#tumblr ate this ask and i had to rewrite everything
taylor-on-your-dash · 7 months
Do you think that MIAB and CBBH are for Harry Styles or for Zac Efron? I'm trying to understand her 2012 love life lol
It's time to answer the most dreaded question of my inbox that i've been avoiding for [checks ask date] a long long time. I don't blame you for being confused, 2012 Taylor is a mess indeed.
Short answer: MIAB was likely written on April 23rd and CBBH def on April 12th, so that's enough for me.
Longer answer: I think that if MIAB and CB...BH are sister songs, MIAB is also Begin Again's cousin. Begin Again is about opening up again with somebody after being hurt so badly, and you know that the relationship was not right for you, but the wound is still fresh and you can't let go and you still think about them and drawing comparisons between the toxic guy and the sweet new guy. MIAB instead is completely free of the past and it's so... fresh and carefree and cheeky and young. It's about the freedom of crushing on someone again. CB...BH is sadder because the spectre of long distance is always there when you choose this kind of career. This is my #1 interpretation of the songs. Now onto the muses.
Harry: I'm just gonna say it: Harry was 18 when he met and then dated Taylor. He turned 18 in February 2012, met Taylor exactly 2 months later, he was 18 when Taylor turned 23, he was 18 when they broke up and Taylor was seen leaving the Virgin Islands on a boat with the famous blue dress on. For some reason, Haylor is still #iconic but the same hype is not reserved to Conor Kennedy: everyone cringes when they look back at Taylor's Kennedy era, RIGHTFULLY SO. Harry and Conor are barely 5 months apart, yet everybody is glad that Taylor didn't write any songs for Conor because he was so young but then they're fine with thinking that MIAB is about Harry because slay kween. I'm gonna be honest, if you think that early Haylor was appropriate while Taylor/Conor wasn't i'm gonna side-eye you, cause you can't justify early Haylor with "Harry was 18 while Conor was 17 when they met" cause it means that you think that Taylor dating them is a legal issue, not a morality issue. Taylor and Conor met when he was 20 days short of 18 and Harry was 18 and two months old. there's no difference for me, they're both inappropriate. that being said, we technically don't have any confirmation of Harry and Taylor dating in April, just rumors. Nothing points at Harry as being the MIAB muse.
Zac: I vote for Zac as the muse. He was jetting around the world for promo, they had great chemistry, he corresponds to the physical description, they were both single, he was in London the day Taylor and Max Martin and finished the song. Also this was said before she met Harry, which is basically a line from MIAB:
When you meet someone that you’re attracted to, do you go, “Here’s a song”? That can happen. I get inspired by the smallest or the biggest things. You meet someone and you wonder if you’ll ever see them again. I could write so many songs about that. I have written so many songs about that. Wait till you hear my next record, it’s all about that.
That being said, Jesus, Zac truther are insufferable, sometimes it feels like they want the muse to be Zac just cause they want a gotcha to use against Haylor and they turn all of this into a ship war. chill, it's not that important.
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allfryam · 14 days
sugarcoated (remastered)
for those of you that don’t know, sugarcoated was the first story I posted on tumblr and… it’s rough. So I decided I would rewrite the story so it’s at least a little bit better because I really like the idea. Enjoy!
The crowd roared in excitement as Andrew made the winning shot right as the buzzer went off. He pumped his fist in the air as his team surrounded him cheering. Andrew had just won the championship basketball game for his school. It was the last game of his senior year and he was gonna be off to college soon.
in the locker room, Andrew took off his clothes and got in the shower. Little did he know, his friend miles was watching from afar, admiring Andrew’s perfect body. His wet, curly brown hair fell perfectly onto his tan face. His sharp jawline could cut through steel, and miles had to practically stop himself from drooling as he admired Andrew’s body. His toned abs and muscular arms looked even better with glistening hot water running down them. His tight ass sat atop his meaty legs proudly. Miles had to stop himself from staring before he got a boner. He couldn’t wait until college though. Miles and Andrew decided to be roommates when they went to college. Miles dreamed of seeing Andrew’s perfect body every day.
when it came time to make his schedule for the fall, Andrew discovered he had an open slot. Looking through the available classes, he only saw one that didn’t look like a snooze fest. “Baking 101”. Andrew reluctantly clicked on it and forgot about it until the first class.
Andrew was relieved to see miles when he walked into the baking class for the first time. He was nervous about not knowing anyone in his classes but miles made it a little bit better. Professor miller began the class by saying it will be very difficult and take up a lot of your time. Andrew rolled his eyes but decided to stay because of miles. The boys grabbed dinner after class and Andrew decided to skip the gym to get started on his homework. He had gone to the gym almost everyday in high school, but with all of the stress in college, he hardly ever had time.
the first week had come and gone and Andrew was starting to get into a routine. He only ever had time to go to the gym on the weekends and he usually skipped cardio. He figured he got enough of that walking to class every day. He actually ended up really liking his baking class in particular. The professor was pretty cool and they got to eat everything they made in class. One day the professor asked miles and Andrew to stay after class and have a chat with him. “I’ve made an accident, and I figured I would reward my two best students with it.” Professor miller said. “I read the ingredients wrong and made way too many cookies for my other class to sample. These are the leftovers.” Professor opened a Tupperware full of sugar cookies. “I decided to let you two have them so they wouldn’t go to waste.” Andrew’s eyes lit up as he thanked the professor. Miles was running late for his class so he grabbed a few cookies and took off, but Andrew had nowhere to be, so he plopped his ass down in a chair and dug in. Professors cooking was phenomenal. The cookies were the best Andrew ever had! He stacked them three high and ate them as quickly as he could. There were about 40 cookies in the container when he started, and there were only 5 left now. Andrew moaned as he slowly continued eating the cookies. For the last cookie, he just shoved the whole thing in his mouth and tried not to gag as he chewed. He eventually got it down and leaned back in his chair.
that night, when Andrew was on his way to the shower, Miles noticed his abs were looking a little less defined. Probably just the bloat from all those cookies. Miles wasn’t mad at what he saw though… he actually kinda liked it…
classes continued to ramp up in difficulty and Andrew had less and less time for exercise. He would find himself going to the school kitchen late at night to practice his baking. To his surprise, he actually ended up really enjoying the baking class. He got to hang out with miles, and eat all of the sweet treats he made in class. He ate pies, cookies, cakes, pastries, brownies, bread, and more. He only had the class two days a week, but he found himself going to the kitchen when it was empty to make some more treats for himself. One late night, Andrew had just finished making himself a warm apple pie. He sat down at one of the tables and dug in. The warm, gooey apples slid down his throat and he instantly felt relieved. He continued eating until he heard a small “pop”. He looked down to see the button on his jeans had come undone. He grabbed the two sides and tried to pull them back together, but he was really struggling. He stood up and struggled some more before he finally got them to button. He went to the bathroom to look in the mirror, and to his surprise, his perfect abs were starting to turn into a soft, round belly. Andrew grabbed it and gave it a little shake. It jiggled a little but he could still feel some muscle in there. Andrew shrugged it off as a bloat and finished off the rest of his pie. when he got back to the dorm, he took off his shirt and walked over to miles. “Dude, do you think I’m getting fat?” He asked. Miles eyes grew wide as he looked at Andrew’s gut. “Uhhh… no way man! You look great! Sure you’ve probably put on a few but it makes you look way stronger.” Miles replied, trying to hold back his boner. “Yeah you’re probably right. Thanks dude.”
over the coming weeks, Andrew continued to eat various treats and his waistline continued to grow. He stopped wearing jeans because he could never get them buttoned, so he only wore pants or shorts with an elastic waistband. His belly continued to grow rounder and began to fall over his waistband. His size medium shirts no longer covered his gut so he started wearing large, and those were even starting to get a little tight.
as Andrew laid in bed eating cake one night, miles got an idea. He knew Andrew couldn’t resist food, especially sweets, so he started bringing home all of the treats he baked in class to give to Andrew. Andrew would always be incredibly grateful and scarf the food down like it was nothing. For his second semester of classes, he decided to take all of his classes online. He hated having to walk across campus, and it was easy to just sit in bed in his underwear all day.
now that Andrew practically never left the dorm, his weight began to skyrocket. Miles watched his slight paunch turn into a dad bod, and that turned into a beer belly, and that grew into a tub of lard. Miles continued to bring Andrew food, and Andrew ate everything he brought. He didn’t even seem to mind the extra weight. It’s almost like he didn’t even notice it. He was just happy to be eating.
one day, miles decided to push Andrew’s limits. He brought home a massive amount of treats, all for Andrew. There was cake, doughnuts, pie, cookies, and more. “Woah! Is that all for me?” Andrew asked. “Yup! Decided to bring home a feast for my favorite person!” Andrew immediately dug in, tearing through the entire cake within minutes. With his face still covered in frosting, he started eating the pie. Crumbs and pieces of pie filling were falling onto his round gut bit he hardly noticed. He ate the cookies and the brownies at the same time, stacking them on top of one another and eating them as one. Miles’ boner felt like it was gonna bust through his pants with how hard he was right now. Watching Andrew devour this food was the hottest thing he’s ever seen. He needed to get in on this. “Why don’t I help you with the doughnuts?” Miles asked. Andrew just nodded his head and opened his mouth. Miles grabbed a few doughnuts and climbed on top of Andrew. Sitting on his gut, he shoved the doughnuts into his mouth and Andrew mindlessly chewed. After about 6 doughnuts, he motioned for miles to stop. “URP… I’m… full…”Andrew said breathing heavily. Miles ignored him and continued shoving the doughnuts into his mouth. By the time they were finished, Andrew’s stomach had never been so full. He looked like a beached whale. As Andrew drifted off to sleep he pulled miles close and whispered in his ear, “I love you.” Miles face got red and he saw Andrew smile. “I always have…” Andrew whispered before passing out from all of the food he just ate.
don’t really know if you guys will enjoy this one or not. The weight kinda piles on really fast and I know a lot of you like the slower paced stories, but I think the fast ones are fun! Anyway, next story will probably be fattest team in the country part 3 so stay tuned for that
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sant-riley · 2 years
Proposal headcanons [ft. Ghost and Soap]
To the anon who asked about proposals, I lost the ask bc tumblr ate shit and I had to rewrite these <3 I hope you see this
Hes the kind of boyfriend who has the ring on him at all times.
He fiddles with the damn box constantly, one hand shoved in his pants to brush his fingers over the box. He'll take it out sometimes and just stare down at it and just try and hype himself up to just go up and ask.
With the life you both live, there's hardly any romantic setup that he can plan and he can't help but feel insecure.
Ghost sees him at least once a week messing with the box and wants to gouge his eyes out. "Just ask them already, they won't say no Johnny."
It finally happens when you're the instructor for the day, training the new recruits in close combat. John watches you as you teach, leaning up against the wall. Everything is going well until some dipshit Rookie tries to tell you what you're doing 'wrong', Soap knows you can defend yourself so he just smirks as you make the Rookie face you.
He audibly laughs when you flip the kid over your back, the kid getting the air knocked out of him.
The smile on your face while you breath heavily is enough for him to finally make his move, and next thing he knows, he's on one knee and looking up at you with heart eyes.
You look like you're about to cry when you throw yourself at him and hug him saying yes over and over. All the recruits are happy for their sergeants and politely clap while Price chooses to kick the Rookie to make sure he's alive.
When y'all finally have the wedding, he proudly wears his wedding band, never taking it off. His has your initial ingraved <3
Never once did he ever entertain the thought of marriage, let alone a relationship. The life and work he leads along with the trauma of his family is almost too much to bare.
But then you waltz in and change everything he once thought he knew he wanted.
He doesn't buy a ring, but the thought lingers and eats him alive when he stares down at your empty fingers.
The man feels his heart ache at how much he wants to give you a ring to claim you as his forever. But he represses it and moves about his day. He's too scared, scared of how you make him feel. Hell, he hasn't even said I love you yet to your face, he feels out of his element and it fucks him up.
The time comes when you're both in a shitty safe house, your gear taken off as he fishes for a bullet in your thigh, shushing you as he prods. He can't help but think that was too close of a call, and he murmurs without thinking "I need you to marry me 'fore you go doin' this shit."
He quickly realizes what he just fucking said and snaps his mouth shut, going back to focusing on your wound and hoping you didn't hear him bc of all the adrenaline and pain.
Fortunately for him you do, bringing a small hand up to his mask and gently caressing it, moving his head up to face you.
"I'll gladly be a Riley with you."
When all is said and done, you have a nice scar to remember your proposal for your entire life and the best fiance known to man. You're never messed with on base since your last name officially got changed to Riley on your uniform.
Ghost wears his ring on his dog tags, he clutches them before every mission and gently kisses it every time before he goes out.
@devilsfoodcake22 @simon-rileys-princess
@stupid-ninja @milkmily
@lune-la-chanson @tamayakii
@teacupcollector @sweet-as-an-angel
@perilous-pasta @ihatethisappsomuchitpains
@marsbar127xx @baddump
@xncasi @king-cookiex
@palomaxaxaxa @amatchasky   @wolfyland07 @diejager
@hailstrum18 @pretty-little-bunny382728 @mzfandom @solarslushee @areislol
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artdcnaldson · 3 months
UGH terrible, i just knew tumblr ate it. i had a feeling. deeply upsetting. but i will try to rewrite and remember what i was thinking.
prodigy au thoughts:
okey so i think he contains himself through dinner and brings you back to your hotel. he manages to keep himself from making a move, despite the fact that your eyes are BEGGING him to kiss you. he doesnt give in. the next day youre playing another match, but you remember what he was telling you about improving your backhand, youre following his advice. he can tell from his seat in the stands, he can see how much better it is when youre doing as he told you to. youre such a fast learner, he didnt even have to show you, you figured it out just from his instructions. he feels so proud of you. he also feels very turned on over how eagerly you follow his lead. makes his mind wander to what else you would do, if he asked you to...
you win the match, naturally. he knew you would, especially with your new and improved technique. it almost feels like deja vu, the way he's being lead backstage to congratulate you, still semi-hard from watching you the whole match. he swears your skirt is even shorter than the one yesterday. but this time you come running up to him and jump into him arms. you're spurting praise and thank yous at him, he's so amazing, and he was so right, and did you see how good i was? he barely has a chance to get a word in. even then he wouldnt be able to think straight enough to know what to say. youre still hanging on him, arms and legs wrapped around him like a koala to a tree, his hand on your ass to keep you from falling. he has to hold you up higher on his waist so you wont feel his hard-on pressing against you. so he wont cum in his pants from just feeling your pussy against him.
he invites you to dinner again, wanting to spend as much time with you as possible before the tournament is over. you spend the whole evening raving about him, talking about his career as if he wasnt there for the entirety of it. he thinks its very cute, how you look at him like hes a god. hes getting off on it way too much, he insists that you stay for dessert, exclusively because his boner is just far too obvious for him to be standing up right now.
