#true love is playfully pretending to drown your boyfriend
jiminrings · 3 years
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last name, jeon.
drabble week: day two
drabble week masterlist
pairing: badboy!jungkook x shy!reader
wordcount: 3k
glimpse: "can't you tell that i really don't want you to be here?"
notes: a tiny change on the plot!! also: frat boy!jimin from day four makes an appearance :D
feedback + support mean the world to me!!
“do you wanna form-“
... yes
you DO have an alliance with jungkook
it's a very fair trade honestly
he pretends to be your boyfriend!! there's no specific boundaries to it, but he springs into action as soon as you're put into an inconvenience
in exchange, you whore him out to your friends!!! :D
no but literally that's how he called it
the whole reason this came to be in the first place is because you hATE confrontation with a burning passion
especially when it comes to those "i have a crush on you" moments that people spring on you all of a sudden
you don't like them back!!! that's the truth!!! but the problem is that you aLWAYS feel guilty letting people down
you obviously don't have the obligation to like someone back just because you sit next to them in class :// IT'S JUST IN YOUR NATURE TO FEEL THAT WAY
you wouldn't get into a relationship with said confessor to ease your guilt, clearly
do you plan on denying their advances? yes
but hOW????
you always take the passive-aggressive approach
you get jungkook to carry your bag and hold your hand, walk in front of said person and pretend not to see them, jungkook makes sURE to put some snide eye contact in there aaaaand the whole ordeal is finished :D
you've managed to let someone down slowly without having to speak to them in-person!!!
jungkook comes more handy than that too
you take him when you want to eat out because you're too anxious to eat alone
you take him when you want to go somewhere in which lining up is essential and you're also too anxious to stand by yourself
you take him when you want to go shopping when there's a sale but you're almost always intimidated by the barrage of people and salespeople so he asks and answers the questions for you
jungkook, in hindsight, is the perfect fake boyfriend for you <3
ALSO jungkook wants something from you
"whore me out to the girls from the families your family's friends with, and it's a deal :D"
that alliance and exchange is going pretty well so far
you mAY be on the more-reserved side but that doesn't mean you're self-aware!!!
you know that your parents are loaded and your shy nature could be somehow chalked to that since you didn't really have anyone that wasn't as non-superficial as you'd like, since they were the overprotective helicopter two-rotor seven-blade parents :(((
jungkook, however, is the only constant you have in your formula
you've known him since childhood and have been friends ever since
his mom's your mom's personal assistant, and one day when mrs. jeon couldn't find a babysitter for jungkook, your mom didn't hesitate to let four-year old jungkook come with her to work
jungkook's your fIRST actual friend that hates gold spoons with you because of how tacky they look :-) he's your emotional support person basically
your emotional support person who was sO close to running late from picking you up during his free day >:( you were about to break into a sprint if he arrived a second later, because you managed to spot a jock coming to you from the corner of your eye awhile ago
You Do Not Like Him <3
"and i even changed into a short-sleeved shirt to ward off your suitors. how romantic of me, don't you think?"
now that he mentions it, it's only now when you can drink him in in full-display
... wow
his right arm's the only one with his tattoos while his left's completely blank, but something about the balance just makes you !!!!!!!! even more
his arm's not completely covered but it was coming to be, something about the blank spaces of skin that are yet to be inked being a nice touch
"very romantic, kook."
now tHAT'S the answer he wanted to hear
he forcibly on your helmet for you to showcase, your grunts of annoyance being drowned out by whistling
(he's even looking left and right and making eye contact with anyone who has their eyes landing on you!!!!)
your cheeks smushed is a look he'll never be tired being in awe of, but he'll never tell you that, of course
"do you ever wonder if your parents would kill me if i misplace even a single hair on you?" jungkook thinks out loud and you don't even flinch with how sudden his thoughts could be, sitting on his seat first so it'd already be balanced when you do, "you sure you’re okay riding with me?? on a motorcycle????"
he usually uses yOUR family's vehicles (they let him and insisted he just takes one at this point) but when you called him, he was en route to kim kradle (it's a one-stop vehicle shop apparently) to get new rims for his motorcycle, bUT NOT ANYMORE HE GUESSES????
you come first compared to the booking he's waited on for three weeks
"i have insurance, i think."
no that's the wrong answer
why did you even bother.,,.,
jungkook flicks your nose because your forehead's protected by the helmet, his face contorted in half faux frustration
"you were supposed to be mad at me for asking that — not logical!! don't even joke about that."
"... my life insurance? like, in the instance that i-"
he flicked even harder this time!!!
you roll your eyes at him and it doesn't go unnoticed, a hand outstretching instead of his fingers flexing
“wallet, please.”
jungkook's surprised that you even look confused, this time rolling his eyes at you
“you rolled your eyes at me. you need to bribe me so i won’t rat you out.”
he has a never-ending knack for the you're rich jokes
you also know that he likes the cold and would turn the fan on even if it's too hot for a blanket, just because he wants to feel cocooned
you also know that he picks from the fourth row of drinks from the front because it's always been a habit
("the germs cling on to the first row!!!")
you also know that maybe, just maybe, you can't stand it tonight when he's putting himself out there instead of being your faux boyfriend
you keep on zoning out and hoseok, perhaps the only tolerable fellow rich kid you can tolerate within your circle, finally connects the dots in his head and snickers
he's been talking about finding the vintage sneakers he's always wanted on depop and how he almost got scammed for like tWENTY minutes already
in reality, all your nods and scowls aren't towards his story
it's to jungkook and... who's that? jihye whose dad is so colossally shitty, that this one rapper wrote a diss song for him? oh yeah, that jihye
"you like him. like actually 'lose your virginity to him' love him."
there's no way
"how did you-"
"you blush like one."
alright that answer was too quick
hoseok should've ATLEAST tried to wait for a few seconds before answering
"a-and the love part?"
"babe, jungkook may not be the richest one here and that should say a lot," you peer up at him nervously and he actually chuckles, peering to everyone at this function, "dude's humble — he could also just be dense to not see you love him."
okay very true
hobi's making a dig rn at how jungkook coinicidentaally happens to be blonde and maybe this is your cue to leave
hobi does not realize that his hair is aLSO dyed blonde while talking shit about jungkook and his hari
okay this is it
once again, you are NOT listening to hoseok and he's figured out what you're doing by now
you're psyching yourself up with a couple of shots and your heels are digging on the carpeted ballroom
"pretend to wobble. it doesn't help that nothing can sink you."
oh okay makes sense
if you're gonna try and charm jungkook while trying to play it off as just being tipsy playfulness, atleast make it believable
hoseok snickers because this is just A+ content with the things that you choose to do in your way
shy girl with high alcohol tolerance mannn coming of age film writers would LOVE you ://
you're about to cross the distance between you and jungkook, but something knocks you on your shoulder with a gentle force that seemed intentional
is that-
hold on a second
"what a coincidence :O"
as in, wholesome yet slightly fuckboy-ish frat guy jimin???
he looks dashing and composed, meeting your eyes perfectly and he doesn't let your confusion startle him
"i know that look. what am i doing here?"
he says it eloquently as if he's practiced it
you must've looked so shocked that you immediately apologized, shaking your head no
"i-i didn’t mean-..."
you're confused, sure, but that doesn't mean you're immediately judging
it's just that you never saw jimin here or any function of the like, but you wouldn't put it past him if he does go to these things!!! he looks like a million dollars anyways
"relax, doll. you’re so far the only other person i know that i've seen in these type of things."
he looks calm and collected, but maybe that's just because he spent the last five minutes waiting for you to stand so he could bump into you
this place is just sO suffocating and a familiar face is gonna be his relief from something so fancy that it became mundane
"have we been in the same event before this?"
"not that i recall, no. i get invited but this is only the first time after awhile that i went."
jimin drinks from his champagne flute, wiggling his eyebrows playfully, "wanna know why i'm here?"
you're curious!!! what can you say!!!!
you never really interacted with jimin at all before this, but a familiar face like his is comforting
because hoseok's already engaged in another conversation and jungkook's,,,, being jungkook and is fawning all over jihye
jimin chuckles at your insistent nodding, leaning closer to whisper to your ear
"my stepdad’s loaded as fuck."
oh so that's why
he tugs you down to sit at the nearest possible empty chairs, all its occupants gone anyways because they're in the dancefloor busting tRULY horrendous moves
maybe it's because jimin feels lonely too like you are, and it's him feeling comfortable because he's pulled you like ten seconds ago and not once asked him anything out of bounds
maybe that's why he fell into conversation with you easily because you're always intently listening
"might love me as a real son too. maybe that’s a bonus? you don’t really expect that shit in the things you see."
this situation is actually pretty cute
you snort because maybe you’re nOT that shy when you drink,, that’s the only thing that changes in you probably
this whole conversation that sprung from boredom was unknowingly the subject of many stares, including jungkook who you were initially supposed to go to
“you’re worthy of love, jimin.”
jimin sPITS his drink because where the fuck did THAT come from???
why did you say that and why does he feel that he needed to hear that
“i-i think — i think you need more,” he raises his own glass to your lips hurriedly, caught in surprise but you still gulp nonetheless
“you’re-“ you keep sputtering as he keeps making you drink, but he rubs circles on your back at the same time and it's when you realize that jimin the frat guy may not be that bad, “what??? don’t think you’re not the only one with daddy issues! shouldn’t we have like, a radar for each other?”
jimin snorts at your counter and his eyes crinkle to the point where he can't see anything, not being able to see how you're still trying to recover with all that fizz down your throat
wow ur really enjoyable to talk to
“you’re insane and i think-“
you're not really big on feeling beyond a sense and all that stuff, but you feel as if the aura around you just got dark all of a sudden
"who are you calling insane?"
jungkook appears at your side in an instant, hands wrapped around your shoulders while you remain seated
you've honestly forgotten that you were supposed to go to jungkook, but you're reminded of that vERY clearly now
"go away, jimin," he mutters through his teeth, looking at him dead in the eye
hold on
okay now he's confused
sometimes jungkook's mouth just moves on its own without loading the thought process
"why are YOU here?"
jimin furrows his brows, shocked that he'd even see jungkook here out of all people
the guy barely even attends classes!!! and that's coming from him!!
"why’s he here?"
he crouches to your ear, eyes still furrowed at the younger guy
"long story."
jungkook scowls bitterly because jesus fuck
he left for one second, and the moment he comes back, that's when this fucking frat guy approaches you?? was he waiting on him to leave??
you and jungkook only act as a couple when the need arises, and even if you don't feel it, hE feels that this is the need!!! this is the need and it is arising!!!
"get back to uh, alpha bravo charlie or something, park. beat it."
why’s he reciting the nato phonetic alphabet???
jungkook sounds half-angry and half-sad at the same time, and you don't know which side should you focus on
“move,” he repeats this time again but more sternly, making jimin much more confused since jungkook's trying to pull him away from his seat
jimin doesn't budge and it makes the frown even more evident in jungkook's face
what is he FEELING
“can’t you tell that i really don’t want you to be here?”
“i’m not here for you, though. i’m here for y/n.”
he answers honestly, shis gut telling him that there's definitely something going on between the two of you
“y/n doesn’t want you here," kook argues back surely, only noticing your bitten lips now that makes him realize that you're not exactly sober; just a happy kind of rush
he sees you raise your hand timidly, an equally cheeky smile on your face that's only directed to jungkook like it's meant for him
"i-i actually don’t mind."
you don't,,,
you don't mind?
why aren't you signaling him to commence the faux boyfriend act!!
"y/n has a boyfriend."
“... i’m not hitting on her.”
alright this is more than the entertainment that jimin wished for lol
“yeah, well she has a boyfriend still so beat it.”
you do??
the last time you checked, jihye's gonna have jungkook as her boyfriend within the night!!
“i don-“
jimin decides to indulge jungkook, knocking his knee with yours as he winks slyly, urging you silently to watch on, turning to look at you and ask
“what’s your boyfriend’s name?”
you don't answer.
that gives him all the more reason to do so.
“last name, jeon.”
jungkook looks the most determined you've ever seen him, eyes characteristically angry with his arms across his chest that his suit tightens, “first name, me.”
the three of you know that’s not the truth
jimin takes it in, sighing when he sense that something else is about to be unfold and he does noT want to be a part of it
not before whispering to your ear again for the last time, of course
“pretty weird name if you ask me,” you laugh automatically, momentarily forgetting that jungkook's standing by you on just your opposite side and could hear you
he leaves and that only leaves you with jungkook, looking up at him as he's too frantic to even sit
“what are you doing?”
“being a social butterfly," you quip just as fast, drinking your water afterwards
jungkook only clenches his jaw by then, being taken-aback when you speak again
“who are you doing?”
“i’m busy being mad at- wait a minute, WHO???”
who instead of what??
the short-lived enthusiasm you had with jimin left with him, crashing just as hard when you're reminded of jungkook's presence
“jihye’s a pretty nice girl. you should go home early tonight.”
his brows furrow, trying to get you to look at him but you avoid his gaze insistently, “what? what are you talking about?”
“she’s not my girlfriend though.”
you're not at all satisfied with the answer because it sounds so wrong, knowing that jungkook's a handsome guy and everyone wants to be with him!!!
and he probably wants to be with everyone else besides you.
“then who-...”
“don’t know yourself anymore? jimin must’ve really swept you off your feet, huh?”
jungkook huffs as he qualifies for a rebutt, your internal wallowing being cut short
“he’s not my boyfriend.”
“well would you look at that,” jungkook snickers, sighing through his nose as your eyes finally meet his, directly stubborn yet soft around the edges
“she’s not my girlfriend, and he’s not your boyfriend. what a coincidence.”
god did he feel so threatened the moment his eyes couldn't find you besides hobi and instead next to jimin, eyes crinkled in laughter without hesitation
have you been chasing after one another this whole time?
jungkook silently grabs you by the hand and you wave no opposition to it
maybe it's your liquor-influenced vision or maybe it's you hyperfixating on such a warm moment, but your eyes immediately lock to see the matching red thread bracelet he wore like yours
you're dressed in next year's spring collection line, and the structured silk black gown that has a train behind it doesn't exactly scream to have a simple red thread bracelet as its accessory according to your mom's designer and everyone else —
but you don't have the heart to take it off
there's no need to take it off
jungkook drives your car and no one says a single thing about anything
his hand’s on your thigh and you don’t question it, eyes locking into the way his hand looks perfect and the way the bracelet looks meant to be wrapped in his wrist in the first place
you're sure this time that it's not the newfound courage you have, but rather the need to do it
you kiss jungkook's cheek on a red light.
it's on a red light that jungkook realizes he could fit the visage of his world within one hand, finally kissing you like he's always wanted to
“yeah. what a coincidence.”
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hotdamnhunnam · 3 years
Pacific Love
A/N: So this fic can be read as Part 2 to Pacific Rimjob, or as a standalone fic! This second part is based on the below request for some hot sex followed by comforting cockwarming with Raleigh, the fluffiest snuggliest version of Charlie 🥰
Pairing: Raleigh Becket x F!Reader Warnings: smut, swearing, dirty talk, your pussy serving as a home for Raleigh’s cock Requests: Request from @wayward-avenging​ + a separate request from @rayslittlekitten​
Word Count: ~1.7k
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“Still can’t believe you saved the motherfucking world.”
Your boyfriend sighs, with an exasperated blink of his blue eyes. Hates when you say it in that way, like he alone had saved the day. “We saved the world. Me and my girl.”
“You and the Gipsy Danger?” you reply, the name of his beloved Jaeger. The massive robot you two co-pilot together.
Raleigh heaves another sigh. He’s a fierce feminist, aware that women rarely get the recognition that they merit; the injustice of it makes him want to cry. That’s why he’s clearly so upset at your refusal to take credit.
Brushing a speck of dust off of the warm navy blue sweater he’s got on, you urge him not to sweat it. “Babe, I’m just pushing your buttons,” you admit, reaching to ruffle his blonde hair bright as spun gold and soft as cotton. At your touch you can already sense the energy inside him shifting. Letting go of his frustration as you gently fluff it out of him. “I know I had to carry all your problems, so it’s obvious that I’m the one who did the heavy lifting.”
He smiles as he melts into your hand then brings it down toward his lips so he can kiss it. “You know I’m glad the war is finished... but I gotta say I’m gonna miss it. Drifting.”
“Being in each other’s heads? Well, even better yet... we’ll always have our time together in each other’s beds.”
“That’s true,” he coos, stars in his baby blues. “I really like being inside of you.”
Who gave this full-grown man the right to be so fucking cute? It’s fucking rude. Your fingers wander toward his gorgeous golden mane again and comb tenderly through. “Of course you do. I like it too... and I love you.”
Throughout the war that you have somehow overcome, Drifting together had begun to feel like home. It felt like you belonged in his head even more than in your own. You were just better when you both were in that deep mind-melding zone. The two of you are more than just compatible; the bond you share is magical. It’s pure and powerful as hell.
And thankfully you know a way to bring that level of connection into the bedroom as well.
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Sex with Raleigh Fucking Becket... is a trip to heaven on a one-way ticket.
You still recall and probably won’t ever forget—back in the days before the two of you had met—what all the other women gossiping throughout the Shatterdome had said: how this new guy walking around the halls was tall and good-looking and no doubt even better-looking naked, but probably a dud in bed. A pretty slice of plain white bread.
While he may come off as a teddy bear, with his soft fluffy hair, and eyes so big and bright you never fail to melt beneath his stare... so wholesome it’s really not fair... the truth is, none of those bitches knew shit. 
They didn’t have a clue, just what Mr. Becket could do. Neither did you—until he claimed you as his girl and put you through it.
True, Raleigh insists on sex within a context of mutual understanding and respect. Prefers softcore. Prefers the passion to feel pure, to let your hearts and souls connect. 
But that won’t stop his big heroic dick from fucking like a monster once he knows that you are ready to get wrecked. And all the hardcore kinks of yours... he’s more than willing to explore. 
By now he’s got a kink himself for dirty talk, and roughing you up with his cock—spanking your ass while he slams your cunt from behind and constantly reminds you that you are his filthy fucking whore.
That’s what he does tonight, fucking you up just right. 
He takes more pleasure and more pride, in pounding into you and plunging deep inside, than any earth-shattering war he’ll ever fight.
And so do you—the slick walls of your pussy squeezing tight, around his huge shaft as he plows it through, splitting you open wide... his cock may be the Jaeger as you take it. But this love is meant for both of you to make it.
The bed beneath you creaks and rocks, as Raleigh keeps slapping your slutty ass and railing you with his colossal cock; this wouldn’t be the first time that the power of his thrusts managed to break it.
Having literally saved the world gives you the right to fuck so hard you’ll probably fucking shake it. Shake the whole damn world. The wholesome hero and his filthy whore, his dirty little girl.
Now the war is finally over maybe someday he can flood you with his cum without protection and pump you full of a little baby Becket...
But you shouldn’t get ahead of yourself yet. That’s for another night. Tonight you’re still on birth control as he fills up your hole and hammers you into the bed. Tonight is all about making your man’s cock feel at home inside your cunt so wet, so tight—letting him wreck it, now the two of you have conquered this long fight... and then indulging in a long night that he won’t ever forget.
Once his thick hot cum paints your pussy, so deliciously juicy, your sex and his pulsing in sync in perfect ecstasy... both of you take a breathless moment to recover from the climax so intense and clear the shooting stars spinning around your heads.
Your co-pilot’s full body weight collapses down on yours and crushes you into the bed, so you can feel the muscles of his abs and chest, slick with his sweat, against your back so firmly pressed. He knows just how much you love that—it’s the best, this sense of being so closely connected, after any round of sex you’ve had, completely covered by your lover as you sink into the mattress. Being beneath him in this way makes you feel safe and loved and so alive after your senses get fucked dead.
Raleigh softly tilts his face to kiss your cheek, filling you with the love that gives you endless strength yet makes you feel so weak. Somehow you manage now to speak, reminding him of that one thing that he had said.
“Do you still miss the Drift?”
His cock inside your core is still as massive, almost just as stiff. Meanwhile his loving mouth curves up into a smile as it shifts from your cheek down toward your parted lips to seal them with a kiss. “There’s not a thing I miss. Not when I’m with you just like this.”
As if you weren’t already you are now convinced: Raleigh Becket is honestly a motherfucking Disney prince.
You drown in kisses for a few seconds—or minutes, or hours for all that you know, given that your perception of time always blurs in the sheer bliss of afterglow. Each kiss is soft and sweet and sensual and slow. 
His meat at last begins to soften where it’s buried deep inside you. Pulling out to shift position, for a sleepy snuggle session, is what he’ll usually do.
... But you have something else in mind, which you don’t doubt will feel divine. The thought of it excites you and you know that it’ll be nice for Raleigh too.
“Why don’t you stay,” you softly say, just as he starts to pull away.
“...Stay?” he echoes as he keeps his body held against yours tightly.
“Inside of me,” you murmur quietly. “Isn’t that where you like to be?”
His fully drained dick answers with a twitch. Throbbing against your inner walls and scratching a new itch. He’s catching on to the idea that you want to serve him as his cockwarming bitch.
Though Raleigh hates the thought of using you like some kind of accessory... on some level he knows that isn’t how it has to be. It can be comforting and pleasing for the two of you both equally, to keep him in your pussy, buried deeply.
And as he answers your question it’s obvious that he’s aroused beyond belief. “It’s home for me. If I could I would be inside you permanently. Never leave.”
“Well, I’m pretty sure the war is finally over...” you provocatively murmur. “So just go ahead and make yourself at home, soldier.”
You co-pilot lets out a growl of arousal and nuzzles your shoulder. “You sure?”
“Of fucking course. You know this pussy is all yours.”
“Mmm, that’s my perfect little whore,” he snarls, the words making your toes curl. “Who knew you’re such a dirty girl?”
“Um, you did, stupid.”
He masks his laughter and pretends to be insulted. “Now that’s no way to talk to the hero who just saved the world!”
“I’m sorry, sir,” you playfully answer. “Remind me that you saved the world and that you own my body, sir.”
Raleigh’s half-hard dick pushes inside you deeper than it already is as his full weight keeps pressing you into the bed. “Mmm, as if you could ever forget...”
Indeed as if you ever could, when his cock owns you so fucking good. 
You spend all night impaled on his wood. Alternating between cozy cuddling, with butterfly kisses and fluffy hair ruffling... and crazy hard fucking, with him stuffing you so roughly that you’ll surely wake incapable of walking... then cuddling again as his cock slowly softens. Changing up your position every so often, but never once loosening your cunt’s tight hold of him—all the while Raleigh stays buried inside of you just as he should.
Whisper words of love, though words are never enough. You both already know it, and show it... melding into one and the same person, your two hearts as one, beating in unison, just as every fiber of your being and his come undone in complete perfect sync every time you get off.
The war has never felt farther behind you, than now when he’s deep inside you. This is home and there’s such peace, in each release. Such pure pacific love.
While the bond that you forged and explored in the Drift was a gift... one that Raleigh will miss.. nights like this—this feeling of sharing in such absolute bliss—even after the war is finished, love unlike war has no fucking limits. And that’s the true gift.
This is the gift that will keep on giving for as long as you live.
Hope you enjoyed this, and would love to hear if you did! 🤗💖
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lizbotw · 4 years
Bakugou, Todoroki, and Kirishima Discovering Their S/O’s Last Partner Abused Them
Anonymous said:
hiii! could you write headcanons for bakugou, todoroki, and kirishima on how they would react to discovering their s/o’s last partner abused them, if you’re not comfortable it’s totally fine though!
hello! i hope these are fine and i hope i portrayed everything properly. if not, someone please let me know. i wasn’t that sure about posting these so please read at your own discretion! also, if you or anyone you know is stuck in an abusive situation, please reach out to someone :( these ended up pretty long once again, so there are some scenario-like sections in a few parts. please let me know what you think and i hope you like them!!! ♡
warning: mentions of/references to abuse and abusive relationships (if it helps, i didn’t explicitly describe/go into detail about what happened? it’s more so alluded to and there’s a heavy focus on the comfort aspect)
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Bakugou Katsuki
He started to notice that something was wrong whenever you would flinch when he raised his voice. He didn’t mean to yell at you and most of the time it was just him talking at his normal, fired up volume. He didn’t like fighting with you, just playful banter in his own intense way, so it was even weirder that you were reacting like that.
But even if he was just ranting to you about his day, getting a little too into the story and his voice getting a little louder, he seemed to be constantly making you anxious, as though you were waiting for him to break bad news to you or something.
It was confusing and it frustrated Katsuki, always one to want to be in the know and be in charge of situations, but he wasn’t sure how to approach it. His usual blunt and gruff manner of demanding you tell him what was wrong would most likely only serve to worsen the situation exponentially, so he was sort of stuck.
After a while of going back and forth with himself, he came to the conclusion that he needed to change into the more caring boyfriend you deserved—soft spoken and sensitive to your emotions.
Although you had known what you had been getting into with his blatantly brash personality, he figured that actually dating him now and seeing it up close constantly were simply too much, and he really liked you so a bit of compromise here and there wouldn’t hurt.
But when he consciously lowered his voice, there seemed quite a few possibilities of what would happen.
You would likely seemingly relax and listen to his soothing tone at first, something he enjoyed because of the soft smile that would paint your features, but then it seemed as though you would snap back to reality, remembering that this was Bakugou Katsuki—resident hothead—who was suddenly using his “inside voice” unprompted, and would give him a suspicious look, as though you thought he was planning to reveal this had all been the cover up for some sort of trick.
You always seemed to catch yourself when you did that though and would look embarrassed, turning away and excusing yourself, as though hoping he hadn’t noticed your shift in emotion—which he thought was fucking stupid because of course he’s going to notice if something is up (he was always watching for little details when it came to you, admiring the tiny things that made you up because he was head over heels in love).
(Truth be told, you had had one too many startling surprises in your last relationship where you thought things were going good and finally getting back to normal, until you realized it had all been a trick—a sinister grin coating the face of your ex being all the confirmation you needed to realize how naive you had been. They always seemed to love watching your face crumble in mortified realization.)
(Every time you thought about that now around Katsuki, you always felt so guilty even associating him with something so horrible that you always had to step away and take a moment to breathe and re-organize your thoughts.)
(Under your breath, you always mumbled a quiet ‘sorry’ as you walked away, even though you knew he couldn’t hear you. It made you feel better—someone like him didn’t deserve to be remembered alongside something so horrible.)
