bitegore · 4 years
I'm on the last ninety three pages. im not ready to read the battleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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incorrectstevebucky · 4 years
I just wanted to say I love y'all ya doing some great work here.
Thank you!!! 💙
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thegayallen · 5 years
How much fun is it to live with an Eldritch horror who writes angst?
I assume this is about @flameo-hotman. And I would say it is pretty fun. He is always bouncing ideas off of me and I get to hear about tons of stuff that doesn’t end up making its way into his fics. AND I get to read the ones that he doesn’t end up posting. I am sure he will love knowing he has been called an Eldritch horror. He thrives on that kind of feedback.
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flameo-hotman · 4 years
Hey I hope you start doing better!
I will be. I’m just going to step away from Tumblr for a few days. I have 200 posts queued and at 5 posts a day that 40 days max that I’ll be away from Tumblr. I should be back before then.
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discordiansamba · 5 years
I just want you to know that your fics deserve all the love they are getting!( ˘ ³˘)♥( ˘ ³˘)♥( ˘ ³˘)♥( ˘ ³˘)♥( ˘ ³˘)♥( ˘ ³˘)♥( ˘ ³˘)♥( ˘ ³˘)♥( ˘ ³˘)♥( ˘ ³˘)♥( ˘ ³˘)♥( ˘ ³˘)♥( ˘ ³˘)♥( ˘ ³˘)♥( ˘ ³˘)♥( ˘ ³˘)♥( ˘ ³˘)♥( ˘ ³˘)♥( ˘ ³˘)♥( ˘ ³˘)♥( ˘ ³˘)♥( ˘ ³˘)♥( ˘ ³˘)♥( ˘ ³˘)♥( ˘ ³˘)♥( ˘ ³˘)♥( ˘ ³˘)♥( ˘ ³˘)♥( ˘ ³˘)♥( ˘ ³˘)♥( ˘ ³˘)♥( ˘ ³˘)♥( ˘ ³˘)♥( ˘ ³˘)♥( ˘ ³˘)♥( ˘ ³˘)♥( ˘ ³˘)♥( ˘ ³˘)♥( ˘ ³˘)♥( ˘ ³˘)♥( ˘ ³˘)♥( ˘ ³˘)♥( ˘ ³˘)♥( ˘ ³˘)♥( ˘ ³˘)♥( ˘ ³˘)♥( ˘ ³˘)♥( ˘ ³˘)♥( ˘ ³˘)♥( ˘ ³˘)♥( ˘ ³˘)♥( ˘ ³˘)♥
thank you!!!
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jinmukangwrites · 3 years
Whumptober 2021 - October 14th - Beaten
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types
Warnings: Dami whump and Jason angst. hostage situations.
Gift fic for @trashcollectshere
This couldn’t have gone more wrong. Jason should have known better than to assume a mission would go by with flying colors for once in his life. It was supposed to be a simple intel mission, sneak in and sneak out with whatever useful information he could get his grubby hands on.
He just didn’t expect Damian to want to tag along, that’s all. And really, Jason’s constant teasing of the small-fry is more just… weird brotherly bonding. In reality, Jason knows Damian is very smart and very capable--and the more months that go by, the easier it is for Jason to work one-on-one with the squirt. Jason hates to admit it now, but truly he does see Damian as his little brother, so why would he turn the kid down from a simple intel mission partner-up? Kid was frustrated with his dad for whatever reason Jason’s sure Bruce deserves, and it’s not like Dick or Tim are in town to take him out to let him work out his pent up frustrations.
Sure, Cass and Duke are in town, but… well… it kinda felt good that Damian went to him first to ask to partner together for a patrol. No matter what people say, Jason’s sure he’s never been the top choice for something like this. Kid wants to spend time with him first compared to any of his available options and it strokes his fragile-ego, okay?
How could he say no to that?
He should have said no. Because the mission went wrong because of gosh-diddly-darn course it did. And it wasn’t even Damian’s fault they got caught. It was all on Jason. He thought the warehouse he was checking out would be more empty than it was, and when he and Damian barged in they were met with dozens of goons with more guns than what Jason could confidently protect himself and Damian from. He was forced to raise his hands in surrender, as did Damian who looked livid as hell, while goons began to disarm them and then zip-tie their hands in front of them so they could be seen.
That’s another thing that Jason didn’t expect to happen tonight. These goons are smart, and smart goons are about as dangerous on their own as they are with whatever boss they’re working with. In this case, it’s Penguin. Which makes this whole thing one million times worse.
