “Like an ex?”
Adaline snapped a finger. Her eyes alit, clearly pleased that Padme had cottoned on. Last she checked, the mind and heart didn’t always get along. “Yes, that’s the one. Those people can help a spark grow but no matter how hard they try, their sparks won’t reach their full potential.”
Padme blinked, before her eyebrows drew into confusion. “So, where do you come in?”
Adaline grinned. “I give them nudges. You know, clues.”
Padme’s frown deepened. “But that sounds so…easy.” She tried not to, but knew it still came out as rude.
To her astonishment, Adaline only laughed. “Oh, you’ll be surprised. People are very…fickle. Most times they don’t even recognize the one they’ve been searching for their whole life is right in front of them. And sometimes I send warnings and they ignore it completely, even when it’s already flashing neon signs! That’s when a relationship can become toxic.” The pointed look Padme received from Adaline had her almost squirming in her seat.
“Besides, I only found out recently that this trait carried onto divinity.”
Padme blinked. “What – what do you mean?” She asked.
Adaline smirked. “I almost gave up on you, you know? Thought you were a mistake –”
“Hey –”
“I didn’t know your match would be born seven hundred years later.”
Padme was powerless against the sharp intake of breath that tore from her mouth. “What? You – you mean –”
“Anakin.” Adaline finished for her.
Padme’s mouth opened and closed, no sound coming out. There were arguments on the tip of her tongue. But even in her own mind, nothing made sense. From the very first time she laid eyes on him, Padme had felt an invisible string, pulling her to him. Back then, she was always quick to label it as something akin to a sibling’s affections.
And yet seeing him again two days ago, after being gone for so long – it was like a veil had been lifted from her eyes. And everything never looked clearer.
And yet…
“Thank you for the tea. I must –”
“What are you afraid of?”
Padme froze, she had just stood up, back turned to the table when Adaline’s question came. She willed herself to move, to deny her claim. But it’s as if her own body forgot to function, and in a second, Adaline was in front of her.
Adaline beckoned her with her eyes, and that was all it took for Padme to understand that she won’t be able to lie through her teeth with this one.
Padme sighed, her walls falling, shoulders stooping. “We call ourselves immortals. But we too, perish. Although it can take a hundred thousand years or so, still, we die, and he’s the God of war. He’s always out there fighting. Chosen one or not anything could happen and if so…I,” Padme looked to her feet, letting out a breath. “Eternity seems too long of a time to miss him.”
Back then, when Anakin was still new to the role, she had worried greatly for him. But even that paled in comparison to the fear engulfing her now. Even to Gods, nothing was certain, and now more than ever she wished not to witness the truth behind that statement.
As if expecting something like that, Adaline only smiled at her. “You know what I love most about being Goddess of love?”
“I can only feel a fraction of their emotions, but when you’re the one involved…it is mind-blowing.” The taller deity placed her hands on Padme’s shoulders. “Not everyone gets a chance like this Padme, and a lot of mortals would kill to be in your shoes. Every day, they throw themselves away for even just the slightest chance of love, and they risk all they have even if they know everything is just fleeting.” Adaline let out a breath, rubbing her hands up and down Padme’s arms. “I know the idea of losing him and living the rest of your immortal life without him seems daunting. But that feeling of forever that love gives you?”
Adaline smiled, a thin film of moisture that wasn’t there before making her eyes shine with a despondent luster. “No matter how short, it’s a feeling that nothing else in this Universe could ever replace.”
Padme’s mouth dropped, her own eyes slightly tearing. Adaline was ahead of her by a hundred and forty-six years. But she too, had heard of the Goddess of love’s story, how her mortal lover died a few months shy of her transcension.
The cruelest welcome to immortality.
She rarely allowed herself to be vulnerable. There were times that the pain and longing would sneak up on her and catch her off-guard. But she always masked it behind her tresses and smiles, choosing instead to help others and finish the story she never could.
If that wasn’t selflessness and strength, then Padme didn’t know what was.  
“And do you remember the very first thing Zeus told us about him?”
Confused, Padme frowned. She wasn’t sure why Adaline was bringing that up now. “That he is the chosen one?”