Eventually, Katuski had enough. He had no idea what to do at this point. Perhaps you really didn’t like being around him all that much?
Your contact prior to dating had been frequent since you two were good friends, but it had been fairly controlled and in minimal amounts compared to the long hours you frequently spent stuck to each other’s sides now. Maybe he was better off just being your friend.
You seemed to think that his rough exterior could be funny at times, especially because you liked to poke fun at him a lot, and found it overall charming how it roped back into his determined mindset.
Funny—that’s what it was. You could joke around playfully with him easily, but it seemed that when it came to a stable, (hopefully) long-term relationship, that sort of thing just wouldn’t cut it. The relationship was fairly new but he was already totally flubbing it. He couldn’t keep acting like your “friend” anymore, he was supposed to be your boyfriend, so he had to up the romantic act if he really wanted to make that clear.
But then you didn’t seem to be at ease if he tried being a lot more gentle though, so what should he do?
There wasn’t much else remaining as an option but to ask you directly what you wanted from him.
He didn’t want to make you unhappy, but if it was true that you two weren’t compatible in that way well… maybe he would have to… lose this one. And he never lost.
It was his attitude of striving for perfection and for a winning outcome in this relationship that he set aside his fear of the unknown and instead put you first.
A quiet evening front of the T.V.—you staying over at his house for an impromptu movie night—had the scene perfectly set for him asking you once and for all what was wrong.
He’d made a pact with himself—if you seemed even the slightest bit unsure, he’d… maybe have to let you go. But only for your own sake. He knew it was very likely he just wasn’t made for love, versus everyone else he knew that seemed very in-tune with both theirs and others emotions.
A commercial break had him drawing in a deep breath, your head shifting comfortably against his chest as he breathed in and you closed your eyes briefly as you felt the comforting rise and fall—only to snap your eyes back open within seconds once you heard his next words. That breath hadn’t been one of quiet comfort on a romantic evening, it had been him inhaling all of the courage in the room that he could before he asked you the question that had been burning in his chest for so long—“What’s wrong?”
It came out as more like a whisper than he would have liked and he almost wished it had been drowned out by the generic ad that was currently flashing across the screen, but of course with his luck it hadn’t. At least it was out in the air now, waiting for you to strike it down from the sky and puncture it with your answer.
A few beats of silence passed and he wasn’t sure if you were going to answer—wondering if you had even heard it—but truthfully you were trying to figure out if you had heard him correctly. You decided to play it safe. “What do you mean?”
Katuski wasn’t sure what else you wanted him to say—he’d done his best, you knew he wasn’t good with this sort of thing. “Don’t play dumb, babe, you know what I’m talking about.”
Unfortunately, his voice was louder this time, mostly from his irritation at not knowing what to do to get you to tell him. But then you were slinking away from the arm he had wrapped around you, breath caught in your throat. “Kat…”
“Wait, fuck, stop, fuck, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap like that.” The words tumbled out of his mouth and he was quick to gather you back up in his arms, turning to face you on the couch. “I’m just… I’m just worried about you, baby. Is it something I’m doing? I know I’m not always the perfect boyfriend so… if you want to break up…” You had to rush to stop him from finishing, the mere thought of that tugging at your heartstrings.
And so it was there, on that same couch you had spent so many afternoons together as friends falling in love with each other, that you tearfully told him about your last relationship—a shameful past you wished to completely forget, erase, pretend didn’t exist. But Katsuki coaxed it out of you gently, the light murmur of the T.V. with it’s volume low in the background (you had asked him not to turn it completely off, afraid of what the deafening silence would bring forth in you) and you felt so, so good despite the tears dripping down your face. So fucking happy to finally get it out. And when you had finally said your piece, he was on you in seconds, warm arms encasing you and your face firmly pressed into his t-shirt, the fabric already quickly dampening from your crying, and that felt like home.
As Katuski comforted you, he was internally fuming with anger—he was careful not to let it show and accidentally end up stressing you out further, but once his reassurances of how he would never, in a million years, ever want to hurt you seemed to ease you back down to Earth—you even managing to crack a smile that made his heart do somersaults—he was already composing a plan to track down the idiot that had hurt you.
He would be extra clingy in the coming days, which was saying a lot for your boyfriend who normally liked to grumble about how stop, you’re bothering him, no hugs right now while simultaneously pulling you closer to him every single time.
If it was someone he knew, next time he saw them he wouldn’t hesitate to pull them aside and unleash a slew of threats that were definitely not empty in meaning. He had a reputation and he knew how to use it, sadistic satisfaction creeping across his face in the form of a smirk as he watched the other person cower, withering under his intense gaze.
He restrained himself and didn’t resort to violence, as much as he would have liked, knowing that you would be more upset with him if you found out he had punched your ex’s lights out and risked getting in trouble just because of you.
You always encouraged him to be a better person and rise above letting others get to him, so it was only because you were such a nice person that the person who had hurt you was able to get away with all of their teeth still in tact after facing your explosive boyfriend—and Katsuki made sure to tell them you were the reason too. Making sure to let them know that they had lost the best person in the world and even in spite of all they had put you through you more forgiving than you ever should have been.
And if it wasn’t someone he already knew? Well, it wouldn’t be long until the two got acquainted. Katsuki was smart enough to figure out who exactly it was using his grapevine of connections and it wasn’t long until he was pulling aside the person for a little talk that went similar to the one he would give if he already knew them.
Whoever hurts you would never be allowed back in your life as long as he has a say in the matter, and while sometimes you may be more forgiving towards most people than he is (it’s really not that hard to surpass him in this aspect), he makes sure to put down his foot when it comes to even giving your ex an ounce of kindness that would let them think that everything is fine now, the past is forgotten, and that they were justified in their action. Yeah, no fucking way did they deserve closure.
Katsuki is usually stubborn, but he bends easily when it comes to you—even if it comes with a bit of complaining once in a while—although this matter? Just let him have his way with this. He’s just trying to protect you, even if he knows you can handle yourself well. That’s just the way it is between you two. You give each other the space to do whatever the other wants, but at the same time, if either of you sees the other person going astray and about to make a terrible decision, a little reality check is well deserved.
Any guilt or doubt you may feel accompanied by worrying if you were too harsh to your ex when you ended on bad terms would be immediately stomped out by Katsuki followed by his attempts at motivational words (paired with a string of curses every so often) and a (huge) sprinkle of slandering your ex’s name. The whole thing was pretty endearing, especially because you could tell he was really trying, plus his insults about anyone who ever hurt you (not just your ex) were always funny to listen to.
He looked cute when he was mad, you had to admit, and with your mood greatly improved, you really have no choice but to give your boyfriend a kiss, both to shut him up and as a thank you. The short press of your lips against his would have him leaning in for more before you could even fully pull away. You never knew how long you spent in each other’s arms like that, your heart soaring higher every moment with amazement that this was finally your life, but you did know that you gave Katuski countless kisses within that time frame—each one yet another silent thank you for being your rock through thick and thin, cheesiness be damned.
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Todoroki Shouto
Shouto knew he was reserved at times—never wanting to burden you with his troubles or have you worry alongside him about some trivial thing he suddenly decided had some semblance of importance. But he was trying, okay? He knew you knew that.
If anything, he confided in you the most out of anyone else in his life. His hidden thoughts about certain subjects were easily spilled when you two were alone and talking, the words flooding out of his mouth and crashing in waves over the remains of the crumbled walls you had broken down in him. His insignificant worries became easy to discuss with you and you always smoothed over his fears—in fact it usually hurt more not to tell you things now than it did to just keep it all bottled up.
Displays of affection increased in boldness as his comfort grew with you—no longer silently wondering to himself if you thought his professions of love were too much, or if you were simply being nice to him when you returned his spontaneous kisses.
He felt a sense of security with you that had warmth coiling around his heart with every smile you gave him, a new feeling that both left him pondering the implications late into the night while simultaneously lulling him to sleep with the comfort it brought. It was confusing and he absolutely loved it.
Once he got over his initial reservations about entering a relationship, Shouto was able to see you for what you really were—someone who genuinely loved him. There was no doubt about it and he felt silly for ever questioning your bond at the start and thinking you would ever want to leave him for someone better any time soon.
As he shared more with you, slowly letting himself be consumed by your presence, your unwavering support became more and more apparent.
He was someone you trusted even before you officially started dating, sure (you two had had your fair share of late night over sharing more times than he’d like to admit), but this was different. Relationships could make or break anything. He had seen it himself with his parents after all.
It was terrifying at first, like falling in an endless black hole, but once he let himself relax—really lean into the fall—he came to appreciate the weightlessness, the wind carding through his hair.
Something still felt off though. Not necessarily wrong per say—nothing was ever wrong when you were around as far as he was concerned.
Shouto doesn’t know exactly when it was that he noticed it—it may have been when you dodged a question about what you did over the weekend, or maybe when you didn’t offer details about your own thoughts on a particular hero rescue mission video you two had seen online, or maybe it was the way you seemed painfully conscious of watching how much you revealed about your plans for the future. Or maybe it was a combination of all of those things.
Whatever it was, it was obvious you were hiding parts of yourself, almost as if you didn’t want to get too attached to him—that couldn’t be right, could it?
You really did seem to like him and he didn’t think he had misjudged your affection, but the more Shouto thought about it the more he realized how little he truly knew about you. It was as if you were prepared to disappear from his life at the drop of a hat. What was going on?
Once it became apparent to him, he began to notice it more and more, doubt creeping up in his mind with each and every incident. How had he never noticed this before? Perhaps it was because you revealed enough that he never questioned it—most surface level things seemed fair game, more or less, but it was the deeper things you seemed hesitant to share. The things in your life you held near and dear to your heart were always hidden under convoluted answers that blanketed the fact that everything you were saying was intentionally vague.
He had to get to the bottom of this and soon, otherwise he was sure he would combust from the overthinking.
Shouto was fairly straightforward and blunt at times, so he asked you point blank one night as you two sat out on his porch swing one night, facing his backyard with a giant blanket draped over both of you as you curled your legs up on the swing under it and leaned back on the array of fluffy pillows lining the back of the swing. The night was clear and the stars glimmered in the sky, which was the whole reason you two had planned this little “date” anyway—to do a bit of casual stargazing while relaxing together and enjoying each other’s presence.
Shouto couldn’t seem to completely relax though. There was something that kept tugging at his mind.
“You didn’t answer the question.” The biting statement had come out soft because he didn’t mean to sound like he was outright accusing you of anything, but you seemed to tense up all the same, turning to look at him bewildered.
‘Is it really that big a deal?’ he wondered. You seemed apprehensive at him “catching you,” as though being forced to reveal the information to him would have some sort of terrible consequence.
“W-what?” You blinked at him and he turned to fully face you, rather than glancing at you out of the corner of his eye.
“I asked if you ended up going to the arcade or amusement park last weekend. I remember you told me that none of your friends could agree on which one to choose,” he said simply, eyebrows furrowing in confusion now—for some reason, he didn’t think it would go like this. You were reacting differently from how he thought you would, seeming more paranoid and anxious than ever. It made him worried. He genuinely wanted to know the answer as well. He had been contemplating an amusement park date, having heard his fair share of others gushing about sharing a romantic Ferris wheel ride at the end of the day, and he’d like to know if you enjoyed the experience if you did go, if you’d like to go with him if you didn’t end up going with your friends, or if he shouldn’t take you there at all because you’d already went and didn’t want to go back again.
“Um…” You looked away from him and back up at the stars illuminating the sky—your eyes swiped over them as you tried to count a few and calm the racing in your heart. “We, uh… we didn’t end up going to either of them. I just went over to one of their houses for a pizza night with two of the others. Not that many people, don’t worry.” That last detail of not interacting with a ton of people seemed important to include for you, but Shouto was simply puzzled by the way you spoke it—as though you were trying to convince him you hadn’t done anything wrong, rather than just mentioning as a causal detail. The emphasize on it had him wracking his brain, trying to decipher what cryptic meaning there was behind your words.
“Oh… but I saw you with a wristband when you came back. I just didn’t get to see if it said it was from the arcade or from the amusement park.”
It wasn’t like he was trying to set a trap for you—he had just simply remembered at that moment the purple band wrapped snugly around your wrist when you came back from your hang out session—the telltale sign of an admission bracelet to some sort of event. You were allowed to have fun of course—hell, he didn’t care, he wasn’t much of one to try and stop you from doing what you wanted anyway. He was just curious. To you though, the words took on a completely different meaning as you searched for the underlying truth of what he was really thinking and you felt cornered and small with the presentation of this new information. It was suffocating. What would he do now that he knew you lied?
“Ah… yeah, I forgot about that… must’ve slipped my mind…” You couldn’t bring yourself to say much more, not sure what else you would say anyway.
You glanced back at him and could see that he was still watching you. You looked away quickly, heart beating fast.
You heard him breath out through his nose and you could tell he was thinking. “It’s okay. You didn’t have to tell me. I was just wondering,” he spoke quietly and you instantly felt bad for hurting him like that and making him think you didn’t want to talk to him.
“Shouto, I-” You let the words die on your tongue, not knowing where you were going with them anyway.
“(Y/N)…  you know, truthfully, I’ve been noticing it a lot.” You were looking at him fully now while his gaze was focused downwards, playing with the soft fabric of the blanket that was keeping you two warm. “You don’t have to tell me things if you don’t want to. It just feels like there’s a lot you’re not telling me. I just wanted to ask why. At first I thought it was just once or twice it happened, but now I see there’s a lot of little details I don’t know about you.” He was back to staring at you now, blanket still clenched between his hands as his fingers continuously soothed over the fabric. “Is there anything I can do better? I don’t know if you feel comfortable around me… but I feel comfortable around you if that helps…”
It was as though you were in a trance as you listened to him speak, hanging onto each and every word, and you bit your tongue lightly to break you out of your speechlessness and shake yourself back to reality.
You sighed and shifted uncomfortably in your seat, running your finger along the seam of one of the pillows you were leaning back against. “I, uh… just have a hard time trusting people… I don’t know…”
Shouto took your hesitation as a sign that he was digging into something much deeper than he originally thought and he decided he shouldn’t force it—if it really was something deeper than a surface level bump in a relationship that could be solved relatively quickly, then he would give you the time to tell him on your own.
He felt like such a jerk for how he brought it up—it seemed that this was tied to a deep issue and a sensitive topic for you and he had just brought it up like it was nothing. What kind of boyfriend was this obvious to your struggles?
He released his grip on the blanket and looked back at the stars, choosing instead now to fidget with his hair, running his fingers through it twice before realizing he should probably stop doing that. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to, but… I’d like to be someone you could trust.” He planned to leave it at that, aside from apologizing later again and showering you with affection, hoping you could forgive his embarrassing moment of pure insensitively and selfishness. His plans of how to smooth over the tension hanging thick in the air were put on hold though when he heard you speak again.
“No… you know what? You deserve to know. I’m sorry for all of this. I do trust you. I don’t know what got into me. If anything, I trust you the most to tell about this. I don’t know why I didn’t do it sooner.” Your bitter laugh at the end surprised him and he met your eyes. With you both looking at each other, you felt emboldened and ready to make the truth known.
You reached over to lace his fingers with yours and he let you, automatically moving so he could sit closer to you. “(Y/N)?”
“Shouto…” And with that you revealed the true reason you had always been so careful with your words around him, the source of your guardedness, and the experience that left your heart wounded—your last relationship.
Shouto, already having berated himself before for approaching the situation so brashly, knew to stay quiet now and let you speak, only reacting with twists of his face in shock, horror, or disgust because he was appalled that anyone would ever treat you like that. He could feel his blood boiling.
At last you were done—your hands staying intertwined and resting on the blanket between you two the whole time—and just in time too, because he couldn’t take any more of hearing the heart-wrenching things you had been through. And yet here you were, still standing strong after having experienced it. Meanwhile, just the words and the way the vivid descriptions came to life in his mind were enough to make him reel, thoughts flashing back to his own childhood.
As you had spoken, you two had somehow shifted closer together, the proximity comforting you as you told the story. Now Shouto closed the distance to reach over and pull you firmly into his arms, burying his face in the crook of your neck. You could feel the soft brush of his lips there and his warm breath as he held you close, causing you to shiver involuntarily. You blinked for a second, shocked at his sudden display of affection, before tightly wrapping your arms around him as well. The tears you had been holding in the whole time and masking under your wavering words full with emotion all flowed out now, the dam broken and nothing holding you back from sobbing against his shoulder.
Shouto was apologizing for how harsh he had been with you before and you could tell he really meant it—it sounded like he was mentally beating himself up over the whole thing and he was. He felt even more stupid now. Something this serious and he had never pick up on it? He really felt like the worst and vowed to always protect you. His own childhood trauma had left him with no one to console him and he refused for the same to happen to you. Neither of you were sure which one of you started it, but there was a constant back and forth of “I love you”s professed as you sat there, tangling in each other’s arms. That little reminder meant everything to you.
Now that Shouto knew why you seemed to have difficulty telling him things, he knew not to try to pry information out of you, but rather let you know you had his constant trust and support, hoping that you would slowly come of your shell yourself—and you did, feeling as though you were able to be more open with him now. His reassurances that he would never try to control you in any way set your mind at ease and with each day that passed you felt lighter and more carefree, no longer cherry picking at your speed and wondering what you should say.
It took a bit for you to break out of the habit that you had so carefully accumulated and improved to protect yourself, but Shouto was patient and willing to help, and you found yourself falling in love with him all over again.
Shouto is someone with a lot of power, influence, and money at his disposal, all thanks to his father—as much as he hated to admit it (although he would say that it came in handy at times like this). He would never outright tell you that he now had a personal bone to pick with your ex but… let’s just say you won’t have to worry about accidentally running into them ever again.
It’s likely you may not even notice the change, having already cut that person completely out of your life and being used to avoiding them like the plague or flat out ignoring them.
Although if you did notice them appearing less in your life, you may mention it offhandedly to him, maybe even questioning him if he knew anything about it.
He would answer cryptically, either saying “Huh, that is strange,” or “Don’t worry about it,” if you were eyeing him suspiciously, taking a sip from the cup of tea he had been nursing in order to hide the small, knowing smile that he couldn’t keep off of his face.
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Kirishima Eijirou
Eijirou had always been a touchy guy, and you knew this, yet it still didn’t make it any easier to completely relax when you were snuggled against his chest, or when he would drape an arm around you without warning.
During the dates you had gone on before officially entering a relationship, he was always careful with his touches, but still made mild gestures—asking if he could hold your hand, or sometimes resting his hand on the small of your back when leading you out of a restaurant. You liked that—his touches were sincere and made you feel wanted again. He really was perfect.
A gentleman at heart it seemed, Eijirou was always respectful, yet those baby steps towards increased physical contact still set your heart aflame, no matter how hard you tried to stomp the fire out and remind yourself to be careful, heart beating fast because what did you do to deserve something so wonderful (it was the type of adoration that seemed to continuously bloom, beginning from the very first time you met him).
It took a while before he worked up the courage to ask you to put a label on whatever it was that you two had. He had sensed your cautiousness from the start when you two went on your first date—although he didn’t know the true reason behind why you were so closed off to love—and he had kept that initial impression of you in mind the entire time.
Usually he was one for breaking down barriers, pushing past the tough exteriors of others, and he did the same to you, but he also knew the guarded feeling you carried seemed different and he didn’t want to pry, so he was careful in his approaches.
Those slow steps that you loved so much from the start (the small touches and the gradual opening up to each other), truly resulted because 1.) he really was a gentleman (you were correct in that assumption), but 2.) unbeknownst to you, his mind was always working around you and when he picked up on your initial coldness (you may try to hide it, but he knows how to read people well), he made sure to be extra careful when it came to advancing things with you.
Forwardness cast aside, he took things at the pace you wanted, hesitant to ask you the burning question to make it all completely official in case that scared you off. He absolutely loved you and it would take him forever to get over it if he really did mess this up.
There was also the issue of him not wanting to wait too long and make you think he was stringing you along or wasting your time. He wanted to make his intentions clear sooner rather than later, but it always felt too soon and he was constantly trying to gauge your reactions.
Stuck in this limbo, Eijirou ended up asking you to be in a relationship before he even truly realized what he was saying.
Hanging out together on yet another fairy tale date, the thought occurred to him that with the way you two were already so close, to not be dating would be pretty weird. It was the obvious next step now more than ever.
And then the words were tumbling out of his mouth before he even realized it and you were laughing—his heart sunk for a moment at that because oh my god he’s so stupid no way you’d actually want to date him, he’d totally misread the situation, but also sent his heart fluttering because your laugh and smile and everything about you was so cute and beautiful and amazing and-).
His fears were put to rest when you leaned over to press a kiss to the corner of his mouth, lacing your fingers with his where they rested on the park bench you two were currently sitting on, laughter still spilling out of you, although a bit more controlled now.
You told him that honesty? You thought you two were basically dating already and he was just the type to not say anything and just assume you knew, so you’d been going along with it this whole time.
His mouth was hanging open at first, but then a giant dopey grin crossed his face and you were wrapped up in his arms, pulled to his chest in a bear hug.
You sighed contentedly—this felt right.
Your floating on cloud nine didn’t last forever though and soon you were spiraling back down to Earth, plummeting harder towards it than you had floated up.
It seemed that now that things had been said out loud and it was confirmed that you were really together, the whole thing began to weigh a little heavily on your heart. You were still head over heels in love, and being with him was definitely what you wanted to do, but you couldn’t stop thinking about what would happen if you accidentally did something wrong and completely ruined everything, whether due to your paranoia grating on his nerves eventually (as patient as he had proven to be, you knew everyone had their limits) or because he simply got fed up with you and things turned out like last time.
You had deluded yourself into believing you were fine before, but you really knew that the only reason you allowed yourself to be so comfortable around him during those first few dates was because he hadn’t officially asked you out yet. Now that he had and this relationship was a real thing, your breath caught in your throat the more you thought about how things went the last time—it had started off just like this, perfect… maybe even too perfect.
Eijirou wasn’t like that, you knew it, but you kept wondering what if this is the day that the switch flips?
Stuck in your own mind over the issue and reluctant to talk it out left you jumpy around your new boyfriend—fuck, you hated it, but you couldn’t stop your body from reacting before you mind could soothe it with rational thoughts that he was one of the most caring people, if not the most caring person, you have ever met.
He, of course, took the whole thing wonderfully like the perfect person he is, even if he didn’t know the real reason why you suddenly seemed so opposed to physical contact, just causing you to feel worse because how could you keep making him think that this was his fault.
Hugs, hand holding, and cuddling on the couch still seemed among his favorite things. You liked them too—the security and warmth was addicting—but what had been normal during the pre-dating phase, now became a sore spot for you.
You had felt butterflies at this touches before (now you wondered if perhaps the reason that you were able to lean easily into those touches were because you could just imagine he was one of your friends—a hot friend with soft lips who you kind of, sort of wanted to spend forever with—rather than some guy that held your heart in his hands), but now your mind was kicked into overdrive each and every time.
There were times where he would immediately pull away if you seemed overly stiff and unsure, apologizing profusely. You didn’t know how to explain that it wasn’t him that was the problem—you wanted to be in his arms, protected and warm, you were just having a hard time adjusting to the intense love he always provided.
He was always so attentive, noticing if you had a distant look in your eye, asking you what was on your mind. You felt bad, absolutely horrible. Why were you always so tense around him? You had taken time to heal on your own, waiting a while before getting back into the dating scene. You knew what you needed, you knew how much time you needed, and you most of all knew that you didn’t need some big strong guy to save you from your thoughts. You just needed him to understand that. You thought you could forget the past, bury it—you were independent and didn’t need the support.
You briefly wondered for a while if perhaps you weren’t as ready for a relationship right now as you thought—maybe you need more time?
But then that idea was immediately squashed—no, you would not let what happened to you rule your life any longer. You deserved to have someone as great as Eijirou, and he deserved someone as amazing as you, and most of all, you really, really liked him. And it was because of the reasons you liked him—his caring attitude, his innate understanding, his watchful eyes that were always soft with emotion—that you decided to take the leap and just outright tell him everything.
A quiet evening of domesticity felt like the right time—a relaxed mood set as you two winded down from the day at his house. You were seated across the kitchen table from one another with him typing on his laptop and occasionally pausing to scroll or contemplate something (he would interlace his fingers, elbows propped up on the table and hands resting against his lips with a small frown before his eyes suddenly lit up with an answer to whatever question had been plaguing his mind). You, on the other hand, you very much attempting to write in your notebook, but so far all you had accomplished was to mark the edges of the pages with senseless scribbles, not even able to bring yourself to properly doodle little stars or hearts like you usually would.
You flicked your pen between your fingers, either quietly tapping it against the blank page in front of you (you wanted to tap it against the table to hear the satisfying thumping of the wood, but you didn’t want to disturb Eijirou) or against your cheek. You could feel his eyes on you every so often when he would very briefly glance up. He probably thought you were deep in concentration because he never said anything about your troubled look, although it seemed like he wanted to. Ah, damn, you really did love him—why was he always so caring, even if it came in little gestures like this? You hid a smile to yourself as you thought about how at times he could seem conflicted between always checking up on you but also loving to watch you work. Cute.
Truth be told, you were deep in concentration, but it wasn’t about what he thought it was. Rather, your initial concentration had been broken so many times by your incessant thoughts that you finally decided to give them the attention they had been demanding. There was no way you could work like this, as told by the tug on your heartstrings. There was really only one thing to do at a time like this and you just knew it was the right time. It’s now or never.
You chewed on the tip of the pen cap for a second in quiet contemplation, before steeling yourself and speaking. “Hey, um… can I talk to you about something?” You didn’t tear your gaze away from the page in front of you—eyes tracing the lines of scribbles as though they would give you courage—until you had finished your sentence. The words rang in your ears as they pierced the comfortable silence that had only been broken by small noises of shuffling before. As the last syllable slipped out, you looked up, watching to see what he would do.
Eijirou snapped his head up to you with wide eyes and blinked. “Of course, babe, what’s up?” He shoved his laptop to the side, but then after a quick moment seemed to decide that wasn’t enough and pushed the top down for good measure to make sure you knew you one hundred percent had his attention.
His immediate reaction to your words was both because he had heard the ting of worrying in your voice—your tone serious—and also because he always hung onto your every word anyway, always listening carefully to what you had to say. His attention was always yours.
