#trc outtakes
crimeronan · 5 months
i read the MI outtake and i can't post much about it because getting unexpected new hennessy POV made me feel like i was gonna actually puke but i WILL say i am LIVING for ronan staring down a member of the fey like "ohhh hey cuz, i'm you :)" while hennessy and bryde BOTH regard him like a husky that's about to howl. these poor fucking sods white-knucklng their car seats like ronan so fucking help me god. ronan So Help Me God. ronan. ronan look at me. DO NOT WOOF.
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joejhang · 3 days
i think adam parrish should get to be even more of a cunt. as a treat.
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dykenav · 3 months
one thing about me is I may go MIA on here for months but I will ALWAYS show up to the party for unhinged fandom shenanigans
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imeminemp3 · 2 years
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do not fucking text
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lizpaige · 5 months
omg i love your pynch from declan pov fic soo much!! i just read the snippet and it made me even more curious abt the next chapter<3
anon!!! thank you so much! so glad people are liking it. i just LOVE outside pov fics and i love the lynch bros so its a win win. been fun to explore writing declan for a change as well!
anyways i just had a breakthru last night and am furiously writing the next chapter. if you want to know a little more about chapter two, keep reading ⬇️
second chapter will be three stories, all set post greywaren, but pre-epilogue. i have a call down the hawk story that might be an outtake if I ever finish it, but it just didn’t seem to fit well in the whole story. i like chapter 1 being all post-trc canon and chapter 2 being all post-tdt canon.
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attivilo · 1 month
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robobee · 2 years
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dreamertrilogys · 2 years
trc + dreamer trilogy outtakes: pdf & epub files
hi so i compiled and typed up all the trc and dreamer trilogy outtakes/deleted scenes etc that i could find in an easy to read format (special thanks to @astudyinfreewill for the most comprehensive masterpost of trc deleted scenes that i could find)
here’s the PDF FILE and here’s an EPUB VERSION <3
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ronanessy · 3 years
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killingsboys · 4 years
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i am once again thinking 😐
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creativefiend19 · 4 years
Aglionby Kisses
It was the end of the first school day after winter break - and it had been a supremely shitty day so far.
Adam trudged away from the student parking lot, where the shitbox had lain in state since that morning.
He had coaxed it and cajoled it and managed to somehow wrestle it into a parking space, where it had promptly flopped down and died. A few last white puffs had billowed from it in the freezing cold, like an extinguished dragon. 
So the morning had started off kind of shitty, but that in itself wasn’t such a surprise. The car had been christened shitbox for a reason.
School had really started sucking after the second period, when he hadn’t gotten a perfect score on the surprise Advanced Math test. As a result of those two missing points (Two whole points! It was so careless of him. Not that it would affect his perfect 4.0 but still), he had completely forgotten to figure out a solution to his car troubles.
He needed to clock in punctually at work or he’d lose pay. The factory was not like Boyd’s. He had a six hour shift, and then had to write a whole History paper for tomorrow - holiday homework that he’d forgotten about.
"You're making stupid mistakes today, Parrish," he yelled at himself silently, spittle flying everywhere. He dragged his mind away by the collar before things got ugly and pushed it towards thinking about solutions instead.
He looked heavenwards, as if asking for a miracle, and squinted, dazzled. The white sky was pregnant with precipitation. Because of course it was. In a surreal echo of his thoughts, a group of students passed him talking about snow, and skiing in Zermatt and Tignes.
For once, Adam was glad no one had asked him what he had done.
Because - he had spent the vacation charting the unexplored slopes of Ronan Lynch’s body.
Ronan. He could’ve messaged Ronan from Gansey’s phone. Of course, he could just ask Gansey for a lift. Except ... yes, Gansey had a Debate Club competition today. Goddamnit. Adam ran a despairing hand through his hair.
It was too far to walk, especially in this weather. He was out of options.
Adam seriously considered whether frostbite and losing wages was preferable to Tad’s company for half an hour. He had a standing invite for a lift. He really couldn't afford to fall sick, but ... Tad Carruthers.
