#jaykori fic
liedownquisition · 4 months
One thing that frustrates me sometimes is that the premise of the original RHATO team joining up together would not... take a lot to be made into something actually decent. Respect for the characters, really. Keep Kori's amnesia, keep Roy's isolation, but nudge the script a little:
Jason is vaguely familiar to Kori, because canonically they DID meet at least once when he was Robin (ignoring n52's everything tbh, the continuity still confuses me sometimes esp when some writers couldnt decide whether ot not 52 was a reboot or if they were going to keep referencing prior shit), but she doesn't remember, just has vague vibes and maybe he can help her with that if they knew each other? And Jason could try to help with what he can but he barely knew her, really. He's agonized bcs the only person he knows who might maybe help is Dick and he's Very Deliberately Estranged from the Bats.
Enter a tip from Talia. Maybe Jason reached out asking about the Titans, maybe she knows where he is and came to the conclusion that interacting with non-Bat heroes that he had a decently positive relationship before his death would be beneficial to him.
Roy's been off-grid since some time after Lian's death, pushing away everyone and deliberately running headfirst into things that could kill him. They're planning to televise his execution, but don't want to risk him getting rescued before that, but they can't hide from her spies. It solves a lot of problems then, doesn't it? Jason and Kori rescue him and he can help her with her memories and/or get her back in touch with the rest of their old team to help and Jason doesn't have to deal with any Bats himself.
But then they don't leave.
Kori's pretty content as she is, with people who know and have been helping her. Her memory loss isn't exactly life-threatening or anything and she's not in any hurry. Roy took one look at the two of them and came to the conclusion that he could help here, help both of them, and they won't judge him for what he's done or try to force him to reconnect with anyone before he was ready to face them/reality (if ever).
And Jason? Jason's a wounded animal snapping at anyone and anything that tries to come too close and covering up his own issues by fucking with shitty ppl & ruining their day. It's a bit of a challenge to make him chill out, but neither of the other two are afraid of that and he's already done all this to help them so why not return the favor?
Jason's the "leader", not because he's more qualified to lead a team but because he needs the feeling of being in control. There's only three of them and there's enough power & experience between them to compensate if anything goes off the rails & Roy's fluent enough in Bat from all his history with Dick to nudge Jason a little to the left if he has to. It's halfway between babysitting and a vacation.
(Amusingly this gave me the mental image of Roy & Kori in beach gear slurping colorful mocktails and Jason running around on an adult-sized child leash.)
You could even keep Roy/Kori, build it up slightly more, ect., ect. Just make it an actual relationship & not turning Kori into a sex doll lmao. I mean they were friends! Even without Dick they were friends with Each Other! & sometimes friendships can get sexual or turn into relationships!
None of this fixes like the racism & such in a bunch of the plot but that's a speech for whole different post I think, and I'm honestly not sure if I've got the chops to redesign all that. At the very least, it would be too big of a distraction from everything else I'm already easily distracted from working on lmao.
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house-on-sand · 2 months
stumbled upon a ship where they only interact like once in canon but the first fic i read for it was really good and now im pages deep im ao3 tag for it reading fics from 2020 lmao
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bruciemilf · 2 years
need jaykori fics!! 😇😇😇
SAME. hook me up someone PLS
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The A B C’S of JayKori
Author’s Note:
I wish they were canon, YES THEY ARE BOTH WHIPPED FOR EACH OTHER HERE, SUE ME!!! There’s not a lot of fics about them, so hopefully those who ship it will enjoy this. It’s my first time writing for a ship, so uh yeah (awkward silence).... yeah I hope you guys enjoy it. Ahem K let’s get to it.
                                            A for Adorable
Jason finds the way she hums songs to herself, when she thinks she's all alone, adorable. She always sways a little as she hums, and she doesn't even realize it. It makes him want to go behind and hug her tight, but he doesn't want to ruin the beautiful image, so he always stays behind and watches. 
Kori finds him so adorable when he tries so hard to not smile. He clenches his jaw tightly and his corner lip twitches until he finally gives in and smiles. She never says it, but his smile makes her heartbeat flutter, his smile makes her smile brighter.
                                              B for Bliss
Jason loves it when he wakes up before her. He loves to see her relaxed in his arms, loves to feel her warmth surrounding him. He likes to wake her up slowly by kissing her all over her face. 
It's so peaceful that he doesn't want to wake her up, but he knows she loves to see the sunrise, and he would do anything to make her happy even if it means ruining the blissful morning.
Kori loves when she watches movies with Jason. He always settles himself in between her legs, and leans back to snuggle into her. 
She loves to run her fingers in his hair, and she knows how much he loves it because when she doesn't do it. He starts to grumble until he gives up and grabs her hand and puts it in his hair. She always feels so at bliss with him leaning back into her that the TV sounds fade as she leans back and enjoys his warmth.
                          C for Cock Warming (yes I'm going there, sue me)
When they go a while without seeing each other, they always lose themselves in their passion, but there's always a desperate need to be closer. 
The first time it happened was after a passionate night, but Kori wanted more. No matter how much she cuddled into him, it didn't help the need she had for closure. Jason started to see her getting more desperate, so he kissed her and told her he had an idea. It took some maneuvering, but when he finally slid into her, both of them felt at peace. It took a lot for both of them to not continue it further, but exhaustion won and they went to sleep feeling closer than ever. 
After that when they were alone and they had the need to be closer, he would slide into her warmth with a groan and settle himself in her arms. 
Sometimes they would lose themselves in their lust, but afterwards instead of pulling out, he would stay inside. Jason loved having his cum remain inside her, and Kori loved how complete she felt.
                                            D for Dangerous
Kori is normally always trying to be the calm one, but she loses all the self control she has when Jason gets hurt. She loses her compassion, and she can get downright terrifying. 
When she had been younger, and with the titans, it had been difficult for her to understand why humans were so moralistic when it came to killing. She came from a warrior planet so she didn't understand why rapists and pedophiles were allowed to live; She didn't understand why they were incarcerated and sometimes let go. Or how they could escape and hurt more people, only to be put back in jail.
It was a dangerous cycle, and she never saw the point when they could've just been executed and that could’ve prevented even more problems. When she had gotten with Jason, she had been relieved to know that he agreed with her. 
When Jason gets hurt, she sees red. She always makes sure to make the people who hurt him pay. She becomes the worst version of herself, and her actions start to give her quite a reputation of being downright cruel when Jason gets hurt. 
Eventually all of Jason's enemies start to become hesitant because of all the rumors going around of Kori's viciousness.
Jason snaps when he sees Kori hurt. He knows she can protect herself, knows she can kill him with a flick of her hand, but he doesn't care. He doesn't want to see her hurt, he wants her happy and healthy by his side. 
So when he sees her bleed, or cringe from pain, a rage so big takes over and he becomes more homicidal than ever.  
He could easily shoot and get it over with, but he takes his time in torturing those who hurt Kori. It gives him a sick thrill, and he relishes in their screams.
                                           E for Effervescent 
He loves to watch her when the sun hits her. When she steps out and spreads her arms, and takes in all the energy the sun can give her. His breath always catches when she happily turns and smiles at him.
 It's just perfect, the sun encloses her and all he can see is the brightness of her eyes and the sweet smile on her face.
He can see all the love that she has in her eyes, and he can't believe it's directed at him. She looks like a goddess, and he's glad to be able to worship her.
                                           F for Forbidden
It was wrong, or so they were told. Wrong that she got with Richard’s Brother, Wrong that he got with His Brother’s ex.
“How could you get with her? She’s your brother’s ex for god’s sake!”
“You know she’s going to leave you when he wants her back right?”
“This is wrong Kori! How could you possibly be with him!”
“Do you know how sickening it is that you’re with him? What? You can’t have Dick, so you go for his little brother?” 
They heard it all, they heard all the doubt, all the judgement. It put a strain at first when they came out with their relationship. It’s why they kept their relationship quiet for so long, they knew that they wouldn’t be accepted. 
At first, they became tense with each other. They kept wondering if all the people were right, if they were really wrong for each other. That insecurity lasted until they exploded. Insults were thrown out, all their doubt clouding their judgement. Their throats hurt from all the screaming, and still to this day, they don’t know who did it, but all they know is that in one second, they were screaming at each other, and that in the next, Kori was slammed to the wall and Jason was pushing his pants down. 
They knew right then that their insecurity was all for nothing. It wasn’t wrong, it couldn’t be wrong. 
How could it be wrong when it felt so right? 
Her body fit perfectly against him. His lips against hers ignited her body. Their moans were music to each other's ears, their body slapping against each other so perfectly. 
How could it be wrong?
Kori never had anyone who understood her so well, and Jason never had anyone who could make him this happy. 
They were meant to be, and every single nerve in their body knew it. Screw everyone’s opinions, the only ones that mattered were each other’s. 
After that, every single time someone made a comment, they would smile at each other. It didn’t matter what the world thought, they were right for each other, and they knew it. Forbidden or not.
                                                G for Grace
He loves to see her in her Queen attire at Tamaran. He doesn’t understand how she does it, one second, she’s the Kori he knows. She’s all giggles and she moves like a fairy. The next? She’s the Queen.
 She walks with her head held up high, and every step is sure and right. She walks and acts with a grace that he loves to see. Every move is calculated, every smile is perfect, she moves and acts like the Queen she is. 
He feels amazed that he’s allowed to see both sides of her, she has the grace of a dancer and the grace of a queen. 
Kori loves to see him with a gun in his hand. She loves how he could go from a loving doting boyfriend to Red Hood. Every move is done with calculative intent. Kori loves the way he moves when he fights. 
She would never tell him this, but to her, he moves like a dancer. Every duck, every step, every flip is gracefully done. She could see his muscles move under his shirt, can see how his legs flex, can see how he works the gun as if it’s a part of him. It makes her want him even more. 
She’s happy that she can see both sides of him, the good and the bad.
                                               H for Home
They were both lost when they got with each other. 
Kori always felt like something was missing. She may have been from Tamaran, she loves her planet, she does, but she loves Earth as well.
Growing up was a struggle for her, she was so young when she was in the Citadel and then the Psions got her, it was always a struggle. One after another. 
Even when she got back to her planet, even after she reconciled with Kom, Tamaran never felt like home. Not truly. 
Earth was beautiful, but if it wasn’t for her friends, she would’ve left a long time ago. There was always constant judgement, she never truly felt accepted no matter how hard she tried to fit in.
 It didn’t feel like home, how could a home cause so much insecurity? She never knew what a home was until she got with Jason.
Jason didn’t understand the concept of home, he knew what it was, but he just never felt like he had one. Not a true home at least.
