#tumblr: sufferthesea
sufferthesea · 5 years
Fortune (Qrow Branwen)
Summary: Qrow, Tai, and the girls go out to eat to celebrate Tai’s birthday. They each get a fortune cookie.  Word Count: 1,857 Characters: Qrow Branwen, Taiyang Xiao Long, Yang Xiao Long, Ruby Rose Warnings: None Rating: General / No Ship Originally Posted: RWBY Amino (username: MutualOzpining), AO3 (username: akimikono) 
Qrow did not want to go out on such a night, but he hadn’t been given much of a choice. Between his nieces hounding him nonstop to train or play video games, and Ozpin sending him on missions one right after another, there was very little time to himself. He would rather not spend that precious free time in the presence of people he couldn’t hide from. But it was Taiyang’s birthday and — despite not having much love for birthday celebrations — both men had been convinced (or rather, coerced) into taking Ruby and Yang out to a restaurant to mark another year on Remnant. So after a mere fifteen minutes to get home and clean up, he headed out the door to meet up with the rest of his family. 
The restaurant was dimly lit with black and red lacquer screens blocking off the hostess stand from the booths. The screens were decorated in flaking gold images of wheat fields and cranes. There were more people than expected, considering it was a weeknight and there were many other (much better) restaurants in town. There were better restaurants right across the street. Still, Ruby and Yang insisted on this particular restaurant for some reason. 
It smelled like smoke and animal fat, and there was a distinct aroma like burnt oil hanging on the air that permeated the vinyl seats. The hostess, a kind but otherwise unremarkable woman in a black and red dress matching the paper screens, led them to their booth near the back of the dining room. She passed out menus that were almost as large as Ruby herself. 
“Would you like to hear the specials?” she asked, voice chipper but the bags under her eyes told Qrow that she was exhausted. 
“No thanks,” Qrow said, speaking for everyone. He had caught a glimpse of the sandwich board standing in front of the hostess stand that had the day’s specials scrawled across it. 
Leek and Salmon Soup. Liver and Noodles. Bok Choy Salad (sold out). 
He thought he would spare the waitress having to exert any more energy than she needed to. 
“What can I get you to drink?” 
Ruby cleared her throat, folded her hands onto the table and stared at the waitress grimly. “Do you have chocolate milk?” 
“We do, but it only comes in small glasses. It’s part of the children’s menu.” 
Ruby nodded solemnly, “Make it two chocolate milks, then.” 
“I’ll just have water, thanks,” Yang said, smiling brightly. 
“Are you sure, Yang?” Tai asked as he thumbed through the menu to the drink selection. “You don’t have to just get water.” 
“Yeah, Yang!” Ruby cut in, “Water is boring. We can make it three chocolate milks.” 
“I’m training for the Vytal Festival, Ruby. I’m not going to have any extra sugar before then.” 
“Why? Do you think you’re fat? You aren’t fat! Dad, tell Yang she isn’t fat!” 
“You aren’t fat, Yang —” 
“I never said I was! But I’m not fourteen anymore! I can’t eat as much sugar as Ruby! I need to be focused and —” 
“Chocolate milk helps me focus!” 
Qrow sighed, placing his chin in his hand and looked to the waitress. She seemed confused, startled even. She caught his eye and he decided it was now or never if he was going to order. 
“I’ll take whatever’s cheapest on your liquor shelf.” 
“Uh … okay.” She scribbled it down on her notepad. 
“Thanks, hon,” he said, giving her a small wink. 
Her face flushed redder than her apron and she stuttered out a question, asking Tai for his drink. 
“Ruby, please — just let your sister order what she wants. Yang, no one is calling you fat. Please, just — you know what? I’ll take whatever Qrow is having!” Tai motioned wildly toward the man sitting across from him. “I think I could use it!” 
Without waiting for another word, the waitress hurried off through the swinging doors into the back of the restaurant. 
Qrow rested his head heavier into his palm and tapped the tabletop with his fingertips. He grimaced the moment he realized his fingers were having a hard time bouncing back from the wood. It was coated in something sticky and something that he did not want to be touching. 
“Nice place they got here,” he muttered, sitting up and hearing the fabric over his elbow tearing away from the stickiness on the table.
