#true omnivore au
danny phantom ghost hunger au except instead of just ghosts/ectoplasm danny just eats whatever the hell he can get his hands on, such as leaves off the ground
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blackberrybrambles · 1 year
FAE FILES: The Ancestors
A bit of an info/lore drop that I'll throw here so I can link it to an ask I just got :3
Examples From AU: Sun, Moon, and Eclipse
Fae Type: HumanoidSub-Type: None
Sex Status: Intersex, functioning on a Binary Spectrum. Children are seemingly born female but will develop either male or female traits come puberty.
There are no true males or females among the Fae Ancestors, but many individuals will go by either male or female pronouns/status based upon their greatest level of sexual traits. Individuals that are functionally male will still have female traits. Individuals that are functionally female will still have male traits.
Common female traits include the development of breasts (capable of producing milk), softer skeletal structures, shorter bodies, are more well developed vulva, and other visual traits that could be described as “Soft” or “Feminine”.
Common male traits include a lack of developed breasts (or an inability to produce milk), harder skeletal structures, taller (often stronger) bodies, the development of a functional penis, and other visual traits that could be described as “masculine”.
Any combination of traits is possible and the preference to rely upon common binary labels such as “male” and “female” generally exists more for the sake of differentiating roles in relationships and society than for anything else. It is, however, important to note that functioning on the binary in this means is required. The use if “they” as a singular pronoun is relatively common among the Fae Ancestors. This is particularly true among individuals with a mishmash of sexually defining features. When the features remain as this mishmash, it makes using the binary terms difficult.
This distinct intersex status of the Fae Ancestors has assured continued reproduction abilities even in situations where “males” and “females” appear, outwardly, to have a dramatic imbalance. This is because “males” and “females” are both capable of producing children, especially so when taken into account that the actual method of reproduction is almost entirely external. Even underdeveloped vaginas provide enough room for a Love Blossom to develop and emerge from the body. This wide range in sexual traits assures that, regardless of a couples situation, there will always be a means of caring for the child.
Two individuals unable to produce milk themselves can turn to others for help. Couples fortunate enough to both be able to produce milk are able to not only care for their own offspring, but for the offspring of those who are less fortunate. This spectrum of traits assures survival and encourages cooperation among the individuals in the Fae society. All adults play some part in rearing the children born into these societies.
As another random note, testicles are nonexistent in these particular Fae. Both internal or external. Outside of states of arousal, the presence of a penis can largely be missed as a result of their penises being elongated clitorises. This is what gives their penises such a peculiar, tentacle like appearance.
Primary Magics: None. Magic Generalists
Diet Type: Omnivore. Functionally vegetarian.
Roles: Territory keepers and farmers. These Fae are responsible for setting up and establishing enchanted territories in which other Fae inhabit. They are also the “Ancestor Species” of all known humanoid Fae.
Description: The Ancestors are a type of Humanoid Fae which reach heights ranging between 6 to 9 feet tall on average, with a handful of outliers reaching heights of up to 12 feet.
They are a thin, lanky looking race that would appear to be quite frail. However their tall bodies and thin statures conceal a physical strength that far surpasses that of any human.
Visually speaking, they are often mistaken for “Elves” due to their very human like appearances. They have long, pointed ears and come in a range of skin colors generally matching that of human capabilities (White to very dark skinned). Though there are a few acceptations that can lead to very inhuman looking skin tones (see “Other”).
What genuinely sets the Ancestors apart from their closest relatives, the Elves, is their teeth and their tongues. Among other aspects best discussed in the reproduction setting. The Ancestor Fae have not one, but three sets of slightly elongated, sharp canines. These canines provide the basis for what could be considered a very powerful, very dangerous bite. As these Fae once lived on a diet that encouraged the consumption of raw meat and bones, these teeth were once incredibly useful in daily life. Now these teeth only seem to remain as a reminder of their status as Ancestors.
These Fae also have long, forked tongues that can come in some rather peculiar shapes. The shape of the tongue will actually vary from individual to individual. Some will have narrow, pointed tongues best compared to that of a serpent. Others have minor forks and their tongues instead are flattened out, forming a sort of leaf shape that creates more surface area for them to work with. The range in tongue shape does not have any real reason, and could be comparable to how humans have a wide variety of potential nose and ear shapes.
As a Generalist species, these Fae do not specialize in any one type of magic and are instead well versed in virtually any known magic type. Individuals of the group will have varied levels of control over the use of these magic types, with it being rare for any sort of mastery to be achieved. They live by the phrase “Jack of all trades, but a master of none”.
They are a Fae that largely exist without any sort of established purpose, with their only real duties being to maintain the land they live upon. Eons ago these Fae would have been nomads fanning out across the globe in search of fertile lands to take root in. There, they would have established magic territories (such as the Fae Forests), which would then provide them and many other types of Fae safe havens from the outside world. These territories are especially territory in this more modern era, as humans have destroyed a great deal of land where Fae would have once been able to safely take root.
It is unfortunate to say that the Ancestors are a slowly fading breed for this very reason. Just as humans encroach upon the territory of animals with habitat destruction, the modernization of the landscape greatly limits the Fae in terms of their ability to thrive. Established territories struggle to be maintained, especially in the event of a catastrophe that might wipe out or weaken a local population. This leads to many Ancestors being refugees without homes, as the barriers established around their territories have either diminished beyond their means of repair or they have been destroyed entirely.
This allows outside threats to get in, which then drive these Fae from their homes. With their populations dwindling, that means that it has only been made harder for the Fae Ancestors to set out and establish new territories. Refugees often set out in search of already existing territories to move into - or take over. The level of hostility between groups of these Fae has started to increase dramatically due to the increase desperation to survive.
Thankfully any of their descending relatives (Such as elves) also contain the ability to establish new territories, so all will not be entirely loss in the event of an extinction. But these other races have become more specialized and are ergo less adaptable in terms of how to utilize their magic. So as a result, their efforts in establishing new territories will have mixed results, and the efforts themselves will be very strenuous.
Reproduction Description: As humanoid Fae, the Ancestors reproduce externally through the planting of a Love Garden. Specifically through the planting of special blossoms produced through the development of strong bonds of love. The only aspect of this which is prone to being internal is the growth of these blossoms, which will emerge from the “mother’s” body roughly 3 to 5 days following a bonding event.
These blossoms are birthed in pools of honey and emerge entirely white. Colors will develop in the days following planting. The blossoms can come in any range of color from white to black, with Gold being incredibly rare. Golden blossoms are born of very specific, very intense bonds of love, and from these blossoms the “Golden Children” will emerge. These children are believed to be the result of pure, genuine love and are ergo treasured among the Fae community.
The blossoms themselves begin small, with the smallest of them only being about the size of a strawberry. They emerge from the mother’s body tightly closed, and quickly develop a series of long roots. These roots are semi prehensile, and are often used to first cling to the mother to assure safe travels on the way to the garden. There is no actual rush to plant the blossoms, as they can survive for a very long period of time without access to the ground.
Once planted, the love blossoms become entirely immobile. Their petals will open within the first day after planting, at which point they will remain in the soil until it comes time for a baby to be born.
When a blossom decides that it is ready to transform into a baby, it will close its petals to resume to the shape of a bud, and it will undergo a rapid period of growth in order to make room for the baby inside. The interior of the petals floods with nectar, and the flower itself will act as the womb in which the child grows.
There is no actual set time for the development of a Fae baby. Gestation of the fetus can last anywhere from a few days, to a few years. Factors such as the strength of the love used to create the specific bloom that is carrying the baby, to the whims of the Earth itself determine the speed at which a child will be born. Parents are expected to provide extra care to these blooms as they develop, as their love with further encourage the growth of their baby.
When it comes time for the baby to be born, the petals of the flower will slowly open. The nectar inside will spill out, flooding the surrounding soil and causing the abrupt growth of plant life. The original bloom itself will die, seemingly transforming into a bed of small flowers, upon which the new baby will comfortably rest. Very little warning is given between the leaking of the nectar and the arrival of the baby. So that makes it all the more important for Fae parents to regularly check on and maintain these precious blooms, otherwise they risk missing the birth of their babies. If not worse.
The bed of smaller flowers dies after a few days, leaving behind barren but fertile soil which can then be replanted in. A properly cared for bloom will provide a healthy baby, which grows at a rate equal to that of human children up until reaching “prime adulthood” (Somewhere around 25). At which point Fae generally stop aging entirely and then become immortal.
Unlike human babies, however, Fae babies require little care in terms of food requirements and diaper changing. Fae themselves do not produce bodily waste, and Fae as a whole can live on nothing more than Milk and Honey. What a Fae baby does need, however, is lots of love and attention. A neglected baby will inevitably grow weak, and a weak baby will inevitably get sick. At which point it is entirely within the realm of expectation that that baby will perish.
Other:Golden Children) The children born of beautiful, golden blossoms that shine with the radiance of the sun. Easily distinguished from the normal yellow blossoms thanks to their glow and shine. These children are often born with either skin that shines the color of gold, or markings that shimmer and shine as gold. Their hair is often blond or might even be a beautiful shade of platinum. Their eyes can come in any range of colors common to the Fae, but when using magic, their eyes will turn gold regardless of their original hue. They are no stronger and no more magically gifted than the other Fae of their kind.
They are simply considered to be miracle children due to having been born from such a pure, uninhibited incident of love. As such they are generally spoiled by those around them, assuring that they live happy lives. They are also known as “Sunkissed” Fae, as their magical abilities are known to greatly increase under the light of the sun.
Pestilence Children) The children who have, unfortunately, been born from Love blossoms that have started to die. Be it as a result of neglect or from their parents beginning to fall out of love and turn to hate and spite, these children walk the fine line between “Love” and “Hate” and will go on to lead difficult lives. Pestilence children are easily distinguished from others of their kind as a result of their unnatural appearances. They often have eyes of two differing colors, and one of their eyes will glow red in the event of intense anger.
Their hair is likewise prone to coming in multiple hues, with the “unnatural” hues being blue or white - the colors of the Blight. Their skin can, but does not always, have unnatural blue splotching to further establish their status as “Half Blighted”. Unlike the Golden Children, which do not attain any peculiar magical traits as a result of their unique appearance, the Pestilence children do. They share in the dark, twisted magic of the Blighted Fae. Meaning that they likewise draw as much power from death and destruction as they do from life.
They carry a balance of power obtainable by no other abnormal Fae. Equally as capable of granting life to their surroundings as they are in terms of sapping the life from it. But they are heavily, heavily discouraged from acting upon their Blighted urges, lest they be driven from the societies that they were born into.
Blighted Children) Vile, disgusting children born of dead love. The Blighted Children come from gardens or from improperly disposed of withered blooms that then went on to produce corrupted children. They are born with blue tinted skin and icy blue eyes that will shine red when enraged. Their hair will either be ghostly white or some shade of blue. They may have on them markings that shine like silver, in a stark contrast to the golden shimmer of the Golden Children.
The Blighted Children are spiteful creatures born without the ability to love. They feast heavily on flesh and are drawn to death and destruction. Their magic is drawn most from the moon, making them strongest in the dead of night, when the other Fae are asleep and vulnerable. They rarely sleep themselves, known only to slumber when the moon itself is dark. They are masters in the art of taking life, and generally fail in the art of giving life. For this reason, they are rarely taken in by the parents that sired them and are left for the wilderness to deal with.
In the event that a Blighted Child somehow survives to childhood, they will become objects of disdain that live among other Fae only by virtue of the fact that they have right to the grounds they were born upon. But they will largely be denied rights bestowed upon the other, natural Fae.
Blighted Children will never be allowed to own proper homes. They will never be allowed to marry. If they could even reproduce, they would be denied that right as well. They exist only as drains on the societies that they were born into, and generally terrorize those around them with their baneful existence. The are unwanted. Unloved. Unnatural. Worthy only of fear and of the hate that produced them.
