#there is something that just Vibes about using a straight up dudes voice for my girl character. esp since i play a lot with gender and how
felidthing · 1 year
my specialest little detail about applestrike is she actually has a second voiceclaim. her main one is ada rook but when i was still deciding who it would be bert mccracken was actually the runner-up. i thought it was fun to imagine my transfem kitty with a male voiceclaim (tho bert is pretty high pitched) but i ended up picking rook because i love her and it felt easier in the long run for applestrike to have a female voiceclaim. but bert will always be another option in my heart
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kelcemenow · 1 year
As The Snow Falls - Chapter 7.
Pairing Travis Kelce x Reader
Words 1661
Warnings Strong language and a whole lot of fluff.
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With Travis stood behind you and his arms wrapped around your waist, he gently placed a kiss on the side of your neck. You giggled and reached for the door handle. Travis was ready and dressed for skiing but you still needed to go to your room to change your clothes and Travis was only too pleased to accompany you there.
Turning the door handle you placed your finger against your lips. "Shhh!" You warned him as you knew the rest of the group would still be asleep.
Travis grinned and held you tight before you both headed towards your bedroom door. Your feet became tangled with his as you tried to walk in tandem and as you stifled a loud laugh by clamping your hand over your mouth, someone appeared briskly from around the corner.
"Jasmine!" You exclaimed, a little louder than anticipated.
Travis quickly stepped away from you and you noticed Jasmine's eyes narrow profusely. You cleared your throat and awkwardly smoothed out your pyjamas.
"What's this?" Jasmine said with an uncomfortable breathy laugh.
Travis scratched the back of his neck, "Uhhhh...we were just joking around."
"Joking around? Looks like some pretty serious flirting going on?" Jasmine folded her arms, "Is there something going on that I don't know about?"
You glanced to Travis quickly, "Jas-"
"Whatever, I don't care. I need coffee." She fluttered her eyelashes, "Travis, would you make some for me? Your coffee is so good!"
Travis exhaled and shrugged his shoulders, "Sure."
You rolled your eyes, "Yeah, I gotta go...and...get dressed."
Lowering your head, you marched straight to your room, your heart rising in your chest. As soon as you reached the door, you swung it open and rushed inside of the room, leaning your head against the cold wood once it was closed.
"Fuck." You whispered to yourself with a smile.
The crisp snow crunched loudly underneath your boots as you retrieved your skis and poles from the shelter just outside of the cabin. You breathed in the cold breeze, feeling the sting of the bitter air as it filled your nostrils. As you clipped your boots into the skis, you felt a hand on your shoulder, making you jump slightly as you turned your head quickly.
"Shit, sorry!" Jason's face beamed back at you.
You clutched your chest and breathed a sigh of relief, "You scared the hell out of me, man!" You laughed.
"So? You and Travis, huh?"
You lowered your eyebrows, "What about me and Travis?"
Jason laughed, "Oh, come on! You think I'm blind?"
You turned back to reach for your poles, mostly to hide the growing smile on your face that you were failing to hide.
"I can see something a'brewing there, man!" Jason raised his eyebrows at you. "Come on, spill! And be mindful, the guy is still my brother. I don't want all of the disgusting details!"
You shifted yourself closer to him, lowering your voice, "Honestly, Jason...I don't know what's going on, but I can't stop smiling!"
An arm quickly swung around your shoulder as the 6 foot 3 inch Center pulled you in closer, "Me neither! My favourite girl and my little brother...getting it on."
You let out a throaty laugh, "Don't dude...Jasmine seems to think she's got dibs on him and she's already sniffing around us like a bloodhound. And I don't really want to deal with another Jasmine tantrum right now."
"Oh, hell nah!" Jason stepped in front of you, "We only have one day left here and I'll be dammed if I let something ruin the vibe."
You grinned and nodded your head, just as Travis appeared from behind Jason's shoulder.
"Ready to go?" His voice deep and thick with excitement.
Jason's eyebrows jumped up quickly before he turned to face his brother, "Enjoy, man." He said, slapping his palm against the side of Travis' bicep and disappearing back into the cabin.
Travis threw you a wink, your heart leaping at the sight. As he made his way closer to you, your chest tightened, the cool air filling your lungs. You shuffled your feet awkwardly, looking down at the skis that were restricting your movements until Travis was suddenly inches away from you. He raised his arm and reached behind you, his intoxicating scent almost hypnotising you. You took a deep breath, rooted to the spot and watched as the muscles in his neck pulsated as he grabbed his own skis. He glanced down at you and smiled a little.
"What?" You breathed a laugh as you spoke.
Travis' smile widened, "Nothing." He pressed his lips together, as if he had more to say.
"Go on?" You nodded.
He looked away, avoiding your gaze for a second, "You just look...beautiful."
Your cheeks quickly flushed and you looked down to your feet, the snow laying flat from where you had been standing. Your immediate reaction was the brush his compliment off, but you remembered what he had said earlier. He wasn't going to stop so you needed to get used to it. You raised your head to meet his gaze again, his icy stare somehow spreading a warmth across your chest. "Come on, I'll race you to the ski lift."
You darted away, sliding smoothly across the fresh snow, your eyes beginning to water from the cool air whipping past you. You confidently guided yourself towards the lift entrance, pulling your ski goggles down to shield your eyes from the bright morning sunshine. You glanced back quickly, noticing that Travis had barely made it away from the lodge. Bending your knees slightly, you increased your speed before angling the back of your skis quickly to the right, powder spraying onto the lift gates as you stopped dead. Pulling your goggles back onto the top of your head, you watched as Travis slowly but steadily made his way down the small hill towards you, his hands gripping onto the poles.
Your eyes widened as you noticed that he wasn't slowing down. You held an arm up and waved it from side to side in an attempt to get Travis' attention.
"Put your toes together, make a point with the front! Toes together, Travis!" You yelled out, your voice thick with panic.
Travis obeyed, a small mound of snow piling up in front of him, eventually bringing him to a halt next to you. You smiled as he pulled off one of his gloves and wiped his brow, taking a long breath before meeting your gaze.
"What? Okay, so it's been a while since I've skied." He said, shrugging his shoulders and putting his glove back on.
"I didn't say anything." You giggled as you pushed the gates to the ski lift open, "Not a thing."
Travis followed closely behind you, "You didn't have to. Your face said it all."
You exhaled another laugh, your warm breath visible in the cold air, "Come on, stop your pouting and get in." You patted the seat next to you.
"How come you're so good at this anyway?" Travis said as he struggled to manoeuvre himself around the cart.
"I worked a couple of seasons in France."
Travis raised his eyebrows, "Fuck! I didn't know I was with some sort of expert. I thought I was gonna impress you." The cart jerked as he quickly collapsed down next to you.
"Impress me?" You nudged him playfully, pulling the bar down across the pair of you just as the cart lifted slowly into the air.
Travis' eye's darted across his surroundings, "Well, yeah. I didn't think my sub-par skiing skills would be so rusty."
"I could show you some basics? Maybe, refresh your memory?"
"I like the sound of that." His arm slowly draped around your shoulders, pulling you closer to him, "Although, would it be totally unprofessional for me to make out with the teacher?"
You held his deep gaze, the world around you seeming to fade away, "Maybe you should try it and find out."
Travis' pale eyes sparkled and the corners of his mouth moved into a large grin before he lowered his head down towards yours, closing the already short distance between you. His soft lips connected with yours and moved slowly with a gentle pressure. Your skin tingled with a sudden pleasure that spread across your whole body as the kiss progressed. Travis brought his hand up to tenderly cup your cheek before sliding it to the back of your neck, his fingers softly stroking your hair. You carefully shifted closer to him, aware that any small movements would swing the cart, but Travis held onto you tightly. Your tongue danced against his and the warm, wet sensation caused your chest to flutter. As your lips parted further, you gasped for a quick breath before allowing Travis to explore your mouth again. The kiss was slow, romantic even, and as the cart swayed gently in the breeze, you melted completely into his arms.
You opened your eyes only slightly and a small ray of bright sunlight blinded your gaze. You pulled away from the kiss, looking to see that Travis' face was still plastered with a smile.
"I'm crazy about you." He whispered.
"Good." You quietly replied, "Because you've got detention with me later."
Travis' head jerked back, his eyebrows lowered with confusion, "What? Why?"
"That kiss." You smirked, "It was very unprofessional."
Travis grabbed your waist and dug his fingers into your flesh, causing you to let out a loud roar of laughter. The cart swung dramatically from your erratic movements and Travis quickly held onto you again, protecting you as you both screamed out with more amusement.
You took a deep breath and rested your head on Travis' shoulder, looking out onto the morning sunrise. The warm red and purple colours surrounded you both, your breathing slowing down to a contented pace. You sat in comfortable silence for a few seconds before Travis cleared his throat.
"Come to Kansas City tomorrow."
This took some time...and I'm really sorry! I've had a crazy couple of weeks and writing took a bit of a backseat. But I hope you liked this chapter, the comments I have been receiving for this series have been amazing! I'll get to working on the next chapter right away and if you have sent in a request, do not worry, I will be making my way through this requests once this series is finished! If you want to be included in my Taglist, just let me know!
Taglist @rd14 @dandelionwrites8 @keiva1000 @fantasywritersstuff @caelipartem @anacarangel @she-lives-in-her-dreams @kkrenae @kristencochefski1125 @countrygirl120983 @charmed2000 @nouis-bum @cixrosie @delicateearthquakellama @wordsaresimple-imnot @amylouwho9 @queenisa17 @talicat713 @luvvtrent @purecinnamonextract @savaneafricaine @caelipartem @beyxgrande @caitdaniels @ezgirl1108 @vir-tual @lightsoutstyles @macey234 @s294749w @kelcemesoftly @calirindo @livinginmyfantasies @bernelflo @secretmywritingfictionlawyer @killatravtramp @there-goes-thefighter @unicornblueberry @calirindo @tjkelce87 @kristinamae093 @kmc1989 @ajbird18 @triski73 @ctn26 @kgcaputo07 @abby-splace @bobthe-turmpetman29
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hana-no-seiiki · 2 years
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GENERAL CW/TW: Spoilers for Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse. Typical Yandere themes of stalking, violence, and whatnot.
PART SPECIFIC CW/TW: Soft, awfully wholesome scene with your father. Like seriously it’s like the third time I watched the whole movie but this particular scene still breaks me
current status: unedited
summary: you get replaced by peter last minute as the one that plugs in the goober. but you won’t let that happen. not when he still has a whole life to get back to.
Reply if you’d like to be added to the taglist!
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“Aye, Getting old they doubted us, makes it that more marvelous. Sign ‘em up cause I’m on this vibes and I get synonymous.
What’s up, danger?
Aye, don’t be a stranger!”