“You help him find that balance, Padme.”
For the second time that day, she was speechless. 
She didn’t need further convincing. Heeding her heart this time, she knew she had already heard everything she needed to. Padme smiled and lifted her skirts, racing her way out of Adaline’s temple. She didn’t even need any help from the Goddess to pinpoint her way. She knew where she’d find him.
And find him she did, almost right to the entrance of her own temple.
She was still a few paces away, concealed by some trees when she stopped. The sight of an agitated, pacing Anakin stilled her breath.
“Padme, I’m sorry – I,” Anakin paused mid-step, “no, I can’t start at that. She might think I didn’t like her kiss.”
Anakin went back the way he came from and only then did Padme let herself smile. He had her mistakenly thinking he'd found her. But now, Padme didn’t know which had her more delighted – the comical sight of a frustrated Anakin talking to himself, finding him with the intention of straightening things out with her, or his inadvertent confession.
It would have been entertaining to remain in her hiding spot, but after watching him take a few more turns and mumble to himself, Padme decided to finally swallow a pill of courage and take the last few steps.
“Padme.” Anakin stilled when he caught sight of her.
His surprise had her smiling wider. Being the God of war, she was pretty sure he’d have heightened senses.
“Anakin.” She greeted calmly.
In the blink of an eye Anakin was in front of her, and Padme had to draw in a breath. His eyes were midnight blue and yet lost in it, all she could feel was heat.
“You ran away from me yesterday.”
Padme cringed, initial elation now gone. “Anakin, I –”
“No. I let you go when I’ve been nothing but in love with you. If there’s anything I’m sorry for, it’s making you think I didn’t feel the same way.” Anakin cupped her cheek, “I’ve always dreamed of kissing you, Padme.”
Padme’s mouth fell open in a gasp. It never crossed her mind that she’d get to hear these words from him. And now that she did, she came to know one thing. Even if still new to her – Adaline was right. Nothing would ever compare to this. No words would ever come close into giving her heart a jumpstart. Padme smiled. “Nothing’s stopping you now.”
This time, it was Anakin’s turn to grin. But it was short lived as two seconds later, he bent down and caught her lips with his. It was nothing like their first kiss.
This was unhurried. His lips, soft against hers, gentle and teasing – like a breeze dancing on one’s skin. But just like yesterday, it left her breathless for more.
“What are you thinking of now?” Anakin asked, a sly twinkle on his eyes as he reached for her hands, bringing her knuckles to his lips.
Anakin straightened, the hold on her hands keeping firm.
“You have me, sweetheart. Always.”
It was like a newly sharpened blade struck her heart, an invisible hand twisting it slowly. She dreaded the long days and even longer nights without him.
How long would it be this time?
Would he even come back – No!
Padme mentally gave her head a shake. She mustn’t think that way. Anakin promised he would come back to her, to them, and if there ever was a being who wouldn’t just move, but bend heaven, earth and everything in between to fulfill a promise – Padme didn’t have to look further.
It was the God standing right in front of her.
“When do you leave?” Padme asked, trying hard with an iron-clad fist to keep her tears and voice at bay.
Opposite to the atmosphere, Anakin gave out a short breath. A chuckle caught last minute. “Obi-Wan wanted tonight. But I convinced him tomorrow was the better idea.”
Padme rolled her eyes. “Remind me to have a word with him. But that means you’re all mine tonight?”
Anakin grasped her chin, thumb brushing her lips. “Tonight, and all of eternity.”
And that was everything she needed.
Padme smiled and grabbed his hand, leading him inside her temple. She stopped once she reached the foot of her bed. Turning around, her hands went to the clasps of her dress. With a press and a pull, the garment pooled by her feet, leaving her completely bare to Anakin’s gaze.
She watched as Anakin’s eyes darkened and Padme felt molten lava flowing through her veins.
“You will be the death of me woman.”
Padme let go of him and crawled to the middle. She laid on her back, unabashedly spreading her legs to give him an unobstructed view. Anakin’s gaze zeroed in on her center, generously slick for him as his hands steadfastly, yet slowly worked to remove his garments.
