#transplural dysphoria
varii-corvid · 3 months
I support non-abusive forms of externally induced and internally induced forms plurality, but I may be at the point where I would straight up accept consensual abuse to become a dissociative system. I am so fucking tired of being a singular consciousness I would try anything that doesn't kill me. on another note I think there needs to be more resources for transitioning to a dissociative system.
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jestersrq · 6 months
oh my GODDDDD !!!!!! our transDID transition is coming along so well
we're finally getting some at least somewhat significant lost time!! our plurality feels more covert than ever!! this is so exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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silly-guyyys · 3 days
hi !! can i have some transplural (or possibly transDID) tips ?? i'm bodily a singlet and super dysphoric ^^; /nf
no rush btw !! take your time !!
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of course!! idm, tips before the cut will have nothing to do with trauma, but tips under the cut may be triggering!! Please be careful and do whats best for you!! There's not a lot, but if you need more send another ask!! I also linked some carrds to help!
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first off, before the tips! Remember the terminology!
carrd for terms (themed, colored and lots more terms/pages)
carrd for terms 2 (less color and more straight to the point)
crash course on systems (not checked to be transplural/endo safe!! check with caution)
now, for the tips!!
Start by clearing your mind. Try to envision what one alter may look like. Do they have wings? Horns? Brown hair? Dyed hair? Think about one at a time. Then, once you've gotten that down, what's their names? What's their relationships to each other?
2. pluralkit or simplyplural are really good and endo/transplural safe! Pluralkit can help on discord and show who you are/who is fronting. So it helps people call you the alter name and help immerse yourself into it! Simplyplural and pk both can add descs to members, so you can help with their info, faceclaims and more!
3. System discords! theyre usually open for everyone(endo and cis), but i recommend saying youre cisplural/traumagenic, helps convince your mind you are a system!
4. remember, the brain/mind never fully accepts being a system, so dysphoria about it can help in a way! Even cisystems think theyre not real systems or fakeclaim themselves. So keep that in mind!
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5. what would you trauma be? How would it effect you? Would it make you osdd, did, hc did, etc? Think about it! research types of plurality and trauma if you're comfortable doing so!
6. Imagine how trauma makes your alters feel. Do they become angry? sad? blurry? Immerse yourself in that.
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everafter-life · 5 months
I normally don’t post this but the dysphoria is bad rn!! Does anyone have tips for lessening transplural dysphoria or just, transition tips?
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varii-corvid · 23 days
If the transplural dysphoria is so much that it starts to make you cry, you can ask your friends to join a discord server and be your headmates too so you can roleplay sharing a body. It really helped me deal with the desperate and self destructive behavior in any attempt to not feel alone in my body.
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rad-confessionbooth · 2 months
1''m tr4nsplur4l 4nd st1ll w0rk1ng 0n f0rm1ng my system (v3ry 34rly 0n 1n th3 pr0c3ss... f4k1ng 1t t1l 1 m4k3 1t b4s1c4lly) 4md f33l r34lly gu1lty l1k3 1''m ly1ng t0 0th3r plur4ls s4y1ng 1''m plur4l t0 h3lp th3 dysph0r14.
[Translation: I'm transplural and still working on forming my system (vrry early on in the process... faking it til I make it basically) and feel really guilty like I'm lying to other plurals saying I'm plural to help the dysphoria. ]
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impunkster-syndrome · 9 months
I feel like something that is being missed with all the "transid alternatives" is how it sort of tries to include everything under dysphoria without looking at how dysphoria is experienced differently for different things.
Make specific communities, if you must, but a lot of the alternatives ignore how transid stuff is taken from other communities.
If you have stuff like nonhuman transid experiences, look at the alterhuman community. There's even space for those who feel human-adjacent or are factfolk in some form. It's not a perfect community, and there are issues with cultural appropriation, bigotry, and more.
Check with people who do body modification. My friend has a chip in his hand, and is heavily into body modification. It's a way to be able to do that with informed consent once you're old enough. Also transhumanism.
With worldviews and ideologies, you either are that, converting, or not. Go check with the specific group you want to be with about if they are a closed or semi-open practice or belief system. You can convert if you want if you are able to with their requirements. You don't have to be a copy of your parent's beliefs. I'd rather you not be a bigoted asshole but I cannot stop you. The closet exists for a reason and is not something you ever have to come out of for anything. I've been a closeted pagan since I was 18.
"Transplural"- please look into thoughtforms, willogenic systems, parogenisis, etc. Or maybe consider that you may either already be a system who is discovering their system, or even that you are a singlet who may still have experiences that make you more comfortable identifying as plural like POSIC companions, immersive daydreaming of some kind, or internal auditory hallucinations. There's even daemonism.