His childhood was shitty, and then with Bruce, he felt like he had to work hard to beat Dick. The Wayne Manor never felt like home, it felt lonely and cold. When he came back, home was wherever he could lay down to sleep after a good fight. 
He had no attachments, he did everything he could to be by himself. To never feel betrayed again. Jason didn’t know what home was until he got with Kori.
What started off as just sex became something so deep so fast. They both tried to distance themselves, but their need for company overcame that and one night became three nights. Three nights became five nights, and before they knew it, they were seeing each other daily. 
At first, they didn’t talk much, but then little by little they started opening up to each other. 
Kori realized she finally found someone who could understand her different views, and Jason found someone who accepted him for all he was. 
Rough kisses became soft kisses, and nights that were meant for sex slowly became movie nights and bonding times. When they were busy doing other stuff, without even realizing, they would start counting the time until they could go see each other. 
Later on when they were fully committed, they both realized that home didn't have to be a physical place, or even a planet. 
Home was safeness, 
Home was happiness, 
Home was love. 
When Bruce told Jason to come back home, he had to bite back his response. He wanted to say that he already had a home. Home was Kori. 
When Kom told Kori to come back home, Kori wanted to tell her that she already had a home. Home was Jason. 
                                              I for Infernal
Jason used to be obsessed with Greek Mythology. He was obsessed with books, he still remembers how many books Bruce would get him to make him happy when he was younger. He remembers quoting Hamlet, remembers bringing books to his face to smell them, remembers making sure to not crease the pages of his books. 
Books got rid of the loneliness he felt when he was younger, it got rid of all the negative things in his world and made his imagination run wild. He remembers how amazed he always felt that no matter how many people they got with Aphrodite and Ares always returned to each other, remembers hating Zeus with all his heart, remembers obsessing and ranting to Alfred about how Athena was protecting Medusa and not punishing her like so many believed. 
When he looks at Kori, he wants to tell her that she’s the embodiment of Aphrodite, wants to tell her that’s she’s an amazing warrior like Athena, wants to tell her that she’s as kind as Hestia, wants to tell her that when he sees her starbolts it reminds him of Eos. 
However, he could never tell her that deep down, he hopes their love is as strong and powerful as Persephone and Hades. 
He can’t find it in himself to express how much he wants her to remain by his side, that he would move heaven and earth to make her happy. He can see how many others judge their relationship, can see how many others believe that he’s bringing Kori down with him.
 It makes his insecurities rise until he sees how she looks at him, and he knows instinctively that if he were to go further down, she would happily go down with him even if it meant going all the way down to hell. He looks at her, and hopes their love is as eternal as Persephone's and Hades.
                                            J for Jealousy
Normally people assume that Kori is the most Jealous one in the relationship, but Kori has nothing on Jason in that area. 
He can’t stand seeing how all the people look at her like she’s an object. Makes his jaw clench so tight that Kori worries he’s going to break a tooth. He hates it when people come up to talk to her to flirt and when they dare to touch her, he sees red. He absolutely despises how Dick still stares at her as if she’s his. 
Kori likes how jealous he gets, makes the sex so much better when he finally gets her all alone. She ends up burning the bed sheets, and biting the pillows hard from how rough he fucks her from behind. He makes her cum over and over until she shakes all the while reminding her that she’s his and only his. 
Kori can feel a snarl coming over her face when she sees how people put their hand on his arm to flirt with him. The worst part is that he is always so oblivious to it. For someone so hot, he really doesn’t see how utterly perfect and attractive he is. 
One time she almost broke a girl’s hand when she had the audacity to reach up and touch the white streaks in his hair all the while telling him how strong he is. All Jason could do is turn red as Kori practically ripped her hand away. 
That night, she pushed him down the bed and rode him for all he’s worth. By the end of it, he was begging to cum in her. When she allowed him to cum, she leaned down and bit while claiming him as hers. Jason was so turned on that he came a second time and saw stars.
                                              K for Knight
She was a princess, she was constantly reminded of that. When she wasn’t a princess, she was a Queen. 
When she had arrived on Earth, she had been fascinated by fairy tales. She had obsessively watched all Disney, and Pixar movies. They made her laugh, they made her envision what a normal and happy childhood could’ve been like, they made her want.
One thing she never understood was the concept of having a shining knight to protect the princess. She found it quite insulting. 
Why couldn’t the princess protect herself? 
Why did the princess always have a knight to protect her? 
Why was it always the knight in the story, and not the King?
Or the Prince? 
Growing up, it was always emphasized that as a princess, she could only have a prince, or a King. 
There was no such thing as possibly falling for a ‘knight’. 
As she grew up, she realized she didn’t want a knight, or a prince.
The princess had become a Queen, and instead of a prince, she wanted a King. Someone to stand beside her, Someone who supported her decisions, Someone to stand as straight as she could. She yearned for a King to be by her side, a King to rule with. A king to make a home with.
She thought she had that with Dick, but then the relationship crashed and burned and her King became a prince once again. 
When she least expected it, she found another Prince. Only he wasn’t a prince. 
He didn’t follow the rules that were put on him. He made his own decisions, and he stood firm on them. He didn’t cower simply because his ‘father’ glared at him instead he glared back. He was a King hidden in plain sight. 
With this King, she made a home. With this King, the Queen could stand on her own two feet and not hesitate with what she wanted. 
The King shared his burdens with her, and she with him. They supported each other, they stood firm to make a home, and they fought together through all the challenges that life threw at them. This King didn’t leave her, no, this King loved her too much to let her go. 
                                              L for Liberated
Jason was confined his whole life. Confined to the poverty that was his childhood, Confined to the rules that Bruce put on him, confined to all the expectations society had on him. He just wanted to be free from it all, deep down he knew the one thing he really wanted was happiness.
Kori was chained. Chained to the rules that royalty put on her, Chained to the Citadel, Chained to the Psions, and then she was chained to all the rules and expectations humans gave her.
She wanted to be free from it all, she just wanted to be able to fly away and live happily, but life always threw too many challenges her way to the point where she believed she would always be chained to something. That is till she got with Jason.
Both of them were wary of each other, they had already been burned and jaded too many times to not be. They both had brick walls surrounding their hearts, and without realizing, those bricks started falling one by one till all that remained were battered hearts.
Slowly, they healed each other. Made each other whole again. When Bruce’s expectations and comments became too much again, Kori took a chance and asked him to leave with her. To get away from all the chaos and the pain, to go far and not look back. To finally be free from it all. She had been worried that he would say no, that he would reject her and think her insane for even thinking about it. 
Instead she got pulled into a passionate kiss, and he held her face in his hands as if she were his whole world and said yes. 
When she extended her hand, he grabbed it without hesitation and she flew off. 
They landed at an island, they made a home out of it. Jason couldn’t remember the last time he felt so relaxed. They would wake up in each other's arms, go swimming whenever they felt like it, they roamed around the island when they wanted to, and when nights came they lost themselves in each other. 
They knew it wouldn’t last forever, they knew that eventually they would have to go back, but for the moment, they enjoyed what they could. 
They were both liberated from all the pain that their lives brought, and both Kori and Jason knew that the freedom that they were having was as sweet as it could be because they had each other. 
                                           M for Moaning
Kori loved making Jason moan. He was a talker, loved making her cum over and over again while moaning that she was such a good girl for him, that she was so tight and wet.
Fuck baby, this pussy was meant for me
It made her lose control, but the one thing she loved the most was when he would stop talking because he was too busy grunting and moaning.
She loved to hear him moan by her ear, and he knew that. He would take advantage of when he knew he was close, and would pull her in so that she could hear his grunts better.
Fuck Kori
She loved when the only thing he could say was her name. She knew that if she got on his lap and bounced, he would lose control and start babbling when she squeezed him tight. She loved hearing his breath catch. 
Loved bouncing on him till he had enough and would flip her over and take back control.
Shit mm fuck Kori
His moans would get louder when he was close, his grip would tighten and she knew she would get bruises, and he would kiss them all in the morning as an apology. She always knew what to say to make him snap.
P-Please J-Jason fuck your cum into me
The moan he would let out would make her cum once again. He would lose control and would rut into her all the while moaning
K-Kori K-kori fuck K-ori
When he finally did cum, his moans would become softer, and he would put his face in her neck all the while whispering her name.
Kori Fuck baby
When he would try to slip out, she would wrap herself around him and pull her legs over his ass to pull him deeper, begging him to remain inside her. 
Jason loved seeing her like this, loved watching her beg. When he would look down, and see his cock stuffed into her all the while some cum would leak out, he would curse and get hard all over again. 
S-Shit baby look at us
“Please, Jason” Kori would moan out
Fuck, Kori. You want more?
I want more of your cum in me baby
The animalistic grunt he would let out would make her wetter, and the cycle would repeat. She took great joy in making him snap.
                                      N for Nonchalant 
He was the bad boy, the one who never smiled for the paparazzi, the one who would instead flip them off with a smirk on his face while Bruce sighed. 
When his brothers would make harsh comments, all he would do is smirk, or say something sarcastic. His favorite thing to do was not react at all. It would always piss off the people around him even more. 
No matter how hard they tried to get a reaction out of him, all that he would do is raise his eyebrow and give a side look if needed. 
He had learned at a young age that no reaction at all could rile up even the calmest person. He enjoyed doing it, maybe it was because he was bitter, maybe it was because he liked being a troll at times, it didn’t matter why. He just loved pissing people off. Enjoyed seeing their energy deflate when he acted like he didn’t give a fuck. Now why was it that he couldn’t keep that same energy with Kori?
No matter how hard he tried, she always got a reaction out of him. When she would sarcastically reply to him, he would smile. When she touched his cheek and looked at him like he was the sun, he would cave in and get closer to hold her. When he tried to rile her up, all he would get is a sideways look that said ‘not happening’ and instead of her reacting, he would cave in and stutter out an apology until she smiled at him again. 
When he tried to be flirty, she would flirt back without missing a beat, and the one who would look like a tomato at the end was always him. When she would laugh in his arms, his eyes would soften and a small sweet smile would appear. When Tim brought that up as a way to tease him, he got blocked immediately. 
His favorite thing to do when no one was looking was bring her into his arms and rub his nose against her until she giggled. No matter how hard he tried he couldn’t do the bad boy persona with her. 
Deep down inside, he didn’t even want to.
                                     O for Overwhelming
When they began a relationship, he got overwhelmed many times. All the self control he had flew out of the window when he began to be with Kori. 
He didn’t understand why he felt like his heart was gonna give out every time she came close to him. 