Look, because of the Spiderman: Miles Morales game I’m a bit biased.
I don’t want uncle Aaron to die damn it. But yeah the Prowler does exist and you have been keeping contact with him.
But for the sake of keeping the dude alive though he’ll only physically come in act 2 of this series, we gucci?
Although this means you lose a lot of the development Miles gets from his death. I’ll try my best to make the events as natural as possible
Anyways, you come back to the spider gang hanging out at Jason and Roy’s apartment.
The gang essentially jumpscares you (thank god for spider sense) with a suit of your own.
Except it was one size too big.
And there were holes at the eye sockets for you to actually see through.
“Ehrm . . . Thanks ?”
“You don’t gotta pretend you like it, kid.”
“It’ll fit eventually.”
You begin sweating quite a bit. Something felt so off here.
You notice that Jason was looking straight at you.
Which I mean, anyone would be m e l t i n g if someone like Red Hood was staring right at them so it’s a miracle you aren’t a puddle at the moment.
Perhaps it’s cause you spent so much time with your crush, Gwen, that you’ve pretty much gotten used to hot people looking at you directly.
Still, you turn away and hide your face. Utterly clueless as to how react in this type of situation.
The relatively peaceful circumstance doesn’t last long as everyone’s spider sense is alerted and the door bell rings. A mechanical tentacle shoots through the lock, completely shattering it.
“Cute place. Real homey.”
Oh great, it’s Liv.
“Get out of here, kid.”
“For the last time I’m a legal adult—“
“Mira todas estas arañitas. (Well, look at these little spiders.)”
Two more of Kingpin’s men show up, Tombstone and Scorpion.
God, fucking damn it—
Olivia spots the new flashdrive Peni made around Peter’s neck and grins.
“Oh, I think I’ll be taking that.”
You hold in your attraction to the woman and duck as a fight ensues.
Scorpion takes notice of you.
“Niñito dale. (Go ahead, little one.)”
“Prepárate a morir (Prepare to die) — Ah, man stupid pillows!”
Before you could get your body bashed in by the cyborg, Red Hood takes a shot his tail just in time.
“You good?”
Your spider senses were all over the place just like with Damian. What is it with black haired hot guys and their danger levels-
You manage to slip away, flashdrive in hand, courtesy of invisibility finally working in your favor.
“All vehicles in the area we have a disturbance involving multiple spider . . . people ?”
“On my way.”
Dick wasn’t the type to spend Christmas in Gotham.
But the tone of his brother’s voice — how broken and desperate it was — alarmed him.
It seemed that his baby brother finally fell in love.
It was about time really.
Although he was terribly curious as to who the person the Damian Wayne had fallen for.
You couldn’t just be a normal student from school right?
He finds around the scene looking terrified and scared.
A perfect opportunity to get to know you a little better.
“You alright there citizen?”
“Huh? Yeah I’m fine.”
“You seem pretty calm despite being in a police car and all.”
“My dad’s a cop. He gives me rides in one plenty of times.”
“Jefferson Davis, right?”
“You know him?”
“Well, it’s hard not knowing the guy who’s been looking all over for you. He spread the news to several police departments.”
“That . . . sounds a lot like him . . . “
“You don’t have to worry. I won’t tell him where you are. You need some space, right?”
Nothing outstanding so far. You were cute albeit awkward. But he could see that you were going through things at the moment. Early adulthood is a bitch after all.
You kept quiet most of the ride.
You were so distracted that you didn’t even question how he knew what school you went to and the location of your dorms.
“Hey, I’m a little curious, why don’t you have his last name? Family problems?”
“No, it’s something with my grandfather. I don’t think it’s within my place to share.”
“Well alright.”
You two arrive at your dormitory and you make sure to give the place a good old scan just in case you were getting followed.
“I’ll see ya when I see ya, [Y/N]. Give me a call if you ever need help.”
“Got ya.”
You realize that you don’t even know the man’s name much less a way to contact him.
But as you look back, the car he was in had already driven away.
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Time wasn’t going to wait for you.
You knew that. You were trying your darn hardest to chase after it.
But you weren’t fast enough.
“[Y/N]. We came to say goodbye.”
“Goodbye? We can say goodbye at the collider.”
“You’re not getting it. You’re staying here.”
“I need to be there, so you can all go home.”
“They are going home [Y/N]. I’m the only one staying.”
“You’re taking my place.”
Your voice trembled as you say those words. And unbeknownst to you, Jason (and to be fair the rest of the spider-people are out there eavesdropping too) shivered as he heard your words.
“If you stay here you’ll die.”
“I’m doing what needs to be done. I just wanted you to hear it from me.”
“What about MJ?”
“Not everything works out, kid. I need the goober.”
“That’s not fair! You gotta tell them I can do this.”
It took Jason all his might to not reach out and embrace you.
He knew how it felt to be replaced. Circumstances differ but still, a connection was made.
Although he couldn’t be there for you now as you had to grow into the Spiderman you had to be, he promised to himself that he will in the future.
After all, if you two were partners in another universe, what stops it from happening in this one as well?
“It wasn’t their decision.”
“I’m ready, I promise— ah—!”
Peter knocks you down, jumping to the ceiling and dangling you by a web.
Jason clenched his teeth. As much as this man knew so much about him and his vulnerabilities, and how he knew this was completely necessary it still ached to see his destined partner getting thrown around.
“Then venom strike me right now or turn invisible on command so you can get past me.”
Peter webs your entire body and sticks you to the chair your roommate always used.
“Look I know how much you want this kid. But you don’t have it yet. I’m sorry.”
“When will I know I’m ready?!”
He then webs your mouth and takes the goober from your hands.
“You won’t. It’s a leap of faith. That’s all it is [Y/N]. A leap of faith.”
And you’re left alone, stuck with webs all over your body. Unable to move or talk.
You hear a knock to your door.
“[Y/N]. . . ! Uh . . . [Y/N] it’s your dad. Please open the door.”
Unfortunately you couldn’t so you just use thrust your body closer to him.
“[Y/N] I can see your shadow moving around.”
“Yeah okay I get it. I get it yes… still ignoring me. Look can we talk for a minute?”
You nod. Internally facepalming after realizing he can’t see you doing so.
“Look sometimes people drift apart [Y/N] and I don’t want that to happen to us, okay? I know I don’t always do what you need me to do or say what you need me to say but I’m…”
“But I see this - this — spark in you, it’s - it’s amazing. It’s why I push you but . . . it’s yours and whatever you choose to do with it you’d be great.”
You feel tears falling from your face as your father spoke.
All those days feeling the pressure of everyone’s expectations on you
As [Y/N], as the Spiderman of this universe.
You were an adult in age, yes. But in the face of all these events your youth and inexperience slapped you in your face.
You wanted to run away. You wanted everything to be over and done with.
But you realize, you were the only one who could do this. For the sake of the spider-gang. For Gotham.
You didn’t know if you were going to succeed but wasn’t that what life was?
A leap of faith.
“Look, call me when you can.”
“I love you. You don’t have to say it back though.”
And your father leaves.
You close your eyes. Thinking back to all the moments you’ve failed, all the times you’ve broken a bone or two trying to learn.
Time wasn’t going to wait for you. But why run after it when you can web-sling it up?
You use your venom powers to get rid of the webs and do you best to get to Jason’s place. He had to have an extra, better suit lying around right? Anything was better than what the gang gave you.
You ring the bell to his house completely expecting him to not be there and potentially having to break in.
But you stand corrected.
“Took you long enough.”
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taglist: @vanessa-boo @w31rdg1rl @zlatolait-writes @ice-cream-writes-stuff @hakudaru @violet2507 @sleepy-maenad @yell0wdreams @humanoid606 @holybatflapexpert
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vaguely-concerned · 10 months
Happy Grace/Pan Vibes For The Soul
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"How can I, with you in the way?"/"(Laughs) The floor is yours!"
First of all I'm honestly just so charmed by how genuinely delighted Pan seems to be at watching Grace finding her voice and learning to enjoy using her power, I think that's where I started to take a shine to him. (also seems quite central to his character/romance in general because it's a thing that recurs through their relationship -- he tells her "I'm enjoying it if you're enjoying it" straight out at one point and that's definitely always there in the subtext). He buys a music studio for her just in case she ever wants to return to making music again even when she's not the muse anymore just because he loves her singing and has seen it make her happy before, how is that not the sweetest goddamn thing in the world??? Pan and Oracle in shared first place as stans for Grace musically
For real though, 'I Can Teach You' is sooo... even when you don't join forces with him Pan teaches Grace so many things in that song, it's a thematic tutorial as well as a gameplay one in many ways. For me I think the most impactful subtexts are 'This is a tricky situation, change is here and it's difficult, but you have more control and agency here than you think' ("You're in control!" "It's your song!"), and this sense that, y'know... there can be joy and playfulness and discovery in setting out into the unknown, not just fear and uncertainty.
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dude... I wanna be in cahoots with & sing playful duets with you for the rest of my life bro (amorous intent)
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Pros: Hell yeah look at her go! 🥰
Cons: Uh-oh look at her go! 😬
I love that Grace can bring Pan's motif into 'Challenging A Queen' and be called the fuck out by Persephone btw. why u keepin' your guard up girl uwu
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'you gave up the only thing worth having -- for your little mortal friend' he says, giving up everything for his little once-again-mortal friend literally the next day fhsdkjfhsad who are you fooling buddy? not even yourself at this point surely??? (dialogue for if you save Freddie by giving up the eidolon)
my observations on the grace/pan dynamic across the different personality traits (yes I've done a run of each romancing him I am normal about it):
Clever!Grace: Pan seems to set out to be a trickster mentor of sorts, and Clever!Grace flips the uno reverse card on him and goes ‘Not if I trickster mentor you first bitch be honest about your feelings or perish challenge engage’. Probably the most birds of a feather combination (and indeed it’s the Blue version of the soundtrack that shows off his romance — also his tie and glasses are on the cover for that one :) ). 
Charming!Grace: Performative puppy dog eyes-off whenever either of them wants to get their way. 🥺4🥺. Pan is provably a soft touch from the Charming option to find Persephone before Challenging A Queen so I feel he probably tends to buckle faster but it’s a close thing. Local trickster god completely disarmed by someone being nice to him.
