panic-sl0th · 1 year
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These turbles bring me joy so I must share
Please enjoy and follow the original artist at the link below 💚
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yangsbandana · 3 years
skldafjaldksjf i would not say i am an authority i would simply say that i am a very, very, very strong proponent of this niche concept and i get super pumped when anyone else vibes with it,,, welcome to the club there are nine of us or something idk
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gallusrostromegalus · 4 years
Hi! I was wondering if you would be able to help me figure out what the strange orange moss growing on my plant is? It’s my first attempt at keeping a succulent alive and I don’t know if it’s harmful or not. I can provide pictures and any info you need!
Sure!  Reblog this with some pics and if you can tell me what plant, whereish it lives (both on a map and in your house) and anything else you think might be relavent.
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buzzybeesinlove · 4 years
Girl help I’m out of established relationship bees
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Girl I've got you don't worry <3 and because I can, I'm gonna combine this anons prompt for soft bees with this one so I can make up for the dead yang prompt I wrote the other day SKSKSK
I lost my previous draft so hopefully I can sort of recreate what I did before on my phone because my laptop is being dumb right now 😭 anyways have some established relationship soft bees in the future after the war where they're living together <3 hope you enjoy it!! It's a bit short but I hope it's good enough <3
There's some implied sexual content in this but nothing is actually shown.
It was rare for Blake to wake up earlier than Yang in the mornings.
They were both pretty light sleepers - fighting in a war had taught them to always be on edge, to be ready for anyone trying to ambush them or creep up on them when they least expected it.
However, after the war had ended and having been together for the last couple of years - thank Gods for Sun practically forcing them to confess to each other on their trip to Vacuo - they both decided to take the next step and move in together, both of them quickly finding out that although they had as much time as they wanted to catch up on sleep, Yang still managed to get out of bed before her most days.
The decision to live together wasn't a shock to the other half of their team - but it didn't stop Ruby and Weiss from constantly teasing them about it.
"You sure about this Blake?" Ruby had said on moving day, smirking in a lighthearted manner at her sister. "You may have had a taste of what Yang's like in the dorms, but she's even worse at home! There's the chainsaw snoring, being godawful at cooking, getting up super early to work out-" Ruby began listing all of these things, counting them on her fingers until Yang sputtered and cut her off with a swift headlock. Ruby whined in protest as she rubbed her fist into Ruby's hair.
"You jealous Rubes? That why you're trying to sabotage my attempts at living with the love of my life?" Yang said, saying it so casually with an infuriatingly attractive smirk on her face towards her little sister, and although she had heard it many times over the years, those words never failed to leave Blake a little breathless.
"Gods, can't believe how soft you are now!" Ruby shot back, giggling as she finally shoved Yang away from her.
Blake watched as they wrestled each other down to the grassy yard of their new home - a modest, one story house down near the water, close by to Patch, where Ruby and Weiss were currently staying. It was independent enough for both of them, but close by for family to not be too far away. Something that Blake knew Yang needed.
And Blake would never deny her anything.
"I'm happy for you two." Weiss said beside her, and Blake glanced at her to see a happy, genuine smile on her friend's face.
"So am I." She replied, letting out a dreamlike, almost whimsical sigh as she watched her partner - the love of her life, apple of her eye, roll around on the ground with her sister like the child she was.
"Ugh, gross." Weiss said in jest, and Blake raised an eyebrow as she looked at her, smirk forming on her lips.
"Oh, as if you don't want to take this step with Ruby next, hm?" Blake shot back, and she giggled lightly at the flush on Weiss' cheeks.
"Absolutely not. I can barely tolerate her in their family home." Weiss said, but the soft look in her eyes when they landed on Ruby, hoisted over Yang's shoulder now as they laughed together, betrayed her words.
It was soon after that when Ruby and Weiss helped them bring their stuff inside, and once the dust had settled and everything was in its place, they waved goodbye to the other couple as they left them.
It didn't truly sink in for her or Yang that they were together, in their home, until a few days into living there.
And even a week later, Blake didn't regret her decision as she cracked her eyes open in the morning, pleasantly surprised to see Yang still in bed with her, back pressed against her front.
Yang would usually already be up some days - either going on her usual run, or working out in their living room. And Blake would be lying if she said it bothered her - being more than happy to watch in on her girlfriend work her muscles and glisten with sweat as she pushed her body to the limit.
She was a simple bisexual woman after all.
However, waking up to find Yang clearly content to stay in her arms that morning was a gift she didn't know she needed till now.
Blake rubbed the sleep from her eyes and her ears flicked happily when Yang shifted a little in her sleep, her eyes following the rays of sunlight bathing onto Yang's bare shoulders, accentuating the light freckles there.
Blake smiled and leaned forward, humming in content when her lips made contact with the soft, smooth skin of Yang's right shoulder. She wrapped her arm further around Yang's waist, but her partner remained dead to the world.
Blake hummed again and began trailing her lips upwards, shifting onto her elbow once her lips reached the side of Yang's exposed neck. She began pressing soft, light kisses there, Yang twitching ever so slightly, but still fast asleep.
