#transition works for my warrior cats
felidthing · 10 months
my specialest little detail about applestrike is she actually has a second voiceclaim. her main one is ada rook but when i was still deciding who it would be bert mccracken was actually the runner-up. i thought it was fun to imagine my transfem kitty with a male voiceclaim (tho bert is pretty high pitched) but i ended up picking rook because i love her and it felt easier in the long run for applestrike to have a female voiceclaim. but bert will always be another option in my heart
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bonefall · 1 year
can you give us more info on Spottedleaf’s Plague and the events leading up to the beginning of the first book?
Sure! Spottedleaf's Plague is still pretty loose right now, I have an ending in mind but the central theme is still up in the air. It's one of my looser planned SEs, it rotates around in my head like a microwave but it's still uncooked.
(Horrible Histories Plague Song Tune)
The intro is largely Spotty, Red, and Tiger as apprentices.
Whitestorm is a young warrior above them, and the cool older cousin of Red and Spotty
A lot of the dynamic is established. Spotty and Tiger are BESTIES and cradling a mutual crush, Red is kind of a snappish, awkward apprentice
Redtail is trans and is going to transition about midway through this book btw
Thrushpelt is Redtail's mentor. Thistleclaw is Tigerpaw's mentor. Unsure who is Spottedpaw's mentor; looking to pick a molly here.
Growing up, Spotty has to deal with how her crummy uncle Thistleclaw suspects her of being halfclan and has basically become intolerant of his sister, Rosetail, for claiming Queen’s Rights
Tigerpaw is picking up a lot of this
Thistle is a violent, abusive person who subjects Tigerpaw to intense training. Spotty is usually the one patching up his minor injuries
The worst of them happen on the day the Parable of the Thistle is written. He's covered in horrible prickles all over his face, and his paws are cut up
This sends him to the Cleric's Den, which is where Spotty eventually falls in love with the idea of being a cleric.
Featherwhisker is AMAZING, he's so funny and wise, she wants to be like him super badly.
Through hanging out with him, she learns she is absolutely fantastic with rituals. She can draw a perfect circle and has a knack for invoking the warriors of StarClan.
But... more than ever, she is losing Tigerpaw. If she becomes Cleric, they can never be mates, or go to battle training, and they'll spend less time on patrol together
More than a possible romantic partner, she is losing a friend, as he's sucked further down the hole Thistleclaw is digging for him
Bluestar became deputy, and then leader, in less than a month. This was towards the end of Spotty's apprenticeship.
She is overjoyed for this, because Blue is her mom's best friend, and Featherwhisker's choice. (and possibly her mentor's mentor, if her warrior mentor was Frostfur)
Big timeskip at a point, because there are 4.5 years of general peace under Bluestar.
The next big event here is the titular plague, which I'm still unsure of what the disease is specifically. HOWEVER, it is going to be the same plague that Runningnose starts in TPB so I'm planning to play loosely with it, to make its rules easier on myself.
It's either a disease like rabies, or black death.
Possibly a mix of both. Frothing Death?
Info: This disease has some kind of obvious physical symptom but is infectious before that point. It has a survival rate, but can stunt growth. Adults and adolescents are more vulnerable to it than kits and elders.
It spreads first by bat, but is spread further by fleas.
Spottedleaf and Featherwhisker are working themselves to the bone to care for every sick cat
Spottedleaf is taking every waking moment to beg for help from StarClan. They're not totally useless and do manage to get her some good pointers
And then, while tending to Leopardfoot, Featherwhisker gets Anime Blood Cough Disease or whatever I make the symptom LMAO
Tigerclaw loses his mom and Spotty loses her mentor
When she tries to invoke him, StarClan does not send him down.
So... she channels him instead. And he pops up.
StarClan sent him to the Dark Forest even after he died tending to a patient, for his constant disregard of the code and siring a child with a kittypet while on the vow (Frostfur)
That Shakes Her Up A Bit
The final scene, I can see it perfectly in my head:
Tigerclaw finds Spotty while she's still stumbling around, dazed by her revelation, reconsidering everything she's ever thought about morality, StarClan, and the meaning of life. He's furious out of pain and basically trying to provoke her by asking if her path of the Cleric was all worth it
She couldn't save his mom and she couldn't save her mentor, or any of the like 1/4th of ThunderClan that died
And she hears this and like, this Fool. This Stupid Man. He doesn't even know the half of it.
So she starts laughing, because she's Spotty. Shaking her head, returning to her old self, gets her paw on his big ass shoulder (she has to reach up he's so tall)
"Nothing matters! Even the things we can change are nothing in the long run! Everyone will forget our names someday and you can be the best clanmate in the world or die trying, we all get buried in the same dirt! My claws can keep us here a little longer but yours can't dig us up and all that matters is what *I* KEEP PEOPLE JUST A LITTLE LONGER AND NO STARS OR WARRIORS WILL TAKE THOSE MOMENTS FROM ME"
Claws dug into his fur Tigerclaw is a bit speechless. Same Old Spotty. "...i apologize, my friend. I was... crass."
Spotty: "s'allright. Im sorry about your mom. Wanna get lunch?"
And that's what I've got so far. I want to keep its ending a bit raw and abrupt, because it's got this budding vibe that Spottedleaf's story is about the life she lived and the moments she's collected within it. Something about the absurdity of it all, how 'wasted' effort isn't totally wasted, and the beauty within just having a person for a little bit longer.
