#tubbo's train makes a appearance! how fun!
cosmicphenix · 2 months
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Master post ((soon) / next ((also soon)
Still no title yet but here is part one of this story! I've had such a blast drawing this and trying to figure out how to draw a train.
I will be setting up a poll shortly with a list of names for this AU! I literally can't choose between them so why not?
((Link to that here!)
Please let me know what you think!
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cindernovadoesart · 8 months
So I’m once again bored and thought up about this. You think Ranboo in twisted wonderland would know how to dance? Cause I sure do, now before you ask I’m thinking of ballet, ballroom, maybe a bit of jazz, and possibly contemporary. Now honestly I think in general that OG Ranboo also knows these dances. They began learning ballroom to dance with Tubbo properly (aka Hannah and Eret agreed to teach them). Ballet was their original dance form due to the length and how elegant they hold themselves. And began learning jazz with Micheal for a bit of fun with their son, also to drag Tommy into dance as well. They were introduced to contemporary dance by Hannah and liked it.
When the VDC rolled around Hannah agreed to help out with Ranboo and Grim to manage the group. As well as mentioning to Ranboo in private that this would be a prime opportunity for them to train again and start working on their dances to keep their memory fresh. So on the first night when everyone went to sleep, Ranboo having trouble sleeping decided to go to the lobby to clear the area and began to stretch, thinking it’s best to start with ballet since it is their strong suit.
It started out with simple barré (using a sturdy thing to hold onto) before it went into practicing spins, and then floor work, and finally Ran after feeling comfortable enough began to do a solo. Having no music to dance to was okay, they’ve done it many times before. The Solo that Ranboo begins is Giselle’s act 1 variation.
During said Solo is when Ace and Deuce made it to the top of the stairs, on their way to sneak some of the sweets that were sent over with them. They froze when they saw Ranboo dancing in the night. They could tell that Ranboo was super focused in the dance that they quietly snuck by in hope they won’t be noticed by them.
Only when Grim spoke, Ranboo finished dancing, causing them to notice a certain duo in the kitchen stuffing their face with a certain sweet given as a gift to them all by Trey. Ranboo being the nervous wreck that noticed that they were breaking a rule set in place stayed far away in hopes he wouldn’t be apart of the punishment. Which happens to be the curse that Vil put upon it earlier. After Vil’s appearance and explanation of what was happening Ranboo felt a bit sour at it and proceeded to question Vil on what jurisdiction he had to do that under their roof. Ranboo and Vil began to argue a tad. Ranboo understood and agreed to Vil’s rules at first sure but after finding out the punishment it really made them mad. Ranboo told Vil that even though he was staying at their dorm and had the ability to make rules over the group, he had no right to enforce these punishments if they hadn’t cleared or okayed them. This was Ranboo current living space, and would be for a while, Ranboo thought it was only far to know whatever the punishments or actions are happening in their home. Having getting that across to Vil and putting their foot down, Vil could tell that this was someone to not mess with. Since the spell couldn’t be lifted until the morning, Ranboo was thankful to have cleared the living room for the boys to have space to roll and not bump into anything.
In the morning Ranboo and Hannah ate the breakfast given to them, and Hannah questioned Ranboo about doing some dance practice during the others practice. Rook, hearing this, questions Hannah on what she meant, catching the group’s attention. Hannah replies with a straightforward answer of that Ranboo is a dancer, a great one at that, and that it’s been a while since they done their regular training and thought it would be good to have his dance sessions during VDC sessions if it was okay with Vil. Ace and Deuce both verbally reminisce about last night, having seen Ranboo dancing ballet. This caused the rest to all shout in surprise (minus Hannah, Vil, and Adeuce). Ranboo sighed and mentioned that they couldn’t fall asleep and wanted to practice their ballet since it was their best dance out of all they were learning; causing the group more shock.
Vil allows it under the condition that if they would teach the group if asked. Ranboo mentioning that they are more classical dance rather than hip hop styled, they find it hard to even do that style of dance that Vil wants to teach. But if Vil wanted the group to learn ballet, contemporary, or ballroom they would happily teach it.
And Rook being curious probably asks about the ballroom dance, cause usually it’s a partner dance, and he’s quite curious to know more about Ranboo’s possible dance partner from his hometown. Which Ranboo replies that he just started learning it with his husband, causing shock from everyone except for Hannah. The brain cell duo both yell at Ranboo having not told them about this even though they’ve already became friends, Rook, Vil and Jamil were processing the information just given to them, while Epel and Kalim were both a bit dazed in confusion. Ranboo then went on to explain that they were married only platonically, for the tax benefits. Which does make Vil ask exactly how old Ranboo and their husband is. And Ranboo confirms that they both are 18, another shock to everyone.
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Dark Wizard of OZ AU.
Technoblade is a bright young man. He helps run his family's farm. He's a little bit of a daydreamer, but he works hard. He has a little dog he loves, but the mean neighbor keeps picking at it and trying to get it to bite. Which, of course, it does. And they send out the pound to get the dog taken.
Technoblade's family doesn't do much to stop it, but luckily Apollo is well trained and escapes his prison and makes his way back to Techno. Techno knows his family will make him give up Apollo, so he runs away.
He meets a strange traveler in a very strange caravan. Dressed in normal clothes, but his sharp blue eyes seem to know something strange. He offers a meal and offers to read Techno's fortune. They talk, they have a bit of fun.
Here's where it differs from thr Original Oz.
When the strange traveler offers Techno to stay and travel with him, he is not trying to reverse psychology Techno into going home. He is very interested in keeping Techno close.
But Techno is already regretting running and decides to turn him down. The blond haired man frowns, before smiling only a little strained before warning Technoblade to be quick. That the weather doesn't look so good. Which Technoblade is confused about. Its sunny outside.
Except, by the time he gets home, it is storming in earnest. He can see the twister forming in the distance. The storm celler won't open, why won't it open??? He knocks and knocks but it remains shut, so he hurries inside the house and tries to find shelter.
The twister hits, and Technoblade is knocked unconscious by a random item falling off a shelf. When he wakes, he sees that his is high up in the center of the storm.
The house lands, and Technoblade cautiously exits the house to find an impossibly colorful town. The town is ecstatic to see him because his house landed on a tyranical witch, a man who professed himself their king but did nothing to help them, who would rather spend all his time napping.
The Good Witch Philza, a man who looks somehow familiar, appears and congratulates Technoblade. Technoblade never knew that people could have wings like a bird or dress in such strange robes.
The Wicked Witch Dream appears, furious that someone could murder his best friend, George. Technoblade gets flustered trying to explain that he didn't mean to. Furious, Dream turns to at least retrieve his friend's crown, a thing of power. But it isn't there? Where?
Good Witch Philza places it gently on Technoblade's head, right where it is supposed to be :). Dream is enraged and tries to attack Technoblade. But the crown was made to KEEP George safe from attack, it does nothing to Technoblade.
Technoblade just wants to go home, and tells the Good Witch Philza so. Philza gives him a knowing smile, and points him toward the Emerald City, saying that maybe the Wizard could help.
Technoblade goes on his journey, and runs into a strange trio. An incredibly clever kid named Tubbo who thinks he doesn't have a brain. A very emotional boy named Tommy who claims he doesn't have a heart. And a kid named Ranboo who claims to be not so courageous...which, yeah, that one tracks.
As Technoblade travels with them, they ask him about his life before. And more and more the answers are harder. When Tubbo asks about what his life was like, Techno's memory grows foggy. When Tommy asks about his family, he flubs the names and begins to forget faces. When Ranboo talks, he gets less and less confident in what he remembers.
They make it to the Emerald City, but the Wizard won't help unless they kill Dream. Which is so disheartening. Technoblade is starting to doubt...doubt that its even worth it. Maybe...maybe he should just stay here?
No. No, he's got to at least try. So he goes, and you get all the benchtrio + Techno action stopping the witch. But as Dream falls, he says something. About how he can't trust Philza. And a guy named Sapnap takes charge after the reigh of terror ends, leading Technoblade and the trio back to the Emerald City as heros.
Technoblade confronts the wizard, who starts to backtrack on what he said about helping until Bench Trio rip away the curtains. A brunette theater guy stands there.
His name is Wilbur and he really isn't magical. He comes from a place quite similar to Techno. He came to Oz some years ago and made a place for himself.
"How did you get here?"
"I...honestly, I can't quite remember? But Philza helped me out once I got here."
Apollo, good boy, wanders off and pulls out the hot air balloon. And it jogs Wilbur's memory enough to remember THAT'S HOW he got here. So they start setting jt up so they can both get home.
Of course Good Witch Philza shows up to see them off. Look he is even smiling he is so happy. The twitch in his eyebrow isn't actually there.
However, once everything is set up, a crow swoops down and tears the tether away before Wilbur OR Technoblade can get in. Wilbur accepts it pretty quickly, not all that bothered.
Techno is...les thrilled. But the Good Witch Philza comforts him, tells him he will help in anyway he can. And its not much, but he gives Technoblade an emerald earring, a small token of his appreciation.
Technoblade accepts it, puts the earring in and its like a weight is lifted from his heart. This isn't so bad, is it? It's just like his daydreams.
Good Witch Philza smiles happily at him, and guides him further into the Emerald City, already prepared his home.
Anyways, have a good day.
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This one is so unique and interesting, I'm just.... hmmmmm
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ilovelotsofthings · 8 months
So they other day (2 days ago) I was at work and brain just went Selkie Eggs (qsmp)
My head just is holding these thoughts in and putting them on scraps of paper so I could move them to my Google docs
There isn't a lot for it yet but I am so smiley about this au
So here is the list of everyone.
It is pretty set in stone what they are now
Some of them are up to change in the other category but we'll see.
Half Selkie 
Wilbur Soot
Roier (¼)
BBH (Demon)
DanTDM (Human)
Fitmc (Human)
Philza (Bird Hybrid)
Luzu (???)
Vegetta (Human)
Forever (Werewolf)
Pac (Human)
Antoine (Human?)
Kameto (Human)
Irommouse (Demon)
German (Human)
Pol (Human)
Some random facts (train of thoughts)
Selkies cannot become human until they are 5+ years old.
All the folks (minus A1, Hope, and ElQuackity) arrived all at once
Well there was still a 2 week period without the eggs but still
All the "Eggs" have 5 lives in this universe
I have no plan at the moment to perma-kill the eggs but still want some deaths
For example when Hope appears, Hope is down 1 or 2 lives because of the Feds
A1 I have decided is ElQuackity's which means A1 is with ElQuackity through everything.
Also is why the name wasn't changed.
ElQuackity isn't the best or really a good dad 
The Feds are just normal basically. Testing for who knows what reason. I mean Selkies are interesting 
Also we are going by taking a Selkies skin has them under your control but only so they can try and get it back
A lot of Selkies choose to live on land 
A Selkies coat can turn into a piece of clothing or just actual clothes
Still working out what all the Selkies and half Selkies with skin turn the skin into when it isn't in use
Also I started this 10/5/2023 (October)
So today Kameto came back so now I actually know what do do with him
The Tragedy of your friend (Kameto) selling you out for cash (This Au, not canon… I think)
Also that helped me confirm to keep him human.
Also yes the Feds kidnapped some of the older ones and had the other be born under their custody 
Paid the Selkies to sell out their own babies. Also probably to stay alive and keep their skins.
OH and yes Hope and A1 are still literally seals
Not helpful for ElQuackity as he has no seal skin so he has no idea how to raise a baby seal
Hope at least ends up with Cellbit and others who can teach her 
Also everyone if a hybrid is still a hybrid just mixed in somewhere along side Selkies genes or no Selkies genes
Aka demons still demons, birds still birds, etc
So yes Baghera who is full Selkie had some folks bring in fun genes.
Also ElQuackity is currently in my au is Quackity's brother. Just looking like clone half brother :|
Also ElQuackity is a black swan hybrid alongside being half Selkie with no skin (went to Quackity)
Currently ElQuackity and A1 on the brain A1 lost a life due to ElQuackity neglecting them. Man is having trouble raising a seal with the intelligence of a toddler
That is all for now. I haven't typed all my thoughts down yet.
Trying to work on it but I am bad at ever doing anything with any aus I make.
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nullifi-blr · 3 years
A few more Dream SMP headcanons, cause they fun!
- There are two gods in the realm. There used to be three, but Foolish has been “demoted” as it were.
- These gods are DreamXD and Drista. They don’t often visit the world, but when they do, everyone can tell.
- DreamXD is the god of Order. He keeps the server rules in line, and makes sure that nothing goes wrong. Well, wrong in a godly sense.
- Drista is the god of Chaos. She does not appear often, but when she does she brings boons that no one has seen before, making the rarest items in the SMP just out of pocket.
- Dream is not a god. He’s a mortal who was never able to ascend like Drista or DreamXD, or he was a god fallen from grace becoming a Dreamon.
- Either way, watching his siblings become gods made him obsessed with god hood. So, when he brought Tommy back from the dead, he thought this was his ascension.
- It was not.
- Dream, and by extension, DreamXD and Drista, are form shifters. This basically means they have 3 forms: human, creature/god, and blob.
- Dream spent most of his time in the human form. He didn’t usually like showing the form shifting, but when he is scared he does accidentally pop into the little white smiley blob
- However, near the L’manberg war of Independence, he began to stick to the creature form more. This form looks human, but has slightly translucent speckled green skin, and no eyes. He still keeps the mask.
- Much like CC!Tubbo, Tubbo has weird dreams. Instead of a Cold War era experiments Tubbo dreams of a dark underground archive, where eyes watch from unknowable places.
- Ranboo also has weird dreams. It’s how his mind fills in the Enderwalk. Example: the prison visit stream.
- Different from the Enderwalk memory mess, Ranboo also just forgets what he’s talking about sometimes.
- Tubbo and Ranboo’s rings are on their horns
- To Wilbur’s eyes, there were only three times that trains had passed through the station.
- The first was just a train that came into the station, but never stopped. That’s how Wilbur saw Jack’s brief stint into Hell.
- The second, of course, was Tommy. He was sat in the middle of the walk way, forehead bruised and eyes white. He refused to get off the train for a moment, before getting off, and the train left.
- The third was when Ghostbur came to town. The steaming faced ghost was in shambles as Dream kicked him forcibly off the train. Ghostbur pleaded to go back, that this wasn't his home. But Dream just held out a silent hand to Wilbur, indicating one thing:
- It was finally his time to ride the Jubilee Line.
- When someone passes away, just a touch in the afterlife will change their appearance. This most commonly takes form in white hair streaks, colored veins under the eyes, and different color pupils. The color of the pupils is dictated by each person's limbo.
- For Wilbur, it's the bright red accent of the train station as seen on the YCGMA cover. There are stains of yellow veins under his eyes.
- For Tommy, it's a dark indigo. Tommy only saw the void when he died; darkness full of deep nothing. When you stare at the void, it often leaves a mark. Red veins still mark under his eyes.
- For Jack, his eyes didn't change. He wasn't dead long enough for that to take effect. However, he did still get a few streaks of hair. The veins, for Jack, took two colors: red and blue.
- Jack's "resurrection" fucked him up. Royally. Jack's heart beat is slowed, as if he's not as alive as before. Small patches of skin across his body are grey like a ghost, and the white streaks in his hair are sparse and sporadic. When he sleeps, his heart fully stops.
- Jack has sometimes described his post-Hell life as "living between breaths and heart beats". It's scary, not just for him.
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probsjosh · 3 years
Schlatt Coin origin story. 