Adam knew he would have to grind his teeth every time Tad ground the gears in his sweet six-speed Miata. Not only was Adam offended as a mechanic, it was an unbearable sound to someone accustomed to Ronan’s silky smooth driving. This was not even considering his inane idiotic chatter. 
Truly, almost anything was better than being trapped in a car with Carruthers - even pneumonia.
Dammit. What was the point of being the Magician if he couldn’t conjure Ronan up when he really needed him?
Suddenly, the sea of students before him parted for a biblical second and he saw a vision of Ronan Lynch. He was leaning against the BMW, hands in the pockets of his vintage bomber jacket, looking god-like and grown-up and glamorous amidst all the uniformed fledglings.
Adam stopped in disbelief, holding up the people behind him.
But no. It wasn’t magic. Or a mirage.
It was a miracle.
Ronan Lynch was here, at Aglionby.
When their eyes met, Ronan’s face softened into amusement at Adam’s bewilderment. It was probably the first time on the school grounds that Ronan Lynch had genuinely smiled, without a snarl or smirk implicit behind it.
Adam walked up to him, grinning like the idiot he was, ridiculously pleased out of all proportion. Then, as if it was the most natural thing in the world, he cupped the back of Ronan’s head and fitted their mouths together.
He hadn’t even consciously thought about it.
To see Ronan was to kiss him. It was that simple.
And Adam’s mind, that had been berating him on repeat for the past six hours over two incorrect answers, was now blissfully silent.
Adam forgot about his car. He forgot about the factory. He certainly wasn't wondering how Ronan was here. Or where Here was.
All he was conscious of was the satisfying press of his boyfriend’s tall, beautiful body, and their tongues sliding hot and wet against each other.
“Does everyone feel like this?” Adam thought vaguely, as Ronan licked sweetly into his mouth, fingers fisted in his hair, “How does anything get done, when this exists?”
He anchored Ronan more firmly to the BMW with his hips, arching his body temptingly.
It was only when the wolf whistles had grown loud enough to pierce his love-hazed brain that he realised where they were. 
Adam looked back instinctively and saw navy overcoats wearing a variety of expressions staring back at him - from disgusted to disbelieving to disappointed. 
Holy shit. No doubt about it - Adam Parrish was being all kinds of stupid today.
Ronan simply whispered, ‘Good. Let ‘em know you’re taken', and planted a quick, pleased kiss against Adam’s embarrassingly flushed neck.
Adam tried to ignore the stares boring into his skull as he took a blessedly short walk of shame to the passenger side.
“How?” he asked cryptically, buckling his seatbelt.
“Gansey,” Ronan replied, equally succinct, as he put on his aviators with an elegant flick of his wrist.
He handed Adam a bag full of steaming Irish Butte pasties - a Lynch family recipe and Adam’s favourite work meal.
With a contented sigh, Adam Parrish relaxed into this sexy car, with his sexy boyfriend, who took off with a sexy squeal of tyres, happily uncaring as the student body erupted into scandal behind them.
His shitty day had improved.
Outtake from Chapter 13, In One Piece
(Check out St.Agnes Nights - Outtake #2)
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olreid · 5 years
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joejhang · 6 days
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dykenav · 2 years
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deadlyanddelicate · 4 years
Hey! Just wanted to say I appreciate your trc outtakes post and that I have a few that you missed in my “deleted scenes” tag if you wanted to add them to whatever tag you use for easy finding 😊
hey there! thank you so much for pointing this out. i have checked your tag, and i think the scenes i missed where the gwenllian one and the one with gansey’s dad? so i have added those two to the masterpost (with credit to you of course), i hope that’s okay 😊
i haven’t added the adam POV snippet yet, because i’m still holding on to hope that it wasn’t simply deleted but rather moved into the second book, since we know there’s an adam arc upcoming... but if it ends up not making it to print, i’ll add it of course! i might need to make a separate post for dreamer trilogy deleted scenes though 🤔
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ellipsea · 5 years
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an outtake from my recent fic (green is so green) that didn’t make the cut for being too sad
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