He couldn’t fathom having to explain why she was so important to him. He remembered the first time he saw her. It had been a windy day and she had been so stunning that he had frozen for a second as he admired her. Dick had seen it, and an amused smile had come over his face. He wanted to tease him for it, but he knew he would most likely get punched so he remained quiet. 
It was the first time that Jason got to meet his brother's girlfriend, and he thought that all the comments about her beauty didn't do her justice. She wasn’t just physically beautiful, but she was also beautiful from the inside. 
He remembered stuttering when he introduced himself to her, he remembered how sweaty his hands were, and how his heart ran a mile. 
He remembered how she let go of Dick’s hand to hug him, remembered how his heart almost gave out when he got slammed with her smell. She smelled so fucking good, and all he could remember after that was how utterly jealous he was that his brother got to be with her. 
She had been so kind, and he was enamoured. He also remembers thinking that there was no way someone like her could ever be with someone like him. 
Now? Now he has her all to himself, and he doesn’t understand how he got so lucky. 
Now his heart flutters when she randomly decides to play music, and comes up to him to pull him to dance. She could never understand how peaceful he feels when they slowly dance to whatever slow song she had picked. She could never understand how happy he gets when he steps out in the morning to see her dancing in his shirt, she could never understand how confused he gets when she spins to see him and immediately flies to him to give him a good morning kiss. 
He doesn’t know what he did to deserve her, but he doesn’t care. When they had gotten together, he used to wake up thinking it was all a dream till he moved and felt her against him sleeping soundly.
He used to think she was going to leave him any second, he used to be so insecure that it was all a lie, that he was the 2nd choice because he wasn’t the real thing. 
When she had found out that he had those thoughts, she stared at him for a minute without moving, and when he worriedly asked if she was okay. She had slapped him and told him to never insult her like that again before she grabbed him and showed him exactly how much she loved him.
                                         P for Possessiveness
After all his insecurities had faded when they had gotten together, he was glad to finally realize that she was with him because she wanted him for who he really was. He was very possessive of her, and she was possessive of him as well.
She can’t stand the thought of someone seeing the smile that he gets when he gets flustered. She hates the idea of someone else knowing what he tastes like, of the sounds he makes in bed.
She despises the idea of someone else getting his bear hugs. She always feels so safe when he hugs her. She can’t fathom the idea of someone else getting the luck of watching him concentrate on cooking. He always furrows his eyebrows when he doesn’t understand a recipe, and he starts to grumble like an old man when he feels like he’s getting it wrong. She always stands behind and watches until she bursts out laughing, and he turns around acting like he wasn’t seconds away from ripping the recipe paper up. 
She hates the thought of someone else getting to know how he loves being all snuggled up while he’s sleeping, and how he loves to watch movies in bed when it’s raining outside. 
Her skin itches when she thinks of somebody else knowing that he has a chest hidden with all of his favorite books, and how his eyes light up when he reads his old mythology books. How he treats them with reverence. 
She hates it, so she does everything she can to be by his side. 
He hates the idea of her leaving him, despises the thought so much that he tries to not think about it out of fear of bringing up old insecurities. 
He absolutely hates the idea of someone else knowing that while she loves having control in bed, she loves it even more when she’s the bottom. Hates the thought of someone else knowing that she feels protected when she’s below and how she moans the loudest when he covers her body with his. How she loves the feeling of closure during sex. 
He despises the thought that someone else could know that she secretly loves rock music because the loud drums remind her of Tamaranian music.
He absolutely hates that idea of someone else knowing that she loves being spoiled, that she loves getting her hair braided by her lover and that she loves eskimo kisses. 
He gets heated by the thought that someone else may know that she loves pie more than cake, or that she actually loves the color green more than purple, or that she loves drinking hot cocoa while she takes a hot bath, or that she loves to paint and is quite amazing at it. 
He hates the idea of her slowly dancing with someone else like she does with him, or that someone else could see how excited she gets when she finds crystals. How she thinks they’re so beautiful.
He hates the thought of someone else knowing that she keeps all the letters that Komand’r has sent her hidden beneath the bed, and how she gets so happy that she can finally have the sibling relationship she always yearned for with her sister. He hates the idea of someone else being with her so he does all he can to remain by her side.
                                              Q for Quiet
He absolutely despises when he’s left all alone in the house with her somewhere else. Sometimes she’s off to Tamaran, other times she’s out with friends. 
He understands it, he goes out too, and he has missions as well, but he misses her.
He detests the silence that takes over the house. 
Usually the house is filled with the music that she plays while she cooks, or the blow dryer when she comes out of the shower, or her laughter when she watches a movie. 
Sometimes it’s filled with the conversations she has with her friends over the phone while he quietly watches her talk with a smile on his face. 
Sometimes it’s filled with their moans, grunts, and sweet sighs. 
Sometimes it’s filled with their conversations, all the fears, all the secrets, all the wishes they have. He hates when she’s not there, all he could hear are his own thoughts.
Normally when she’s out, he does everything he can to keep himself busy, but on days like these where he has no missions and no plans, all he could think about is counting down the time till she arrives.
Is he clingy? Yes, he is, but so is she and they are quite happy about that. He hates silence, absolutely despises it. He’s gotten too used to all the sounds and ruckus she makes, and he misses it when it’s not there. 
When all he has to do is wait, he likes to play her favorite songs and go prepare a meal, so that they can eat together when she comes back. 
                                       R for Realization
Kori realized she loved him when he started ranting about how horrible Zeus was to everyone. They had been together for 4 months already, and it was an early Saturday morning. It was slightly windy outside, they could hear the tree leaves rasping against the window. They both had no missions, nor any plans so they decided to stay in. 
Kori had spent the morning painting an image of Rachel reading by a tree with a green cat cuddled up to her as a birthday gift to Rachel. Jason was leaning back next to her reading one of his old mythology books out loud. She loved listening to him read, so she always asked him if he could read to her as she painted. Jason never denied her, she and he both knew how much he enjoyed reading to her.
“Zeus is married to Hera, right?” She asked as she concentrated on getting Rachel’s hair right
“Yeah though the Bastard doesn’t deserve her, he always spends his time cheating” Jason responded with a disgruntled voice
“Why do you hate him so much again?” Kori asked as she turned around to see his reaction knowing how heated he gets when it comes to Zeus.
Just like that, Jason went on a long rant about how Zeus continuously abuses his power left and right, and how he treats everyone around him like shit. 
Kori watched how he immediately sat up, and started rambling. His green eyes looked so passionate, and his hair was somewhat ruffled. She controlled the urge she got to run her hands through his hair. She watched how his hands, X’hal she loved his hands, started moving sporadically as he continued to rant. 
He looked so relaxed and comfortable even as he ranted, and a small part of her was glad that he felt this unguarded with her.
‘He looks so adorable when he gets like this, X’hal I love him’ Kori thought and she froze.
Kori knew that it was early in the relationship, but she also realized that it didn’t matter. It settled into her like a blanket. She loved him. She, Koriand’r, was in love with Jason Todd. She loved him for all his good and bad qualities, she loved him for him. 
It was like a warmth was covering her from head to toe, she loved him and that was that. She knew not to say anything yet, knew that he may freak out so she quietly watched with a small smile as he continued to rant. She didn’t panic, it felt right. 
When the time came, she would tell him, but for now she’ll settle for moments like these until she could tell him.
Jason realized he loved her on a rainy night. They had been together for 6 months now, and he was currently busy trying to figure out how to make lasagna. It was raining hard outside, he could hear the pitter patter hitting the windows pretty heavily. Kori had been picking out what song to play next while she waited for Jason to finish.
“Jason! Come here!” Kori called from the other room
“Uh, gimme a second babe. I’m trying to figure out this recipe” Jason yelled back
“Jason It’s Important!!! Come here!” Kori yelled from the other room
Jason stopped and hurried out worried that something may have happened only to see Kori standing out in the balcony with her arms spread out and a smile on her face as the water hit her face. A slow song played in the living room, and she was slowly swaying to the soft beat.
“Um, what is this?’ Jason asked as he watched her sway. She looked so beautiful. Her clothes were sticking to her, and any other day he would’ve goggled for a good minute, but all he could stare at was how big her smile was. 
“Dance with me!” She replied with a beam. The rain continued to get stronger, and he couldn’t help but think she looked so gorgeous when she was like this. When she gets spontaneous like this, it takes his breath away. 
“I don’t know if you haven’t noticed babe, but human here. I’m going to get sick” he said,
“Aaand I’ll take care of you if you do, c’mon dance with me” She immediately responded.
Kori stuck her hand out and waited, and Jason slowly walked forward. He hissed when the water hit him, but he immediately felt warmth take over when Kori hugged him close. Slowly their hands locked, and the cold faded, and all he could focus was on her as they slowly danced in the rain. 
She smiled at him, and slowly leaned in to kiss him. The kiss was short and sweet, and when they separated, he couldn’t help but stare at her, and just like that he knew. He was in love with her, he was in love with this beautiful woman..
“You’re so beautiful” He whispered and leaned in to give her another kiss. When they separated, he grabbed her face, and ran his right thumb on her lips as he stared into her eyes.
“I love you Kori,” he said and he pulled her in closer. Normally he would’ve freaked out. Normally he would’ve been a nervous wreck, but this, this, felt right. 
Kori’s eyes widened and she froze for a second until she grabbed his head and gave him a powerful kiss.
“I love you too” She said when they pulled apart. Both of them smiled at each other, and leaned in to kiss each other again under the rain.
                                           S for Screams
They both had a difficult life, so they both understood the struggle of nightmares. However it didn’t make it any less horrifying when they were startled awake by each other's screams.
Jason would get chills when he woke up to Kori’s scream. Her whole body would jolt up and down continuously, and he wanted to scoop her up and hold tight, but he knew better than to do that.
 Kori had warned him to never grab her when she had a nightmare out of fear that she may just burn him alive due to her panic. He learned to speak to her as she screamed, to repeatedly tell her that he loved her and that he was there.
Little by little, her screams would quieten, and she would jolt awake. Once he noticed that she was aware of her surroundings, he would grab her and kiss her on the forehead. Kori would cling onto him as she tried to control her breathing. It hurt him watching her scream, but he knew that he couldn’t control it. So he would hum her favorite songs to her, and hold her tight till she calmed down. 
Afterwards, he would lie back and quietly wait. Sometimes she would talk about it immediately, other times, he would wait until a good few minutes passed to ask if she wanted to talk. If she said no then he would turn on the TV and put a Disney movie on because he knows how happy she gets when she watches them.
