#turkish households i guess
imanes · 1 month
not a white guy going viral because he made a dish with yogurt and cucumbers and now everyone is obsessed meanwhile as an iranian I have been eating yogurt and cucumber with lemon since i was a baby 😭 it is really good though like sometimes I make it in the middle of the day just to eat it
it really is super good! the first time i had a cucumber-yogurt dish was in a polish household in my teens, then my life was luckily exposed to turkish, greek, levantine, persian, south asian cuisines, so really cucumber and yogurt are a common combination across many cultures for a good reason: it's delicious. the distribution of virality on social media sometimes works in mysterious ways, and by mysterious i mean if it had been a brown man with a beard making the same dish i wonder how it'd have fared in terms of social media performance indicators... but we can easily guess lol
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toxicrivalries · 3 months
yo being greek and turkish is wild, how is your household doing
it's a very common mix actually! the myth that the two countries are blood sworn enemies is a false one on a personal level (governments are another matter) - there's entire neighborhoods in athens where i grew up that are 2nd/3rd gen turkish diaspora like myself . so, household as normal as households get i guess
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If this is not too personal, how does your family/siblings etc. react to you being a lesbian? Because I was just having fun with my siblings and my brother joked about beating up my boyfriend if I have one and when I slightly hinted that my ‘boyfriend’ could be a girlfriend he said he’d still beat her up and deadass said ‘don’t dirty this family’ as in ‘don’t fucking pull this family into dirt by being into women and giving us a horrible reputation for having a lesbian daughter/sister’… I’m straight up hurt and furious and feeling like weeping now cause even though I could have guessed my brother is homophobic I didn’t expect him to be like that. My brother believes that siblings should stick together but that apparently doesn’t count if I’m not into men. I’m from a Turkish family too and being homosexual in a Turkish family straight up means that you might as well not be a part of this family at all. Turkish people are rather conservative and still thinking in an old way which is frustrating. :( Especially because it’s Muslim households too, and yk Islam and homosexuality does not go well..
I’m very sorry if you don’t accept vents etc. I was just curious about if your family is or thinks like that too or if you had the same experience? Feel free to delete this if this might be triggering or if my question was too personal etc.
I'm very sorry that happened to you. I wish I had advice, but I don't. All I can say is that there are people out there who will love and support you. I hope you can find them.
My family is democratic but I did worry that I'd be met with homophobia (and I was) when I came out. My father was a deeply Christian man. He straight up claimed to get visions from God. He never directly said anything homophobic. The one thing I can remember is being in a shoe store when I was little and asking my father why pink shoes were in the men's section. He made a sort of disgusted face and said it was for men on the "wise side". Why did he use that phrase as a stand in for being gay? I don't know, but I do think it's kind of funny. Apparently gay men are wise!!
Anyway, as you can imagine, I was not particularly stoked to come out to him.
My mother was worse and better. She was not as religious as my father. She had gay friends. She loved Ellen Degeneres. I never heard her say anything homophobic growing up. However, she was worse because she's abusive 💀 When I was a child, I wondered why my father would be with her when she was so fucking mean and awful. I wanted nothing to do with her. I wouldn't leave my room if she was hanging about. Just generally a really awful mom. I had no strong feelings about coming out to her. I didn't think she was homophobic but I didn't wanna tell her things in general.
Like most gay kids, my parents knew before I told them. When I officially told my dad, he didn't care. Didn't say anything about it. He wasn't homophobic towards me or anything.
Honestly, I'm just now realizing how funny it is that my deeply religious father had no qualms about me being gay but my mom did 😭.
My mom wasn't like. Violently homophobic when I came out. Just casually so. She was all like "so you like to dress like a boy??" in a really unpleasant tone of voice. And she asked me to "keep an open mind" and constantly accuses me of actually being bisexual. She says that I "think" I'm gay. It's just very casual homophobia on her part. She clearly doesn't like the fact that I'm only interested in women even though she claims to love me and accept me no matter what. It's very clear that seeing me with a man would make her happy.
Idk. My coming out wasn't awful. My brother is bisexual. I don't have a relationship with anyone else in my family tbh. So, yea, that's my story. Also, I accept all types of asks. My inbox is always open.
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nadiaxaydin · 9 months
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2 AM and she calls me 'cause I'm still awake "Can you help me unravel my latest mistake?"
whoa! nadia aydin just stole my cab! not cool, but maybe they needed it more. they have lived in the city for one week, working as a/an flight attendant. that can’t be easy, especially at only 25 years old. some people say they can be a little bit fervent and unrealistic, but I know them to be icarian and passionate. whatever. I guess I’ll catch the next cab. hope they like the ride back to soho ! 
FULL NAME: Nadia Banu Aydin NICKNAME(S): Sunshine ( family & close friends ) LABEL: The Icarian AGE: 25 DATE OF BIRTH: December 10, 1998 ZODIAC: Sagittarius Sun, Cancer Rising, Gemini Moon GENDER & PRONOUNS: Female; She/Her HERITAGE: Turkish SPOKEN LANGUAGE(S): English, Turkish OCCUPATION: Flight Attendant SEXUALITY & ROMANCE: Bisexual; Biromantic
FACE CLAIM: Cemre Baysel HEIGHT: 5'2" WEIGHT: 115 lbs. DOMINANT HAND: Left HAIR COLOR: Brown EYE COLOR: Hazel SCARS: Tiny ones all over from adventures and life wear and tear TATTOOS: None.
POSITIVE TRAITS: Icarian, Passionate, Apolaustic, Loyal, Benevolent, Humorous. NEGATIVE TRAITS: Fervent, Unrealistic, Flighty, Awkward, Naive Easily-Bored. LIKES: Tea houses, gardening, the feeling of sand between her toes, sun-kissed skin, watching the sun set, blasting music to clean her apartment, a nice pair of loved jeans, volunteerism, skinny dipping with strangers, catching last minute flights. DISLIKES: Confrontation, feeling left behind or left out, when people complain about their dislikes, crying, the sting of snow on bare skin, feeling bored in a new relationship.
PHOBIAS: Nyctophobia DISORDERS: ADHD, Anxiety ALLERGIES: Seasonal (Pollen)
HOMETOWN: Adana, Turkey CURRENT RESIDENCE: SoHo, NYC, NY EDUCATION LEVEL: BA in Astrophysics from NYU FAMILIAL CONNECTIONS: - Ayla Aydin - 50, Mother, In Contact - Berat Aydin - 49, Father, In Contact
FOOD: Pickle pizza (just pickles in general, tbh) DRINK: Papaya green iced tea MOVIE: Serendipity, The Hangover TV SHOW: The Magicians, New Girl, Friends BAND/ARTIST: Lady Gaga, Sabrina Carpenter, Lizzy McAlpine, Renee Rapp SONG: 2AM - Anna Nalick
'Cause you can't jump the track, we're like cars on a cable And life's like an hourglass glued to the table
TW; Abortion mention, Alcoholism mention
Adana, Turkey, seems like a fairytale to Nadia now. Once the place she called home, she now can only recall fighting pretend dragons with her father in the rose garden in the back of their cottage. Her father is an accomplished psychiatrist whilst her mother? Well, she was a yoga instructor. Yoga was a constant in Nadia's life, whether she liked it or not. Lucky for her mother, she was enthralled with being able to do cool positions; her mother liked that it helped her hyperactivity as well. From yoga being the start of the day with her mother, to unpacking the day at the end of the evening with her father, mindfulness and wellness was always a part of the Aydin household. Maybe that's what made her so alluring to those who were broken. She always seemed to attract those who needed pick-me-ups; Her best friend suffering from a poor home life and a teen pregnancy that Nadia assisted in bringing her to the abortion clinic at 13. Or there was this boy she was head over heels for that couldn't quite put the bottle down, but he managed to whenever he saw her frown. Nadia thought she was meant to help people. When it came to going to university, she went for Liberal Arts/General Studies to try to figure out where on Earth she belonged. She wound up going with what fascinated her and worked her way into NYU's BA program for Astrophysics when she was 21. Though, it still didn't feel right. She realized that she spent most of her life helping and pleasing others, that she genuinely didn't know what she wanted out of life besides being happy. It was on a whim that she saw the job positing to be a flight attendant, came back to NYC, and she loves it. Not only does it involve helping others, but it gives her the opportunity to experience the world and discover herself.
Nadia is a ball of sunshine - that little shot of espresso of a person. She never fails to make someone smile, and goes out of her way to make at least 5 people laugh a day. She falls in love at the drop of a hat. No joke. Like, if someone is nice to her, she's suddenly picturing painting their future kitchen yellow together. So, just be warned. But, she can be a bit flighty, and because of her personality of seeing the good in others, she lacks the ability to weed out those who may have ill intentions. She loves to dance, and if you were to walk into her apartment she would most likely be jamming to music whilst cleaning. She loves to garden, but kills everything she touches. She can play a bit of the piano and some guitar by ear. She loves art and dancing in the rain. Very manic pixie dream girl, but will very much break your heart with her boredom. She's just plagued with restlessness and she just will never 'settle' - at least, that's how she feels currently. In actuality, it's just that she's had so many people come and go that she doesn't think anyone would stay so she leaves first. Nadia is super loyal in the friendship vein and makes a great friend to either go out or stay in. She is also amazing at keeping secrets, unless she bought a gift... Then good luck, she's blabbing about what she got. But, she's always there for someone in need. This can be a stranger, to someone who is cruel to her; If someone needs help, she will do everything in her power to help them. Sundays is her designated charity day where she goes ad volunteers out in the community. She's just the sun personified, okay?
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limeade-l3sbian · 1 year
i'm not planning to have kids coz i don't like them but can i ask where you're from? i have aunts and uncles in my family with 5-6 kids (we are turkish) and they're all very happy, jolly homes. they get plenty of attention as far as i can see. they're not rich or middle class by western standards i guess, but they have enough and their needs are met. i'm from a 3-child home myself, and i never felt like my parents were "selfish" or something.
how do you know any of this "for a fact".
i'm asking out of good will. i've seen thi take before in radfem spaces, and while i'm also on the side of "no kids" (because ultimately kids just trap women and not everyoe gets lucky like the women i know), even the girls from 1 or 2 child families on here seem to hate their mom and dad. i feel like for normal people who aren't involved with all of this, a full house, if that's what they want, is a blessing. and not some form of selfishness or something.
