sannin-three · 5 months
I just know that if Dan had lived and he and Tsunade had gotten married, Jiraiya and Orochimaru would be the absolute worst third wheels. Randomly show up on date nights. Always dropping in unannounced. Every time Dan wakes up there's a 50/50 chance he'll find Orochimaru on the couch while Jiraiya raids the fridge and complains that someone already ate all the eggs!
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amv-time · 2 years
Tagging system
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xovera-toz · 2 years
Tsudane: I don't do favoritism...
Shizune raises her hand to inteject,
Tsunade:...but Naruto already calls me grandma so he doesn't count.
Shizune lowers her hand.
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water-petal · 3 months
Why can't people get that
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i can see that bruh, holy shit no one talks about this
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randombook4idk · 3 years
Y'know, shipping crackships, rarepairs or underrated ships is kinda like finding a rock. A rock, that you didn't notice and tripped over. As you inspect the rock, you start to notice it's beauty. Sure, it's beauty is different from the other rocks, that you have seen, but this rock...it's beauty is simply different in a way. Soon this rock has captured your heart. You try to bring others attention to the rock, but the others are busy arguing about who's rock is better rock. You give up and simply go around the world with the rock. On your travels you meet many people, but they aren't interested in the rock you found and would only focus on the rock, that is very well known around the world. One day you meet someone and they point at you rock, saying:
"Wow, that's a neat rock. I like it too."
Then your faith in humanity is restored.
Basically liking these type of ships is:
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vegeta-tails · 2 years
Another top 5 kunoichi outfits ever from Naruto verse because honestly? There are too many pretty outfits 
1 - Tsunade (I loveee everything about her and her outfit really matches her personality, my fav hokage)
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2 - Sakura (before I was considering between the last or boruto outfit but you know what? I love her shippuden outfit so lets go with this one)
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3 - Konan (ok I know her outfit is just akatsuki but it is iconic on its own also her acessories are the perfect combination also her shoes? fashion imho)
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4 - Kurenai (1 outfit, idk how could I forget this one it is such a nostalgic and beautiful outfit)
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5 - Anko (another classic outfit which I think it is just cool)
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- and thats and 1 part (?) - are my fav outfits! next time I am gonna post a TOP TEN male character’s outfits from naruto verse this is gonna be a difficult one
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possible-yandere · 2 years
Five words O.N.L.Y:
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Birthday Bouquet
Words: 1194
for @shinobimagpie
Birthdays were a special occasion. A celebration of someone important in Yua’s life who deserved the grandest gifts money could buy. Naturally, there was only one place to get such a gift.
The Yamanaka flower shop.
“This is quite the bouquet,” Inoichi notes, tilting his head to the side so that he could see Yua behind the arrangement in question. A beautiful Bouquet of green and blue, with a giant brown bow to hold it all together. Inoichi had given her a funny look when she made the request, but now that it was finished even he seemed to agree that it was a gorgeous arrangement. The colours work together to create an attractive sight. “Are you and Sensei celebrating a special occasion?”
Startled by the question, Yua thought about the important events she had tucked away in her memory banks for Sakumo. Their anniversary was months away still, and his birthday wasn’t until next month. There seemed to be no important events with Sakumo as far as she could recall.
Relived that she had not forgotten something, she gave Inoichi a soft smile. “There are not for Sakumo,” she corrected him, amused by the look of shock that flashed across his face. “It is for Tsunade’s birthday.”
“Lady Tsunade?” he blinked. “That explains why Dan-san was here earlier.”
“I’m certain he picked out a splendid gift for her,” possibly even better than what Yua had parched, but that was fine. As Tsunade’s boyfriend, he had the right and the obligation to spoil her the most on her birthday. “I should be going. I promised Tsunade I would but her a stick of Dango for her birthday.”
“Flowers and Dango,” Inoichi giggled. “Are you sure you and Lady Tsunade aren’t dating?”
“Don’t be silly,” turning her back to her husband’s student, she made her way towards the exit. “Sakumo and Dan could never handle the both of us in one relationship.” they barely survived the two of them being friends most days.