When Jason would get nightmares, he would get physical. Kori always jolts awake to his screams, and immediately grabs his arms to stop him from hurting himself, or her. 
She quietly hums a song to him, and eventually he either wakes up, or calms down. If he awakens then she lets go of his arm, and gets off of him so that he could sit up and control his breathing. She patiently waits by his side. 
Once he gets it under control, she always asks him if she could hold him, and he always brokenly whispers ‘please’. He settles himself on her, making sure to snuggle his head into her breasts as she runs her fingers through his hair. 
She waits for a few minutes to pass, and just like her, sometimes he starts talking quietly about his dream. If enough time passes in silence, she quietly asks him if he wants to talk about it, if he says no then she starts humming a song. Eventually enough time passes that he relaxes and goes back to sleep as she continues to hum and hold him.
                                          T for Traitor
When he finds out, he’s in denial for weeks. There’s absolutely no fucking way his ex girlfriend is with his brother. It’s a lie, it has to be. 
There’s just no way that Kori, the girl he planned to marry, the girl he loved, the girl he left, was with Jason. There’s no way his homicidal little brother got with her.
He tells himself this daily when he finds out.
It isn’t until he sees a picture of Jason and Kori kissing online that makes him snap. A rage so overwhelming takes over, and he storms off to go see Jason. It took both Alfred and Bruce to make sure he didn’t storm over there and cause more issues. He had been yelling and cursing everyone that got in his way and it wasn’t until Tim’s yell that made him freeze. 
“You left her! You have no right to go over there when you were the one who ended it!” Tim had yelled in the moment. 
He froze, and silence took over the cave.
 He had left her, told her he didn’t love her anymore when she had earnestly asked with hope in her eyes if he still loved her. He had said No, and watched as her heart broke. 
He hadn’t, or at least that's what he told himself. He knew that deep down, he still did, but he wanted freedom. He just wanted freedom, wanted to spread his wings and get to know what he really wanted. He knew it was wrong, but he had thought that Kori would wait for him. 
Kori had left after that, he had missed her, but felt relieved that she was gone, so that she wouldn’t suffer when he got with others. If only he had known that he would lose her to his brother, if only he had known that by telling her the truth, she wouldn’t have left only to bump into his brother and start a tentative friendship that would later lead to more.
He didn’t want to accept it, he hated the idea of Jason having her the way he used to. He knew how wrong it was, but he hoped that Kori was only with Jason as a pass time. He didn’t know how wrong he was until a mission occurred where both Starfire and Red Hood were needed. 
Red Hood had been put in Team Alpha, and Starfire was put in Team Beta. Both Nightwing and Red Hood were in Team Alpha. 
When they saw each other, a tension filled the room. Jason grudgingly said hello, and Dick wanted to bite his head off, but he bit back his response when he noticed Batman's glare, so he quietly responded. 
Nightwing couldn’t help it, but he went out of his way to talk to Starfire. He had missed her so much; He couldn’t help but admire her. She had gotten more gorgeous in the time they had spent apart. 
It was weird talking to her knowing she was with his brother, he wanted to ask so many questions, and he couldn’t help but notice that while she was respectful and kind, she didn’t respond in the same manner as she used to. He didn’t know what it was, but something was missing in her eyes when she looked at him. 
It felt wrong. He didn’t like it. 
Team Alpha and Team Beta had to separate, and Nightwing watched from the sidelines how Starfire and Jason locked hands and touched foreheads. He watched their quiet goodbye, and his heart dropped to his stomach. They cared for each other, it was easy to see.
‘Wrong, all of this is wrong. That should be me, Damnit!’ He thought to himself
When the battle was over, Team Beta arrived and he anxiously looked around to see if she came out unscathed. When the doors opened, she stepped out and looked around frantically, and he hoped she was looking to check on him, but her eyes passed over him as she continued to glance around. 
When she finally saw Red Hood walking quickly towards her, she flew into his arms and frantically checked to see if he was unhurt while he did the same thing. 
All of this is wrong
He saw it, he didn’t want to acknowledge it, but it was right there in his face. She had moved on. While he wanted her in his arms, she was happily holding Jason’s face as she talked. He saw the quiet love in their eyes, and he wanted to punch Jason for taking her away. He feels betrayed by both of them even though he knows he has no right.
He knew it was too late, he had ruined their chance when he said No.
                                            U for United
The world tried to break them many times. There were many close calls where they almost gave up completely. No matter how hard they got hit, they always stood up again and continued moving forward. Both of them are relentless, and they don’t like giving up. 
They apply this to their relationship. No matter the issue, they promised each other to always communicate. If they had an issue, they would talk about it and look for a solution. 
When they had gotten with each other, they knew that there may be a chance that they may not last, or at least that’s what they thought when their insecurity was high at the beginning. 
Later on as time passed, Jason looked at Kori and silently promised himself that he would do everything in his power to make their relationship last. Kori looked at him at one point and realized she didn’t want to lose him. That he was her source of happiness so she swore to always do everything in her possible power to make sure they last. 
Instead of keeping secrets from each other, they talk to each other and support each other when it comes to missions, family issues, and their past. They both don’t like surprises, so their communication is everything to them. 
When they fight, they look magnificent. Jason loves to take a step back and watch her fight, just like she loves to take a step back and watch him fight as well. They both admire and respect each other when it comes to their profession. 
Kori no longer feels insecure and unsure of herself when she fights, she gives it her all and doesn’t hesitate. Jason has given her his silent support, and instead of receiving backlash for her strength, he quietly marvels at how amazing looks as she kicks ass. 
They’re each other's backbone, and when one falls, the other is ready with a hand out to pick them up. Nothing breaks them, they’re a united front.
                                             V for Vampire
Jason calls her his little vampire, and Kori always rolls her eyes. He knows to never say it around other people unless he wants her to get hissy and annoyed really fast. 
The reason why he calls her that is because Kori has a kink for biting him. It wasn’t always in bed, sometimes when she was playing with his fingers, she would randomly nip at his skin. When they had sex, she loved to mark him up. He would wake up with hickeys all over his neck and chest, sometimes even his back.
It didn’t bother him in the slightest, he loved the fact that she was essentially claiming him.
He remembers the one time that Bruce had randomly decided to visit, and had woken him up. Kori had gone out to visit Rachel, and he had decided to take a nap shirtless while she was gone. 
He remembers how Bruce had started talking until he froze and stared. When Jason followed his eyesight, he looked down to see that Bruce was staring at the 7 hickeys on his chest. When he looked up, he had smirked and asked if there was a problem. Bruce could only shift uncomfortably, and grunt. 
For all that he jokes about it, Jason also loved biting her. However he was fond of only leaving marks on her inner thighs, and on her neck. He had no problem doing it elsewhere, but those were his favorite areas. He loved to finger her and bite her inner thigh, it drove Kori crazy. 
He loved to see his marks on her skin when she opened her legs for him. His possessive side would get a thrill knowing he was the only one that got to claim her like that.
Besides that, the regular little nips that she randomly gave him through the day made him oddly happy. He loved how she would get close, and slowly bite. Loved feeling her body close to him as she nibbled.
 If she bit hard enough, he would get hard and take her right then and there. Kori always knew how to rile him up.
                                           W for Worship  
Kori loves to trace his body with her tongue, she loves how he moans, she loves feeling his muscles spasm with just her touch. She would sometimes sit back and wonder how she got so lucky with him. 
For all his tough guy attitude, Jason was heavily shy when they first got together. He would make sarcastic remarks, and he was the embodiment of a bad boy when they had been friends. 
However when they developed feelings for each other, she found that he would stutter out compliments. She also noticed how he would stare into her eyes then quickly look down while his ears slowly turned red. 
She realized that every time she would compliment him, he would look at her in doubt as if questioning her word. After they slept with each other the first time, she made it her duty to make him realize how utterly attractive and beautiful he was to her. 
She made it her mission to make him realize that it wasn’t just him worshiping her body, but that she worshiped him as well. That he was just as important as she was to him, and that she cherished him. He would always look at her amazed as if he couldn’t believe she cared the same way he cared for her.  A small part of her would always get angry at all the people who made him doubt himself.
She loved taking her time and making him feel as loved as he treated her. He deserved it all, and more, in her eyes. She worshiped the ground that he walked on just like he worshiped hers.
                                        X for Xenophobe
It wasn’t the first time it happened, however it was the first time that he witnessed it. 
A man had recognized Starfire, and told her that it would be better if she left the planet. He had spewed hateful words, and told her that she shouldn't even be allowed on Earth. In his rant, he didn’t notice the man in the red mask that Kori had by her side. He didn’t notice how he had tensed up, and clenched his fist. 
Kori barely reacted; This wasn’t the first time that someone reacted negatively towards her. She didn’t see it as important. 
Jason disagreed. 
Before she even knew it, one second the man had pointed a finger in her face, the next, he was being slammed into the ground. Fist after fist, strike after strike, Jason let out his rage without hesitation. Kori had to shove him off the bleeding man, and fly off with him immediately before the authorities were called. 
When they arrived at their house, Kori had exploded and told him to never do that again. 
It pissed him off so much that he yelled at her, and told her that under no circumstances would he ever allow someone to speak to her like that whether she liked it, or not. She got defensive and asked him if he believed her to be so weak that she needed his protection, and he retaliated by saying that it had nothing to do with that. He told her that while she may have gotten used to that treatment, he never will, and he won’t allow it to happen in front of him without repercussions. 
When she fell quiet, he pulled her close and told her that under no circumstances would he ever allow the love of his life to be disrespected like that. 
Kori responded by showing him how much she appreciated him, and that lasted until the next morning when their bodies finally gave out.
Some part of her will always remain defensive about that issue, but another part of her will remain glad that she has someone to step up when she doesn't. Someone who loves her enough to risk it all.
                                             Y for Yours
They were both possessive of each other. They both had a knack for claiming each other over and over in whatever way they could whether it by biting, or hIckeys, or the ‘mines’ that would be moaned in bed.
Jason wanted to be hers officially, he started fantasizing about being able to call her his wife. Normally, the spontaneous one in the relationship was her, but when he asked, no not asked, more like blurted out his intent, was in the middle of a mission.
He had just finished shooting a Gangbanger. His blood was running hot, and his body felt the impulse of energy that always filled him up when he fought. He looked over, and saw her kick a guy through the wall after he tried to punch her. 
He saw how she had blood splattered over her face, and he couldn’t help, but get closer to admire her more. Her hair was all over the place, and her clothes were a bit ripped up, and he couldn’t help but focus on how the blood on her face made the green in her eyes pop out even more. She looked every inch of the warrior she was, and when she saw him looking, she couldn’t help but smirk at him knowing it turned him on.
