#tutuola x reader
cathrrrine · 8 months
how the svu characters would react to you pranking them by texting “i miss being single”
Sonny Carisi
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Amanda Rollins
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Nick Amaro
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Casey Novak
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Alex Cabot
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Rafael Barba
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Olivia Benson
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Fin Tutuola
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Elliot Stabler
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p3ndeja6 · 4 months
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₊ ⊹🪻 ✧ ˚. ᵎᵎ 🔮
n.amaro x reader
summary: you were younger then nick by a couple of years, and sometimes he’d come over to your apartment after late nights at the precinct, he’d come over to just enjoy peace and serenity
content: fluff, reader is in school (2nd or 3rd year of college) suggestive acts (nothing extreme), age gap!, mentions of sexual abuse due to svu cases, nothing too triggering, just a fluffy one shot overall
super short
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it was late at night, you were working on an essay that was due by the end of the week.. you were getting strained and decided to take a break and call it a day.
You made yourself a quick meal, spicy buldak noodles, a sandwich and your favorite drink that was saved in the fridge. You prepared your meal as you were watching your favorite show. you were almost done preparing your late-night snack when you heard the doorknob shake.
You lived a pretty safe vicinity so the chances of a burgler were slim, but you still were vigilant about your safety, you quickly grabbed your broom and held it tight.
Upon your discovery, the door opened and you saw your boyfriend… nick.
You sighed of relief, and he looked at you worried
“Jesus Nick, you scared me!” “geez sorry, i thought this neighbor was safe?”
you put the broom down, “I mean it is but you never know” “yeah.. tell me about it”
he walked to you as you went back in finishing preparing your ramen, he went behind you and grabbed you hips and nuzzled his head in between your neck, kissing you, making you giggle due to his stubble
he continued and you moved your head slightly to give him more access, he took this as a sign to continue. You tried not to get distracted but you let a soft moan escape.
he laughed,and started moving up your body; cupping your boobs. You laughed and finally pushed him away
“stop Nick” you laughed “I want to eat, I’ve been working on an assignment for the past 5 hours.” he let go and laughed “my hard working girl, okay okay I’ll let you eat but next time, you’re all mine!”
you shook your head in sarcasm, he took of his jacket and unbuttoned his white shirt a couple of buttons down, and took off his shoes. He adjusted himself on your couch, and laid there with his eyes closed taking in the aroma therapy essential oils diffuser thats going around your room.
you look at him, now realizing that he’s here strangely. Nick stops by late nights most weekends or if it’s a weekday he’ll let you know earlier in the day if he’s stopping by, but it’s currently a Tuesday at 12:36 am.
“hey Nick?”
he hummed in response, most likely getting sleepy
“not to sound rude or anything.. but why are you here? It’s late on a Tuesday night, shouldn’t you be at your place?”
He opened one eye and looked over at you
“do you not want me here?” He said a bit suspicious
“oh god, no like yeah I do, but I just realized what day it was and you know you usually let me know when you’re coming over and it’s usually weekends you spend the night with me, I just found it odd you came to visit me tonight” “I love it when you’re here really”
you finally finished your ramen and took it towards the couch where Nick was, and started eating as you waited for a response.
he was hesitant in his answer, he seemed stressed and frustrated.
“today we had a tough case.. a rape case..”
you look at him attentively, making sure you are hearing him and that he has your fullest attention.
you nod in continuous
“and well… it’s about a 8 year old girl who’s after school teacher has been acting inappropriately with her.. you know like touching her where she shouldn’t be touched”
“oh my god” was what you let out
“yeah, and her home life isn’t easy, this one was a bit tough to work on dude to how young and bright this little girl is. I hate to see anyone take it away from her”
you put your ramen down and get close to him, caressing his hand.
