#tron legacy style ending
ourrechte-blog · 2 years
Without a Link in Hyrule
This is spawned from a discussion about Link deciding to stay on Soul Calibur earth and his kid going to Hyrule in his place. I said that the idea also works for Termina and Koholint, so…
The world shook. The heavens boomed. And a child cowered in her mother's arms as the waves crashed against the boat they occupied. "Mother, I'm scared," the child cried.
Her mother just held onto her as tight as she could. "I know," the woman soothed. "I know things are scary, but you need to be brave," she says, gently rubbing the child's back. "Right now, your father's fighting to save you."
"You mean us," the child corrected. The woman held a sad smile and shook her head, there were slight tears in her eyes. "No, just you."
The child was confused, before her mother elaborated to the child, despite the raging storm around them. "Human. Monster. Sea. Sky. A scene on the lid of a sleeper's eye. Awake the dreamer and Koholint will vanish much like a bubble on a needle…" her mother spoke.
"W-what?" she asked after hearing it.
"This island… no, this entire world exists within a dream,” the woman explains. “Link explained it to me his plan. And I agree with it. Your father and I won't survive this. But if everything goes well, you will," she says forlornly.
"Mother!" The girl screamed, pointing at a mountain shattering. The woman turns her gaze towards the cataclysm before returning her attention to her child. "Your father and I love you," she says, as she braces for the finale.
"Wait!" the child cried. "What is it?" her mother asked. "Sing. One last time," she begged.
"Of course," her mother says soothingly and, taking the child's hand in her own, sang one last time. "Sleepers wake…"
The child closed her eyes as her mother's song drowned out the world ending around them. The rocking of the boat no longer registered as she succumbed to darkness.
When she regained awareness, she found herself clinging to driftwood. Among her mother's last words were to be brave. So she tried her hardest to not cry.
She failed, but salty tears were hardly noticeable among the salty waters of the sea, and still managed to collect the supplies that had fallen overboard.
"I'm scared," she whispered to herself. "I want them back," she wept. "I can't do this without you. Mother, Father," she begged as the sky darkened around her. Surprised, she looked up, dreading another storm only to find a large fish like creature flying above her and a familiar melody echoed through the air. Her eyes were wide as the Wind Fish soared through the air, its ballad-no, her mother’s song-accompanied it.
She sniffled and a sad smile formed on her face. "I won't forget either of you. And I'll think of you," she promised, imagining her parents looking down and watching over her.
“I’ll make you both proud. I’ll be a union of your songs,” she says to sky. “That’s why isn’t it?” she ponders. “That’s why you named me Medley.”
I have no plans to continue this since it’s not part of my actual fic
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qyrhan · 2 months
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Didn’t do much art wise today, so have these Rhys concept doodles I did a few days ago :]
[do not repost my art to other sites]
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3-inch-doodles · 11 months
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i haven't figured out how to get D0g in here yet but damn if he's not gonna be referenced!!! so Alyx gets a circuit pattern that resembles his face plate on her helmet
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artisanscarecrow · 6 months
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Back on my Tron nonsense, this time in my regular art style
Don't get me wrong, those no-lineart paintings were fun and all, but this is much more comfortable for me!
I saw this pose on Pinterest and thought: "Oooh! What a good Sam and Quorra drawing that would make!"
Because I do like other characters in this franchise, not just Tron, honest!
though he is my favorite I love him a lot ;-;
It's funny--- seeing the ads for Tron: Legacy as a kid, I thought Quorra was gonna be a character I'd hate. She looked like your typical "I'm not like other girls" female lead in an action movie. But I ended up really loving her in the movie! She was wide-eyed and curious, but also competent and determined! She's so precious!
I'll definitely have to do more drawings of her sometime.
Tron lives!
Drawn using Procreate.
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roykleinberg · 3 months
WAIT ANOTHER UNPOPULAR OPINION— and i want to preface that this is absolutely not a dig at anybody! just a trend ive seen on the tron ao3 side of things for the last couple years!
tronfic on ao3 is lacking every staple AU or trope! everyone is so caught up in writing uprising s2 fic or legacy continuations that there's literally none of the most basic AUs in the tron tag. AND IT MAKES ME SO SAD! tronfic needs to get a little more unserious!! it doesn't even need to be ship centric or nsfw— when was the last time someone wrote a college au? a fantasy au? any "tron characters in other media" au? a historical au???? pirates? vampires? COFFEE SHOP?!like, its not even my cup of tea at all, but i think it says something about how desperate our tron ao3 situation is that there isnt even an a/b/o au of some sort 😭 TRON FIC AUTHORS NEED TO HAVE FUN AGAIN!
