#trying to think if there's a form of potato I *wouldn't* eat
freepassbound · 1 year
3. a specific color that gives you the ick?
4. mythical creature you think/believe is real?
5. favorite form of potato?
7. what animal do you look forward to seeing when you visit an aquarium?
13. first thing you’re doing in the purge?
3. a specific color that gives you the ick?
There are certain shades of green that are definitely "ick".
4. mythical creature you think/believe is real?
Well... I mean, I don't really think any of them are real. It is pretty cool, though, what a number of them have been found to be stylized or exaggerated versions of real creatures!
5. favorite form of potato?
Who can possibly choose?!? The potato is a blessing to humanity! 😌
(mashed, I suppose)
7. what animal do you look forward to seeing when you visit an aquarium?
Hmm... I mean, the first thought was "otters!" - followed quickly by "penguins!". But... are those aquarium animals? 🤔
13. first thing you’re doing in the purge?
Is that the thing from the movies? Where all crimes or legal, or something?
I mean, not to be super boring, but I'd just isolate. Probably go camping, or something.
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deviantly-inspired · 1 year
Ok so I've seen the idea of food 'made with love' being what Dream enjoys most but I really think we, as a collective fandom, need to lean in more to the idea of it, actually.
We KNOW from the comics that Dream eats food; that he was starving after his freedom. But even though he's hungry, even in the waking world, he won't eat because there's been nothing but bad intentions and malice directed to him for over a hundred years. He's wary. Like a spooked horsed.
But Hob Gadling has always been so unashamedly fond of Dream, that it's... tempting. to indulge.
(it's more than tempting. He's already starving: for dreams for nightmares for softness for sharpness. Hob is the only person Dream knows that he would take any of it from. If Hob were to offer him poison then Dream would take it gladly, if only to have something to fill the void within him. How miraculous it is, then, that Hob would only every offer succor)
So maybe Dream stares at some home-made food that's being eaten on some picnic while they're about. And Hob needles him just a bit, trying to get some information. What all goes into being Dream of the Endless? And Dream enjoys their wordplay and games so he dances around answering but his gaze keeps going back to that soft little picnic, not too far. Hob steers the conversation towards intent, and Dream admits that, yes, he can sense the intent things are made with, before directing the conversation to something a little safer then the art of consuming.
(Dream would take and take and take and take anything that Hob would give him. Even poison. And would thank him for the malaise of it. It is safer, then, to not let even the hint of hunger touch his waking form.)
But Hob didn't get to over 600 by being a slouch on his academics. He's smart. perceptive. He knows people, and Dream is certainly a 'people' even if he's not quite a person. So he makes something simple, that night. A stew maybe, and thinks of his mother's care and simple wishes whispered to the cast iron. love and kitchen magic. Spells for healthy children and a meal that will fill for longer than it should. Hob wonders, to this day, if maybe she was some sort of real witch and not just the magic that all good mothers are. But he can't ask her so he whispers wishes into his potatoes and encourages the bone to seep fully- he's going to be all bones like you if you don't fill him up- and thanks the meat for it's part and imagines it sticking to the inside of whatever Dream calls ribs to keep him going for a bit longer than he might have otherwise.
(there's all sorts of magic in the world. most of it regular folks will never get to touch. but there is a type of magic, the oldest kind, that's alive and well even in the most scientifically inclined people.)
Hob presents this stew casually. There's no fooling Dream though. It's simple appearance does nothing to hide all that was poured into it. The way the vegetables sing of harbors and the meat dreams of comfort. How the broth simmers with comfort and fullness and broken bread over centuries. love thickens the whole of it into something that will last. Something that will stick and keep him full long past when he should be hungry. To fill the most ravenous parts of him. He wants to consume. He cannot.
I shouldn't, Dream says.
It's yours, Hob replies. I made too much anyway. Wouldn't want this to go to waste.
The idea of it wasting, left to rot, a gift returned, is abhorrent. Dream never claimed to abide by the mortal concept of good. He eats the stew, and then the second bowl and then the third. And hob is only too happy to give him more and more and more, until the pot is empty and, still, Dream starves.
I shouldn't, Dream says with his eyes locked on Hob's lips.
I'm yours, Hob replies. I've always been yours. There's enough of me to pour into you, however much you want for however long you want.
I will want you endlessly, Dream warns with what little strength he has. There is nothing in me that does not hunger. I was born of Night most of all and this means that I know what it is to be a black hole, i know what it is to consume everything, even light, and still never be full.
Hob smiles and leans forward and pours himself into Dream's mouth, all of himself, all that he can spare and then more and more and more. He tastes like lightening and warm broth and bread broken under starry skies. It tastes like every daydream Hob has had for 600 years. It tastes like the knowledge that this will last, sticking to the inside of his ribs warming from within bolstering against that which would sap the meat from your bones. It tastes like something that will last.
(the oldest magic across every universe is love, of course. but you knew that already.
All stories return to their original form, after all.)
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melanieph321 · 6 months
Ruben Dias x Reader - Shame on You Part 2/2
⚠️ Warning ⚠️
Part 1
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Request - Hi, can you do one where the reader has a ta and ruben makes an unintentional comment about her body and she gets neurotic and stops eating and he notices?
It began with a reduction of sugar in your current diet, meaning that you weren't adding anything to your coffee in the morning nor sprinkling it over your daily bowl of freshly picked berries. However,  your diet quickly evolved when you became a vegan, cutting off animal products altogether.
In Ruben's eyes, you were making healthy lifestyle choices, and you lived for the praise he gave you in the form of love and affection. You see, Ruben enjoyed morning sex before heading out for the day. It was very exciting at first, taking your relationship to a whole nother level intimately. However, at one point, it also became very exhausting for you. With your new diet, you simply didn't have the energy for sex, at least not every day like Ruben. One morning, he seemed to notice your lack of performance, leaving you very embarrassed when he asked you about it.
"Are you sure you're good?"
"Yes, why wouldn't I be?"
Ruben had been laying on top of you, but rolled to his side as if to give you space.
"Y/N. I don't know how to put it to you but it seems to me like you weren't enjoying yourself."
"Well maybe we can try another position?" Your voice sounded less confident than you wanted it to be.
"Y/N." Ruben smiled, reaching out to stroke the bottom of your lip with his thumb. "I don't think another position is gonna help if you're not feeling comfortable to begin with."
"Or maybe you just don't want me anymore?"
"What, no. Y/N, that's not what I...."
You got out of bed, desperately looking for something to cover yourself with. Ruben's shirt lay on the floor, you bent down to pick it up but was startled by Ruben who appeared before you in the nude, searching your face as if you had just been wacked in the face by a golf club.
"What's the matter?" He asked.
Your eyes darted at your feet. "Nothing I...."
"Y/N." He grabbed your shoulders, forcing you to meet his eyes. "Please, you can tell me. You have to tell me."
You shook your head and batted away the tears. "I..."
"I don't know, okay."
You looked up. Ruben didn't appear the slightest convinced.
"You don't want to tell me?"
"It's not that, I just can't."
"Why?" Ruben sat down, dragging you to the edge of the bed for you to stand in between his legs. His hands went to stroke the length of your body, growing goosebumps on your naked skin.
"Ruben I'm..."
He was taller than you, even when he was sitting down, your faces were at level. The way his was looking at you, at your body. Ruben was looking at you as if it didn't matter.
"Y/N, please tell me what's wrong?"
You sighed, stepping forwards, your head tilting forwards until it knocked against Ruben's. "I want cake."
"And cookies. Ice cream too."
Ruben chuckled, shrugging his shoulders as he did. "Okay. Is it that time of the month or...?"
You pulled back, eyebrows furrowed.