“and being here.. with you just brings me peace. All is perfect here, so sorry i came unexpected but i really needed to see you”
you smiled at him
“awe baby, you know you are always welcomed here, I love having you here, never goes a day where I don’t miss you”
you make him look at you and caress his cheek, looking so attentively at his eyes, leaning in and kissing him so gracefully.
he takes you in, and guides a hand on your neck. You move to his lap and continue to kiss him, sucking on each others lips, and you slightly grinding on him
he groans a bit and you continue to bit his lip. You pull away with his lip in between your teeth and stare at him and run a finger across his now plumped lips
“thank you for coming over”
“thank you for having me”
229 notes · View notes
cissyenthusiast010155 · 8 months
She’s Been to Hell And Back ~S13!Alex Cabot xFem Wife!Reader(feat. Casey, Rita, Liz, Liv & Amanda)
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Summary— Alex is kidnapped and tortured. That’s pretty much it. It’s a very long and indulgent fic of Alex x Reader.
Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Warnings: [MATURE], explicit torture, violence, kidnapping, humiliation, implied torture, angst, anxiety attacks, knife, guns, torture devices, branding, cigarette burns, burning, begging, crying, and so much more mature content, Rita being an aunt and a boss bitch, Liz losing her shit, Munch being munch, Amaro being an asshat, Casey barely keeping it together, read at your own risk!!
Enjoy (;
You stepped into the SVU squad room, looking around at the major bustling and chaos of the room. You fidgeted with the hem of your shirt anxiously, biting your lips and nails as well. You were frozen. You couldn’t process it all. Your eyes then landed on a person who you knew could help.
Casey had been the one to call you. She hadn’t told you much, only that you need to come to svu immediately. You had dropped work for this. Left straightaway. It all made you extremely anxious. Why would they need you…? Unless…
You shook the terrible thoughts coming up out of your mind, instead springing into action. You walked up to Casey in the middle of the chaos.
“Hey Case!” You called to the redhead who was swiftly fluttering through pages.
Casey jumped at her name and her eyes shot up to you. Suddenly her gaze softened and she looked at you with concern.
“Y/N’s here!!” Casey shot across the room, and everyone practically stopped in their tracks and looked at you.
You gulped and looked around anxiously, pulling your bag closer to you defensively.
“Case… what’s going on…?” You stammered.
Casey couldn’t meet your gaze. Olivia suddenly came out of the Captain’s office and walked through the squad room, followed by Cragen peeking out of his office, telling everyone to get back to work. The shuffling and bustling immediately picked back up again. The noise wasn’t helping you one bit.
You suddenly felt a hand on your back shoulder, and you jumped slightly. You turned around, relaxing a bit to see it was only Olivia with a warm and caring smile.
“Y/N, let’s go into Cragen’s office, yeah…?” The brunette gently suggested.
After you slowly nodded with parted lips of confusion, Olivia led you by her hand on your back to the Captain’s office. She opened the door for you and closed it behind the two of you. Both SVU members looked tense and concerned.
“What exactly… is going on…?” You tensed out through partially gritted teeth, frustration now hitting you in waves.
Olivia guided you to sit down with her, before she but her lip and explained,
“Y/N… Alex didn’t show up for court a couple of hours ago… We… don’t know where she is. She’s not answering her phone, we can’t track it, it’s dead.”
Your heart sunk. And there was now a limp in your throat. Your heart only raced faster and you suddenly felt dizzy.
Olivia could tell that this was a lot to take in, so she gently held you on both sides of your arms.
“That’s not all…” Cragen sighed.
You looked up at the Captain with glossy eyes and a trembling lip.
“W-what…?” You stammered, bringing your arms into your chest and holding yourself.
“We think Alex was… taken.” He explained slowly.
“W-why would you think that…??” You exclaimed, the anger in you now swelling.
Cragen and Olive exchanged looks. Cragen nodded and relented into the brunettes insistence.
“Come on, let me show you something.” Olivia softly spoke.
She led you outside to the squad room and the media corner. Next to all the screens there was a board. A board of at least 100 photographs. And they were all of Alex. Alex and all the people she interacted with. You were on there, and so was Olivia, and Casey, and Rita, and Liz, and Amanda, and so on.