Anonymous asked: this is tronfic anon again— basically i think the tronkinkmeme needs to come back. the person running the dumbtronaus blog is a goldmine for fun fic and yet no one is writing it :(
tron confessional with moss
unpopular counterpoint: I do not and have really never cared for au fic — aside from fairly basic canon divergence type stuff at least. and personally I’ve just never really gotten the appeal of things like college and coffee shop aus, or any of the other sillier / lighter / crackfic and adjacent premises 😬 it’s all just kinda boring to me. and maybe it’s judgy of me but any time I’ve tried to read au fic in any fandom it just ends up feeling so ooc to me it’s like reading about ocs and not the characters that I love in the situations that I love. I like expansions of canon moments, what-if style divergences, but at the end of the day I’m a simple reader and prefer things to stay relatively in line with what’s established
and I would assume — because it’s my thought process as a fic writer, at least — that people like their Uprising s2 and post-Legacy fics because there are so many big fat question marks in the Tron world that you can explore in so many different ways! I feel like a lot of those classic aus pop up more in fandoms that just. have more canon content? or fandoms for which the source material feels more finished / final. Tron fans are simply desperate for closure and I think that’s valid
but I’m also not here to be a gatekeeper of fic obviously lol. totally fair to want those things! and it’s always a little disappointing when the fic you want just doesn’t exist……… and that’s when you start writing your own because well might as well be the author you want to see in the world
thanks for giving me flashbacks to digging through both livejournal and dreamwidth for Tron/Ram crumbs though. ahhhhh the kink meme. simpler times
but major points off for almost making me curious enough to search for Tron a/b/o fic on a Friday night just to see if it exists. it has to exist. I refuse to believe that it doesn't. no fandom is safe
if someone else wants to fact check this for me I’ll owe you one
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3-inch-sam · 9 months
the only thing i know about tron comes from that south park episode so i just wanted to ask, whats tron about and should i watch it?? (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)
first of all this is hilarious because literally two days ago my brother sent me the article on Moses and we both discovered he was modeled after the MCP
Whether you should watch it is up to you! It's one of my special interests so I recommend it to basically everyone. If for nothing else, TRON 1982 is a work of pure art and passion and contributed a lot to film as an industry and how we handle CGI and VFX now.
It's about "what if the programs in your computer were actually people running around in there and they had their own little world?" and "All information should be free!!" This comes from the time when computers were just being integrated into everyday life so they were a little more newfangled and weird.
but to me it's also about "what if you met God and they were just like you. what if God was unaware of their own power. if your world started to collapse around you, what would you do? would you wait for the end? would you try to kill God for refusing to help you?"
If you want to get into it, start with the movies: TRON (1982) and Tron Legacy (2010). Then I'd suggest Tron Uprising, and if you want further lore you can go for the comics and games. Here's a way too comprehensive list of all the Tron stuff I have experience with!!
All Tron soundtracks are absolute bangers btw
Blue: canon to the current timeline
Green: non-canon to current timeline
in chronological order, we have
TRON (1982)- the original movie, establishing our world, characters, and themes.
Tron 2.0 (2003)- FPS sequel to the movie, following the son of two of the original protagonists of 1982. (this one kicked off my special interest! i played it during the first quarantine and it was all downhill from there)
Tron 2.0: Ghost in the Machine- a spinoff comic of 2.0. It's very strange and off putting at times, especially the art style after the second issue.
Tron: Evolution- the prequel game to Legacy, which takes place in November of 1989 and follows a brand new security program on the new Grid.
Tron: BETRAYAL- the prequel comic to Legacy, which gives some (imo) much needed context to character motivations.
Tron Uprising (2012-2013)- the prequel cartoon series to Legacy, follows a mechanic program. It's widely regarded as one of the most painful parts of the Tron universe because the series was never finished. It was cancelled during airing and the season finale never aired. It only has a single incomplete season, even though the story and animation were fantastic.
Tron Legacy (2010)- the sequel movie to 1982, which follows the son of the main protagonist of 1982.
Tron: Identity- the newly-released visual novel game that takes place in a separate Grid as Legacy, but the same timeline. It's pretty good!! Introduced the first non-binary character in Tron.
