#turning these rental prices to his advantage
Yuno is hustling!!
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d0youc0py · 5 months
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Warnings: fluffy, meeting for the first time, making plans for a date, GN reader, storms, too long, not proofread
Maybe renting a cabin in-almost- the middle of nowhere wasn’t there best idea. It had been storming for the past four hours, making it impossible to take advantage of the beautiful world outside. You should’ve brought your rain boots.
You were pacing back and forth across the hardwood when your light flickered twice before going out completely.
“No!” You growled. You flickered the switch on and off as if that would do anything. “Fuck.” With a huff you tugged on your coat and slipped into your shoes, using your phone light to guide you. You went around the back of the house fiddling with the power box. “I better not get electrocuted.”
The thought of that alone was enough to make you close the power box. You turned on your heels making your way to the other rental house down the road.
“Hi Mrs. Collier, is your power on?” You smiled at the older woman as she opened the door.
“What’d your roof cave in?” She questioned, taking in your soak appearance. She moved out of the doorway, silently welcoming you inside.
“It’s been on and off for the past hour.” She sighed pouring you a hot drink. “I’ve got spare clothes in the hall closet- don’t want you to get my carpet moldy.” She shooed you off.
“Thank you Mrs. Collier!” You did as she had told and found a nice oversized shirt and sleep shorts.
“So what do we do? Just wait it out?” You questioned sitting at the counter. She pushed the hot drink towards you, then added another candle to the fifty she had on the counter.
“I do what everyone does when something goes wrong. Call John.”
“Who’s John?” You asked. She looked at you with furrowed brows.
“You’ve been living here for how long and you haven’t met John yet?”
You took a sip of your drink and shook your head.
“Well I guess that makes sense.” She sighed. “He’s in the military- high up I think and he does those special agent type things, Y’know like the things you see on TV- anyways he’s gone a lot, never too long but you can always tell when he is.”
“How so?” You pressed.
“The town falls apart, physically. I almost feel bad for the man, never seems to have time to relax.” Mrs. Collier continued. “Someone’s water heater is always going out, or there’s a storm and one time the Hathaway’s fence completely collapsed- sheep got out all over town. It was quite the sight.” She smiled to herself and you wondered for a minute if she remembered you were there. She shook her head breaking herself out of her trance. “Drink up honey, don’t need you gettin’ everyone sick.” She gave a gentle smile.
Suddenly the lights flicked on. You closed your eyes quickly not ready for the burst of light.
“You alright in there.” A gruff voice called from outside. There was a knock at the front door, before the person outside let themselves in.
“Thanks, John. What do I owe you?” Ms. Collier asked, sliding off the stool.
“I’ll take a muffin if you have any.” The owner of the voice suddenly appeared in the kitchen doorway. He paused for a moment when he saw you. His face softened and he offered you a polite smile. You were too flushed about his your appearance to return it. “I don’t think we’ve met. John Price. I live about a mile up the road.” (I know he’s British) He extended his hand towards you, not before wiping it on his pants. He wore a black rain coat, with his hood pulled up over a black beanie. The beanie was far too low for your liking, nearly covering his vibrant eyes. As if he read your mind he tugged it up slightly.
“Y/N, L/N.” You shook his hand, pulling away quicker than you probably should. “You said you lived up the road? That pretty cream colored house?” You asked. He chuckled at you. It was warm and inviting.
“Never been one to think my house was pretty, but yes that’d be the one.”
“Order up.” Ms. Collier handed John a large ziplock filled with muffins.
“Thank you, Doll.” John smiled. Ms. Collier let out a giggle swatting at him and you couldn’t help the smile that grew on your own face at the interaction. “Where you staying? Need a ride back?” John turned towards you.
“Y/N’s power is out too.” Ms. Collier spoke for you, smirking at your flushed appearance. “They’re staying one house over.” Ms. Collier pointed towards the direction you came from.
“Let’s get you settled then.” John said, nodding his head towards the door.
“Are you sure?” You asked hesitantly. John nodded his head in assurance and you wondered what it was like to be someone with such a comforting aura. “Thank you.” You stood up, grabbing your wet clothes from the laundry room. “Thank you Ms. Collier.”
“Anytime, Honey.”
You started out the door but John pulled you back.
“Umbrella?” He raised a brow at you. You shook your head. He quickly unzipped his jacket, sticking his hand in his pocket and holding half of his jacket above your head. You instinctively shuffled closer. He was warm and smelled like pine- and a little something else that you couldn’t quite put your finger on but it was smoky. You both began your track to your house, breathing a sigh of relief when you entered almost completely dry.
“Where’s your power box?”
“On the side of the house.” He nodded his head starting towards it. You began digging around your house for some sort of payment for him. He already had some baked goods and who knows what else he earned on his travels. The lights flickered on in no more than five minutes. Heavy footsteps thudded against your porch and John stopped in the doorway, not wanting to wet your entire house.
“Thank you so much!” You praised. “Now I unfortunately don’t really have any food, well anything substantial at least, but I have some cash.”
“Don’t know if you should be telling strangers you have cash in your home, love.” He scolded, shaking off his coat on the porch. You gave him a sheepish smile, to hung up on the endearment to fully take in his words.
“Yeah.” You sighed, still waiting for an answer from him. “So how much?”
“Dinner with me?” He said suddenly. You began to head over to your bag but stopped.
“I’m sorry, what?” You could hardly believe he wanted anything to do with you. Your hair was plastered to your face and you were wearing the worst clothes the 80’s had to offer. “Are you sure?”
He furrowed his brows at you. “Am I sure?” He repeated..“Something wrong with you?” He hummed. You nodded your head, but quickly shook it.
“No. I mean nothings wrong with me. Well that’s not true there’s probably a lot of things- somethings that I’m probably not even aware of. I’m sorry I shouldn’t say there are a lot of things wrong with me but”-
“Breathe, Sweetheart.” He interjected. “I’ll take dinner or you can just call this one free as a ‘welcome to town’ favor.”
“I like dinner.” The words came from your lips before he had even finished his sentence. He chuckled at you again.
“Good, I’ll pick you up tomorrow. 7:30 sharp.” He began making his way down your porch steps, back to his truck.
“Okay!” You shouted after him. “Thank you.” You knew he couldn’t hear you, so you decided it was a thank you meant for the storm.
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starlight-shades · 8 months
Called Home to the Depths of the Forest Ch. 11
• summary – Debrief with the pack, and a lil puppy pile.
• rating – M
• wordcount – 3k
• warnings – mentions of previous character deaths, corrupt cop
Read on Ao3
Ch 1 Ch 10
If he expected to take advantage of their time alone in the ride back to the cabin, Simon would have been wrong. Instead of continuing their conversation from earlier, they wordlessly elected to let the car fill with whatever radio station Johnny had settled on. He wasn’t familiar with the music, but Johnny seemed to be, mouthing along to the lyrics as he stared out the passenger side window.
Soon enough the buildings grew sparser, and the road transitioned from paved asphalt to gravel to well-packed earth. The town became farmland became forest, with the light of the moon guiding them on their way home.
He felt like the drive had passed in an instant. Moving exclusively through muscle memory, Simon parked and pulled the keys from the ignition, but before he could open his door, a warm touch pulled his attention to Johnny.
The man looked unsure, chewing on his lip and staring at the pristine-looking rental car already parked out front. He didn’t remove his hand from where it lay on Simon’s wrist, thumb idly passing back and forth over his pulse.
“Kate knows, doesn’t she?” he asked, betraying his uncertainty. 
“Know what?” Simon had gotten lost in the labyrinth of his own thoughts, so he was having a harder time than usual following Johnny.
“About us? Me and Price and Gaz and the pups…”
“That you’re not exactly human?” he supplied, turning to give Johnny his full attention.
He nodded before finally making eye-contact. His eyes were the vivid blue that signaled his shift was just beneath the surface. 
“Aye…” He was silent for a moment, collecting his thoughts. “And you trust her?”
Gently, he broke Johnny’s hold on his wrist. Instead, he tangled their fingers together.
“With my life. Kate is one of the only people to have ever stood by me, especially right after— after my family’s deaths.” He stumbled over his words, but he pressed on. “She’s only ever done right by me, even when they were calling for my head.” 
Raising their fists to his mouth, Johnny pressed a hard kiss to Simon’s knuckles. 
“Then I trust her.”
His eyes had faded to their usual shade of blue by the time he was finished speaking, but they fell to Simon’s lips. Positioned as they were, leaning toward each other across the center console, it would be so easy to kiss him, he thought.
Despite their mirrored confessions while they were jailed together, they hadn’t actually clarified what their relationship would be moving forward. And even though he wanted so desperately to kiss Johnny again, Simon wasn’t sure he was prepared to open himself up to that kind of vulnerability again. At least not yet.
Reluctantly, he cleared his throat and dropped Johnny’s hand.
“They’re probably wondering what’s taking us so long…” he murmured. 
Before he could get too far, though, Johnny reached out again, cupping his face with one hand and turning him back to face him again.
“I love you, Simon Riley. And whatever it takes, I’m gonna win you back,” he promised. “You’re gonna trust me again, I swear it.” 
With an unexpected surge of courage, Simon leaned forward and kissed Johnny’s cheek.
“I’m counting on it.”
And if he smiled to himself as he exited the car at the stunned look on his face, it was no one’s business but his own. 
It was late when they got back. Late enough that Simon wasn’t surprised that Duncan and Ailsa did not greet him when he opened his front door. 
Instead, Kate sat at the table with Price while Gaz leaned against one of the kitchen counters. 
“I see you’ve helped yourself,” Simon noted as he took in the tumblers that sat in front of Price and Laswell, filled with what he knew to be his favorite bourbon. 
“I was invited,” Kate said simply, nonchalantly taking a sip of hers. “Don’t know if these two can say the same.”
“We’re pack. We get privileges,” Price shrugged, adding “The pups are down for the night in the bedroom.”
Simon nodded, ducking down the hall to peek into the bedroom just to lay eyes on the little lumps under the covers in his bed. Smiling softly to himself, he emerged back into the kitchen.
He shrugged off his coat and quickly poured his own drink as the door opened once again to reveal Johnny with cheeks that were perhaps pink from more than just the chill in the air. Simon held out the drink he had just prepared to Johnny as he joined them in the kitchen, grunting at Johnny’s nod of thanks before fixing himself another. 
“If you’re pack because you came with Johnny, Kate is pack because she came with me,” he tossed out, ignoring the raised eyebrows shot his way. Was it really so surprising he had friends other than them?
Gaz was the first to chuckle. “How do you two know each other exactly?”
“She raised me from the dead,” he deadpanned. 
Kate rolled her eyes fondly. “We worked together. He was in a different unit. Your Taskforce was exclusively supernatural. Ghost was probably the only human I’d even consider adding to your crew. Luckily you all retired and I didn’t have to.”
“Wait, how did you know that? That’s supposed to be classified,” Johnny asked, clearly lost. 
“John, she’s Watcher,” Price explained. “Did you not know who she was this whole time?”
Simon and Kate shared secret smiles between them.
“Yeah, mate, how did you not recognize the voice at the very least? We worked together for years,” Gaz said, clearly overjoyed at finding something new to tease him about.
“How was I supposed to know? We only ever called her Watcher, and we never met in person!”
“You never met her in person,” Price corrected.
Before the conversation could devolve into further bickering, Kate spoke up.
“We need to discuss what’s been happening.”
The room fell silent, everyone automatically deferring to Kate.
“Simon called me awhile ago to organize some paperwork for Duncan and Ailsa. I take it that this D.C. Collins is the reason why?”
“Yes,” he affirmed. “For some reason, when we met in town, he became fixated on Johnny and Ailsa in particular.”
“Aye, the bastard seems to have picked up that something isn’t normal with us,” Johnny grouched, shooting back the last of his bourbon. 