“Marry Me” he blurted out, and turned bright red. Her smirk dropped.
“What did you just say?” she managed to ask
He got closer to her, and ran his hands through her hair before kissing her softly.
“Marry Me?” He softly asked again 
She stared. She couldn’t move. She could hear her heart pound loudly, and in the back of her mind she wondered if he could feel it.
He shifted slightly, the confidence he had was wearing off and going straight into panic when her silence continued to go on.
‘Damn I should’ve planned this out’  he thought to himself as his heart started pounding
“Kori?” he asked as dejection started settling in, 
“If you don’t want too, it’s o-” he was cut off by a heartfelt kiss, and he moaned into the kiss when she sucked his tongue. 
“Yes” she whimpered out against his lips, her eyes tearing up
“Yes?” His green eyes lit up, and he stepped back to look into her eyes to make sure. 
“Yes, Jason. I would love to marry you” she sobbed out.
The happiness they both felt was indescribable. Jason stared at her amazed that she was willing to be with him for the rest of her life. He couldn’t believe it while Kori gazed into his green eyes and realized that she loved those eyes more than anything else in the world. 
                                            Z for Zephyr
When he met her, the wind had been strong. He had been mesmerized with how her hair moved, it seemed to dance along the pull of the wind.
When she realized that she loved him, She could still recollect how the tree branches would bump into the windows by the living room as her heart filled with warmth.
When He realized that he loved her, it had been raining hard as he declared his love. The very next day when he woke up with a sore throat, and a chill, he remembers the way Kori’s humming seemed to match the outside song of the wind as she cooked him some hot soup so that his cold wouldn’t develop even more. It did. However if he were to be asked by Kori to dance in the rain again, he would do it without hesitation even if it meant getting sick.
He remembers the first time she took him flying, he remembers how the wind felt when she grabbed him and flew, remembers feeling the refreshing chill of the wind and the warmth of her hands.
Now, as he stands on the sand as his fiance gets declared his Wife, he feels a gentle breeze, and knows that he’ll remember this day even more vividly than the others. 
When Kori feels the soft touch of the wind, she smiles and feels the same warmth she felt when she realized she loved him.
We’re all allowed to Ship differently, and we’re allowed to multi-ship. I love DickKori, but my OTP will always be JayKori. If this pisses you off for some odd reason then go touch Grass lol.  
For those who did enjoy it, 
Thank you so much for reading and have a good day and I hope you have a good night as well.
XOXO - Anny
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i am just gonna say that.. i hope maybe we can have more jaykory from you, because u did an amazing job. sorry.
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pluckyredhead · 3 years
Jason Todd for the character meme?
First impression
"Jason Todd has been dead forever and is never coming back, but that whole stealing-tires-off-the-Batmobile thing is pretty funny. I bet I'd like him if I ever really dug into the character! Too bad he's dead forever!"
(No but seriously. It used to be a truism in comics that the only people who stayed dead were Jason Todd and Bucky Barnes. This was a common saying.)
Impression now
Yeah, he's okay.
Lol obviously I'm obsessed with him. I enjoy that he's both a badass and a dork, and I am forever weak for orphans with daddy issues, but I think my favorite thing about Jason is that he's a Bat who wears his emotions on his sleeve. He's weaponized his pain, not by turning inward the way most of them do, but by shoving the world's face in it the way you do with a dog that made a mess, and I think that's very sexy of him.
Favorite moment
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Idea for a story
Hahahahahaha. Don't look at my WIP list, please. I started a new one tonight, help.
Unpopular opinion
Y'all, I am so tired of Jason Takes (TM). He should kill, he shouldn't kill, he should be part of the Batfamily, he shouldn't be part of the Batfamily, yes guns no guns I AM TIRED. DC has definitely put out some bad comics with Jason and there are definitely aspects of recent storylines like "Cheer" where I was like "Oh Chip no, that's wrong," but I feel like every panel that comes out with Jason unleashes so much anger here on tunglr dot com, and it gets really draining. God knows I've been very, very angry at comics many times so I for sure get it, but the sheer refusal to enjoy anything canon with Jason that isn't written by Judd Winick is a losing game.
(Also, speaking practically, DC is never going to sever Jason from the Batfam because it's not profitable. And honestly, no, I'm not interested in him roaming the wilds alone shooting criminals. We already have the Punisher.)
Favorite relationship
I am shocked that I love this ship as much as I do because when the New 52 launched with them in a book together I was like "What? That's weird" and ignored it for a decade. But they were an unexpectedly perfect combination. They are not broken in the same ways, but they're broken in ways that could either lead to mutually assured destruction or perfect balance, and somehow they landed on the second.
Honestly, @irolltwenties said it all here so you should just go read that, but there are so many ways where their wounded parts just...click. Jason fears things being taken away from him so he clutches what he has; Roy's greatest fear is being discarded so he wants to be clutched. Roy has loved many people but he choses Jason, the Robin who is never the favorite; Jason has never been in love except with Roy, who has never thought himself special. Someone left a comment on my fic Love for Sale once to the tune of "Roy gives Jason acceptance, which Jason's never had, and Jason gives Roy care, which Roy's never had" and I'm still reeling from it. They just work.
Favorite headcanon
I know canonically Jason's had sex at least three times but I do not perceive it. Talia I will accept because I love bad ideas but Lobdell isn't valid so JayKori and Jaytemis didn't happen, sorry. I like both Kori and Artemis but...nope. (Yes, I recognize that Lobdell is also responsible for JayRoy. I contain multitudes. He's still not valid.)
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koriandrsucker · 4 years
Can you write more fanific about Jaykori? an Fanfic journal upcoming fics? Adore your appreciation & your blog! keep uploading
I would love to write more jaykori. I’m just not good at it. But, like I said, I could try if u have a prompt that you want me to fill? Thank u for your encouragement! I will try to keep updating like I’ve been doing.
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lananiscorner · 6 years
Do you like any ship w jason?
Thanks for your ask, Anon.
Oh dear… *cracks open can of worms* Okay, full disclosure: I think JayDick is a hot mess. Hot as fuck because… well… it’s Dick and Jason, messy because… well… primarily because it requires complete ignorance of Nightwing: Brothers In Blood, Battle For The Cowl and That One Teen Titans Issue to make any kind of sense to me in Post Crisis. But I do see the appeal.
Other than that… I’m pretty neutral on most of the Jason ships I’ve seen around (JayTim, JayRoy, JayKori, any combination thereof, etc.). There are a few that make me “nope” right the hell out of fics (like Jason/Deathstroke, Jason/Talia, Jay/Kyle), but then again I don’t read much fic anyways, so it’s not really a problem for me.
Funny thing you should send me that ask right now, actually, because I am seriously contemplating if one of the fic ideas currently swirling around my brain should be full gen or slow burn JayDick…
P.S.: Almost forgot: I also really like the idea of Jason/someone who’s not in the vigilante business. Let’s face it, Jason was the only Robin who had any concrete plans about what to do with his life outside of vigilantism. I think someone (regardless of gender) who is just a Reasonable Normal Person With Nerves Of Steel would be great for him.
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His Pride Her Prejudice
Hello!!! I’m reblogging this, it was written by the lovely miss-geek001 on fanfiction.net! It was gifted to me, and I love it. I hope you guys enjoy reading this especially if you’re a jaykori shipper!
I’m going to copy, and paste it exactly as they wrote it.
For Anny aka ponder love on archive of our own her prompt was reverse AU Kori is the sarcastic bad girl, and Jason the sweet one. So you guys know I love AU so let's get started…
Italics are thoughts and or flashbacks.
Jason's 28 and Kori is 27
Pride and Prejudice.
Normal POV
Twenty eight year old Jason Peter Wayne starts the day like he normally would or as any young man with a trust fund and a masters degree in English Literature would.
Turkish coffee - no sugar.
Whom of which currently works as a English Literature professor at Gothams University. Hence the desperate need for coffee in order for him to tolerate his students this early in the morning.
Or well if he's being honest in general.
For him it was not humanly possible to be a civilised being without it. His only friend Roy Harper tells him it's a problem only for Jason to quote one of his favourite books that he read as a child, "I understand what you're saying and your comments are valuable, but I'm going to ignore your advice."
Ahh the wonderfully witty Fantastic Mr Fox.
Good old chum.
None would be the wiser to ever guess Alfred put him on Roald Dahl in the first place.
As you would expect being a child and a bookworm wasn't a big hit with his fellow classmates. It didn't really help being an adopted son of The Bruce Wayne Playboy Billionaire aka trust fund bookworm kid. They all thought his world was perfect. That was what the world would forever see him as.
They will never see him as a young boy that came from a broken household. A young child whos' mother and father were a drug addict and an alcoholic respectively. A young child having to bear witness countless of domestic abuse between his parents. Until the very day his father walked out, Jason was a mere 9 years old.
Back then Jason believed his mother would get better. Instead she got worse and would make herself forgot more and her behaviour didn't change so she would take it out on Jason.
He had heard from some street kids who had told him to next time go to police if it got worse. Jason thanked them for being concerned but assured them it won't happen again. He was sure his mother wasn't in her right mind and she just needed time to sober up.
That very day he went home he found mother with a strange man he never met in his life.
"Well Catherine he seems young enough for me to give him jobs and not get caught how much ya givin im to me." The strange man turns to his mother as if Jason wasn't present.
The next words of his mother shattered his heart. His mother would be the very first to give him his first heartbreak.
I'll take whatever ya got Taron, I need my fix and he's not much use to me." She sneered as she turns her steel blue eyes that he'd gotten from her away from him and did not give him as much of a goodbye.
Was he not even worth of a goodbye?
Was he not worth her unconditional love?
"All right here's a couple thousand, if I'm honest I'm being generous."
The strange man gave his mo-
No that woman was NOT his mother.
The strange man gave a bundle of money to that woman and as she counted it he started to walk towards Jason.
Jason was an avid reader even at 9, and he had read about the theory of flight and fight. Now when Jason would fight against class fellows he would be victorious however with his parents it never worked in his favour he ended up with many scars and bruises.
So now young Jason Peter Todd had a decision to make, many would say no 9 year old boy should have to face a decision like this in life. Unfortunately as stated before this was life, this was the life of so many some never heard from again.
So what would he do fight and most likely lose or flight and take off to safety. Needless to say he threw out the option about fighting back and chose to play smarter and for once not to fight harder.
Jason didn't even flinch when he spoke out.