At least he knows they won't die here. Penguin doesn’t like it when his associates do big things like kill a bat without his permission, and if he did give permission he’d like to watch the execution himself. Which he can't do because Penguin is in Europe for whatever reason… which is also why Jason chose to gather intel here tonight in the first place.
“What do we do with them?” Asks a goon, and the one besides him shrugs.
Another, one who carries more authority in his stance compared to the others, steps up to Jason and regards them with a glare over his neck gaiter. Damian meets the glare. “We can’t kill them… but we also can’t bring them with us,” the leader says, confirming Jason’s suspicions that as long as Penguin isn’t in Gotham, his goons won’t use lethal force. The leader turns towards his associates and puts his hands on his hips. “Tell me, what’s something the sidekicks of a bat care more about than a mission?”
Silence, and the leader grins under that mask. Jason can tell by the rise of his cheekbones.
“Each other.”
Before Jason can try and guess what they mean by that, the leader spins around and grabs Damian by the bicep and jerks him away from Jason; sending him stumbling into the arms of a big and dimwitted looking man with arms rivaling tree-trunks.
“Hey!” Jason shouts, making to stand up from where he’s been forced to kneel, but the leader turns towards him and grins.
“You choose, Hood. Either we shoot the kid in the legs, or we beat the hell out of him with a pair of fists.”
Jason feels his blood go cold.
“Choose quickly, Hood, or I’ll choose for you.”
The leader starts counting down from ten, and Jason suddenly cannot think. He tries to. Does his damnedest to. But he can’t come up with anything. His wrists are restrained in front of him so he can’t try to escape without twenty or so armed goons noticing him do so. The big goon also has Damian in his grasp, two giant hands wrapping around both of Damian’s arms. Damian has a twisted look to his face like he’s already preparing himself to take bullets to the legs.
“Three���” The leader says, looking entirely too smug. His hand is too close to the gun on his belt. “Two-”
“Fine,” Jason snaps, causing the leader to pause with a smirk. Jason wishes his helmet was off just so this bastard can see just how hard Jason’s glaring at him. “I’ll choose, under one condition.”
Thankfully, the leader looks more intrigued at the question and anything. He raises an eyebrow, inviting Jason to continue. Bitch-ass. Jason hates him already.
“Obviously I don’t want the kid to be shot,” Jason starts slowly, taking note of the way Damian’s shoulders relax just a bit in the restraining hold the big guy has on him. “But if I choose the second option, I get to choose who does the job.”
Some of the group of goons shift angrily, like they all want a go at a literal fourteen year old, but the main reason Jason needs this is that Jason can’t trust any one of these assholes to not accidentally kill Damian. Especially the big guy who’s holding Damian standing in place.
The leader must notice the metal in Jason’s voice, as he turns towards the big goon and throws his head back in a handful of short, amused chortles.
“Okay!” He says, looking entirely too pleased with himself. “But choose quickly, because I don’t have all day.”
“Don’t worry, I already have someone in mind.”
The leader tilts his head curiously, and Jason silently prays to whatever gods that don’t hate him that this will work out.
The whole warehouse seems to go quiet enough for a pin to drop. For a second, Jason thinks his grand loop-hole will be denied, but the leaders cheekbones rise and a few of the other goons chuckle softly like Harley’s hyenas.
Clearly, the idea of a bat beating up one of their own is more amusing to these assholes than doing the job themselves.
“Okay, Hood,” the leader says, bending down and taking a switch-knife to Jason’s zip-tied hands. “But if you pull your punches too much, I'll shoot your legs and pull you out for our big guy to finish the job.”
Jason slowly stands up and rubs his wrists. “Save it.”
Jason will do anything to make sure his baby brother isn’t permanently harmed by heartless bastards working for a Gotham Rogue. He’s beat up his siblings before… he can do this. He just needs to turn off his feelings a little bit… pretend that Damian is still the spoiled, full-of-himself demon-brat that he was when he first came into the family's lives.
They don’t untie Damian’s hands to give him a chance to defend himself. They just push him forward and soon enough Jason finds himself standing in the center of a circular barrier made by armed men. Damian stands before him, wrists tied in front of him, but his face relaxed. Prepared. Jason can’t see what he’s thinking. The only thing he can be sure of is that Damian prefers a good-ol’ beat-down compared to shot legs. He just has no idea what the kid thinks about Jason doing the unfortunate job himself.