This is already way too long so I'll cap it there. thank you for the ask!!!
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muraski-yume · 7 months
3/4 Akira
I was so not ready for this. I'd heard about Akira early into my Japanese journey and based on the poster and the art style I guess I'd expected it to be something similar to Tron: Legacy with the whole cyberpunk dystopian world feel but wow.
Starting off the art style really gave me Scooby Doo and Spiderman comic vibes with the color pallet as well as how the background moves in one whole piece. Despite reading several explanations online because I'm still a bit fuzzy on the plot, some of my biggest takeaways were these.
Firstly, there's a constant sort of push and pull between who the "bad" guys are and who the "good" ones are. When the first child (Takashi) appeared I was instantly confused because he looked very old and he's fleeing something but then its revealed he actually likes the Colonel along with Kiyoko and Masaru so then I thought maybe the resistance man who was fleeing with him kidnapped him (I'm still unclear tbh). Theres also the side events of the two biker gangs so that was a bit confusing too. As for Akira itself? himself? he seems connected to the original bombing of old Tokyo so his body parts? are locked away but then he saves everyone after being resurrected by the 3 Espers?? OVERALL I WAS SUPER CONFUSED.
BUT it is obvious that good or bad the government is definitely responsible, doing all these experiments on these poor children who've been "thrown away" and then eliminating Akira for getting too powerful- yet another plot point that is wracking my brain. Akira is made out to be this otherworldly being locked away for the supposed greater good only to be revealed as this 10 year old? child the government essentially tortured. I do wonder why he wasn't old and wrinkly looking like the other 3 children as well as what the deal with the palm print numbers was. Because if Akira supposedly caused the old Tokyo bomb 30 years ago maybe the other kids still chronologically but not physically? Also I was not amused when the Colonel not so subtly admits the government basically tore Akira to pieces to study every part of him.
Despite the constant whiplash of side tangents I was really struck by the loyalty of Kaneda to Tetsuo, desperate to save him up until the very end. He is desperate to find him after he's taken to an undisclosed hospital and despite having multiple opportunities can't bring himself to actually take the kill-shot as Tetsuo is releasing Akira. He even jumps into the mass of flesh and metal to try to save Testuo.
Maybe the overall message is that we should be careful of our use of technology and value the people around us. I still thought it was very visually appealing and maybe by my 3rd or 4th watch I'll understand it better.
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nico-di-genova · 1 year
Things from Garrett’s panel at Megacon:
Said he crashes on Charlie’s Hunnam’s couch and that Charlie was the main motivator behind him starting to go to conventions.
Also explained he and Charlie are each others biggest supporters. Roles they audition for will usually come down to him, Charlie or some other guy. He said he and Charlie always hope one of them gets it, but it usually always ends up going to the other guy.
Joked about feeling inadequate compared to Charlie, because Charlie had shirtless photos at his booth that fans could get signed. Their booths were right next to each other too, so he said he was always looking over and just seeing the pictures.
Talked about filming Triple Frontier, and how the other guys would get to go out and relax on the beach (“Oscar Isaac is out there shirtless and sipping from a drink with a little umbrella in it”) while he was practicing three hours a day for a Benny fight scene that ultimately got cut.
Still expressed how much he loved filming Triple Frontier, and getting to work with Ben Affleck, Oscar Isaac and Charlie.
Had the whole room laughing and giggling tbh, like he is actually so effortlessly funny.
Talked about how he’s fascinated by the beatnik generation, specifically Jack Kerouac and how he tried to get in character for his role in On the Road by road-tripping during his free time and trying to write in the beatnik style. He said he liked how freeing the writing from that era felt, like a free flow of thoughts. (So real for that tbh, I did like three presentations on the beatniks in high school because they are truly so intriguing)
Talked about Tim McGraw and how they met when Tim played his character’s dad in Friday Night Lights. Also talked about Rhodes (his son) a little bit and how Tim is Rhodes grandfather.
The last question of the Q&A portion was had he ever pulled from his own personal life in order to portray a character (specifically did him losing his father in real life impact how he portrayed Sam in Tron: Legacy). Garrett said no, that he tried to keep his personal life separate from the characters and tried not to entangle a role into personal matters. He also explained that Joseph Kosinski (Tron: Legacy director) fought Disney to keep Garrett’s contract open ended, so that he wouldn’t be tied down to filming while his father’s health was declining and could be with his family when he needed to be.