I had to think about your ask, anon, because I generally try to avoid statements like "I know for a fact" for this very reason. I never want to approach a question immediately on the defensive, especially if there's a lesson somewhere in there I can take away from it.
What I've come to realize is that my perspective is primarily towards American households since the culture does not really encourage community like other cultures. You can see that in the weird way we demand our children leave home by the time their twenty (at most) and anything after that is generally called ridiculous where in plenty of other countries, it's commonplace for family to stick together.
My point wasn't based on a financial/physical thing. I said that because generally when the discussion of big families comes up, people's first inclination is to undercut the conversation with "unless you have the money to do it". I won't presume to know your family and I specified 5+ because in your situation of three siblings, I didn't and don't find that to be excessive. I absolutely believe you can have a healthy household with three children.
Ultimately, I think having a big family is just a riskier situation for someone (one of the kids) to be neglected when it comes to spending time with them or engaging with them. Because you spread yourself so thin with the amount of little people in your home with different wants, personalities, needs, etc. that (to ME) there's going to be at least one kid that holds off on expressing their (emotional, physical) needs to appease the bustling situation.
I'm not really saying this as some radfem narrative. More my own opinion on stacking kids just because YOU want a big family. I think it's selfish in the context of the long term. There are certain milestones in children's lives that require more intense parenting than others. And whether you mean to or not, I feel you risk a child at least perceiving neglect because you must spread yourself so thin.
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elijahxkohkarga · 2 years
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✦ JESSE WILLIAMS, CISMALE, HE/HIS ✦ ELIJAH KOH-KARGA the THIRTY-FIVE year old has been in Hidehill for his ENTIRE LIFE and was an ACQUAINTANCE to Jade Parker, the first murder victim. Whispers on the streets are that the FORENSIC MEDICAL EXAMINER lives in HARTLEY AVENUE. He is said to be CALM and EVASIVE but I guess we’ll find out for ourselves.
Name: Elijah  Age/Birthday:  35 / October 15 Zodiac: Libra Gender/Pronouns: Cismale / he/him Sexuality: Heterosexual  Relationship Status: Single Occupation: Forensic Medical Examiner Hometown: Hidehill Faceclaim: Jesse Williams
+ Principled  + Educated + Genuine + Thoughtful
- Judgmental  - Rigid  - Hesitant - Blunt
Elijah Koh-Karga is the second youngest adopted child of the five Koh-Karga family, all adopted by Eleanor Koh and Ahmet Karga. 
The Koh-Karga parents met and married young. They struggled with fertility, and in the face of fertility treatments, the couple decided to adopt. These adoptions came from all over the world, creating a home with a rich mix of cultures as Eleanor and Ahmet did their best to make sure their children grew up as connected to their heritage as possible. 
With the Senate title looming from his mother, and the lawyer title looming from his father, there was an ever present air of expectation hanging around their household, one that Elijah rose to greet happily. He had his fair share of interests. In high school, he was the captain of the debate team, a star of the academic decathlon, a key member of the Model UN, as well as a frequent volunteer through various local organizations. He was also a part of the cross country, track and field, and soccer teams. 
When choosing colleges, his eyes were set on one thing, and one thing only: pre-med. He wasn’t completely sure what had drawn him to it; he hadn’t spent an extraordinary amount of time in the hospital growing up. Well, if you didn’t count the broken arm when he was 8, or the time he was hospitalized with mono. But he was fascinated with the doctors who treated him, made him feel at ease about the things happening around him that he didn’t quite understand. He got his undergraduate degree in Nashville before enrolling in Boston for med school. 
Only, it wasn’t everything he’d wanted it to be, after countless long nights of observationS told him. After a talk with his academic advisor, and a realization that the coroner reports were his favorite thing about CSI shows, he turned his attention to forensic pathology, enrolling in courses along side his medical courses. Eight years later, he was walking out of his graduation ceremony with several doctorates and a job offer at the morgue of Hidehill General. One that he is very pointed to declare was obtained himself, with no other outside influences. 
He enjoyed his job immensely from the moment it started. Not that it was enjoyable, per se, nothing that could be attached to suspicious deaths or death in general could be enjoyable, but he was pleased that the job fit him. He’d always liked puzzles, seeing something from every angle until you finally see what worked together to create the picture. He was content with his life. 
That is, until he came in to see Jade Parker’s body laying on his table. 
Grew up speaking English, Malay (mom), Cantonese (mom) and Turkish (dad), later learning Spanish and French, and Latin just for the fun of it
He’s a fairly active person when he finds the time for it, a fan of the gym and long runs through the park, finding it the best way to clear his head after a long night in the office. 
He adores his family, the ones who chose him and never looked back. The only clues to his heritage were that his roots tied back to West Africa. He was never told what had happened that led to his fostering, but from the sad look in his mother’s eyes, he swiftly came to the understanding that he didn’t want to know, and that it didn’t matter anyway. 
Has examined the bodies of each of the Shadow’s victims
He’s much more susceptible to one-night stands or casual flings to actual relationships, not finding many people who were willing to understand why he chose the career that he did. 
He’s very much the type to hold fast to rules. Being what his job is, and the frequency at which he’s pulled into court cases and the media surrounding those cases, something he loathes. It’s best to keep to policy and a tight lip. 
-Leyla Koh-Karga: Younger sister
Open Connections:  -Other Siblings (0/3) -Childhood Friends -Acquaintances -Past Hookups  -Past Relationship(s) -Coworkers
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duchessonfire · 2 years
Warning: long post about what it can mean to be Jewish and my own experience of multi-cultural, multi-ethnic Jewish families
I've seen a few posts come across my dash unhappy with the Jewish representation in Moon Knight, calling it diluted and saying that it wasn't enough. These posts complained that they should have shown Marc Spector doing Shabbat, lighting candles, being more faithful to his identity as the son of a rabbi in the comics, basically giving more representation to the Jewish aspect of Marc's life (I won't go into the territory of not hiring a Jewish actor to play Marc Spector). I'm guessing that these posts stem from the truly despairing lack of religious diversity in Marvel and especially the lack of Jewish representation. And when I read these posts, I feel "Yeah, that's valid, I get where they're coming from."
But I'm also surprised that no one is at least giving kudos to the fact that Moon Knight basically showed a Latino Jewish family? Something that almost no mainstream media ever had the balls to do?
Oscar Isaac is a Latino American and the actress playing his mom also has Brazilian/Hispanic roots, which is a very clear directorial choice in terms of representation. That may seem like nothing to some people, but as someone who is NOT North American, I'm telling you how unique and refreshing it is to see this sort of Jewish representation. Jewish representation in US media (at least the type of pop culture I most see) feels very much centred around the Ashkenazi and/or Israeli experience of Jewishness. This is only part of the Jewish population around the world, and yet it is the one most commonly found in English-speaking media.
And let me tell you, as the French daughter of a Jewish man born in Turkey, I have never felt any sense of familiarity with these types of representation. My dad grew up in a family where people spoke Turkish, French, Ladino, English, Italian and Hebrew, in that order. They almost never did Shabbat because when my dad was growing up in Turkey, the country was still very much feeling the influence of Kemalism, which had Europeanized and secularized Turkey after the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire. Outward religious signs were frowned upon in higher parts of society and my father's family was mainly made up of doctors, academics and architects, so it was not culturally accepted to perform every religious ritual on a weekly basis, especially as a Jewish minority in a mainly Muslim country.
The fact that they didn't do Shabbat didn't make my father's family less Jewish, it was just a sign of them living in a particular country at a particular moment in time. When my dad came to France at 18 to be a med student, he shed more signs of what some people would call "his Jewish identity": he started eating pork, stopped celebrating most Jewish holidays and now, almost sixty years later, the only holy day for him is Yom Kippur, which he spends fasting, reading, praying and generally reflecting on his life. Anything other than that: Pessah, Rosh Hashanah... all of those were only marked by big dinners where my mom would prepare recipes from my dad's side of the family and nothing more (for Hanukkah I have vague memories of years when my mom would light the menorah but it stopped at some point, I don't know why).
And yet my dad is still as Jewish today as the day he was born.
I'm not Jewish myself, not only because my mom isn't Jewish, but because I don't identify my spiritual belief as Jewish. However, I have grown up in a household that was marked by the Jewish religion, just as it was marked by mom's Catholicism. Not only that, but I have a lot of the facial features that French people associate with Sephardic Jews, who are the most prominent minority in the area of Paris where I live (very dark hair, curved nose, etc.) and so I have often been signaled as being physically different from a lot of my French peers (never in a discrimatory way! Just in a "oh, your dad is Jewish? That makes sense looking at you" way).
When people think of "French", they don't think of people like me, the product of a multi-cultural, multi-religious household. When people think of "Turkish", they don't think of people like my dad, a Sephardic Jew from a Ladino-speaking background. And when people think of "Jewish families", they don't think of people like my dad's relatives who are still in Istanbul today.
So, when Moon Knight showed a Jewish Latinx family, two words that would seem incompatible for a lot of people, it was for me the first time I actually felt close to having my family's experience of multi-cultural Jewishness be put on screen.
Yes, let's advocate for more Jewish representation in pop culture and mainstream media. Let's also not forget to advocate for a diverse representation of Jewishness. Let's not forget that Jewish people are all around the world and that they don't just speak Yiddish or Hebrew. Let's not forget being Jewish is about more than performing certain weekly rituals or having religious dietery restriction. Let's not forget there are other ways to be Jewish than white North American, white Eastern European, or white Israeli.
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Soccerwomen: The Icons, Rebels, Stars, and Trailblazers Who Transformed the Beautiful Game is an absolute must-read for fans of women's soccer. Gemma Clarke highlights the women who got us here—their stories show us how far we've come but also how much is exactly the same. It is globally focused (not just the USWNT), and features both stars and lesser known players (some of which I had never heard of). 
By tracing women's soccer from its origins, Clarke shows that the game has always been tied closely with female selfhood and protest. Have you heard of Nettie Honeyball, the woman who started a British football squad in 1894? You can read about household names like Brandi Chastain, Marta, and Megan Rapinoe, and international players who should be household names but aren't, like Sissi, Nadia Nadim, and Homare Sawa, and players you may not have heard of, like Lily Parr, the iconic British forward who used to steal every match ball, or Azize Ay, the 48-year-old Turkish soccer icon. Not to mention coaches! 