“Of course not,” She didn’t need to look back to know that Inoichi was rolling her eyes at her. Out of Sakumo’s three students, he was the most willing to judge her, but only when he thought she couldn’t see him. “Have a good day, Yua-san!”
If it wouldn’t risk dropping the flowers, she would wave goodbye. Without that option available to her, she chose to stop at the door and give him one last smile. “You as well. Don’t let Shikaku get on your nerves today.”
Mumbled promises followed her out the door. A problem for her to deal with later. After she had spent some time with her friend.
Traversing the streets of Konoha proved to be a difficult task when holding a bouquet that was bigger than her head, but somehow Yua had managed it. There were a few collisions along the way, and a lot of judgmental looks, but she continued along unbothered. Her only concern was reaching the dango shop on time.
“Is that…” Dan’s voice cut through the noisy streets, telling her she had finally arrived at her destination.
“Someone is in for a good day,” Amusement was evident in Tsunade’s voice. No doubt there was a blinding smile stretched across her face to match. “I wonder who the lucky bastard is.”
Yua couldn’t wait to make her friend’s day.
“Oh, no way…” leaning her head a little to the left, she offered a playful smile to Dan when they locked eyes. “Seriously!?”
“What is it?” Tsunade asked, slipping in behind Dan to get a better look. “Yua!?”
“Hello,” coming to a stop directly in front of them, she offered the pair a smile and held the flowers out in front of her in offering. “Happy Birthday.”
She’s not sure why Dan groans when she presents her gift to Tsunade, or why Tsunade gives him a pat on the back. Was it that she had done something wrong without meaning to?
“You really are something, Hatake Yua,” the use of her full name set her on edge for a moment, but immediately after saying it Tsunade reached out to accept her gift. “They look beautiful. Though, I’ve never seen this colour scheme in flowers before.”
Handing the gift over, she stood proudly and waved towards Tsunade’s outfit. A gesture Dan had to explain to the woman since the flowers were now blocking her view as they had done to Yua moments ago. “I wanted it to match your look.”
“Bigger and more thoughtful,” Dan sighed, rubbing a hand over his face. “Are you sure you want to date me when Yua is so much better at spoiling you?”
The only indication Tsunade gave that she had heard him was to lift her elbow so that she could give him a little nudge. “I love them, Yua. Thank you.”
With the gift successfully given, Yua turned her attention to Dan. He made quite the sight at the moment, with a dejected look in his eyes and eyes that lingered on the bouquet in Tsunade’s hands.
“Male egos are so fragile,” she proclaimed with a dramatic sigh, her lips curling upwards into a smirk when Dan glanced her way. “Did you not get Tsunade a gift?”
“Of course I did!”
“And was it not a great gift?” she directed the second question to Tsunade, and although she didn’t answer with words the fond smile that Yua could see just beyond the edge of the bouquet said everything she needed to know. “In that case, I don’t see what the concern is.”
“You don’t think your gift is a little…over the top?” he argued. “I mean, you bought her a garden’s worth of flowers.”
“Acts of love are not reserved for romance,” A motto she had lived her life following. Something that her mother had read from one of her favourite childhood books. “I do not do these things as a means to ‘show you up’ or steal Tsunade from you. As beautiful as she is-”
“You’re right about that,” Tsunade interjected while admiring her flowers.
Shaking her head, Yua chose to ignore her friend’s addition for the moment. “I am married.”
“To Konoha’s resident dork,” though the words weren’t the kindest coming from others, Yua could hear the affection that Dan poured into them. “Are you sure you’re not looking for an upgrade?”
“I am not,” she chuckled. “A dork he may be, but he’s mine and I am proud of him.” There was nothing in the world she would trade Sakumo for, not even Tsunade.
“Mmm, well as long as you’re just being friendly. As odd as your methods are.”
“Now that Dan’s not worried about you sweeping me off of my feet,” Tsunade nodded towards the shop behind her and Dan. “I believe I was promised Dango for my birthday.”
Taking the hint, Yua extended an arm out towards the little shop. “After you.”
Perhaps a stick of Dango would help Dan relax his nerves. Provide him with a sense of security for a few hours.
Not too long, of course. She didn’t want him getting so comfortable that he began to slack in his relationship.