Stayed after a little bit, even when they were clearly trying to get him off the stage, to talk to fans and take pictures. He was like that all day tbh, very committed to giving each person their individual time and trying to connect with everyone.
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iamnoprogram · 9 months
>Muse Info
>Sam Flynn
Gender: Female (Trans MTF)
Pronouns: she/her
Appearance: Short light brown hair and gray-blue eyes. Late Uprising-Post Legacy Era has a large horizontal scar across her left cheek, and a burn mark like scar on her right arm up to her shoulder that is in the patterns of her grid suit’s circuitry. 
>Grid Inventory:
Identity Disc
Custom Lightcycle Baton
Data/Upgrade Drives
>User World Inventory:
Keys (Arcade, Dad’s Motorcycle)
Occasional Trans Pride pins on jackets
After her father’s disappearance and the death of her grandparents, Sam goes off to live under the care of Alan and Lora. 
(More info under #//about muse tag)
General basis/story for different eras (can alter details for rps):
>Entering The Grid (Tron: Uprising Era): #uprising era Sam
Sam is around 17-18 and had entered The Grid by accident upon finding her father’s computer behind the Tron machine when she snuck off to visit his arcade late one night. She didn’t have much time to freak out though, for as soon as she exited the replica arcade building of The Grid she was spotted and pursued by an Occupation patrol that had come to check out the disturbance of The Portal being opened.
 By pure coincidence, an undercover Tron had been nearby and was able to help her avoid capture, properly syncing a disc to her and getting her the hell out of Occupation territory to his spire in The Outlands where she meets Beck. Since the activation of The Portal The Occupation has increased security around the exit hub, and not having enough resources or members of the Resistance at the time, Tron is unable to get Sam there before it closes, trapping her in The Grid for the time being. 
Determined to make the most of her situation, and inspired by Beck’s drive to fight for his friends and home, Sam decides to buckle down and develop her User abilities and combat skills, training with Beck under Tron. When moving around outside The Spire and around other Programs besides Beck and Tron, Sam usually keeps her helmet on and is undercover, posing as a Program, and will give a fake name when asked.
Sam in this era is still learning how to use her User abilities, and is typically only capable of less taxing feats. She can’t create anything massive or too complex from scratch yet.
>End of Uprising-Legacy Era: #legacy era Sam
Sam is in her early twenties. A significant battle in Argon occurs near the start of this era where a disc thrown by Dyson shatters her helmet and slashes her cheek, the bleeding wound exposes her as a User. The entire battlefield shifts as suddenly the Occupation forces priorities are redirected to her. Tron orders Beck to get her out, and subsequently ends up getting captured and eventually rectified into Rinzler. 
Sam is shaken and filled with guilt, fully blaming herself for Tron’s rectification. It doesn’t help that now that her User status and name are well known, nearly all the Programs of the Resistance are looking to her to lead, a task for which she is nowhere near mentally equipped to deal with. Luckily, she still has Beck by her side, helping her with the responsibility of leading the Resistance and being a shoulder she could actually lean on for some emotional support, which helps to an extent. But constantly trying to push back and hide her mounting stress causes her patience for those in the Occupation to run dangerously thin.
Sam is more experienced with her User abilities and combat and has found a way to combine both, creating a unique, sometimes unpredictable fighting style. 
Sam at this time has a large scar on her left cheek and a few other scars that her Grid Armor covers up.
>Post Legacy Era: #post legacy Sam
Sam is in her twenties. The Grid is now rebuilding in the aftermath of The Occupation, and Sam is splitting her time (maybe a bit poorly) between helping in The Grid and her life in the User World. She told Alan and Lora everything when she came back from The Grid, and they now help aid her a bit with her Grid responsibilities, though she still feels obligated to take it upon herself to bear the brunt of these responsibilities. She’s either taking college classes online, (at Alan and Lora’s persuasion), interning at ENCOM (also from Alan and Lora’s persuasion), or taking a much needed gap year. Sam’s place of residence is the loft in her Dad’s arcade, having inherited it.
Despite things looking up a bit, Sam isn’t taking a step back to process everything that’s happened to her, instead opting to continue to bottle up her emotions and traumas of fighting in a digital revolution at such a young age. Her social life outside The Grid is also still lacking, and could use some work. 