The other three settled down enough to gloss over the menu. Ruby had naturally shuffled to the kid’s menu where at least the food sounded edible. Yang was trying to decide what food would benefit her most in the training session that would soon follow after dinner. Tai was staring at the prices listed down the right side of the menu, his eyes widening. For such a dirty restaurant, they sure charged an arm and a leg. 
Tai must have spotted something absurdly expensive because he immediately snatched the menus out of everyone’s hand and quickly said, “We’re all just going to share an appetizer and we can eat real food at home.” 
“Dad!” Ruby cried, “It’s your birthday! We’re supposed to have a special dinner!” 
“Sharing egg rolls is special,” Tai said as the waitress arrived with their drinks. After she distributed the drinks, he handed over the menus. “Which is exactly what we’re going to do. The egg roll appetizer, please. And then that will be it.” 
“Perfect!” the waitress said and this time she seemed to genuinely smile. She disappeared to the back again. 
“Dad, that’s not fair,” Ruby gasped as she stuck a straw into the first chocolate milk and slurped it down. “We’ve been waiting all year for your birthday dinner. We’re supposed to treat you!” 
“Treat me? Aren’t I paying for this?” 
“That’s part of the specialness,” Ruby insisted. 
“Yeah, Dad. It’s an honor to be the adult in this group.” 
“Nice try, Yang.” 
“What? Somebody has to be the adult, and it’s certainly not Ruby or Qrow.” 
“Hey, kid,” Qrow muttered, picking up his glass and swirling it around. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but only adults can drink whiskey. And what’s in my glass? That’s right. So that makes me an adult.” 
“I’m pretty sure your glass is full of future bad decisions,” Ruby piped up, already halfway through her second glass. 
Qrow huffed something like a curse under his breath and finished his glass. Soon the food arrived and the three egg rolls were meticulously split into four equal portions. It was quickly devoured and Tai even had the momentary thought to order something else when Ruby said she might pass out from hunger until he remembered the prices and decided against it. 
“Can we at least get a dessert?” Ruby exhaled, throwing her head back against the booth once she finished her final chocolate milk. “I think I’m gonna starve before we get home.” 
Yang nodded as she rattled the ice in her empty cup. “I agree.” 
“We’ll stop for something cheaper on the way home,” Tai said, throwing a few lien on the table. “Let’s get going.” 
They shuffled out of the booths and headed to the door. 
“Thank you,” Tai said, waving a hand in passing to the waitress. “Payment and tip are on the table.” 
“Oh, did you want a receipt?” 
“That’s fine, I don’t need it.” 
“How about your fortune cookies?” 
“Yes, please!” Ruby and Yang chimed in together. 
The waitress dug through her apron pocket and pulled out a few cookies. She handed one to Ruby, Yang, and Tai.
“How about you?” she asked Qrow. He grunted and she pulled out another one and put it in his hand, returning his wink from earlier. 
“What does yours say?” Yang asked her dad and she broke open her own cookie and stuffed it into her mouth, flattening the paper. 
“A friendly gathering is in your future,” Tai read from his paper. “Huh, I guess it means this friendly gathering!” He threw his arms around his daughters and squeezed their shoulders. 
Ruby chewed on her cookie loudly and read hers. “A business deal will succeed and you’ll be recognized for your hard work. Yang! Do you think this is referring to the Vytal Festival! Do you think I’ll win?!” 
“It’s not really a business deal, but maybe it has something to do with a mission we’ll be sent on! Those are business deals, right? Huh, mine says, Be careful of the company you keep. Not everyone is your friend. That’s ominous. Why did I get this and you both got really nice ones?” 
“It’s probably talking about Weiss,” Ruby said under her breath, then broke out into giggles. “Oh! Please don’t tell her I said that!” 
“I’m definitely telling her.” 
“Yang! No!” 
Qrow rolled his own cookie into his palm for a moment before breaking it open and pulled out the small paper. He smoothed it down and read it over silently. “Hm,” he grumbled, folding it and sticking it into his pocket. 
“Uncle Qrow?” Ruby called. 
“Can I have your cookie?” Her eyes focused on the food in his hands. 
“Oh, sure.” He handed the two halves to Ruby. 
“What’d your fortune say?” Yang asked. 
“I don’t remember,” Qrow said, heading out the front door. “You guys don’t really believe in that stuff, do you?” 
“Only when it’s something good!” Yang grinned at him. 
“Tai,” Qrow said as he ambled down the road, hands in his pocket, “why don’t you take Ruby and Yang to get something else to eat? I think I’m going to head home.” 