He can’t worry about it too much now. He can’t back out of this.
Jason takes a deep breath and steals his nerves. He knows exactly how to take down an opponent without giving them permanent damage. He knows how to prolong those take downs as well, which judging by the way these goons hover like vultures, they want this prolonged. They don’t want to see Jason purely knock Damian out and call it a day. They want it brutal, and they want it to last. They want bruises, some cuts, the victim eventually curling up on the ground doing everything just to cover their head.
As sick as it’s beginning to make Jason feel… he can do that.
“Sorry, kid,” he says quietly, and Damian’s lips purse.
“Get it over with, Hood.”
If that’s any kind of permission or acceptance at the shitty situation… then Jason will accept it.
The first blow Jason deals is the one that hurts the most. It’s a simple slug against Damian’s jaw, causing the bound boy to stumble—his head snapping to the side. Jason turns on autopilot then, forcing himself to not think about the progress he’s made with the kid… about how pissed everyone will be at him again after this. If he doesn’t force himself to not think, then he’d worry himself sick over what-ifs… going over every little impossible thing he could have done instead to get himself and Damian out of this with as little damage as possible.
Dick and Bruce are going to kill him after this.
He digs his knee into Damian’s stomach after a few calculated and well placed punches, causing Damian to gasp as the force of the blow lifts his boots off the ground for a solid few moments. The goons cheer, and Jason allows himself to wish that he was doing this to one of them instead.
He steps back after winding Damian. His jaw is red and he’s leaning forward slightly; he’s gasping. Then, he spits on the ground and glares at Jason.
“That all you got, Hood? I would almost prefer they switch you out with someone who actually can throw a punch.”
Jason’s sure there’s fire in his eyes under his mask.
He takes that as his final sign to let go. He doesn’t give Damian any more time to recover. He just goes. He can feel bad later. He can hate himself later. For now?
He has to do what must be done.
He’s good at that.
He can’t even keep track of what he’s doing now, all he’s aware of is his knuckles hitting another body, green tinting the edges of his vision. He knows he’s not being lethal… he knows he’s not going to permanently injure the kid, and that’s all that matters to him.
Eventually, he finds that it’s no longer his knuckles hitting Damian, but it’s now his boots. He kicks hard enough to send Damian rolling a few feet, causing the circle of vultures to scramble back with jaunting jeers. Damian doesn’t get back up, just curls up and covers his neck and head the best he can with his restrained hands.
A few more kicks are placed in Damian’s exposed stomach and Jason’s about to straddle the kid and start punching again, but a hand falls on his shoulder… bringing his world to a halt.
“Didn’t think you had it in you, Hood,” the leader says, not sounding honest at all. He sounds like he just watched a good show that ended exactly how he expected it. Red Hood has already been known to get into physical fights with the bats here and there. Jason would be a fool to expect anyone to think he’s changed for the better since then. “But if you go more, you might just kill him. Not that I mind, as long as it’s not connected to us.”
“Go,” Jason growls, staring down at the still curled up Damian with his stomach churning. “Or I’ll kill you.”
The leader laughs. Pats his shoulder, then calls to his lackeys to get going. Only a few of them make disappointed sounds. Most sound satisfied. Pleased.
He kneels down next to Damian, afraid to touch him again. He ignores the sounds of tires screeching away, taking the goons and all the evidence they’ve been here with them. Leaving Jason alone.
“Kid?” Jason asks when Damian doesn’t move. Why does his chest hurt so much? He’s breathing. Jason’s positive he hasn’t drawn any blood or hit anywhere he shouldn’t have. “Robin? I need to get you home. You hear me?”
Damian finally responds, slowly bringing his hands away from his face and uncurling. He turns onto his back and lets out a massive groan. “Couldn’t have made that quicker?” Damian smiles tiredly, and Jason’s heart aches.
“I’m sorry,” he says, reaching forward quickly to take Damian’s restraints off.
Damian shakes his head, hissing as it pulls at his bruising skin. The skin Jason bruised. “You did what you had to… to gain the best outcome. I don’t blame you. It could have been worse.”
Jason hates how mature the brat is. He looks right at Jason, and there’s no hatred on his face like Jason almost expects.
There’s irritated skin all over the kid, red and already beginning to bruise. One of his newly freed hands goes down to his ribs, pressing near the bottom left of the cage. Jason desperately hopes he didn’t break anything.
