#trb Charlie
Not a hc relationship for a Burns kid with a reader (my brain can't accept that ¨reader¨ is supposed to be me 😕)
But what do you think of hc for Charlie x Carin??? Why not have some old people love fluff?? How would the rest of the Burns kids react knowing that their dad is ¨back in action 🤭😉?
I wanted to send you ideas/hc's for a future au with some of my crack ships, but I think that you won't like them
Charlie x Carin Headcanons
🚨Given the fact that they’re in their middle age, most dates are probably quiet ones, when rescue work doesn’t get in the way. Their relationship gives me big “quality time as a love language” vibes.
🚨They still like to hike together! They get to appreciate nature and the quiet time away from responsibilities for a short while and just enjoy each other’s presence. Sometimes their hikes turn into picnics.
🚨They also do lunch when they can, cafe dates where Charlie pulls out her chair for her and they playfully fight over who will cover the check. Chivalry ain’t dead~
🚨They talk policing, getting to know about what each other has done and heard about working on the police force. Carin likes to get Charlie all flushed and bashful when she goes on and on about how famous he is in the mainland rescue community.
🚨They do talk about family as well. They both have plenty of stories of Jerry to laugh about, and of course there is always a lot to say about the Burns’ kids.
🚨But Charlie? Well Charlie mainly just wants to hear about her.
🚨He loves his kids and is proud of them but he hears plenty of people praising the rescue team all the time. He wants to know about her. Why she became police dispatch, why she moved to the island, if she had a spouse…
🚨And if she did, they speak of their passed loved ones fondly together, which only strengthens their bond and makes Charlie feel less guilty about pursuing love again.
🚨Sometimes they do drives around town (or Carin joins Charlie for parol) courtesy of Chase, who is painfully oblivious to these two flirting and how much of a third wheel he is.
How The Kids Would React
The Burns’ kids would definitely notice when their dad starts hanging out with a woman his age. At first they would stay out of it for sake of pretending it’s not happening and not wanting to make assumptions, but when casual meetups turn into obvious dates, they have a talk about it. And when I say ‘they’ have a talk about it, I mean just the kids.
They know their dad still loves their mom and that their dad has gone through so much that he deserves to be happy. If that’s with Carin, they’re… okay with it. Kade is surprisingly the most accepting of it.
It can’t not be awkward when your parent starts dating again. The Burns’ kids and Carin have a lot of strained awkward conversations before they get used to her being around.
They do like Carin but this doesn’t stop them from making faces and fake gagging behind her back if they catch the two getting affectionate, no matter how innocent it is.
“Oh gross, they’re kissing!”
It’s likely the most awkward for poor Cody, who is probably a teenager at the time this is happening. Not to mention the fact that he and Carin’s nephew (Jerry’s son) are likely being made to hang out more because of it. Not that Cody doesn’t like him but I’m sure he gets plenty of “Ew Aunt Carin and your dad are dating! That’s so gross!” Or they just avoid talking about it at all which makes for a lot of awkward silence.
🚨Charlie never hides his newfound relationship from his kids, but he is hesitant to talk about it.
1, because he’s not sure how they’ll react to him moving on from their mom
2, he knows it’s ‘cringy’ when a parent gets mushy with someone
And 3, he knows that they’ll tease him about it
Kade: Hey, uh, Dad! Is that a new shirt? Don’t think I’ve seen it before! Going somewhere… special?
Charlie [parent warning voice]: Kade…
Dani: Oh hush, Kade. Let him have some fun, he deserves it!
Graham: Oh, uh, but not too much fun!
Cody: Guys, ew!
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hoe-days · 4 months
Man the Phantom of the Sea episode had a little kick to it
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Frankie had to grow up without Cody and the Chief lost his kids for 10 years😭😭rewatching rescue bots is not for the weak I actually shed a tear
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Any DC villain [leaning down to him]: Aww… little kid no-no goo-goo noof? Look, kid, you’re missing the point. This is the [insert Evil Association of the World]. You’re a little boy. She is a clown. We are the bad gays! The destructors, the predators, the cheaters, and the show-offs — Bad guy: — and the noisemakers! You and she are just little problems. You should be at home with your mommy, learning how to cook and clean, and… blah-blah-blah-blah-blah, whatever normal person stuff do. Bad guy: So leave us the evil villains…ALONE!
Cody: But why? Why wouldn't you let Harley Quinn be part of your team? I don't get it…
Bad guy [groans loudly and slaps a hand to his face, then takes a few deep breaths before composing himself]: Look. There are certain roles in our society there are certain roles for men and certain roles for women, right? Now let’s take your family, for example. Who goes to work and brings home the paycheck?
Cody: My dad.
Bad guy: Right! Who pays the rent and puts the bread on the table?
Cody: My dad.
Bad guy: Bingo! And who cooks the meals?
Cody: My dad.
Bad guy [confuse]: Who does the laundry?
Cody: Dad.
Bad guy: Who washes the dishes?
Cody: Dad.
Other bad guy: Who scrubs the loo?
Cody: Dad.
Other other bad guy: Who bakes the cakes?
Cody: Dad.
Other other other bad guy: Then who mows the lawn and washes the car?
Cody: Oh! My older brothers and big sister.
Bad guy: Oh so what does your… mother do?
Cody: I don’t have a mother.
(The whole team of villains throws a quizzical glance over each other's shoulders, then they turn back to Cody trying to come up with another excuse)
@guardian-of-fandoms following that post where we discussed how would it be if Cody was adopted by Harley and Poison Ivy. It would maybe happen differently but I imagen that at the end Harly would punch the face of [insert DC big bad guy name] but what do you think?
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mariacardenas162002 · 10 months
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TRB: Némesis prime en Transformers Rescue Bots 🖤🩵😳
Nemesis prime trabaja con el doctor Morocco con el propósito de capturar a optimus prime pero para que los Rescue Bots no se preocupen por el Némesis se hace pasar por optimus y empieza a meterlo en problemas en realidad los Rescue Bots están enojados con el incluso el jefe Charlie Burns
Optimus prime:Hola Rescue Bots como están
Jefe Charlie Burns:Que te sucede prime ??????
Optimus prime:A qué se refiere jefe??????
Jefe Charlie Burns:No te hagas optimus nos metiste en un gran problema sabes porque?????
Optimus prime:No entiendo de que me hablas?????