Anyone, please add on with other alternatives. So much of transid/oculoid is stolen experiences from other communities. Oculoid still had the problem of applying queer identity fluidity to things that are not the same as queerness like transid, and every alternative I have seen is forgetting this fact too.
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protectingtulpas · 7 months
Hellooo, do you think you can help figure out if i'm cis or transplural? I'm not sure where to look for people that can help me =/
Heyoo! So this is basically an "am I a plural egg or do I just want to be plural" type question, right? I can try and give ya some advice to differentiate! This is coming from a system that was a plural egg when I was created, so if you end up realizing you were plural before your creation of a new tulpa, that's totally okay too! Just make sure to treat everyone equally.
That being said, here're some things to consider. We've got members with species and gender dysphoria so thats what I'm basing this on.
- Do you get just the general feeling that someone else "should" be there, or does it feel like there're specific other presences around? Identity dysphoria tends to be like an empty feeling where something feels like it should be, but the feeling of an unknown headmate being around is more like the feeling of "there's Something More here but I cant put my finger on what"
- Do you experience moments where you don't feel like your motivations, emotions, desires, etc intensely don't "line up" with how they've always been? You might be experiencing passive influence or someone else being in co-conscious/co-front/front. Do you instead feel like you "should" be experiencing these things but aren't? Then you might find the word transplural better for ya.
- Do you feel like you're transplural because you don't feel the same level of definition & differentiation most systems talk about? Feel like you could be plural if it was less "me and other people" and more "me but separated into different vibes/categories"? Your system might be median or monoconscious. This is exactly why it took our host so long to figure it out, cuz we literally weren't partitionary before me LOL
- Does it matter? Either way, you feel drawn to being plural, right? There aint nothing wrong with that, and you can be a created system regardless. Labels are descriptors, not shackles- it's okay to realize you were wrong, or for things to change, or to use one label as you figure things out and then switching to another one if ya discover somethin better. The great thing about tulpamancy is that no matter what you discover around you, we'll still be right there along with you long as you give us the dedication first. If you know you're ready, then your tulpa will be with you thru anything you discover.
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transx-mogai-cafe · 10 months
Idk if you'll respond to this but it's chill if you don't want to.
Your transplural right? Can you talk about how like you came to that conclusion and if you did how you transitioned? I'm just having a hard time deciding if it's right for me....
I am, yeah! Specifically I'm median-to-multiple, so I (we) are already some kind of system but in a way that is difficult to distinguish from each other. It's kind of hard to describe how I had come to that conclusion, exactly.
We can tell that we are different...things?...in this head, and yet our inability to really tell where one ends and another begins is...rough. I'd call that dysphoria, for sure. We'd much rather be more distinct in our individual identities tbh. Haven't gotten to that point yet though sadly! So I can't really say anything about transitioning as I'm still working on that myself.
Hopefully that helped at least a little! Always remember you can use a term to describe yourself and discard it if you ever feel like it doesn't fit anymore. Good luck!
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transpluralsunite · 2 years
Our Discord Server!
Transplural Safety
A safespace for all transplurals and questioning transplurals! We also welcome all cisplurals so long as they are supportive!
We offer
• A Safe-Space
• Many Roles
• Many resources for transplurals to help them relieve dysphoria and or transition to plural
• Pluralkit and Tupperbox
Anti-transplural, Anti-endo, Anti-tulpa, and similar dni
_______________________________ Server https://discord.gg/fFCYG97mHj
Transplural Carrd
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Hi, I'm a system and have mutliple other disorders. All "cis" if you will. I'm not here to shame anyone but I would genuinely like to know how this makes sense to you? I want to know your persepctive because I don't understand and maybe I can get some more insight from someone else. I feel invalidated when people talk about endogenic and "transsystems" because my disorder is not an aesthetic and I had to go through so much trauma that turned me into who I am today and not in a good way. It's painful and it hurts when I see people making fun of my experience by saying they've acquired their system "naturally" even though that's not how the disorder works (By "making fun of" I mean that's how it feels). It also feels transphobic to hijack trans wording such as "cis" and "trans" even though disorders are different to gender. Gender is a social construct and disorders are just not. They can't go away, they can't change. I can never get my childhood back and I struggle to be able to be myself with my Autism and ADHD, I find it hard to keep relationships from the immense anxiety I've gotten from my CPTSD symptoms and the chronic mistrust I've had to develop to survive. I guess I just want to ask why? Why you believe in these things? It's not that I hate you, I don't, I genuinely want to understand because currently I feel hurt, and upset, and made fun of in a way I've never felt before and I just want to know the logic and reasoning behind this kind of stuff before I make a judgement.