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"This is probably one of the silliest things I've ever said but hear me out I'm totally taking this completely seriously. Like canonically the reason she gets kicked out of her kitty cat cult is because she's a guy and that's just how their group works but it's just so endlessly funny to me to think of her mom tossing her out, then finding her again later after she's transitioned and everyone looks on disapprovingly like "WOW now you're kicking out your daughters too?? I thought you were against that?? Shame on you"
But yeah basically the group she's born in is one of those matriarchal no-men-allowed groups where all the male cats get sent away when they reach a certain age and the daughters get to stay, so technically if she transitioned she probably would have got to stay...just saying...if we want to go the more serious route a lot of Tree's actual story is about finding herself, a place where she belongs and becoming the person she wants to be instead of who her mom expects her to be. All of this could be applied to pretty much any type of trans headcanon but in my head she should just be a girl y'know
Oh yeah and she also has canonical deadname so that adds something here
Also her in canon partner is one I always saw as a lesbian and she had a lot of borderline romantic friendships with a few other female characters so seeing her get with a guy was jarring (i was disappointed but not surprised) so Tree being transfem also fixes that" - Anonymous
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starrysharks · 9 months
could you show a little bit of your art progression over the years? your style is absolutely magnificent btwbtw!!
sure ! i've done a similar post, but that was focused on shape language and didn't go over all of my art progression. i'll link it at the end of this post!
anyway, i started digital art around 7 years ago, but all of the art from that period is essentially lost. at that time, it was just deviantart bases and various furry/warrior cats fanart made in MS paint. while i'm not a fan of vivziepop anymore, she was a big inspiration at that time, as well as a handful of popular animation meme artists at the time. around 2019, i started making art in krita using a mouse. and later that year, i started making art in ibispaint (mostly skullgirls fanart). unfortunately, practically everything from before 2020 is lost because it was on reddit accounts that i had deleted out of cringe. don't delete your old art ever!!! i do have this piece though, made in 2020 on krita with a mouse. my main inspirations were invader zim and other cartoons.
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my artstyle took a lot of dips and turns around this time. i got back into anime, and it influenced my style in a way that i think made it really ugly and bad looking. i also refused to ever flip my canvas. i think this era actually held me back. here's an example.
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anyway, by 2021, i had gotten into more anime that influenced my style in a different way. i forget the exact ones, but i did watch a lot of stuff from trigger (like BNA and LWA) at the time, and also got into enstars which influenced my compositions a lot. it's also around the time that nova in her current "space astronaut bunny" concept was born. i started experimenting with backgrounds, color palletes, and colored lines, which was crucial. i look back at this era pretty fondly. though i still refused to flip my canvas :D
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by 2022, my artstyle looked like this -
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(this is actually from dec 2021 but like. it's still what my artstyle looked like)
i had played world's end club and rewatched panty and stocking, and it changed my brain chemistry. i decided that my artstyle would be "60% anime, 40% western cartoon", and despite some shortlived phases where i'd go for a slightly different style, i still kept it up. looking at least year's art summary, though, you can see that i broke away from that style for something more anime. and also, i hardly ever experimented with colors anymore because i was focused on character design. i'm gonna be real i think everything after july looks like absolute bootycheeks. i hate this weird single tiny dot reflection style i had going on it looks like dogwater.
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after 2022, my art was in a miserable transitional period where i had zero clue what direction i wanted to go in. but despite all that, this piece in particular is crucial. because i used halftones in the background. it's foreshadowing!!!
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i continued like this for a while, until the time where i decided to play around with shapes with those vocaloid big 8 drawings. people really liked the shapes that i used in that one, and i found them fun to draw. so i started exaggerating more, and after i rewatched panty and stocking for the 307492020506th time, as well as invader zim for the 2nd time, my cartoony roots came back.
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and then, when my art was already steadily improving, across the spiderverse dropped, and i watched it. funnily enough afterwards i had a big art block because i was just thinking, "you need to draw if you want to work on something as big as that! improve!!!!" which kind of held me back. but after all that, i decided to take a note out of ATSV (and comic books in general)'s book and start using halftones in my work. as well as that, i started focusing on lineart way more, and tried to play around with lineweight. which brings us to present day, where my latest art pieces look like this :
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i still think that my artstyle needs a lot of work. even these pieces have issues when it comes to symmetry, values, and the like. but nowadays, though my art takes far longer now (as i've abandoned special pens and just do lineart with the hard dip pen in a kind of tedious way), i'm having more fun with it than i have in years. i think halftones fit my artstyle really well, and they're a unique way to "fill up" areas. now that i pay attention to lineart, i think it makes my art feel 'fuller', at least with more depth. did i mention my inspirations for this current 'phase' of my art? :0 i've been playing a lot of muse dash lately, and my pinterest boards are always full of stuff from TWEWY and megaman. there's far more than that, but in short, i want a sharp and striking style with bright colors. i know that you said a little bit of my progression and i basically dropped a whole essay 😭 ,,, but i really like talking about art in general even if i'm not very good at it. i hope this was interesting at the very least! here's the other post also:
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elliottjpg · 3 months
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Woe! Transgender samurai be upon ye!
-pulling my old OC out of the filing cabinet and giving him a shampoo- LOOK I HAVE A NEW CHILD!! :D
I've decided to rework an old story/universe from several years ago, so here we go again, from the top:
暁の物語 Akatsuki no Monogatari
光 Hikari
Hikari, aka Shitaikou, is a young ronin, a master-less samurai, wandering around Edo-era Japan on a soul-searching journey.
He was raised as a girl named Sayoko (小夜子) by a samurai family, and taught swordsmanship and the arts like his brothers, although he was never destined to become a warrior. When the time came to find him a husband, he stole two swords, ran away and changed his name.
He now walks the roads of Japan on a quest to find [insert as-of-yet undefined quest here], and offers his assistance to villagers on the way. In doing so, he often runs into yokais and other paranormal occurences, to the point where in time he becomes an expert on the occult underworld of Japan and is often nicknamed the Demon Samurai.
Hikari is accompanied in his travels by Chihiro (千尋), a kitsune, and by Mochi (餅), a totally normal cat with the usual amount of tails and absolutely no supernatural powers, no siree. He is also regularly involved with an onnagata (a cross-dressing kabuki actor) and a yokai-hunting Buddhist monk, both of which I have yet to name (Mochi's name is also susceptible of being changed soon), and meets all kinds of strange people on his travels.