Best of all, Clarke doesn't solely profile the careers of these women. She talks about their lives after the game as well—their accomplishments and their struggles—and in doing so, reveals the ways that sexism, racism, the sexist biases in medicine, dismissal, ignorance, substance abuse, and more, all impacted these women, and how they're continuing to fight. She doesn't back away from the more controversial topics, and in easy, readable language, talks about the double standards and painful realities of women's soccer around the world while maintaining an inspiring tone that made me cry several times over. 
My only critique is that sometimes, in unexpected fashion, Clarke would drop a fact, a complicating factor, or a description of an important game. In addition, some bios are puzzlingly short compared to others. My personal guess is that at some point, the book had to get shorter, but it shows. 
All that said, the book is fantastic, and the perfect read to accompany and inspire you as the women's soccer tournament continues in this Olympics. (Note, it was published in 2019 pre–World Cup.)
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caffeinatedgoddess · 3 years
Chakra Meditation
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I'm excited! More beads were delivered on Monday, and I got to spend yesterday designing chakra meditation beads! Oh, the simple things that make me happy. I'm sure it goes without saying that this will be available in the Etsy shop in the near future.
I had hoped to spend more time working with the beads today. Other design ideas are playing at the back of my mind. But it's a little bit of a low energy day today. Everyone in our household has been energetically off. My husband has been quieter than usual (he works from home but has several overlapping meetings today.... which I think has him frustrated). Our pitbull (who has anxiety) had a very unusual anxiety episode, which I think added to our own anxieties (a crying dog in the stairwell of our apartment building at 7am did not sit well with the neighbors, I'm sure). I did start him on an anxiety supplement today, so here's to hoping. And our older chihuahua is just his normal grumpy self. Me? I'm actually good, but with being empathic, I'm actually feeling everyone else's "stuff," which can make it a little harder to sort the emotions going on. And I'm getting excited for a Turkish lamp to arrive that I ordered from a seller on Etsy. I guess that could be causing a little anxiety, too. The seller hasn't provided tracking, so I don't know when it will get here, AND things are known to disappear from the doorstep if the carrier doesn't ring to leave the package inside and leaves it outside the secure door. Maybe I'll do a little nail therapy today and treat myself to a long coffin set....just to ease the nerves.
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ottomanladies · 4 years
One aspect of life in the harem I always wondered about were the wet nurses. Did every child of a sultan have one? I assume they did, since that was the custom at the time with royal children. Were they slaves? If not, how were they picked? What was their standing in the harem? Do we know any of their names? I've heard that Süleyman was close to Yahya, son of his wet nurse; did royal children commonly interact with their milk siblings? Sorry for the many questions. :)
Oh yes, they definitely used wet nurses, like other high-ranking (or royal) households. Like in other Near Eastern or South Asian imperial courts, the wet nurse had a certain status.
Another woman who held great influence within the imperial harem in every period was the sultan’s wet nurse. She had a prestigious position, recognized through the honorific title “respectable” (izzetli) that was attributed to her. [...] The high status position held by the wet nurses was also reflected in their allowances. In the registers of the imperial harem’s food allocations (tayinat), only the sultan’s family members, the chief administrative official (kethüda kadın), and the wet nurse are listed individually. — Betül Ipsirli Argit, Life after the Harem: Female Palace Slaves, Patronage and the Imperial Ottoman Court
The wet nurses of the sultan's children carried, instead, the title of kalfa, which is a lower title in the harem management hierarchy.
Wet nurses were purchased when they were needed. Sem’dânî-zade Fındıklılı Süleyman Efendi, an XVIII-century chronicler, included this anecdote in his work:
During the reign of Abdulhamid I, the sultan’s consort became pregnant, and a wet nurse thus became necessary. Ulema and imams informed the members of the neighborhood, and the inns were searched for Circassian or Georgian women who were three months pregnant. [Sem’dânî-zade] added that these women were required to be pleasant and long-haired. — Argit, Life after the Harem
Mehmed II's wet nurse was called Hundi Hatun, according to Babinger:
Hundi Hatun, usually called Daye Hatun, a Turkish woman, is mentioned as his wet-nurse; in her later years she came to be extremely wealthy and built several mosques; she survived her young charge by several years and died in Istanbul on February 14, 1486... — Babinger, Mehmed The Conqueror and His Time
Peirce called her instead Umm GüIsüm:
Umm GüIsüm Khatun, the daye of Mehmed Il, conqueror of Constantinople, was sufficiently endowed with income by the sultan to undertake the construction of two mosques in Istanbul and one in Edirne: the neighborhood surrounding the latter came to bear her name. Her importance may have been due to the fact that Mehmed's mother died three years before he became sultan.
Öztuna, in Devletler ve Hanedanlar, calls her Ümmü Külşûm Hând Hâtûn which kind of settles it LOL. Hând and Hundî may have been the same name. He also adds more information about her:
This Hâtûn has a neighborhood and a mosque in Edirne, a mosque in Tarakcılar in Istanbul and a mosque and a madrasah in Demirkapı. She is buried in her mosque. Her daughter with Mustafa Çelebi: Hundî Hâtûn
Her daughter Hundi (whom, I guess, was born around Mehmed II's date of birth— unless she had more children) has been mistaken for a princess and a daughter of Murad II. He also adds that Ümmü Külşûm Hând Hâtûn's father was called Ahmed Bey and that there is a mosque in Bursa (built by him? where he is buried? he doesn't say).
Other wet nurses I have found (in Öztuna's book):
Bayezid II's was called Âsûde Hâtûn and she was buried in Âşıkpaşa, Fatih district.
Süleyman I's, as you said, was called Afife Hâtûn: she was married to Amasyalı 'Ömer Efendi, Trabzon's müftî, and had a son, Celâleddîn Yahyâ Efendi (the famous Yahyâ Efendi in whose tomb Raziye Sultan was reburied), who was born in 1495 in Trabzon around Süleyman I's date of birth (clearly lol).
Mustafa I's was married to Silâhdâr Lefkeli Mustafa Paşa in December 1617 (so, after Mustafa's accession to the throne). Her husband became Grand Vizier during the first months of Mustafa I's second reign for a couple of months. Argit is not sure that the wet nurse that married Mustafa Paşa was Mustafa I's or just one wet nurse inside the harem.
Mehmed IV's was Zafîre Hâtûn, who had a son named Osman (whom Ibrahim liked more than Mehmed IV himself). She was married to Mustafa Paşa, who was kapıcıbaşı (chief of the palace gatekeepers). Her son was captured by the Malteses.
Mustafa III's was Kapdân-ı Derya Dâmâd Küçük Hüseyn Paşa's mother.
Mustafa III's daughter Hibetullah Sultan's wet nurse was called Emine and may have been Aynü'l-Hayât Başkadın's sister
Peirce gave some more information about some other wet nurses:
The daye of Osman II performed the role of maternal stand-in [...]: during this time she received a stipend of 1.000 aspers a day, five times the daye's normal stipend. [...] The Venetian ambassador Garzoni reported in 1573 that Selim II "spends the greater part of his time playing chess with the mother of Ahmed Pasha, an elderly woman who was formerly his nurse, and delighting in witticisms that she is accustomed to telling him". Selim and his daye had other ties: she was married to the son of one of Bayezid II's daughters, and her son, Şemsi Ahmed Pasha, was a royal confidant of the sultan. The daughter of Mehmed III's daye was married to Lala Mehmed Pasha, who rose to serve as grand vezir, although only for a matter of days before he suddenly died. The husband of Murad IV's daye rose to the positions of head chancellor (nisançı) and governor of Egypt. — Peirce, The Imperial Harem
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His Pride Her Prejudice
Hello!!! I’m reblogging this, it was written by the lovely miss-geek001 on fanfiction.net! It was gifted to me, and I love it. I hope you guys enjoy reading this especially if you’re a jaykori shipper!
I’m going to copy, and paste it exactly as they wrote it.
For Anny aka ponder love on archive of our own her prompt was reverse AU Kori is the sarcastic bad girl, and Jason the sweet one. So you guys know I love AU so let's get started…
Italics are thoughts and or flashbacks.
Jason's 28 and Kori is 27
Pride and Prejudice.
Normal POV
Twenty eight year old Jason Peter Wayne starts the day like he normally would or as any young man with a trust fund and a masters degree in English Literature would.
Turkish coffee - no sugar.
Whom of which currently works as a English Literature professor at Gothams University. Hence the desperate need for coffee in order for him to tolerate his students this early in the morning.
Or well if he's being honest in general.
For him it was not humanly possible to be a civilised being without it. His only friend Roy Harper tells him it's a problem only for Jason to quote one of his favourite books that he read as a child, "I understand what you're saying and your comments are valuable, but I'm going to ignore your advice."
Ahh the wonderfully witty Fantastic Mr Fox.
Good old chum.
None would be the wiser to ever guess Alfred put him on Roald Dahl in the first place.
As you would expect being a child and a bookworm wasn't a big hit with his fellow classmates. It didn't really help being an adopted son of The Bruce Wayne Playboy Billionaire aka trust fund bookworm kid. They all thought his world was perfect. That was what the world would forever see him as.
They will never see him as a young boy that came from a broken household. A young child whos' mother and father were a drug addict and an alcoholic respectively. A young child having to bear witness countless of domestic abuse between his parents. Until the very day his father walked out, Jason was a mere 9 years old.
Back then Jason believed his mother would get better. Instead she got worse and would make herself forgot more and her behaviour didn't change so she would take it out on Jason.
He had heard from some street kids who had told him to next time go to police if it got worse. Jason thanked them for being concerned but assured them it won't happen again. He was sure his mother wasn't in her right mind and she just needed time to sober up.
That very day he went home he found mother with a strange man he never met in his life.
"Well Catherine he seems young enough for me to give him jobs and not get caught how much ya givin im to me." The strange man turns to his mother as if Jason wasn't present.
The next words of his mother shattered his heart. His mother would be the very first to give him his first heartbreak.