You glanced away from his intense gaze and hummed in thought, twirling your pen around. You motioned for him to come sit next to you, which he did without hesitation, rounding the table and pulling out the chair next to you with a quiet squeak against the floor. While he did that, you pushed out your chair a bit also so you could comfortably turn to face him at your side.
As he sat down, he dragged his chair closer to yours until they were almost touching, and then when you pulled your legs up and angled yourself so you could sit crossed legged on your chair, he did the same, taking your cue—he was watching your moves so carefully, wondering what was wrong, that he mimicked the action barely thinking. Your knees rubbed together and you cracked a smile at that—one he mirrored—but then your solemn expression returned.
A deep breath and you let the pen slip from between your fingers, roll out of your hand, and land back on your still open and still embarrassingly blank notebook. Then, you turned to look Eijirou in the eye, determined not to back down now, and gave him another small grin to set his nerves at ease because he looked so worried (once again, cute).
“So…” And that was the shaky, uncertain word you began on before your story began to flow out of you, the words whistling past your lips with gradually increasing confidence as you went on—the way you saw it was that even if it was hard, you had gotten this far in the retelling so you might as well see it through. It took a lot of willpower, but you had set your mind to this and would not allow the past to ruin your current relationship. Eijirou was silent throughout it, although just having him there and watching his facial expressions (twisting in anger, sorrow, disbelief, and million other emotions that you didn’t know the names of but could feel deep in your heart with just one glance at him) was enough to keep you grounded and continuing to let it all out.
Despite your best efforts, tears managed to escape your eyes, increasing in ferocity the deeper you went , but you quickly wiped them away—a signal to him to just wait, give you a moment, you could handle this, even though it was very clear that he simply wanted to comfort you.
And then, as abruptly as you had started, you were done, the last tortured word coming out. “And, um, here we are I guess…,” you simply shrugged as you awkwardly tried to wrap up your monologue. “I don’t know…”
Eijirou was quiet for a moment, lips slightly parted, as though he was waiting for you to say something else and he didn’t want to accidentally interrupt you and stop the stream of raw emotions you had been so vulnerable to share and entrust with him—he wanted to know everything about what had been torturing this whole time so you would no longer have to step on eggshells around him. When you breathed out a deep sigh of relief, chest suddenly feeling airy and light, your head clear, only then did he accept that you were done and ready for his reaction.
He almost reached out immediately to pull you to his chest, but stopped himself quickly before his arms could even shoot out. You could see how his hand had twitched from where it lay in his lap—it was about to reach out, but he had stopped it almost right away, and it was clear that he really wanted to wrap you in a hug right now. As much as he wanted that though, he also knew that he didn’t want to suddenly grab you after you had just opened up to him and relived that horrible experience in your mind.
Memories of when he had so casually pulled you to his chest before without knowing what was wrong filled his head and he felt so guilty. How could he never have noticed this before? Would you even want his comfort right now?
You found his current display of just wanting to be supportive endearing though and gave him a slight nod to signal that it was okay. That was all the confirmation he needed before he had you pressed against him, arms tight as they looped around your back and warmth radiating from his chest. You took a breath in and could smell the soft, comforting scent that he always seemed to carry. Just being held like this as he rubbed soothing circles on your back with his thumb seemed to open the floodgates and soon you were openly sobbing, embarrassed because he had never seen you like this before, but also feeling encouraged to finally let everything out as he coaxed the tears out of you with quiet murmurs of “It’s okay, babe,” and “I’ve got you, baby.”
Not long later, after you guys had both calmed down—you from the overwhelming emotions that had taken over you, and him from his anger at your ex and his heart-aching feelings at thinking about what you had been through—you two were cuddled up in his bed.
Eijirou had made you a hot cup of tea and after you had chosen to burrow under the blankets, he followed suit as you asked him to join you (he was still being cautious about not doing anything you didn’t want).
You two discussed your relationship and what the new information you had shared meant for you both. Assurances of how much you loved each other were sprinkled throughout the conversation and Eijirou said he would ease up on the spontaneous touches for a little bit until you felt more comfortable (they still weren’t completely gone though because you loved them—it’s just that he now knew to be a little more cautious about that sort of thing), and you made sure to let him know that all those times you had tensed up before hadn’t been because of him but rather because of your memories. He knew what to look out for now and as observant he was about you, you knew that he would even pick up small cues of discomfort, although you could already feel yourself slowly letting go of your tension.
Now that you had explained everything and that weight was off of your chest, you felt so much better. Plus, hearing him directly assure you that he would never dare to hurt you like that gave you a feeling of relief and greater trust in him. Just something about you being open about the whole thing made you feel that things could finally be normal now.
Your suspicions were right, things were a lot better after that, and Eijirou could tell that you saw physical touches as a sign of comfort now, rather than something you had an internal struggle with, and through slow steps again like you had taken at the start, you were able to get to a place where you no longer felt apprehensive about the topic.
Eijirou would be your protective safety blanket whenever you needed it, although he also knew you were strong-willed and didn’t always need his help either, so he was content staying on the sidelines if you really seemed like you could work through something on your own, although he was always ready to comfort you if need be.
The tipping point when it was really confirmed that Eijirou would protect you no matter what it was when you two ran into your ex at a convenience store one day.
Eijirou was browsing the snack aisles not that far from you while you were looking over the sweets they had lining the counter near the door. You could still see each other over the top of the mini-aisles since the shelves were short, and Eijirou was talking to you about all the snacks he was contemplating on getting, asking your opinion as you occasionally replied to his chatter over your shoulder, piling the things you wanted into your arms as he no doubt did the same.
You were about to call back out to him and turned to look over your shoulder, stepping towards his direction automatically, having found one of his favorite flavors of a certain sweet you two always ate, when you noticed someone standing behind you, probably looking at the shelves for things they wanted as well since the place was pretty small and everything was cramped together.
“Oh, ah, sorry…” You awkwardly turned back to what you were doing, tucking the package of what you were going to show Eijirou under your arm to bring to him later, and shifting away so that the other person would have more room to continue shopping, feeling a little embarrassed. You hadn’t noticed their presence before because you had been so busy eyeing all of the delicious goods right in front of you.
“Hm? Oh, that’s alright,” they replied nonchalantly and you just nodded silently and gave them a small smile and a sideways glance in response.
You froze when you saw that they were looking back at you intensely and recognition flooded your senses. You knew that voice sounded familiar, plus when you had glanced at them before when you first bumped into them something seemed to ring a bell but you had simply brushed it off.
While you were filled with instant dread at realizing who it was, the other person, now able to see your face clearly, seemed to light up with delight at seeing that it was really you—as if they had just run into an old friend. “(Y/N)! Woah, is that you? Long time no see!” What was your ex doing here? What were the chances? It just seemed like the universe cursed you with bad luck.
You could vaguely make out Eijirou’s voice under the ringing in your ears as you took a step back, away from your ex—which they just seemed to take as cue to turn more fully towards you, both of you now facing each other.
Eijirou seemed to have noticed you not replying and came over to you, arms piled high with bags of chips and other packages of both of your favorite snacks. “What’s wrong, babe? Ooo, what’s that you’re holding, it looks g-” He paused, having followed your gaze to see you staring at another person, and finally noticing the newcomer just as they went on talking about how great it was to see you. Eijirou took this as a cue that you knew this person. “Who’s this? One of your friends?” he asked with a grin, looking back at you.
You ignored his question, unable to think, and shakily greeted the mysterious person back. Eijirou could tell something was wrong, but he didn’t know what. But then you said the name of the other person in your greeting and something clicked in his mind—that was the name of your ex. How could he have forgotten? The memory of when you had told him all of the horrible things they had done to you was now at the forefront of his mind and he swiftly moved in front of you, gripping his snacks closely to his chest to prevent them from toppling out of his arms at the sudden movement. His warm expression had melted into one of distaste, glaring at the person in front of both of you, blocking them off from your path.
Eijirou tried to get your ex to leave peacefully with thinly veiled threats, making it know he knew exactly who they were and what they had done to you, but your ex fought back, saying that they were simply talking to you and refusing to go just yet. You were cowering behind Eijirou, still shell shocked, and tugging on his arm lightly, trying to get him to just forget about it and leave with you, not feeling up to deal with conflict of any sort right now, especially any involving your ex of all people.
“Who the hell are you anyway?” your ex bit out, fire in their eyes.
“Me? You mean the boyfriend who’s about to beat a nobody like you’s ass?” You could see how Eijirou’s fists clenched as he said that, packaging crinkling under his fingers.
Your ex scoffed and peered around Eijirou to look directly at you. “Boyfriend, huh? Can’t believe you managed to snag someone else.”
You had to grab Eijirou to hold him back after he heard that comment, trying to juggle your mountain of snacks in one arm while firmly gripping onto him with your free hand.
The look in your eyes when he glanced over at you in confusion and the way you refused to let him go made it clear that you didn’t want him to get in trouble just for you.
That didn’t stop him from slandering the other person with a healthy dose of threats though and despite your ex’s stubbornness, Eijirou finally managed to get them off your back. You two quickly paid for everything you had already picked up and left the store not long after. Eijirou would make sure to shoot your ex one final warning glare if they were still in the store or if he saw them right outside.
Expect him to check up on you after the incident as soon as you’re far away enough from the store, offering to carry all of the bags for you and do whatever you needed him to do. “Are you okay, babe?” he would ask and would keep assuring you that he loved you and would never let that person near you ever again until he was sure that you had calmed down. He had seen the panic-stricken expression on your face back there and never wanted to witness it ever again. A kiss on the temple would be his way of sealing the deal and his promises to keep you safe.
Following that day, if you still had any previous reservations about your boyfriend’s loyalty, they all dissipated after seeing how fired up and serious Eijirou had become when it came to protecting you. He would give you all the comfort you needed after the run-in if you were still shaken up and would be very clingy and attentive. He would give you space if you asked, but would be at your beck and call for a while, wanting to ease the pain of the traumatic experience.
“Don’t worry, babe. I’ve got you and I’ll never let you go,” he would mumble into the top of your shoulder as he held you close, hands on your sides and thumbs slowly soothing the skin there with small strokes. And you completely believed him with all of your heart, and your trust was the best thing he could ever ask for and receive from you.
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luminois · 4 years
・:*✧ 𝗵𝘆𝘂𝗻𝗷𝗶𝗻;
𝟭𝟯𝟴𝟲 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱𝘀, 𝗳𝗲𝗺!𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿.
n/a: this piece is related to another work of mine, which you can read here. you don’t have to read it to read this one, but i would appreciate it if you did.
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looking up from your lunch, you were met with the sight of your youngest friend and her boyfriend giggling and whispering to each other, blush dusting both their cheeks. from the moment jeongin had confessed to her this had become your new reality, and you were already sick of it. it was cute, adorable even, but you’d quickly gotten tired of having to look at them shamelessly flirt everywhere, completely uncaring of people around them. you understood it was their first relationship, and you were genuinely so happy for your friend, you just wished they didn’t shove it in your face every damn day.
the truth was, you were single. very single. so single it was almost painful, and having a blissed-out couple under your nose everyday wasn’t doing any good to your already blue mood. you too wanted a boyfriend to giggle and flirt around with, and it was driving you crazy how much you ached for it.
shaking the thoughts out of your head, you quickly looked away from jeongin and your friend, hoping nobody sitting around you had noticed. the new couple had brought the two friend groups together and now eight boys were sitting at the table that used to belong to the girls’ volleyball team only. they were all good guys, a bit too loud at times but undoubtedly funny and undeniably cute. some of your friends had no problems in voicing out how attractive they thought jeongin’s friends were, and they were currently laughing at their jokes like they were the funniest things they’d ever heard. you agreed with them, of course. felix and seungmin were entirely endearing, while minho and chan had that quiet and mysterious kind of vibe that lured everyone in. you suspected there was something going on between minho and jisung, but it wasn’t your place to pry. and then, hyunjin.
your eyes traveled to him, comfortably sitting right beside you. he was laying back on his chair, his lips stretched out in a relaxed smirk and black hair messed up just enough to look good. hyunjin was attractive and he knew it, and you liked to pretend his confidence bothered you. him and his ridiculously attractive face and body and everything. he wasn’t arrogant but he loved to tease, and he loved to tease you the most. you scoffed at everything he said, hiding your smile and the way your stomach squirmed with butterflies. but you knew hyunjin saw right through you, he was too smart for his own good, and you didn’t know how long you could keep pretending.
hyunjin’s eyes met yours, his smirk getting bigger at having caught you staring. you rolled your eyes and looked down at your untouched lunch again, your breath catching in your throat as he scooted his chair closer to yours.
“they’re cute,” he said, low enough only you could hear. you were extremely aware of his arm now resting on the back of your seat and you decided to indulge yourself, leaning back to feel it against your back.
you folded your arms and turned your head to look at him, almost gasping at how close he actually was. “sickeningly cute.”
hyunjin raised his eyebrows, witty smile never leaving his lips. “c’mon baby, they’re not that bad. i bet you would act just like them if you were in love.”
“how do you know i’m not?” you said, forcing your brain to ignore the pet name. you were stepping into dangerous territory, talking with him about love, and you didn’t know why you were doing this to yourself.
“are you in love?”
“how do you know i won’t lie?”
hyunjin chuckled, pulling a smile from you as well. he carded his fingers through his hair before looking back at you, eyes gleaming with mischief. “you can try, baby, but i know you can’t lie to me.”
your smile died on your lips, and you could swear your heart stopped beating for a good second. he’d hinted at it playfully before, and you knew he knew. but he’d never acknowledged your obvious crush for him so bluntly before, and it made you panic. without thinking about it twice you did the one thing you were best at. avoiding confrontation.
“i have to go practice my spikes,” you said curtly, grabbing your bag and leaving the table without looking at anybody.
you didn’t know if your friends or the boys had noticed you leaving, the noise of the full cafeteria and your heartbeat in your ears drowning everything else out. you darted through the tables quickly, getting out of the crowded room but not slowing down as you crossed the empty hallways. quick steps followed yours and you knew it was him, but you only stopped when a hand grabbed your wrist.
“baby, stop.”
“don’t call me like that, hyunjin, i’m not your baby” you snapped, weakly trying to free your wrist.
hyunjin only held you tighter and tried to make you look at him, scoffing when you kept turning away. “fine, if that’s what you want.”
you gasped as hyunjin grabbed your shoulders and pushed you against the lockers behind you, he hadn’t hurt you, he’d actually been gentle enough that you could’ve fought against it if you wanted, but you went willingly, even if you tried to tell yourself you hadn’t. you were too soft for him.
your eyes met hyunjin’s as his hands moved to cup your face and hold you still. “calm down and listen to me, okay?”
your eyes were open wide and he smiled at how cute you looked in that moment, your usual coldness gone in favor of newfound vulnerability. you looked at him for a long second and then nodded, red staining your cheeks as he smiled.
“i’m sorry, i was too straightforward, i didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. forgive me?”
you smiled at his cute tone, looking away as you answered quietly. “you’re forgiven.”
“thank you,” he said, “and i’m sorry i called you baby, i thought you liked it.”
“i do.”
hyunjin’s smile grew fond then, and your blush deepened. “yeah?”
“yeah, i like it,” you said, and then you hesitated. you didn’t know if you were ever going to get another chance like this, and you were tired of pretending, too. “and i like you.”
you watched his expression closely, feeling like your heart was going to beat out of your chest and your legs were going to give out under you. hyunjin’s smile didn’t waver and only grew bigger, the most genuine smile you’d ever seen him make.
“i know, baby, i like you too,” he said, stepping closer until you were plastered against the lockers and his body was touching yours everywhere.
you blinked at him, your mouth hanging agape as you looked at him in disbelief. he laughed at your expression, his hands traveling down until his arms wrapped around your waist. “don’t look at me all surprised, it was quite obvious.”
“it wasn’t, i didn’t know!” you said, your eyebrows furrowed in annoyance. your hands now rested on his shoulders, wrapping around his neck like it was the most natural thing you’d ever done.
“then you must be blind, baby,” he laughed, “i liked you even before you liked me, actually.”
“there’s no way.”
“trust me, it’s true. when innie came to practice to confess to your friend me and lix were there to help him, and i couldn’t even support my best friend properly because i couldn’t stop looking at you. i saw you and i was gone right there and then, innie is still mad about that one too.”
you shook your head, your frown turning into a smile. you’d been so foolish, but you had no more time to waste. you stood on your tip toes and pulled him down to meet your lips, almost making the both of you fall. hyunjin’s hand flew up against the lockers as your giggles were swallowed in the kiss.
at the end of the hallway, jeongin and his girlfriend looked at the two of you, holding hands and cringing as your kiss got more passionate. “i mean they’re cute but that’s a little much.”
jeongin just shrugged and led her back in the cafeteria, throwing one last fond smile behind his shoulder.
do you want to read more?
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elizabeethan · 3 years
Steal Away: 2 / 5
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When a bank robbery with his brother goes horribly wrong, Killian Jones learns to heal with the help of a fiery blonde who happened to get caught in the crosshairs.
A Modern AU
Based loosely on the movie Hell Or High Water (and so I tag @captainswanmoviemarathon)
Read on Ao3
Read The Rest
Read my Other Stuff
A/N: So this was supposed to be a one shot, but it’s, like, 24k words so I thought it would be best to split it up. I’m probably going to post one part a night for the next week or so, though.
This part is rated T as well, mostly for language and car sickness :) (I’ll let you know when we get to M hehehe)
thank you as usual to @the-darkdragonfly​, @donteattheappleshook​ and @xhookswenchx for letting me ramble about this for weeks, and to Kay for beta-ing <3
It happens quickly. 
 Her sense of humor, her taste in music, the adorable way she snorts when he hits a pothole while she’s sleeping… it’s impossible for him to avoid the feelings that stir in him. It’s almost embarrassing, the speed at which he begins to recognize his feelings, but it’s not as if he plans on sharing them at any point. 
 The fact is… he likes her. She’s cute, and funny, and undeniably sexy, and he knows that if she wasn’t here, he probably wouldn’t be either. He would’ve been arrested right off the bat, or shot in the bank himself, or drowning in a bottle of rum beside his brother’s grave. If it wasn’t for Emma Swan and her insistence to stay in his life, he wouldn’t be on his way to Maine to pick up the only remaining person in his life who means something.  
 Although, perhaps that isn’t true, because after a day on the road, he’s discovered that she’s starting to mean something, too. 
 He doesn’t know enough about her to dignify a crush, but he also isn’t stupid. He knows that he’s infatuated with her. He knows that he’s finding it hard to keep his gaze off of her. He knows that her stunning green eyes play off of the gold of her skin and her hair in such a way that makes his heart race. He knows that, based solely on what she’s told him so far, he’s desperate to know more. 
 She doesn't have a family. She spent much of her childhood homeless and running away from abusive foster placements. She was abandoned as an infant, left in the woods at only a few hours old. She’s been through hell and back, and she still manages a blinding smile.
 Her ex boyfriend is the reason she’s here with him, he thinks. She says that he screwed her over and that she wants nothing more than to get away from him and from the place that reminds her of him, and Killian thinks this all happened at a rather convenient time for her. She told him yesterday, when he was panicking over his brother’s demise, that she could tell that he was there in that bank for a good reason, and he’s taken to assuming that she has a good reason to assume that. 
 They hardly know each other, and yet he feels as though he’s known her his whole life. He knows so little about her, and yet, he can read her like she’s an open book. The term kindred spirits feels naive, and yet, that’s exactly what they are. 
 “Are we gonna stop in Chicago?” she asks excitedly as she watches the Welcome to Illinois sign pass them by. 
 “Definitely not,” he laughs. “It’s far too north for where we’re headed.” 
 “What, and Maine isn’t?” she snorts, shaking her head and pointing out a bird that flies by. “What’s up there, anyway?” 
Immediately, his heart starts racing and his palms start sweating at the thought of telling her the true reason for their trip. It dawns on him that, when they arrive, he would have to tell her anyway, lest he abandon her in town before he arrives at the lawyer’s office. 
 Of course, Emma has experienced her fair share of abandonment at this point in her life, and while he hardly knows her and shouldn’t care, he wouldn’t dare contribute to the trauma that comes with the feeling of being left behind and forgotten. 
 Bloody hell. 
 “You don’t have to tell me,” she says after a long moment of silence. 
 He clears his throat, drawing his focus back to the highway before him. “It’s alright, love. I just… it’s a sore subject, I suppose.” 
 “We share a lot of those,” she jokes, smirking at him and making his heart race. More gently, she reasons, “which means you should know by now that I won’t judge you.” 
 “Aye,” he agrees immediately, because he does know that. “Aye, you’re right. It’s, um… my child.” 
 He catches her balking, her jaw dropping and then snapping shut in quick succession before he needs to focus back on the road. “You have a kid?” 
 With a nod, his grip on the steering wheel tightens. This vehicle is better than the last, the clutch not sticking like the one in the truck had, but it’s so small and cramped that he doubts they’ll be able to sleep comfortably in these seats tonight. He’d best pull over soon so that they can find a place to sleep. “I do,” he confirms. “A daughter. She’s eight.” 
 “How old are you?” she asks in shock. 
 He narrows his eyes, shifting his gaze to her briefly and suspiciously asking, “how old are you?”
 “I asked you first,” she says seriously, as if she truly doesn't want to disclose her age, and he begins to panic. She looks old enough, but the potential that he’s just kidnapped a minor on top of everything else begins to assault his thoughts. 
 “Please just tell me I didn’t kidnap you,” he begs, his heart racing. 
 “No,” she rolls her eyes. “I’m 23, and much more mature than you.” 
 With a sound that’s somewhere between a snort and a sigh of relief, he nods. “Aye, love. I’m sure you are.”
 She sits in silence, staring at him expectantly, and he knows that it drives her mad when he smirks and begins to laugh. “Don’t be stupid! Just tell me how old you are!” 
 “I’m… I’m 31.”
 “Oh,” she says, chuckling beside him. “So you’re not that much of a cradle robber. Just a regular old bank robber.” 
 “Oy!” he shouts in offense, staring at her in shock. “Sensitive subject. And what makes you think I’m trying to rob your... cradle?”
 She snorts and shakes her head. “Please. I saw the way you were staring at my ass at that last rest stop.” 
 She could’ve chosen a more opportune time to say that, perhaps when he wasn’t taking a sip of coffee. It’s rather uncomfortable coming up his nose. “Love,” he says through a cough. “I’m not— that is, I meant not to—”
 “It’s fine, Killian,” she tells him, giggling softly and playfully. “A girl likes to feel flattered, especially a girl who feels like a—”
 Her jaw snaps shut and her eyes grow wide, the emerald catching the rays of the sun and throwing glints of gold. “Like a what, darling?”
 “Like… um, like I could eat everything on the menu at McDonalds. Is it time to stop yet?”
 “No,” he laughs, although he finds that he struggles to say no to her and mean it, even after such little time, and he indicates his intent to change lanes and moves towards an exit. “We only stopped for breakfast a few hours ago.”
 “Well, I’m starving,” she tells him, shooting him a soft smile. “And if I don’t stretch my legs in a minute, they’re gonna fall off.” 
 “You need to stretch your legs? Your feet are currently on top of my dashboard. Is that not enough of a stretch?”
 “Your dashboard? I’m pretty sure I witnessed you stealing this car.”
 “From a scrapyard,” he mumbles, giving her a shy smile as he exits the highway. “What do you want for lunch? Or should I say brunch? It’s barely eleven.”
 “We crossed time zones, you ass.”
 “What do you want?” he laughs. 
 She hums playfully, pretending to ponder his question seriously and says, “a prime rib, cooked medium rare, with a side of garlic mashed potatoes. Caramelized onion and mushroom sauce on the steak. And some green beans, for balance.” 
 Shaking his head and laughing along with her, he says, “chicken nuggets and fries it is, darling.”
 “You need to pull over,” she says suddenly, breaking almost an hour of silence between them during which he was certain she was asleep. After their early lunch, he decided to keep driving, anticipating that she would take over in a few hours. 
 “Emma,” he sighs, “we only just stopped two hours ago.”
 “I’m not asking,” she demands. “I’m telling you that if you don’t pull over,” she puts her hand over her mouth, her retching and gagging preventing her from saying anything more. 
 “Jesus,” he mumbles as he pulls into the breakdown lane, barely stopped and still in gear when she thrusts the door open and loses her lunch all over the ground. He can’t ask her if she’s alright because she hasn’t stopped vomiting, so he checks his side mirror and opens his door, walking around the front of the car to meet her. He stands behind the door and places his hand in her hair, massaging her scalp as she shudders violently. “I didn’t realize you were prone to car sickness.” 
 She groans, shaking her head and resting it against the window at her side. “I think your driving has gotten worse.”
 He hums, continuing his ministrations on her scalp as she catches her breath. “Was it the chicken, love? I knew that stuff was crap.”
 “No, it’s your crap driving.”
 “Do you want to take over, then?”
 “No, I want to sleep.”
 “Come on out and get some fresh air, would you?” She whimpers as he pulls the door open a bit more, and he takes her hand to help her out and around her sick. “It’s alright, love, come here.”
 She breathes deeply as she stands, and only remains in front of him for a moment before she falls forward against his chest and into his arms. “Sorry,” she whispers into his sweatshirts wrapping her arms around his waist and holding herself close to him. “For delaying the trip.”
 “You needn’t worry about that, love,” he soothes, and he focuses on moving his hands along her back and hair in the same way she had his. “A few moments while you find your bearings won’t hurt. Are you alright?”
 She nods against him, a sound coming from her throat that makes him squeeze her tighter. He can’t stop himself from pressing a kiss to the crown of her head, the need to comfort her interrupting any reasonable thoughts in his head. She whispers, “yeah,” so softly that he kisses her again. 
 “During lunch I found a small campground that takes cash. It’s only another few hours; can you make it that far? We can use the tent and the camping mat instead of sleeping in the car.”
 “Luxurious,” she jokes softly, maintaining her firm embrace around his middle. “That sounds perfect.”
 She’s relentless in her jokes at his expense as he struggles with the tent. It’s dusk, and there’s a decent canopy of trees above him, and, as she points out often, he’s getting old. He struggles to see the small pieces and determine what goes where, and she’s hardly any help as she sits in the car laughing at him as she claims to be recovering from another spell of car sickness. 
 “You could try helping me, you know,” he finally mumbles as the structure collapses again and he’s met with her symphonic laughter. 