Hikari has a kind heart and a strong sense of honour. His driving force is his desire to help others; although he is very naive at first, and misguided altruism often gets him in trouble. As the story progresses, he will grow more mature and cynical, often preferring the company of yokais to that of humans, but trying to retain hope and faith in his fellow men.
(You can see older drawings of Hikari, including different outfits, here)
Akatsuki no Monogatari (the Tale of Dawn) takes place in the very beginning of the Edo era, in the transition years between the warring period of the Sengoku-Jidai and the two hundred years of peace under the Tokugawa shogunate. It is a story about change and beginnings, both of a person and of a country.
Some name lore under the cut!
The kanji Hikari 光 means "light". Hikari is a "public first name", sort of an official nickname. It was common practice in feudal Japan (at least among the samurai class) to go by a public name and keep your real name private. In Hikari's case, that is also because he often frequents yokais and magicians, who could use his true name against him.
His real name is Shitaikou 志泰光 . The kanjis composing it mean "aspire", "gentle" and "light". He chose it as a reminder to himself to strive for kindness and to make the world a better place.
("Hikari" is the last kanji composing this name. When used with other kanjis, it is pronouced "kou". Such is the messed-up way kanjis work. -frustrated weeb noises-)
Hikari doesn't have a last name; he gave up his family's name when he ran away and saw no use in taking a new one: as a ronin he is not tied to any family.
His birth name, Sayoko 小夜子 , is composed of the kanjis "small", "night" and "daughter". Hence the title, Akatsuki no Monogatari, the tale of dawn, or how the night turns into the light.
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yourmoonmomma · 11 months
I'm 23, and live in Ontario (Canada). I hope to one day move to the mountains, and will publicly ache for them a lot. I live with my common-law partner, Jayson (Pisces Sun, Scorpio Moon, Sagittarius Rising) and am dating Aimee (Cancer Sun, Aries Moon, Libra Rising).
I am a Cancer Sun, Pisces Moon, Sagittarius Rising; with a Cancer & 8th House stellium.
I am currently working for myself, as a SWer. This is a tricky transition period for me, as I've worked corporate jobs all my life, so any support is much appreciated! I am working on my 4th poetry book release, keep your eyes peeled for any information regarding it. As well, I'm working on a large fanfiction to rewrite the entire warrior cat series... though most of my work on it has stayed solely in my head. I hope to one day return to university to get a bachelor of science in microbiology & molecular genetics.
I started studying both astrology & divination between 7-12, and picked up spellcraft around the same age. I celebrate the Wheel of the Year, though do not call myself a Wiccan or Pagan.
I am queer, aromantic, and nonbinary. My pronouns are he/they, and I am comfortable ONLY with gender neutral & masculine terms. The only exception is "mom" or "momma". I hope to start HRT this solar year as well.
Firstly, understand that readings are just for fun. Nothing I say determines the path of your life. You are the creator of your own destiny. I am just here to help offer pieces of guidance. Please don't ask about health, death, children, or weight. I have the right to refuse any ask I feel uncomfortable with answering, and I do not have to disclose why I have skipped it.
My free readings include pendulum, tarot, oracle, and shufflemancy readings. As well, I'd be happy to give a short answer on any astrology or witchcraft related questions you may have!
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wyrmzier · 23 days
1, 2 for as many as you want, and bonus 6 and 18 if you're up for it :))
1. What's your oc's gender identity? What's their relationship to their gender?
Ceall would be considered a trans man. He identifies simply in canon as a man. Ceall, I think, has a complex relationship with gender and a bit of internalized misogyny. In his world, women have more rights and are more respected. However, Ceall is the product of the old ways of thinking about women. His own strenuous relationship with his mother strained his view on womanhood, especially as he was raised mostly by his grandfather and uncle to be a warrior.
I think Ceall was also afraid of what happened to his mother happening to him. I'm not implying in anyway that Ceall's internal conflict with womanhood is what made him trans. I think no matter what he'd figure out he was a boy. He just has an honest fear, and been looked down upon by adults in his life when he was a "woman" which pushed him to transition earlier. No matter what womanhood never felt right.
Ceall I imagine was a little shit head about this until he became a soldier surprisingly and the death of his grandfather. Ceall I think learns to respect women as he gets into his 20s and interacts with them more and with his grandfather not whispering in his ear, but moreso I think he just doesn't respect himself. His views and ideas get challenged a lot with his daughter Fiadh and his sisters. Ceall also needs to examine his view of manhood too but I digress.
2. What's your oc's orientation? (Romantic/sexual/platonic alterous ect) Do they have opinions about it?
I'll go with Ceall again :3. Ceall I think in modern terms would be considered bisexual. In text he speaks often of the women he's slept with, there's an old soldier he supposedly has history with, and his love interest is a prince. Ceall often feels like he HAS to marry a woman (in his world same sex marriage doesn't exist), so he's avoided it for a long time especially as he can't actually have children which is another thing he's expected to have, but being in the Otherworld now he can marry who he wants (but still with the expectation to have children).
Ceall has no real opinions on his sexuality. He's not even the hugest fan of sex. Ceall usually has sex so he can feel in control, especially as his life feels out of control. So to him, it doesn't matter who he sleeps with. Ceall has not "dated" anyone because that would imply he may wish to marry them, up until Ódhran.
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(Sketch of Ceall by @rennybu )
6. How does your oc feel about labels? Theirs, or in general?
I'm gonna go with Karma for this one. Karma identities as aroace. She LOVES being aroace and has no shame in it. Karma generally is a person that exists without shame. Karma grew up with a loving found family of sex workers and was very educated and at 18 was allowed to even work at the clubs as a waiter. Karma has seen it all and not one thing has sparked her interest. Which in Karma's mind means she's free forever! Her parents had a very unhappy marriage, and marriage felt very forced on her too. But Karma is happy by herself with her beloved cat and her found family.