You shook your head. "No. I'm just..."
You sighed. "I'm just fat, okay. Fat and hungry. So fucking hungry. And I don't want a salad, I want real food. Meat, and possibly a sponge cake for dessert.
Ruben looked puzzled.
"I know how you feel about me having dessert, but perhaps that's your problem not mine."
Ruben sat quiet, your rant having come to an end. He was still looking at you in the same way he had done minutes ago. With admiration and lust. Perhaps it wasn't the best to give it to him straight with your nipples in his face. However, Ruben had solemnly kept his eyes on you and only you, ignoring your titts.
"So you want dessert?" He said.
You bit your lip and nodded. "A cake."
"Anything else?"
"Yes. I want a steak from breakfast."
"Is that so?"
"Mhm. With baked potatoes, just the way your mom made them the last time she came to visit."
There was a dip in Ruben's left cheek. His arms pulled you close, pressing your body against his, his face now buried between your breast. "Is that all?"
"Yes." You nodded. "What are you having for breakfast?"
He smiled, but tilted down to kiss the center of your stomach, tracing them downwards until your back bent over his forearms.
"Ruben." You giggled. "I'm serious. What are you having for breakfast, I'll make you anything."
"Anything?" He looked up, eyes drunk and dazed.
"Yes. What do you want?" You were slightly afraid to hear his answer.
"If I can have anything, then I want you for breakfast."
He said this and returned to serande your belly with kisses, awakening every nerve in your body.
"Ruben, you can't..."
Oh but he could. With one swift movement he had you on the bed again, your legs spread before him. He bent down to kiss your inner thigh with the most gentle of touches. It was short lived however, with Ruben tracing his kisses towards your center. Your fingertips traced the rough tips of his hair, and when he licked you your back arched with the pleasure that shot threw your spine.
"Fuck." You sighed.
"You taste wonderful." He murmured.
You smiled. "Better than cake?"
"Better than any dessert. You taste so sweet, sweeter than sugar."
"Hmm, Ruben Dias treating himself to something sweet, I see."
He raised his head, a dent between his brows. "Yes, and?"
You chuckled. "Well, shame on you."
Part 1
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optiwashere · 7 months
Shadowheart/Karlach A2 cause I think it would be a disaster lol
Oh my god, you're so right. Thank you for requesting this one! Let's see if I can do it justice...
You can send a prompt from this list + a ship or platonic pair, and I'll write a ficlet!
A2. Cooking together
"You're certain it's supposed to look like this?" Shadowheart asked.
Karlach stared down at the remains of what was meant to be a shepherd's pie. Its slumped, oozing form and crackling black mash layer steamed off an unpleasant smell throughout the cottage's cook room.
She grabbed the tray from the brick oven with her bare hands, one of the benefits of her now stabilized engine. She mumbled a few words even she struggled to understand.
At last, she said, "I... yeah?"
"Really? Like that? With the charred potatoes?"
"Well, yeah, you're supposed to peel off the crust," Karlach explained confidently.
Shadowheart gawped at her. Dozens of potatoes had been peeled, the skins on the floor clinging to chunks of potato flesh in haphazard sizes. Karlach had tried her best with the peeling. Meanwhile, Shadowheart had worked her hands raw mashing the potatoes and had the flecks of potato on her ratty apron to prove it.
"Why did we put it on there, then?" Shadowheart asked, staring at the strangely jiggling mass of partially raw beef.
"I wouldn't know."
"But you said you've had it before."
"No, I said I wanted to try it." Karlach set the pie down on the nearby table. It wobbled before settling into a somewhat stable shape of sloughing meat and vegetables. "There's a difference, Shads. Last thing normal I remember eating before the Hells was fish and more fish. Oh, and more fish. With a side of fish."
"You are impossible." Shadowheart turned and started peeling away the mash layer on top with a knife. "Oh gods, what is this?"
"You cooked it, babes."
"No, we cooked it. You're responsible for this catastrophe as well." Shadowheart hesitated, the knife hovering over the vague swamp of beef and peas underneath the top layer.
"Well, go on then."
Shadowheart poked around for what Karlach agreed was the most cooked-through portion. She slipped a bite in her mouth and chewed far longer than Karlach expected, even going so far as to swallow the bite.
"Is it good?" Karlach asked.
Shadowheart shrugged. "We've eaten worse."
"Shadowheart, if you knew half the shit I've eaten on a dare," said Karlach.
Not even noticing the heat, she balled up in her hand a portion of the same section Shadowheart ate. She popped the chunk of meat and peas in her mouth and her eyes instantly watered before she even bit down on what was meant to be food.
Everything was wrong. It was slimy and wet but simultaneously hard and chewy.
She ran for the nearest window, desperate to spit the damned disaster out as fast as possible. As she ran, Karlach couldn't help but wonder one thing.
What the fuck is wrong with my girlfriend's taste buds?
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immoralimmortals · 2 months
we hop-skip-jump back with more akatsuki questions! we hope your days have been grand and your songs sweet, tak(?)
if the akatsuki were exposed to the cuisines of our modern, international world, what would each of them gravitate to? would hidan be lured by the cooking of the southern american states, creole, the sausages and cuts and grinds of europe, the whole beasts of the pacific? would itachi look at italian cuisine and feel a deep pang of nostalgia of how sasuke would like this fare? what would these tongues make of our world's bounty?
Hello again! Yes, I'm Tak uvu Some more cusine headcanons for you, dear!:
Honestly I think you nailed Hidan right off the bat. I think he's a connoisseur of meat in specific, if given the time and lack of killing people (so only a world with no Jashin. Probably). I can imagine him, Deidara, and sometimes Kisame having a hot sauce drinking contest. Kakuzu would show up and blow them out of the water once and never participate again. I think Hidan would like beef jerky and pork rinds.
My dad is obsessed with the Red Lobster food chain and now I'm thinking about how Kisame would genuinely enjoy himself while everyone else is only there for cheddar bay biscuits.
My dad just bought at least 100$ worth of Red Lobster gift cards once finding out they're going out of business HE KEEPS ASKING ME OUT TO RED LOBSTER SOMEONE FUCKING HELP M
I've already said in a prior post that Deidara would be OBSESSED with pop rocks. Wouldn't be surprised if he seeks out other kinds of food that give specific sensations, hence the hot sauce bit just now. He'd love carbonated drinks, too. He can bullshit his way into convincing you that yes, Monster Energy Drink *does* require a sophisticated flavor palate! He'd try anything if it had a novelty factor, at least one he can take seriously.
Perhaps obviously I can see Itachi especially enjoying the vast variety of teas that one can acquire in the modern world. My personal favorites tend to be rooibos blends, so I'd like to give him a cup. God, he'd be a great cafe owner. Literal coffee shop AU type of man. I want him to tell me about the floral notes in this morning blend of green tea from the Himalayas. I wanna own a combination tea shop and bakery with him, that'd be the dream.
Kakuzu strikes me as a hardy, heavy food kind of guy. Stews and meats and breads. He'd probably like corned beef and cabbage and potatoes. ...Sorry my Irish in me is coming out. Gravitates to comfort food that keeps you full and warm.
Nagato and Konan are...interesting ones to consider, because whenever I think about them and food I just can't stop thinking about how formative starvation must have been for them. I think they can get overwhelmed by seasonings really fast, anything especially salty or sugary or what have you is in small portions. I don't think they'd deal well with the fact that the most available foods in some societies are saturated with flavor that's overcompensating for shitty processed food. I think if you gave Nagato a bottle of Sunny D it might actually kill him.
Sasori can't taste shit, I think, but if he did he's one of those assholes with PIN POINT PRECISION. Wine connoisseur. Chocolate connoisseur. Will intellectually wreck your shit if you tell him you're making spaghetti and serve him angel hair.