 “Need a newer pair of eyes, Captain?” she asks in good humor, standing and bounding towards him confidently. It’s almost miraculous how quickly she’s recovered, and yet her nausea seems to keep coming back. 
 “Very funny, love. Come and tell me where E connects to G.”
 It’s impossible to ignore the way the full moon shines against her hair, almost white in the dim light of the night sky. The gentle waves flow freely as she releases the tie from around her locks, rubbing her palms over her face as she settles into the warm cocoon of the sleeping bag. She gives him a soft, gentle smile as he zips the tent’s opening securely shut, taking his place upon the ground between her and the door. “Where’s yours?” she asks, gesturing down at her sleeping bag and camping mat.
 He shrugs and then nods towards her. “Someone stole it.” 
 Her eyes widen in surprised embarrassment and she asks, “this is yours? What about-- weren’t you and… I mean…” 
 Smiling as he lies down on his back, he turns his head to face her and says, “I was meant to travel alone, actually.”
 Just as he thinks she’s about to match his position and lie back herself, she stirs and begins tugging on the sleeping bag until she’s out of it. She shakes it out in front of herself to straighten it and then feels around in the dark for the zipper, pulling it around the puffy fabric until it’s fully open before her. Turning towards him, she gives him another soft smile and dramatically opens it like a parachute, draping it over the both of them. “There you go,” she says with finality. “We can share.” 
 “You don’t have to do that, love. It’s summer anyway.” 
 “We’re sleeping outside, and you're taking a second, unexpected person on your trip across the country, who also happens to frequently demand pit stops. The least I can do is share your sleeping bag with you.” 
 “Well… thank you, lass. That’s very kind of you.” 
 “I just can’t part with the mat, sorry. The ground is way too hard.”
 He laughs as he turns to his side, silently agreeing with her that the ground is mighty firm as he grimaces. “You can’t spare it for an old man with old bones?” 
 She shrugs, laughing softly as well as she rolls to her side to face him head on. “You're not that old.” 
 “So I'm only young when it suits you?” 
 “I didn’t say you were young.”
 He hasn’t laughed this much in years. Before he met her, he hadn’t been so close to a woman in almost a decade. He’s forgotten how soothing the gentle touch of another can be, and he’s been hard pressed to ignore how especially soothing she is, in particular. “You do have quite the sense of humor, love.” 
 “All in good fun,” she smiles. He catches her gaze shooting down at the hem of the old sleeping bag, her fingers fiddling with some thread that has pulled away from its place. “Will you tell me something?” she asks in a whisper. 
 “What is it?” 
 She clears her throat nervously, continuing to avert her eyes from his, and asks, “will you tell me about your daughter?” 
 With a hum and a sad smile, he bites his bottom lip and nods, the memories of his love flooding back into his mind, as if he’s ever been able to prevent them. “Alice,” he says. “She’s just turned eight a few months ago. I missed her birthday.” 
 “Why? What happened?” 
 He notes the way that her fingers continue to play at the loose threads, and he matches her actions just beside her. “I was with my mother; she was dying and had no one else while Liam was in jail. I wanted to bring Alice with me, but… her mother wouldn’t allow it.” 
 “I’m sorry,” she says immediately. He hears a rustle against the mat her head lies on and lifts his own gaze to meet hers. 
 “Thank you.” 
 “When did you see her last, then?” 
 He gulps over the lump in his throat. “It’s been well over a year.”
 She sighs, and he doesn’t think he imagines the minute amount of space that she closes between them. “You must miss her terribly.”
 “Aye, I do. Everyday.”
 “Is there… I mean, is there a reason it’s been so long? I’m not trying to judge you, I’m sorry, I just—“
 “It’s alright, love,” he interrupts, noting the sudden shift in her demeanor as she realizes the nature of her question. “Her mother was rather… controlling, I suppose. I believe she used drugs and alcohol for much of Alice’s early life. I don’t have any reason to believe she used during her pregnancy, but I cared for Alice from birth when Eloise fell off the wagon. I even named her, after my ailing mother. But a few years later, she got clean and started to take over. She took Alice to live with her; became upset when I came around. And eventually, the way she would scream at me when I tried to visit made Alice upset, so I stopped coming around as much.” 
 She’s quiet for a moment, and he wonders if he’s taken things a bit too far. If he’s opened up to her too much. He fears this for what feels like an eternity as she lies beside him, her warm breath washing over his nose as he thinks the worst. That he’s upset her, that he’s offended her, that he’s made her think of the trauma of being abandoned herself as he describes the way he abandoned his own daughter. And his fears are confirmed when she sniffles softly before him and moves her fingers from the frayed threads to her eyes, wiping tears away. 
 “Emma,” he whispers into the darkness, “I’m sor--”
 “That’s so terrible,” she interrupts sadly, and he bows his head in shame, knowing already that his actions are deplorable. Until she whispers, “I’m so sorry.” 
 “Sorry… for what?” he asks in shock, speaking almost at full volume, a contrast to their whispering tones. 
 “You just--” she sniffs once more, “--it’s obvious how badly you want to be in your daughter’s life, and you haven’t been able to. That’s got to be the worst feeling… I can’t even imagine not being allowed to…”
 Clearing his throat, he takes a risk by reaching before himself to wipe a tear from her soft cheek with his thumb, almost desperate to comfort her as she has him the entire time he’s known her. “It’s alright, love,” he whispers. “I’m going to get her back, with your help. I wouldn’t be here, on my way to her, if it weren’t for you.” 
 She sniffles and laughs at the same time, adorably embarrassed at the sound that escapes her, and asks, “what’s changed now? With you and her mom?” 
 “She died,” he answers simply. If she had begun to relax slightly into his hand, she stiffens at his words. “She relapsed, mixed drugs and alcohol… her body couldn’t handle it.” 
 “I’m sorry,” she whispers. “That must’ve been hard, too.” 
 “Not much,” he answers too quickly. She draws her brows together in question and he continues, “I’m sad for Alice; she’s lost her mother. But she never really had her much. Eloise was never a very devout mother. It always seemed like she was in it for the image, or only when it suited her. I don’t think she ever really wanted a child.” 
 Emma nods gently, the small gap between them getting smaller when a gust of wind shakes the tent and she slides closer to him. “Was she, I mean, was Alice a surprise?” 
 “Oh, aye, very much so,” he laughs softly. “El and I weren’t ever a couple, we just met at a bar and… well, we were only together once. It was sort of a low point for me.” 
 “I get that,” she nods again. “Sleeping with the wrong person, I mean. Not that… I mean, not that Alice was a mistake or anything, of course.” 
 “I know what you mean,” he consoles in a whisper as she again worries that she’s offended him. She should know that she couldn’t possibly say the wrong thing, because despite how short of a time he’s known her, he knows that she can do no wrong in his eyes. 
 “Will you tell me about her? Like… What was it like when she was a baby? Was it very hard?” 
 He hums and nods, agreeing, “it was hard, yes; I was mostly alone. But it was so worth it.” 
 “It was?” she asks softly, almost insecurely and making him narrow his eyes in thought. 
 She hasn’t told him anything, but he isn’t a fool. He means every word of what he says to her next, and says it in hopes that he can give her solace. “Aye. As hard as life has been, I wouldn't change anything because it’s how I got Alice.” 
 In a move that surprises him almost as much as it doesn’t, she moves as close to him as she can and tucks her head into his chest, just below his chin, and wraps her arm around his waist. “That’s a good point,” she murmurs into his sweatshirt.
 “Are you alright, love?” he asks, accepting her into his embrace and letting his hand run along the length of her spine over her own sweatshirt. He reminds himself that he doesn’t truly know her, so he can’t assume that this isn’t like her, but it feels profound. 
 She nods against his chest, pulling herself impossibly closer as she seems to seek more warmth and a firmer embrace. “It’s weird,” she starts, her voice muffled. “I barely know you, but it feels like you're my friend.” 
 “I am your friend,” he agrees with a smile. “And you’re mine. I told you I wouldn’t be here without you.” 
 “I wouldn’t either.” 
 “Of course not. I’ve been driving most of the way.” 
 She snorts, nuzzling her nose into the crook between his neck and his shoulder and squeezing around his waist. “Yeah, that’s why I’ve been puking nonstop.” 
 “Would you like to drive tomorrow, then?” he laughs. 
 “Alright. We’ll need to leave quite early. Just another two days to go, I think.”
 “Okay,” she yawns, falling asleep in his arms feeling, he hopes, as safe as he does.
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cinnamon-roll-seth · 4 years
Whipped || JJ Maybank
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Request: Hey can you maybe write something where the reader and JJ are out on the boat with the other pogues and he's just really clingy n touchy n soft and then the rest teases him about it. Saying he's whipped n stuff. 🥰
“Dude you guys are late!” Pope called as you and JJ walk down the dock towards the HMS Pogue, well more like JJ walking while you cling onto his back like a monkey.
“Sorry, my parents were being assholes,” You apologize.
“Why the hell are you carrying Y/N?” John B asks.
“Her feet were hurting from work yesterday.” JJ responds, stepping onto the boat so you can unwrap your legs from his waist and jump down. John B and Pope give each other a look.
“I told him I could walk myself but we weren’t leaving the house until I let him give me a piggy back ride,” You laugh, sitting down next to Kie who hands you a beer from the cooler next to her. JJ sits across from you while Pope starts the boat and steers it away from the dock.
Once you’re a fair distance from home, out in the middle of the water where likely no one will bother you for the next few hours Pope parks the boat. You watch JJ slam the rest of his beer so you decide to grab another and bring it over to him.
“Stay?” He asks, grabbing onto your wrist. You allow him to pull you onto his lap as he wraps his arms around you, digging his face into your hair.
“You guys are disgustingly affectionate,” Pope groans as he looks back from the front of the boat where him and John B are fishing.
“Shut up Pope. You’re just jealous that you don’t have anybody to cuddle with.” JJ responds before he starts planting little kisses on your neck.
Pope rolls his eyes and goes back to his fishing. A few hours goes by and you and Kie decide to do some swimming. JJ goes up to hang out with the guys while you two mess around and splash each other.
“Hey do you think JJ would do if I pretended I was drowning?” You ask, smirking over at your best friend.
“Y/N you better not,” She laughs, “He’d probably have a heart attack.”
“Guess we’ll see.” You start aggressively flailing your arms around, filling your mouth with water and spluttering it back out to simulate drowning.
It only takes about two seconds before you hear a splash next to you and you feel JJ’s hands grab you. His eyes are wide and panicked. In the background you can hear John B complaining that he dropped his fishing pole into the water in his haste to get to you
“Oh my god Y/N, are you okay?” Your boyfriend asks worriedly. You start to laugh as he gives you a confused look before finally realizing that you’d pranked him.
He pushes you away, angrily pouting, “Don’t do that! You scared me.”
You swim over and wrap your arms around his neck, giving him your best puppy dog eyes, “Oh Baby, please don’t be mad. I was just messing around.”
He sighs, “You know I can’t be mad at you.”
John B looks at Pope, “One time he didn’t talk to me for three weeks because I ate his peanut butter and jelly. She almost gives him a heart attack but gets forgiven right away?”
“JJ, dude, you give in to her too easily,” Pope calls causing JJ to flip him off.
The two of you climb back onto the boat and sit on the bench next to each other. You lean on his shoulder for awhile before deciding to do some tanning.
“Babe can you rub this on my back?” You ask, handing him your tanning oil.
“Of course, Princess,” He replies, rubbing the oil onto your shoulders.
“Princess? Oh my god he’s a goner,” John B groans as you look at him confusedly.
“You’re whipped dude!” Pope cries.
“No I’m not.” JJ replies, shaking his head.
“You’ve had your hands off of Y/N for maybe a total of thirty minutes the entire time we’ve been out here. You sacrificed a fishing pole to save her and she wasn’t even really drowning. Even if she had been Kie was right there!”
“Yeah and not to mention you called her ‘Princess’. You used to rant all the time about how cringey pet names are, especially princess.”
“You’re definitely whipped,” Kie joins in, climbing back onto the boat.
It’s true that JJ Maybank is completely and utterly whipped for you and there was no use in denying it. That boy loves you with every fiber of his being and everyone can see it.
“Leave him alone you guys,” You scold, wrapping your arm around his while leaning into him.
“As if you have any room to talk Y/N. You got JJ here wrapped around your little finger,” Pope raises his voice to jokingly mock yours, “JJ my feet hurt.”
“JJ I’m drowning!” John B joins in.
“JJ can you rub this on my back pretty pleaseeee?”
“Touch me JJ!”
“Never take your hands off me JJ!”
“You know what-“ JJ launches himself at your friends and the three of them start playfully wrestling while you and Kie just laugh.
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taeyongdoyoung · 3 years
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summary: you are a mermaid and you save a handsome man from drowning but little do you know it’s not his first rodeo when dealing with mermaids. seonghwa, a former prince, is currently hongjoong’s first mate and boyfriend. hongjoong is the captain, the pirate king of the most savage crew across the seas. and you want nothing to do with them. not because they’re pirates, but because they’re humans…
ship: mermaid!reader x prince/pirate!seonghwa x pirate!hongjoong
genre: little mermaid!au, pirate!au, fantasy, romance, fluff, implied smut, angst
warnings: some swearing, a lot of making out, cliffhanger bc im evil
word count: 1.5k
chapter one ☠️ chapter two ☠️ chapter three ☠️ chapter four ☠️ chapter five ☠️chapter six ☠️ chapter seven ☠️ chapter eight ☠️ chapter nine ☠️ chapter ten ☠️ chapter twelve ☠️ chapter thirteen ☠️ spotify playlist 
You kept marvelling at your new legs and kept running around the deck like an excited puppy despite Hongjoong's loud protests.
"You'll break my ship, dumbass," he joked.
You stuck out your tongue at him.
"Deal with it," you giggled.
And before you could react, he was coming towards you in a somewhat threatening manner.
"Sorry, sorry, I take it back!" you took a step back, admitting defeat.
Suddenly, Hongjoong grabbed you by the waist, swinging you in the air so that your legs couldn't touch the ground. You squealed in surprise and yet, couldn't help but feel warmth for him. Despite the past, he'd still come for you and your sister. He'd still tried his best to help you out and eventually, he'd accepted you into his little family. And for that, you would be forever grateful.
"Come on, put me down already," you chuckled, playfully hitting his chest.
"You'll stop running?" he tried to reason with you.
"Why do you mind it so much?" you pouted.
"It's distracting."
"Unless you have a better idea of what to do with my legs."
"I might have something in mind," Hongjoong smirked.
But apparently, he had no intention of putting you down despite your objections. Soon enough, he carried you into what you assumed was his shared room with Seonghwa. And landed you right in Seonghwa's lap much to your amusement.
"Hi," you mumbled awkwardly the second your eyes met Seonghwa's.
"Hey," your beloved answered.
"Splendid," Hongjoong mused. "Keep her occupied, will you? And don't let her sprint across the damn deck."
"Why? Where are you going?" Seonghwa asked.
"Does it matter? I can't get anything done around here," he sighed.
"Can't you stay here with us?" you suggested without thinking twice about it. "Whatever it is, I'm sure it can wait."
Hongjoong rolled his eyes.
"Fine. My productive day has been ruined already."
You stretched your hand out to grab Hongjoong's and pull him closer.
"Don't be such a buzzkill," Seonghwa teased his boyfriend.
"Or what?"
"Or...I'll have to teach you a lesson," Hwa warned.
"Ugh, you're both so annoying," Joong muttered under his breath.
"Care to repeat that?" Seonghwa whispered darkly.
Hongjoong shook his head. Wise man.
"That's what I thought."
You laughed and wrapped your arms around Hwa's neck.
"Don't give him such a hard time, love," you asked quietly. "Our captain has been doing so good lately, hasn't he?"
"Hm, I suppose you're right," Seonghwa agreed. "But I don't want to let him off the hook so easily. I mean, where's the fun in that?"
You and Seonghwa exchanged a meaningful look and immediately turned your attention to Hongjoong who looked vaguely uncomfortable, sitting next to you two.
Hongjoong's POV
Okay, I was completely done for. These two were going to be my ruination. Even the deal with that demon suddenly seemed less intimidating than their intoxicating presence. The way Seonghwa carried himself with so much grace and how he was capable of commanding everyone so easily...The way Y/N was capable of turning her playful stare into a menacing one in less than a second...If I wasn't so turned on, I would probably be terrified. The most savage pirate king of the seas made weak by a former prince and a mermaid. It was almost comical.
Seonghwa murmured something in Y/N's ear. Something I couldn't quite hear. She grinned wickedly and oh, how badly I wished I hadn't come here and just let her run like a kid around the stupid old deck. But it was too late now so I had to face the consequences for my actions.
Y/N moved away from Seonghwa's lap and approached me slowly, sitting on my legs instead.
"W-what are you doing?" I inquired in shock.
"Does it matter?" she said, mirroring my words.
"You're the one who asked me to stay here," I reminded her dumbly.
"So what? You agreed, didn't you?"
"And I'm starting to regret that."
"Aw, really?" she replied in a slightly mocking tone. Then, Y/N began stroking my hair ever so gently.
Damnit, I probably wouldn't admit it out loud, but it felt quite nice.
"You like that?" she wanted to know cutely.
"Y-yeah," I couldn't help it. So much for my pride...
After that, she completely took me by surprise and kissed me. Not like before. She kissed my lips and I wasn't sure why it was happening but I was fairly certain I didn't want it to stop.
"Does this feel good?" Y/N asked eventually. I was literally gasping for air and she had the audacity to call it good. This was so much better. It was heavenly.
"Mhm," I managed, not capable of doing justice to the reality.
Somehow, I had almost forgotten that Seonghwa was right there! Observing us...I wondered what was going on inside his head. Was he enjoying this? I broke eye contact with Y/N to check his expression. He looked utterly transfixed by what he was seeing. And a small part of me was telling me that Seonghwa was probably the one to suggest this in the first place. What amazed me was Y/N agreeing to it.
"Oh, don't mind me, just keep going," Seonghwa, upon noticing my distraction, ordered us to continue. And honestly, I would be a fool to argue with him.
"Where were we?" I pretended to have forgotten.
"I believe I was kissing you and you were having a jolly good time," Y/N reminded me boldly.
"That's an understatement," my response was barely audible but she probably had superhearing or something, judging by the immediate smirk that graced her face.
Seonghwa's POV
I couldn't believe my luck and yet, I was utterly overjoyed by it. They were right here. The loves of my life. And they were kissing happily. It couldn't get any better than that, could it? They were so beautiful...I spent a couple more minutes marvelling at Hongjoong and Y/N making out at a slow pace before I intervened greedily. I pulled her into a passionate but quick kiss, then, my mouth found his, as well. And so, I kept switching positions in order to give them equal attention. I didn't want either of them to feel neglected for I believed myself perfectly capable of pleasing them both. My two loves. Finally together. It was too good to be true.
"Fuck, you're so gorgeous," I panted in-between the thousands of kisses and squeezes and touches.
"Which one of us?" Hongjoong wanted to know cheekily despite the fact that he probably suspected what my answer would be.
"Both of you, silly. Of course, it's both of you," I insisted.
"I think Cap will agree with me that you're the most gorgeous around here," Y/N teased, tracing a finger down my neck.
"For once, we're like-minded," Hongjoong backed her up.
"It's not a competition," I chuckled. "But thanks, I guess."
"We're only speaking the truth," she winked at me.
"Suck-up," I scolded her playfully.
"Hey, that's no way to speak to a lady!" Hongjoong reprimanded me as a joke.
"Since when are you her knight in shining armour?" I exclaimed.
"Since I tasted her lips."
"Boys, boys," Y/N interfered. "Less talking, more kissing. Please and thank you."
I shook my head in amusement, completely infatuated by her. And him.
"Who put you in charge, hm?" Hongjoong tickled her belly energetically.
She shrugged, trying to escape his fingers.
"Captain Y/N has a nice ring to it, don't you think?"
"Little devil," he kept stroking her sides as Y/N cried out.
"Children, children," it was now my time to interrupt the conversation. "I believe we were previously occupied with a far more pleasant activity. Kiss me if I'm right but—"
Neither Y/N nor Hongjoong waited for a second invitation and they took turns melting their cute little lips into mine. It was almost too easy to keep them wrapped around my fingertips. Soon enough, all clothes disappeared somewhere, I didn't even care where, and the three of us found more than comfort in each other's arms...
Reader's POV
A while later, you woke up from a much needed nap but there was still some time before the sunset, so you figured it wouldn't do harm to spend a couple more minutes lounging in the company of Seonghwa and—
"Where the hell is Hongjoong?" you voiced your concerns out loud. Seonghwa opened his eyes rightaway and looked around in confusion.
"Shit, no, no, it wasn't supposed to happen so early."
"Seonghwa, relax! What do you mean?" you asked. Seeing him so panicked was beginning to worry you even more...
"Let's check around the ship before we jump to conclusions," Seonghwa replied, trying to be rational.
"What conclusions? I don't understand what you're talking about," you mumbled in confusion, already putting on some clothes.
"He wouldn't just leave after what we did...He wouldn't," Seonghwa was not making much sense as the two of you were shouting Hongjoong's name, looking left and right for him, all across the ship. But to no avail. He was nowhere to be found. "I think that he took him."
"Who took him?" you were growing terrified.
"The demon."
To be continued…
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voltage-vixen · 4 years
A Sleighing Secret
‘Tis the Season of Smut Challenge Day 2
Prompt: A naughty sleigh ride (NSFW)
Fandom: Mr. Love: Queen’s Choice
Pairing: Gavin x MC (Female)
You can still join the challenge and find more info HERE!
Sighing for what seemed to be the umpteenth one of the day, MC’s knuckles rapped against the metal surface of her desk while she waited for the workday to finally be over with. Today, MC was supposed to meet up with Gavin at the police station after she finished her shift to take him back home to her place where they were going to spend the evening cooking dinner together. At least that was the plan, until MC a secondary glance at the phone which seemed to only serve as a taunting reminder as to how much time was left in the workday left her irritated. It was Christmas Eve, and her night with Gavin consisted of hot chocolate, cuddling by the fire, him ‘unwrapping’ one of his gifts early……  
Shaking her head, MC was tired of wallowing in the office stuck in this an agonizing limbo. Concluding it was time to pull out the boss card she reserved for only the most pressing of urgencies (simply because what could be more pressing than a meetup with one’s boyfriend), MC’s fingers pounded furiously onto the keyboard as she typed out quick email explaining her sudden absence to Anna. Pressing the send button, MC shoved her phone into the pit of her purse and pretended she couldn’t hear Minor’s questions he called out from across the room as the door to the office slammed shut behind her.
After hailing a speedy cab ride across town and paying the driver, MC admired the sight of illuminating Christmas lights wrapped around marquee of the Loveland Police Department before scurrying into the building. The columns in the entryway were decked out in garland, and even Officer Landsman seemed to be in a jolly mood with the Santa hat atop his head while stationed at the desk in the main lobby.
“Good afternoon, Officer Landsman,” MC greeted, as she approached and scribbled her name down onto the familiar visitor’s log. “You wouldn’t happen to have any idea of where I could find Mr. Gavin now, would you?”
“Same place as always when he’s not out prowling the streets for a case,” Landsman replied, printing out a temporary id badge and handing it over to MC. “Do you need me to escort you back to his office?”
Smiling since he was willing to allow her to go back on her own, MC shook her head and gave him a small wave and proceeded to bustle down the length of the hallway. Tinsel entwined around the mistletoe dangled from the ceiling twinkling brightly. Pausing to admire the meticulous detail in the decorations, MC gasped when a sharp tug yanked her into the side hallway, and a hand covered her mouth to muffle the yelp about to escape.
“Shh, it’s only me,” Gavin whispered, his palm still clamped over her lips as he discreetly ushered her towards the back door reserved for emergencies. His frown deepening, his eyes cast down onto the watch strapped to his wrist. “We’re going to sneak out since I have a surprise for you, but we have to hurry otherwise we’re going to miss our ride.”
“Our ride?” she questioned.
Ignoring MC, Gavin pushed open the door leading them beyond the walls of the station. The chilly air grazed fiercely across her face when the door swung open and they poured out onto the sidewalk. MC’s breath fogged in front of her face, and her frame shivered into the direction of the warmth radiating from Gavin’s chest. Encompassing her against his muscular chest, Gavin held MC tightly all while incoherently muttering about something being held up and taking too long. She was about to ask what in the world was going on for him to be acting so out of character, when a grand sleigh being pulled by a beautiful chestnut colored horse appeared almost magically before the duo’s eyes. Trotting gallantly through the fallen snow, the horse’s hooves clopped loudly down onto the pavement and soon stopped to present in front of the pair by striking an elegant pose.
“One romantic sleigh ride for the happy couple is here and at your service,” the driver boasted from his seat, flashing Gavin a knowing wink. “There’s a blanket in the back for your comfort, along with some canisters filled with hot chocolate.”
“Gavin! When did you find the time to arrange all of this? We weren’t supposed to meet up for another couple of hours,” MC squealed, her eyes bulging in excitement when the horse reached out to nuzzle his nose against her cheek.
“A true gentleman never reveals his secrets,” Gavin chuckled, playfully bowing down to direct MC onto the carriage. “After you, my fine lady.”
Giggling at Gavin’s exaggerated role play, MC decided to entertain him right back. Playing along, she bowed her head, made it a point to curtsey before allowing him to hold her hand and escort her into the sleigh.
“Thank you indeed, kind sir,” she engaged back.
Climbing up to join her, Gavin settled down onto the seat and ensured the blanket was tucked snugly beneath the cushion of their thighs. Once the driver noticed they were situated, he turned around and clicked his tongue to indicate to the horse that it was time to move onwards. Jingle bells draped down the sides of the sleigh harmoniously rang as they journeyed on. Snowfall began to lightly trickle from the sky, highlighting the festive lights illuminating the skyline of buildings in the city. The magnificent sight was truly equivalent to one seen in a movie. Captivated in the moment, MC hardly noticed Gavin fussing over the blanket next to her until he tapped on her shoulder.
“Are you sure you’re warm enough?” Gavin prodded, encircling his arm around MC’s waist to scootch her closer. “Because if not, I can go ahead and hail us a cab for the remainder of the trip.”
“I’m fine, Gavin,” MC murmured, fluttering her eyelashes to leave a butterfly kiss on the side of his face. “Everything is perfect. This wonderful surprise. The striking scenery. And most importantly, you’re perfect.”