he knows youre going to ask before you even get the first syllable out, and hes fully ready to shoot you down and tell you that hes just not ready to get back into a game he only just left behind. your eyes are already pleading him to say yes before the question is even out, all big and round and adoring. he cant help but imagine that it must be how youd look begging for his cock... he almost gives in before you even have the chance to beg him, before youve even asked. god he really is a weak man, but he's never had someone look at him, worship him, like this before, he would do anything to keep you like this. so he only puts up a little fight when you ask him to coach you. he knows he'll give in, but he cant help but make you feel like hes doing you a huge favor. its wrong of him, to further the, already huge, power imbalance between you. but he cant help himself, and he knows you dont mind. he agrees to coach you until wimbledon (a few months away), he's well aware that he'll gladly keep coaching you after as well, but its more fun this way to pretend you owe him a big thanks.
and you do feel like you owe him everything, before your sessions you were a great player. but after just a few sessions your game isnt just great anymore, its effortless. he's quick to teach you not just the physical technique but the mental work that truly separates your game from the one in the past. the professional facade you two had been putting up is over the second you start training on his person courts at his house. the second he invites you over to his house you know exactly how you want it to end. you show up in your usual short tennis skirt, but neglect to bring your usual shorts to wear under, and instead you opt for a brightly colored pair of lacy panties and a clear agenda. art gets hard as soon as hes helping you stretch and he catches the first of many glances of those bright pink panties. he nearly cums in his shorts when you call him coach with that sickly sweet smile, pretending you dont know exactly what youre doing. you dont even make it to any type of practice that day, because as soon as hes stretching your leg, his cock bruses against your pussy, and youre moaning obscenely. his resolve snaps that instant and he cant hold himself back from pushing you panties to the side and eating your cunt right there on the court...and then fuck your face against the back his couch...and then fuck you silly in his bed... all day long. he just cant get enough of you.
i think when he fucks her he really gets off on the power imbalance, on being the one in control after lacking control for so much of his life. he revels in being the better knowing, the one who holds the answers and is being looked up to. the way you hang on to his every word like its your gospel, the way you look to him like he's your god, begging him to answer your prayers. it makes him dizzy with lust, it makes him fuck in a way he never has before. with tashi she was the one in control, she knew what she wanted and expected him to fulfill her wishes. and he did. but you, you would do anything to make him happy, you disregard your own pleasure to ensure his. he never lets you go without, but even if he did you wouldnt care. you get off on his pleasure in a way he didnt know was possible. he swears one time you came just from him fucking your face, true devotion.
i think when he's fucking her, hes really bullying his cock into her pussy. shes so tight around him, he almost wants to ask if shes sure shes not a virgin, even though hes fucked her at least 100 times and she wasnt one when they met. he loves to talk during sex, how tight her young little pussy is (shes like 20-something, but hes thirty-five and tashi hasnt fucked him in years, so her pussy feels like heaven on earth), how good she is for him, how shes a little groupie slut, how lucky she is to be fucked by him. her attention had truly grown his ego to an unhealthy size, but they both love it. she brings out a side of him that's almost more like patrick... at least sexually.
took me a hot minute to recraft this lol, and its probably way too long (being concise is not a skill of mine, clearly), hope you like it pookie!!!
YUMMMMMM all of this has me rubbing my dirty little hands together
Because your devotion is so sweet, so earnest. Art Donaldson has been at the center of your vision boards since you were sixteen, for a myriad of reasons. And now there he is— across from you on the court, making you run for drop shot after drop shot. A weak point he’d noticed at your last match.
You’re dripping sweat— soaked in it so it’s sheering your practice clothes. Your skin glistens in the unrelenting sun, your hair sticks damp to the back of your neck.
You know you’re a little pathetic around him, how your heart races whenever he gives you a pointer, how you live bouncing on your toes waiting for him to compliment you. But you ache for that validation, for your hero to shine a bit of that light on you.
He’s making you better— he’s making you perfect. Your ranking has shot up steadily, they’ve been saying you’re a contender for wimbledon on the tennis channel.
You wanted it. Of course you did. But you wanted it for Art too.
His skin is tinged pink after the day in the sun, and you watch him intently as he runs through more places you can improve. Your gaze softens as you listen, until he realizes you’re distracted by him. It makes a tiny smile twitch at his lips as you walk back to the house.
“How’re you feeling? Sore?”
You shrug. “My hips feel a little tight,” you reply, your gaze all soft. “Can you help me stretch?”
That’s how you wind up on your back on his massage table, the one that was collecting dust until you moved into the guest house.
One of his hands warm on your thigh holding it down, the other on your knee, bending you slowly until your knee touches your chest.
He’s so strong above you, so domineering. You exhale a shaky little breath, eyes locked on his.
“C’mon, hold it a little longer,” he says, his voice more like a coo. “Feels good?”
You nod, try to ignore the rush of arousal in your core at how close you are. He brings your leg back down, pats the side of your thigh affectionately.
He’s holding you closer as he stretches out your other leg. His hand higher up on your thigh to hold you down as he presses your knee up to your chest. A desperate little whimper escapes you when you feel him— hard and pressing against your cunt.
“Hold it,” he says, and you exhale shaky and nervous. Your tongue darts out to wet your lips, and he presses harder against you. “That’s it. Good girl.”
You’re wearing the cutest little panties— pale blue cotton with a frilly lace edge. He’d caught tiny glimpses of them on the court, wondered where the usual shorts you wore with your tennis skirts were.
But he understands now, up close. His thumb brushes against the wet spot at your core, where your juices had saturated the fabric. You whine on the table. Embarrassment makes you itch to close your legs, but aching hot desire makes you keep them open for him.
“Art—“ you gasp. He can feel your cunt pulsing, twitching for him beneath the thin fabric. His thumb brushes against your clit and you moan softly. “I’m all— so sweaty—“
He pulls you to the edge of the table by your ankles, sinks to his knees. “Gonna take care of you. How can you focus on the court if you’re so needy, huh?”
Your panties are pulled down your legs, tossed somewhere to be forgotten about until they’re found by his cleaning staff, laundered, and returned to you.
His tongue is on you in an instant, lapping at your slick cunt. He puts your legs over his shoulders, nuzzles as close as he can get. He moans at the taste— of salty, sweaty skin, of tangy arousal. He could lose himself in you— I mean, god, you’re already writhing and moaning like a pornstar just from his tongue. Getting off on him as much as you’re getting off on what he’s doing.
And god, you’d jerked off to fantasies like this since he agreed to coach you. Thoughts of Art’s mouth, of him wanting you so desperately. Your fingers are in his hair, mussing up his sweaty hair.
His lips seal around your clit, suckling until your breaths turn into fucked-out sobs. Until you’re reduced to whines of Art and oh fuck and god, yes and please please please.
He’s so good at everything— so perfect— you should’ve known he’d be good at pleasing you. It would’ve been impossible for him not to be. Barely any effort, and you’re already right on the edge.
He draws out your orgasm like it belongs to him. And it does, really, everything you are belongs to him. He kisses your thigh, gently.
You sit up on your elbows, your entire body running hot with lust. “Let me,” you say, sweetly, obediently.
He swallows, shakes his head. He came in his pants like a fucking teenager, high off of the unfettered need you held for him. But he wasn’t going to let you know that. “Not this time,” he said, so you didn’t take it as an outright rejection. “Maybe after you get your serves to 110.”
You nod, eager like an obedient puppy— a dog with a bone. He knows you’d do anything he asks just to please him when he hears you on the courts, slamming balls across the net, desperate to improve.
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zayray030 · 2 months
🐝 anon
I was trying to do something cute but once again it turned to angst lmao. I love me some hurt/comfort. I think I sent this last year? But I’m pretty sure tumblr ate my ask so lemme rewrite it all out
So like treyace early stages yknow, they’re all cute and gross and everything is great until ace starts doubting how trey feels about him. This is before they’re together but they obviously like each other and they’re flirting alllll the time but whenever it seems like more is gonna happen between the two someone needs help for whatever reason and Trey drops everything to go help. (For extra angst and a splash of jealousy I’m gonna say riddle is the one that needs things a lot). So like ace tries to get one on one time alone w Trey but he keeps dipping and ace just withdraws bc he’s so upset
I think a lot of the hurt would be ace feeling like he’s second place all the time like, his parents didn’t exactly play favorites but his older brother always seemed like the gold standard and more well liked. He feels like his friends kinda like each other more than him and he’s the after thought of the group. All his upperclassmen have their faves and he feels he’s not one of them. So when Trey starts paying attention to him more he feels like he finally has a person that puts him first and that there’s someone who values him for the first time. Which is why it hurts so much when he feels like he’s playing second fiddle once again.
So Trey notices that ace is suddenly cold and tries to ask what’s wrong but ace isn’t great and admitting his feelings and kinda shrugs him off. I think the firsties start to notice he’s sad and colder so they try and figure out what’s wrong and there’s big emotional admissions and the firsties promise to try and make ace feel like he’s not the 3rd wheel to them all and they help him with telling Trey how he’s feeling.
So then there’s another big emotional display and Trey realizes that he’s still kind of a yes man and tries to be better while ace works on being more open emotionally and the firsties regret helping bc now ace and Trey are going to be cute and gross all the time lol
Oh I do remember this ask! I just kept on second doubting myself and not knowing how to answer thos properly but by god the extra addition?????? 👏👏👏👏👏
Ace feeling like second best is kinda what inspired me to write the one fic where the senpai just started to PRAISE him and I can kind of imagine this happening in a different scenario except the first years don't go to all the senpai they just go to trey since he's the boyfriend and they all try and basically try to get Ace to open up more
I can imagine Ace overlooking a lot of things at the start of the relationship because he's too bust focusing on the fact that he know has someone where they believe he's special and good enough but then he starts to see Riddle as competition and it destroys the good feelings he had
OH THE PRE-RELATIONSHIP ANGST????? Ace just constantly getting annoyed and thinking that things will change when he and Trey finally get together
OH, TREY NOTICING???? HE is EMBARASSED when he realises that Ace realises that he thinks he's second best to anyone in this school, including Riddle, and is trying to hard to prove it but every time he tries he's confronted with the fact that Ace is right
OH THE BREAKDOWN WITH THE FIRST YEARS????? I JUST KNOW IT HURT!!! ACCUSATIONS!! YELLING!!! INSULTS!!! TEARS!!!! OH my god by the end of it they're all puffy and red and all massaging ice onto their face to help with the swelling whilst still sniffling
From then on they make a group calender where they make sure that there is a group activity between a pair or a trio of the group where they are hanging out. Ace-deuce. Epel-jack. Ortho-ace. Jack-sebek-epel. Something like that so that they're all hanging out and they have a day where they're all together and they sit and talk no matter how humiliating it is
Trey deciding that the best way to truly show Ace that he is serious is by making it public. He stands in front of the cafeteria and loudly declares he can not be bothered to help anyone and he will in fact be focusing on himself and his relationship and Ace for the foreseeable future. He then smiles, princess carries Ace, and walks out to ravish him with attention 🩷
The first years are now forced to hear Ace gush giddily about Trey forever more but at least they get free dessert out of it
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gggoldfinch · 6 months
Genuine questions I have about my dear Swedes, and I think you're the best with the headcanons about them.
• How were they recruited?
(I wondered about that.)
• What era are they from?
(They look old-fashioned for even the 60s, they seem to have come from a much older time considering the family photo and also the outfits and the "strangeness" they have with the 60s and America.)
MY FRIEND YOU CAME TO THE RIGHT PLACE for I am the keeper of the Elder Knowledge and the Mind-Vault of Fanon (aka I've been rotting about these guys since the ikea fam was live and kicking circa 2020 and haven't let go). I am TICKLED to finally be asked about them because they are My Guys and i love writing exorbitant amounts of information about them!!!! Especially their clothes!!! Needless to say I will not be brief, so strap in 😁
(PS Tumblr ate my first draft of this after hours of research and paragraphs of writing so I had to rewrite all of the content here from memory 🥲) (PPS I used this as an excuse to talk about their clothing for 3 hours. this is the most deranged I've been in ages ! )
First off: there is no canon information regarding either of your questions. So let's just put that out there. They are tragically underdeveloped for being potentially some of the most interesting characters on the show (or maybe i'm just biased because I prefer the Commission characters lol). Basically everything we know about them is based off inferences and vague canon implications, and everything aside from that is widely-accepted fanon that we discussed way back when + my own personal headcanons (which are basically canon to me). I might have to do some deep-diving into the tumblr archives of my old blog or my mutuals for the information I'll get into here, but all of it will be stuff I either came up with myself or bore witness to the research of & agree with.
1. How were they recruited?
Generally, the accepted theory is that the brothers were recruited young, likely after some sort of event which resulted in their first kill. From what I recall, several fandom authors (myself included) have incorporated this storyline into our own work, roughly following the same theme of capable woodsmen Axel & Otto protecting Oscar and killing someone as a result, hence inviting attention from Commission recruiters who trawl the timeline for skilled individuals.
Also, I believe it is fairly accepted within the fandom that the Commission seeks out and hires people who are down on their luck or in otherwise bad circumstances, then organizes them into employment statuses from there (office workers, hitmen, etc.). I tend to think Axel & Otto were recruited first, then Oscar was roped in later on, playing into my theory that they are triplets, just separated by large periods of time-travel.
2. What era are they from?
YIPPEEE you came to the right ! person ! because actually lowkey I kinda perpetuated the headcanon that the Swedes are Victorian-Edwardian back in the day (on a prev blog). I personally hc they were born ca. 1880-ish, with their “natural” timeline falling somewhere around 1901-1910 (Edwardian period), and picked things up from different decades along the way, as is the way of time-travel. However, I know others preferred the idea that they were from ca. 1930-1950, which is also fairy plausible.
Now, time for me to be insane:
I have a copious amount of proof that they are from the early 1900's ! based on their clothing + the photograph Axel carries. It’s also worth nothing that their clothing is visibly that of working class men, which makes it slightly more difficult to research (because the working class always gets the short end of the stick). I base most of my research & beliefs on cross-examining Edwardian photographs of workmen, as well as my own knowledge of historical fashion. I won't delve that much into their culture as Swedes and the fashion implications of that, since it honestly wasn't taken seriously enough in canon to be visible past Otto's haircut.
Proof in their regular clothing:
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Trousers: Otto’s high-waisted trousers & suspenders are Edwardian, down to the very patterning. Oscar’s too, to a less obvious extent. It’s also worth noting that according to bts images, Axel also wears suspenders. His pants with the laces at the shins are baffling though...
Shirts: Oscar's turtleneck isn't not Edwardian; men have been wearing collared knit shirts like that as winter wear for a long time. Otto's green shirt, though it has those odd clasps, is somewhat reminiscent of arrow collar shirts worn in the Edwardian period. I have also found proof of three-button wool undershirts similar in style to Axel's henley, though these were more popular towards the 20's
Shoes: While Otto and Oscar's steel-toed boots weren't invented until the 1930's, Axel's boots are at least somewhat more reminiscent of those worn by workmen in the 10's. Though, the side zip and weird flap are… not.
Outerwear: Axel's blue vest is more akin to a double-breasted waistcoat, though it doesn't have lapels and the buttons are too large; it is... an outlier. Likewise, his canvas duster has a zipper and no lapels, and the pattern cut of it makes me think it's fairly modern, just like Oscar's canvas/corduroy jacket which is practically a Carhartt. Oscar's vest is baffling bc it looks different in every shot of it I analyze. Otto's trench coat is the oldest style. (Fun fact, the modern zipper was invented by a Swede in 1913)
Misc: The union suit was popularized in the 1860's (as women's wear, actually!), so Otto's wearing of it would be believable for the period. All their clothes are patched up, implying years of wear and tear.
