#trope goldmine
comput3rage · 1 year
Died and came back wrong trope is so brian slade
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voidsteffy · 1 year
Ok telugublr, do you ever think of how Ranga Ranga Vaibhavanga had a pretty decent trope-ladden core but then just fumbled in execution?
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nexo-nex · 2 years
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i love this one part in TLD's TV Tropes page, like yesss those two are so unhinged
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comicaurora · 10 months
Thoughts on the "oh no we have to fight while in formal wear" trope? (I just finished listening to the gala episode in RWD S2)
Almost impossible to get it wrong. You can learn a lot about a character by how they deal with that situation, and since it's an unusual scenario for them right from the jump, it's a characterization goldmine.
A character who values their formalwear because they never get a chance to dress up this nice getting absolutely ENRAGED when the scuffle leaves it damaged
A character who values their formalwear because they ALWAYS dress nice but this is their chance to dress REALLY nice going hulk mode at the slightest nick or misplaced cufflink on their best duds
The character who's been annoyed at having to dress up the whole night immediately taking the opportunity to split every seam/rip off the sleeves/ditch the high heels
A character so precise and careful in their fighting style that they come out the other side just as flawless as they went in
The character who heard "no weapons on the dance floor" and was like "cool, only what I can hide in this outfit"
One of the theoretically absent characters actually snuck in as a waiter or in a masquerade mask and pops up at the eleventh hour to save the day
Someone's intricate hairstyle coming loose mid-fight, but like hollywood-loose where instead of being an awkward mess of bobby pins and half-braids it just goes full flowing and free
Gotta rip the sleeve/skirt to bandage somebody
somebody gets flung through a champagne tower
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tolkienbrained · 2 years
when i first heard about yoshiden i was like ok cool ship but it doesn't make much sense but THEN i started thinking about it and found and absolute goldmine.
first off, we all know or at least can tell that one of the main overarching themes in chainsaw man is the subversion of common shonen tropes (which fujimoto does wonderfully, mind you) such as "the perverted main character". denji is a subversion of this trope for many reasons which should be discussed in a different post but how wonderful would it be for the sex-crazed women-obsessed character to realize that, oh, maybe women aren't the only option and end up with a guy? i say bisexual denji rights. although to be fair it's true that so far there hasn't been any indication for this in the manga, i don't think denji is at the point where he has realized exactly WHY he's so obsessed with women (cough mommy issues and touch-deprivation).
linking that last point a bit with the Yoshiden Thesis™ we have the fact that a lot of his affection for makima in the first part was most likely linked to this deprivation of love as he grew up and possibly to his lack of a mother figure while he was growing up. and of course makima herself instigated this affection and knowingly manipulated denji. most women denji has known until now have used him, and hurt him in different ways (or just have been older women that shouldn't be messing with a sixteen-year-old anyway). in fact, the ONLY genuinely positive relationship with a woman denji has in part 1 is with power, and it's completely platonic. and it's not only women who have hurt denji, most people in part 1 (with some notable exceptions (aki and power my beloveds)) were not interested in denji, didn't want denji, just cared about chainsaw man and the chainsaw devil. yoshida is someone tasked with protecting DENJI and making sure DENJI gets to live a peaceful, happy life. he has shown a willingness to put up with denji's ridiculousness and has even seemed amused by it. it's too early in part 2 to honestly tell, but we could even say he cares about denji (or possibly will soon since fujimoto needs more characters to break denji's heart even more, fucker).
once again coming back to the "women-obsessed, sex-crazed" part, denji being deprived of affection made him grow up thinking that was the only way to show affection and love, possibly because of how media and society, in general, are very sexualised. a lot of his arc in part 1 was him realizing this isn't true, as shown in his relationship with power and aki. it would be a nice finishing touch to that arc for him to realize that not only are platonic affective relationships possible and just as important/fulfilling as romantic ones, but how romantic relationships also aren't just limited to women and sex by falling in love with yoshida.
of course all of this is talking from a fandom/fanfic standpoint. these are just the reasons why i personally love the ship and consume content on it, and i'm in no way saying "this is definitely going to be canon!!" lol. i went a bit off the rails here but i'm just obsessed with yoshiden rn.
TL;DR yoshiden FUCKS and would go greatly along denji's arc and the themes in chainsaw man.
EDIT: oh my god i just reread this and i mean fucks as in it's very cool not as in they're fucking each other i'm crying LMAO
EDIT2: seeing the recent chapters all of this is most likely going down the drain but i'm still shipping yoshiden idc
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xshimaeraxx · 22 hours
listen this is a cringe ass idea but hey, i AM cringe but i am also free :3
(still putting said idea under the cut bc i Am, In Fact, A Coward)
okay so basically the fuckin’ deadpool movies’re just. completely chock full of 4th walk breaks (/vvvvpos), so what. what if we took it one step further, n made the characters from the dp movies react TO the dp movies. like. you CANNOT tell me the dp movies/franchise is not the perfect series to make reactfics for - hell, w how many times wade refs an “audience” (us) in the actual goddamn movies themselves, esp to other characters, it’d be a GOLDMINE
they’d all be taken from different times, aswell, bc ANGST. here’s what im thinkin’:
colossus’d be from pre-dp 1
ntw & yukio from pre-dp 2 (but post-dp 1)
vanessa (post-meeting wade pre-cancer diagnosis), blind al, dopinder, weasel (post-meeting wade pre-cancer diagnosis), etc etc wld ALL be from pre-dp 1, same as colossus
n hey, if u wanna torture yourself, maybe add the other x-men aswell (charles, storm, etc etc). yk, for the added angst. :) all of them’d prolly be from pre-dp 1, aswell.
n wade & logan’d be from post-dp 3/d&w bc the trope of “angst of one character knowing what’s gonna happen n no one else knowing wtf got’s them so tense n lowkey on the verge of a panic attack freaks THEM out aswell bc what the fuck happens/has happened to them to make them this nervous at the prospect of other people knowing???” in reactfics is just. :chefskiss: so goddamn good. just. perfection.
like, someone, pls, write this n i will give you both of my kidneys n my first, second, AND thirdborn. like, please, i beg 🙏 (i’d write it myself but i have got SO MANY GODDAMN WIPS i literally cant add another to the pile egsjgsjehe :cryingemoji:)
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diamondmeadow · 4 months
as a certified Middle School Teacher, do you have any further thoughts or headcanons on mwpp at that age? because honestly this is a criminally underexplored comedic goldmine.