With every piece of his tanned skin revealed, Padme traced with her eyes, until none of his clothing remained. Her nipples tingled and tightened as her gaze traveled down his sculpted torso. Stopping on the manhood that stood proud and stiff against his stomach.
Anakin smirked, following her line of sight. He grasped his length in his hand, groaning as he gave himself a few pumps.
Padme copied his movements, her own hand traveling towards her core, fingers lazily drawing circles over her clit.
“Anakin, please.” Padme moaned. Watching him was one of her greatest pleasures. And on any other night she would have basked in it and taken everything he wanted to offer. But not tonight.
Tonight, she just needed him.
Hearing her plea, Anakin’s eyes softened and crawled over to her. Padme’s arms drew him in as he hovered over her. He closed the gap and captured her lips. Padme sighed into his mouth, melting in his embrace. Oh, how she was going to miss him.
Too soon for her liking, Anakin left her mouth. But the feeling of longing was immediately quashed as he trailed a path on her jaw and the column of her neck, leaving little nips in his wake. Reaching her chest, Anakin drew a nipple to his mouth, sucking and lightly grazing it with his teeth.
“Anakin.” Padme threw her head back and moaned.
Anakin smirked, watching as Padme lost herself in the torrent of sensations. He released her nipple, repeating his motions on the other one. Once he had Padme writhing in pleasure, he abandoned her chest and started his trek downwards. His mouth was on her stomach when Padme reached to cup his face.
“None of that Ani. I just need you now.”
Anakin studied her face, and Padme was almost convinced he wasn’t going to acquiesce. Having his mouth between her legs was after all a second favorite of his. But he sighed dramatically. “Alright. But when I come back, you should know that I intend to feast on you.”
Heat coiled inside of her. But the roguish smirk on his face held her on pause. She should’ve known he had something up his sleeve.
“Just one taste, I hunger for it.”
And before she could stop him, Anakin swept down on her.
“Anakin.” Padme moaned breathlessly as soon as his tongue touched her warmth. But just like he promised, he resurfaced right after that one taste. She didn’t know if she loved or hated him for it.
“Always so delicious. I’m going to miss you.”
The moisture she was trying so hard to fight came back to her eyes.
“I will come back to you. I promise.” He repeated his earlier words and cemented it with a kiss.
Padme felt delirious as his tongue curled against hers. Vaguely, she felt him lining himself against her. The anticipation almost had her combusting.
Anakin filled her slowly. Inch by agonizing inch. Her mouth fell open, eyes dropping closed, head resting against the pillows. They could do this for all eternity, and still it won’t be enough for Padme to get used to the heady sensation of him claiming her.
Anakin took a pause once fully sheathed in her, forehead resting against hers. A tremble shook his sturdy frame. Barely imperceptible to anybody else. But never to her eyes.
She couldn’t help the tiny smirk on her lips.
It seemed she wasn’t the only one that could still get shaken by their lovemaking.
Groans spilled from Anakin’s mouth as his hips rolled against hers slowly. Padme sighed, fingers skirted the planes of his back, legs twining around his narrow hips. Heat prickled her skin and engulfed her chest, body taut like a wounded string as Anakin panted above her, curls spilling over his head like a golden halo.
The muscles of his stomach rippled and expanded as he continued to move. Her sight traveled further down, settling at the image of his length pillaging her heat. Padme moaned, warmth claiming her cheeks.
Anakin grunted. Fingers on either side of his lover’s head, crumpling the sheets as her walls fluttered around him. Padme shuddered, giving off a loud cry as Anakin hit a delicate spot inside her. A proud glint shone on Anakin’s eyes, and from then on it was deliberate, as he angled his hips, making sure to keep hitting that spot over and over again until Padme was a moaning, shaking mess in his arms.
She attempted to gain control of her legs, but they thrashed on their own volition as the ball of fire inside her kept growing.
“Anakin!” Padme cried out as she came. Anakin’s hold tightened on her frame, all the while keeping the slow and deep thrust of his hips, drawing it out for her.
“I got you, love.” Anakin grunted.
She should have known. Anakin’s mind was a hunter through and through, and his most prized win had always been her pleasure. Sensitive and overwhelmed, he had her exploding a second time not too long after.