Misc Pt 2; Weaponry: Though ofc I'm a gun girl, I have already spent 3 hours writing about clothes and cannot make myself research weird weapons. So if you're interested in their guns, PLEASE read this post by my old fandom pal!!! It's much a more intelligent and in-depth analysis than I can manage rn, and also discusses the context of weaponry within the Commission.
Proof in the photograph:
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They're really a ragtag crew, which makes it hard to date any of their garments. Here's some things I've noted though:
Headwear: Newsboy caps (which are what Oscar and Axel are wearing) were at their peak around the late 1910s, especially with working class men. Otto's hat looks like it could be an oilskin fisherman's hat, which were popular in 1880s America, though his looks more like the later 1950's design of the hat. Additionally, workmen in the Edwardian period often wore neckerchiefs, not unlike what Oscar wears around his neck in the photo.
Shirts: Oscar appears to be wearing another knit sweater. Axel's blue shirt appears to me to have a band collar, which was a style popular in the 10's (from what I can tell one of Otto's shirts also has a band collar). Beneath that, his undershirt (likely linen) has a string closure, which was popular even earlier than the Victorian era
The Woman (mother? grandmother?): Historically, older women tended to wear headscarves/ head coverings. The style of her dress/smock/apron is hard to determine because of its concealment beneath her cardigan. She's got a sick rifle tho
Misc: Oscar's workman's gloves aren't inaccurate; leather gloves like that were worn in the Victorian era. So have leather belts. Like I said earlier, from what I can tell from my cursory search (after sifting thru dubious "Viking" hairstyles), Otto is sporting a fairly historically/culturally accurate he-man haircut from the Nordic area. Oscar's hair is the second-most historically relevant, as most men in the Victorian/Edwardian era had short, groomed hairstyles (though perhaps his is a little messier than usual). Axel is the outlier here with a modern slick-back.
yeah. yeah. if you couldn't tell I am. fucking insane ? about them ?
since you're still here, you survived this long, have some bts stuff I dragged from the trenches:
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I can kind of see why Hyrule reads as imperialistic to you in totk, but why do they read white? Sonia is brown and rauru is a black goat. What makes the difference between them and Ganondorf so bad?
Hey, thanks for the ask!
So... I have an answer, and it's kind of in layers. So I hope it's fine if I kind of go on Journey TM where I figure out my own feelings on the topic alongside you, the person reading! It's long! Kind of meandery! Sorry!!
Also, I had written a great version of this reply to this ask that Tumblr fucking ate and I'm furious about it, so this version is slightly more annoyed as a baseline because of Tumblr and not the ask itself. But I got stubborn and decided I would rewrite the whole thing tonight. So.
Here we go.
Layer One: My Basic and Unfiltered Gut Reaction
My first, potentially unwarranted gut-level reaction would be: I kind of think it's a stretch to consider them POC-coded. Sonia gives me more tanned Ariana Grande vibes than anything else, but that's... I mean, I'm aware that there are brown people with lushious blonde hair and blue eyes out there, that race as USA-infused Internet understands it is Complicated (I'm half-brazilian, and even though I'm very very white and don't consider myself biracial but bicultural, I had people discussing my ethnicity to my face a non-zero amounts of time, including quite recently, including in my own family! so I super get that it's more complicated than what I make it out to be here). But given vibes don't count as an argument, I completely get + accept if that reading on her ethicity is therefore dismissed. She could very well be brown. Fine by me.
(so, I feel like I have to add this borderline-conspiratory reason why I'm suspicious of her skin color being considered a factor here, which can 100% be dismissed but I still want to bring it to the table: I've been to several meetings and heard about many instances where "diverse traits" are being handed over to characters with the explicit purpose of using that diversity as shields against deeper criticisms of core aspects of the storytelling instead of fixing the storytelling itself, and honestly it could very well be the case here. I really hope it's just the team thinking Sonia would be prettier with a darker skin tone, because her design is genuinely lovely and I really like it, wish she didn't die like immediately and had a character arc of her own, but. Imagine the kneeling scene with two very white ladies and everything else, etc. It might be overly paranoid of me, but I can't help but squint a little bit in this specific instance, especially since the biracial trait here is so toned-down that it's barely there and barely committed to anything. Which would also make a good argument against this suspicion too tbh! Anyway. Just wanted to bring that up so you get the whole picture of where my brain is at.)
Rauru... Okay. Here's the thing: I can't unsee The Rauru. The original one I mean (and his Skyward Sword Gaebora counterpart), aka: the White Patriarch of all times.
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(this has nothing to do with anything but Link's little recoil animation here is so funny to me, like he looks so shocked and his nose is so pointy)
I do think that removing the origins of this character from his DNA for TotK is kind of overly convenient when discussing this iteration, especially when his role in this game is basically a mixture of OoT Rauru and the Unnamed King of Hyrule (and every king of Hyrule that came after). I mean, okay sure maybe the Unnamed, Unseen King of Hyrule wasn't white but... it's obviously not true, right? And while I understand this is a different iteration of that character, many characters in the series maintain their base ethnicity across different reimaginings (even Blue Pig Ganon remains a gerudo at heart post OoT, at least in the way we keep on understanding him). And beyond this, given the fact that Rauru retains this energy of a Founding Father (in the largest possible sense), I feel that, at the very least, that patriarchal energy is extremely important to his character to a core degree.
But even so, yes. Rauru is now indeed a Goat Man. Not only is he a Goat Man, but he dresses in ways that are very inspired by mesoamerican cultures; undeniably so. So that would make him at least mesoamerican-coded, right?
I mean... I guess? I guess. Sure. But. I have now to introduce the Layer 2 of my argumentation, which is that...
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Layer Two: Zonai Culture is Hylian Coded
So. Pretty bold claim I know. Let me explain.
Now I certainly do not want to say that mesoamerican civilizations are not *everywhere* in the aesthetic inspiration for the zonai culture in Tears of the Kingdom; I'm sure these real life references are overflooding the moodboards, from the color palet to the symbols to the artstyle, the costumes and the buildings. It's the main way the game communicates zonai-ness to us the player. And it's great! I wish they had went even harder in that direction (I think there's even pretty dramatic differences between the zonai ruins on the surface, much more interesting imo, than what was done with the actual zonai architecture at its peak).
But now, I will ask a question that I asked myself often while playing. What is zonai culture, beyond the feathers and the indented patterns and the swirls and the dangly bits? What characterizes it? I would say that zonai civilization is primarily interested in automation, technology, mining to develop said technology, and things that float in the sky. Beyond this, and from the limited perspective the game gives us through Rauru and Mineru, we see a society ruled by a patriarch (neutral term, it is just patriarchal in nature), married to a woman who is a priestess and doesn't seem to hold an equal amount of power (she doesn't speak as much, seems content to handle the religious side of things), who values collaboration and engineering prowesses, has an army, servants, robot servants, administrates other races through, to be docile and go the game's way, collaborativeness... It's Hyrule. It's just Hyrule, except older and with a different paintjob; but at heart, the style of society upheld by Rauru is very (eerily?) similar to what we get to know in the TotK/BotW era. Actually, this version of Hyrule seems extraordinarily similar to the Hyrule we get to see in BotW pre-Calamity: replace the zonai technology with the sheikah's, and what's the difference --except that this later version of Hyrule isn't trying to pass itself off as perfect? Zelda doesn't experience any kind of culture shock. Even the language seems to be basically the same. It is Hyrule, because it is. It's the origins of the kingdom. This is the whole point of the zonais: being that familiar thing that we know and love, except more pristine and more glorious and more mysterious so we can be sad when it gets destroyed.
So is it aesthetically inspired by mesoamerican cultures? Yes. Does it evoke specific details about said culture? The way politics and religion interconnect perhaps (unless we consider Rauru coming from the gods as such, but it's nooot super specific and not really elaborated upon)? What that culture valued, or what we assume it once valued? Cultural shortcuts we tend to make with these cultures, for better or for worse? I may be extremely uncultured here, and if that's the case I apologize, but I never really saw any of the aspects highlighted as the core pillars of the zonais commonly associated with either mesoamerican ancient civilizations, or current living native decendants of these civilizations. The biggest connexion or shortcut I see is the "mysterious ancient advanced civilization", which is pretty vague and was honestly more convincing in BotW.
Then of course, it doesn't invalidate that connection. But now, as a point of comparaison, to see what happens when Zelda takes active steps in coding one of their fantasy races... Let's take a look at the gerudos, shall we?
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(Urbosa appreciation break. She's just so freakin cool look at her goooo!!! okay now we can keep going.)
I have said my whole spiel about the gerudos about a bajillion times now so I will try to make it quick. My tl;dr is: gerudos were always meant to be culturally disruptive. It's their whole point in the Zelda series. I won't rehash the whole thing about the crescent moon, the orientalism etc, but I think it's important to remember that they are meant to be considered foreign in a way no other Zelda race ever is. What I mean by this is, if we return to OoT: they are the only race hostile to Hyrule enough to not only consider and carry out an invasion, but to forbid entrance to their territory if you are not one of them. They have a different (apparenly evil-looking) god and their ears are rounded when everyone else is some sort of elf, their script is different, their cultural values are different, it's a weird semi-matriarchy where the man-king's occasional patriarchy has a very different social role than the king of Hyrule even if we don't get to see all the details... Won't return on the thievery and the 90s islamophobic kick of that time period, but the gerudos were very obviously crafted to be culturally deviant to the Hylian norm; their difference so great that getting accepted by them is an actual fighting and infiltration challenge. And even though they are much friendlier in TotK/BotW, they are still, by far the most innaccessible and different race out of all the rooster of, and it's worth mentioning, fish-people, bird-people and rock-people. They are the only one with their own language, their own strict rules that oppose your freedom as a player, a series of side-quests that directly address the subject of culture clash and differences; and, even then, they still parallel the real life western fantasy about the Orient TM (even more-so in TotK I would say, which I didn't love): the locked-in harem foreign men are forbidden to enter. This core idea is so entrenched that it becomes gameplay.
When it comes to Ganondorf, the parallel remains, more present than ever: in that game he gets to embody the foreign, cruel, brutal, cunning, manipulative, uncomfortably feminine at times, envious, physically intimidating, oppressive Man of the Desert in a long tradition of Men from the Desert and the rich legacy of literature and movies that portray them. It's not new to TotK, to be very clear: but TotK did double-down on the trope at the cost of Ganondorf's specificity as a character instead of questioning the trope that birthed him the way the series had tried to do in the past (even TP wasn't that bad, doing away with a lot of the baggage altogether --for better and for worse).
So to me... saying that zonais are mesoamerican-coded, in a world where we simply do not actively interact with these cultures all that much anymore (not at all to minimize the very real oppression of their descendants and the extreme and sickening violence their ancestors were met with to be extremely clear --I'm just saying that the violence wouldn't have worldwide cultural resonance in the same way and I don't think would have much reality in Japan unless, again, I'm saying dumb things and in that case please do correct me), or the extremely mild and non-invested way Zelda handled these cultures (to me it's much more costume than coding), positively too (good!), and comparing them to the active coding of the gerudos (and especially Ganondorf) as a means to equalize them as "basically the same thing" feels... a little off to me.
But! Now we're getting to the last layer!!
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(you have no idea how long I searched for this gif, I typed "Ganondorf kneeling" in the gif search, like a fool, and parsed through much, much horniness to finally find my little dude anyway layer 3!!!)
Layer Three: It Isn't What Actually Matters Now Is It (at least according to me, the person writing this post)
Honestly, I don't really care whether Rauru and Sonia are white-coded or not. They could be, they could not be, cool by me either way. I don't really care if the zonai culture is meant to stand-in for mesoamerican cultures for Real for Sure or not, and heavily doubt it was done to increase diversity (otherwise Rauru wouldn't be, like, a Goat-Man but just a brown man). I do appreciate the visual diversity of the cast of NPCs, that hylians can look like a whole number of people and it's really cool Hyrule is moving into that direction instead of being very typecast into a sort of Japanese-ish representation of western middle ages/fantasy/fairy tale thing.
But at heart, what bothers me between this whole dynamic has less to do with whom is coded as whom than the fact that this game twisted itself into knots to tell a very suspiciously clean story about its complicated world and complicated history, and I feel like it's completely fine to ask for more than the bare minimum of visual representation and question the way these characters get to interact with each other and how their real life struggles are meaningfully talked about in the worlds Nintendo spend millions crafting? Sometimes, what they do is already great! Sometimes it's half-great! Most of the time, it could be so much better --especially when some of these subjects have been talked about to death for over 25 years (sorry to beat that dead horse one more time btw)
At the end of the day, the story itself is strange for many reasons. The power dynamic between the characters is attempting to be several things at once; maybe it's not on purpose, but either way, the world TotK paints is a strange one that only holds itself together if we accept to take it at face value. Which we don't have to.
And to me, TotK felt particularly shallow in that specific department of representation due to the whole... Imperialist Vibes thing (the other ask about this is queue'd, it's coming!), which nullified a lot of these efforts for me. It's not only about who's represented, but how they are represented as well, and, very importantly, why.
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For Fey - 6, 9, and 18
For Mint - 3, 19, 25
Hi Crow! ^^
Hi May!
I had this mostly answered yesterday, but tumblr ate it and I had to rewrite everything.
6: Say three nice things about yourself (physical and non-physical)
“Um… I like my little spots… Mikey says they’re freckles. And… I like how my shell is soft and flexible… and I’ve been told I’m really graceful. Oh, that sounded like bragging. I’m sorry. Um. Not physical… I… am not a bother. I’ve been told I’m a good listener… and that I’m helpful.”
9: What calms you down?
“…Sometimes I watch Winnie the Pooh. Or Cinderella. Sometimes Leo makes tea and we sit at the table and drink it… I like tea. And sometimes I sit in Donnie’s lab… I’m quiet so I don’t bother him…”
18: Do you still love stuffed animals?
*She nods hesitantly* “I have one… he’s a donkey and his name is Eeyore. He’s from my movie. Raph gave him to me on my first birthday.”
*Corrective muttering*
“Oh… Donnie says that I should have told you it was my 11th birthday so you don’t get confused… sorry.”
Fey did not have a birthday until joining the Hamato clan, with her first ever birthday being when she turned 11, roughly, since her actual date of birth is unknown.
(warning; Mint is long-winded)
3: Favorite scented candle smell?
“It’s been a while since I began living underground, and unfortunately we don’t get too many candles in the lair. It’s too likely the boys would knock it over and set the whole place on fire, or one of Donnie’s experiments would find it and explode. But I have one, and I keep it in my room. I burn it if I’ve had a long day, or sometimes when one of the boys comes to talk to me. It was a Mother’s Day gift from Mikey a few years back and I’m trying to make it last as long as I can. It smells like cherry blossoms. I guess it’s become my favorite candle scent, and I think even if I had more options I would pick that one because of that Mother’s Day.”
19: Most important thing in your life?
“My sons. They’re older now and don’t need me like they used to…  but I have the privilege of helping them figure out who they want to be, and what works with their individual needs, wants, and dreams. They amaze me, and I couldn’t be prouder.”
25: what’s the best personal gift someone could give you (playlist, homemade card, etc.)