I think Obito would get really disappointed if you told him you were going to get mochi and you came back with the kind you get from the grocery store.
Zetsu still eats people, I can only presume. He might be interested in foods related to "stranger" body parts, brain cheese and haggis, that sort of thing.
Side note: several years ago when I first entered my never-ending Akatsuki phase, I read a really, really cute self insert or reader insert fic where the Akatsuki came to the "real world" and they watched Spongebob and Kisame made what the story described as an adorable face as he was shown how a soda can works. I've been looking for it and my heart yearns to reread. If you happen to find it, please let me know!
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archangeldyke-all · 4 months
5- favorite form of potato?
13- First thing you're doing during the purge?
28- Last meal on earth?
thank u!!
god. this is genuinely so hard, but i think it has to be potatoes au gratin. or maybe a baked potato with lots of cheese and sour cream and bacon. GAH i can't choose.
i think i'd try to get petty revenge lmaoo. if i could get away with it, i wouldn't do anything evil, but i'd like, slash some tires and flood some basements of people who have pissed me off lmaoo
hmmm... like a big thanksgiving dinner. oooh or the leftover-thanksgiving sandwiches you gotta eat for like a week after-- turkey and potatoes and cranberies and gravy and greenbeans... yeahhh
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bluegekk0 · 11 months
So as we all know FPK himself is the one most likely to potate. That is without question.
However, here's one question: what would it take for some of the less lethargic members of the family to go full "potate" for a while?
oh yes you're absolutely right, fpk is the couch potato of the house, without a doubt. or, at the very least, he turns into one the moment he returns home from a hunt. he does his own share of running and jumping whenever he's trying to catch something to eat. but when he's back home and the couch is free? yeah it's nap time
grimm is a lot more active than fpk. he has a troupe to run, and he's often the main star of their performances. so there's a lot of active rehearsals that he has to partake in to stay in form. he's definitely not someone you'd expect to potate on the couch, unless he had a reason. and the reason is usually fpk. if you've ever had a cat, then you know that the moment it jumps on your lap and falls asleep, you're not legally allowed to move. it's something like that, if grimm sits down on the couch and fpk cuddles next to him, then you can expect to find them both chilling there for quite a while, and more often than not they end up falling asleep. for grimm it's a good opportunity to rest between rehearsals - he takes them very seriously, the performances must be pitch-perfect, and that means he often forgets to take some time off and rest
hornet is similar to grimm, she's not really the type to sit down and do nothing. whenever she doesn't have much to do, she tends to move around constantly. checking in on what the others are doing, maintaining her hunting tools, or going on walks, are just few of the things she does to kill time. the only time you'll find her sitting down for a long time is when she gets a hold of a very engaging book. she loves reading, so give her a nice book, a cup of hot tea and a warm blanket, and she won't leave the couch for hours
lewk is very hyperactive, so just like hornet, it's difficult for him to just sit down. i don't think you'd ever catch him lazing off, he has to constantly move around and see what others are up to. so he would have to be exhausted to just lay down and potate for a while. i suppose tiring him out would be the way to get him to that state, but with how much energy he has, you'd probably end up exhausted first
holly is probably in the second place when it comes to lazing off, though for different reasons than fpk. they generally don't move a lot, in that way they're similar to their mother. unless they're busy with something, you'll usually find them sitting down and relaxing. they're a bit too big to sit comfortably on the couch, so i wouldn't call them a couch potato, though i like to think they have their own bean bag chair kind of seat next to it, that way they don't have to sit on the floor. i imagine they enjoy resting there, it's soft and comfortable, and they get to spend time with whoever is currently taking the couch
as for zote, i like to think he can't sit in one spot for too long. it's how he manages to constantly get into trouble, he just won't rest for a moment and likes to stick his nose where he shouldn't. it's funny that he's the closest friends with holly, who is the complete opposite. i like the idea of zote being a reason for them to leave the house, they would like following him around and making sure he doesn't get in trouble. they wouldn't be able to follow him everywhere, as they tend to stick to dirtmouth (their large size makes it difficult to move around tighter hallownest areas). also, since this is zote we're talking about, he would definitely have some not-so-nice words to say about the others lazing off. something about knights needing to always be ready for a battle, that being lazy is a sign of a weak spirit, and other nonsense like that, which he most likely just heard somewhere and now parrots without much to back it up
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hello-nichya-here · 2 years
It always makes me laugh when some people genuinely assume L was being honest when he said he thought of Light as his friend and therefore it's an unconsented proof he's "good" and Light is "evil". Like can't you tell L was only saying it to get more info from Light? Though that Bible reference scene makes it seem like L genuinely cared about Light and didn't want to kill him, a scene that was not present in the manga. Do you think L cared about Light in any way?
In the manga, I think Light and L were just obsessed with each other, but there was no affection (no matter how twisted) from either of them towards the other until Light lost his memories of being Kira - that was such a key moment, the artist even drew him slightly different for that arc. From that moment onwards, they both got attached.
Now, the writer already said that, yes, L was lying when he said he considered Light his first friend - and while I agree with that sentiment on that part of the story specifically, death of the author is a thing for reason. L is a manipulative bastard, but the line was intentionally meant to throw off both Light and the audience especifically because it COULD be seen as genuine. L having any form of genuine attachment to Light wouldn't make him ignore his suspicions that he could be Kira, so it doesn't HAVE to be a lie, so taking that moment as L being sincere is a valid interpretation.
The anime is on another level entirerly, and part of it is not just because of scenes like the foot massage on the stairs, but also because, well, everything is way more intense. We are talking about the series that made an epic moment out of Light taking a potato chip and eating it after all.
In my opinion, the anime version of the story has Light and L already feeling some affection for each other pretty early on, and then when Light loses his memories these feelings only get stronger - and because they're both terrible people that does not make the relationship any less unhealthy and antagonistic, even with Light not even wanting to kill L. "I care for you/am obsessed with you" and "I hate your guts and won't hesitate to kill you if you try anything against me/my goals" are not mutually exclusive.
And in both versions, the people making the story knew EXACTLY what they were doing when they had these motherfuckers engaging in bondage 24/7 "just so L would know Light wasn't Kira." I don't care what anyone says, that was even gayer than the foot scene.
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thegiantworld · 1 year
Kane's Element - Chapter 7
(WARNING: soft vore mentions, fatal vore mentions, threatening, etc)
Mona watched as Kane thought, thinking to herself before speaking up a little.
"You don't have to worry.. I won't spill your secret." Kane paused hearing this and looked at Aliyah's friend, a bit surprised she could go from pointing a kitchen knife at him to keeping his feelings a secret.
"Anyways... Are you the monster from the stories or no? I-I'm only curious because you seem more.. chill than the actual stories I've heard." Mona explained, looking up at him. Hearing this, he squinted in a bit of annoyance but sighed, looking away from her.
"I am but... The stories are from when I was younger and stupider." He rubbed the back of his neck before Mona scooched closer, like a kid ready for storytime. He noticed and groaned a little before nodding.
"Fine.. Tell me, what stories of me have you heard?" He asked, raising a brow and Mona paused hearing this.
"Well... Multiple, really.. About the beast swallowing people and whole never to be seen again mostly..." She nervously fidgetted with her hands, looking down as she spoke rather quietly. Kane thought to himself before running a hand through his hair.
"Yeah.. When I was younger, I was dumb and reckless. I could have cared less about who I ate, who I ended in general... Human's had turned their back on me so I did the same. They hunted me, so I hunted them. I thought it was fair at the time, in all honesty.. But as I got older and it started seeming less fun, I took things more seriously. I usually just hunt animals now. But like I said, I wouldn't hesitate to end someone if they hurt Aliyah..." He explained, slightly embarrassed by his story. The creature in front of her obviously wasn't proud of his actions, but Mona was surprised he was even willing to explain anything to her.