I cannot agree more! I feel like the first four years at Hogwarts especially have such potential. For gen fics mainly, so it might not be for everyone, might seem boring, but honestly we are writing and reading about a close-knit group of four boys, and by focusing on singular ships only, we might be missing out on so much of their dynamic expansion. I still keep thinking about that snippet of yours about Sirius pyjamas. But then I'm also coming from bands fandom which in a sense is a very similar environment, just a few men closely working and interacting together, plus my favourite trope is (best) friends to lovers, so there's that too. I'm pining for this. AHAHAH Anyway, enough of my ramble, here I come with some ideas, thought I don't necessarily think they are something people haven't come up with before. To sum up the comical possibilities move from bodily humour to more cerebral one over the years with lots of awkwardness thrown in between - i imagine a lot of hilarious situation happen just by accident. - ages 11/12 - they are probably extremely random. the things boys that age let out of their mouth, their associations, are just the wildest. the pranking at this stage must have been insane. a lot of body pranking and really dumb jokes. also there was a lot and I mean A LOT of physicality between the boys themselves probably. boys that age won't stop hitting each other, touching one another in quasi-fights, but there's nothing sexual about it. the boys in my class are at it nonstop, however dangerous it is, they keep smacking each other with cushions, slippers, textbooks, with ANYTHING that comes under their hands. they wrestle and pull at each other nonstop. i fully believe the marauders dorm room was a battle ground - this was specifically prominent between james and sirius. - ages 12/13 - this is the time when most of the boys enter puberty, so all kinds of physical changes you have described start appearing. they start to be more self-conscious about the way they look. as i HC for James to be a little on the vain side, I imagine him spending progressively longer time in the bathroom which might be a source of arguments (that are quickly forgetten) between the boys, they are constantly missing breakfast or well, James is, then he's grumpy because he is hungry. also times of the self-exploration, morning wood, wet dreams, lots of embarrassing moments for everyone. i imagine Peter being on the shy side, his bed has always curtain closed. their dorm room REEKS. Sirius might be the cleanest (pureblood upbringing leftover) lots of mood swings, it's a rollercoaster. a lot of bickering over stupid things. by the time they are thirteen they are a bit more shy with the touch (minus James and Sirius, again I feel like those two would be all over each other because that's their way of showing affection, James is a hugger from home). their pranking would get better, less body pranks, more cerebral pranks. i feel like here Remus might start getting bolder with his ideas. Sirius would get progressively mouthier. bless Mcg and every teacher at Hogwarts. - ages 13/14 - peek peer pressure. whatever their friends are thinking, that's the holy word. this is the peek pranking time. oh lord, Remus would hardly try to stop them. Peter would take a lot of detention to cover up for James and Sirius. and in general, they would be breaking records in detention. they are extremely aware of their sexuality, lots of lewdness, lots of stupid, inappropriate jokes. All the girls are annoyed by them. this is the time they start smoking if they start at all. sarcasm central! the randomness of their early age disappears - this is when everyone really understand just how smart Sirius and James really are. The third year is the year they are done with their mirrors and they are working on the map. they are bold enough to come up with the Animagi idea. this is the year they are invincible. by the way their room is a MESS - a MINEFIELD. Thank god for cleaning charms.
- ages 14/15 - now this is not very different from the previous year, i just think they get a little bit more organised, especially at 15, and increasingly it's possible to have a reasonable conversation with them. i feel like Remus would be a much more polite throughout the years, with his gratefulness for the opportunity he got at Hogwarts, so the difference would be scarce, the same goes for Peter, but James and Sirius would get much better and stop talking back as much. there's more secrecy in their plans. they also start to need their own space and time. their dorm room is tidier and the curtains are often closed on every bed. but all four of them have their opinions now and much more than before these opinions differ. it's not one brain cell/pack brain anymore. there are more discussions, a bit less pranking, they start seeing their behaviour is not as great and I think this is the time when they really only give a hard time to selected few (aka Snape) and whoever doesn't sit well with them. they definitely don't stop, but before they were much less selective. it could be anyone. Anyway, this is not wildly specific, more just like an application of my observation of teenage boys. I feel like everyone could make it work in their own way depending on how they see the individual Marauder.
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Contrary to E/riel opinion, a broken mate bond is a hugely unpopular trope!
I’ve been trying to find a few broken or rejected mate bond books to look at reviews and sales numbers and I can’t even find one. Have E/riels ever held up a book that they like as an example of what they want from a rejected bond? Like, what else are they reading that scratches this itch?
Bloomsbury wants this book to sell more copies than any SJM book ever has. And these idiots think they’re going to let her try and do it with a trope that is so unpopular I can’t even find a book that has it?
They think a publisher’s number one author is going to release her most anticipated book ever, and they’re gonna hobble it right out of the gate with a trope like that?