Mutants) Fae children born abnormally shaped Love Blossoms. The most common cause being improper planting resulting in two blooms merging at some point during child development. These mutant Fae are often born abnormally large and will have developed extra limbs or features as a result of their peculiar development. In some cases, this is the direct result of two developing buds merging while two separate babies are gestating, resulting in conjoined twins - or a scenario in which one sibling absorbs the other during development.
These mutant offspring are often larger and stronger than their traditional counterparts. They retain full use of any additional limbs, and additional body features (such as eyes or tongues) are also entirely functional. They are, for all intents and purposes, just a little freaky in comparison to their peers and are otherwise perfectly healthy so long as they were properly cared for during vital childhood years. The only real downsides of their situation are the stigma that often comes with looking different.
Mutants are often feared by other children for any number of reasons. They may suffer stunted growth due to the extra demands of their larger bodies. An abnormal number of them are also born as Pestilence children, which only adds to their difficulties in life. But they are perfectly capable of fitting in with their society, so long as enough efforts are made.
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nightmaremp · 4 months
Weremayhem Lore 1/
How the wereanimals work in this au?
  In the weremayhem au, wereanimals act like the type of animal they are. For example, if someone is a weresheep, they would act like a sheep. The host of the form can control and have memories of them in the form. They can lose control due to the instincts of the wereform, something that triggers it, or a night of the blood moon. 
You may wonder how someone could be a wereanimal. In this au, wereanimals run in a family of the host. Like one of the parents or both are wereanimals. For example, in my story, Dr. Teeth come from two families of wereanimals. Tina’s family are all wereanimals that are felines or in the feline family tree. While Gerald’s side of the family is a mixed of different wereanimals like his mother being a weresmilodon while his father is a werebullshark. 
It isn’t a curse or some virus in this au. It is something that you get from a family line of wereanimals. Of course, you may wonder how wereanimals even began.  It began from a flower that grew throughout the ice age of the world and still growing to this day. The flower is called the blood moon flower. The flowers have long blood red petals and a white spot in the middle. 
The blood moon flower let loose a powerful scent which through the years it causes the wereanimals to be made as the flowers carried animal DNA. It makes the DNA of the host’s family be that of wereanimals. The folklore of wereanimals is borned, mostly werewolves. 
How does the blood moon affect the host's wereform?
  The blood moon makes the instincts of the wereform take over the host’s mind and can turn them into a danger to anything around them. For animals that are carnivores or hunters will be aggressive and dangerous. The herbivores will act like herbivores and mostly run away but that depends on the species that wereanimal is.  
The omnivores will act like omnivores. The blood moon brings out the true beast. What triggers the host to lose control? A trauma past of the host being mentioned or someone who caused the trauma to the host. Blood or flesh and meat being shown to the host or forcing them to eat it which again, depends on the species of wereanimals that the host is. 
They can be aggressive due to old age like Zoot being aggressive sometimes or a lot depending on what is going on at the moment because he is 50 years old last time I checked. It is like how some old age animals act more aggressive due to being weaker or easy to attack due to their age. 
How about the babies of the wereanimals?
WARING: mentions of birth, not a lot/much detail on it but I will still put a waring here
 The babies are born in their wereform. They will be in their wereforms for five or seven weeks, their eyes will be shut during this time like a newborn animal. One parent must stay with the newborn to take care of the baby. One or both of the parents need to be with the baby when the newborn opens its eyes for the first time. They must imprint on their parents. 
Labor forces the mother to transform into their wereform to make the process of birth a bit easier. Which is why, wereanimal mothers stay home or in a safe place to give birth. The newborn will only act like the wereanimal they are for the five or seven weeks. After those weeks are over, they will get their normal form. 
When the pain of transformation comes in?
 The pain in their transformation comes in when the host turns 16. When they are babies or little kids, the pain of transformation can cause damage or may kill them so, the pain doesn't come in until they are age 16 then the rest of their life until they hit age 70. 
Wereanimals that are 70 and more will lose the pain because just like the newborns and little ones, it can cause death or a lot of damage. 
(Gif waring)
That is it for now, more coming soon. :)
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foreverambrosia · 5 months
what’s some world building you have for demons / fairies that you haven’t mentioned so far? how different is vash from most demons? how abt gill from most fairies? how do they court each other? how does the curse work on gill (that lyric cast on her)? what’s the angst looking like…. any fairytale insp you’ve got for this au? aaaaand obligatory outfit & song question for the fairy/demon au!!!
Demons show affection with biting, sometimes Vash just kinda nibbles on Gill. They also vover their partners with their tails and wings to hold them and act rather possessive that way with their mates. Demons can hide their demonic traits but rarely try. Demons either feel super hot or super cold; Vash is warm himself. They're all pretty different, but many are either rather savage while many others are smooth talkers. Demons have magic and infernal languages. Demons go into heat. Demons can alter their forms and seem more Monstrous. Demons are technically omnivores but commonly prefer meat. Demons posses rather intense emotions typically. Demons aren't evil.
Fairies are wildly different on their temperaments, some are tricksters, some are indifferent, and some are benevolent. They come in different sizes. They can actually alter their sizes but not permanently. They have magic and fairy languages. Their homes are inside the fae realm but sometimes they hold spots within the human realm. To non fairies they can be invisible, though a demon is better suited to finding them like that. Fairies are territorial.
From most, Vash is somewhat different in how he interacts with humans. Like, most demons aren't that bad, but many do see no issue in preying on someone.
But Gill isn't that different from certain fairies. She's one of the fairies more prone to say guiding someone in the forest, she is different from more mean spirited ones though.
Fairies court by crafting gifts of berries, flowers, and stones and gifting it to their beloved. And its significant to coat these gifts with their fairy dust. Gill braids these gifts onto Vash's horns and tail. Demons bring gifts they discover that reflects themself or their beloved. And they give them their own scales, feathers, and anything that holds their own presence to mark them. Vash brings her books and the like, and many gold items like his hair, as well as his scales and feathers. Neither realizes the significance for a decent while.
The spell, mimicking the false legends, turns the fairy into something. Thinking like slowly turns them to solid brimstone or like porcelain.
Obviously, Vash is hesitant to kiss her. He has no real clue whether or not the fairy can actually be harmed by a kiss with a demon, he just withholds a kiss. But then he does and then she starts transforming like the legends? He thinks he's the fucking worst. He's convinced to leave her and she's upset, like he only tells her he's apologizing for hurting her and he probably never should've been this selfish and he won't bother her anymore. But she follows. When he realizes she's been traversing hell to find him he berates himself because of the tasks heaped on her, but she swiftly says she only came by her own choice. Lyric was unable to reverse the spell before she took off, and she's continuing to transform before him until they fix that with true love's kiss, like Vash was too busy bashing himself when she started transforming to kiss her, but as her lips turn he kisses them and she is saved. Like, she finally found him half transformed and he's like, about to mentally snap and he holds her underneath him when she collapses and his tears are falling on her but she never saw anything wrong with the love they have and never shall and like as the transformation covers most of her except like, a limb, some of her neck, and her eyes, he kisses her and thus fully turns her to normal. Then they realize the cruelty from Knives and the betrayal from Lyric.
The general aesthetic has some fairy tail aesthetic. Plus, the true love bit 🌸
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Vash wears stuff like this. Flowy and nice. His prosthetics are a durable glass and look like that.
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Gill wears stuff like that. Many shimmery materials, it's a fabric called fairy silk.
Also, it's sharing aesthetics with my world building for the realms from my original stuff I've told you about for the full demon, fairy, and also angel realms. Here's wip pinterest boards for all them, I know angels aren't thus far prominent here but it's also related.
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your-local-grubdog · 2 years
Startouched AU: Hocotate Pt. 1
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So a while back I made this post detailing some changes to Hocotate and Hocotations in my startouched AU (which may need renamed as the thing that gave this AU its name is no longer in the AU, oops?). Well, this is that post remade, as I've sense added and changed some information around! It'll have to be split into two parts though, because it'd be too long otherwise. I put maybe too much effort into this LMAO the pikmin brain rot is real.
Part two will be linked here when done! (it done now) Also, for those who don't want to read this whole massive thing and just want to see the art, I will be slowly posting the drawings as individual posts with less descriptive explanations.
Anyways, grab a drink and enjoy! ^^
A quick note!
Animals here are referred to by Earth animal names to provide the closet description for what the animal is. Think of it more like a translation than the actual words being used. Hocotation dogs, for example, resemble bulborbs far more than they do any Earth dog. But they're called "dogs'' to describe how they act and where they fit in the world. The same applies to whatever Earth plants Louie has mentioned - there are no avocados on Hocotate (at least, not before Koppaites were able to start exporting scaly custard), but there is an avocado-like plant. By and large, I will refer to animals and plants as being "[species]-like animal/plant".    
The Planet 
Hocotate as a planet is fairly small, and very cold. It lies just within the habitable zone of its red star, and has a thin atmosphere. Two moons orbit the planet, an icey blue moon and an iron-rich red moon (that is also still fairly icey despite appearances!) alongside some rings made mostly of dust and ice. Ships coming to and from the planet must take care not to fly through a ring, or they risk damage to their ship.
Hocotate's land masses are rather interesting as there are no true continents. Rather, a series of sub continents in the form of large islands are peppered across the planet's surface. Smaller islands are, of course, present as well. The largest sub continents take about 3-4 days of constant driving via car to cross, assuming traffic won't stop you (which it will). It generally takes only 2-3 days of constant motion by a modern boat to get between the various land masses.    
Being so cold, the polar circles on Hocotate are proportionally larger than those of Earth. The very ends of each pole are almost completely inhospitable due to low temperatures. The only lifeforms that live there don't quite count, as they're microscopic organisms at the bottom of the ocean eating funky chemical soup from underwater volcanoes that are considerably warmer than the ice caps far above them. 
The only real "temperate" zone of Hocotate is found at its equator. The hottest spots on Hocotate (aside from volcanic areas of course) don't get much hotter than 85°F/29.44°C during the summer. Winters are the mildest here, being about 40°F/4.44°C. 
The rest of the planet's habitable zones really only have two modes: summer and winter. There is an inbetween stage of course, but the springs and autumns move by very quickly. Summers in these zones are very cool, and on the hottest of days you could get away with a thinner long sleeve if you really wanted to. Think 60°F/15.55°C range. Their winters, however, are brutal. Temperatures will drop below freezing, and heavy snowfall will coat the land.  
Fresh liquid water tends to be rare to find, as most is either frozen or salt water, though modern technology has managed to negate that.  
Hocotations evolved from a predator-omnivore species that were adapted to some of the coldest reaches of their planet. While most of the traits from them are not as apparent, some still remain such as fur and a tail.
This is just a drawing of Olimar that shows off most physical traits of Hocotations. It may prove helpful to reference as you read.
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The first and most obvious to many is the fact they have a fur coat comparable to that of a short-haired house cat, which comes in a variety of shades of brown and cream colors. Patterns sometimes appear based on genetics, such as belly patches or fawn-like speckling. Flushing of the skin is still visible through the fur. It'll bristle and raise whenever a Hocotation is scared or angry. They’ll also fluff up (which looks softer than bristling) when cold or very happy. It keeps them quite warm on their planet, though fairly miserable in warmer temperatures.
Whether their fur is straight or curly depends on genetics, with both traits being equally dominant. Generally, if their fur is straight then their hair is straight; if their fur is curly their hair is curly. There are rare exceptions to this, though.
They will grow extra fur in the fall and shed it in the spring, with kids needing to be sat down and groomed to ensure a smooth shedding. Most kids do NOT like this. Shed fur was historically used in pillows and house insulation, but in modern times it is often just disposed of.
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(Left is Olimar, who has straight fur, and right is Pluto, who has curly fur)
Hocotation blood is bright blue, which helps keep their blood filled with whatever gas they need even in frigid temperatures. As a result, they blush a purple-blue color and their insides tend to range in blue to purple colors, including their mouths and tongues!
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(Olimar’s blush is warmer as I’ve always associated him with warmer colors. Blush colors are hereditary but ultimately mean little.)