I'll take whatever ya got Taron, I need my fix and he's not much use to me." She sneered as she turns her steel blue eyes that he'd gotten from her away from him and did not give him as much of a goodbye.
Was he not even worth of a goodbye?
Was he not worth her unconditional love?
"All right here's a couple thousand, if I'm honest I'm being generous."
The strange man gave his mo-
No that woman was NOT his mother.
The strange man gave a bundle of money to that woman and as she counted it he started to walk towards Jason.
Jason was an avid reader even at 9, and he had read about the theory of flight and fight. Now when Jason would fight against class fellows he would be victorious however with his parents it never worked in his favour he ended up with many scars and bruises.
So now young Jason Peter Todd had a decision to make, many would say no 9 year old boy should have to face a decision like this in life. Unfortunately as stated before this was life, this was the life of so many some never heard from again.
So what would he do fight and most likely lose or flight and take off to safety. Needless to say he threw out the option about fighting back and chose to play smarter and for once not to fight harder.
Jason didn't even flinch when he spoke out.
"Ya know she keeps her money stash worth way more than me kept hidden under her bed. Wouldn't it be better if you had me AND the money. Since my mother is so keen to do me wrong why not return the favour."
The strange man raised his eyebrows.
A greedy man will never have enough.
"Oh really? Have you been holdin' out on me Cat."
His mother looked at her son with upmost hatred of all looks and actually became disturbed when her own son glared back at her with the same look.
"Well it seems I'll have a look thanks for the tip kid. I bet you'll go far with the right training."
The man runs upstairs to find the hidden cash and that woman follows him in chase to stop him from looting all that she has. With both adults busy Jason sprinted out the house and towards the police station. There he explained everything and with that police officers raided his house for his mother and the strange man.
Both got arrested for selling and possessing illegal drugs and for also human trafficking. Later the police explained to him he would have to be put in care until he would be fostered or adopted because mostly likely his mother would be deemed unfit to care for him.
And yet Jason was ok with that.
Months go by in care, days sort of blend within each other he doesn't really get into fights anymore keeping with his motto think and work smarter not harder. 
His words, wit and quick thinking has gotten him out of fights than his fists ever did. He honestly thought his life would just be weaving in and out of places, nothing really had much significance and/or meaning.
Until that fateful day at the care was announced that the one and only Bruce Wayne was visiting their care home. Jason had met the man before on his earlier visits and prior to that he knew the general things with him being a billionaire who was an orphan. The funding he still gives to orphanages in Gotham as well as around the country. He seemed like a stand up guy, it did seem odd to Jason when Bruce Wayne adopted an orphan child named Richard Grayson.
Jason couldn't see him as a father for some reason he assumed there were many servants and maids that tended to the child and not him personally.
But that was all before HE came back.
The word got out to his father his son was in a care home and for some reason he went to get his child back.
It was on the day Mr Wayne was visiting the orphanage like he did every few months to ask where the funding is being used, the children's livelihood and mental well-being etc. Jason was reading in the common room when a commotion was heard from outside, he went to the window to see what it was, and there HE stood.
Willis Todd.
He was yelling at staff and demanding them to give him his son. The staff had said that he could not look after his son after the statement Jason had made about him being an alcoholic and being physically abusive, so therefore he was also unfit to care for Jason.
Jason hid himself away from window so his father would not see him. He heard footsteps coming towards and before he could yell at them for going away a comforting strong voice spoke.
"Jason he won't hurt you anymore." Bruce Wayne looked at Jason with fiercely protective look.
"How can you be so sure? The minute I walk out there he'll get me I know he will." Jason was almost reduced to tears.
"Trust me, just come with me." Bruce said as he stretched out his hand towards Jason.
He reluctantly took it and walked with Bruce towards the front door and through it entering the front garden.
Right in front of Willis Todd.
"Ah there ya are kid. Come on let's go home."
"Excuse me boy, you ARE coming with me even if I have to wait out for you to come out of this place."
Before Jason could reply Bruce spoke.
"No you won't Todd. You WILL NOT lay one hand on my son." He roared defiantly, Jason not only froze with the shear protectiveness that Bruce portrayed but also he- called him- his son.
"Ss-son?" Jason asked he had forgotten his biological father behind him as he turned to Bruce as he was still holding his hand.
"Only if you want Jason." Bruce's tone shifted real quick to a soft understanding tone.
There was no real question about it.
That one word changed his life so much more than he even thought possible. Needless to say he changed his name that very same day from Jason Peter Todd to Jason Alfred Wayne. Bruce being the hidden sap he was cried for a while after. Alfred his adoptive grandfather also cried but was not emotionally constipated like Bruce was perceived to be. Jason gained a whole new family and he was forever grateful.
He was a lot happier and became more positive. He made pre made judgemental opinions of Bruce before he really even knew him and that was the last time he vowed to make any prejudices against anyone. It just wasn't fair really, no matter how much you think you know an individual or a group of people and put them into a certain stereotype, you cannot judge them before you get to really know them as individuals.
Human beings are always taught to trust their instincts, but instincts and judgmental behaviour are two different things. Naturally Jason experienced both in his life which comes back to making friends really hard. They either want to be his friend for the money or they see him as a brat that got fed with a silver spoon.
Ah well at least there's Harper.
Despite the fact he's a massive pain in my neck.
Jason came out of his memory trip as he approached the coffee shop Ravens' Nest. As usual there were people coming to and fro, people on their phones or laptops , the baristas doing their best to accommodate everyone in the shop and the queue was almost on the way out of the door.
Jason patiently stood behind the person in front and decided to look around the place to find a place to sit. Ravens Nest was quite popular in terms of the coffee/hot chocolate/ tea but also in its aesthetic. Despite its popularity it still held a quaint atmosphere it was favourable amongst avid readers who could read in peace towards the back of the coffee shop hidden away in dark purple drapes drapes and an abundant of silver grey cushion seats. Around the shop floor was only slightly different the walls were pure magnolia white with different canvases laid out on the walls ones with famous authors quotes others were actual watercolour paintings.
Those look new. He thought.
He noted the watercolour paintings must have been a new addition and was quite frankly surprised the owner was into anything other than tea and books. He knew Raven the first time he entered the tea shop the Ravens Nest was relatively new and so not much people were in and she was only the one working there at the time, he didn't bother her too much and she didn't bother him. At times they both sat in silence reading their own books until Jason started to tell people about her tea shop it became more popular and as such Rachel made it a point to never charge him again for his coffee order. After much arguing back and forth Jason finally relented but the deal was he was allowed to tip as much as he wanted.
He could understand her aesthetic in the reading corner it just screamed Rachel. 
The rest of the shop floor had a more . . . deep yet soulful and vibrant feel to it. 
He couldn't really explain it so he focused on a particular painting hanging on the wall.
The painting itself was a large one that seemed to based on a park walkway the grey and black street lamps on either side of the walkway and the outline of a woman wearing a long pastel yellow coat and a matching umbrella with her back turned towards the golden and amber trees. Her hair seems to be pushing away from her as if it's a windy day and the rain settling on the ground and on her umbrella gave Jason goosebumps as if he was getting drenched in the torrential rain himself.
All in all this painting seemed to speak to him in ways words could not.
The loneliness.
The woman was alone despite the horrendous weather conditions she looked as if it didn't even bother her.
She carries on.
And yet with interpretation in mind the painting was still so beautiful. The blend of the vibrant reds oranges and yellows in the trees and the womans attire were enticing and was a stark contrast to the grey rain and dark lampposts. It made you stare at it forever.
He sees the initials on the bottom corner of the painting.
Hmm I don't think I know any artists with those initials. Might be local one then.
His attention is once again disturbed but this time by a sound.
The bell of the front door rings signifying someone has entered. As he turns to look towards the door his heart skips and he immediately became as intrigued as he was looking at the painting a moment ago.
The person who had his attention was a light tan woman with striking lime coloured eyes and rose red hair that turned blond ombré at the end of her hair to emulate the look of a flickering flame as she wore it in a low ponytail tied with a black ribbon with some pieces framing her sweetheart face. She wore a black polo neck with short sleeves and surprisingly red denim overalls paired with black combat boots.
It was a unique look to say the least especially walking into a coffee shop of all places.
On her shoulders was a strap attached to a wet canvas carry case. (A/N it basically looks like a wooden briefcase to hold canvases in.)
She looks around trying to find someone, she sighs and strides towards the counter. By this point Jason was the only one left in line and it was only him, the barista and the unique looking woman at the till.
She looks to the barista as if to ask a question but he interrupts before she can put a word in.
The barista looks no more older than Jason and yet he spoke with such conviction and arrogance as if he knew so much more than the rest.
"Ah I'm going to hit the pause button right there, cas we're not interested in your . . . line of . . . work." He turns to Jason with a big smile "What can I get you sir?"
Jason was not paying attention because the woman in front of him had all but taken it. He switched his eyes back and forth to the woman and the barista trying to make sense of what he just heard.
It seems the woman in question had already understood what the barista meant. 
She rolls her pretty eyes at the man and spoke for the first time.
"Look here mate I just need to speak to Rachel. Is she here? She should be expecting me."
She had a slight accent but for Jason it was hard to decipher where was she from.
The barista however just looked annoyed now.
"Listen here you foreign freak I don't need any trouble from you."
"What trouble?! I'm only asking for Rachel you asshole?"
Hehe looks to me we have a spitfire.
Jason looks between the exchange with his trademark smirk. But he knew he had to intervene at some point because the guy was not backing down.
"Hey that's out of order just get Rachel what's the big deal." Jason spoke with a stern expression. Despite his choices in life not to cause trouble didn't mean he didn't know when to stick up for himself or others. In fact he could be quite scary when he wanted.
"Look here sir you might not be aware but I know that people like her just try to sell drugs wherever to whomever. Okay so No thank you miss for the last time. Otherwise I'm calling the police."
Jason's jaw drops and the woman beside him turns the same colour as her hair.
She storms to the counter and grabs the weasel ahem barista by his white collars and pulls him over the counter.
Listening to her cursing out the barista in that cute accent of hers made Jason for some reason smile or maybe it was because she used the word ignoramus. But that short filled happiness stopped because he could see the barista face turn blue.
"Aaack someone get this crazy bitch off of me." He chokes.