This book has to sell millions and millions and millions of copies to not be considered a flop. A rejected mate bond won’t do it.
Why would an author try to spin shit into gold when she is casually sitting on a literal goldmine? Eluciens can pull together a whole list of marriage of convenience/arranged marriage/forced proximity books that are very popular and give them Elucien vibes. Gwynriels can do the same with friends/rivals to lovers.
We can prove our tropes sell. Can they?
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krakkenchaos · 1 year
Based on the trailers, I'm not convinced the Clone High reboot will be as entertaining as the original, but it's smart that it's seemingly leaning into the angle of "characters from a 2003 teen drama trying to adapt to living in a 2023 teen drama." It's a meta-humor goldmine because the fandom that emerged in 2020 when JFK clips randomly went viral on tiktok is a downright fascinating specimen of how our perception of characters in pop culture has changed over the last 20 years (I feel old.)
The clearest example of this is how Joan x JFK got warped into a wholesome OTP darling of the fandom. The actual show pretty explicitly characterizes JFK as an obnoxious playboy douchebag. That's the entire archetype of his character and it's exaggerated to extreme extents for humor. There's exactly two examples of the JoanFK "romance" in the original series and both were just the punchline of jokes that wouldn't be well-received today. The first is JFK being relieved that he's not gay when the "man" he was attracted to was Joan in disguise. The second is JFK having sex with an emotionally vulnerable Joan in the literal last minute of the show as a parody of the dramatic out-of-nowhere twists in TV shows of the time. It should be strange that this ship was warped into the definitive wholesome face of the fandom. But it's not strange when you look at Abe and the modern view of characters like him.
See, Abe is the character Joan is "supposed to" end up with. He's the awkward, dorky guy chasing the hot, popular Cleopatra while oblivious to the cute alt girl at his side pining to be more than friends. It's classic "she's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers" stuff common in the 2000s. However, that trope became hated within the last few years because it's "pitting women against each other." Even more-so, Abe's character archetype has become detested. Abe is Ross from Friends and Xander from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Today, it's unpopular to have empathy for characters like that because their passive "nice guy" misogyny is recognized as just as, if not more harmful than the blatant misogyny of a JFK-type character. Meanwhile, fandom culture has fallen in love with himbos, hence why JFK has been shoehorned into that archetype despite still being an awful person in the show. There's so much comedic potential with this contrast and the reboot seems to be at least somewhat aware of it based on the joke from the trailer where JFK is commended for being "so sex positive."
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ladybracknellssherry · 3 months
My collection of writing resources I've gathered for fanfic writing. Grammar, prompts, general writing advice, research tools, thesauruses (or thesauri 😉)... Enjoy!
English Language and Usage Stack Exchange
UW Madison Writing Center - Grammar/Punctuation rules/basics
Wheaton College Writing Resources
UNC Writing Tips and Tools
Purchase College Editorial Style Guide
Writing Forum - The Writing Process
Absolute Write Forum
English Plus Grammar Slammer
Onelook Thesaurus
Online Etymology Dictionary
Fiction Writing
Instead Of...Simple Writer's Guide by anaemicc
'How to Become a Better Writer' by @tapwrites
'50 Tips for (Fanfic) Writing' by @ao3commentoftheday
Fic Writing Advice by @radioactive-earthshine
'How to Exploit Facial Expressions' by Kathy Steinemann - absolutely check out the rest of the site too, it is a goldmine.
'Writing Inspiration and Resources' by Bryn Donovan - some digging required but there's tools here for everyone.
'World Building and Writing Advice' + a brilliant list of Prompts, Scenarios, and Dialogues by @pendarling
Writing Questions Answered Masterlist
One Stop for Writer's Character and World Building Thesaurus
ProWritingAid Emotions Thesaurus
Descriptionary - it's...ways to describe things. Just check it out, lmfao.
The Sexy Stuff
KJ Scott's Lewd Vocab Survey Results
'The Smutwriter's Dictionary' by @maybeeatspaghetti
Laurel Clarke's Sexy Thesaurus
Quinn Anderson's Ultimate Guide to Writing Smut
Smut Writing Tips + Smut Thesaurus by @prurientpuddlejumper
'How to Write Smut' by @bohemiantea-scorpiocoffee
Case Converter
Fake Text Message Generator and Another Fake Text Message Generator for your fics
Epithet Flowchart
Historical Timeline of Slang
Writing Realistic Injuries
Hiveword - Search Engine specifically for writing tools
Mythbank - Sort of a world mythology encyclopedia
Skeptic's Dictionary
Written Sound Onomatopoeia Dictionary
LitCharts Shakespeare Modern Translations
Writing Sketchy Subjects
Ao3commentoftheday Beta Reader Checklist. Actually, for AO3 tips/basics/everythings you just really need to get yourself to ao3commentoftheday's AO3 and read everything there. Including their bookmarks!
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archieimagines · 2 years
finally | cassian andor
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Summary: Cassian Andor is the bane of your existence. He’s your rival in theft, always getting the good ships before you, always making more money in selling to Bix. Finally, you get there first— but of course he’d come to ruin your day.
warnings: blood, injury, needle and stitches. enemies to lovers un-enemies trope. read this to listen to me pretend to know about spaceships. word count: 3030 requested by: anon author’s note: thank you so much for this brilliant idea, anon! you may be able to tell i got carried away. i had a lot of fun with this. requests for andor are wide open! written by: archie
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Finally, this one was yours.
You couldn’t help feeling a little giddy. This star yacht was definitely on the higher end of luxury, and it’d been sat unmanned on the outskirts of town for five days straight. Sure, it’d been purposely tucked away amongst sandy cliffs to hide it, but as per the general moral code, five unattended days on a ship put it on the illegal scavenger’s market. Fair’s fair. You thieves weren’t monsters, after all.
