#tunnels map
druid-for-hire · 6 months
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[images ID: three images of a comic titled "one must imagine sisyphus happy" by druid-for-hire. it is a visual narrative beginning with someone with wrist pain (depicted by bright orange nerves) working at a drafting table. the reader is shown the same wrist as the person uses it for many everyday tasks such as carrying a grocery basket, pushing elevator buttons, typing, and doing dishes, until the pain dissolves all the panels into chaos. the person then performs several physical therapy exercises until the pain subsides. they sit back down at a desk with their laptop, sigh, and begin typing. a small spark of pain reappears. end id]
a fun little piece i made during the semester and submitted into our school comic anthology! (which you can buy at the Static Fish table at MoCCAFest in NYC ;] ). it's about artists and injury
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viridoculus · 10 months
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How about an underground explorable tunnel system, prooobably inhabitat by a not so friendly insect colony and a Carrion Crawler queen who needs slaying? Secret rooms only reachable by some brave diving attempts included, and smelly egg chambers.. and rotting roots. Just add some muck, roach swarms and treasures! Fun for the whole adventuring party!
Maps 4, 5 and 6/?
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ascendingconures · 11 months
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spooky reminder that i made a VR map of the Magnus Institute you can go explore on vrchat. Its interactable. Its unhinged. its buggy. its full off references. dont take it too seriously.
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kaasiand · 2 months
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S1 flounder if it was good
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megamindsupremacy · 1 year
So, way back when I was a wee little cringe nerd (tentatively affectionate), I was absolutely bonkers obsessed with Percy Jackson. I also had basically zero access to the internet and only an extremely vague idea of what fanfiction was, and I definitely wasn't immersed in the fanfiction culture of the time. So that meant whenever I had Thoughts and Ideas, I was writing those fuckers straight into my class notebooks for all the world but especially my teachers to see. That being said, I just remembered my very first ever fanfiction idea, of which I wrote three pages of looseleaf in my seventh-grade social studies class with my best friend in between assignments. Which I will now elaborate on as an Adult because honestly, what else do I have a semi-popular Tumblr blog for?
The basic idea is that, in the Son of Neptune, instead of heading straight for Camp Jupiter, Percy very vaguely remembers that the mysterious Annabeth lives very close by. He skids down the hill next to the Caldecott Tunnel, but instead of crashing into the highway, he lands in the back of a pickup and is carried away by a very panicked+annoyed driver who wants the kid in the back of his truck out.
(Please imagine Frank and Hazel, standing guard, watching some random kid go screaming down the side of a hill on a serving platter while pursued by gorgons, land in a pickup, and, still screaming, swordfight said gorgons. Who get whacked out of the air and run over by a school bus. Can you fucking imagine)
(Please also imagine Juno, waiting invisibly next to the road, also watching Percy go screaming by in a truck. She had been waiting there to give Percy her mysterious "choose safety or your memories" spiel but now he's fucking gone)
The pickup driver pulls over to the side of the road near the bay and tells Percy to get the fuck out of the back of his car. Percy, seeing the gorgons in hot pursuit in the distance, makes the logical move and jumps straight into the bay. He lets instincts and muscle memory guide him to the edge of one of those fancy neighborhoods that border the edge of the water. He continues following muscle memory and instincts and ends up at Annabeth's house, and he knocks on the door.
Fredrick, opening the door: Percy Jackson??
Percy: ...who are you
Fredrick: you exploded my car four years ago! my daughter has been looking for you for months. ANNABETH COME DOWNSTAIRS I FOUND YOUR BOYFRIEND
Annabeth gives him a flying tackle hug and Percy is 60% confused, 40% relieved because finally this is someone he remembers. Annabeth starts talking about how they need to get Percy to CHB stat, everyone is so worried about him, they knew Jason had had amnesia but it had been so long they weren't sure if Percy was still alive, etc etc,
Percy is nodding along in confusion and pretending he knows wtf she's talking about.
Juno appears in the Chase house. She's mad as hell that a) percy isn't already in Camp Jupiter and b) he's with Annabeth (derogatory). She teleports Percy straight into CJ but Annabeth manages to hang onto him and come with.
They land on the near side of the Little Tiber, where Frank and Hazel are reporting on the weird screaming demigod in a pickup that had gone by twenty minutes ago. Juno realizes she accidentally brought Annabeth along and is Very Unhappy about this.
"Romans, I bring to you the Son of Neptune-" ("I'm the son of a planet?" Percy muttered). "For months he has been slumbering [etc]. Instruct him in your ways, induct him into your legion. As for the daughter of Minerva…” The Romans gasped, staring at Annabeth. Juno curled her lip, shooting an icy look at the girl. Annabeth snarled wordlessly in response. “She is extraneous. Do with her what you will.”
Juno disappeared
More will be added in the reblog
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mapsontheweb · 7 months
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A Tunnel to the sea ! A late 70's Czechoslovakian project to link Czechia to the Adriatic Sea.