Dad!Schlatt x reader but I made it fuckin sad.
edit: I fucking forgot to mention this is GN!Reader I'm such an idiot
Warning: mentions of alcohol, cheating/affairs, abandonment, gambling, not explicit but reference to murder, angst (if there’s anything else I missed please tell me)
So uh, Dad!Schlatt angst aye?
It had been a great Friday afternoon. Schlatt decided he’d wanted to take you, his spouse, and son out for the day to have some fun, going to having lunch, then visiting the local ice cream shop before stopping at an arcade to spoil Tubbo for the night. It was rare for your family of three to have these outings but it made it all that much more special when you had the time and money to do so. 
After playing and collecting tickets for the better part of two hours, Tubbo had finally scrounged up just enough tickets to get the giant bee plushie he’d been eyeing all year. It was bigger than his torso, square-shaped, and undeniably adorable. What was even more adorable was this pudgy little three-year-old waddling his way up to the prize counter, holding an unreasonable amount of tickets in his arms. There’s a small moment of panic when he realizes he can’t quite reach the top of the counter when his dad comes to the rescue, lifting him up so he can open his arms and let the tickets fall in front of the impressed employee. 
“Gimme da bee,” Is all he says, his contagious laughter ringing out as the bee is retrieved and handed over to the giddy child. “Tank you!” is all the employee gets before he buries his face into the plush. Schlatt laughs and hugs him tighter, he kisses his forehead as you look at them awestruck, a loving smile on your face. It was moments like these that reminded you how much you loved your family. Tubbo managed to peel himself away from his newfound love long enough to yell at you, “Look! I got da bee! Look!” You laugh as you come closer to them, pressing a kiss onto Tubbos forehead, “My little Bumblebee has his own bumblebee!” His little giggles muffled by the bee as he nods, “I got a bumby bee!”
Once you were all back home, there was a knock at the door. You were sitting in the bathroom with Tubbo, who was enjoying a bubble bath, so Schlatt went to answer the door. There was some muffled talking before he appeared in the bathroom doorway. “I’m gonna go out to the casino with the boys for a while. Think you can survive a few hours without me?” Tubbo emerges from his mountain of bubbles, giggling before he dove back in, “I think we’ll be okay,” you laugh as your son piles the bubbles onto his head like a hat. Schlatt smiles and gives you a quick kiss before heading out. “Don’t get too shit-faced!” you call after him, you hear a soft, “I’ll try!” before the door shuts. 
He apparently didn’t try hard enough. He stumbles in the front door at 4 a.m. reeking of booze, the lingering smell of cigarette smoke staining his clothes. You came downstairs to help him into the bathroom. “I think-” he hiccups as you sit him on the rim of the bathtub, “I think I got a little too shit-faced.” He smiles apologetically, swaying lightly, before reaching into his pocket, “I made some money though.” You smile back, but chastise him for drinking and coming home late anyways, but you knew he probably didn’t mean to get as drunk as he did and it seemed like he’d had fun.
It wasn’t a problem at first. At first, it was just a weekend a month. Then one weekend became two, became every other week, became if he wasn’t at work, he was at that damn casino, became you weren’t even sure if he still had a job. You weren’t even sure when it started but you very quickly realized what a problem it had become. Schlatt was never home. And if he was he would only appear to drop off a wad of cash, give Tubbo a hug, try to show you any semblance of affection which you outright rejected, and he’d be out the door again. You’d stopped trying to keep him at home, seeing as he’d just disappear no matter what you told him, no matter how much you asked for him to stay, he never did. 
Your breaking point was when Tubbo just stopped asking where his dad was. It was almost as if he’d forgotten who his father was, and the only person to blame was Schlatt. So one night you asked your neighbors if they could watch Tubbo for just a little while, they agreed, and you were off to the casino to drag your alcoholic, gambling addict of a husband back home. 
It wasn’t difficult to spot him in public, his ram horns like a crown atop his head made him a beacon for attention, and he was definitely getting it. He sat at a Roulette table, a rather large crowd gathered around him, towers of chips in front of him, one arm slung around some twink, the other arm knocking over towers of chips to signify him placing his bet. He was always one to put on a show. 
“Always bet on black!” he shouted, and the crowd around him roared, as the dealer pushed his newly won earnings towards him. He took a sip of his drink before he leaned down and kissed the man pressed against his side. 
That made you see red. 
You stormed over, the crowd parting like the red sea at the sight of your fury until you were met with JSchlatt himself. “Hey, what happened...” was all he could say before he turned to see you standing there in front of him, furious and heartbroken. 
“How could you?” You sounded so angry at first. “How fucking could you.” But it melted away into sorrow. The tears flowed down easily, you didn’t bother trying to hide how much he’d hurt you. But after months of never seeing him at home, did you really think he would remain faithful to you? Did the thought of Schlatt living out of a casino, on a never-ending gambling train, never make you think that he was doing something, or rather someone, else?
    No. In all honesty, it hadn’t. You’d been naive enough to trust the man with the Devil’s Horns with every aspect of yourself, thinking that maybe if you loved him enough, he’d love you just the same. And as you stood in front of the man you once called the love of your life. The father to your gorgeous child. The man that promised to love you till the end of your days. 
You saw the pure horror in his eyes. 
Not the shame you’d expected, nor the anger at the fact that he’d been caught. He was terrified. Of what, you couldn’t be sure and you honestly didn’t care. Anger clouded your judgment, as you saw him take a step towards you, an arm extended out to reach for you. You swatted his hand away and sobbed. Hot, angry tears streamed down your face as you yelled. Profanities, curses to his name, wishes that you’d never met the wretched man, and he was so taken aback, he stumbled back and into the table. Every single one of his chip towers fell, the dealer didn’t bat an eye and accepted his entire haul as a bet. Schlatt realized too late as he turned to see the wheel spin.
Red, 16.
You’d stopped yelling by now, trying to collect yourself, as you felt both his hands clamp onto your arms, “Honey, darling, I’m gonna need you to listen to me, okay?” You tried to pull away, fighting against his grip, but he apparently wasn’t as drunk as he made it out to seem. “Please, I know I fucked up, just please for the love of God listen to me for just one fucking second.” 
The urgency and desperation in his voice caught your attention and you knew he was being serious. You stopped fighting in his grip and met his gaze. 
“I need you to go home. I need you to take Tubbo, take any cash you have left, and nothing else. And I need you to run. As far and as fast as you can. Do you understand me?” The fear in his eyes suddenly made sense as you nodded twice. He let out a choked breath before he whispered, “I’m so sorry,” as he let go of you. You didn’t say anything in return, only giving him one last look of pained understanding as you turned on your heel and ran as fast as you could.
Schlatt stood there, staring at the spot where the love of his life had stood. He closed his eyes, trying to stop the tears from coming down when he heard the awfully familiar voice of the casino owner as he walked onto the floor. As it turns out, Schlatt had been in that casino 24/7 because he owed someone powerful a lot, and I mean a lot, of money. “JSchlatt. Friend. We’ve got to stop meeting like this.” Schlatt flinches as he feels Dreams' hand land on his shoulder. He opens his eyes, the shit-eating grin he’d come to perfect settling on his face so fucking naturally, as he turned to face his demon. “Dream! Ah! What a lovely surprise-” 
“Cut the shit Schlatt. What the hell just happened to my money.” It's not a question. He knows what happened, he just wants to see Schlatt squirm. 
"I can— I can get it all back. I promise. I promise— please just," he swallows what little pride he has left and he begins to unravel in front of Dream, "Just leave my spouse and kid alone." Dream tsks and looks Schlatt over once, pausing for just a second before he sighs and reaches into his pocket.
 He takes Schlatts wrist and presses a single gold coin into his palm, closing the drunks fist around it. Schlatt, grateful for this second chance, almost sighs in relief, but before he can, Dream speaks again, "Your last coin, Schlatt. Be smart with it." Immediately Dreams lackeys rush past them, out the door, and into the night looking for blood. Schlatt realizes far too late. "NO—" Dreams grip on his wrist tightens, as Schlatt stumbles and falls in front of him. 
“I told you Schlatt. There would be a price to pay.”
 Schlatt finally breaks in front of Dream, gripping the coin in his hand, as he screams for the family he knows he's already lost.
You stumbled up to your neighbor’s door, slamming your fists repeatedly on their front door before a panicked woman opened the door. It was well into the night at this point, and you’d feel much more sympathy for her if the fear and adrenaline course through you weren’t making you as panicked as she looked. You rushed pasted her, picking Tubbo up from where he lay sleeping, thanked her profusely before you apologized, and bolted out of her house. You gripped Tubbo to your chest as you ran down the street and into the city, pasted closed shops, and speeding cars. Tubbo never once stirring from his slumber, his little arms wrapped around his bee plush, his blanket catching all your tears as you bolted haphazardly through the city.
You didn't know much about the man who ran the casino but you knew what happened to the people that crossed him.
You didn't have it in you to outright hate Schlatt for this. It may have been his actions that lead to this but it was obvious he never meant to put either you or Tubbo in harm’s way. The look on his face was enough to tell you he still loved you with every fiber of his being but that was not enough to excuse him for what he'd done. You didn’t think you’d ever forgive him for what he’d done to you and Tubbo, but you knew that didn’t matter now. What mattered was making sure Tubbo was safe.
You came across an alleyway that went into the forest bordering the city. You knew there was only so much you could do in the city, so you chose to gamble your chances in the woods. After hours of dodging trees, bushes, and boulders, getting as far away from the sounds of the men coming after you as you could, you manage to find yourself on the other side of the forest. The sun was rising in the distance as you came to a clearing. A road that lead out of the city and into the undeveloped land surrounding it. 
Then you spot it.
A box. A simple box sitting on the side of the lonely road leading out of the city. As you got closer the words "FREE ITEMS" written on the side in bold black marker made it clear that this was a donation box. You knew this is Tubbos’ only chance. Frantically, you search the box and luckily find the very marker used to write on the box that had been tossed in by its original owner. You carefully lower Tubbo into the box, uncap the marker and on the inside flap quickly scribble "His name is tubbo, take care of him, please.”
You don't even realize you're crying until your vision is too blurry to see the words. You hear a shout coming from the woods and you know you have to go. Suppressing your sobs, you quickly press a kiss into his forehead for the last time, "Goodbye my little Bumblebee." A sad smile comes onto your features as you close the flaps of the box enough to hide him before turning back into the forest and running in without looking back. A newfound determination in you as you make as much noise as you can, hoping that they would be satisfied in only killing you and leave your baby alone.
A few hours pass and there are screams coming from within the forest that are abruptly cut off. Tubbo stirs in his box and awakens as the sun comes up, spilling into his new temporary home. He sits up, confused and alone when he hears a voice coming up the road. Fear gets the better of him and he ducks down into the box as he hears a small voice yell, "Dadza! Dadza! Can I check what’s inside that box?" There’s a low chuckle, and a soft, "Sure son, go ahead," before Tubbo can hear small footsteps quickly approaching him.
Tubbo grips his plushie as he hears the small footsteps slow down, before stopping completely. Suddenly the box flaps open and a little blonde boy’s head pokes out over the edge, blue eyes peering down at him. A moment passes as both boys stare at each other in confusion before the blonde boy calls out again.
"Daaaaad! There's a baby in the box!" The heavy footsteps stop suddenly. "A what?" The footsteps start up again, and suddenly a man in a green and white striped bucket hat appears. Confusion turns to worry, as the man’s eyes settle on the message scribbled into the box. “So. Tubbo? Is it?” 
Tubbos’ grip on his plushie becomes even tighter, but he nods slowly, eyes dancing between the boy and the man. “Well, Tubbo. Guess I’m your dad now. My name is Philza,” he gestures to the boy, “and this is Tommy.” Tubbos eyes meet Tommys, and Tommy grins at the boy in front of him. “Hi, Tubbo! You’re gonna be my best friend!” At these words, Tubbo smiles and stands in his box, dropping his bee in favor of hugging Tommy. “Hi, Tommy.” Is all he says as Tommy hugs Tubbo back. Philza smiles at the boys in front of him, unable to find it in him to worry about how his twins would react to the family’s new addition.
Back in the city, Schlatt stumbles back home for the first time in weeks, being greeted by a cold and silent house. He shuts the door behind him and slumps down onto the floor. A bottle of Jack Daniels already half-empty meets his lips as he begins to cry again. Longing for the family that he lost the moment he struck that stupid deal with Dream. His fingers play with the singular gold coin he has to his name. 
Schlatts coin.
He liked to walk the length of the city during the day. The sights and sounds were enough to drown out his hungover thoughts. He'd be sober for most of the day before he returned to the casino to drown his sorrow in liquor, but for now he could relish in the warm sun as he came to the edge of the city. There was a playground near where the forest and city collided that he usually avoided, in fear of breaking down over hearing the children's laughter, but for some reason today he felt nostalgia for the happy times he'd once had.
He walks the sidewalk, tears coming to his eyes as his guilt comes crashing back. Coming to a bench, he sits down, hands cradling his head, as he tries to get a hold of himself together. Suddenly he hears him. He hears his son shouting, "Dad! Dad!" followed by his laughter. 
Thinking he'd finally gone insane, he looks up expecting to see some random kid yelling for their father. Instead he's met with the sight of his Tubbo running around the playground as fast as his little feet will carry him, giggling as a little blonde boy chases him. "Tub-Tubbo?" his own words are nothing but whispers, but his son is shouting, "Dad!" another giggle, "Dadza! Dadza!" a man with large black wings stands from his bench to catch Tubbo as he launches himself into his arms, "Tommy's chasing me! He's chasing me!" the man laughs as the other boy, presumably Tommy, runs into the man's legs, "We're playing tag dummy! I'm supposed to chase you!" the three laugh as the man sits down once again, Tubbo still in his arms, and Tommy clambers onto the bench as well. 
Schlatts face is wet with tears. He's alive. Tubbo was alive. His son was alive and happy and‐ and without him. Without his parents. Grief rocks Schlatts body once more, a single sob escaping him before he rubs his eyes, takes 3 deep breaths, and collects himself.
What mattered here was that Tubbo was safe. He was alive. And he was happy. Schlatt stands, sparing a final glance at his son, silently thanking the man for taking him in, and he begins to walk away without turning back. 
Tubbo turns in time to see a man with ram horns turn the corner as he walks away. "....dad?" his smile dropped as he pulled away from Phil, walking to where he saw the man. "Tubbo? What's wrong?" Phil asked, the concern evident in his voice. Tubbo says nothing and instead makes his way over to the sidewalk, Phil and Tommy close behind. 
As he stepped into the middle of the walkway he saw no one. His little eyebrows knit together as he turns back to face them. "I thought… I thought I saw my dad...but I haven't seen him in so long- it probably wasn't even him." There's an odd mixture of emotion laced in his words as they make their way back to the bench. "'M sorry Tubbo. Do you want to go back home?" Tubbo nods, taking Phil's hand and Tommy goes over and grabs Tubbos' other hand. He smiles at the younger boy, and Tubbo finds it in him to smile back. 
As they begin their trek home Tubbo thinks about the man he saw, and how he could've sworn he recognized his horns.
He could've sworn he recognized his dad's horns.
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businessbois · 3 years
fic w no name currently titled “mama puffy”
The grand opening of the Big Innit Hotel is a wild success if Puffy does say so herself. 
Despite Tommy’s not-very-subtle fears, plenty of people did show up, carrying diamonds and drugs-a-plenty. She herself entered with an excitable Tubbo practically vibrating at her side and an unbothered Foolish strolling behind them. Sam and Tommy greeted everyone at the door—Sam still keeping up that strange Animal Crossing persona (But hey, if it makes Tommy happy, who is she to judge?)—and Tommy boasting a pleased grin.