“Anakin,” she gasped, out of breath.
Anakin groaned, spilling inside of her. He thrusted a few more times before collapsing beside her, arm thrown over his eyes, chest drawing in huge lungfuls.
Padme pillowed her head on his chest, his arms instantly wrapping around her. The sound of his rapid heartbeats slowing into a steady rhythm, lulled her. The pads of his fingers ghosted her skin in a soft caress, whispering all his words in the silence of her temple. Her eyes fluttered close, lips pulling up in a contented smile against his skin.
He was her safe place.
He was her home.
And she had faith in him.
“You know I don’t intend to let you sleep tonight?”
Padme froze, head lifting to find him staring at her with mischief in his eyes. She felt himself clench and knew that he was perfectly aware of it as he smirked down at her.
Padme bit her lip. “I was hoping you won’t.”
His blue eyes darkened to a midnight storm. That was all the warning she got before his hands lifted her astride his hips.
“Ride me, Goddess.”
It felt like she had just closed her eyes when she was being roused from her sleep. Not by Anakin. But the absence of him from her bed. Clutching the sheets to her chest, she turned and sat up, finding him a few paces away.
His back was to her, as he fastened his armor.
Shame, I still wanted to see you naked.
She laughed as he visibly tensed. He turned around, shaking his head and flashed her a grin.
Anakin cradled her cheek with his palm. “You need to rest, woman.”
“That’s not what you were saying last night, and this morning.” Padme rose to her knees, letting the sheets fall.
Anakin settled a hand around her back and claimed her lips in a kiss. Padme moaned, circling her arms around his head. Anakin pulled back too soon for her liking and placed a finger on her lips, her protests dying immediately.
“I’ll stroke my cock to thoughts of you.” One thing he never shied off from was speaking like a mortal, especially when teasing her. A gleam sparkled in his blues as her breath hitched. He reached for her hand and lifted it to his lips, eyes never leaving hers. 
“Watch me when I do, my Goddess.” Anakin leaned in to whisper in her ear.
Padme shuddered and pulled him closer. “Keep talking like that, and I will never let you leave.”
Anakin chuckled, pecking her lips once more.
“As much as I love to see you naked, Obi-Wan will be here shortly. Please don’t give me a reason to blind my master.”
Padme released her hold on him, her reluctance only mildly concealed. Once she meets them outside of her chamber, it will be her bidding him goodbye.
“I love you.” Anakin reminded her, kissing her forehead before leaving her to dress.
Despite the perfect night they shared, the crippling fear came back and crashed around her like a tidal wave as soon as he was out of sight. She already expected it but found herself still greatly unprepared as her knees buckled. Padme reached a hand out so as not to topple over and sat down on the edge of the bed, drawing in huge breaths. Anakin leaving for war had always been a source of distress for her. But this time was different.
She wasn’t just his lover, but the soon-to-be mother of his children. She needed to be strong for the four of them. She can do this.
Padme stood up, fixing herself. She straightened her shoulders and went outside.  
“Hello Obi-Wan.” Her voice came out smoothly.
The two Gods turned, Obi-Wan bowing to the Goddess. “Athena.”
Padme returned the reassuring smile Anakin flashed her way. She could tell he knew she needed a moment.
“Are you heading to war in that?” She eyed their matching armor. It was a question that had piqued her since yesterday. The war was currently spread throughout the galaxy, spanning different planets. She had a feeling their outfit might be out of place.
“No. We are meeting Ananke at her mortal school. She said there’s a room there – a room of requirement that would give us what we need for this war.”
Padme tipped her head and bit her lip. Out of all of them, Obi-Wan had the most trouble letting go of the formalities.
“Weapons included? I believe we’ll be using a different kind.” Anakin asked, turning to face Obi-Wan.
“Yes, yes. What was it again – laser sword?”
“Light sword?” Anakin suggested.
The two of them mulled it over, before pointing at each other and exclaimed. “Lightsaber.”
“Yes, that’s it. I believe it’s time. Zeus and Hera are supposed to see us off before we go, I’ll go ahead?”  
Anakin nodded.
“Alright. I’ll see you, my dear.”