Kickass!Grace: “Be real with me or Imma kick your ass”/”Promise? ;)”/"...>:)"
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I am always thinking about the way he steps up in The Trial when romanced (and the way it's the only one where Athena is genuinely shocked and appalled fhskadj). there is something about him that's like... he keeps protesting against 'innocent' and he's probably right haha, but there is certainly an almost fundamental lack of any active malice there that he doesn't fully admit to himself or to grace until this moment. he is doing this for grace, but it is also a confession about something really deep in himself that seems to be very vulnerable for him in its sincerity -- that he really doesn't mean to or more importantly want to cause harm (I don't wanna dance/with blood on my hands). admitting to his own basically good heart finally seems to be the bigger, scarier thing for him, more than facing the prospect of dying. he's experiencing the mortifying ordeal of being known and I for one am so proud of him
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"I'm just here for the dance"
the way he sings that just to her and completely changes the meaning of it from what he said with it before, from using it to keep her out to inviting her in...
also can you imagine how badly the kill bill sirens must be going off in Grace's head in all variations of this scene no matter who steps up, considering what happened to Freddie just days before....... oof!
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*incensed whisper* are you fucking kidding me with this what am I supposed to do with myself here
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love these too
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I really like the visual repeats of crossing the pond to the tree and back as a metaphor for them getting closer (or rather, him letting her closer, it is very much His Space). he retreats back there towards the end of 'Share This Dance', and that's the point where Grace puts her foot down and essentially says 'no. you come meet me honestly in the middle this time or this isn't happening'. and in 'The Trial' he does and then some!
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I meant what I sang. I'm not a good man. If Athena had taken me up on my offer, the Idols would have been better off But I can try to be better. You make me want to try.
fun fact: if you break up with him after The Trial (YEAH you can still break off the romances at that point! it's wild honestly fsjadk), Grace tells him he should try to be better ‘for himself’ not for her... and he calls that (i.e. himself) ‘not much of an incentive’. My guy don’t make me break out the ‘Have you tried therapy’ prompt again. He takes it very calmly and gracefully under the circumstances but he's also like. quietly resigned and subdued. I tried it once for Science and never will again but there you go I bring my knowledge to this altar of sadness lol
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you see the thing is I would forgive him for just about anything too I understand why so many of the characters in-game can't stay mad at him for any length of time
he starts the game by asking her to take his hand and he ends it on asking her to take his hand (and she does)...
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:') let's share this dance
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bonjas · 2 months
blf: la historia continua
having been one of the fans that was counting down the seconds until the new series started, i have a lot of thoughts on the show now that 4 episodes have aired. i've seen each one a few times now but my thoughts will still be a little scattered!
first of all, i LOVE the production quality, and the stylistic choice they took with the aesthetics of this series. it's sharp, artsy, quick, colorful, and very much giving Mode magazine vibes from Ugly Betty! the on screen graphics are a cute touch, Mila's are a little bit extra, but so is she so it's okay. i especially loved the comedic timing of the graphic from the bathroom scene (XL 😆).
for being 20 years later, everyone is FANTASTIC at getting right back into character. having witnessed other shows that were rebooted years and years later and seeing some people not being able to get back into the swing of things, the ability of this cast just really goes to show the caliber of actors they cast in the original. everyone effortlessly slid back into character, mannerisms, voice inflection, chemistry between characters, honestly i have no complaints. i know some people think don hermes wasn't tough enough on mila in his scenes with her, but do yall have grandparents that love to spoil you and let you get away with things they wouldnt let their kids get away with? i'm not surprised at all he's softer with her than he would have been with betty.
so after all that, my problems with the reboot...
episodes 1&2 are bad. just straight up bad, and it's unfortunate that it took 2 out of the precious little 10 we have to find their footing. episode 1 is filled with "dramatic pauses" which honestly just feel awkward, and having come from Gaitan's never ending monologues, it felt like empty air that should have been filled. Gaitan's silences were strategic and emphasized the emotions of the scenes, and actually set up to be pregnant pauses, where this series feels like they just dont know what the character would say, and not heavy with drama like they think it comes across as.
the writing, ohh the writing...
betty's diary was always used as a tool to give us background, give us insight into what betty was feeling/thinking, and give us context or extra info we didnt see on screen. with so little episodes and so little time to explain things, HUH.....WOULDA BEEN HANDY.....
good writing shows and doesn't tell, and what these early episodes do are NEITHER. something mysterious and bad is happening at ecomoda....too bad you dont get to know! camila and betty's relationship is in tatters, betty abandoned them, camily went to ???? for five??? years!! nahhhh, dont tell us anything about it, just jump right to the resentment!??
"mystery is an intellectual process, like in a 'whodunnit'. but suspense is essentially an emotional process. you can only get suspense going by giving the audience information."-alfred hitchcock
the writers made many VERY strange choices in not telling us more about:
what armando and mario did
who exactly is marcela's dude and what he gets out of helping marcela (idfk his name)
giving us background on armando and that lawyer
giving us more background on betty and mila other than just "you abandoned us!" "she's so distant now" where tf was mila and why was she out of the country for 5 years???
why are mila and marce so close??
think back to OG blf...when things were mentioned in passing like the "horrible thing that happened to betty", those werent things that were of importance for that scene/storyline/moment, thats why they were in passing, they just added to the layers of complexity of betty, but it was gratifying when we later found out what it actually was. or think about all the important events that happened because we knew what was going on! imagine if we didnt know what armando's evil plan was, and we saw betty read The Letter and we're not told what it says, and we see betty go through all her trauma and emotions and never finding anything out until she tells armando she knows. there would be no pay off because we didnt know what was happening in the first place so we're not invested! whereas in this series they are just leaving out huge gaps of information needed to feel the anxieties the people we're watching are feeling. we finally find out what armando did during his second time as president at ecomoda in episode 4, and knowing that information from the beginning would have been so much more impactful! we'd be stressed knowing armando fucked up AGAIN, is lying to betty AGAIN, put the company in financial ruin AGAIN, then we would feel the emotion of him finally coming clean to her and telling her he's planning to take full responsibility! there's not as much pay off when learning at the exact same time as betty.
with mila and betty, yeah we can fill in the blanks with what happened to them, but without hearing betty's thoughts or seeing through her eyes how their relationship fell apart, the (majority) of the audience went straight to hating mila and resenting her for their shitty relationship. if we had context around it, the audience would understand her and how everything turned out that way.
episodes 3&4 really found their footing, the humor was back, armando's characterization and development was so nice to see! callbacks to the OG show were awesome, i DIED at sandra yelling at freddy "you're disrespecting the community!!!". i'm worried that mila is manipulating betty with their happy reunion but idk! there's not enough context/foreshadowing/knowledge of mila's character so idk that one's a wild card. but if the rest of the show continues like episode 3&4 i'll be a happy camper, because 1&2 honestly had me really worried.
i wanna know what everyone else thinks! i have tons of thoughts that i already forgot because i dont write things down in the moment lol so i'm sure i'll be back to write some more down the line maybe after a couple more episodes! (new thought i just remembered–why tf is patricia in HR, let alone working? is her old man not rich enough to support her lifestyle? if that's the case, why aren't we told this to have more background on why she's back at a place she very dramatically quit from so we can invest more feelings when she's being "bullied" for having an old husband etc? it's the little things...i dont think i'm asking too much of the writers because other shows do more and more effectively with the same exact run time as this show)
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anatrik · 2 years
First thoughts:
Lavender haze feels like Lover and Future Nostalgia’s incredible love child.
Maroon is about Harry. There’s too many 1989 references for it to be anything else. This chorus reached into my chest and punched me in my fucking heart. Also I need a compilation of Taylor saying fuck for mental health purposes
Anti hero is everything I expected it to be. Its me. Hi. Im the problem. Its me.
Does anyone else feel like the verse of snow on the beach is just like the verse of the way I loved you???? Also no lana verse?🥹 why no lana verse?🥹 i cri
Track 5 felt so not sad until she dropped her voice for ‘you’re own your own kid you always have been’ and then I died😂 and then the ending is so uplifting You’re on your own but you can do it and yk what now that Taylor said it, it does feel possible 🥹
Who tf is singing on Midnight rain? Oh wait taylors back oh wait who tf is back now?
Can I ask you a Question? My god so passive aggressive I love itt
Vigilante shit has my hair on end omggg. The beattt. I don’t dress up for women I don’t dress up for men I dress up for revenge. Any dude who does a girl dirty this year is just asking for it. She’s going to destroy you with these lyrics all over her ig stories
Bejewelled. One word shimmer ✨ iykyk. Bejewelled is if the bad bitch of reputation stopped giving a fuck. Major Anthem.
Labyrinth. If it rises fast it cant last😭 we’re back to soul crushing I see. Oh the eldritch horror from midnight rain is back on its cameo shit.
Karma. Fuck yea go straight for the jugular babe. Give us everything. Karma is a cat purring in my lap? Me and Karma vibe like that? Fuck YES QUEEN. Karma IS your boyfriend. Hell shes your handmaiden.
Sweet nothing. There’s something about songs Joe writes that really get me. Its just so cuteeee. I spy with my little tired eye🥹
Mastermind? Already? No? We cant be done???? This is a love song?? Wtf😂😂😂😂. Plot fucking twist.
Vigilante shit and Maroon have me on the ground for different reasons both good ones though. Ughhh I love this album so so muchhhh
Album as a whole completely defied my expectations. I was expecting a sad, crying in my bedroom vibe and its more of a manic in the bathroom of a club vibe like yk she’s going to go home and fall apart in the worst way but this is that moment when shes running on pure fumes and manic energy
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the-gay-disney-games · 8 months
Round 1B: The Lion King 1 1/2 (2004) vs. Mulan (1998)
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The Lion King 1 1/2:
“This movie is about Timon and Pumbaa raising a child together”
“Just 2 dudes raising their son and dealing with commitment issues. The movie heavily leans into the bit that Timon and Pumba are like a couple. Timon is voiced by gay icon Nathan Lane. This movie was my childhood.”
Other propaganda for the original movie with the same idea:
“Simba was literally raised by a gay couple (Timon and Pumba…Timon even literally wears drag in the movie)”
“Timon and Puumba are a queer couple that raised simba into adulthood. Scar is a mean gay. Nuff said”
“Timone and Pumbaa are Simba's gay adoptive dads.”
“Trans awakening for so many of us”
“Well Mulan gives off very non-binary vibes”
“Literally listen to the music also Li Shang”
“just what your intro post said - Milan being trans (or gnc) coded and Li Shang being bi coded. like come on do i even need to explain? I’ll just add that I was listening to “Reflection” on repeat cuz the lines “Who is that girl I see staring straight back at me?…When will my reflection show who I am inside?” we’re stuck in my head. So with that song on loop I decided to finally chop my hair short in true Milan fashion (ok that’s a lie, I didn’t do it myself, but the PRINCIPLE) so not only is Milan trans/gnc coded but I can’t be the only one the movie inspired to finally go for The Haircut or something else related. sry that’s very rambly”
“gnc. bisexual. what more could u want.”
“Both trans and gay coded. Shang was so into Ping that he couldn’t stand to execute him for his “crime”. Also includes drag saving the day!”