Both Kane and Mona froze though as Aliyah came onto the room, leaning against the door frame with a smile.
"Look at my two friends getting along... Anyways, foods done!" She giggled as Kane's tail wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer. Mona stood up, brushing herself off before leaving into the kitchen.
Aliyah noticed and looked up at Kane. He waited until Mona was gone to look down at her, a small smile forming on his mouth.
"What'd you two talk about?" She asked, having noticed that they both went silent when she came into the room earlier. Kane froze before rubbing the back of his neck.
"Listen, Aliyah.. Those stories your people tell.. They are true. But.. They're all from when I was young and I-" He was cut off by the small human hugging him around his neck. He couldn't help but blink a few times before slowly hugging back.
"I already figured." She whispered and giggled while pulling away. Kane blinked again, seemingly in shock that she guessed but still treated him the same. Aliyah stood up and grabbed Kane's hand as he got up to full height as well.
"Come on, foods done. Wanna try some?" She asked, looking up to see him nod and the led him into the kitchen behind her. There, both of them saw Mona putting 3 full bowls of soup on the table, one on one side and two on the other side.
The smell washed over Kane and the tall naga curiously slithered over to the table, his mouth watering. Aliyah and Mona both sat down, Kane doing the same once seeing them. He eyed the bowl in front of him, curiously tilting his head at it. The soup was full of what seemed to be carrots, potatoes, and roast beef.
He looked over at Aliyah, seeing her eat a soupful and smile up at him once again. Copying her, he took a bite from his own spoon and paused. He purred from how good it was before eating the rest.
Mona watched from the other side of the table before smiling, glad he enjoyed it. But as he opened her mouth for another bite, all three froze as someone knocked on the front door.
Kane stood up and growled at the door before Aliyah stepped in front of him, her arms out. His growl face dropped, looking at her confusedly, Mona standing up as well.
"Just hide. We'll be fine." Aliyah frowned, knowing this would make him upset but he knew she was right. Sighing, he thought before growling angerily at the only idea he had.
Aliyah and Mona unlocked the door and opened it, the tall men from before forcing their way inside.
"H-Hey, what's the big deal?!" Mona stepped in front of the men and crossed her arms.
"We're checking all the houses. Since Aliyah is back, we have to make sure that thing didn't come back to steal anyone else." He scoffed, forcing his way past the teenager and both men began searching around.
"I don't recall these young girls giving you two men permission to go through their belongings." A low voice remarked, making all 4 humans quickly look up to see Kane.
Mona and Aliyah froze, seeing him. He was different... His snake tail was gone, two legs in a pair of black jeans replacing it with sneakers. His arms were crossed over his chest which was covered by a grey t-shirt and a black leather jacket. His hair, eyes, and nails were all the same. But instead of his shiny scaled freckles, normal freckles replaced them. Instead of his cat like nose, it was replaced with a more normal one. He was still tall as tall as before, still almost 8ft as he loomed in the doorway he was leaned against, glaring at the two men.
"It's a mandatory order from the village's council members. It's for everyone's safety." One spoke up, both looking up at him.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I guess you didn't understand me. I meant that if those girls didn't give permission, get out. Now." He scoofed, talking a few steps towards the two, anger rolling off him which made the men back up.
"F-Fine.." The other rolled his eyes, both leaving while shooting Mona glares. Aliyah shut the door behind them before quickly turning to Kane, still confused on what he did.
"W-What happened? How'd you do that?" She asked, walking up to him. Kane smirked before he shifted back into his normal form, ruffling her hair a little.
"I have a human form. I just hate using it. I only used it to scare those men off." He winked at Mona who smiled and mouthed a 'thank you' while she placed a hand on Aliyah's shoulder. She assumed this would be Kane taking her back soon.
"Ali, you will come visit every once and awhile, right..?" Mona nervously asked, obviously scared she wouldn't see her again if she left. Aliyah giggled and hugged her friend before pulling away.
"I promise I will." Kane smiled slightly as Aliyah opened the door, grabbing his hand to lead her tall friend outside after not seeing anyone near.
But as soon as Kane came out, he heard whispering, looking around before he made eye contact with a shiny reflection from a tranquilizer gun hiding in the nearby trees. In a second, Kane made himself grow in size, growling as his tail picked up Aliyah. She didn't question what he was doing however, knowing he could hear and see way better than humans like her.
His tail passed her off into his hand, which held her close to his chest protectively. Just then, Aliyah saw the same men from before jump out on either side of him.
"Put her down, beast!" One yelled, making Kane hissed like a cat just like the first time Aliyah saw him in the town center. She looked down at Mona who looked up at Kane, scared of his sudden size but also because he was holding her friend.
"K-Kane?" Aliyah placed a hand on his that was holding her, making him look down at her. She knew what he had to do. Sighing, he nodded and gently licked her a few times, causing her to giggle at the ticklish feeling before he gently placed her in his maw and carefully swallowed her down.
Mona watched in horror before making eye contact with Kane. He frowned before quickly slithering into the forest, a hand over his stomach.
"That was a reckless plan, Ali..." He shook his head but purred as Kane felt her rub the wall in front of her.
"I know.. But it was the only way. This way they'll think I'm gone, we can't go back now. I just hope Mona somehow will find out where we are..." Aliyah frowned, hugging her legs to her chest. But she untensed as she felt Kane rub where she was through her surroundings.
"I'm sure she will.. Meanwhile, we have to move our stuff out of the den. They found you there, so they know I lived there." He growled and ran a hand through his hair in a stressed manner, reaching the mouth of his den. This was the only place he's ever known. But leaving it meant nothing as long as his small friend was safe...
Chapter 1:
Previous Chapter:
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are you sure you used to be an athlete? There's nothing about your bloated flabby form that shows any sign of that past. All I see are the consequences of gluttony and laziness.
Where are the muscles you say you used to have? All I see is spreading cellulite. You jiggle with every move and I dont think you even realize how pathetic you look in your old uniform. Your gut billows out in front of you, your doughy thighs quiver and shake. Just be honest with yourself, fatass. When was the last time you did any real exercise? When was the last time you had a meal even resembling anything healthy or low calorie?
If I forced you through a workout routine could you even do any of the exercises necessary to burn this fat? I heard your breath panting just from trying to squeeze your growing figure into that ridiculous outfit. You're so fucking out of shape and I want you to admit it.
Oh wouah that's hot!
I know my past as an athlete and the muscles it came with are long gone... I'm pretty sure my old teammates wouldn't recognize me 😅
I honestly can't remember that last time I did "real" exercice... but vacuuming is hard enough those days, so I'm sure it counts as my weekly exercice right? Sure I do have to pause every 5min because I get too tired and winded and I have to be on all four to do it but I'm sure it's quite normal, right?
And I'm pretty sure there are vegetables in my meals! Potatoes are vegetables right? And I eat lots of potatoes! And I make sure to have a really diverse diet, I never eat at the same fast food in a day! I don't know what is "low calorie" and I'm bad at math so I don't know how many I eat during a day, I give up after breakfast when it's around 2000.
Sure I could! I used to be an athlete, I'm sure it wouldn't be that hard to get back to my old habits. But why would I do that? I was miserable back then, and now I enjoy life! Moving and doing stuff might be harder, but the food is just soo good, and relaxing feels sooo nice. But if I ever want to go back to doing exercices, I'll just have to start small. I have hard time getting up from the couch since my belly is in the way, so if I do it twice a day it would count as workout right? I might be a "little" ouf of shape, but I'm sure it's nothing.