Padme stepped forward and met Obi-Wan’s embrace.
“Be careful.” Please watch over him.
You do not need to ask. Take care of yourself, Goddess.
“I’ll see you at the gates.” Obi-wan placed a hand on Anakin’s shoulder and marched off.
Anakin walked closer to her. “I’ll pray to you.”
She nodded, throat tightening. And despite willing herself not to, a tear escaped her as she watched Anakin kneel down on one knee and place a kiss on the left and right side of her abdomen. “Be good to your mother.”
He straightened and towered over her, cradling her face in his hands. “I will come back to you. To all of you.”
Another nod, moisture clouding her vision. “I have faith in you. I love you.”
“I love you.”
Anakin closed the distance, kissing her. Tongue and teeth clashed as he pillaged her mouth, claiming everything that she had to give. And when they were both breathless, Anakin released her and turned around, not once looking back, his cape billowing after him.
Don’t look back. She once asked him, and he always complied.
Soon all traces of him vanished, as if he had never been there. One more tear fell down, but she didn’t let another follow.
Because Anakin will come back.
And Padme will wait for him.
A/N: I finally finished it! This one took me more than a year to write. It was challenging but definitely, a fun experience. Shoutout to my lovely friend @lovebarefootblonde. Thank you for beta-reading this for me. Your skill is seriously unmatched, and your help as always, is very much appreciated.
Thank you to everyone who read this. Please leave a comment and/or reblog. I would love to hear your thoughts and chat with you! 😊
To any Potterhead out there, I'm sure you figured out who Ananke is, wink wink.
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What i have read
The bugning after the end 171
God game 15
the game that I came from 111
Re monster 76
Skeleton Soldier (Skeleton Soldier Couldn’t Protect the Dungeon) Chapter 202
Reincarnation of the Suicidal Battle God Chapter 60
Solo Spell Caster Chapter 73
Leveling With The Gods - Chapter 65
How to Live as a Villain Chapter 65
Solo Max-Level Newbie Chapter 76
Grow Stronger By Eating! Chapter 88
Solo leveling 179 bad ending
Villain To Kill Chapter 68
The Gamer, Chapter 403
Infinite Level Up in Murim - Chapter 129
Taming Master Chapter 66
Heavenly Demon Cultivation Simulation - Chapter 58
Book Eater - Chapter 43
The Lone Necromancer Chapter 29
Tomb Raider King - Chapter 304
Seoul Station Druid - Chapter 43
Level 1 Player Chapter 29
Return Of The Shattered Constellation Chapter 63
It all starts with playing game seriusly chapter 71
Second Life Ranker Manga Chapter 138
Archmage Streamer - Chapter 30
Martial inverse - Chapter 234
Nano Machine - Chapter 111
Meccha Shoukan Sareta Ken Chapter 21
Return of the 8th Class Magician - Chapter 73
Magic Emperor Chapter 330
Poison Dragon: The Legend of an Asura - Chapter 95
The Heavenly Demon Can’t Live a Normal Life Chapter 70
Swordmaster's Youngest Son Chapter 59
Starting Today, I’m a Player Chapter 49
The Novel’s Extra Chapter 50
Trapped In A Webnovel As A Good-For-Nothing - Chapter 117
I Am The Fated Villain Chapter 83
Damn Reincarnation Chapter 42
Absolute Sword Sense Chapter 8
Return to Player - Chapter 115
Strongest Fighter - Chapter 80
The Story of a Low-Rank Soldier Becoming a Monarch. - Chapter 83
Reaper of the Drifting Moon Chapter 39
Sword Fanatic Wanders Through The Night Chapter 13
I have Max level luck Chapter 53
Records of the Swordsman Scholar - Chapter 44
I’m An Evil God - Chapter 277
The Return of the Crazy Demon Chapter 52.5