“But —!” Ruby cried, hanging onto Qrow’s arm. “It’s Dad’s birthday! You have to be with us!” 
“I was with you, kid. But it’s getting late and I have some business to take care of.” 
“Hey, sounds like you needed Ruby’s fortune instead,” said Yang. 
“Yeah, I still don’t know what business deal they mean. I can’t really see myself as a businesswoman.” 
The girls chattered amongst themselves while Qrow and Tai loitered behind. 
“Are you sure you don’t want to join us?” 
“Yeah, it’s just that Oz has me doing a lot of things. I’ve got to get back and work. I’m already pretty far behind.” 
“We can just get something quick for you to eat.” 
“That’s fine, I’m not really that hungry.” 
“Well, thanks for coming out anyway.” 
“Yeah. Happy birthday.” Qrow ambled down the sidewalk past the girls and nodded at them. “I’ll see you girls around later.” 
Yang and Ruby clung to Qrow’s arms again, releasing him only at their dad’s request. They waved goodbye as Qrow disappeared down the street. 
An hour later, Qrow was sitting in his apartment, another glass of whiskey in his hand. He stared blankly at the wall for a while before he reached into his pocket and pulled out the paper that he’d hidden there. He unfolded it between his index finger and thumb, and read it over. A small smile spread across his face. 
A happy ending is in your future. 
He hummed, finished the drink and set the empty glass on the table next to him. “Yeah. We’ll see.” 
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thetoxicstrawberry · 4 years
Berry!! I hope you're doing well! It's been so amazing to see your artwork on my dash! I'm always so amazed at how quickly you progressed and how talented you are. I literally see your artwork and start tearing up because of how beautiful it is and how wonderful you've made all my favorite characters look! I know 2020 has been That Year, but I really hope things are going well for you. Sending you all my love and well wishes! xx
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Akimi, you beautiful soul! I hope you are well and safe during these turbulent times. Your sweet comments are gonna make me cry! Thank you! I am always grateful for the friends that have stuck with me during this crazy art journey. I almost drew Obito for you, because we all still know you not-so-secretly love him. Are you still writing and drawing? Sending love and well wishes right back at you! <3
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awintersrose · 5 years
Happy birthday!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰 I'm pretty much on hiatus again so I'm lame and don't respond to messages in a timely manner but I saw it was your birthday! I hope you have a super beautiful day!!!! You deserve so many wonderful things! 💕💕💕❤❤
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Aww, thanks so much dear - it’s even more lovely to hear from you then! I hope all is well and that your break serves you well.
@sufferthesea had to edit this response since apparently tumblr is deleting answers that contain emojis now...
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hoe-imaginess · 3 years
LIKE FOUR MONTH-LATE REPLIES. If you don’t see your message here I’m SORRRY!!! Tumblr probably ate it, as usual
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@sufferthesea Your messages always make me smile ahhhh. Thank you so so much!! I’m glad you find some inspo in what I do <3
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@seri-sar !!! please no!! I do have a ko-fi where you can make little requests for a small donation. You’re too kind <3
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@wonderland-wanderers I plan to continue for sure!!! Thank you!!
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@adosprincess98 I hope it was good!!! It was so fun to write. Thanks!
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@angry-trashcan Our minds!! They are connected!!!
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@oscurolibelle​ Thank you!!!!
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!!!! Oh my!!!! Honestly when you put it this way, I do think you would probably fall for him first
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Thank you!!!!!
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I know a lot of people really want a part 2, but I just don’t think I’ll be able to sit down and write it out ): 
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Thank you!!! Maybe I’ll look into a sequel at some point
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I do have quite a few but they’re so terribly thought out that I couldn’t actually share them sksksk 
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THANK YOU!!!!! I do have more ideas for the arranged marriage series but I just haven’t gotten them on paper yet. Hopefully I will at some point!
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Thank you!!! Like I said I’m kinda rusty with Neji but it was fun
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STOPPP THIS MADE ME SMILEEE!! Thank you so so much <3
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Unfortunately I don’t! 
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I’m alright! Fortunately, my internet was hit the hardest, instead of power and water like some of our family/neighbors. Thank you for asking!
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Thank youuu!
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Thank you!!! It’s still my longest piece to date. I’m so glad you like it
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DO THAT HOMEWORK!!!! IT’S IMPORTANT (jk I also skipped hmw for fanfiction... all the time)
but thank you so much!!!