Jefe Charlie Burns: Suficiente optimus admite que tú provocaste un incendio en un bosque, cortaste los cables de unos carros de los vecinos entre otros prime
Optimus prime:Jefe Charlie Burns yo la verdad no hice eso créame por favor
Jefe Charlie Burns:Es más bien que te vayas los Rescue Bots y nosotros no queremos volverlo haber
Heatwave:Si optimus nunca pensé eso de ti
Optimus prime: Pero yo
Blades: Pero nada optimus como pudiste
Chase:Lo que hiciste con los humanos no estuvo bien
Boulder:Yo estoy con ellos optimus será mejor que te vayas
Optimus prime se va muy triste porque el no hizo todo eso y los Rescue Bots junto a la familia del jefe Charlie Burns no le creen
Nemesis prime:El plan funciono jefe tal como usted quería
Doctor Morocco: Muy bien némesis prime te mereces un gran descanso por lo que hiciste mis robots se encargaran de traerme a prime
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sonseulsoleil · 1 year
and now I'm just supposed to watch The Runaway Bride and laugh at Catherine Tate as if my heart wasn't just ripped from my chest
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signanothername · 8 months
Fic List part 2:
The Mentor: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15243009/chapters/35354844#workskin
Blades worries about a failing test, Dani is there for moral support, and Rachet is being his lovable jerk self
Creases & Coffee: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15928487#main
Charlie and Chase have a nice moment 🥺
Chasing Plot Bunnies: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17719103
Chase struggles with writers block. Man, I love Chase.
Expression: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17358023#main
Kade takes care of the bots after the squilsh incident. Fluffy, but not as much as it would seem.
Nothing breaks like a spark: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27521791
Hurt/comfort, Charlie is a father to five kids plus four bots, Blades and Chase are Amica Endura, and the protectobots are mentioned.
Btw, This writer has a lot of other TRB stories
Fear Not the Storm That Roars Around You: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32289700#main
More Blades and Chase being Amica and just, my heart, it’s too full.
Double Villany: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32098291/chapters/79519660#workskin
Charlie’s perspective of the episode, and a good reminder that these lovable robots are 15-20 feet metal build aliens.
Anger: https://archiveofourown.org/works/35182702#main
A study on how the Bots deal with anger. Very accurate neurodivergent point of view which my ADHD brain really appreciates.
Heatwave's Human Sparkling: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16345991/chapters/38245040#workskin
Cody being Hearwave’s favorite for two chapters straight. Very fluffy <3.
Hot Brown Water in a Cylindrical Container: https://archiveofourown.org/works/38775837#main
Chase being too pure for this world.
No Impulse Control: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27523384#main
Blades and Dani being a chaotic duo
OverProtective: https://archiveofourown.org/works/3729625/chapters/8265070
The bots love their partners so much 😭
Time to ramble again >:)
-the mentor:
I LOVE THISSSSSS, it feels so in character and i love the unique concept, ngl tho what Ratchet did with making the dummy look like HW was horrifying in the best way possible, yet it’s so in character chchch
I adore this part
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And I really love how the convo shifted to Bee’s voice box, the transtion was smooth
10/10 fic
-creases & coffee:
This fic is the fluffiest hurt/comfort fic I’ve ever read, you have no idea how much i ADORE bittersweet stories and this one is so beautiful 😭❤️🌷✨
-chasing plot bunnies:
I love this one! So nice to read and omg the writer’s block was described so well hcchchhc
I relate so bad
This is the kinda story I need a part 2 for cause aaaaaaaaa
I love stories the explore characters beyond their main traits and get to the small things, especially for characters like Kade and HW who love to put on a front hahaha
Also damn Chase out getting HW, the “you do this to yourself” is such a punch to the gut yet the way he says it as a matter of fact chchhcch
Chase my beloved
I also love how Blades was super not happy with Heatwave’s field reaction chchhc
-nothing breaks like a spark:
My heaarrrrtttttt!!! I love hurt/comfort stories and i adore that the concept of Blades being a gestalt with the protectobots from G1 is tied to the aligned continuity aaaa 😭❤️🌷✨
The fact Charlie is the one talking to blades and literally being a dad to him is everything to meeeeee vhvjjv
Really adorable story
(Will definitely check their other stories out)
-fear not the storm that roars around you:
*slams table*
I love the parallel between them and how Blades comforted chase, the lil hug at the end got to me
Amica Endura Blades and Chase for life <3333
-double villainy:
This was such a cool read, I really love to see other perspectives with interesting plots like the double villainy episode! Charlie’s thoughts are super realistic to that of a father snd a tiny human compared to giant alien robots
Not to mention, seeing Charlie’s thought process with thinking who’s the most dangerous (in this instance, Chase) was really awesome
Such a satisfying read 10/10
Damn this is so relatable
And I genuinely love how the descriptions give the feeling justice
Guess it’s time i make a comfort fic list shshhsh
-Heatwave's human sparkling:
I really asore how Sparkling is used to refer to cody nonstop shhsgs
-hot brown water in a cylindrical container:
oh dear Chase, he’s trying his best
-no impulse control:
Aaaaaa the flufff and sillinessssss dhhdhdh
Blades’ and Dani’s dynamic here is so amazing and i’d love to read more fics for these two dhbdhd
Charlie being such a supportive dad is everything to me
This is it
This is the fic that killed me with fluff
Side note: never thought i’d ever see HW being described as a cat yet here we are and I wholeheartedly approve <3333
Plz feel free to send fics my way any time >:)
I saw your last ask for another fic and imma read it through and answer said ask <333
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bluekat12345 · 2 years
TRB: Apollo's Baby Picture
(Apollo Burns is a Cody/Priscilla fankid created by the @geluatekurama, so it was only a matter of time before I wrote a fic featuring this boy. I also want to thank @geluatekurama for helping me write this and I hope you all enjoy reading this.)
"Care to tell me why we're doing this again?" 10-year-old Apollo Burns asked his father.
Cody smiled at his son as he picked up a box. "Because its Earth Day, so it's a perfect day to clean the house."
It was Earth Day on Griffin Rock, so Cody decided it was a good idea to give the house a good clean. He and Apollo were currently in the attic, clearing out storage boxes. He and the rest of this family were going to clean the attic of dust and cobwebs and go through boxes to see what could be kept, donated, or thrown away.
"I thought Earth Day was about helping the environment, not doing chores." Apollo pointed out.
Cody chuckled. "We all celebrate in our own way."
Apollo frowned. "If that's so, then why isn't Mom up here with us?"
Cody smiled at Apollo. "Because according to her, cobwebs aren't her thing." Then he handed the box to Apollo. "Tell you what, I'll clean out the attic while you and your mother look through the boxes."
"Are you sure, Dad?" Apollo asked. "I don't mind helping you up here."
"I'll be fine." Cody assured as he picked up another box. "Let's just take care of these for now."
Apollo nodded and the pair walked out of the attic, both carrying a box with them. They carefully placed the boxes in the living room, where several other boxes sat. Priscilla, Apollo's mother and Cody's wife, sat among them, opening one of the boxes and already going through them.
"You two go ahead and start going through boxes while I get cleaning supplies for the attic." Cody suggested.
"Will do, dear." Priscilla agreed. Apollo nodded in agreement and started to go through the boxes. Cody smiled at them before leaving them.
Apollo opened one of the boxes, and he was greeted to a bunch of photo albums. Picking up one the albums, he opened it and started going through the pages.
"What've you got there, honey?" Priscilla asked her son.
"Just a photo album." Apollo replied, showing her the album.