“Oh, that’s a tough question. …I can’t pick just one, because the boys all gift in different ways, and each and every gift is special for its own reason. I guess I’ll narrow it down to one from each of my sons that meant the most to me.
Raph, my oldest, collects teddy bears. I’ve also been teaching him how to sew, in case something happens and I’m not able to patch things. Well, he put the two things together and he made me four little turtles, small enough he could fit two in each of his hands. They sit on my bedside table where I can see them first thing in the morning.
Leo’s the older of the twins, and he’s the leader of their little group now. It was a difficult adjustment for all of them, and Leo shut me out. But over the past few months he’s made sure to find me one evening a week so we can have tea and spend some time together. I get to hear all about what’s going on in his crazy life. I look forward to those evenings every week.
Donnie is the younger twin, and he loves to spend hours at a time in his lab, upgrading already existing tech, or creating new things. It’s incredible what he comes up with! To answer your question, I made an off-hand comment a few years back after family movie night about how I missed having a record player. About a week later, I wake up one morning and Donnie’s standing in the doorway to my room and asking me to follow him. He made me a record player and he found a few records to go with it. I use it every day.
Mikey is my youngest, and his passion is cooking. He’s my usual sous chef, though I do rope one of his brothers in once a week to make sure they all know how to cook. But Mikey really enjoys it, so it’s a nice bit of quality time for us. A while ago now, on the twins’ eleventh birthday, I let Mikey help me make the cake. Ever since then, Mikey has taken it upon himself to make a cake for my birthday every year.”
Thank you for asking!
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druidgroves · 8 months
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Chapter 01: Maybe I'll Say Maybe
Fandom: Fallout 4 Words: 6,208 Characters: Georgia Tate (Canon Divergent Sole Survivor), Nate Notes: Soooo I decided to rewrite the first chapter (01/20/2024) since it was originally written years before I started BLP proper. I'll still keep the old one linked somewhere for posterity, but going forward the story will start referencing more things from Georgia's life pre-war. Please let me know what you think! read on ao3 / read on tumblr
August 28th, 2075
Georgia Walker checks her watch for the ninth time in as many minutes.
It’s been over an hour, she thinks not for the first time, where the hell are you?
Beside her, sitting at one of the desks that didn’t even reach her knees, is Henry Tate, number twenty-three in her classroom. Henry had been working on a coloring book she’d slipped him while she had dealt with a truly inane series of phone calls (call home. Reach housekeeper? Learn Mrs. Tate is at the salon. Wait. Answer call from housekeeper, get details on pick-up. Uncle arriving ???). He didn’t seem worried about staying later than the other kids.
Maybe Georgia should talk with his first grade teacher, see if this was a pattern she should expect…
“Let me guess: alien giraffe?” she asks when he sets down his crayon.
“No,” he says, like it's the most obvious thing in the world and to him, it is. “He’s a sick giraffe. He’s green.”
Georgia smiles a little to herself and gently smacks her forehead. “Psht, of course he’s sick, silly me. What’s his outlook, doc?”
Henry got that same look on his face that he and the other kids who still needed extra help with their four-letter words shared. Still, she’d read it was good to use an expanded vocabulary with kids. Made them more curious.
She laughs. “Is he gonna get better?”
“I dunno. I don’t think he can get better by himself,” he says.
“Well, maybe you can color him a friend to help him out,” Georgia says as she stands up from her chair and checks her watch for the tenth time. She sighs and puts on a cheery voice, “Hey, kiddo, sit tight, I’m gonna try to give Mom another call, alright? Give me juuust a second and I’ll be right back.”
“Okay, Miss Georgia,” Henry says, barely paying attention to her now as he attempts to find the perfect friend for his green giraffe. She can’t help but ruffle his hair a little before she leaves.
She steps out of her classroom, careful not to bend the decorations she spent all summer making. Her door is covered in all the recycled newspapers she scrounged from the people in her apartment building, painted in varying shades of green. Pasted on top of them were individually cut sunflowers with her student’s names written in neat, bubbly print in the middle. Amongst the flowers are the words “Young Minds Bloom In Ms. Walker’s Classroom!” in white paint.
As she walks past her bulletin board, the real star of the show in her opinion, she feels a little pride go through her. “Blooming Great Work!” scrawled across the sky of an entire paper vegetable garden, squeezed onto a four by eight foot sheet of compressed wood pulp. A tiny pumpkin patch in the corner, tomatoes on the vine, corn in the stalk, all crafted from more recycled newspapers. The real part she was proud of, the one no one had commented on or even noticed, was the fact that she was able to find enough papers without sensationalized political headlines.
War dominated everything from the newspapers to the television to the cereal half her students ate for breakfast (sending your kids to school hyped up on Sugar Bombs? Great plan). Most of them had a father, an older brother, or an uncle in the military, the marines, or the air force. It had become such a permeable part of the fabric of their lives, starting way before they were even a twinkle in their parent’s eyes. On the first day of school, at least three had said that their daddy/brother/uncle died in The War. Kids overshared their big feelings. Georgia knew to expect that. So the very least she could do is try to take their minds off of it in any small way she could. That included keeping it out of her classroom of seven to eight year olds when it wasn’t necessary.
As she walked past the counselor’s office, she wondered just how many big feelings passed through their door on the daily. Not many schools in Boston still had counselors on payroll anymore. Frankly, Georgia was surprised they still had the teachers on the payroll with how many slashes there had been to the national education budget in recent years. Dollar bills for pencils, textbooks, and backpacks spent on bullets, tanks, and warheads. It had almost been enough for her to give up on her degree in her junior year of college, but she pushed through if only to make taking out those damnable student loans somewhat worth it.
All that was to say, that whoever was going to be picking up Henry Tate, they may have gotten stuck behind a military blockade somewhere in the city. It happened. Didn’t make it any less frustrating to deal with.
Georgia rounds the corner of the second grade hallway and runs straight into a cloud of minty smelling smoke. She coughs, not expecting her senses to be assaulted like that in a primary school, and waves it away as she realizes who brought it in with them.
A man with tousled brown hair, broad shouldered and lean, a cigarette between his scarred lips, stares at the trophy case in front of the main office.
“‘Most Patriotic’, eh?” he says aloud like he’d been waiting for her to appear so he could make his snappy quip. “How do they even measure that in kids? I doubt any of them can say the national anthem all the way through at this age.”
“You’d be surprised,” she says before she can think, remembering the first day of school when little Henry Tate himself managed to get through the entire thing, only stumbling over the word indivisible. “By the way, you shouldn’t smoke inside a school, sir.”
The man laughs and finally looks in her direction. She doesn’t miss the way his eyes give her a quick once over.
“Why’s that? Fire hazard?” he asks.
“Among other things,” she replies. “They say smokin’ is bad for your health. I read it in Massachusetts Surgical Journal.”
“A bunch of boring brainy types would say that,” he shrugs, but snubs his cigarette out on the heel of his boot anyways and slips it back into the carton in his shirt pocket. “No offense if you’re one of those brainy types, by the way.”
A laugh sneaks past Georgia’s lips. She’s been known to indulge in a smoke or two during her breaks. “No offense taken, but I might offend you by askin’…you wouldn’t happen to be here to pick up a child, would you?”
“I am, actually,” he confirms. “Sister-in-law sent me to pick him up. Henry Tate. You know him?”
“I happen to be his teacher. I came to make another call, but he’s back in the classroom working on a friend for a green giraffe. A sick giraffe, mind you,” she says seriously, wagging a finger at him and making him chuckle. She smiles. “I’ll show you the way.”
“Be my guest,” he replies, and follows after her.
Before they can even walk through the door, Henry is rushing his uncle like a linebacker. His uncle manages to swoop him up before he can run smack into his shins, making him scream with laughter.
“Uncle Nate! Uncle Nate!” he cries.
“Yep, that’s me, kiddo,” he says and puts Henry down. “Mom was too busy to pick you up—” Georgia catches the look he throws at her just in time that says all she needed to know about his opinion of the woman. “So you get me instead. Sorry to disappoint.”
“You’re not a dis’pointment,” Henry says with a toothy grin. Then, like he remembers Georgia standing not three feet away from them, excitedly shouts, “Wait, wait, Uncle Nate! This is my teacher, Miss Georgia. She’s really nice. I like her.”
“Well, that’s nice to hear,” Georgia laughs as he wraps his arms around her legs in a quick hug. She gives him a pat on the back, then takes Nate’s hand when he offers it to shake.
“From what I hear, he doesn’t stop talking about school, you especially,” he says. He rests an arm against the wall of cubbies nearest the door, running a hand through his hair as he talks. Georgia feels a little warmth pool in her face when she catches herself staring for a second longer than is polite.
“Well, that’s nice to hear as well,” she says after clearing her throat.
Then he winks at her, a split-second thing that makes her blush for real this time as he tells Henry, “Hey, little man. Why don’t you go get your stuff together and then we’ll swing by the Red Rocket and get us some sodas, okay? I wanna talk to your teacher for a second.”
At the promise of soda, Henry darts off with a cheer to gather his things. Nate then turns to Georgia, warm brown eyes giving her another quick once over. She shivers.
“So, is it Miss or Miz?” he asks, nodding towards the door to the classroom. “I wanna know before I make an ass of myself.”
She tries to keep her laugh quiet, putting a hand over her mouth but failing to contain her volume. Her cheeks feel hot already.
“It’s, uh, Miss. Miss Walker. M-I-S-S,” she clarifies, face growing redder by the second.
“Good to know, Miss Walker. But where’s that accent from? Down south? You sound too soft to be from here,” he continues, fiddling with the carton in his shirt pocket.
“Arkansas,” she nods, reaching up to nervously fidget with one of the curls resting on her shoulder. “Grew up outside of Little Rock, moved here for college and decided to stay. You?”
“Boston born and raised,” Nate says with pride. “Nice to know you’re not from around here.”
Georgia raises an eyebrow at him. “And why’s that?”
“Means I can show you somewhere neat on our date,” he replies with a crooked grin, her heart fluttering.
“Date?” Georgia repeats, almost sure she didn’t hear him correctly. She flounders like a fish out of water.
“If you want,” Nate concedes, holding up his hands but his grin never faltering. “C’mon, let me show you somewhere nice. Somewhere you’ve never been before.”
She tries to compose herself, giving him an amused but disbelieving look and crossing her arms. “And what if I have been there? What then?”
Nate snorts, dismissive. “Trust me. You’ve never been there before. So what do you say? One date and then I’ll leave you alone.”
Georgia considers his offer. In half a second she manages to justify either answer. On one hand, she has rules when it comes to dating, not to mention dating a family member of one of her students. It came with its own host of issues from a potential breakup ruining her classroom dynamic or even getting fired. On the other hand…She gives him her own quick once over.
He’s like a goddamn calendar man, all toned muscles in a white t-shirt and charmingly tousled hair. And that scar on his lip? All that was missing was some oil and the washboard abs he undoubtedly had under the shirt. Georgia remembers to breathe again after pushing the train of thought away. The pros quickly begin to outweigh the cons. She’d sooner stick herself with a pair of safety scissors than say no to him.
“Pick me up at six and it’s a date.”
In hindsight, stabbing herself with safety scissors that afternoon might have saved Georgia no small amount of grief.
By her own account, their first date had gone well. Really well if their winnings from hustling his friends at pool in a veteran’s bar was anything to go by. That night she had learned Nathan “Nate” Tate had recently finished up his eight year commitment to the military, but now he was working in a Corvega factory his uncle owned. It was one of the many around the Boston area that had switched from producing its titular cars to jeeps and tanks in an effort to cash in on the war effort. He had his own sweet Corvega Blitz that he picked her up in, shiny and red as her lipstick.
Nate had oozed charm that night, enough to get her into his backseat on that first date, and the second one, and the third one, too. She’d become so enamored with him so fast that her mother had demanded she fly up and meet the man after a single phone call. She dragged her father along, too. Nate impressed them with flying colors. Her mother, albeit a little hesitantly, admitted she could understand her daughter’s feelings. Her father had clapped him on the shoulder and told him he was a solid man.
They were married within the next three months.
“And you’re absolutely sure you want to go through with this?”
“For the hundredth time, yes, Mama,” Georgia huffs, looking at her mother over her shoulder. “Besides, as you and Daddy keep remindin’ me, this weddin’ wasn’t exactly cheap. I don’t see the sense in backin’ out now.”
Georgia’s mother sighs and purses her lips as she finishes buttoning up the back of her dress. It was a simple thing, not much flair save for bits of lace and a tight sweetheart neckline her cousin said enhanced her “natural features” when the women in her family went wedding dress shopping with her. Her mother wears a blush pink dress with an empire waist and a knee-length skirt; she’d tried talking Georgia into a different color palette, but eventually acquiesced to her demands when it became clear she was indeed her mother’s daughter, headstrong and stubborn.
“A hundred percent sure?” she asks again. Georgia replies with a similar pursed expression. “Just makin’ sure, just makin’ sure…Is it such a crime for a mother to want her only daughter to be happy?”
“Mama, I am happy,” Georgia insists. She sighs then takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself. “I am perfectly happy with Nate. Last night I talked him into us gettin’ a dog when we find a house.”
Her mother all but throws her hands up in the air, exasperated.
“Hell, honey, if a dog is all it takes for you to be happy, I don’t see why we have to go through with all of this,” she says. “I mean really, Georgia, six months? Half the people out there think it’s a damn shotgun weddin’ for God’s sake.”
“Well, it’s the truth! You’re not pregnant, are you?”
“What? No!” Georgia sighs again and refrains from playing with her neatly styled hair no matter how much she wants to fidget around. Instead, she takes one of her mother’s hands into her own and squeezes.
“I’m not pregnant—yet,” she tells her. “We’ve talked about kids. A dog is the first step, sorta. But I promise you, I’m happy with him. Ecstatic, even. Everyone outside? They can think what they want, I don’t care. I love Nate and he loves me. Isn’t that all anyone can ask for?”
She can tell her mother is biting her tongue. Instead of arguing, Georgia is pulled into a tight hug.
“Love and an expensive reception,” she says, then checks the clock on the vanity. “Almost time, hun. Let’s go.”
May 1st, 2076
When Nate picks her up after work, Georgia just about makes it to the car before she starts tearing up.
“What’s wrong? Why are you crying?” he asks when she collapses into the passenger seat beside him.
“My decorations!” she sobs.
Nate gives her a sideways look as he pulls out of the school parking lot. “What about ‘em?”
“They ruined them!”
“Who’s ‘them?’”
Georgia wants to scream. Instead, she lets her nails dig into the leather of her seat and heaves a sigh. She hates crying.
“Remember those two teachers I told you about? The ones who kept makin’ snippy comments about my bulletin board?” she asks, trying to jog his memory. They always had something to say whenever they walked past her classroom. Something was always either out of place or over the top for them. For a while she had blamed it on them being bitter and uncreative, but today had been the last straw.
“Oh, yeah, them. So they ruined your bulletin board?”
“They didn’t just ruin it, they–I-I walked into the school this mornin’ and, and everything was a mess. They destroyed everything I worked so fuckin’ hard on!” she manages to get out between sobs, punching the glovebox in frustration.
It was the beginning of the last month of school and she had gone all out with her new decorations. She’d spent weeks on them in between house hunting with Nate. She’d sat at his kitchen counter cutting out buckets, shovels, and beach balls out of more newspaper, creating an entire beach scene for the wall outside her classroom with the words “We ‘Shore’ Are Ready For Summer!” above them. She stayed two hours late just to put them up, and even took a cab home so Nate wouldn’t have to wait on her.