“This is less a competition for the queerest movie and more a competition for the second queerest movie. Just *look* at every aspect of Mulan and tell me it’s even a contest.”
“Not only is mulan super trans coded but Shang is definitly bi”
“I know it's the obvious pick, but Mulan is so gender and Shang is so bi. 💯💯💯”
“Mulan is very trans coded. Li Shang is totally bi. Dude absolutely had a thing for “Ping” before learning he was actually a woman (Mulan). Also watching that movie as a young egg made me feel less alone about the fact that I didn’t fit into the “girl” role everyone around me pushed me into. Mulan was kind of my hero and sometimes listening to Reflection makes me tear up a little bit because it’s such a mood but also such a TRANS mood. It’s probably my favorite Disney movie song. “Why is my reflection someone I don’t know” made me THINK as a kid. Disney may be evil but they did the world a great service with Mulan.”
“It is obvious why”
“If movies could turn you trans this one did it to me”
“I mean I assume this one is going to be there, but what if we all think “oh everyone is going to put mulan so I won’t” and then nobody does?”
“it’s mulan”
“Mulan is so trans, however you want to read her (as a trans man, genderqueer, genderfluid, etc.) and Shang is hella bi. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk”
“This movie is SOOOOO trans coded. Captain Li is a bisexual icon. As an Asian queer person I have sat and cried to Reflection by Lea Salonga while staring in a mirror too many times to count. Can I be my authentic self without making my parents who I love hate me? It's too good.”
“My little asian tboy awakening”
“Can be read as transmasc- he finds his true purpose/calling in life by presenting as male- or as transfem- she goes against everyone’s expectations for her by revealing her true self as a woman. A very trans movie. Also just a very good movie in general.”
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stockcarbaby24 · 3 months
💜 with christian and david 😌
I knew you'd come in asking for these two.
Gotta shout out @dystini for her beautiful IndyCar driver lore posts. The reason I fell down the rabbit hole of this couple. Thank you for your service. 🫡
💜Surprise Kiss
David was treating himself. First race back with Meyer Shank, a good position to start tomorrow, and just all around good vibes. He wandered out of the paddocks' café, waving good luck to a smiling Palou. The drink in his hands was already sweating, a cool contrast to the hot Monterey air around him, but he didn't mind, practically licking his lips over the delicious, beautiful iced latte. 
Oh caffeine, he thought, my one true love. 
David sipped though the straw with joy, the espresso and oat milk blending together perfectly. It was like a drug hit straight to his veins. He practically moaned around it. 
"You good there?" 
The young driver whipped around to find the source of the voice. The voice he knew far too well. The one that had been following him for half his life- or he'd been following? Chasing? Whatever they were doing with this race between them. 
"Christian." He replied with a frown.
The Danish man grinned, ear to ear. One if his genuine smiles that David found hard not to get enamored with. Damn him. 
"Why the long face? You seemed so happy with your," Christian waved his hand around. "Fake coffee."
David looked at him, aghast. "Fake- I'll have you know they make the best lattes in there. Sorry you have no taste. Nothing new."
"I like lattes," now the Dane pointed at David's delicious, delicious coffee. "That is not a latte."
There was no way he was dignifying that with a response. Instead David gave another offended scoff and walked away from Christian. Unfortunately, Christian started walking after him. Man he really could never get rid of this guy, but that was to be expected. Christian had followed David across continents for God's sake.
"Iced coffee is horrible, how do I convince you of this."
"You won't." David answered, ducking around to the Meyer Shank truck and climbing into the room they had, one which was supposed to be exclusive for him and Felix. Of course Christian followed him still. And of course Felix wasn’t in sight to save him. There wasn’t going to be an easy out for David, he could tell. 
Christian leaned against one of the lockers they had- David’s of course- and David just gave up and flopped down on the bench. Might as well settle in for this debate. 
“Dude, caffeine is caffeine. Hot and iced coffee are both gifts from god. We shouldn’t take advantage of that. We must appreciate all he gave us.” David accentuated his point by cradling the cup in the palm of his hand. 
Christian made a face, but couldn’t hide the way the corner of lip curled just a touch in amusement. “Now you sound like Sting Ray.”
David wished he had something to throw at him. 
“If I wanted to drink caffeinated water, they make those now. I won’t lie to myself and call it coffee.”
“It’s delicious!” There was no reason he should be getting so upset over this. Christian just always made that competitive streak rise up, making him ready to throw hands. On or off track, David was primed to go toe to toe with Christian at a moment's notice- even if it was a stupid debate about drinks. Just to spite him, David took another long sip, letting the flavors stay on his tongue. “Ugh, the way the milk blends with the coffee and makes such a strong, almost sweet flavor. You just don’t even know what you’re missing, dude.”
At first Christian didn’t say anything. Just looking at him with quiet contemplation, his arms crossed, hands balled up tight. He had the same almost uninterested look on his face as he studied David that he wore around the paddock, but David knew it wasn’t disinterest. That face meant Christian was thinking. Prepping on how to tackle their next race, their next stupid contest against each other. It meant that David should have been ready for him to do something wild, but as Christian strode the length of the truck to stand in front of him, he wasn’t in fact ready. 
And when Christian leaned down, hand grabbing David’s chin he definitely wasn’t ready.
He probably should have pushed the other or freaked out or anything, but instead David froze, letting Christian tilt his face up. Letting Christian lean closer. Letting Christian kiss him. 
Oh. Okay then. 
The Dane’s tongue firmly swiped across his lips, and David didn’t know if he should open his mouth or pull back or let Christian do whatever or… Quite frankly he wasn’t sure if this was real. 
After what felt like forever, Christian abruptly stood up, looking completely unbothered. Like he hadn’t just shaken David to his very foundation. What the fuck just happened? 
“Nope,” Christian said. “Coffee is still terrible.” He licked his own lips, slick from their swapped spit (holy shit????). “You taste great, though.” 
David stared at him, bug eyed and mouth gapping. 
And fucking Felix walked through the door. 
Still acting like nothing happened, Christian turned to the Swedish driver and exchanged some pleasantries while David was sitting in shock and awe. They finally remembered he existed, and Christian gave him a little wave. “Enjoy your terrible coffee, good luck tomorrow.” And he ran out of the truck and ran away from the man he had just shocked into next week. 
Felix said something to him but David had no clue what, instead choosing to look at him with the same shock like he could understand what just happened (even though he didn’t see it.) 
“What the hell was that!?”
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total-drama-shark · 11 months
So I watched the first episode of TDI on four different dubs:
With the grand power of "easily changing audio and subtitles on Netflix" I spent an unholy amount of time watching the first episode of TDI in both European and LatAm version of Spanish and Portuguese, these are my notes.
Latin Spanish
TDI is called “Isla Del Drama” which directly translates to “Island of Drama”
The screaming gophers are called “Los Topos Gritones” which translates to “The Screaming Moles”
The Killer Bass are called “Los Bagres Asesinos” which translates to “The Killer Catfish”
I didn’t like it at first, simply because it didn’t have the same raspy vibe as the English one, but I grew fond of it! They still can’t reach those high note tho.
Chris’ voice is iconic, I may be biased but damn.
My favorite voice deliveries are Beth’s, Leshawna’s, Duncan’s and Owen’s, for some the acting approximates the English ones while other give them a bit of a twist but still fit the characters!
Noah and Cody’s voices are spot on characterization wise, in a different approach than the English version. It’s neat but also I kinda want to punt them in the face, y’know?
Dear god what did they do to Geoff’s and Lindsays voices. Harold’s voice is also certainly interesting, can’t even describe it.
Latin Spanish dubs tend to not have a lot of country specificlocalizations because they’re meant for nearly an entire continent and the slang in Latin American countries can vary so much and have wildly different meaning, so not much to write here.
That said, Leshawna tends to call guys “muñeco” as in “doll”
And guys call each other “viejo”, which while it is our version of “dude” it directly translates to “old man”
Castilian Spanish
TDI is just called Total Drama Island, they just say the English name with a Spanish accent.
The Screaming Gophers are called “Las Ardillas Chillonas” which translates to “The Whiny Squirrels”
The Killer Bass are called “Las Truchas Asesinas” which translates to “The Killer Trouts”
They straight up didn’t translate the intro, it’s literally the English intro, I can’t believe it.
Chris doesn’t have that surfer dude voice in this dub but he so very much sounds like an enthusiastic host.
Listen I’m trying so hard to be unbiased but... I just find the Castilian accent inherently funny, they all sound goofy to me, that said all the voices are super solid, they all get the vibe and acting right.
Favorite voice deliveries are Duncan (by far), Beth, Bridgette, Leshawna, Eva, Owen… shit do I have favorites?
Cody’s voice is extra puntuable here
Harold’s voice sounds like he’s constantly running out of air, breathe my dude.
They use a lot of Spaniard lingo, as expected.
As always, Spaniards localized “dude” as “tío” which directly translated to “uncle”
Leshawna calls guys handsome often but it’s not in a flirty way, I was unfamiliar with this.
The pronounciation of some of the character names irks me, Leshawna included but specifically Courtney.
Brazilian Portuguese
TDI is called “Ilha Dos Desafios” which directly translates to “Island of Challenges”
The Screaming Gophers are called “Esquilos Berrantes” which translates to “The Berrating Squirrels”
The Killer Bass are called “Robalos Assassinos” which translates to “The Killer Bass”
Now THESE vocals are raspy! The na na nas are at a lower pitch compared to the English version which is certainly interesting, I liked it!
I very quickly grew to like Chris’ voice here, idk just something about it
FINALLY a dub that gives Beth a lisp!! Also Owen sounds like his VA had a fun time voicing him :)
Other favorite voice deliveries are Lindsay, Heather, and Courtney.
I’ll say the voices are pretty good, they all fit them very well!
This is the only dub of the three that doesn’t give Harold a really weird voice
“Dude” is localized as “cara” which again, equivalent but also directly translates to “face” and I feel like they say cara a lot.
They weren’t lying Duncan does really call the chicks “gatihnas” which is a way of calling woman sexy but directly translates to “kitty”
The Communal bathrooms joke change to go a bit like “Communal? But I don’t know anything about politics!” “Not Communist, Communal.”
European Portuguese
TDI is called “Ilha Dos Desafios” which directly translates to “Island of Challenges”
The Screaming Gophers are called “Os Toupeiras Gritantes” which translates to “The Screaming Moles”
The Killer Bass are called “Os Robalos Asesinos” which translates to “The Killer Bass”
There’s no backup singers in the intro except for the na na nas that where taken directly from the English version, also the audio editing made the singer no favors, you can even hear when he inhales, poor guy.
Chris’ voice is probably at his highest pitch here, and he again has that enthusiastic host tone to him.