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I can probably accept some match ups, but commissions are a lot for me right now!
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<3 ty fam
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Thank you!!! I’m seriously so glad you guys liked Hostage, it was just something I wrote in my notes and never intended to publish. But I’m glad I did! <3 ty!
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I have looked at him!! And I do be agreeing!!
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I do not! Sorry. I was never as into it as I am my other fandoms so I wasn’t very enthused when it came to writing PP
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I felt like it was so messy when I was writing it WHICH MADE ME MAD BC I LOVE ACEEEE but thank you guys!!
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Thanks!!!!!! It was so fun to write. I stan roommate Dabi
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NEVER!!! In his mind, one relationship is enough to deal with lmfao. He couldn’t handle two
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The fact that this was obviously sent months ago I—
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LITERALLY. That encompasses my love for Dabi
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GOOD!! Get sucked in <3
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I honestly don’t remember...? I think I came across some headcanons on tumblr and started looking into it more
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YES!! Sex is good (when he wants it to be good for you) but otherwise... he treats you like trash sksksks
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I am glad to hear it <3 The horny sadness is a big mood ain’t it
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raendown · 5 years
Quarantine Reading Material!
I got tagged by both @x-authorship-x and @purple-possibilities to share my works for anyone in search of reading materials while we’re all trapped at home. Or, if you’re a hermit like me, happy to be home. 
Also shout out to Sibi-wife for laughing at the idea of me trying to figure out all the pairings that I’ve written for. Can you even imagine??
You can find my AO3 here under the same name, most common pairings being:
MadaraTobirama (131)
KakashiSakura (35)
MadaraKakashi (18)
HashiramaMadara (11)
ShikamaruSakura (9)
TobiramaIzuna (9)
KakashiObito (8)
TobiramaKagami (8)
There are obviously tons of other pairings to be found in my Soulmate Collection as well as many other gems here on tumblr that never got moved to AO3, which can be found on this page. 
In addition to that I have a second AO3 account under the name yetanotherauthor where I post stories for HashiramaTobirama and MadaraIzuna.
I’m not sure who’s done this yet since I’ve been too busy to catch up on tumblr myself but I shall tag a bunch of people anyway, @writhingbeneathyou @dimigex @ohsotiny @officerjennie @kalira9 @kunoichi-ume @itslulu42 @sufferthesea @dimancheetoile @fineillsignup @mouseymightymarvellous @kitsunekage88 and @a-boy-named-mike all of whom have amazing talent as writers and very much deserve the chance to advocate for their own work. 
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historicfailure · 5 years
Can I say I’m so fucking grateful that someone is actually writing shit with Tenzo. I can’t understand why he isn’t more popular. So kudos for that. And another thing what are your fave Naruto fics anyway? Not Tenzo related specifically, but general. Also do you have a list of faves with the main character being an OC/reader/SI/whatever of that kind? Those lists wouldn’t be automatically the same obviously. Besides Naruto and Overwatch what fandoms are you also into? As a reader, I mean
Yeah, I also noticed there’s very little content for Yamato | Tenzo and it’s indeed a damn shame. A reason why I’m so dedicated for the course of writing more for him xD
Oh damn, my favorite Naruto fics? I had a recommendation list a while ago with list as long as my arm (or so it seems). My faves haven’t changed that much, so I’m just going to copy and paste that last again here in this ask:
Ao3 Kakashi Fics:
One I absolutely have to mention is “Darker than Black” by coriane aka @jyaiin​ (the fic is also on tumblr). It’s definitely darker than my own stuff and sometimes, it’s just what I want/need xD But her writing style is also very good and the MC of the fic also deals with the reality of being crippled in an environment when cripplement could mean death. A very good read, with lots of nice ideas that I absolutely adore!
Another, lighter one is “Pink Peonies” by akimikono aka @sufferthesea. A great one for a little bit of laughter and easy romance, with the Konoha 11 involved and absolutely cute. I rolled around with every chapter and couldn’t contain myself from all the fluff! :D
And of course, I can’t leave out “A stranger” by @loekas. It has everything, some fix-it fic sprinkled in for Naruto and Sasuke, smut, perfect banter between the MC and Kakashi, and the talks between the Anbu are my cryptonite. I really have to re-read it when my semester is over :D
Tumblr Kakashi Fics:
I have to mention @ellana-ravenwood here, with her Kakashi-fics “You’re afraid to be happy”, the sequel “The best is yet to come” and “Like Father, like Daughter”. She mostly writes for DC characters, but also sprinkles sometimes some Marvel and Kakashi in. But her writing is just awesome and in my opinion, she captured Kakashi’s character perfectly in these three fics right here.