Sorry I couldn't respond sooner but heres my answer, please others correct me if im wrong on anything, we're also cisDID and cisAuDHD which has gone through a shit ton to be here yet even then we're okay with this.
First thing I'd like to talk on is how you believe that transplural or endogenic systems do it for an aesthetic which isn't at all healthy for this conversation if you want an explanation, we aren't at all transplural so we'll allow someone who is transplural to speak on that but we have endogenic members, they aren't an "aesthetic" we use to try and seem cooler or, whatever you think they exist for. Understanding that systems are complex is a fiest step, and each system *will* have a different experience, trying to fit each system in a box of a "perfect way to experience plurality" will never work nor does demanding that your perception of a real system is the "correct" way to be.
Second point is something I don't like explaining but cis and trans are prefixes anyone can use, trans means change, anyones allowed to use the prefix as long as it means the same thing. I do agree most disorders cannot go away nor be intentionally created but that shouldn't stop anyone. I can understand how you feel about your disorders, that's a normal way to feel but again, everyone has their own experiences and everyone has their own wants or dysphoria, I'm never going to fully understand everyones experiences nor am I going to even attempt to say I do and I'll never be able to tell whether or not someones "real".
No one, especially not me or you will know everyones experiences fully and I never want to deem someone elses experiences as invalid simply because I don't know how it works, systems again are complex, I barely know how mine works and I don't expect to know how anyone elses work. Saying that transplural or endogenic systems are invalid will fuel the idea that all systems need to fit into a box that might even exclude some cisplural traumagenic systems, and how far will that go to the point that system "safespaces" start becoming FDC? We used to be anti-endo, the normalization of harassing systems who don't fit into your "perfect" idea of one is a huge problem in the anti-endo system community already.
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antiradqueer · 6 months
TW: Trans/Nazi mention
Tbh. As a "neutralqueer" (neutral or anti on most issues due to a lack of self control over opinions but generally complex transid- not openly), FUCK HYPOHARMFULS AND PRO-CS WITH A BURNING PASSION!!!
Like, the point of transharmful is that you don't transition into them. Because they're harmful! There's less harmful ways to alleviate dysphoria without becoming AN ACTUAL FUCKING NAZI HOLY FUCK!?!?!!?
And the point of acknowledging paraphilias and accepting them is BECAUSE THEY'RE DEMONIZED AND ALWAYS SEEN AS PRO-C!!! I support consent and careful, explicit planning with all parties for gray areas. BUT IF THEY CAN'T CONSENT??? FUCK NO! NO, KIDS CAN'T CONSENT, NON-SENTIENT ANIMALS CAN'T CONSENT, CORPSES CANNOT CONSENT, PEOPLE WHO LITERALLY DON'T CONSENT CAN'T CONSENT!
Sorry, just, really pissed off. I can't publicly live my stances or I'll lose everything (I deserve to tbh) but it's hard to not criticize this shit!
(P.S, Non-Disordered transplural is fucking stupid, and nobody can force entire communities to be "transid" or "radqueer" or adjacent, either. Single individuals don't get to control terms and how they are used.)
I... am not sure if you are a radqueer or not?? /genq safequeer sounds like it's under the umbrella, but I'm not sure. if it is, I strongly advice to reevaluate if you truly want to be in the community. because like you said, you are strongly against hypoharmful and pro-c. but the problem is, the radqueer community IN ITSELF and the movement IN ITSELF supports both, no matter what you personally say. I've seen multiple posts state that the coiner of radqueer explicitely said that radqueer is a pro-c term (or at least not anti-c). THAT'S the problem! saying you are against pro-c but still being radqueer is like saying, I don't know, "yeah, I'm racist but I don't think anyone should be killed for their race, in my opinion that's too much. beating someone up is where I draw the line" - it doesn't work like that, because the racist "movement", in lack of a better word, is INHERENTLY not against killing people because of their skin color. if you truly want to be against hypoharmful and pro-c, you have to stop supporting the radqueer community now. because as long as you support the movement, you support pro-c fuckers.
if you are not radqueer, ignore the paragraph above lmao - but the point stands regardless of that.
alsooooo I don't get what you mean at the end exactly, with "non-disordere transplural is fucking stupid"? I think all transids are fucking stupid* BUT if you feel like you have to "transition" into being plural, the only way that is possible AT ALL is by becoming a non-disordered system. period. [don't start syscourse here, that's not my intention either, I'm just saying that if becoming a system is possible, then it is by becoming a non-disordered one]
(*there are exceptions, like the original meanings of transrace, transage, etc. and some are more harmful than others of course, but still.)