A wide smile grew on Priscilla's face as she took the album. "This isn't just an album; this is your baby album." Then she started going through it, showing one of the photos to her son. "Look, this is when you were two."
Apollo looked at the photo, it was a picture of him when he was two years old, he was sitting in a small bed, surrounded by stuffed fish and frogs.
"I had a lot of stuffed animals." Apollo commented.
Priscilla nodded. "You did. Whenever you saw a frog or a fish, you wanted it. And I couldn't say no to my little Guppy."
Apollo let out a groan. "Mom..."
"What's going on?" Cody asked, returning to the living room.
"Look what Apollo found." Priscilla showed her husband. Cody smiled at the photo album.
Cody sat beside Priscilla as the two began to look over the photo album, with Apollo looking over their shoulders to get a better look.
"What's that one?" Apollo asked, pointing at one of the photos. It was a photo of him as a baby, in his mother's arms as she laid in a hospital bed, by her side were his father and an old looking man holding a stuffed animal.
Cody's smile became more nostalgic as he looked at the picture. "That was taken the day you were born. See? There's you, your mom and I, and your grandfather, Charlie."
"Grandpa was at the hospital when I was born?" Apollo asked, surprised.
Cody nodded. "Yes, he was. I thought we told you this."
The boy shook his head. "Not that I can remember."
"Well, sit down and let me tell you." Cody instructed. "This is what happened."
Cody anxiously tapped his foot as he sat in the waiting room at the hospital.
"This is completely unfair." Cody thought in frustration. He hated that he had to wait here, he should've been in the delivery room with Priscilla, comforting her as she went through her ordeal.
Letting out a groan in frustration, Cody rose from his seat and began to pace around, fighting the urge to just charge in there and be by his wife's side, no matter how tempting it was.
"You're going to tiring yourself out if you keep pacing like that." An older man's voice teased. Looking up from his pacing, Cody was greeted with the smiling face of his father.
Cody frowned. "Dad, what are you doing here?" Then Cody glanced at his watch. "It's almost 2 in the morning. You should be sleeping."
"There was no way I was going to miss this." Charlie declared. "And I figured you'd want someone with you."
"What I want is to be with Priscilla." Cody admitted. "She shouldn't have to be in there by herself."
Charlie put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "I know, but I promise everything will be okay."
Cody sighed and sat back down, with his father sitting next to him. Then Cody noticed his dad had a bag with him. "What's that?"
"Oh, I wanted to bring something for the baby." Charlie explained as he took something out. The man then presented Cody with a stuffed shark.
"Aren't you usually supposed to bring teddy bears?" Cody joked.
Charlie shrugged. "I wanted to be a bit more original."
The two men shared a laugh. Then a nurse came approached them. "Mr. Burns? You can see your wife now."
Cody quickly stood. "Is she okay?" He asked, a bit panicked.
The nurse smiled at him. "Yes, both her and the baby are fine."
"The baby!" Cody thought as he rushed to the delivery room. When he arrived, the first thing he saw was Priscilla resting in a hospital bed, giving a tired smile to something in arms, carefully wrapped in a blanket.
Cody quietly walked to her side. Priscilla smiled at him.
"Say hello to your son." Priscilla whispered to Cody, allowing Cody to take a better look at the baby.
To say Cody didn't cry would be a gigantic lie. The moment he laid eyes on the bundle in her arms, Cody was enraptured. At that moment, nothing was more beautiful to him than the small precious being sleeping in his wife's arms. When Priscilla handed the baby, Cody was terrified he his tears would disturb the tiny being in his arms. While the baby squirmed a bit, he remained asleep, seemingly content in his father's arms.
Then Cody heard his father. "Mind if I join?" The older man gently asked.
Once Cody and Priscilla nodded, Charlie carefully entered. He smiled at the bundle in Cody's arms. "He's a beautiful baby." He complimented. "Have you two chosen a name?"
"Apollo." Priscilla replied.
"Apollo?" Charlie repeated.
"Of course." Priscilla stated. "This baby is going to do great things someday and his name should reflect that."
"Apollo Charles Burns." Cody stated. Charlie was surprised by the inclusion of his own name but was nonetheless flattered.
"No doubt this kid will do great things," Charlie agreed.
For a while, it was just the four of them, enjoying the quiet and each other's company, each the adults getting a chance to hold little Apollo. After they all had a chance to hold the baby, they were able to get a nurse to take a picture of them.
"Grandpa was the one that gave me Gabby?" Apollo asked after hearing the story.
Cody smiled at his son. "Yep. And when you got older, you would carry that thing everywhere you could, and you would throw a fit if we tried to take it from you."
Apollo glanced away, seemingly embarrassed. Priscilla laughed at her son and pinched his cheek gently. "Aww, there's no need to be embarrassed. Its good you loved his gift so much."
Then Apollo frowned a bit. "I wish I knew him better."
Cody's smile turned a bit sad. "Yeah, me too. But while he was still around, he adored you so much."
Apollo smiled. "Are there more pictures of me with him?"
Priscilla nodded. "Yes, there are plenty. I'll make sure to find them."
Then Cody stood. "We can look at them after we finish cleaning up."
Apollo nodded. "Deal."
Then the trio continued to clean their house. But the moment they finished, they made sure to look through more of Apollo's baby photo's, mostly one with his grandfather, Charlie.
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girorodesu · 5 years
My valid rescue bots headcanon
All the burns children were adopted by charlie. He has no wife. Just a bunch of kids he adopted and love the most.
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noperopesaredope · 2 years
F*CK THE POLICE! *Turns to Chief Charlie Burns from TRB* Except for you, you’re perfect and can stay.