Sam’s scar on her cheek has faded more, and she wears long sleeves or jackets in The User World to cover up other scars. 
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astercontrol · 1 year
SOOOOO I was not expecting to end up having a Tron-sona but here we are
I have chosen my program name:
It came to me in the same... overcomplex, interconnected sort of way that ideas usually come to me.
(buckle up for a wild ride into how my brain works!)
There are many different aspects to why it fits. Here are some, in no particular order:
Means "star." Of course I've always felt a connection to stars and outer space. My first love was Star Trek and it's still right up there.
Aster is also where the word "asterisk" comes from. An asterisk is a cool design that would be easy for me to work into circuit-patterns on a suit--- I'm already designing it in my head!
The appearance of an asterisk is also meaningful for me, because it looks like several lines connecting at one point... and you KNOW how my brain loves to connect things (case in point, this whole post)
An asterisk is used in writing to indicate a footnote-- again, just like my brain going off on a tangent!
What the asterisk means in programming (wildcard, stand-in for "anything") is one of the few programming things I have actual experience with beyond HTML, because it's used in GREP commands, which I use for mass-editing a whole lot of HTML pages at once.
In ASCII, the asterisk is represented by 42, which is my age at this pivotal moment in my life.
There was a whole fan theory that this was Douglas Adams' reasoning behind 42 being the meaning of life... if the answer to the Great Question is an asterisk, then that means "whatever you want it to be." (Douglas Adams denied this, and insisted that the number was chosen at random. Which means that connection happened just BY COINCIDENCE, which I like even better!)
And that meaning fits me too, because I AM a wildcard who can do a WHOLE lot of different things.
(One of which is sewing... the pun "Poly-Aster" is relevant to my fabric crafts, and to the fact that I can ALSO do a whole lot of different partners, lol)
Aster rhymes with Castor who may be my favorite character in Legacy.
Also starts with the sound of "ass" and y'know how I love sexy butts.
(an asterisk also kinda looks like a butthole, though that's really not so relevant to my appreciation of Tron-style program butts)
...Of course, there are programmers all over the real world, and they've got more projects going than there are words in any language...
...so GOOD LUCK finding a name that isn't already taken by some boring RL program...
BUT, the RL program called ASTER is also pleasingly relevant.
It is something called "multiseat software," which isn't anywhere near my own meager programming experience... HOWEVER:
- "multiseat" sounds like it could mean "lots of butts" and that's very cool with me
- what it actually does is allow multiple people to connect to one computer at once... which SORTA resonates with what this identity of mine is for... (interfacing with my peeps online)
Still need to figure out just what sorta job my program-self would have in the Encom system. But needless to say it would be something very versatile, involving connections.
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minisugakoobies · 1 year
It's damn near time to logout and I'm still looking for ways to procrastinate.
Alright Sunny... you have to put at least one member from each group in each AU. Who are you picking for each?
-The original Jumanji with Robin Williams and the little boy turning into a monkey for trying to cheat.
-Tron Legacy
-Leprechaun (the way I was tempted to put Nightmare on Elm St)
I mean, it's always a good time to procrastinate, as far as I'm concerned 💕
I would put Jeongin and Seokjin into Jumanji. They're the ones who find the game years later and release Robin Williams (RIP). I would love to see those two reacting to the wildlife. Just amplify the chaos!
Tron Legacy aka Michael Sheen's greatest contribution to acting that is not part of the Twilight franchise - I think Jungkook should play the lead, Sam, since we all know Jungkook owns a motorcycle (I will die on this hill) and Felix as Quorra because I want to see him styled like Olivia Wilde.
When it comes to Labyrinth, right now my brain is just screaming "HYUNJIN AND TAE AS THE GOBLIN KING!" on a loop even though that's two people for one role, so fuck it, in this AU, Jareth has a fraternal twin. Why not?
For Grease, Lee Know as Danny Zuko and Jimin as Sandy. No changes to Sandy's costume at the end. NONE.
Anaconda has to be Namjoon as Ice Cube's character Danny and Bang Chan as Jennifer Lopez's character Terri. Has to be. Just the two leaders fighting a giant fucking snake together.
Here is where I admit I have never seen 2012 so uhhhhhhh *glances at cast* I'm gonna put Yoongi in as John Cusack? And Han as Woody Harrelson? Does that work at all??