(on Tumblr, that’s basically everything right now :/)
But I have another one on Quotev “Perseverance”, which is absolutely awesome. I don’t know if the author has tumblr or not, but the whole fic is just terribly angsty, wonderfully fluffy at times and you can never be sure what happens next. I waited for each chapter like I was sitting on coals xD
Ao3 Iruka Fics:
“One Night and Many More” by @glasswingsndreamz​. Mutual Pining? Check. Awkward situation? Check. Nice, well-written smut? Double check. I paced through all chapters like a maniac xD it’s also on tumblr, just like the author ^^ she has some other Iruka and Yamato fics, too, so check her out if you want something for your teacher and Anbu cravings ^^
Otherwise, there’s almost no good Iruka fic on Ao3, I’m afraid :/ If I exclude my own works for him, then there are merely 15 works with Iruka/Reader, and most of them are collections with all kinds of Naruto characters. Same for Tumblr, a lot of headcanons and short images, but that doesn’t satisfy my crave for the sweetheart T^T
Ao3 Yamato/Tenzo Fics:
“All According to Plan” by @raendown​. It must be also on tumblr somewhere, but holy hell, it’s incredible. Yamato has to bring a fake date with him to Kakashi’s wedding, and who does he choose? Exactly. I loved it, the cuteness was almost too much for me and the overall atmosphere is perfectly described ^^
“Bet on me” by @glasswingsndreamz, again xD I said so, she really likes Iruka and Yamato! It’s also on tumblr, so works again for both platforms ;)
As you can see, Anon, truly a list I put my sweat and blood into.
Then, fave fics which aren’t necessarily MC/SI/OC/reader related... the entirety of my bookmark-collection on my AO3. Seriously, I bookmark with the purpose of finding my favorite fics again. And currently, there are 74 fics in that list, with different pairings, different characters etc etc etc.
And other fandoms... I don’t read as much as I would like nowadays, as I have to split my time between writing and working, but Naruto and Overwatch are still pretty high on my list. Sometimes I dribble some Harry Potter into that mix, and lately I feel a bit inspired to maybe add some The Witcher into that. Though, I still have to finish up the first season of Netflix ^^’‘
I think I covered all of your questions here! Thank you so much for sending this lovely ask, it was a great read and a wild ride for me personally xD
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leeebo · 5 years
Quarantine Reading Material
tagged by @sufferthesea (thank u bb ily!!!!!!!!!!!)
Honestly, all I’ve written is under “lys attempts to write” or “lys writes”
That and I do have an AO3 (which is always linked in my bio) and a masterlist of all that I’ve written on here.
I’m debating taking up requests again, but I need to set up a ko-fi for it. 
Hn... Definitely tagging @sunstarmonster @overwhelmed-ravenclaw @faith-sama-boi @caracagaialor and @elidoo (who sadly doesn’t post as often as they did which is understandable given tumblr’s strict new guidelines - but give magnet a read it was so good and i sTILL NEED TO CATCH UP ON INTERLOPER FJKSD)
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ice-ice-taeyong · 6 years
Let it be known far and wide across all the reaches of tumblr that @sufferthesea is literally the greatest person. Bee, I love you, thank you so much for all the tags, they really made me feel better
ALSO she’s a naruto and anime mutual who felt with me going on hiatus for months and coming back only to almost exclusively reblog kpop and she’s still a mutual like damn. Bee, you’re loyalty is amazing!!