When she walked in that morning, all of it was either ripped, crumpled, or on the ground. She hadn’t cried then, but when one of those teachers walked by and commented “Oh, too bad. Guess you’ll just have to settle for some more lowkey decorations, huh?” she nearly lost it. Instead, she had managed to hold her head high, salvage what she could, and resolve to put it up again when she had the time and the super glue.
“Well,” Nate says, eyes never leaving the road, “fuck them, right? Probably just a couple of jealous old hags.”
Georgia sniffs, not quite wanting to agree but not quite disagreeing either.
“Probably just jealous,” she says, wiping away the rest of her tears and checking her face in the sun visor. Streaks of mascara and eyeliner trail down her cheeks so she does her best to wipe it off, but her eyes are still red.
“In better news,” Nate starts, finally looking over at her during a red light, “I may have found our future house.”
“Really?” Georgia asks, snapping her head over to look at him. Suddenly her problems are miles away. “Where? How? When did you find it? When can we see it?”
“In about a month,” he replies and takes a turn he doesn’t usually take on the drive home.
“A month? Where are we going?”
“You’ll see. Just sit tight and look pretty, alright?”
They drive all the way out to Concord, stopping only to grab a couple of sodas at a Red Rocket before Nate is driving them over a bridge into a housing development. A temporary sign in block letters reads SANCTUARY HILLS, with thirteen prefabricated homes in different states of completion. They were all either yellow or blue, some with covered carports and some without. Only one home stands in its entirety near the entrance to the neighborhood and Nate parks the car in front of it.
“Is this it?” Georgia asks excitedly as she gets out of the car and onto the sidewalk.
“Not this one, but close,” Nate replies as he joins her, then nods further up the road, “ours will be over there.”
She turns on her heel to him, eyes wide. “‘Ours?’”
Nate only gives her a sly smile in return.
“You cannot be serious right now,” Georgia says but he just keeps on smiling down at her. “Do not play with me, Nathan.”
He opens the passenger door to the car and rifles around in the glovebox for a moment, coming back out with folded papers. He barely has them in front of her before she’s snatching them out of his hands, reading them over. She looks back up at him incredulously.
“Nathan Charles Tate!” she all but shouts, making him jump. “What was goin’ through your head?! Are you crazy? Why would you make this decision without me?”
“Relax a little, would you? Plots were going fast, it was in our price range, and we can move in in a month,” he tries to tell her but she can’t keep her upset from showing. “It was now or never.”
They had been looking for somewhere to settle down since before they got married and with the housing market as terrible as it was…Maybe this was a boon falling into their laps. Maybe she was still stressed from school and taking it out on him. That wasn’t fair. Georgia sighs and hands the papers back to him.
“I just…I would’ve liked to be in the loop, y’know,” she frowns.
“I would’ve told you sooner, but you’ve been busy with school stuff. I only signed the papers today. If you’re really pissed, I can try walking back the contract, but—”
“Okay, now I know you’re definitely crazy in the head. That’d be more pain than it’s worth,” Georgia says, a small part of her beginning to think about how they’d like to decorate their first house. The idea is starting to grow on her.
“So you’re not upset?”
“Oh, no, I’m furious. But I think that can be fixed if you tell me you at least signed off on a blue one,” she says and he gives her that crooked smile that still makes her chest flutter.
“All blue for you, baby,” he says, and a little smile of her own works its way onto her face.
With that, she wraps him in a hug, burying her face in his chest. He smells like sandalwood and smoke and is warm to the touch. His arms around her and his face in her hair is comforting in the best way. He kisses her on the forehead and lifts her up by the chin, something unknowable ruminating in his mind if she judges his expression right.
“So…” he starts, “I’ve been thinking.”
“Better watch out,” she jokes and he tweaks her nose for it, making her giggle.
“Seriously, just listen. I’ve been thinking about this while we’ve been house hunting,” he says, and she gives him all of her undivided attention, “and I think you should quit your job.”
Georgia’s pleased expression drops, her eyebrows furrowed as she squints at him in the fading sunlight. Streetlamps lining the road flicker on, one after the other.
“Excuse me?” He can’t be serious.
“Let me finish before you get pissed at me again,” Nate starts, releasing her from his hug to raise his hands in defense. “Look, we have a house now. Or we will soon and you’ve been complaining about that damn school for months—”
“So you want me to quit my job right as we’re taking on a bunch of new bills? Nate, I can’t, that’s crazy!” She has to put her foot down here. Yes, her coworkers were mean, yes, the pay was shit, and yes, being the sole caretaker of twenty-eight kids for eight hours a day was perhaps the tiniest bit stressful. But it was all nothing she couldn’t handle in the long run, and she hasn’t even finished her first year.
“Listen,” Nate says again, putting his hands on her shoulders. “I got a promotion today at work. I’m off the factory floor and in the office making more than enough, plus all of my military benefits.”
“Wait, you got a promotion today? You should have led with that,” Georgia says, crossing her arms.
“I wanted to, but you started crying the second you got into the car.”
She bites her lip and concedes to his point. She hadn’t even given him a chance.
“Think about it: you, at home, putting all your creative genius into some interior decorating. Doesn’t that sound more fun than making flimsy paper decorations only for some old bat to tear them down?” Nate asks her. “And hey, we can finally get that dog you’ve been talking about.”
She’s gone through a whirlwind of emotions within the last ten minutes and Georgia can’t clear her head of them while she’s still looking into his pleading eyes. He’s thrown so much information at her, but she can just about make out the specs of gold among the brown and in that instant she knows he has her just where he wants her. The more she thinks about it, the more she pictures them picking out new furniture, walking the dog around the neighborhood, cookouts with neighbors…Maybe she wants to be there, too.
“I’ll think about it,” she says finally and he grins like he’s already won. She holds up a finger, pressing it to his lips before he can try to kiss her. “Let me finish out the school year first. It’s only ‘til the end of May. After that, we’ll have plenty of time to move in and start decoratin’ over summer break.”
Nate just keeps grinning down at her, then surprises her when he scoops her up into his arms to spin her around.
“We have a house!” he cries out, his voice echoing through the empty neighborhood.
“We have a house!” Georgia shouts, laughing as he spins her.
He brings her down to plant one on her, dipping her when he does, and she can’t remember the last time she’s felt so happy after feeling so low.
It takes a little less than a month before their house in Sanctuary Hills is move-in ready.
After a week of getting things unpacked and settled, Georgia tries to be neighborly. She makes a double batch of shortbread cookies with the few ingredients they have with the intent to go door-to-door and introduce herself, but it doesn’t pan out how she imagined it.
The only person who doesn’t turn her down is the man in the Hawthorne residence at the front of the neighborhood. To his credit, he was neighborly in his own way and offers to trade her the whole container for a box of Mentats that she only declines out of polite shock. Walking away, she can remember the taste of the orange ones from her college days on the tip of her tongue.
Coming home with a still-heavy container, sad and a little dejected, Georgia opens the door to her own home and walks past Nate on the couch and into the kitchen, setting the cookies on the counter.
“It’s either the new tax bracket or there’s somethin’ in the water makin’ everyone paranoid enough to turn down free food in a crisis,” she sighs, leaning against the counter and looking through their unopened mail. Bill, campaign soliciting, bill, bill, junk, paycheck, bill.
“No one wanted your cookies? More for me, then,” Nate shrugs as he watches the news.
After the news anchor reports on messages from the war front, the commercial breaks show fancy new Corvega Atomic V-8s, placement in a doomsday Vault, and domestic helper Miss Nanny robots. Then the anchor is back on screen and talks about the riots (some even inside Boston), the food shortages, and the chance that foreign spies could be anywhere. A rinse and repeat of instilled paranoia until the channel changes. It’s all so bleak that Georgia thinks she can’t blame her neighbors too much.
“Bring me one, would you?” Nate asks, gesturing over at her. “Those are my favorite.”
Georgia purses her lips at him over her shoulder while she opens the bills, “You have legs, mister. Use ‘em or lose ‘em.”
She turns back to the bills—surely the electric can’t be that high—and ignores his sigh from behind her. He walks over and pops open the tin, leaning against the counter.
“The boys invited me out to the bar this weekend,” he says through a mouthful of shortbread, then swallows. “You wanna come?”
Georgia’s eyes flit to him over the water bill. “I thought you wanted to go pick out a new bed frame this weekend. You made quite a few jokes about ‘breakin’ it in’, too.”
Nate almost appears to weigh the two options as he says, “Oh, yeah…”
“How about this,” he says, taking a bite out of another cookie, “bed frame in the morning, bar at night?”
“Maybe. I wanna take another crack at goin’ around the neighborhood,” she replies, thinking over her options. “Maybe these people just don’t like shortbread.”
Nate snorts, “Yeah, that’s it. Well, I’m going either way, so make up your mind by Friday.”
“Will do,” she nods absently, going back to calculating their bills in her head before she suddenly remembers the shortlist of chores she’d left before making her way around the neighborhood. “Hey, did you put the laundry on while I was out?”
Nate, covered in cookie crumbs, looks like a deer in headlights. She gives him a flat look.
“Sorry?” he tries, not looking the least bit guilty.
“Nevermind,” she mutters, and goes to do it herself.
In July, Nate finally makes good on the promise of a dog (a sweet little Bichon Frise named Lady) and Georgia puts her resignation in. By December, regret hits her like a cast iron pan and a wooden spoon.
She sits on the couch, wrapped up in her robe as she reads her books from the library in the city. Despite all the fighting between them in the last few months, he still agrees to drive her into the city on Saturday mornings as long as he’s allowed to go out with his friends later that night. It gives her plenty of time to read, but it leaves her more than a little lonely, even with the dog, which is where the root of their problems lie.
In August, Nate told her that he was having to put in some overtime at the Corvega factory. Something about quotas not being met, workers threatening to strike, and not enough bodies on the floor. So he’s back on the line, but he assures her his uncle isn’t docking his pay. Georgia understands this and for the first few weeks she greets him at night with a late dinner and a warm shower. She even makes him breakfast to reheat in the mornings before he takes off and full lunches to share with the other men on the line. He called her his “perfect little housewife” and she ignored the twist in her stomach.
Georgia doesn’t think it would have gotten as bad between them if they had more than one car. As is, he drives it to work every day and it hadn’t taken long to get the house in order, so she was left to her own devices for the most part. She was a sociable creature, always had been, and being constrained to the house had done a number on her. The daily walks with Lady helped a little, but the dog wasn’t much of a conversational partner, and Georgia liked to talk. At one point she had even called up her sister-in-law, Margaret, and asked if she could babysit Henry, but she wasn’t willing to drive all the way out to Concord every time she needed to run an errand. So with neighbors that hated her and a husband that was rarely home, Georgia couldn’t help but feel lonely.
From the hallway, Nate stalks into the kitchen. His hair is wet from the shower and his clothes stick to him enough to show off every muscle underneath. Six months ago, she would’ve come up behind him and jumped his bones right there. As it stands, they haven’t had sex in four.
He opens the refrigerator and takes out last night’s lasagna before heading towards the side door to the carport. Georgia frowns.
“Where are you goin’? It’s nine o’clock at night,” she says and he stops at the door.
“Boys wanted to hang out,” he says quickly, “you know how it is.”
She dog-ears her book and puts it down, getting up from the couch. “Really? Why can’t you stay home tonight? Please?”
Nate’s sigh is agitated. She’s asked the wrong question.
“Why? So you can ignore me with your books then go to bed with another headache?” he asks her rhetorically. His words shock her nevertheless and she stands there, wondering what she did between now and this morning to make him bring that up.
“I’m sorry?” she says, less like an apology and more like a chance for him to take it back.
“Yeah, you should be,” he snaps, and goes for the door again. Georgia nearly flips the liquor cabinet by her side.
“Nate, are you serious? What the hell is wrong with you?” she demands, following him out to the carport.
“Just leave it alone, alright? Christ. I’ll be home before midnight.”
She doesn’t get a chance to say anything else before he’s inside the car and slamming the door shut. When he peels out of the driveway, Georgia refrains from screaming into the night and slams her own door on her way back inside.
January 2077
“Fuck, ow.”
Georgia squints into the bathroom mirror, face pressed close enough to where she can pluck her eyebrows with surgical precision. A stray piece of wheat blonde hair that didn’t make it into the curlers piled atop her head falls in front of her eyes and she curses again, putting the tweezers down to fix the offending piece. As she does, her blush falls into the sink and cracks the pressed powder inside, staining the porcelain pink.
“Mary, Joseph, and Jesus, can I catch a break?” she mutters, salvaging what she can and closing the compact.
In the trashcan by the toilet are seven positive pregnancy tests she walked all the way to the pharmacy in Concord to get. She had tried to be discreet, but the girl behind the counter had congratulated her loudly enough to draw the attention of a few other customers, and hid a family planning pamphlet between the boxes. Georgia walked out of there sweating like a sinner in church.
She spies her wedding ring beside the hot water handle, and given that it’s pertinent she wears it tonight, she slips it onto her finger before it has a chance to fall down the drain. That was the last thing she needed.
Georgia is pregnant, and she doesn’t feel half as excited as she thought she would.
She and Nate had talked about having kids, of course. It was the main topic of their third date. He told her he’d always wanted a big family—a pretty wife, four kids minimum, and a protective yet lovable dog (they were still working on the dog, surprisingly. Lady ended up pissing on Nate’s side of the bed soon after they got her and was given to her mother-in-law a little while later).
Georgia wanted a family, too, of course. She had always imagined herself having kids someday, but she thought that reality was a little further away. Twenty-three still feels too early to become a mother even if most of her old college friends she hasn’t talked to in two years are starting families as well. It all feels so sudden, even if it’s exactly what she planned.
She files the thoughts away for later, and focuses on finishing up her face. Her makeup had gone untouched for a while after she stopped leaving the house as much, but she knew Nate liked when she dolled herself up. Hopefully it will help.
Once her face is powdered, her hair curled, and lips lined, she goes to their closet to pull out her best dress. Pink, of course, with flowery lace around the hem. She slips it on, careful of her curls, and debates on adding a blue belt just to be on theme before deciding against it. Besides, maybe the pink will help manifest a little girl. On the dresser is her eighth pregnancy test, sealed inside a plastic bag. She slips it into her pocket just as she hears a car pull into the driveway.
Things with Nate have been…better. Not great, but better. He’s stopped going out as much and she’s been less demanding of him. Their relationship was fractured, yes, but she knew in her heart that after today, it would be repaired and made to last.
She’s in the kitchen when he comes in, jumpsuit wrinkled and dirty. Georgia can smell the sweat on him from five feet away.
“Georgia, I’m—Oh, well look at you,” Nate says, giving her a long look from her head to her feet.
She smiles and gives him a little twirl and when he whistles at her, warmth blooms in her chest. He walks over and wraps her up in his arms. Georgia takes a deep breath, swallows the lump that forms in her throat, and hugs him back.
“What’s this all about?” he asks, looking down at her.
Her hand disappears into her pocket. When she pulls out the pregnancy test and sees Nate’s face, she almost wishes she could photograph it and save it forever.