Unsurprisingly no one helped him.
Ahh great ah well might have to help him.
He moves towards the commotion but the young stronger than she looks woman stops him in his tracks.
"Listen here I don't need no silver spoon fed rich boy to help him! Understand!" 
She rolls her pretty viridian green eyes at him and then gives him a mean scowl.
She should really smile more I'm sure it would suit her better.
He approaches her with caution as if the beautiful creature before him is a wild tigress and he has her dinner in his hands so other words . . . he's genuinely terrified and fascinated. An odd combination of emotions he's perfectly sure he's never experienced simultaneously.
And yet he finds it in him not to judge her as she judges him as many have done before her. It also appears she's had this treatment many times before. So instead he finds compassion and understanding and he smiles and for the first time ever . . . .
He flirts.
"Honey first and foremost what you see is a man not a boy. Secondly I was only going to suggest to call Rachel-"
"Ha Ha! The barista laughs maniacally. "See my boss will come to kick you out herself."
-to kick this asshole out herself. I'm sure she would find great pleasure in it." Jason finished with an innocent smile.
"WHAT?!" The barista looks towards Jason with disbelief.
The young woman however still held mistrust in her eyes and spoke again.
"I DON'T NEED YOUR HELP ALL YOU WILL DO IS ASK ME TO 'RETURN' THE FAVOUR. AM I NOT CORRECT?!" Even though she was sarcastic she was still seething.
Now that was hurtful.
Jason could see the young lady before him have had it rough for her to not trust anyone. He understood to some extent but it still hurt. He had this fascination with her that he could not explain.
So her adamantly believing that he is a no good, silver spoon fed, spoilt rich player hit him so hard. His heart was pounding a mile a minute and he could feel the anger exuding from the woman in front of him like campfire flames roaring and roaring until someone was responsible enough to put them out. It looked like the roaring campfire from within this woman never got put out. And so it consumes her day in and day out torturing her to put up this defensive wall as a coping mechanism to not get hurt to protect herself.
Even to those who are willing to help and show kindness.
Jason's smile is gone and with a heavy heart a look of disappointment overtakes his face.
The woman falters her stern expression because she has never seen someone look disappointed after she insults them. Usually there would be a string of curses at her, this strangers icy blue eyes unnerved her it made her conscious of her behaviour her surroundings what she was saying how she was saying it. At the same time she tried not to get lost in his eyes she never really did that with anyones else's eyes before.
Just his.
"Kori let him go please. What seems to be problem?" A deadpan voice cuts in.
The woman called Kori drops the guy in an instant. Everyone turns to the speaker of said voice. It was none other than Rachel Arella Roth aka the owner/manager of Ravens Nest. Despite the lack in height Rachel Roth was not someone who you wanted on their bad side. However that did not seem to matter for the barista who was in the choke hold a few seconds prior. He stands up tidying his uniform before addressing his boss.
"As you can clearly see ma'am this woman here was trying to sell her drugs in this fine establishment of yours and I was simply trying-"
"Shut up Ross."
"Um actually it's Rory ma'am."
"I don't care. Do you not remember me telling you about the artist coming in today?
"Yes of course ma'am."
"You seemed to missed out a crucial part of that information when I told you the artist is one of my best friends called Kori Anders?"
"Oh uh um-"
"Ross your fired. Kori calm down. Jason here's your usual and I apologise about Kori."
Clearly everyone in the shop understood why Rachel was the boss.
Jason thanks Rachel and takes his leave whilst Ross or whatever whinged the whole time as he was leaving. As Jason moves to pass Kori she turns as if to say something but he holds up his hand and interrupts her.
"It's okay Miss I'll take my leave now." Jason said in tone which he uses as a professor.
Clinical and professional.
Ok fine he was being ever so slightly prideful but for him there was no need to drag this drama out when clearly she did not even want his help.
Kori continues to look at the mysterious man as he swiftly makes his way out of the door and onto Gothams busy street.
She sighs and sits on one of the tables and waits for Rachel to see her. She isn't sure why she disappointed to see him go, sure she isn't the best at noticing someone's true intentions, that was always Rachel's strength. But she was usually right about these things, her pre conceived judgements about people was usually more or less spot on.
But still why is she disheartened? That kicked puppy look of his haunts her still. 
He only left five seconds ago?! Was it because she feels guilty, she's never felt that emotion in a real long time.
"Kori what the hell was that?!"
Kori looks towards her oldest friend and suddenly becomes nervous.
"I-I just thought he was a silver spo-"
"Yes Kori I'm pretty sure all the penguins from the South Pole heard your special insults for him."
She's never seen Rachel this mad at her before.
She huffs and crosses her arms. "I don't see the big deal he looked like every other pompous spoilt ki-"
"Cut the pathetic self defence wall Anders. You listen to me, he's not like that in fact he has much more humility than you and everyone else gives him credit for. You cannot paint everyone with the same brush. It's wrong you know it is."
Crap. She was in deep waters now. Rachel never calls anyone by their last name unless she was dead serious, wanted them to really listen to her and or really angry. In this particular case it seems she was all three judging by her tone.
"How could you possibly judge him without getting to know him." Rachel scolded at her.
Kori hung her head in silence for a minute and played back the scene in her head trying to analyse what he said, how he said it-oh gosh he was just being polite and she judged him the way Ross judged her.
She was no better.
"Oh Rachel what have I done." Kori cried almost in the brink of tears face in her hands. Her tough, sarcastic facade crumbling in front of her best friend.
"Hey hey I'm sure he'll forget all about it." Rachel assured her.
"No I wish to make it up to him." She was adamant to make it right.
"Your just a diamond in the rough Kori, I'm sure he'll understand. How about this we'll think of something after you show me the new painting you made for me. Deal?"
Kori gave her friend a teary smile. "Sure."
The two friends laughed, drank their tea, and came up with ways for Kori to make up with Jason. After Rachel heavily complemented Kori on the new painting saying it will look perfect with the others she painted for her. Kori was just glad she liked it, Rachel Arella Roth was no easy person to please.
The next few days was a blur for Jason simply because he didn't get his coffee fix from Ravens Nest. He has been purposely avoiding it for the past few days just in case he ran into Kori again. It's not that he hated her he just wouldn't know what to say to her after the whole fiasco that happened on that day.
So he decided to give up his coffee fix.
It literally lasted three days to which his entire adopted family were so concerned about his well being they had an intervention and told him to either give in to his regular coffee addiction or go to the doctors because he was turning into someone they did not recognise. Even his students were afraid of their professor who was usually calm, collected and undeniably witty.
Thus Jason was back at Ravens Nest.
He enters the shop quietly as if not to startle to many customers and simultaneously trying to seem invisible. He noticed it's quieter than he normally sees it and moves towards the queue to get his usual. As he looks around he sees a new painting hung on the wall and he deducts it must have been painted by Kori and this painting was what was in her canvas carrier that day.
His curiosity got the better of him as his feet subconsciously took him to the painting. This time the watercolour painting was of a small black haired child on a swing attached underneath a weeping willow tree. The tree itself looked illuminated as though it was surrounded by small fireflies or by magic. The child was in mid swing reaching upwards towards the tree as if to catch the surrounding fireflies or magic dust perhaps. The innocence, the pure joy and fascination in the child's face was no doubt the centrepiece of the painting. As he looked towards the bottom right corner there were the initials he expected to see.
A very stark contrast to what he seen painted by her before. Almost as if these paintings represent different sides of her maybe? Or different people?
Jason looked closer at the painting and couldn't help but notice he had seen this scene before. The willow tree was on a golden foothill slope alongside a riverbed. Towards the background of the painting in the river stood a heron with a snake in its mouth.
He realised there was more than meets the eye with the artist herself. He really did actually want to me her now because he had so many questions not only about her paintings but about herself. It seems his prayers were to be answered quickly because he heard someone cough behind him.
Jason turns only to stand in front of the very same woman that has subconsciously took over his brain in the last few days. This time she wore denim blue overalls and a purple long sleeve shirt rolled up to her elbows exposing her caramel forearms. She wore her hair in a single plait and wore circular antique looking glasses.
She wears glasses? Jason thought.
It was her expression however that made her look completely different or maybe it was the glasses. Well her posture the first time he met her before was determined and confident now it was . . . timid and nervous. Although she was making eye contact with him he could still tell she thought his perception of her was the absolute worst.
Jason wasn't sure what to expect so he stayed quiet.
Would she tell him to leave her alone ?
To stop stalking her and her paintings?
Thankfully she spoke first.
"Um h-hi?" She stammers, it almost came out as a whisper luckily she was close enough to Jason for him to hear it.
"Er hey?"
Well that's a start at least. . .
"I-I just want to say I'm really sorry about my behaviour. It was completely wrong of me to assume the worst of you." Kori said as she now has her eyes avoiding his.
"It's fine I understand maybe having help from a complete stranger might make you feel wary." Jason replies with understanding, his eyes still searching for hers. He holds out his hand for her to shake.
"Jason Alfred Wayne."
Kori intercepts him and shakes his hand a shy smile making its way onto her face.
"Koriana Eileen Anders."
"There now that's much better." Jason smiles.
"What do you mean." She cocks her head to the side.
"Smiling suits you much better than frowning."
She blushes profusely at this so much so the words that came out next were barely audible.
"Tha-thank you." She quickly decided to change the subject so he would not notice her face turning the same colour as her hair because of him.
"So um do you like the painting?" She asks.
Jason turns to the painting again and in admiration he spoke.
"It's wonderful I love the painting you have of the woman in the park as well. This one however is a lot different." Jason observes.
Kori smiles. "Oh really, pray tell how?"
"The symbolism with the woman in the rain is straight forward way to analyse and understandable even. However the symbolisms in this young child painting contradict one another. You have a young carefree child in a whimsical almost fairytale setting and yet you have a heron preying on a snake." He explains but then turns to face Kori.
"Nice use of Steinbeck I must say. I love reading his work." He adds.
"Of Mice and Men is a great book. Nice observation. Then again that is to be expected from an English Literature Professor. Plus I heard it was a book you are fond of."
"How do you know that?"
"Rachel told me. She had seen you read it many times."
"Ah right." He hesitates before he spoke again "I'm sorry it's been bugging ever since I heard you talk but where are you from originally I couldn't seem to work out your accent."