Your expert fingers worked swiftly with a wedge tool on lifting the panels from the front of the space vehicle to get at all those glorious parts inside. With a satisfying click, the central panel popped free.
The sun was just peering over the horizon to light your focus, all that treasure lit up in the golden light.
Your smile lit up too. Finally. A haul that was all yours. For once, it was so worth it to wake up before sunrise. No one to watch out for, not even that stupid, arrogant, condescending-
“What have we got here?”
You stopped in your tracks, fingers itching to get inside the engine.
That voice.
He painted his words like a casual conversation. Like this was a joint effort. Like you hadn’t specifically woken up this early just to beat him to this goldmine. You’d barely slept last night for the excitement of finally bringing in a collection worth a good wad of cash, and yet he had the gall to pop up beside you and peer over your shoulder.
You reeled on him, fire in your eyes and sharp wedge in your hand. “Andor. Get out of here.”
He had the balls to laugh. He treated this so light, like you hadn’t been so determined to finally outdo him. “And leave you to carry all this back by yourself? I couldn’t possibly.” He had this irritating skill in being rude while being perfectly within his bounds. He simply reached past you without concern for your threat, rapping his knuckles lightly on various parts tucked away. “There’s a lot of good stuff here. Nice condition, too. We can’t take all of it, of course, we don’t want an angry holidaymaker stuck on our planet-”
“You’re taking none of it.”
“-But we can take the extras. Let me see…”
He bent at the waist to lean over the hole of the removed panel, reaching in and feeling around without so much as a blink at you.
That was it!
You jabbed the wedge into his ribs.
His arm retracted so quickly to protect his side, and he finally turned to you with narrowed eyes and a furrowed brow as he rubbed his side over his coat. “Agh! What the-!? What was that for?”
“Shut up, I barely touched you.” You couldn’t keep the smugness from your voice as you nudged him aside, away from your engine, and promptly took his place to rummage around inside instead. It’s true, you wanted him to feel that jab even despite his coat. It was kinda hard.
“You want it so bad that you’re gonna stab me?”
“Don’t cry on my engine, you’ll rust it.”
There was no time for this chitchat. You dipped into your belt for a different removal tool, starting work right away. You wouldn’t remove anything integral: those parts weren’t worth much anyways. But the fuel ignition stabiliser… Oh, yes. It was a luxury. Gave the journey the smoothest ride possible. No clattering, no trembling of the ship. It’d be four or five thousand credits, easily.
If only it wasn’t so damn hard to remove.
You were hyper aware of Andor watching your every move, even if you were shoulder deep inside the machine. His stare didn’t make reaching around components easier in the slightest, and your arm was bent at an awkward and supremely uncomfortable angle- but you wouldn’t let him know that. He’d just take over, for sure.
But when the corner of your palm nicked on sharp metal, you couldn’t hide the wince.
“Look, you’re going to injure yourself. Let me. Move over.”
“Not likely.”
“I’ve been doing this longer than you. I can easily-”
“Exactly! So you should give someone else a chance.” You tried not to let your voice strain from the effort of pulling out the stabiliser, especially with the fresh scratch to your palm. This was not easy, and he was really just making you frantic with his presence.
“Whenever I give you a chance, something ends up damaged!” Ah, there it was. That familiar exasperation, delivered with a growl in his accent. This was the Andor you knew best-- the one that hated you right back.
You paused, face turned to glare up at his impatient eyes. “Sir. I don’t damage shit.”
“If that makes you feel better. Come on, just-” His fingers reached into the hatch and closed around your forearm, a gentle squeeze and tug to your limb.
That was it. You saw red.
“Don’t you manhandle me- AH!” You whipped your arm out to shove him back a pace-- But it caught nastily on that jagged piece of metal. It snagged down the side of your palm, causing a deep, pulsing gash. There was no way you could shove him back with that hand.
Your face paled as you dropped your tool and blinked at the thick ooze of red that trickled down the side of your wrist, quickly soaking your sleeve. It stung like nothing you’d handled before, eyes watering, head pounding. You couldn’t help but stare at it, trembling.
But Andor was on it. He wasted no time in ripping along the bottom of his shirt for a makeshift bandage, wasted no time in chastising you. “Dank farrik, you really-! You’ve outdone yourself this time.”
“Me!? This was all you!”
“Oh, don’t give me that.” Skilled hands wound the bandage around your cut far too tightly to be comfortable, and you winced. But he paid no mind, quiet in his concentration as he worked. His aura had changed, as if his head was now cut off from communication. He was too focused, brimming with a panic that he kept silent.
Something told you there was no speaking to him now. Even if you tried to reason that you’d had so much worse many times, his tunnel vision was fixed on stenching the bloodflow. He tied the bandage off, clasping your hand firmly in both of his, raised between your faces to make sure it was above your heart. You had to actively try not to yelp from the pain of his care, but something about the urgent responsibility he demonstrated was so sincere.
He really was doing his best for you. You almost felt bad for blaming him.
His eyes were so focused, his lips pressed together in a concentrated line. There was no trace of that demeaning, condescending asshole you were used to. Something about this… Hm. Perhaps he wouldn’t be a terrible-
No, don’t think like that, you chastised yourself, peeling your gaze from his face. You couldn’t let yourself see him like that. He’d made your life hell for years.
Though the pain was dulled with the pressure of his hold, you were far from fine. The blood may have slowed, but it soaked the ends of his own sleeves now, too, and continued to spread.
“Let’s get you back home. You need medical attention.”