“Well I was able to look into him a bit,” she explained, pulling a file out of the bag at her feet. Flipping it open, she turned it around so that the rest of them could scan it as she spoke. “Matthew Collins, Detective Constable. He’s with the police where he and his brother, Harry Collins, are from.” She pulled out another folder, this one much thicker, and flipped it open alongside the other. 
“It looks like Harry has gotten himself into trouble over the years. Drunken disorderly, breaking and entering, poaching, among other things. It took some digging, but I was able to learn that Harry fancied himself a monster hunter.”
She flipped to a few photos where the man was posed with some others around the body of a suspiciously large bear. Simon recognized the other two from the night he killed them.
“There’s no hard evidence of this, of course, because ‘officially’ supernatural creatures don’t exist. He and his cohort seem to have been better about not documenting the more outlandish creatures that couldn’t be explained away. Luckily, they weren’t particularly successful. I was able to find only about five victims in the last decade, including Duncan and Ailsa’s parents. There might be more, but I doubt it with the way these men operated. The Collins’ father seems to have been much more active in his time, but he was killed when the boys were about twelve and fifteen respectively. I suspect that’s where this all started, with their father’s death.”
“So they decided to take up the mantle,” Price growled. 
“So that’s the dead brother,” Gaz said. “What about the one that’s after us now?”
Kate smiled thinly. “Matthew. While his brother became a murderer, he chose to pursue a career in law enforcement. His numbers are pretty average, but it looks like he was able to get big brother Harry out of trouble a few times. He’s been investigating this on his own. Officially, he’s not even on the case. I was able to speak with his higher ups and have him reprimanded and pulled from the case. They’re not happy with the mess he’s made of things out here.”
She pulled out yet another file, this one incredibly thin.
“This is Harry’s missing persons file.” Flipping it open for them, she placed it on top of the other two. “Officially, this case is impossible to close. No body, no evidence aside from some eyewitness testimony from earlier in the week, and the last known location that pinged off his cell that’s a handful of kilometers from here. He’s running this show on nothing but his gut. I was able to get all the charges thrown out, but Simon,” she paused, looking him dead in the face. “You did not need to get arrested too. I had to promise to replace the receptionist’s paperweight. She didn’t let up until I told her it was all in the name of love.” 
He ignored the knowing look in her eyes when he grumbled, “You told me to get in to see him…”
“In what world does that mean get arrested?” Kate asked incredulously. “That’s how I knew it was real. When Simon Riley is making foolish decisions over a man.”
“Kate,” Price murmured, trying and failing to subtly gesture for her to stop. 
“Oh, are you…?” She looked from Price back to Simon and Johnny who were standing stiffly beside each other. “I didn’t realize you were pretending not to be in love.” 
“No, uh, it’s just complicated at the moment,” Johnny tried to rescue him, his face progressively getting redder and redder.
Laswell looked between them again before rolling her eyes. She took another swallow of her drink before muttering something that sounded suspiciously like “Men” under her breath. 
“Regardless, I am hoping that getting Collins pulled from the case by his bosses is enough to get him to back off, but with how persistent he’s been, I doubt it. I recommend continued caution until I can confirm he’s gone home and will stay there.”
They all shared a look, wordlessly agreeing about the likelihood of that happening (next to none).
“On that note, I am turning in for the night,��� she declared, drinking the last bit at the bottom of her glass. “Whoever is coming back to the Price-Garrick abode, you can join me in the car or make your own way.”
“Ruthless,” Price teased as he and Gaz went to grab their coats.
As she cleaned up her folders, Simon went to help her, and Johnny began gathering glasses. Before Laswell put them all away, however, she pulled one last file from her bag, holding it with more care than the others. It was unassuming for the most part. It was a decent size, but there were no notes on the outside to denote what lay within. There were a few sticky notes peeking out from the sides, and a handful of paperclips that ensured it didn’t lay evenly.
When he went to open it, Laswell gently laid her hand over his, stopping Simon. 
“This is everything I could find on their parents,” she murmured. “They don’t have any other family from what I can tell. It’s probably more than strictly necessary, but just in case they want to know more as they grow older. I included all the photos I could find.” 
Johnny stepped up to stand next to Simon as she spoke, addressing both of them. 
“That’s unusual for wolves, to be the only ones,” Johnny said, grief implicit in his voice. 
Kate smiled sadly. “They had each other. From what I can tell, theirs was a small but happy family.”
Johnny made a sound in his throat, something caught between a whine and a chuff. When Simon slung his arm around his shoulders, he leaned in. 
“We’ve got them now,” he murmured. “Thanks, Kate.”
“Of course, Simon. You know you ask and I’m there.” 
As she passed them on her way to the door where Price and Gaz were waiting, she squeezed them both into a tight hug. 
“You boys are doing a good thing,” she reassured. 
When the door shut behind them, Johnny turned back to Simon.
“And then there were two,” he mused, going back to cleaning up anything left out for the night. 
But Simon wasn’t paying attention. His eyes had made their way back to the file folder sitting on the table. Images of a woman, covered in blood, begging him to keep her children safe flashed before his eyes.
He slowly opened it, eyes scanning over basic demographic information, and a driver’s license photo. 
Danica Anderson. A name. 
She had Duncan’s eyes. Ailsa’s nose. 
He flipped the page to find a man. Patrick. When he died, he had been in his wolf shape, so the face staring back at Simon was unfamiliar while simultaneously looking exactly like his children. 
When he felt a hand on his shoulder, he startled. 
“Just me, Si,” Johnny murmured. 
“Sometimes I wish I had just left town earlier that night. Then maybe I could have gotten there sooner,” he whispered, reaching to slide his arm around Johnny’s waist. “I know I can’t change what happened, but they shouldn’t have died.”
A particularly wolfish sound left Johnny’s throat at that. 
“Oh Si, I know. We do our best, but we can’t replace them.”
Gently, he pushed past all of the documents to the photos Laswell had mentioned. Johnny leaned further into his side as they looked at images from social media, photos likely hacked from some app online, and school photos from when Danica and Patrick were younger. 
“She was bonnie,” Johnny observed, running a finger down a photo of Danica laughing at what appeared to be a professional conference. 
“She was damn smart too. Doctor of entomology,” Simon commented, pulling aside a photo of the two of them at Danica’s commencement, proudly holding her degree while Patrick kissed her cheek. 
Johnny smiled at that. “Now we know where Dunc’s love of creepy crawlies comes from. Oh and here’s their Da playing footie! Think I can convince them to get into it?”
There was a soft smile playing at his lips when Simon looked down at Johnny. 
“I think you could probably get those pups to do just about anything with you.”
Johnny tilted his head back to look back at him. 
The two of them weren’t fixed, but they were getting there. 
They spent a little longer looking through the photos and learning about Ailsa and Duncan’s parents. Johnny got a little misty eyed when they found Danica’s maternity photos, and even Simon wasn’t sure his own eyes were totally dry. 
“When it’s calmed down some more, I think we should talk with them about how they want to remember them,” he murmured as they gathered the file into some semblance of order again. 
“Aye, that’s probably a good idea.”
When it was as together as it was going to get, Simon headed into the living room. He pushed the couch aside to reveal one floorboard in particular that lifted to reveal a fireproof lockbox. 
“Code is ten-ten-eighty,” he said out loud. 
The door popped open to reveal a small fortune in cash in multiple currencies, several passports, a handgun, about half a dozen knives, and a pile of several file folders where Simon stacked this one. 
“I’ve got hard copies of the documents Laswell drafted up for the pups as well as some backups with aliases just in case. You’ve got some in here too.”
He didn’t look back to see what Johnny’s reaction was. They were retired, but Simon had learned that they had both been special forces. Hopefully the other man understood. 
When he stood back up, Johnny wordlessly stepped forward to help him replace the couch. 
“I guess I’ll sleep out here, if you wanted to take the bed with the wee’uns,” Johnny offered. 
“I don’t want to wake them,” he admitted. “I can take the couch if you want the mattress.”
They were back in awkward territory. 
When they moved at the same time to move the mattress, they bumped into each other, muttering apologies. Simon stole a glance only to meet those blue eyes again, a blush once again taking up residence across Johnny’s cheeks. 
They laughed softly, smoothly falling back into a partnership as they set up the living room for the night. 
A creak sounded from the hallway behind them, and when they both turned to look, they found wide, sleepy eyes staring back at them. 
“Simon? Johnny?” Duncan spoke, sounding small. 
Instead of saying anything else, his sister pushed past him to march up to them, practically climbing Johnny to get him to hold her. 
“Easy there, girly,” he chuckled. 
She was still very clearly half-asleep, so all she did was snuggle closer and close her eyes again. 
“Don’t leave again. Missed you,” she mumbled. 
Duncan walked over and stood in front of Simon, lifting his arms up. 
Like a well-oiled machine, Simon responded to his cue by hauling him up into his arms, and letting the boy latch around his neck like an octopus.
“Come sleep,” he demanded, surprisingly bossy in his sleepiness. 
“We can tuck you in, Bug,” he assured.
“No. Everyone in the big bed.”
Simon and Johnny shared another smile. 
“Aye, think we can manage that,” Johnny agreed.
Instead of putting away the mattress for the night, the silent agreement was to leave it for the morning. It was late. Their presence had been requested in the bedroom.
It was still a tight squeeze with all four of them, but the pups snuggled close. When Ailsa, almost definitely asleep already, felt Simon lay down beside her, she looped her arm around his, cuddling his biceps like her favorite stuffy. She did the same thing with her other arm when Johnny slipped in on her other side. Duncan just settled himself on top of Simon, never having let go of his neck. 
“G’night,” he mumbled, promptly falling back asleep. 
Before long, they were all tumbling headlong into the Sandman’s embrace.
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jonnesstuart31-blog · 1 month
From Points to Profit: The Ultimate Guide to Selling Delta SkyMiles
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Delta SkyMiles are more than just a frequent flyer program; they are a key to unlocking a world of travel opportunities and rewards. As the loyalty program of Delta Airlines, SkyMiles enables travelers to earn miles through flights, partner services, and purchases. These miles can be redeemed for a variety of rewards, including flights, seat upgrades, car rentals, merchandise, and more, making them extremely valuable to frequent travelers. However, when these travelers decide to convert their accumulated miles into cash, selling Delta SkyMiles becomes an attractive option, allowing them to capitalize on their miles in a different way. This process of selling Delta SkyMiles can turn these accumulated benefits into financial gains, offering another layer of value to the savvy traveler.
However, no longer all of us desires to use our miles for travel or other redemption alternatives provided through Delta. Some people discover themselves with an extra of SkyMiles, perhaps because of modified tour plans, preference for other airlines, or without a doubt because they earn extra miles than they can use. In such cases, promoting Delta SkyMiles becomes an attractive option. By promoting their SkyMiles, individuals can convert these virtual factors into tangible profit, presenting economic flexibility instead of simply journey blessings. This system lets in humans to monetize their collected miles, making each point a capability contribution to their income in place of a dormant asset.
What Are Delta SkyMiles?
Delta SkyMiles is the professional common flyer program of Delta Airlines, designed to reward passengers for their loyalty to the airline. Members of the SkyMiles application earn miles whenever they fly with Delta or use offerings from Delta’s massive variety of companions, including resorts, vehicle rental corporations, and credit card companies. These miles accrue in a member’s account and can be used to redeem various travel-related advantages, improving the general travel revel in.
The splendor of Delta SkyMiles lies of their flexibility and the type of methods they may be earned and spent. However, whilst travelers are unable or unwilling to use these miles for journey, promoting Delta SkyMiles can offer an opportunity way to gain from their loyalty. This alternative is in particular appealing to individuals who need to convert their travel rewards right into a greater on the spot and flexible monetary advantage.