Their eyes generally appear to be mostly pupils because of fresh liquid water once being rare! Pupils help filter light, and will expand/contract based on how much light is needed. Water (and ice, if they're desperate enough to boil some for water) is very shiny, and thus they can catch the glittering of it easier. This is why they love treasure and generally shiny things so much - they're subconsciously programmed to think shiny = will keep you alive. This is also why humans love shiny things so much! Though it is a little more extreme in Hocotations. 
Hocotations also have tandem lupin, allowing them to see well in the dark. Below is a comparison of what humans, Koppaites, and most pikmin species can see versus what Hocotations can see. Note how the saturation of color lowers when in low light situations. This happens only in the dark - when there’s enough light, they see colors in the same way we do.
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(left to right are a refrence for everything in the scene, what humans/Koppaites/pikmin would generally be able to see in low light, and what Hocotations can see in low light)
This tandem lupin also causes their eyes to glow when hit with light in dark areas, much in the same way cats' eyes do. What color their eyes “glow” depends on the color of their iris. In canon pikmin media few characters have colored eyes, but in this AU that has been changed to where all characters have colored eyes.
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Hocotations have a sharp sense of hearing, and their ears will twitch when they hear a sudden and/or loud noise. They also have a sharp sense of smell, able to identify a person by smell alone. These scents can linger in an area or on something if strong enough, however they’re not the best at determining the age of a smell. The helmets of their space suits will block their sense of smell.
Hocotations are omnivorous! Because vegetable crops tend to be their most popular export, a lot of other races tend to assume they're vegetarian. They have very sharp teeth, plus a few flatter molars. They can also rarely have a trait that gives them longer and pointer tongues, but it does no harm nor no good for them. Just kinda is.  
Staples of a Hocotation diet include tubular/root plants, fiber-rich mushrooms, squash (a zucchini-like plant in particular), wheat-like and rice-like grains, eggs and meat from a quail-like bird, milk and meat from a goat-like animal, and meat from an ox-like animal. They also have access to sugar for desserts and many spices to flavor their food.
Displaying Emotion
They have long pointed ears which will move about depending on what emotion they are currently feeling. They will perk up slightly when spooked or alert, droop down when angry or sad, and pin back slightly when annoyed. As babies and toddlers, the cartilage in their ears hasn't fully developed. So until around four or five years of age, their ears will be folded down and they'll be unable to emote with them. Starting at age three or four, they will be able to perk their ears up for short bursts of time to emote interest in something, but they will quickly flop back down. 
Repeating from an earlier section for organizational reasons, their fur will bristle and raise whenever they are scared or angry. They’ll also fluff up (which looks softer than bristling) when cold or very happy.
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Hocotations can involuntarily growl to show anger, but can also just growl whenever they please to express any number of emotions. They develop this ability at around 3 to 4 years of age. 
Hocotations can also chuff in a similar manner to tigers to display happiness. Here’s a link to a YouTube video that shows you what this sounds like if you are unfamiliar with it. This will often be written out as “mrf” as an onomatopoeia. They have this ability from birth. 
Lastly, Hocotations have small tails, a left over from the animal species they once were. It gives them no benefit but does no harm either, so it never went away; just shrunk a bit. This tail will wag when they are happy, and shake slightly when they are interested or spooked.
As mentioned previously, Hocotations have a natural eye for shiny things as fresh liquid water was once much rarer on their snowball of a planet, especially in the regions they initially evolved in. Note that this isn’t an instinct to be greedy, far from it, just a natural affinity for such objects. Again, humans work the same way! It’s just slightly more intense for them. 
In the winter, Hocotations will “slow down” considerably on a multitude of fronts. This is due to a sort of pseudo-hibernation. While their activity levels and metabolism do reduce by a significant amount, they do not lower to the same amount as most other hibernating organisms do. While Hocotations typically sleep 8-10 hours* a day, in this pseudo-hibernation state they will sleep for 13-14 hours*, or just over half of the day (because messing with the length of days on other planets, while more realistic, is scary and can be confusing to readers if not made super clear). They will also eat slightly less and will display aversion to foods that take a lot of energy to digest.
*How long they sleep for changes drastically depending on age: these are the averages for adult Hocotations. For babies to teens, please see the section on development. 
Hocotations do have some residual hunting instincts from when they were still predator animals. These quickly fade as they age, however that is caused more by society/culture than by biology. These instincts mainly revolve around chasing anything they perceive to be a small animal. Toddlers will be played with in ways that actually encourage such behavior as a way to manage their energy. Children as young as five or six will lose this instinct when properly taught a healthier out-put for this energy: exercise and sports. The need for this energy output fades with time, due to a mix of this energy instead being put into oft demanding work and the body naturally slowing with age. However, these instincts can reappear for short bursts of time as a part of a Hocotation’s fight-or-flight response (or when angry drunk). This can be further intensified if they are “hunting” with other organisms with similar instincts, such as (but not limited to) dogs and pikmin.
Babies will sleep for most of the day in the warm months, and during pseudo-hibernation they will wake only for food and diaper changes before falling asleep again. This is due to how much development babies (and toddlers!) go though in a relatively short amount of time. As previously mentioned, the cartilage in their ears has not hardened and so their ears will flop down. Otherwise, their development mirrors that of humans greatly. 
This is the stage where their hunter instincts will begin to develop. They will instinctively chase after anything they perceive to be a small animal, a “small animal” to a tot being anything smaller than a typical adult house cat that moves quickly. Smaller creatures will need to be kept away for the safety of both the toddler and the animal, as toddlers will stick anything in their mouths. As they cannot be reasoned with to not chase things and the instincts are too strong to reasonably be taught out with other methods, parents will instead give them various toys to chase and gnaw on. These toys must be specifically designed for this use for the safety of the toddler. Toddlers will bat these toys around much like cats, chasing them the best they can. Due to their fur they are prone to sliding across smooth surfaces, so parents must be careful as to where their tots play (though a few minor bumps are both inevitable and, well, minor). Toddlers also like to look out windows, specifically to watch the various birds and other creatures that dart around the lawn.
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Toddlers will sleep for fewer hours than babies, but will still sleep quite often. During pseudo-hibernation, they will wake only to be fed, changed (or to use the bathroom themself, if potty trained), and for two hour intervals of high energy play that happen once or twice a day, depending on the toddler’s age. These two hour intervals are affectionately referred to by caretakers as “the zoomies”. 
At this stage, the cartilage in their ears will slowly develop. They’ll go from being able to perk their ears up for short bursts to typical Hocotation ears by the end of this phase. They’ll also develop the ability to growl, though they cannot control it.
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Young Children 
As children age, they will slowly but surely need less sleep to function, though still a fair bit more than what adults need. This is the age where, now that they can talk and (kinda, sorta, not really) understand consequences, they are taught to instead put their hunting energy into other activities. Namely, exercise and sport. They’ll spend much of their time in the warmer months running around, though they thankfully lack this extra energy during pseudo-hibernation. By this age, they’ll also figure out how to growl on command and suppress instinctual growls. 
Older Children
This stage of life is characterized (and started by) the beginning of puberty, which largely goes about the same as it does for humans. This is also the age where the pre-established sleep pattern of “needing less sleep as they age” encounters a hiccup. Due to the toll puberty can take on the body, they will once again start sleeping for longer periods of time. During pseudo-hibernation, they are infamously impossible to wake up and will only rise from sleep on their own terms.
Post-puberty, teens will slowly revert back to needing less and less sleep, until eventually matching the patterns of an average adult at around age 20. Otherwise, this goes about the same as it does for humans, how fun!
And that's it for now!!! Still have three, four-ish drawings to make for the culture half of this. Not sure when I'll get to it, but it should hopefully be soonish.
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c-rose2081 · 2 years
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Random A-Lurian facts:
(Starchild AU)
- The A-Lurian people evolved on a jungle planet called Alcura (translated to : homeworld)
- The homeword was not dissimilar to Earth: it had water in both liquid and gaseous forms, and a dense atmosphere which made the planet ripe for sub-tropical foliage and dense forests.
- The A-Lurian’s descend from highly intelligent, bioluminescent lizards. Evolution was no doubt similar to humanity, in which there was a climate shift or a collision with an asteroid which forced some of these lizards to leave their natural habitat and eventually evolve into humanoids.
- A-Lurian’s are all naturally cold blooded and prefer warm climates. They DO NOT belong in space.
- A-Lurian’s are primarily carnivorous beings, but many are also omnivorous and enjoy plant based meals as well. On the Mothership, rations are synthetically made, and designed to make real food unnecessary. Many extra-terrestrial’s will tell you that their meals are functional, not necessarily pleasurable.
- In order to sustain their bodies — which burn through a lot of energy due to their luminance — A-Lurian’s of the past were adept prey hunters. This is not a trait needed on the Mothership, but can still be observed in young one’s play, as well as when adult A-Lurian’s are in danger and need to move quickly.
- The Alcura glass (the clear disk kept at the wrist) is a piece of technology used to perform acts like levitation and mind scanning. Levitation isn’t a natural A-Lurian ability.
- A-Lurian camouflage/perception shifting is not a common gift on the Mothership. After thousands of years away from Alcura, Young One’s are often born without the trait as it’s evolutionally unnecessary.
*A-ddison is an unusual specimen in regards to this, as her human DNA pushed those dormant traits forward in her genes, making them unusually prominent.*
- Most adult A-Lurian’s had tails when they were born, but docked them at a young age for the sake of function. However, many still choose to keep theirs (A-ddison & A-spen). Like their camouflage, many Young One’s are also being born without tails due to them no longer having function.
- A-Lurian’s actually have retractable teeth. One set of fangs on the bottom towards the back of the mouth, and two sets up top (front, and mid). These aren’t used much on the Mothership, but are very useful for tearing into rough synthetic meats and protein jerky.
*this is important later btw*
- The environmental devastation of Alcura is known to A-Lurian history as ‘The Great Epoch’
- Ancient A-Lurian people cherished harmony and perfection in their societies. When the population began to grow out of control, the Council of Alcura began what is known as ‘The Many Atrocities’, where children born outside of perfection were either banished and left to die, or killed en masse. A-Lurian’s no longer practice Atrocities as a form of population control as they would quickly die out with how few actually survived the Epoch. But many (elders especially) still have a mindset against those born imperfect.
- Like Zebras, A-Lurian stripes and body markings are distinct for each member of a Family Unit, and are used to locate one another or distinguish them in a group. On the Mothership, casual dressing shows A LOT more skin than human’s might think, as to have these markings visible at all times.
- A-Lurian antennae are various and distinctive. The antennae are used to amplify telepathic signals for better communication. Those with naturally strong telepathy don’t need antennae, or need more decorative antennae than functional. A-ddison’s for example are functional and help her communicate as she has very weak telepathy naturally, while A-spen’s hang behind the ears and are less so as they are mentally strong.
- Though it may seem like the A-Lurian’s are non-hierarchical in their leadership, this is actually NOT true. Yes, equality and peace is cherished and leadership is generally lax, but Elders and Scouts are highly respected, as are those in charge of managing the Mothership (the Starchild family - sans A-ddison as she’s not blood related).
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Those are all I can think of right now. If you have any other questions about A-ddison’s species let me know.
@sayorseee this may interest you since you were asking about the A-Lurian name.
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nevertheless-moving · 3 years
Could you talk more about your gumbo jar jar au or the frog one? 🐸
hm on close review the frog promise draft is a now redundant drabble from this au. Here it is in its entirety:
“I will never join you,” Luke said with a sneer of disgust.
Palpatine, as well as the nearby politicians, Jedi masters, and reporters were taken aback. 
“I’m afraid I don’t understand your meaning, Master Jedi,” the Senator said incredulously. “Do you mean to tell me that you consider yourself separate from the Republic? I know the Jedi Council had disavowed recognizing you but I never could have imagined...” he trailed off, leaving the crowd to murmur in alarm.
“I mean I will never join the Sith,” the rogue master replied calmly. “I imagine you’re responsible for the traces of the dark side I felt amongst the trade federation leaders.”