She takes a deep breath, and her voice doesn’t even crack when she inhales the perfume on his collar. She puts on a smile.
“I’m pregnant.”
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So in the ask Tumblr ate I said
So I too have problems with the Apollo trilogy. So I will list them. But I don't wanna be too negative so I will list positives of the other games.
Apollo Justice sees Phoenix get character assassinated and how come NO ONE DECIDED TO HELP HIM GET HIS BADGE BACK!? Also the magic panties jokes just make me uncomfortable, especially since Trucy is a minor
Dual Destinies had one case that is discount Big Top (I hate game Big Top as much as the next guy, but I was introduced to Ace Attorney via the Anime where it was amazing) and Turnabout Academy, where we find out that parents of a student have been bribing the teachers to give the student good grades without the student knowing. Um...THAT ALREADY HAPPENED!? WHY IS THAT NOT ACKNOWLEDGED!?
Spirit of Justice has amazing concepts executed poorly. That's also why it's my favorite of the Apollo Trilogy. I love media with missed potential. I like rewriting
Now for postives
The first Ace Attorney everything felt grounded and nessasary. No case felt like filler.
JFA has Farewell my Turnabout. Excellent case and I love fictional kidnapping plots. It was so emotional
TandT. Mia's first case, adorable Phoenix, the first non-murder case (though it turns to murder), my favorite defendant (Ronnie!), Iris x Phoenix, more Fey clan drama, Godot, Miego, AN EXCORISM IN THE COURT!???? I LOVE THAT GAME!!!!
Investigations! Flashback case! Mini ziska protecting Miles from her father by diverting his ire. Miles getting attacked by Kay. Franziska wanting a Swiss roll but not admitting it! SIBLING INTERACTIONS!
Investigations 2! The only appearance of my favorite Ace Attorney character, Yumihiko Ichiyanagi, known as Sebastian Debeste in the fan translation. Great character development for most characters, long cases, playable Gregory Edgeworth! Also I like to believe after the events of the game Hakari Mikagami remains Yumihiko's mother figure and Edgey becomes his father figure. But this game you constantly felt in danger, and you faced dangerous people. And there was a kidnapping plot! Logic chess is amazing and KAY AND EDGEWORTH ARE PRECIOUS! If not father and daughter than brother and sister
In Project X Zone 2, Phoenix just wants to go home. He can't because a Bounty Hunter will kill him. He is one of like, three sane characters, the other being Reiji Arisu (original to the X series) and Chrom (Fire Emblem)
Maya is HERE for the action! She says M. Bison has a butt chin TO HIS FACE! She is having waaaay to much fun!
Apparently during the trial, Phoenix had to tell Majima not to punch the judge
Lastly, I leave you with this offical art by Fire Emblem: Awakening's lead artist
Tumblr media
2/2 Oh I forgot to add. I played the fan translation of The Great Ace Attorney and loved it. Best depiction of Sherlock Holmes
Responding under the cut so this doesn't get insanely long!!
My issues with AJ tend to be more from the standpoint that I find the cases to be slightly poorly constructed and uninteresting personally and less that I dislike the characters/characterisation of preexisting characters. I get where the character assassination viewpoint comes from, but I don't really agree/mind it very much. Phoenix has shown many instances where he will close himself off from his friends and simply refuse to talk because it hurts him too much to do so (not telling Maya what's up in JfA springs to mind immediately, but there's also the whole Dahlia/Iris debacle that happened which he just never brings up), so I think AJ Phoenix is just that pushed to the extreme. He's also got that tendency to mimic people he's around a lot, and we know he was hanging out with Kristoph very often during that time, so I think he picked up much of his slippery, oblique nature from him as well. Plus, he's been shown to go through extreme personality shifts; it's not that strange to me to think he'd have one when his life was falling apart around him. I'll be the first to admit that I'm not huge into AJ Phoenix, but while I may not like him very much, I do understand where it comes from. He wasn't even meant to be in the game at first so like. Eh. I'm mostly just glad he's still around.
As for the no one helping him get his badge back thing, I think they were trying to help. But the whole Dark Age of the Law thing doesn't happen in isolation; a failing legal system affects an entire society, so while I think his friends were trying to assist him as best they could, and as much as they would let him (because Phoenix isn't the type to readily accept help either. It has to do with that whole being closed off thing he does, and you can't really help someone who won't let you/doesn't want to be helped. At the end of the day, Phoenix is an adult and allowed to live his life as best as he sees fit), they probably had their own issues to figure out. As the future Chief Prosecutor, Edgeworth definitely would have been caught up in the entire mess that was the Dark Age and likely would have had too many more pressing cases to handle to really dedicate his time to Phoenix's plight. Phoenix probably decided it'd be faster and better for everyone if he took care of it in his own way. It's heavily implied that Edgeworth did help with the whole Mason system that comes in at the end of AJ, so I think they were probably working on it together in the background of the games anyway. I don't have much to say about the magic panties gag, that shit is weird, you're right HAHAH I don't think anyone who's played the game has found it funny so like ??? Don't know why it's there, don't like it, next.
I actually don't mind Big Top tbh; I think it has many interesting themes about secrecy, grief and responsibility. It's just a little long and has some WEIRD decisions made character-wise. The only thing I remember about DD's version is Trucy weeping, and Phoenix failing to fly back to be with her though she's been arrested (this is the bigger character assassination imo. Wtf, Phoenix. Even if you'd be late for the trial, you could still fly home). Shockingly enough, I liked Academy (in comparison to the rest of DD anyway). It's the single case which I actually found a semblance of enjoyment from in DD; it was funny and largely inoffensive, if not much else. Yeah, I'm pretty sure they were fine reusing Sebastian's backstory because it didn't play /that/ huge of a role in AAI2 and because AAI2 was never officially localised and therefore would be less popular/well known. I'm not particularly surprised; they've done worse than reuse a plotline.
SoJ is a complete mess in my opinion, but I'm glad you liked it <3
Mmhm, yeah, full agree on the original trilogy. It's great. Same with Investigations 1; I adored every single character introduced in that game. I thought it was super fun. I largely dislike the adjustment made in Kay and Edgeworth's relationship in AAI2, but I've spoken about that at length, so I won't go into it here. I found AAI2 slightly draggy and chaotic at times, but I get why people love it, and I really liked Sebastian and Justine. It was a lot more high stakes than usual, and I love that we got to see more of the prison system and the like, that was cool. It's a good one. I like it.
... Phoenix is being hunted by a bounty hunter?? Poor man can't catch a break. CHROM??? FEA CHROM????? Omg, it's him. Omg. I love you, Chrom. AND LUCINA!!!!! LUCINA, MY DAUGHTER!!!!!! That's soooo cute haha. This game seems like loads of fun. I like it so much.
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anmylica · 2 years
Like Slow Spinning Redemption
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Surprise! I am your Secret Santa this year, @their-seafaring-ways! I hope you enjoy this extended version of Season 5 Episode 15 “The Brothers Jones” I cooked up for you. When you expressed the interest in a Liam-comes-to-like Emma scenario, I knew I had to delve deeper, as I’ve always thought that episode was rather rushed. I also loved the idea of we-understand-each other and the concept that Emma and Killian are reflections of each other, and I deliberately tried to write these into the episode in a more apparent manner than the canon shows. This is the result.
I tried to stick to canon as much as possible, even though I was inspired like crazy for my “The Fields of Asphodel” Season 5 rewrite. I tried not to diverge, but when I did, think of it as a we-didn’t-see-everything-in-canon-so-this-is-totally-plausible type of divergence.
I am thinking this is going to be around the 15k mark, and I’m about 55% done with writing it as of now. I will be sprinting to finish it all in the next couple of days, and the next installment will be on the 28th! I hope to have it posted before I go back to work on January 3rd. I am aiming for 5 chapters!
Read it here on AO3
Tagging the usual crew: @xarandomdreamx @kmomof4 @zaharadessert @snowbellewells @sotangledupinit @tiganasummertree
Want to be added? Ask me!
Summary: Liam Jones does not like Emma Swan upon their first meeting. Of course, when he blames her for his brother’s death and subsequent entrapment in the Underworld, it’s not hard to understand why. But after seeing Emma and Killian in action (and seeing the man his brother became), he may just have to change his opinion…
Read under the cut (unless Tumblr ate it)
Liam Jones’ day consisted of restocking the bar and wiping down surfaces, the same old monotonous routine that he had followed since he had been sentenced upon his death and subsequent arrival in the Underworld.  The Rabbit Hole was one of the only establishments for which the denizens of this hellish realm could get a decent drink, and as such, it was usually heavily frequented in the evenings by souls who had no other recourse or comfort.  Liam didn’t know exactly why Hades had insisted he man the bar as his punishment, but he supposed it was the least he could serve given his actions during his all-too-short shot at life.  
The interactions he was forced to undergo with the rest of the crew from the Hispaniola were awkward, to say the least, but given that none of them suspected him of having a hand in their deaths, he could get through the paid transactions for rum just fine.  He even had begun to strike up a tentative sort of friendship with his old captain (and slaver) Silver, as strange as it was to think about.
It was on this typical evening, with no changes to his routine and duties, that he heard the words he had waited for so long to hear.  Silver had come in for his usual drink, sat at the counter, and waited to be served.  Once he had rum in hand, SIlver finally spoke to Liam, having remained uncharacteristically silent the whole time.
“So I hear that your brother is finally in town,” Silver stated, taking a sip of the libation before continuing, pretending that he didn’t notice Liam stilling out of shock, “Apparently he went by Captain Hook for a time.  Word on the street is that Hades has it out for him.”
Liam blinked, processing the information.  “Have you seen him?” he finally settled on asking.
Silver shook his head.  “I can’t say I have.  I’ve heard that there’s a woman down here looking for him, but I don’t know how true that is.”
Liam thought hard.  He wondered if Hades had Killian in the throne room; that was usually where he kept his new citizens while they were acclimated to the Underworld.  Perhaps he could go there and find out?  Hades surely wouldn’t turn him away if he sought out an audience, would he?  Hades didn’t owe him anything, but surely he would understand Liam’s need to seek out his brother one last time?  His mind made up, he continued to carry out his duties, only halfway paying attention to what it was he needed to do.  He was too busy focusing on getting to his brother to pay attention otherwise.
Liam would go to that house that he knew hosted the entrance to Hades’ throne room in the morning.  He would go into the basement, much like he had that last time he had sought an audience with Hades, and he would ask to see his brother one last time.  He wouldn’t let Killian be sentenced by Hades without trying to make things right with his brother, even if he couldn’t explain to Killian just what it was he was trying to atone for.
The next morning dawned as bright as it could in the Underworld under the sky of red haze.  Liam waited as long as he could stand before he finally gave in and made his way to that blue Victorian house he had visited when he had first arrived in the Underworld.  The house itself was an anomaly; it was a beautiful, welcoming home that Liam was sure would have housed a large family in the Land of the Living, but here it was vacant with the air of forlorn melancholy.  The rooms on the ground floor were filled with old toys, a baby’s crib, and sprinkled with a liberal application of dust and cobwebs.  The presence of the baby artifacts was always curious to Liam, but he had to push that curiosity aside the last time he had visited Hades.  He was sure that he’d push the curiosity aside once more.
When he arrived outside the house, he stopped in his tracks, startled at what he was seeing.  The lights were on inside; the last time he had been here, the house had been shrouded in darkness.  Perplexed as to what it meant, he paused.  Maybe the people to whom it belonged had recently passed, and they had claimed it as their own?  If this were the case, perhaps he could ask politely to pass through to the basement to have a word with Hades?  Surely they would allow him his request?
Squaring his shoulders, he ascended the front steps to the long front porch and knocked on the door.  He waited for a moment before a beautiful blonde woman opened the door.  Liam was momentarily taken aback by her appearance, but he quickly put his shock to the side at her greeting.
“Hi,” said the blonde with uncertainty.  “Can I-” 
Movement behind her caught his eye and he gasped.  “Killian?” He questioned, cutting off the blonde beauty in front of him.  
The blonde, realizing that this was someone that Killian must have known, stepped aside as Liam took a step forward into the house, not caring whether he was actually invited in or not.  Killian looked at him like a deer caught in a car’s headlights.
“Liam?” Killian asked huskily, not believing his eyes.  
Liam stepped further into the entryway of the house.  “So the rumors are true.  After all these years, my little brother is finally here.”
Killian stepped forward and threw his arms around Liam.  “That’s ‘younger brother’ to you,” he replied.  Liam chuckled, returning Killian’s embrace.
“It’s been too long,” Liam simply stated, feeling a bit choked up at seeing his brother after all this time.  “I never dreamed that you’d actually be here.”
Killian pulled back suddenly, leaving Liam feeling a bit bereft at their first meeting after centuries of being separated, but before Liam could say anything, Killian had turned to the blonde.  He waved her over, taking her hand and squeezing it tightly in his.  He turned to his brother and smiled. 
“Brother,” Killian began, turning back to the blonde, “this is Emma Swan, my love and savior.  Hades tried to send me to the depths of the River of Lost Souls, and she was able to save me before he was successful.  We owe our reunion to her.”  
Liam turned and looked at her and smiled slightly.  “Then we are in your debt.”
Emma returned his smile, saying as she did so, “I couldn’t let him stay down here at Hades’ mercy.  Not after all that happened before his…”. Emma stumbled a bit here before continuing, “…death.”
Liam watched as Killian’s smile, which had been genuine up to that moment, became strained and awkward.  No one said anything for several moments’ worth of silence before Emma cleared her throat and gestured towards the kitchen.
“Can I get you something to drink?” She asked.
Liam nodded.  “Water will be fine.”
Emma turned and moved into the kitchen to get them all glasses of water, Killian and Liam moving to follow her but sitting at the table.  Once they all had refreshments, Emma hovered for a moment indecisively.  Finally she turned to Killian.
“If it’s alright with you, I’m going to go check in with my parents and Henry.  Let them know what’s going on.  I’ll let you two catch up?”
Killian nodded.  “Aye, love.  We’ll be fine.”  
Liam noticed that Killian didn’t quite meet her eyes with his, and he wondered at the stilted air between the two lovers.  He didn’t say anything, just gave an acknowledging grimace that mimicked a smile at her glance his way, but he did watch her leave the room and head upstairs.
“I take it this was her house in life?” Liam asked.
Killian nodded.  “It still is,” his brother replied.  “I picked it for her as a symbol of our plans for the future.”
Liam’s brow raised in surprise.  “Plans?”
“Aye,” Killian responded simply.  “She came here from the Land of the Living to save me from Hades’ clutches, and she wants to try and restore my life.”
Liam stared.  “She’s not dead?”
Killian shook his head.  “No, none of her family or friends are.  They all came down here to help her.”
Liam shook his head.  “She wants to restore you to life?” 
Killian nodded.  He hesitated a moment, unsure of what his brother would say about the whole tale.
Liam sighed.  It seemed as if his brother needed a little coaxing into the tale of his life first.  “Well, tell me about how you lived so long.  What happened?”
Killian sighed as well and launched into that tale, of how he had turned pirate after Liam’s death and sought revenge for Liam’s poisoning.  He then continued to describe meeting Milah and running off with her on his ship, causing her to abandon her husband and young son.  He proceeded to describe how he met her estranged husband years later as the Dark One and lost his first love to the demon.  He spoke of how he used a magic bean to travel to the place where Liam had lost his life, Neverland, as a way of buying himself more time to figure out how to exact revenge against the Dark One.