The Value of Delta SkyMiles
The fee of Delta SkyMiles can vary extensively primarily based on how they are redeemed. For instance, miles used for flight enhancements or reserving business elegance tickets usually offer better cost than miles used for shopping or car rentals. This variability approach that the method to selling Delta SkyMiles have to be strategic; knowledge the capacity redemption price can help sellers set a reasonable rate and maximize their profit.
When considering selling Delta SkyMiles, it's far critical to apprehend these dynamics as they without delay impact how a whole lot consumers are willing to pay for miles. Sellers who hold close the whole variety of SkyMiles' potential makes use of and values can higher negotiate their promoting rate, making sure they acquire a fair monetary return for his or her accumulated miles.
Legal and Ethical Considerations in Selling SkyMiles
Delta’s Policy on Selling SkyMiles
Delta Airlines has a clear coverage with regards to selling Delta SkyMiles: it is prohibited. According to Delta's phrases and conditions, SkyMiles are not transferable and cannot be sold, exchanged, or bartered below any occasions. The airline reserves the right to deactivate or deduct miles from the account of any member who violates this coverage, and may even terminate the member’s account altogether.
The potential dangers and effects of promoting Delta SkyMiles against the airline’s regulations are vast. Members located violating the coverage may additionally face now not handiest the loss of their miles but could also be problem to prison movement from Delta. This should include court cases for breach of contract or different felony claims. Furthermore, sellers and consumers concerned in unauthorized transactions would possibly find themselves permanently banned from the Delta SkyMiles program, dropping all accrued miles and benefits. It's critical for people considering selling their SkyMiles to be aware about these dangers and to weigh them in opposition to the ability economic profits.
Ethical Considerations
Beyond the criminal factors, there are moral concerns to take into account whilst selling Delta SkyMiles. While selling miles would possibly seem like a sincere way to convert unused miles into coins, it can improve questions on equity and integrity. For example, enticing within the sale of SkyMiles can undermine the loyalty software's cause, that's to reward customers for his or her persevered patronage of the airline.
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Additionally, selling miles can affect different vacationers by probably inflating the fee of rewards for everybody. When miles are offered, it can lead to an increase in demand for praise seats, making it more difficult for other contributors to redeem their miles. This can degrade the cost of SkyMiles for all members, leading to a much less worthwhile enjoy. Therefore, individuals considering selling their Delta SkyMiles should reflect on these ethical implications and keep in mind how their actions may impact the wider network of travelers.
When Should You Sell Your SkyMiles?
Timing is the entirety in terms of promoting Delta SkyMiles for optimum income. Generally, the quality time to sell your SkyMiles is in the course of height travel durations when call for flights and improvements is maximum. This normally consists of predominant holidays, summer season months, and famous occasion seasons around the sector. During these instances, tourists are extra determined to find less expensive travel alternatives, and the willingness to buy miles increases.
Sellers should also display airline enterprise traits and modifications in Delta’s flight schedules and vacation spot recognition. For instance, pronouncing new routes or expanded offerings to famous locations can spike the call for for SkyMiles. Staying informed approximately such changes allow you to pick out the premier moment for promoting Delta SkyMiles, ensuring you get the exceptional viable price.
How to Calculate the Value of Your SkyMiles
Understanding the approximate cash price of your SkyMiles is essential earlier than you recall selling them. To examine the value of your SkyMiles more as it should be, you could use tools and references like tour rewards calculators or seek advice from common flyer forums in which skilled travelers proportion their insights. Websites together with The Points Guy regularly update their expected valuations for SkyMiles based totally on latest redemption traits. By the use of these assets, you can estimate an affordable promoting fee to your SkyMiles primarily based on contemporary market situations and make sure you aren't undervaluing your assets.
How to Sell Delta SkyMiles Safely and Effectively  
When you decide to proceed with selling Delta SkyMiles, choosing the right platform is crucial for a safe and effective transaction. There are several platforms where you can sell your SkyMiles, each with its own set of benefits and risks:
Brokers: Specialized brokers act as intermediaries between those who want to sell and those who want to buy Delta SkyMiles. These brokers usually offer a streamlined process and can facilitate large transactions safely. However, it's essential to verify the credibility of the broker to avoid potential legal and financial pitfalls.
Online Marketplaces: Websites dedicated to trading points and miles provide a platform where individuals can list their Delta SkyMiles for sale. These marketplaces often have systems in place to protect both buyers and sellers, but it’s important to understand the terms and conditions thoroughly before proceeding.
Travel Forums: Some travel forums have sections where users can post their SkyMiles for sale. This can be a good way to connect directly with interested buyers, but it requires careful communication and a good understanding of the forum’s rules to avoid scams.
Regardless of the platform you choose for selling Delta SkyMiles, ensure you understand how they operate and any fees they might charge. Being informed will help you select the best platform to maximize your profits while minimizing risks.
Tips for a Smooth Transaction
To ensure a smooth and successful transaction when selling Delta SkyMiles, follow these best practices:
Clear Communication: Maintain open and clear communication with the buyer. Provide all necessary information about the SkyMiles and the terms of the sale, and be ready to answer any questions they might have.
Secure Payment Methods: Choose secure and reliable payment methods to avoid financial scams. Options like escrow services, PayPal, or other reputable online payment systems can provide security for both parties.
Verify the Buyer: Research the buyer's background if possible, especially when using forums or social media. Look for reviews or ask for references to ensure they are legitimate.
Transfer Miles Safely: Follow the proper procedures for transferring SkyMiles as outlined by Delta or the selling platform. Avoid sharing personal login details or sensitive information.
Document Everything: Keep detailed records of all communications, agreements, and transactions. Having a paper trail can be invaluable if you need to resolve disputes or verify the transaction details later.
In the world of travel rewards, Delta SkyMiles stand out as more than just points—they are a gateway to a world of opportunities. Whether you're upgrading your flight experience or transforming miles into cash by selling Delta SkyMiles, the potential to maximize your benefits is immense. Remember, selling your SkyMiles isn't just about the transaction; it's about unlocking the potential of every mile you've earned. Take the leap, turn your miles into profit, and let your SkyMiles take you further—even when you're not in the air!
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ericalbuja · 2 months
Eric Albuja Tips for Making Your Dream Trips Affordable
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Have you ever scrolled through Instagram, envy bubbling up as you see your friends jet-setting across the globe, exploring exotic destinations, while you're stuck at home counting pennies? Well, fret no more, because Eric Albuja, the master of affordable travel, is here to spill his secrets on how to turn those dream trips into reality without breaking the bank.
Plan Ahead, Be Flexible: 
Eric Albuja's first golden rule is to plan but stay flexible. Keep an eye out for flight deals and accommodation offers months in advance. Being flexible with your travel dates can save you a significant amount of money, as prices tend to fluctuate depending on the time of year and day of the week.
Travel Off-Peak: 
Avoiding peak travel seasons can be a game-changer when it comes to saving money. Eric Albuja Roanoke Tx recommends traveling during shoulder seasons or off-peak times when tourist destinations are less crowded, and prices are more wallet-friendly.
Embrace Budget Accommodations: 
Forget about luxury hotels with hefty price tags. Instead, opt for budget accommodations such as hostels, guesthouses, or vacation rentals. Not only are these options more affordable, but they also provide a more authentic travel experience by allowing you to immerse yourself in the local culture.
Cook Your Meals: 
Eating out every meal can quickly drain your travel budget. Eric Albuja suggests shopping at local markets and grocery stores to cook your meals, especially breakfast and lunch. Not only is this a more budget-friendly option, but it also allows you to try local ingredients and flavors.
Use Public Transportation: 
Skip the pricey taxis and rental cars and opt for public transportation instead. Buses, trains, and subways are not only more affordable but also allow you to experience your destination like a local. Plus, you'll save money on gas and parking fees.
Take Advantage of Free Activities: 
You don't have to spend a fortune to have a good time while traveling. Eric Albuja recommends researching free or low-cost activities and attractions in your destination. Whether it's exploring parks and museums or hiking scenic trails, there are plenty of ways to enjoy yourself without breaking the bank.
Travel with a Group: 
Sharing expenses with friends or family can significantly reduce the cost of your trip. Consider traveling with a group and splitting the price of accommodations, transportation, and meals. Not only will you save money, but you'll also create unforgettable memories with your travel companions.
Earn and Redeem Travel Rewards: 
Make the most of the travel rewards programs airlines, hotels, and credit card companies offer. Eric Albuja Dallas TX suggests signing up for loyalty programs and using rewards points to offset the cost of flights, accommodations, and other travel expenses. Remember to pay off your credit card balance in full each month to avoid accruing interest.
Stay Open-Minded:
Finally, Eric Albuja encourages travelers to stay open-minded and embrace the unexpected. Sometimes the best experiences happen when you least expect them, so don't be afraid to stray from your itinerary and explore off the beaten path.
By following these tips from Eric Albuja, you can make your dream trips a reality without breaking the bank. So, what are you waiting for? Start planning your next adventure today and prepare to create memories that will last a lifetime.
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[ad_1] Understanding Hire Management Insurance policies: Professionals and Cons Hire management insurance policies are a set of rules that purpose to restrict the quantity landlords can cost tenants for his or her rental properties. These insurance policies have been carried out in varied cities and international locations all over the world in an effort to make sure inexpensive housing for low-income residents. Nonetheless, hire management insurance policies usually are not with out controversy, as they've each professionals and cons that should be fastidiously thought of. Professionals of Hire Management Insurance policies: 1. Inexpensive Housing: One of many major objectives of hire management insurance policies is to offer inexpensive housing for low-income people and households. By limiting hire will increase, these insurance policies assist be certain that folks with restricted monetary means usually are not priced out of their neighborhoods or pressured to reside in substandard housing. This will contribute to social stability and protect the range of communities. 2. Hire Stabilization: Hire management insurance policies additionally present stability in rental prices. Tenants can plan their bills with out the worry of sudden and drastic hire hikes, permitting them to finances extra successfully and create a way of safety of their housing scenario. 3. Safety Towards Gentrification: Hire management insurance policies can act as safeguards in opposition to gentrification, a course of during which neighborhoods that have been beforehand inexpensive and numerous turn into unaffordable and unique. By limiting the power of landlords to considerably enhance rents, these insurance policies assist protect the character and affordability of neighborhoods. 4. Stopping Homelessness: Hire management insurance policies can present a security web for weak populations, such because the homeless or these vulnerable to changing into homeless. By guaranteeing extra steady housing prices, hire management might help forestall folks from falling into poverty or homelessness. Cons of Hire Management Insurance policies: 1. Lowered Funding in Housing: Hire management insurance policies could discourage funding in rental properties. Landlords is probably not incentivized to take care of or enhance their housing items if they're unable to generate an affordable return on their funding. This will result in a decline within the high quality of rental housing and a lower within the availability of rental items. 2. Lowered Provide of Rental Housing: Hire management can result in a lower within the provide of rental housing. Landlords could convert rental properties into different makes use of, similar to condos, or select to not hire out their properties in any respect. This discount in provide can exacerbate housing shortages and make it tougher for tenants to search out appropriate and inexpensive housing choices. 3. Unequal Distribution of Advantages: Hire management insurance policies can profit present tenants, however they might even have unintended penalties. New tenants could battle to search out inexpensive housing as a result of restricted availability of rental items, and landlords could choose tenants primarily based on non-market standards, similar to private connections or subjective judgments, as a substitute of a good and equal course of. 4. Inefficiency and Distorted Market: Hire management insurance policies can create inefficiencies within the rental market. Hire-controlled items could also be occupied by tenants who don't essentially want the help, stopping these in better want from accessing inexpensive housing. Moreover, hire management can discourage tenants from transferring to bigger items when their households develop, as they'll retain their decrease hire of their present unit, resulting in underutilization of housing assets. Hire management insurance policies have each optimistic and destructive implications for housing markets and the folks they purpose to help.
