#i just really like seeing her as an aunt to the clone babies
sannin-three · 5 months
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Remember that one Bayonetta meme
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gummilutt · 8 months
250 followers Custom Memory Bonanza
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It's finally time! To thank all you lovely people for your support, I have been working hard to get this ready for upload and here we are. Today I am sharing my custom memory object, and my library of a whopping 201 custom memories. Based on the wonderful Tattered Diary by DiLight over on MTS, and the tutorial she shared of how to make your own custom memories.
I've always cared a lot about memories, to me they tell the story of the Sims life. Some of you from MTS may recall when I did the whole several year rebuild of my hood, replicating every last detail of the original. I'm memory crazy, okay? And when DiLight gave me the power to make my own, I may have gone a tad overboard. Or just the right amount, you get to decide :P DiLight taught me most of what I know about making custom memories, and the base BHAVs are from her, but as I've learned more I've added some bells and whistles that I hope you will enjoy. It's a new clone and separate GUID from the original tutorial object set up by DiLight, so if you have your own you can have mine too without issues :) Found in misc/misc, costs 1 simoleon.
Download on simfileshare
Features - Brand new form, created by me. Resized BV photo album with new mapping and new texture (seen above, in game pictures at the end of this post). I wanted something that was uniquely mine, and that you don't necessarily have to hide away in the attic or under the foundation. If you don't like it, you also have some additional model forms you can switch between through the pie menu. - Adaptable dynamic menu. Thanks to a really neat trick from @picknmixsims the menu reflects the memories you put in your downloads. If no file with the correct guid is found, the option for it won't show. Which means that although I am crazy enough to have 201, you can go ahead and only pick your favorite ones and the object will automatically detect and adapt the menu to that selection. - Memories all have a custom icon, that's made from game icons from TS2 or TS3. Some I am quite proud of, some are admittedly not great. Not everything is easy to convey through game icons, but I've tried my best, I hope the effort shows. 5 memories have icons that are not from the game, but I tried to match them to the aesthetic as best I could. - Memory subject menu shows only relevant age groups. For example, if the memory is about having a baby, only baby/toddler Sims will show as options. Goal being to keep menu as concise as possible. If you wish to assign memories retroactively, please see jonasn's excellent Memory Commander object, which has support to add my custom memories without age limitations. As well as a whole lot of other useful memory-related stuff. - Extensive documentation detailing everything you may need to know about the memories (text, icon, background, who can get it, who they can get it about, repeatability, where to find it on the object) to help you select the ones you want for your game, and familiarize yourself with them. - English and Swedish translations of memories, and object menu. If someone wants to add their language, that would be great but it's a lot of work so I don't expect it. You are welcome to share your translated versions directly if you wish, or you can send them to me for me to update files shared here :) If you want to learn how to translate the files directly, Episims has a great tutorial found here.
Examples of types of custom memories included - Extended family members memories (got cousin, got aunt/uncle, got sibling, got twin sibling, got great grandchild, got stepparent, got stepchild) - Birth related memories (pregnancy, becoming parent, late in life parent, had multiples birth, premature baby) - Marriage related memories (divorce, parental divorce, custody things, alimony) - Relationship related memories (fighting, breakups, additional love memories) - Woohoo related (memories for specific woohoo locations, repeatable generic woohoo/public woohoo) - University degree related (declared major memories, got a minor degree memories, got a major degree memories, for remembering having studied multiple things and being able to see what major your Sim chose without looking at their diploma) - Loan related, for remembering taking and paying off loans of different types - Moving memories (first apartment, child moves out, various memories for sims moving in with others) - Kids related (child's first day in school, got their own pet, nursery rhyme, giving up for adoption, living at orphanage)
Mods automating delivery of my CC memories (more to come) Learned nursery rhyme from - Found here, by me Wrote restaurant guide - Found here, part of jonasn "Novel Writing Improvements" mod
Credits: DiLight, @picknmixsims, @morepopcorn, @latmosims, @joplayingthesims, maxon, @keoni-chan. For detailed info on how they all impacted the creation of this, see readme :) Policy: Give credit to DiLight, beyond that, totally open. Enjoy!
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glitter-alienz · 5 months
Question abt OV!Lita! You've drawn them w Donnie, but what does the rest of the family think of her? :0
here's a thing i drew couple of months back that's pretty much how leo is with lita VS how raph is with lita
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and here's an answer but its pretty long!! ⤵️
she's raised by the whole family (mostly splinter & leo) since donnie didnt really see lita as his child, bcuz she kinda isnt,, she's a failed attempt at cloning him. and he struggled to take care of her (bro can barely takes care of himself) so splinter did 70% of the work. and splinter loves lita a lot and spends a lot of time with her as a baby, he missed when his sons were small. and so they're close but lita can be mean to him sometimes (she's just a mean kid in general,, and splinter is very sensitive).
April gets cute aggression when she sees lita and likes to buy her stuff. casey thinks lita is the funniest kid ever.
as for the turtles, Raph is lita's favourite person ever, because she encourages lita to be an evil little shit <3 she's the fun aunt that lets you do stuff youre not allowed to 👍🏾 and when chompy is adopted by raph and mona (years later) she babysits chompy.
Leo is the closest to her and he is super protective over her. he baby proofs the entire lair the moment lita learns to crawl lol. and he is constantly arguing with donnie who is too relaxed with lita and lets her stay in his lab unsupervised.
anyways, this is too long srry,,, [TMNTOV Masterpost]
lita likes mikey,, he's her second favourite. But mikey wasn't always great with her. at first, the others wouldn't let him pick her up and he didn't mind that bcuz he was too scared to hurt her,, and she was super tiny. but then after lita is a bit older he turns into the world's greatest uncle. they play and draw with her a lot. and he's super chill so lita likes him,, he never says no to her because she uses her big shiny bug eyes. Also mooey loves dressing lita up, see this post where he gives her a massive bow
original ⤵️ (also thanks for the ask!!)
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Always There - Chapter Six: S.Snape
Summary: Y/N Potter was left with a baby to care for after her brother and sister-in-law were murdered by Voldemort. One person was there for her, a person she didn’t expect but soon became her comfort person, Severus Snape. During Harry’s third year at Hogwarts and her third year as Herbology professor, a few old friends come around again. Y/N has to handle the feelings of these old friends being around again as well as handle her feelings for a certain potions master all while she tries to hide these things from her godson.
Series Masterlist
My full Masterlist
Pairings: Severus Snape x Female Professor Reader, Potter!Reader x friend!Remus
Chapter Warnings: Female Reader, Potter Reader(No physical description of reader) probably shitty writing, Harry growing up in a loving home, Happy Snape, sappy Snape
Series Warnings: Female Reader, Potter Reader (No physical description of reader) probably shitty writing, OOC Snape, Harry grows up in a loving environment, mentions of death and murder, poorly written angst, Remus is a shitty friend, poorly written pining,
Please let me know how I can improve my writing and being more inclusive to POC as I am whiter than white. Please also let me know if I have to add more to the warnings! My messages are open as well as my asks!
I am starting a taglist so leave either a comment or something in my asks if you would like to be tagged in any of my works or just this series!
Author's Note: I am going through a bit of a writers block at the moment so please bare with me. If anyone has any ideas they can give me I will gladly take some to see if I can get over this writers block.
Please let me know how I can improve or if you find any errors! Correct me, don't be afraid to! I want to improve my writing and become a better writer so any feedback or advise is welcomed!
Word Count: 1698
My asks are open for questions, suggestions and feedback!
Feedback is welcomed and encouraged!
not my gif
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not my gif
It was barely 2 hours after Severus had left the Burrow, Y/N sitting in the kitchen with a cup of tea that had gone cold, Molly beside her in quiet comfort. All of the kids had gone off to bed not long ago, however, Harry had stayed beside his aunt, falling asleep at the table, leaning onto her shoulder. 
A flutter had come through an open window, a letter being dropped in front of her, the barn owl landing right in front of her letter. She gave the bird a gentle pat before grabbing the letter and opening it.
“Whose it from?” Molly asked.
“It’s from Albus, he needs me at Hogwarts tonight if possible,”  She replied, “That man is so vague.” She handed Molly the letter.
Dear Miss Potter,
You are needed at Hogwarts as soon as possible, tonight preferably. Severus is safe and well. 
With Pleasure,
Albus Dumbledore
“I’m assuming you’re going tonight then?”
“Probably, I can’t not go. I’m sorry you’ve had Harry most of the Summer, I promise you I will take Ron, the twins and Ginny next summer.”
“Don’t worry about it dear, Harry is an absolute joy to have around. He’s so helpful, you’ve done a great job,” Molly praised. It brought tears to her eyes and before she knew it she was crying. “Oh, my dear, what’s got you upset?”
“I don’t know, I’ve just never been told I’ve done a great job raising Harry. I miss James so much and I look at Harry and all I see is him and then I’m reminded that he’s not James and that James is dead and I have no family left other than Harry,” She vented as tears clouded her vision. 
“You have us and you have Severus. I can only imagine the pain you feel everyday, especially looking at your brother’s clone everyday. It’s uncanny really,” The Weasley Matriarch told the other woman, her voice trailed off in wonder causing Y/N to let out a watery laugh. The movement of her shoulders had caused Harry to wake up from the movement.
“Aunt Y/N? Are you okay?” He asked sleepily.
“Yes, my love, I’m okay. I have to go to Hogwarts tonight. I’m gonna put you to bed like old times and then I’m going,” She explained to her sleepy nephew.
“Can I stay on the couch, Mrs. Weasley? I don’t feel like walking upstairs,” Harry asked Molly who agreed with a chuckle. 
The two women lead the boy to the sofa, Molly excusing herself to let the Potter’s have a moment alone. Y/N took the blanket that was hanging on the back of the sofa and covered the boy with it, once he was covered, her hand went to his hair and played with the long stands. “You need a haircut, bub,” She pointed out, “Are you comfy? Need another blanket?”
“I’m okay, can you stay until I fall asleep? I feel safe when you’re here,” the boy admitted.
“I won’t move until I know you’re asleep, I promise.” And she kept her promise, she sat on that floor until she knew Harry was asleep, she knew he was asleep only because his nose twitched quite a bit and he would occasionally say something in Parseltongue. She stayed there for a few more minutes before planting a kiss on the boy’s head, making sure he was covered with the blanket and with that she set off for the kitchen where Molly was still sitting waiting for her return. “I’ll send you an owl in a few days, thank you again Molly, really. I appreciate you willingly taking Harry for the summer 2 years in a row,” Y/N said to the woman. Molly got up off her chair and pulled the lone Potter into a tight, motherly hug. 
“Don’t thank me, as I said, the boy is a pleasure. Stay safe, my dear. Harry is in good hands here.” The woman nodded at the Weasley before reluctantly ending the hug and walking out of the door. She knew if she had looked back, she would have stayed but she was needed back at Hogwarts. She apparated just outside of Hogwarts and began her walk to the castle, taking in the forest around her as she did. As she approached the gate to Hogwarts, she was greeted with a familiar face.
“Minnie! How was your summer?” Y/N asked the woman excitedly.
“Hello Y/N! My summer was well, how was yours? Anything new happen? Anything official?” Minerva teased the woman as they walked closer to the castle.
“Oh ha ha. It was the same as always pretty much. Sev and I did things we always did together. Harry spent the summer between Sirius and the Weasleys,” She explained.
“That’s no fun, you seriously didn’t go on any dates? Nothing is official? I need to tell Severus to wise up and get to it!”