For labels in general I feel like Karma is watching her friends have existential crisis about their sexuality and she's playing beyblade in the corner
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18. Do you prefer to give your ocs specific labels, or keep it unspecified? Why? If applicable, do you change their labels depending on circumstance?
Hm! I think a bit of both. Usually I know what my ocs label would be in a modern setting in my head, but I usually don't apply them in canon since most of my ocs wouldn't have those words or labels. Like I usually have Zipporah in canon describe himself as a man born in the wrong body, or if he were to speak in his mother tongue of Hebrew he may refer to himself as a *zachar* or *androgynos*.
For the "why", why do I give specific labels in my head? I literally can't not do that, my brain doesn't allow any "unknowns" especially if it can easily be known. Zipporah doesn't identity with his birth gender so in a modern setting he'd be considered trans. Why deny the label if you just already know it?
For changing labels, sure, if the need arises, they change irl all the time.
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I would really appreciate some help with interpretation on this deity identification reading! I didn't use a specific spread, but pulled one card from every deck I own - usually this works really well for me, but this time I can't quite put my finger on who this deity is. I have some vague ideas, but I would love to hear your interpretations.
Thank you in advance!
Here are the cards I drew (plus some notes from the imagery and the guidebooks):
Demon of the Day - Camio:
"Be mindful of arguments and disputes. It can feel good to win but not at the cost of a relationship."
Birds, blackbird, trush
Gaelic, Irish or Welsh origin
Dispute, eloquent verbal debate, persuasive argument
Understanding the language of animals and the noise of the water
Angels Among Us - Jesus:
Forgiveness, compassion, love, peace, kindness
Spiritual teacher, spiritual activist, healer
Christian origin
Higher wisdom
Without judgement
Goddesses Among Us - Atargatis:
Mermaids, mer-magic
Transformation, change
Deep diving
Assyrian or Mediterranean origin
Heartbreak, challenge, powerful emotions
Ocean, water, depth
Shadow work
Legendary Ladies - Estsanatlehi:
Native American origin
Sky and earth
Linestrider Tarot - Five of Swords:
Inflexibility black-and-white thinking
Defeat, failure
Interpersonal difficulties
Hollow victory
Selfishness, hurtful behavior
Trust issues
Numbers: 5, 59, 14
Associated birthdays: January 20 to January 30
Associated plants: mistletoe, capsicum, calamus root
Pastel Mini Magic Tarot - Ace of Pentacles:
New beginnings
New financial or career opportunity
Cat Tarot - Ten of Cups:
Divine love
Blissful relationships
Star Spinner Tarot - The Hermit:
Seeking the truth
Being alone
Inner guidance
Mondays Tarot - Death:
Under the Roses Lenormand - The Snake:
Deception, lies, tricks
Seduction, temptation
“The other women”
Arcana Lenormand - Lily:
Bees and butterflies
Thera-pets - “You don't have to be perfect to be lovable”:
Red panda
Mushroom Spirit - Rosy Bonnet:
Mycena rosea
Looking closely
Not making assumptions
Don't be fooled by appearances
Looks can be deceiving
The Citadel - The Walker:
The Unknown
New experiences
Transition, transformation
Finding answers
Moving on
Voice of the Souls - Learning:
Palm reading hand
Learning new things, new abilities and skills
Number 13
SOTW Imbolc - Consecrate tools:
"I will claim what is mine, what I see beyond the hidden. Gifted spirit, by tongue my words spill with purpose."
Displaying spirit
Claiming ownership
Conscious decisions
Taking what is meant to be yours
Embracing what is before you
No doubts
Fully invested
Permanent fixture
SOTW Beltane - Maiden:
"Demand what is yours and take back what was taken. Reclaim until you've gathered all of you."
Bees and butterflies
Divine manifestation on earth
Powerful, sacred beings
Direct channels to the gods
Embracing your freedom
Inner warrior
Divine feminine
Primal force of creativity
SOTW Litha - Sunbathing:
"The dance of stillness is calling for you to live in its embrace."
Spiritual strength
Spiritual nourishment
SOTW Mabon - Crow:
"Pay close attention to the winds; there's a message making its way."
Something's coming
Pay attention
Important signs and clues
Trust your intuition
SOTW Samhain - Elders:
"Birthed from seed within the belly of the moon, they are the wise felt touches over our hearts and felt deep within the marrow of our spirit."
Keepers of knowledge
Sage advice
Slowing down
SOTW Yule - Father Christmas:
"How did thy get here? Lost perhaps? No worries at all! Gather yourself and clear the frost for the good still lives in you dear."
Naughty or nice?
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silver-leaf-girl · 6 months
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A commission I did for a Glorantha book, part of the Jonstown Compendium of fan work.
For those not familiar with Glorantha (you might know it as the setting for King of Dragon Pass), it's a bronze-age fantasy setting written by Greg Stafford, an anthropologist. There's some bits that are a bit 'hmmm', but overall - it's a fresh and enthralling take on the fantasy genre, driven by a genuine interest in how ritual works in Bronze Age societies (I've heard it described as 'as Tolkien was to linguistics, Stafford was to mythology).
The paintings here intend to showcase one of the rituals in question, with a hero being anointed and girded to assume a mythic role (specifically Humakt, deity of swords and truth and death!)- around her, her masked clan-members prepare her for her transit into the mythic realm, while above her, Humakt himself wields/blesses the blade that she takes up. The second painting was for the back cover - it shows a devotee of Eurmal, trickster and storyteller, entertaining a couple of children and inducting them into the clan's mythic cycle, while their hunting cat (an alynx - Gloranthan cultures tend to favour cats where Earth ones would dogs) looks on.
Both paintings were done in gouache, early in the pandemic. I wanted to capture a sense of genuine mystery and weird spiritual power, and also to present a female Humakti in a role that many character artists have usually shown a traditional male warriors. It's also one of my (too rare! I should get back to this!) experiments with light and darkness in a painting.