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emjenwrites · 5 years
AO3 Links: Alex Stern Series -Ace of Cups (Pre-NH. aroace Dawes) Grishaverse -What if I fell to the floor?  (Fightingverse. Post-CK. Kaz sickfic) -Walking With Eyes Tight Shut (Fightingverse. Post-CK. Baas is in over his head.) -The Flaming Skies (Fightingverse. Post-CK. Kaz gets back at Van Dijk) -Fading out again (KoS. Nikolai sickfic) -What are words? (Fightingverse. Post-CK. Five conversations) -How to Save a Life (AU. Kaz is a Grisha Healer. Written for the Grishaverse Big Bang.) -And I was thrashing on the line (Fightingverse. Roeder’s Fic) Peaky Blinders -Dying by Degrees (pre-s2. Ada, Freddie and Tommy, and Tommy and opium) -Numb me down to the core (4x06. Finn and Tommy) -A Good Story (pre-series. Tommy and Ada) -Left Alone (s4. Tommy and Charlie) -Baby, I’m not made of stone, it hurts (post-s3. Demi-Aro Tommy) -Clippings (pre-s5. Ada cuts Tommy’s hair) -Vast, Vulgar, and Meretricious Beauty (pre-s5. Michael in America) The Raven Cycle -Please, don’t tell Ronan about this (Post-TRK. Adam/Declan. Declan shows up to Adam’s dorm injured)
The Shadowhunter Chronicles -O Queen of air and darkness, / I think ‘tis truth you say (QoAaD. Clary, Jace and mac and cheese)
On This Blog: The Folk of the Air -Troubled by Dreams (TWK. Cardan dreams of Jude.) -Grandstanding (QoN speculation. Jude returns to Elfhame.) Grishaverse -A Job Well Done (pre-TGT. Zoya and the Darkling) -You could never stop (SoC. Kaz and lingering drowning issues) -Truth be told, I never was yours (Post-KoS. Zoyalai before Nikolai marries Ehri) -Tonight (Pre-KoS. Zoya, Nikolai and friends play cards) -You’ll be the one voice of reason (Post-Kos. Nikolai looses control of the monster) -Together (Heavyverse. Wesper and Colm) -And all of the ghouls come out to play (Fightingverse. Nina, Kaz and ghost Jordie) -Bedlam (CK AU. The auction scheme goes horribly wrong) The Modern Faerie Tales -Thinking too Hard (Valiant. Val, Ravus and sword training) The Raven Cycle -The Least He Can Say (Pre-TRB. Gansey and Declan) -No dawn, no day (Figure Skating AU. Bluesey) -Ask the question (Post-TRK. Gansey is psychic) -Dark Shadows (Pre-TRK. Gansey goes for a drive) -Talking to You (Pre-TRB. Helen and Gansey) -And the damage makes you want to hide (Wingfic. Gansey) -Old Friends (Gansey defends Ronan) -The Fallibility of Memory (Pre-TRB. Noah and Gansey discuss how they met) The Stormlight Archive -I’m safe inside the light, so go on do your worst Part 4 (WoK AU. Elhokar swears to the first Ideal in WoK) Throne of Glass -Then let’s try our very best to fake it outtake (post-KoA Dorian angst)
On My Main Blog: Curse Workers -What You Don’t Know… (AU, the Sharpe brothers stick together) The Folk of the Air -But Iron–Cold Iron–is master of them all (Cardan whump) -Feels like we’re on the edge right now (TWK AU. Balekin survives; Roiben is not happy) -Every Step of the Way (Pre-TWK. Jude tries to make Cardan get up) -Stalemate (QoN speculation. Jude and Cardan argue.) -Honesty (QoN speculation. Jude and Cardan) Haikyuu! -Afterwards (Season 3 Oikawa angst) The Raven Cycle -Something in the air’s not right today  Part 1|Part 2 (tired, stressed-out Gansey) -People Who Can Breathe (Declan whump, Matthew is almost unmade) -These are the things, the things we lost (Declan centric, fire alarms go off in the Aglionby dorms) Shadowhunters -Were it not that I Have Bad Dreams (Jace at Simon and Jordan’s apartment in CoFA) -I walk a lonely road the only one that I have ever known (LoS AU. Livvy and Julian) -Now that I know the darkest side of me (CoG. Jace wants a hug.) -Certain Dark Things (Post-CoFA. Jace and Sebastian) -All of my memories (Pre-CoB. Clary and the Sight) -Concept for a fic where Jace doesn’t go to live with the Lightwoods -Help me piece it all together, darling, before it falls apart Clary|Jace (Post-CoHF. Clary and Jace) Grishaverse -If You’re Gone, Maybe it’s Time to Come Home Part 1|Part 2|Part 3|Part 4 (Fightingverse. Post-CK. Kaz angst) -I’m Holding On; Why is Everything so Heavy? (Heavyverse. Modern AU featuring Kaz) -The Only Thing You Can Change is Your Name (Heavyverse. assassin!Darkling) -I was younger then, take me back to when I found my heart and broke it here (Fightingverse. Post-CK. Nina returns to Ketterdam) -Business as Usual (Fightingverse. Post-CK. Kaz does something stupid) -One Villain, Two Villain (Fightingverse. Post-CK. Post-BaU. Kaz and Inej discuss threats) -Ketterdam Waits for No One (Fightingverse. Post-CK. Pre-Kaz and Nina Bonding Fic. Jesper tries to keep Kaz inside) -It’s late and you’re still staring at the light (Post-CK-ish. Kaz and Inej at the Slat) Star Wars -Brave Girl (ROTS AU) -Last Breath (post-ROTS one-shot) -Capable (Anakin sickfic) -And if You Asked Me if I Love Him, I’d Lie (Jedi!Padme AU) -Things Unsaid (Obitine one-shot) The Stormlight Archive -I’m safe inside the light, so go on do your worst Part 1|Part 2|Part 3 (WoK AU. Elhokar swears to the first Ideal in WoK) Throne of Glass -A Better World (basically post-KoA. Tired, loopy Nesryn, Sartaq, Hasar and Kashin. Literally fluff) -Then let’s try our very best to fake it (post-KoA. Dorian and Manon) The Wrath and the Dawn -Miles to go before I sleep (Sleep deprived Khalid hallucinates Ava) Zankyou no Terror/Terror in Resonance  -See Who I Am, Break Through the Silence (slight AU of Episode 10) Unique Fic Tags:  (So you can find me rambling about specific things if you want. If I talk about a fic here, it has a unique tag, but I’m too lazy to put them all in here right now.) #gvbigbang fic (the fic I wrote for the Grishaverse Big Bang) #fightingverse (a post-CK SoC series I’m working on) #the roiben ficTM (a fic about Roiben from the Modern Faerie Tales that I’ll hopefully write someday) #darkling on parem fic (a hypothetical fic about the Darkling getting addicted to jurda parem that I really hope I’m never crazy enough to attempt writing) #trc tdm crossover fic (an idea for a crossover of the Raven Cycle and the Darkest Minds which might get written someday) #the tommy freddie ada and their issues fic (a pre-season 2 Peaky Blinders fic) #original wip 1 (the first of the two novels I’m working on. You’ll probably never heard specific details about this one.) #claustrophobic tommy fic (a peaky blinders request about Tommy having claustrophobia.)
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Dating Charlie Burns Headcanons
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🚨You’re likely joining patrol with him whenever you can. He appreciates the company, even if Chase is butting in and embarrassing him. He’s flustered and trying to keep cool while attempting to get Chase to quiet down, it can be quite amusing!
🚨Going fishing! Charlie’s a father of four (and basically the whole island) so he can be extremely patient. He’d love for you to join him and this probably becomes a regular way for you two to get some alone time (even if sometimes you’re conversing more than fishing).
🚨Other dates include drive arounds (in the old cruiser without Chase), hiking, cafe and/or dinner dates…
🚨Agree to any picnic or backyard grab-and-growl you get invited to. Let this man grill for you! He’s a great cook. Maybe make something yourself and bring it over to surprise him, he’ll be incredibly appreciative (and so will his children).