“The Sith...I see.” Palpatine took a step back, deliberately reassuring tone and alarmed expression clearly indicated that he suspected the man before him of insanity. “It’s been a very long day and you clearly intended to do good by my humble home world. Perhaps your fellow Jedi can take you to the healers so you can-”
“Why are you working alongside a Sith Lord?” Luke cut off the Senator and addressed Grandmaster Yoda directly. 
“A Sith Lord, you say?” Master Yoda replied. “A most serious allegation, this is.”
Basically, Luke derails the Naboo Crisis by absolutely annihilating the trade federation army, only realizing after the fact when and where he is. This means that Padme turns right around from Tatooine and never voices her vote of no-confidence. Now, Palpatine probably had contingency plans in place, but the public accusation by a Jedi of being responsible for the crisis in the first place, despite absolutely no evidence, hurts his image enough that he’s not going to win a vote, because people will think it’s a power grab. 
And it’s funny cause it’s true but Luke only barely knows that! He’s just accusing Palpatine of being behind the first evil thing he sees and he fuckin happens to be right!!!
Anyway Luke doesn’t focus on Palpatine; there are like 10,000 other Jedi around. He commits himself first and foremost to completing his training with Master Yoda because sometime Yoda just dies and fades into thin air so, you know! He’s not going to procrastinate on that again!
He goes before the council and humbly asks to be taken on Yoda’s student (this is right before Qui-Gon can ask about Anakin- literally, Anakin and Qui-Gon are in the waiting room). He gives several extremely vague banthashit explanations of who he is ‘I’m a follower of the Force,’ where he comes from ‘the Force sent me,’ and why they should train him when he’s way too old ‘the Force willed it.’ Yoda is somewhat impressed because those are some real unhelpfully wise answers and- here’s the kicker- Luke actually believes them! 
He is really committed to being a Jedi! Is 110% all about being a luminous being! This is several years after return of the Jedi and Luke has pretty much just been hanging out in force temples meditating with ghosts so he has quintessential Jedi vibes, he just knows jackshit about anything!
What really clinches it for Yoda is the fact that his robe pocket starts squirming and he pulls out a live Nabooian Salt Frog. And hands it to Yoda like, “These are one of your favorites right? :) I saw it and I thought of you :)”
Now Yoda- let’s step back a second. Yoda is old. Yoda, in his youth, was a bit more feral. He’s a top level predator and the order has always celebrated diversity and being true to your origins! He’s hunted with Tortugans on Shili! He’s unhinged his jaw with Besalisks on Ojom! 
But as the Republic’s boundaries caved in on themselves, he was more and more put into contact with Core senators who tend to be unnerved by more, ah, carnivorous tendencies. And the more he was put into high level positions by virtue of being really frickin old, the more restrained he became in his public behavior. 
Decades passed and younglings who only ever knew his more ‘harmless-prank’ feral tendencies were increasingly shocked and scared to see him occasionally unhinge his jaw to eat a scrocodile whole. Some of the prey-origin younglings from that field trip actually avoided him for the rest of the their lives.
So. Yoda is still a carnivore- but- in private. With his padawans and his closest peers. But his closest peers age and die and his padawans get younger and smaller as the decades pass. He took on two herbivorous padawans in a row and as a result restrained himself from openly hunting with another soul for around for 50 years.
And then there’s Dooku. ‘Ah a human,’ he thinks. ‘They hunt sometimes. Well. They’re omnivores at least.’
And Dooku is- and I’m not saying this to shame Dooku- but he’s prissy. He likes...neatness. He’s not afraid of violence but force forbid it’s untidy. So when Yoda, excited to get his ambush predation on, takes 14 year old Dooku who’s barely ever left the sterile confines of Coruscant on a trip to a swamp world- yeaaahh it doesn’t go well. Dooku- he doesn’t mean to, honestly. How would he even know that Yoda might be sensitive about things? He’s Yoda. 
But Dooku sobbing openly and puking a little in a bush and running away from Yoda because his Master is terrifying and gross. It... kind of puts the nail in the coffin for Yoda being open about that side of himself. He doesn’t really have it in him to try again. People’s view of him is too fixed, they can’t handle him also being a flesh creature so he focuses on the luminous side of him which is and always was, genuinely, more important than him.
And that’s been the last 100 years or so. The thrill of a live kill is just a little piece of himself that he meditates away and that’s ok. He has the force. He has the order. He’s old anyway, a real hunt would probably hurt his joints. 
And then in comes Luke, radiating Light and earnestness and Jedi serenity while also holding out a very tasty looking live frog. And Yoda realizes Dooku’s not around, he’s surrounded by a council he trusts and respects and likes, none of whom are 14 year olds, all of whom have seen the galaxy and seen worse. He is almost seizing the moment but there’s a little part of him that shriveled up when Dooku cried that’s having a hard time accepting this.
“Want it for yourself, you do not?” Yoda cackles, playing off the offer.
Luke smiles sheepishly and pulls out another live frog. “I was saving it for later. Forgive me Master, your senses are keen as ever I see.”
And Yoda...it’s not about the bribe, really, so much as the symbolism, and it’s not about the flattery either, but darn is the kid really pulling out the stops to make himself likable. And he is a kid, to Yoda anyway. Everyone is these days. What does he care about numbers when there’s a boy smiling like his third padawan, an adorable Rodian who took great delight in their more amphibious and wild missions?
Yoda snatches one of the frogs and slowly raises it in a parody of a toast. Luke does the same. The rest of the council quietly watches in various shades of bewilderment and bemusement.
They’re not actually going to eat that right? Mace thinks. Ugh I hate frogs the skin is so slimy. Shaak Ti thinks. I cannot believe they’re not even offering me one. Yaddle thinks.
And Yoda bites the head off the frog in a quick snap of his jaws, the rest following rapidly. Luke does the same- a slight assist from the force helping his less specialized mandible tear through skin and bone in a well practiced move. He chews slower, but finishes the frog soon enough, the rest of the council looking on with deep uncertainty and a tiny bit of hunger, but no actual fear. They’re Jedi Masters; they’ve eaten everywhere, it’s just a little weird for a human to be eating a live animal and Yoda as far as anyone knew only ate stew and also they were in the middle of a council meeting.
Yoda belches and Luke smiles genially.
“Take you on as my padawan learner, I will. Much to learn you have, much to teach you, I do.”
Luke beams. The council looks on in shock. 
“Master Yoda,” Mace Windu says hesitantly, “He’s clearly in his late 20s, at the earliest. If this is about the... frog thing-”
“Was a pleasant surprise, the frog. The reason for my decision, it is not. Had some training already, he has. Know each other before this day, we do. Taking over for a Master passed into the force, I am merely. Our custom, this is.”
Luke bows lowly and an initiate is summoned to escort him to the quartermasters and then the long-empty padawan suite next to Yoda’s chambers. 
Qui-Gon and Anakin are brought in and. Well. It’s a little hard for them to simply reject the boy after Yoda just pulled that stunt. He’s sent to the initiates dorm, eventually. Mace Windu has a headache from the shatterpoints blinking in and out of existence. Shaak Ti is delighted to discuss a hunting trip with Master Yoda and his new padawan learner Luke Svader. 
The force dances.
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francoisl-artblog · 3 years
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Another take on the Oddworld Universe where the Mudokons rules the world instead of the Glukkons, Here with some members of the Mudokon Supremacy. If this is the Mudokon's utopia world, this is sadly not the case for the other race. Persuaded that they're the Chosen race of Oddworld due to having a Moon with their handprint on it, They are dedicated to prove themselves as the best civilization. And since they kinda reduced to nothing every others civilisation, It’s kinda true. Although they live in a world less polluted than their Glukkons equivalent from the regular canon, they still live in a industrial and advanced cities reaching above the clouds. Which is good for them, but the being on the bottom earth does live in an extreme poverty. Although most Mudokons are extremely arrogant and self centered, others have a close psychology to their canon counterpart, being zen and often sympathetic. But they sadly all lose their altruistic side to the well being of the creature and the nature of Oddworld, including their once sacred Scrabs and Paramites. They're more on an omnivore diet. Also, due to better life condition, they tend to live longer. Shamans have the more influence on the society, they're the more brainwashed with their own vision, and they hope Muds will prosper this way .They essentially fed themself with spoose shrubs, greatly improving their spiritual power. Such as controlling multiple other being at the same time. Muds that reach this capacity are part of an high rank of military power. Their skins often turn reds or purple by the influence of Dark Magic. Queens/ Young Queen are very rare, they're a special type of Mudokon. They share the same genetic as other Mudokons, but once they reach Puberty, they tend to get way taller and chubbier than normal Muds. Once one of them is spotted, they get a special education and alimentation, being highly cultivated and smart, and also more than well feed with every kind of edible things, fruits or meat. Biggest queens are capable of producing large amount of eggs during their lifetime. But when they reach this weight, they're totally immobile, to they need other Muds to take care of her. Glukkons slave aren't allowed to see a Mudokon Queen. Like every other Muds, they're persuaded that their race and children are the best of all, but they are way softer in term of personality. In short, if Shamans and cultist are the absolute worst, and are the one who actually dirige and rules the Muds, the Queens are the nicest being ever, maternal and considering, but they doesn't have a lot of power in the society. Muds society differ from tribe to tribe, so it happens that queens have a more active role, but it's exceptional situation, and it's mostly ceremonial. Their skin range to bright blue, green, and sometime yellow. Elders are old Mudokons. They're part of an high council. They're wise and are the hidden good part of the society, preventing a total take of power by the shaman. They do see themselves as the superior species, but they also know how they'd reach this state. Most of them doesn't want to talk about the Moon incident. Others speak about the time where they and Glukkons where once allied, but they're often ignored, and are puts among the lowest class of the Muds society. I was heavily inspired by the Oddswitch AU  and @ghostmoor takes on Mudokons world building. If you're an Oddworld fan, go see his works, it's simply a fabulous work of character design. Oddworld and Mudokons (c) Oddworld Inhabitants Concept art made by me.
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emkini · 3 years
Gross question: So do centaurs have Horse organs in their horse half? Or do they have different organs. I’m asking because I was thinking we’re there any things that horses cannot eat that centaurs also cannot eat?
This is a Hard Question that requires a lot more biology heavy-lifting than I have the energy to do right now sdfghfd, but centaurs in all my AUs are by nature opportunistic omnivores. In the sense of something like War Horse AU, this is just the ability to thrive on most forms of diets a human can (just in larger quantities, ofc). However in a more extreme environment like Herd AU, this means the centaurs are equipped with the tools to eat anything from tree bark to raw meat.
SO, this means that the centaur digestive system is not the same as a horse's, because horses are herbivores. Since centaurs are ungulates and the only true omnivorous ungulate is the pig, I imagine their digestive capacity would be somewhat similar to a pig's-- though the orientation of the organs would likely still be mostly consistent with what we see in horses.
As far as things horses can't eat that centaurs can't eat, the fact that centaurs are omnivores means bad food for horses and bad food for centaurs aren't necessarily one-to-one. HOWEVER, I can leave you with the fact that horses can't vomit and it's likely that centaurs wouldn't be able to either due to how their bodies are structured. So if something poisonous goes down it's not coming back up, meaning centaurs are probably very careful about avoiding spoiled food due to the fact that it can Literally Kill Them
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whitecrossgirl · 2 years
Omnivore AU
After the bus massacre and before the team discover the true identity of The Reaper, Foyet kidnaps Aaron and refuses to tell the team where he is. With Foyet in custody, no leads and time running out, Emily decides to take a shot at interrogating Foyet but just as she knows about him, he knows about her. So just who is interrogating who?
Heavily based on the Loki and Natasha interrogation scene in the first Avengers movie. Also special thanks to @sequinsmile-x who I shared this idea with.