It’s about two hours into the festivities and nothing’s burned down, nobody’s dead, and only a few crimes have been committed. By Dream SMP standards, it’s the best party ever thrown on the server, so they’ll all toast to that.
Unfortunately, Puffy herself can’t bask in the moment as much as she’d like to because her something is very very very wrong please don’t let it be evil plants sense is going off like crazy. She quickly scans the room.
Bad and the rest of the shady Egg folks are mingling around the strange potted plant Tommy set in the corner of the room.
Niki and Jack stand by the entrance, heads ducked towards each other in conversation.
Tubbo is wildly gesticulating to an audience of Sapnap and Ranboo who is wringing his hands and glancing over his shoulder intermittently.
A group of Connor, Foolish, and a few others she doesn’t quite recognize are congregating by the buffet table.
Puffy frowns.
The man of the hour himself is conspicuously absent. 
She sets down her drink and crosses the room—dodging the wayward dance moves of Karl Jacobs and Quackity—towards Awesamdude who has been watching the whole affair from the front desk.
Pressing up on her toes a bit, Puffy leans over the desk towards Sam.
“Have you seen Tommy anywhere?” she says, loud enough so he can hear, but softly as to not be overheard.
She can’t see his expression behind his mask, but Sam holds up one finger and starts typing on his communicator.
Puffy rolls her eyes. “Tommy’s not here, you don’t have to do the Sam Nook bit.”
Nevertheless, she hears the familiar chattering sounds from his communicator. She sighs and flicks on her own.
There’s a determined tilt to her chin when she looks up.
“Will do, Sam.”
And then she slips out the front entrance, unnoticed by the hotel’s preoccupied inhabitants.
Puffy’s never much liked walking around the area of L’Manburg. There’s something about it that doesn’t feel… right. The whole place is a tomb. A time capsule. A warning.
The oak wood beneath her boots is dirty and worn, but strangely free of cracks and burns. She wonders how many times this very path has been replaced.
On the other side of the tunnel past Tommy’s shack, she sees a small figure sitting on the grass next to the path.
It’s Tommy.
She comes to a stop a little ways behind him, sure her boots have made enough noise so this war-trained child has heard her approach.
“Got room for another?” she asks.
Rather than answer her out loud—an unsettling change from the boy who never turned down the opportunity to talk—Tommy scoots over and pats the ground next to him.
She takes the invitation.
Settling down on the cool grass, she glances at the boy from the corner of his eye, but fails to catch a glimpse at his expression. In his hands, he tosses back and forth a dented communicator. Red and white sneakers swing in the air beneath them, knocking dirt into the river below. It would almost be a cute, childish picture if Puffy didn’t find her stomach sinking at his dark demeanor and proximity to the edge.
“So…” she tries, mentally cursing her lack of actual experience with kids. “What brings you out here?”
Luckily, Tommy’s dealt with people more socially inept than her. He tilts the screen of his communicator so Puffy can see.
Technoblade has made the advancement [Hot Tourist Destinations]
Philza has made the advancement [Hot Tourist Destinations]
Puffy’s heart sinks in her chest as she looks at the broken boy on the edge of his broken city.
“No excuse of ‘missing invitations’ this time,” Tommy’s voice is quiet when he finally speaks, “Not that he bothered with one.” 
He’s got his head bent and entire body curled in towards himself as if trying to exist in as little space as possible. 
“I should’ve known.” 
“Tommy—” Puffy starts.
“I should’ve,” he says more forcefully. “If the ‘never being around’ wasn’t enough, then maybe the favoritism, or the dismissals, or the blowing up my fucking home, should’ve been.”
Something compels her to slowly reach out, hand hovering in the air before settling comfortingly on his back. She feels sharp shoulder blades under her touch and how he tenses before relaxing into it.
He continues, “But of course, immature, stupid, reckless, selfish TommyInnit couldn’t take the fucking hint.” He emphasizes each word with a fistful of grass yanked from the ground. “Couldn’t learn his fucking lesson.” A laugh rips from his throat. Not the explosive, joyful shriek that could make even wardens’ lips twist up, but a bitter, ragged sound like broken glass. “Well, I got it this time, Dadza. Thanks a lot.”
Puffy swallows. Mustering some of that kindness that she’s found to be such a commodity on this server, she shifts so she can face him better. “Look, Tommy.” She tilts her head, trying to catch his eyes. “Hey.”
Dull blue eyes meet hers. 
She speaks softly, but with no absence of conviction, “I can’t pretend to know what Philza is thinking or why he does what he does, but I can tell you right now that you didn’t deserve that. Okay? Tommy, you didn’t deserve that.” 
There’s a growing sheen in his eyes and his lip quivers ever-so-slightly. He whips his head to the side, unwilling to match her stare any longer.
Her hand moves up to give a light squeeze on his shoulder.
She hears him open and close his mouth a few times. His fingers bury in the dirt at his sides.
Haltingly, he says, “I think he used to love Wilbur at least. And I know he loves Techno. He probably even fucking loves Boob Boy too, but me? He never—” He sucks in a breath. 
“I mean, he named me Theseus,” Tommy says, voice trembling, “You don’t do that to a kid you want to grow up happy.” His voice breaks at the end and this time he doesn’t manage to catch himself before he shatters.
But Puffy does, throwing all hesitance to the wind to pull this boy into a hug and so—above the home he lived and fought and died for and in full view of an uncaring world—TommyInnit falls apart in her arms.
The angle is awkward because he’s much, much taller than her, practically folded over to fit beneath her chin, but he melts into the embrace and Puffy can’t imagine letting him go. She feels the growing wetness where his head is tucked and the way he’s all skin and bones and paper mache. His arms come around, dirty, raw fingers clutching at the back of her jacket.
“I don’t want to be Theseus,” he sobs into her shirt. Whispers it like a grievous sin or confession. “Please don’t let me be Theseus.”
Puffy holds him tight, offers promises and reassurances in the same breath, and resolves that if the Angel of Death or the Blade or the Universe won’t take care of this boy, she will. She is a Knight, after all, and she serves to protect. So she’ll protect Tommy from those who seek to do harm, and she’ll protect him from his own nightmares, and she’ll protect him from the prophecies forced upon his head. And maybe, as long as he’ll have her, she won’t let him go at all.
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strawberrylemonz · 3 years
And I Shall Name Her Clementine
Part 6
Part 8
DT: @petrichormeraki @applepie1000 @jump-in-the-cadillac
Tommy did not think this through. Grian thought it was hilarious, while Kristin thought it was adorable. The Hermits did their best and fucking failed at hiding their amusement. He just wanted to help the poor girl, for fucks sake! She was an orphan that escaped the cruel conditions of 2b2t, a server that the Phil fucking Minecraft warned all his children to steer clear from. And her bear had a tear in it! It looked pathetic, flopping around with its stuffing falling out! Of course Tommy was going to clean it up and replace the stuffing and resew the messed up seams! Now, the nameless child refused to detach from him. Everywhere Tommy went, she wordlessly followed closely behind. Finally, after many attempts to get the child to go with an older adult, the two made it back to Tommy’s house. 
“Alright, kid, I made you a bed. Your rooms construction will be finished tomorrow, so you’ll be in the guest room tonight. G’night”
After changing into comfortable sleep wear, Tommy flopped onto his bed. Letting out a huffy sigh, he turned around to his backside and stared at the ceiling. Letting out a hum, he closed his eyes and prepared to sleep.
Only to be awoken by rustling.
Opening his eyes, he turned to his side to face the door to his room. There, timid as ever, stood the young girl. Clutching her bear to her chest, she quietly walked up to the side of his bed, staring at him with scared eyes. Rubbing his face, he propped himself up and looked back at her.
“What’s wrong?”
She didn’t answer him, but the trembling spoke loud enough for him. She was scared. How could he be so stupid? Of course she was scared, she faced the terrors of 2b2t all by herself. Humming, he scooped her up and moved over, placing her beside him. Throwing the covers over her, he turned to face the wall. He momentarily froze as he felt her small hands cling to his shirt, as if that alone would save her from her monsters. Humming a little song, he faded to sleep thinking that maybe, just maybe, it really could. Maybe he could.
Morning could not come soon enough. As he put up the freshly washed sheets and comforters to dry outside, he noted another task to put on this task wall. Once he finished, he walked inside and to his wall. Putting up a sign, he added more for him to do.
-make/buy the kid more clothes
-find out her name
-potty train [Kristin better help]
-start adjusting her to her room
Sighing, he looked over at his crafting table. Picking up the newly made dress, he walk over to the bathroom. There, Kristin was bathing the child. She had come over early that morning to check on him, and offered help with bathing the child. He placed the dress down and prepared to leave, but was stopped by both girls. Kristin spoke up as the child began to whine, grabbing the air for Tommy.
“Where do you think you’re going? I can’t come everyday to help clean her. I’ll teach you how to bathe her.”
She must have saw the hesitation in his eyes, because her tone changed to a calmer tone. 
“You won’t hurt her, don’t worry.”
Sighing, Tommy nodded as he joined the two girls. Kristin hummed, smiling at him before explaining what to do. As he listened and watched, he peered over at the kid. The child was happily staring at him, only looking away to close her eyes when Kristin warned her to do so. After she was washed and dry, Kristin helped her slip into her new dress. 
“Well, I better go. I have a garden to start.”
“A garden? I can help you with that later, if you want. My brothers, aside from Grian, and Phil don’t really know, but I’m pretty knowledgeable with plants.”
Giving him a hug, Kristin informed him that she’d message him if she needed help. As she closed the front door behind her, Tommy turned around and faced the child, who was staring up at him in silence. Sighing, he motioned for her to follow him into his kitchen.
“I learned to braid from Wilbur. I’ll fix up your hair, and then we’ll have breakfast.”
“So you don’t know your name?”
A small head shake from the child confirmed his question. As she munched on her toast, Tommy asked her simple yes or no questions. Some she would move her head to answer, others she would point at objects to help him piece together the puzzle. He had learned that her parents were murdered after she had just began learning to walk. She had overheard players mention the hub portal, so she traveled across the server to get there. She and her parents had escaped from being experimented on. She was a young, inexperienced shapeshifter that preferred bugs she squealed when he got excited over her fuzzy moth form. She didn’t know how to speak, didn’t know her name.
“Well, we can’t leave you nameless. I’ll start giving names, and you let me know which one you like the most.”
A small nod let him know that she understood what to do. 
“Alright, then. Samantha”
Tommy bursted out in laughter as the girl squealed, waving her toast around in excitement. She hopped up and down in her seat, nodded ferociously at the name. Wiping a joyous tear, Tommy let out a sigh as he poured juice for both of them. Placing a cup in front of her, he watched as she carefully picked up the cup, slowly sipping the juice.
“Clementine? I like it.”
She smiled brightly at him, and he returned the gesture. As he finished his breakfast, he put his dishes in the sink. As he prepared to wash dishes, he felt a tug. Peering down, he saw Clementine point at a table chair. Quirking an eyebrow, he shrugged as he went over to the chair. As he picked it up, he followed the girl as she silently directed him in front of the sink, right next to where he stood. As he set it down, he watched as grabbed her empty dishes, climbed onto the chair, and dumped her dishes into the sink.
“You want to help me clean the dishes? Really? If you want”
As he showed her how to wash the dishes, Clementine watched with intense eyes. Shaking his head in amusement, he turned to place the second plate on the drying rack. As he faced the child once more, he nearly had a heart attack.
“No! Clem, don’t drink that water!”
As quiet and secluded as the kid was, she was unpredictable. One moment she's quiet and sweet, the next she's trying to eat whatever she gets her hands on edible or not. Tommy sighed as he placed a leather journal in his satchel, along with all the other items he needed. Looking over at Clem, he hummed in approval as she placed her bear in her small backpack. Chuckling as she struggled to get it on, he kneeled down and helped secure it on her back. 
“Ready to go?”
A small nod from her was all he needed. Putting on his satchel, he held out a hand to her. Clementine brightened up as she grabbed onto his hand, grasping it with both of her tiny hands. As they made their way through the server, they enjoyed the quiet morning and small breeze. It was still fairly early, so no one was really out and about in the area they were walking through. As the approached the Hub, Clementine tightened her grip on Tommy’s hand. Crouching down to her level, Tommy gave her a smile.
“It’s okay, Clem. I’ll bring you back safely. Just stick with me, okay? Trust me.”
She slipped her hands out of his and opened her arms to him. It took him a while, but he nodded once he understood. Scooping her up, he adjusted her in his arms and entered the portal. 
Stampy was working on the appearance of the portal in the Hub when Tommy approach. 
“Hey! Big man, what’s up?”
“Oh, hello!!! How are you this morning? Oh! And who is this lovely lady?”
Stampy and Tommy smiled as Clem hid her face in Tommy’s arms. Shaking his head, Tommy spoke up.
“This is Clementine, or Clem. I’m watching over her due to, uh, unfortunate event.”
Nodding in understandment at Tommy’s tone and wording Stampy allowed Clem access to the world. Before Tommy walked in, however, Stampy pulled out a flower from his inventory. Holding it out to Clementine, he smiled to the girl, who kept changing her gaze from the flower and to his face.
“Here you are, Clementine! I hope you enjoy your stay! Do have fun!”
She peered up at Tommy, who nodded back to her. Letting out a timid smile, Clem slowly accepted the flower. Nodding in appreciation, her smile grew as the man gently patted her head. 
“You have a kid?!”
“When did this happen?!”
“I like her dress.”
“Thank you, Lani. And for the last time, stop asking the same questions over and over again!”
Clem giggled as Lani twirled her around, the two ignoring the other three’s bickering. 
“You said her name is Clementine?”
“Yeah, she chose it herself.”
“Really? That’s amusing, given that that’s your favorite name around.”
“I know. Are you guys ready for me to finally take your measurements, or not? Or would you rather show up to the gala in bed sheets.”
“Sorry, we just didn’t think that you, of all people, would have a kid with you.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
After some bickering, Tommy was finally able to take measurements of all three of his friends. After jotting them down, he pulled out the different sketches of outfits that he made for all of them, letting them pick and choose what they liked and didn’t like so that they could craft their outfits alongside him. Tommy, on the other hand, was showing Clementine the bees that were buzzing around. Clem giggled, before poofing into a small bee, herself. The other three stared in shock as Tommy clapped, catching her as fell. Since she had to stay in hiding while on the run, she never learned to properly fly in any form. As she poofed back into a little girl, she clung onto Tommy with a smile. As the three quickly finished picking out the details for their designs, Drista, Lani, and Tubbo took mental notes of questions to ask over their lunch picnic.
Clementine took a liking towards Tommy’s friends, as well as Stampy. Throughout the week, she enjoyed joining Tommy on his travels to Stampy’s world. She also warmed up to everyone else in Hermitcraft. Grian nearly yelled out in joy as Clementine mimicked his wings, hers being slightly more pastel than his. Tommy was more than grateful to have Grian there, as he began to teach the girl how to fly with her wings. Kristin, on the other hand, enjoyed playing with the girl as Tommy busied himself with the outfits for his friends. Once he finished the outfits and gave them to his friends, he began the outfits for Grian and Kristin. Since they were a part of the empire, he matched their outfits with his. Once he finally finished Kristin’s, he sighed as he sat back in his seat. Tugging eventually brought him back to reality.
“Hm? What is it Clementine?”
He watched as her small fingers pointed to the elegant dress, and then back to her. Understanding her form of communication, Tommy nodded. Sitting up, he propped her up onto his leg. 
“You can have a gala dress, too, yeah. What do you want? Flowers? To match Kristin?”
She denied every suggestion he gave. Finally, not being able to think of anything else, he spoke up. 