“Jason,” Damian says when Jason stays quiet for too long. His voice is tired and tight. “We need to go home.”
Jason snaps out the incoming self-loathing and shakes his head, hoping to clear his head long enough to just get him home.
“Yeah,” he says smartly.
He sits there stupidly though, unsure of what to do next. After a second too long passes, Damian makes that tch sound he always makes and pushes himself up, using his elbows and hissing against the pain the entire way. “You going to help me or just watch?” He asks through grinding teeth. That spurs Jason into motion, carefully lifting Damian bridal-style into his arms. The kid feels so much smaller than he remembers. He almost wants to throw up.
Damian relaxes against his chest with a too trusting sigh as Jason carries him out of the warehouse and towards Jason’s bike.
“My suit footage was corrupted,” Damian says, suddenly. “I must have turned it off accidentally…”
Jason swallows, the information on the “accident” like a large cow-pill to take down. “Kid…”
“I guess B is gonna have to take our words when we tell him the villains beat me up.”
Jason thins his lips under his helmet and places down on the back of his bike.
He wants to demand why Damian isn’t angry with him. Usually the kid is a spit-fire of raw emotions, never caring to hide his disappointment or anger. Why is he doing this now? Why is he trying to protect Jason from blame? Why isn’t he blaming him or cursing him? Calling him names and shouting at him that he’ll never be a good guy and he’ll never be trusted again?
He drives back to the manor with these thoughts racing through his brain, only half-listening to Damian chat about their cover story… mostly focusing on the thin arms so comfortably wrapped around his chest.
After getting the kid to Alfred and lying to Bruce about the source of the injuries, Jason almost fears Damian’s going to laugh and throw Jason under the bus. But he never does.
Jason’s forced to accept that Damian isn’t angry with him for a handful of bruises and some jostled ribs. As crazy as that is. He’s even gone out of his way to make sure Bruce doesn’t suspect Jason of the attack at the slightest. Bruce even congratulates him on getting Damian out of there safely.
He swears then to be better. A better brother, person, and protector. He wants to feel like he deserves this kindness from Damian… this forgiveness.
He will work towards that.
No matter what.
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sword-and-stars · 5 years
Tagged by @kurikaesu-haru
rules: name 10 favorite characters from 10 different things then tag 10 people
Zuko — Avatar: the Last Airbender
Estellise Sidos Heurassein — Tales of Vesperia
Guy Cecil — Tales of the Abyss
Daine Sarrasri — Wild Magic book series by Tamora Pierce
Roy Mustang — Full Metal Alchemist
Ichijoji Ken — Digimon
Tatsumi Kanji — Persona 4
Natsume Takashi— Natsume Yuujinchou
Rose Tyler — Doctor Who
Peter Parker — Spider-Man
HONORABLE MENTIONS because fucking shit that was way harder than it needed to be:
Riku — Kingdom Hearts
Samwise Gamgee — LOTR
Miles Edgeworth — Ace Attorney
Brienne of Tarth — ASOIAF
Tagging: @flameo-hotman @awkwardpenguinproductions @trashcollectshere and whoever the hell else wants to do it.
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bitegore · 4 years
I am picking up the last book I need for the licanius trilogy I'm so excited!!!! Any tips? Should I clear out time to read these because I won't be able to stop?
1) definitely clear out time; at the very least, they’re giant fucking bricks of books and theres a lot of information in them
2) heheheheee have you started reading yet? because if you have not i highly recommend keeping a tally of all the cryptic references to weird shit. i really do. it gets very exciting later when you’re like ‘wait what the fuck was that’ and you go back and it WAS in fact a thing that already got revealed! and now you have the information to understand *what* was revealed! the last book is especially good for this. 10/10, best experience from the book, highly recommend
3) the beginning of the first book drags for however long it takes for the penny to drop. i am not going to say *what* that is, only that it happens really fast and as soon as its done everything picks up and you’re just like “oh shit what”. for me it takes me like twenty minutes to get through this bit, which means it’s probably like the first 75-to-100 pages but like, it’s fine. if you could read harry potter you’ll probably even enjoy it, i know i did even though i was like “ooookay. can we get the show on the road” lol. the second book drags a lot, but there’s nothing to be done about that except get through it, so i would plan to take breaks during that one and like have snacks and stuff. and the third book is great because even the parts that are kind of bland are still like “here is a thing. you know this thing. you will now totally reorient all of your information about this thing because we are revealing the Deep Secrets. have fun :3″ so even the draggy bits don’t like, feel like they’re dragging. ultimately it suffers from ‘it’s my first pro novel trilogy and i don’t quite know what i’m doing’ syndrome, but not terribly, and it is a good reading experience
4) expect to not like some of the main characters immediately but then fall in love with them later. i remember really finding asha boring and whiny at first but she gets very, very very very cool. ditto for wirr and also davian iirc? i dont know, if i remember right i always kind of liked davian but they start out as rule-abiding teens and they take a bit to shake it. the supporting cast more than makes up for it though. everyone is cool and interesting and has secrets and it is great
5) tell me when caeden appears >:3 you have to >:3
6) oh theres a weird name thing where one weird fancy word sounds much likee another weird fancy word that someone keeps getting called. that is not an accident. this series doesnt really do accidents when it comes to the worldbuilding. trust me.