“We went on a couple dates, nothing big, just trying different tea shops and going to greenhouses and apothecaries. We are official, as soon as summer began Severus wanted to make our relationship official, we just aren’t putting a label on it. I love him, he loves me and Harry and that's all that matters,” Y/N elaborated as they walked through the doors of the castle. 
“Gossiping as always Minerva?” A masculine voice interrupted, “I never thought you would have dragged Y/N into this. And my love, I can’t believe you fell into her trap!”
“Oh quit it, we were just catching up and if I remember correctly, you were a big gossip this summer,” Y/N teased the man before her, Severus giving her a pointed look.
“I didn’t gossip this summer, I merely told you about information I had overheard around the school.”
“That is gossip, honey. But nice try getting out of that one. Now excuse me, I need to see the headmaster.” Before she could walk away, a hand grabbed her wrist firmly but not rough, pulling her body into another. 
“Not without a proper greeting my love. I’ve been deprived, I’m like a man starved for you.”
“That is my que to leave, have a nice night you two,” Minerva excused herself, walking away from the pair. The couple shrugged and greeted each other with a loving kiss, Severus’ hand caressing her cheek in a featherlike touch, Y/N’s hands looped around his neck, fingers playing with the ends of his hair. Once pulling away, they went about like nothing had happened, Y/N making her way to Dumbledore’s office and Severus making his way to the dungeons.
It was a long walk but she had finally made it to the headmaster’s office, letting herself in and walking towards the desk in the back of the room. She greeted Fawkes with a gentle pet under the wing as she waited for the man who had sent her an owl. “Miss Potter, what a surprise seeing you here,” A voice startled her, the very same voice that used to torment her in her days at Hogwarts. It sent a chill down her spine as she turned around to meet the eye of the man she had dreaded seeing whenever he was at the castle.
“Mr. Malfoy, hope all is well,” She said politely. Lucius went to say something but the door to the office had opened before he could speak. The professors and the Minister of Magic filing in, Dumbledore trailing behind them. She sent a look of question to her partner, who shrugged his shoulders.
“Seeing as we are all here, we can start discussing what I called you all here for. Mr. Malfoy, what do I owe the pleasure?” Dumbledore spoke, his voice curious as to the extra person in the room.
“I was hoping to discuss my son’s grades from last term. He received a P Herbology and received an A in Potions when I know he should have gotten an O,” Lucius ranted to the man, giving a pointed look at the Herbology professor.
“He received a P in my class because he never tried, he fooled around with his friends instead. His essays were always half-assed as were all of his homework assignments, every plant of mine that boy touched ended up dying. He received the grade he deserved,” Y/N defended her grading.
“I agree that he should have gotten an O, however, Professor Potter has a point, he tends to play pranks during class time and his essays are either fantastic or they are terrible. He may have done better if he would behave,” Severus added.
“I think my son failed this class because Miss Potter dislikes me and my family. She doesn’t like the fact that her brother and I never got along so she is taking it out on my son!” Lucius accused.
“Excuse me! Your son is not you, however he inherited your awful attitude as well as the need for everything revolving around you and nothing else! How dare you!”
“Mr. Malfoy, you have made a mistake, a large mistake. I don’t appreciate what you are accusing my professor of doing. You may leave,” Dumbledore dismissed the man who was awestruck. 
Severus gave her a look, making sure she was okay and when she nodded he felt like he could relax a bit. Even though he was able to relax slightly, he was still worried that Lucius would make a bigger deal out of it even though his accusations were false. Once Malfoy had left, Dumbledore had broken the news to all of the professors. The Triwizard tournament would be held at Hogwarts that year, the ladies of Beauxbatons and the gentlemen from Durmstrang would be joining them that year. He had also told them that there was an age minimum this year, that no student under the age of 16 would not be able to put their name into the goblet. 
Y/N felt like something was going to go wrong during this tournament, she didn’t know why she felt this way but she did. Something was off, something she couldn’t quite put her finger on. 
taglist (if your user is crossed out it means I can't tag you)
@acupnoodle @chxelsxaa @fluffyrat365 @fanficwriter5 @atanukileaf @v3lv3tvampir3 @jspidey5 @mija-novella
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Bad Batch Season 3 Episode 5 (scattered) thoughts and first impressions (ramblings)
Major spoilers under the cut
This one is also very long because mannnnnnn did I love this episode and omg do I have big feelings about it
Also yes I do love each member of tbb but in case it’s not obvious I’m a crosshair girlie. Have been since I first heard his voice in season 7 of tcw so this is gonna be very crosshair centric (because he finally has screen time and more than like 2 speaking lines this season!!)
Lula! 🥰🥰
Is Omega in a supply closet? Whatever better than her barren room at the lab
Ah nope her old “room” the gun turret 🥰🥰
A glimpse of mornings on board the marauder: peaceful boys and caf 🥹 probably only peaceful again now that omega is home
This is Omega’s best look omg the the crocheted vest??? I wanna cosplay her now or actually just wear this outfit fr
At first I was so annoyed they kept crosshair in this ugly ass outfit but I honestly think it’s because even though it’s warm on Pabu he’s always cold because he’s so skinny now (well he always was lean but this is a testament to how much weight he lost as a prisoner) They keep trying to feed him fruit and my man keeps using it as target practice 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
I honestly love when they show scenes through like either a scope or helmet visor. Like I really love seeing what they’re seeing. In this case AZI (so happy they took him from Cids bar- sorry “parlor”….it was a dive bar)
He’s so mad at his hand 😭 my poor baby he really should let AZI look at it. What do we think it is? Nerve damage? I imagine it feels tingly like when your foot falls asleep.
I love that Batcher loves him!! Animals know good people. He’s a good man Savannah! 😭😭😭 and he likes Batcher too and anyone that’s kind to animals is ok by me.
Ugh Crosshair teaching Omega about being a sniper 🥰🥰😭🥰😭🥰 one day she’s just gonna pop out with a sick trick shot lmao
Shouldn’t have given him his rifle??? Sir it’s an extension of him, it’s like you gave him back one of his body parts
“Omega trusts him and that’s good enough for me” Wrecker!!! My sweet boy!! Big man and even bigger heart. He’s now kinda caught in the middle he wants to be cool with Crosshair again but doesn’t want to betray Hunter they’ve been through a lot just the 2 of them these past several months. Crosshair and Hunter are like parents in the middle of a divorce 😭
53%???? Fuckkkkkkk way worse than we thought
Echo!!!!! Yay mom came home!
“No hug for me” screaming crying throwing up! 😭😭😭😭😭😭 💔💔💔💔he’s disguising it as sarcasm but he wants it, he wants a hug! SOMEBODY HUG HIM DAMMIT! I volunteer!!! Please
Omega between her 2 dads 🥰 (Though is Crosshair more wine aunt vibes sometimes?) And batcher by Crosshair’s feet of course
Yummmmm I bet Pabu has banging sushi 🍣 Love Wrecker being an unbothered king enjoying his sush🥰
😭😭😭😭😭 Crosshair’s face when Echo mentioned Tech. He knows. He knows he fell or perished (shh no 🤡) trying to save him. They’re twins and he lost his other half and I’m devastated!! 😭
Haaaaa welcome to parenting a teenager Hunter!!!
Are Hunter’s eyes green all of a sudden?
Crosshair being the voice of reason?? I love seeing this side of him. I HC that since he is silent and highly observant he was a voice reason often for the batch. (Can we please get a series of TBB during the clone wars?? Or like when they were cadets or something. We only see them in 4 episodes in tcw and they were just an insane suicide squad who hated regs and didn’t follow orders or have anyone in charge of them like I wanna see their adventures and their dynamic and how they are when they have downtime! Please lucasfilmmmmmm 🙇‍♀️🧎🏼‍♀️)
“I’m older than you are, little brother” 😂😂😂 and she got crosshair to chuckle lol ugh I love their dynamic so much. They are really feeding us rn (please don’t take it away)
Omg he’s so brave bringing them back there! To that freaking ice planet where nothing but trauma happened for Crosshair. I know he probably wished he would never have to go back there again but he knows this will help so he goes anyway
The old armor!!!! Helllllll frickinnnn yeaaaaaa (he’s so hot in armor omg I have a headache)
“Take a guesssssss” 🥵
“He started it” 😂😂 major youngest sibling energy
Mayday’s helmet! 💔💔💔💔 somebody sedate me!! 😭
Why can’t Hunter sense the Wyrm?
TOOTHPICK!!! Wrecker defo kept his toothpicks in the armor case 🥰
Frickin ice vulture always an omen. (Animals seem to really like Crosshair though even the scary ones)
“I know you” 😭 I know Hunter meant it in a “I know you’re sneaky and closed off and I’m expecting the worst from you right now ” but it just hit me harder than that. “I know you”- you’re my brother, the youngest I’ve known you since the day you were born. “I know you- I know there’s more to your silence I know your still waters run way deeper than you let on.” “I’m your brother- I know you talk to me I know you”❤️‍🩹
Oh shitttttt thems are fightin words yes let it out everyone
“I’ll do it! 😁” Wreckerrrr I love you
Hunter’s fast af boi!
Batcher is actually ripped af 💪
Ok petition that Cross doesn’t yell anymore it doesn’t suit him at all lmaoooo
Poor Wrecker yes it’s always ALWAYS a huge monster 😭
“Fantastic” 😂😂😂
Omg this is a roller coaster of emotions! Crosshair being soft with Batcher, the nodding! Ugh nothing like fending off a giant ice wyrm to bring bros back together
He’s so pretty shut up I know his head is shaped like a lightbulb
progress 😌
“I thought I was being a good soldier 😔” * *pterodactyl screeching *
Welp Im deceased, fed and nurtured but dead at the same time.
Thank you thank you thank you for these past few episodes. Us Crosshair girlies were really in pain seasons 1 and 2
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You talk about Dami like Yuri and this makes me think in Jon like those novels where the protagonist falls in love with the villain and finds out the villain is not a bloodthirsty demon with cold heart, just someone who needs to work with communication skill and no comun sense who also come from a fucked up family (I think I already read a Yuri novel with this plot)
Jon is just "I know I'm not the target audience for these types of stories, but these are so fun"
and Kathy: you want to feel validated in knowing that you're not the only one who can love a known demon who isn't that demonic, just very misunderstood and comes from a terrible family
Jon: ...
Kathy: you want validation to love Damian
Jon: ahahhaa i'm not in love with... omg I IN LOVE WITH DAMI!
"Kathy, what do I do?!" Jon yells, shooting upwards into the air. His hands find his way into his hair and his fingers get tangled in the curls. "What if he knows! His family is full of super smart detectives and I read that they can tell if you like someone!!"
Kathy gives him a dry look. "Jon. This is Damian we're talking about. He doesn't know a thing when it comes to emotional intelligence. He doesn't know."
"Oh, good, I was really worried there for a second." Jon says, touching down.
"Everyone else does, though. Well, except Bruce and your father."
Jon groans. "Aw, why me? There are so many other normal kids in the world and I'm--"
"Shut. Up. You weren't normal anyways. We're both aliens. And being gay isn't weird, it's natural, over 3,000 species on this planet practice homosexuality. Your aunt Kara once told me that bisexuality was the norm on krypton."
"No, I made that krypton bit up. But it could be true! You should ask her."
"Well I guess you're right either way. I'm never going to be normal. Might as well commit to it."
"What do you mean?"
"I'm gonna ask him out."