“Well, what design do you want for your dress?”
He followed her line of sight to the side of the room. He couldn’t help but acknowledge the warmth growing in his chest as he saw what she was showing him. His own royal outfit. 
“You wanna match me?”
“Yeah, okay. You can match me.”
She adored her dress. She made him set up her dress next to his outfit, waiting for the day they can wear them together. Tommy just laughed at the child’s excitement.
They were currently at the shops with Kristin. Kristin had suggested commissioning a crown for herself to wear during the gala, and invited the two to join her. Clementine’s smile only grew as she had a tiara commissioned for herself as well. Just as Tommy adjusted her tiara, Mumbo approached him. 
“Tommy! Xisuma needs to see you! Says there’s someone at the entrance of the portal waiting for you!”
Tommy quickly handed Clementine to Kristin, promising to return, before heading over to the portal in a hurry. As he stepped through the portal and into the Hub, he fidgeted nervously. Who would need to see him? Tubbo? No, he had access to come visit anytime. Lani? Drista? No, not them, either. He got his answer, however, once he stepped into the Hub. 
“Ah, there you are. Do you recognize this man? He says he knows you?”
And as Xisuma moved out of Tommy’s view, Tommy felt himself freeze. Blinking a few times, he spoke with unsure words.
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sparxwrites · 3 years
Hi! Another ex-Yog current-mcyt fan here, and one who participated in WOTF! I have a lot of fond memories of that and am very happy to see you in yet another blockman hell. Could I get a Techno for the headcanon prompt thingy? Hope you're doing well!
sparx has received [ 29 ] asks from ex-yogs fans welcoming her back to hell
g o d wotf brings back memories... i'd say dsmp probably needs one of those, too, but i think i'd be genuinely torn limb from limb and eaten alive and im too old to be dealing with that shit now.
Headcanon A:  realistic
He doesn't really know what the Voices are, or where they're from, or what they want. He knows they're in his head, and that they're often incomprehensible, and that when they are comprehensible they often demand blood or say E - and that's about it. Are they some kind of ghost or spirit possessing him? Some religious thing? A sign of a protracted mental breakdown and detachment from reality? Who knows! Certainly not Technoblade.
He tries not to think about it too much because it freaks him out, and he doesn't like feeling freaked out. The best he can do is learn to live with them, which he has, mostly, and learn how to manage them, which is a work in progress on the basis they seem fundamentally ungovernable. And to try very, very hard to really not think about it. Especially when the voices know stuff he doesn't.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
He took up knitting during his retirement. He's shit at it. He has knitted several scarfs, two hats, and something that could generously be called a sweater, and he is still shit at it. He does not enjoy it. He is not getting better at it. However, on principle, he refuses to admit defeat, and therefore continues to knit with the same kind of grim ferocity most people bring to waging war. (Yes, Philza thinks this is the funniest shit he's ever see.)
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
Uhh, I guess a double-up with the one below, a bit, but also- big fan of chronic pain headcanons for "old warrior" types. Techno with scars that itch, old injuries that ache, joints that go stiff in the cold. Keeping up with his training helps it, and he's got teas and potions and salves and such to manage it, but it never really goes exactly. Technoblade never dies, sure - but he can hurt, and he does. Pretty often, in fact. He tries not to think about the fact that, one day, it's going to get too bad for him to keep fighting the way he's so renowned for. That, one day, it's going to make him slow enough to get him killed.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
Despite appearances, Techno does actually have a number of regrets about how he handled a lot of stuff: Tubbo's execution, the subsequent fight with Tommy, and then his reaction to Tommy's "betrayal" and Doomsday.
He's an impulsive kind of guy with a lot of anger/aggression issues, and has difficulty backing down from a challenge and a very "you're with me or against me" mentality - all of which interacts poorly with his extremely powerful sense of loyalty, but also the fact that the slightest betrayal of that loyalty once given counts as a complete obliteration of it.
He's got this vague sense, though, that if he apologises for anything, or allows himself to really feel regret, or actually processes/confront some of the stuff he's done... he'll just sort of crumble. Like it'd very literally nearly kill him. And so he just... refuses to process it, or to acknowledge he's done anything wrong ever, or made any bad choices or ever, and just forges on ahead blindly with a growing ball and chain of definitely-not-regrets around his ankle dragging him down
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amintyworld · 3 years
Dream SMP Fusion AU:
Certainly not me thinking about a Steven Universe AU for Dream SMP because fusions
Also, just to note: Not all fusions are for romantic relationships, so please no shipping since many of the creators are uncomfortable with that. The one somewhat romantic relationship fusion mentioned is between the characters Schlatt and Quackity, and are the only ones classified as such for the lore and story already created - I do not ship them whatsoever. Thank you.
Also, feel free to use these ideas with credit!
TW: Abusive Relationship, Toxic Realtionship, manipulation.
So like, what if during the L’manburg Independence War L’manburg was the only ones who really fused with each other, and the Dream SMP just never really thought it was useful and therefore didn’t really use it all that much for battle, pvp, etc. 
They discovered fusion one day while building the wall when a bit of debris was about to fall on Fundy and Wilbur swooped in to save him, and suddenly... a whole completely different person stood in their place. It didn’t last very long, but Wilbur from then on was determined to learn all he could about it and understand it. 
Wilbur couldn’t seem to explain his findings much scientifically, but he wrote up a journal on all he learned - how the fusion seems to combine and showcase the best parts of each individual person.
An iconic Steven Universe Scene takes place (For you SU fans, when Smoky Quartz first came to be) when Tommy in a effort to get his discs back one day tries to take Dream head on, pushing away Tubbo’s help. Tommy gets throughly beat up by Dream and in a heartfelt moment Tommy tells Tubbo that no matter what he does Dream will always win against him because he’s not strong enough. Then, Tubbo says that that’s not true, that Tommy doesn’t have to be like Dream, if anything Tommy’s like him because they both aren’t like anybody else, and it sucks, but they have each other. Finally Tommy accepts Tubbo’s help as they fuse for the first time.
Eret and Niki fused once while hanging out and dancing one day, which led Wilbur to discover how to trigger the fusion in a more controlled manner - through dancing. 
The war happens with the revolution holding better against Dream and his posse for the short fact that they had fusion on their side - they weren’t totally confident in the ability yet, which lead to some close calls to unfusing at the wrong time, but a few prominent fusions came out of it. In the end, they won and Wilbur continued to write his findings in the journal.
The election came about, and with it the exile of Wilbur and Tommy - this time the two were on the receiving end of fighting with fusions.
Wilbur even suggested on fusing together for survival - together they were more combat skilled, and better focused. After all, there was lesser chance of hurting one target than there was two. So, for a while they stayed together, at least, until Technoblade came to help.
Techno was very awkward at the whole fusion thing - it seemed stupid, and the poor pig hybrid didn’t exactly dance very well, though he was often too embarrassed to admit it. Techno didn’t understand how his two brothers could fuse so easily while he just... couldn’t. (I’m imagining Wilbur coaching him in Pogtopia while Tommy has to wear paint cans in order to each his height)
While out together, the sight of Tubbo causes Wilbur and Tommy to become so distressed they unfuse as Tubbo tells them he wants to help, and becomes their spy.
Back in Manburg, a certain goat hybrid finds Wilbur’s fusion journal and does some light reading. Schlatt thinks that he needs fusion soldiers to fight for him - from what he’s reading, these fusions are practically unstoppable. If he were to have that kind of power at his disposal, no one could stop him.
Being the ‘selfless’ leader he is, he uses himself as a test subject as he fuses with his militia - Punz, Ponk...
Quackity at first makes fun of his attempts as always within five minutes the fusion quickly falls apart. This only pisses of Schlatt more, until he comes up with an idea. 
He confronts Fundy and tells him that if he was loyal to Manburg, and their desires aligned, they’d be able to fuse no problem. Fundy agrees and they become the first completed fusion in Manburg - Fundy only does it because he wants to keep suspicion low and his cover a secret, and it somehow works. Schlatt doesn’t question Fundy much after that.
As the festival gets planned Schlatt continues his tactic of sniffing out traitors through fusion, which does not bode well for Tubbo, who keeps narrowly escaping having to fuse (Looking at the ‘I’m pregnant’ excuse-).
Back in Pogtopia, tensions rise as Wilbur and Tommy become more and more distant as Wilbur plans to blow up Manburg during the festival. 
Festival happens, not much really changes except Schlatt tries to get Niki to fuse with him to prove she wasn’t a traitor and not get killed like Tubbo - Wilbur overhears and intervenes, running away with Niki back to Pogtopia, fusing with her to help both of them escape.
When Quackity tries to leave, Schlatt forces him to fuse to stop the traitor from escaping, and for the first time, the two get trapped in a mixed up mess of a fusion - nothing is combined of the two, it’s all a mish mashed up mess - thankfully they aren’t fused for long and Quackity escapes, but both have the feeling of agony, sorrow and pain of the forced fusion in their minds. 
They take back L’manburg with some awesome fusion v fusion fights.
In a last attempt to keep from dying, Schlatt forces Quackity to fuse with him again in exchange that he release Tubbo, who was on his last cannon life (Schlatt held up a knife to his throat.) Once again, Quackity is trapped down in the painful and dark abyss as their fusion makes mass destruction. Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, and Techno all fuse to take  the unstable fusion down.
They succeed in doing so, fatally wounding Schlatt enough to corner him, the stress, drugs, and alcohol combing into a panic attack and he dies. 
From there, things proceed as normal - Techno releases the Withers, Wilbur pushes the button. 
New L’manburg is thriving with Tubbo as the new president... everyone can finally be who they want to be - wounds of course are still healing.
Quackity talks with Tubbo about his bad experience with Schlatt, and Tubbo is there to listen and always tells him that he doesn’t have to fuse if he doesn’t want to... of course fusion can be helpful (Some fusions have been helping repair the TNT and Wither damage) but, Tubbo insists, you don’t have to fuse to be able to help.
Ranboo gets a crash course in fusion basics by Phil and Ghostbur. (It’s like gem classroom, it’s all so cute guys-)
Phil also helps out Fundy who’s still iffy about Wilbur and all that he did for him... namely, fusing with Schlatt to avoid suspicion. It’s all wholesome and sweet, even with Ghostbur and his failed attempts to help in the background.
Things play out as normal in terms of plot - Techno retires, Tommy gets exiled...
Dream, at first, is very committed to blowing up Tommy’s stuff - one day, he says he won’t do it only if Tommy fuses with him, because he’s curious in how it works. 
This turns straight up unhealthy during the Beach Party when Tommy remembers all the times he used to have and how he feels so lonely, and Dream tells him that he’s always gonna be there for him even if they don’t, which results in Tommy and Dream fusing for a while whenever he comes to visit so Tommy won’t feel as lonely or as depressed. Tommy becomes dependent on Dream and the fusing and clings to it to an unhealthy amount, though Tommy of course wouldn’t admit that.
Eventually, Dream blows up Logstedshire and leads to Tommy running away in a brief moment of clarity. 
Phil gets under house arrest as the Butcher Gang try to take Techno down to kill him, but Phil, the ever to clever, gets there before they do and fuses with Techno to help take them down. They unfuse when Quackity threatens Techno’s horse, revealing that Phil snuck out. Techno covers for him and tells them that he broke Phil out, that it’s his fault and Phil had nothing to do with it. They believe him and Phil is in the clear.
The attempt fails, Techno finds Tommy and the two continue to practice fighting while fused - Tommy’s idea from his experience fighting with Wilbur - and they’re pretty strong. Ranboo and Ghostbur hang around and ooo and ahh over their moves.
Tubbo visits Tommy and as in cannon believes he’s dead but for a different reason - he finds evidence of when Tommy and Dream were playing around while fused and thinks that they’re permently fused - Dream forged a letter claiming that exact thing. Tubbo of course blames himself for losing his best friend.
Back in New L’manburg, the Butcher Gang gets fusion training too (except for Quackity) and Ranboo finally fuses for the first time with Fundy, the fusion turning into what a 12 year old would be like on redbull.
While on house arrest, Phil tries fusing with Ghostbur and to his surprise... it works - not for very long, but it works. They come to the conculsion that since Ghostbur is a ghost, that maybe it wasn’t two people fusing but instead a soul and a person, leading to the imbalance.
While Techno and Tommy are fused, they hold Connor captive and ask for ransom... leading Tubbo to be extremely confused when someone he doesn’t know is asking ransom from him who appearently knows him-?!
Only after they unfuse... Tubbo realizes that Tommy’s still... here. He’s still here and not in a fusion with Dream. Things go as in cannon.
Finally, after Dream figures out where Tommy is and tells Techno, any chance he gets with Tommy alone he tries to tell him that they could fix everything if they just fused again, and Tommy keeps finding himself refusing.
Anyway, what do ya’ll think? Should I do a follow up post for the fusions?
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kinokoapologist · 2 years
Hey, have you seen the villain SMP on gumi yumi's YouTube channel? I'd be curious to hear what you have to say about it!
Thank you for asking! I hadn't heard of it before getting this ask, but I went and watched the first chunk of it on YouTube! I'd intended to watch the entire thing before I answered this but uhhh we will get into why I didn't end up doing that
*I wanna start off with a disclaimer that this is in no way meant to be mean/hate to the creator of this AU, who I think is a very talented artist and clearly has a lot of cool concepts they are excited to share with an audience, which is incredibly awesome! We just have some different interpretations on certain characters, which is totally fine! But since my opinion was asked for, I want to give it honestly*
…they really had me in the first half, ngl
Like. I love the initial concept. And the character designs slap. They're very well done animatics, clearly made by someone with a lot of talent! Those first few videos are such an effective balance of Fun Villain Vibes and Unsettling Atmosphere
But boy does it lose me with the way c!Quackity and c!Wilbur are framed. Which sucks, because I actually liked Wilbur's initial appearance in the AU a lot. The "Duobur" videos are great as an isolated horror scene: the way that Wilbur's loss of autonomy is framed in those animatics, with Redza and the Villain!Bench Trio basically forcing Wilbur out of control of his own body/mind because they think Ghostbur is the "better" (or, more accurately I'd thought, more passive) version could go down some really interesting routes that I thought were being set up given the initial tone the series seemed to have. The pitch here was "what if these characters were villains?" and here they were doing A Bad Thing That Would Cause Conflict.
Like, I could be totally interpreting it wrong, but those first three videos in the series seemed to me like they were implying that Bench Trio had themselves been victim to something of a hostile mental takeover, Tubbo and Tommy especially. I thought we were setting up some creepy supernatural possession shit! I thought we’d see some Jekyll and Hyde style mental confrontations and battles for control! And I was about that shit! Let's go full horror! But then when I got to the "Fracture" animatic the creator straight up said in the caption (which also... not how you should be using captions) that they don't like c!Wilbur and came up with the entire "duo" concept out of spite.
They also straight up said they hate c!Quackity in that video, so that's where I stopped watching.
Which sucks, because I also really liked c!Quackity's initial appearance. 1. Because the song Devil's Train slaps, and 2. because it told us right off the bat that this AU's Q still cares so much about Karl and Sapnap, to the point that he's still going to check on them even when he's angry at them. And like, the concept of Quackity giving away Las Nevadas to save their lives??? That shit is some fun character-specific tragedy and I'm all over it for an AU of this concept. Plus like, the fucking symbolism/imagery of "Casinoboo" trapping them in playing cards?? Iconic.