The pictures were practically Alex’s entire life since she’d been with you. This was years of photos. Some of them looked like they could have been snapped by a news reporter outside the courts. But others, much more intimate pictures of the two of you, could have only been captured by active camera surveillance.
You gasped, bringing your hand to your mouth, as you let out a choked sob that you couldn’t contain anymore. Your stomache sunk. You proceeded to collapse on the floor, and were lucky that Amanda was right by you. The Southern blonde was quick to scoop you up and guide you to take a seat in her desk chair.
She then tried to talk to you, but your mind was spiraling. Suddenly a big boom of stacks of paperwork falling across the squad room brought you back to reality with a jolt.
“Y/N? Y/N, there you are, ‘hun. Hey. Heyyy. It’s going to be okay, alright…?” Amanda reassured you.
“But h-how… do you know that…?” You choked out, the tears continuing to pour out.
At that, Amari and Fin walked into the squad room.
“It’s out lucky day! Perp’s blood was at the scene, that girl put up a fight…!” Amara exclaimed, not having realized that you were there.
You immediately stood up and turned to face Amaro. Nick’s eyes went wide and his face struggled to give away the fact that he knew he had fucked up.
“What scene? What…?? What happened??” You exclaimed with a gasp, frustration and anger running through your veins once more.
Amanda pulled you towards her and into her embrace. Her touch calmed you a little, but right now, you really needed it to be Alex’s touch. After a minute, her hug actually and surprisingly helped.
“Thanks…” you muttered.
Amanda shrugged and smiled lightly, as if it was nothing.
“Learned that in Atlanta, had a partner who had anxiety attacks.” The blonde told you, “It’s a grounding thing.”
You listened and nodded along. But your mind quickly started to wander back to Alex again.
“Wait what scene? Do you know where she was taken…??” You asked.
Amanda sighed and stood up, telling you to wait here. She checked in with Cragen in his office, before coming back to you and grabbing her keys.
“Come on, let’s go for a ride.” Amanda told you, indicating for you to follow her.
You gulped and nodded, silently following the Southern blonde with your wobbly legs. You two got into her patrol car, and she began driving. The ride was silent. You had now become numb, your feelings too much to bear. You didn’t want to go down the rabbit hole of what could go wrong… So you stayed in the ignorance of feeling numb.
After about 15-20 minutes, Amanda pulled up to you and Alex’s shared brownstone. You gulped as your eyes widened as it began to click for you.
“This is…” you stammered, trying to find the words.
“Come on, Darling. I’ll explain inside.” Amanda gently reassured you, squeezing your left hand caringly, before getting out of the car.
You followed the blonde detective up the steps of your brownstone and inside. No one was here anymore. But it was a mess, all taped up with crime scene tape and marked with evidence markers and such. It made your stomache flip upside down when you saw blood on the kitchen doorway.
“What Amaro said, that asshole… was that Alex didn’t go down without a fight…” Amanda explained, taking your hand in reassurance as you walked through the torn apart apartment.
“Alex managed to make her kidnapper bleed.” Amanda breathed out.
At that you looked at the woman with wide eyes.
“So you can find out who they are?” You immediately asked.
Amanda bit her inner cheek and looked way slightly.
“Yeaaa ideally yes… but we already ran it, and he’s not in the system…” she explained.
Any and all hope that you had just gained was lost all over again. Amanda squeezed your hand again in reassurance.
“So what’s next…? What can I do?” You asked, desperate to do anything, to get her back, to see her again.
“First, we are going to walk through your place and go through the events, at least what we know. See if any of it jogs your memory of like someone who would want to harm Alex…” Amanda breathed out.
You shuttered and nodded slowly.
“Then when Olivia and Cragen give the go ahead, I’ll take you back to svu and Olivia will properly interview you…”
You gulped, yet nodded again.
“Ok, let’s do it…” you breathed out.
Amanda nodded and guided you by your hand, walking you through the scene. All your feelings came crashing back as the blonde detective walked you through the theory SVU had of what happened.