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makeupandmaggots · 6 years
GOD I LOVE WHEN TUMBLR LETS ME KNOW WEEKS FUCKING LATER I’VE BEEN TAGGED IN SOMETHING Thanks for tagging me @emeneska-chan! This looks cute and fun and I could use some simple cute and fun.   Tagging thing
Rules: bold what you prefer and then tag 10 people to do the same
coffee or tea
early bird or night owl (Strongly depends, I’m great in the morning after the first hour but for the first hour I’m a real asshole, however I can’t stay up the way I used to so...can I be like an Afternoon Peacock?)
chocolate or vanilla
spring or fall
silver or gold
pop or alternative
freckles or dimples (Man both are so fucking cute)
snakes or sharks
mountains or fields
thunderstorms or lightning
Egyptian mythology or Greek mythology
ivory or scarlet
flute or lyre
eyes or lips
witch or fairy
opal or diamond
butterflies or honeybees
macarons or éclairs
typewritten or handwritten letters
secret garden or secret library
rooftop or balcony
spicy or mild
opera or ballet
London or Paris
Van Gogh or Monet
denim or leather  
potions or spells
ocean or desert
mermaids or sirens
masquerade ball or cocktail party Tagging: @lilysflowershop, @sufferthesea, @tealice1, @femme-mechante... this is really making me realize I don’t talk to anyone on here, feel free to answer this if you’d like <3 
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lucacangettathisass · 6 years
tagged by @blinder-secrets to share the last things i shared on these sites
Facebook: ‘WHAT A BEAUTIFUL BABY’ this was about a snake and i stand by it
Instagram: ‘One of the best places I've ever eaten at just fell in love (and they make their own bread!!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖) #pizzerianapoli’ this was about a bomb af italian restaurant
Whatsapp: dont use it
Tumblr post: ‘ let’s all be honest with ourselves, the west (primarily the us and uk) wouldnt give a shit about the middle east if it werent for the oil ’ which is true and we all know it
Tumblr draft: nothing all my drafts are posts other people made
Twitter: ‘I LOVE IT GOD MY NOSE LOOKS SO GOOD!!!!’ this was in response to a picture mj drew of me
Text: ‘get him’
i tag @thefudge @steampunk-medusa @lilithsconcubine @irresistible-revolution @venusofsuburbia @sufferthesea @spookyashhelps
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sufferthesea · 6 years
Hey all! I’m still very busy with school (I get to do homework over Thanksgiving break!), work (I work over 30 hours over Thanksgiving break!), and adult life stuff (actually making plans for Thanksgiving!) and making Xmas gifts but I heard Tumblr is being Dumblr again and deleting blogs. You guys are welcome to follow me on my AO3 account (username: sufferthesea), my old deviantArt account (username: akimi-kono), and if we’re mutuals message me and I’ll give you my Insta or other social media/we can be penpals lol (looking at you @nika-kujou and @thefoxthief). I may create some other social media accounts but those are the ones I have for right now! I know I’ve not been super duper active but I’m actually almost done with a lot of art pieces and some fanfics ;__; 
p.s. you can also follow me on Amino (Naruto Amino username: sufferthesea, RWBY Amino name: MutualOzpining). 
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thetoxicstrawberry · 7 years
Thigh crushing by a 50+ Kakashi might be a good way to go out. Die happy! That model is so beautiful it hurts. It was early when I saw the post too and I almost spilled coffee on myself. There may or may not have been praising to an unknown deity.
That’s why Kakashi wears the mask....because none of us could handle what he’s packing underneath it :D
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mallml · 7 years
How to Summon Satan, Tumblr edition
Step 1: Make an innocuous (you THOUGHT) post about Kakashi’s mask.
Step 2: OMG you people
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Calling out @thetoxicstrawberry @sufferthesea @lionxdog @thefringeperson
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hoe-imaginess · 4 years
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I’m really not sure! Right now it’s not on my to-do-list but maybe one day
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@naruto-hoemagines 👀  Tumblr is flattering me 
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It’s very possible, but it really depends on how strong of a relationship he has with his sugar baby tbh, and if it’s going to affect his reputation 
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!!! Thank you!! Everyone is looking forward to a Part II I just don’t really have it all polished up in my personal notes, so I wouldn’t even know where to start with a Part II... like I said above though, maybe one day!
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!!!! I SIMP SO MUCH FOR BNHA.... omg thank you <3
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ACE AND LAW ARE MY BABIES!!!!! I wanna post/write so much for them but like aghhhhh I just haven’t gotten around to posting personal stuff I’ve written for them.... please spam me though <3
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!!!!!! look upon your socks and now Kakashi would love to stain them with cum <3
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thank you so much boo!!! ily too!!!!
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You are so welcome!!! Tysm <3
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I have a masterpost link you can find on desktop and if not, I reblogged my masterpost for the founders a while ago, so if you scroll down a little you can find it. You can also just search “Tobirama” or look through his tag
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He would literally be humiliated for the rest of his life but good <3 he desrerves it 
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Oof.... do it kween...