And what do you mean ridiculous outfit? It was made to be worn that way! And I'm sure the buttons/zipper were just made wrong. My belly and lovehandles are supposed to be hanging over the waist all around...
And anyway round is a shape, so I'm fine!
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gerogerigaogaigar · 1 year
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Wire - Pink Flag
This one is revolutionary. Wire were doing things in 77 that most bands wouldn't be trying for at least a couple of years. Punk moved so fast I. The 70s that it's a blur to track the evolution of the genre. By the time the first punk albums were being released in 76 the genre had already peaked for many first adopters and by 77 we were already seeing the first wave of post punk. Wire were definitely amongst those bands Ex Lion Tamer, Three Girl Rhumba, are very post punk. But they weren't content with just doing one thing where a lot of the album is very traditionally punk there are also a lot of songs that would hearken towards hardcore punk like Pink Flag and 12XU. 106 Beats That feels like a prototype noise rock song, Strange could easily be mistaken for some sort of British grunge, Fragile is basically the blueprint for alternative rock. I feel like you can divine a person's preferred punk subgenre based on their favorite track from this album.
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Joy Division - Closer
Slightly more gothic than Unknown Pleasures and no less bleak. The more obviously personal a project becomes the closer it gets to unreviewable. This is Ian Curtis's suicide note. It sounds like a suicide note. Reading interviews about the recording sessions is harrowing. "We'd go to rehearsals and sit around and talk about really banal things. We'd do that until we couldn't talk about banal things any more, then we'd pick up our instruments and record into a little cassette player. We didn't talk about the music or the lyrics very much. We never analysed it." Bernard Sumner once recalled. This album is amazing but thinking too hard about it kinda terrifies me. I don't want to review Closer.
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Brian Eno - Here Come The Warm Jets
After departing from Roxy Music Brian Eno decided to make the weirdest, most unpredictable piece of art glam he could. By far the most theatrical thing in his discography and one of few that is still tethered to the rock idiom, if only barely. Here Comes The Warm Jets is full of off beat vocal delivery and wild guitar tones. It will flit between rock n roll riffs, manic guitar solos courtesy of Robert Fripp, and hazy droning bits that are early predictors of shoegaze. And through it all Eno delivers vocals in the most off kilter cadence possible shifting from Frankie Valli falsetto to warbled crooning. This is kind of the final form of glam rock, you can't come back from it only move forward.
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Sam Cooke - Portrait Of A Legend 1951-1964
Okay, I've been pretty hard on greatest hits so far but I'm gonna give this one a pass because most of Cooke's best works were originally released as non album singles. Sam Cooke's ability to absolutely nail the doo wop sound while also amassing a rock and roll fan base is amazing. He may be the crossover artist of all time. Cooke's biggest hits are without a doubt some of the catchiest songs of all time, I don't know whether I'm gonna have Cupid, Chain Gang, (What A) Wonderful World, or Another Saturday Night stuck in my head, but tomorrow morning imma be living with one or more of those on repeat.
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Al Green - I'm Still In Love With You
I've talked about Al Green before and things haven't changed. He's one of, if not the, greatest vocalists of all time. Like all of his albums from this era it shows off his incredible range, going from low to falsetto with an ease that baffles me. It's unfortunately sandwiched between my two favorite Al Green albums so I definitely overlook it, but it's definitely worthwhile.
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KISS - Alive!
KISS is potato chips. Is it high quality? Is it good for you? Who cares that's not why you eat potato chips. If you want some extremely stupid music about drinking, fucking, and the vague concept of 'rocking out' then this is the best your gonna get. It's high energy fun. It's camp. The best part is that this was released before their smash hit album Destroyer so you get all the early songs with good blues riffs and guitar solos instead of the dreadfully boring Detroit Rock City or, god forbid, Beth. This is so obviously the best KISS album.
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Bill Withers - Just As I Am
Withers' debut leans more towards a folksy gospel feel than Still Bill's funk soul flavor. While I think it's less dynamic overall Just As I Am has plenty to offer. The hit, Ain't No Sunshine is a classic, and Withers turns the mediocre Beatles hit Let It Be into an amazing gospel number. But to me the biggest things this album has going for it is Grandma's Hands, a song that is just so beautiful.
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ABBA - The Definitive Collection
Oh wow another greatest hits. I don't know if this is a hot take or not but I really like ABBA. I think they have like six albums that would be great choices for this list spot. At the very least ABBA, Arrival, Voulez-Vouz, and The Visitors are all fantastic albums start to finish. No need to pick out the hits and package them all together.
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Neil Young - Tonight's The Night
When Young made On The Beach he poured despair into it, but only seemingly as a distraction from the even more profound despair that was Tonight's The Night. While recorded before On The Beach it was not released until after. The album is entirely about the death of two friends of Young's, Crazy Horse member Danny Whitten, and roadie Bruce Berry. The intensely personal nature of this album is apparent from the bleak lyrics, stripped down production, Young's constantly faltering voice, and even the album liner notes which state "I'm sorry. You don't know these people. This means nothing to you." When I was dismissive of On The Beach that was because this album exists. All the melancholy and anguish of On The Beach is just residue from Tonight's The Night. This is one of music most sincere and pure expressions. The fact that the entire rest of Young's discography is not rendered irrelevant by this album is nothing short of a miracle.
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New York Dolls - s/t
I am once again positing a potential starting point for punk rock. The combination of glam aesthetics with the 50s rock and roll musicianship is one of the more obvious influences on the evolution of punk. Very extremely silly lyrics are coupled with riffs that are basically all ripped from Chuck Berry songs. The result is an album with a constant manic energy that's as fun as it is infectious.
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hellishgayliath · 1 year
For the ask game! 🐇
1. Chipotle order?
2. Thoughts on veganism?
4. Mythical creature you think/believe is real?
5. Favorite form of potato?
Its been ages since I've been to chipotle and every single time my family tries to go to one they're always busy and we don't have the patience to wait so we end up going to a different place so i don't even know if i remember what the food tasted like >:U I'm not a big spice fan so i would just go with a nice order of tacos
Cool if other people are about it and into it and not trying to demonize the ones who are into eating meat and animal products. Couldn't be me tho, i love eating meat, big fan of meat me am.
Ahhhhhhhhhh i really love cryptids and mythology from a very young age so i wanna believe that some of the freaks we hear about are real or were at least real at some point ( i was a big lost tapes kid even if those fucking vampires gave me nightmares for years) So if i had to choose just one thooooo,i think it'd be a skinwalker/some variation of the rake or bigfoot. There's so much undiscovered shit in the woods, i wouldn't be surprised if there were some freaky deaky big dudes just chilling in there and scaring locals
Trick question, all forms of potatoes are my favourite. French fries, curly fries, hassle back, latkes, potato pancakes, potato cheese balls, potato salad, mashed potatoes, potato wedges, fried potatoes seasoned with sazon. I fucking love potatoes.
Thank you for the asks wren have a good day :3
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mysticalibra1994 · 2 years
TBHK Headcanon #1 "Death Day"(?)
Yes, you've read that right; "Death Day", as in "Birth Day" but on the day you died.
So, I haven't read the manga in so long (I only made it to Hanako-kun being reunited in a "drawn world"), but I don't really mind spoilers. Anyways, all I know so far is that Hanako-kun killed his brother even though his brother (in a child form) has been gone by making a wish for him to get better. Since their world is different from the "surface" or living world, I wondered if any of the supernatural (the ones that used to be human (the "currently living ones" don't count... I think)) spirits ever had a "Death Day"?
Like, on a certain day (aka the day they died) they would reenact or relive (pun intended) how they died.