Throughout the tale, Liam remained silent, choosing only to remark, “I’ve heard many a tale of Captain Hook these last few decades,” crossing his arms and looking reproachfully at his brother.  Killian had the decency to look ashamed of his actions, Liam was at least pleased to note.
Then Killian launched into his tale of meeting Emma, explaining how he had met the woman they called the Savior in the Enchanted Forest and was captivated by her light from the onset, but fought valiantly against his feelings, until it was finally too late.  He told of how many times they had been separated and how many times they had found their way back to each other, finishing the tale with their latest misadventure of becoming Dark Ones that ended with Killian sacrificing his own life to end the Darkness once and for all, only for that sacrifice to be in vain (as the imp Rumplestiltskin had found a way to take back his power at the expense of Killian’s life).  Though Killian tried to tell the tale in a way that protected Emma’s role in causing Killian’s future, the future Liam, himself, had worked so hard to protect, to be lost in a swirl of darkness, Liam could tell who he had to blame for Killian’s life being cut short.
He didn’t have to look very far, as she was just upstairs.  Liam decided at that moment that he couldn’t stand Emma Swan for wasting all of Liam’s hard work.  He knew that to say that out loud to Killian would be a mistake, however.  First of all, Killian didn’t know of Liam’s sacrifice, and second of all, Killian seemed quite enamored of the blonde (though Liam did pick up on some strain between the two; perhaps that was due to Killian’s tendency to bear the burden of guilt quite heavily?).  He would have to express his doubts about Emma’s role as hero in this quite carefully so as to avoid alienating his brother.
“She doesn’t exactly sound like someone who would encourage you to be the hero you should be.  I must admit, I’m a little taken aback that she was the one you’d pick,” Liam said, crossing his arms and pondering the story that Killian had told him, one of heroes and villains and Dark Ones and Excalibur and death.
Killian shook his head vehemently.  “She pulled me out of the darkness in which I found myself.  She’s good and true, a hero for all the realms.  You don’t know her, Liam.”
“I know enough,” Liam responded, taking a sip of his water.
“No, you don’t. You didn’t know her before she became the Dark One, you didn’t know her after she took the Darkness to save us all, and you didn’t see how she was able to overcome it.  You don’t know her better than I.  I won’t stand to hear you cast any more aspersions against her character.  She is all that is Light and good.  She makes me want to try and be the man I always wanted to be.”  Killian stared hard at Liam, trying to make him understand why Emma was his choice.
Liam considered Killian’s words for a moment before nodding to communicate his understanding.  Though he completely disagreed with his brother’s summation of Emma Swan, he wasn’t fool enough to continue to voice his opinions to his brother out loud.  After being unable to see his brother for so long, he didn’t want to anger Killian by offering an opinion that clearly wasn’t wanted.  But Liam thought it was perfectly acceptable to have an opinion on the lass that was different from his brother’s, and it was that opinion that he would hold onto.  After all, Liam hadn’t condemned an entire crew to death by drowning in a storm just for some blonde to come in and undo all of his hard work at making sure his brother had the chance to be a great hero.  Liam resolved that he would make it his personal mission to ensure that she wouldn't derail Killian’s death as one.  
He would be on his brother’s side regardless of whether his brother would want him to be or not. LIam and Killian drank their water, and after a few more moments Emma came down the stairs.  She sat down and picked up her glass and took a gulp.
“So I told my parents that we would meet them in an hour at the loft,” Emma announced.  Killian nodded.  “They told me that souls completing their unfinished business and moving on somehow manages to weaken Hades’ hold over everything.”
“So all we have to do is get as many people as possible to finish their unfinished business, then?”  Killian quirked an eyebrow at her.  “Do I understand it correctly?”
Emma shrugged.  “Apparently it can help, but I don’t know how we can figure out what each person’s unfinished business is.”
Killian hummed and played with his glass.  “Perhaps each person would have some idea of what it could be?”  He turned to Liam.  “Liam, what about you?  Why are you down here?”
Liam shook his head.  “I wish I knew.”  Liar, he thought.  “I spent countless years trying to figure out the reason.”  Liam’s eyes trailed down and stared at the right hand side of the table.  He didn’t catch Emma’s furrowed brow and the suspicious tilting of her eyes as he thought about the situation.  He hadn’t needed to spend years trying to discern a reason; the reason was sitting right in front of him, though Killian didn’t know it.  Liam had borne the countless years of guilt due to his decision that put them on the path they had followed.
Killian turned to Emma and told her, “There is no reason.  Hades has the game rigged so no one can leave.  My brother’s proof of that.  Never did a bad thing in his life.”  
Liam grimaced a pained smile that he hoped came off as geniune at Killian’s commendations.
“He even died nobly, stopping a treacherous king from poisoning the realm,” Killian finished.
Liam’s heart panged with guilt and shame.  His gut churned and he felt as if he were going to be sick all over their kitchen floor.  His palms felt sweaty, and it was lucky he were seated because his knees had suddenly gone weak and his legs had lost all feeling.
To cover his discomfort, he stated, “Stop it.  You’re making me blush.”
Luckily, Liam’s two companions didn’t notice his embarrassment.  Killian continued, “Hades has you, too, trapped down here, and that cannot stand.  The only way everyone will get free is if we defeat Hades once and for all.”  Emma nodded, and Killian turned back to his brother.  “Liam, you’ve been down here a long time.  Surely you must know something that can help us.”
Liam tried his best to set aside the guilt roiling in his gut to answer.  “I know this is a very dangerous game you’re playing,” he warned Killian and Emma, who seemed to pay it no heed.  “There are those who tried to overthrow Hades before,” he added.  “They always spoke of a… a book, which had the power to defeat him.  I tried to find it myself, but I’m not even sure what to look for.”  This was the rumor that had circulated over the years between the patrons of The Rabbit Hole.  He was sure that it wouldn’t mean anything to his brother or his brother’s lover.
Emma tilted her head in consideration.  “I think it’s a storybook,” she announced, drawing the attention of the two men.
Liam blinked.  “Storybook?  Oh, I’d wager it would take more than stories,” he dismissed.
Killian raised his right hand and waved a pointed finger.  “No, no, no, no, no.  She’s onto something.  In our world, there’s a book like this.”
Liam stared uncomprehendingly.
“Everything up there has a version down here.  There has to be one in the Underworld,” Emma explained.
Killian turned to Emma and added, “If there’s a story in that book about Hades,” he glanced briefly at Liam before turning his eyes back to Emma’s, “we can learn his weakness and exploit it.”
Liam drew a deep breath.  He had told them of the book as a throwaway comment; he hadn’t meant for them to take it seriously.  But looking at his brother, he could tell how serious Killian was about this goal.  Killian was stubborn, to put it mildly.  He wouldn't let this go until it was done.  He shrugged.
“All right,” Liam responded.  “If you believe in this, Killian, I’m with you to the end.  This fiend trapped me and tortured you.  The day you push your sailors too far…”
“Is the day mutiny begins,” Killian finished with a grin.  Liam returned it halfheartedly.  He knew it wasn’t Hades that had trapped him here in the Underworld; it was his own inability to face his worst mistake.  He just hoped he could continue to keep it a secret from his brother and from his old crew.
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summonhouse · 1 year
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KEEP SUCKING THEIR FLAT FACE . SMILES WARMLY under the cut cause this got. Long
LABYRINTH aka laby is a roleplay ran by Some other guy you can see mosttt people in it here . apparently this is the third incarnation and it used to be ran on some defunct amino like art program ? now its run in discord. in a world of monsters and humans humans are not very nice (PREDICTABLE!) and monsters are. hunted for sport or something (im actually really strangely fuzzy on the details of the setting . so dont ask me a lot about the details of the setting). dozens of monsters have been mysteriously kidnapped and trapped in a labyrinth and made to complete various tasks, usually involving the death and maiming of the party members. reason: currently unknown, at least to me!
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schism is Some guy! as detailed before; a monster spawned with another (dramaturgy) and their respective powers being to be controlled by/controlling the other and so his life has been a lot of puppetry violence.
what i meant to say before about schisms mentality that tumblr ate and i did not care to rewrite: due to schisms history he defaults to assuming everyone, including himself, is a tool and an object- every moment he lives in now is just waiting for inevitable disaster. dramaturgys overarching plan with him is to take over the world or something and trash schism after and so hes made peace with the fact that he and everyone else are just dead men walking, no worth whatsoever when their fate is sealed, and any happiness maintained between then and now is only cause for unnecessary grief. if you do not care about anyone, you cannot be hurt when they die (because they will die).
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three detailing, though three is NOT mine, three is soaps; three is a monster like schism and lived kindof a similar life; unlike most monsters who find some family or normalcy theyve both been alley trawling freaks aspiring for high society. three gets by with gambling with their power of dnd skill checks in real life.
the crux of thrism is; schism only became familiarized with three after three had approached him due to looking knowledgable after three had become exasperated with the foolish behavior of the other monsters present, and schism sees anyone approaching him as an opportunity to manipulate. in an unfamiliar environment, he needs any leverage he can get and hopes to use three as cannon fodder, so he'll have friends who will stick up for him in the case that hes threatened and so that they will complete tasks for him if they believe he cares about them. and anyways their third friend group member ink demands that they form a death pact in the case that either of them die. their relationship can EXTREMELY charitably be called rocky at first as theyre both snippy sarcastic individuals with short tempers; schisms gets a kick out of teasing three and threes pissed off at nearly everything that happens around them, and increasingly schism becomes personally infuriated with threes mentality- he sees threes power as cheating and is unable to comprehend it as anything but. he values skill, care, tact, and finds the fact that three can just automatically win without effort absolutely disgusting, it is the pinnacle of unfairness and despite schisms follies he does hate that. he also hates how emotional three is, mostly with the fact that three refuses to accommodate for their inevitable outbursts. but rage towards them leads pretty well into looking out for them- schisms hoity toity ass is very insistent that three can be better, and if three wont help themself (which he hates) then he'll just have to help them for them. eventually schisms throwing himself into extreme danger to three and expressing real passionate concern over their health and schism mostly just thinks hes still covertly trying to manipulate three or is trying to foster threes few admirable traits (he adores that at the very least threes very passionate and stubborn, as much as he hates how assured they are there is something to be appreciated about that conviction) but it becomes hard to deny homosexual urges. then schisms excuse for becoming more and more explicitly affectionate towards three is that 1. this is his Cheat Day, hes been so good until now hes allowed to be kind and hopeful for just one day (or a few weeks. or months) 2. threes going to die so hes speedran grieving their death so hard hes allowing himself to feel emotions. so despite the fact that theyre at the point where they truly appreciate one another schisms still all strangled and bittersweet about it. not hopeful whatsoever about escaping the labyrinth with three much less three surviving much longer after that. theyre not even dating yet theyre cuddling and kissing 24/7 as bros and theyre both terrified of romance
TL DR uhm. i forgotted what i wrote .
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hey just found out that you watched shadow and bone! I really liked the first season but the second season dialogue was Soo ugh. And the constant kissing as if that's the only way you can show love, idk the way with how they started the season already kind of dating did sit well with me I want so angst and a sweet surrender of them feels. Tbh it felt like season 8 got, everything was so rushed the time line wasn't handled well etc. What did you think of the new season?
Also if inspiration strikes you, what about a jonsa shadow and bone au? It could be a rewrite of a scene in the show you think could have been handled better or something?
First of all, just want to say that I started answering and tumblr mobile kicked me out to update. So I lost what I had typed. Let's try this again.
Oh no anon! I think I'm the wrong person to ask this of. Yes, I watched S&B but I'm not kidding when I say I watched it in the most surface level way possible. Like I sat there for 8 hours just having a grand old time watching the nonsense.
(Adding a cut for any spoilers)
Were some of the choices buckwild? Yes. But I honestly can't get mad at it?? Some of the posts I reblogged about the show are 100% how I feel, that it's both terrible and amazing at the same time. Everyone is perfectly cast and acting their little hearts out and I ate it up
GOT 8? Makes me furious on a level I cannot adequately describe.
S&B changing entire plotlines? Oooh, what comes next? Evil Alina? She certainly isn't retiring to the countryside, is she? Mal becomes a pirate? Why not! Matthias is completely irrelevant to the entire season? I hope he got paid well for his 3 scenes! A LIGHT SWORD TO CUT THROUGH SHADOW?? Incredible.
When the Darkling died I was like oh shit did BB want out of his contract? Because they SPEED RAN that plot. (Kinda glad though because the phoenix hunting was so boring in the books.) I also sort of wonder if they got annoyed with all the darklina stuff and were like you know what we're gonna kill him and have her make out with Mal as much as humanly possible. But tbh I do not care about ships on this show EXCEPT WYLAN AND JESPER.
Also, is everyone in Ravkan high society dead at this point? Their parties keep getting massacred rip.
Also also David totally isn't dead, right? Why would they choose, of all people, not to show his death or have them find a body? He's alive and I for one cannot wait to see what utter nonsense they come up with for him next season.
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deiliamedlini · 2 years
You said I could send however many I want, so here goes
jungle au, hill house au, little zelink marriage of convenience, mmorpg, Time Traveler and her Knight (because I am interested in seeing something for the next chapter if anything exists), contractually obligated, Hercules au, Struggling artist Link/ Successful violinist Zelda, But In Dreams, Stop Following Me, What I Wouldn't Do For You - Fatherhood
UGH TUMBLR ATE MY POST! OKAY HERE WE GO AGAIN Okay i gave you snips of almost everything so imma put this under the cut so it's not aggressive lol!
I'll answer the other ask tomorrow bc this took me SO LONG because tumblr ate my og post
jungle au
George of the Jungle AU (but not really). So Link is raised by wolves because he was abandoned by his parents when he was cursed to be able to turn into a wolf, so his wolf mom raised him, but he's also well aware of how to be a human (like walking and brain function of an adult human etc). How? don't ask. He has a treehouse bc george of the jungle LOL! Zelda's a plant scientist and she goes in and nearly gets killed by a deku baba sting while she's studying it but distracted by the sound of wolves
Zelda never imagined that she’d find herself tangled in a patch of thorny vines, facing down a Deku Baba, lost in the thick forests of West Necluda while face to face with a naked man staring at her as if she were about a predator about to shoot him with the bow that was still inconveniently strung across her back. But here she was.
hill house au
so idk if you know the haunting of hill house show, but basically, ghosts live in a house, and the occupants aren't always aware of who's dead. So I have chapter 1 done, but that's from Zelda's mom's pov (named flora). Zelda is the main character in all the other planned chapters, but not the one i have written. Basically, Zelda lives in the castle and doesn't know who's a ghost and who's alive, especially bc her goddess powers allow her to physically feel the dead.