"Ya know she keeps her money stash worth way more than me kept hidden under her bed. Wouldn't it be better if you had me AND the money. Since my mother is so keen to do me wrong why not return the favour."
The strange man raised his eyebrows.
A greedy man will never have enough.
"Oh really? Have you been holdin' out on me Cat."
His mother looked at her son with upmost hatred of all looks and actually became disturbed when her own son glared back at her with the same look.
"Well it seems I'll have a look thanks for the tip kid. I bet you'll go far with the right training."
The man runs upstairs to find the hidden cash and that woman follows him in chase to stop him from looting all that she has. With both adults busy Jason sprinted out the house and towards the police station. There he explained everything and with that police officers raided his house for his mother and the strange man.
Both got arrested for selling and possessing illegal drugs and for also human trafficking. Later the police explained to him he would have to be put in care until he would be fostered or adopted because mostly likely his mother would be deemed unfit to care for him.
And yet Jason was ok with that.
Months go by in care, days sort of blend within each other he doesn't really get into fights anymore keeping with his motto think and work smarter not harder. 
His words, wit and quick thinking has gotten him out of fights than his fists ever did. He honestly thought his life would just be weaving in and out of places, nothing really had much significance and/or meaning.
Until that fateful day at the care was announced that the one and only Bruce Wayne was visiting their care home. Jason had met the man before on his earlier visits and prior to that he knew the general things with him being a billionaire who was an orphan. The funding he still gives to orphanages in Gotham as well as around the country. He seemed like a stand up guy, it did seem odd to Jason when Bruce Wayne adopted an orphan child named Richard Grayson.
Jason couldn't see him as a father for some reason he assumed there were many servants and maids that tended to the child and not him personally.
But that was all before HE came back.
The word got out to his father his son was in a care home and for some reason he went to get his child back.
It was on the day Mr Wayne was visiting the orphanage like he did every few months to ask where the funding is being used, the children's livelihood and mental well-being etc. Jason was reading in the common room when a commotion was heard from outside, he went to the window to see what it was, and there HE stood.
Willis Todd.
He was yelling at staff and demanding them to give him his son. The staff had said that he could not look after his son after the statement Jason had made about him being an alcoholic and being physically abusive, so therefore he was also unfit to care for Jason.
Jason hid himself away from window so his father would not see him. He heard footsteps coming towards and before he could yell at them for going away a comforting strong voice spoke.
"Jason he won't hurt you anymore." Bruce Wayne looked at Jason with fiercely protective look.
"How can you be so sure? The minute I walk out there he'll get me I know he will." Jason was almost reduced to tears.
"Trust me, just come with me." Bruce said as he stretched out his hand towards Jason.
He reluctantly took it and walked with Bruce towards the front door and through it entering the front garden.
Right in front of Willis Todd.
"Ah there ya are kid. Come on let's go home."
"Excuse me boy, you ARE coming with me even if I have to wait out for you to come out of this place."
Before Jason could reply Bruce spoke.
"No you won't Todd. You WILL NOT lay one hand on my son." He roared defiantly, Jason not only froze with the shear protectiveness that Bruce portrayed but also he- called him- his son.
"Ss-son?" Jason asked he had forgotten his biological father behind him as he turned to Bruce as he was still holding his hand.
"Only if you want Jason." Bruce's tone shifted real quick to a soft understanding tone.
There was no real question about it.
That one word changed his life so much more than he even thought possible. Needless to say he changed his name that very same day from Jason Peter Todd to Jason Alfred Wayne. Bruce being the hidden sap he was cried for a while after. Alfred his adoptive grandfather also cried but was not emotionally constipated like Bruce was perceived to be. Jason gained a whole new family and he was forever grateful.
He was a lot happier and became more positive. He made pre made judgemental opinions of Bruce before he really even knew him and that was the last time he vowed to make any prejudices against anyone. It just wasn't fair really, no matter how much you think you know an individual or a group of people and put them into a certain stereotype, you cannot judge them before you get to really know them as individuals.
Human beings are always taught to trust their instincts, but instincts and judgmental behaviour are two different things. Naturally Jason experienced both in his life which comes back to making friends really hard. They either want to be his friend for the money or they see him as a brat that got fed with a silver spoon.
Ah well at least there's Harper.
Despite the fact he's a massive pain in my neck.
Jason came out of his memory trip as he approached the coffee shop Ravens' Nest. As usual there were people coming to and fro, people on their phones or laptops , the baristas doing their best to accommodate everyone in the shop and the queue was almost on the way out of the door.
Jason patiently stood behind the person in front and decided to look around the place to find a place to sit. Ravens Nest was quite popular in terms of the coffee/hot chocolate/ tea but also in its aesthetic. Despite its popularity it still held a quaint atmosphere it was favourable amongst avid readers who could read in peace towards the back of the coffee shop hidden away in dark purple drapes drapes and an abundant of silver grey cushion seats. Around the shop floor was only slightly different the walls were pure magnolia white with different canvases laid out on the walls ones with famous authors quotes others were actual watercolour paintings.
Those look new. He thought.
He noted the watercolour paintings must have been a new addition and was quite frankly surprised the owner was into anything other than tea and books. He knew Raven the first time he entered the tea shop the Ravens Nest was relatively new and so not much people were in and she was only the one working there at the time, he didn't bother her too much and she didn't bother him. At times they both sat in silence reading their own books until Jason started to tell people about her tea shop it became more popular and as such Rachel made it a point to never charge him again for his coffee order. After much arguing back and forth Jason finally relented but the deal was he was allowed to tip as much as he wanted.
He could understand her aesthetic in the reading corner it just screamed Rachel. 
The rest of the shop floor had a more . . . deep yet soulful and vibrant feel to it. 
He couldn't really explain it so he focused on a particular painting hanging on the wall.
The painting itself was a large one that seemed to based on a park walkway the grey and black street lamps on either side of the walkway and the outline of a woman wearing a long pastel yellow coat and a matching umbrella with her back turned towards the golden and amber trees. Her hair seems to be pushing away from her as if it's a windy day and the rain settling on the ground and on her umbrella gave Jason goosebumps as if he was getting drenched in the torrential rain himself.
All in all this painting seemed to speak to him in ways words could not.
The loneliness.
The woman was alone despite the horrendous weather conditions she looked as if it didn't even bother her.
She carries on.
And yet with interpretation in mind the painting was still so beautiful. The blend of the vibrant reds oranges and yellows in the trees and the womans attire were enticing and was a stark contrast to the grey rain and dark lampposts. It made you stare at it forever.
He sees the initials on the bottom corner of the painting.
Hmm I don't think I know any artists with those initials. Might be local one then.
His attention is once again disturbed but this time by a sound.
The bell of the front door rings signifying someone has entered. As he turns to look towards the door his heart skips and he immediately became as intrigued as he was looking at the painting a moment ago.
The person who had his attention was a light tan woman with striking lime coloured eyes and rose red hair that turned blond ombré at the end of her hair to emulate the look of a flickering flame as she wore it in a low ponytail tied with a black ribbon with some pieces framing her sweetheart face. She wore a black polo neck with short sleeves and surprisingly red denim overalls paired with black combat boots.
It was a unique look to say the least especially walking into a coffee shop of all places.
On her shoulders was a strap attached to a wet canvas carry case. (A/N it basically looks like a wooden briefcase to hold canvases in.)
She looks around trying to find someone, she sighs and strides towards the counter. By this point Jason was the only one left in line and it was only him, the barista and the unique looking woman at the till.
She looks to the barista as if to ask a question but he interrupts before she can put a word in.
The barista looks no more older than Jason and yet he spoke with such conviction and arrogance as if he knew so much more than the rest.
"Ah I'm going to hit the pause button right there, cas we're not interested in your . . . line of . . . work." He turns to Jason with a big smile "What can I get you sir?"
Jason was not paying attention because the woman in front of him had all but taken it. He switched his eyes back and forth to the woman and the barista trying to make sense of what he just heard.
It seems the woman in question had already understood what the barista meant. 
She rolls her pretty eyes at the man and spoke for the first time.
"Look here mate I just need to speak to Rachel. Is she here? She should be expecting me."
She had a slight accent but for Jason it was hard to decipher where was she from.
The barista however just looked annoyed now.
"Listen here you foreign freak I don't need any trouble from you."
"What trouble?! I'm only asking for Rachel you asshole?"
Hehe looks to me we have a spitfire.
Jason looks between the exchange with his trademark smirk. But he knew he had to intervene at some point because the guy was not backing down.
"Hey that's out of order just get Rachel what's the big deal." Jason spoke with a stern expression. Despite his choices in life not to cause trouble didn't mean he didn't know when to stick up for himself or others. In fact he could be quite scary when he wanted.
"Look here sir you might not be aware but I know that people like her just try to sell drugs wherever to whomever. Okay so No thank you miss for the last time. Otherwise I'm calling the police."
Jason's jaw drops and the woman beside him turns the same colour as her hair.
She storms to the counter and grabs the weasel ahem barista by his white collars and pulls him over the counter.
Listening to her cursing out the barista in that cute accent of hers made Jason for some reason smile or maybe it was because she used the word ignoramus. But that short filled happiness stopped because he could see the barista face turn blue.
"Aaack someone get this crazy bitch off of me." He chokes.
Unsurprisingly no one helped him.
Ahh great ah well might have to help him.
He moves towards the commotion but the young stronger than she looks woman stops him in his tracks.
"Listen here I don't need no silver spoon fed rich boy to help him! Understand!" 
She rolls her pretty viridian green eyes at him and then gives him a mean scowl.
She should really smile more I'm sure it would suit her better.
He approaches her with caution as if the beautiful creature before him is a wild tigress and he has her dinner in his hands so other words . . . he's genuinely terrified and fascinated. An odd combination of emotions he's perfectly sure he's never experienced simultaneously.
And yet he finds it in him not to judge her as she judges him as many have done before her. It also appears she's had this treatment many times before. So instead he finds compassion and understanding and he smiles and for the first time ever . . . .
He flirts.
"Honey first and foremost what you see is a man not a boy. Secondly I was only going to suggest to call Rachel-"
"Ha Ha! The barista laughs maniacally. "See my boss will come to kick you out herself."
-to kick this asshole out herself. I'm sure she would find great pleasure in it." Jason finished with an innocent smile.
"WHAT?!" The barista looks towards Jason with disbelief.
The young woman however still held mistrust in her eyes and spoke again.
"I DON'T NEED YOUR HELP ALL YOU WILL DO IS ASK ME TO 'RETURN' THE FAVOUR. AM I NOT CORRECT?!" Even though she was sarcastic she was still seething.
Now that was hurtful.