BUT the scene around that moment... rubs me the wrong way to put it lightly. I simply do not fuck with "ohhh nooo, Quackity has become the new Dream!" in any capacity. It makes me annoyed at best and deeply uncomfortable at worst. Especially when Casinoboo kidnapping Karl and Sapnap and turning them into literal game pieces to manipulate Quackity in turn is framed as a #girboss moment, and Dream's carefully planned abuse of one of Ranboo's closest friends is given a dismissive handwave as he's let out of Pandora's Box. Which I also have beef with. Why are we letting Dream out of Pandora's Box. Why are we acting like he's part of the quirky little villain family. The Man Is A Serial Killer. Why is DNF driving the season finale bus all of a sudden–
Ranboo letting Dream out with the justification that Quackity had become a bigger threat was the first moment that started making me go "eh" with the AU, but there had still been a lot of stuff in the early animatics that I'd liked, so I'd wanted to keep watching through to the end. But as I said, I really Was Not Having A Fun Time Anymore when the person making the AU straight up said they hated my favorite character. At the end of the day I simply am not going to connect with any AU pushing the idea that "oh the smp would be so much better if everyone tried to get that silly Quackity to stop fighting back when he gets knocked down, can't he just roll over and take it like he's supposed to?"
All of this with the massive disclaimer that, again, I didn't watch the last 10 or so videos in the playlist. Maybe everything took a massive turnaround and there were some great fiance moments I missed. Maybe Wilbur gets some self-affirming moment where he gets valued as an individual outside of being the vessel for the smoothed over, "easier to manage" version of himself. I know that Glatt showing up was being teased before I clicked off, maybe he got some scenes with Quackity (or Tubbo) that brought back that unsettling/horror tone I liked in the first half. I also didn't see any of the potential follow up on whatever the mystery with Ranboo was "seeking guidance" on in the season 1 finale video, so I can't really give thoughts on wherever his arc was going. But that's my thoughts on what I saw! This is probably way too long of an answer, but as you can tell I like talking character analysis and narrative framing. I know post is mostly me discussing issues I had but I had a lot of fun with this! Like I said, gumi yumi is very talented and I admire the amount of work they’ve clearly put into this AU. Just not my personal cup of tea
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xoxo-ren-xoxo · 3 years
Unpopular Opinion /lh /rp
Talking about dSMP character’s heights and sort of their body types? Not in a weird way just in a ‘how I imagine them’ way. Loosely based off of their irl heights, but some of them I don’t know, so it’s mostly guesswork and vibes. Also if you disagree you’re wrong. (Just kidding leave your ideas in the tags/replies)
Obviously this is all roleplay/character stuff. None of it is intended to be weird or to reflect on the irl people! I’m just having fun with headcanons :)
Tommy is 6′3 and very very lanky. This child is not short. Stop drawing him short. He’s taller than Techno. He’s not as tall as Wilbur, but he’s tall. He towers over most people. Emphasis on most because everyone is so tall on this server what the hell? 
Anyway I think the mental image of this super tall kid actively trying to make himself look shorter/smaller is heartbreaking. Like imagine him curled up into a corner trying to make himself as unnoticable as possible in Logsted. Imagine him slouching when living with Techno to try to make himself seem like less of a ‘problem’. Imagine Dream telling him that he’s a ‘big strong man’ and that he shouldn’t need help, he can defend himself, so when he goes back to Tubbo, he tries to make himself look *tiny* as a cry for help. He wants comfort.
But he’s also incedibly skinny. Back in L’manburg and Pogtopia, he developed some muscle from all the fighting. His shoulders broadened out and he looked slightly intimidating. But like most teenage boys, he was still lanky as hell. This only got worse when he was exiled to Logstedshire, with little food (and no drive to eat the food, or get up, or exersise) he became more malnourished and he just looked *small* despite being 6′3. This probably isn’t helped by the constant use of golden apples when he moves in with Techno, which give him energy and strength but no real nutritional value. Techno was just trying to get the kid to eat normally. When he finally stands at his full height, Techno is shocked that he didn’t notice all the slouching.
Anyway Techno is 6′2. He’s taller than a lot of people but not as tall as his brothers. He makes up for this with muscle and strength and a healthy body. Wow, the only healthy person on the server. Amazing. You love to see it. Good for him. He could win in a battle of raw strength against anyone else on the server. He’s quite broad, which makes him look bigger generally.
Wilbur is 6′5 and also he is a stick. Just. Straight up and down stick. Nothing there! He is just a pale sickly stick. This gets worse the further into the timeline you go. When claiming L’manburg and fighting in the war he starts to get insomnia, causing him to look like a corpse half the time. When in Pogtopia, he’s too busy to take care of himself properly, so he only looks worse and worse. His hair is a mess, his skin is far too pale, and he only eats enough to be able to hold his own in a short fight. There’s a reason he doesn’t wear armour or really try to fight at all. He’s subconciously self-destructive, then actively so when he blows the place to the ground. He’s always been too busy for self-care.
Ghostbur is a much more healthy, younger version of Wilbur. I would say he’s ‘water rising’ era Wilbur. The life returned to his body, in a morbid kind of way. He’s still tall but he prefers to make himself seem shorter just to be less threatening.
Phil is 5′11. He has an average build, with slight muscle from the years of playing in hardcore. He’s older, now, but he can still kick your ass. Also, he taught Techno how to fight smart, not hard. He doesn’t need to be super strong because he’s intelligent enough to outwit most people on the server. He has a wordly knowledge that others don’t possess. He also has wings, large and grey, clipped so he could get onto the server (there is a no flying rule after all).
Fundy is... 5′10, just a little shorter than Phil. His fox genes make him smaller, despite his father being 6′5. He’s got a healthy, svelte build. He’s sneaky and light on his feet. In the wars he built up some muscle, but it was quickly lost since he prefers to take a backseat to any fighting outside of those times (especially now) and he’s built for spying.
Schlatt is an interesting one because a lot of people are gonna fight me on this, but he’s not actually old. Everyone calls him old but honestly I think he’s younger than Wilbur (in canon, I feel like Wilbur is in his late 30s, early 40s, simply because). I think Schlatt’s around 35-ish, but he looks older due to his shitty health. People call him an old man either to demean him or because they see his actions and appearance and go ‘yeah, this guy is old’. Which is fair enough, because irl Schlatt and c!Schlatt both act like they’re from the 1950s.
This guy looks like shit by the end, but he looks alright at the start. Slicked-back hair, sharp ram horns, golden animalistic eyes. He’s intimidating. And loud. Then everything shifts, right towards the end. He’s frail and deteriorating throughout his short presidency, and by the end of it he’s practically a corpse, just like Wilbur.
He’s 6′3, with broad shoulders and a silhouette that seems strong not only because he carries himself as if he can fight, but also because of the percieved power that comes along with it. In reality, Schlatt is a poor fighter, and the abuse he ends up putting his body through (working out excessively to try to fight his condition, and turning to alcoholism as an escape) completely destroys him, making him probably one of the least healthy and weakest people on the server. It doesn’t really show until his death scene, since he’s covered up the deterioration since day one. Basically, mans is dead. 
Glatt, or Ghost Schlatt, or whatever you want to call him, would be a healthier Schlatt. Again, from the ‘water rising’ era. I headcanon him to have longer hair in that era. Not sure why.
Ranboo is the same height as tommy, but is more naturally lithe than made that way by lack of food. His enderman DNA can be blamed for that. He’s healthy most of the time, but may have spirals where he doesn’t take good care of himself (perhaps he forgets) and he looks pretty bad. If he goes a few days without keeping up his self-care routine, he looks a lot worse than he actually is. Sleep tends to be his biggest issue, his mind keeping him awake all night and leaving him looking like shit in the morning. Really, he’s just a kid with a troubled soul, and it shows sometimes. Most days, though, he looks very well put together.
Tubbo. He’s 5′6. He’s more childlike than Tommy, which only makes it worse when he acts in the way he does in season 2. He has burn scars across one side of his body, from his execution, and he is partially blind in one eye because of it. He takes very good care of himself, since he has to look good while being president if he wants those sweet sweet approval ratings. But when he’s super stressed, he will pull all-nighters and forget to eat. He’s got a lot of issues, but his body is very normal and healthy, all things considered. 
Quackity is 5′8. Which is really funny because that’s his actual height. He’s less sharp (?) than a lot of people on the server, but he has some muscle because he’s constantly training to ‘take down Technoblade’ (in reality, it’s a habit he picked up in Schlatt’s era, and never had the heart to drop). He tries his best to stay healthy (again, to better kill Techno) and he’s careful with his life, knowing that it’s his last.
Niki is 5′5. She’s also able to kick so much ass. That is all.
Dream is a bitch and therefore I will not be discussing him. Also he’s a blob or whatever so I guess height is irrelevant. Or maybe he’s a mysterious figure with a mask. Who knows.
No one else is important enough to talk about /j (but really I’m tired so I will stop here). Put your own thoughts in the comments, tags, and rbs. This was all in good fun, so don’t get mad haha.
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immortalcoelacanth · 3 years
Between the Walls, Chapter 2: Salutations and Explanations (Dream SMP fic)
... Although, I should probably tag this as more of a Sleepy Bois Inc thing given the content... Anyways, onto chapter 2!
Word count: 5356
Summary: At it was at this moment that Tommy knew, he fucked up. 
“Let me tell you one thing, you pig bitch-”
There was a tiny child in his walls.
“And I bet your mum ain’t all that-”
A tiny child who was yelling at him, insulting him.
“So, you better listen up! Motherfucker-”
Techno was almost impressed.
He wondered if the kid was aware of how absolutely not intimidating he sounded at the moment. His voice cracked and broke occasionally as he cursed, he was visibly trembling in what Techno assumed to be fear, and he looked like he was moments away from crying with those wide eyes and that terrified look on his face.
The kid reminded him of a cornered animal, terrified and lashing out to try and protect itself. He was doing the same thing, trying to scare the hybrid off with harsh words and false bravado.
Techno quietly thought about how young he must be. It was a good thing Phil was nowhere nearby since nothing would have saved both him and the kid from the ensuing lecture and interrogation period. Questions about where the kid was from, who he was, what he was doing here…
Questions he should probably be asking before the kid broke down crying. He had a feeling it would happen eventually when all that adrenaline wore off and the reality of the situation fully sunk in, so the currently shrinking window of opportunity was the best chance he had for finding out what he needed to know.
“And do you know what the fuck a breath mint is?”
… But first he had to shut this kid up.
“You got anything to say? Huh? Or are you just gonna-HEY!”
The tirade was cut off when, without warning, Techno reached out and pinched the back of his shirt, using that to lift him up in the air and out of the shelter that had been provided by the wall.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?!” The kid squawked as he struggled and squirmed in an attempt to escape Techno’s grip. The hybrid rolled his eyes as he continued looking the tiny being over, occasionally turning him so he could inspect the rest of him. The only thing of note he found was the belt the kid wore that had various tools hooked onto it.
Nothing that really posed a threat to him, but it was still good to take note of it.
“Trying to find the off button.”
“Damn, doesn’t seem to be one.” He noted in that same, monotone voice. Of course, this ended up enraging the kid further, his shouts and curses growing louder.
His wild, frantic eyes growing wider.
Well, now was as good as time as any to start asking some questions before he ended up pushing the kid too far. He swore he could hear that tiny heart pounding away in the kid’s chest, and the hybrid realized it was entirely possible for the tiny being to pass out on him, or worse, have a heart attack from the stress.
Double time on that interrogation, then.
Techno changed his grip, wrapping his fingers around the kid and getting bit in the process-
This child was absolutely feral. He’d probably need a rabies shot by the end of the day.
Eventually, and with some careful maneuvering to make sure didn’t drop the struggling figure, Techno was able to place him down on the top of the small shelf located near the entrance of his house. It was right in front of a window, too, and he saw the way the kid’s eyes flickered between him and the possible escape route.
Not a chance.
The hand placed between the kid and his freedom earned him a scowl and being flipped off once again, though he was quickly getting used to this brash and foolish behavior. In a way, it reminded Techno how he had acted when he was much younger. How cocky and overconfident he had been before the world brutally showed him where his place was.
Now, his confidence was backed by years worth of training. By the lives he had ended and the blood he had spilt.
It made him smile at the memories, oddly enough. Naturally, the kid immediately took his smiling to be about something far more sinister, and he started shouting once more.
“What the fuck do you got planned, huh? Got some creepy shit planned? You… you gonna need a bone saw or some crap like that for me-”
“Oh please, all I’d need is a decent nutcracker.” Techno scoffed, completely oblivious to the look of horror that passed over the kid’s face before it was quickly replaced by that false bravado.
“Can’t believe you’d threaten me like that-”
“Not what I was talking about!” The hybrid quickly interrupted, visibly shuddering and in turn making the kid let out a loud laugh.
Just how in the hell was something that small so loud anyways? Weren’t there rules about that sort of thing, mass being proportionate to how loud something could be. There was a reason why he had hated hanging out with kids when he was younger.
… Except for Wilbur, he had always been the exception.
Not wanting to take an agonizing trip down memory lane back to when his family had been whole and alive, Techno decided it was time to start asking the questions he wanted answers to, beginning with the most important one of course.
“And why are you in my house, anyways?”
“Your house?” The kid scoffed and crossed his arms. “It’s mine! I called dibs!”
“Heh?” Techno found himself at a genuine loss here as he tried to comprehend the logic behind that statement. “You can’t claim-I built this place.”
“Doesn’t mean you called dibs, bruv, and you did a shit job of buildin’ it, too. It could use more decorations that aren’t you! And music!”
The hybrid let out a frustrated groan while dragging a hand over his face. Why had one of the most annoying, obnoxious, and loud people he had ever met decide that his base was the perfect place to invade. Why had this kid picked him instead of somewhere else, like L’Manberg.
… Actually, that was another good question to ask-
“So, when are you gonna clean up this pigsty?” The kid asked, completely derailing Techno’s train of thought.
“I fear for your brain cells if all you can come up with are pig jokes and saying fuck over and over again.”
“... Fuck you-”
“And my concerns are proven to be valid.”
“My brain works perfectly fine! It’s just yours isn’t big enough to get it!” He snapped back.
“Suuuuure, pipsqueak, whatever you say.” Techno sarcastically drawled. It seemed as though either the aloof expression on his face or the nickname he had granted the boy only enraged him further, as he watched the kid start stomping the ground as he continued shouting.
He was witnessing a literal tantrum.
“I’m not a pipsqueak! You’re the one who's freakishly tall!”
“Like I couldn’t tell with you calling me big man every five seconds, and I’ll just keep calling you that since you seem to like it so much.”
“Then just call me Tommy! It’s not that hard!” The now named Tommy exclaimed, and it was only when a smile appeared on Techno’s face that he realized he might have messed up.
“Uh… I mean-”
“So, that’s your name.” Techno interrupted, grin growing as he leaned forward and rested his chin on a closed fist. He was enjoying messing with this kid. It was almost as fun as terrorizing Quackity. “Got any other important info you wanna share? Credit card number?”
“No! No, no way!” Tommy let out a nervous giggle and took a step back. “C’mon, man, let’s see some manners! I told you my name, so you should tell me yours-”
“... What?”
“Or Techno for short.” The hybrid continued, not caring about the stunned and confused look on the kid’s face. He was used to people looking at him weird, especially when they heard his name. “No pig-pun name here.”
“... You were so close to having a cool name.” Tommy bluntly said. “You’ve got half a cool name. Now Blade, that’s intimidating! Big man Blade-”
“Never call me that.”
“Alright TechnoBitch-”
“Your insults are getting worse by the second, I fear you’re undergoing cellular brain death.”
“Are you making up fancy words to sound all smart now? Cellular?” Tommy scowled. “What’s next? You gonna start talking about other made up stuff, like leprechauns, or dolphins?”