Example #1: Mitsuba Sousuke. According to his mother, he died from an accident on the way to the store for some potatoes for the curry (or stew). I know that the spirit of the real Mitsuba is gone, but I'm guessing that the clone of Mitsuba's spirit would have a small sliver of deja-vu (or dead-ja-vu) that even Tsukasa doesn't even understand (it would even baffle and/or traumatize Kou; having to see the clone of a spirit of your dead friend being hit head-on...
Exmple #2: Yugi Amane (aka Hanako-kun). Ever since I heard about a wish that Tsukasa made for his brother's illness, I couldn't help but wonder if Amane knew that his days were numbered after killing his brother? That could explain why he gave up his moon rock to his teacher. Here's how I believe it went down...
Amane was constantly getting injuries, but not from getting bullied, it was from the inside... He could feel his body weakening but feared dying (who wouldn't, right?). That is until he met Yashiro Nene (via The Tea Party arc). Thanks to that one moment, he's no longer afraid anymore... After getting patched up by his teacher, he gave up his moon rock ("I made a decision that I'm not going anywhere..."). The next day was his last day of school (literally), so he wrote his teacher a letter that simply stated...
"To whom it may concern, There is a reason behind my injuries. When I was a little kid, I had a respiratory illness with little cure. My twin brother made a wish for me to get better, only to trade for his soul. All that was left of him was nothing but a husk. As much as I love my brother, the guilt was eating me alive, so I did the unthinkable... Ever since my body has been getting weaker and weaker, and I've been getting these injuries. Tsuchigomori-sensei, I hope you got a display case for that moon rock. Thank you for everything. If my parents wonder about my whereabouts, tell them my brother's no longer alone..."
By the time Tsuchigomori-sensei read the letter, it was too late. Amane is no longer alive anymore... However, this never stopped his teacher from trying desperately to revive the poor kid. He continued, despite how sore his arms were and what the paramedics sadly told him otherwise.
Suddenly, Tsuchigomori's eyes were getting blurrier and blurrier with tears. By the time he felt a cold tiny hand on his left shoulder, he slowly stops the chest compressions. Then, as they wheeled him off, he just stood there, dumbstruck. Wait, he pondered, why was I crying? As a teacher, he shouldn't show/have any favorites when it comes to students, but he does did.
Example #3: Tsuchigomori-sensei. About several months after Amane's death, Tsuchigomori's curiosity about Amane's future increased to the point where he checked out Amane's book from the 4 PM Library. He wanted to know why Amane had an interest in going to the moon. I mean, sure it was an impossible dream. But, that was before men landed on the moon. As he got to the part where it stated that Amane was going to be a Science teacher and was going to be his kouhai, his smile went from a smirk to a frown to a tearful grimace. "That brat... He was too young to..." He was so distraught to even finish that sentence.
After going outside from school for some fresh air (and a pack of cigarettes), he accidentally (and unfortunately) came across a redback spider. Granted, the fatality of its venom is rare, but in Tsuchigomori's case, it was fatal; to the point where not even the world's most excellent doctors (at the time) couldn't even save him...
About several more months go by, Tsuchigomori's eyes open up after hearing a familiar voice...
"Hey there, stranger! What's up? I mean, besides us."
Example #4: My OC (Fujimura Saki).
TW: mentions "unaliving one's self".
This one is not just heavy to read, but is also personal to some (if not, most).
Despite having only one friendly teacher and one good friend/crush, Saki has felt as if she's been cursed to be targeted for bullying, to the point where she couldn't handle it anymore!
Yes, she did go up to the roof. But, she "made a wish" from a mysterious black flower...
Before she, you know... She was given 24 hours to say her final goodbyes to those who deserve it; just those two nice people in her life.
At first, they were confused. But, by the time they knew what she meant, it continued where they were left off; witnessing a horrible sight from the classroom window. The paramedics did everything they could but to no avail.
She was gone, but not forgotten; thanks to the altar table that her nice teacher made for her honor. Her best friend/crush decorates it with her portrait, white lilies in a vase, a sketchbook and pencils, and her favorite food and/or beverage.
I wish I could say more for the 4th example, but it would be a spoiler for the Gacha Club comic. But, just like the original story, it's a comedy, drama, and tragedy.
Well, I hope everyone enjoys reading this headcanon. I'm sorry for how depressing it sounds, but then again... The plot does contain parts about the supernatural and the concept of life and death, so...
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weird-and-unwell · 20 days
Needing advice. Long post. But I'm kinda desperate. TW psychosis and self harm:
Background info: I've had a fair amount of experiences in the last few years that basically everyone thinks is psychosis. Prominent examples:
The devil is out to get me, he's possessing my neighbours, doctors and loved ones with the intent of killing me. Also Jesus and angels are talking to me and they basically say I'm the next Jesus and need to kill myself. Cue self harm to try placate them. It was all very confusing and distressing and I had to drop a fair amount of hours from work as a result.
A mix of more religious stuff wherein I was an angel, but also I had magic powers and the government were hunting me down to try experiment on me and shit. Also doctors were trying to kill me? It was again very intense and bad. Spent a lot of time wandering the streets at night escaping monsters and the government and looking for angels. Would have lost my job if not for luckily getting physically ill and needing a few weeks off.
Slightly less bad one in which I was having my life broadcast on live television and also being poisoned. Very distressing again. I stopped eating for a while because of it. Miraculously kept working through this one. I think I was trying to "act normal" so "they" wouldn't realise I knew what was going on. I did not do a good job but hey, kept my job.
You get the gist.
Anyways I've started noticing the beginnings of it. Prior to the really bad ones I've had:
Sudden feeling of impending doom lasting a few days to a week.
Difficulty just...doing things. I have episodes of getting super excited and doing all the things!!! But then although I'm, say, repainting and rearranging all my furniture, I'm also not showering or brushing my hair or generally looking after myself. I get flare ups of my eating issues (not like weight based, I just return to only eating potatoes and bread)
"Signs". Cloud formations show me messages from God. Spots on my keyboard mean something and I don't know what. Messages from celebrities who seemingly take on god-like aspects. Just normal things happen that I interpret in increasingly weird ways.
Increasing speech problems. Sometimes it takes the form of talking fast, stumbling over words, repeating words or phrases...other times the wrong words come out or I find it hard to talk or I say things that make sense to me but not others.
Minor hallucinations. Usually visual and whispers. Full auditory ones less common but never fun. It triggered my OCD once after I started seeing bugs everywhere.
Increasing paranoia. I think people are talking about me behind my back, that people are going to hurt me...it often gets more and more specific as I get closer to full delusional but the vagueness remains.
Then everything gets worse and worse until it becomes a full episode. Everything gets fuzzy at that point so I can't pinpoint the tipping point.
Problem is that doctors are being wildly unhelpful. Various issues:
They don't see me when "like this" because I cease having insight and get paranoid so refuse to see them.
When I ask to see them more often so they can see it, they sigh and say it's not possible and I'll be fine.
When I explain it, they think I mean anxiety. I do not. I know anxiety. Anxiety can be so freaking bad but this is me being stuck in a whole different reality to everyone else where I struggle to work and look after myself and get increasingly terrified by what is, to me, objectively going on.
Doctors that do see it seem to think I'm being silly or overreacting or something? Eg I called up the crisis team in a panic over Jesus telling me to kill myself. Got told I'd feel better if I watched a movie. Meanwhile I'm there sobbing about how I'm going to die one way or the other because either Jesus makes me kill myself or the devil makes someone else kill me.
The very helpful doctor (sarcasm) who told me she "didn't think (I'd) completely lost it) when I explained I couldn't look after myself, was being followed around by paid actors and was hearing voices.