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WIP Wednesday
Title: Extraordinary
Pairings: HotchReid (side pairings Morcia, WillxJJ, others in flirtation)
Summary: League of Extraordinary Gentleman/Vampire AU;
Within the FBI there is a specialized team full of an elite selection of people. Unique individuals with very particular skill sets. And their job is to take the unusual cases: the ones that need to not only be solved, but are undetermined if the unsub is human, or something else entirely.
In a world filled with Vampires, non-human creatures, and subspecies unknown, there is only enough information to have them vaguely regulated. Rules that are so easily, and violently broken, all while hidden in plain sight among the unsuspecting public. Unrivaled for eons.
That’s where the BAU comes in.
Official Posting Date: Now posted on tumblr and Ao3, Click Here
Links: (Masterpost) (Snippet 01) (Snippet 02) (Snippet 03) (Snippet 04) (Snippet 05)
(TW/CW: The biggest antagonist spoilers for the fic, but we’re finally into the meat of it and I’m too excited for the plot to start accelerating. Mentions of scars and the after effects of violent attacks, Vampirism, nothing graphic for this one.)
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(the story so far/what you need to know for this clip at least: it helps to remember 4.18 Omnivore for this snippet. Because this scene coincides with about halfway through the episode, when the team has finally managed to track down George Foyet and believe he is the only surviving victim of The Reaper. Hotch and Father Rossi find him coming home with groceries to one of his four houses he moves between, living off the grid, in fear that The Reaper will come back and finish what he’d started. And for the *drama* of it all, I made it 20 years instead of 10 since the original Reaper killings -- so it’s going to be very obvious when they meet with detectives and officers that had worked in Boston when The Reaper was at large... that when everyone remembers Hotch, it’s like seeing a ghost.)
“You haven’t aged a day,” he repeats, the same words he’d said outside upon seeing Hotch’s face, and it’s still in awe. Shock. This poor man didn’t deserve any more shocks like that in his life. “Can I ask… what are you?” 
Hotch isn’t usually one to just tell people left and right his true Nature, but George Foyet lived through more pain than most Human’s ever would. He was a stooped, shadow of a man now; hiding in multiple houses across a city that will never know his real name. 
“I’m a Vampire,” he answers the man, catching his wide eyes behind those circular glasses. He reminds him so much of Spencer, like that. “I would ask you not to go around sharing that, but at his rate half the Boston police department knows. Most were working the cases as well, back then.” 
“Yes, I suppose they were.” He swallows thickly, rubs at his chest where Hotch knows there were knife wounds scaring the flesh. “If -- if you had been there when they found me, could you have healed me? Would I not have these… reminders.”
“No,” Hotch shakes his head, sadly. “It doesn’t work like that. The accelerated healing properties are in my saliva, and they only bind to my venom. They can only heal bite wounds made by me, and no one else. They are useless against normal injuries.”
“But you really -- you really don’t die, you never will,” he murmurs, and Hotch nods. Not knowing what the man is getting at until he sees the paper on the table. From a few days ago. Open to Detective Tom Shaunnesy’s obituary, unmoved since it had printed and dropped in shock.
“You know what that means, Mr. Foyet?” Hotch asks, firm and steady, but gentle in the face of his fragility. “It means I will never stop hunting him. You can have my word, on that.”
George Foyet makes a small sound, ducks his head down and swallows back another violent string of coughs. Exacerbated by his stab wounds, but when he gathers the strength to speak -- what he says will stay with Hotch for the rest of his days. Although he doesn’t know why at the time.
“I don’t believe in a lot of things anymore, Agent Hotchner -- not God, not fate, not dumb, terrible luck. Nothing. Just the Reaper, for the past 20 years,” Foyet tells him shakily, but with a steady tone as if he speaks nothing but the truth that he holds in his very bones. Then, the traces of a smile flit at the corner of his mouth, a disbelief held there that even Hotch can’t quite decipher the source of. Something he hasn’t seen before in all his centuries of life. “But I -- I think I just might believe in you.”
Tagged list so far: @physics-magic​, @thaddeusly, @ssa-noa, @ssa-sarahsunshine, @tobias-hankel​, @reidology, @mintphoenix, @anxious-enby​
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nexusconjunx · 3 years
yannow because sometimes u just gotta treat your soul -
Do Sith seperate from their daemons like witches? Maybe!
Lets say, only once they have earned the darth title
Which is fucked up but eeeh for the sake of angst
Mauls daemon often takes the shape of a feline or a mustelid
Predominantly medium sized carnivores or omnivores
The further away he is from his master, the bigger and meaner it gets
For the sake of,,,,, contenuety, Zabrak daemons only settle in their 20s...
Lets say, he's pretty sure it'll settle on a yellow-throated marten
(Cute too, look them up!)
AS A RAT (YOUR fault @bwideau)
(or mouse sized rat or sth i gotta look at some pics)
First of all, the AUDACITY of fate to kick him so
trash pile appropriate!
But also, while he's lost his fighting partner, he now looks quite soulless. He stuffs her in his pockets for savekeeping. They can barely seperate by a meter now.
Rats are cool but less huggable :((
also super intelligent and social and really dont do well when isolated
Second headcanon: One of the things that makes a sith a sith is the seperation from their daemons. Maul can't be a true sith without that.
See that 'he can only become what he wants to be by loosing his daemon//he keeps his daemon so close he looks soulless' vibe I'm going for??
Anyway thx for coming to my rant lol I'll try to return with pics of daemon Maul
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mud-castle · 4 years
Things That Bother Me In WOF (now with edits)
Technically this blog is for all things Warriors and Wof, the Eye of Stars AU is just my current project. I’ll get back to that project once I get this off of my chest.
I have no idea how long this post is going to be, so everything will be below the cut so I don’t overwhelm people looking through this blog. These are mostly just my opinions and if I say anything inaccurate to the books please let me know. Everything here is about Pyrrhia.
Note: I do love Wings of Fire, but, like Warriors, there are so many issues with it. They both hold a special place in my heart.
Alright, let’s do this:
1)  Farming or the Lack Thereof
It’s never stated how many dragons are in each kingdom, but we can assume around thousands, or ten thousands or more, considering the war lasted for twenty years and like every post-battle scene is described like a massacre just occurred.
My problem? What is sustaining this many dragons? I cannot remember there being any implication that farming exists in Pyrrhia. All of the dragons are omnivorous, but, with the exception of Rainwings, they all have a clear natural preference towards meat. Without a surplus of food, the kingdoms should not have near the amount of dragons running around.
Also, you are telling me that they have metallurgy, they create armor, swords, and metal instruments, yet they don’t seem to farm...like at all? 
“But Mudsplash, we can just assume that farming exists.” No, we cannot. First of all, most of the dragons eat mainly meat. But it is stated and shown many times that dragons hunt for their food. They don’t buy meat from ranchers or herders or anything like that. Hunters go out and bring back prey and it’s distributed that way. This much hunting would realistically create a scarcity of food and would further diminish the number of dragons. 
And when I say farming, I also mean the growing of plants. The dragons themselves don’t eat plants all that much, but you know what does? The prey that they eat. So even if herders existed, there wouldn’t be nearly enough plant-life to support such large amounts of prey without those to grow the food that the prey eats.
My biggest gripes are the Sandwing and Skywing kingdoms. They should be the smallest both in body size and number. The desert and tops of mountains don’t have nearly as many prey animals around. The Icewings get a pass because of animus magic. 
Which brings me to my second point:
2) Animus Dragons
They are completely op and handled very oddly. At first, I thought that animus dragons just had some form of telekinesis, which still felt odd for the world, but I was willing to give it a pass. But no, they can pretty much do whatever as long as it doesn’t directly combat a previous animus dragon’s spell. 
The drawback to this power is that it chips away at their souls... Bruh, what? I don’t think this is even true. I think the problem is when you realize you can get whatever you want and no one matches your power, you begin to do worse and worse things because of the lack of consequences. Before you know it, you’re evil. They can be gods if they wished. I’m not saying animus dragons should be evil, but I do think they are highly prone to becoming selfish and self-centered.
Icewings, I’m talking to you. I refuse to believe no royal before Arctic refused to stick to the one gift rule. Especially the princesses. They could very easily take the throne with that sort of power. 
Also, the gripe that the Nightwings stole the animus gift from the Icewings makes no sense. We have seen that the gift skips literal generation after generation. Anyone related to Arctic’s descendants should still have a chance at inheriting it. And Pearl not allowing Fathom to have children should mean that she shouldn’t have children either. After all, their grandfather had the animus gift, but it was their mother who gave birth to them.
When we were introduced to Stonemover, I thought that the true drawback was that it turned him into stone and Anemone would slowly turn into coral or sea fom or something the more she used her power and that was what losing your soul was. You turned into a soulless object. But nope.
3) Lack of Religion or Beliefs in General
Bear with me on this one. The dragons don’t seem to believe in any greater power than themselves. They have human levels of intelligence and literal magic within their world. And they just...accept its existence? They are not far enough in science to explain any of these things (if there is an explanation), but they are easily intelligent enough to form a religion. (cough Clearsight cough) This magic is specific to dragons only and doesn’t exist in their natural world. 
Nightwings born beneath the full moon(s) get powers. So, why don’t they worship or have any benevolence towards the moons that supposedly gave them this power? The term “three moons” is not used because of any belief tying itself to the moons, it’s just an exclamation. I don’t know if the dragons are actual atheists or if it’s just not brought up.
Animus dragons can pretty much do anything, they could be gods. There is no belief tying itself to their existence. No one thinks maybe it was given by some god or force or whatever.
4) Sexual Dimorphism
There isn’t much of a canon difference in the sizes of males and females
The females rule the tribes/kingdoms.
 In order to inherit the throne, a female descendant must kill the ruling queen. 
Not okay.
It could’ve been perfectly fine for the females to be the same size as the males, co-exist with them on a constant basis, and still be the ruling power. This is present in orcas. Where it stops making sense is the fact that matricide is the way to rule. This implies that those of physical strength are more suited to rule. If females fight other females for power and males don’t fight other males for power this would mean that the females should be larger and naturally more aggressive than the males. 
Generally, the sex that is larger has more aggression and is more likely to fight. Look at hyenas and wild dogs, they are both matriarchal and the females are larger. Orcas are matriarchal because the ruling female is simply the oldest and females live significantly longer than the males, so they are much wiser. Before anyone mentions elephants I would like to point out that herds are made up of solely females or bachelor males, they don’t count.
Edit: Actually, it should be more like the royal family females are huge compared to the males since the daughter (who is already at a significant disadvantage since their mother is much older and since dragons never stop growing much bigger than her) must kill the ruling queen to inherit the throne. So larger, quicker growing females in the royals makes more sense.
5) Species Features
It’s weird how big some dragons like Burn and Morrowseer are when, by virtue of their environment, they shouldn’t be that large.
Sandwings live in the hot, prey scarce desert. Sunny should not be small for a Sandwing, she should be average sized for her age. Larger bodies retain more body heat. I’d just dismiss this as dragon bio is weird, but it is confirmed in the prologue of Darkness of Dragons that Sandwings can get heatstroke. There is not enough food in the desert to sustain their large sizes. 
Seawings live in the ocean, this would allow them to get very large. Nuff said.
Icewings Edit: considering they exude cold for some reason, I don’t think they have to be chonky cause clearly their internal biology is a bit more wack than the others.
Nightwings are also odd. Due to living in an actual volcano, I’d imagine they got smaller over the years. Morrowseer should be much much smaller than he is. It’s not like he was allowed to grow up outside the volcano. Privileges or no, why is he that big? There isn’t a lot to eat, so much so that you have to wait for your turn to hunt.
6) Species Appearances
Edit: I thought more about this and my issues with it don’t make sense. The dragon species are distinct and I don’t have much of a problem with them. Joy Ang did an excellent job.
I do however take issue with the designs in the third arc but for different reasons. 
7) Seawings Should Also Have Been Neutral
Seawings live in the sea. Why do they care what happens to the land dragons? They have the best defense in all the tribes, cause how are you going to fight them? They live in the ocean! On top of that, they have nothing to gain from the war. They don’t need territory. They don’t need trade. If anything, they should be so isolated from the other tribes due to living in water all their life that they see other dragons as almost alien.