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Fandom song animatic tournament: Bracket 1 Side B Round 3
Soldier, Poet, King - The Oh Hellos
"There will come a soldier Who carries a mighty sword He will tear your city down Oh lei, oh lai, oh, Lord"
Saint Bernard - Lincoln
"Hung pictures of patron saints up on my wall To remind me that I am a fool Tell me where I came from, what I will always be Just a spoiled little kid who went to Catholic school"
Remember that we're voting on how Iconic they are for ANIMATICS, not for the song itself. In order to make things fair, the tone and mood of the song should not affect how iconic it is (for example, a serious song should not be considered more iconic than a joke song just because it's serious)
Propaganda and animatic links of the songs under the cut:
Soldier, Poet, King - The Oh Hellos
Everyone was doing animatics of this. The meme was that you’d choose one of your blorbos to represent the “soldier,” one for the “poet”, and one for the “king.” The original point of the song is that “soldier poet and king” are all one person, and that person is Jesus, but literally no one cares about that. Who needs Jesus when you have Warrior Cats?
What's that?...it's supposed to be about Jesus? NOT ANYMORE, BABEY!! It's about my BLORBOS
It's a really nice song and can highlight different characters and their talents/abilities
If your fandom is fantasy, has a fantasy au, or characters that fit the roles, this can works. Can probably fit any fandom.
you look this song up on yt and youre going to find an animatic with it for every fandom in existence i stg man
Animatics with the song:
Song of Achilles
DSMP Sleepy Bois Animatic
Genshin Impact
The Owl House
The Adventure Zone
Saint Bernard - Lincoln
Its got that sick clapping for smooth frame changes, and it's got all the applications babeyy. Low self esteem hero? Sure! Sympathetic villain? You got it! Morally grey character? Come on in. "Make me love myself so that i might love you" can be about god, friends, a partner, a found family, you name it. "Dont make me a liar cause i swear to god when i said it i thought it was true" can be about anything. Your best friend is evil now? A betrayal?? A disillusioned hero??? "Neither of us will be missed" girlies i am peeing from how good this song is for angst.
"the st. bernard sits at the TOP OF THE DRIVE WAY" makes for a very cool and sexy shot transition. you seen the beau lionett animatic set to this?
tik tok picked up the audio a bit cause the drop into distortion is great, but also the vocals and imagery as they stand are excellent. there's at least four ace attorney ones alone and they all focus on different characters (Blackquill/Sahdmadhi, Klavier, van Zieks, and Edgeworth) and the van Zieks one was posted shortly before the official localization was released. also idk if it's on youtube but there's also one for bass.exe on tumblr which is also excellent
Animatics with the song:
Five Nights at Freddy's Michael Afton Animatic
3rd Life Impulse Animatic
DSMP Revivebur Animatic
The Owl House
Please be cautious and read the title, description and warning cards on the animatic videos if you decide to watch them. If you've got specific triggers I'd recommend even more caution when watching animatics of fandoms you don't know, since sometimes canon-typical themes don't get warnings.
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thefragile-left · 6 months
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🥩 | Winded Through Monotone, One Foot On Checkered Floor ~
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🥩 | Welcome to my main blog! Call me Lloyd but you may better know me as Archer! I'm a Rocket Executive going under the codename Archer although you may also refer to me as Fletcher or Atlas! I'm a splitroject fictive currently identifying as Archer/Apollo and host of Silversun Musical Box! I tag all me specific posts with my real first name (Winston)!
🥩 | I'm a Butch Deckfluid Demiwoman Gorething who goes by Lux/She/Panic/Meatself+ pronouns! I'm semi-post transition bodily (our body's gender is Transneumasc Non-binary Two Spirit)!
🥩 | I'm a shapeshifting vampiric AI supercomputer with a nuclear reactor for organs who identifies strongly with turnstile gates, coydog mutts and deer with Chronic Wasting Disease! I also have a Honchkrow Harpy form!
🥩 | I heavily selfship myself with Executive Archer/Apollo so you're bound to see me post a lot about him + some Grimeslyshipping! He's my wife but I'm not overly possessive of him! I enjoy having fellow Archer fans interacting with me over this wet dog of a man! 💥💥💥
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🥩 | Some of my favourite bands/artists are: Silversun Pickups | Depeche Mode | The Killers | Placebo | Breaking Benjamin | KMFDM | Fear Factory | Lacuna Coil | Have A Nice Life | Metric | Failure | A Perfect Circle | Autolux | Collective Soul | Stabbing Westward | Pearl Jam | Duran Duran | etc.
🥩 | My top songs are: Checkered Floor by Silversun Pickups | Working Title by Silversun Pickups | Simmer by Silversun Pickups | Wagging Tongue by Depeche Mode | Smile Like You Mean It by The Killers | Uncle Jonny by The Killers | Spirit by The Killers | Post Blue by Placebo | Infra-Red by Placebo
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🥩 | My other socials:
Twitter | Toyhouse | Discord = turnstilerockets | SpaceHey | Newgrounds | deviantART | Pinterest | Bluesky
🥩 | My other blogs:
Warrior Cats | Art | Specific aesthetics | Decor
🥩 | Headmate blogs:
Emory | Proton | Lance | Andrew
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nightly-ruse · 1 year
Need to share my thoughts I haven’t so finally making my Transfem Dustpelt/Buckpelt post that is who she is in the rewrite and in my heart.
So Buck has a lot of abandonment issues and after a long life of figuring things out after a rough youth he feels better. That is until her first litter comes about with Ferncloud. As the little kits squirm at his mates belly he feels odd. Itchy in his pelt. Every time he’s called a dad it gets worse. After asking Sandstorm she hold his paw and asks if he’s trans. It clicks after a moment and after that she goes on her journey of becoming a molly. With the help of gnc Sandy she starts taking fennel to transition, comes out to her mate who welcomes her with love, and sees her sibling Raven again to come out as the true her, Cowflower the molly.