🚨Charlie’s in great shape for his age, but give the man a break. Insist on watching a movie together, cook for him, tidy a bit, maybe a shoulder massage? He’s humble, but he deserves to be fawned over. He might insist on helping out, but put your foot down at times and make him rest. You may not know it, but he’s lovingly watching you work from where he’s sitting.
🚨Seriously, pamper this guy. Once his kids have accepted that their father is dating again, they’re likely to tease him (all in good fun).
🚨A romantic relationship with Charlie isn’t going to be flashy. It’ll be homey and comfortable. Expect cuddles. His hands are calloused, but his touch is so gentle and full of experience.
🚨Charlie’s the type to surprise with gifts every now and then, flowers, snacks, or otherwise. Make sure he knows how grateful you are.
🚨PDA may be far and few between, but just in the way he looks at you, the way he smiles at you, you’ll know he loves you.
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ravingirls · 6 years
Ravin’ Girls Ep.9: Arbores Loqui Crappy Latine by Ravin' Girls: A Raven Cycle Podcast
Welcome to Episode 9, where we cover Chapters 25-26 of The Raven Boys!
A lot of language discussion in this one, which is terrible because neither of us speak Latin! (Please forgive Nievita’s terrible pronunciation.) The gang heads back to the mysterious wood, where they discover that Future-Ronan has left them a message on a rock: The Trees Speak (Really Crappy) Latin. Time travel! Mysterious entities! Puking ghosts! Real talk! And stick around to experience to the Ultimate MVC Rumble, the Brodown Hoedown Showdown!!
MINI-DEEP DIVE: Why the Latin is so terrible
Subscribe at: https://ravingirls.podiant.co or wherever you get your podcasts, and please comment, rate, or review!
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Next Episodes: 3/15/18 -- SPECIAL EPISODE covering the Opal short story released in The Raven King paperback 4/5/18-- Ravin’ Girls Episode 10, covering chapters 27-30 of TRB Past Episode Guide: https://ravingirls.tumblr.com/episodes
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Links to Articles, Websites, and Other Discussions:
Skin hunger: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/lifetime-connections/201501/skin-hunger-why-you-need-feed-your-hunger-contact
Water in feng shui: http://openspacesfengshui.com/feng-shui-tips/2014/12/water-element-feng-shui-shapes-colors-part-5/
Rosetta Stone: http://www.ancientegypt.co.uk/writing/rosetta.html
Maggie’s tweet about learning shitty latin from the Raven Cycle: https://twitter.com/mstiefvater/status/696726830741594112
Ronan’s/Cabeswater’s Latin is graded: http://dicaxasinus.tumblr.com/post/116672321477/i-recently-had-the-series-the-raven-cycle
“Caber” root word: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/caber#Galician
Photos of the the Lake District: https://www.google.com/search?q=lake+district+uk&safe=off&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjuq8LogMrZAhUL0GMKHZlmCTEQ_AUICygC
Maggie explains why the Latin is crappy: http://maggie-stiefvater.tumblr.com/post/133806611826/hey-i-love-the-raven-cycle-its-a-great
Maggie tells a story about being a Latin student: http://maggie-stiefvater.tumblr.com/post/109976107566/hi-big-fan-just-wanted-to-say-that-i-find-it
“Waren” root word: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/waren
Genus loci tweet from Maggie: https://twitter.com/mstiefvater/status/961610592833458176
Meaning of “amabo te”: https://classics.osu.edu/Undergraduate-Studies/Latin-Program/Wheelock/sententiae-unit-5
Maggie’s ReCaptains page for The Raven Boys: http://recaptains.co.uk/2013/09/the-raven-boys-by-maggie-stiefvater/
Sad Charlie Brown Parody (Arrested Development): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHwpw4jscQ8
Links to digital copies of the Opal short story:
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Raven-Cycle-Story-Maggie-Stiefvater-ebook/dp/B079MFCV2B
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Maggie_Stiefvater_Opal_a_Raven_Cycle_Story?id=wsxKDwAAQBAJ&hl=en
Barnes and Noble: https://www2.barnesandnoble.com/w/opal-maggie-stiefvater/1127941159?type=eBook
Announcements: Nievita will be at Emerald City Comic Con from March 1st-4th, email [email protected] if you will be there as well!
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The Raven Cycle and all affiliated properties (The Raven Boys, The Dream Thieves, Blue Lily, Lily Blue, and The Raven King) are copyright Maggie Stiefvater and Scholastic, Inc. The Ravin’ Girls reference these properties for the purpose of literary analysis.
Intro and Outro music by Damiano Baldoni, used under CC Attribution License: http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Damiano_Baldoni/Lost_Dinasty/
Christmas Time Is Here by Vince Guaraldi Trio (1965 Charlie Brown Christmas Special) used under parody.
The original tracks have been edited for the podcast.
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theputterer · 6 years
fandom tag(?) thing
tagged by @callioope
Choose any three fandoms (in a random order) and answer the questions, then tag some friends.
I’m choosing:
Star Wars
Harry Potter
the Raven Cycle
the first character you loved:
Harry, probably
Adam, I think
the character you never expected to love so much:
Neville, probably
the character you relate to the most:
the Cassian from the Nonsense? i mean i Get him
C-3PO for constantly flipping out?
nah i’m R2-D2
or Charlie, in that I am on the sidelines?
but very bookish; Hermione. not smart enough tho
I would die for Harry
Ronan, in that I too love Adam Parrish and Can’t Express It
JK: Blue, maybe
no wait Henry
in that I too love Ronan and eating things
also i have hooves for feet
the character you’d slap:
Kylo Ren, for Leia
Snape, for Neville
Piper, for Humanity
three favorite characters (in order of preference):
Leia Organa, Cassian Andor, Obi-Wan Kenobi
this order is debatable
Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood, Minerva McGonagall
this order is debatable
Adam Parrish, Ronan Lynch, Blue Sargent
nah this order is pretty set in stone
a character you liked at first but don’t anymore:
I mean I assume i liked him once
lol Dumbledore
he’s a very good character, but that guy...
TRB: whoa, that’s so sad! he died!
TRK: man fuck that guy! he screwed up his kids so bad!
a character you did not like at first but now do:
Lando, probably
he betrayed Han and Leia! but then fought in the Rebellion. we’re good now
was mostly “meh”, and then UGH, and now I get why he is the way he is
IDK i’m still mostly indifferent to Noah?? i’m the worst??
three otps:
Han and Leia, all day every day
I think Arthur and Molly had the best relationship in HP
Calla x Drinks
tagging @magalis @i-am-slain @oziahmidwinter @lisa-in-the-sky @fortysevenswrites @illuminahsti @roguewrath @castiellover77 @gloriouswhisperstyphoon and anyone else who wants to do this and who i am forgetting like the True Moron i am
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metalindex-hu · 3 years
Mobilmánia – Bajnok & Zefi 40 év (2020)
Mobilmánia – Bajnok & Zefi 40 év (2020) - https://metalindex.hu/2021/01/04/mobilmania-bajnok-zefi-40-ev-2020/ -
Amikor betettem a lejátszónkba a Mobilmánia új korongját azon morfondíroztam, hogy a Fémforgácson lenne-e helye egy albumajánlónak. Egy ennyire ismert zenekarnak, bizonyos értelemben tét nélküli értékeléssel, miért lenne itt helye, amikor sokszor éppen az underground névtelenségből, ill. mítoszából szeretnénk a hallgatók elé tárni a számunkra nagyszerű alkotásokat a legkülönbözőbb metal/rock stílusokban?