As a result I am not medicated or recieving any sort of help, unless you count fortnightly CBT that is aimed at my "medical anxiety" aka ptsd. My family is trying very hard to help me but ultimately I need more support for my own safety and wellbeing.
So the advice needed part:
I'm going to have another episode. About two months ago I got my impending doom feeling again. I'm seeing things. I'm not looking after myself. I'm paranoid and seeing signs everywhere. Impulsively bought a bible? My speech is apparently not always making sense to others. I know by now this is me being a ticking time bomb. I don't know when it'll fully tip over but it will and everyone around me knows it.
How do I make this less bad of an episode?? Is there a way to get help when doctors don't believe you?? I don't know what to do anymore and I'm scared of getting hurt, or of hurting others.
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cirnosenki · 10 months
Cirno Senki Chapter 5 (Part 5)
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One turn after Tenshi summoned rocks for the third time
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Seiga : This is taking more time than I thought… Perhaps I shouldn’t have sent my undead soldiers after all.
Oh, that's right. There’s a better method.
There's no need to go around the lake. If I head straight, I could quickly send reinforcements.
Well then...
Daiyousei : Eh ? What’s coming from the lake... !?
Aya : If the kappas saw this, they would surely be in shock.
Yuuka : This move is too indirect to be the work of that celestial... In that case, that means...
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Cirno : Hmph ! No matter what comes out, I’ll just defeat them !!
Daiyousei : Cirno-chan, is this really okay ?
Cirno : Obviously !!
Letty : Even so, it would be unmanageable to defeat every single soldier one by one.
Wouldn't it be better to have a more forceful approach and remove their leader ?
Yuuka : I agree. Crushing each enemy individually is troublesome, so it would be quicker to just deal with that celestial being and get this over with, don’t you think ?
Cirno : I see ! That could be a cool idea !
Daiyousei : Eeh ? But isn't it risky... ?
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Sunny : Dai-chan, are you scared ?
Daiyousei : ………
[The following dialog in italics only occurs if Cirno's relationship with Daiyousei isn't going well
Sunny : Alright. In that case, we'll protect you, Dai-chan.
So let’s go defeat that celestial with Cirno and the others.
Luna : That's right. Dai-chan, everything will be fine as long as we’re together.
Daiyousei : But if someone gets hurt...
Star : It'll be fine. We're all together in this. So there's no need for you to worry.
Daiyousei : O-Okay... ]
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Cirno : Dai-chan...
Hmm... Which way is better... ? Hmm, hmm...
Letty : The choice is up to you, Cirno.
Do we settle this quickly, or do we defeat the one who manipulate these corpses first... ?
We’ll follow your decision either way.
One turn later
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Yoshika : H-Huh ? My arm came off.
Master Seiga, can you fix iiit ?
Seiga : My my... They did terrible things to my Yoshika, didn’t they ?
Welcome back, Yoshika. I'll fix you up now. Let’s keep going together, this time.
Yoshika : Okay ! Thanks, Master Seiga !
*Seiga and Yoshika forms a duo
Seiga : Now, show them your true powers.
Yoshika : I'll show theeeem !
Several turns later
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Minoriko : Let's bring the harvest to the human village ~ ♪
Iku : Oh, this is the harvest goddess.
Are you going to make the crops bear fruit? Thank you for your hard work, as always.
Minoriko : Ah, you seem like someone who understands my importance.
Iku : There’s a close connection between rice cultivation and thunder, you know ?
This is why I can’t help but feel a sense of familiarity with the Aki goddesses.
Minoriko : Hehehe, I’m happy to learn someone appreciates us.
In that case, I’ll give you this !
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Iku : This is… roasted sweet potatoes ?
They have a nice flagrance, and they look very delicious.
Minoriko : Riiight ? This is my specially made roasted sweet potatoes ! Come on, give them a try !
Iku : Thank you very much. I’ll try them right away…
… ! This is… ! This faint sweetness, flagrance spreading… and this fluffiness…
I didn’t know there were sweet potatoes this delicious…
Minoriko : Oh stop, you make me feel embarrassed when you eat them with such enjoyment.
But I’m happy. When I see you this delighted, it makes the effort I put in growing them worthwhile.
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Iku : I’m grateful to be able to taste something this wonderful.
Minoriko : Hehehe, I think we could become good friends. I hope I can meet you again someday.
Iku : Of course. I’ll look forward to have a relaxed conversation with you the next time we meet.
Minoriko : Yes. And I’ll treat you to some special sweet potato shochu.
Well then, I’ll be going now. See you soon !
Iku : Alright. Good luck with your work.
Minoriko : Thanks. [she leaves]
Iku : … A special sweet potato shochu…?
Hehehe, I’m really looking forward to it.
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Tenshi : Iku !
Iku : Ah, what is it ?
Tenshi : I don’t know why, but you’ve been chatting with some folks lately…
Aren’t you motivated to fight !?
Iku : I am. Even if it is just a hundredth of your motivation.
Tenshi : So you have no motivation at all !
Iku : It’s not equal to zero.
Tenshi : … Well, whatever. Just help me out when the time comes, okay !?
Iku : Of course, of course. I got it.
When anyone fights Seiga
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Seiga : My my. These children seem to be full of energy. However, being too energetic might not be a good thing.
Hehe, or perhaps I’m just otherthinking things.
When Yuuka is close to Seiga
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Seiga : This woman seems to be their greatest strength... In that case...
Yuuka : ... You look like you want to say something. Out with it, then.
Seiga : No, it's nothing important. I just thought that you have such wonderful powers.
Yuuka : Is that really all ? I don't think so. Just get to the point, I don't like it when you beat around the bush.
Seiga : You're quite impatient, aren't you ? Alright, then.
Hey, you. Wouldn't you like to get even stronger ?
Yuuka : ......
Seiga : You'd like to, right ? In that case, I have good news for you.
Here, this amulet will amplify your powers, you should try using it.
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Yuuka : And what benefit would you get from me using it ?
Seiga : What benefit are you talking about ?
Actually, this amulet is a prototype, and I would like to see if it works.
So basically, it's a test.
Yuuka : Well, to be frank, I don't hate this kind of thing.
Seiga : So ? Do you want to try it ?
Yuuka : I'll try it to check the effects.
Seiga : Thank you. Then I'll give it to you right away... Hehehe.
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Wriggle : Huh ? Yuuka-san...? Yuuka-san !?
What do you think you're doing, Yuuka-san !?
Yuuka : ......
Seiga : How wonderful... I feel amazing power...
I don't think it would be a problem to use it as fragrance, right ?
Well then, it's time to put my manipulation skills to the test, hehehe.
Yuuka : ......
Wriggle : Yuuka-san ! Pull yourself together, Yuuka-san !!
Aya : It's no use ! It would be too dangerous to approach her right now !
Wriggle : B-But...
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Letty : Yuuka Kazami... I can't believe you would fall to such a trick...
Aya : It wouldn't be a good idea to confront her.
This place is...
Wriggle : Yuuka-san...
One turn later
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Seiga : Now then, my new puppet, shall we go ?
Get rid of those fairies and youkais.
Yuuka : ......
Seiga : Oh ? She's not moving. Don't tell me I failed in my manipulation techniques ?
Hey, what's the matter ? Go and attack those fairies.
Yuuka : ......
Seiga : Huh, it looks like this isn't working.
There's no helping it, then. Let's just say I managed to neutralize the enemy's most powerful force.
Letty : She's acting strange...
Aya : Yeah. It might be a good idea to keep an eye on the situation there.
Wriggle : ......
Another turn later
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Yuuka : ... I see, so this is what it feels like to be controlled.
Good grief, what an unpleasant feeling to not being able to move the way you want.
Seiga : Eh...? My amulet... It's been broken...?