(Under cut is the full drawn out version for more story liking ppl to enjoy, it is long tho so beware, tho is makes more sense of the arc I love so much)
Buckpelt is the affair child of Robinwing and Stagleap, taken by his dad as a kit before being given back after Stag hated being a dad. He grew up with a rocky life right off the bat and when he’s given back to Thunderclan he’s not fully welcomed. Even as kit little Buckkit was bullied and outcasted especially by his older siblings Cherrypaw and Chestnutpaw. While Fuzzyflower cared for him he couldn’t push the anger towards his cheating mate Robinwing fully out of his parenting.
Buckpaw is made a apprentice and given to Redtail in hopes the wise deputy could help the misguided cat, and it worked. Redtail made him more aware of others as well as acting as a dad figure to him. Redtail never had a dad of his own and knew the pain even if his own didn’t just abandon him like Buckpaw’s did. But he started getting bullied more. Sandpaw disliked how much attention he was getting from her dad so she’d tease him, his older siblings would, and many other headstrong warriors.
Maybe if Redtail had lived all the way through poor Buckpaw’s training and taught the scrap how to handle it and make it into a skill it would’ve be great. But he didn’t. Redtail was murdered and Buckpaw felt the same abandonment he felt when Stagleap gave him up except even worse, because he couldn’t hate Redtail or see him again next gathering. He was gone. And now given to the crueler Darkstripe wasn’t doing well.
Instead of opening up more he closed off. Becoming sharper, quieter, meaner. His anger turned inwards and outwards. He started teasing Firepaw the moment the little kittypet came into camp just beside Sandpaw, both apprentices fueled by grief from Redtail’s death was rough on the clan. And even lashing out at Ravenpaw, his brother and only sibling to ever show a lick of kindness, for any perceived fault.
He never would’ve known how much it’d hurt when Ravenpaw never came home. Ripping that grief wound that barely even scabbed over right open. Instead of becoming more aggressive like before he became emptier. Barely even cared when he was named Buckpelt.
Tigerclaw betrays the clan, he refuses to follow the cat who abused his brother, Darkstripe shames him and all he does is bite his tongue.
It felt like moons of emptiness. No good or bad just nothing at all.
But then he felt something. Buckpelt went to lay down like he always did, following his same routine everyday, when Fuzzypelt came over. He didn’t expect much but instead his whole life changed. His parent showed him how to weave things, while it was rather bad his first try it got better. He asked if he could do secondary training for weaving and excelled.
(Fernpaw was born later and a new apprentice at the start of tnp, trained by Frostfur so by this time she’s already named Ferncloud)
That’s when a new cat comes into his life. Ferncloud. She had always been in his life but they never really talked or hung out. But the more they did they got closer. She had a similar past, a father she never knew, no siblings, outcasted. Except she was so emotional. Not in a bad way but in a way he wished he could be. She shared her every thought and knew how to help everyone.
The two learned to weave things together and slowly crushed on each other for a long time. She was his biggest comfort and he was hers.
And then the battle comes about and Ravenpaw, just called Raven now, is alive. Buckpelt is so overwhelmed with uprooted feelings he can barely breath looking at the cat. Finally they talk. Raven tells Buck about why he left, how their doing, how happy they are. And most importantly who he is now, a non-binary jack and mate of a tom. Buckpelt takes a while to understand but once he does, his own little cracks forms.
At the end of the battle they reunite, Raven introduces Barley and he introduces Ferncloud, and Raven tells him where they live so if he needs a place he knows how to get there.
Ferncloud announces she’s expecting kits, his kits, and the two official date. He is overjoyed and overwhelmed by the idea of a litter making a lot of things for the coming kits.
And then their born. Two little toms named Spiderkit for his odd lanky legs and Shaggykit (Shrewpaw) after Fuzzyflower. Staring at their kits Buckpelt feels the crack that first came about become bigger. Unsure of how to bring it up to his usual source to vent to since she’s now busy with the kits he goes to Sandstorm.
Being the awesome gnc cat she is Sandstorm listens to Buckpelt talk about how he feels odd in his own pelt, how it’s almost itchy and yet he has no fleas. She looks him in the eyes, plants a paw on his shoulder, and asks if he might be a molly instead of a tom. Of course he’s shocked and immediately goes to say no but stops. The egg has cracked open. After a full “oh mouse dung” moment and Sandy helping him through the realization he asks more questions. The more he asks the more she feels better. So many words and things she never knew before.
While it’s hard fully understanding it Buckpelt finally comes out to Ferncloud when their kits are just a moon old and of course Fern congratulates her mate. When asked if maybe she’d like to change her name she agrees and after a loooongggg few days of discussing with those she trusts Buckpelt renames to Cowflower.
Cow in the female deer and flower after her own parent Fuzzyflower (who is actually super genderfluid as well just never explained it lol).
She goes to the farm and tells her sibling who welcomes their new sister with purrs and hugs.
And there- my way too long story of Cowflower who I love with all my freaking heart
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bonefall · 2 years
do you think the clans could domesticate/keep animals? Not as pets, but, like, raising tadpoles or fish in secluded little ponds.
They absolutely can, in my side projects I even tried to work out which animals would be possibilities for some of my fanclans.
A really good place to start thinking about this topic is this famous video by CGP Grey, which provides brief yet thorough insight to why humans have domesticated the animals they currently have; but then you need to apply the logic on a cat-scale.
Something VERY easy to overlook is that humans domesticated most of these animals after inventing agriculture, when we had spare food waste laying around. If your clan has a long-standing history with gardening herbs, you can justify the transition to agriculture with your little carnivores.
Here's some easy animals that canon-compliant warriors could keep without much difficulty.
CW: It's mostly bugs!
Meal worms (Tenebrio molitor)
Easy to find all over the place, having been introduced to nearly every continent. Keeping them is as easy as having a big hole and a spare guy to make sure a bird doesn't eat everything. They're easily fed with all kinds of foraged foods, like apples, grains, berries, and they grow up fast.