“But the stabiliser-”
“No. Home. Let’s go.” He didn’t drop your hand as he took a step away, leading you back towards the centre of the town, but you dug your heels into the sand.
“No, just- Quickly! You do it, we can go half-”
He jerked you close, face leaning to yours. Your eyes grew wide at this proximity- he’d never been this close before. The warm hues of his eyes caught the rising sunlight, lashes casting delicate shadows over his irises.
Despite how your memories always painted him, they were kind eyes. Honest ones. It was his furrowed brows that reminded you how sharp his will was, and the growl of his accent rolled over his words as he hissed.
“Listen to me. There will be more ships, but there will not be more hands. I’m taking you home, and for once you’re not going to argue with me.”
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The bleeding had finally stopped by the time he’d taken you to his home. Certainly, you’d have preferred some professional medical care, but this would have to do. Besides, it’s not like what you were doing to get this gash was particularly legal.
He settled you onto the couch before bustling around you, picking up supplies and towels and wipes as he went, soon appearing beside you with a tray of items to help, including a bowl of fresh water and…
“A needle? There’s no chance. You’re not stitching me up, Andor.”
“I am. Bee, come over here.”
A squat little red box rattled to life from the other side of the room and rolled up to Andor’s feet on treads, clattering the whole way. “C-C-Cassian! That was much q-quicker than usual.”
“I didn’t get the parts. There was an accident.” Andor placed the tray atop the droid’s flat head and the circle lens turned to you instead, honing in on the blood.
“Oh n-n-no, there has been bodily damage to your friend. I can aid.” The droid either ignored your grumble of something about ‘not friends’ or just didn’t receive it. It let a hatch fall open, revealing a collection of packaged gauzes. You marvelled at his endearingly happy disposition, despite the broken antiquity of his model, obvious wiring problems, and living with this man. You already knew you liked him more than Andor.
“Thanks, Bee,” the man said, surprisingly gentle hands taking your arm. He was clean now, coat removed and hands sanitised to peel open the soaked fabric wrapped around your wound. It stuck to your arm hairs from how it’d begun to dry and you winced as it tugged from your skin, but this didn’t knock his concentration.
He eyed the open injury for a moment in silence. The soft sounds of the city waking up outside was muffled against the windows, the bell sounding for the residents to begin their day. And yet, you’d already had too much of this man for the whole week.
But, he was doing you a favour. So, you pressed your lips into a line and arched a brow as he investigated your wound like it was life or death, even though you honestly found the aching sting pretty manageable. You tried to keep your patience in line, you really did. But it was almost like he was specifically taking as long as he could. “You gonna do something about it or not, Andor?”
The sharpness of your tone didn’t bother him in the slightest. “Cassian,” he said.
“Just call me Cassian. It’s not like you don’t know me.” He was so matter-of-fact as he spoke, turning away to dunk a clean cloth into the bowl of warm water, and you had to briefly wonder if he had no idea that you hated him.
Pft, of course he knew. But he really chose not to entertain it. He belittled it, even. Somehow, that made you hate him even more.
“I don’t know you.”
He let a trickle of water drip from the rag, holding it over the wound along your palm to loosen up the dried blood; the sting earned a hiss from you, but he didn’t bat an eyelid. “We’ve been bumping into each other since we were teenagers. I know where you live and you’re in my house right now. My mother knows your name. You know me.”
Okay, that was true. You searched for a way to dispute him, but you had nothing. Andor really knew how to- Cassian. Cassian really knew how to talk people into a corner. Infuriating.
“You should say it.”
“Say what?”
“My name.”
You blinked at him, but he didn’t look at you. He was ridiculous. Methodical as ever, he dipped the cloth back into the water before closing it properly around the side of your palm with a wet squeeze.
A sharp stab of pain.
“Ow, Cassian! Gentle!”
His gaze finally raised to yours, and there was a cheeky light to them that matched the slightest upward quirk of his lips. He’d done that on purpose. “Quiet. Maarva’s sleeping.”
“You’re an ass.”
“So you always tell me.”
You let that one slide, quietly amused.
Somehow, it felt like a bubble had burst as he continued cleaning your wound. He was gentle with you, focused but not nearly so intense, and an easy silence lapsed between the two of you. The negative energy had given out into something else-- Somehow, you couldn’t find it in you to be at his throat like before. You must’ve upgraded to handling Cassian instead of Andor, you mused.
His eyes flashed up to yours, seeking any pain. You held his gaze for the shortest moment before turning it back to your wound, somehow embarrassed to look into the uncharacteristic tenderness of those windows. Satisfied that he wasn’t hurting you, he continued with delicate dabs.
Perhaps you’d made up Andor, this arrogant, cold asshole who’d been your rival for eons; Now, you were seeing past it. Seeing the human he actually was. Perhaps not flaunting of his kind nature, perhaps a little guarded, but peaceful. Cheeky, but by no means cruel.
You watched his hands work expertly with yours. One held your hand, thumb linked with yours, the other so careful with the cut running towards your pinky finger. They were a worker’s hands, a little calloused and rough in handling, but you could easily see how gentle he was trying to be. Taking it slow and steady, careful not to hurt.
“Okay, it’s clean. Can I stitch it?” Those eyes on yours again. Deep but cautious. He reached for the needle, medical thread already attached, and showed it to you.
You swallowed and peered down to the gash. Ah, it really was a deep one, it’d scar for sure. It needed all the help it could get. “You know what you’re doing?”
He nodded, the ghost of a laugh to his voice as he recalled his tens of incidents. “I have done this many times.”
“... Be careful.”