"What do you mean? You don't think he likes me?"
"That dunderhead is head over heels for you. But he can't see that because he's obsessed with bloodlines and shit. He won't see you as an option unless you show him you can offer babies, or convince him that he should adopt."
"But... I can't make babies with him... I don't have a uterus." Jon looks at her with big sad, wet cat eyes. "What do I do Kathy?" He pouts.
She breaks into a laugh "You're adorable! Okay I'll help. Let me call up my friend Maya."
"I know Maya you don't have to specify that she's your friend."
"But she's my best friend! Other than you... I guess... eheh... anyway, it makes me super happy to know we're friends so I wanna say it!" Kathy says while pulling up her contacts on her phone. She presses call. It rings a few times and is answered.
"Kathy? Are you okay? Usually you text me before you call!" Maya says through the phone.
"Sorry. I'm hanging out with Jon right now. Jon just realized he has a big crush on Damian." Kathy replies.
"Seriously?! Sweet! Hi Jon, how's the gay panic?"
"It's not so bad once you get used to it..." Jon replies.
"So, the reason I called;" Kathy breaks in. "Jon wants to date Damian but Damian wants biological children so we need to convince him that he can still have that and date Jon."
"Oh. I'm way ahead of you. I've got a plan all layed out."
"are we going to take a tour of an IVF facility?" Kathy asks.
"That's boring. No. We're taking him to the fortress of solitude." Maya responds.
"What's there?" Jon asks.
"Last time I visited your fortress I looked into any information on cloning, since y'know, Damian's a clone, I want to know if he's gonna glitch out or something. Your dad has a cloning machine. It's a kryptonian thing, Kelex built it in his free time. It can be used to combine the genes of different alien species to make babies. Apparently, Kryptonians used to meet a lot of other aliens, and they wanted a way to have children that wouldn't be sick and die young.
"Your dad didn't need it because humans are surprisingly compatible with a lot of alien species naturally. But here's the kicker! It can combine two male donors into a baby as well! I guess that's why they kept it after they went isolationist."
"See Jon! Being gay was normal on krypton!" Kathy says.
Jon smiles. "Wow. I have got to read more. That's amazing."
"So? Great plan, right? We sneak in, or your dad lets us in or whatever, and we show him the machine! Then all you have to do is be yourself and he'll have a gay awakening! Kathy, bring tissues. If he doesn't cry I will."
Later, Jon is at the dinner table with his parents. "Dad, can me and my friends use the fortress for a science project?"
"it's not like that time with dinosaur island, is it?"
"nope, I'm following the scientific method and everything."
"It's your superhero friends, right?"
"Yeah dad, c'mon I'm not gonna reveal our identities just to get a good grade."
"Just making sure. It's fine with me."
"Yes!" Jon hisses in excitement.
Damian arrives at the fortress of solitude from the batplane. He's bundled up in orange insulation. He looks adorable.
Damian notices that they're all looking at him weirdly but ignores it because he can't figure out why. "Nobody. You said you had something important to show me?"
Jon waves awkwardly.
"J." He acknowledges. "Beacon." He returns his attention to Maya, though he's bodily aware of where Jon is in the room, he always is when they're together.
"So after the fortress of attitude was built," Maya starts.
"stupid name..." Damian mutters.
"Kelex built this handy dandy birthing matrix." She speaks up, leading them to the machine. It's tall and complex, with two pods for a person to stand in, needles on robot arms to take the DNA sample, all connected to the central casing and an advanced terminal for calculating and adjusting genome sequences.
Damian steps closer to the machine, resting his hand against the artificial womb of the machine. "How does it work?" He says in awe.
"Looks... painful." Jon winces. Kathy elbows him. "But I guess birthing humans involves some pain anyway!" He hastily amends.
"Damian, the really interesting thing is, this isn't made just for kryptonians, or just for male and female pairs. It can create compatible gametes from DNA regardless of species or sex." Damian breaks his gaze away from the machine to look at her in surprise.
"...Huh. That's... Good. I need to sit down."
Damian sits on the floor in a meditation pose but doesn't start meditating. "I just realized I was banking all my hopes and dreams on having a kid. But I'm just a kid myself. I don't know what I would want in the future! I sure as hell don't want a kid now! But I was so sure that I needed to continue the bloodline I didn't even consider being with a man as an option!" Maya sits down on the floor with him.
"I heard about it, of course, but I didn't really think about it much. It's a cheap playground insult. Until it's not... until it's who you are." Damian continues. Jon sits next to Damian, and Kathy sits next to Maya, passing her tissues.
"I'm so proud of you, brother. It's hard to realize you're not what people expected you to be. You push it down until you just can't anymore." She takes his hand and holds it. "You're gonna be just fine. I love you."
Damian squeezes her hand and tries to ignore the salty tears dripping from his mask. "Maya... you're always there for me. Even when you do sneaky shit like this you do it to help me. I'm just embarrassed you had to help me at all, I thought I was past all that!"
"it's fine. Healing takes time. It'll come for us."
Jon grabs Damian's other hand and holds it. "Lean on me. I'll help you carry on." Jon sings briefly, encouraging Damian to lean against him, which he does. They sit in silence until they're emotionally ready to get up. Jon can tell him another day, right now Damian needs his best friend.
--- epilogue
Damian opens his locker and a stuffed envelop falls out. Curiously and cautiously he opens it, used to threats from Ra's. It's a typed note asking him to meet the sender in the courtyard after school. Damian stuffs the note back into his locker and continues on with his day, but when the day ends he decides to follow the note's direction.
When he gets there, Jon is waiting for him, his shoes freshly shined, holding a bouquet of a flower he mentioned he liked one time. "Jon? Did you write that letter?"
Jon smiles. "Yeah! I wanted to do something nice for you when I ask you out. I want it to be a nice moment."
Damian blushes. "Oh. Yeah?"
Jon smiles and steps closer. "Yeah. Damian, I like you, a lot. I thought maybe we could try dating? If you want."
"You like me?"
"Yeah. Have for a while."
"I didn't expect that." Jon's heart sank. "I've thought of this moment so many times and I never imagined that I'd feel so surprised." Jon regained hope.
"How did it go in your imagination?"
"Well, I intended to be the one sweeping you off your feet. You'd smile so bright and wrap me up in a hug, and I'd hug you back. Or you'd smile awkwardly and let me down gently. Even in my nightmares I can't imagine you saying all the things I'm afraid you'd say."
"I wouldn't hurt you. We vowed to protect eachother, remember? Sure you're cantankerous and crabby--"
"but you're so much cooler than that alone implies. You're a good person, and I know that in my heart."
"If we're gonna date--"
"so it's 'if' now?"
"You have to be patient with me. I hate PDA and I'm not very accustomed to physical affection. I'm not going to suddenly climb in your lap or make out in the student lounge."
"I wouldn't expect you to, Dami. I just like you. I like being around you. Cuddling is great, too... but your comfort is more important. We'll take it slow."
"What if I never get used to it?"
"I'm not going to do something if you hate it that much."
"People have needs in relationships that I am not adequately prepared to provide."
"I don't care. I'm not going to leave you because you don't hold my hand. You show you care."
"I accept your proposal."
"I didn't say we should get married!"
"Nevermind. I can't date someone so stupid." Damian teased. "I meant your proposal that we should try dating."
"Yes!" Jon stomped his feet in excitement. "Can you take these flowers? My hand is getting sweaty from where I'm holding the plastic."
Damian took the bouquet. "I'm suprised you remembered these."
"I try to remember everything about you."
"My act of love is graciously forgetting your mistakes and spending time with you regardless."
Jon smiled. "Different strokes for different folks."
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grace-nakimura · 11 months
Unbeta'd. Written when I actually have stuff to do, but I'm impulsive and a Gemini. Inspired by this. Also, a nugget taken from @impossibleprincess35's fic about the drunken antics of Obi-Wan. As well as a companion to my Mara fic, sure. Brief mentions of Obitine, Obiquin (Obi/Quinlan), and LukeMara.
This is the story of the first, and last, time Luke Skywalker deep dives into old articles circulating around the Clone Wars.
Leia isn't with him. She has little Ben and now baby Jaina to take care of, but she does request if he finds any holophotos of their mother make copies. She also asks if she sees any holo photos of Bail and Breha to make copies, too, but he notes how she leaves out any mention of Anakin Skywalker.
He doesn't blame her; Leia is entitled to feel how she wants, just like he is, and while they are growing in their sibling dynamic where they can argue about anything to being the best of friends with a flip of a dime, the respect they have for each other is solid. It's built upon a foundation of beskar, shared trauma, and the fact they've known each other for years before ever meeting one another.
(He wishes there could be holophotos, or recordings, of Aunt Beru and Uncle Owen. When he dreams of them he's always ten years old; Uncle Owen is sipping his caf and ruffles his hair, while Aunt Beru smiles and asks him if he wants blue milk or regular milk with his breakfast.)
That doesn't stop his own curiosity about who Anakin Skywalker was.
Cunning warrior. Good pilot. Good friend. Old Ben had told him, but he left out the part where he also spent twenty years committing crimes against sentient life.
He said I was like him when I was a kid, Leia had told him. Fearless and passionate, forthright. Which, sure, Leia is all those things and more, but it doesn't tell him who Anakin used to be.
Intense, the droid Huyang had said and left it at that.
Intense. Cunning warrior. Good pilot. Good friend(?) - you don't leave a good friend to waste away in a sea of lava, and a good friend also doesn't kill you, but Luke knows not to poke the proverbial krayt dragon - and ... oh, yes. Fearless. Passionate. Forthright. Which could sum up a number of people in the galaxy.
So there Luke Skywalker, Jedi Master who hasn't really been knighted, sits in front of a computer in a library on Coruscant scrolling through article after article. He makes copies of their mother - for Leia - and he makes some copies of the sparse mentions of Kor Kryze for Mara - even if she says she doesn't need it, but he's caught her staring at the little information she has with a hunger that matches his own - and finally, he finds some things about the Hero with No Fear. Swapping left, Luke enlarges the blue projection and sees his father.
His father, newly knighted, doing his best to avoid eye contact with the photographers. Everyone says Luke looks like his father, but he sees more Leia (he knows better than to say that to her face!) in him. Beside him is Obi-Wan, his hair longer, and layered, looking just as uncomfortable but much more - professional? He makes a copy. Artoo beeps in boredom, whistling in a way that asks, are we done yet? but Luke ignores him.
(Ever since he learned that the astromech had the ability of flight and never needed him to carry him through muck and sand and over hills all along, well ... Luke calls this payback.)
Several other pictures. It's mostly propaganda, which tells Luke absolutely nothing, about the young man known as Anakin Skywalker. This is the myth, he realizes, not the man. It's with a sinking realization that that is all Anakin Skywalker is ever going to be - a myth. A story. Mon Momtha had agreed to keep what became of Anakin Skywalker a secret only between he and Leia, out of respect of the friendship she had with their mother, but Luke thinks it's mostly out of the care she so clearly possesses for Leia. Even Mon, who was there, only had a vague impression that Anakin was competent and he was loath to leave Padme's side.
Sort of like he is loathed to leave Mara's, if he's being honest, but he likes to think he's handling it in a much more mature fashion than a nineteen or twenty-year-old.
He heeds warnings about attachment, but Mara isn't a possession. Wedge or Biggs weren't possessions. They were partners. Mara is his partner, even if they haven't really spoken about being one, and maybe he is being presumptuous, but -
and this is when a link appears.