I think the tribe would be aware of the war, but cold towards the other tribes. Because the tribe is easily self-sustaining. They can spend their whole lives in the ocean. The dragonets could’ve gone to the tribe and maybe Tsunami could’ve been shocked at how uncaring her mother was that so many dragons were dying for the war. And Coral could’ve been like “Not my species, not my problem.” 
8) Rainwings
As a kid, I felt disappointed when the Rainwings were introduced and they behaved exactly like how all the other tribes said they did. Like, what kind of message was that supposed to send?
I thought the lazy Rainwing thing was propaganda after the Rainwings refused to fight in a war that had nothing to do with them and they were actually secret badasses, or at least very hardworking. But nope. They are legitimately lazy and are only protected because the Rainforest is dense and hard to navigate.
Edit: actually, they more I think about it, they’re really not that lazy. Everyone hunts down and brings food. Each dragon has their own job and if they don’t they eat last because they’re not giving something to the group. If anything, they’re portrayed as uncaring for their fellow dragons due to how unconcerned they were when others disappeared. But they’re not lazy. The queens are, but honestly almost all the queens in the first arc suck so...
Grandeur expresses disappointment and says she remembers when Rainwings were not like this. Grandeur....weren't you literally queen? What was stopping you from fixing the issue? And don't give me that bs about the eggs being mixed together or whatever, if she really cared this wouldn't matter to her. It's not like matricide is required to inherit the throne. It was her decision to switch out the queens to begin with.
 And also, why didn't the Nightwings just take the rainforest immediately? They know Rainwings are meek and not conscious of their surrounding. Hell, one of them gets hit by venom only on accident cause a Rainwing panicked and she didn’t do it again despite it possibly giving her means to escape. Like??? Just take the territory??
Or, they could have just asked. Or they could've just gone out and lived there, end of discussion. What are the Rainwings going to do? Probably just acknowledge their existence and move on with their lives. I don’t see the point in a genocide or war over it. Rainwings are peaceful to a fault. Nightwings know this. The war they were going to fight was pointless.
9) Glory’s “Disguises”
This is what a Rainwing looks like:
Tumblr media
This is what a Mudwing looks like:
Tumblr media
I chose the pictures without any color on them to show how absurd it is that anyone would even be remotely fooled that Glory was a Mudwing. Look at them! Her bone structure isn’t even the same! She can’t even pass for a starved or ill Mudwing, look at their faces.
Also, child me was so uncomfortable in the book when Glory was disguising herself and Clay said, “you’re still too pretty to be a Mudwing.” ...That’s racist.
10) The Sandwing War
I have two problems with this 1) How it started and 2) How it became a whole continental war
If the three sister's mother dies and none of them challenged her, wouldn't the throne go to the eldest daughter automatically? So, Burn should've been queen. End of discussion
But, okay, let's say that that's not how things work, the war still was unnecessary. If the sisters had such an issue with who would get the throne, then they should've just duked it out and named the survivor the victor. Boom. Done. Easy. I mean, Burn obviously would’ve won, but if any of the other sisters became queen, Burn would’ve probably challenged and killed them anyway.
Also, Blaze should've been queen. Why? She was backed by most of the Sandwing kingdom and the Icewing kingdom. Two very well defended tribes on the continent because of their harsh environments. How are you going to fight them on their own turf? She has her homeland in her talons and the support of most of her subjects, just sit your seat in the throne and be done with it. Watch them try and get Seawings or Mudwings across a desert, or Skywings across the tundra.
There is no reason why the other tribes would care about what the Sandwings do in their desert. The reasons they joined just don't hold up.
Glacier is promised territory...but Icewings live in the arctic so wtf do you need desert land for? You can't stay there for extended periods of time and you don't know how to hunt or survive there.
Queen Moorhen was threatened by Burn. Umm, what? Blaze is the one with most of the Sandwing support and Burn should not be stupid enough to use whatever Sandwings as support she has to fight Mudwings in their own land. Don't give me the excuse that Burn had the Skywings on her side. By that logic, she'd be fighting two wars, one with her sisters and one with Moorhen. In which case, this would pusn Moorhen to ally herself with one of the other sisters instead. This is still a poor idea. I know Burn isn't the smartest, but she's not completely stupid either.
Queen Scarlet is just interested in violence. Honestly, considering her character, this one gets a pass.
Queen Coral has no reason to join the war, as I said earlier.
11) Weak Worldbuilding
Culture who? 
This is one of the same issues I have with Warriors. However, it’s worse here in the main arcs. At least Warriors mainly stays in one clan, so they have an excuse. We literally travel to every kingdom and, aside from the Rainwings, it doesn’t feel like we even truly interacted with the cultures and practices of each tribe. We are just told one or two things, not shown much, and move on.
Then the second arc comes along. We learn about the Icewing royals and...that’s about it. It’s disappointing.
When we do learn anything, it’s usually in royal or upper-class families, and doesn’t really reflect the tribe as a whole.
Also, the map of Pyrrhia doesn’t make sense. The tundra and dessert are right next to each other and the Skywing kingdom is on a similar latitude as the Icewing kingdom.
The third arc, I think, has the best worldbuilding of them all.
12) Tattoos
How the hell do you put tattoos on scales? Even if you somehow managed to do so, they shed their scales. If it was on their skin, then their scales would cover the skin. Their scales aren’t like those on reptiles. Reptiles shed their skin, dragons shed their entire scales. I would understand if they were placed on the wing membrane, throat, or underbelly (cause those seem to just be skin) but they are are all over the body. How?
13) "Tribes" 
This is my personal opinion, but I don't like the use of the word in these books. Nor do I think any actual tribes exist within them. There are different kingdoms and different species, but there aren't any actual tribes.
14) Maturity
Dragons who are fully mature at 7 years old behave exactly like dragons at three or four years old. This is confusing. This is the reason I was so shocked to find out that Deathbringer was twice Glory's age. They act as if they are the same age. Same with Peril and the arc 2 gang. I will give this one somewhat of a pass since it's not like Peril has had much interaction with the outside world outside of Scarlet and Clay.
It feels like the dragons either act like children, 40 year olds, or 80+ year olds.
15) Darkstalker
I saved this one for last because it ended up becoming the longest.
I don’t have a problem with Darkstalker himself, I have a problem with how the fandom perceives him.
Darkstalker is not misunderstood, he is not some good boi at heart. He is manipulative, narcissistic, abusive, and violent. Have a few reasons why Darkstalker is and has always been a bad person in general.
- He forces his sister to hatch on a later date so he can have all of Foeslayer’s love. (Honestly, from the way baby Dark was thinking, I thought he was going to kill her. That is concerning)
- he promises not to read Clearsight's mind and proceeds to do it constantly, saying that her thoughts are just "too interesting" or something. Then he has the gall to get upset when she asks him to enchant a bracelet so he can't read her mind anymore. Boi, you broke your promise multiple times.
- He tricks Clearsight by giving her enchanted earrings so she couldn't see his plans. He even lies to her, saying he hadn't done anything to the earrings and she trusts him.
- He considers and tries to genocide the Icewings. MULTIPLE. TIMES. He makes a whole area deadly to Icewings. He sends out a knife to kill some poor random Icewings every full moon. He sends out a plague. Like dang, I'm not a fan of Icewings, but I really felt sorry for them.
(Also, is every Icewing from now to forever going to have to wear Qibli’s earring to stave off the plague? Cause that was not well thought out when it was written since an animus’s spells still hold after death and only Darkstalker can go against his own spells.)
- He thinks only he knows what's best and therefore deserves to be King. He proceeds to ignore anyone who tries to convince him otherwise. Remember that Darkstalker is five or six years old at the time. Dragons mature at 8, which we can assume is around 18 years old. Darkstalker is like 12 or 13.....holy crap, Darkstalker is 13. A thirteen year old thinks he is would be the best king. See how absurd that is?
- The way he treats and thinks of Fathom is just plain awful. HE KNOWS that Fathom is severely traumatized. He knows about the Seawing massacre that Fathom barely escaped from. He knows how much Fathom cares for Indigo and vice versa. He doesn't care. 
He jokes about the massacre the night him and Fathom meet. He acts really creepy and says he can make Fathom happy. He nearly kills Indigo for rightfully protecting her friend. He tries to make Fathom use his powers several times, despite knowing what he had gone through.
- Speaking of which, what he did to Indigo (and, by extension, Fathom) was unforgivable. He did a lot of things, but that scene, that was when I decided he was irredeemable. That hit me harder than what he did to Arctic later.
- Anywho, when Clearsight finds out that he had manipulated her and was planning on killing the queen to put himself in power, what did he say? "You'll get used to it." ....what. This has very uncomfortable implications considering Darkstalker is known to use animus magic to solve literally all of his problems.
- He forces Arctic to publicly cut off his tongue and disembowel himself. Arctic was not a good person. He was neglectful and cruel. He did not deserve what Darkstalker did to him. Darkstalker hates his father. Okay. But this was a complete overreaction. Imagine what he'd do to dragons who opposed him in the future if he had succeeded in securing the throne.
Does Darkstalker care for those he considers family? You can argue that yes, he does. Does he do what he thinks is best? Yes. Does this make him a good person or a poor misunderstood boy? No. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. "Good" intentions don't matter when you are aware your actions are hurting everyone, including those close to you, yet you think you are so in the right that you don't care.
"But Mudsplash, Darkstalker was abused by his father!"  This is unfortunate. This does not justify manipulation, murder, cruelty, and narcissism. Oh, and also GENOCIDE.
"But Mudsplash, Darkstalker just wanted love! But his father hated him, and his friends betrayed him, and he woke up hundreds of years later completely alone and sad!" Yes, and he deserved every single thing that happened to him, except for his father’s hate, that was not his fault. He has no one to blame but himself. He clearly saw the paths that he could've taken, and he chose poorly.
Darkstalker, I feel, got off way too easily. He literally gets a do-over. Consequences who?
This is really long and I wish I had my Darkstalker book on me so I could find specifics, but I’m going off of memory.
In conclusion, Darkstalker is a horrible, manipulative little sh*t who genuinely thinks he is in the right. This is why I love him.
So....I recently reread Darkstalker (after like 3 years or something) and I’d like to retract a couple statements I made about him:
I  his actions weren’t justified, namely in dealing with Indigo and the Icewings in general, but honestly, fuck Arctic. I still don’t think Darkstalker should’ve killed him like that. But Arctic is just so goddamn awful. You seriously raised your children like that and are surprised when your son doesn’t sit and take your abuse? Also, did you seriously tell your son that you wish you’d killed him when he was born?! And enchant your daughter?! WTF DUDE?!
But yeah, being disembowled, ummm, a bit much. A VERY bit much.
I still don’t think he should’ve been king, namely because he’s too young, inexperienced, and has serious problems to sort out, and he’s incredibly selfish, but I won’t fault him for wanting to kill Vigilance after she sent an assassin after him, hell, I would too if I were in his place.
And Darkstalker is nicer to Fathom in the beginning than I said, as the the first time he saw him he recognized the trauma the party might bring him and took him to a quieter place. He did try to help him. He didn’t joke about the massacre, I don’t know why I remember him doing that. His dislike of Indigo is understandable, I would also hate someone who tried to kill me after like two minutes of talking. 
But what he did to her was unnecessary and cruel. Fathom had already stopped considering her concerns about Darkstalker at the time, and she couldn’t exactly harm Darkstalker. She was more like an annoyance at that point. Plus him trying to manipulate Fathom through magic to make him forget about her. That’s just disgusting. He doesn’t really care about their relationship.
Also, I made a mistake. I said dragons mature at 8 or 9. They mature at 7. Darkstalker is more like 15, still very young though.
Also also, I said he forced his sister to hatch on a later date, this is false. He simply let her hatch on the date she would’ve. Interestingly enough she seems to have some odd form of mindreading and future telling which makes me question the moon hatching.