That leaves Leprechaun… Hobi as Jennifer Aniston and Seungmin as the Leprechaun byeeeeeeeee
Apologies to Changbin…. you know what? Let's throw him into Grease as Kenickie. Done.
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skatoonyfan1234 · 9 months
Robert Callaghan's outfits in my fanmade Series 4 of Big Hero 6 The Series
In my series 4 of Big Hero 6 the Series, Robert Callaghan goes through outfit changes via series 4.
1st outfit - Prison Uniform: Basically the same thing from 'Mini-Max' and 'Hiro the Villain'. He wears it when he's in prison.... until he's broken out by Dark Volt.
2nd Outfit - Janitor [as a janitor of Dark Volt's lair]: Dark Volt puts him to use as a janitor in his lair, so Callaghan has to wear a classic school janitor uniform, to his chagrin. The uniform is a pale grey, with black lace-up boots, and a cap.
3rd outfit - Scientist: Dark Volt soon promotes him to Scientist Assistant, meaning Callaghan now wears a Shirt, sweatervest and slacks, similar to his old job at SFIT, complete with a lab coat, but with socks and sandals in place of brown loafers. from this outfit onwards, He also has his body regressed in appearance, losing the wrinkles and turning his hair black. That is a permanent change.
4th Outfit - Black Cyber Jumpsuit [worn when piloting the VoltMax Suit]: He wears a skintight black jumpsuit with pink cyber markings on it [similar to the jumpsuits from TRON: Legacy].
5th outfit - IN BH6'S Custody: When Callaghan is brought into Big Hero 6's lair as custody, he wears an outfit similar to his 3rd outfit but with black slip on shoes, and minus the lab coat. He has no socks under his shoes, so most of the time, he sits with his feet bare. He wears the same outfit at the end of the season when he reunites with his daughter Abigail.
Hero Suit: worn near the end of the season, Callaghan dons A black turtleneck, khaki shorts, and black boots. He wears a helmet similar to Hiro's but in black, with red kabuki mask streaks on it, referencing the mask by his villain alter-ego, Yokai. He also dons black fingerless cyber circuit-board style gloves. His gloves have the Nano-Dex technology [Kentucky Kaiju] built into them, so Callaghan now has the power of super strength.
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meepyuupygal · 8 months
Things, People and Media I've Admired :3 (Under Construction)
A non-exhaustive list that will be never-ending: People - My Boyfriend <3 - My Bestie <3 - Nana (Actress) - Song Hye-Kyo (Actress) - Madison Beer - Kesha - Killuada (YouTuber) - Jacob Geller (YouTuber) - Stephanie Soo (YouTuber)
TV Shows/Movies - Nana (anime) - Wotakoi: Love is for Otaku (anime) - Kimi ni Todoke (anime) - Babylon (anime) - KiKi's Delivery Service (Anime Movie) - Community (Sitcom) - Scott Pilgrim (US Movie) - Tangled (Animated Movie) - Aladdin (Animated Movie) - Kuch Kuch Hota Hai (Bollywood Movie) - 3 Idiots (Bollywood Movie) - Clark (Swedish TV Show) - The Glory (K-Drama) - What's Wrong with Secretary Kim (K-Drama) - Barbie: Princess Charm School (Animated Movie) Music Eurobeat (music genre) - Ride on Time (Eurobeat) - MAX &lt;3 - Running In the 90s - Max Coveri - Koko Soko - SMiLE.dk EDM - Happy Hardcore (music genre) - Music by cYsmix - Music by Zedd (2014 me was obsessed) - Music by saradisk - Gyaru style music (Eurbobeat, EDM, transcend genres) (current obsession) I really like this album on soundcloud, if you wanna talk about gyaru music and style hit me up! as a baby gyaru I would love to talk about this lifestyle.
Classical (music genre) - Prokofiev: Romeo and Juliet, Op. 64, Act 1, Scene 2: Dance of the Knights - Paquita: Variation 5 Movie Soundtracks (music genre) - LaLaLand - Justin Hurwitz - Tron: Legacy - Daft Punk &lt;3 Video Games - Night In The Woods - The Sims 4 - Stardew Valley (current obsession) - osu
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adamwatchesmovies · 1 year
Escape Plan 2: Hades (2018)
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While I didn't enjoy this film, that doesn't mean you won't. No matter what I say, the people involved in this project did it: they actually made a movie. That's something to be applauded. With that established...