The sincerity of her confession left Gavin rendered speechless, and there was only one way left he knew how to communicate in at that moment. Leaning in, the officer touched the producer’s lower lip; his teeth nibbling away before forcing his tongue between the part of her lips. He shifted his angle to deepen their kiss, eventually breaking away to pepper a trail of kisses down the nape of her neck. MC bit down hard on her lip to stifle a moan to avoid when her body broke out into a flush to avoid alerting the driver of their secret affair until-
“We should save the rest for later,” Gavin smirked, reveling at the adorable way his girlfriend would pout when she was flustered.
Meanie! I can’t believe he got we all worked up only to leave me hanging, she thought whilst glaring menacingly at Gavin.
Gone was the gentlemanly Gavin from only a few minutes prior, and instead smugly sat her man looking all proud of himself for having his share of fun by riling her up and toying with MC.
Two can play at that game.
Her eyebrows flashed suggestively when MC pressed her forehead against Gavin’s temple and slipped her hand underneath the blanket. Eyes widening, Gavin titled his head and nodded in the direction of the driver, but his frantic gesturing seemed to leave MC unfazed. Curling her fingers around the waistband of his trousers, MC placed a slender finger onto his lips urging him to keep silent while she fiddled with the front of his boxers. Unfastening the last of the buttons, the evolver’s cock sprang free and was welcomed into MC’s hand. A low hiss slipped through the purse of Gavin’s lips as her hand enveloped around the thick of his heat.
The touch of MC’s hand was so soft and delicate that his hips couldn’t help but betray him by involuntarily jerking closer to her. Gavin’s arousal was feverish to her touch, pulsating when she encircled around him and gave a firm squeeze and pumped firmly. His breathing hitched when her strokes curtailed into modest movements, her fingers occasionally caressing the cusp of his manhood while purposely pinching his thigh to rile Gavin up. Gavin’s fist clenched tightly, fighting the urge to slam MC back down onto the bench of the sleigh and take her without giving a damn that as an officer of the law he would be engaging in a matter of public indecency.
His arousal twitched in a delightful throbbing pleasure, compelling Gavin to arch along the tender curve of MC’s thigh. Turned on by his actions, MC snuck a peak to over at the driver to make sure he was preoccupied by the guiding the sleigh, then prudently climbed onto his lap. Grinding her hips down to ride Gavin’s thigh, she fought back the impulse to moan when the friction grazing her clit drowned her senses in waves of ecstasy. One of her hands clung to the collar of Gavin’s shirt, while the other continued jerking him harder and harder until-
“Alright you crazy kids, we’re nearly approaching our final destination of the evening,” the driver unknowingly boomed, his eyes still focused on the path before them.
Startled and exchanging panicked glances at the risk of practically being discovered, they silently shuffled to fix their disheveled clothing and returned to their proper seats. The sleigh carried on for a few moments longer and eventually came to a slow halt. Their magical ride ended with an uncomfortable Gavin shoving a wad of cash into the driver’s palm as a tip and whipping the blanket off to toss it aside. Gavin jumped down out of the carriage and held his arms outstretched to catch MC. Hastily rising to her feet, MC leapt into Gavin’s arms, barely affording the time for Gavin to pivot out of sight from the driver to nibble on the lobe of her ear.
“Hope you’re ready for payback,” Gavin muttered, his nimble fingers tracing around the side of her body to work at the buttons of her blouse and move across MC’s bare skin. “Your Christmas present is ‘coming’ to you early this year, if you catch my drift.”
Treading into MC’s apartment building through the misting snow, Gavin stole a kiss from the woman he loved, persisting in his quest to languidly undress her in the elevator as he impatiently awaited to reach the floor her apartment was on. His objective was to streamline undressing her; for when they reached her apartment Gavin was going to savor the early start on unwrapping his present. After all, he had been a very good boy this year. 😉
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lilbabycee · 4 years
may we be blessed with a smutty birthday drabble w Steve where he has everyone pretend they forgot readers birthday when in reality there’s something big planned 🥺👉🏼👈🏼 never had a big bday so I will be living through this lolz
change of plans // steve rogers 
↳ pairing: steve rogers x reader
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i’m actually sorry this took so long and sorry that it’s so long too lol:
you don’t know if you’re ready to face today.
it’s your birthday and you’ve never done anything big or extravagant - you think that maybe you’d like to keep it that way, though you’ve never had a big celebration before so you don’t even know how that’d feel. maybe there’s something comforting about the predictability of how today is going to go, but you can’t help the part deep inside of you that longs for something new.
waking up to an empty bed, you brace yourself for some kind of over-the-top present from tony but as you head out of your bedroom, you find the rest of you and steve’s apartment entirely unchanged. you tentatively walk through empty hallways into the kitchen and everyone is standing around aimlessly, chatting to each other about insignificant things and attempting to make themselves breakfast.
“hi guys,” you smile at all of them and they return the sentiment. “what are you making?”
steve breezes by you to press a brief kiss to your forehead before shoving a piece of burnt toast into his mouth. his voice is muffled when he says, “mornin’ doll.”
“looks like it’ll be cereal cause none of these idiots know how to cook,” natasha sidles up to you, narrowing her eyes and shaking her head playfully at the group of men crowding the kitchen. “sam’s still working out and we don’t wanna have to wait until he’s done. we probably should’ve though: he’s the only one who knows how to make anything decent in here.” she nudges your shoulder, “any plans today?”
you’re momentarily thrown, blinking in confusion because natasha always remembers your birthday. 
“uhh,” you shake your head and plaster a smile on your face, “no, nope. not up to much really. how about you?”
bruce strolls by and waves at you while natasha plucks a grape from his bowl, popping it into her mouth. he gives her a look but she just smirks as she chews slowly, ignoring him and turning back to you. 
“actually, fury called not too long ago. he’s got some important mission lined up for us somewhere in alaska... surveillance or something.”
“oh,” you frown, brow furrowing because you thought that you would’ve heard about it. “should i go suit up or...?”
“actually,” natasha swallows her grape and stands up straight, “it’s only some of us going. sam and bucky are staying here with you: the rest of us are heading out in about an hour.”
your heart sinks at the thought of not being able to spend your birthday with the whole team, though it seems as if they’ve forgetten anyway so maybe it’s not that big of a deal. but the thought is fleeting because you realize that you’re going to be able to spend some quality time with two of your favorite people who will definitely have remembered your birthday. 
when the quinjet takes off an hour and a half later, sam, bucky, and yourself are all left standing on the launchpad, bucky’s hair blowing dramatically in the gust of wind that it leaves behind.
“so,” bucky rocks back on his heels and stares at you with a mischievous smile on his face. “what do you wanna do?”
“neither of you have any plans?” you look at them skeptically but they both shake their heads. you look down, disappointed because they always do something fun for you on your birthday. sam always bakes a cake and bucky always lets you win when you’re sparring but since neither have happened today, you’re assuming that they’ve forgotten... just like everybody else.
sam shrugs noncommitally.
“nope,” he adds, giving you a charming gap-toothed grin. “i mean, i’ve got some paperwork to do and i’m sure bucky’s got some knives to sharpen or something-”
bucky pins him with a glare but then looks back to you. “-but otherwise, we’re totally free...so, doll?”
“we could watch a movie?”
“yes!” sam exclaims excitedly, already sprinting inside. you and bucky are still staring at the door he burst through when you hear him call out: “i’ve got dibs on the first pick!”
that makes bucky’s eyes go wide and he quickly starts to chase after him. 
“fuck no- sam!”
you’re sandwiched between your two heavily muscled best friends, cuddled up on the sofa with your body spread across the laps of both sam and bucky. a thick blanket is draped over all three of you while die hard plays in the background, but none of you are paying attention because you’re all making each other cry with laughter which drowns out the sound of the movie. 
“we should go out tonight,” bucky casually suggests during a lull in the conversation, grabbing a handful of popcorn from the bowl on the table.
“true,” sam agrees, nodding his head. you look at him in shock because his default state is to always disagree with bucky. “the others aren’t supposed to be back for a couple of days so i don’t wanna stay all cooped up in here. you down, sugar?”
“yeah, i’ll go,” you nod, playing with your fingers because you’re still so shocked that they’re just casually making plans like today isn’t your birthday. of course you’re not going to point it out to them - you don’t want to make a big deal out of it, but you think that it’d be nice to be wished a happy birthday at least once today.
hours later, you’re wearing your favorite outfit - “we’re going to dinner, darlin’,” bucky let you know earlier - and just touching up your face when bucky and sam pause their incessant bickering to call you downstairs. at this point, you’ve come to terms with the fact that not a single person in your life has remembered your birthday. you’d shed a couple of tears in the bathroom not because you are dying for a huge birthday celebration, but rather because it goes to show that you don’t hold a lot of relevance in these people’s lives. 
nobody on the team has ever forgotten a teammate’s birthday, so it cut deep this morning when they all went about their day as normal and barely even acknowledged your presence. you tried to brush it off but the moment you were alone, it all hit you like an oncoming freight train. 
ready to forget this disappointing day and move on, you come down the stairs as quickly as you can and head to the front door only to see sam and bucky dressed impeccably and... still arguing. they stop when you stand in front of them. sam whistles loudly which makes you roll your eyes playfully while bucky just nods his head.
“you look great, doll,” he smiles at you and not being able to take any more compliments, you clear your throat loudly and step in between them.
“let’s go,” you say and grab a coat, stepping into the garage. once you all pile into one of tony’s many cars, you take off into the night. 
you’re too distracted by your racing thoughts to notice the moment that you pull up outside of an extravagant hotel. you frown as you get out of the car because you thought you were going for dinner at the restaurant on the other side of town. 
“change of plans, lil bit. tony recommended this place to us a few weeks ago and we just never got around to going.” sam smiles at you, offering you an arm as bucky flanks your other side. when you step foot inside of the luxurious building after handing the car keys to the valet outside, a well-dressed usher leads you down a hallway to an entirely separate part of the ground floor. you don’t think much of it because you’re used to private dining when tony’s involved, but you manage to lose both of your friends by the time you’ve made it through the labyrinth of hallways. 
“excuse me, have you seen the two men i was with just a second ago?” you ask the usher kindly. he looks back at you and just smiles.
“this way, please,” he gestures for you to open the doors however, something doesn’t feel quite right. you’re on high alert but you tentatively push open the heavy gold doors anyway, hand ready to grab the knife that’s resting snugly in your thigh holster.
what you’re not expecting is a lounge filled with balloons and a chorus of “surprise!”, so loud that your bones threaten to jump out of your skin.
the room has been decorated in all of your favorite colors, lights strung up everywhere and banners in bold letters that say happy birthday, y/n!, as well as all of your favorite people with beaming smiles on their faces. sam and bucky are standing with rhodey in the corner and as you stare at them disbelievingly, bucky just throws you a wink.
“wh-what,” you stutter, teary eyes round with confusion, “what the fuck?”
“happy birthday, angel,” a very familiar voice comes from behind you and you spin around to throw your arms around your boyfriend’s neck in glee.
“all this?” your voice is muffled in his shoulder. “for me?”
“all for you, baby,” steve murmurs, rubbing his hand up and down your back. “you didn’t think we’d actually forget, did you?”
“i- i mean,” you exhale, shaking your head, “maybe? i just didn’t know how important it was to you guys-”
“y/n,” he takes your face between his hands and stares at you solmenly, “you are the most important thing in my life-”
bucky clears his throat in protest but steve ignores him.
“-and i would be a fool not to celebrate you everyday. it really got me thinking when you told me that you’ve never had something big done for your birthday. you deserve something extravagant and over-the-top because you deserve to be appreciated every second of your life because you’re so loved by everyone here. are we clear?”
you can’t help but kiss the stupid lopsided smile off his face because you love this man more than you’ll ever be able to articulate. to give the two of you some privacy, everyone else has started drinking and dancing, speaking to their friends animatedly as they avert their eyes from you and steve’s private moment.
when steve slips his tongue in your mouth and his hands wander down to grab your ass, you moan into the kiss only to pull away seconds later, blinking up at him as you both try to catch your breaths.
“steve, we’re in a room full of people,” you remind him.
“then let’s get out of here,” he presses you into his front and you can feel the hardness of his cock against your stomach. 
“but i haven’t said hi to anyone else yet,” you whine, not wanting to be rude. 
“we’ll come back, baby,” he brushes his nose against the curve of your jaw. “just a couple minutes. you look so fuckin’ good right now i don’t know if i’ll be able to last any longer without getting my cock in that tight little-”
“steve!” you gasp, swatting his arm and then looking around to see if anybody’s heard him, but he just chuckles low in your ear, soft lips dropping kisses on your even softer skin.
“c’mon, doll,” his teeth catch on your earlobe and your bite your lower lip, contemplating whether or not you should give in to your horny boyfriend. “they won’t even notice we’re gone-”
“uh, we definitely will,” tony strolls over and butts in with a smirk on his lips and a drink in his hand. “happy birthday, babe.”
“thanks, tones,” you give him a one-armed hug because steve still won’t let go of you. 
“your real present from me is over there,” he gestures vaguely to a huge pile of presents that makes your eyes go wide again, “but out of the kindness of my heart, i can also give you the gift of my wonderful storytelling so that people won’t notice that you guys have gone off to f-”
“thank you, tony!” you kiss his cheek quickly and proceed to drag steve towards a hallway that you assume leads to the bathrooms. you wave to your other friends briefly as you walk out, finding that the hallway you’ve gone down doesn’t lead to the bathroom, but rather a set of elevators. you and your boyfriend both pause, taking a minute to look at each other and you can almost see the lightbulb that pops over the both of your heads.
steve presses the up button and then his lips are on you, hands roaming your body eagerly against the closed doors of the elevator. slowly, his fingers travel underneath your clothes and start to massage your bare skin. you do the same, one hand gripping his hair and the other undoing the button to his slacks, shoving your hand into the band of his underwear desperately to palm at his manhood.
he hisses, stopping his assault on your body to throw his head back at the feeling of your deft fingers stroking him like that. you’re about to pull his lips towards yours again when you hear a chime and promptly stumble backwards, taking your supersoldier with you. 
you cry out a laugh as you fall into each against the wall, drunk on desire and your adoration for the flustered man in front of you. chuckling, steve stabs the first button on the panel and is immediately kissing you again, tongue delving deep into your mouth as his large hand tightly grasps your jaw. 
as the doors close and you start to move upwards, steve wedges one of this thick thighs in between your legs, pressing the muscle of his leg into your core. 
“ride it, darlin’, c’mon,” he breathes into your ear, leaving wet kisses down your throat and framing your hips between his hands. you do as you’re told, pushing your hips down onto his thigh to get some friction to relieve the heat that’s building in your stomach.
“so good for me, that’s it sweetheart.”
it’s a quick ride to the top but with steve rutting against your hip with your hand down his pants and you against his leg with his fingers in your underwear dancing over your center, the two of you gradually push yourselves to a climax, almost there until there’s that same chime again. your boyfriend swiftly picks you up and you squeal, wrapping your legs around his waist and arms around his neck. his hands massage the globes of your ass as you walk across the roof, onto the edge of the balcony that overlooks the upper east side.
he rests you against the ledge and you keep one of your legs around him as he gets both of your clothes out of the way so that he can run the tip of his hard cock along your needy hole.
“shit, baby,” he spits right onto it, slapping his cock against your swollen skin, and you groan loudly, involuntarily clenching around nothing. “m’not gonna last.”
“neither am i,” you reassure him. “please steve, i need it.”
“i’ve got you, doll.”
he doesn’t say anything else because his eyes are glued at the mesmerizing way that his bulbous tip gets swallowed by your tight entrance. he rocks his hips back and forth, burying himself deeper and deeper into you until he bottoms out with a loud moan.
there are tears in your eyes from how good it feels; the open air on your nipples and the fact that someone could see you like this, vulnerable and open with a cock buried deep inside you, makes you shudder, trails of water spilling onto your cheeks. 
“oh my god, sweetheart,” steve murmurs reverently. usually he takes a minute to let you adjust to his size, but the two of you are so close that he just goes for it, the sound of your lovemaking echoing into the night sky. 
“yes, yes- fuck, steve, please,” you blink up at him and he uses his thumbs to wipe the tears off your face, pressing kisses to both of your cheeks. 
“i know, baby, i know,” he reassures you, his own skin slick and cool in the evening air as he continues to drive into you relentlessly. you ignore how uncomfortable the exposed stone on your naked body is because you’re almost there and you know he is too.
“m’gonna come, honey,” he tells you, hands coming up to pinch your nipples at the same time he bites into your neck. “you gonna let me come in you? give you my birthday present?”
you can barely speak, babbling incoherently as your eyes almost rolling to the back of your head but you nod eagerly, nails digging into his back as he uses you to chase his orgasm.
“come for me, baby - c’mon, milk my cock, s’all yours.”
his words push you over the edge, your entire body convulsing as your breath is snatched from your lungs. you contract around his length and he stills entirely as he spills his release into you, the guttaral moan that leaves his chest raw and animalistic.
“fuck,” he drawls as he presses his forehead against yours. 
“right?” you agree, looking right into his pretty eyes, brighter than the lights behind you.
he presses a chaste kiss to your lips.
“happy birthday, baby.”
“thank you,” you kiss the corner of his mouth and run your fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck, “i love you.” 
as his chin rests on your shoulder, you take a minute to appreciate how thoughtful the big blonde man in your arms and you don’t think you’ve ever loved anyone this much in your life. 
“can we do this every birthday?”
you laugh at his suggestion and tug lightly on his hair, heart about to explode from adoration.
“sure we can.”
“hey, lovebirds!” tony’s voice makes the two of you jump in surprise. “i’m not gonna turn the corner because i know for a fact that you’re not wearing any clothes, but i should definitely warn you that bucky and sam are on their way up with their phones... so unless you want a pornhub feature, i’d haul ass and get back downstairs if i were you. happy birthday, y/n!”
you both look at each other and then the mess that is your pile of clothes, and in unison you both realize that you’re fucked either way. but you know that it’s worth it since you’ve had the best birthday surprise ever, but you still don’t know how much steve is gonna love having his ass on display for his best friends.
“y/n! stevie! wh- oh fuck, are you kidding me?!”
that’s bucky, sounding traumatized as he sees the two of you stark naked. 
“wh- damn, i didn’t expect you guys to actually be fuckin’.”
sam sounds genuinely shocked but simultaneously looks impressed. you close your eyes in amused mortification because steve’s body is shielding yours entirely and now, sam and bucky have a full view of his pale backside.
“guys,” he groans, blood rushing to his cheeks. 
a flash goes off and steve cries out in protest. you laugh in disbelief, staring at bucky holding his phone up with a grin.
“happy birthday, y/n.”
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shipperssafehaven · 4 years
bury my love for you
a/n: this my first jjpope fic & my first fic on this website.  I want to write more for them in the future. We shall see.  Thank you for reading! It means a lot!
The voice tells him: You aren’t good. You aren’t enough. You aren’t worth it. You don’t deserve it. 
And JJ believes it. 
So, everything he feels for Pope, he buries. 
In which Pope confesses his feelings for JJ and it doesn’t go as planned. 
They're laughing when it happens. When everything between them changes. JJ says something stupid. The kinda stupid thing that he only says because of the reaction it gets out of Pope. The reaction where Pope throws his head back in laughter, and JJ, in awe, watches and thinks... totally worth it. They're walking side by side, hands brushing slightly by accident and there's a mutual flutter in the pit of their stomachs. It's warm. It's light. It's familiar. And to both, it's everything.
"You can't be serious!" Pope exclaims.
"I'm so fuckin' serious, dude. She chased me all the way to the beach, I swear!"
He's exaggerating. Of course, he's exaggerating. He knows this. Pope knows this. But JJ hopes it'll get Pope's lips to quirk up the way he loves, so he creates a mountain out of a molehill and rolls with it. To his prevail, it works, and while his friend's lips form into a genuine smile, JJ's heart races so hard that he's afraid it might beat out of his chest.
"Bro, she's like 90!"
"73, actually," he corrects.
"Well, in that case, I'm surprised she didn't tackle you like a professional NFL player," Pope says, jokingly.
JJ laughs, always proud when Pope makes a smart remark. "Surprised you didn't get the NFL confused with the NBA again."
The teasing makes Pope roll his eyes and snort, playfully shoving the blue-eyed boy away. "That was one time, J. Sports aren't my specialty."
"Yeah, yeah, I know. I just like messing with you."
Pope smiles. "Wish I knew why."
"Because if I didn't mess with you, you wouldn't smile like that," JJ says softly, gesturing to Pope's wide grin.
That's when it happens. Abruptly, all laughter fades. The friendly air surrounding them becomes charged with tension. JJ turns and raises a brow when Pope stops walking with no explanation. Pope just looks at him. Looks at him in a way he isn't used to. There's a fondness and longing to it. Feeling exposed under the weight of the other's stare, JJ shifts from one foot to the other as he lets out a nervous chuckle.
"What, man?" he asks.
Silently, Pope shakes his head as if to say nothing but they both know he's lying.
In a weak attempt to give him an out, JJ shrugs. "Come on then, let's just go," he says.
He doesn't wait for a reply and begins walking again, fully hoping Pope does the same because ignoring whatever's in the air around them is much easier than addressing it. When JJ sneaks a glance at Pope, it looks like he's about to give in and join him to the boy's relief. Then he hesitates and comes to a stop again. JJ groans.
Pope's chest heaves, something that only happens when he's on edge. He looks at JJ again, really looks at him, and Pope can't help but want him. He contemplates letting it go and retreating back to pretending, but he is tired. Tired of carrying around all this love he has for JJ and having nothing to do with it. Tired of ignoring the long pauses and the tension that's never resolved. Tired of simply not being with him.
So, Pope doesn't let it go and he doesn't pretend. Not anymore.
Pope thinks, if JJ doesn't feel the same, well, then at least he can excuse it by saying he is tired. (It wouldn't be a complete lie.)
He holds his head up high, even though he's never been more unsure in his life. His legs are on the verge of giving out and his hands visibly tremble by his sides. Pope almost chickens out but his heart beats his brain to the punch.
"I love you." It comes out quick and small. It has the blond halting in his tracks and snapping his head back at his friend in utter shock.
The words knock the wind right out of JJ and leave him breathless. What? He lets the confusion on his face ask the question for him.
Pope bites his lip anxiously out of habit. He gulps but forces himself to face it. "I love you, JJ." This time he sounds louder. More confident. More determined. More sure. Pope sighs out in relief at his own confession, feeling free. Feeling so free that he doesn't stop, "I love you so much. I don't know how to act around it or breathe around it. I think about it all the time- I think about you all the time."
(Oh no. Oh no. Oh no.)
Speechless, JJ blinks. He opens his mouth to speak, but it falls shut and he resorts back to blinking. Wondering. Wondering how this could be possible. He searches carefully for the right words but ultimately ends up with: "Man, what are you talkin' about?"  
"I've never felt this way about anybody before. It's different with you than it was with Kie. I've been trying to find out why and I think it's because this... this is real. I don't think I've ever actually loved anyone the way that I love you." At this point, Pope is being Pope and is rambling. Typically, JJ would find it endearing. Right now, though, it's overwhelming. "And I don't know what to do with it- all this love I have for you, I don't know what to do with it because I've never been in a serious relationship before. I know you haven't either- I mean, I don't see why, you're so great and amazing and could literally have anybody you wanted. I just...."
It all runs together after that, turning JJ into a lost and tense mess. Pope fuckin' Heyward loves him? How? That can't be right.
It isn't right, he tells himself. He isn't right. Not for Pope, anyway. Pope could do so much better.
(Shit. Shit. Shit.)
"JJ, I--"
"Listen to me, Pope," JJ says, stern and pleading. With a clenched jaw, he lets out an uneasy breath and places a firm hand on Pope's shoulder to ground him. "I know you think I am good--"
The other boy reaches out for his hand then but sadly recoils when JJ pulls it back. "Because you are," Pope insists, sounding so sure that JJ almost allows himself to believe it. "You are good, JJ. That's why I love you."
I love you. I love you. I love you. The words drive him insane. He wishes Pope would stop throwing them around.
The blond's eyes squeeze shut while he shakes his head with an urgency that rejects even the idea of him resembling something good. Something worthy. Something deserving. "But I'm not. I'm not good... Not good enough, anyway," he admits, words coming out harsher than he wants. "I'm pushing my luck just by being your friend, so I'm definitely not good enough to be your boyfriend."
Pope deflates at that, his hands dropping to his sides while his chest aches in a way he's never known. His lip quivers, tears pricking at the corner of his eyes because the rejection of it all hurts. "That's not true, JJ," he says weakly.
"But it is! It is true, Pope. You're gonna go to some fancy-ass college and make something of yourself, alright? And that's fine- that's better than fine... that's great. It's what you should do. And while you're off doing that, I'm gonna be stuck here. Not doing anything nearly as fuckin' important. We're on two completely different paths, man. You're too fucking smart to believe that this," he gestures between them, "could actually work. Because it can't, Pope. It won't. That's why we should just leave it the hell alone."
Pope shakes his head at the speech as he wipes the tears from his eyes profusely.
"It doesn't have to be like that! You can come with me. We can get out of here together," Pope offers, his emotions getting the best of him. When it looks as though JJ is going to reject the idea, he grows desperate. "Or- or- or I don't even have to go. We can stay here--"
The suggestion clearly doesn't help when JJ runs his hands through his hair in frustration. His patience begins to wear thin. "Yes, Pope, you do have to go! You worked hard for it and I'm not gonna be the person who holds you back from getting out of this shithole." He wants to add and say, That's exactly why I won't be with you, but some things are better left unsaid.  
"But what about me and you?" Pope questions, voice quiet and scared.
Then JJ drops the bomb.
"It is what it is, you know? Me... You... It's whatever." The way Pope's face falls completely is a punch to the gut.
'Me... You... It's whatever.' It's not the words JJ wants to say to the boy he's been in love with for as long as he can remember. Not really. He takes what he truly wants to say and buries it in the pit of his stomach, hoping it doesn't reach his heart because if it does, he might do something reckless (something JJ-ish as Kie would politely put it) like tell Pope that he's always loved him and that he's waited for a moment like this since forever. Because how could he not? How could he not when it's sweet-forensic pathology obsessed-too smart for his own good-Pope who's so weirdly wonderful and effortlessly remarkable? JJ couldn't help but be hopelessly in love with him.