Don’t get me wrong, Darkstalker is still manipulative and genocidal as fuck, especially after he’s freed from the mountain. But, I did get some facts wrong so I wanted to correct them.
Also, he did deserve every one of the consequences that came from his actions. I’m not backing down on that. He’s a manipulative, genocidal, selfish, asshole. He’s misunderstood in the most basic of definitions in the book, in that his history wasn’t properly recorded, but he’s still an abusive and toxic person. But I do love him as a character.
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omegazes · 3 years
Hybrid Au Info: Diet and Defense!
Here’s some info about how hybrids defend themselves and what their diets are like! If you’d like more info on this au, follow this link to the master post!
How Avian hybrids defend themselves: 
- So, the only visible traits of avians, or birds, that these hybrid types have our the wings. 
- This means no talon, beak, or anything, just the wings
- It depends on who the hybrid is, but most avian hybrids will use another weapon to defend themselves and fight
- However, some hybrids will elect to use their wings as well as a weapon to fight and have gotten quite good at it
- Sapnap and Philza are examples of bird hybrids who will use their wings along with a weapon to attack others. Yes, this means they will pretty much bitch-slap someone with their wings
- Dream, George, and Quackity, while they are able to do this as well, are not nearly as well-versed in this type of fighting as Sapnap and Philza and prefer to only use their weapons if possible. 
- George uses a bow and a dagger if needed, Dream currently uses a sword and a makeshift shield, and Quackity uses an axe, but isn’t much of a fighter if he’s being honest. Sapnap has an axe, along with wings and Philza uses a sword (plus wings)
How mammal hybrids defend themselves: 
- With mammals, their visible traits are more varied, however the most common traits shown are ears, tail, and sometimes longer/sharper nails
- All of the predator hybrids: Tommy, Fundy, Wilbur, Antfrost, and Eret, who are a (hyena, fox, lion, siamese cat, and tiger) have noticeably longer and sharper fingernails  
- Along with the predators: Punz, Bad, and Tubbo, who are a (beaver, koala, and raccoon) also have sharper and longer nails. 
- Skeppy, Techno, Purpled, JSchlatt, and Karl, who are a (Lab, pig, rabbit, ram, and capybara) do not have longer nails and only show ears and tails as visible traits
- The mammal hybrids with the sharper nails are more likely to use these to fight as they pack a pretty strong punch, however, some refrain from this to keep from their hands getting dirty...literally...
- Bad and Tubbo are least likely to fight without a weapon but they will if necessary. All of the others with sharper nails will fight either way, not really preferring either method. They just want to survive
- These guys often have the upper hand in purely hand-to-hand combat as well
- The hybrids without enhanced nails use a variety of weapons  and it really depends on the situation as most of them will carry both an axe/sword and a bow with them at all times
- These guys (Techno, Skeppy, Purpled, JSchlatt, and Karl) are often more, if not overly prepared, for fights as they are more defenseless, or seem that way at least. 
Diets. Specialized or normal?: 
- While certain hybrids may crave certain types of food, they can really eat anything a human can
- However, most herbivore hybrids may be grossed out at eating meat and the same goes for carnivore hybrids in regards to plants
- In most cases a hybrid will attempt to eat as close to their animal counterparts as possible. The food is cooked though in regards to our meat-loving hybrids
-  Hybrids that are scavenger animals, such as Raven!George, won’t want to eat carrion or garbage or anything like that either
- Tldr: Herbivore hybrids can eat meat, they just are more likely not to. The reverse is true for carnivores. Omnivore hybrids get the best deal because nothing really changes for them, they can eat most anything. 
- Hybrids, especially those who are travelling, (Dream Team and SBI [oops leak shh]) eat whatever they can find due to food being more difficult to come by
I hope this info is helpful and PLEASE let me know if you want to know anything else! I have so much I want to share and plan on doing so, I’m just bad about getting motivated sometimes :0
Shoutout to @nightfuryobsessed for asking for this info, they asked for this info and it also helped with motivating me! Also check out their art for this au as well as all of their other awesome art!
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legoshi-plz · 4 years
11. "I took nyquil instead f dayquil on accident and now I'm about to pass out" with Louis and reader? They/them pronouns, if that's ok!
A/N: That’s perfectly ok! This is also apart of the same ArrangedMarriage! AU. Also idk if I said it before but Reader could be perceived as Carnivore, Herbivore, Omnivore, etc. There’s no established animal class or gender 😁
Another sneeze rang out across your bedroom as you finally slipped on your shoes and gave one final brush to your tail. You and Louis were scheduled to have dinner with Louis’ father today which already had your nerves standing on end.
You hadn’t had much opportunity to get to know the man since he had arranged you and Louis’ marriage so on the fly (when Louis’ first betrothed backed out suddenly at the last minute). He had assured you and your father before the marriage took place that you were an “even more valuable political asset,” and that things were “better this way, more progressive.” At the time you were so grateful to get away from the pressures of your family and their unrealistic expectations of you, that you would have probably married anyone of means if that meant escaping them.
You didn’t know at the time that you would become so fond of Louis, that the two of you were the perfect pair as far as companionship went. He was kind, caring and gentle with you, a shocking contrast from the rigid, cold young man you were first introduced to at the beginning of the union. He’d truly grown on you and you him. You were immensely pleased the two of you were able to grow as close as you had but there was always some part of you that longed for more. What more entailed, however, you weren’t certain.
“Still suffering from that cold?” Louis asked, entering the bedroom while straightening his tie.
“Unfortunately,” you blanched. Your throat still hurt and your voice was hoarse. You had been battling this cold for the better part of a week now and every time you thought it had retreated, it came back again full force.
“If you don’t feel well enough to attend...”
“I’m fine, Louis. Let me just go take a little something and I’ll be ready to go,” you said heading to the medicine cabinet in the bathroom. A little cold medicine would get you through the day as long as you took Dayq-
“You look great by the way. A true vision,” Louis called from the other room and you felt your cheek heat up at the compliment. So flustered by his comment you accidentally downed an unruly amount of green bitter medicine, only realizing you mistake after swallowing the horrid liquid.
“Uh oh....”
“After you,” Louis said holding the car door open for you one you arrived at his father’s house. You stepped out and stumbled slightly as the effects of the medicine really began to weigh on you. Louis’ hands flew to the small of your back to steady you.
“Are you alright, Y/N?” He asked calmly but his eyes looked alarmed.
“I’m just fine, Louis, just fine,” you smiled.
You were the farthest thing from fine.
Your eyelids were getting heavier by the moment and your dizziness was increasing rapidly. Your limbs began to feel heavy and you were having trouble concentrating on anything that wasn’t your restraint from yawning.
Louis could sense something was horribly wrong but tried to put on a good show in front of his father. Oguma was none the wiser and rattled off words and sentences that you couldn’t seem to really register at the moment.
Why didn’t you take the recommended serving size? Why did you have to down almost half the bottle? Why were you such an idiot?
“Y/N?” Louis whispered, his hand coming to rest on your thigh. The three of you were currently seated by the fireplace as you waited for the maids to make the announcement that lunch was served. You didn’t think you could make it that long.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered back and Louis’ eyes turned to the size of saucers. He seemed to have momentarily forgotten his father was even speaking as his ears perked in alert, his attention completely on you.
“Sorry about wh-”
“Dinner is ready, sir!” One of Oguma’s maid declared and the elder stag stood in satisfaction.
“Finally,” he gruffed, waiting for his guest to rise as well.
“We’ll be just a minute father, I need a word with my [wife/husband/partner],” Louis called and Oguma continued on without the two of you.
“We sh-shouldn’t keep him w-waiting, Lou,” you slurred as you tried to stand up only to nearly fall over if Louis hadn’t caught you by the waist.
“What is going on, Y/N?” Louis said sternly, his arm tightening immensely.
“I.... I.... I took NyQuil instead of DayQuil and I’m two seconds from passing out,” your voice was trembling at this point. Hot tears spilled down your cheeks and you couldn’t tell if it was the stress of the situation, the effects of the medicine, or a result from the cold you were fighting.
“Shit,” Louis murmured, gathering you in his arms as you began to cry. This definitely had to be a side effect of the medicine making you this emotionally raw.
“It’s okay, it’s okay. Don’t cry, it’s not the end of the world. Y/N.” Louis cooed rubbing your back. He licked the fur of your cheek a couple of times, his own deer instincts kicking in to try and get you to calm down.
“C’mon, lets get you home,” Louis said helping you walk towards the front door.
“But what about your father?”
“He’ll understand. Or he won’t, I really couldn’t give a shit. I’m more concerned about you right now,” Louis said helping you into the car. He returned back into the house to presumably inform Oguma of the sudden departure. You never saw him return as you fell fast asleep in the passengers seat.
When you woke up, you were in your bedroom at home. You realized Louis must have carried you inside while you continued to sleep off the medicine. You sat up and an instant wave of fatigue washed over you.
“Feeling better?” Louis asked from beside you. In your groggy haze you hadn’t even noticed him in bed beside you. He was shirtless and looked like he had been asleep himself. You glanced at the window and saw it was pitch dark outside.
“Y-yeah, have I really been out that long?” You sighed looking at the clock by the bed that read 2am. Louis hummed in confirmation, pulling your frame closer to lay back down. You complied and allowed him to gather you in his arms, his warmth spreading to you immediately.
“Louis.... I’m sorry I messed up so badly today. I know how important it is to keep up this image for your father and I screwed it all up,” you whispered to the stag. Louis’ eyes were still closed but his ears twitched indicating he’d heard you.
“I told you it doesn’t matter. I can’t have you sacrificing your health or overextending yourself in an sick state just to impress my old man. You come first Y/N, always,” Louis said with an air of finality and you knew better than to contradict his sincere words.
Instead, you elected to snuggle up even closer to the large deer and allow his steady heartbeat to lull you back into a dreamless sleep.
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codythecheshirecat · 3 years
Is This The Start, Midpoint, or Finale? Chapter 4: Passing Time
Codywan Merman/Modern AU
Story Summary: Cody has spent the last several months recovering from a car crash that completely upturned his life. When spending a day on the St. Lawrence River, he finds something that should be impossible– a merman. An injured merman. And, well, there’s not much to do except bring him home and fix him up.
Read on AO3! https://archiveofourown.org/works/33756109/chapters/85388758
A week passes. They quickly make a schedule. Breakfast at nine, lunch at noon, dinner at six. Early on Cody has to run to the store to get things for Obi-Wan’s liquid diet-- he’s an omnivore too, so Cody doesn’t have to worry about finding replacements for meat, exactly. Which is good. They make an agreement about their respective recoveries, too; Obi-Wan won’t overexert himself so long as Cody doesn’t, they’ll take their medicines at the same times (dosages allowing, at least), and having someone to talk to makes it easier to ignore their respective pains and aches, anyway.
Two days into the week, Obi-Wan asks for some softer blankets. Cody doesn’t actually have any, so he runs to the store and buys some of the fuzziest throw blankets he can find. He buys some other things, too, just in case-- a pair of boxers, a single cotton shirt, a pair of mesh gym shorts, and a knee-length plaid skirt with an elastic waistband. He’s not entirely sure they’ll fit Obi-Wan, but he’s pretty good at eyeing sizes and it’s better to have them just in case he needs to cover up.
He gives the blankets to Obi-Wan, but keeps the clothes hidden for the time being. He also has to help Obi-Wan get situated with the blankets-- one to cover the couch (so Obi-Wan can lay on it rather than the couch, which he also calls scratchy) and one to cover him (despite Cody’s protests).
Obi-Wan finds himself enraptured with the TV. News, cartoons, soap operas, and everything in between. Cody supposes it must seem pretty strange; a box with hundreds, thousands of different stories to watch. They watch Jeopardy every night, and while Obi-Wan rarely knows the answers, he seems to enjoy it.