"Ah that." Kori sighs. "Well I'm originally from Tameran it's a small island in Europe. But I never stayed there for that long, my parents took us wherever their jobs took them. I lived on Tameran until I was five, then Japan for four years, then England for three moved to Ireland for another two. Then we moved to Morocco for another five years. When I turned 18 my uncle told me about America and all the opportunities it has. My sister was already living here so it was not too bad so I made the choice to move in with my uncle at 18. Naturally English was a hard language to grasp most didn't really want to be friends with the foreign kid. I met Rachel in high school she was a loner like me and so we stuck together and looked out for each other. She bought her tea shop not too long ago I was freelancing as an artist for a while just selling my pieces online when she asked me for paintings to brighten things up in the tea shop and so here we are now."
Kori looks towards Jason to see his reaction of all this. She wasn't going to tell him her life story but she just started speaking and just carried on really. She wasn't ashamed of him knowing the truth she felt that her insecurities was safe with him which was odd to say the least.
"Well I think it's definitely shaped you as a person however which way you look at it. It seems to me travelling has given you mountains worth of deeper perception and observation in order for it to impact how and what you paint." He admitted.
“Huh I never thought of it like that. Besides my perception of you was completely out of line. I don't really think it did anything but make me have trust issues." Kori mused.
"That wasn't really a perception more like a prejudice I would say. Besides I'm sure my pride got in the way that day, I'm guessing you would have made an apology judging by your face." Jason exclaimed.
"Okay I concede it was your pride and my prejudice." Kori compromised.
Jason cringes. "Ah no what are we becoming, the opening of Pride and Prejudice. I think not Miss Anders. Steinbeck I could handle, Jane Austen however I might need something stronger than coffee to get me through it."
Kori gasps and puts her hands on her heart in mock horror. "Hey! Thats one of my favourite books. How dare you insult Austen."
"Oh goodness me of course you love Austen." He rolls his eyes upwards and smirks at her.
"Yep almost as much as you love the Steinbeck inspired painting." Kori said with a knowing smile.
"Hmm maybe." He replied as he looks back the painting.
"It's yours." She said with a timid smile watching his expression. Needless to say he was floored.
"I'm sorry what? What do you mean?" Jason was confused. "Is this not the painting you had the other day in the case."
"Oh no that was a painting for Rachel's office upstairs. This one I made for you as an apology for my behaviour I was hoping you'll like it. If not-"
"Oh gosh Kori I would never want to take your paintings. I mean it's breathtaking I would love it but I couldn't. That thing that happened the other day it was just a misunderstanding. Don't feel too bad you aren't the first to make that judgement." He tried to assure her. He really didn't have any grudge against her.
But Kori was not relenting.
"No please I was no better than the barista I almost choked."
"I wouldn't say that. By the way nice strength you've got there." Jason complimented.
"Oh thanks. She blushed. "But I insist you take the painting as an apology and as a token of my gratitude. I had you in mind whilst I made the painting it only deserves be with person who inspired the painting."
Jason cornered Kori against the wall and said "You were thinking of me when you were painting this." He smirks.
What? He couldn't help himself.
"Well I-I mean, you see-"
Kori stammers not really getting any words out because she was absolutely embarrassed.
"Ugh just please take the painting before I combust with your teasing." She narrows her eyes at him before he could say-
"The feeling is mutual darling." Jason replied back.
Here this man was and she was falling for him like she has never fell before. And yet she loves the attention from him only however because for once it wasn't a douchebag wanting favours from her, not taking advantage of her not wanting her because of her looks.
It was a person who was curious of everything about her.
"Can I interest you in more than just a coffee date Kori?" He asks with an earnest expression.
She gives a bright smile. "Yes I would love that Jason."
And so with that Jason placed his new art piece in a canvas carrier and the two walked hand in hand out of the shop and down the street.
Rachel steps out her reading corner and walks towards the shops window. She observes the couple in all smiles and laughter with a content smile on her face and with that she returns to her work.
She knew they could be really happy together. She knew all it took was to take away Jason's Pride and Kori's Prejudice for them to find each other.
The end . ----------------
Authors note
Omg that was longer lol I referenced a few books that I read either as a child or as a teenager for school I love them still to this day. I actually do watercolour painting aswell and I really wanted Kori to do that in this story. On that note this was something that hits home for people, people like myself who are on the receiving end when people make prejudices against us. It becomes harmful to not only the ones being prejudiced against but the ones making pre judgemental opinions. It gets passed down and not resolved. So please I urge anyone who reads this please do not fear anyone who has different skin colour to you, different culture to you or different religion to you. It's ok to ask questions as long as it's coming from a place of learning and understanding of one another.
Ps this is a gift to ponder love aka Anny of archive of our own so if she has this story up on hers it's fine she will have it. I may or may not delete it here after she's uploaded on her site.
Thanks for reading guys see ya in the next one.  Alrighty I hope you guys enjoyed miss-geek001 work like I did!!!
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4, 5, 8, 16, 52 + queen elliot xx
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ANGEL ILY i hope you don’t mind i!!! combined these!!! thank u for wanting to know about my girls (´;д;`) ♥♥♥  oc ask game!
under the cut for length and mentions of past traumas! 
4. what is a noticeable physical attribute of your OC?
her scars! elliot has a lot of razor-thin scars along the insides of her thighs and hips. they’re noticeable in low-rise jeans or when she wears a swimsuit. she doesn’t go out of her way to hide them, necessarily, but her wardrobe tends to lean more towards less of them showing.
5. what does your OC normally wear? what would your OC wear on a special night?
jeans, flannel, boots--big comfy sweaters, and tanktops when the weather’s hot. she’s got the classic daisy dukes, of course! dressing up usually includes heels and one of the three (3) nice dresses that she owns from when she was living in the Big City.
8. how does your OC talk/what does your OC’s voice sound like?
answered here!
16. what is your OC’s strongest childhood memory? why and how as that impacted him/her?
probably the day her daddy up and dipped! she remembers it very vividly. it’s actually one of the few childhood memories that she has a clear, detailed picture of. ambrose took her out for ice cream, took her to a store and bought her new clothes, and then let her “get lost” in the store while he left. obviously, elliot grew up to be exceptionally well-adjusted with no issues in trusting people whatsoever!
52. what are some of your OC’s motivations?
elliot is an exceptionally, fiercely loyal person--first and foremost, to herself. a lot of her motivations in ancient names are purely driven by survival, and then of course rescuing joey, and then her own survival again (lol). though i do think that elliot’s biggest motivator/drive is that she just. fucking. wants to be happy. so badly. or she says she does, anyway, but i’m not sure that she would know what to do with herself if she wasn’t throwing hands at SOMETHING.
8. how does your OC talk/what does your OC’s voice sound like?
because of her mum, isolde and her sister both have very strong south african accents! if you only ever met the girls, you would almost never believe that their father is turkish, speaks english as a second language, and that turkish is almost primarily spoken in their household.
outside of her accent, though, isolde has a very curious mix of sounding painfully elitist (thank you rich diplomatic/scholar parents and law degree) and being crass. she absolutely does not shy away from swearing, at all, especially not when she’s pissed off lmfao.
24. who are the people your OC dislikes/hates?
her ex-husband, most of the inhabitants of hope county. she doesn’t really hate anyone outside of alec, but she does dislike a good portion of hope county just for not knowing them. i would safely say that isolde probably has a faint dislike of almost anyone outside of her inner circle, lol.
37. what is your OC’s biggest dream?
she wants to retire to the amalfi coast, to a villa hand-decorated by her, with expensive champagne available to her 24/7. joseph can come too, she guesses, but that isn’t going to discourage her from hiring a handsome pool boy.
outside from that, though, isolde wants a family. she just can’t really say it out loud, ever.
38. how does your OC react to and handle stress?
isolde is a certified master at handling stress. if handling stress were an olympic sport, she would be a gold medalist. a natural-born problem solver and cool under pressure, isolde is the first person to start brainstorming and coming up with solutions to a problem the second it makes itself apparent. she does, however, emotionally shut down: at that point, she’s all problem-solving focused and emotions are shut off for another time. 
78. what is your OC’s favorite time of day?
early morning, like witching-hour early: it’s dark out, there’s almost no cars on the street, and the world is finally, finally quiet. she hates the busy-ness of the city but it’s good for good for business, so she stays and just appreciates the moments when things are quiet.
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pilferingapples · 4 years
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@simone-boccanegra replied to your post “Just watched GHOSTS OF VERSAILLES”
what is Figaro doing in there? also isn't this some anime originally or am I mixing it up with something?
..okay you know what, let’s  see if this makes any more sense to me if I explain it :
-Story A/The Framing Story:   starts out in the ghostly afterlife of Versailles, which seems to be, oddly, haunted only by ghosts of the Revolution era, and almost exclusively aristocrats, And Also Beaumarchais–guess everyone else who ever lived there decided to go hang out somewhere else 
- Ghost!Marie Antoinette is Sad because she is Dead. A bunch of Mean Girl Ghosts mock her about this, bc it’s apparently been 200 years (this play is from 1991, which explains Some Things later)
- Ghost!Beaumarchais is in love with Ghost!Marie Antoinette and offers to cheer her up with his art; when that doesn’t work, he offers to CHANGE ALL HISTORY with his art - …he makes plays, you know? Marriage of Figaro? Les Mis fans may recognize him as the creator of The Gallant Cherubin, who is NOT The Mighty Cherubim of Ezekiel :P  - this guy is gonna put on a play that will rewrite history so Marie Antoinette is saved and lives and then somehow also we get spaceships IDK, he’s very optimistic about how much her being alive will change the world 
- he is not even offering to rewrite history in time to save everyone ELSE there who also died in the Revolution. This is all about Marie Antoinette, sucks to be anyone else bc this is only about her , everyone else gets to watch the play though 
THE PLAY! or Story B:  Count Almaviva , the master of Clever Servant character Figaro, has somehow got Marie Antoinette’s necklace-- you know , THAT necklace--and is planning to sell it, to an English ambassador, at the Turkish embassy. Somehow, getting this necklace back will totally save Marie Antoinette, says Beaumarchais, even though by this point she’s in prison awaiting her execution. Figaro and his wife Susana plot to recover the necklace from their master (and also help some young lovers who are part of the plot, as these things go).  All these plans are threatened by exuberantly Eeeevil Villain  Bégearss, who is of course an Evil Revolutionary. 