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Hmmm not really sure. He might be like “oh. okay” and just not bring it up ever in hopes his s/o gets the hint that he really doesn’t want kids... but once it does inevitably come up, there’s going to be a lot of arguments probably 
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Honestly I’ve been meaning to check that out I’m just lazy as hell ahh
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!! GOOD!! He’s from My Hero <3
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Yeahhh he probably wouldn’t. He’d have to REALLY love the s/o to feel a deep connection with a kid that’s not his. He won’t treat the kid like shit or anything, he’s just not really going to take on the role of ‘stepfather’ very well
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thanks so much!! It looks like I’m staying for now. I just love writing so much. But times change so we’ll see how I feel in a few weeks <3
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Honestly he would he’s a horn dog
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Thank you!
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I don’t think he likes the idea of abortion but he also really doesn’t want a kid so... if she’s the one who brings up abortion and they’ve had a good discussion about it, then yeah he’d probably say to go through with it
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Honestly quite a few things from BoJack made me cry whew... everytime Bojack got emotional I kinda did too??
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!!!! this gives me uwu <3 thank you <3
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I do not!
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He definitely isn’t actively wanting to be a father, but he’ll get used to the idea when it comes around. He’s more like.... 25/75 not wanting/but accepting lmao
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 I meannn he’s a pretty rough guy... it just really depends on how your personalities would fit together tbh :/
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I can’t remember if I replied to this already but thanks so much !!!
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I had to delete it because of the ban on porn stuff that Tumblr made a while back! It got flagged for inappropriate content ):
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I haven’t! I really should though
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akjshdkfajh honestly probably.. he seems like the type
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You’re welcome!! I’m also very excited to write it. I’ll probably do Ace... my boy needs some love
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Some possible respect that neither of them would ever openly acknowledge possibly, but definitely a feeling of 
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Hmmm I don’t think I’ve ever actually written that scenario?? I’m sorry!
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asdhkfahksjf honestly your skin would be glowing 
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!! Well I know they would love their granddaughter, but Fugaku in particular is a big proponent of the “Uchiha first” ideals that Itachi really does not want his daughter growing up with, so there might be some issues with that in particular when it comes to how much the grandparents are involved in her life—BUT YES of course they do get to see her and do love her very much
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!!! I’m honestly surprised there are so many Shisui hoes out there. I love that for him
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well I—I know Hashirama for sure would let you <3 the others, tbd
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He’s so damn annoying like I wouldn’t be able to STAND his ass
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it’s true... he’s in denial but we all know
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Hmmm right now I’m really not sure. I know a lot of you guys want to see a part II, I just don’t know if I have the motivation... (but you’re welcome!)
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you are welcome!!! it must be known!!
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KAJSHDFKJASHF he would lose his SHIT
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Hmmmm.. sometimes yeah he can be. It really depends on what his s/o likes
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Fic Writer Tag Meme
Tagged by @raendown Thank you. ^.^ You’ve written so much, haha.
What is your total word count on AO3?
I don’t have an account on AO3, so zero. I don’t know if I would ever get one. I visited the site before but I wasn’t impressed by it? Idk, it take me awhile to get use to cause I’m use to fanfiction. On fanfiction, I have reached  418,648 words. Here on tumblr, I’ve been keeping an archive on my computer of my writings so about 139,212 words in scenarios.
How often do you write?
Maybe once every week for like 3 hours depending on inspiration. Lately, I haven’t been writing much. I’m in a funk atm. 
Do you have a routine for writing?
Nope. I write when I have time and when I have an idea. I can’t force myself to write otherwise, I’ll stare at the screen and get frustrated that no ideas are coming to mind. I can force myself to write, however, if I have an idea in mind in the beginning but it takes a lot of motivation for me to do so. 
What are your favourite kinks/tropes/pairing?
I don’t have any kinks really and I don’t write nsfw stuff about it. 
Mutual pinning and misunderstanding in the process, i like that angst.
Um... this sounds creepy out of context but when Character A is hurting and going about their day but Character B is watching out for them despite them being broken up for various reasons.
The type where both characters hate each other supposedly until character A gets hurt and character B steps in.
I read mostly OC stories now particularly involving Kakashi, Gaara, Neji, Itachi, or Sasuke.  
Otherwise I read Sasuke and Hinata.