Van helye és célja: pont a mondat második fele miatt. Végül is, az éternek ezen a fémesen csillogó felületén mindenki az általunk kedvelt stílus, a rockzene legkülönfélébb irányzataiért, a hard rocktól az ipari zene határát és a füleket is véresre súroló zenékig lelkesedünk és célunk megosztani másokkal is azt, ami szerintünk jó. A Mobilmániát, éppen a közös zenénk örökérvényűsége miatt, mára több generáció alkotja. Zenéjük emiatt is, több korosztálynak szól. A banda egy népes, a magyar rockzene útját kitaposó család tagja, azon a mára kiszélesedett sávon is kikerülhetetlen – legfeljebb félreugrasz, és benyitsz egy erről a folyosóról nyíló ajtón, ahol másik alműfaj koncertjére jutsz. Jóllehet, a Mobilmánia hazánk egyik népszerű bandája, ám ennek az elixírnek is jár egy díszes cégér: zenéjét ajánljuk baráti összejövetelekhez, fénypokolhoz és hangviharhoz. Végül pedig: a mára igen nagy táborrá vált magyar HR/HM-színtér népes csapatának ugyan „csak” egy része, így is közel negyven fős majdnem-all-star gárdája + további pop/rock énekesek szerepelnek az albumon, ezért 2020. fontos lemezei között mindenképpen megemlítendő.
Az előrendelt kiadvány megérkezte után a kiváló hangzásnak (és a hi-fi-nknek) köszönhetően hallhatta volna a zenét több szomszédunk is, ha tömbházban élnénk. Szinte kötelességem lett volna, hogy visszaadjak a társadalomnak a tartozásomból: én is így ismertem meg a fülemet a padlóra tapasztva – amikor az eszem megjött magától -, a csak 1 LP-vel, de megelőzően már három koncertszettel is tömegnek játszó P.Mobilt. Az én akkori szpotifájom, az alsó szomszéd, szalagról „osztotta meg”, lakásunkban is élvezhető hangerőn és csak a személyes találkozásunkkor kérhettem a lejátszási lista frissítését – de minek tettem volna? A jubileumi gyűjteményt megrendelve edzettük fülünket-lelkünket: éppen ~3 hete hallgattuk, hogy „’84-ben 10 Ft ez a dal”, majd Lóri megköszöni az akkori elmúlt-tíz-évet. És lám, itt vagyunk most, ~35 évvel később: a már akkor is ikonikus nóták egy részét a két veterán zenész és a köréjük gyűlt hatalmas csapat egy-két-három szám erejéig a követő évtizedek újabb közös zenekarainak (RockBand, TRB és persze a Mobilmánia) kiemelkedő dalaival játszották fel két csillogó korongra.
A következő évek újabb lemezeit várva a Bajnok & Zefi 40 év c. lemezt nem nevezném életmű-összefoglalónak, jóllehet annak is kiváló lenne. Inkább egy időszerű best of-nak az út hosszabb-rövidebb felén. Felsorolni is nehéz a sok-sok közreműködő énekes és hangszeres nevét, ezért inkább a füzetben szereplő listával illusztrálom.
Mindenkinek, aki a kezdetektől szereti e dalokat öröm olvasni a dalszerzők jól ismert neveit: olyanokét is, akik ma már nem játszanak, vagy nem játszhatnak együtt. A digipackos kiadvány füzetét Horváth Attila dalköltő sorai színesítik, nem kis terjedelemben. A sok-sok nagyszerű, még szórakoztatásában is magvas dalszöveghez képest ez az írás inkább személyesebb hangvételű – mégis ezreknek szól. Alkalmanként Zeffer Andrástól is hallhattunk-olvashattunk a személyes küzdelmeket költészetté formált gondolatok eredetéről.  Az albumot hallgatva mégis egy újabb mélységbe merülhetünk és tudatosul bennünk, hogy ez a kiadvány ezúttal több, mint zene és több, mint gondolat a szövegben.
A lemez szerkesztése, zenei rendezése rengeteg apró ötletet sorakoztat fel. Így az album dalai teljesen korszerűek, időszerűek. Mégis döbbenetes, hogy a Schuster Lóránt által jegyzett, abban a korban is társadalom kritikus P. Mobil-dalszövegek a későbbi éra Horváth Attila-verseivel együtt milyen érvényesek ma is. Az emberi létről szóló felvételek között egyszer felemelő, máskor szívszorító hallani a színtér több kiváló énekese által előadott érzelmeket, a minden értelemben kiválóan artikulált szövegeket.
Több alkalommal élőben is rácsodálkoztunk az egész (Vikidál Gyulával is tágabb) zenekar vokális képességeire. A két CD-n azonban jól szerkesztve, nem ugyanazok, de legalábbis nem ugyanúgy éneklik a dalokat, így azokat sem, amiket a ’Mániában Zefi, vagy Bajnok adnak elő. Néhány éve, mint rajongót (többünket), „az a szerencse ért”, hogy a rendkívüli igényességgel kidolgozott, a power metalt a neo-klasszikus HM-mel ötvözve játszó Avenford énekese, Gamsz Árpád a Mobilmánia mikrofonja mögé állt. Az aréna-koncertes debütálása (!) óta vártam, hogy néhány, most általa is lemezre énekelt régi dalt korongon hallhassunk.
A nem kronológiai sorrendben listázott dalok között egyszerűen nincs üresjárat! Csak a különleges pillanatokat próbálhatom meg kiemelni. Rögtön a ’70-es évek hangulatát idéző játékkal, Hammond-dal és ráterülő vonósszőnyeggel indul a Mobilizmo, ami abban a pillanatban HM-es zengésre vált, amint Kalapács József érces hangja betölti a teret. A Gamsz Árpi által énekelt Metálmániára már azt is kihallom, hogy a gitárok néha pontosan úgy szólnak, mint mondjuk Bencsik Samu, vagy Sáfár Vilmos kezében, de többségében tudatosan máshogy, ahogy Nusser Ernőtől, vagy alkalmanként Árpitól megszoktuk… ám a hangszeres sosem választ könnyű középutat, a zenészek nem játszanak arra, hogy majd a jól ismert dal maga viszi el a hátán a zenét.