Alex hadn’t even left for the office yet, having not needed to go in as early that day… You and already left for work, when someone had come to the door. Alex must have known the person, because she let them in (or they had a gun). The main struggle was in the kitchen. SVU assumed that Alex had most likely tried to reason with whomever the perp was, but it went south in the kitchen. Alex’s blood was on the counter, in a circular mark that upheld that the assailant had violently cracked Alex’s head down upon the counter. There were also blood splatters of Alex’s going from the kitchen and out the door, by the amount and pattern of the blood, it was assumed that the assailant had shot Alex somewhere in the leg, but hadn’t hit a major artery or vein. Luckily, on the kitchen doorway, there was Alex’s bloody partial print, but there blood wasn’t hers. The theory was that before the shooter had incapacitated her, she got a swing or two in, and then when he dragged her out, she made one last attempt to grasp the doorway, leaving the perps blood.
Your heart was pounding in your ears three times as fast as earlier. Tears were pouring down your face and you hadn’t even realized it. Amanda squeezed your hand tighter, as she asked you if it sounded like someone you knew or if it triggered any memories.
“N-no… Mm sorry…” you gasped out in between sobs.
The Southern blonde now came in front of you and took both of your hands.
“Don’t be, you did so good, Y/N.” Amanda comforted you, before receiving a ding on her phone and checking her notifications.
It was Olivia telling Amanda to bring you back. You spent the car ride opposite of the last, filled with all the emotions. You were distraught, and sad, and afraid, and angry, and infuriated, and so much more. Your head was swimming, no drowning it it all. You just wanted a break. You wanted Alex safe in your arms.
Amanda led you back into the squad room, passing you off to Olivia with a reassuring smile. Olivia took you into the family interview room, one that was less jarring than the brick and mortar perp interview/confession rooms. She had you sit on the couch next to her.
“Y/N, Amanda told me that you couldn’t think of anything at the crime scene…”
“Don’t… call it that…” you sputtered, having cried yourself out in the car and now hicupping instead.
Olivia sighed, “Of course, I’m sorry— At your and Alex’s home…”
You had your hands clasped in your lap and you were rocking back and forth anxiously. The brunette detective reached for your hands with her hands and tried to physically comfort you, but you jerked in response, starting to hyperventilate. The brunette detective was quick to retract and stick with her interview questions.
“Besides what you didn’t think of at the crim— your and Alex’s place— Can you think of anyone who would want to hurt you…?” Olivia prodded gently.
You shook your head and then hiccuped. Alex had her hair share of criminals who didn’t like her, but nothing she ever found concerning enough to share with you.
“Alright, what about anyone following you recently…? Notice any reoccurring faces…?” She asked.
You thought about it, going through your last months, if not years in your mind.
“I… don’t think so, no…” you stammered, with two more hiccups.
“Alright… Can I get you some water?”
“Yes please…” you whispered, not being able to handle the eye contact, so you simply shut your eyes.
Olivia muttered something with a hum, letting go of your hands, and leaving the room with the door ajar. You just sat there, with your eyes closed and shaking in your boots. You could hear the noisy clamor of the squad room from the ajar door. It was still just as chaotic, if not more. Tensions were high, and fuses were short.
Before Olivia could come back with your water, a familiar voice boomed while entering the squad room.
“Who the hell didn’t inform me about Alex going missing, and why the fuck did I need to find out like this?!”
You immediately stood up with a jolt, scrambling into the squad room to see Rita standing furiously in the middle of the room, while holding up a manila envelope with her name on it. Calhoun’s determined scowl faltered as she noticed you in the corner. She immediately lowered her mask of defense lawyer and rushed over to you.
Her hands were all of over you, checking to see if you were okay. They landed on each side of your face, as her concerned gaze looked at you.
“Hey Baby… How are you holding up…?” She asked, her eyes still scanning you up and down, before landing on your gaze when she expected an answer.
But all she got was a choked sob from you, your tears now back in full swing. The older woman immediately pulled you in for a hug, which you happily accepted. She hugged you tight and with fierce love, you could feel every fiber of her being that cared through the embrace. When Rita let you go, you wheezed and little and whipped your tears away.