Beth and Owen’s VA put so much effort into them I love it!!
Can’t pick favorites because the voice direction just leave me flabbergasted in so many characters.
Harold’s voice is so full of voice cracks and is so goofy (/pos) my man can’t catch a break in these dubs
Ezekiel’s voice, I can’t even describe it, he sounds like smokes 20 packs a day and is dying of lung cancer as we speak.
Courtney what did they do to you 😭😭😭
“Dude” is localized as “meu” which directly translate to “my” or “mine”
Scheduled programing interrupted to show just some of the many changes the made to all the character names:
Chris is now “Christiano”, Beth is “Betâ” (probably short for “Betânia”), DJ is “Denis”, Gwen is “Graça”, Lindsay is “Linda” and they did something fun with that, Linda is also the word for pretty, so when she got introduced Chris said “Linda (pretty) isn’t just her name”, Harold is “Alvaro”, Cody is “Cesar” and like Lindsay they make a pun, Owen is “Olavo”, Courtney is “Carmo”, Justin is “Justino”, and Izzy is “Isa”
This took so long I had to watch episode 1 so many times in four different dubs and double check for the names and words I was unfamiliar with
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slopmaster9000 · 1 year
i 😊😊😊 had 👞 this trippy dream 💭 where this cat 🙀 was driving 🚦 me around 😰👥 in 😵 an old convertible. later 🕑 on it turned 🔄🔄 into 🚪 a vw van 🚐 and near 😯 the end it was more ➕➕➕➕➕➕➕➕➕ like 👧👍 this spaceship kinda 🍕 thing. 🤣 we were high 📓 up, 👽 looking over 🔁 the road, 🛣 but the front 🔝 console 🎮 was shaped like 🌟 a van, 🚐 and it still 🙄 had that 💝 convertible top. the guy 👶🌈 who was driving 🚗 me around 😊😎😌 was an older 👴 dude, 👱 an old hipster with a weathered voice 🔊 kinda 😉 like lou reed's. he 👨 kinda 🍕 had 🥕 some of that 😼 vibe and energy 💥💥 like dennis hopper in 🍌 easy rider. yeah 🌍 like, 💖 if you 🙄 could imagine 🤔 a cross ⛪ between lou reed and dennis hopper, that's the dude who 🤔 was driving 🚦🚸 me. we were 😫🏻 headed 👨‍🦲 due north, 👆 coming up 📷 to a stoplight. the light 💡 was beautiful 😩 in ⁉️ the dream, with all that nice 😛 washed out orange 🍊 from 😂😲 the pollution. 🦵🏽♦️🦵🏽 i 🙀 had this happy feeling 😌 in my 💫 stomach, 😂🤣 but 🤔 also this scared feeling, 😌 like something 💩 was about 👏 to happen, but 😥 i 🧚‍♀️ didn't know 😍 what. anyhow, as we 😉 approached the light, 💡 this cat 😺 in a sports car 🏎 came 😏 out of nowhere and just 🤖 cut us 🇺🇸 off. 📴 my man 🕵 slammed on 💃 the brakes and narrowly averted a mash-up. got my 💫 blood boiling, 😬 but 🍎 i wasn't the one 😤 driving. 🚦🚸 yeah 💁🤷 so wouldn't 😩 you 🤟 know it, we 👦 pull up ☝ right 🔰🔰 behind 🔄 the cat 🐈 at the light 💡 and there he 📷 was, glaring at us through 🪀 his 👉🚹 rear-view. he 👨 was all like, 💖 "yeah 👍 that's right, i 👈 cut ❓😱 you 😢👈 off, what're you gonna do about 🙅‍♀️ it?" so i said to lou reed slash dennis hopper, i'll just 🚟 call 📞 him lou now, ❓❗❓❗❓❗❓❗ "man, aren't 😲 you gonna 👏 say 💬 something to that 👉😐👏 guy?" 👦👨 but lou just looked straight ahead 🙎🏻 and said, 💬🙈 "y'know man, 👨🏻 the only 😤👐 way i'm 💆‍♀️ gonna put something 😅 out there 🎆🎆 like 🐌 that 👀 is if i'm ☝️ ready 🌺 to dance 💃 with that 👀 cat, y'know 💀 what i 👥 mean? 😏 you 👈 put something out 👉 there, ❤️😘✨ there's 😹 consequences. all you've got 👍 are your 👉 actions, man. and remember, 🤔🤔 words 🦘 are actions too. 🍡 do you 🦚 wanna dance 🐲 with that ⬇️ guy?" y'know now i 👥 realized lou was driving me 😼 around 💞 and i 😊😀😀😀😀😀 wasn't even 🤭 thanking him. at first, 🥇 i 😩 thought 💭 he was kind 📷 of a bad influence, but ❌ actually he was taking care of me. watching my 🧜🏻‍♀️ back, 💨 talking 💬 me 🙄 down 🔻 from something. it's funny 👷🏼😃😃😃😃👷🏻 how sometimes ✨ in 👮 dreams, 💭 you 👇 don't realize 🤔😮😧 who's your 👉 friend. 😎👬 looking 👀 back, 😌 maybe 👏 all 😤 these different people were 👥👥 you in 📷 the dreams. 💭💭 yeah, like, maybe that crazy 🤪 dude in 📷 the other 🤷‍♂️ car 🚛 was me as well. like you got this one part of you 👈 that 👏 watches out 😛🚪 for you, keeps you steady, and this other 😖 part 〽 that's 😤 raging and full of anger. 😠 like 🍪💁 old lou and the crazy 😜 dude 😎😂 in 👌👄 the dream, 💄💭💭 they're 👥 all a part 🏻 of you. y'know, 💀 i think of it like 👍 taming a dragon. 🐲 the crazy 🤪 dude is the dragon, 🐉 and if you 🙏 don't 🙆 watch 👀 out, 💋 he'll 🤴 bite you. 👆 hard. ❗ you see, 👀 lou knows 🤔 about the dragon. he's 😶 there 🎆🎆 to set you straight. 🕕 you don't wanna 😷 kill 🚿 the dragon, 🐉 you wanna 😋🙇 make friends 👫 with it, harness its power so you 🤟 can 😎 use it. but 😠 i only 🤏 realized 💡 that when 🕗 i 😀😀😀 woke 👀 up. 🙅‍♂️
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mlobsters · 2 months
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supernatural s1e14 nightmare (w. sera gamble, raelle tucker)
dude being in that smoky exhaust vintage car reminded me of b dylan hollis showcasing his '78 lincoln continental mark v, it's a boat of a car (longer than the impala but 2 doors and puny backseat, no less). he mentioned it gets 7mpg. always thinking about baby and fuel expenses
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see there's the advantage of being in arm's reach i was talking about, shake him right out of bed
DEAN Yeah, that makes sense. You're dreaming about our house, your girlfriend. This guy in your dream, you ever seen him before? SAM No. DEAN No. Exactly. Why would you have premonitions about some random dude in Michigan.
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sam with the "i was right, jerk" stare lol
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rolling my eyes thinking about that's some peak post 9/11 hyper patriotic bullshit with the giant flag on the police car, then noticed it's also an ugly modern impala ha
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SAM I don't know what it was. I don't know why I'm having these dreams, I don't know what the hell is happening Dean. What. DEAN Nothing. I'm just, I'm worried about you man. SAM Well, don't look at me like that! DEAN I'm not looking at you like anything. Though I gotta say, you do look like crap. SAM Nice. Thanks.
so begins the sam starting to get freaked out over (dean) thinking he's a freak storyline?
SAM Dean, you saw them, they're devastated. They're not going to want to talk to us. DEAN Yeah, you're right. But I think I know who they will talk to.
excuse to play dress up
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pretty sure i commented on this first time watching but it cracks me up that for his priestly getup, sam combs his bangs to the side. extra forehead also means extra sympathetic face via forehead crinkles
i know the mom (beth broderick) from something, all i can figure is sabrina the teenage witch, but i didn't think i'd seen much of that show? but she's so familiar and i definitely know her voice. ah well
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i definitely know these ladies though?? the 5 mrs buchanans???? 17 episodes in 1994-5. focus, nic. the dumbass green laser gadget is soon
SAM I know it's rough, losing a parent. Especially when you don't have all the answers.
uh huh
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s1e14 brendan fletcher as max miller / the killing s3e3 as goldie
thought he played belko in the killing for a minute and was very confused. both actors are named brendan too! lol
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truly the green lasers that does me in every time. it's just so out of step with the general vibe of this show lol and thankfully never to be seen again
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sweaty jared sighting
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jensen was givin a lot of neck in this little gun cleaning situation
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the classic grab for the amulet/chest. rewatched the clip from 2x11 because i know you can see the amulet sorta flash by like he had it gripped before he grabbed dean's face but wasn't sure if we see him grab him (we don't) but noticed that it's the mushy music theme at the end of that scene!! (also little insight into why the music reminded me of top gun!)
DEAN If you're gunna hurl I'll pull the car over you know, cause the upholstery…
surely they've got towels or blankets for protecting the precious upholstery being how often they're covered in blood and viscera. also, plastic bags aren't just for trash
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sam sweaty and freaked out, dean doing a bad job at not looking freaked out
SAM Dean, I'm scared, man. These nightmares weren't bad enough, now I'm seeing things when I'm awake? And these, visions, or whatever, they're getting more intense. And painful. DEAN Come on man, you'll be all right. It'll be fine. SAM What is it about the Millers? Why am I connected to them, why am I watching them die? Why the hell is this happening to me? DEAN I don't know, Sam, but we'll figure it out. We've faced the unexplainable every day. This is just another thing. SAM No. It's never been us. It's never been in the family like this. Tell the truth, you can't tell me this doesn't freak you out. DEAN (After staring straight ahead for a long moment) This doesn't freak me out.
some cute little parkour there getting up dude's building, will i make gifs no one cares about again? maybe so
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had to go brighten this up, look at those jeans pockets. how very 2000s lol. and i think sam's actually wearing boots in this sprint up the fire escape
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of course i made the gifs. parkour!
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sammy bout to walk into traffic, i'm sure dean taught you better :p
SAM Well, I know one thing I have in common with these people. DEAN What's that? SAM Both our families are cursed. DEAN Our family's not cursed! We just...had our dark spots. SAM Our dark spots are...pretty dark. DEAN You're....dark.
okay that was cute and i laughed
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man, this actor that plays max is really good at this. i remembered him being he was really good at crying/playing sad but this conversation where sam and dean are trying to gently push for info on his dad and uncle, everyone does such a good job. max seems genuinely upset and scared but trying to put on a good front unsuccessfully, dean pushes but not too hard and then also is the one to be pretty soft about suggesting they should head out and let max get some rest.