It's essential for policymakers to fastidiously consider these professionals and cons, taking into consideration the precise circumstances of every locality, to make sure the very best outcomes for all stakeholders. A balanced method that considers the wants of each tenants and landlords is necessary to attain a sustainable and equitable housing system. [ad_2]
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anand07723 · 4 months
Elevating Your Vacation Rental Experience with Blakeney Consultant Services
Picture this: You're planning a dream vacation, eagerly anticipating the perfect getaway. You've found the ideal destination and, in your excitement, decide to book a cozy vacation rental for a truly immersive experience. As you delve into the world of short-term rentals and Airbnb stays, you quickly realize the importance of seamless management for an unforgettable trip. This is where Blakeney Consultant Services steps in, weaving a narrative of expertise and personalized service to enhance your vacation rental journey.
Embracing the Essence of Vacation Rental Management
When it comes to vacation rental management, the key lies in striking a balance between luxury, comfort, and convenience. Blakeney Consultant Services has mastered this art, offering a range of services that go beyond the conventional. From property preparation to guest communication, they take pride in creating a harmonious experience for both hosts and travelers.
Navigating the World of Short-Term Rental Management
Short-term rentals have revolutionized the way people experience travel, providing unique alternatives to traditional accommodations. Blakeney Consultant Services understands the nuances of this dynamic market, ensuring that your property stands out among the crowd. By seamlessly handling bookings, guest inquiries, and property maintenance, they allow hosts to focus on what truly matters – creating memorable experiences for their guests.
Unraveling the Airbnb Advantage
In the realm of Airbnb, the stakes are high, and first impressions are crucial. Blakeney Consultant Services not only understands the Airbnb platform inside out but also knows how to leverage it for optimal results. With a keen eye for detail and a commitment to excellence, they enhance your property's visibility, driving bookings and ensuring a steady stream of satisfied guests.
The Blakeney Difference
So, what sets Blakeney Consultant Services apart? It's the personalized touch, the commitment to excellence, and the unwavering dedication to making your vacation rental experience seamless. By tailoring their services to your specific needs, they transform your property into a haven for travelers and a lucrative investment for hosts.
Tailored Solutions for Your Unique Needs
Blakeney Consultant Services recognizes that every property is unique, and so are the needs of hosts and guests. Whether you're a seasoned host or venturing into the world of vacation rentals for the first time, their customized solutions cater to your individual requirements. From property optimization to marketing strategies, they ensure that your investment yields the best possible returns.
Stories of Success: Realizing Vacation Rental Dreams
Let's delve into a real-life example of how Blakeney Consultant Services turned a host's vision into reality. John, an aspiring Airbnb host, had a charming property in a sought-after location but struggled to attract guests. Enter Blakeney Consultant Services, who not only revamped his listing but also implemented effective pricing strategies and guest communication tactics. The result? John's property became a hot spot for travelers, and he achieved a consistent flow of bookings, transforming his passion for hospitality into a lucrative endeavor.
In the ever-evolving landscape of vacation rental management, Blakeney Consultant Services stands as a beacon of excellence. From navigating the intricacies of short-term rentals management to maximizing the potential of Airbnb, their expertise is unparalleled. As you embark on your journey in the world of vacation rentals, consider the difference that Blakeney can make.
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tapejust · 2 years
Hyperbowl online
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A laser-tag franchise was lined up, but the deal fell through when its parent company went out of business. When the club closed its doors, Foster and Spinoff manager Kevin Troy sought a subtenant so they could take advantage of their long-term lease at the locked-in rate of $4 a square foot, heat included. In the meantime Foster had founded another new business, an oil brokerage firm called United Fuels International. Called Spinoff, it did well for a few years until the roller disco craze faded the venture folded in 1987. In August 1979, after installing 10,000 square feet of maple flooring, the skating club was opened. The elder Foster mortgaged his home to provide funds for the venture, which would be located in Boston on the top floor of an old brick stable building. Inspired to create a club where people could do this indoors, he quit his job and sought help from his father, a Newton, Massachusetts judge. Foster, a 1978 graduate of Boston University Law School, had been working in New York as a corporate lawyer when he noticed people roller skating to pop music in Central Park. The first Jillian ’s was opened in Boston, Massachusetts, by Stephen Foster. The privately held firm has put IPO plans on hold but is continuing to expand using funding from investors. The company ’s sites typically combine several drinking and dining options with billiards, bowling, high-tech video games, and a dance club. operates a chain of 40 restaurant and entertainment complexes in the United States and Canada. NAIC: 71395 Bowling Centers 71312 Amusement Arcades 71399 All Other Amusement and Recreation Industries 72241 Drinking Places (Alcoholic Beverages) 72211 Full-Service Restaurants Limited spaces available.Incorporated: 1988 as Jillian ’s Billiards Club Please call (803) 432-7976 or 1-87 to reserve your spot by August 1. This program is intended for Active Duty members and their family. There is nothing like the exhilaration of bouncing along on the water behind a ski boat on a rubber tube! And now you can experience it on August 8 at Wateree Recreation Area! For just $10 a person you can spend the day taking a turn behind the boat as you ride around the lake. Please call 895-0450 for more information.
After your wet and wild rafting adventure, take a trip down one of the many zip lines available at the center! Weight limits and height requirements are enforced. Each experience is guided by a professional. You'll be able to choose from 3 experiences based on your skill level and comfort. Whitewater Rafting & Zip Lining Aug7:30 am - 8 pmĮxperience the thrills of whitewater rafting with ODR on the world's largest man-made recirculating whitewater river. Sign up for any of the listed dates by stopping by or calling Outdoor Recreation at (803) 895-0450. Registration deadline is one week before the trip. Travel out to the Gulf Stream of Calabash, NC and catch some of the best fish on the eastern seaboard during this Deep Sea Fishing trip! Cost includes travel, bait, rod and reel. Cannot be combined with any other offer.Ĭalabash Gulfstream Fishing Trip From Aug3:45 am - 11:45 pm Larger groups are limited to 5 people per lane.
Who are the most important people at the Shaw Lane Bowling Center? It's you - the customer! To celebrate Bowler Appreciation Day, we are giving everyone a FREE HOUR OF BOWLING - regular or Hyperbowl! We're putting it all out there! On August 5 from 11 a.m. Please call (803) 895-1399 to register.īowler Appreciation Day From Aug11 am to 6 pm Each class is limited to 15 children per session.
Clubs will also be available for special order at fantastic prices from the pro shop. Don't have clubs? Kid clubs will be available for rental at no charge. noon Monday through Friday of the session and includes a snack. Youth Summer Golf Camp registrations are open! Children must be at least 8 years old. For more details, call the Bowling Center at 895-2732. Hyperbowling is included in the price! What a great time to try this exciting new way to score! *Shoe rental not included in cost. And finally, between, 4:31 - 6 p.m., the price is $10 an hour. and pay just $7 an hour! Between 12:31 - 3 p.m., the price goes up to $8 an hour. 6 p.m., the earlier you start bowling the less you pay! Show up between 11 a.m. Summer is here and so is the heat! Come cool off in the Shaw Lanes Bowling Center during the month of July with the Beat the Clock special! July 1 - 30 from 11 a.m. Facility hours & More at Beat the Clock bowling!! Jfrom 11 am - 6 pm
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wagner-fell · 3 years
Spiders Are Ugly And Other Lies Capitalism Has Told Us (part one)
“Dad,” Astrid called out, shutting the coral coloured front door behind her. “Are you home?”
She dumped her cream tote bag spray painted with the words ‘Washing Machine Heart’ in big, rainbow letters onto one of the stools facing the granite countertop. The rest of the Merry Hoes followed suit. It was weird seeing a person as chaotic as Astrid in such a calm environment.
They were all spending the summer in LA with Astrid and her Dad. It had taken a while for Kevin to convince his family it was a good idea. Especially because he and Blessica had finally put years of pinning behind them. Making out on Kit’s bed at Mina’s third birthday party certainly wasn’t the way they had envisioned it but as the longing was over with, they were happy.
The Chu’s didn’t love the idea of their son living in a different country for three months with his girlfriend but we’re on board once Kevin assured them there was no possible way Blessica could get pregnant.
Kit wasn’t officially sleeping at the Yang’s but at the Institute with his boyfriend. Julian wasn’t so thrilled about the situation but Emma was. She was positively ecstatic about having a training partner as skilled as Kit was, courtesy of Jem and Tessa. Though staying a thirty minute drive away (on the wrong side of the road, Mari noted) wouldn’t keep Kit away for long. Even now he was with them instead of having his own reunion make out session.
Speaking of making out…
Mari rested their chin on the top of Astrid’s head and wrapped their arms around her middle. “Why don’t you show us your room while we wait for your dad to get home.”
It was kinda perfect, Mari often remarked, that she realized her feelings for their best friend weren’t so platonic as she previously led herself to believe at the same time they and Kit realized they were better off as just platonic.
Astrid hit her hand playfully. “That’s not fair!” she whined! ”How dare you take advantage of my constant hornyness when my God-fearing Presbyterian father could be in the next room? Shame! Shame on you, shame on your family, shame on your cow.”
“I’m pretty sure it’s ‘dishonor’”, said Kit, who didn’t even look up from his phone when he addressed her, “but go off I guess.”
Astrid looked like she was questioning all her life choices up to this point. “A white boy knows Mulan better than me.” She shook her head in disgust. Mari could feel the loose hairs of her girlfriend’s ponytail ticking her exposed collar bone. “Mulan.”
Mari laughed before softly brushing their lips against Astrid mop of bleached strands of pastel yellow, pink and blue mixed magnificently with her natural inky black.
“Is hornyness even a word?” Kevin wondered aloud as he observed the knickknacks placed at even intervals utop the kitchen cabinets. Blessica was with him. She was gazing at one of a crab steering a ship when she spotted a slim piece of paper taped below it.
“Ast,” she called. The both looked in her direction, despite Blessica needing the attention of one. “Your dad says he won’t be home till seven. Emergency at work.”
“Which leaves us more than enough time to pack and head over to meet Ty, Dru and Thaìs at the arcade,” said Kit. He finally turned his phone off and shoved it into the back pocket of his ripped jeans. “Marstrid can do the ol’ devil’s tango then catch up to us.”
‘Marstrid’ wrinkled their noses. “I thought we agreed on Astari, Christopher.”
“Astari sounds gayer,” confirmed Kevin, his eyes never leaving the miniature decorations.
“Not to be rude but why does Astari sound gayer?” asked a visibly confused Blessica.
“Because,” answered Mari, unraveling herself from Astrid to slide onto one of the bar stools and reaching into the Jolly Rancher jar, blindly searching for a green, “Astari has ‘star’ in it. Star equals astrology. An obsession with astrology is the price you pay for the gay agenda. Besides, Marstrid sounds like an old southern lady.” Then she furrowed her eyebrows and swiveled to face Astrid. “Southern is Texas, right?” Astrid nooded, a smile so big the Cheshire Cat would be jealous.
Without looking, she stuck her hand in the jar and pulled out a green apple flavoured hard candy on her first try. She held it out to Mari, who snatched it out of her hand with an angry huff.
“Hey, Ast, where do you guys keep the crisps?” asked Kevin when he finished inspecting all the knickknacks.
“Uh, under the barbecue sauce, I think.”
Kit’s eyes lit up. “So I’m sitting there”- Astrid understood what was happening in just enough time to quote- “barbecue sauce on my titties” in unison.
Mari put her head into their open palms, still sucking on the pity candy. “Why is this my type?”
“Are you sure this is the right place?” asked Blessica as Kit attempted to parallel park outside the location Ty had texted him to meet at. Key word, attempt. When Tessa had taught him to drive, he’d been such a disaster at parallel parking she had instructed him to ‘take the underground when tight spaces might be a possibility.’ Which he prided himself in doing. But this was America and the underground was called the subway, so, technically, no rules were being broken.
“Yes, Blessie, I’m certain.”