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~And just like that Tsunade felt enchanted by Dan. And so did he~
#Nartober day 7 : Casual Clothes
#inktober day 7 : Enchanted
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sannin-three · 5 months
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Remember that one Bayonetta meme
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sasukesun · 2 years
Ngl, as a lesbian, I hate the trend of hc’ing every female character they like as lesbian when they show explicit interest in men, especially when they had mutual loving relationships like Tsudan. Like??? If you wanna hc them as wlw, why can’t they ever be bi? It’s really weird that they feel the need to erase these women’s love for men, like doing so is woke points? I don’t want woke points as representation, I would genuinely prefer a good straight female character.
“i don’t want woke points as representation” this was so on point. when i said before that people have a problem with bisexuality i wasn’t being ironic, people will legitimately ignore things that were explicitly shown in a story to avoid calling a character bisexual because they think being bisexual will make the attraction towards the person they want to be less intense or valid, it’s that typical idea of “bisexuals will dump you to be in relationships with someone of the opposite gender”
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blackkatmagic · 6 years
I appreciate on a spiritual level your commitment to exploring the Inner Gay in all characters you encounter, but out of curiosity, what hetero ships have captured your fancy (aside from HashiMito of course)?
I like InoSai and also MeiZabuza or MeiKisame! Also KakashiAnko, IbikiAnko, NaruIno, SasuHina, TokaIzu, KakashiShizune, OroTsunade, TsuDan, TsumeShibi, TsumeHiashi, and NaruTayuya. 
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uchihashisuii · 3 years
~ 💙
send me a ship and I'll grade it!
SasuSaku - C: Not a bad ship. YET ANOTHER VICTIM OF GOOD CONCEPT, POOR EXECUTION. their early genin days in the manga were Very Good they had some incredible moments of relationship nd character building. however their interactions throughout after that just leave such a sour taste in my mouth. girl he doesnt want anything to do w you please get some standards and perspective.
ShikaTema - B: It's really cute. we love a man who gets the misogyny beat out of him by a woman he acknowledges to b stronger than him. they're good foils for each other, and I love p much all their scenes together. they get a lower ranking cause I dont really consume content for em sjkdhd
TsuDan - E: I dont really like it. IUNNO I JUST. to be completely honest I just supremely dont really care abt this pairing skdjdsksdjh rip to him but tsuna needs to move on ykwim
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madara-fate · 7 years
Bro, meaning of gesture changes acc to to the person it shared with. For ex: ur mom gives u a hug it's Platonic but wen ur mom hugs ur dad it becomes romantic. Wen ur mom gives u a kiss on the cheek/peck it becomes platonic, wen she does the same with ur father it becomes romantic. Tsunade foreheads kiss with her brother & Naruto is platonic but with Dan it was romantic conti
Conti in Naruto no couples explicitly says I love to each other face. It is always through some gesture /moments wen there bond is confirmed. For minakushi it was wen minato saved her and kushi describes it as “red thread of fate”, for tsudan it was wen tsunade gives him for forehead kiss so on.. Better Than kiss is exactly wat it means.. or Sakura would have said something like forget the kiss sarada, I will show something important ur father shared with me.. Conti
To be honest, I’m kinda getting tired of this topic.
I know that the meaning of gestures can change depending on who is receiving it. Not once did I ever say that the forehead poke can’t be done as a romantic gesture. I never even implied it.
I’ll say this again - The fact that at it’s core, the poke is not a romantic gesture means that it cannot be used as irrefutable evidence that Sasuke used it as a romantic gesture, or some form of promise that they’d be together in the future, because that’s not its main purpose. That’s all I’m saying. You can’t use something as irrefutable proof for something else, when the something else isn’t even its primary meaning in the first place.
Please also allow me to reiterate this - I’m not saying that there’s no chance that Sasuke used the poke romantically. I actually do think that Sasuke had a certain measure of romantic influences behind his actions. As in, he had gradually began developing romantic feelings for her during the time skip of 699, and these feelings influenced him to give Sakura his ultimate expression of affection in the form of the forehead poke. However, my main issue lies with the idea that he used the poke as a promise of a future relationship, because in my eyes, there’s just not enough concrete evidence to denote this.
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mythicalheartbeat · 7 years
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