Olivia had by now gotten your water and caught wind of the commotion, now coming up to you and Rita. Rita sent daggers to the brunette detective, making Olivia stop a couple feet away from you.
“What’s in the envelope…?” Olivia quipped, before extending her hand with your water in it.
Rita took the water, examined it, then gave it to you, instructing you to drink, before she considered answering Olivia. When she did, her eyes went sad. The main SVU members had surrounded the two of you, all curious as to what Rita had brought. She opened the envelope and pulled out a hard drive.
“Aha! My area of expertise…!” Munch exclaimed, taking the hard drive from Rita and going over to the media corner to open whatever files were contained within the stick.
You went to follow the rest do the team to see what was on the file, but Rita grabbed you by your arm before you could get too far. You turned back to Rita and looked at the woman who had been your mentor, aunt, mom, practically everything with confusion and glossy eyes.
“ ‘Hun, you may not want to see that…” Rita sighed with deep sadness in her eyes.
She had already seen it.
Your eyes hardened and you frowned. You quickly pulled your hand out of Rita’s grasp.
“Like hell I won’t…” you exclaimed, then turning around and walking up behind the team who were all gathered around Munch who was about to click play on a video file.
Rita came up behind you, her eyes staying on you the entire time as the video played. She watched your face whiten, watched your face wash over in horror, then a wave of anger. She watched your shock, then followed by uncontrollable sadness and tears.
Alex was in the centre of the screen, tied up and hanging by her wrists around a rusty metal bar running along the wall. Her head was hanging low. Her hair frazzled and tired. Her clothing was dirty, torn, and bloody. There was a light sway of her body as it hung from the beam. Her shoes had been discarded. The bottom half of her her stomache was on display, as her shirt was being strained from the position. Her left lower leg was bleeding, presumably from the gunshot from the struggle at the brownstone. Her forehead was all bloody from the blow to the counter.
Suddenly, a person stepped into the frame. They were wearing all black and had their face and voice masked. He had some kind of black colored weapon, almost baton looking in his hand. He laughed wickedly into the camera, before turning his attention to Alex.
“As I can’t torture all of you, unfortunately… One will have to do…” The man tilted his head as he turned on the stick and plunged it against Alex’s exposed side stomache with a cackle.
Alex’s body convulsed and jolted uncontrollably as she was she was hit with volts and volts of burning electricity. She let out a desperate groan, which turned into a silent scream as tears poured down her face, as she fought against her restraints and against the volts. After a couple solid seconds of this, the man finally retracted the insane taser torture. As he moved the torture device back, Alex’s freshly burned skin could be seen, a fresh branded circle on the side of her stomache. The man proceeded to repeat this process for multiple rounds. And the whole time, Alex fought and screamed and convulsed, as tears ran down her face and shirt. Finally, after five burning rounds, Alex passed out. And the man stopped, looking to the camera with a grin.
“No point if the bitch isn’t awake…” He chuckled wickedly, “And that was only Act 1… Dedicated to Detective Olivia Benson…”
Rage was quick to take over your enter being, all the sadness quickly forgotten. You nearly assaulted Olivia right then and there. But Rita saw this coming, and she was quick to hold you back as you attempted to pounce on the brunette detective across from you.
You scowled and fought back, the team all taking a step back from you, all of them just as shocked as you were. But Rita held you firm.
“Shhhh, Baby, it’s okay… Calm down…” Rita cooed into the shell of your ear, “It’s going to be okay, it’s not Olivia’s fault…”
After a couple seconds, Rita managed to get you to promise to not punch the older brunette detective in the face. So she let you go. You huffed and didn’t know what to do. You were hit with another wave of sudden sadness.
As you were having your life crisis, the team began speculating and conversating about what they could learn from the video and how they could find Alex. You weren’t able to focus on them or anything anymore, everything started to just fade away into black.