“Okay. Just checking cause a few turns back the GPS said-”
“Blessie!” He nearly crashed into the car in front of him.
“Right. Shutting up.”
When Kit managed to park with minimal damage and the three were about to exit, the voice of Nicki Minaj boomed from his pocket. Ty was calling him. He accepted the call, putting it on speaker.
“Hello Tiberius.” There was giggling from the other end of the line. A groan soon followed it.
“It’s been a year,” came the annoyed voice of Dru. “Get over your British kink already.” Kevin’s laughter echoed from the backseat.
“Hey Ty!
“Hi Kevin.”
”Hey Dru!”
“Fuck off.”
“Ouch. Why do you feel the need to hurt me so?” Blessica laughed.
“Here,” replied Thaìs cheerfully.
“Are you here yet,” asked Ty.
“Uh, yeah! We were just getting out of the rental car when you called. You didn’t tell me it was going to be crowded. I had to parallel park!”
“What are you talking about?” interrupted Dru. ”There are only four cars in the parking lot.”
“But,” Ty countered, “there are lots of Billy’s Fun Zones’ around here. You guys must have got mixed up and taken a wrong turn. I could have sworn I sent you the correct location on GPS.” Maybe Ty said more on the subject but Kit could hear anything or see anything except the superior smirk Blessica was giving him.
He covered the speaker. “Not. A. Word.” And no word came out of her mouth the entire ride to the correct Billy’s Fun Zone but the ‘I told you so’ look on her face spoke loud enough.
Kit slid back into the booth next to Ty, handing him his pretzel. Ty kissed him on the check in gratitude.
Dru and Ty were right. About this one being empty. He told him he had heard about it from Alyssa. Her pack frequented it often. They were left alone because, well, there was no one else there to bother them.
“Where are Astrid and Mari?” he asked.
“Fucking. I think. Or maybe just making out. I’ll know which one when they finish.” When Ty gave him a puzzled look he continued, “Astrid describes it all to me in full detail. I honestly don’t know whether she doesn’t have a filter or she just needs someone to scream to about how amazing Mari is.”
“Why can’t it be both?”
“True, true.”
They sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes before Ty picked up the conversation again. “When Thaìs first met Astrid, she had a huge crush on her. They got along great. I always thought they would end up together. Or hook up at the very least.”
“Huh, that’s funny,” observed Kit.
“What is?”
“When me and Mari split, I was planning on trying to set them up with Thaìs. But then I caught her ans Astrid making out in a storage closet at school. Which, in hindsight, was pretty stupid cause they were in there so I wouldn’t be sad Mari moved on when I opened the door in the first place avoiding her to call you.”
The gears in Ty’s head were visibly turning. Kit loved watching this process. An idea was forming in his boyfriend’s genius mind, he could sense it.
“What is their stance on monogamy?” he asked finally.
“Um, fuck, hold on. Mari sent me this whole speech about it.” Kit scrolled through his phone at a rapid rate before he saw what he was looking for. He cleared his throat and began reading aloud.
Mari_da_bisexual_whore, sent 1:52 AM: monogamy is just another lie capitalism has fed us
Mari_da_bisexual_whore, sent 1:55 AM: like, for example, the notion that house spiders are ugly and to be feared
Mari_da_bisexual_whore, sent 1:56 AM: it’s just to sell bug spray
Mari_da_bisexual_whore, sent 1:56 AM: same with monogamy
Mari_da_bisexual_whore, sent 1:56 AM: pointless!!!
Mari_da_bisexual_whore, sent 1:58 AM: in conclusion, if I want to join a polyam cult, who tf is the government to stop me?
Kev-Kev, sent 2:01 AM: mari please go to sleep
Bless-ing_to_the_world, sent 2:04 AM: ^^^^^^^^^^^
Mitski_my_love, sent 2:05 AM: preach!
Mitski_my_love, sent 2:05 AM: go off queen
By the time Kit was finished with his dramatic reading, Ty’s plan was fully formed.
“That settles it! We are going to play matchmakers!”
Alyssa, Ty’s friend mentioned is @thechangeling OC, not mine.
@the-blackdale @the-wckd-powers @adoravel-fenomeno @thomas-gaypanic-lightwood @illusions-give-reasons-to-live @ithurielkeepsgettingkidnapped @im-not-ruined-im-ruination @sofiatheskeleton @cncnbr @its-taff @noah-herondale-lightwood @maxboythedog @arangiajoan @shelvesofgold @book-dragon-not-worm sorry if I missed anyone LMK if you want to be added or removed from The tag List!!
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notebooknebula · 3 years
Flip Real Estate Virtually with Paul Lizell & Jay Conner, The Private Money Authority
Jay Conner and his special guest Paul Lizell talk about how to utilize systems and processes that simplify the buying process of real estate.
Paul is the founder of The Virtual Investor, JP Homes, Inc & www.housedealsamerica.com He has been flipping properties since 2001 and is the original virtual wholesaler having purchased all over the U.S. since 2009. He has bought and sold properties in 44 out of 50 states and will continue to look at expanding into new markets.
Paul is a graduate of Drexel University in 1998, holds a degree in Finance and a minor in Economics, he now teaches at www.ReoAuctionAcademy.com. He focused exclusively on online auctions, bank REO’s, buying off the MLS and wholesalers across the country since 2013.
0:01 – Get Ready To Be Plugged Into The Money
1:42 – Jay’s New Book: “Where To Get The Money Now”- https://www.JayConner.com/Book
3:20 – Today’s guest: Paul Lizell
4:57 – How Paul Lizell gets started on the real estate business.
6:58 – What is wholesaling?
8:01 – What is the advantage of buying a house vs getting it under contract?
10:28 – When you buy a house in today’s market are you primarily selling them to other real estate investors at a profit or are you selling them to the people who are going to live in the property?
11:16 – What kinds of profit are you seeing in today’s market while doing your business virtually?
11:57 – Wholesaling vs. Wholesaling
13:01 – Do you think that Wholetailing is more popular now because of the lack of inventory?
13:58 – When you’re wholesaling a house to an end buyer, what’re your criteria for pricing that home versus a complete rehab?
14:52 – In today’s real estate market as long as it’s clean and smells good that property is okay.
15:34 – How do you find your buyer?
16:07 – How do you find deals given the low inventory in today’s real estate market?
17:35 – How do you get the leads?
19:29 – How to connect with Paul Lizell: https://www.REOauctionAcademy.com & https://www.FlipRealEstateVirtually.com
20:30 – How do you manage your people on the grounds to inspect the property?
24:21 – Do you give additional compensation to your bank-owned real estate agents?
25:23 – How do you find your REO agents?
26:56 – When you become the winner in the online auction how long do you have before you got a close? Do you make a house inspection before you take it down?
28:34 – Paul Lizell’s parting message: In my business model my time is my only marketing cost.
Private Money Academy Conference:
Have you read Jay’s new book: Where to Get The Money Now? It is available FREE (all you pay is the shipping and handling) at https://www.JayConner.com/Book
Free Webinar: http://bit.ly/jaymoneypodcast
Jay Conner is a proven real estate investment leader. Without using his own money or credit, Jay maximizes creative methods to buy and sell properties with profits averaging $64,000 per deal.
What is Real Estate Investing? Live Private Money Academy Conference
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Flip Real Estate Virtually with Paul Lizell & Jay Conner
Jay Conner
My guest is a good friend. We’re in a mastermind together. Well, he is the founder of The Virtual Investor. That’s right. He is a virtual investor and virtual wholesaler. He’s been flipping properties all the way back since 2001. And he actually is the original virtual wholesaler. And he’s purchased all over the US since 2009 virtually. In addition to that, my guest has bought and sold properties in 44 out of 50 states and continues to look at expanding into new markets. Now, in addition to that, he contributes his success to utilizing systems and processes that simplify the online buying process. He’s focused exclusively on online auctions bank REOs, buying off of the MLS, and wholesalers across the country since 2013. I’m so excited to have my friend and fellow mastermind member, Paul Lizell. Paul, welcome to the podcast.
Paul Lizell
Thanks for having me, man. I really appreciate it.
Jay Conner
Absolutely. I’m excited to have you on here, Paul. And of course, we’re going to be seeing each other again here pretty soon at one of our upcoming mastermind meetings. And today we want to hear all about what it’s like to be a virtual wholesaler. What in the world does that mean? And what’s that process look like? But before you get started on all that, tell us, how’d you get into real estate?
Paul Lizell
Interesting story. So let’s go back to the 1990s when I was in college. I was working for my uncle who’s a general contractor and he bought a quadplex, a 4-unit building. We fixed it up, renovated it. He turned around and rented it out. He was making pretty good profits on this property, too, and still had a lot of equity in it. So that kind of stoked my interest in real estate. And that point on, after he bought a few more and we renovated them and I was going through college, I decided this is something I got to get into. It’s gotta be my long-term goal. So I did and basically in 2001, I started my first property. Unlike his, it was a fix and flip. I got into that so I could build up some cash. Eventually, I did build up, got some rentals as well, but stuck with the wholesaling, the fix and flip game owner-finance game, and I’d been doing that ever since.
Jay Conner
That’s awesome. So, were you doing fix and flips a while before you started doing wholesaling? Or were you doing wholesaling and fixing flips simultaneously, like right out the gate?
Paul Lizell
Well, I really started in the fix and flip game and then when I had too many flip deals going on, I did a couple of wholesale deals. And I started to realize it was kind of easy doing these wholesale deals. So after the crash of 2008, 2009, when all the marketing was just tanking, and you probably remember that well, I’m sure, I decided, all right, let’s go more to the wholesale game and turn them and burn them, and we did that. And we still did fix and flips, don’t get me wrong. We kept those good deals, did fix and flips on them, kept some good deals, rentals, some owner-financing, but we basically became virtual wholesalers at that point. We started expanding. We started in Pennsylvania where I was originally from. I just moved here to Florida this past month, but originally I’m from about 45 minutes north of Philadelphia. And so I started in that market, expanded out, went to Pittsburgh, New Jersey, Delaware, Ohio, Indiana, the Carolinas, which I love and where you’re from. And then I started going down to Florida, Texas, before you know it, I bought and sold in 44 to 50 states.
Jay Conner
First of all, let’s make sure everybody understands what we’re talking about when we say wholesale a deal. There’s more than one way to wholesale a deal. So, what’s your definition of wholesaling? And what’s that look like?
Paul Lizell
So for most people, they think wholesaling is getting a property under contract from a seller and assigning that contract and collecting assignment fee. So for us buying bank-owned properties, and we do a few of those, don’t get me wrong. We do a few of those deals, we get some of those referrals. But, primarily, what we do with auction properties or bank-owned or HUD properties, we have to buy them, take them down and then resell them. So, it’s a wholesale, it’s just we actually have to take down the property. So we do need the funds to be able to purchase it, whether we use transactional funding, private lending, as you’re great at, at raising money, we do as well. We love the raising money game and using private lending for that. But yeah, it’s kind of the same deal as it is with assignment of contract, it’s  just we actually take it down so we show ownership at one point.
Jay Conner
So, what’s the advantage of actually buying the house instead of getting it under contract and then collecting an assignment fee?
Paul Lizell
You know in certain states there’s been a crackdown, I think Tennessee and Illinois have had a crackdown on wholesalers where they’re making them become licensed realtors. So I think this kind of negates that because you’re actually purchasing the property, right? You’re showing you have the vested interest, not just the vested interest or equitable interest, you actually purchased it and took it down. So you have the right to do what you want to afterwards, and nothing can come back. So from a legal standpoint, we’re probably the safest and best. I am licensed in Pennsylvania. I probably will get licensed in Florida. And occasionally we’ll do some of those assignment deals, but for the most part, we just take them down, resell them. And in this market, as you know, wholetailing has been unbelievable, just getting the property in decent enough shape to be mortgageable reselling it, not sitting on it for 6, 7 months while the rehab is getting done, while the showings are going on. It’s much quicker, you’re in and out 30 days at the most, and you’re hopefully selling it in 30 to 45 days in this market right now.