"Yang." Blake breathed softly into her neck, and with the lack of response, she smiled a little and moved her hand to Yang's hip. She started to tickle her fingers up her lover's side, Yang twitching once more, and all the way up her arm, before tickling them back down, repeating the process a few times.
She continued to pepper kisses on her neck and jawline, and eventually, Yang began to stir.
Blake watched as her eyes fluttered, and she paused in her movements, shifting a bit away from her neck.
"Hey, who said you could stop?" Yang said, voice rough with sleep. Blake let out a huff of laughter when Yang clumsily reached behind her to thread her fingers into Blake's hair, encouraging her to return to what she was doing. When Blake's lips made contact again, Yang sighed in content.
"Better." Yang said.
Blake breathed out another laugh, before reaching around her girlfriend to shift her onto her back, Yang's lilac eyes half-lidded as she looked up at her. Blake smiled softly and reached up to caress her bangs back from her forehead.
"Good morning, beautiful." Blake said gently. Yang blinked a few times and opened her eyes a bit more, looking up at her with a sleepy smile as she reached her hand up to cup Blake's cheek, caressing her thumb along her cheekbone.
"Hey." Yang replied.
Blake nuzzled into Yang's touch, smiling at the giggle she received when she pressed a kiss to Yang's palm on her cheek, looking down into soft lilac eyes.
"You should forget about working out in the mornings so you can wake up with me more often." Blake said. Yang's grin turned lopsided and she hummed thoughtfully, looking up at her with mischief in her eyes.
"Please, you love seeing me sweat, darlin'." Yang said cheekily, and before Blake could react, she was suddenly on her back with Yang looking down at her, love and softness radiating from her eyes.
"You have no proof of that." Blake replied, and Yang's lip curled up into a smirk, a hum escaping her throat as she looked down at her.
Yang lowered herself down and began brushing her lips along Blake's neck, gently laying several kisses there, leaving goosebumps behind on Blake's skin. Blake let out a sigh of pleasure, tilting her head to give Yang more access, her partner taking the opportunity to trail her lips upwards to her jawline.
"Hmm, I think last night was enough proof of that." Yang breathed into her skin, and Blake smiled, wrapping her arms around Yang's neck to encourage her to continue what she was doing.
"I think I may need more evidence of that." Blake said, and Yang trailed her lips even further up, pulling away a bit to look down at her. Her eyes had lit up at that, and she grinned down at her before softly capturing her lips with her own.
Blake smiled against her lips and eagerly pressed her body up against her lover's, delighting in the soft sound from Yang's throat, which she swallowed up with her own lips.
A tingly, warm sensation travelled through her body as she felt Yang's fingers, so gentle and delicate even after all this time, trickle their way up her sides under the blanket, a shiver passing through her body.
Yang pulled her lips away, and before Blake could playfully protest, Yang met her eyes with a spark in hers.
"That can be arranged." Yang said, smirking at her and then swooping down to take her lips again, the gentle but firm pressure sending a pleasurable shiver down her spine again.
This really wasn't what Blake expected their morning would be like, but she certainly had no complaints whatsoever.
Maybe it was a good idea to wake up before Yang more often.
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pugoata · 4 years
15. Give us a snippet of something from your WiPs!
A little bit from the next chapter of Tideline! This chapter should be up soon?? It’s close to being done, though!
"I'm sure it's all right," Blake says, sitting down on the bed and pulling the bag closer. "I can't thank you enough. I'm… sorry, again, that I couldn't come with you."
"It's okay," Yang replies, waving a hand airily. "I get it."
Blake looks away, back at the bag. She reaches a hand in, shaking her head slowly. She looks tired, Yang thinks with a pang. "I know it's… cowardly of me. But after yesterday--"
"I get it," Yang repeats, gentle emphasis on the word. "And for the record… I don't think it's cowardly."
"I'm hiding," Blake says, still not looking up. She unfolds one of the t-shirts, measuring the purple fabric against her body. She's still in Yang's pajamas, probably for lack of options, but the oversized shirt still looks good on her. And since her shower the day before, her hair looks sleeker, less tangled, even with a mild case of bedhead. She's just naturally beautiful, her dark skin rich, smooth, with a cast to it that reminds Yang of the way the moon reflects off the water.
Yang forces her train of thought away from that depot; this kind of attention is the last sort of thing Blake needs right now.
"Hiding isn't cowardice," Yang reminds her. "In this case, it's smart."
Blake shrugs, the motion creating a small dip in her collarbone. Yang averts her eyes, like the sight of it alone would be enough to send her thoughts spinning again… but her eyes land on a notebook, laying open on the bed. She feels heat rise in her cheeks.
"Were you… looking at my sketchbooks?"