But there's that voice. That loud and crucial voice that's always there, telling him that he doesn't deserve it. Doesn't deserve good things. Doesn't deserve happiness. Doesn't deserve love. Most days, the voice sounds like his father. On the really bad ones, though, it sounds more like himself. Today is one of the bad days. He hears the voice- his voice. It creeps into his head and poisons the hope. It grows louder and louder and louder until he wants to drown it out with the ocean's waves or a limited dose of affection from his old man. It tells him: You aren't good. You aren't enough. You aren't worth it. You don't deserve it. And JJ believes it.
So, everything he feels for Pope, he buries. Buries it under his skin, letting it flow through his veins like second nature. The feeling never to be cut open or exposed to oxygen where it can be seen by all. He buries it. Deep in the depths of his rib cage to fulfill its purpose of protecting his weakened heart, he can only hope the feelings he feels will one day have a much-needed demise. He buries it. In his fingertips. In his toes. In his smiles. In his eyes. In his laughs. In his words. He buries it. He buries it all and inevitably, he suffocates when it slowly molds into himself, becoming a part of who he is.
It burns in his chest till the flame turns to ash and all that's left in the aftermath of destruction is the knowledge that he's the last person who's worthy of being loved by Pope. Finally, JJ thinks, he knows something that Pope doesn't.
"It'll pass, man, okay?" JJ says after a moment of silence. "Whatever you think you're feeling right now, it will go away."
Pope doesn't respond.
"C'mon, I'll walk you home," JJ adds, hoping to ease the blow of his previous comment.
When he doesn't get a reply, he takes that as an answer and goes to walk again. Defeated, Pope calls out, voice breaking, "That's bullshit."
JJ quickly turns back, shocked. Then wide blue eyes catch sight of teary brown ones and a wave of guilt crashes into the blond's chest harder than it should. For a split second, it strikes that he's the reason Pope is crying and he feels all the worse. He takes a sharp inhale of oxygen and holds it, only releasing it when it can't be held in any longer. JJ almost agrees with Pope because yeah... it is bullshit.
Before he can speak, Pope decides he has more to get off his chest and continues, "You not loving me back is fine but it's not up to you to decide who's good enough and who's not good enough to be my boyfriend. That's my choice to make! Not yours, JJ!"
"I know."
"So stop using that as your reason for rejecting me and just straight up say that you don't like me. Then I'll leave it alone and we can forget this ever happened!"
He goes to do just that but the words catch in his throat along with a lump and suddenly, he can't do it. Pope sees it, sees the pause, and visibly softens. Without another word or hesitation, the smarter of the two destroys the space between them and takes JJ's face in his hands.
"I don't need a love confession, JJ. I don't need you to say or do anything you aren't ready for," he tells him, gently and understanding. He rubs one thumb over JJ's cheekbone and uses the other to trace the outline of his jaw, curiously. His fingertips explore, pressing into the corner of JJ's mouth. Leaning forward, Pope lightly kisses the other boy's cheek before resting their foreheads together. They're so close that when Pope sucks in a shaky breath, he feels JJ's hit his face. "All I need is some sort of confirmation, okay? Just give me something."
The blond leans into the touch, heart thrashing in his chest. His gaze trails from Pope's eyes to his lips. One push forward and he could have this. One push forward and he could have Pope. JJ soaks it all in, admiring the way Pope's hands shake against his skin because he's a bundle of nerves due to their close proximity. Admiring the way his eyes slowly fall shut in anticipation and the way his lips part ever so slightly without him even realizing it. Admiring the way he doesn't push forward because he's giving JJ space to decide what he wants. JJ breathes it in and takes a mental picture to lock away in his heart for later. (He really fucking loves Pope Heyward.)
JJ could have this. The thought itself doesn't seem real. He could have this: could have Pope's gentle words, could have Pope's fingers roaming his jaw out of curiosity, could have Pope's forehead pressed against his, could have Pope's light kisses on his cheek, could have a relationship with the one person he truly loves more than anybody else. He could have it all and then some.
Their lips are only a few inches apart and all he has to do is push forward to capture Pope's lips with his own.
One kiss or three whispered words and JJ could have everything he's longed for since forever.
He almost does it. Almost leans in and presses their lips together. Almost.
But then the voice comes back: You aren't good. You aren't enough. You aren't worth it. You don't deserve it. You don't deserve him.
And JJ believes it. Believes it so strongly that the walls that began to fall down, build themselves back up.
He backs away, blood running cold, reminding himself that he'll only hold Pope back.
"Pope," he says, voice low and made of stone. Pope's eyes flutter open at the change of tone. JJ knows what he has to do. He harshly swallows, forcing down the emotions that try to dig through all the years of suppression. He takes Pope's wrists in his hands, pulls them away from his face, and holds them tight and steady to make sure his point is heard. Then, coldly, he whispers, "I don't love you."
The silence that follows is painful and cruel, leaving the words 'I don't love you' sit in the air surrounding them. It cuts open Pope's heart, exposing every ounce of emotion he feels to JJ. He never knew something could hurt this badly. The tears escape Pope's eyes and fall from him freely, leaving never-ending tracks on his cheeks that trail down his neck. He can't find it within himself to wipe them away.
Pope can't think. All he knows is that it hurts. It really hurts.
In spite of his broken heart, he simply nods and pulls his hands away from JJ's grasp.
He waits. Instead of walking away as he should, Pope stays right in front of the other boy and allows himself to break because he has never felt comfortable breaking in front of anyone else. He takes a desperate look at the blond and searches for something; something that will tell him the opposite of what's just been spoken. He waits. Waits for JJ to tell him he didn't mean it. Pope really hopes he didn't mean it.
He waits and waits and waits until the pain of rejection becomes too much.
One last look of longing and Pope finally lets the words unsettlingly rest in his stomach. JJ doesn't love him. Not like that, at least. And no matter how hard that is on him, Pope has to accept it for what it is. Has to respect what JJ feels. Has to respect what JJ wants. He doesn't try to speak, knowing better than to trust his voice. Instead, he nods again but this time in a way that tells JJ it's okay. That they'll be okay.
Pope doesn't wait this time. He walks away, leaving a piece of himself there with the other.  
Under his blank exterior, JJ swears his buried feelings wrap around his heart and squeeze it till he physically can't breathe. He clenches his jaw and doesn't allow any feelings to express themselves up until Pope's back is turned. It's only then when JJ finds himself blinking away tears as he watches Pope leave.  
And once he's fully gone, the blue-eyed boy wipes a singular tear that falls from the golden boy's absence.
His feelings are still buried. Blood pumping with secrecy and ribs cracking from baggage, JJ's bones are sore from every word he didn't say.
Despite all that, the voice tells him: You did the right thing.
And all JJ ever wants to do is the right thing.
So, he takes the unbearable ache in his chest and buries it along with everything else...
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jazzytriestowrite · 4 years
Can I request a hq one shot for Tsukishima? Maybe where the reader confesses to him that she likes him, but then downplay it and walk off, because she thought it'd be pointless to tell him/he wouldn't like her the same, but in reality he does like her :> tyy 💕🧡💞
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Fandom; Haikyuu!!
Pairing; Tsukishima Kei X Female Reader
Synopsis; You were tired of running in circles, tired of not knowing if your best friend had liked you back or not, or if you were a fool with a one sided crush. Deciding to get it over with once and for all, you pull Tsukishima to the side and confess your silly crush to him hoping that in the end you gain a boyfriend and not a broken heart.
Warning; Fluff, well as fluffy as a Tsukishima fic can be
Word count; 2155
A/N; I have been feeling low for some time, and actually saw this request and my heart leaped. I hope you enjoy this maddi!! Hope i did this salty hoe some justice :))
☆ ~ ☆ ~ ☆ ~ ☆ ~ ☆ ~ ☆~ ☆ ~ ☆ ~ ☆ ~ ☆ ~ ☆ ~ ☆
You had to do this.
You were tired of sneaking glances at him in class, face heating up every time you were caught or the teacher called you out about it. You were tired of sitting with him at lunch and pretending like your heart didn’t hurt every time he called you his ‘friend.’ It was tiresome, and if you had to deal with being unintentionally friendzoned again, you would rip out all of your hair and move to some farmtown to live out the rest of your days hiding from society.
His constant teasing was starting to leave a huge impact on you, and instead of getting snarky like you usually got with him, you ended up going silent whenever he playfully insulted you. Now taking his playful insults more personally than ever.
You had to do this. The fear of not knowing if he liked you back or if the side glances and extra touchie gestures were nothing but him getting more comfortable with you. Being kept in the dark had only made it more frustrating. You needed to confess and see what happened after that. No matter what happened, he was still your best friend first right?
While you were trying to give yourself that lovely pep talk, you had finally noticed that your palms were sweating. Rubbing them together created a grimmy feeling that made your stomach turn and rumble. The sudden confidence you had earlier had vanished, and now your hands gripped the end of your skirt, shaking lightly as they fiddled with the flimsy material.
You had now stopped in your strut towards the blonde haired male, watching as he messed with his headphones, probably going to put them on and start heading home as usual. Were you going to stand here in fear, never to confess and watch as the boy you’ve liked for so long slip out of your grasp because you were too nervous and too scared to admit you had some silly crush on him?
Taking a step forward, your words died in your throat as you felt a sudden chill. Panic clawed at your throat, making you momentarily freeze. The sudden thought of being rejected flooded your mind, and now just the thought of that made it hard to breathe.
He was your best friend, yes, but who's to say he wouldn’t suddenly start ignoring you because you had made it weird between the two of them? Would you be the one to ruin such a good friendship the two of you had just because you ended up catching feelings.
While you kept tearing yourself down, making it seem like there wasn’t any hope, a small flicker of hopefulness filled your heart. The ‘what if’ he did like you backs filled your mind, drowning out the raging negativeness that seemed to overflow your brain.
What was the point in all these ‘what if’s?’ Why not just figure it out and then go from there, in the end, admitting your feelings to someone wasn’t a crime, and sure as hell shouldn’t end a good friendship the two of you had built if it was a genuine one.
“Tsukishima!’’ You call out, breath catching in your throat as you watched him whip his head in your direction, a scowl already sitting on his face. Walking towards him, you gripped your bag tightly in your hands, making confident steps towards the tall male.
Looking down upon you, Tsukishima didn’t look too impressed to see you standing in front of him. Or maybe he did? You could never tell because he either had a scowl on his face or a teasing grin, and both you didn’t like in the slightest.
“What is it y/n, if you couldn’t tell, I was trying to leave this hellhole and go home for some peace and quiet” He says bluntly, golden eyes staring you down as the height difference between you two became more apparent than ever. His tone was the usual annoying one, the one where it made it feel like you were bothering him.
Gripping your bag tighter, you open your mouth to say something but instead end up closing it with nothing coming out. The panic was still there yes, but standing in front of him right had made it more real now that it was really happening. Shifting back and forth on your feet, you looked everywhere but his eyes now, knowing you wouldn’t be able to tell him when his unwavering gaze was on you.
That was your first mistake, showing him such a panicky side of you would only make him more interested in what you had to say, and that was a known fact. Now instead of looking at you with disinterest, he now had a shit eating grin on his face. His whole demeanor changed in a second, taking your moment of weakness lightly and in his favor. He was now interested. It was easy to see.
His hand now rested on his hip and he leaned in closer to you, wanting you to spit out whatever you had to say to him. He had even stopped messing with his headphones. His attention was now all on you, and you didn’t like it.
“Come on cupcake, by now I could have been halfway home”
His words were playful and provoking. You knew it was too late to go back, he already knew something was up, and giving him some lame excuse or telling him nevermind would surely make him angry.
Taking a deep breath, you looked up and met his golden eyes once more, trying not to get sucked into the beauty of them. He was always handsome when he grinned at you, since it was so different from the scowl he gave everyone else.
“Any Day now, I believe I’ve aged a few years standing here like a fool”
You blurt out, his previous statement making you just spit it out. It had felt good to finally say it, but it also made you cringe when you realized you yelled. What made it worse was when you noticed that a few students had stopped their chatter and walking, stopping to look at you who had created a scene.
Rubbing the back of your neck, you continue your previous statement. ‘’I like you, way more than friends. You are very annoying and half the time punching you seems like the greatest idea in the world. Despite your often teasing, I’ve come to like your annoying, weird, dino loving ass and keeping it to myself has been tough. I just want to let you know how I feel, in the hopes that you like-”
You had paused in your mini rant when your eyes met his again, searching his face for any changes. You had been able to catch the flicker of shock that had crossed his features, but it had changed to his usual shit eating grin again. That grin had made you nervous once more, making your heart close up and your words die in your throat.
‘’You know what” You take a step back, letting your eyes fall to the ground in shame. “April fools, bet I got you huh” Your voice didn’t match your words, and instead of your usual upbeat voice, it was replaced with a sad tone, a tone on the verge of tears. “I’m a good prankster I know”
The silence that you were met with only fueled your now aching heart. ‘’I gotta go’’ You say, turning around and walking away before you not only embarrassed yourself more, like crying in front of a guy who would definitely make fun of you for it.
You felt a hand grab your wrist, and before you could shake it off, you were turned around abruptly, head almost falling off your neck at the sudden force. Stumbling towards the male who had pulled you back, your teary eyes met Tsukishima’s once more. A silent ‘what’ being communicated through your expression.
You watched as he leaned in, so close you felt your face burn painfully now that you could feel his soft breath on you. One of his hands came up and was placed on your cheek, softly caressing the soft flesh. His eyes were filled with an emotion you had never seen before on him, and that took your breath away.
The sunlight had perfectly hit his features, making his golden blonde hair look gorgeous in this lighting. The light breeze helped in his favor, blowing it in the wind to add an extra effect to this moment. His large hand caressing your cheek had made you flustered, along with the look he was giving you. How he had to slightly bend to reach your height added some magic to it.
“You idiot, I had thought I was being perfectly clear with the hints I was dropping. Don’t be scared y/n, I’ve liked you for a while too, and while I may be very annoying, you probably didn’t notice that I ONLY act that way with you.’’ He paused, gazing into your eyes for a few more seconds. “y/n, you can stop being so nervous now” One hand now rested at your hip, holding you in place.
Was this some sort of dream? Her crush just admitted he liked her back and was also acting all cute instead of douche. The new unknown side he was showing you had made your heart race, and for a while you couldn’t even think of something to say. Instead your mind was filled with happiness. He wasn’t that much of a jerk after all.
The way he stared at you like you were the only girl here made you feel special. The way he was publicly grabbing you without being ashamed of what someone else seeing had also made your heart flutter. Maybe Tsukishima could be that hot guy who showed his true feelings to someone he liked, someone who deserved his attention.
“Ow” Your hands fly up to your forehead, your body stepping back and ripping yourself from his embrace. While you had thought the two of you were having a moment, he had decided that your lovey dovey time was over and flicked your forehead with a bit of too much force.
Laughing, his shit eating grin was back. “Idiot, acting all nervous and stuff like I was going to reject someone like you’’ It had sounded like an insult, but listening in closer you heard the compliment amidst it.
Opening and closing your mouth, you watched as he rolled his eyes at you. “Let's not stand here any longer, we should get walking. And maybe, just maybe we can stop and get some snacks” He says, using your shock to slip his big hand into your tiny one. He didn’t give you a chance to notice, instead tugging you so you would start walking.
And god, if you had pointed it out he would have surely blushed at being caught trying to be smooth.
In the end, you hadn’t cared enough to point it out. Instead, you silently agreed to his previous statement. The toll of being stressed out and worried had finally worn off, happiness filling your insides. You had claimed yourself a salty french fry, YOUR salty french fry. Nothing felt better than this.
Tsukishima walked, hand in hand with you in silence. The silence wasn’t uncomfortable, it was a mutual silence that felt good. The two of them needing the time to comprehend everything that happened in such a small amount of time.
Since your eyes were averted, he finally dropped his shit eating grin, a real genuine smile replacing it instead. It might sound weird, but he wasn’t just some cocky bastard who had no feelings. He was a human being who had crushes as well.
And as he watched your big grin as your eyes stared off ahead had made him feel butterflies in his stomach. He had liked you for some time, but he himself wasn’t brave enough to say something and opted to drop crazy hints instead. While that didn’t work, he still got himself a girlfriend in the end.
Watching you be happy about being with someone like him amazed him. How you lightly swayed their intertwined hands was making him feel some kind of way, a feeling he wasn’t used to. You were the prettiest girl in the world to him, and just the thought of someone like you liking him back made him feel good.
He had liked you so much, and now that he was able to act on his feelings, he would be sure to give you hell.
He was, after all, Tsukishima Kei, the saltiest human to exist.
“Also, It’s march, not April you fool.”
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a-third-attempt · 4 years
The Long Green Line
A/N: Presented on the occasion of @call-me-clever-girl’s 22nd birthday. Thank you to @selectedtrash for beta reading!  (3428 words)
Santiago is an OC of @call-me-clever-girl. Source (at her writing blog).
Warnings: Food. Brief mentions of gore, horror, overeating, violence.
 * * *
You paced frantically around your one-bedroom apartment, towel in one hand and yardstick in the other. You’d been living there for nearly a year now and while you had no illusions that it was some grand estate, you never had the occasion to quantify exactly how small it was.
Today, that innocence died. As the aroma from slow-cooked pork wafted through the kitchen, you learned that there was about three and a half feet between the appliances attached to the wall and the countertop that butted up against the living room couch. You walked up and down that corridor, all nine feet of it, as you tossed in vegetables and spices. The aforementioned couch was exactly seven feet long and the coffee table stood two feet from it, the television ten. The front entrance, as well as the door to the bedroom and the bathroom, measured just under three feet wide. Tricky, but not much to be done about it.
After a day spent creating carnitas and egress, the apartment smelled of garlic and sage but looked almost spartan, a far cry from the cozy atmosphere that you normally enjoyed. The only hints of its prior life were found in its dusty corners, where tall piles of treasure and clutter alike were packed into as little floor space as physically possible. This was the price you paid for precious inches of maneuvering room. And today, today only, that price was worth it.
You knew that he was going to arrive exactly on time, because for the last week he had been so excited about seeing your place. So when you started waxing the floor you knew that you had exactly nine minutes to finish up and change your clothes, which you did, with eleven seconds to spare. You spent those last seconds fidgeting with the ends of your hair, trying to shake off your analytical mindset. This should be fun. It was going to be fun.
Ding Dong!
“Just a minute!” you called out. Stealing one last look in the mirror, you stood up straight, put on a big smile, and opened the door.
Standing before you was Santiago, the love of your life. A naga, with russet-brown skin fading into mottled dark green scales, he stood a whole head above you, looking down with luminescent yellow eyes. His black hair was tousled in beautiful waves that fell just above his broad, muscular shoulders. His features were naturally sharp, but they were softened by the smile that came easily to his face.
“How are you, my clever girl?”
“Lovely, now that you’re here.” You stood on your tiptoes and kissed his neck. “Say, what’s that behind your back?”
You grinned. He never came to a date empty-handed, always bringing along some little bauble that made him think of you. Sometimes they came from a shop, sometimes they came from the swamp, and you loved them all the same. But this time you were surprised; you gasped as he revealed a bouquet of plump white roses.
“Oh, Santiago, they’re gorgeous! This is incredible, thank you!” He beamed back at you. “I’ve got just the spot for them in the kitchen. They’ll catch the evening sun.” 
You rinsed out a glass from the sink, put the flowers in, and set it on the windowsill. During it all, an uneasy silence rested in the air. You hadn’t invited him in, and he didn’t make to enter. He simply sat in the doorway, watching you walk around your nearly-empty apartment. “Looks like you’ve been busy.” His tongue fluttered out and tasted the air, “Mmmm… and it smells like it, too!”
“Like I told you, you need to eat a proper meal for once.” He didn’t exactly fill up at restaurants. Despite his protests, you always felt guilty for ending dinner so much more satisfied than him. So now, meeting at your own place for the first time, you had resolved to feed your boyfriend as much as he could eat.
You returned to the doorway and unbuttoned his big black coat. It hung well below his torso but still looked comically small, his tail easily spilling out from the bottom and far into the hall. Clothes weren’t terribly useful in the water, he had explained to you on your first date, but the coat helped him remain decent in human society. Still, he grew up wearing nothing at all, and that’s what he preferred. You preferred him that way too, which had probably been obvious from your uncontrollable blushing.
You tossed his coat to the side, then hesitated. “Come in, babe.” Both of you understood how much anxiety you were hiding behind those simple words. But he said nothing, and if he had reservations of his own, they didn’t show. He held his smile and began slithering in.
His powerful muscles glided his body across your newly waxed floor, thick waves of scales shifting to and fro. You tried not to stare as your brain automatically began measuring out his length. Three feet. Six feet. Nine feet. He turned back to face you, sheepishly, coming back toward the door as his tail began piling up in the space behind him. Twelve. Fifteen. Eighteen. He stopped suddenly, looking around. 
“Wrap through the kitchen?” He nodded wordlessly, sliding between the counter and appliances. In one opening and out the other. Twenty-one. Twenty-four. Twenty-seven— The tip of his tail was nearly through the doorway, and you shared a relieved sigh, knowing that you’d cleared the first hurdle. As soon as it crossed the threshold, you slammed the door shut, perhaps a little too hard. He winced, then broke into full-chested laughter.
“Well, that was a little adventure,” he said, reaching the end of his tail up to embrace you.
You wriggled free, thoroughly embarrassed. “The first of several, perhaps. Now, sit down, and I’ll check the pork.”
He did not sit down, and instead followed you eagerly into the kitchen, his tongue lapping the fragrance of the meat. The walkway is barely big enough for one person, certainly not accommodating two plus a tail. “Sit down, sit down,” you say, shooing him away. “I’ll bring the food out when it’s done, but give me some space.”
He begrudgingly retreated, flopping down on your couch. At only seven feet, it wasn’t even pretending to be long enough for him, his tail lazily draping over the end.
After cooking the meat for hours, the last steps for carnitas always felt strangely rushed. You took a big vat of sour cream from the fridge, tortillas and hot sauce from the pantry. Placing the trays on the stove to cool, you dropped one steaming piece of pork in your mouth. Perfection. Mama would be proud.
From the couch came a small whine, as the top of your boyfriend’s head peered over the back of the countertop. “Dear god, that sssssmells so good. I’m about to drown in my own drool.”
You clicked your tongue and shot him a sideways glance. “Are you a dog, whining for your food like that?” His brow twitched in embarrassment. “Am I dating a dog, Santiago?”
He collapsed dramatically onto the couch, whumping down on the pillow. “You’re always teasing me, Raptor.”
“You make it too easy, darling.” Your lips curled upward as you poured the juices over the cooling meat and tried another piece. 
“It’s reeeeeaady,” you sang.
“Yaaaaaaaaayyyy!” He threw his hands in the air as he cheered. He was playing it up for you, of course, but he was still clearly excited, his tongue rapidly flicking in and out of his mouth. “I can get up for it.”
“Nope,” you said, already setting down the toppings on the coffee table.
“What are these for?” he said, shrugging his shoulders. You rolled your eyes. He was always feigning ignorance about food, saying that a childhood in the swamp left him with simple tastes. Humans make it all too complicated, he insisted, with these vegetables and sauces and spices. But it was all a ruse. He loved savory food especially, and there was no hiding it; he rolled each bite around on his tongue to bask in its flavors.
You brought over the two heaping trays of pork, and he rubbed his hands together. “Not yet,” you admonished, a pair of fingers tracing the lines between your eyes and his. He smiled but said nothing, tongue still snapping out between his lips. Last, you brought the tortillas and napkins, plopping yourself down on the couch. “I’ll make your first?” you asked.
He nodded. “Thank you, sssweetie.” You loaded it up with everything, including nearly a fistful of the pork. You smirked as you passed it to Santiago, who was now visibly salivating. 
He grabbed it from your hand and didn’t— maybe physically couldn’t— force himself to wait a moment longer. He took his first bite, and his eyes fluttered shut. “Mmmmmm, oh zhissssh is ssssho good,” he said, barely getting the words out before cramming the rest into his mouth. 
You laughed quietly as you piled up your own tortilla and laid down on his chest. He was only too happy to have you, his tail curling slowly around your body, tiny by comparison.
“Why would you ever eat out when you can cook like thisssss?” he said, licking the grease off his fingers. 
“You flatter me.”
“It’sss not flattery if it’sss true.”
You cocked your eyebrow. “I’m pretty sure it still is, actually.” Then, slapping him playfully on the tail that laid across your chest, you nodded to the trays. “Anyway, eat up. I made this for you, it’s all yours.”
His tail abruptly stopped sliding across you, shocked. You could practically hear his eyes bug out. “All of it?”
“As long as you let me sneak in a few, yeah. I told you I was gonna feed you for real, didn’t I?”
He wrapped his arms around you and kissed the top of your head again and again. “Oh, whatever I did to deserve you, it couldn’t possssssibly have been enough.” 
You hummed, lifting his hands off of you to prepare yourself another. “I’m not gonna keep making them for you, though, you gotta dish your own from now on.” 
He giggled and mussed your hair, and then hastily piled some meat on a tortilla. As he scarfed it down, the tip of his tail poked up to lie on your chest, as it always did when you ate together. Warm on both ends, he would say. 
He ate for nearly an hour, cleaning every last bit of meat off the trays. Mama always told you that the highest compliment that a cook could receive was a silent meal. But she was wrong. Santiago’s gratitude was vocal as he pounded one loaded shell after another into his mouth. His tongue turned its flavors into all manner of sighs, grunts, and murmurs. You said almost nothing the entire time, soaking in that beautiful music of his.
Swallowing his last bite, he smacked his lips and heaved an enormous sigh. “Thank you, thank you, thank you! It was amazing, sssweetheart. A gift from heaven.” His scales tickled as you pressed himself closer to you.
Your cheeks flared and you gave him an embarrassed smirk. You rubbed his belly, engorged from the sheer size of his dinner. “You full now?” 
“Oh god, yesss,” he groaned, his hand resting on top of yours. “I won’t eat for another week.”
“Mmmm, then I’m satisfied.” You nuzzled his side, and he squeezed you gently in response. By then he had engulfed you entirely in his tail, leaving only your head and arms uncovered. It was not a warm embrace; you, in fact, were the furnace in the relationship. But it was still immensely comforting to you, like nothing you had known before. His tail rarely came to a complete stop, always slithering gently in place, and the texture of his scales soothed you as they brushed over your skin. 