“... Dolphins are real-”
“That’s just what the dolphin believers want you to think! The… the dolphevers!”
Techno threw his head and started laughing, the noise surprisingly loud. It made Tommy jump as he winced at the volume. Discomfort ran through him, and he started to slowly realize how dangerous the situation he was in might be.
He had always been warned to stay away from humans, and while this guy didn’t look all that human, he was sure the same warning applied. He could be trapped, hurt, tormented…
Why, why had he decided to stick around instead of just running off, or trying to barter for his freedom? He had always lived his life on the edge, flirting with danger instead of women. The thrills and excitement of interacting with a human could have driven him to do this.
Or perhaps it was that quiet voice within him that begged him to interact with Techno, to reach out and be social and finally interact with someone after all the days he spent alone.
A voice that kept insisting that things would be alright, that he would be okay.
A voice that could result in his demise if he listened to it.
He would never see Tubbo again...
His mind made up, Tommy slowly backed away from the hybrid, one hand raised while the other behind his back towards the belt that Techno had noticed earlier. “Well, this has been fun and all but I’ve got to head out and you’ve got some cleaning to do, roomie.”  
Techno’s eyes narrowed as his bout of laughter finished, aware that he had something planned that would probably cause some problems, but before he could act on his suspicions, Tommy made his move.
And chucked a fist full of sand in the pigman’s face.
Immediately, Techno let out a shout and recoiled, lifting his hands up to his eyes in an attempt to scrub the gritty substance out of them. Tommy took his chance and pulled out his grappling hook, attached it to the side of the shelf, and quickly slid down the rope. In his haste, as well as the movements caused by the hybrid’s thrashing, the grappling hook came loose, and he dropped the rest of the way to the floor.
Tommy landed, cringing as agony raced up his legs, and did his best to ignore it as he shot off towards the space under the shelf, knowing he would be hidden from sight and have a better chance at escaping.
He had to escape since he doubted his captor would be that nice to him again.
Meanwhile, Techno was currently battling every urge he felt to lash out and kill the kid. His mind and soul screamed for blood, for death and revenge for the humiliation and pain he had been put through. It took all of his willpower to stop himself from grabbing his trident and slamming it into the floor in an attempt to find, and kill, Tommy.
The main source of his restraint came from a voice that sounded a bit too much like Phil’s calmly whispering that there were other ways to do things, that he did not have to resort to violence.
This was then converted to make him pay, but not with death. Death is a release, not a punishment.  
His eyes burned.
He let out a pained hiss and blindly reached towards the nearby brewing station, managing to get the bottle of water he had placed in it for potion brewing. He uncorked the top, looked up to the ceiling, cracked his eyes open, and quickly flushed them out to get rid of the sand.
All in all, only a couple seconds had passed since the sand had been thrown and Tommy had escaped. He could not have gotten far, but the more time the hybrid wasted sitting here, the further the kid would get.
Techno tossed the bottle to the side and quickly crouched down, still aching eyes scanning the wall as he tried to figure out where Tommy had gone. He spotted a flash of blond ducking behind part of the wooden shelf, and he quickly moved the wooden panel that covered the bottom part of the shelf. It was like a box of sorts and that could be used as storage space, but he had never put anything there and just left it closed.
So, naturally he had not at all been expecting to lift the panel up and find a tiny hole in the wooden floor, the perfect size for Tommy to fit through. His mind ground to a halt as he processed what he was seeing.
Okay, okay, now was not the time to get caught up on. The kid was under the floorboards, possibly heading towards the basement. He rushed over to the ladder, slid down it, and jumped onto the stone flooring. He looked up at the ceiling, not seeing any obvious sign as to where the kid must have gone and decided that using another one of his senses might pay off.
Techno shut his eyes, ears twitching, and listened carefully. Listened for that one, signature noise that would tell him where Tommy was.
The sound of someone running over wood.
On instinct, he swung the axe towards the sound, the blade chopping into the ceiling and exposing the hidden passage that had been carved into, and the boy who had been sprinting through it.
Now, this was where things took a bit of an interesting turn.
You see, despite the fact that Tommy had spent his life in a borrower settlement, he was quite experienced in building structures and had frequently challenged Tubbo to speed bridging contests. The adults always hated whenever he did that, claiming that the flimsy structures would alert humans to their hidden home, but Tommy had always ignored them and kept building.
… Until they resorted to hitting him. Then he stopped, but the skills he had developed over the years stayed with him, so the second he started falling he also started building. He had managed to place a couple blocks down as he fell and grabbed onto the little outcropping he had made. He was vaguely aware of Techno moving below him but was far more focused on trying to pull himself back up into the remains of his tunnel.
Can’t fall, gotta stay up! Have to run!
Unfortunately, his hand slipped off the planks, splinters sinking into his skin as he started to fall. Falling, and-
Landing on the top of Techno’s head. Surrounded by the crown the hybrid always wore and with no escape in sight, he decided to cling to the strangely soft, pink hair below him. It smelled… weirdly nice. There was a hint of a herbal scent he could not place, but it didn’t smell super flowery or anything like that.
“You’re pretty fruity, aren’t you big man?” Tommy impulsively asked, and he felt Techno freeze below him as the hybrid realized what the sudden, impossibly light weight belonged to. Seeing an opportunity to get another jab in, he immediately went for it with little regard to how precarious the situation was. “Lookin’ all… all flamboyant with your fancy dye!”
“I doubt you know what that word means, and it’s not dye.” Techno dryly retorted, tilting his head upwards so he could try and glare at the kid.
Seeing that nothing bad had happened, the hybrid had not tried to crush him, nor had he been grabbed and flung towards the nearest wall, Tommy decided to take a risk and started speaking once more.
“.... Hehe, guess things are fine then, big man-” He nervously laughed before he was cut off by Techno picking him up once again. The kid immediately started thrashing, squirming, and cursing as he tried to break free.
The hybrid rolled his eyes at the unnecessary dramatics and made his way over to the collections of chests on the other side of the room. A quick search resulted in him easily finding the item he was looking for.
A bottle.
He caught a glimpse of Tommy glancing between him and the bottle, his face shifting between pure rage and fear, but before he could object to what Techno was planning on doing, the cork in the bottle was removed and Tommy found himself being trapped inside.
“LEMME OUT YOU PRICK!” He shouted as he slammed his fists into the glass wall, wincing as his hands started aching.
Techno just chuckled and put the cork back in, preventing the kid from escaping and making it much harder to hear his shouting. A blessing in disguise, really. “Think of this as karma for the sand from earlier.”
Seeing no way to get out, Tommy flipped the hybrid off and slowly slid down the side of the bottle until he was resting on the ground. His arms crossed, knees were tucked to his chest, and he looked down so his face was hidden from sight. At least his silent moping made it easier for Techno to think.
What to do next…
He had the kid who had been borrowing through his house like some oversized termite, and he knew the kid’s name. There was still so much information he was missing that he wanted to know. What the kid was, if there were any more of him nearby-
An infestation was the last thing he needed.
… Perhaps the librarian back in the village would know something about this tiny kid. He knew that the somewhat eccentric villager had a large collection of books about all sorts of topics, so there was a chance he might have some kind of information he could dig up.
It was worth a shot.
He mentally debated on whether it would be worth it to bring Tommy with him, and ultimately decided he would in case he needed to show him off to the librarian, or one of the other villagers who might know about him. Without bothering to warn the kid, he quickly scooped the bottle up and fastened it to his belt.
He faintly heard the sounds of someone shouting and cursing, and decided to ignore it as he left the house. Techno hummed to himself as he made his way over to the nearby village, not bothering to waste any ender pearls since he still lacked a consistent source of them. No villagers were able to trade them, so his only option was relentlessly hunting down Endermen until a pearl was dropped.
Annoying, but necessary for now.
Speaking of annoying, he spared a glance down at the bottle on his hip that contained the furious Tommy, taking note of how the kid was smacking the glass walls and trying to find a way out. The red hue that had taken over his face also made it clear that he was still screaming.
He let out an exasperated sigh and picked the bottle up off his belt, lifting it up so it would be easier to talk to the kid. Now that he was up close, the hybrid could easily see the look of frustration on the kid’s face, as well as how red his eyes were.
It looked like Tommy had been crying.
“Calm down. I’m not gonna kill you.” Techno grumbled. “And stop screaming before you lose your voice.”
“You’re a bitch!” Tommy spat, not at all paying attention to what he was saying. “Fuckin’ dragging me out to who knows where, planning on doing who knows what-”
“I’m not going to sell you.” The hybrid interrupted, lifting a brow as he watched pure shock cross Tommy’s face. “... You really thought I was gonna sell you-”
“Well yeah!” Tommy sputtered as he flailed his arms. “The fuck else would you be doing?!”
“Interrogating people.”
“The fuck-”
Those were the only words Tommy was able to get out as the bottle was clipped back onto Techno’s belt. He shifted his arms a bit so his cape hid more of his body, and in turn the bottle, from sight. When that was finished, he strode into the village.
Children ran to and fro, some pausing to wave at him or whisper among themselves. He ignored them, as he always did, and continued on towards his destination. He also steered clear of any of the villagers he normally traded with, not wanting to get caught up in some unwanted conversation. He kept walking, picking up the pace whenever he heard someone get a bit too close to him until he reached the library.
It was far from your traditional library, much more of a home with a massive collection of books available for people to read. Techno didn’t bother to knock on the door, opting to instead open it and walk inside. A somewhat large, sparsely decorated room with simple shelves greeted him.
A moment later, the sound of rustling in one of the small side rooms filled the air and the familiar face of the local librarian popped out of it. He resembled your typical villager, though the spark of curiosity made his eyes glint and shine. He was obviously curious as to why Techno had shown up, but before he could ask the hybrid spoke.
“So, what do you know about tiny people?”
“I’m afraid you’ll need to be a bit more specific than that.” The librarian cheerfully replied, not at all phased by the seemingly random question. “Are there any particular features you can describe? Do you have an example?”
Immediately, Techno’s hand moved to his side, ready to grab the bottle and use Tommy as his example. However, just as he was about to snag the bottle-
He froze.
Dread coiled in his heart, an uncomfortable sensation that he had not felt for many years. He grit his teeth as he struggled to sort out exactly what he was feeling, what his instincts were trying to tell him.
Tommy’s wide eyes, tears still lingering in the corners-
Was… was this guilt?
There was no way he was feeling guilt! It couldn’t be. He had felt no guilt when threatening the kid earlier, didn’t really care all that much about him. So, why did the thought of showing him to someone feel…
He was unable to come up with an answer, feeling frustrated with himself. It was a stupid emotion, a weakness, but at the same time his instincts, those same feelings, had gotten him out of dangerous situations in the past. He’d be an idiot if he didn’t keep listening.
So, he dropped his hand and opted to explain instead. “Short, couple inches tall. Uses tools like grappling hooks to get around. Lives-”
“In houses?” The librarian finished, that sparkle in his eyes growing brighter. Looking a bit thrown off, Techno nodded.
“Yeah. How’d you know?”
“You have perfectly described a borrower!”
“... A borrower?”
“Yes! Humanoid beings who are only a few inches tall! Generally, they tend to live in already inhabited homes, or with other borrowers in hidden settlements! They’re signs of good fortune.” The librarian explained as he scanned the shelves, looking for a specific book. “It is said that there is a powerful connection between borrowers and humans, their companionship offers a kind of peace and feeling of completion that we cannot hope to feel on our own-”
“I’m assuming that doesn’t apply to hybrids as well.” Techno interrupted, brow raised in a combination of curiosity and disbelief.
Borrowers… so that’s what Tommy was. And the kid had chosen to live with him? Why? And what had he been doing in a frozen wasteland before that? Was there one of those settlements nearby, or was there some other factor that had driven the borrower into staying with him.
So many questions, and so few answers.
To his surprise, the librarian quickly shook his head. “Your assumption is incorrect, Blood God. On the contrary, borrowers and hybrids have been known to share settlements in the past, working together and helping one another out-aha!”
A book was pulled out of the shelves, cover worn and title nearly illegible. After the book was given a quick once over, it was presented to Techno. He immediately took it, held it up in the dim lighting, and read the title aloud.
“A Historical Investigation into Borrower Society…?”
“Indeed! That should be a good starting point for your research on borrowers, and I can search for other texts if you wish to read them.”
“... That would be helpful, thanks.” Techno nodded while adding the book to his bag. He then pulled a couple emeralds out of it and looked at the librarian. “How much do I owe you?”
“Nothing at all! It warms my heart to see someone else taking an interest in borrowers,” The librarian exclaimed while clapping his hands. “And for my library to be blessed with the presence of one.”
Ah, Tommy.
He must have either spotted the bottle the borrower was in, or one of the other villagers must have and then passed the information along to him. Either way, the hybrid felt…
His eyes narrowed and he unconsciously shifted so the side of his body the Tommy was on was further away from the librarian. He also flared his cape out, so the borrower was completely hidden from sight.
He was unaware of how Tommy had pressed himself against the side of the bottle upon realizing he had been seen. Unaware of how the borrower had tried to take shelter in his presence despite the rough start to their meeting.
Unaware of the wide, confused eyes that stared up at him, trying to comprehend that his captor was protecting him.
The librarian, seeing the change in Techno’s mood, quickly backed up and lifted up his hands. “Fret not, Blood God, I would do no harm to your charge.”
… Charge?
Before he could question what the librarian meant, the robbed man quickly ducked into some side room and started rummaging around in it.
“The next time you visit, I shall have something to give you! I promise!”
Had… had he just been given the signal to leave? Techno stood around awkwardly for a couple more moments as he waited to see whether the librarian would make another appearance. When he did not, the hybrid decided it was time to go.
Social interactions had always been a critical weakness of his. For how intimidating and threatening he could be, that mask would dissolve in an instant if he started floundering while talking to someone.
Wilbur had always teased him about it…
The walk back to his house was, thankfully, silent and allowed him the perfect opportunity to think about what he had learned in the village. Tommy was a borrower, a tiny being that lived in houses and stole for a living. He had no real magic or other noteworthy skills, aside from the advantages brought to him by size. He could be sneaky.
However, he still had to think about what to do with the borrower. Let him stay, or kick him out.
Soon enough, the hybrid found himself making his way up the stairs to the front of his house, letting out a relieved sigh once the door shut behind him. His shoulders loosened, the tension he had been carrying since he first entered the village fading in an instant.
He hated talking to people, so much.
Techno glanced at the nearby table and then looked down at the bottle on his hip. He promptly lifted it up, met Tommy’s eyes, and spoke.
“If I let you out and you don’t behave, I’m gonna fill the bottle with water and stick you back in it. Got it?”
Tommy shuddered and quickly nodded.
Stupid, he was so stupid for getting himself into this situation, and now he had no idea what Techno was going to do with him! Of course, he could always try to escape again, but he doubted he would get far, and if he got caught…
Nope. He was just going to sit, wait, and try to be as quiet as possible.
Upon seeing that Tommy was listening and actually keeping his mouth shut, Techno uncorked the bottle and tilted it towards the table so the borrower could easily slide out. Once he was settled on the table, the hybrid walked over to the other side of the room and started thinking.
Thinking about what his options were and what he should do.
Was it worth it to keep Tommy around? To have to deal with an annoying presence constantly in the place he had created as his retirement home. Would the aggravation be worth it? What would he get out of it, anyways?
They’re signs of good fortune.
Borrowers and hybrids have been known to share settlements in the past, working together and helping one another.
…That librarian had a point.