So, it’s been much quicker and better.
Jay Conner
Right. So the reason you actually buy the house and take ownership of it is, that way, regardless of where you’re doing business, you don’t have to worry about there being issues with just collecting an assignment fee. Am I hearing you right on that?
Paul Lizell
Yeah, absolutely. I mean, we would prefer to do it without having to have all the cash and buy it, but the banks don’t allow you. So if you buy a property from the bank, you can’t just assign it to another buyer, you must take it down in your name and you can do things with it. We’ve done things in trust. You know trusts are great. But the problem with that is, unless it’s an investor that’s a buyer investor, that trusts in you and understands what you’re doing, that they know what you’re doing, they usually don’t want to buy your trust, or if you put it in an LLC and sell them that LLC, they don’t usually want to buy it. And I totally understand that, they’re going to want to put it in their own name. We’ve run into that in the past with Fannie Mae. Fannie Mae had that anti-flipping where you couldn’t sell it for more than 20% of what you paid for. I think it was 90 days after the deed was recorded, not when you purchased, but when the deed was recorded. So with those properties, it either had to do something off the HUD, or we just had to wait those 90 days and then just sell it to them at that point, which has other risks. But, overall, if you’re making profits, I’m alright with that.
Jay Conner
There you go. So when you’re buying the houses in today’s market, are you primarily selling them to other real estate investors at a profit? Or are you selling them to people that are actually going to move in and own the home themselves and live in it?
Paul Lizell
In this market, we’ve done more to end-buyers. More people are going to live there than in the past. Typically, we sell to other investors for the most part, but in this market, the way it’s been and the kind of properties that we targeted, we’ve kind of pivoted and go on into less of the trainwreck properties, the ones that need everything and more to the ones that just need a little bit enhancing to get it back to become mortgageable and then resell them. So we’ve kind of pivoted a little bit just in this market to try to take advantage of what’s there. Go after the low-lying fruit rather than everything else.
Jay Conner
I got it. I know it’s going to depend on the market. I mean, you’re in all kinds of markets all over the nation, but what kind of profits are you seeing in today’s market doing the business the way you do it?
Paul Lizell
So our wholesale profits are generally around $12,000 per deal, and that’s your standard wholesale. If we’re wholetailing it, we’re around $32,000 and the full-scale fix and flip we’re into anywhere from probably close to your number, the $67,000, but we’ve had plenty of that have been $80,000, $100,000, even $120,000, especially in this market over the past year. So it’s been nice, but those are your full-scale rehabs. And those were the home runs, obviously, they’re not your average.
Jay Conner
Right. And we’ve already said it, but I want to make sure our audience understands it. Tell everybody what wholetailing is versus wholesaling.
Paul Lizell
Yeah, great point. So wholetailing is more or less where you’re getting a property and it just needs some paint, some carpet, it doesn’t need a full kitchen gut. Maybe you just repaint the cabinets. Maybe you put new cabinet poles on them, or maybe put countertops on them. With bathrooms, you’re okay with them but maybe you just put a new toilet in, or a new vanity or even easier sometimes, just a new faucet on a sink. And then you’re reworking your painting and carpeting. Usually, you don’t have to do roof siding, windows, things like that. So wholetailing has really just been super profitable. It’s more so than the fix and flip, believe it or not, for us. When you look at it from a time standpoint, we’re selling those so quickly, as quickly as our full-scale fix and flip, but we’re putting less effort in, and our holding costs are so much lower. It’s been worthwhile for us and less management of contractors because it can be one of the most difficult, taxing things in this business.
Jay Conner
Do you think that wholetailing, or in other words, “not doing a full rehab,” but you just make it okay and nicer? Do you think wholetailing is so much more popular now and working so well because there’s just no inventory?
Paul Lizell
That’s it. You hit the nail on the head with that, Jay. We go back to 2009 when I was doing fix and flips. If I didn’t do a full-scale, redo everything, you didn’t have that many buyers interested in the property unless it was the first-time home buyer. But as the market has gotten hotter and hotter and has lesser and lesser inventory, people are being less picky figuring they’ll do some of the work themselves. So it’s really just kind of taking what the market gives you. We follow it in our business. We follow the “Keep it simple, stupid” theory, and I think that’s the best thing to do in any business. Whatever the market is giving you, take that, right? If you don’t need to do the full-scale rehab, don’t, unless it’s going to warrant you getting an additional $50,000 or $60,000 where it becomes worthwhile, just take what the market gives you.
Jay Conner
Yeah. So how do you determine how to price? Like if you’re wholetailing a house to an end-buyer, what’s your criteria for pricing that home at the stage you got it in versus a complete rehab?
Paul Lizell
So basically what we do now with the wholetailing, we’re discounting it at 10-15% off what the normal end, full-scale rehab would be, which is still giving some equity to the buyer, should they want to do something there. And still it makes them fly off the shelves, I tell you, they don’t last very long when you’re just doing the basics and people see it’s clean and easy. I can change the carpet. I can change the paint color or whatever, I can do this or that. So people aren’t as picky as they used to be because there’s just no inventory. It’s hard to be picky. You take what’s there, basically, more or less.
Jay Conner
So in this market, as long as it’s clean and it smells good, if it’s dated, that’s okay, right?
Paul Lizell
Yes, dated, okay. You go do the ’80s, ’90s style. People can live with that as long as things aren’t broken, right? As long as you don’t have holes in the roof and things like that. Roofing is definitely a big issue, HVAC system for people. We just did one in Laurinburg, North Carolina, and unfortunately it did need a new HVAC system, so we did install that. We’re still gonna do pretty well. His property is still gonna net around $32,000, even though we had to do the roof and the HVAC system and the rest of it was a wholetail.
Jay Conner
Gotcha. So when you’re wholetailing to an end-user, are you finding the buyer by listing it with a real estate agent in the MLS?
Paul Lizell
We are. So, 90% of the time we do that. And occasionally like we did in one in Charleston, Tennessee, which is a very rural area, I had my disposition manager reach out to a bunch of agents in that area to just let them know we have a property and we offered them 2% commission. And the only thing we had to do was put it in a hot water heater in that one. That was literally it.
Jay Conner
That’s amazing. So first of all, to be virtually wholesaling, you have to find these deals and there ain’t no inventory to speak of. So everybody wants to know, well, if there isn’t any inventory, how in the world are you finding the deals?
Paul Lizell
Well, we got a little bit of an advantage over a lot of other people in the market. Most real estate investors out there stick with certain territories, maybe one or two markets out there. Occasionally somebody does three or four, but for us, the whole country is our oyster, really. That’s what we look at. We got inventory anywhere. We have preferred states where we’d like to do business, don’t get me wrong, but if there’s a great deal in another state where we don’t typically do business, we will go there. Just to give you an example, we’ve done 5 deals in New Mexico this year. We hadn’t done a deal in New Mexico in I think the previous 6 years before that, so we just kind of take what the market gives you. If there’s a deal there, we’ll take it. And we also hit those tertiary markets, and the second-tier markets that if you’re looking at a town or a city like Charlotte, go an hour outside, like a town like Kannapolis, Gastonia, and then go another hour outside that loop there. And then you’re in like a third-tier market. We target those markets because people do want to live there, especially now with what’s going on with the pandemic and everything. People are looking to be more and more rural. So it kind of fits right into what we’ve done all these years, which is a big advantage for us.
Jay Conner
Right! So how do you get the leads?
Paul Lizell
So for us, it’s our own time. So we pay no marketing fees, right? We don’t have any marketing costs whatsoever. I had turned off the direct mail marketing in 2013 and I just buy exclusively off of these auctions. For me, it’s really looking at what’s on the auction sites right now. We use VAs. We have several VAs that do this for each different auction site, whether it’s Auction.com, Xome, the Hudson & Marshall, Hubzu, Realty Bid, Auction Network, HUD Home Store, Fannie and Freddie. We have them go through and they do what I call “First-level fig.” They look at it and we give them the criteria of what we look out for – square footage, repair amount – and then they’ll send me a spreadsheet on Excel. Yes, yes, no, no, no. So, let’s say there’s 250 properties on this particular auction that’s coming up.
We might weed that down to about 20 to 25 that we’ll actually bid on. And then as the bidding process goes, if we’re getting out there and we just let those go off and again, we pick the low-lying fruit there. We’re not going to get into a bidding war. Today, for example, there’s a property in Florida that was in Sarasota, which is a red-hot market. It’s a nice market. My maximum allowable offer is 141 because there’s a buyer’s premium on this property. So the most I would spend was 150 because the ARV was 350 tops. This thing ends up getting bid up to 203 with a buyer’s premium. It was over 210 that that person is purchasing a property for, plus it needed everything. This thing needed at least 125 and work. So basically whoever bought this is probably an end-buyer, but they’re going to be upside down when all is said and done. So we fall off that, we have our maximum viable offers that will go up to, and you can’t get emotional with it, right? That’s a nice market. I would have liked to have been in there, but it didn’t fit our criteria. So I let it go.
Jay Conner
Paul, in case we’ve got some listeners that need to leave the show a little early, go ahead and let folks know how they can get in contact with you and continue the conversation.
Paul Lizell
Sure, absolutely. So we have a couple of different websites. www.REOAuctionAcademy.com is one of them. And also FlipRealEstateVirtually.com is another one. Both URLs work. You can contact us, and if you want to learn more about our coaching program, which we teach people how to do exactly what we do. As a matter of fact, we teach a lot of other investors who do direct mail, postcards, and PPC. They want to learn this aspect of the business. They actually hire somebody or have somebody who doesn’t have as much going on and let them handle this whole new arm of the business for them.
Jay Conner
Again, those 2 websites are REOAuctionAcademy.com, and the other one is FlipRealEstateVirtually.com. All right, so you got the leads coming in. You got your VAs researching all the houses that are coming up on all these different auction sites. How in the world do you have boots on the ground, eyes on the ground, in all these different markets, taking a look at these houses to even know what a close estimation of repairs would be that you need to do? Because, obviously, you don’t want to bid on a property until you know what kind of repairs you’re looking at.
Paul Lizell
Absolutely. And this is one of the most important things. So how you develop these kinds of relationships and these relationships end up blossoming and give you more deals throughout the years. I’ll give you an example of it. So in Tucson, Arizona, there was an REO agent who I bought a bunch of properties through over the years from 2010, all the way through now, we still currently do. Basically, he saw I was a serious player in Tucson, Arizona. We wholesaled a bunch of them. And then he was starting to bring me deals and bring me leads and bring me properties. So he was my boots on the ground. And how that started was I just reached out to him initially after I was bidding on some properties, and this is what you need to do if you’re entering any new market, you need to contact the realtor or the REO agent for that property.
If it’s a bank-owned property, get some details. You’re trying to get the BPO, which is the “Broker’s Price Opinion” of the property. And if you can get that, that’ll tell you basically what they think the “as is value” is, the 30-day sale price, the 90-day sale price,  the 120-day sale price. And they’ll show comps on there, and that’s like, that’s gold. That’s gold when you get that. So you utilize them for that. You also try to get additional pictures from them. And then you’re trying to get what kind of repairs are needed because they generally know, again, the utilities usually aren’t on, but they know what repairs were needed. They know if the roof’s leaking, they know if the air conditioner or heater looks really bad and it looks like it needs replacing, the hot water heater. They’ll tell you if the kitchen needs to be replaced. And the best referrals I get for contractors, hands down, is from these agents.