Accidentally Became a God - Chapter 30
FFF-Class Trashero - Chapter 133
Supreme Yanluo System - Chapter 105
Standard of Reincarnation Chapter 24
Reformation of the Deadbeat Noble Chapter 64
The Constellation That Returned From Hell Chapter 100
Legendary Youngest Son of the Marquis House Chapter 50
My School Life Pretending To Be a Worthless Person Chapter 21
Kill The Hero - Chapter 103
Reincarnation of the Murim Clan’s Former Ranker Chapter 58
Auto-Hunting With Clones - Chapter 19
Eternal Club Chapter 124
Dungeon Odyssey Chapter 21
Genius of the Unique Lineage Chapter 36
Invincible at the Start - Chapter 68
Lord of the Mysteries - Chapter 64
Heavenly Sword’s Grand Saga Chapter 35
Archmage Transcending Through Regression - Chapter 41
Kill The Dragon Chapter 32
World’s Strongest Troll Chapter 8
Return of the SSS-Class Ranker Chapter 30
Ultimate Devouring System - Chapter 11
Drug Devourer Chapter 15
Star Instructor, Master Baek Chapter 50 {S1 END}
Demon Lord’s Martial Arts Ascension - Chapter 41
Maxed Out Leveling Chapter 53
Transcension Academy Chapter 31
The S-Classes That I Raised Chapter 65
Relife Player Chapter 21
Infinite Mage chapter 20
Pick Me Up, Infinite Gacha Chapter 33
I Became A Part Time Employee For Gods Chapter 27
Logging 10,000 Years into the Future Chapter 12
Han Dae Sung Returned From Hell – Chapter 24
Past Life Returner Chapter 32
Max Level Player - Chapter 19
I Used to be a Boss Chapter 22
Revenge of the Iron-Blooded Sword Hound Chapter 22
Terror man
Maxed Out Leveling Chapter 19
Player Who Can’t Level Up Chapter 50
Return of the Disaster-Class Hero Chapter 42
Dungeons & Artifacts - Chapter 69
SSS-Class Revival Hunter - Chapter 80
Bandit King 10
The Tutorial Tower of the Advanced Player Chapter 122
Level 1 Player Chapter 29
One-of-a-Kind Irregular - Chapter 19
Nito no Taidana Isekai Shoukougun: Saijaku Shoku - Chapter 19.1
Youjo to Scoop to MaganouChapter 15.5
My Path to Killing Gods in Another World Chapter 45
Super Evolution Chapter 50
Overbearing Tyrant - Chapter 20
the god of martial arts Chapter 154.1
The Man From Hell - Chapter 14
Regressor Instruction Manual Chapter 80
Zomgan - Chapter 4
The Otherworldly Infection Story that Started with a Virus Reincarnation Chapter 16.1
Newbie Management – Chapter 9
The Princess is Evil - Chapter 58
I Became the Tyrant of a Defence Game - Chapter 16
To Hell With Being A Saint, I’m A Doctor Chapter 43
The World's Best Engineer - Chapter 86
Divine Leveling System - Chapter 48
Sleeping Ranker Chapter 47
SSS-Class Gacha Hunter Chapter 51
I Obtained a Mythic Item Chapter 51
Youngest Scion of the Mages - Chapter 21
Great Sage of Humanity chapter 39
Reborn Ranker – Gravity User Chapter 22
Transcension Academy - Chapter 23
Library of Heaven's Path - Chapter 219
I’ll Be Taking A Break For Personal Reasons Chapter 25
Player Who Returned 10,000 Years Later - Chapter 52
World’s Apocalypse Online - Chapter 143
Heavenly Inquisition Sword Chapter 22
Backwater Old Man Becomes a Swordmaster Chapter 13
I just want to practice Alchemy And Become A God - Chapter 2
Universal Raider - Chapter 13
Life of a magic Academy mage chapter 22
Meiou-sama ga Tooru no desu yo! Chapter 7
Hoarding in Hell - Chapter 40
Isekai Walking Chapter 3
Secret Player Chapter 24
As A Fated Villain, It’s Not Too Much To Destroy The Protagonist, Right? Chapter 7
The More I Kill, The Stronger I Get - Chapter 9
A Gate Opened on my First Day as a Politician - Chapter 34
Transmigrating to the Otherworld Once More Chapter 41
The Hero Took Everything from Me, So I Partied with the Hero’s Mother!