"Oh!" This, at least, gets Blake to look up at her again, an embarrassed flush on her cheeks. "I'm sorry. I swear I wasn't snooping-- I was just looking through your bookshelf, and--"
"It-- it's okay," Yang stammers. It's not like she's hiding her sketchbook or anything, and she's usually fine with showing people. She doesn't draw anything that would scandalize anyone. But still, knowing Blake's been sitting in her bed, apparently looking through it all--
"You're very good," Blake remarks. She sets her clothes back in the bag, and reaches for the sketchpad instead. She keeps it open to the page it's set on, a page that includes a picture of Ruby napping on the couch, as well as a couple more indistinct figures in different stages of completion.
"Thanks," Yang says, blushing. Blake's eyes scan the page, then turns it.
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prinxlyart · 4 years
Your art is the source of all of my serotonin thank you for your service to this fandom you are a hero
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How dare you make me cry real life tears like this. But honestly, thank you so much, it makes me so unbelievably happy that y’all like my art so much ❤️❤️❤️✨
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19, 12, and 16 for Yang?
19. Any bad habits that they have?
Reflexively apologizing. She's just so used to taking responsibility for things it's second nature. Blake, Weiss and Ruby started using a spray bottle to train her out of it.
12. Something small that they enjoy?
Making people smile. It could be a joke, or a gift, or providing comfort. Something about watching people relax or feel a little better just makes her feel ecstatic.
It's a big part of what initially drew her to Blake (looking at "Wings" and "All That Matters") Also why it took forever for either of them to realize she had a crush on Blake. Yang's seemingly just like that with a lot of people XD
16. How well do they take care of themselves?
Depends on how you define "taking care of themselves". Physically, girl's got it down pat: solid exercise regimen, healthy eating, can cook for herself and RARELY functions on anything less than 6 hours of sleep. That being said, she has a really hard time asking people for help and will overextend/run herself into the ground unless someone reminds her that she doesn't have to.
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Hehehehe guess who’s baaaaack with another promptttttt! I’m assuming you’ve at least seen chapter 2, so what if we got everyone meeting back up and team RNBW are all worried abt JOYR bc their auras are all low and then we get Blake cuddling with Yang to comfort her after that traumatic experience
Here we go! Some angst for the soul
(Btw I HAVE seen the asks I’ve been sent (which you should all keep sending pls) and don’t worry I will get around to it but it just might take a while because I get inspiration to write at the weirdest times and I also have college so I might be busy sometimes)
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empressofedge · 4 years
Winter otp asks for the bees! Any one you want to do!
Thanks! I rolled a d20 lol
5. Who wants to go see the neighborhood Christmas lights?
Yang does 100%, but Blake finds them very beautiful... and finds Yang very beautiful in their glow.
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I just want to say that Anywhere You Want is literally giving me life and I’m loving it so much! Like top of the list of favorite reads. I wonder if the scars on Yang’s arm are gonna affect her firebending...? Can’t wait to find out though. Hope you’re well!
Hi there! your comments always make my day and I’m super happy you’re liking ayw!!! Yang definitely has some recovery ahead of her, both physically and healing the trust that Blake damaged. But I will say, this is not the last we will see of Adam in this story, so you have that to look forward to!
Thank you so much for stopping in! Your support means a lot and I hope you continue to enjoy the story!!!
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meme-loving-stuck · 4 years
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#43 for the ask game! Post a meme that made you laugh recently!
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Unsure if my ask box was being glitchy and that's why it's a submission? But definitely this one by @orolly! yes it was the only thing that made me laugh in days why do you ask
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💐🌷🌹🌺 send this to ten other bloggers you think are wonderful. Keep the game going!!! 🌺🌹🌈💌💝💐 💜💖❤️💖💜💖❤️💖
❤️❤️❤️ I see you likin my writing and it makes me smile every time. You are also wonderful.
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faunusrights · 5 years
tutantmeenageneetleteetles replied to your post “just in case anyone was curious what the loadout for lesbian skater...”
Fic? Will someone please provide this desperately gay soul with fic?
not to worry op for the fic Already Exists!!!!!!! well, actually, there’s like, a few snippets and then a full-sized oneshot, which are all found here! but im working on a bigger fic that will Eventually appear so, uh, give that a few years,
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buzzybeesinlove · 4 years
As requested by my amazing friend @tutantmeenageneetleteetles, for their birthday i’ve written a sequel to my other story titled “am i enough?” on AO3!
beau, i love you and happy birthday!! i hope you enjoy the fic <3 thank you for always hyping me up and being so sweet. sorry it took me a while to finish!
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moobiesrcool · 5 years
The turtle clue package from the first episode of season 3 was the best ever! The sad rabbits were so funny!!!
Tutant meenage neetle teetles!
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candygraffiti · 5 years
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Memes at 3am turns into this. This set has already sold but more me memes will be on the way 🐢🐢 . . . . . . #kawaii #kawaiiaesthetic #memes #memefashion #memejewelry #tutantmeenageneetleteetles #altfashion #streetfashion #popkei #popkeifashion #decora #decorakei #candygraffiti #keicollective https://www.instagram.com/p/B12ClPPHH6v/?igshid=fxpfryeog1xo
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