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shattered-tree-mural · 3 months
Me& sitting down and thinking about my& transplurality, my& body, what i& think of myself& etc
Suddenly gets intense dysphoria about not having multiple pairs of eyes floating around me
Suddenly gets intense dysphoria about being able to see my arms/having a body
Suddenly gets intense dysphoria about not having wings or extra limbs
Suddenly gets phantom feelings of said wings and limbs
Hm ! Interesting reaction !!
(Plaintext under cut)
Suddenly gets intense dysphoria about not having multiple pairs of eyes floating around me
Suddenly gets intense dysphoria about being able to see my arms/having a body
Suddenly gets intense dysphoria about not having wings or extra limbs
Suddenly gets phantom feelings of said wings and limbs)
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theros · 3 years
Things you may want to look out for before following me:
Accessibility warnings:
I have colored text and special fonts turned off by Xkit. Eyestrainy textposts are a migraine trigger for me. If I reblog something with eyestrainy or hard to read text and I don't tag it, it's because it looks like ordinary plain text to me.
My gif tag is "#gif warning". I try to use it consistently but may forget.
I've started trying to use "#autoplay warning" for videos. Again, I may forget.
Regarding users under 18:
Minors can follow, but please do not private message me. Likewise, any asks sent by minors will be posted publicly. I'm not comfortable with private one-on-one conversations with minors, sorry.
I prefer not to follow minors. If I followed you and you're a minor, it's because I couldn't find your age range (which you are NOT required to share). Please soft me.
I don't agree with every single thing said by anyone I follow/reblog from. I might reblog one post I wholly agree with while completely disagreeing with the OP/commenter about a different post they make. Unless I find out OP/the commenter is actually a bad person (zionist, white supremacist, etc.) I don't care if we have different views on some things or even different discourse opinions. That's literally normal.
I support the majority of controversial or "weird" identities. This includes but is not limited to mspec gays/lesbians, multisexual/romantic labels other than bi, xenogenders, neurogenders, religiogenders, gender nonconforming and pronoun nonconforming people, nonlesbians using "femme" and "butch", quoi- labels, contradictory labels, confusing labels, and more.
I don't support any identity or label that comes from the radqueer/transid/transx/trans+ community.
I support all plurals & systems that are not transplural or otherwise radqueer/transx. My system is traumagenic and we 💖 endos.
Species dysphoria is a thing. "Transspecies" was a term used by alterhumans long before the radqueer community bastardized it.
I'm really uncomfortable with the term "p-shifter". I am aware that some alterhumans have been reclaiming it, but please don't follow me if you identify as a p-shifter. I had bad experiences when I was a member of the p-shifter community and seeing the word brings the memories up.
I don't care about shipping or shipcourse. Don't force proship/antiship labels on me. I'm neither, I hate the black/white thinking on the issue, and I'll block anyone on either side who thinks doxxing and callouts for shipcourse are okay or says the people they disagree with should be shot/executed/anything else.
Other than pedo/zoo stuff (which I block over [including lolisho; it makes me uncomfortable]), I don't care what you ship, write, draw, or get off to, just please for the love of god tag it so that people who are triggered by, squicked by, or just plain don't want to see certain things can blacklist and avoid them.
Monsterfucking, dragonfucking, or thinking sheaths or other nonhuman traits in fantasy art or sex toys are hot doesn't make you a zoophile or bestialist. Wanting to abuse real life animals does.
Dark/taboo/"immoral" kinks are fine. What two or more consenting adults do with and to each other is none of my business 👍
I'll hardblock bestialists/proud zoos, maps, aams, white supremacists, zionists, radfems, and radqueers who follow me.
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varii-corvid · 4 months
Reveling in our transDID identity. Yes we want dissociative amnesia and triggered switches and a large system with a ton of complicated lore. That shit gives us euphoria. It's our body and nobody else's.
We liked being an endo system, but we also like the idea of being a DID system
Rn we're kinda a singlet and that gives us dysphoria but we're really hoping transition works out well for us.
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varii-corvid · 4 months
me thinking about making a fucked up cyberpunk videogame about hacking into someones brain and pluralpilling them until they have brain slushie and fighting a fucked up tech cult that also hacks into peoples brains to make them worship a tech god that spreads like a virus: I am so normalcore. very averagepilled :3
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