I have a bad feeling about this, he thinks to himself. It's a holotabloid, so he knows it's going to be absolutely poodoo.
Maybe it's because he's naturally curious. Maybe he's masochistic. Maybe he's tired of Artoo's, can we go yet? whistle that he's been sprouting over and over again every two minutes - enough for a librarian to hush the two - but he clicks on it. It isn't his own personal datapad, and the computers in the Coruscanti Library are probably the most protected from viruses or malware than any piece of technology in the Core.
He looks to his right - no one. Just Artoo spinning around like a child. He looks to his left - no one. Well, if he discounts a nimodian mother and child browsing the children's section a few meters away. The child spots him and squeals. While, normally, Luke hates being recognized in public, children are always the exception. The child, no older than little Ben, shyly hides behind their mother's leg, peeking at him now and then.
The display of innocence - and the reminder to pay a visit to Chandrilla to see Ben and Jaina because, by the stars, there is no way in all Corellian hells is Lando going to win the title of their favorite uncle! - he turns back to the blue projections and presses the link with his finger.
The photo - and article - makes his stomach drop signifcantly.
Oh, this isn't - oh, no.
If Quinlan Vos had Obi-Wan Kenobi's penis, he'd be whipping it out constantly. Vos told Holonews of Kenobi (who is on the magazine's cover.)
This isn't happening. This is worse than losing a hand and being told your father, who you dreamt about your whole life, is a genocidal tyrant all in one go. That was pretty bad. He would be lying if he said he didn't have echoes of nightmares about that night even nearly a decade after.
This is worse. This is how he felt when Mara told him she is also a Kenobi as well as a Kryze. That the man who he and Biggs caught arguing with the air now and then as kids had sex. Someone looked at that man who so badly needed a mind healer and went, yes, that is the one for me.
(It's not my fault Master Jinn came around at the worst of times! The force ghost of his old mentor defended himself, even translucent Luke remembers noticing how his ears would redden. Spend ten years trying to contact him, only to spend nine years hearing his unsolicited advice!)
Against his better judgment - and maybe because it's a rather short article - he scrolls down.
"I don't think Obi is proud of his penis as most men who are as well hung would - or should - or could be."
"This is nothing like what Master Yoda had told me," but then again, in the brief time he's met with Quinlan Vos he's noted that the words "conservative" and "Quinlan" were not synonymous whatsoever.
And the fact Kenobi won't tell you about his huge dick himself is a sign of his fine moral character. "I think that's the greatest demonstration of his inane humility," Vos added, "that he doesn't wear it like a badge of honor."
"I can explain!" The force ghost, a force ghost who Luke still can't look in the eyes properly. Not just for the fact that more and more someone who seemed almost grandfatherly was a human, but for all the images he has of his only grandchild he finds himself thinking about when he's alone. The sort that could make him a great-grandfather.
Luke holds his face in his hands, hunching over, as the force ghost regales him a tale of a misadventure in a Dantooine Cantina, and how his oldest friend thought himself quite the comedian. That, apparently, there was a soft scolding by the council about the Jedi Knight, but - much to his own and Luke's mortification - the fact it had Kit Fisto in stitches meant the punishment was simply a scolding and nothing more.
Luke groans.
And just when he thinks that this is the end, when he powers off the computer and uses the USB port to transfer the things he's saved for himself, Leia, and Mara onto Artoo - who whistles in excitement at the prospect of leaving - the force ghost of Ben, old Ben, who seems to take unnatural glee at tormenting Luke because the afterlife must be terribly boring, speaks up: "While I cannot say for certain that the article is factual, I can assure you that Satine never once complained. Or Quinlan, for that matter, although he was before I met-"
"Right." He stands from the chair and puts a hand on Artoo's dome once the transfer is finished, putting the USB port in his pocket. Not the best place, but he just wants to get out. "Always a pleasure, Ben." Luke says, dryly, not bothering to even glance at the ghost who he can hear is chuckling under his breath.
This is the story of the first, and last, time Luke Skywalker deep dives into old articles circulating around the Clone Wars
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huneibadger · 1 year
LEGAL NAME: Gabrielle Zelda Kinney, x-23_4GAB (On her facility files but her clone sisters named her Gabrielle) NICKNAME[S]: Gabby, DATE OF BIRTH: Unknown and she can't decide on a new birthday because Laura won't pick a date SEX: cis female PLACE OF BIRTH: Alchemax Genetics cloning facility, somewhere in the united states CURRENTLY LIVING: She mostly lives with Laura. They have an apartment in then Bronx. She also spends weekends with Ryouta (@fatummortem ) in their Deb/Pietro/Ry verse. SPOKEN LANGUAGES: English, high school Spanish and she's also trying to learn Japanese from her brother. EDUCATION: She's still in high school! HAIR COLOR: Black EYE COLOR: Green HEIGHT: 4′6″ (1.37 m) WEIGHT: around 92 lbs (41.73 kg)
SIBLING[S]: Laura Kinney, her nine clone sisters (Zelda, Bellona etc.), Ryouta Kinney (other portrayals of Daken also included), Raze Darkhölme, Jimmy Hudson, (I think there's more but this will do), Deborah Morgana (@deborahmorgna in the Ry/Pietro/Deb verse. Gabby would consider her like a sister.) PARENT[S]: Sarah Kinney (Genetic mother, deceased.), Logan Howlett (Genetic father.), Remy LeBeau (surrogate father to Laura and Gabby by extension.) Ryouta Kinney (@fatummortem In their Deb/Pietro/Ry verse fooled in to this by Gabby saying it'll get under Logan's skin.) RELATIVE[S]: Thomas Logan (Paternal Grandfather, deceased), Elizabeth Howlett (Paternal Grandmother, deceased), Ronald Kinney (maternal grandfather, deceased), Leslie Kinney (maternal grandmother, deceased), Deborah Kinney (Maternal Aunt), Megan Kinney (Maternal Cousin), CHILDREN: None she's just a baby PET[S]: Jonathan an actual wolverine
SEXUAL ORIENTATION: She's not really figured this out yet but she had complex feelings about a girl she saw on a bus once. When she's older I think she would maybe lean bisexual but she's still figuring herself out. RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single she might have a teenage highschool relationship eventually SINCE WHEN: N/A she's not dated anyone yet but she has watched a lot of romcoms so she's ready for when it happens.
tagged by: stolen from @fatummortem tagging: anyone who would like to do this, tag me so I can see it!
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the-obiwan-for-me · 2 years
For the 40 questions.....
4-How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them?
15-If you could choose one of your fics to be filmed, which would you choose?
17-Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order?
Yay! More great questions!
4. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them?
Honestly, I have 0 fic ideas right now. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. It's kinda sad, but also kind of a relief. Finishing "More Than Blood" was a huge undertaking and while I am proud that I finished not one, but TWO fairly massive longfics, I emptied the tank, so to speak, and haven't really had any big ideas since. I wrote one little canon-ish Bo and Korkie fic awhile back, and I just finally finished a little canon-ish Korkie and Dad fic this week, but that had been an ongoing project for literal years. I have some post MTB moments (and a few "deleted scenes, so to speak) I've written along the way that I may share, but they are moments. Not stories.
Wait, wait, fine. Here's a tiny bit from one of those moments.....
He stared at her, taking her in, pride swelling in him til he ached from it.
His baby girl. His orikih ad’ika. His little firebrand. Now standing tall beside her mother, resplendent in beskar’gram, her wily curls barely contained, her freckles dancing across her cheeks as she smiled brightly up at him, her green eyes blazing with mischief. In mere moments, she would recite the Resol’nare to her aunt, in front of their entire clan, friends, too, from near and far, and proclaim herself Mando’ad. 
But she would always be his orikih ad’ika.
She had been tiny. At one time, though it seemed like both yesterday and three lifetimes ago. Taken abruptly from her mother’s inhospitable womb early, to protect them both. He’d barely needed two hands to hold her tiny body, and her first months she had often slept with her body cradled along his forearm, her tiny head pillowed in his palm. She had been tiny. 
But at thirteen, her Kryze blood was becoming more and more evident every day, as she quickly sprouted into yet another tall, willowy, fierce Kryze woman, and he sometimes wondered how she could ever once have been that tiny. He often had to go back to holos and look at her as a newborn to remind himself.
15. If you could choose one of your fics to be filmed, which would you choose?
I feel like the obvious answer is "She Said the Word." That would be so cool. It would probably need to be it's own trilogy (I mean, it does span from before the events of TPM through the end of the Clone Wars!), there are some really great moments, and my friends have done an incredible job fancasting my OPs (and, sorry, Katee, I adore you and your Bo, but SSTW Bo is Jessica Chastain and I would LOVE to see my girl play out the emotions Bo has in that story!).
Honorable mention, and I realize that because it is mostly an internal story, but I really wish we had had a moment like the moment I wrote in "Burn Bright." I am and always have been a little salty that Luke got to grieve, on screen, the death of Ben Kenobi and the loss of his home, but we never really see Leia grieve. I do know there is a comic with a very similar premise to this story of mine (which came out AFTER I wrote this, I think), and she had some really nice grief moments in Legends as well as "The Princess and the Scoundrel." But they were all years later.
17. Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order?
Almost all my fics are written from start to finish. For one shots and shorter things, sometimes the idea builds from a particular scene or bit of dialogue, and the story may grow around it, with a start and an end placed around the scene to triggered it. But long fics are almost all start to finish. With some occasional deviations. Sometimes I get an idea of a scene that won't leave me alone, so I will write it down, and stick it in when the time comes. There were SEVERAL scenes in the later chapters of "She Said the Word" that were written MONTHS earlier than they were published.
Thanks for the awesome questions! More questions here!
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la-lauren · 5 months
My sister and I have never had a good relationship. We are very different, and I've accepted that. I find her to be selfish, manipulative, and honestly a clone of my mother. Only helping others when other people will see her good works.
I don't get along with people like that.
Regardless, I was looking forward to being an aunt.
Last week, she sent me a TikTok essentially saying that the baby was sad that their aunt is who their aunt is and that they're stuck with her as their only aunt forever.
I tried to laugh it off, even though that was hurtful, and responded, "Watch me be her favorite family member."
Her: She don't even know you. Me: I haven't seen you flying out to visit me ever. I don't know why you're salty about me not physically being there. We FaceTime. Her: Girl I have a baby and a mortgage. Be so forreal. Me: I'm sorry, are you saying you're too poor? Not sure what that argument is. I have ALWAYS been the one to visit Tennessee. ALWAYS. Don't act like it's on me to be the only one to make the effort.
She didn't respond, and I haven't spoken to her since then. I tried to FaceTime her today, but she declined it.
I HATE that people like my mother and sister get to spin the narrative to the rest of the family about who I am. WHO ISN'T EVEN WHO I REALLY AM. They get to paint me the villain, and it breaks my heart because all I ever did was try to do better for myself. Break generational patterns of trauma. GET BETTER. And to do that, I needed to be VERY FAR away. I did it.
I'm sad for my niece to grow up in that. I'm sad I don't think I'll get the chance to be an aunt.
I called my dad today too to let him know I finished the degree and got a "real" job. He of course tells my mother everything, so within the hour, my mother had venmoed me money.
It's frustrating, because for so long, I kept telling myself I was being too sensitive, that if my mother is capable of being kind SOMETIMES that I just need to overlook her outright abuse. I'm proud of myself for finally cutting her off entirely (except the money)...
But honestly, it still breaks my heart to know I'm never going to have a family that is loving and supportive and not abusive.