Escape Plan might not have been a great film but it had a solid premise. It was a decent hit at the box office, which is why (I’m guessing) some greedy Chinese producers decided to turn this into a franchise. This is an awful film. It barely feels like a follow-up to the 2013 picture because it tosses the main case aside to focus on new characters in a moronic plot entirely devoid of fun.
Ray Breslin (Sylvester Stallone) has expanded his security company with newcomers Shu Ren (Huang Xiaoming), Jasper Kimbral (Wes Chatham) and Luke Graves (Jesse Metcalfe). Now they do more than simply test the security measures of top-security penitentiaries: they also rescue hostages. After Kimbral makes a bad call and a hostage is killed, Breslin fires him. A year later, Shu and his cousin Yusheng Ma (Chen Tang) are kidnapped and imprisonned in a high-tech facility. Overseen by robot guards, “Hades” is ruled by “The Zookeeper”, who forces his prisoners to fight. Win and you get rations. Lose and you walk away with nothing.
They probably only had Stallone, 50 Cent and Jaime King for a couple of days, just enough time to have them at the beginning and at the end of the movie. In the middle, we’re following new characters you wouldn't care about even if they had been involved since the franchise started. Immediately, you know this super prison thing is tied to Kimbral. He’s a tech genius (a.k.a. hacker wizard) and isn't happy about being fired so of course he’s got to be the mastermind behind the curtain. He would've gotten away with his secret operation too, if only he hadn't kidnapped one of his ex-co-workers' cousin. Or maybe the coincidence is that one of his ex-co-workers had someone worth kidnapping. This film is not concerned with whether things make sense. This is why The Zookeeper has people fight in MMA-style battles, why the prison has robot guards but inmates cook food, why there are forcefields everywhere when metal bars would’ve sufficed. The building looks like a rejected set from Tron: Legacy and when you find out where it is hidden, you’ll flip your lid. None of this makes ANY sense.
To prevent you from falling asleep, scenes featuring a new character played by David Bautista have been shot/spliced in. All of them feel like they come from a bargain-bin action movie, the kind you star in when your power to attract audiences has dwindled to nothing but the most dedicated and brainwashed fans. Desperate audiences might have a couple of laughs at the expense of the way-too-dedicated-and-simultaneously-useless henchmen or ridiculous characters we meet in the prison - my favourite being a trio of hackers who dress like vampires and repeat “We are Legion” over and over. Even so, there isn’t a moment of Escape Plan 2 that makes you wonder why you haven’t shut it off yet.
With each character more boring than the last, the plot being essentially a re-tread of the first, the action scenes looking like they were shot from inside a washing machine and none of the performers displaying any charisma, Escape Plan 2: Hades almost has an unintentional meta-quality. It becomes a mega-dungeon that extinguishes all hope of escape. 96 minutes? Might as well be a life sentence. (October 2, 2020)
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: Guys, look at this 👆, and also of looking 👇, we have to be able to make sure that we get the full version of the preshow to the water projector show from Disney California Adventure on The World Of Color - 1 which is to be able to be known as Elemental Connection for a limited time as an exact timeframe is not announced quite exactly yet, but make sure that we keep an eye on that for not only for ourselves to actually see it face to face in real life, but by uploading with all of gotten to us watching it on our devices online, etc. of how it usually works, because there will be able to be a showcasing of all of the story, and all of the characters of the movie, since there will be brilliant projections (count them from 1 of the very start of this to the very end of this) as it will be able to dance across vast multiple water screens in this two-minute pre-show all by bringing all of the land, air, water, and fire residents of Element City to life, so in this heartfelt story, a water element named Wade Ripple, and a fire element named Ember Lumen discover that though the world tells them they can not be able to coexist, they are more alike than they realize (I wonder what it is from this part that they always say that there is something going on with the same for them as different than they could be able to be) as whimsical fountains, and powerful music (I wonder what all of the songs are for this even if it is not from the score of Thomas Newman) will be able to fill Paradise Bay of Pixar Pier as we all will be able to see that stepping out of our element (whatever it is that is not either of water, fire, air, and earth) may be able to help us uncover who we really are, just like Ember and Wade! (A small start of them being at the parks instead of castle projection fireworks, or anything else that all of the other past 20 something movies have gotten, but they will be able to own it all somehow along with all of the other 20 something movies including with this one, and all of the other stuff that is from the past of this brand, the current present of this brand, and all of the future stuff of this brand will be able to see all of what else can they be able to do besides with all of what they done, and all of with what they are doing)! Fact : The idea of special tags to “World of Color” are as old as the show itself, its very first limited-time tag was for “Tron: Legacy” from sometime of November 2010 to sometime of March 2011! :
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: (Nice memories of the game with how I said about the San Francisco Giants with the Pittsburg Pirates 👆, I wonder all of the other stuff that we missed was going on besides from the collectible shirt from the advertising of the post of mine!) :
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: Look at this art style of simple blocks, and scrapbook chibi 👆! : https://disneyparks.disney.go.com/blog/2023/05/celebrating-the-wonder-of-pixar/ (⬅️ Check out of all of the stuff that is from the past 20 something movies including this upcoming one!)