He got to work instantly, taking your hand in his and turning the cut upwards, holding it firm to keep it still. He glanced at the tip of the needle, brought it to your flesh and--
You couldn’t watch. You focused instead on his crown of messy hair. Warm brown, some strands lifted to look golden in the shine of the morning light. You could so easily reach out and touch it, see if it was as soft as it loo-
The prick of pain from the needle. You winced, but tried hard to be still for him, desperately focusing your attention on how those gorgeous locks might fall through your fingers if you touched them, how they’d differ to the coarser hair of his beard in your touch.
You gave a sigh. It was happening. You couldn’t push it away anymore.
People had told you for years that you clearly had a crush on this man, and you were adamant that you did not. He’d been the bane of your existence. He was the worst part of salvaging and stealing components. If you bumped into him, it’d ruin your whole day and you wouldn’t be able to shake him from your thoughts for hours. His annoying tone of voice, the haughty way he’d offer to help you.
But that wasn’t the truth. You’d always painted it so negatively, always convinced yourself that’s what it was. Hate. But honestly, you just never wanted to give into what you hated to admit.
And now, here, on his couch with a B2 unit watching, he’d shattered your narrative to pieces.
You felt things for him, and not in the way you wanted.
“And… Done.” He reached aside for scissors to cut the thread, dabbed a clean, dry cloth to any specs of blood that tried to seep out, and scrutinised his work. “That wasn’t so bad, was it? You did well.”
His eyes fixed on you again, relieved and expectant. He was so genuine. How hadn’t you seen it before?
You cleared your throat and diverted your eyes to your hand, inspecting his repairs. It really did look good. The gash was pulled closed and the stitches were evenly spaced and clean; a professional couldn’t have done it much better.
“Hm. Not quite as terrible as I’d expect.” Your words were softer than your usual insults. You couldn’t find it in you right now to be sharp.
But even so, he gave a low chuckle. “You’re welcome. Let me cover it.” He took a packaged gauze from the droid’s hatch and tore it open with his teeth-- A shock to your tummy told you that you found it attractive. It was lucky he was engrossed with attaching it to your wound, or he would’ve caught the way your ears flushed pink.
Quick moments passed, and he sat up straight with his lips caught in a kind smile. “Good as new.”
Your hand still rested in his. You were hyper aware of the warmth of it, the feeling of his skin, and it took everything in you not to disturb the moment with the indulgent caress you craved, in case he let go.
This was too hard. You hadn’t banked on facing something like this when you woke up this morning. You shared a reluctant smile.
His demeanour changed instantly. His eyes flickered between your palm and your face, words urgent with worry. “What’s wrong?”
“N-nothing, Cassian. Do you think the yacht is still there?”
“It might be.”
You sighed inwardly. Perhaps it was finally time to let go of your grudge and see him for who he was.
You shone a daring smile, a buzz in your veins at the prospect of calling an end to your rivalry.
“... Wanna go half with me?”
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thenixkat · 5 months
I should have gone to bed like an hour ago but I'll leave with an observation.
You'd think the angst folks would take Laios having incorporated part of the Infinite into himself, to run with like 'what if Laios eventually transforms into an insatiable demon hybrid who slowly loses the ability to care about or view his friends/allies/subjects/etc as anything other than a potential meal/looses himself' for something. Or even him worrying about that possibility. For more stuff than I've seen floating around.
It's a goldmine really. The horror hunger trope is yer friend.
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icy-book · 4 months
Hi, I'm Icy and this is my terrick propaganda post
Why should I vote terrick in the unpopular/niche dndads shipping pole, you may ask. Well, here's my best attempt at consoladating why I ship terrick, things I love about them, and why I think they're a ship that should be significantly more popular than it is:
Narrative parallels in season 1
This one I think is fascinating! The kiddads went through a lot in the Forgotten Realms, and the fact that they're the only ones who can understand what they've been through has been the basis of a lot of fics and posts I've seen about them. But I would argue, Terry Jr and Nicky can understand each others experiences best.
They both had their memories messed with in the Forgotten Realms. Nicky obviously through the trial and the two dads, two timelines things, but vampire Terry Sr literally ate Terry Jr's positive memories of his father, and given how long he was there, Terry Jr probably only has faint or negative memories of the real Terry Sr. They also both have a dead parent that they can't mourn properly because of the memory thing. With Morgan, she's not dead anymore. Except Nicky remembers her dying, remembers grieving for her, and in many ways that Morgan is dead. Glenn himself says so. And for Terry, how do you mourn someone you don't remember? Who you know you grieved but can't understand why anymore. And that loving one dad feels like a betrayal to the other. For Terry Jr, loving Ron feels like forgetting Terry Sr, and for Nicky his two dads are actively antagonistic towards each other. The fact that they go through such similar things in the opposite direction is a really fun playground to play in, and being able to have that openness because they understand it better than the others I think ads an extra layer of intimacy.
2. They're canonically best friends.
Childhood best friends to lovers is a trope I adore. I think the notes of this post describe it well, as well as this fic I accidently wrote in Aether's inbox. They have the potential to be really incredibly fluffy together, even from a purely platonic perspective. But it also puts a really interesting spin on my next point:
3. The Betrayal
Ooooooooooo Terry Jr having been the one to shoot Nicky's arm off was a goldmine of angst potential I was not expecting. The fact that Terry was basically begging Glenn to kill him out of a guilt is something I have thought about a lot. A lot. This also makes Nicky's potential reaction to Terry's death incredibly interesting, especially since Terry Jr went to hell aka Nicky's house. Post-season 2 has a lot of room for divorced energy, as well as the navigation of learning to date someone you never fell out of love with, even though time has changed you both considerably.