When you woke up, you were in Rita’s lap, back in the family interview room. For a split second, you felt at peace’s and then reality smacked you back in the face. Rita was beginning to tell you that you had passed out when you began to freak out.
“Hey, Hey. It’s okay, sweetheart. You’re safe, it’s okay.” Rita comforted you, as you sat up startled and distraught.
“N-no it’s n-not… Alex my Lex she’s… she’s…” you choked out, hyperventilating.
Rita was quick to take you into her arms on the couch and comfort you. She ran her fingers through your hair, she rubbed your arms and hands and side, calming you as best as you could.
“Hey. We are going to find this sycko who did this… ok? The team is on it…” Rita insisted and ensured you, “Take some deep breaths for me, Baby…”
You nodded shakily, your entire body shaking in Rita’s arms, as you took some deep breaths. You began to doze off in the woman’s arms, Rita was quick to encourage you to not fight it. And so you dozed off…
You awoke startled once more by a shriek echoing through the squad room and into where you and Rita were. You practically fell off the couch and scrambled out to the squad. Rita was swift behind you. Your eyes fell on Casey, who now had a Manila envelope in her hand with her name on it.
“Where did you get that??” Olivia questioned the redhead.
“I… a junior officer dropped it off… I don’t know, sorry” Casey stammered, handing it off to Olivia who opened it.
“Fin, Amanda, go find that junior officer, maybe he can give us a lead on this guy.” Cragen told his team.
Fin and Amanda nodded and left the room at once. Olivia had found another hard drive, having passed it to Munch to analyze. Rita’s eyes widened as Munch went to press play, and she tried to pull you away once more, but you only pulled away from her and to the screen with more ferocity. With a click from Munch, the video began…
Alex was still in the same position. She was awake again. But barely. Drool was coming from the sides of her mouth as her head lolled down. Her breathing was heavy and labored, affecting her entire body as it hung from the rope attached to her wrists and around the beam.
The man then came back into the camera screen. He held a knife in his hand this time. After taunting the camera, he stalked up to Alex, his free hand roughly grabbing and wrenching her blouse open. The buttons clattered to the floor as the perp moved the torn blouse aside, showing off Alex’s black bra and exposed chest and stomache.
Alex seemed to barely register anything until the knife began slicing her chest. She let out a howl at the pain, deep enough to hurt, but not deep enough to kill. He continued these slices, along her stomache, along her clothed arms as well, and all the way up to her shoulders and neck. He seemed to only be egged on by Alex’s groans and cries, which very quickly turned into begging and pleading for him to stop. Once the man reached her neck, he held the knife firmly along her throat, before speaking. The dozens of cuts all bleed into one another, practically covering Alex’s entire upper body in blood.
“Act 2 is not as bad, because you just sucked at your job…” The man sneered, “But trust me, the next one… I’d be surprised if the bitch doesn’t die… Dedicated to Rita Calhoun.”
Your knees buckled and you collapsed on the floor as Alex let out a particular blood curteling scream in the video. Tears streamed down your face as you couldn’t bring yourself to watch the rest of the video, the audio already taunting you enough. You felt your body go limp and you began to slouch and fall from your knees to the ground completely.
“Turn it off! Off!!” Rita yelled enraged, before dropping to the ground with you and comforting you.
Munch turned the video off, but not before the man was able to dedicate the video to Rita. Rita’s eyes widened and her throat went dry. The whole team stared at the two of you. Rita was dumbfounded at what this had to do with her, but she was quick to spring into action over it.
“Novak. Take Y/N to the diner down the street. She probably hasn’t eaten all day.” Rita commanded the room.
Casey’s eyes widened, and she immediately nodded in understanding.
“Of course, Rita.” Casey said, hurriedly coming over to the two of you.
You tried to protest as Rita handed you over to Casey, but Rita was stern and quickly silenced you, not that you could say anything right now with how overwhelmed you were. Casey was quick to file you out of the room.
You didn’t even remember leaving SVU or getting to the diner, all you remember is suddenly sitting with Casey looking at the late lunch menu. You were shaking and fidgeting like crazy.