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fun fact i used this moment for my tiny sam and dean in my motel acrylic painting, you can take the first shower
MAN Well, in my life I've never seen a child treated like that. I mean I'd hear Mr Miller yelling and throwing things clear across the street, he was a mean drunk. He used to beat the tar outta Max. Bruises. Broke his arm two times that I know of. SAM This was going on regularly? MAN Practically every day. In fact that thug brother of his was just as likely to take a swing at the boy but the worst part was the stepmother. She'd just stand there, checked out, not lifting a finger to protect him. I must have called the police seven or eight times. Never did any good.
cps has problems too but that's who they should have been contacting
SAM These visions, this whole time -- I wasn't connecting to the Millers, I was connecting to Max! The thing is I don't get why, man. I guess -- because we're so alike? DEAN What are you talking about? The dude's nothing like you. SAM Well. We both have psychic abilities, we both... DEAN Both what? Sam, Max is a monster, he's already killed two people, now he's gunning for a third. SAM Well, with what he went through, the beatings, to want revenge on those people? I'm sorry, man, I hate to say it, but it's not that insane. DEAN Yeah but it doesn't justify murdering your entire family! SAM Dean... DEAN He's no different from anything else we've hunted, all right? We gotta end him. SAM We're not going to kill Max. DEAN Then what? Hand him over to the cops and say 'Lock him up officer; he kills with the power of his mind.' SAM No way. Forget it. DEAN Sam...
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dean's face to the "promise me" line lol
SAM Dean. He's a person. We can talk to him. Hey, promise me you'll follow my lead on this one. DEAN All right fine. But I'm not letting him hurt anybody else.
this had to go down in only way where someone's hand is forced, painted themselves into a corner. far from the days where they can be like, if we catch wind if you killing someone, it's curtains 😠 (like kate in bitten 8x04) classic slip slide around a moral quandary
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what a beautiful shot of him. and interesting with their pushing sam to admit that john never hated him, with this conversation. john raised them like soldiers, stole their childhoods, neglected them, etc. but he never hated them
MAX It wasn't about getting away. Just knowing they would still be out there. It was about...not being afraid. When my Dad used to look at me, there was hate in his eyes. Do you know what that feels like? SAM No.
feels like jared is *this close* to really hitting this conversation where he realizes max's mom got killed by azazel too, but felt kind of clunky. but it's also kind of an awkward vibe generally because sam's in puzzle solving mode and kind of fired up because he's figuring it out but max is still crying (and doing really well at keeping that despair and fear going so long). i think all the times in the rewatch i felt a little wobbly about jared's performance is portraying this type of emotion, think he just hasn't quite nailed down where to go with it
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more sweaty sam out of nowhere which i'm blaming on sweaty jared
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floating gun effects are rough. the knife wasn't great but it was easier to ignore but this is big and bright and shiny all over and they're rotating it and it's like mmmmkay. that's a real gun!
sammy with his one-time (other than when he's juiced up on demon blood) telekinesis, because if there's anything that's gonna bring out the psychic powers it's gonna be saving dean
ugh i forgot max killed himself. blugh.
SAM Well, I'll tell you one thing. We're lucky we had Dad. DEAN Well, I never thought I'd hear you say that. SAM Well, it coulda gone a whole other way after Mom. I little more tequila and a little less demon hunting and we woulda had Max's childhood. All things considered, we turned out ok. Thanks to him. DEAN All things considered.
in spite of him, bro! john's lucky dean was able to take care of everyone. as a child! sure, it could have been worse, that doesn't make it good either :p
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my goodness sam giving the babiest sweetest puppy face in all the lands
SAM Yeah, maybe. Aren't you worried, man? Aren't you worried I could turn into Max or something? DEAN Nope. No way. You know why? SAM No. Why? DEAN Cause you got one advantage Max didn't have. SAM Dad? Because Dad's not here, Dean. DEAN No. Me. As long as I'm around, nothing bad is gonna happen to you.
moment of despair over how very much this is not the case, despite all his efforts
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fratboykate · 1 year
Papi, I didn't know about PVRIS and Lynn before you started talking about them yesterday and now I'm obsessed. Maybe I'm behind on queer artists. Can you give us a few more to check out?
SAY LESSSSSSSSSS you know i live for this shit and queer music during pride month? lets goooo. ill give you five wlw artists that i think are criminally underrated. id be hard pressed to pick a fave out of all of these because i genuinely think they all make EXCELLENT music but...
...probably THE ACES have it by a HAIR. i just love them. queer women, LATINA LEAD SINGER! (and her sister is in the band too), alt-indie/pop-rock dreamy vibes. andddd you're in luck because they just released a new album literally in the last week. between them and pvris we're gonna have a gay soundtrack this summer. i think if you made me pick like the 500 fave songs of my life the aces would have a few in there all over the rankings but "daydream" would be VERY high up. there's something about it that feels like a serotonin shot to the chest. i never not blast this song while driving:
ELIJAH WOODS x JAMIE FINE...Jamie is the queer woman/vocalist. they were a canadian duo but they broke up a few years ago and Jamie is releasing some music independently which is still amazing because her voice is sublime but the work they did together is on CONSTANT rotation for me. some astounding alt-pop goodness.
i mentioned LAUREN SANDERSON and her "songs ill eat you out to" ep last night when talking about pvris but she deserves her standalone shoutout. she's close with one of my best friends in the world so we've gotten to hang out a few times and not only is she making some incredible and unapologetic queer music but she's also a super dope human. can't say enough good things about her. she's fully independent so support her music if you can. it's truly good. unbiased opinion. "frustrated" has been on my top 100 songs on every "wrapped" since it was released. i love this song. "queen bee" is just like PEAKKKKKK makeout song. trust me. find a girl. have that as your soundtrack while you're kissing. 10/10 recommend.
CASSIDY KING is probably the most underrated here. her yt videos get like 1-3k views and it makes me sad because i loveeeeee her stuff. the tone of her voice tickles my ears.
this is not one of my top two recs but i GOTTA shout it out because not only is it her most famous song (100k yt views lol) but...listen...if you've ever dated the straight girl who dates you in secret while publicly flirting with dudes or the closeted girl who refuses to break up with her boyfriend DO WE HAVE A SONG FOR YOU lol
on the opposite end of cassidy is CHELSEA CUTLER. she's probably the most well known here but i still dont think EVERY gay knows about her so im including her because jamming or having horny songs is incredible but we also need songs to be miserable too and she's A MASTER at that lol this live performance of "sometimes" has made me cry more than once if the mood is even slightly off haha
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gloriousmonsters · 2 years
crappy sleep but I had a dream about a trashy old mansion mad science horror movie that I will elaborate on when I'm not typing on my phone from bed so good on my brain for that
UPDATE: time to elaborate. read if u want a gender bendy pulp horror romance my brain came up with while i was asleep
so the 'movie' started with a scene of a mad scientist, his wife, and his (dude) assistant all discussing their current about-to-be-started project of transferring Mad Scientist and his wife into different bodies. she needs the transfer because she's terminally sick with something, and MS just wants to do it (a) for SCIENCE! and (b) to like, keep her company, which is sweet. they're disgustingly in love. they touch on some other experiments with 'life preservation' in the past and mention the dangers of straight-up immortality as an unknown quantity (what would that do to a mind?), and it's implied MS and his assistant have basically been doing a lot of fucking around before finally figuring out the body transfer thing. they've kidnapped/captured a young couple to use for the transfers, and the wife asks if MS has considered her previous idea, of her transferring into the man and him into the woman
I was lucid enough at this point in the dream, thinking I was watching an Old pulpy horror, to go 'oh this is pulp, it's going to be transphobic' but my subconscious instead went for the route of like. it's inflected negatively by implication bc they're the villains, but they're both just interested and excited by how minds, bodies and genders work (the wife specifically mentions that the assistant got her thinking about it) and think it'd be super romantic to experiment with being each other's genders for a while like a reincarnation romance or something. they also mention that the assistant is going to get a body transfer too, but he jokingly says that theorizing about men and women is fun, but he'll stay a man, thanks.
(that was The most detailed scene in the dream and set everything up i promise the rest isn't as long lol)
the actual main character of most of the dream was a frankly very bland young man who's English or American but between jobs in some mumbletyforeign country, living with a roomie he met bc they're both Writers or something, by the name of Kit. the only character that had a name in this dream, idk. anyway Kit alerts him to a job opportunity where a wacky professor who believes in ghosts or something wants to go to an old mansion with a dark past he just rented for the summer, and needs a couple strapping assistants to carry equipment.
they all head over, and discover a young woman squatting in one of the upstairs rooms. she won't share about her past but insists she has nowhere else to go, and the professor agrees pretty quickly to let her stay if she also Assists. she's mysterious and doesn't want to talk to him so ofc the lead instantly falls for her. there's vague spooky phenomenon and the lead discovers the diary of the mad scientist's wife in one of the rooms; it talks about the experiments and such but in vague terms (she's a writer, not a scientist) and cuts off right before the body transfer attempt. the lead asks around at the local village and learns that one of the kidnapped couple at the beginning was the daughter of a local rich dude at the time, so the mansion was stormed and the couple and assistant killed (in various gruesome ways, the assistant specifically by being crushed under rocks a la that witchcraft 'trial' and left to die) but there's been weird vibes around the mansion ever since, lights and voices sometimes, etc.
the lead at first suspects that the mysterious girl is the MS wife, immortal, but then witnesses Kit and the professor having sex and gets intensely suspicious of Kit, wondering if he's the wife in a man's body (bc he had sex with a dude and of course that equals 'woman brain'. lead is both transphobic AND homophobic.). eventually he learns the girl's backstory and it's hilariously banal (i remember no details, just that she somehow had the most boring reasons possible for being in the middle of nowhere and not speaking of her past). he goes to the professor afterward to demand details on how Kit seduced him/warn about what he's learned, only to have the professor be like 'oh you're just in time, i've just very psuedoscientifically managed to get my wife's ghost into this jar and I need to get her into a body soon'. lead flees, but is caught by Kit outside of the mansion and wakes up strapped to a table alongside Mysterious Girl, who's unconscious.
it's revealed that Kit is the assistant--their previous experiments had made him a healing factor eternally young immortal, the kind of thing they were worried about the mental implications of ('but I am utterly sane' Kit says while racking up some scalpels and other mad science props, it was delightful). the professor is the MS; their experiments meant he'd had some kind of brain backup Kit could painstakingly get into a new body once he'd dragged himself out from under the rocks, scared people away from the mansion, and kidnapped someone; but the wife had been without mad-sciency recourse and just died, and become a ghost haunting the mansion. It was only after several more decades that Kit and the MS devised some kind of psuedoscience ghost catching and stabilizing tools and headed back to the mansion w an extra guy for the purposes of body transfer-and wouldn't you know it, they were lucky enough to just have a girl drop into their laps as well. There's also a reveal here that Kit is trans, I think, there'd been mention of a 'girl' going to work for the MS in the past and then vanishing and that was him.