You were lost in that full-body massage when he cleared his throat. You lifted your head to see him watching you, with a look in his eyes that you couldn’t quite place. 
“Ssssssso, we were going to watch a movie?”
You smiled. One of the few things you loved about your apartment was that when the sun went down, it got dark. There were no streetlights and the road rarely saw traffic that late, so the most light that made it into your apartment was filtered through two window shades from your neighbors. It was a gentle reminder from the world that it was time to sleep. 
Or, more relevant to present company, it set the perfect mood for a campy horror movie. Watching them had become a Friday night ritual, and you were delighted that this week, Santiago was going to be part of it.
There was just one problem. “Aww, you’re gonna make me get the lights?” You brushed one hand along his abs and the other up his tail, from the tip to as far as you could reach. It wouldn’t take more than ten seconds for you to hit the switches, of course. But in that moment you wanted nothing more than to stay wrapped up in him forever.
He cocked his head. “No, I’ll get them. Where are they?” You didn’t exactly want him to stand up either— it takes two to cuddle, after all. But instead of arguing, you pointed to the wall next to the front door. To your surprise, he did not move to stand up. He scrunched his tail into a hump where you had pointed, and then smacked it clumsily against the switch. 
You giggled, but it worked.
The title screen rolled and the score began, a creepy little melody that already had you grinning. You could already feel his body tensing around yours. Stealing a glance at him, you barely recognized the voracious predator that destroyed your carnitas. In his place, a young man, wide-eyed and lock-jawed, features tensed as if preparing for a fight.
You tried to sound casual. “Hey darling, what’s up?”
“I— I don’t watch a lot of movies like thisss...” he said, softly.
“Oh,” you said. A little disappointed, you reached for the remote. You had others you could put on, of course. Honestly, you’d watch anything if it meant you’d get to snuggle with him the rest of the evening. But still, this shift in the routine felt like you were betraying the tradition.
“No, I want to watch!” he said, grabbing your wrist, and then immediately releasing it. “I mean, if you like it, I’m sure I’m gonna like it.” His eyes narrowed into a smile, their dim light seeming to sharpen as they glinted off his teeth. “I’ll tell you if we should ssstop, I guessss.”
Understanding flashed through your mind. “Oh my god, Santiago are you scared?” No way, you thought, it couldn’t be that perfect. 
He shifted in place. “A little, yeah,” he admitted.
You covered your mouth to stifle a giggle. “Oh, now this is gonna be fun.” 
His eyes suddenly widened. “I ssshouldn’t have told you that, should I?” he asked weakly.
You set down the remote and brushed his cheek, still giggling as you shook your head. “No, Santiago.” You leaned up to plant a small kiss on his lips. “You absolutely should not.”
He sighed and buried his head in your shoulder. “Hmph. Sssome help you are.”
The film was new to you, but it was clearly a love letter to the B movies that the directors had enjoyed as teenagers, hitting beats that were all too familiar. Your boyfriend probably had a harder time seeing that love through the spooky veneer. But his reactions breathed life into the experience like you hadn’t felt in years. After all, you could see the jump scares coming from a mile away, but he was caught off guard every time, letting out small yelps. And as the tension mounted, you could feel him instinctively constricting more and more around you, anticipating the next big release.
But it was the gore that really got him. The first death scene was a decapitation, and when the guy’s head flew off, he shuddered so hard it rippled down his entire body, jostling you several times on the way down. You could tell that the second one was going to be bloody as well, which gave you an idea. Just as the nerd’s guts spilled out of their chest, you dug your nails into his sides as hard as you could and scratched them across the same spot.
He bucked wildly and howled, tossing you around in his grasp. You collapsed into his chest, laughing. “Geez, Santiago, you’re gonna wake the neighbors.”
“Damn you,” he muttered, bopping you upside the head.
You hugged him, but before long your hands had other plans. They began roaming around his sinuous curves, matching his motions along yours. You relished the gentle firmness of his spotted green scales in your palms. He rewarded your affection with sharp, breathy gasps, and deep shivers that shook both of your bodies. Soon the movie was forgotten entirely as you wrapped around each other, snuggling ever closer.
Your intimate dance was interrupted by a bloodcurdling scream, the heroine finally succumbing to a grisly death. Your poor boyfriend nearly jumped out of his skin, spasms flinging his tail around wildly until—
His tail connected with the pile on the far side of the room, striking it to the ground.
“Oh my god, I’m ssso sssorry!” he said, immediately stilling himself and letting you go.
“What happened?” you asked, still dazed.
“I’m sssorry, I’m sssorry, I didn’t mean to, I should have been more careful!”
Putting the pieces together, you let out a relieved chuckle. “Hey, hey, it’s fine! Stop—” you fumbled around for the remote. “It’s fine, Santiago.”
He groaned. “I should never have come over, it was ssstupid, we both knew there wasn’t room—”
“No, listen—”
“I broke everything!” His voice was loud but it wobbled, as if he was on the verge of tears.
“Darling, stop. Look at me.” You grabbed his shoulders and shook him. “Where’s the light?” you grumbled, tripping over his length as you turned on a lamp. His gaze immediately snapped to the mess he had made, but yours kept trained on him. You didn’t care what had fallen down. You rushed back to him, grabbing his chin. “Darling, look at me.”
He did, and what a sorry sight it was. His normally toned skin was near-white and his mouth sagged, hanging open. His eyes were wide, downcast, and wet with half-formed tears. You stuck out your neck toward him, trying to match his pathetic look with one of patient determination. 
“First of all, you did not break everything.” You glanced over at the trinkets now scattered across the floor, none of which had any significance at the moment. “I don’t think you broke anything at all. But even if you did, that’s okay.” He whimpered in protest. “No, Santiago, I mean it. It’s okay. We both knew it was going to be tight, and I wouldn’t have let you come over if it mattered that much to me.” Your features softened, but you spoke seriously. “That stuff doesn’t matter. You matter. I’m glad you’re here.”
As you spoke, he closed his eyes and took long, deep breaths. He began to nod, your words bringing him to his senses. “If you want to go home, I get that, but I’d rather have you stay.”
He nodded, swallowing. “Me too,” he whispered.
The two of you sat in silence for a while as he continued calming down. You smiled at him; when he opened his eyes, he sighed in response. “You’re too good to me, Raptor,” he said, dipping his head. You bent down to meet his far-off gaze. The embarrassment was still etched into his face, but at least his hysterics seemed to have passed.
“Now, you want to finish the movie?”
He let out a weak grunt. “What, so I can wreck the resssst of your apartment?”
“Yeah, well,” you said, grinning. “I wasn’t really watching anyway.” You blinked, surprised by the truth in your words. Years of Friday night movies, and you couldn’t remember a single time that you’d actually stopped watching one entirely. But somehow, you thought to yourself as he began wrapping you once more in cool scaly coils, this change in the routine suited you just fine.
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hotdamnhunnam · 4 years
Teller What She Wants to Hear
A/N: So the idea behind this shameless piece of smut is that Jax Teller is a sex god who can straight up get you off with just the power of his dirty talk... because if anybody can, we know it’s THIS god of a man.
Pairing: Jax Teller x F!Reader Warnings: smut, swearing, dirty talk, dom!Jax, teasing you in front of other men (but no actual sex in front of them), light choking, Jax getting you off at work (because hell yes office sex)
Word Count: ~1.9k
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First time Jax Teller called you ‘bitch’ in bed, you practically exploded.
And he noticed. Noticed right away that being called his bitch had made your pussy twitch. That even just the slightest hint of dominance and degradation, coming from him, seemed to scratch your every itch.
“Well, damn...” his tongue flicked in a devilish dance across his luscious lips as he watched your eyes flutter in bliss, body trembling to death beneath his. “You really fucking like that, huh? You like being my dirty little slut?”
Holy shit. Too turned on to speak, needy and weak, you just spastically nodded. This man made you so goddamn desperate. So wet. You just tried not to drown in the flood. In that instant you knew you were born to be nothing but his fucking slut.
You came harder that night than you ever had, moaning like mad, while Jax kept up a mind-blowing stream of obscene dirty talk, as he ravaged your holes with his raging hard cock. Take it, whore. This what you want? This what you fucking live for? Taking this big dick so good in that tight little cunt? Fuck yeah, just like this. Scream for me, bitch. You want more? Want me to cum deep inside this sweet pussy or fill up that hot fucking mouth of yours? With each vigorous thrust of his hips Jax would press his lips closer against your ear, just to make sure you could hear, over your uncontrollable screams. Words straight out of your wildest dreams.
And the dream hasn’t ended, since then. Turns out your badass biker boyfriend is a literal god among men. Now he knows what his dirty words do, the sheer power that one filthy whisper can have over you, he gets off on exerting that power again and again and again.
Sometimes the cocky son of a bitch even dares to talk dirty to you in public, right in front of his club and his friends—working his wicked magic, teasing you about just how desperate you are for his big fucking dick, while the whole damn room watches and listens. You’d acted as if you were pissed off about it, the first time it happened. You weren’t. Loved it more than you liked to admit, but Jax knew it, and there was no need to pretend.
It went without saying that all the Sons respected you a ton, given your status as SAMCRO’s reigning First Lady, basically. But respect didn’t mean that they couldn’t indulge in a bit of fun, seeing you fall to pieces at the hands of the President. Sighing and shivering just from the force of the smutty words he murmured into your ear.
“Aye, Jackie Boy!” Chibs would cheer, spurring Jax on as you’d come undone just from the sound of your man’s painfully sexy voice. “Go on and give it to ‘er good, son. Tell ‘er what she wants to hear.”
It’s gotten to the point where Jax’s dirty talk can fuck you up more deeply and completely than his cock. Which is saying a lot, ‘cause that cock never fails to hit all of your spots.
But the pure fucking porn that pours out of that damn sinful mouth he’s got... God, you might fall apart just at the thought. 
Which would be inconvenient, because you're at work right this moment. Stuck in the office late after a long exhausting day. Jax usually swings by at lunch for a much-needed lay, but some serious club business kept him away, and your pussy is aching and empty and super not fucking okay.
All you have are your thoughts of him sending you into a trance.
So you decide to walk the hallways for a minute just to stretch your legs, to try and take your mind off sex; can’t help but wonder if your boss or your friends in the office would notice if you slipped a hand in your pants...
That’s when you feel his telltale presence: the real boss of your ass, coming up from behind you now all of a sudden and casually taking that ass in his dominant grasp. 
“Whatcha doin’ there, darlin’?” he asks, and already the sound of his low raspy voice in your ear has your toes curling. Only Jax Teller can make darlin’ sound like a foul thing dripping with sin.
“Jax...!” you gasp, swiftly turning to face him, so desperate to feel him and taste him, smiling while he traces your lips with his thumb. “I was just—um...”
He goes ahead and finishes the sentence for you as his deep blue eyes explore you. “Looks like you were thinking how badly you needed to cum.”
Fucking hell. Of course he could tell; Teller knows you so well. “You’re not wrong...”
“Never am,” he gloats—all too true—dropping one hand to caress your throat, knowing how badly you long to be choked, while his other hand slides toward the crotch of your pants. “But damn, Y/N, that’d be a very naughty thing to do. Even for a bad little bitch like you.”
You’re so horny right now that you don’t even care who might turn down the hallway and witness you two in plain view. Getting fired would be fucking worth it, to give in to this burning thirst. Need him so bad it hurts. “Naughty?” you innocently bite your bottom lip as you repeat the word. “What, getting off at work? You know it wouldn’t be the first...”
“Not that,” Jax cuts you off, voice gravelly and gruff. “Getting off without me. Without fucking permission. But you knew that already, hun—betcha just wanted to piss me off. Didn’t you. Damn disobedient slut.”
Ohhh God...
“Tell you what,” he grunts, using one of his fists to pin your hands against the wall above your head, the other reaching down to grope your cunt, throbbing and dripping wet. “I’ll give you one minute. That’s all your gonna get. You’re gonna rub that pussy up against my fist, pretending it’s my dick, and see if you can get yourself off just like this. 'Cause you’re a desperate little bitch who wants to get it in the middle of the fucking office. Better make it quick.”
Hoooly... fucking...
“Mmm, that’s it,” Jax goads you on, smirking in savage satisfaction as you grind your soaking heat against the blunt heel of his palm. “Look at you, fucking loving this. You kinky piece of shit.”
And then the cruel sadistic bastard shifts his hand off of your crotch, as if it wasn’t hard enough as is, to finish in a minute. Spends a few seconds groping at your tits—which definitely helps—but then the rest you’re gonna have to do yourself. Just from the sheer sound of him growling in your ear, the tightness of his grip upon your wrists, the way he finally clamps his other hand around your neck and chokes you with his ruthless fist, surrounds and drowns you in that dizzying distinctive smell of cigarettes and leather and of Jackson Fucking Teller. He knows his power feeds your pleasure. You are his, now and forever.
“You gonna cum?” he teases, pressing harder in your pulse point with his thumb. “You gonna cum for me, you dirty whore? Squirt all over the office floor?”
Yes sir. Yes sir. Can’t even breathe to tell the answer.
“Ten more seconds,” he mercilessly taunts. “Go on, you filthy fucking cunt. You know you live to give me what I want.”
Jesus Christ. There are no words left to describe what’s happening between your thighs. What little remains of your sanity, dignity, splutters and dies.
“That’s right. Cum for me. Cum for me...” Jax leans in even closer to your ear, huffing out the one word that you need to hear. Right fucking here. The word that started all of this, the word that never fails to ruin you completely: “... bitch.”
And you cum on the fucking instant, honestly harder than anyone should be able to cum. Let alone from without being touched. How is it even physically possible that you just had an orgasm? How dare this motherfucker just exist and effortlessly own your ass like this? But holy fucking fuck, you love it so damn much...
You have no sense of what exactly happens in the next few seconds; your whole body and soul have gone numb. Apparently Jax carried you quickly into the nearest bathroom, to clean you right up. You come back to your senses to find that he’s kissing you softly and sweetly, denying your pleas to get down on your knees ‘cause you’re dying to give him a blowjob. You can see clearly through his dark jeans that he’s hard as a rock, and you’re desperate to suck him clean, drain every drop of cum from his big beautiful cock...
“Maybe after we get home,” he says, as he finishes mopping up the mess of your explosive pussy juices. He strips off his leather kutte—no doubt he plans to take his flannel off next so that you can wear it as a makeshift dress, since your own pants are drenched and totally fucked over. He’s such a cruel master yet such a caring lover. “Babe, you need some more time to recover from how hard I just made you cum.”
“How hard you just made me...?!” you exclaim in protest, playfully punching him in the chest. “Pretty sure you had me doing all the work. Don’t be a fucking jerk.”
Jax flashes you a cheeky smirk, broad shoulders lifting in a shrug, and throws his hands up. “Okay. Whatever you say, bitch.”
And there it goes—that word still hits you hard from head to toe, though nowhere more so than your cunt. There’s only one way that your poor pussy knows to respond. Twitch.
At that, you hear him fucking chuckle as your knees buckle. You scowl at him; that twitch was almost more than you could take after your orgasm. Almost. The kinky slut inside you likes it, though. “Well, shit...”
Still laughing just a bit, Jax strokes your shoulder tenderly, blessing your forehead with a pure innocent kiss. “Yeah, I guess the B-word is off-limits. At least for a few minutes.”
“Or...” you cut in, lustfully licking your lips, “...well, I mean, now that you started this—we could just... maybe go at it again?”
He pauses for a second, smiling as he reaches to cradle your face in his hands. For some reason the silliest, filthiest moments are most often when his heart opens. You love when that happens. 
“God, I fucking love you, Y/N,” he murmurs and means it, more than you’ll ever understand. Jax Teller fucks you like he owns you, knows it’s true—and yet deep down, in all the ways that count, you own him too. Both know his heart is yours.
“I love you more,” you answer, though your love is not the only reason why your heart has started beating faster. Now is not the time for sweet talk to distract; you’ll have to whip out some of your own dirty talk to get this sexy bastard back on track... “Now call me bitch again and shove me up against the bathroom door. Need you to fill me with that cock and fucking fuck me like I’m nothing but your filthy little whore.”
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Thank you for reading!! ❤️ First few days on tumblr and I’m already a total whore for reblogs/comments/likes... knowing folks enjoy the filthy fantasies I write is really nice ☺️
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Plus One
a wedding guest blurb about that time you and Harry showed up to a wedding without dates
or: you like champagne and Harry likes you.
wc: 2k
AN: this is my first reader insert so let me know what you think!!!! 
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You weren’t exactly a fan of weddings. The last one you went to was six months earlier--the bride was your ex-boyfriend’s cousin and you spent most of the night making small talk with his grandmother about how great the weather was and how beautiful the ceremony had been.
Which was true--it just wasn’t your idea of a perfect evening. 
And maybe you were a little bitter about this wedding. No one really enjoyed watching two people promise to spend their lives together only a week after you threw the towel in on your last relationship, right? 
So as you trudged into the reception hall and took in the sight of all of the name cards, you realized that this one wasn’t shaping out to be any better. Your name was written in pinterest-worthy script, and beside yours was his. You’d RSVP’ed long before the break up, and you weren’t about to throw a fit days before your co-workers wedding demanding that she remove the evidence of his existence from the decorations she’d been prepping for months. 
So instead of stomping out and mourning the relationship you were sure was the one, you made your way over to Table 13. You weren’t surprised to see that it was in the back of the room--hidden in a corner near the bathroom and far, far away from the dance floor. 
Your co-worker Nicole had begged you to come. And you loved her, of course you wanted to support her on her big day. The only catch was that you were the only one from the office in attendance and you didn’t know a single person aside from Nicole and her new husband, Josh. 
But it was a beautiful spot. A big tent on the grass of a beautiful mansion--one that was old and covered in ivory and you were going to make the best of it. The weather was warm for mid-August and seeing as your plus one recently decided he wanted to see other people, you only felt mildly awkward flying solo. 
So you dug through your purse until your fingers blindly found the sharpie that you knew was buried somewhere inside. You pulled it out, yanked off the cap, and crossed out the 15 letters that were printed below your name. 
“Should I ask?” A voice sounded beside you. A hand pulled out a chair from the table and dropped his name card above his plate. He left an empty seat between you as he sat down and let his eyes scan over the paper in your hands. 
“Oh, he just couldn’t come,” you let out a laugh--embarrassed to have been caught doing something so childish. 
“So you’re crossing him off altogether?” His accent let you know he was far from home, his green eyes and dark hair let you know that he was definitely not someone you’d met at the engagement party a year earlier. 
“He also said he wants to see other people. So, there’s that, too.”
He laughed at his, leaning back in his seat and letting his eyes scan over your face. “I’m Harry,” he said, extending a hand to shake yours. “Josh’s roommate from his study abroad in London.”
“Y/N,” you said, giving your hand in return. “Nicole’s co-worker. Glad to see I’m not the only one shoved to the back table.”
He laughed at this, leaning to the side when a server filled your glasses with water. “Whoa, I personally think we have the best seat in the house. Close to the loo, far enough from the dance floor that we hopefully won’t suffer from second-hand embarrassment when someone gets too drunk,” he shrugged his shoulders, still keeping a steady gaze on you. 
A couple joined the table, talking amongst themselves as you replied. “Yeah, well, I’m glad to be here. Even if he’s not,” you pointed down to the empty seat between you and Harry. 
“He sounds like an idiot, in all honesty,” he looked down at the fabric of the chair. “He’s missing out on free food and alcohol,” he paused for a second, bringing his eyes back up to yours. “And you--so the joke’s on him.”
You felt the heat rise to your cheeks as you pulled your gaze down to your hands. The simple gold ring he’d given you for your birthday was still on your right hand. You twisted it out of habit and wondered where he was. 
Harry turned to greet someone he knew--another man his age with a woman on his arm. You sed the moment to check your phone. No new messages. Barely two hours into the whole event of the night and you’d only had two drinks. Something needed to change fast. 
The rest of the guests seemed to filter in to the hall--the DJ started talking into the mic and before you knew it, your table was full. Ten seats in total, making it a solid nine minus your plus one. When Harry stood from his seat with his eyes on the bar, you followed his lead. 
“Waited long enough, right?”
“Absolutely,” he laughed, offering a hand in front of him to allow you to lead the way. 
“So you’ve known Josh for a while,” you fell into step beside him, watching as he let his thumb and pointer finger pluck at his lower lip. 
“Met in 2014 and lived together for a few months. Dirtiest flat I’ve ever inhabited, to be honest.”
You laughed at that--you’d heard countless stories from Nicole about how messy Josh could be.  “London, you said?”
He nodded as you came to a stop at the end of the line. “S’where I’m from, s’where he came for a semester.”
“Long way to travel for a wedding,” you remarked, shifting your weight to save your feet the pain of your wedges. 
“I live here now,” he explained, shoving a hand in the pocket of his trousers. “Josh and I had kept in touch and I came to visit the year after his time abroad and fell in love. Moved over about a year ago now.”
“That’s about when I started working with Nicole.”
“She’s in,” he trailed off, clearly wanting you to remind him of what your firm did.  
“Commercial real estate marketing,” you spit out the phrase like second nature. People could never seem to remember what you did for a living, but Harry nodded thoughtfully like he was interested.
You stepped a ways forward when the line in front of you moved. Only two people separated you from the bartenders as Harry replied. “Right--he’s told me that before.”
You smiled politely in an attempt to pretend it wasn’t awkward that you barely knew each other. Harry was cute and friendly and at least there was someone that made you feel like you weren’t totally out of place. Knowing your luck, though, he likely had a date who was in the bathroom or home sick or something of the sort. 
“Did your date back out last minute, too?” You forced the question out, probably sounding awkwardly and frantic. 
The side of his mouth pulled upward as if he was somewhat smug. “No--also flying solo. But, by choice.”
“You chose to come to a wedding by yourself?” You widened your eyes playfully--but also seriously wondering how someone as handsome and outgoing as he was could wind up here alone. 
He nodded and lifted his shoulders as if to downplay the decision. “Are you implying that I need someone to keep me company?”
“No,” you laughed, crossing your arms over your chest. “Not at all. Just--wish I had the confidence to show up at an event like this and not worry what everyone thinks about the lack of man beside me.”
He laughed and tilted his head to the side. “Well, you’ve got a man beside you now, and they’re paying attention--whoever they are--they’ll just think we’re together.”
He stepped up the open bar and rested his elbow on the wooden surface before you could reply. “Two of whatever she’s having,” he threw his chin in your direction as he removed two folded bills from his wallet and placed them in the tip jar. 
“Uh, just prosecco, please,” you stepped forward and waited--somewhat awkwardly--as the bartender turned her back to you both. 
The over-dramatic voice of the DJ floated over the air as he introduced the wedding party, prompting you to clap your hands together as the bartender filled your glasses. Once you both  had your drinks in hand, Harry made a move for the table.
“So you’re here alone by choice--do you know anyone else here?”
His eyes scanned the room as you settled back into your seats--this time he occupied the chair directly beside yours. He pursed his lips together, shook his head side to side, and then brought his eyes back to you. “No--just the happy couple.”
“And me,” you reminded, a small smile creeping over your lips. 
He raised his glass between you and clinked it against yours. “And you.”
“And for a living you…” your voice drifted, allowing him to pick up the sentence where you left off.
“User experience at a software company. Heard of Brinmoore?” His lips threatened to pull into a smirk, as if he knew your answer before the word left your mouth. 
“Me neither until I got here,” he laughed, leaning back in his chair again now and shrugging. “Pretty good, though. Quite like it, actually. Decent pay, decent benefits. Still don’t understand the whole American healthcare system, though.” He frowned and seemed to zone in on his place card that was now right next to yours. 
“Don’t get your hopes up,” you teased, suddenly enthralled with the way he brought his eyes back up to meet yours. 
You were interrupted momentarily by the couple across from you--they asked something about the dinner menu and made appropriate small talk as Harry seemed to sip as his champagne between stolen glances in your direction. 
A woman at your table--Shayna, who introduced herself as Nicole’s friend from high school--motioned between the two of you when Harry was in the middle of a conversation with her husband. 
“How long have you two been together?” She smiled politely, forking into the salad that was now being served. 
“We’re not,” you said quickly, letting your hand flutter in the air between you. “Just met tonight. Both here solo.”
Your words were choppy and forced--hopefully the blush on your cheeks was less evident in the dim lighting. 
“Oh--well, good timing then, huh?”
The cutting of the cake found you at the bar again--this time hoping to drown out the anxious voice in your head that worried about never finding your soulmate. The same bartender poured you the same drink, and when she offered it to you over the counter, you felt a hand on the small of your back. 
“Dipped out?”
Harry--whose tie was now loose around his neck after another three drinks--had red cheeks that you imagined were warm to the touch. 
“Needed a refill,” you raised the glass between you, watching as his eyes trailed down to your hand. He fell into step beside you as you headed back to the table
The music--which had been moderately upbeat all night--suddenly slowed. Shayna and Kevin were still seated side by side, laughing as they spoke with Nicole’s mother. 
You placed your champagne flute down on the table, and when you looked up, Harry’s hand was waiting expectantly, mid-air. 
“What?” You asked, looking down at his open palm. You could see some calluses at the base of his fingers--the rings he wore had left their mark on his otherwise smooth skin. 
“Dance?” You repeated the word back at him, your eyes flickering over the parquet dance floor--as if you must have misheard him. 
“Dance,” he nodded, smiling again as you brought your eyes back to his. He bounced his hand in the air--as if to prompt a response from you--but you soon lifted your hand to find his. 
He pulled you in the direction of bride and groom--both of whom swayed in the center of a larger group of people. You looked around the room, certain that you looked like a fool dancing with a man you hardly knew and even more sure of the fact that you looked embarrassed and nervous and awkward. 
But the feeling didn’t last long. Harry pulled you up against him, his right arm snaking around your waist and his left lifting your hand to rest by your shoulders--which were now nearly touching in the midst of the crowd. 
He seemed to step into the song seamlessly, his body swaying and dipping with each beat as if he’d danced to the song a thousand times. He was warm--but the heat of his body next to yours was soothing and reassuring. 
By the end of the song he hummed into your ear--a quick glance in your direction was all he needed to know that you were more than content with the current arrangement. And when the song ended and Nicole and Josh were left staring at you in awe, Harry simply shrugged and nodded his head in the direction of the bar. 
“I’ll grab us another glass.”