Cody also answers every question Obi-Wan has, and he has a lot. Sometimes he has a question about a word or phrase-- he hadn’t learned English in an academic setting, or even by being surrounded by English speakers. He’d had one person teach him what he knew, and so he has plenty of gaps in his knowledge. Sometimes Obi-Wan has questions about technology. Other times he has questions about animals. At one point they have a two hour discussion on American culture, with short interludes into other world cultures.
Another thing that takes up their time is the realization that Obi-Wan can’t read. He can read in his own language, sure, but the person that had taught him to speak English hadn’t taught him to read it. The English Alphabet is an utter mystery to him. So, Cody spends quite a bit of time teaching him the alphabet.
Despite all of their talking, though, Cody notices that Obi-Wan rarely talks about himself. He’ll reference things, sometimes, people, and Cody’s aware enough not to pry. If Obi-Wan doesn’t want to talk about his past, then he probably has a reason. Cody’s just happy he’s talking, honestly. It gives him someone to talk to, instead of wallowing in his own misery.
Another week passes. Kix stops by, checks up on them-- both of them, and Cody gets treated to a ten minute lecture on how to properly take care of himself so he heals correctly. Cody doesn’t tell him that Obi-Wan can’t walk so Cody has to help him get around when he has to use the bathroom. Obi-Wan also gets cleared to start eating real food, so long as they slowly reintroduce him.
One night while they’re eating dinner-- chicken and mashed potatoes with gravy-- Obi-Wan turns to him. “You never told me how you got hurt.”
Cody pauses, fork halfway to his mouth. He sets his fork back on his plate. He doesn’t look at Obi-Wan. “You didn’t tell me how you got hurt, either.”
Obi-Wan frowns. “Fair enough.” He goes back to eating.
Somehow, that only serves to make Cody feel worse. He sighs. “Car crash.” “Do those happen often?” Obi-Wan says.
Cody looks at him. There’s nothing but genuine curiosity on his face. “Yeah, but with the amount of people using cars it’s not unexpected, I guess. It’s not enough to make people think driving isn’t worth it.”
“I see.” Obi-Wan tilts his head. “I assume it was fairly bad, or recent, if you’re still recovering.”
Cody sniffs. “Both. I was in the hospital for a few months.”
“I’m terribly sorry.”
Cody leans over and sets his plate on the coffee table. He isn’t hungry anymore. “I’m fine. The others involved weren’t so lucky.”
Obi-Wan sucks in a breath. “Oh, dear. I shouldn’t- I shouldn’t have said anything. Pretend I didn’t say anything.”
Another look at Obi-Wan shows that his ears have turned red. He’s watching Cody with a devastated look on his face; a pursed mouth and wide, wide eyes. Cody sighs and shakes his head. “No, it’s alright. You didn’t know. I didn’t even know the others involved.”
“Still…” Obi-Wan says. He reaches out and wraps a hand around Cody’s wrist. “I understand. Sometimes… sometimes it’s hard being the survivor.”
“What books are those?”
Cody sits on the couch by Obi-Wan’s feet. “They’re kid’s books. When I was looking for my old wheelchair for you I found a whole bunch in the series in a box in the basement; I used to read them when I was a kid, same as most of my brothers. Rex must’ve kept them as we grew out of them.”
Obi-Wan raises an eyebrow. “You’re going to read a kid’s book?”
Cody shrugs, grinning. “I want to see if they’re any good now that I’m an adult. Probably not, but it’ll be funny to reread the books that used to terrify me as a kid and now realize that they’re incredibly ridiculous.”
He holds up the four in his hands so Obi-Wan can see the covers. “These were my favorites. Werewolf of Fever Swamp, Say Cheese and Die, A Night in Terror Tower, and Night of the Living Dummy.”
He lets Obi-Wan read them at his own pace. He’s learning quickly, quicker than children do, but then again, he is a full-grown adult. Obi-Wan hums. “So they’re supposed to be scary? And for children?”
“Yeah.” Cody sets the books in his lap. “They aren’t that bad, or they wouldn’t have been marketed for kids. And honestly, they aren’t always scary-- I don’t think I was scared by Werewolf of Fever Swamp once. It was more of an adventure than anything else.”
“Intriguing.” Obi-Wan leans forward. “Could you read one to me?”
Cody grins, suddenly elated. “Which one?”
“Surprise me.”
Cody opens up Night of the Living Dummy and starts reading.
With a grunt, Cody sets Obi-Wan in the half-filled bathtub. He stands.
“Thank you, Cody.” Obi-Wan says. His face is pink.
Cody shrugs, his own face hot. “It’s no problem.”
“You’re always helping me get around, even with that wheelchair. It seems a tad unfair.” Obi-Wan runs a hand through the water. He sighs. “Oh, it’s nice to be in the water again.”
Cody rubs the back of his head. “Sorry your whole tail won’t fit.”
Obi-Wan smiles at him. It makes his stomach swoop. “Beggars can’t be choosers. I’ll deal.”
Cody steps back as Obi-Wan’s tail begins to transform. His legs morph together, become red, and grow-- and Obi-Wan’s long tail spreads across the tiny bathroom. Now that he’s able to get a better look at it, Cody decides that it’s definitely eel-like. There are rosettes of darker red patterned across it, with flecks of yellow here and there, too.
“I’ll leave you to it.” Cody says, catching himself staring. “Uh, I know you said you don’t need soap, but I put a washcloth over the faucet in case you wanted to scrub yourself down. To empty the tub all you have to do is flick the lever below the faucet. If you want to refill, just flick the lever again and twist the handle to the left. The further left you go, the warmer the water gets.”
“Thank you, Cody.”
Cody smiles. “Just call for me when you’re done.”
He steps around Obi-Wan’s tail and heads for the door where the wheelchair waits.
“Oh, Cody?”
He stops. “Yeah?” He turns to look at Obi-Wan.
“Ah… do you think you could teach me to walk? I hate making you carry me around.”
Oh. Huh. “Yeah, I can do that.”
Cody sits on the edge of the coffee table, facing Obi-Wan. “Are you ready?”
Obi-Wan nods, jaw set. “Yes.”
Cody leans forward. He tucks his arms under Obi-Wan’s and wraps them around his back. Obi-Wan grips Cody’s shoulders, and slowly, Cody stands, lifting Obi-Wan with him. For a few moments, they wobble as Cody supports the two of them. At least he’s wearing the skirt I bought him.
All in all, it’s probably not the best way to teach Obi-Wan to walk. But he doesn’t have all the equipment that his PT does, and Obi-Wan isn’t relearning to walk after an injury like most people do. Babies learn to walk from trial and error, so… Obi-Wan can do that too. Still, it’s a somewhat awkward position, and Cody won’t be able to hold them both upright forever. 
“Balance, Obi-Wan.” Cody says.
Obi-Wan snorts, tilting his head forward. His forehead almost touches Cody’s. “My knees do not want to cooperate, Cody.”
“They’re no different than your elbows.” Cody looks down. His feet are planted, firm, but Obi-Wan’s… he’s standing pigeon-toed on the balls of his feet, knees shaking like a scared cartoon character. Cody chuckles. “You’ve stood before.”
“That was weeks ago.” Obi-Wan says. “I was more injured, yes, but my legs had much more muscle than they do now.”
It’s true, but it’s not like Obi-Wan’s been doing nothing with his legs. He’s crawled several times, for various reasons mostly due to Cody not being around, and he hasn’t been immune to restless leg syndrome, either. But, well. Eventually Obi-Wan’s legs straighten out and his balance improves.
“Think you can take a few steps?” Cody asks him.
Obi-Wan huffs. “You’re doing all the hard work. Yes, I think I can manage a few steps.”
Cody grins. Obi-Wan does the same. Carefully, Cody maneuvers them around and takes a step back. Obi-Wan takes an uncoordinated step forward. Then they do it again, and again, and again. He takes another step back, and-- his leg locks up. He has a brief moment to think oh no, and his leg gives out. They collapse in a heap on the ground.
His head bounces (fairly lightly, in Cody’s opinion) off the floor. His back hurts, his leg hurts. Obi-Wan rolls off of him with a groan. Cody turns his head to look at him. “Are you alright,  Obi-Wan?”
Obi-Wan rubs his still-bandaged side. “Yes, I’m fine. I don’t think I reopened anything. Was that your leg?”
“Guess I overtaxed myself.” Cody sits up. He sighs. “You’d think that after all this time I wouldn’t still be having issues like that.”
“Recovery isn’t a straight line.” Obi-Wan says. “But, you know, that could have been worse. At least we didn’t fall onto the coffee table?” “That’s fair.” Cody says, and with another sigh, he flops back on the ground as dramatically as he can. “I think I’m just going to stay here for a minute.”
Obi-Wan snorts. “Well, allow me to join you.”
Cody rubs his eyes. He’s fucking exhausted; he’s been awake for far too long at this point and he’s still got several hours to go before he can sleep. And, of course, he’s driving, which really creates just a terrible situation. He rubs his eyes again.
Twenty more minutes and he’ll be home…
Cody snaps awake. Oh, thank god. His heart beats faster than is healthy, but he knows it’ll go away soon enough, as long as he doesn’t get caught up in a panic attack. He rolls out of bed. Somehow, it’s nine in the morning. He rarely sleeps this late, waking up around seven-thirty, eight o’clock. He may not be working right now, but that’s no excuse to be sleeping this late.
He makes his way into the living room. Unlike every other day before at this time, Obi-Wan isn’t on the couch. Hm. “Obi-Wan?”
“In here!” Obi-Wan shouts from the kitchen. His voice is strained. 
Cody walks into the kitchen. He finds, caught between amusement and trepidation, that Obi-Wan is holding himself up at the counter. The wheelchair is right behind him. Obi-Wan grins.
“...having fun?” Cody asks, walking over. He stops in front of the wheelchair.
“I’m making coffee.” He says pleasantly. “I only need one arm for that, so I can use my other to hold myself up. I was going to wake you.”
A smile stretches across Cody’s face, unbidden. “Thank you.” He puts a gentle hand on his shoulder. “But please, sit down before you fall.”
“I’m fine, Cody.”
“Get in the wheelchair. Please.”
Obi-Wan rolls his eyes and sighs. “Yes, alright. Help me?”
Cody guides him back into the wheelchair, and together they wait for the coffee to brew. Obi-Wan wheels himself to the fridge to get milk-- Cody prefers his coffee black, and Obi-Wan prefers tea, but when he does drink coffee, he uses a lot of milk. Coffee made, they retreat to the living room. Obi-Wan gets himself settled in his spot. Cody sits next to him and hands him his coffee.
“Perhaps I could start with the walker.” Obi-Wan says.
Cody gives him a look. “I think you have some time still. Your legs-”
“-my legs are in fine shape.” Obi-Wan protests.
“The muscles have atrophied. And your side still isn’t healed.”
“Obi-Wan.” They stare at each other. “After Rex gets back, at least.”
“Well I didn’t mean tomorrow, Cody.” Obi-Wan huffs. He turns serious. “Cody.”
Cody raises an eyebrow. “I’m listening.”
“Thank you for being so kind to me. You had no reason to.” He sighs. “And you get nothing out of teaching me to walk, yet you’ve been supportive in every way.”
Cody gives him a gentle smile. “It hasn’t been a problem. You needed help, and I wasn’t going to turn my back. Besides,” he grins, “now I can focus on you instead of my own problems.”
“I’m glad I’ve been of help in that regard.” Obi-Wan says dryly. Without warning, he leans closer.
Cody swallows. “I was thinking. Rex should be home by the end of the week. I’ll have to introduce you. But before that, I really should go grocery shopping. Do you want to go with me?”
Obi-Wan blinks. A smile stretches across his face. “I would love to.”
“What is this?” Obi-Wan asks, pointing at a pear.
“That’s a pear. It’s a fruit, like apples.” Cody says. “I’ll get it for you, if you want to try it.”
“Oh, no, I was just curious as to what it was.”
Cody rolls his eyes. “If you say so.”
They move on to the meat section, Cody pushing the cart with Obi-Wan wheeling behind. Later, cashing out, Cody sees a singular pear sitting on the belt, and grins.
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