Jason could see the young lady before him have had it rough for her to not trust anyone. He understood to some extent but it still hurt. He had this fascination with her that he could not explain.
So her adamantly believing that he is a no good, silver spoon fed, spoilt rich player hit him so hard. His heart was pounding a mile a minute and he could feel the anger exuding from the woman in front of him like campfire flames roaring and roaring until someone was responsible enough to put them out. It looked like the roaring campfire from within this woman never got put out. And so it consumes her day in and day out torturing her to put up this defensive wall as a coping mechanism to not get hurt to protect herself.
Even to those who are willing to help and show kindness.
Jason's smile is gone and with a heavy heart a look of disappointment overtakes his face.
The woman falters her stern expression because she has never seen someone look disappointed after she insults them. Usually there would be a string of curses at her, this strangers icy blue eyes unnerved her it made her conscious of her behaviour her surroundings what she was saying how she was saying it. At the same time she tried not to get lost in his eyes she never really did that with anyones else's eyes before.
Just his.
"Kori let him go please. What seems to be problem?" A deadpan voice cuts in.
The woman called Kori drops the guy in an instant. Everyone turns to the speaker of said voice. It was none other than Rachel Arella Roth aka the owner/manager of Ravens Nest. Despite the lack in height Rachel Roth was not someone who you wanted on their bad side. However that did not seem to matter for the barista who was in the choke hold a few seconds prior. He stands up tidying his uniform before addressing his boss.
"As you can clearly see ma'am this woman here was trying to sell her drugs in this fine establishment of yours and I was simply trying-"
"Shut up Ross."
"Um actually it's Rory ma'am."
"I don't care. Do you not remember me telling you about the artist coming in today?
"Yes of course ma'am."
"You seemed to missed out a crucial part of that information when I told you the artist is one of my best friends called Kori Anders?"
"Oh uh um-"
"Ross your fired. Kori calm down. Jason here's your usual and I apologise about Kori."
Clearly everyone in the shop understood why Rachel was the boss.
Jason thanks Rachel and takes his leave whilst Ross or whatever whinged the whole time as he was leaving. As Jason moves to pass Kori she turns as if to say something but he holds up his hand and interrupts her.
"It's okay Miss I'll take my leave now." Jason said in tone which he uses as a professor.
Clinical and professional.
Ok fine he was being ever so slightly prideful but for him there was no need to drag this drama out when clearly she did not even want his help.
Kori continues to look at the mysterious man as he swiftly makes his way out of the door and onto Gothams busy street.
She sighs and sits on one of the tables and waits for Rachel to see her. She isn't sure why she disappointed to see him go, sure she isn't the best at noticing someone's true intentions, that was always Rachel's strength. But she was usually right about these things, her pre conceived judgements about people was usually more or less spot on.
But still why is she disheartened? That kicked puppy look of his haunts her still. 
He only left five seconds ago?! Was it because she feels guilty, she's never felt that emotion in a real long time.
"Kori what the hell was that?!"
Kori looks towards her oldest friend and suddenly becomes nervous.
"I-I just thought he was a silver spo-"
"Yes Kori I'm pretty sure all the penguins from the South Pole heard your special insults for him."
She's never seen Rachel this mad at her before.
She huffs and crosses her arms. "I don't see the big deal he looked like every other pompous spoilt ki-"
"Cut the pathetic self defence wall Anders. You listen to me, he's not like that in fact he has much more humility than you and everyone else gives him credit for. You cannot paint everyone with the same brush. It's wrong you know it is."
Crap. She was in deep waters now. Rachel never calls anyone by their last name unless she was dead serious, wanted them to really listen to her and or really angry. In this particular case it seems she was all three judging by her tone.
"How could you possibly judge him without getting to know him." Rachel scolded at her.
Kori hung her head in silence for a minute and played back the scene in her head trying to analyse what he said, how he said it-oh gosh he was just being polite and she judged him the way Ross judged her.
She was no better.
"Oh Rachel what have I done." Kori cried almost in the brink of tears face in her hands. Her tough, sarcastic facade crumbling in front of her best friend.
"Hey hey I'm sure he'll forget all about it." Rachel assured her.
"No I wish to make it up to him." She was adamant to make it right.
"Your just a diamond in the rough Kori, I'm sure he'll understand. How about this we'll think of something after you show me the new painting you made for me. Deal?"
Kori gave her friend a teary smile. "Sure."
The two friends laughed, drank their tea, and came up with ways for Kori to make up with Jason. After Rachel heavily complemented Kori on the new painting saying it will look perfect with the others she painted for her. Kori was just glad she liked it, Rachel Arella Roth was no easy person to please.
The next few days was a blur for Jason simply because he didn't get his coffee fix from Ravens Nest. He has been purposely avoiding it for the past few days just in case he ran into Kori again. It's not that he hated her he just wouldn't know what to say to her after the whole fiasco that happened on that day.
So he decided to give up his coffee fix.
It literally lasted three days to which his entire adopted family were so concerned about his well being they had an intervention and told him to either give in to his regular coffee addiction or go to the doctors because he was turning into someone they did not recognise. Even his students were afraid of their professor who was usually calm, collected and undeniably witty.
Thus Jason was back at Ravens Nest.
He enters the shop quietly as if not to startle to many customers and simultaneously trying to seem invisible. He noticed it's quieter than he normally sees it and moves towards the queue to get his usual. As he looks around he sees a new painting hung on the wall and he deducts it must have been painted by Kori and this painting was what was in her canvas carrier that day.
His curiosity got the better of him as his feet subconsciously took him to the painting. This time the watercolour painting was of a small black haired child on a swing attached underneath a weeping willow tree. The tree itself looked illuminated as though it was surrounded by small fireflies or by magic. The child was in mid swing reaching upwards towards the tree as if to catch the surrounding fireflies or magic dust perhaps. The innocence, the pure joy and fascination in the child's face was no doubt the centrepiece of the painting. As he looked towards the bottom right corner there were the initials he expected to see.
A very stark contrast to what he seen painted by her before. Almost as if these paintings represent different sides of her maybe? Or different people?
Jason looked closer at the painting and couldn't help but notice he had seen this scene before. The willow tree was on a golden foothill slope alongside a riverbed. Towards the background of the painting in the river stood a heron with a snake in its mouth.
He realised there was more than meets the eye with the artist herself. He really did actually want to me her now because he had so many questions not only about her paintings but about herself. It seems his prayers were to be answered quickly because he heard someone cough behind him.
Jason turns only to stand in front of the very same woman that has subconsciously took over his brain in the last few days. This time she wore denim blue overalls and a purple long sleeve shirt rolled up to her elbows exposing her caramel forearms. She wore her hair in a single plait and wore circular antique looking glasses.
She wears glasses? Jason thought.
It was her expression however that made her look completely different or maybe it was the glasses. Well her posture the first time he met her before was determined and confident now it was . . . timid and nervous. Although she was making eye contact with him he could still tell she thought his perception of her was the absolute worst.
Jason wasn't sure what to expect so he stayed quiet.
Would she tell him to leave her alone ?
To stop stalking her and her paintings?
Thankfully she spoke first.
"Um h-hi?" She stammers, it almost came out as a whisper luckily she was close enough to Jason for him to hear it.
"Er hey?"
Well that's a start at least. . .
"I-I just want to say I'm really sorry about my behaviour. It was completely wrong of me to assume the worst of you." Kori said as she now has her eyes avoiding his.
"It's fine I understand maybe having help from a complete stranger might make you feel wary." Jason replies with understanding, his eyes still searching for hers. He holds out his hand for her to shake.
"Jason Alfred Wayne."
Kori intercepts him and shakes his hand a shy smile making its way onto her face.
"Koriana Eileen Anders."
"There now that's much better." Jason smiles.
"What do you mean." She cocks her head to the side.
"Smiling suits you much better than frowning."
She blushes profusely at this so much so the words that came out next were barely audible.
"Tha-thank you." She quickly decided to change the subject so he would not notice her face turning the same colour as her hair because of him.
"So um do you like the painting?" She asks.
Jason turns to the painting again and in admiration he spoke.
"It's wonderful I love the painting you have of the woman in the park as well. This one however is a lot different." Jason observes.
Kori smiles. "Oh really, pray tell how?"
"The symbolism with the woman in the rain is straight forward way to analyse and understandable even. However the symbolisms in this young child painting contradict one another. You have a young carefree child in a whimsical almost fairytale setting and yet you have a heron preying on a snake." He explains but then turns to face Kori.
"Nice use of Steinbeck I must say. I love reading his work." He adds.
"Of Mice and Men is a great book. Nice observation. Then again that is to be expected from an English Literature Professor. Plus I heard it was a book you are fond of."
"How do you know that?"
"Rachel told me. She had seen you read it many times."
"Ah right." He hesitates before he spoke again "I'm sorry it's been bugging ever since I heard you talk but where are you from originally I couldn't seem to work out your accent."
"Ah that." Kori sighs. "Well I'm originally from Tameran it's a small island in Europe. But I never stayed there for that long, my parents took us wherever their jobs took them. I lived on Tameran until I was five, then Japan for four years, then England for three moved to Ireland for another two. Then we moved to Morocco for another five years. When I turned 18 my uncle told me about America and all the opportunities it has. My sister was already living here so it was not too bad so I made the choice to move in with my uncle at 18. Naturally English was a hard language to grasp most didn't really want to be friends with the foreign kid. I met Rachel in high school she was a loner like me and so we stuck together and looked out for each other. She bought her tea shop not too long ago I was freelancing as an artist for a while just selling my pieces online when she asked me for paintings to brighten things up in the tea shop and so here we are now."
Kori looks towards Jason to see his reaction of all this. She wasn't going to tell him her life story but she just started speaking and just carried on really. She wasn't ashamed of him knowing the truth she felt that her insecurities was safe with him which was odd to say the least.
"Well I think it's definitely shaped you as a person however which way you look at it. It seems to me travelling has given you mountains worth of deeper perception and observation in order for it to impact how and what you paint." He admitted.
“Huh I never thought of it like that. Besides my perception of you was completely out of line. I don't really think it did anything but make me have trust issues." Kori mused.
"That wasn't really a perception more like a prejudice I would say. Besides I'm sure my pride got in the way that day, I'm guessing you would have made an apology judging by your face." Jason exclaimed.
"Okay I concede it was your pride and my prejudice." Kori compromised.
Jason cringes. "Ah no what are we becoming, the opening of Pride and Prejudice. I think not Miss Anders. Steinbeck I could handle, Jane Austen however I might need something stronger than coffee to get me through it."