Yuuka : Well, that was a pleasant experience. I feel like my body has become lighter, somehow.
I shall thank you for this.
Seiga : Ah, ahahaha... This is what matters the most. Now then...
Yuuka : Oh, wait a second.
Seiga : Err... But I need to go have a word with the celestial other there...
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Yuuka : But I haven't showed my gratitude... yet.
Seiga : O-Oh my. That wouldn't be necessary...
Yuuka : Now now, there's nothing to be shy about, hehehe...
If Seiga was defeated when Yuuka was still being controlled
Yuuka : … Ah.
Letty : Yuuka… !?
Wriggle : Yuuka-san… ! Are you back to yourself !?
Yuuka : … What a bore. I planned to express my gratitude to her once I dispelled her spell…
I already broke free from her control.
Wriggle : Eh… ? E-Err… ?
Yuuka : You didn’t have to go through the trouble of defeating that hermit, since I can break this kind of spell on my own.
Letty : … I see. My apologizes for doing something unnecessary.
Yuuka : Whatever. I shall give you my thanks this time.
Thank you for your help, it was much appreciated.
Wriggle : Ah… Y-Yeah.
Yuuka : Now, that celestial is next, right ?
Let’s continue then, hehehe.
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Kuroshitsuji Reapers Mini Stories
A collection of tiny stories about the grim reapers of the Kuroshitsuji world. Mostly Alan and Eric themed. Each chapter is a mini story. Enjoy! :)
Thanks to my friend Nicki who is my inspiration for pretty much all of these ♥
(See the end of the work for notes.)
Chapter 1: You Are My Sunshine
Chapter Text
"You are my sunshine..."
The words choked Eric. He could barely speak them. They were as heavy in his throat as his partner was in his arms and yet he had to say something; the silence was malicious, and Eris would not allow darkness to touch Alan anymore.
"My only sunshine..."
Why? Why this? After everything... It wasn't fair. If he could be where Alan was, if he could have black thorns digging their way to his heart, he wouldn't blink, wouldn't breathe once before switching places.
"You make me happy..."
Oh god. He'd done this. It was his fault. It was his hand that had held the death scythe as its sharp teeth sliced Alan's soul, his foolishness that had brought them to this place. He was the reason Alan had fallen...
"...when skies are gray..."
Eric couldn't go on. Sobs broke up the words and he bent, hunched over Alan as tears dripped off his lashes. A feathery touch roused him, a delicate, gentle hand brushed his cheek.
"You'll never know, dear..."
The soft voice was so quiet it might have been a breath of wind. Eric shook as he partner said the words, not plainly spoken, not as a song, something in the middle.
"...how much I love you..."
It was so quiet, but nothing was ever more clear to Eric. Their eyes met, green and sparkling with tears. Alan smiled then, and everything was perfect.
"Please don't take...my sunshine... away..."
And then he was still and peaceful and there was no sunshine. Only gray.
Chapter 2: Boop
This one came out of a conversation with @nickishirotani ♥
Eric entered the house, kicked off his shoes and headed into the kitchen to drop his bag on a chair. As he did, his eyes fell on a bowl of jello eggs sitting in the middle of the counter. Going to grab one, or two, his fingers hadn’t even touched them before Alan’s voice called from the other room.
“Don’t even think about it! Those are for later today!”
“What’s later today?” Eric asked as he entered the living room. Alan was sitting on the couch with a book at the cats. Eric sat down and Potato meowed in annoyance as she was squished between the two reapers.
“Easter party,” Alan said, not looking up form his book. “Some people are coming over so don’t eat anything in the fridge unless you ask first.”
“Fine, fine,” Eric said, folding his arms behind his head. After a moment or two, he glanced over at Alan. The smaller reaper was still reading. Casting his eyes away for a second, Eric again looked over, and a mischievous smile appeared on his face.
Alan didn’t notice, continuing to read, and Eric continued to look at him, until the other reaper finally sensed something was off. He furrowed his brow, ignoring Eric for a time, until at last he sighed and looked over.
“If you want to say something, just say it,” he said.
Eric didn’t respond with words; instead he half tackled Alan onto the couch, pinning him gently down before poking the tip of his nose.
Alan blinked. “What was that?!”
Eric laughed. “I’m surprised you didn’t see it coming!”
“Do normal people randomly poke other people's noses?" Alan said, trying to sound irritated and failing as laughter broke into his words.
“I don’t know, maybe,” Eric replied. “But are we normal?”
“Heavens no,” Alan said, and touched the tip of his finger to Eric’s nose in such a serious way that they both burst into laughter a second later.
Alan’s book lay on the floor, forgotten, and the cats watched in confusion.
Chapter 3: Morning in the Reaper Home
Chapter Text
Morning in the reaper’s house was always chaotic. Will had the most peaceful time of it. He’d wake up at 5 ‘o’ clock sharp every morning on the dot, get out of bed and change without worrying about waking Grell. The red headed reaper slept too deeply to be bothered by Will’s actions. He’s brush his teeth, comb his hair, and make a cup of tea. By that time, the morning paper would have arrived, and he’d read it until the next person woke up.
That would be Alan, of course, at 6 ‘o’ clock. The brunet was almost as punctual as Will, and would greet the other reaper with a smile before making a cup a tea and doing the rounds of watering his flowers in the house and feeding the cats.
At 7, Grell would hit snooze at least three times before rolling out of bed with a groan and dragging herself to the bathroom. An hour later she’d come out, fresh, sparkling, smelling of perfume, makeup and hairspray.
By this time, Alan and Will would be starting breakfast and Grell would get in the way, making tea and gossiping about everything. When the clock struck 8 ‘o’ clock, that was Alan’s cue to wake Eric up. It took a while, but eventually the tall reaper would come into the kitchen, kiss Alan, thank him for a cup of tea and Alan would go rap on Ronald’s door before they started eating.
Ronald never woke up on time. Sometimes he’d get up if Alan knocked enough, but a lot of the time it took Will threatening various things such as more paperwork or no dessert. If Will had already left, as he often had, Eric would bodily drag the youngest reaper out of bed onto the floor, saying he’d better get up NOW.
Eventually, everyone would have breakfast and Grell would leave, and Ronald and Eric would fight for the bathroom because Alan always got the small one all for himself. Eric usually won and got himself cleaned, trimmed and hair sprayed up if he needed it. Then Ronald would rush to get himself ready, they’d change and leave the house for work, saying farewell to the cats as they left.
Chapter 4: Tired
There was tiredness happening when I wrote this.
Chapter Text
"I'm so tired," Eric sighed, stretching out on the ground, arms under his head. Alan kicked him.
"This isn't a bed; get up."
Eric sat up but didn't stand. "I feel like sleeping, even if it's not a bed."
Alan sat down beside him. "Me too, but we promised Tom and Sam we'd spend some time together. We haven't properly hung out in a while."
"I know, I know," Eric said. "That's why I’m here and not on the couch at home."
"There they are," Alan said, pointing across the square. Thom and Sam were walking toward them, waving, and the two reapers stood up. "Hello!" Alan said when they reached each other, "How are you two?"
"Good," Thom answered with a yawn.
"Tired," Sam added, and Eric snapped his fingers at her.
"Same, girl."
"Are we walking around?" Thom asked, and Alan shrugged.
"I didn't make a plan..."
Sam sat down on the ground. "Can we just...relax somewhere?"
Eric squinted his eyes. "Anyone want to grab food and just go home and listen to the radio in our living room...?"
Thom and Sam nodded at once and after a second, Alan did too. Eric sighed happily. "Well, I’m glad I’m with sensible people. Let's go home and chill."
Don't forget to leave a comment! I'd appreciate your thoughts :)
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