-This part of the show is largely comedic and high energy, and established as a play the ghosts are watching, but I have NO  idea how-- the characters don’t seem to be being played by actors in the world of the show; maybe Ghostly Projection by Beaumarchais? 
-This part also includes a dramatically bad Wacky Hijinks scene at the Turkish Embassy Ball, with Figaro and Suzana (Susanna? IDK how they’re spelling it in this) trying to get the necklace back by Disguise and Subterfuge and Being Chased.   This would be Fine except that it also features wild 90s Orientalism, brownface, and weird sexism/homophobia/transphobia bits. It’s. It’s Bad. and it goes on FOREVERRRR AAAAAH 
- after the ball, Figaro does have the necklace, and decides Actually to Hell With Marie Antoinette, he’s going to sell it and make himself and his family rich!
- and the Ghost Crowd Goes Wild . 
Story C: ??????
Ghost!Antoinette accuses Beaumarchais of doing all this to mock her; he vows that he loves her and swears to use All His Power to Correct This and Change History, and ENTERS THE PLAY. 
- I’m still not sure how this was supposed to help, if he can’t fix things as the author how is he gonna fix it as a character with no power  - he doesn’t btw  -Antoinette DOES realize he Really Loves Her and FOLLOWS HIM INTO THE PLAY...SOMEHOW  - RIP Louis I guess, what royal marriage -Everything gets worse for everyone; Almaviva’s household is thrown in jail for Crimes Against Revolutioning, Beaumarchais and Marie Antoinette both appeal to Figaro to Fix This, Marie Antoinette goes to trial and we have to hear the grossest parts of THAT because...comedy??, and is convicted, 
- Figaro ultimately does Fix This bc that’s what Clever Servants do , the Almaviva household and everyone else there gets away , singing about how great Figaro is; Beaumarchais tells Figaro “ you were always my favorite child” and they have a goodbye scene and ngl I teared up  - M.A. though tells Beaumarchais she Accepts Her Fate, and History Happened as It Should Have And Must; at this point Ghost!Antoinette sort of separates from Play!Antoinette and watches her get guillotined, and Ghost!Antoinette returns to Beaumarchais and they smooch and are in love and still dead I guess but in love so that’s supposed to be okay
- I’m leaving out a lot but none of it explains things any better
- in conclusion: ?!?!?!?? , and that’s what Figaro is doing here
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Have you ever tried Turkish Delight? No. I’ve looked up photos of it before and it has genuinely never looked appealing; sorry to those who are delighted (heh heh) by them :/ I’m willing to try it if I ever get the chance, but I really doubt that I’ll enjoy.
Do you have a Vietnamese restaurant in your town or city? They’re a lot less common than other Asian restaurants, but I think we do have a fair share, yeah. The most common are banh mi joints. I think the reason why they aren’t super popular in my country is that Vietnamese dishes tend to be veggie-heavy - at least that’s the impression of most people here - and with Filipinos loving rice and meat in everything they eat, other cuisines simply end up being more popular, like Thai and Chinese.
Do you or have you ever owned a portable gaming console? Yes; we had a couple of PSPs and a DSi as kids. These days, we have a Switch.
Have you ever been in a car with a sunroof? Yeah the Vitara has one. It’s my favorite trick to pull off whenever a friend is riding with me in it for the first time, haha. Everyone always gets so excited about it.
Do you have to have an occasion to eat out or do you just do it for fun? Back in college I allotted a certain portion of my weekly allowance to be able to eat out once or twice a week. Food is the way to my heart and happiness and it just felt good to have nice food, man. I didn’t want to have to wait for occasions to be able to eat at my favorite restaurants.
Have you opened a letter today? No, I haven’t.
How far away is the closest cinema from your house? It’s around a 10-15 minute drive.
Have you ever been to the emergency room? Nope.
Are you one of those people who can’t go without their morning coffee? I wasn’t for a very long time, but it’s starting to become that way now that I’ve started having a regular 9-6 shift. I find that I’m way crankier and am prone to crying from anxiety if I don’t make myself a cup of coffee. When I do, I feel super productive and more motivated to do work.
Have you ever worn fake eyelashes? Twice. Once for junior prom and the next was for my college grad photo shoot.
Do you know the story of how your parents met? If so, tell me? They both started out as part of the kitchen crew in a luxury hotel in the city, my mom as a waitress and my dad as a cook. My mom started pursuing my dad when she discovered what school he came from lol because priorities, I guess.
What is your favorite Chinese food? Minced pork with eggplants is a huge favorite of mine. Xiao long bao and pork buns (steamed or baked) are also suuuuuper good.
Would you ever work at a movie theater? Probably not at this point in my life. It would’ve been a nice gig during college.
Do you have a phone charger in your car? Yessir. I need one since I constantly use Waze to get to anywhere for both directions and traffic updates, and the LTE I need for that drains my battery.
Do you live far from your parents? No, they’re like 10 steps away, in another room.
Have you ever submitted a video to Funniest Home Videos? Nope. I always loved the videos though and the show made up a big part of my childhood.
Have you ever been attracted to an authority figure? I’ve found several teachers attractive before, yeah. The biggest crush I had was on my biology teacher...I think everyone else had a crush on her too lol, she was the personification of beauty and brains.
Do you think you have a wide vocabulary? I mean I guess I know more words than most people my age...but I also feel that my vocabulary still would’ve been a lot wider if I just continued to read well into my teenage years and now as a young adult.
What was the last hot food you ate? Lumpia.
Have you ever seen a meteor shower? I don’t think so.
Describe your current position: I’m sitting up on my bed, laptop on my lap, right leg outstretched with my left leg tucked underneath it.
Have you used a microwave today? It’s only 5:01 AM, so I haven’t. We’ll see about today.
What was the last electronic device you purchased? I don’t really buy electronics. I’m more likely to buy accessories for the stuff I already have, and the last one I got was a new case for my phone.
Have you ever slept through an alarm? I think so; only a few times though. I wake up from them easily.
Do you have any celebrity crushes? Kristen Stewart and Kate Winslet are where it’s at for me, y’all.
Do you prefer going out for coffee or brewing your own? I can go either way. Coffee is coffee. I don’t mind making my own for convenience, or paying a few hundred bucks for a little more quality coffee.
Have you consumed caffeine today? If so, in what form? Yeah I have a cup of 3-in-1 barako coffee beside me. I actually made this cup at like, 7 PM last night...then I fell asleep for a bit, woke up at midnight, fucked around for a few hours and now I’m back to drinking it at 5 AM, ha.
Do you have lactose intolerance or know anyone who does? I have a mild case of it. It’s not a complete disaster for me to eat cheese or consume milk, and I wouldn’t say that my trips to the bathroom afterwards are emergencies. My body has for the most part been nice to me, hahaha.
Do you know anyone who follows a raw vegan diet and lifestyle? Not to my knowledge, no.
Have you killed a bug this week? Probably.
What was the first food you learned how to cook? I followed a recipe for onion rings a few months ago and that was super fun, but I haven’t followed that up yet so I dunno if it’s right to say I ‘learned’ it. 
Do you have a Bachelor’s degree? If so, what in? Journalism.
How many email accounts do you have? Four, but honestly I barely use the Outlook one anymore. I have three main email addresses on Gmail.
Can you go see a doctor alone or do you like to take someone with you? My parents come with me because they take care of the finances and insurance that go with things like that.
Have you ever made your own pasta noodles from scratch? Hmm, I don’t think so.
How long is your average shower? 5-10 minutes.
How close is the nearest park from your house? We don’t have any public parks because my country sucks, but my village has a few small parks that residents can flock to and walk their dogs in or bring their kids to play in or whatever. The nearest one is a 10-15 minute walk or a 2-minute drive away, depending on how you prefer to get there. Which household chore do you hate the most? Cleaning up dog pee.
Have you ever been to an all-you-can-eat buffet? So many times. They’re very common here and there are a lot of restaurants that solely have a buffet gimmick. Sambo Kojin was my favorite, and I’m really hoping their business wasn’t affected by this stupid virus.
Can you see out any windows from where you are? Yup.
Do you like pineapple on pizza? No, but I also don’t like pineapples and all other fruits.
What color is your soap? Green or white. I don’t really pay attention.
Is anything bothering you right now? Just about all the time, yes.
When’s the last time you had a headache? Sometime this week or last week.
What woke you up this morning? I woke up naturally as I normally do these days.
Are you planning to go see a movie anytime soon? Yeah my workmates have been watching American Murder on Netflix and all of them so far are raving about it, so I want to give that a shot soon.
Will you sleep alone tonight? I always sleep alone. 
How do you feel right now? Confused at my lack of drowsiness and a little sad but it’s manageable for now.
Is shyness cute? I don’t feel any particular way towards it. I suppose it can be endearing and it can also be annoying.
Will you be up before 7:00 a.m. tomorrow? I already am.
What are your plans for tonight? Maybe keep doing surveys or send in my online interview that a company I’m applying to asked me to accomplish. I didn’t even know do-it-on-your-own-time interviews were a thing; it’s super convenient and removes my anxiety of being interviewed in real time by strangers.
Would you rather write in pink pen or blue pen? Blue.
Have you ever kissed the last person you text messaged? Yes.
Who was the last person you cried in front of? Just myself. Haven’t cried in front of anyone in a while.
Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s? Yep.
Have you smoked a cigarette in the past 24 hours? No, but could definitely use one.
Were you happy when you woke up today? Nah I woke up crying I think. It was one of the more difficult mornings.
Are you the youngest sibling? I’m the eldest.  
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Please tell us more about your headcanons about Tybalt’s mother
Hooo boy. I'd like to apologize in advance if this turns out to make no sense whatsoever because I've been existing in a constant state of tiredness lately and also I'm pretty sure I left my few remaining brain cells next to my ps4.
So! Tybalt's mother! I don't have a name for her, but I do have two (2) possible origins for her.
The first is that she's the daughter of a foreign merchant (I think I'd decided on either Turkish or Greek, but I can't remember), whom Tybalt's father (who doesn't have a name either rip) meets and falls madly in love with and elopes with.