There are a lot more reasons why I love this ship, and you should go check out the terrick tag on both AO3 and here on tumblr! AO3 especially has some amazing fics (I strongly recommend this fic by Cookies, the one that officalgleamstar wrote, and all of Aether's fics but especially this one) and then also some of mine. Tumblr is perfect for passionate ramblings, and is honestly 90% me and Aether talking to each other.
If nothing else, I hope this post has given you some things to consider about Terry and Nicky, even unrelatedly from terrick. Oh, and go vote for them in the ship poll (@/dndadscharacterpolls)
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roykleinberg · 3 months
WAIT ANOTHER UNPOPULAR OPINION— and i want to preface that this is absolutely not a dig at anybody! just a trend ive seen on the tron ao3 side of things for the last couple years!
tronfic on ao3 is lacking every staple AU or trope! everyone is so caught up in writing uprising s2 fic or legacy continuations that there's literally none of the most basic AUs in the tron tag. AND IT MAKES ME SO SAD! tronfic needs to get a little more unserious!! it doesn't even need to be ship centric or nsfw— when was the last time someone wrote a college au? a fantasy au? any "tron characters in other media" au? a historical au???? pirates? vampires? COFFEE SHOP?!like, its not even my cup of tea at all, but i think it says something about how desperate our tron ao3 situation is that there isnt even an a/b/o au of some sort 😭 TRON FIC AUTHORS NEED TO HAVE FUN AGAIN!
Anonymous asked: this is tronfic anon again— basically i think the tronkinkmeme needs to come back. the person running the dumbtronaus blog is a goldmine for fun fic and yet no one is writing it :(
tron confessional with moss
unpopular counterpoint: I do not and have really never cared for au fic — aside from fairly basic canon divergence type stuff at least. and personally I’ve just never really gotten the appeal of things like college and coffee shop aus, or any of the other sillier / lighter / crackfic and adjacent premises 😬 it’s all just kinda boring to me. and maybe it’s judgy of me but any time I’ve tried to read au fic in any fandom it just ends up feeling so ooc to me it’s like reading about ocs and not the characters that I love in the situations that I love. I like expansions of canon moments, what-if style divergences, but at the end of the day I’m a simple reader and prefer things to stay relatively in line with what’s established
and I would assume — because it’s my thought process as a fic writer, at least — that people like their Uprising s2 and post-Legacy fics because there are so many big fat question marks in the Tron world that you can explore in so many different ways! I feel like a lot of those classic aus pop up more in fandoms that just. have more canon content? or fandoms for which the source material feels more finished / final. Tron fans are simply desperate for closure and I think that’s valid
but I’m also not here to be a gatekeeper of fic obviously lol. totally fair to want those things! and it’s always a little disappointing when the fic you want just doesn’t exist……… and that’s when you start writing your own because well might as well be the author you want to see in the world
thanks for giving me flashbacks to digging through both livejournal and dreamwidth for Tron/Ram crumbs though. ahhhhh the kink meme. simpler times
but major points off for almost making me curious enough to search for Tron a/b/o fic on a Friday night just to see if it exists. it has to exist. I refuse to believe that it doesn't. no fandom is safe
if someone else wants to fact check this for me I’ll owe you one
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fulcrvm · 5 months
Last Line Tag Game
Thanks for tagging me @teejaystumbles ! A really nice surprise!! :D I am indeed contemplating writing two Dead Boy Detectives fic right now, but they're both in the very early 'being-outlined-in-my-head' stage, haha. They both revolve around post-s1 Edwin pining for Charles, one where Edwin takes matters into his own hands and one where he decides to have a chat with the Cat King about it. Not sure if they'll ever be written but they're intriguing!
But for the sake of the tag game, here's a lengthy bit from a Dreamling wip I've slowly been chipping away at for a few months!
A scene from Every Little Thing (Working Title)— In which Morpheus is a figure drawing professor who has just been fired from a film production based on his comics, and Hob does part-time figure modeling and is determined befriend the aforementioned professor.
Morpheus picks his class schedules wisely— he runs two first year general figure drawing classes, at 8 a.m. and at noon on Mondays and Thursdays. He helps the uni’s live figure workshop club on Wednesdays and Fridays at 6 p.m., and meets his sister for lunch on Wednesdays. All other free time was dedicated for his industry work. That wouldn’t be a concern anymore, would it. By the time Morpheus unlocks the door to the studio, sets his bag down by his desk, and starts fiddling with the ceiling studio lights pointed at the model stand, all of Morpheus’ thoughts have reduced to pure spite. Fine, maybe the big studios don’t want him. They don’t deserve him, then, their loss. His portfolio and repertoire are infamous in the industry, they’ll be crawling back to him in no time. Too bad, maybe he would have started his own production studio and he’ll end up with the next ground-breaking animated film. Maybe— Morpheus’ thoughts are interrupted by a knock at the door. He shakes himself out of it, calling, “Come in.” A glance at his watch tells him it’s only 7:48, perhaps it’s an overeager student here early. It’s only the second week of the semester, they grab every opportunity to prove themselves with a spirited step that Morpheus might be slightly envious of. “Hello, Morpheus Endeles?” Hearing his full name startles Morpheus, and he turns from the lighting settings to the door. “Yes?” The man who steps into view can only be described as radiant. He can’t be much older than Morpheus, not much taller either but wider in the shoulders. His hair is cropped just above his shoulders and he sports a neatly kept beard. Morpheus registers this all first simply because of his profession but— he gets caught on the man’s brilliant smile and deep brown eyes. There’s something there that knocks all thoughts clear out of Morpheus’ head. The stranger smiles warmly, smiles like he already cares. “I’m here to model for the morning and noon figure classes?” The man says. Morpheus clears his throat and steps forward, “Yes, this is the right studio.” He extends a hand, “Robert Gadling, I presume?” The man takes his hand— god, he’s so warm— and shakes it steadily, “Please, call me Hob! All my friends do.”