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homesoutofhuman · 5 years
Blue Jeans: John Wick/Reader Chapter 12-Final part
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Warnings for: Sex- ayooo
“Not too short!” John dodges out the way of your scissors for the second time and you tut at him. “Be careful, I don’t want to hurt you.” Resting your hands on his shoulders you bend down to kiss his neck as he sits in the chair.
“Trust me baby…”
John gives a huff but sits still and lets you resume your task. You carefully trim the back of his hair before moving to stand in front of him, frowning at the dark fringe that obscures his handsome face.
“I can’t believe you let it get so long…”
John grins up at you, taking advantage of your position to move his hands to squeeze your butt. You playfully glare at him. “Groping the hairdresser is forbidden.”
John’s grin turns into a smirk “Ooh...I like that…”
Rolling your eyes you attempt to ignore him and focus, taking the scissors and snipping at his dark hair until you can see John leering at you, now unimpeded by hair. You reward him for sitting still with a brief kiss, but John pulls you back in, his hands moving from your ass up your spine, making you purr, before grasping your face and deepening the kiss.
Whimpering, you pull back, feeling your mouth tingling, but determined to review your work. With shorter hair John looks older, especially as he is growing his stubble out, starting to have a short beard. You tilt your head to the side and he frowns.
“Don’t you like me like this?”
Chewing your lip you pretend to consider the question. John looks panicked and you feel guilty. “You look more mature John, that’s all, I’m just getting used to it.”
You sigh, pushing his hair back so it is slicked over his crown. “I can see more of your lovely face, how could I not like it?”
John smiles, open and vulnerable, his dark eyes glistening with affection and mischief as his hands return to your bottom, squeezing there. “Let’s go out tonight, will you let me take you to dinner?”
You scoff at his questioning tone.“Of course! But please, can we take a cab? I don’t think my legs can take gripping onto that bike today…”
He smirks, nodding “Sure, we’ll save your legs for gripping something else.”
You let your fist fall lightly on his strong chest “Think you’re funny, Jonathan Wick?”
“Nope, but you love me enough to let me get away with it.”
“True.” you sigh, smiling up at him. John sighs and reaches down, pressing an open mouthed kiss to your cheek.
“I love you so much sweetheart.”
Sighing, you briefly hug him, letting yourself give in to the temptation of his mouth to kiss him again, but pulling away even as John wraps his arms around you. “I have to clean up all this hair!”
John grabs the scissors off you and holds them playfully near the nape of your neck, threatening to cut a piece of your hair. You freeze, gazing into his eyes, trusting him completely but keeping very still all the same. “Don’t you dare.”
He raises a dark eyebrow at your tone, tilting the scissors slightly so the flat part of the blade pressing against your skin, perfectly safe, but the cool metal makes you shiver, along with the look in John’s eyes. “Trust me don’t you?”
“With my life.” You answer before you even think about it, remembering how he rescued you from the fairground ruffians, you have seen enough of your boyfriend to know he would protect you, even at a fatal cost to himself.
John whimpers in reply and puts the scissors down, moving his mouth to the spot where they have left your neck cold, warming it with kisses then suddenly biting down. You let out a small cry and wind your fingers into his shorter hair, letting him do what he wants to you, feeling the slight sting as he sucks a mark into your throat before parting, panting and inspecting his work. When his rough fingertips stroke the damaged skin you tip your head back in response, letting out a moan, his touch making you tingle and grow wet. John takes a shuddering breath at your reaction.
“Maybe just a short dinner, a starter even, then we can come back here…”
“Oh but I want desert…” you blink your lashes and smile at him as seductively as you can and then squeal as John grabs you round the waist and pulls you onto his lap.
“I know you don’t know you’re doing it but you keep saying the most suggestive things.” He taps your full bottom lip with his finger, attempting a stern look that makes you let out a nervous giggle. “Sorry John, I don’t mean to tease, I do..want you...”
John takes a breath and leans his forehead against yours, his eyes dark and focused on your mouth. “Say it again.”
“I want to...want us to sleep together.”
“Oh god..” John almost whines in response, you feel his skin heat up as it presses against yours, he gives a repressed groan, bucking up against you and rubbing his new beard against your neck. “I promise I’ll be good to you, it will be so special.”
Dressing in a skin tight light blue dress which is cut alarmingly low on your breasts, you feel self- conscious but also eager for John to see you. Something in you has sparked to life, making you crave the dark look in his eye when he’s turned on, when he looks at you as if you are the most beautiful thing in the world and he’s amazed you’re his. You’ve become addicted to the buzz you get from his attention, from his touches and his greedy kisses.
John picks you up in a cab, as per his promise. He waits for you on the drive and you walk towards him, looking him up and down. He is wearing a dark suit and black tie, his freshly cut hair scraped back off his face with gel and for a moment you hesitate. He looks dangerous, intimidating, but then as you reach him he stretches out his hand and smiles, and suddenly he’s your John again.
As you sit next to him in the back seat you can feel the energy radiating off him as he fidgets, reaching to you and touching your heart-shaped locket that lies on your cleavage. His fingers caress your skin a little too long and when you look up into his eyes you see him giving you a look so heated it makes you squirm.
“You look, so beautiful” he breathes “I don’t understand why you are still hanging out with me.”
“Well it would be weird if I didn’t want to hang out with my boyfriend John.” you stall a little in your response, not sure how to reassure him.
“You know what I mean. I mean I cannot figure out why you want to date me, we’re so...opposite. You’re so good, so delicate, so full of light. I’m trouble, violence, roughness and risk. ”
Leaning into his space you let your breath warm his mouth and watch John’s eyelids flutter “I want you John, because of all that. I want you for who you are, how you make me feel. My life was boring until you came along.”
His thumb scrapes your cheekbone “Now I’m thinking we should skip dinner all together. I’ll tell this cab to turn around. I need to take you to bed.”
“I’m nervous John…” you admit. “I’ve only slept with a couple of people and both of those were really terrible experiences.
John frowns. “Did someone hurt you?”
Seeing the assassin in him rise you hurriedly shake your head “Nothing so bad, just, really fast and, unfulfilling. I’m worried that I will disappoint you.”
Moving a hand on to your shoulders John grips you tightly “The way you kiss me, hey look at me.” He uses the other to tilt your chin up. “The way you kiss me, the way just one touch from you makes me rock hard...” he leans in to whisper as you flush, self-conscious. “You won’t be disappointing, I know it. Besides, I love you, I just want to show you how much.”
Relaxing, you nod as much as you can in his firm hold. John smiles and lets you lean back against the seat, putting his arm around your shoulders. “So I’m thinking fries with dinner how about you?”
Eating settles your nerves somewhat, the restaurant is nice, but not too fancy that you feel uncomfortable. The waitress lights a small tealight on your table and smiles at you both. John holds your hand across the table and chats to you, asking questions about your shop and your plans for it.
“I’d love to expand, get some books in to sell as well, maybe ones on baking and floristry but eventually other things as well, what do you think?”
“I think people come to that shop because of you, so it’ll be a success whatever.”
“No John.” you shake your head bashfully “they surely don’t come because of me! It’s for the flowers, the cupcakes if anything.”
John sees you’re embarrassed so shrugs “I guess it’s just me who’s enchanted by you then.”
“It most definitely is just you and i’m lucky for it.” you confirm, squeezing his hand. “Shall we get out of here?”
Moving outside into the fresh air John swings your arm as you walk side by side. He guides you into a bar for one drink while you wait for your cab home. You sip your negroni then he offers his hand, pulling you onto the dance-floor. You feel so safe in his arms, small and delicate against his strong chest, his hips swaying against yours. You feel with a shock he is hard, see the blush on his cheekbones as he keeps you close.
“Sorry it’s just...this dress..I can feel your curves, see them, and the thought I’m going to get to touch all of you…” he trails off, waving a hand in the air and despite his suit and slicked back hair he is suddenly the gorgeous bad-boy you met on his motorbike.
“Let’s go home John.”
The cocktail has helped, you’re not going to lie, so you’re not shaking too much as you get back to your place and push open the door to your bedroom, sensing John following behind. John chuckles as you take a few minutes moving all the fluffy cushions and comforters off your bed, then he grabs you by the hips and pushes you down against the pillows. You go willingly, and suddenly he is kissing you and you’re drowning in it. Pushing his jacket off his shoulders you make sure not to break contact with his mouth. John hurriedly loosens his tie then throws it on the floor.
John struggles trying to get your dress off and you sit up, warm cheeked and giggling, turning around to show him the zip at the back. He gently pulls it down and kisses softly down your spine as you pull the rest of the dress off your shoulders. When you turn to face him John’s eyes are round, running over your chest, bringing his hands to cup your breasts over your bra. He looks like an eager little boy and your heart aches with fondness.
“Why don’t we just both get undressed and get under the covers?” you ask him, wanting his keenness to last.
John nods vehemently and begins to strip, hopping on one leg to remove his socks and making you smile. You push yourself under the covers before removing the last of your underwear, then hold up your panties to show you’re done. John stares at the lingerie and visibly gulps.
“So you’re...naked under there now?”
Feeling your own mouth suddenly dry you nod “Yes…?” It comes out more as a squeak as John dives under the covers and pulls you flush against him. Your cheeks burn when you realise he is fully naked too, you can feel his hard cock pressing up against your hip, slightly leaking already. He covers your skin with kisses until you are sighing and growing wet. John’s mouth sucks at your nipples then places wicked nips down your torso, placing a soft kiss on your belly button before moving downwards. You only realise his plan when you feel his mouth on your inner thigh and you lift the covers to see him, dark hair mussed once again, looking up from between your legs with a mischievous grin.
“Just making sure it isn’t disappointing for you sweetheart…”
Then before you can protest he is licking at your clit, sucking on it like it’s candy and you bring your hands to cover your face, feeling too shy to really enjoy the sensation. John makes a sound of frustration and pauses.
“You don’t like it?”
“It’s not that John.” you babble quickly “I just don’t want you to feel like you have to...do that. I mean...it’s kinda gross.”
“You are kidding.” he breathes. “I love how you taste, how you look down here, so soft, so pink and gorgeous and so wet…” he licks his lips shamelessly and you squirm with embarrassment.
“Making you come is my favourite thing. Honestly. If you’re not comfortable tell me though and I’ll stop.”
He just looks so good. His hair mussed, eyes gleaming with desire and his mouth slick with your juices. You realise you desire him, in the most carnal way.
“I want you to...however you want to say it...fuck me, make love to me, I just want you inside me John....please.”
Giving a sound almost like he’s in pain John nods eagerly. “Oh I can do that Princess, I am going to fucking do that now…”
You can tell John struggling to hold back, the sweat gleaming on his collarbones as he slowly inches his way inside you. He chokes a little as he bottoms out and reaches above your head to grip the headboard.
“John!” you cry out his name, feeling in need of reassurance and he blinks open his lovely dark eyes, seeing you overwhelmed and bends to kiss you, gently, but deep, setting your nerves on fire again. You can feel him, hard and warm and throbbing inside you. He rolls his hips and sends a shiver down to your toes. It’s an amazing feeling of connection and you reach up your hand, John moves his off the headboard and grasps it, placing it beside your head against the pillow and squeezing as he starts to move again
“Okay?” He stutters and you nod “Oh yes John, I love you so much…please...”
You want to encourage him, sensing he is restraining himself and treating you like a delicate thing. Your words seem to work as he gets a determined look on his face then, concentrating on moving in a way that will bring you both pleasure.
His back is broad despite his slender frame and you grip onto it as John thrusts into you. His teeth are clenched and his movements shallow, still not wanting to hurt you. Digging your nails into his skin you urge him on and his eyes shutter open, dark warm pools glistening with love and lust.
“You feel so good…” he groans and you can tell its genuine, like he never felt anything like this is before and is struggling to process the sensations. You feel exactly the same so kiss his cheek gently, shushing him.
“John, you feel amazing.” you reassure him, running your hands down his muscled arms then back up to his shoulders, growing addicted to touching him. His gentle movements mean neither of you are getting anywhere fast but you savour it, after a while though, the cord of tension inside you grows taught and you crave release as your shyness fades further away.
Balling your hands into fists you make a frustrated sound and buck you hips up into John who glances to you instantly, his large hands gripping your hips and helping you thrust up against him. He moves to your clit and starts to circle it, the look of focus in his eyes is just as arousing as the feeling of his fingers stroking you.
He ducks his head to suck one of your nipples into his mouth, palm flat against the other in case it feels left out, then alternates his attentions. The sensation goes straight to your pussy and you feel yourself leaking onto the sheet under him. John gives a low growl, cataloguing your reactions and speeding up his movements on your clit as you start to beg,
“Please John…”
Giving a shuddering breath he speeds up his thrusts, rubbing you just right until you’re tightening around him, heat spreading through your whole body as your climax builds up, higher and higher. You groan out his name, using it as a tether to hold you, riding out the orgasm as long as you can as your head crackles with searing pleasure.
“That’s it I’ve got you, you’re so beautiful.” John’s lips brush your cheeks, letting you shake in his arms. It’s his loving reassurance just as much as his skilled movements that lets you relax enough to let go, your stomach clenching and your thighs clamping around his hand even as he continues to move it between your legs, making you feel overwhelmed, over-stimulated, but not wanting him to stop.
He shoots you a pleading look and you nod, not sure what you’re agreeing to but wanting him to have what he needs from you. John moves your legs so they’re over his shoulders, almost bending you in two as he starts to take you harder, suddenly dizzy and wild chasing his own climax. It’s a little rough and uneven, but you revel in his abandon, trying to watch him, take in every little detail - his eyes squeezed shut, twitching, his strong arms holding you, the sound of his whine and sigh as he finally comes, mumbling soft, desperate words into your skin.
When you wake up, John is gone and you’re alone in bed.
You find him, half naked and hunched over his phone in the dark. You sit next to him and stroke his spine. John shoots you a smile. “I thought you’d left me John.” you say, a little resentfully.
“No! No...my phone was going off and I didn’t want to disturb you.”
“Your other girlfriend?” you ask, nodding towards his phone and smiling.
He smiles back at you and shakes his head a little sadly “No, my boss.”
“He wants you to work?” you hug yourself a bit, not wanting John to leave but understanding his life is not as simple as yours.
“Just a job he’s lining up, wanting to know if I’m interested.”
“And I’ve been sitting here trying to decide whether to reply yes or no for about an hour.”
Touching his back again you find it cold and bring a blanket to drape over you both. “That’s why you’re freezing and left me in bed alone? You can talk to me you know…”
He leans into you, his nose cold on your neck and making you shiver “I just don’t think I know any other way to be, but I love you so much, will I lose you if I carry on with this work?”
Moving your face you brush your lips on his making you both shiver “I love you John, and I’ve seen who you are. It doesn’t make me love you any less, in fact I think it makes me love you more.”
John’s eyes are vulnerable, full of tenderness as he listens to your response, slumping against you as if all the tension has gone out of his body. He texts a quick reply to Winston then shoves his phone under the couch cushion, moving you so you’re lying under him.
“You just love a bad boy don’t you?” he teasing, sliding his cold nose down the column of your throat while simultaneously pushing your top up.
“I do, I really do…” you pant in response, your words melting into gasps as John kisses down your body. You move your hands into his dark hair and surrender, knowing whatever happens in the future he will be by your side and you’ll be by his, so different to each other, but together you have found exactly where you’re meant to be.
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captnbarnesrogers · 6 years
9,445 Miles From You - honesty is the best policy
Pairing/Characters: Bartender!Harry Styles x Waitress!Reader Warnings: virgin talk, catching feelings, a bit angsty Summary: Harry takes you out to get some food after work and you both get into discussing things Word Count: 2.1k  A/N: Just wanna say that this story will get fictional later, everything else thus far is non-fictional lmao my dumbass really did that
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As the days passed by, work seemed to get a bit easier but of course, you still had anxious thoughts filling your head. What if you screwed something up? What if you get fired? What if you’re not good enough? You couldn’t help it. It came flowing in like a running river.  
You sat on the staff room couch, mindlessly chewing on whatever food you’d retrieved from the kitchen. You hadn’t noticed Joe’s presence in the room until he tapped you on the shoulder.  
“Deep thoughts?” He asked. You nodded, “About?”  
“Um, I don’t know, I wouldn’t want to bother you with my bullshit mind.”  
“Please,” he shoved you playfully with a smile, “bother away.” Joe was welcoming from the first moment you met him. You couldn’t help but develop a little crush. Like Harry, he always felt the need to check up on you. The only difference was, you couldn’t see Harry the way you saw Joe. Joe had this sweet essence to him, like you could make the worst mistake in the world and he’d still see you as this precious angel who could do no wrong. It had only been two weeks since you started and in that short time, you felt a familiar bubbly feeling in your stomach every time you saw him.  
“Well, I just- I feel like I’m gonna screw up so much, I like it- I mean, I love it here, you guys make me feel loved and I love my job.”  
“Y/N, you’re new to all of this, right?” You nodded, “This is your first job, you can’t be perfect straight away, you have to make mistakes or else you won’t get better.” 
“I guess, it just stems from coming from a family who expects everything from you but your everything isn’t good enough.” He rubs your back comfortingly, something that, so far, only Harry had done. For a moment you forget that it was Joe comforting you. 
“Look at this way, here you can make mistakes, you can fuck up and not be thought as if you’re not good enough, in this place, you can improve yourself, use it and abuse it.” He chuckles, “Seriously, if you need to talk whenever, pull me aside and we can hide out somewhere and talk, I’d rather you waste your time talking to me than be stressed and panicked while you work.” He stands up.  
“Thanks, Joe.” 
“Anytime.” Harry walks in with a goofy smile which made you laugh. Joe nods at Harry as he exits the room. You felt, from what you’d observed, Harry wasn’t exactly fond of Joe. Every flirtatious comment Joe would make, Harry would butt in with a snarky comment which would make you laugh but feel guilty about later. Within the last two days, you had scolded Harry about it five times. Five times out of the two days.  
“Wha’ was tha’ about? Yeh new lover?” Harry jokes.  
“Shut up, I just needed a bit of reassurance, I guess.”  
“About wha’?” Harry takes a bite out of his food and turns his body to face you.  
“Work.” Harry hums in response, “So, what’s going on with you? You’ve looked a little out of yourself lately and you’ve been snapping at the customers.” It was true. Harry’s appearance was not as clean as you were used to. His eyes were darkened, more than usual due to working late hours at the bar, they were sunken in and his bright smile had not made an appearance in a while. His hair was dishevelled and his glasses were streaked which he had yet to clean, 
“So, what’s the go, Styles?” He sighs and looks at you, setting his food down.  “I guess I could use some female wisdom ‘bout this.” You nodded, “M’kinda goin’ through a tough break up.” Your eyes widened, you didn’t even know he had a girlfriend. 
“Break up?”  
“With Camille.” Camille? She even had a pretty name.  
“Oh.” You pouted but fixed yourself up before he could notice, “Well, what’s happened?”  
“She couldn’t take th’ fact tha’ I’d be gone fo’ two years, I jus’ wanna live m’life, y’know? But I do love ‘er, I do, I jus’ wan’ ‘er t’wait fo’ me.”  
“Then she’s not worth it, Harry, let her leave, don’t drag this out, don’t hurt yourself.” 
“I love ‘er, Y/N.” He leans forward and rests his forehead on your shoulder.  
“Let her go, Har, if she loves you, she wouldn’t have minded the distance.” He pulls away and looks at you with a soft smile upon his lips.  
“This is wha’ makes me no’ believe tha’ yeh’ve nev’a had a boyfriend, yeh too smart, too wise.” You laughed and shove him playfully just as Joe did with you.  
“I’m just waiting for the right guy.”  
“He’s prob’ly righ’ in fron’ of yeh and he’s a lucky guy, m’tellin’ yeh.”  
“You must be a lucky guy then.” You take a sip from your water bottle, smiling. 
“You know, coz you’re right in front of me?” He laughs, his smile widening, the same smile you’d been missing for the past week.  
“Yeh too fuckin’ cheeky fo’ yeh own good, lovie.” He pinches your cheek, making you roll your eyes, “Now, don’ go rollin’ those eyes a’ me, do yeh wanna get some food aft’a work?”  
“With you?” He nodded, “I’d be honoured!” You got up and held your hand out for him to take in which he did. He laughed as you pretended to be wearing a dress, “I’d gladly take your hand in marriage!” You said dramatically in a 50s southern accent, your other hand resting on your head. He twirled you around and you laughed, almost forgetting you were in a messy staff room.  
“Yeh so silly.” You nodded, and he checked his watch, “Time fo’ us t’get back t’work! Yeh an’ me, Burger King, three-thirty a.m.”
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Harry waited for you after work. He doesn’t really like the idea of you walking around the streets of the city by yourself. He’d rather wait a couple of hours for you to finish than for you to end up in a ditch somewhere. Of course, not only was the benefit seeing you safe but also, he could get a couple of drinks in. The managers allowed a maximum of three drinks but only limited them to beer and cider which was enough for Harry to feel loose but not over intoxicated - still remembering that he wanted to hear you talk and he wanted to have a nice conversation with you over some greasy food.  
You came down, wrapping your scarf around your neck and zipping up your jacket. You smiled at him and waved, exhaustion almost taking over your body as you walked over to the booth.  
“Yeh ready t’go?” He asked. You nodded, and he stood up and hung his arm around your shoulders. You both walked on the wet pavement of the city in silence. It was only a seven-minute walk to the 24-hour fast food restaurants but of course, Harry being the chatty lad that he was, decided to make small talk, “How was yeh shift?” 
“Exhausting, I worked eleven and a half hours tonight, Har, I’m so tired!” 
“M’sure yeh are, we’ll grab summat t’eat and I’ll wait fo’ th’train with yeh, okay?”  
“Okay.” You both sat down on the red leather seats of the Burger King restaurant after ordering and grabbing your food. Drunk people surrounded you and the floors were covered in mud and dirty serviettes. You let out a huff.  
“Wha’s with all the huffin’ an’ puffin’, lovie?”  
“Well,” You awkwardly began, popping a nugget into your mouth, “I- I think I like Joe.”  
“I knew it!” He took a bite out of his burger, “Yeh always givin’ ‘im eyes.” 
“I don’t give anyone eyes, Styles.”  
“Bu’ yeh do, they’re like lovey dovey eyes, I see it all th’time! ‘Specially aroun’ Joe.”  
“Okay, maybe I do.” You couldn’t help but notice the way his body shifted. He moved over slightly, his body now not facing you as straight as it was before, and he looked down at his food, a short and dishonest smile made an appearance. He looked back up at you, “I-is there something wrong with that?”  
“Yeh jus’ no’ subtle ‘bout it, everyone kno’s.” Your cheeks flushed pink and you were so embarrassed it was like your throat closed up. You took a sip of your drink to drown down the food that you had popped into your mouth.  
“Am I really that bad?” He nodded. 
“M’sure he kno’s.” God, he was being brutally honest. You found a change of tone in his voice unlike his usual sweet one. He sighed and smiled at you, probably noticing his actions, “Why don’ yeh test th’ waters, lovie?” You knew what he meant. See how things go with Joe but from conversations you’ve had with Joe, you knew he was not a relationship kind of guy. 
“I can’t.” 
“Whaddyeh mean? ‘Ave some fun with it.” You placed your drink down after taking a sip. You looked at him with wondering eyes as if you were saying, you don’t know? 
“Harry… I’m a… virgin.” You said quietly, shyly watching people walk past you, “I’m kind of saving myself a-and Joe’s not exactly the relationship type.” 
“I ge’ yeh, lovie, nothin’ t’be embarrassed about.” He smiled at you, “I lost mine quite young, I don’ regret it but I kinda wish I knew wha’ it felt like t’do it with someone I loved.” 
“That’s my thing, I wanna do it with someone I love.” 
“Tha’s good, Y/N, keep yeh innocence fo’ as long as yeh can.” He smiled sweetly at you and let out a breath. Almost like he was relieved, “Yeh’ve musta had a lo’ of guys chasin’ after yeh.” 
“You would be surprised how short the line is.” 
“M’sure they’re there an’ yeh jus’ no’ lookin’ prop’ly coz yeh too busy goin’ after th’ wrong guy.” He sneakily took one of your nuggets, laughing.  
“Har, I’ve never even kissed a guy!”  
“Yeh jokin’!?” He exclaims after almost spitting out his drink. You shook your head.  
“I honestly wish I was, but no one wants me.”  
“He’s out there, lovie, jus’ be patient.” He takes your hand in his, “Yeh don’ have t’rush int’everythin’, like I said, he’s prob’ly right in front of yeh and yeh jus’ too caught up on th’wrong guy bu’ yeh kno… yeh can’t help bu’fall fo’ th’wrong guy.” 
“I hate when you’re right.” 
“An’ I hate when yeh get hurt so if Joe’s no’ int’relationships, don’ do it.” You nodded, “Yeh’ve got a train t’catch in ten minutes, le’s go, lovie.” You sat up on your bed all night, thinking about what Harry had said but your eyes decided to shut when the clock struck eight-thirty a.m. When you woke up, just in time, the text tone of your phone went off.  
From: Harry Mornin’, lovie, wanna grab smth to eat?  
You unlocked your phone and began to type back.  
To: Harry Could use some coffee right about now :/ 
From: Harry Amazing! Get up and get out of bed, we’re having brunch 
You couldn’t help but smile and giggle at his texts. Mornings weren’t really this happy before he came along.  
To: Harry Be there in 45 minutes  
From: Harry I’ll be waiting, lovie! 
You found that Harry preferred to be the one with the last say. He never left you on read. His texts were always to be the last text of the conversation but he did, however, more often than not, take the longest to reply. Suddenly, your text tone went off again when you picked up your jeans off of the floor.  
From: Joe Busy? 
Unusual. Joe never really talked to you outside of work unless the conversation was about work.  
To: Joe Why? 
From: Joe Wanna come to my basketball game? Would love to have someone to cheer me on. 
Your heart skipped a beat. What did this mean? Was this him asking you out? You didn’t know. 
To: Joe Okay, sure!
You exited out of the conversation, clicking on Harry’s text message from before. 
To: Harry Sorry, babycakes, something came up, rain-check? 
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Harry waited by the steps of the train station, somewhere he usually dropped you off. He held your favourite drink in his hand. He tapped his foot excitedly on the steps. His phone goes off and his heart drops. 
That was the first time Harry had ever left you on read. 
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