Biggest problem with them is that the adults could escape, because mealworm beetles can fly. This is as easy as making sure they're well-fed and don't have a reason to leave.
2. Goldfish (Carassius auratus) and koi (Cyprinus rubrofuscus)
These things are surprisingly hard to breed in tanks, but raising these things outside is as simple as having a pond with an established ecosystem. You would not BELIEVE how invasive these two species are, ESPECIALLY koi. On that note-- goldfish are actually better for eating than koi, they were initially bred as food fish, where koi where first bred with aesthetic in mind.
Warriors can also eat roe, and it can be cured over time to make a delicacy. Aquaculture in general is also something that would be very likely for a RiverClan-like clan to adopt; it's an 'easy' way to keep fish alive until it's time to actually eat them.
Easy = You have cats willing to dig out a big project
3. Maggots (Various brachycera species)
Cats can't eat every part of a meal, and there will always be food waste. Collecting maggots from the crowfood pile is a viable option, so long as the prey being used as compost wasn't sick or poisoned.
It's also highly likely, as maggots also have a... gruesome use in medicine that I won't get into here. They also make excellent bait for fishing, and could be used to feed mice, or lure birds.
Why not mice?
Because they will run away, or chew through most natural materials. You need a lot more than a simple hole to keep mice contained; does your clan have access to big, plastic or metal human buckets? Maybe some simple stone-masonry?
If not, you're going to dig a hole and they're going to dig right out. You're also going to need lots of buckets and stone enclosures to breed enough mice to keep your clan well fed, and hopefully they're protected from rain else your livestock will drown.
Obligate carnivores! More trouble than it's worth to feed them, when you can just feed yourself with those bugs instead. Unless you wanted to sacrifice one of your mouse enclosures for some frogs?
It would be understandable as a nicety, if frogs were a delicacy of sorts. But mice are sooo much easier to feed, and can turn food a warrior can't eat (fruit, grains) into food they can (meat).
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mothdapple · 2 years
Fixing the Bramblepaw to Brambleclaw Character Arc
A common cause of complaint about The New Prophecy is how much Brambleclaw does not feel like Bramblepaw in the first arc. I do think the evolution of TPB Bramblepaw morphing into TNP Brambleclaw is possible, but it just was not at all executed well by the writing team, which is why the shift in the books seems so jarring.
Ever since I begun my TNP rewrite Shaken Roots, I have been looking for ways for this character arc to make more sense. And, I think I can see how the serious, quiet Bramblepaw who is 100% determined to prove himself to ThunderClan by putting his head down and working hard, no matter what, could become the very burnt out Brambleclaw, who is worn down by time as the moons pass and some of his clan-mates continue to look disfavorably on his connection to Tigerstar. This eventually even leads him to do the thing he swore never to do (“joining” Tigerstar) because he’s so desperate for connections.
There are a few things in TNP that Brambleclaw does/thinks which are still probably unrealistic or too extreme, (like having a moment of seriously considering killing Firestar.) But, overall I feel like this could be a way to smooth the transition of Bramblepaw to Brambleclaw, and this is how I’d do it:
Very few cats seem to care at all that Brambleclaw is Tigerstar’s son by canon TNP, but since Brambleclaw feeling emotional burn out by their judgement is what I’m using as the jumping-off point for him falling under Hawkfrost and Tigerstar’s influence, I plan on making some changes there. However, canon does give us some little things which I can expand on in my rewrite: First there is Firestar going out of his way to name Brambleclaw after Tigerclaw. Maybe Firestar was genuinely well-meaning there, but Brambleclaw could have some major insecurity around that since Firestar permanently branded him with his father’s name when Firestar knows so well that Brambleclaw struggles so much to escape Tigerstar’s shadow. Also, maybe Brambleclaw has little, innocuous mannerisms like the way he flicks his tail when he’s annoyed that makes him look just like Tigerstar. Maybe his clan-mates don’t comment on it, but Brambleclaw notices the way the older warriors will pause and become unsettled by him, which makes him feel self-conscious and paranoid of seeming too much like Tigerstar, totally on accident or unconsciously. Maybe also while on the journey to the sundown-place, Feathertail or Stormfur has a strong negative reaction to Brambleclaw when he accidentally triggers their trauma from TigerClan because of something innocent he does.
Mixing this all together for moons, I could see Brambleclaw reaching an absolute low of emotional exhaustion and being just tired of trying so hard all the time and feeling like he’s going nowhere. Especially after the journey to the sundrown-place and bringing the Clans to the Lake. Brambleclaw could feel like he is literally ThunderClan’s savior, but some of his clan-mates are still treating him like a snake in the grass, as if they are never sure if he’s going to strike or not. (Although some of this could just be in Brambleclaw's head from his negative/pessimistic perception.)
As the Clans settle into the lake and the close friend group Brambleclaw had made with the other journeying cats starts to drift apart, in steps Hawkfrost who can emphasize with Brambleclaw’s poor treatment (or at least, he acts like he can.) Hawkfrost and Brambleclaw become friends, but Hawkfrost also manipulates Brambleclaw, feeding into his feelings of isolation from his clan-mates so that Brambleclaw is more dependent on Hawkfrost for all his emotional needs. (Hawkfrost is doing this mainly because he has abandonment issues, due to various reasons including Tadpole, Sasha and Feathertail, and wants Brambleclaw to be entirely dependent on him so he never leaves him. But, I’ll leave that there because my thoughts on Hawkfrost’s psyche is an entirely separate essay lol.) Hawkfrost will essentially come to play the role of the devil on Brambleclaw’s shoulder, but Brambleclaw cannot see it because he’s just so grateful to have someone who “understands” him.