Dani's family is only slightly better, but her dad is homophobic and doesn't even know we're together together.
I wish so much that I could have a loving family, and I'm sad that Dani and I don't want kids. It's for everyone's good. Like, my health can't take it, and living in LA is hard enough without kids financially.
I don't know. I need to focus on what I'm grateful for, and there's SO much of that now, but my heart still hurts and aches for a family I'll never have.
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measuringbliss · 5 months
Spider-Man Read-Through 062 Enter The Smuggler (SSM 49-52)
Alright, a new villain, sure, whatever...
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Our story starts with Peter worrying over the Daily Glove ceasing activity and Madame Web knowing his secret identity, but thankfully, Philip is here to change his mind!
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"... to women", he added, suddenly noticing how gay that sounded.
Spidey quickly ends up pursuing Tommy Li.
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This is a new one, I like that gag!
Spidey loses his target, and reminds himself (as in every issue recently...) that he should give May a visit/a call.
This time, May tells Peter that she's getting engaged to one Nathan Lubensky. I like that surname!
Anyway, Spidey finds the bad guys, fights them, and we get the strangest cliffhanger I've ever seen:
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I hear you saying, "wait, where's the White Tiger?!"
He's... in his own miniseries, in the next pages. We get a recap of his personal life until...
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What in the flying fuck. Damn, that sucks.
So now, he's searching for their killer(s)... We'll see how that goes, but I'm kind of upset that this happened :(
In the comments...
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In SSM #50, things get a quirky turn that I'm too lazy to recap (it IS 3am after all), but I have to mention this panel on the left that I find gorgeous.
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Supposedly, the Smuggler ends up sent to the cops. That whole adventure was... let's just say it was an adventure.
Anyway, our hero goes home.
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Hey, these comics artists are getting more showy, I appreciate it!
On this double date, Peter doesn't like that May looks at Nathan like she looked at Uncle Ben. He mentally recaps his backstory with Uncle Ben for the readers that lost their way (50th SSM issue, baby!)
As if things couldn't get more awkward, they get attacked.
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There's a great interaction where Peter asks Nathan to turn off the light so he can use his full might, but the light quickly comes back.
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I did think it might have been them!
When the aliens say they need to extract the secret of Dutch Mallone from Aunt May (check back ASM 200), Peter thinks to himself that "none of this makes any sense!"
Thank you, because I've been confused since the beginning of this post.
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This is bonkers, right? This is completely bonkers.
As for White Tiger, he continues his investigation and gets trapped by one Gideon Mace.
A "Fantastic Issue", as the cover attests, that was not.
#51 time?
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This is still Spider-Man we're reading.
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I really like that panel though. The artists get to be a bit freaky there, good for them!
Briefly distracting me from enjoying Bondaged!Peter, Debra gets kidnapped. Oh, the horror!
Peter later wakes up, still in the space ship. He changes into Spidey and progressively discovers that things aren't exactly as they seem...
One of the "aliens" reveals that they're the same guys who were in cahoots with the Tinkerer in ASM #2... and one of them was one Quentin Beck. Mysterio! A team of failed actors, basically. Alrighty.
A confrontation starts between Mysterio, who's holding Debra hostage, and Spidey and his multiple CGI clones. It makes sense in context.
Anyway, we get a GREAT scene from Debra.
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Completely unexpected, but I love it. I appreciate that the writing was self-aware enough to give her that catharsis. That's great! Alright, Mr. Stern. The game is on.
Smartly, Debra immediately flees and alerts the police.
Spidey eventually wins against Mysterio, and all's well that ends well.
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Love how he looks in the middle panel.
White Tiger-wise, Gideon Mace reveals he IS the one WT seeks, and proceeds to kill him. Or does he...?
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Oh well, the next issue's first page clears that up. But also, Peter's beautiful top, yay!
His outfit is very reminiscent of his costume. And given that his super hero life is being associated to his public identity in this very panel... I doubt it's a coincidence.
Quickly, everyone around gathers here. As the ambulance takes Hector, Peter says, tearful:
"I know him. I know Hector Ayala, and he's dying, and there's nothing I can do about it. Not one blasted thing."
That's powerful dialogue, even though it's a bit unearned, considering we haven't seen Hector in like 15 issues or so, and we didn't get so much depth through his relationship with Peter.
Our Gideon Mace very clearly wants to eradicate all super heroes, and this issue treats it very interestingly. Jameson almost admits he may be wrong about superheroes!
Peter follows Hector to the hospital. There, Blackbyrd, to whom Hector was talking earlier in this batch, crosses his path.
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Peter looks so vulnerable in this issue, I love it.
Continuing the stellar continuity, Spidey gets along with Blackbyrd and soon searches the city for the signal of the tracer he threw at that red car. The signal he finds... comes from that one tracer he accidentally threw on a bird in SSM #49. He retrieves it. Continuity! Love to see it. Didn't expect to see that followed up on.
Spidey finds the actual tracer he wants near goons. As he beats them, Gideon contacts him and challenges him to a fight.
To show that Gideon is not a good guy, it's explained that he bombed a whole area and doesn't care about hurting civillians. Alright, girl. I get it. You're eviiil.
Spidey and various men fight, until he faces the big boss...
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At least he was somewhat original, but I don't care about the aesthetics of war, so that was still kind of a dull read. Interesting ideas (dare I say, fresh?) though.
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It's clear this issue has ideas. I'm impressed! It's a shame it's still quite dull, because Spidey shouting "No more killing" got my ears perked up.
In the epilogue, Hector, alive, renounces to his White Tiger persona. It only brought him misfortune, after all. For a second, I thought he would literally die, but fortunately, no. Three weeks later, Hector leaves with his girlfriend, far away, where nobody has heard of the White Tiger... Something that you sure could not do today!
He gives his amulets to Blackbyrd.
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Dammit, why did this issue have to be this way when the writing was actually good?
I wonder if something tragic will happen soon in our Web-Head's life...
Feels very ominous.
I did like that the story at the end of each issue set this one up, it was smart of them.
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Yeah, that's basically my issue with this... issue.
Next time: We jump back onto ASM and resolve this terrible cliffhanger! Will Spidey survive?
A mystery if I see one!
0 notes
brawltogethernow · 3 years
@mirrorfalls​ submitted: Came across this while searching for James Bond’s scrambled-eggs recipe (long story). Your thoughts?
But did you find James Bond’s scrambled eggs recipe?
In this article, Scocca laments his inability to find accessible, lighthearted superhero comics suitable to read with his young son, while also demonstrating a mysterious aversion to looking at DC and Marvel’s lines of comics for children, which is where the accessible, lighthearted superhero comics suitable for reading with young children are. He wants his elementary schooler to be able to safely have the run of all superhero media so he doesn’t have to touch the yucky baby books.
This is not an industry-wide crisis. This is just one dude who got paid to write an article where he accidentally exposed one of his personal hangups.
The child headed toward the trade paperbacks of Marvel and D.C. superhero titles on the side wall […] a few steps in front of me. […] Is he with you? a clerk asked me. I said he was. You know, the clerk said, we have a kids’ section. The clerk gestured backward, at a few shelves near the entrance. I said, Thanks, we know and tried throwing in a little shrug, as the kid kept going.
You can’t just turn a seven-year-old child loose in a comic-book store to look at the superhero comic books. […] My seven-year-old really wanted to see that last Avengers movie […] that is, he wished it were a movie he could see, but he understood that it was, instead, a movie designed to scare and sadden him—a movie actively hostile to people like him.
They have a children’s section. Because comics are a medium suitable for stories for everybody, and they are sold in comic book shops, which have sections, like bookstores. You can use this organization to find books that you know in advance are suitable for children. What goes in that category is determined by industry professionals. This area will be bigger the bigger the shop is. These comics are not lower quality that titles from the main lines. They are actually slightly better-written on average.
Your local comic book shop has considerately wrapped Empowered in a plastic bag, so your child will not be drawn in by a colorful superhero and accidentally read a graphic scene. If you think your kid might find a memoir about internment camps upsetting, it is your job to notice them picking up They Called Us Enemy and read the blurb on the back before you let them have it. This comic adults are meant to read is in a comic book shop because that is where comics are sold. Not every public place is supposed to be Disneyland.
Movies have ratings systems. If you do not want your child to watch a PG-13 movie, you will find that most superhero cartoons are for children. They are about the same characters. Some are quite good! I really enjoyed Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. Your child may like Avengers Assemble. At least I think that’s right. I’m always mixing those titles around.
This is a deeply weird bias for Scocca to casually demonstrate, because he identifies in the article that real childishness is striving for empty maturity.
He compares an old comic,
[…]a 1966 Spider-Man comic in which Spider-Man meets, fights, and defeats the Rhino; participates in a running argument between John Jameson and J. Jonah Jameson about his heroism; buys a motorcycle; breaks up with his first girlfriend, Betty Brant; flirts with Gwen Stacy; and reluctantly agrees to let Aunt May take him to meet her friend Mrs. Watson’s niece, Mary Jane.
and a new comic,
[…]a 21st century comic book in which Thor, brooding in a Katrina-destroyed New Orleans, beats up Iron Man. He also yells at Iron Man a lot about some incomprehensibly convoluted set of grievances, including involuntary cloning, that he believes Iron Man perpetrated against him while he was dead(?), and then summons some other Norse god from the beyond somehow for reasons having something to do with real estate. I think. Where the 1966 comic is zippy and fun and complete, the whole contemporary one is muddled and lugubrious and seems to constitute a tiny piece of a seemingly endless plot arc—simultaneously apocalyptic and inert.
and concludes that the edgier comic is actually less mature. This is true. (This is not news about mediocre comics.)
It also has nothing to do with either comic being child-friendly, the article’s nominal thesis, except in the sense that ASM #41 (yes, I eyeballed that from that summary, yes I am just showing off now) is better written, making it more everyone-friendly. It also has practically more space dedicated to word balloons than art and is about a college student juggling girl problems and a part-time job with a tyrannical boss. But the immature one, as Scocca points out, is dour.
These are both teenagery issues, separated only by quality. It’s true that lots of new comics published by the big 2 are bad in the specific way Scocca describes here, taking themselves too seriously and hauled down by associated stories instead of buoyed by them. Some are not! Some titles from these companies’ main continuities are zippy, contained, and child friendly. Give your child The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl! Or if you like vintage comics so much better, why don’t you…buy some?
The books on the kid’s rack are good and fun and totally suitable for parents to read with their children without wanting to scoop their eyeballs out. Scocca cites the Batman ‘66 comics as the brightly colored, tightly written all ages solution to his problem about sharing superhero stories with his son. My local comic shop stores this title in the kid’s section. I am glad that Scocca’s does not, as he seems to have a peculiar aversion to looking for comics to read with his son there.
Scocca cites Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse as a superhero movie he could watch with his kids. (I was surprised when this line made it sound like he has several. I don’t want to assume the other one isn’t in this article because they’re a girl, but I very much am assuming that.) Great! Go to the kid’s section and look for Marvel Adventures: Spider-Man. It’s a fun, zippy title directly inspired by ITSV where Miles, Gwen, and Peter superhero together. It’s much more tightly written than most of the various Spider-Verse comics, which are ambitiously messy ubercrossovers. You may not want to give those to children because they include murder and so on, but also you just have the choice between the two as an adult reader deciding how much continuity you want to deal with. Adventures is one of the only titles I would buy on sight before corona. The kid comic rack is a reliable place to take a break from How Comics Get Sometimes regardless of how old you are.