Casey reached her hand across the table and squeezed your balled up fist reassuringly. You looked up to the redhead with your stained and now completely dried out eyes, having cried it all out for the second time today.
“Hey. Let’s get you some food, huh…?” Casey hummed.
You nodded slowly. The waitress came, but you couldn’t hear a thing. Casey looked at you with care and understanding, ordering for the both of you. Then once the waitress had left, her attention was on you once more.
“C-Casey…?” You whispered.
Casey leaned in and softly spoke,
“How… how are you okay…?” You whispered, a single tear rolling down your cheek as you blinked, “She’s… she’s like your best friend and you hers…”
Casey sighed and squeezed your hand again.
“Y/N, look at me.” Casey hummed, her tone breaking in a falter.
You finally looked at Casey again, and took in her appearance. You suddenly noticed the tear stains on her face and how crazy her long, normally well curled hair was.
“I am not okay. I just… suck at showing my emotions…” Casey explained gently, her own eyes beginning to gloss over as she became more vulnerable.
Your lips pressed together and you smiled lightly, nodding in understanding. You gasped slightly as you felt your phone vibrate once in your pocket. You then felt another vibration. Then one last final third vibrating. You pulled your hands into your lap, away from Casey. The redhead looked at you concerningly.
“Everything okay…?” Casey asked.
“Mm yea… just… need the restroom…” you muttered, before getting out of the diner booth and going to the back where the bathroom was.
Casey nodded, watching you leave, before getting on her phone and updating the team, as well as getting updated by what they had figured out. She let the team know that you were doing okay and that she was about to feed you. She sighed and let out a light groan, trying to process the weight of what was happening, while reading the update from the group chat.
Munch had analyzed the background of the video, having figured out that Alex was being kept in some warehouse. Which one, they had no clue.
Fin and Amanda had gotten no leads from the junior officer, apparently the envelope had been given to him by a homeless looking guy who disappeared as soon as he dropped off the package at the precinct.
Rita, Olivia, and Nick had been spending their time looking over old case files and anything that connected Olivia and Rita along with possibly Alex, in hope to find a perp or bad guy who got away somehow and wanted revenge.
When Casey was done being caught up, the food had come. But you were still in the bathroom… The redhead grew suspicious, getting up from the table and walking to the back of the diner to the bathroom. She knocked on the door, but received no answer. Quickly, she tried your cell. Straight to voicemail.
As you stepped into the bathroom, you couldn’t shake the terrible feeling about the texts, so you locked the door and immediately opened your phone. The texts were all from one unknown number.
Y/N L/N.
Then a video link.
Act 3. Elizabeth Donnelly
You didn’t even click or see the video. Not yet. You saw Liz’s name and couldn’t think of anything else. Liz would know what to do. She always knew what to do.
You carefully escaped from Casey’s gaze and hold out of the back of the diner, rushing to catch a cab to the DA’s office where Liz would most likely be. The ride wasn’t too long, but you still couldn’t bring yourself to press play on that video. Liz would know what to do. She always did.
Once your reached Liz’s office, you didn’t even knock, simply barging in. Liz was talking with a few DA’s, and she was about to dig into whoever interrupted them, but then she saw your state.
“Leave. All of you, now!” Liz ordered, shooing the attorneys away.
You quickly shut and locked the door behind you. Liz looked you up and down.
“Y/N, what is going on…?” The older woman spoke firmly.
You were hyperventilating again. You could sit, you were pacing. But you had to tell her something. And you tried, but you couldn’t bring yourself to explain. Liz stood up, recognizing the signs of an anxiety attack, and coming over to you in concern. She guided you to sit with her on her office couch, asking you again, more softly this time,
“Honey, what’s the matter…?”
You let out a choked sob, bringing out your phone and clicking the video. That was the only thing you could think of. Liz watched your every movement. You pressed play.
Alex was hanging as in the last video, but her blouse was completely gone. Her breathing was shallow and barely there, but she was still alive.