: (I just found this you guys as its 17th ever partner for the movie! (if there is a longer version of the one that is shown 👆, I wonder how that will be able to look like besides from all of what this short ad has so far to include in the longer version of this) ) : Part 2 in next post!
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felixvfx · 2 years
Week 1
For the first week I teamed up with my group Amani and Chris and we started talking and putting each of our ideas together to get a rough idea of what we wanted our capstone project to be. Out of class before university started I had brainstormed and envisioned some ideas/ concepts that I started to further and solidify. My initial idea was to create a short film based around the gate between conscience and subconscious, I want to make a film that is filled with surreal but realistic, dreamy, obscure  scenes that use my own music and production to bring them to life and create emotional feelings for those watching. I want to use elements and ideas from music videos and documentary style films that use third person and voiceovers to tell the story in a unique way. Narrative wise I'm thinking of making the story follow a boy who is stuck in a certain predicament in life, working a boring day job, being told what to do and overall living a life “inside a box”. The film with start with live action, real life footage leading to the main character falling into a world of dreamlike scenes and locations that symbolise and hold answers to himself and his identity, slowly reconstructing his ego and teaching him new things about himself he couldn't see in a natural state. Using liminal spaces and ethereal landscapes the main character will go on a journey through his mind and subconscious allowing him to gain new perspective and direction in the outside situation he's in. My goal is to make a aesthetically appealing film that stimulates viewers with dreamy music and visuals but also has a message viewers can take a meaning from. 
Films and shows I will be taking inspiration from:
Tron Legacy, Inception, Interstellar, Tokyo ghoul, Bleach
Week 2
In week 2 we further discussed any ideas we came up with and tried to bring them together more and agree on what scenes/shots we wanted in our film. We also discussed what we are trying to convey in our short film in terms of ideas/messages we wanted to portray. I started making mood boards of what I was inspired by and what my vision for the capstone project to look like. I also started brainstorming ideas for music and sound as I'm going to be making a original soundtrack specifically for this film. 
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I very set on using slight documentary styles in the film, especially subtitles and voiceovers. A good example for what i mean: https://youtu.be/4Dem6n3LIW4
Test concept for salt plains scene
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decided to start working on one of the scenes we decided on. In blender i made the scene to get a rough idea of what the scene could look like.
Week 3
In week three I started learning how to use unreal engine a bit better so i could create the salt plains scene inside it, i wasn't able to create what i wanted unfortunately and ended up scrapping what i made, although it didn't work out i know what i need to learn and what to look into to make this scene a reality in unreal engine.
I also made a start on another scene we are %100 including in our capstone, inspired from the anime bleach i started modelling buildings and creating a cityscape that had resemblance from the show.
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quick concept test ^
I also made a start on the music for our project, since I'm going to be producing and mixing all the music and sound for our capstone I had to think about what kind of music or sounds we would need or where we would put it. Over the end of year 2022 break i created a few tracks that would be used for our capstone. I also started making news ones and experimenting with sound design and different type of keys and genres/styles.
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finalized city models and textures  
Fashion, outfit ideas
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creating salt plains scene in unreal engine
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City scape/ichigos world imported to unreal testing
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First day filming
test music and sound ideas for scenes Chris made 
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Filming day two
Filmed again -Wednesday 31st 
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compilation of finished music for capstone
Revamping unreal engine scenes
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Added extra buildings, sidewalk and road
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added day to night weather cycle for salt plains
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added salt plains ground texture below water surface
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experimenting with puddles wet&dry
Learning marvelous designer - creating clothes for metahuman
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day to night sky lighting
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marvelous designer animation unreal workflow
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