Brambleclaw also has some feelings about self-loathing about his seemingly inescapable tether to Tigerstar, and this in combo with Hawkfrost’s manipulations encourages Brambleclaw down a self-destructive path which even leads him back to Tigerstar when he appears in his dream. Brambleclaw of course knows that Tigerstar is the source of all his problems, but I would have him stay to train with Tigerstar anyway because (in order of importance)
1) Hawkfrost is there, and he wants to make sure he’s okay and not left alone with their father.
2) Hawkfrost tries to convince him that before Tigerstar was a monster, he was a great warrior and they should be able to learn from his good parts without following in the paw-steps of his bad parts. And Brambleclaw thinks he will be able to resist any manipulation tactics Tigerstar tries against him. (Tigerstar is also on his best behavior in the dreams, adding to this illusion.)
3) Brambleclaw feels isolated enough that he stays just to be around Hawkfrost and Tigerstar, two cats who give him positive attention.
4) There is a part of Brambleclaw that is very ambitious and enjoys feeling powerful, which training with Tigerstar gives him despite that it also makes his feelings of self-loathing worse.
Of course, Brambleclaw cannot resist Tigerstar as much as he thinks he can, so together Tigerstar and Hawkfrost feed into his darker impulses. When Tawnypelt gets her Tigerstar dream and sees Brambleclaw there, she tries to smack some sense into him by explaining that Brambleclaw doesn’t know what Tigerstar is capable of, but she does, since she had once similarly fallen under his spell to join him in ShadowClan, and that Brambleclaw is a fool if he thinks he can grow stronger by drinking from a pool of poisoned water.
The difference between Tawnypelt and Brambleclaw here is that Tawnypelt got more first-hand exposure to Tigerstar, so she has more nuanced take on Tigerstar. She understands better who their father really is (both the "good" and the terrible parts.) But, Brambleclaw has only heard horror stories about Tigerstar from his clan-mates. Tigerstar is basically a story-book villain to him. He clearly believes the horrible things his clan-mates say about him to some degree, but maybe he also thinks they are a bit exaggerated. Overall though, Brambleclaw just does not truly understand Tigerstar’s personality or abilities. Also, although Tawnypelt is the one who switched Clans, she is ironically in a more supportive environment in ShadowClan, since no one there cares about her relationship to Tigerstar. This lets her be more confident in herself in general, so Tigerstar and Hawkfrost cannot exploit her insecurities in that way as they can Brambleclaw's.
The conclusion of Brambleclaw's arc would be basically catching up to his sister by accepting these parts of himself he can’t change, like his appearance, his name, his blood connection to Tigerstar, and his ambitious personalty, and either being able to see the good parts of them, or if he can’t see the good, then at least acknowledging that they don’t automatically make him a bad person. He is able to do this thanks to his connection to the supportive friends he made on the journey who care about him because who he is as a person, nothing more or less.
This is in contrast to Hawkfrost, who acts as both a parallel and foil to Brambleclaw. He is also desperate for approval, but he is too afraid of getting hurt or being abandoned to form genuine friendship and so is totally isolated. He cannot escape his self destruction, and it ultimately results in his death. This also ties into the overall theme of the arc about bonds/connections— Of course what starts everything is the prophecy cats having to go on this journey to form a deep bond. Then there are the Clans having to come together to survive the forest destruction and sucessfully travel to the lake. And, the connections formed by the forbidden romances, and the ties between Tigerstar and his kids, and so on.
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nyaifyz · 1 year
My Headcanons #2
Imma prob post a lot today because I have very little classwork to do
Anyways, have some reddit screenshots that I yoinked to discuss/show + other rambling
(I use to post in the reddit, I no longer do but once in awhile I peek in)
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Uzi was definitely a member^ ain't no way Uzi wasn't, if not she was the warrior cats kid
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This one was just funny I had to add it^
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I do hc that Uzi and Lizzy at least had a crush on each other when they were younger, and I blame one specific doodled comic I saw for causing me to like the idea so much. They give me Savy & Brooke vibes from LpsPopular
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THIS RIGHT HERE^^^^I think about it a lot
so ahem transfem Lizzy time
Back on Instagram months ago I kept seeing transfem Lizzy mentioned, but no one explaining it, then on google I would see both transfem and transmasc Thad
Drones are meant to mimic humans, so technically speaking they can mimic the realization and transition humans do
Murder drones have assigned genders yes, but workers 'reproduce' and therefore assign genders to these children
I already figured out how such robot transition would work as me/my dronesona are trans
but lets go back to the headcanon of transfem Lizzy & transmasc Thad:
If both Thad and Lizzy are trans, I imagine they had swapped outfits when they were little !! I think it would be cute and a very interesting concept to write about
which, I might
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lordichamo · 2 years
WOOOOO ITS DONE!!! I really hope you guys enjoy this aaaa!!! I'll put more of my thoughts & ramblings below the cut but in the meantime- enjoy :) ! Additionally, the original song can be found here! It's a pretty fun cover imo so please go give it a watch!
and just bc i spent. so long on this. reminder that Reblogs > Likes gjhksdg
OH BOY. oh boy was this. A project. I did have a ton of fun w/ it though (takin it from a comic to... pmv? animatic? thing?) but man. was it work. its about? 137 individual drawings it seems? I wanted to finish it in time for Kondo's bday which set a hard deadline of about Sept. 2-3 in my timezone in order to queue it up & all that fun stuff lol. not to mention I started the pmv iteration in late August... not exactly a lot of time! good thing my years of doing homework the night before it's due paid off lol
Obviously I'm by no means an animator (just a concept artist who watched a ton of warrior cats amvs growing up) but this was definitely a fun challenge to tackle! Also I wonder if I really like doing that wipe transition.
If you're wondering, here's how far I got on the original comic before I switched gears! I also started work on it allll the way back in early may if my file dates are to be believed. Anyway, just kinda felt that just writing down the lyrics wouldn't quite scratch that itch, so... amv instead!
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also heres a funny lil cover for it i made before realizing dealing with a ytube upload would be a pain 🙄 enjoy <3
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