The second is that she's one of the household servants, whom Tybalt's father meets during the wedding preparations for Lord C and soon-to-be Lady C and, well, I'm sure you can guess what goes here.
I haven't decided which one I like better, but either way it's not a match that either family approves of.
For Tybalt's mother's side of the family, it's that the Capulet name is a good one, don't get me wrong, but Lady C and her brother are so far removed from the main family that all they have is the name and the looks but none of the wealth or prestige. They're also like...one or two generations away from having neither. So basically all Tybalt's father brings to either origin is his name and the looks (which Tybalt doesn't even inherit, but more on that later). For the merchant's daughter, it's that she could do better. For the serving girl, it's that nothing much has changed, because while Lady C's status has been elevated by her marriage to Lord C, Tybalt's father's has not.
For the Capulets, I can imagine that they'd be more accepting of the merchant's daughter's origin, except for the fact that I imagine that she's disowned by her father, so they don't even get any of the benefits from this match. With the servant origin, it's like, she brings in even less than Tybalt's father gives her, but not by much. Plus there's the added expectation that he was supposed to marry well, like Lady C did, but then didn't. Lord C mostly ignores his wife's side of the family, but Lady C resents her brother's wife, convinced that Tybalt's mother tricked Tybalt's father into marrying her. She doesn't say anything outright, because that would be beneath her, but she doesn't make Tybalt's mother feel welcome either. I imagine that the rest of the Capulets aren't exactly rude, but they're somewhere between Lord C's polite ignoring and Lady C's veiled comments and don't go out of their way to make her feel welcome either.
While their marriage is initially a happy one, eventually Tybalt's mother's treatment begins to wear on her, and her relationship with Tybalt's father becomes strained, because he refuses to see that anything is wrong or even address the situation in any way. Even so, within a couple years of their marriage, Tybalt is born. Lady C resents Tybalt's mother even more for this, because Tybalt is strong and healthy and a boy whole she and Lord C are having trouble with the whole having kids thing, and it'll be years before Juliet is born.
But, as out of place as Tybalt's mother feels, having him makes it better. He might be a Capulet, but he's hers first and foremost. His dark hair is hers, and the freckles across his nose, and the shape of his mouth, and so many other things about him.
And then, when Tybalt is (roughly) seven or eight, she gets pregnant again. This time, things don't go quite so well. She gives birth to a girl, but neither she nor the child live for long after.
Tybalt's father takes to drinking after this, because alcoholism is apparently as much a Capulet trait as blond hair, and dies not longer after. For the first but not the last time, Tybalt is completely alone.
It's at this point that Tybalt is brought into the main Capulet household by Lady C, because he is still her brother's child, after all, and she owes her brother that much. Tybalt promptly imprints on Juliet, sort of like a baby duck, partly out of misplaced affections and partly because other than his mother, she's the only one that loves him without any caveats. Tybalt is received by the Capulets as a whole better than his mother was, but he always knows that he's different, that they don't see him a true Capulet, not like they do Juliet and Rosaline and all the others.
His mother is gone, and so is his father. All he has left is the name of the family that's barely his.
So he overcompensates. He trains harder, he fights more, he angers quicker on their behalf. Anything to make sure no one doubts that he is as much a Capulet as his uncle is. He wears the Capulet name as much as a brand as he does a badge of honor.
We all know how well this turns out for him.
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ofaylin · 4 years
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⌠ BAHAR SAHIN, 19 CISFEMALE, SHE/HER ⌡ welcome back to gallagher academy, AYLIN KALELI! according to their records, they’re a THIRD year, specializing in LINGUISTICS, CULTURE, & ASSIMILATION AND RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT; and they DID go to a spy prep high school. when i see them walking around in the halls, i usually see a flash of (hair pulled back with a chanel ribbon, lycra boots with razor blades in the heel, champagne and french macarons in a bubble bath, wiping your tears with a $100 bill). when it’s the (leo)’s birthday on 8/3/00 they always request their FRENCH FRIES from the school’s chefs. looks like they’re well on their way to graduation.
bex baxter – gallagher girls
carmen cortez – spy kids
blair waldorf – gossip girl
cher horowitz – clueless
torrance shipman – bring it on
jackie burkhart – that 70s show
cordelia chase – buffy the vampire slayer
tahani al-jamil – the good place
both of her parents work for the national intelligence organization of turkey, they’re big shots and they make a lot of money! she has two older sisters and she’s born into a world of wealth and expectations. 
it won’t take her long to learn more languages than years she has lived, and waking up early to run drills and do obstacle courses with her sisters is routine.
picture perfect on the outside, the household within goes through turmoil. her mother is promoted to the director of the NIO and it puts a strain on her parent’s relationship. 
her father starts taking more business trips, and aylin and her sisters spend nights sitting on the top of the stairs, listening in on phone conversations. aylin’s the youngest, so she doesn’t really understand what’s going on and needs to have it broken down.
aylin had always LOVED her parent’s love story – they met on a mission and they were partners for years, it’s all very romantic. so the divorce leaves her confused. how could you stop loving someone? how could you just give up?
both of her parents are an active part of her life, the divorce is…fairly amicable and they share custody. the only thing aylin doesn’t like is her father’s new girlfriend, young and totally uninvolved in the world of espionage. the girl could be her sister. 
aylin spends her time split between two houses, half-belonging to each, but her parents feel GUILTY so aylin quickly learns how to use that guilt to get what she wants, whether it’s freedom or material goods.
she’s a little spoiled, but it doesn’t satisfy her. nothing really does, it just makes her feel sort of empty, so she works harder, filling time with books and training with her older sisters who tell her cool stories from their spy prep schools and teach aylin things they’ve learned when they come home for breaks. 
aylin long for the day when she’s not splitting your time between other people’s homes and she’s in a place that she can really call her own.
she goes to the same spy prep school that her older sisters did in london. she’s competitive from the get-go because she’s a kaleli and people already expect things from her to begin with. she smiles when people call her by her sister’s name or mention her mother, but inside she’s seething, eager to prove that she’s good because she works hard, not because she’s someone’s sister or daughter.
it’d be a lie to say that aylin didn’t step on a few toes, and the way she skyrocket to valedictorian is a little less than savory.
she has her pick of spy prep colleges across the nation, but her mom really encourages her to choose gallagher. why? that’s weird, her mom never went there and neither does the rest of her family! but aylin really likes the idea of a place that’s all hers and she’s always wanted to see america, so she chooses it. 
she’s a bit smug about being ahead of others because she’s been reading books on espionage since age 4, and if you don’t know sixteen languages, stay out of her way.
PROUD. aylin is a very proud person, she grew up in an affluent household with important parents. when faced with a challenge, it’s her pride that tends to motivate her to be the best because she feels like she has something to prove, and she’ll turn her nose up at you until she gets it. this also makes her stubborn.
INTELLIGENT. aylin was raised in an environment where she was being trained since her childhood, knowing about espionage since she could speak, but she also has an iq of 122, so not quite genius level but she’s getting there. she’s the head cheerleader type that you’d be surprised is actually really good at math.
HARD-WORKING. queen of taking on too many extracurriculars at all times! honestly she tends to overexert herself until she burns out, but she wants it all – the exciting social life, the straight As, the meaningful connections, the parties, when does she sleep? maybe never.
SNOBBISH. honestly, she doesn’t mean to come off as a snob but she definitely does because she hasn’t really known anything other than crystal dishware and fancy clothes. she doesn’t even comprehend that other people don’t come from the same place of privilege that she has.
FUN-LOVING. the girl you want to party with! just because she’s a good student, she wouldn’t want you to think that she doesn’t know how to have a good time. aylin operates in extremes, so she parties just as hard as she studies and has a tendency to get carried away, but let it be known that she’s doing this for herself and not for anyone else’s attention.
MANIPULATIVE. aylin will step on toes to get what she wants, and she’s not scared to fight dirty. she tends to stay in the lines of what’s legal of course, but if she sees a window into getting what she wants, she’ll say what she needs to in order to get it. honestly, she can be a bit callous with the way she uses people and doesn’t always understand the effects of her actions. she would tell you that the ends justify the means. yikes.
INDEPENDENT. doesn’t need you or anyone else and wants you to know it. her confidence is genuine and real, and she doesn’t attribute any of her accomplishments to her family name – she’s not insecure about it, she knows that she’s good at what she does.  
started school early, so she’s a bit young for her grade by a year. she sees this as a positive thing and will brag to you about how she’s younger AND smarter. annoying.
acts like she really likes healthy food and eats a salad in public ( will tell you that’s her favorite food ) but she’s weak for things that are greasy and fried and will be pigging out in secret. her favorite food is french fries but you probably wouldn’t guess that about her !
LANGUAGES SHE KNOWS: english, french, turkish, arabic, german, kurmanji, italian, dutch, spanish, mandarin, japanese, latin, hindustani, malay, russian, bengali. some are better than others and some she reads more than she can really speak.
taught herself to skateboard since coming to america since it seemed like the thing to do based on watching american films. she will ride her little penny board in high heels around campus and loves it ! and you thought i couldn’t make her more annoying !
tons of expensive lingerie but u can look but don’t touch.
has a little stuffed rabbit in a tutu that she got as a baby named  dans tavşanı, and she always sleeps with it lol. however, it was recently stolen in her luggage when she was traveling home after the semester and she misses it a lot.
started drinking bc she wanted to be like her sisters and fit in and she’s fun to party with, but has never seen or touched a single drug in her life, not even weed. with parents that work for the government, she’s concerned about it. 
super into classic romances, her favorite book is pride and prejudice and jane austen is her favorite author! loves classic romance movies too, or anything by norah ephron. she’s lowkey a romantic and needs to be romanced and feel special before she’d ever consider dating someone or even crushing on them, really. scary movies freak her out though, she will lose her shit at a jump scare. 
her parents are not super strict about their religion, but she doesn’t eat pork and her dad doesn’t keep any alcohol in the house. she definitely keeps a lot of secrets from her parents, and they don’t know that she’s ever had a boyfriend. 
lowkey a HUGE nerd !!!!!!! 
leo with a virgo rising and cancer moon. i am so SORRY !
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