This article makes me feel quarrelsome. Maybe it’s that it doesn’t seem like exploration of a single idea so much as a loosely grouped bundle of things to kvetch about. Maybe it’s that the experience of getting into superheroes that Scocca describes experiencing, projects his seven-year-old son will experience, and from which he extrapolates a metaphorical microcosm of the history of the genre is completely alien to me.
Comic books [and] comic-book movies—are […] trapped in their imagined audience’s own awful passage from childhood to adolescence. A seven-year-old has a clean […] appreciation of superheroes. They like hero comics because the comics have heroes: bold, strong, vividly colored good guys to fight off the bad guys and make the world safe.
But seven-year-olds stop being seven. […] They become 13-year-olds, defensively trying to learn how to develop tastes about tastes.
The 13-year-old wants many things from comics, but the overarching one is that they want to prove that they’re not some seven-year-old baby anymore. They want gloomy heroes, miserable heroes, heroes who would make a seven-year-old feel bad. (Also boobs. They want boobs.)
Not because of the boobs line, although that does illicit an eyeroll that this gloomy thinkpiece is fretting over preserving the superhero experience of little boys who resemble the little boy the writer was while casually dismissing everyone else. I was one of those unlikable little seven-year-olds with a college reading level and the impression that maintaining it was the crux of my worth. I only read Books - distinguished media you could club someone with. I have a formative memory of pausing, enraptured, in front of a poster for Spider-Man 3, preparing to say that it looked pretty cool, and being beaten to the punch by my mother making a disparaging comment about how the movie was trash. It wasn’t out yet, but it was a superhero movie. That meant it was for loud, brainless children.
That was the total of my childhood experience with superheroes, excluding being the unwilling audience to incessant renditions of “Jingle Bells, Batman Smells” that left me wondering why in god’s name Batman’s sidekick was named Robin. I certainly never visited a comic book shop. I got into TvTropes, which got me into webcomics, which got me following David Willis, who got me into Ask Chris at ComicsAlliance, which led to me rewarding myself for studying like a demon for the AP tests with three volumes of Waid’s Daredevil, pitched as a return to the character being colorful and swashbuckling. I was seven…teen.
This is of the same thread as Scocca’s point that immaturity is running from childish things. It leaves me baffled that he doesn’t follow that maturity is embracing them.
I will disclose here that while I think it was dumb I had to overcome my upbringing’s deeply embedded shame associated with enjoying arbitrarily defined lowbrow media and children being childish, I think it’s fine that I was allowed largely unchecked access to technically age-inappropriate content. In my limited experience, content small children are too young for is also content they’re too young to understand, so it kind of just bounces off of them, and what actually ends up terrorizing them is unpredictable collages of impressions that strike out at them from content deemed perfectly child-friendly. I would not forbid a seven-year-old I was in charge of from seeing an MCU movie unless I had a reason to believe that specific child would not take it well. These are emotionally low-stakes bubblegum films. It will probably be easier to socialize with other kids if they have seen them.
But then, when I picture being in charge of a hypothetical child, I usually imagine this being the case because they are related to me, and the pupal stage in my family strongly resembles Wednesday Addams. ALL children love death and violence, though, right?? This isn’t a joke point. I know it looks like a joke point.
The MCU thing seems especially weird in light of the article’s particular focus on Spider-Man, which is the kiddie line of the MCU, even if they refused to waver from their usual formula enough to get a lower rating. Though I am more inclined to describe it as “preying on the young” than “child-friendly”.
(MCU movies are increasingly dubious propaganda, but I would not judge them in front of a child who wanted to watch them for that reason, just in case this led to them partaking of them without me the second they were old enough to and then they grew up to run a blog about them while our relationship suffered because they didn’t feel like it was safe to talk to me about their interests…Mom.)
I tried to overcome the philosophy of letting anyone read anything while compiling this handful of mostly-newish superhero recs for the road that anyone can read. (Handily, I have been in spitting distance of being hired as a comic shop clerk enough to have thought about it before):
For actual children:
Marvel Adventures Spider-Man (the new one is reminiscent of ITSV, the old one is more like 616) any DC/Archie crossover, Archie’s Superteens The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (for bookish children who think they’re too good for comics and adults afraid of the kid’s section) Teen Titans Go (even if you hate the show) Superman Smashes the Klan
For teens:
Ms. Marvel Young Avengers (volume 2) Unbelievable Gwenpool Batman: Gotham Adventures Teen Titans Go (the tie-in comic based off the old show was also called this)
Here are a bunch of relevant C. S. Lewis quotes.
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
Otto spent a lot of quality (😉) time with Harry and Blade growing up. Learned how to flirt by acting as a wing-man for His Dudes.
Did he ever use the family pets or his younger siblings / cousins the same way when he started to take an interest in the ladies? Did any of them sabotage him the way he did with His Dudes when he got annoyed? Did he catch trouble from his parents / aunts and uncles when they found out? Or were they too busy trying not to laugh?
I feel like Fable would have done it for the right reason or price. Raiden would do it for some advice about Burd Dee. But Brooks... this would be when Brooks worshipped Otto, he do it just because it was Otto asking. What did their childhood together look like?
I bet Otto got the best reactions when he had any of his little sisters with him. Girls seeing how he takes care of them and thinking 'That's how I want my man to treat me!'
Oh my goodness!! Listen listen 😂 I want to give some age references here, because while Otto is one of the older ones of the cousins, there might not be as much of an age gap as you would think…there’s only a little over a nine year gap between him and Fable, Raiden the baby brother is ten years younger (Fable is older than him by ten months). HOWEVER, there’s a seventeen year gap between him and Fauna, and then eighteen year gap between him and Audriana.
Otto would never trust mouthy Fable to be around girls. Brooks (seven year gap), he did hang out with, and sometimes there would be girls later. Otto had a ton of confidence, and Blade lacked a lot in so many ways. It was the getting the girls to talk to him that was difficult. Otto struggled with keeping the girls away. He was cute, smart, caring, and he had money. He would take Brooks for a Otto and Brookie day, and there would be girls that would stop to talk to him. They would really melt, when he excused himself to spend time with his brother.
Otto and Brooks spent so much time together. While Otto didn’t explicitly say he had a thing for redheads to him, Brooks picked up on it. I told you that him being with Annie wasn’t an accident. Brooks just wanted to emulate Otto so bad, to the point he lost himself, which is why him and Annie aren’t in the best place. But Otto knew how much Brooks looked up to him, so he would include him in everything. His group of friends got to see Brooks a lot!
Now, the sisters, he is purely big brother with Iclynn. He knows how much his parents had wanted a girl, and he’s so protective of her. Her personality is the closest to Carter’s. She’s a bit more reserved.
Illiana is a flirt. So she wasn’t going anywhere near his guy friends. Because she was charming them.
Eadlin, didn’t like being away from Story that often. That was her shadow.
Fauna is Story cloned. Everything about Story, Fauna possesses. She’s charming to a fault. Giggly and playful, plus she was a really good actress. She would be the one that Otto used to do the “I’m Wost” bit.
Miss Audi as she’s called, is another thing entirely. She looked like a doll. Big pouty lips, big round blue eyes with the longest lashes, and while Brookie was her favorite brother, she would go along with what he would say, but she didn’t like being away from him. Otto only would use Audi if it was a shy girl he was after. Because there was something about her hiding behind her big brother, that they loved. Otto taking her out and about is what got her used to people, and able to be a model.
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jmoriarty-221b · 3 years
So I saw somewhere a post that talked about how some fictional characters just have a divorce vibe going on, like, at no point in time were they ever married but they just give off that feeling that they got divorced
And now I can only think of Clark Kent and Lex Luthor having that vibe
And I spent close to an hour talking about this to my sibling and how it would be a good idea for a new DC show like, you can make so much money off of just the main Batfam alone and there are literally so many people in there that it’s just an amazing idea to have them all in a show together but kind of like a Good Luck Charlie kinda thing because there’s more than enough angst in the world
But in the case of not having enough of a budget for so many characters in one show I turned to the Superfam (Batfam is Huge like, I don’t even know half of the extended family version and that’s like at least ten characters so I could see why it wouldn’t be entirely feasible to have a show that included everyone while still being good with nice character development without having a billion dollars for the budget)
The Superfam, in my personal experience, is composed of Ma & Pa Kent (farm vibes plus I refuse to have either of them die in my AU), Clark Kent (main Superman), Lois Lane (Lana? was Smallville Lois i guess??? But idk enough about her so she’s not here), Jon Kent (Superboi II), Kara Danvers (Supergirl) & Conner Kent (Superboi I)
Now I’ve stopped watching CW shows like, forever ago??? But my brother kinda keeps up with them and basically the gist is that the ratings of every other show suck Except for the Superman & Lois show (because it’s 💫new💫) and I saw the cover of the poster like “Ah, the werewolf dude. . . mmmhhmmm that’s Lois yes, yes that’s Johnny boi, and um is that???? Nooooo, they wouldn’t do that to Conner right???? Please tell me they didn’t make Conner blonde” and I was informed that the blonde teen is Chris???? Like
Whoms’t do ye speak of
I’m not even joking but the only way I even know of Chris is from a random fanfic I read where Dick Grayson gets his own super from an alternate reality named Chris, that’s my only point of reference for this character
But let’s talk about how Conner Kent (OG Superboi) was excluded
Now I haven’t seen any episodes of this and I probably never will (no hate I’m just really unmotivated to start new shows at all) so idk if they might mention Conner or even allude to him in one scene or something
But this was my main motivator as to my new Superfam TV Show Idea
Have Lex Luthor not be a Superman villain, he’s mainly a successful businessman, a little shady but who isn’t, and he doesn’t want to Kill Superman, he just wants to be able to have some sort of viable protection against a Kryptonian in case of an invasion (see Man of Steel + CW’s Supergirl) or suddenly having a mind controlled Superman on their hands (see Justice League series or just look up what Red Krytonite does) so he makes it like his side thing to figure out ways to neutralize or hold back a Kryptonian, Clark totally thinks that Lex is obsessed with finding a way to kill Superman because they had a bad end to their friendship in high school so he’s always suspicious of Lex, Lex hasn’t really ever tried to kill him though because 1. It’s not that deep Clark ok? And 2. He’s a busy busy man with a very important job position and a company to run so does he look like he has time to harbor an obsession over someone who rejected him back in high school??? You’re more of a constant side quest Clark, so stop trying to put him on the JL watchlist ( btw ik about Lena Luthor, haven’t forgotten her but she doesn’t really play a part in this AU so let’s just have her and Kara off to the side doing their own thing ok? Ok)
Lex, Bruce & Oliver all knew each other when they were kids and went to the same school, this is just an extra detail I wanted to happen because Lex and Ollie definitely know Bruce is Batman and absolutely HATE having to deal with Brucie Wayne because “I know you’re just doing this to irritate me Bruce, you just want to see if you can make a vein throb in my forehead but I will valiantly ignore your dumbassery because I know you hate being Brucie just as much as we hate having to put up with Brucie so suck on that you petty bitch” because they bonded in ye olden days, childhood friends so to speak
Anyway so Cadmus tries to get Lex to make an investment in their company, seeing as Cadmus is shadier than Gotham when it rains Lex is basically like ‘no ❤️’ and doesn’t make a deal with them, Cadmus gets mad at not having Lexcorp financially backing them so Lex has an ‘accident’ and they steal his DNA, then they steal Superman’s DNA somehow and *boom* a Superboi is formed
Because I don’t know much about how the Core Four became friends in the first place (Robin Tim Drake, Impulse Bart Allen, Wonder Girl Cassie Sandsmark & Superboy Conner Kent) I’m just gonna go with what happens in the show Young Justice except it’s the Core Four becoming the Core Four when they liberated Conner (who at this point believes himself to be a clone of Superman and has only been given Superboy as a name) from Cadmus, same shit goes down meaning that Clark is just straight up NOT vibing with Conner, Conner just wants a mentor please, and the Bats kinda give Clark a passive aggressive treatment for not taking Superboy under his wing or at least agreeing to teach him how to control his powers, especially Tim because that’s his Bestie so yes
Anyway, YJ saves ppl and is on the news or whatever and Lex finds out about Superboy’s existence that way, so he researches this new super on his free time, finds out that he came from Cadmus and claims to be a clone of Superman, yet doesn’t have the whole power set Superman has??? Wait, didn’t Lex reject Cadmus’ proposal and the got into a mysterious accident??? Long story short Lex goes connecting the dots, hacks into Cadmus’ files, finds out he technically has a son with Superman and decides to take Superboy under his wing (I’ll go more in depth as to why Lex would want to do this in this AU later but the abridged version would be that he wants a kid but doesn’t have the time nor interest in finding a wife??? Also the radiation that made him bald as a kid also affected his reproductive system so while it’s not impossible for him to conceive kids he would have a very hard time actually getting to father a kid)
Him and Conner, who still goes by Superboy at this point in time, meet up and Conner finds out that here is a parent figure that is both available and actively wants to be a part of his life, so he agrees to get to know Lex and the series would focus on them becoming a family, with a special episode when Conner asks Lex for help in choosing a name for himself and it ends up with him agreeing to become Conner Luthor, it would be heartwarming and Mercy would make sure it happens within a day (Mercy is Lex’s bodyguard/PA but they’re also besties and she becomes the Responsible yet Chaotic Aunt as Lex and Conner’s father-son relationship progresses)
Obviously Clark becomes super suspicious of Lex getting close to his ‘clone’ and when Conner decides to go public as Lex’s son he’s like *GASP* and calls up Bruce because we need to get on this Bruce, Lex is a villain and blah blah blah but Bruce would be over Clark’s shit and hit him with that “actually, Lex was also an unwilling genetic donor to Superboy, who actually is not your clone either, and has agreed to take him in, I’ve been on this shit since they first met and the kid is doing just fine so if you keep poking your nose in their business then that’s your problem but you better be ready to pay child support bitch . . . have a good day ❤️”
The series would just focus on Conner getting to have a good parent figure in Lex and go more into their civilian lives rather than focusing on the superhero thing, Conner, Bart, Tim & Cassie have a sleepover at Lex’s house at one point, Lex totally Knows what’s up but it’s all good because these are his baby’s friends and they’re good people who are more than willing to prank Superman for rejecting his kid and giving his baby self worth issues (Mercy supports them)
Anyway, that’s basically the idea for a new Superhero Show
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lettheladylead · 4 years
Tumblr media
The Golden Heir Chapter 6 - Blood [Ch1] [Ch2] [Ch3] [Ch4] [Ch5] [Ch7] [Ch8]
Dickie opened her eyes to find herself tied up and in a room with a lot of unfamiliar faces. There were a bunch of tied up kids, and two little girls talking to them, and then a surprisingly familiar person was tied to two other people in the corner of the room.