And the big reason is these contractors who work for these agents get referrals and they get a lot of referrals. So they do not want to screw over these agents when they’re giving them, basically, free marketing. So the guys that we’ve used from all the agent referrals have all been good, and I’m going to knock on wood when I say that, the ones that I run into that have been bad are ones that I picked on my own. I’ve also gotten great ones, but the best referrals from people who are there, who have boots on our ground and have local people, you know how to do those repairs. So we relied big time on the agents on these properties. If there is no agent, we use a company called BPO Photo Flow that’ll go out there and take some pictures of the property.
And if we have a lockbox, they can usually get inside, take more pictures. And we kind of tell them what to look for, like take pictures of the exterior, make sure there’s no cracks in the foundation, take a picture of the basement, the systems, make sure the HVACs are right, hot water heater, kitchens and bathrooms are important. You know, anything that they noticed cracks or issues with flooring, whatever, anything off-level. We want to know that kind of thing. If there’s moisture in the basement, just so we know what we’re in for an aid, generally do a pretty good job and they’re fairly inexpensive to utilize.
Jay Conner
And what’s the name of that service? One more time.
Paul Lizell
It’s BPO Photo Flow, like “Broker’s Price Opinion.” BPOPhotoFlow.com. And they do a really good job. They’re not in every market, so sometimes we actually have to reach out to other local agents and send them out there. And then we just pay them basically more or less to go out there and take some pictures for us and then tell them if we buy it, we’re going to list it through you. We do offer that. And if we do buy, we do end up listing it with them or having them help us sell the property if they know some investors.
Jay Conner
So these REO real estate agents, also known as bank-owned real estate agents, have the listing for these properties that are going up for auction. So obviously if you buy it, you don’t have to pay them anything for the purchase because the bank, the REO, is paying their commission. But do you compensate these agents in any additional way other than when you make a purchase, the bank pays them?
Paul Lizell
We do at times, like if we know they’re going to be doing above and beyond, and they’re not going to get the listing, we will definitely pay them. We’ll say, “What do you want for this? Or what free one for that service?” They usually are very, very fair with the prices and we’re glad to do it. We just Venmo them most of the time. I’ve never really run into any issues with that. Most of the time, they’re really happy to just hand the listing for you. I even have thought of them managing my rehabs for me because they know the contractors, they kind of manage, oversee, and take pictures. They’re happy to go do that. They see the progress and they want it listed so that they can get their permission when all is said and done.
Jay Conner
Awesome. And how do you find these REO agents? I suppose one way you could find them is, well, your VAs are looking at auctions coming up. They go research the property and right there, they see who’s got the real estate listing on it. Right?
Paul Lizell
Absolutely. And you get a lot of these agents who will have 5, 10, 15, 20 different properties. And they’ll cover a huge geographical region, which is crazy. I mean, they’re running around all the time. Nobody works harder than an REO agent, that I can tell you. Those guys and gals, they work their butts off and they are good. Their numbers are so spot on. For example, on a property we had in Ohio a few years back, I was talking to the agent, “What do you think the value of this property is, as is?” And she’s like, it had to be somewhere between 17 and 20. Sure enough, we picked it up for like $7,500. We sold that for $17,500. She was just right on the money with it. And that happens time and time and time again, the only time, if you’re in with a newer agent, that’s where you want to be careful.
If it is a newer real estate agent, they’re not going to be as experienced. You’re going to want to try to lean on a secondary agent. Hopefully somebody that’s in one of these towns that has their own brokerage that’s been there for 10, 20 years and really knows the market. Well, those have been our best sources. Far and away, the people that are in small mom & pop shops, they just know the market. They know everybody in town. They usually know who lived in that property, especially if it’s a smaller town, like you live in, Jay, they know people, right? And they’ve been our greatest source all over every market that we’ve ever been in.
Jay Conner
Let’s say that you make a bid and you win the bid at the auction and all these auctions are online, right?
Paul Lizell
Yes. They’re all online.
Jay Conner
So you win the bid. So now you’re the winning bidder. On average, how long do you have before you get close? In addition to that, do you sometimes, or always get a home inspection before you take it down?
Paul Lizell
So, Jay, I’ll answer the first question first. 30 to 45 days usually is what you got, time-wise. Sometimes a little bit longer. If the title is a little cloudy or there’s past issues or where something wasn’t done right at the Sheriff’s sale. That’s the answer to the first question. The second one, we never get a home inspection. We’ll just send a contractor out there. I don’t have too much faith in the home inspection field, business, people. Most of these guys learn out of a book and never swung a hammer a day in their life. So the people I rely on are the contractors. I try to find general contractors that really know everything, as many aspects of it. And yeah, if they miss some stuff, sure, they’re gonna miss some stuff here and there, but they’re going to see the big stuff. And they’ve been a great source for me and are far less expensive because you’re just gonna pay $400 or $500 for these home inspections when I can send a guy out there for a hundred bucks to give me a pretty good inspection, you know.
Jay Conner
And again, as you said, you find these general contractors by referral from the bank-owned real estate agents, right?
Paul Lizell
Yup. And about 95% of the time, they don’t charge you a penny to go out there. They’re hoping to get the work.
Jay Conner
That’s fantastic. Well, this is a fantastic business model you’ve got, Paul. Any parting comments?
Paul Lizell
I love it. It’s a great business model. The one thing I really like about it is that I can turn a business on or off anytime I want, unlike the direct mail marketing or the PPC where you gotta be on those calls right away. On a PPC lead or direct mail, it’s constantly going. If I want to go on vacation, I shut down for 2 weeks or a month. If I want to go overseas, I can do that and just stop operations and start right back up when I get back. So I do love that. That is my favorite aspect of the business. I also don’t have to deal with home sellers 99% of the time. So those are 2 facets. I really like how it’s really simple. It’s not turnkey, but your time is your marketing costs, right? Your time and energy, which is your most valuable asset. Your time is all your costs involved.
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rainbowrider1290 · 3 years
Genshin Impact Circus AU
There’s a few AUs that I am absolutely positively weak for and one of them is the Circus AU. Do not ask me why. I was thinking that the characters would look a little like this (art and AU description below the cut)
Aether and Lumine: ringmasters. They co-lead the circus performances. They also used to have a duo act that they had to split up and go to separate circuses bc of lacking job opportunities, they decided to start their own thing.
Xiao and Venti: aerial artists. Trapeze, aerial silks, if it’s in the air, they’ve done it. They are a duo act, but Xiao used to be a soloist until Venti joined and they had a whole character arc about creativity. Venti also helps compose the circus’ music.
This whole AU was inspired by this idea and thus, I had to draw it:
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Zhongli: strongman. Man will juggle 50kg balls like it’s nothing.
Noelle: strongwoman. this is based enTIRELY off of my personal headcanon that this woman can benchpress anyone on command. Noelle and Zhongli play catch with crushing weights.
Jean and Barbara: tightrope/hula-hoop tricks. They would have a duo act as well (can you tell I don’t want anyone to be alone ever again) where one of them will be on the tightrope and the other will be doing All The Things with the hula-hoops while they pass the hoops between them. 30 hoops spinning on one arm? juggling the hoops? these ladies are the queens of multitasking.
Kaeya: the guy that asks for a volunteer in the audience, straps them to a moving target, and throws knifes at them proceeding to never miss. Can and will juggle knives. Used to be a duo with Diluc but Things Went Down, so now it’s just Kaeya.
Diluc: stage manager. Mans is so busy getting everyone’s shit together and having custody of the circus’ brain cell.
Lisa: Public Relations. This woman is terrifying and she uses that to her advantage when talking to sponsors, rental theatres, and landowners. No one can escape her freezing-cold smile and calculating gaze.
Fischl, Razor, and Bennett: beast-taming trio. Fischl is super good with birds, Razor’s of course great with the ferocious wolves, and Benny?? You can’t tell me this boy’s kindness wouldn’t attract the little animals like he’s a Disney Princess. So obviously he had to try lion-taming.
Amber is that person that shoots a bow an arrow with her feet except the arrow is on fire, the target is on fire, and her platform is on fire.
Albedo, Sucrose, and Timaeus: magicians. Optical illusions, puffs of smoke, turning a rock into gold, quick costume changes, and making people disappear. No one knows how they do it and their notes are indeciferable. 
Mona: fortune-teller. Need I say more?
Diona, Klee, and Qiqi: everyone’s little adopted siblings that aren’t in the circus acts but are training to be. Diona’s training with some of the gymnasts of the circus, Klee’s into the death-defying stunts and figuring out a way to Not Burn Down The Circus, Qiqi likes the behind the scenes stuff more, so she works with Baizhu (circus healer) and Xiangling to take care of her people.
Ningguang: stage manager and treasurer. Diluc does most of the stage managing, but Ningguang is there for the tech rehearsals and running the numbers. Talks to Lisa a lot for pricing and sponsorship.
Chongyun: mechanic/tech. Man runs the lights, keeps the general stuff of the circus in check. Is probably incapable of actually enjoying a show bc he’s thinking about how to make stronger rope or fix the lighting or Is That A Hecking Ghost?? Not On His Watch Absolutely Not.
Xiangling: cook. Also therapist from time to time because there is no problem that can’t be fixed with food. Also helps Chongyun with tech.
Hu Tao stays exactly the same. She’s a type of magician.
Xingqiu: mentalist. Man will spend the entire time talking at some person on the second row about their five affairs and credit card bills and no one will know how he does it. Thinks hypnosis is bullshit and will not be touching that with a 10ft pole.
Keqing and Ganyu: contortionists. Used to be soloists but their acts got so much more engaging when they became a duo. Have entered the stage as a rolling wheel made of two people.
Xinyan: death-defying stunts having to do with fire. Klee follows her around sometimes. Also works with Venti to compose the circus’ music.
Kazuha: sword-swallowing. Also will perform fancy martial arts routines with swords that are either on fire or covered in paint and not get a single mark on him.
Beidou: either security or houdini-style death-defying acts. Is BFFs with all the sharks and piranahs in her tank regrardless. Helped Bennett when he was just starting out.
Yanfei: lawyer. gets them permits, reminds them to keep up with their permit deadlines, and finds the cleverest loopholes around safety regulations, not to mention that she writes the most nicely-worded documents and consent forms so literally everyone knows what they’re getting into.
Bonus: an actual conversation overheard between Aether, Lumine, and Childe (a wealthy sponsor trying to get in on the circus profits)
Childe: how much for the pretty strongman?
Lumine: I guess he is pretty strong, but he’s not for sale.
Childe: wrong use of “pretty” there.
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mbethechange · 3 years
How to Create an Awesome Instagram Video About OnCarrot Review
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Improve your online tenant application method to reduce software mistakes, deal with the whole leasing solution on the internet, and enhance candidates on his / her app status. Online rent payments selection which include numerous hire payment alternatives, timetable repeating regular payments for renters, and programmed hire settlement reminders to scale back late obligations and boost profits.Track maintenance requests for tenants and prepare repairs with vendors to spice up tenant total gratification, preserve occupancy amounts excellent and renter turnover reduced.Automating your property home corporation with residence proprietor software package permits you to cut back time on sorts and program concerns as well as more time growing revenue by scaling your lease house assortment.
Greatest Software plan for Very little Residence owners and Big Home ManagersThere are generally two main forms of landlord program application:
Lesser traders with from one particular leasing device into a dozen properties or even more generally have to have abilities such as tracking Houses Along with the portfolio stage and dwelling phase, automating money and expenditures, arranging data files, and functioning research.
Professional residence administration corporations with massive figures of attributes less than control need much more sophisticated – and high-priced – landlord software techniques for various varieties of residence sorts which includes sizeable condo buildings, college student housing, HOAs, and business factors.
In this post are one among the greatest leasing home handling software accessible for both of those modest property homeowners and enormous household controlling corporations.
Assets owner application for lesser traders one. StessaStessa aims for making hire house funds simple by supporting The 2 newbie and complicated brokers increase earnings by wise cash administration, computerized profits and expense checking, and tailor made-designed confirming.