Is This Hero For Real? Chapter 23
Baek XX Chapter 6
The Demon Prince goes to the Academy Chapter 20
Everyone Else is A Returnee Chapter 20
Demonic Evolution chapter 3
Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God Chapter 31
Hero the Maximum – Chapter 14
The Constellations Are My Disciples - Chapter 19
I Levelled up by Becoming an Influencer Chapter 11
Hell’s Tormentor Kraken Chapter 7
Hero Has Returned - Chapter 77
Not finish good
The Second Coming of Gluttony - Chapter 29
The god of hiscol 114 not finish
Tensei Kenja No Isekai Raifu ~Daini No Shokugyo Wo Ete, Sekai Saikyou Ni Narimashita~ Vol.7 Chapter 21: It Seems Like I Became An Assassination Target Again.
Slave B - Chapter 41 Hate the main carekter
the king of bugs
Spare Me, Great Lord! - Chapter 17
Am I Actually the Strongest? Chapter 14.1
Martial Peak - Chapter 2325
Tower of god season 2 chapter 108
The Second Coming of Gluttony - Chapter 78
Super Gene - Chapter 41
The Earth Savior Selection - Chapter 24
Volcanic Age - Chapter 96
Evolution frenzy - Chapter 43
Not finish bad
The Tutorial is Too Hard Chapter 42
The Challenger Chapter 19
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jaegersolstice · 1 year
erm 😐
kaeya’s sun was dimming that night.
A transcension of universes, a collision of unfamiliar entities. of which he could not reach, until that night, they had pierced him. deep in the gut, uncanny and unwanted.
you were his shine. you were his sun. and you were dying.
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santoschristos · 9 months
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The Plasmic Band of Light
We are currently entering a highly-charged Plasmic Band where the purest Light from the galactic center flows outwards (which increases the pressure on the Solar system).
As stars rotate inside the galaxy, they all at some point pass through that area of Light, which the Solar Council calls the Plasmic Band of Light (what was metaphorically labeled “the photon belt”). This Plasmic Band is a material phenomenon as well as non-material.
The Sun goes through many magnetic cycles, the smallest one being 11 years (sun spots), with 22 years double-cycle (solar flares and magnetic shifts), and many more larger cycles. Solar activity has increased in the last 20 years drastically. In 2014-2015 period this solar activity re-set into a different mode of broadcast.
It takes the Solar System 250 million years to orbit around the Galaxy, and this is the largest Solar cycle, in which the Sun’s magnetic polarity changes. It is activated by the Sun’s entry into this major Plasmic Band.
Art: Plasmic Band of Light --Mahaboka
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triptychgardener · 1 year
alternate caliborn probably still exists in the bubbles, as LE decided to leave him be since the timeline he came from was one that mattered [as LE expected that he would have his end eventually] and alt caliborn was resigned to his lone dream bubble as he was well and truly alone, and happy because of that
also i believe meat john is only dead in name and english venom only served to catalyze their transcension to a new discovery: their soul won't die so long as they matter to something else
Oh absolutely. Alt Caliborn is something I do think of a lot. My friend @celestial-terror has written a nice fic series about them that I enjoy quite a lot! I have my own thoughts on him, but those will have to wait. As for the Meat John thing, I think I kind of care less and less about that as time goes on. Sorry if that's not really interesting, I just dunno if it matters that much if he's alive or dead. Iirc he's been dead in TZ's sylladex for years by the time HS2 started? Eh.
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nghoangquang · 16 days
A new study suggests that a black hole orbiting a planet could be an indicator of an advanced civilization
A new study suggests that a black hole orbiting a planet could indicate the presence of an advanced civilization. This idea builds on a 1971 proposal by Nobel laureate Roger Penrose, who theorized that energy could be extracted from a rotating black hole by harnessing its accretion disk. Over time, researchers have proposed that this method, known as the Penrose Process, could be utilized by advanced civilizations to power their societies. One such example is John M. Smart’s Transcension Hypothesis, which posits that advanced intelligences might relocate to regions near black holes to exploit their energy. In a recent paper, Harvard Professor Avi Loeb introduced the concept of a "Black Hole Moon," suggesting that the unique way a black hole could illuminate its orbiting planet might serve as a technosignature, detectable in future SETI efforts.
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