of course if you’ve read the other two disregard this, i wasnt sure.
and then of course!!! when you have read them!! if you enjoyed them!! come yell about them with me i will be PSYCHED to!!!
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dreamsequencer · 4 years
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@trashcollectshere @avatarbromance y'all have no idea how confusing this is lmao
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thegayallen · 5 years
Do you prefer smoking or edibles?
Havn’t had the chance to try edibles but I smoke the weed. Was very good kush this time.
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flameo-hotman · 5 years
Would you like some Eldritch horror sesame street
Perhaps : )
I’m always up for some eldritch horror and the bastardization of children shows.
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bitegore · 4 years
I am eating this book alive. I can tell this would have been a two day sit down read if I had waited and not the three to three and a half I think it will take because of life things
yeah it’s hard as fuck to stop reading once it really hooks you into it
i hope the life things go smoothly friend
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bitegore · 4 years
Tal'kamar reminds me of the king from the story Davian read
>:3 i will neither confirm nor deny that, but i will say that the king from the story Davian read has in fact appeared on-the-page and spoken to at least one main character at least one time
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bitegore · 4 years
Page 362 is so.... Intresting. I'm gonna need to read this series all over when I'm done.
honestly yeah but i have literally never encountered a series with such high reread value in my life; you’ll be rereading it going “ohoho WAIT i cant believe they just fucking said that“
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flameo-hotman · 3 years
Tomorrow (June 10th) is my birthday and I asked to work on it because I don’t really like celebrating it irl due to events that happened in my childhood. And this is something I’ve explained to my family, and up until just a bit ago I thought they understood that.
Turns out they are planning a surprise party for me (I actually overheard my gran talking about it on the phone with a relative she is inviting. She is inviting a good number of family to the party.)
Anyways she is scheduling the party for my day off (June 11th) since I am working on my actual birthday. And just that fully defeats the point of me working on my birthday.
One of the relatives she is inviting is one that constantly dead names and misgenders me, so that makes it even worse.
And I know it seems like whining about nothing because oh noooo how awful that my family cares enough about me to plan a birthday for me, but last year I wrote a birthday fic for myself about my fears of people holding a surprise birthday party for me. And now it is happening irl and I low key kind of want to cry.
My birthday is something deeply connected to really bad thing that happened to me in my childhood though.
Tw for child abuse in the ()’s
(Ex. Bio mom threw a knife at me, bio mom threw a fork at me, bio mom screamed at me for getting sick on more than one birthday, bio mom threatened to call the cops on me because I moved out and didn’t invite her to my birthday, bio mom kept my dad and siblings from coming to my birthday dinner because she wasn’t invited [different bday than the tried to call the cops on me bday] bio mom was bio mom, etc.)
I just feel sick over the idea of celebrating my birthday irl. The only time my birthday has ever been about me or been a positive experience has been online. I mean last year @trashcollectshere wrote me an amazing birthday fic that I absolutely loved. And pretty much all of my friends have respected my boundaries on what I am okay with on my birthday.
So I’m asking yahl to just love bomb my inbox. Tell me a quick happy birthday and then any number of things. What made you follow my blog, what is your favorite fic of mine, did I make a fanart that you loved? Favorite post I’ve made.
My offline birthday is going to suck, but yahl can make it so my online birthday is what I will remember.
Your love is the best birthday present yahl can give.
Also if you have the funds to do so, donate to charities and organizations that try and do something about child abuse. I know I am going to because I don’t want anyone going through what I did.
Thank you for being the most amazing people in the world and I love each and every one of you.
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