As the boys (triplets? They looked familiar, like she’d seen them on the news) turned to talk to the one little girl that was tied up, Dickie looked over at the adults and sat up straight to make sure she was seeing things right.
Everyone in the room turned to look at her, and everyone looked massively confused except for the two girls that weren’t tied up.
Gyro in particular looked like he was understanding the situation less and less. “...Dickie? Wha...what are you doing here?!”
She looked around the room and noticed that one of the triplets was staring at her like he knew her from somewhere. The other two were animatedly discussing how their Uncle Scrooge was faring in a fight and Dickie finally realized who they all were - Huey, Dewey, and Louie, Scrooge McDuck’s nephews! She wasn’t an expert, but she’d read articles about their family before.
“I’m, uh...not really sure,” she said quietly. “My grandma told me to just do whatever these weird bad guys said or else they’d hurt me, so…”
“Your grandmother…?” Gyro mumbled, looking around the room. “I don’t understand, I thought they were just taking people with a connection to Scrooge.”
The little girls looked at each other and started giggling as the triplets and the other little girl leaned towards each other. Dickie wondered if they were trying to break the ropes holding them up, but that definitely wasn’t going to work. She opened her mouth to say something again when the screen on the wall blipped and suddenly they were all able to see something very frightening.
The two people she’d interacted with earlier - Heron and Bradford, apparently - were standing atop some sort of structure looking even more evil than before.
“Hi Mommy!” June said with a little wave.
“Each of them will soon be erased from existence as well,” Bradford said, and Dickie propped herself into a fully seated position and then tried to scoot closer to Gyro and the other adults.
She didn’t understand what was happening at all but she could see behind Heron was a small group of people chained up and hanging near the edge of the tower, overtop of what seemed like a swirling vortex of doom. Though she could only see a few strands of blonde in the far corner, Dickie knew exactly who was out there.
“Granny…” she said softly, almost too soft for anyone to hear.
Louie, though, glanced back at her with a confused look on his face.
Everyone was silently watching the scene folding outside until Bradford suddenly shoved Heron into the vortex. Dickie wasn’t able to hear everything they said, but she was pretty sure that wasn’t a part of the plan based on how upset the two girls got.
They yelled out and cradled the screen which had turned to just noise.
The girl that was tied to Gyro spoke up. “Wait, he’s gonna get rid of his own team, too?!”
“Do you know how replaceable clones are?” Gyro responded as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
The two little girls turned towards them looking somber and Dickie finally started to realize what was happening. Those little girls must’ve been misguided clones of the other little girl that looked just like them. The one the triplets called Webby.
She still didn’t know what this all had to do with her grandma or with her. Why had Bradford needed her to get that weird piece of paper? Was that the Papyrus that he yelled about before killing Heron?
“Bradford’s lying! Mom told us the story of the Papyrus of Binding. It can only be found by a direct descendant of Scrooge!” the red triplet explained. “I didn’t find it!”
“Me neither!”
Webby looked confused. “But then...why did Bradford try to have me find it?” She swung around for a moment. “I’m not...I mean...what Granny told me earlier…”
The boys looked at each other. “What did she tell you?”
“That I’m not really her granddaughter…” Webby said sadly, staring down at the floor. “That she found me as a baby in F.O.W.L. headquarters. And Bradford said I was made by F.O.W.L. But...why?”
A heavily-accented voice filled the room with a sing-song response. “Well, obviously they were trying to create a descendant of Scrooge McDuck!”
Everyone stared at the man holding the harmonica and he looked back as if he hadn’t said something strange. “What?”
“So you’re saying…” Huey’s face contorted through a hundred expressions as he put his thoughts together. “May and June are made from Webby and...Webby is made from...Uncle Scrooge?”
Webby’s mouth was hanging open. “Bless me bagpipes…”
“Wait, so, like, does that make Webby Scrooge’s daughter?” Dewey mumbled. “Then why didn’t the Papyrus appear for her?”
“I guess the Papyrus didn’t count it,” Huey said. “If Webby is a genetically modified clone, then I suppose she isn’t technically a descendant.”
“But that doesn’t change the fact that they have the Papyrus!” Webby yelped. “So then...how did…?”
Louie’s eyes widened and he turned the group of boys around to look back at Dickie. She knew she needed to say something but felt awkward interrupting during this moment of revelations for their family, but she was starting to come to a conclusion of her own and that needed her full attention.
“Your name is...Dickie, right?”
Gyro looked between Louie and Dickie and almost jumped when he realized what was happening.
“Yeah...um…” Dickie mumbled, looking down at the floor.
“You look a lot like our Aunt Goldie,” Louie continued. The other kidnapees in the room gasped, Gyro and Von Drake excluded, and Louie nodded feeling very confident in his conclusion.
“...Aunt Goldie, huh?” She looked up at Louie and grinned sheepishly. “To me, she’s just...Grandma Goldie.”
“WHAT?!” Huey shouted, shaking the boys around. “Grandma like...like grandma grandma? Goldie O’Gilt?!”
Webby was staring at her so intensely and Dickie couldn’t look back. “So...did the Papyrus appear to you?”
Dickie nodded after a moment of hesitation. “He didn’t tell me what it was! I was just following orders so he wouldn’t kill anybody!”
Gyro let out a loud, inhuman noise. “You’ve been related to Scrooge this entire time and never thought to mention it?”
“Well I-I didn’t know!” Dickie yelled, struggling against the rope around her. “She always told me she didn’t know who my grandpa was!”
The kids all looked at Louie, knowing he had a special relationship with Goldie and might have more insight on this situation than the rest of them. He just shook his head. “I’m sure Aunt Goldie had her reasons for keeping this from Uncle Scrooge.”
“Or maybe she...she really didn’t know!” Dickie chimed in. “Just ‘cause this Bradford guy figured it out doesn’t mean Granny knew, right?”
“Oh, she definitely knew,” Von Drake said suddenly, making everyone look at him again. He seemed to have all the answers that no one else did. “Sure, Goldie likes to have fun, but she’d never carry a baby to term unless it was ol’ Scrooge McDuck’s, no doubt about that.”
“...how can you possibly be so sure about that?” Gyro said with a judgemental glare. The girl between them grimaced.
Von Drake opened his mouth to answer, but then stared at the gaggle of children in front of him and quickly shut his beak. “Ah...well. Just, ah, take my word for it.”
Dickie frowned and stared down at the floor. “So...what? I’m...Scrooge McDuck’s granddaughter? And that’s why they brought me here and tied me up? This is kind of insane, you guys know that, right?”
“Considering I just found out I’m a genetically modified clone of your grandpa…” Webby started, pouting her beak. “I think it’s not the craziest thing we learned today.”
“...that’s a good point.”
“Hey!” Dewey spoke up, spinning the boys around. “Does this make you Webby’s niece?”
Dickie and Webby looked at each other curiously. “I never imagined myself with an aunt that’s, like, half my age.”
Webby smiled awkwardly at the older girl and started to respond when her clones finally spoke up after staying silent for so long.
“So that’s it? That’s why we were made? So Bradford could find some dumb piece of paper and get rid of us?!” May shouted, staring down at her hands.
“...we weren’t even good enough to do that. We never have been.”
Dickie watched the girls talking to each other as Webby went into a little rant about family, and leaned back against the wall behind her. Sure, alright, she was technically Scrooge McDuck’s family. But that was just through blood. She definitely didn’t feel like his family. She didn’t even know him.
Knowing that her grandma kept this from her made Dickie feel like she wasn’t even a part of the family she knew. Of course families kept secrets from each other. Even the family in front of her - as much as they loved each other and kept each other strong, they clearly had a lot of secrets that’d just come out in the last day. Maybe she shouldn’t be so picky. At least she didn’t just learn she’s a clone of the richest guy on earth.
“Please...help us save our family,” Webby finished, and the two other girls looked at each other for a moment before smiling and reaching out to undo their knots.
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flashfuture · 3 years
hello do you mind explaining all the amazons?
All of them????
Okay uh I'll break down the ones i at least know about anyone who's deeper into the WonderFam please jump in I don't really interact with them that much.