It would be useful to him to keep Tommy around, or kill him, even if the kid didn’t give him any good luck. He definitely couldn’t let the borrower leave, lest someone from L’Manberg snag him and get him to spill everything he knew about Techno, and if he kept the borrower around there was always the potential to use him in the future.
To have a tiny spy on his side could be quite the valuable tactical advantage, especially for when L’Manberg came after him.
He doubted Quackity would stay down for long.
So, with a plan properly in mind, he directed his attention back towards the borrower who was, thankfully, still sitting on the table. It looked like the kid had been zoning out until he heard the sounds of Techno’s approaching footsteps. He got back to his feet and glared at the man staring down at him.
Was… was he trying to be intimidating?
Techno let out an amused snort, ignoring the resulting remark about him really being a pig, and started explaining his deal.
“Alright, tiny-”
“ Tiny.” Techno insisted, and to his surprise Tommy actually shut up.
It was probably due to the fact that he wasn’t really in any kind of position to argue or make demands. His life was on the line and he knew. All he could was hope the human would show him some mercy and not chuck him out into the freezing cold.
Whatever it was, it worked in Techno’s favour.
“So, here’s the plan. I’ll let you stay here, give you food and shelter, but you have to give me something in exchange.”
The deal was simple, with the benefits to Tommy being obvious. Something that he hoped would distract the kid and prevent him from questioning what Techno got out of their agreement.
Or what he would get, that is.
“What the fuck do you mean, big man?! Give you something in exchange?! I don’t have anything to exchange!”
“Well, since you said you don’t have anything to exchange,” The hybrid began, taking another step forward so he was closer to the table, already witnessing the real purpose behind his plan coming to fruition.
Tommy paled and took a step back as Techno loomed above him, shadow engulfing his tiny frame as that scheming smile crossed his face. Okay, it was clearly an awful decision to agree to his idea. Abort, abort-
“You’ll just have to work for it, then.”
Techno's character arc for this fic is literally him going from exploiting one orphan to two XD
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firefly464 · 4 years
The Real World - Chapter 4
Uhhh so I may have gotten a bit carried away writing this chapter... Oh well! I had lots of fun writing it :D
Made in collaboration with @i-have-this-now
Master Post
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Tommy stared out the window of his small wooden shack. He had been relocated from the broken down van to a new, hastily put together room in the corner of L’manberg. Everyone had figured that the van was due to collapse at any second, and they didn’t exactly want the teenager in there when it did. After all, it wasn’t like he could just go back to his own base. That was directly in the middle of the Dream SMP. Going back there would be like signing a death warrant. 
He understood his friends thought process, he really did. But just because he understood it didn’t mean he was happy about it. Ever since he arrived in this strange world, the broken down van had been his home away from home. He knew that just being in it was dangerous, but that didn’t really matter. It was important to him. He was just glad they hadn’t forced him to stay in the underground bunker with everyone else. 
He sighed as he stared up at the night sky. What time was it now anyways. 2am? Maybe 3? Didn’t really matter either way. His mind was too full for sleep. He kept thinking about his home. His real home. He thought about his family and friends. He thought about his dogs, his favorite foods. How long had it been since he last slept in his own bed? Since he had eaten something that wasn’t just bread and steak? 
A tear slid down his face. He wanted to go home… But he had no idea how he had even gotten to this world, much less how to get out. Hell, there wasn’t even anyone who he could talk to about it. Unless…
A thought crossed his mind. He recalled how Dream had acted during the duel, in the seconds before he had lost consciousness. He had screamed and ran over to his side, as if trying to check on him. It was something that didn’t match up with the stories tubbo had told him. Whenever Tubbo had brought up Dream, his eyes filled with genuine anger and hatred. He spoke of a ruthless man who had destroyed their lives. A man who wasted no time in attempting to blow them all up. A man who had laid down explosives just to prove a point. It was a story that just hadn’t made sense to Tommy. 
Dream was a nice guy, and a friend. Sure he would tease and poke fun, but that didn’t change the fact that he meant well. It also didn’t make sense with what he had seen. After the duel, Tommy hadn’t seen Dream at all. If the stories Tubbo told were true, then it would have made sense for him to attack while he was unconscious or wounded. 
Maybe… Maybe Dream was connected to what was happening to him? He knew that it was a stretch, but at this point he had no other leads. He just wanted to figure out what was going on and how he could leave. 
He scanned the dark L’manberg property. Empty. Not a single torch or lantern was lit. Which meant… it was clear for him to make a run for it. He knew for a fact that none of his friends would support him going to visit the enemy. If they had any idea what he was trying to do, they would lock him inside the wooden shack until the nether froze over.
Quietly, he slipped out into the warm summer night. As quietly as he could, Tommy crept across the terrain to a small hole in the wall. He couldn’t go out the main entrance, it was completely caved in from the explosion. Trying to climb it would only end poorly. 
He was nearly out of the L’manberg property when a voice cut through the silent night air. “Tommy? Where are you going?”
The teenager swore under his breath. Of course Wilbur was out here. He had even said earlier that he was going to try to keep watch. Tommy turned to where the voice had come from, and nearly shrieked. In the pale moonlight, Wilbur looked like a monster straight out of a story book. His eyes were blood-shot and puffy. Pale, almost translucent looking skin was stretched across his face. His cheeks were sunken in , giving him a ghostly appearance. 
Tommy stepped closer to the older man, now feeling concerned more than anything “I was just… going for a walk…” he said, trying to make the lie sound convincing. 
Wilbur scoffed. “At 2 in the morning? I thought you were supposed to be resting.” he raised an eyebrow 
“I um… got better?” he responded, running his hand through his hair, “and I just wanted to go look around a bit… I’ve been inside for the past week.” he chuckles nervously
“Chugging 5 health potions if not enough to be considered ‘better,’ Tommy. I thought you already learned your lesson.” He made air quotes with his fingers to send his message across.
Tommy’s eyes widened “how did you…” his voice trailed off
His friend laughed at his confusion. “I saw you on the roof of the van earlier. No way would you have been able to make it up there if you were still injured. A quick check on our potion supply was all it took to confirm my suspicions.” 
“W-well then you should know that I’m perfectly capable of going on there on my own! I’m healed up now!” 
“Tommy, I don’t care how healed you are. You aren’t going out there on your own. Understood?”
Tommy’s jaw dropped open “What? Why the fuck not?”
“Because it's dangerous! Who knows what could happen to you if you went out there. Dream already tried to kill you once, who's to say that it won't happen again?” 
“I can take care of myself! I’m not going to do anything stupid” 
“Do you really expect me to believe that? You literally challenged Dream to a fucking duel while we tried negotiating peace treaties. If that isn’t idiotic then I don’t know what is.”
Tommy took a deep breath. Of course Wilbur didn’t trust him to go out on his own. Pretty much every other choice he had made was rash and dumb. Even if it had been mostly for the sake of entertainment in the real world, that wasn’t the case in this world. He was just a brash teenager here. “Will, I’ll be fine. I promise. I just need a chance to go and clear my head. We both know that I won’t get a chance to during the day.” 
Wilbur closed his eyes, considering Tommy’s offer. He did understand where he was coming from. The L’manberg territory wasn’t that big, and it could feel suffocating at times. Besides, he needed to trust his second in command, didn’t he? “Fine. But I expect you to be back by dawn. And I want you to come back and report to me immediately if you see anything suspicious. Understood?” 
He nodded, releasing a breath that he didn’t know he had been holding. “Of course,” he said, taking a step towards the hold in the wall. “Go get some rest Wilbur. You look terrible” 
He shook his head “I’m fine. I just need to keep everyone safe”
“You can’t keep people safe if you’re passed out. Go rest. I’ll wake you up if I see anything.” 
“... Fine. Just be careful” Wilbur stood and walked away from the tree he was sitting against. Tommy stared at his friend’s retreating figure for a moment, before walking out into the crisp summer night. 
As soon as he knew Tommy had left, Wilbur turned and rushed towards the hole in the wall. Like hell was he going to let Tommy go off on his own. The kid was going to do something stupid with no one to back him up. Will wasn’t going to let that happen.
Dream stood in the training grounds above his home. With a wooden training sword in his hand, he attempted to practice some of the techniques that George had used earlier that day. God, why was he so fucking useless? 
24 seconds. That was how long the longest bout had lasted. 24 seconds before Dream surrendered. It had taken George 4 different bouts before he had called it a day. Dream had refused. He begged his friend to teach him how to use the sword, making up some bull shit excuse about the lingering effects from the poison to justify it. He wanted to learn how to fight. After all, he was apparently the best at combat in the smp. It made sense. After all, he was a world record holder. So why on earth was he so useless?!
“Because its not a fucking game anymore,” he said out loud, frustration seeping into his voice. He was glad no one was around to hear him, or to see him stumbling around with the practice sword. 
“Here I thought you were supposed to be good at PVP,” said a voice behind him. Tommy's voice… Dream whirled around, still holding the sword. 
On one hand, he felt a rush of relief at the words. Tommy had survived. He was ok. But on the other, he was still the second in command of L’manberg. For all Dream knew, Tommy could have been sent to assassinate him. It was a theory that was only made more likely when he considered his failure from earlier that day. Wilbur had somehow heard about how weak and pathetic he had become, and sent Tommy to kill him while he couldn’t fight back. 
Dream locked eyes with his friend. Tommy stood at the opposite side of the small training grounds, watching Dream practice. The teenager stepped onto the wooden floor and picked up one of the practice swords. He held it in his hand for a moment, before making a couple swings and stabs. He may not have fallen over, but he still looked like a dork. 
Tommy let out a laugh, “This is so cool. This is so fucking cool!” he spun and pointed the sword at Dream. His face had a massive grin on it, making him look like a little kid. “Come at me bitch boy, I’ve got a knife! What are you gonna do about it!” 
Dream raised an eyebrow. Tommy was acting as if he had never held a sword in his life. But that didn’t make sense. In this world, sword fighting seemed to be rather common. And Tommy had been rather skilled at minecraft PVP. That should have translated to his combat abilities in this world. So why was he acting like a 5 year old? “You act like you’ve never held a sword before,” Dream said. 
Tommy stared at Dream, trying to gauge his reaction. He tried to figure out the best response. He had heard Dream muttering about it not being a game anymore, but that wasn’t nearly enough to risk revealing himself. So instead he pushed just a little more. “Says the one flailing around like a headless chicken. Aren’t you supposed to be the Minecraft god? Or are you just bad?”
Dream froze. No one had even mentioned the word Minecraft since he had arrived here. Whenever he tried bringing it up in conversation, his friends had just looked at him like he was crazy. But here Tommy was just saying it like it was nothing. “How do you-” he began to ask, but was cut off by the sound of metal. 
Tommy’s eyes narrowed. Dream knew something. And he wasn’t sharing. In a single motion, he drew his netherite sword and pointed it at Dream’s throat. He took a deep breath, trying to keep his hand from trembling. Dream dropped his practice sword and raised his hands in the air. Tommy was seething with anger. “I fucking knew it! You stupid son of a bitch I knew you had something to do with this! What did you do to me?! Where am I?! Why can’t I go home?!”
“What are you planning Dream? What are you trying to get out of this?” He growled. 
“I don’t know!” Dream said desperately “I don’t know what's going on!” 
“Bullshit! You’re the only one who’s even remotely reacted to something from the real world. You must know something!” 
“Tommy I just want to go home!” Dream shouts “I don’t fucking belong here! Don’t you think if I knew how to leave, I would?!” 
“Give me one good reason why I should believe you,” he said, stepping forward slightly so that the tip of the blade rested against Dream’s throat. 
“Because you’re my friend!” he yelled. “If I knew how to help you, or what to do, then I would!”
Tommy considered Dream’s words. He had a point… the two of them were friends, weren’t they? Tommy should at least give him the courtesy of listening to his side of the story before jumping to any conclusions. Dream’s appearance only solidified his decision. His eyes were red and swollen from lack of sleep. He looked like he was in a similar condition to Wilbur. Except instead of stress and worry, Dream’s declining health was due to frustration and fear. 
He lowered the blade to his side and stepped back. “Fine. I’ll believe you for now.” He looked down at his hand “When were you brought here?” 
Dream let out a breath of relief. He knew that if Tommy had really wanted to, he could have run him through, no questions asked. And Dream didn’t even know how to defend himself. “About a week ago I think? It was during the bow duel…” 
Tommy nodded. “Same. All I remember was being on the computer, and then suddenly I held a bow and had an arrow through my chest.”
Dream winced “Are you ok now at least? I’ve been really scared that I actually killed you…” 
“Fine. I drank a couple health pots earlier today, so at least my wound is healed. It’s been more boring than anything else” he was silent for a moment, thinking. “Dream… How much do you know about the war?” 
“Um, wasn’t it pretty much the same as it was in game?” 
Tommy shook his head “No. According to Tubbo, it was so much worse here… Apparently the war has been going on for over half a year now. I guess the only reason everyone lasted so long was because they were constantly downing health and regen pots. But even so, I guess it was a bloodbath…” his voice trailed off, remembering the pained and weary expression on Tubbo’s face when he had talked about it. 
“Are you serious…?” 
“Yeah. Everyone back in L’manberg is terrified of you. They all despise you for what you’ve done to them. I guess the other you was a ruthless monster…” 
The concerned look on Dream's face only grew more and more as Tommy continued talking. The two of them stood in silence once Tommy had finished. After a couple minutes of thinking, he finally spoke. “Tomorrow, I’ll be calling a council to negotiate a peace treaty. I’m going to put an end to this war, once and for all.”
Tommy nodded “that sounds… good. It’ll be nice to not have everyone look so fucking scared all the time” He glanced up at the moon in the sky. “I need to be heading back. Will is gonna be worried if I’m not back soon.”
“Oh yeah, isn’t it past your bedtime?” he asked with a chuckle
A smile broke out onto tommys face “I’ll have you know, I am far too old and mature for bedtimes.” 
“Right. I’m sure that everyone would agree with that” 
“Oh they most definitely would. After all, I’m the second in command to Wilbur! It takes a lot of maturity to do that.” 
“Uh huh. Get going you freaking child” 
“Sorry, I can’t hear you over the sound of your stupidity!” Tommy called out as he walked away from Dream and back to L’manberg. For the first time since he had woken up, he felt actually hopeful. Hopeful that he would find a way home. Hopeful that maybe things would turn out ok. He grinned to himself as he jogged down the wooden path, mostly just grateful that he was no longer all alone.
~~~ Wilbur paced in his small room, trying to figure out what to do. The conversation between Tommy and Dream echoed in his mind. At first, he had been following Tommy to protect him and make sure he didn’t do anything rash. He had very nearly revealed himself to the teenager when he had approached the training grounds. But then he had heard him start to speak.
Tommy may have baited and attacked Dream at first, but then Dream had claimed to be a friend. Wilbur wasn’t sure what bothered him more. The fact that Dream was claiming to be an ally, or the fact that those words had caused Tommy to spare him. Just last week, Tommy had sworn to kill Dream, no matter what. Why on earth had he suddenly changed his mind? 
Unless… Unless it was all an act. An act to get close to them, then stab them in the backs. No. No Tommy would never do that. There had to be some other explanation. Some other reasoning for his behavior. 
Wilbur hadn’t heard the conversation after Tommy had spared Dream. He knew that he should have stayed, but he couldn’t bear watching his friend betray him. Better to live in the dark. He would just have to keep an eye on him. Yeah. Keep an eye on him, and make sure that he didn’t do anything to hurt them. 
It would be fine. Everything would be fine.