Do you have a favorite fic of yours?
Yes. A few come to mind. I’ll link them. 
Trust me - A Kakashi and OC fic
A Traitor Branded - A Sasuke and Hinata fic
Colorblind - A Itachi and OC fic
Your fic with the most kudos?
Hahahaha. None. 
Anything you don’t like about your writing?
I don’t like all my spelling and grammar mistakes. Sometimes I feel I write to objective? Like Person A did this and this is how they feel. Person B also thinks this way. Person A said this and that. I don’t know, it might just be in my head, but I want readers to feel like their in the moment.
Now something you do like?
Oh gosh. I guess what I like about my writing is that I get to describe the stories I have in my head and explore or emphasize ideas I wanted to read about.  Now I’ll tag a few others regardless if they have an AO3 account: @little-naruto-things @sufferthesea @onyxjdshadow @narutowtfareyoudoing @uchiha-senshi
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historicfailure · 5 years
What are some of your favourite Kakashi, Iruka or Yamato fics? From Tumblr or Ao3 If they're reader insert that would be even better😅
Okay, that could take a little bit longer ;)
I guess I have to make a list here, don’t I? Just to make everything nice and neat. ^^
Ao3 Kakashi Fics:
One I absolutely have to mention is “Darker than Black” by coriane aka @jyaiin​ (the fic is also on tumblr). It’s definitely darker than my own stuff and sometimes, it’s just what I want/need xD But her writing style is also very good and the MC of the fic also deals with the reality of being crippled in an environment when cripplement could mean death. A very good read, with lots of nice ideas that I absolutely adore!
Another, lighter one is “Pink Peonies” by akimikono aka @sufferthesea. A great one for a little bit of laughter and easy romance, with the Konoha 11 involved and absolutely cute. I rolled around with every chapter and couldn’t contain myself from all the fluff! :D
And of course, I can’t leave out “A stranger” by @loekas. It has everything, some fix-it fic sprinkled in for Naruto and Sasuke, smut, perfect banter between the MC and Kakashi, and the talks between the Anbu are my cryptonite. I really have to re-read it when my semester is over :D
Tumblr Kakashi Fics:
I have to mention @ellana-ravenwood here, with her Kakashi-fics “You’re afraid to be happy”, the sequel “The best is yet to come” and “Like Father, like Daughter”. She mostly writes for DC characters, but also sprinkles sometimes some Marvel and Kakashi in. But her writing is just awesome and in my opinion, she captured Kakashi’s character perfectly in these three fics right here.
(on Tumblr, that’s basically everything right now :/)
But I have another one on Quotev “Perseverance”, which is absolutely awesome. I don’t know if the author has tumblr or not, but the whole fic is just terribly angsty, wonderfully fluffy at times and you can never be sure what happens next. I waited for each chapter like I was sitting on coals xD
Ao3 Iruka Fics:
“One Night and Many More” by @glasswingsndreamz​. Mutual Pining? Check. Awkward situation? Check. Nice, well-written smut? Double check. I paced through all chapters like a maniac xD it’s also on tumblr, just like the author ^^ she has some other Iruka and Yamato fics, too, so check her out if you want something for your teacher and Anbu cravings ^^
Otherwise, there’s almost no good Iruka fic on Ao3, I’m afraid :/ If I exclude my own works for him, then there are merely 15 works with Iruka/Reader, and most of them are collections with all kinds of Naruto characters. Same for Tumblr, a lot of headcanons and short images, but that doesn’t satisfy my crave for the sweetheart T^T
Ao3 Yamato/Tenzo Fics:
“All According to Plan” by @raendown​. It must be also on tumblr somewhere, but holy hell, it’s incredible. Yamato has to bring a fake date with him to Kakashi’s wedding, and who does he choose? Exactly. I loved it, the cuteness was almost too much for me and the overall atmosphere is perfectly described ^^
“Bet on me” by @glasswingsndreamz, again xD I said so, she really likes Iruka and Yamato! It’s also on tumblr, so works again for both platforms ;)
That would be everything from my side! Most of these are multi-chaptered, and except for “Darker than Black” for Kakashi, every fic is also more or less finished. These people are honestly such great writers and I adore their work even though when they don’t write for Kakashi/Iruka/Yamato, so, their other content is also definitely worth it ;)
I hope you find something you like, anon! I tried to make it as versatile as possible :D
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