Kori gasps and puts her hands on her heart in mock horror. "Hey! Thats one of my favourite books. How dare you insult Austen."
"Oh goodness me of course you love Austen." He rolls his eyes upwards and smirks at her.
"Yep almost as much as you love the Steinbeck inspired painting." Kori said with a knowing smile.
"Hmm maybe." He replied as he looks back the painting.
"It's yours." She said with a timid smile watching his expression. Needless to say he was floored.
"I'm sorry what? What do you mean?" Jason was confused. "Is this not the painting you had the other day in the case."
"Oh no that was a painting for Rachel's office upstairs. This one I made for you as an apology for my behaviour I was hoping you'll like it. If not-"
"Oh gosh Kori I would never want to take your paintings. I mean it's breathtaking I would love it but I couldn't. That thing that happened the other day it was just a misunderstanding. Don't feel too bad you aren't the first to make that judgement." He tried to assure her. He really didn't have any grudge against her.
But Kori was not relenting.
"No please I was no better than the barista I almost choked."
"I wouldn't say that. By the way nice strength you've got there." Jason complimented.
"Oh thanks. She blushed. "But I insist you take the painting as an apology and as a token of my gratitude. I had you in mind whilst I made the painting it only deserves be with person who inspired the painting."
Jason cornered Kori against the wall and said "You were thinking of me when you were painting this." He smirks.
What? He couldn't help himself.
"Well I-I mean, you see-"
Kori stammers not really getting any words out because she was absolutely embarrassed.
"Ugh just please take the painting before I combust with your teasing." She narrows her eyes at him before he could say-
"The feeling is mutual darling." Jason replied back.
Here this man was and she was falling for him like she has never fell before. And yet she loves the attention from him only however because for once it wasn't a douchebag wanting favours from her, not taking advantage of her not wanting her because of her looks.
It was a person who was curious of everything about her.
"Can I interest you in more than just a coffee date Kori?" He asks with an earnest expression.
She gives a bright smile. "Yes I would love that Jason."
And so with that Jason placed his new art piece in a canvas carrier and the two walked hand in hand out of the shop and down the street.
Rachel steps out her reading corner and walks towards the shops window. She observes the couple in all smiles and laughter with a content smile on her face and with that she returns to her work.
She knew they could be really happy together. She knew all it took was to take away Jason's Pride and Kori's Prejudice for them to find each other.
The end . ----------------
Authors note
Omg that was longer lol I referenced a few books that I read either as a child or as a teenager for school I love them still to this day. I actually do watercolour painting aswell and I really wanted Kori to do that in this story. On that note this was something that hits home for people, people like myself who are on the receiving end when people make prejudices against us. It becomes harmful to not only the ones being prejudiced against but the ones making pre judgemental opinions. It gets passed down and not resolved. So please I urge anyone who reads this please do not fear anyone who has different skin colour to you, different culture to you or different religion to you. It's ok to ask questions as long as it's coming from a place of learning and understanding of one another.
Ps this is a gift to ponder love aka Anny of archive of our own so if she has this story up on hers it's fine she will have it. I may or may not delete it here after she's uploaded on her site.
Thanks for reading guys see ya in the next one.  Alrighty I hope you guys enjoyed miss-geek001 work like I did!!!
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A Guiding Hand
For anyone who read my story called  A New Start that dealt with Koriand’r being Damian’s mom, I finally made a part 2, but it’s really long, so I’m not going to post it here. You can go ahead and check it out at AO3 if you’re interested. Here’s the link
My name there is Ponderlove, and Thank you for giving it a chance.
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So I'm a big Starfire fan, and am I the only one that has this weird fantasy where Kori turns out to be Damian Wayne's mom? Like I have found at least two fics where that happens but I want to see more, yanno? Like whether it's dickkori or not (also I'm a big Jaykori fan)(actually I'm a whoever makes Starfire/Koriand'r happy fan) idky tbh but the whole starfire being protective of damian and being motherly to him just makes me so happy esp since Bruce seems to not really be a big fan of hers so it would be this big family drama but they somehow work it out and damian learns true motherly love and kori would probs get on Bruce's ass to be more emotionally connective to Damian like I love them both so much and I want to see more Bruce and Kori interaction without it being romantic.
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I finally posted chapter 3 of my story on ao3 called Bitter Reflection. My name there is Ponderlove, and it's about Kori being Damians mom (No Kori and Vruce did not sleep together), and it's also a jaykori fic. I loved writing all of Kori's flashbacks, I've never enjoyed anything like that , and that's why I love writing. Sometimes you write, and it's just to fill in the blanks, tidbits here and there, and then you get to those scenes where a haze takes over, and your imagination explodes, and all you can hear is the constant sound of you typing really fast. That's the best part because you look at those scenes, and you sit back feeling all warm, and tingly because you made that, and you can feel what your characters are feeling. There's nothing better than that, I hope if anyone reads it enjoys it, if not then thanks for at least giving it a try.
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If you're reading my little series of Koriand’r being Damians Mom, then I posted what Bruce and Jason talked about when they went upstairs. It's a Jaykori fic, and here's the link
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koriandrsucker · 7 years
oh my god if you write a jaykori fic with that whole "jason has lived in dick's shadow but kori CHOOSES HIM AND LOVES HIM" thing i may die?? i really wish there was more fic out there. i wish there was more kori fic out there period, but specifically jaykori Im so starved for that content.
Hice un poco de trampa y utilicé lo que ya te había enseñado, love me.title: love me, love me.warning: common problems of an ESL, angst, is really bad, all that.
Jason was just a kid the first time he saw her. At that age, he was too enthusiastic about green underwear and black masks to care about anything else than becoming a superhero and fighting crime alongside the Dark Knight of Gotham. Sure, he liked girls, but it wasn’t a priority. Then Richard came, crossed the threshold and introduced to him the most beautiful creature he had ever seen. That night, he felt something stir inside him, an emotion that almost stopped his heart and had him panting under the bed sheets as he whispered her name, over and over again, a hand wrapped around himself.
His childhood ended soon after, the Joker took his opportunity to be just a boy with a crush on his stepbrother’s alien girlfriend. When he came back to life, he was able to feel only hatred, resentment, pain, solitude. He was not surprised when Bruce lost his temper with him, or more like with the man he had become and the decisions he made to do so: he had always been Jason Todd-not-Dick-Grayson. He grew up with that knowledge, he died with that regret.
He had a meltdown after waking up in the Lazarus pit, fooled around with Talia and tried to kill each one of his half-brothers, but he knew deep down how far his hatred was for Dick went, how he resented his caring smile the first time he saw him, as if he was dealing with a wounded animal who could be domesticated again. Time had gone by and Richard Grayson was the same as before, a total dick.
Things were bad those days, he had lost his family, the trust in them, his warm bed, Alfred’s amazing food to fill his stomach, hell, he’d even lost his life. It took him some time to readjust, but, step by step, day after day, he learned how to breathe again.
Jason thought about her more than what he dared to accept too, he might have even asked around for her whereabouts, but nobody knew and he didn’t pry because he was too proud to admit that maybe he was just an idiot trying to be that kid who fell hard for some alien girl that once smiled at him and, fuck if that smile was not the most amazing thing in this world.
After a life like Jason’s, you kind of get used to the bad news and then it’s the good ones that surprise you, like receiving a gift in Christmas eve from Alfred or having a dog come to you at the park or finding her after almost being killed, all glory curves, soft hair and big green eyes in some lost island. He was smitten after a few hours under her care, he truly felt like a silly boy, following her around, trying to catch a smile from her lips, a touch of her fingers. She was a goddess and him, well, he probably was just her pet.
It helped him being away from Gotham and the painful memories, but because all good things have to end, Kori was called back to meet with the Teen Titans after three months of living in this paradise. Jason knew what that meant, so he prepared himself for the worst because, really, she had always loved Dick, he was the love of her life and, truthfully, everybody preferred him over this broken version of the boy wonder―the silly Jason Todd who got himself killed by the Joker while Dick Grayson succeeded as Nightwing, the handsome protector of Blüdhaven, who also had an amazing ass.
He went back to Gotham, rented a filthy hotel room and tried to keep on breathing. She never talked to him and he didn’t wait for it. So, yeah, it was pretty amazing to suddenly come to his place and find her dressed in one of his old shirts while eating some takeout she had bought for him.
A thousand questions remained on his tongue as he pushed away the boxes of Thai food and unraveled her naked body from under his shirt. He spoke none because he didn’t want to hear the truth. Instead, he made love to her time after time until the fear crawling at his feet disappeared in between Kori’s thighs. He thought about that same silly boy who took himself in hand when he saw her for the first time, how he had wanted to kiss those lips and how different was the reality. He consoled himself with the fact that, even if tomorrow she went back to Dick’s arms, he would still have at least all these memories: her voice, the warmth of her body, the softness of her hair.
Kori didn’t left in the morning or for the next few months, she didn’t walk away when he decided to buy an apartment, she kept on sleeping on his chest until three months became a year and a half. Now they had a dog, pictures of them all around their house, underwear turned purple after some laundry problems and stuff like that, that made him smile at night while they chill and Netflix-ed.
It was by accident that he blurted out the question one night.
“Who would I choose?” Kori repeated, tilting her head in that adorable way she always did. He wanted to kiss her, but if he did, he’ll end up running away from his burst of bravery or stupidity.
“Yeah, between Dick and I.”
“Why would I need to choose?” Jason takes another drag of his cigarette until Kori takes it out of his mouth and turns it off against her own skin. “Why would I need to choose, Jason?”
“You love him, if he ever came back–.”
“I’d choose you.”
Jason thinks this is it, this is what coming to live really feels like. “Would you?”
“Why else would I be living with you?”
“‘Cause I’m great at sex?”
She hit him on the ribs before standing up to take away the pizza. “That’s just the second reason why.”
He smiled like a dumb puppy.
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koriandrsucker · 7 years
I LOVE THAT FIC SO MUCH. IVE READ IT SO MANY TIMES. Its so good and I love the Selina and Kori dynamic. God I love that all of Bruce's kids love Kori like it has to bother him so much and I love that. You know what else like burns my heart Jason having lived in Dick's shadow for so long and having Kori fall in love with him and be like "i choose you" etc etc just has all these layers of validation you know? and at the same time jason wouldnt be trying to fix Kori or have her conform
UUGH, ANON, YOU'RE GIVING ME SO MUCH FEELINGS. That last part of him living under Dick's shadow... I will write something about it, bit right bow, but I'll have it in mind for the event they're planning for Kori. I'll make sure to write at least one fanfic and it's going to be jaykori, dammit.
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