anyway, lead manages to break free, terribly done fight scene, he manages to kill them both and destroy the device holding the ghost, wakes up Mystery Girl and they flee. It then cuts to a scene of someone reading else reading the narration--which had supposedly been his diary--aloud. lead and mystery girl are hanging out with some guy at a cafe, and after finishing reading he says that it's trashy, and shocking, and crap, and he thinks he'll be able to sell about a million copies. lead is delighted, and says he's glad all his work editing--and writing, of course, over the summer--hadn't gone to waste. dude, who's seemingly an editor or publisher or something, says that it's a departure from everything he's written before, and asks what inspired it. lead and mystery girl smile at each other and say 'love'.
dude who's going to buy the book leaves, and someone else approaches; Kit. He sits down with them, and addresses the lead by a feminine name before correcting himself, which all of them seem to find funny. Mystery Girl says, in the MS's speaking style, that it's a pity the manuscript doesn't have its original, happier ending (implied it's the actual diary, heavily edited) and the lead joins hands with her and Kit and says, "doesn't it still have a happy ending?"
anyway that was the most coherent and fun dream ive had in years and i might have to write it as an actual novella now
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heatwayve · 1 year
location : daybeds.
time : day 40, morning
summary : naomi completes her challenge by getting angel to spoon her and josh hates it
featuring :  angel / @dobits + josh / @graftisms
naomi: on the surface it seems like a simple enough task, but it's not like you go up to some guy who's not your boyfriend like, 'oh my god, please, spoon me, i'm desperate.' it's actually so silly, and naomi feels like she's got her work cut out for her even when she talks to callie about it – obviously giving her a heads up. she takes the opportunity when angel's alone on the daybeds, curling up close next to him. "hey," she greets, voice and demeanor all soft, though kind of a hard sell to seem like a girl in need of some comfort after the night she had. "i'm sick of this, both of us being, like, wifed up and busy. you gotta make more time for me," she says.
angel: “sup, babes,” angel says. then, tongue firmly in his cheek, “i mean, mrs. josh.” mostly ‘cause he has no idea what the dude’s last name is. in any case, he reaches over to teasingly pinch her cheek. at least she can admit to being wifey, angel smiles at their paralleled domestication. “i’m a househusband, actually. different vibe.” he’d been stretched out on his back, arm tucked back behind his head, but rolls to his side to give naomi his full humored attention. “m’kay, gimme the gossip then. what’s been goin’ on with you?”
naomi: "yeah, yeah," she rolls her eyes, a smile playing at her lips, "whatever, mr. callie." maybe they're not as official in nomenclature but they may as well be, really, and she'd fight him on that. teeth snap at angel's fingertips as he reaches over to pinch her, trying to bite back. "yeah, what's the distinction then?" she asks him, moving in close so their bodies are touching, her head resting in the crook of his arm. "please, everybody in the villa knows what's up with me. though, wait, actually -" god, she actually has such a story to tell him about a missing vibrator, but it's so not a spooning vibe. she needs to temper the mood down or she's gonna have him giggling instead, calling callie back over to conspire or something. she takes a breath, "if i ask you something, you'll give it to me straight?"
angel: “the distinction is that i’m a big, manly husband, obviously,” he says like duh. like it wasn’t just yesterday he was proclaiming himself jude’s wifey. well, naomi’s right about that, it’s hard to miss updates about her when josh is literally shouting them from the rooftop. he interjects playfully in her pause, “what? is it true you were dressed up in a canadian flag when you asked him to be your boyfriend?” words travel in the villa, for sure, but not before getting goofily jumbled. plus, angel just likes to tease her. he turns more serious at her question though, brows popping up on his forehead as he nods earnestly. “yeah, of course. what’s up?”
naomi: "right, so that means you . . . mow the lawn, love to grill, listen to weezer?" she asks, nose crinkling. the suggestion that she'd be dressed up in the canadian flag to dtr sounds like something out of jay and silent bob go canadian, eh? (real film) so she's got to roll her eyes, but truthfully, angel's not even that far off. but all the cringe was kind of worth it for the look on josh's face. "mmh, yeah," she nods, playful smirk tugging at her lips, "and i was covered in maple syrup, too." endeared by the earnest shift in angel's demeanor, she smiles slightly. her comfort around him isn't a charade, though she's subtle about the way she turns her weight, glancing over her shoulder at him. at what point does it start to count as a full spoon? "do i look a total fucking mess right now? rate these eyebags."
angel: “mhm, m— weezer?” nose scrunches in a mimic of her’s. “iron maiden, baby. does your old man listen to weezer?” that would be hilarious, especially considering who her dad is (whose identity he’s learned since casa). there’s a distinct sweetness to her smile, probably not even related to the supposed syrup. he’s surprised she doesn’t argue that he was the one to ask her to be official, obviously. something cute about that, too. “awww,” angel squeezes her upper arm, shaking her a bit, before he lets it lay awkwardly between their bodies. he snorts some at her question, his arm still a barrier between them as he tries to lean over her shoulder to be able to get a look. “naomi — jesus, i can barely even see you.” it’s not as if they both aren’t touchy feely people, he’s not really thinking twice about it except that maybe she is trying to hide something with her back to him. he’s chuckling patiently. “the hell are you doing? swear, i’m getting flash backs to when we shared a bed.” with her pointing the opposite way and angel probably taking up too much room, except now there’s proximity. “of course you don’t have eyebags.”
naomi: "well, no. but he doesn't mow the lawn or like to grill either," she adds. she's basing this off daytime comedies. "he likes italian operas. you can have that one for free, in case they have another islander trivia night," she adds with a wry smile, the first indication that she might be slightly bitter about the last one. "shut the fuck up," naomi says, though he's barely said anything, his perception of her and the possibly adorable nature of her current relationship status makes her blush. "nuh-uh, if you were getting flashbacks, you'd be starfishing right now," king of taking up space. "i'm just actually so exhausted, i feel like it shows," she sighs, shifting her weight back against him, hoping she sounds pathetic enough to be taken seriously for the allotted time before she can pop up with a surprising amount of energy. "can you just hold me for a sec?"
angel: “oh, right, yeah. who doesn’t get down with an italian opera?” chock full of sarcasm. “man, really hoping we don’t. think we all know each other a little too well now.” at least they can rest easy knowing there won’t be another movie night, though, with that consideration, angel’s a little wary what people might do with that knowledge. “hey, i gave you plenty of room. you only take up, like, this much space anyway,” he argues, fingers pinching a teeny bit of air. it’s a far cry from sleeping with callie, both of them tangled up in each other. angel frowns a bit, is about to offer to give her space to sleep when she poses her question. “oh —,” he naturally gives pause to the newness of this kinda favor coming from naomi. but far be it from angel not to cuddle. “yeah,” he says softer, vaguely confused, like when he’s trying to figure out what one of his little cousins are wanting from him. in any case, he throws an arm over naomi and scoops her into his chest, his head still inclined up a bit so he can see just the edge of her profile. “everything’s good, right?”
naomi: "i only took up that much space because you were taking up the rest," she retorts, flicking at his pinched fingers. honestly, it's a funny comparison that in casa, naomi flirted with angel on the first day and callie compared angel to her brother. now, angel feels like family to naomi and callie's railing him in the hideaway. his reaction to her request is so endearing, unexpected, especially because she would've never asked something like this of him – to be held – without prompting from producers. she feels so when he wraps his arms around her without question, almost feeling guilty that she'd pictured it like a challenge. "yeah," she nods, "everything's good, i swear." she makes eye contact with adela as she walks by and flashes her a grin and a tiny thumbs-up close to her chest, like, victory, bitch. "you can go now, if you want, i'm like, two seconds from crashing."
josh: he's walking by, minding his own business, used to the tangle of limbs that usually decorate the daybeds. but it's the sight of naomi's face that makes him do a double take, pressed against—fuck, what's that guy's name again? jenny's back-up guard dog, if last night was any indication of it. he doesn't mean to interrupt them, but by the time he recognizes what's going on he's stopped in front of the bed, eyes narrowed despite trying to not completely lose his cool. is this what having a girlfriend means, that she can press her ass against any other guy and it be okay? it doesn't help that he catches the tail end of the grin meant for adela, assuming it's because of angel. "what's so funny?" he asks, with only a little snark. he's trying to check himself, fully aware of how much of a mug he looks like right now, towering over them. "oh sorry, am i interrupting something? i can go." doesn't this guy have a girlfriend? ffs.
angel: it seems like naomi’s halfway to lullaby lane by the way she keeps her back to him, so he’s keen to give her the space she asks for. naturally, it’s then that josh throws a snarky (but only a little) shadow over them. angel’s aware of how it might look, he’s also aware that josh might still be bent out of shape by the presumably un-fun night he promoted for himself, so angel’s willing not to make matters worse. “no, no,” he tells josh as he carefully snakes his arm out from under naomi’s head before leaning over to smack a kiss against her cheek. “don’t throw me in a locker, i’m goin’, swear,” angel tries to show him a smile to imply his joke as he lifts himself off the daybed, then amiably taps josh’s arm. “she was just saying she was, like, mad tired. you two kids feel better, ‘kay?”
naomi: she has to fight the urge to literally facepalm when she hears josh's voice. she thought she'd been more tactical – trying to be quick about this while josh was inside somewhere so she could just regale him with the funny story about it later. maybe on the dance floor at tonight's party. "seriously, don't go," naomi's lips turn downward into a pout as she sits up a little on the daybed, positioning her arms so they push her chest up – like maybe he'll forget to be pissed (or at least he might forget to bother with angel) if she uses the right distraction. she reaches her hand out, beckoning him closer, "c'mere."
josh: "who, me?" a hand reaches out like he's gonna grab her, until it dramatically splays across his chest instead. his head makes a show of moving around, watching angel walk away (completely ignoring him as he got up) and looking around to see if there's anyone else nearby. "i thought you wanted him not to leave," he nods in angel's direction, voice a little too breezy. "it's okay, i can get someone else for you. dylan's gotta be around here somewhere."
naomi: jaw drops comically when he fakes her out, a scoff of disbelief on her lips as she tries to keep from grinning at him. naomi can't help but be amused by the dramatics, because from her vantage point, it's all so silly.  "oh my god, i literally just told him to go," she says, getting up on her knees so that she has the vantage point to try and reach for his hand again, to try and reel him back toward her. "don't be a prick," she's choosing not to play into the low blow any further than that considering the circumstances, "you might as well stick around because i'm not gonna let you go anywhere." she ducks her head slightly to hold his gaze, wishing there was a chill way to tell him to just trust her. "please," is her best attempt, a word she doesn't use too often. "stay."