Egy-egy felvétel új értelmet nyer, amint más adja elő. Így a Keresztes Ildikó énekével színesített Valakire gondoltam, vagy az Eddásra szabott, Pataky Attila elénekelte Bárhová magaddal viszel is. Ez utóbbiban a lágy és kemény tónusok között olyan karcos hangok jelennek meg, amik nem voltak hallhatók az eredetiben. Keresztes Ildikó pedig oly pontosan énekli minden frazírozás nélkül a dallamkotta megfelelő hangjait, mint tán a saját lemezeinek legjobb dalaiban. Szívszorító hallani Balázs Fecó előadásában A tegnap itthagyott c. tételt, mint ahogy a Keresztes Ildikóval előadott későbbi duettben is (Bárcsak tudnánk vigyázni rád). Ezt hallgatva tűnik fel, milyen sok dal szól a távozásról, az elmúlás közelsége okozta bizonytalanság érzéséről és mégis… a végén mind valamiféle feloldást hordoz. És kezdem érteni vélni a dalok sorrendjének szerkesztését, ami mintha érzelmi fel-lehullámzással egyensúlyozna az emberi érzések háborgása-gomolygása és a mindennapok felemelő pillanatai között. Majdnem hinném, hogy az Öregesen, ahogy jók esik nem szólhat így Ferótól, ám pont a napokban láttam az A38-ason adott akusztikus bulijukat (hisz műholdra néz a mi ablakunk is), és nincs bennem kétkedés, hogy a Nemzet… (khm) örökifja ilyen kijózanítóan hasítón énekel egy Mobilmánia-dalt.
Nem meglepetés, hogy egy mindössze ~tizednyi „Horváth Attila-életmű” lemezen a hétköznapokról maga Charlie is énekel. És nem tekintem kakukktojásnak Szandi kiváló énekét sem. Bár nem követem az ő munkásságát, ezen a korongon olyan találóan adja elő az eredetileg Stulával játszott Utak filmjét, hogy elképzelem alatta a filmkockákat… Ugyanígy hiteles előadás a Zeffer András és Szirota Jennifer által közösen énekelt duett (Ha szeretnél ma még).
Mint a koncerteken, úgy a lemezen is feltűnik Tunyogi Péter, egy olyan dalban (Szárnyakon szédülő), amit nehezen tudnék elképzelni nélküle. Ezúttal egy Morricone-zenével színesített filmnek egy mediterrán kisváros napfényes teraszán játszódó fekete-fehér jelenetei alatt halljuk őt. Az albumon Zefi és Bajnok éneke mellett Varga Miklós, Sipos Péter, Roy és Szolnoki Péter előadását is élvezhetjük. Hangjuk rendkívül jellegzetes, mégis szinte csak erre a korongra való ez az előadásuk. Paksi Endre dalválasztása azonban annyira találó, hogy az általam nagyra tartott újabb érás fekete-fehér-bordó-kék Ossian-lemezek bármelyikén megállná a helyét. Mondom őskövület Ossian-rajongóként, ha Endre jellegzetesen kissé bizonytalan hangját (ezért is szeretem) vastag és átható vokál is támogatja. Aki szereti a magyar dallamos rockzenét, nem fog csalódni Kálmán György, Nyerges Attila, Kozma Tamás, Kiss Zoltán, és természetesen Rudán Joe és Vikidál Gyula előadását hallva. S ha valaki Takáts Tamástól hallgatja először a meglehetősen ironikus Asszonyt akarok c. szocialista-realista férfisoviniszta ál(?)himnuszt, alig hinné, hogy ez nem egy kicsit későbbi korban, egy TT(D)BB-korongon jelent meg először!
A hangszereken játszó gárda is legalább ezer lemezen szerepelt már, de nem csak ennek a szorgalmas gyakorlásnak köszönhető, hogy lenyűgöző gitárfutamokat hallunk. Cserfalvi “Töfi” Zoltán, Kispál Balázs, Csillag Endre “Csuka”, Závodi Janó, Lukács Peta, Bogdán Csaba, Alapi István, Szijártó Zsolt, a már említett Ernő és Árpi dalról-dalra adják a legszebb hangokat, hogy mindegyikük a maga jellegzetes előadásában tolmácsolja nekünk, akár a szólót, akár a ritmust. Mindez alig érne valamit Kékesi “Bajnok” László és Donászy Tibor kettőse nélkül. Játékuk több dalban is figyelmet érdemel, ahogy több dalnak – nincs helyem felsorolni, helyette ld. a csatolt képet – új színt adtak a hol feszesebb, hogy játékosabb elővezetésükkel (Nekem az Asszonyt akarok, Oh Yeah és Bor, zene… c. dalokban tetszik a leginkább, talán mert itt a legvidámabb az összhatás.) A fekete-fehér billentyűkért rajongó hallgatóként pedig ki nem hagyhatom Zeffer András játékának megemlítését. Annyira emberi volt látni ahogy az Aréna-koncert közepén az egyik dalnak többször nekifutott, hogy az a futam pont úgy szóljon, ahogy a korongon. Ezt a hitelességet látom-hallom, ahogy a két CD-n a sokszínű hangzást próbálom befogadni a Hammond-tól, a ’80-as évek szintetizátor hangzásán, vagy nagyszenekari vonósokon át a hangversenyzongora zengéséig. Végül pedig: a hangmérnökök sora is tekintélyes (ld. a csatolt képek egyikét).
Persze, lesznek, akiknek hiányérzetük támad, mert néhány ikonikus dalt a messzi távolból, vagy közvetlenül a ’Mánia előttről kénytelenek vagyunk az eredeti lemezekről hallgatni (OK, nem nagy kényszer). De ez csak az az érzés, amikor az ünnepi asztalnál vettünk már minden jóból, ám mégis maradt a tálon. Számomra a legszebb meglepetés az Óra körbejár. A két lemez többszöri csúcspontjai között ez a második korong második dala. A Kiss Zoltán énekelte tétel messze nem csak a dramaturgiai tovább lendítést szolgálja. Már évtizedek óta öröm hallgatni, hogy az a hosszú pillanat, amiről akkor hittük, hogy végleg elmúlt (ti.: amikor nincs már füst a víz felett… stb.), aztán a ’90-es években az élőzenés rockzene mélyrepülésekor újra sirattuk…, mégis, még évtizedeken át megmaradt és megmarad. A két korong egyszerre időkapszula és a Mobilmánia élettel teli legfrissebb lemeze. Minden elismerés megilleti a két ünnepeltet és valamennyi társát, akik az albumon szerepelnek. A szemfülesek előrendelhették a lemezt, így dedikált példányt kaphattak kézhez. Én is ilyen szerencsés vagyok.