I'm a sucker for the 'Morpheus catalogues Hob's appearance during their first meeting' trope in most Dreamling human AU fics, I couldn't not do it too :]
Besides this, I've also got a Dreamling Velvet Goldmine-ish AU fic that I want to get done this summer. I'm a very slow and ruminative writer so let's see if I can commit to any of these fics now that I've posted about them lol!
No pressure tags! I have no idea who's been tagged recently so-- lol. @hardly-an-escape @valeriianz @moorishflower @amielot :)
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erumai-maadu · 2 months
(Slowly going back to my naruto era again…. Yay ) it’s so frustrating that Team Gai didn’t get to mourn completely. Like only Lee did and I get it that’s his rival and tenten that was her friend who also dealt with Lee and Gai ‘s shenanigans and Gai felt out of character when he told Lee like I get it but he never grieve after losing one of his students….
(muhahahaha come back to the pits with us mel. we have cookies!)
So much about Neji’s death was handled so badly, which explains the commonality of Neji Lives AUs. because EVERYONE knew that was bullshit.
So earlier I was watching an OSP Trope Talk (that series is a goldmine for writers btw everyone should go check it out) on fridging, and there were a few things that Red said which stuck out to me a lot.
Side note here: Neji wasn’t fridged, necessarily, but since fridging is a bad character death, Red was discussing a lot of character death tropes and how to write a good character death.
The main takeaway from the video is that a good character death feels like a conclusion to their arc somehow. Like even if it cuts off their life and their arc/future to some degree, things have wrapped up enough in their arc that the death feels correct or acceptable in some way. That clearly doesn’t happen here.
I think the reality is that Kishimoto designed Team Gai to be side characters, and killed Neji for emotional impact to Naruto and Hinata, as well as to set an example for how brutal the war was going to be. Nobody else died. It wasn’t a satisfying conclusion to his arc in any way, especially given that his whole narrative was about breaking free from the idea of the branch protecting the main family with their lives.
I think the arc of the Hyuuga clan was handled badly just in general but that’s a different (and related) conversation.
People can talk about “well it was Neji’s choice not because he had to” all they want. it just doesn’t feel satisfying. it’s a spit in the face to everything that Neji’s arc had worked up for till then.
Another thing is that a good character death has the characters around them grieve and be deeply affected by it.
Lee didn’t really grieve. He got to be sad, got to go “nooooo nejiiiiiii” and then never really mentioned it again. Naruto got a scene with Neji (that was longer than anything he got with HIS OWN TEAM RAHHH GRRR) and then was at the funeral.
The war was raging around them so one can argue they didn’t have the time to grieve. And honestly that could’ve been a very interesting thing. Forcing all of them to delay their grief because there’s a war going on, we’ll have to deal with this later, having them fight to stay focused on the task at hand, and the consequences of putting off that emotion.
Seeing something, anything that Lee and Tenten and Gai do to keep Neji in their minds. Even just them visiting his grave. Gai lost his father in a war and to lose a student, someone he probably saw as like a child to him, in a war would have been incredibly traumatic and hard for him.
Insane that in the manga there is literally no panel of Lee and Tenten at Neji’s funeral. We see team 10. but not Gai or Lee or Tenten. In the anime they’re there, so small condolences I guess.
Neji, like Shikamaru, is what I like to call a “main side character”. They are the side characters with a lot of screen/panel time and have these big and important narrative arcs that take up time and have an impact on the main character.
Lee, and Tenten especially are minor side characters who don’t get much. And Gai to some extent.
Lee gets his match against Gaara and his time during the chunin exams, and then beyond that I don’t believe we see much of him in a major narrative way. Even in the retrieval arc he’s mostly just there to show how strong Kimimaro is, rib Gaara a little about injuring him, and then sit there and ooh and aah while he summons enough sand to change the landscape.
Gai gets a bit of panel time as elite kickass jounin and Kakashi’s good friend, but still gets relegated to the side for Obito once he pops up. Madara vs Gai changed the culture the same way Lee dropping his weights did, and I think having Naruto bullshit no jutsu him back to life was…. A Choice. I got thoughts about that one too. I like that they did permanently disable him as a consequence, so his choice does have some narrative weight that others don’t. Gai gets a level of respect and dignity as a character but doesn’t really get an arc.
Tenten is the side character of all side characters. Doesn’t have a canonical last name, we know nothing about her, gets a fairly forgettable jutsu that you only really think about if you’re obsessed with her (diagnosis), and gets less screentime than Tsunade’s pet pig or Naruto’s sad boy hours swing. Her main traits come from anime filler arcs that only exist because some mfs on SP’s team LOVE team gai with all their hearts, and i adore them for this. But again, as a very minor character, she doesn’t get an arc or a focus or anything. and that’s fine, such is the nature of side characters, and such is my burden for getting obsessed with them so hard.
the point of all of this is that Tenten and Lee, and Gai to some extent, aren’t narratively important enough to bother getting panel time for grief. I think that’s why they didn’t get any sort of scene mourning Neji. I and the rest of the team gai fandom care more about Team Gai than Kishimoto ever did and that’s a little sad.
In the end it’s just bad writing, plain and simple. If Kishi needed Neji to die, there was a lot of narrative setup that he skipped in the process, and a lot of narrative afterward that would’ve helped justify the choice and make it actually satisfying.
Neji Lives AU for the win, as always.
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