A bit of reading: 1, 2
Basically it was a project to end the landlock situation of Czechoslovakia
by tomydenger
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sharktic-waters · 11 months
I’m seeing the Dani Dami combo gremlin duo, and I gotta say, great take, love the energy. Same to be said for the Jon Dami Dani trio, but I really feel like they’re missing a perfect opportunity considering the amount of times people write them as going to the same school. Because instead of Damian needing to go “Oh no, there’s two of them” about Jon and Dani. He should really be reserving that for the unprecedented combo of Dani and Maps “I will crawl through the secret tunnels of my school and meet Killer Croc in the sewer and make him an uncle” Mizoguchi. We could be having Damian looking at Maps, turn to Jon, and turn back around and now there’s Dani standing by and definitely enabling whatever insane plan Maps has come up with this time.
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bsptourist · 2 months
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created by MKA0207, Mr.ROFLMAN
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rookflower · 3 months
funny thing about cinderholly that i don't think i've ever seen brought up is that they both have a literal ghost they have a very complicated relationship with (cinderpelt and fallen leaves)
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silver-dragonborn · 2 months
Rhaena is captured by the Greens during her journey to the Vale and brought back to King's Landing as a "ward" of the Crown. A weak-willed daughter of Daemon Targaryen with no dragon of her own and none of her father's fire is hardly a threat to anyone, right? A shame the Greens never learned that even without wings a dragon is still a dragon. Out of all Daemon's children, Rhaena is the most dangerous.
“PROTECT YOUR KING! PROTECT--argh!” Ser Criston had started to draw his sword, and one of the Gold Cloaks stepped calmly forward and smashed his skull to mush with a sharp blow of a mace. More screams. Steel rang and grated. Bodies fell. Plates shattered. Aegon saw one of the harpists he'd hired to entertain him slit one of his Kingsguard's throat open with a jagged knife and saw him fumble his sword as he coughed blood, saw another Goldcloak shove the point of his spear in the back of Aemond's leg while the other cut off his sword hand with an axe.
Panic and madness spread through the family dining hall like fire. Gold Cloaks and cutthroats appeared like shadows, swords drawn, expressions coldly grim. One of them, a Flea Bottom gutter rat was flinging knives, flying metal clattering about the dining hall, thudding into flesh with horrifying ease.
Someone grabbed hold of Aegon's sword arm and without thinking, he elbowed them viciously in the face, lifted his sword to hack at them, and realized, it was the Queen Mother, Alicent, blood running from her once perfect nose as she tugged at him, screaming that they had to run only to be seized from behind by one of the men, her wrists bound, mouth gagged as she thrashed and sobbed.
Rhaena continued to sit at the table, sipping her wine, violet eyes dark with contemplation and malice as she watched the bloodbath unfold with a smile, the ruby ring on her middle finger glittering ominously. "That will be all, my hounds," she crooned. "Tie him up and have cousin Aemond's wound bound. I shan't have him bleed out before my step-mother arrives. After all, we have a coronation to prepare."
"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" Aegon shrieked only to be laid low by a punch in his soft gut by a mailed fist. He retched so hard he could hardly breathe, a long string of bitter drool dangling from his lip and spattering against the floor. From the corner of his eye, he spotted Helaena being gently escorted out of the dining hall by one of the men, her expression of gentle relief and hopeful expectation.
Rhaena hummed and turned her wine glass slowly round and round by the stem. "What needed to be done. You were too busy feasting and celebrating my capture to pay attention to me. Honestly, cousin, the cell you placed me in had a hidden passage that led directly to my father's contacts. Did you truly believe I wouldn't provide his beloved Gold Cloaks access to the Red Keep?" She tsked and shook her head, red lips pooched in a small pout. "As for the cutthroats...well, the poor girls you took advantage of have fathers, brothers, and uncles who were just desperate for their pound of flesh." She shrugged one slender shoulder. "And who was I to deny them their vengeance?"
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filmap · 10 months
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The Exiles Kent Mackenzie. 1961
Tunnel 448 W 3rd St, Los Angeles, CA 90071, USA See in map
See in imdb
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streetviewviews · 2 months
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Kamikawa, Japan (x)
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naffeclipse · 9 months
Security Breach Question: In the Lost and Found room, the door requires a level 4 security pass and leads up to some stairs. Does anyone know where that goes or what that area is called exactly? I've combed through some playthroughs/walkthroughs on youtube but I haven't found anything yet
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puhpandas · 2 months
I rlly like the new undertow spillway
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ace-of-d1am0nds · 10 months
the entirety of season 3 of la by night has been me going "I have just watched victor make the stupidest decision of his fucking life" and he somehow manages to top himself everytime AND YET IT HAS STILL NEVER BACKFIRED
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mapsontheweb · 7 months
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Map Shows Labyrinth of Tunnels Made by Hamas Under Gaza Identified by Israel
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