“Look. If you’re here to ask about Tommy or Dream, then you can piss off. I came back to streaming for a break from all that,” Tubbo told his viewers. His eyes involuntarily drifted towards his other monitor, as they often did when he thinking about his missing friends. His second monitor was where he had Discord open. Where Tommy and Dream still sat in the main voice channel, completely silent. Neither of their families had the heart to turn off their computers, so they just sat there, exactly as they were before they vanished. Tubbo liked to sit in the vc whenever he was streaming. Something about it was… comforting to him. He wasn’t sure why. 
His attention was drawn back to the stream chat by a donation. It was filled with questions about his missing friends.
He let out a groan of frustration. “All right, we’re going on sub only mode for a bit. I can’t deal with this shit right now. Thanks mods,” he told the chat, “I know, I know, I don’t like it either. But I just can’t deal with questions about them right now. Sorry guys.” 
That was when it happened. A rustling sound. A voice very quietly saying, “what the…” 
Tubbo frowned in confusion. “Can you guys hear that? Or is it just me?” he asked. 
That was when he heard it. Tommy's voice. Tommy’s voice coming in from the discord vc. All he said were two words. “Hello? Tubbo?” 
The stream went offline.
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There's No Shame In Being
The mind wanders for the lost while life passes by.
Tubbo exhales a long suffering sigh into the dirt and grass his face is pressed into. An emptiness claws at his chest and closes up his throat as he curls further into himself. It's the dead of night and Tubbo is lying in the middle of his forest, not too far from his house that he'd left hours ago. Closed flowers sway in muted colors under shadows and dappled white light. The forest is quiet despite everything alive that Tubbo knows lurks in the night. And yet, his creations can feel his sadness, and stay hidden out of respect. An involuntary whimper crawls up his throat, Tubbo swallows his sorrows, and finally gives in.
"Universe," he whispers to the world, "can you please see me."
His hands twist in the soft grass he's lying in, he calls louder. 'Universe!" His voice echoes through the forest. "I need to speak with you!"
He waits, silent, taking in the sound of crickets and swaying branches. Tubbo's about to call out again when a gentle hand runs through his hair and a sweet voice washes over him.
"I'm here." She tells him quietly, feeling Tubbo tremble beneath her touch.
Something in Tubbo breaks when the comforting feeling of void washes over him, causing his shoulders to shake. "I don't know what's wrong with me." He confesses with a sob. "I've been feeling like this for so long and I want it to stop."
The universe rubs at the base of his horns, feeling the world wilt around them. “There’s nothing wrong with you.” She mummers. “You’re just lonely.”
Tubbo opens his eyes, tears spilling onto the ground as he looks into the darkness. “But that doesn't snake sense!” He cries, confusion and sadness clouding his mind. “I have friends and people who visit but… they're not close enough, I want someone to love differently than them.”
The Universe sighs, biting her lip in thought, before giving in to her idea. “Life,” she says softly, “you're going to help me do something no one besides Creation has witnessed.”
Tubbo sits up, turning to look at The Universe. Her crystalline white eyes show warmth and love in them as he looks on. He wipes at his tears, taking a deep breath while The Universe waits for him. “What are we doing?” He asks, clearing his throat.
“You’re going to help me create a god.” She tells him.
Tubbo’s jaw drops, he begins to stutter through his response. “W-what? How are we- I’m-” He stops, looking into the middle distance before turning back to The Universe. “Were… gonna make me a friend?”
She chuckles and nods then motions for Tubbo to sit next to her. “It’s easy to create a god but difficult to manifest them into existence.” She tells him as he settles next to her side. “It’ll eventually get to the point where they’ll create themselves, but you can help me make them.”
The Universe crosses her legs then rests her arms on her knees, palms up. “So, where do you want to start?”
Tubbo hums, wiping at his eyes again while looking around his forest, settling on a patch of puffy allium. “Well he’s got to like flowers.” He tells her.
The Universe giggles, closing her eyes. “He’s got to like flowers?” She asks, clarifying.
“Oh,” Tubbo says, “yeah I suppose he.”
The Universe hums, moving her hands to curve towards each other. Stars sparkle between her fingers, Tubbo marvels at the sight.
“What’s next?” She questions, feeling reality push against her fingertips.
“He’s got to be fun,” Tubbo says confidently, “he’s gonna be unique, I can already tell, he’ll be smart too, but in the Phil and Techno way.”
She laughs, pouring all of Tubbo’s wishes into their creation. “What do you think he’s gonna look like?” The Universe questions, already feeling the ghost of a body settling before her.
Tubbo sighs, wracking his brain. “Um, well red and green has always been mine and Tommy’s thing.” He says, remembering his best friend. “They… red and green kinda reflect how things are like with Tommy and I, I’d like things to be a little more black and white with my new friend.” He expresses thoughtfully.
The Universe takes a twist on his words, running her thumb down the center of the face beneath her hands, gently swiping her hands over both of his eyelids.
Tubbo looks up at the sky, continuing his train of thought. “I also think he’d be very dapper compared to Tommy’s…” He trails off, face twisting into distaste. “Racoon-like tendencies.”
The Universe wheezes, eyes opening to shoot Tubbo an incredulous look. He tears his eyes away from the stars, meeting her gaze with a smile. “What?” He asks, mischief in his expression.
The Universe shakes her head, grinning herself. “For as majestic as I attempted to make him he’s still described as a trash panda by his best friend.”
Tubbo nods rapidly, about to respond when he sees a solid body lying in The Universe’s lap. “Woah…” He shuffles closer, enraptured by the sight. The last smokey grey threads of the bodies suit stitch themselves together as Tubbo leans over him, staring at his face. Black and white skin is split perfectly down the middle of his face, two beautifully contrasting sides. Tubbo reaches out a hand to touch him and hesitates.
“It’s okay to touch him.” The Universe reasures. “You can make any changes to what I’ve done if you want.”
Tubbo nods then tentatively places a hand on the white side of his face, high on his cheekbone, just under his eye. He concentrates on creating in the same way he does every other living thing in this world. Tubbo slowly runs a hand over his cheek, as his hand moves black freckles appear on his skin, Tubbo quickly does the same in white on the other side of his face. He moves on to picking up his left hand, but stops, staring at his rounded fingertips.
“What are you thinking?” The Universe questions, silently creating the same freckles over his arms.
“I was thinking of creating this kind of… creature… a while ago.” Tubbo tells her, continuing to stare at his fingers. “I was gonna call it an Enderman, and… I kinda wanna make them after this, cause he looks a lot like one.”
The Universe nods, moving her hands to cradle the body's head. “You can do whatever you like.” She reminds him.
Tubbo nods then pinches a white finger between his thumb and index, dragging it out to create a long, sharp claw. “He’s going to be kind.” Tubbo mummers while he works. “Above all he’ll stick to his morals, following his vices and virtues with confidence, believing in himself.”
The Universe looks to him, pride in her gaze. “Anything else?”
He meets her eyes as he finishes, nodding. “He shouldn't be perfect.” Tubbo says, voice unwavering. “No one deserves to carry the burden of perfection.”
She nods, looking down at the soon to be god, and smiles. “Now what shall you be the god of?” The Universe asks the body, looking down at closed eyes.
Tubbo senses that he should be quiet, so he takes the body's hand, holding it gently. The cold feels as comforting as it does haunting.
The Universe takes a breath, tipping back her head as she centers her being to hum at the same frequency as reality. Voices start to tickle her ear, she’s quick to realize she’s hearing memories. Happiness clashes with grief, giggling screams colliding with the sounds of war, all the while soft mummers of love confessions overlap with howls of strife. “I know what he’s the god of.” The Universe says, looking down again.
The Universe presses her forehead to the body’s then plants a quick kiss to the black side of his face. “You’ll be the God of the Mind.” She tells him, whispering. She moves to the white side of his face, repeating her actions. “You’ll be God of the Lost.” The Universe looks up at Tubbo, “Put your finger on his pulse point and rest your head on his chest.”
Tubbo quickly does so, taking Mind’s right in his left, thumb resting on where there should be a beat. He lays his head on Mind’s chest, feeling calm and excited, waiting for what’s to happen.
The Universe puts her fingers over Mind’s cheeks, gaze full of love, taking a steadying breath. She feels for the stars, the edge of reality, what gives her the power to be, and she feels warmth underneath her fingertips when the steady beat of wings sounds in her head.
Tubbo’s eyes widen as a faint yet steady heartbeat thrums beneath his finger and his head moves with the first breath from the God of the Mind and The Lost.
Black and white eyelids flutter open to reveal shocking ruby red and acid green eyes. He finds The Universe’s soft smile and fond gaze, feeling a hand run over his cheek. “There you are.” She mutters.
He feels the hand gasping his and The Universe helps him sit up. Tubbo regretfully pulls himself off of Mind’s chest and looks him in the eyes, still holding Mind’s hand tight. They stare at one another, similar feelings of wonder coursing through them.
Tubbo cautiously reaches his right hand up to rest against Mind’s cheek, watching in awe as Mind leans into his touch.
“You're…” Tubbo starts, overcome with exhilaration, “You’re incredible.”
Mind looks at him for a long moment then smiles. “Thank you.”
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dreamsmp-au-ideas · 3 years
Fire Emblem AU
First house I want to focus on is the *insert drumroll here*
Green Gator House, where those who hail from the SMP Empire reside!
The SMP empire is the oldest empire in the continent of Carmine. While it once ruled over the entire continent, it lost that power after The Badlands and L’Mmanberg were formed. Despite this, SMP has the most land and all of its citizens are proud of its rich history. The Gator is the house animal because of its toughness and strength, with high populations at SMP’s beaches. This years Green Gators consist of the following
Dream- Dream is the future emperor of the SMP and is considered a prodigy in his speed and skill with lances. He’s generally friendly with most students, despite being distant towards those of other houses. Dream always wears a green hood to cover up his hair for reasons unknown to others. However, underneath his jokes is someone who is desperate to change the status quo, especially how those with and without crests are treated. Dream is totally planning to start a war but he’s only doing it for the good of everyone. He disguises himself with his mask when he needs to work with his less morally standing allies. These allies are people who worship a mysterious god *coughtheeggcough* which gives them great power in exchange for the blood of humans. Dream doesn’t like working with them but he has no choice. Dream in his mask and longer cloak becomes known as The Green Demon. While Dream does have genuinely good reasons for starting a war and his resolve to achieve a better future for his nation won’t waver, he does sometimes ponder it after hanging out with his classmates. Dream specializes in lances, swords, and riding. He has a weakness in faith and heavy armor. He doesn’t like being weighed down. He has two crests.
George- George is Dreams loyal retainer and one of his best friends. George was a commoner until Dream just happened to see him compete in a tournament and was like “I want that one”. Thus, George was taken in to train as his retainer and he became fast friends with Dream and Sapnap. George kinda stands out as one of the few commoners in The Green Gators, not that anyone would dare give him crap about it in front of Dream. George is one of the few people to know what Dream is planning to do and his main reason why. That is to say, why Dream always has his hair covered. George is considered the least chaotic one in the Dream Team, as him, Dream, and Sapnap are called. He’s well known for sleeping in the weirdest places, like in the middle of lunch. Despite this, he is not to be underestimated with his skill in bows and riding wyverns. George is colorblind which he accidentally keeps a secret purely because he forgot to tell his housemates. George specializes in bows and flying. He has a weakness in riding. He has no crests.
Sapnap: Sapnap is Dreams childhood friend because of their families close connections. That is to say, Sapnaps father is the financial advisor to Dreams father. However, Sapnap really doesn’t want to do that and would much rather become a general someday. Sapnap has great talent with reason and is called an arsonist by his classmates after he set their lunch on fire when he was stuck with cooking duty. In his defense, he thought that would make the lunch cook faster and didn’t consider the possibility of fire. Sapnap is a friendly prankster but he does have his worries. Dream and George have been acting more distant lately and he has no idea why. All they are offering is vague platitudes or just evading his questions. Sapnap specializes in reason (fire) and brawling. Weakness in flying and riding. He has a crest.
Puffy: Puffy is a noblewoman who has always dreamed of becoming a knight. Her family specializes in overseas trading but she would really rather stay at home and defend others. She’s one of the oldest out of her classmates and is quickly dubbed as the mom friend. Puffy takes a shine to her future emperor and calls him her duckling after he started coming over to spar with her. Puffy also becomes fast friend with Niki, even though they are in separate houses. Puffy has a lot of friends in other houses. Perks of being used to interacting with those different from herself from trading, she supposes. Puffy has a strong sense of honor and believes very highly in fairness. She specializes in heavy armor and axes but she’s not so hot at flying. She’s not a big fan of heights. She has no crest. Basically, she’s a tanky character who is good at taking physical hits but has very low speed
Schlatt- Schlatts family used to be a part of L’Manberg and he was close friends with Wilbur. That is until his noble family made a risky investment and it backfired. Hard. When none of the nobles would help, nobles from the SMP offered financial aid in exchange for them leaving L’Manberg for the SMP. Schaltt’s family agreed, but their financial position is still very fragile. Schlatts friendship with Wilbur fizzled out after that, mostly due to Schlatts bitterness at the nobles of L’Manberg. Schlatt is also one of the few who can tell somethings off with Wilbur eve before he goes all hunched over eyepatch dude during the timeskip. However, Schlatts not good with feelings so he doesn’t approach Wilbur about it. Schlatt is a cynic about the concept of an honorable noble and has major money hoarding issues. He’s constantly trying to come up with new ways to make some quick cash off of people because who knows when he’ll need some extra? He’s friends with Quackity and Tubbo or as he puts it “The only nobles here he can tolerate because they aren’t self righteous pricks” Schlatt has strengths in reason(fire) and swords with a weakness in faith. He has no crest.
Quackity- Quackity is a noble of a minor house. He’s set to be the next leader of his territory after graduation so he’s mostly here to have one last hurrah of having fun and prepare for leadership. Quackity tells loads of jokes and may appear not to take things seriously. The important thing to note is appears. Quackity wants the best for his people and is willing to do whatever it takes to be a good leader for them. He secretly does a lot of research in past rulers and how they succeeded. Quackity does goof off a lot in between classes, which mostly involves helping out Schlatt with his latest scam. Or trying to talk him out of it if he thinks its a bit too immoral. If he’s not with Schlatt, Quackity likes hanging out with Sapnap as well. Quackity has strengths in axes and authority with a weakness in bows. He has a crest.
Tubbo- Tubbo is also a noble of a minor house. He’s a middle child in a lot of siblings. He’s at the academy mostly so he can figure out what he’s going to do with his life. He’s one of the younger students there. His and Tommy’s families are actually fairly close due to both of them being close to their respective borders. Despite their families trading a lot Tommy and Tubbo has never met. They quickly became inseparable at the academy, despite Tommy being busy with his duties as Wilbur’s retainer. It sure would be a shame if they were separated and forced to fight each other in a war, wouldn’t it? Tubbo loves to hang out at the greenhouse or cook with Karl. He’s extremely skilled at magic, through hard work mostly. Tubbo has strengths in both faith and reason (wind magic) and has weaknesses in axes and brawling. He’s a classic squishy wizard character who cannot take many hits due to low defense. He has a crest.
If Karl decides to teach The Green Gators he has two options before the timeskip. He can either side with Dream or go against him along with everyone else except George. Each side has pros and cons that could be debated about all day and night but that’s neither here nor there. This is mostly just to cover the students and what their generally like and backstories because this is already long enough without going into the plot. Sorry about that by the way. Feel free to tell me if you want this shortened.
Ah I remember why I didn’t pick up the game. It’s because I’m going to get attached to all the characters and won’t be able to save them all and oh no I’m crying.
ANyways. This is good. I like everyone’s characters in here and I’m excited for more. Also ouch on the Clingy Duo angst. Oh god. Oh no.
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