josh: damnit, why is she smiling? now he wants to smile, momentarily forgetting the whole point of being mad at her for being pressed against some other dude, especially when she's looking up at him like that. stifling an exasperated groan in the back of his throat, he comes a little closer until his knees are nearly against the daybed, reaching down to hook two fingers to the bottom of her chin, drawing her a little closer. when she's looking at him like this, on her knees, it does help his mood. "you're not gonna let me go anywhere?" he scoffs, not sure if he should be entertained or annoyed. he's mostly the latter, but her shamelessness in this moment makes him feel like he's missing something. "you gonna tell me what the hell that was about?" his voice drops a little, not trying to make a scene of the scene he already caused.
naomi: "nope, no bailing now," she says this matter-of-factly, arms snaking around his waist as she rests her chin on his chest. there's still that smile tugging at the corners of her lips, especially as she watches him fight to keep his annoyed resolve. her gaze darkens a little as she looks up at him through her lashes, honestly a bit turned on that he's gotten all bothered about this – she wouldn't like the alternative. "josh," his name comes out like a sigh, though it's a little bit of a placeholder to give her an extra second to gather her words. "we were just laying out and talking, and i started falling asleep. like, it was a late night. i barely realized," she explains, as if she didn't specifically ask angel to hold her. but hey, she's already lying, so might as well. as hot as the edge to his voice is, she doesn't want him pissy at her all day over a stupid challenge. "i'm sorry, i totally wasn't thinking."
josh: josh sees through the puppy dog eyes, he really does. he can only assume that she's laying her charm on thick because she knows he's in the right and doesn't want to admit it. he just wishes that her look wasn't so effective on him, having to glance away to keep any semblance of cool, even if his hand reaches down to run his fingers through her hair—not particularly lightly. jaw tightens slightly at her comment, because it's not like he enjoys hearing that she was sleeping with some other dude, even if it was platonically (or he can only hope it was).  "he was putting you to sleep, then?" josh snorts (derogatory), finally looking back down at her. his hands move to grip the side of her face, two fingers pinching her cheek. "i'm also tired, you know," he says, voice low, "because someone kept me up all night. maybe i should go nap... you think adela's available for a spoon?"
naomi: a low, frustrated moan builds from the back of her throat as he tugs at her hair, surprising even herself with the sound – she didn't expect him to be so rough with her. maybe that's why she expected him to say something more possessive, rather than bringing up another girl. there's hurt that briefly flashes through her eyes before they fill with fire, aware that dare or not, she wouldn't have intended to hurt him. "angel and i are friends. he's just someone i'm comfortable around – it's platonic," she clarifies, because she hadn't really thought that she needed to until now. she doesn't make jokes about fucking him. "is that really what you want to do? you wanna go?" she hopes to call his bluff, her hand reaching up toward her face to touch his. "because i can find someone else to put their hands on me, but if you just don't want anyone else to touch, then say that," her voice is low, more honeyed than it is aggressive though it's not without a certain edge. naomi's gaze meets his as she guides his hand lower so that he can feel her pulse, the rise and fall of her chest – and then she reels back slowly, falling back onto the mattress so she's just propped up by her elbows, looking up at him with dark eyes. "so, which is it?"
josh: "adela and i are friends, too," he counters, "platonic." does platonic count if you wanted to fuck them at one point? it doesn't really matter, because josh thinks he can tell from the look in naomi's eyes that he had made his point. or maybe it's just because he doesn't actually want to go right now, the air between them crackling with intensity—the sexy kind. josh's eyes darken as he looks down at her, holding himself back from touching her exactly how he wants to right now, because of the vague recollection that they're in public. but it's hard for him not to want to react physically when she talks about other people touching her, even if josh knows she doesn't actually mean it. he can feel the rise and fall of her chest beneath the palm of his hand, his own breathing beginning to match hers, even their heartbeats feeling in sync. sometimes it feels like they know each other so well, josh can anticipate her moves; so when she abruptly pulls away to make her point, it doesn't even surprise him. her elbows have only touched the mattress for a beat before he's grabbing her by the ankle and pulling her towards the edge of the bed he's still standing in front of, so when he finally kneels onto it her body's pinned between him, and he's towering over her. "i wasn't aware i needed to clarify that, as your boyfriend." the word feels pointed, but it's only because josh is still trying it on for size. it fits like a new sweater, needing a few more cycles in the wash before it fits snug. "but fine," hands find hers to pin them against the mattress, fingers interlocking with her own, "i don't want anyone else to put their hands on you. least of all some fucking guy." sorry to angel, but he's just some dude. the bottom half of him leans down so their hips are pressed together, and josh gives her a serious look. "okay?"
naomi: god, she's going to owe angel such a massive apology later. if he'll even hear her out, that is, considering he's just been upgraded (or downgraded?) from mere challenge target to foreplay. she's got twice as much to talk to him about now. still, it's hard not to feel like she's won when josh's eyes go dark and he doesn't pull his hand away from her. naomi's usually turned on when josh is pissed, but usually she's pissed too and trying to hold back. this is kind of fun, feels like a new range of territory for them, and her eyes are charting out all of his mannerisms in a new light, the way his jaw tightens, raising the vein in his neck. there's a gasp from her lips that dissolves into surprised laughter as josh tugs her across the mattress, and she's equal parts turned on and amused by josh's macho display of bravado an utter seriousness over the whole situation – one that she has the perspective of knowing that there's absolutely nothing for him to worry about. she's so aware that he's absolutely going to kick himself over this later. naomi's quiet again as he leans closer, gaze flickering between his eyes and his mouth, not sure where to look as he pins her hands above her head. naomi's tongue swipes across her lips to wet them as she nods, wishing that she could lean up to kiss him in this moment, but she doesn't have the range of motion while she's pinned underneath him. her only weapon is her ability to carve her hips into his, which she does, slow and teasing. "okay, baby," her tone is placating, but a little breathless, "you're the only one." she has no idea if the rest of the villa can see them, but she does have the teeniest bit of self-awareness, and interest in more privacy. "now," her tone is measured, wrists tugging lightly to test his grip, "will you take me inside and prove it?"
josh: they go inside and bang.
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shortystoriesbybri · 2 years
Its summer 2014 and my man is in the shower, I’m in the room vibing listening to music when I hear a text come to his phone. I checked the lock screen and it’s from my best friend Chey. I assume it’s nothing but I followed my gut just because I know the dirt my man has done in the past. Trust has been an issue since DAY 1, however, being 19 in very strong lust or what I call it now at my current age of 28 years young DICKMATIZED to the fullest extreme. The text read “baby please come with us to Busch gardens” my heart sank to my ass. So, I continue to go through their text thread and it’s very choppy like he was deleting messages in between messages. At this point my heart is racing and I don’t know what else to do besides confront her. I call her immediately , He is still in the shower so I have a second to ask her wassup before I even start with him. Mind you she has been in a committed relationship With Daniel for the last 2 and a half years so im asking my self what the fuck is really going on. I get her on the phone and I waste no time at all, “ why the fuck are you calling Michael baby, and why the fuck you aint ask me to go to Busch but you asking my nigga.” Her response was girl hell naw, I know you not sitting on my phone accusing me of some dumb ass shit like that.” “I would never go there ewwww.” I raise my voice and say “that’s bullshit and we both know it, it’s something somebody not telling me.” In the heat of the moment, I hang up the phone in her ear because only guilty people start bucking when confronted or in this case a scary hoe. As soon as i hang up with her it was time to ask this nigga wassup. He claims that’s just what she call him after all these years it aint nothing aint no need to be worried , Gaslighting the fuck out of me to the point he made me feel crazy that they would ever do some shit like that behind my back. At this point Chey and I had been closer than two strippers with a routine they gotta get down pack for opening night at the PYNK for about 5 years straight. Im talking did everything together, this bitch taught me how to steal but I stopped that shit at 18. She always, well at least I thought she always had my best interest at heart but then again look at wtf kind of situation they put me in. Fuck him cause I was dumb for that nigga for about 3 years after this shit even happened. Of course both parties denied the shit because they knew exactly what they had to loose. She had a man at home and I helped this nigga Michael with everything he needed, to get to and from work. Making sure his kids were good. If they needed something I always got my ass up and made sure his bum never had a car ass was making shit happen. after the incident with the text message happened, I didn’t speak to Chey until I found out I was pregnant in April 2015. I don’t know why I even took time out of day to tell her. We swept all that phone shit under the rug after that phone call, and she was my friend again. Fastforward to about a year later we decided to get an apartment together after She and Daniel broke up. I had always lived with my mom I was 21 with a one year old and it was time to move I felt in my heart so we went ahead found a place fell in love with it and went for it. She was dealing with this new dude that I hadn’t met at all. Kicking it with him , etc starting a new relationship which was cool until lease signing day came up and I asked her If Jason was going to be moving in as well , she said hell no and laughed until her face was red. We move our stuff in and of course he stays the night and what not I don’t have any issues but two and three weeks had passed and he was there all day while were working and we are home all night while he worked. Which meant there was always a light on , internet in use, Water being used , but yet he wasn’t on the lease and It wasn’t discussed with me after I had already asked. I just needed to know if bills were being split three ways and I was told no, Jason was only going to be helping Chey with her half. I immediately got angry as fuck………….
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killva-creates · 1 year
I saw the new Mario movie today and funny things happened (but minor spoilers so... no watchy no ready. scoot.)
first, my friend and I got kicked out of a comic store because we were reading
and then the three of us were the only ones in the theater so we could yell shit it was so great I'm not kidding
we all loved toad
"EW HETEROSEXUALITY!" at the peach/Mario meet cute
there was a minor discussion of Luigi being the gay younger brother with anxiety
"Luigi why are you running from the skeleton koopas, you're supposed to love bones!" (I got punched for that)
and then bowser has internalized homophobia
the peaches song
the Luigi as a captive scene was so gay
that weird little flame dude
Donkey Kong is a fucking himbo with daddy issues
Peach = bi bamf
there's something going on between bowser and his wizard friend I'm not kidding (they literally did a role-play scene)
I had to give the characters dnd classes so
Peach is a monk, Toad is a ranger, Bowser is a barbarian, DK is a fighter, Luigi is a paladin, and Mario gives me mild bard vibes (idk it might just be the fact that chris pratt voiced him)
the entire scene with DK and Mario in the ocean was queer coded as fuck
we were squealing about all the video game references the entire time
and then at the scene where Mario and Luigi do the joint power up when they started glowing and shit I was like "ah, the gay straight alliance" and both my friends lost their shit
the amount of gay jokes we all made
and then the end credit scene
and don't forget all the 80's music I fuckin loved
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