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Selling prices are fully completely totally free and consists of characteristics one example is unrestricted home monitoring, profile and residence-stages dashboards, computerized earnings and cost checking, genuine-estate file organization and storing, unrestricted regular experiments, and export of taxation-totally Completely ready monetary information. Stessa does offer optionally accessible high-quality products and services to traders for a cost, to help with hire assessment, property finance loan loans, and client investigation.
two. AvailAvail provides program packages specially created for the do-it-oneself landlord. The corporation provides a comprehensive group of instruments and academic content to assist you to the small investor turn into a assured and experienced assets operator.
There are actually 2 premiums solutions for landlord application method from Make the most. A no cost Unlimited Approach includes a limitless amount of lease versions with Specialist expert services for on-line rent monthly payments, program upkeep keeping observe of, tenant screening and track record checks, status-distinct leases, and syndicate listings for vacancies.
The Limitless Furthermore Plan is $five for each device each month and entails added solutions for example following-working day hire Wholesaling Houses Info payments, custom designed tenant application and leases, and also the generation of a home Internet site.
3. CozyCozy has joined on top of Flats.com to provide the very small traders with residence proprietor program that features condition-of-the-artwork on the internet rental control gear and renter verification scientific studies. The company's aim is always to aid leasing home entrepreneurs be significantly better property proprietors, and provides equally landlords and renters reassurance.
Pricing for landlord software program from Cozy is furnished totally free for house homeowners, although renters purchase things such as tenant screening reviews and lender card obligations. Renters coverage program for tenants can also be available by means of Comfortable with an typical insurance policies plan price of about $twenty on a monthly basis.
Inviting house owner software delivers a big selection of methods which includes on the web lease computer software, tenant analyzing, seek the services of selection, checking of home bills, and doc uploading and storage.
four. Rentec DirectRentec Straight concentrates on featuring landlord program solutions for landlords and house executives with little rental assets portfolios. Landlords with 10 characteristics or a great deal much less have the selection of selecting a no cost Personal computer application product, and the company can provide home running software and tenant screening suppliers for owners with as several as five,000 merchandise.
The 2 principal paid for landlord application techniques from Rentec Instant. Rentec Professional for landlords is valued at $35 per month, when Rentec PM is perfect for dwelling executives and detailed at $forty each and every month, Each individual and every obtaining an infinite level of tenants and Attributes.
The two applications include on-line lease choice, maintenance requests, and bookkeeping. Tenant verification bundles address anything from $7 to $15 for every deal offer, which includes nationwide felony and sexual intercourse offender lookup queries, eviction queries, and a TransUnion credit report.
five. TenantCloudTenantCloud is an outstanding match for brand-new property house owners, administrators and property directors with any wherever from one particular gadget to five hundred units less than handling. The business enterprise also provides a no cost quit-to-close home handling procedure with all-in-1 features within a cost-free Fundamental Application that features checking of rental aspects, giving and attaining hire obligations, and regime routine maintenance taking care of.
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Rates selections for TenantCloud residence proprietor program include things like a free Typical approach for up to seventy five styles, a standard $9 per month method for approximately a hundred and fifty units, and an Modern technique costed at $35 per 30 days. Landlords and supervisors could also decide on products and services possibilities such as renter verification, rental information, insurance coverage, and QuickBooks On the web at excess costs.
Assets owner software method for expert Management companies one. AppFolioAppFolio is known as a strong application method for Specialist house directors, giving many types of capabilities and the capability to deal with various Instrument sorts which incorporates one-domestic and multifamily characteristics, condo Qualities and pupil housings, property proprietor companies (HOA), and in many cases blended-use and commercial characteristics.
The organization charges a start-up demand, along with a minimal every month charge of $250. AppFolio software features include bookkeeping application system, hire payments collection methods, servicing requires, advertising and marketing and marketing machines to sector unfilled models, tenant testing professional expert services, and customizable on the net tenant application and leases, applicant credit score and lease history checks, and renter and proprietor portals.
2. BuildiumBuildium gives equally domestic house management Pc application and homeowner connection Manage software and is most effective for landlords or executives with fifty or even more units. The organization is an authority in many different asset types for example residential residence, pupil home, and cheap home household parts.
Pricing begins at $fifty per month for approximately twenty units and it is split up into two divisions, Crucial and Progress. Buildium has further charges for points as an example online obligations and Digital lease signing.
Software package features incorporate employ administration, on-line lease payments obligations, upkeep requests, comprising earnings and bills, and residence dialogue boards.
3. MRI SoftwareMRI Property Software concentrates on major specialist property executives and Experienced landlords and professionals, with the objective of increasing occupancy and reducing Functioning expenditures. The Group is a specialist in several different types of asset kinds such as sizeable residence portfolios, industrial characteristics, facilities administration, and open up public and affordable house.
Pricing is personalized to the non-public necessities of each customer. MIR assets operator software contains choices for on the internet retain the services of assortment, tenant verification and rent templates, plan maintenance requests, integrated info processing, resident conversation and supervisor arrangement, and credit rating history Hazard taking care of.
4. PropertywarePropertyware features computer software solutions to unique-family home entrepreneurs and residential professionals with portfolios of 250 houses or maybe more. Even though the company is for big portfolios, the program is fewer challenging Considering that the concentration is on solitary-relations Houses.
Prices divisions range from $250 to $450 on the month to month basis or higher determined by the quantity of equipment and remedies, such as a one-time execution payment. Propertyware landlord Personal computer computer software is made up of options for renter marketing and screening, on the internet http://www.thefreedictionary.com/real estate investing repayments, inspections, seller portals, and maintenance challenge management.
5. Yardi BreezeYardi Breeze roles itself becoming a refreshingly straightforward software reply for small, and midsize landlords and residence administrators who require aid streamlining strategies. The organization is a professional in tiny and midsize portfolios of dwelling gadgets, industrial models, and merged-use Houses.
Wind prices begins at $one for each product a month, using a minimal regular monthly demand of $100 for home portfolios. Wind Premier rates commences at $2 per device per 30 days, getting a bare minimal regular demand of $200 for professional and blended-use portfolios.
Yardi Breeze assets proprietor application contains alternatives for marketing and advertising and advertising and leasing, lease assortment, schedule upkeep needs, dwelling administration, bookkeeping, and profiles payable.
Wrapping UpRental property building an financial commitment might be lively, passive, or from time to time a range of each. Energetic real-estate buyers who might have more than enough time and comprehensive being familiar with necessary to cope with everyday aspects of every home may well decide on landlord software program supposed for pro house supervisors.
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On the other hand, unaggressive traders may well opt for a far more economical landlord software plan, even although they use the area residence manager to deal with the leasing property in Each individual market area They are buying.
Utilizing Personal computer application aids the more compact, unaggressive house entrepreneur Merge details for each residence and route the efficiency of the entire retain the services of home profile.
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[ad_1] Understanding Hire Management Insurance policies: Professionals and Cons Hire management insurance policies are a set of rules that purpose to restrict the quantity landlords can cost tenants for his or her rental properties. These insurance policies have been carried out in varied cities and international locations all over the world in an effort to make sure inexpensive housing for low-income residents. Nonetheless, hire management insurance policies usually are not with out controversy, as they've each professionals and cons that should be fastidiously thought of. Professionals of Hire Management Insurance policies: 1. Inexpensive Housing: One of many major objectives of hire management insurance policies is to offer inexpensive housing for low-income people and households. By limiting hire will increase, these insurance policies assist be certain that folks with restricted monetary means usually are not priced out of their neighborhoods or pressured to reside in substandard housing. This will contribute to social stability and protect the range of communities. 2. Hire Stabilization: Hire management insurance policies additionally present stability in rental prices. Tenants can plan their bills with out the worry of sudden and drastic hire hikes, permitting them to finances extra successfully and create a way of safety of their housing scenario. 3. Safety Towards Gentrification: Hire management insurance policies can act as safeguards in opposition to gentrification, a course of during which neighborhoods that have been beforehand inexpensive and numerous turn into unaffordable and unique. By limiting the power of landlords to considerably enhance rents, these insurance policies assist protect the character and affordability of neighborhoods. 4. Stopping Homelessness: Hire management insurance policies can present a security web for weak populations, such because the homeless or these vulnerable to changing into homeless. By guaranteeing extra steady housing prices, hire management might help forestall folks from falling into poverty or homelessness. Cons of Hire Management Insurance policies: 1. Lowered Funding in Housing: Hire management insurance policies could discourage funding in rental properties. Landlords is probably not incentivized to take care of or enhance their housing items if they're unable to generate an affordable return on their funding. This will result in a decline within the high quality of rental housing and a lower within the availability of rental items. 2. Lowered Provide of Rental Housing: Hire management can result in a lower within the provide of rental housing. Landlords could convert rental properties into different makes use of, similar to condos, or select to not hire out their properties in any respect. This discount in provide can exacerbate housing shortages and make it tougher for tenants to search out appropriate and inexpensive housing choices. 3. Unequal Distribution of Advantages: Hire management insurance policies can profit present tenants, however they might even have unintended penalties. New tenants could battle to search out inexpensive housing as a result of restricted availability of rental items, and landlords could choose tenants primarily based on non-market standards, similar to private connections or subjective judgments, as a substitute of a good and equal course of. 4. Inefficiency and Distorted Market: Hire management insurance policies can create inefficiencies within the rental market. Hire-controlled items could also be occupied by tenants who don't essentially want the help, stopping these in better want from accessing inexpensive housing. Moreover, hire management can discourage tenants from transferring to bigger items when their households develop, as they'll retain their decrease hire of their present unit, resulting in underutilization of housing assets. Hire management insurance policies have each optimistic and destructive implications for housing markets and the folks they purpose to help.
It's essential for policymakers to fastidiously consider these professionals and cons, taking into consideration the precise circumstances of every locality, to make sure the very best outcomes for all stakeholders. A balanced method that considers the wants of each tenants and landlords is necessary to attain a sustainable and equitable housing system. [ad_2]
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How To Obtain A Private Guarantee On A Industrial Hire
The personal assure on a commercial lease is what protects the parties worried in a business transaction. It is not an ironclad assure that the belongings will remain in properly situation and loose from economic issues. But, it does offer the buyer with a few assurances. If issues arise, the private assure on a industrial lease permits the lessee to shoulder the prices, till the private guarantee is re-negotiated at a later time. The primary use of the assure is to guard the interest of the lessee. A few human beings would not buy a car, in spite of a guarantee that the auto would remain in correct form, clearly due to the fact they had been no longer certain that it'd keep up. Such an uncertainty will increase the risk and consequently the charge of the economic rent. For more information on law and civil help read here.
A guaranteed lease offers the warranty to the client that the belongings could be again and that the customer will bear all of the associated fees. If the belongings is broken past repair and the guarantee isn't always re-negotiated at a later date, the consumer stands to lose far greater than he could advantage via buying the property at a low cost. Even if he had been to gain the fine charge, he won't be able to recoup his investment because of damage that turned into not properly protected by means of the guarantee. It's miles hard to discover a in simple terms customer-based totally solution to the trouble of warranties.
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That is because many rentals involve a significant amount of chance for the lessee. As an example, a client will commonly not be approved to enter into a lease with a tractor-established shredder unless he or she has already paid the stability of the debt. The identical is genuine with refrigeration equipment and different big-scale manufactured products. The personal assure is essentially a commitment via the seller that need to the product wreck down or fail to work as advertised, the proprietor is absolutely responsible for the hassle.
When searching for a purchaser to protect a industrial property with a personal guarantee, it's miles crucial to discover a reliable guarantee. Ideally, the assure ought to be issued by the manufacturer of the product or by means of an expert recognized through the manufacturer. A third-birthday party assure is most suitable as it takes obligation for the product or ensures that the producer adheres to layout specs. If the property is leased, it is also useful to make certain that the assure covers the belongings itself and no longer simply particular repairs to the property.
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