But we've got
Diana Prince: Wonder Woman
Our Golden Age Princess of the Amazons. During the Golden and Silver ages she came from Paradise Island. She was truly animated clay here and several hundred years old by the time of WWII. During the Golden Age Diana married Steve Trevor and they had a daughter named Hippolyta "Lyta" Trevor. (My break down of Lyta would be an essay in itself and she's not really an Amazon so). Diana was a member of the JSA here.
During the Silver Age Diana also married Steve but no kids. She rescued Donna Troy from a fire and sent her to Paradise Island to be raised by Hippolyta making Donna and Diana sisters. This is the first timeline to mention Ares is her grandfather technically as he made Hippolyta. Diana lost her powers at some point. She got really really good at martial arts and then two years later got her powers back. She supposedly died during Infinite Crisis but then you know didn't. During Convergence she killed a vampire Joker. That was fun. In this timeline Diana was a founding member of the JLA.
Okay and post crisis New Earth Diana is the first one to say Diana is from Themyscira. It was still called Paradise Island sometimes. She was molded from clay. Diana in this time was not a founding member of the JLA but came to America after it was founded. (I think Infinite Crisis retconned her to be a founding member but idk) Diana has become a member of the Trinity alongside Batman (Bruce Wayne) and Superman (Clark Kent). 
The Prime Earth Diana is the one from Flashpoint and onwards. She’s now the daughter of Zeus. In New52 if I recall right she was made much much younger like in her 20s and explored mankind in the modern era. The Doomsday clock thing reestablished her WWII origins. She was also said again to have been born during probably the Hellenistic Period (they said classical antiquity and that’s you know just a few thousand years) She just helped out in Death Metals and is now doing something with Infinite Frontier unclear I don’t really know what Prime Earth Diana has been up to lately. 
So on Earth-Two, Earth-One, and New Earth Diana was the granddaughter of Ares and as such her life span was greatly extended. On Prime Earth as the direct daughter of Zeus she is immortal. 
Donna Troy: Troia/Wonder Girl 
Donna is a tricky one. She was introduced real quick to fill the girl role on the Teen Titans cause the boys were getting a little too gay. So started Silver Age Earth 1. Okay so basically her origin kept changing but the one that’s ‘canon’ is she was created to be a playmate for Diana but was abducted and kept being cursed to live tragic lives in New Cronus. Right around the Titans era okay Donna was rescued by Diana and brought back to Earth. Donna was the one to suggest the Teen Titans name. Donna is a member of the Fab Five along with Robin/Nightwing (Dick Grayson), Aqualad/Tempest (Garth of Shayaris), Kid Flash/Flash (Wally West), and Speedy/Arsenal (Roy Harper)
Donna married Terry Long when she was 19 and they had Robert, got divorced, they died in a car crash. 
After Crisis on Infinite Earth Donna sorta realized all those ‘lives’ she led were other version of her which she was all of now. And also Donna was believed to be the Goddess of the Moon. She had to stop a sun-eater or whatever but failed (Hal came in with a clutch it it’s cool)
Donna also had to fix some shit during Infinite Crisis and ended up on a Universe Hopping road trip with Kyle Rayner and Jason Todd to find Ray Palmer for Final Crisis or something. She was killed by a Superman Android during the Teen Titans/Young Justice Crossover. (Edit thanks to that anon for this I legit couldn’t remember how she died)
And Prime Earth Donna was made to destroy Diana. She you know didn’t. 
Look I’ll be real I know next to nothing about what the New52 tried to do with Donna. I just go by her original origins of being Diana’s sister. 
On Earth-One and New Earth Donna’s life span was greatly extended and on Prime Earth she is stated to be Immortal as on Prime Earth Amazonian’s on Themyscira were granted immortality. 
She is like Diana’s twin made from darker clay on Earth-One which is the silver age Earth. Nubia was actually slightly older than Diana but she was stolen as a baby by Ares who was going by Mars. Mars/Ares is Nubia’s grandfather and he wanted her help in taking down the Amazons. Nubia was raised on Floating Island (or slaughter island as Mars/Ares called it). Nubia fought Diana and hesitated to kill her leading to a draw. Nubia returned to Floating Island and at some point Supergirl had to save her life from poison of some sort. 
On New Earth she went by Nu’Bia and was just a random Amazon, her job was to guard the Doom’s Doorway which is an entrance to the River Styx. She was not Diana’s sister. 
On Prime Earth Nubia is the daughter of Hippolyta and the half-sister of Diana not her twin. Nubia went undercover pretending to work with Darkseid before Themyscira could recover and rally to fight. Nubia is currently the Queen of the Amazons. She was given the crown by her mother, Hippolyta during the Dark Metals event. 
As with Donna on Earth-One and New Earth Nubia had a greatly extended lifespan and on Prime Earth Amazons are immortal. 
Cassie Sandsmark: Wonder Girl 
She is a New Earth entry who was for the new Young Justice team. She is the daughter of Zeus and Dr. Helena Sandsmark. Here as Ares is Cassie’s half-brother and technically the father of the Amazon’s this means Cassie is Diana’s great-aunt. 
Cassie as a girl was able to request a Boon of Zeus who she didn’t know was her father at the time I believe and demanded real superpowers. Her mother Helena was able to turn off Cassie’s superpowers at the start as well. Cassie was trained by Artemis for awhile. Cassie became Wonder Girl in honor of Donna Troy who handed over her old suit. Cassie joined Young Justice as a teenager and would later be on the Teen Titans. Cassie has become a part of the Core Four for Young Justice alongside Robin/Red Robin (Tim Drake), Superboy (Kon-El/Conner Kent), and Impulse (Bart Allen). 
Cassie’s best friends outside of the core four are Supergirl (Kara Zor-El) and Cissie King-Jones (Arrowette). Cassie and Conner Kent used to date as well and she was in love with him before he died during Infinite Crisis. 
On Prime Earth Cassie is the daughter of Lennox and the granddaughter of Zeus. In this version Diana is Cassie’s aunt not the other way around. Cassie is still a member of the Young Justice team here. I don’t exactly remember what was happening during the New52. She was still Cassie unlike Kon and Bart who’d been replaced. But during Rebirth she went with the other members of Young Justice to rescue Conner Kent from Gemworld. She is currently still a member of the Titans. 
On New Earth as the daughter of Zeus, Cassie is an immortal who would not age further once she reached her prime age (like 27 or so). On Prime Earth as the granddaughter of Zeus and the daughter of Lennox Cassie’s life is extremely extended. 
Artemis Grace:
Artemis of Bana-Mighdall comes from a separate group of Amazons not on Themyscira or Paradise Island. Bana-Mighdall is a tribe of Amazons in Egypt who left Greece millennia ago. 
On New Earth Artemis left her home at 14 and wound up working for Ra’s Al Ghul before returning to her home. There was a competition to see who would be the next Wonder Woman as Hippolyta foresaw Wonder Woman die and wished to spare her daughter the fate. Hippolyta ensured Artemis won the competition. Artemis was shunned by most of the world including the Justice League who refused to see her as the true Wonder Woman. Artemis was also thought to be too violent. Artemis would later die in a battle with a demon fulfilling the prophecy of Wonder Woman dying. 
Artemis got out of hell eventually and was given the job of training Cassie Sandsmark by Diana and would later train Supergirl in combat as well. 
On Prime Earth Artemis was raised being told she would be Queen of the Amazons. She was desperate to prove herself and wanted to be the Shim’Tar of the Bana Amazons. Artemis’ best friend and lover Akila was chosen instead. Without Akila by her side Artemis felt her home had nothing left to offer and set out on her own. She helped stop an invasion of Qurac into Bana as well. 
Artemis then joined the Outlaws and worked with Red Hood (Jason Todd) and Bizarro, a botched clone of Superman. 
On New Earth Artemis had a greatly extended life span. On Prime Earth he Amazons were gifted immortality but those who left for Bana-Mighdall lost this gift so it is most likely that Artemis has the same extended lifespan from New Earth. 
Grace Choi:
Grace on New Earth comes from the same group as Artemis in Bana-Mighdall. Grace’s mother is an Amazon but her father was a Korean American. Grace grew up in America in the foster care system. She ran away at 9 but was kidnapped and sold into a child prostitution ring. She managed to escape at age 12 after her powers kicked in. Grace began fightining both for pay and for fun and worked as a bouncer at a meta club in Metropolis. 
Grace worked for the Outsiders for awhile at the request of Roy Harper an ex-fling and good friend of hers. She helped rescue Lian from the same child protsition ring she was in as a child and generally had lots of adventures with the Outsiders. 
Later it was revealed she had Bana roots but Grace refused to join them as they were currently you know sieging down the US. Batman was briefly worried about her loyalties but Grace proved she had no loyalty or ties to the Bana Amazons. 
Grace has returned to the Prime Earth in Infinite Frontier and in Festival of Heroes and it seems like nothing has changed with her so far. 
Grace has increased longevity of her life. She is listed as half-amazon because only her mother is a Bana Amazon but all Amazons only have their mother who are Amazons so I don’t really see why she isn’t a full Amazon. Anyways increased life span. 
He is Diana’s twin on Prime Earth. He was sent away cause you know no men on Themyscira. Jason was raised by Glaucus who was a member of the Argonauts crew and worked under the original Jason of Greek Myth. Who Jason was named for. 
Jason was raised on the Aegean Coast by Glaucus and became a Fisherman. Jason was trained in his youth by his half-brother Hercules. 
Jason worked briefly with Diana but wasn’t sure how to be a hero. There was a period where Darksied’s daughter tricked him but Diana talked him down. And Jason saved Diana’s life during the Dark Metals event. 
He is currently in the Dark Mutliverse living with a boyfriend on the Aegean Coast. 
As the son of Zeus, Jason is an immortal. 
⚔️ Also for fun the Weapons:⚔️
Lasso of Truth: Wielded by Diana Prince
Originally imbued with it’s power by Aphrodite and Athena later after crisis forged by Hephaestus and powered by Hestia, this lasso forces the truth from whoever it has ensnared. It is indestructible.
Lasso of Persuasion: Wielded by Donna Troy
This Lasso forces someone to do what the wielder demands. This requires Donna’s or whoever wields the lasso to have a stronger will then who they’re using the lasso on. It is indestructible.
Lasso of Lightning: Wielded by Cassie Sandsmark 
This lasso was created by Ares and gifted to his half-sister Cassie Sandsmark on New Earth. This lasso channels Zeus’ lightning and can make someone experience intense rage if they are caught by the lasso. The power of the lasso is directly correlated to Cassie’s rage levels. 
Lasso of Submission: Wielded by Artemis Grace
Originally from Earth-3 this lasso has the ability to make someone obey any commands even those to inspire false love. After Superwoman (Lois Lane) of Earth-3 was killed Diana took the lasso and gifted it to Artemis. 
Bow of Ra: Wielded by Artemis Grace
The Bow of Ra was a gift from the Egyptian sun god, Ra to the Bana-Midghall Amazons. This bow goes to the Shim’Tar and forges a special bond with them. Those who are not the Shim’Tar cannot wield the bow and further if you are not a candidate to be a Shim’Tar the bow will harm or even kill you. The bow requires intense willpower to use or it can drive the wielder mad. Akila was driven mad with the power of the bow and had to be killed by Diana and Artemis. It is said to have the power to destroy stars so this bow is incredibly dangerous and powerful if not wielded by the right person. 
(Bonus Donna used to use a lasso that was golden but held no specific magical properties.) 
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