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kari3622-blog · 5 years
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The Art Farmer Septet ‎– The Art Farmer Septet (Plays The Arrangements Of Gigi Gryce And Quincy Jones) アート・ファーマーのデビュー・アルバム! 1955年前後モダン・ジャズの前期で、渋めのマニア受けするアルバム3枚目は、意外と知られていないこの名盤。 New York City and Van Gelder Studio, Hackensack, New Jersey録音、オリジナルは #PrestigeRecords (LP-7031)、本盤はOJC-054(MONO)。Prestigeお得意の全く別の2セクション、ライナーも別。 Side 1は... #ArtFarmer (tp) #JimmyCleveland (trb) #CliffSolomon (ts) #OscarEstell (bs) #QuincyJones (p) #MonkMontgomery (elb) #SonnyJohnson (ds) Recorded by #DougHawkins Supervision by #IraGitler Arranged by Quincy Jones 1953年7月2日録音。当時のビッグバンドの中には、縛られずに自由な時に自分の音楽を追求する若いミュージシャンが多かったそうです。本作の面々は録音当時、ライオネル・ハンプトンのオーケストラのメンバー。そんなメンバーによる創造性に富んだ若々しい実験的な演奏の典型が本作。彼らを成功に導いたのがクインシー・ジョーンズのアレンジ。今聴けば、ハイブリッドなジャズですね。 録音評ですが... 50年代前半の音質は、ダイナミック・レンジは大体狭く温かい音質。当然MONOですが、非常に分解能に優れたアルバムもあり、本作はその良い例。MONOの技術が極められていて、素晴らしい。包まれたいならShure SC35C、クリアに聴きたいのならGrado MC+ MONOです。 アフロ・キューバンの"Mau Mau" 、アート・ファーマーの美しい名演"Work Of Art"、スウィングブルース"The Little Bandmaster"、 Gigi Gryceが手掛けた"Up In Quincy's Room"。この4曲は、Monk Montgomeryのエレクトリック・ベースの初期録音で、当時としては先鋭的で個性的な演奏にも注目だと。 一方Side 2は... Art Farmer (tp) Jimmy Cleveland (trb) #CharlieRouse (ts) #DannyBank (bs) #HoraceSilver (p) #PercyHeath (b) #ArthurTaylor (ds) Arranged by #GigiGryce Recorded by #RudyVanGelder Supervision by #BobWeinstock Note by Ira Gitler 1954年6月7日、Side 1の約1年後の録音。Art Farmerは別のグループを結成、Gigi Gryceの楽曲とアレンジ、Quincy Jonesの楽曲、それぞれ2曲ずつを収録。 メロディー・スウィンガーの"Wildwood"(Gigi Gryce)は元々スタン・ゲッツが紹介したもので、Art Farmer (tp), Jimmy Cleveland (trb), Charlie Rouse (ts)の短編。"Evening In Paris"(Quincy Jones)は、ナット・ヘントフが「ノスタルジックなバラード」として絶賛、同感、盤イチです。"Elephant Walk"(Quincy Jones)はファンキーでスイング。"Tia Juana"(Gigi Gryce)はアフロ・キューバン。これらの4曲は最初は78rpmでリリースされたもので、やはり音質はSide 1同様、分解能に優れた申し分のない音質。 演奏は、MJQのPercy Heath (b)、ピアノはJMのHorace Silverが参加に注目。様々な形で新しいジャズへ挑戦する姿勢が見られるところが面白いですね。私は、Side 2が好きです。 最後に、ジャケットのイラストは #DonMartin (ドン・マーティン)。全米漫画家協会特集賞(1981,1982年)、2004年漫画本の殿堂入り。Prestigeでジャズ・アルバムを数枚手掛けているのは有名で、本作は彼が隆盛を極める初期の作品としても貴重。 #jazz #fuzey #vinyl #jazzvinyl #vinylcollection #jazzrecords #recordcollection #ジャズ #スイングジャーナル #レコード ※作品を知り、ジャズの素晴らしさを伝えたい。様々なソースをアレンジ、先輩諸氏に感謝。 https://www.instagram.com/p/B5MTzasJxWC/?igshid=llkna5l0f1kx
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Concluso il lungo periodo Carnevalesco con le sue feste in maschera, le sfilate di carri ed i balli sfrenati. Un Febbraio all’insegna di tormentoni e sorrisi in pieno stile tradizionale, che tanto caratterizza il nostro lungo stivale.
“La vita è troppo breve per non essere italiani”. Paese ombelico del mondo, con le sue bellezze, la sua storia, la sua arte e la sua straordinaria capacità di genio. La Capannina continua il suo ricco calendario eventi con un party a tema dedicato alle caratteristiche più incisive del nostro bel paese. Un vero e proprio tributo italiano, che vedrà coinvolte scenografie sul palco, animazione e costumi, luci, proiettori e design in pieno stile sin dall’apertura (ore 21:00) del Ristorante Capannina, con i gustosi e raffinati menù degustazione dello Chef Davide Romagnoli.
In sala centrale grande spazio alla musica live con il ritorno sul celebre palco della Capannina della Dangerous Band. ” Sono contento che ci siano ancora serate di musica live di ottimo livello – spiega il patron Gherardo Guidi , mantenere uno spirito tradizionale rende la Capannina ancor più affascinante ” .  Ma non finisce qui perché sul palco si alterneranno tante altre sorprese e notevoli professionisti musicali come il violinista Francesco Carmignani, Claudio Fabiani al Sax e spazio in console al noto dj toscano Paolo Ferrari con i suoi ritmi calzanti. Immancabile alla console della Capannina come ogni sabato il talentuoso dj e produttore Charlie Dee e frontman del progetto Broswave.
Ma lo spettacolo non finisce qua, al Piano Bar, continua la festa con le raffinate selezioni musicali di Stefano Natali dj. Ritmi selezionati che si alterneranno con l’inconfondibile voce di Stefano Busà che ripercorrerà la storia della musica a tinte tricolore fino alle prime luci dell’alba. Il mattatore ormai celebre riferimento delle sette note nostrane in tutta la penisola con un pizzico di nostalgia e tanta carica nell’inconfondibile voce, sarà compagno fedele del suo pubblico per tutta la notte.
I dettagli dell’evento sono consultabili sulla pagina Facebook Capannina: https://www.facebook.com/lacapanninafortedeimarmi I ticket per gli eventi sopracitati, che garantiscono accesso prioritario (eludendo la fila), sono già disponibili ai seguenti link:
https://www.ticketsms.it/location/lacapannina https://www.liveticket.it/lacapanninadifranceschi Si ricorda, inoltre, che sempre dalle ore 21:00 sarà comunque attivo il classico servizio ristorante Capannina, con i piatti guidati dall’apprezzatissimo chef Davide Romagnoli. E dopo cena, per tutti gli ospiti del ristorante, l’ingresso in discoteca è incluso nel prezzo.
Per qualunque informazione il servizio clienti della Capannina è disponibile tutti i giorni dalle ore 10 alle ore 19 ai numeri 0584.80169 o 371.3799456 o anche via mail all’indirizzo [email protected]. Per seguire tutti gli aggiornamenti sugli eventi del locale è possibile scaricare la nuova App Capannina disponibile gratuitamente su App Store e Google Store, sul sito www.lacapanninadifranceschi.com o monitorare la pagina Facebook La Capannina Forte dei Marmi.
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