“Oh, no, you’re riding with me,” Rhoam laughed, grabbing Flora by the waist as she shrieked out her own burst of joy as she let herself collapse into his waiting arms. “So I can hold you longer.” Time had passed, and her affair with the guard remained a secret for over a year. No one had caught the lingering touches, the endless glances, the odd coincidences, the meetings in halls, the private walks Flora wanted so often. When she could get him far from the prying eyes of the castle like this, out into the fields where he was most himself, she felt the pressures of her life melt into these perfect moments.
little zelink
Honestly, this is like, one of my fav wips. It's such a hot mess though bc i was in teh process of rewriting it because i hated the first two chapters. But Zelda and Link are both royalty and they're betrothed young but don't know it. Zelda's older brother is in line for the throne, so she's reckless. Link has 2 bodyguard/bestfriends who are training to give their life for him if need be but they're only kids so it's a lot. Then threre's an attack and years pass so they're adults, but they find each other again and work together while apart to stop the war that's been going on for years because of their parents. (Also Zelda is sheik sooooo)
“Princess,” he said instead, bowing when she turned. He held his hand out when she moved to stand to return a curtsy. “Don’t stand. I was just wondering what you’re doing?” Her eyes lit up excitedly, and she grabbed his hand, pulling him down with her. “I was trying to make the flowers bloom, like Granny can. But I can’t do it yet. She told me to practice and to focus.” “You’re glowing,” Link pointed out, running his hand through the bright light. “I know.” Zelda stopped for a moment. “Shouldn’t you be with Edric? Or Fado, or Ralis, or Komali?” Link cocked his head to the side. “Do you want me to be?” “No! I just… don’t want to take up your time with something silly.” “I don’t think this is silly,” he said earnestly. And watched her eyes glisten again. Father’s letter said crushes would be hard. He didn’t imagine it would take up so much space in his brain, though. She couldn’t even smile without him thinking about it. “Can you tell me how to do it?” he asked, knowing full well that he possessed no magic. But it didn’t seem to stop Zelda.
marriage of convenience
This I actually talked to heaven about making an RP, but I also have the first three chapters already done and I can’t take more RP’s than the 6 I have ready to go (including ours lol), so I stopped working on it once I’d suggested it. But it’s basically Zelda and Link are both royalty, and their parents force them to get married, and they don’t like each other at first, but they’re kinda forced together away from both their affairs (ilia and the court poet I think) and eventually grow to love each other starting married rather than starting… not married LOL Here's some of what I had anyway!
Her mother had died years ago, but she wanted a hand to hold as she strode down the hall. She wanted her father’s arm to steady her as she stepped in tune to the cadence of the organ playing behind her. She wanted her brother’s kind smile watching on proudly from off to the side as she finally looked up from the floor. But all she was met with was the piercing blue eyes of her future husband at the end of an aisle. Dressed in the finest golden and green regalia, Prince Link of Faron— for that was all she’d acknowledge him as— stared at her with the wide eyes of one seeing their bride for the first time. But this was their second meeting, and that look held far less charm. He cleared his throat and stepped towards her, bowing low, letting the loose hair that was too short to stay tied back in his sleek ponytail fall into his face. “My Lady,” he whispered, a respectful greeting. And though she longed to spite this man with a lack of one herself, she simply held out her hand. “My Lord.” He kissed the back of it and rose, leading her towards the priestess before they both were left to stare at each other in awkward silence as a long passage about love and devotion was read aloud to a congregation of thousands. The callouses on his hands were rough and irritating. He was royalty, sure, but he was a military commander, and unfortunately, an excellent warrior himself as well as a leader. A small bend in the bone of his nose drew her eye. It wasn’t terribly noticeable, but the more she looked at it, the more distracting it became. And couldn’t he have at least bothered wear his hair down in the traditional style for their wedding? It was the least he could do after killing her brother. After all, that was why they were here. He needed to marry her.
mmorpg (here's a very early snip that's been rewritten, but it gets the vibe)-
The champions are all gamers in a guild together in an open world MMORPG. They play a game called Hyrule Warriors together all the time and have like a discord chat going at the same time so they can talk. In the meantime, Link is also one of the biggest names in streaming that game, but he goes by a different persona in the guild so he can just have fun rather than needing to constantly prove himself as his other character he streams on. Zelda doesn’t know, but she’s a huge fan of him as a streamer and has talked to him in forums, and she has a acrush on both versions of Link, not knowing they’re the same person. For some reason there’s no VC in the game specifically to keep that something she can’t figure out LOL!! I also had a smut thing written off to the side of that as them having fun in chat BAHHAHAH but idk if that would make it in, it’s more for fun
Time Traveler and her Knight (because I am interested in seeing something for the next chapter if anything exists)
1k already exists, yes!
When she’d been gifted the Slate, it had been little more than broken pieces, and Zelda felt an incredible sense of pride that she’d been able to fix it to this state once before. It was rarely used material from a civilization so advanced, they'd blocked off the time-travelers from managing to find it once again. 
There was one task she needed to accomplish by the time her assessment was done, but though she’d read similar procedures in the book, and had done less complex repairs, she just couldn’t seem to manage this repair.
She needed more hands.
Looking around, she sighed. She'd normally ask Terrako, but he was in no shape for it. 
How long had Zelda been alone with Terrako in here? Years now? Months? 
But she wasn't alone now, and that was nearly lost on her. She ran into the hall and quickly knocked on the door to Link's room, grinning when he emerged, dressed in the clothes she'd given him from just a few decades into the future from his time so he didn't have a total stroke. He looked quite cute in them, his shirt loose and ill fitting, but he managed without complaint. His pants needed a belt. Who had she even gotten these from? They weren't from...
"Link!" she smiled, cutting off her own thoughts. "Are you doing okay?" 
contractually obligated
This was Zelda is under contract (or something) to live in a small town for a year before she can leave. It was part stardew au too so she was either going to be a scientist or a farmer. Link was the rancher and a bartender at night, and he gives her a ride into town after she crashes into a fence while almost hitting a goat. So he was meant as like, the one who helps her get settled against her will lol Here's a snip from an old wip wed
Hercules au
I just opened the file and it's empty?? so I assume this was just a standard AU rip off... I could have sworn i wrote something... maybe its on my phone notes but my phone is WAYYY OVER THERE.... It was something like his mother was the goddess but that's really all I can remember! ALAS!
Struggling artist Link/ Successful violinist Zelda
This one is self explanatory in the name LOL! Zelda sees Link get hit by a car (not badly, just like omg he's been hit. he did not look both ways. sorry guys. He's in a grumpy mood at the start) and helps him out of the road and then he goes to her concert the next night (or something) to thank her and they go from there
Link slammed his head back, regretting every decision he’d ever made. Why did he ever go back to college? Why did he see that scholarship and decide that now was a good time to waste on school for an art degree that was never going to help him get a job outside of what he truly wanted to do. And if he failed? He’d be staying in coffee shops and washing dishes in kitchens his whole life. For some people, that was enough. But for Link? He wanted more. After carefully wrapping his tablet and as many books as he could under the protection of the rag that he’d return to its rightful place at work on Sunday, he heavily sighed and rose to his feet, pulling the wet bag over his shoulder. “Here,” Revali said, handing him a coffee a bit forcefully. “Now get out so I can clean the floor too.” “Thanks, Revali.” “Shut up.” Link smirked and pulled his hood back on before braving the storm.
But In Dreams
Link and Zelda can communicate during BOTW, but only when Link dreams. Their chats all happen when link sleeps and she can reach out. Ganon tries to infiltrate their thoughts more and more so they have to have a mental battle with him once he figures out how to get into their dreams.
Stop Following Me
All i have written down in this file is this but it doesn't make sense REALLY bc i don't know the plot?? "Link and Zelda are betrothed and that’s why she hates that he’s her knight and follows her around"
What I Wouldn't Do For You - Fatherhood
Link is a single father after Malon dies, he struggles to be a knight to Zelda and present father, but because there's an active threat to the kingdom, he can't just not let it be, he always feels he needs to make it safer for his kid. So he takes comfort with Zelda who tries to help him out a bit like with work hours. But then it leaves her open to attack, so he's trying to find the balance between fatherhood and soldier-hood. Basically Zelda becomes his daughter's stepmom.
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galactic-pirates · 2 years
Fandom Asks for 2022, presuming I can remember what actually was last year
You know what, I get no asks so I ask myself because why not? If I feel like doing something then just do it. Fun can be had. There are no limits. This is my tumblr and I can ramble as I please haha.
So there were 25 questions and I'm just going to see what I feel like rambling about because I do just feel like rambling this evening. I'm having thinky thoughts about fandom because I miss it. I'm in one of those "fuck it, there's no point" kind of moods. I made plans for the year and I am doubting myself. I don't think I can do it. I don't think I have the skills or the spoons. I wasn't good at fandom shit either but hey I had the excuse that it was just for fun, so it didn't matter. I mean it mattered, and it ate at me that I was never as good as I wanted, but it didn't mean doom.
Thinky thoughts!
1) Favourite characters this year
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Breanna Casey - Leverage: Redemption. Now I love Leverage and I do love Redemption but the vibe is off. I can't put my finger on why but it's not quite right. I have speculated that it feels like the whole show is a bit exaggerated, like everything is cranked to eleven. However, Breanna is a delight. She is smart and sarcastic, a total nerd, I'm more Parker's generation than hers but I feel like she represents my viewpoint on the state of the world. Also she's gay and might be asexual (hello laptop sticker) and so that's even more like me.
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Erica Ortegas - Star Trek: Strange New Worlds. The moment I saw this character I thought I would like them. I love their haircut and their humour and they are badass and there is just never enough of them. I thought my favourite character would be Number One but might be a tie. For all that Ortegas has a criminal lack of screentime, they steal every single scene with awesomeness. Also this show is the prettiest show in the world. It looks incredible on my TV.
2) Favorite ships this year
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Like LOTS obviously because I am a multi-fandom obsessive but Trek and Seven and Raffi were a surprising addition. I wasn't expecting it and then bam, they have taken over my brain and hello I didn't need a new fixation but yes just think about nothing else ok? Fun fact! I actually made this gif ^^ because Saffi Prompts is something I helped organise (it's on hiatus atm) and I also put together the Saffi Bingo which didn't see really any traction at all (I sent out cards but I think I saw one fill and that's it). But hey I was all in with these guys.
What makes me so freaking sad is my list of projects for them is HUGE. Like so many drawings and I started writing fic. I have partly plotted a huge season long novel-length rewrite starting at the end of season one, and going beyond season two. I LOVE that idea so much and now I have quit fanfic it is never going to exist. It built on what season one gave us with Soji and the Romulans. Maaaaybe I might have drawn a little teeny tiny bit on Stargate but c'mon replicators and Ancients and it's too damn easy and too much fun.
Oh! Oh! And let's not forget my Raffi on Voyager. I had a crapton of notes and that was just for Seven's first season. To be fair the fic started life as just an image of them kissing in a Jeffries tube and then I gave it plot. I had thoughts and feelings and sometimes I think too deeply about certain episodes and get mad and this is how fanfic happens. Like I'm not even sorry.
I'm not sure how many thousands of words will never see the light of day. Maybe if my drawing skills improve enough I can do one of the dozen drawings I have on my list for them. At least I am still doing fandom art.
3) Favorite TV shows to watch this year
I really want to say Picard but honestly the version in my head is better. Probably shouldn't say that but honestly it was criminal what season two did to Elnor and Soji and just generally. It threw out amazing stuff from season one to focus on an "out of nowhere" storyline about Picard's mum which just ugh.
Honestly the show I have probably watched the most faithfully has been the original Leverage. It is my comfort show and I can rewatch it a bazillion times and don't care.
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4) Favorite books read this year
Dragon Gate! Dragon Gate!
Ok I read 42 books last year. I made a real effort. Considering a couple of years ago I probably didn't even read 1 I have come a long way. Anyway, Lindsay Buroker is who I want to be when I grow up as a writer. Rarely ever before have I read something and just wished so hard that I wrote it. Usually I don't vibe with stories that way. I can love them to death but always with an element of "but I want to fix you" but her writing style is similar enough to my own but so much more skilled that I am inspired, and motivated (when I'm not having crisis of self-faith that is) because man I want to write like that.
Dragon Gate is what happens if dragons and magic and all the fun of airships meets Stargate. When I tried to do this writing thing back in 2016 I indie published 2 novels in a series that was basically magic meets Stargate as a general description. So if I do say so myself it's a great premise. My interpretation was very different of course, I mean it started out on Earth and there were aliens but I digress.
Anyway, I'm now reading through as many of Lindsay Buroker's books as I can. Perhaps I'll subconsciously learn to write better through eagerly absorbing the words with my eyes. I mean it's not likely but one can dream.
5) Favorite song, album, or artist to listen to this year
According to iTunes Replay it was Set It Off or Linkin Park or Simple Plan or Panic at the Disco. Although I think my stats got a little warped as I decorated my house this year and my hands got paint on them. So whatever album I set to play in the morning, was repeating all day because I couldn't touch my phone.
11) Biggest squee moments of the year
You mean people don't use squee anymore? Sorry I'm a little stuck on the fact that there was an explanation attached to the question. Anyway! I have to go with a late arrival of the announcement of Jedi: Survivor because OMG I want that game so badly.
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After playing Fallen Order I must have googled daily for months hoping there would be some kind of confirmation of a sequel. Once that happened I think I stopped my daily googling but I kept waiting for news and now there's a date!!! (March 17th)
Honestly Fallen Order was the best Star Wars game I have played bar none because the lightsaber combat made sense. Lightsabers are one hit weapons - when they hit - and so having them whittle down a healthbar never felt good. The combat in this game is just epic. The story is great too and the characters (special shout out for BD-1). I can't wait to play more.
24) Fandom resolutions for next year
Last Question! Honestly I don't know because I don't know. Ok no that's not an answer but look I reblogged that "year of the OTP" thing and I want to do it. I have a Leverage bingo card and I have IDEAS and I want to do that. I have signed up for the Bering and Wells exchange (due February 14th) and the Bering and Wells Big Bang.
I want to do ALL THE THINGS!
But time, and spoons, and other commitments, and spoons (always with the spoons). I can't do everything and wanting to do things doesn't magically make them happen. Something has to give, something always does, and so I guess that's my resolution - to decide NOT to do things, because I actually can't do them. Which is super fucking sad by the way.
I'm not good enough. I can't do it all.
Buuuuut I really kinda want to.
It would be so freaking cool to make the projects that live rent free in my head a reality. Perhaps rephrase the resolution to something a little less miserable. Like a suggestion to pace myself, to not over-commit, to think before jumping in with both feet, to not let my single-one-track-obsessive-fixated-mind lead me down an unsustainable path.
And to stick with my resolution to quit fanfic, because burning down all my glorious plans, and opening up those documents again will not serve me longterm. However, much I wish my fanfic ideas could be made reality.
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tongue-like-a-razor · 5 months
I was the one who said I had an idea for a Vincent fic. Sorry for not sending it yet, I actually wrote it to send, and it took me a while, because, besides English not being my mother tongue, I wanted it to be comprehensible and take the character/story to a specific place, so, it was a little extensive. But when I sent the ask there was an error and it didn't go through so I lost everything. This frustrated me a lot, mainly because it was a very spontaneous line of thought and I didn't have the mind to recreate it all again, so I left it for later. But I will send it soon!! It probably won't be as good as the first one, but the main idea will be there.
Oh nooo tumblr ate it?? 😭😭 I’m so sorry that happened!! That is so frustrating, all that hard work 😩 I hope you do get the inspiration to write it again. Sometimes when lose a chunk of work due to technical difficulties, I am able to rewrite it quicker and better because my thoughts are more organised the second time around. Hopefully it might be the same for you 🤞
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