The man showed back up, coming up to the camera to say hello, before quickly turning his attention to Alex once more with the same knife as before in his hands. He grabbed Alex’s chin and pulled her face to meet his gaze. Alex tried to growl and fight back, but the exhaustion on her face was evident. He had probably drugged her up real good so that she didn’t stand a chance… While the man held her face rough with one hand, his other with the knife sliced her bra into pieces. He then let her face go with a smack! before tearing the bra off her body. The vulnerable whimper that Alex let out was distinct. And it only fed into the man’s fantasies. He then bent down to her bottom half and ran the knife down her side, followed by his hands ripping her skirt open. He wrenched that off her as well, throwing it aside. Alex was now left only in her panties. She closed her eyes and went limp, as the man trailed the knife in between her legs and up against her clothed core. He then moved to her thigh and ripped her underwear off with a snap! until she was fully nude, hanging for everyone to see. Another hopeless whimper left Alex as the man suddenly smacked her ass.
Before the video could finish, Liz slammed the phone down onto the ground, effectively pausing it. Your eyes went wide and you looked at the older woman with an open mouth. She looked horrified. But Rage was quick to replace the shock.
“What?! Liz wait—!!” You exclaimed as the blonde stood up and shook her white knuckle fists.
Liz turned back to you, looking you directly in the eyes.
“What in the actual fuck is going on, Y/N?!Why in the hell are you making me watch my daughter be tortured by some psycho???” Liz shrilled.
“Lower your voice!!” You harshly whispered, swiftly standing up and getting in her face, and effectively shutting Liz up for a second with how stern you and suddenly become.
“Then you better goddamn tell me what is going on…” Liz growled.
“OK—” you exclaimed, placing your hand on your forehead and sighing.
You say down again as the overwhelming sadness hit you once more.
“Lex… was taken… didn’t show up in court…” you stammered, “Guy’s been sending… videos…” you choked up.
Liz then picked up the phone from the floor, sitting back down next to you in silence for a moment.
“How many?”
You were jolted out of your grief by her words.
“W-what…?” You stammered.
“How many videos… did he send…?” Liz spoke, trying to sound in control but her own tone faltering and cracking a little.
“This is the third. He usually talks about it in the video…” you said quietly.
This made Liz look at you and then back to the phone. She turned it on and clicked play again. You both sat in anticipation as the video continued.
Alex’s bloody, bruised, and now completely exposed body came back on screen, right where it had left off. Alex flinched as the man smacked her ass a second time.
“Shut up Bitch!! Take it, We all know you want it!!!” The man jeered, before smacking her ass a third time and then grabbing and fondling her tits.
Alex tried to pull away from his touch, she tried to yell or cry or shout, but she found that her body was not taking orders from her mind anymore. Her body had gone limp. But she could feel everything. She could see everything in her line of sight. She could hear everything.
When she went completely silent, unable to protest anymore, the man cackled again, louder and more taunting than ever. He then proceeded to come up to the camera.
“Now, I’m not gonna show you this next bit… I’m going to save that for when you find her dead body… But Act 3 is dedicated to that bitch judge, Elizabeth Donnelly…” the man jeered.
The video then went static for a second. Then the camera came back on and showed an unconscious Alex Cabot, swaying lightly back and forth. Where her body wasn’t sliced and cut, it was bruised. Where her body wasn’t bloody, it was covered in dirt, like it had been thrown at her. The faint and small outlines of cigarette burns were trailed across both of her arms and thighs. Her mouth was filled with an oozing her own blood, as if 100 fists had hit her. And her right tit was branded with a symbol, difficult to make out. All of this and so much worse would be discovered had been done to her…
The video ended and silence took the room. Suddenly you heard crying. You looked over and Liz was hunched over and crying in her lap. You weren’t sure what to do, haven’t ever seen the powerful, older woman so vulnerable before. You just instinctively wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close.
“I… I’m sorry. I didn’t… didn’t know what to do… I thought if I came to you…” you rambled, now feeling guilty for having brought this to Liz.
“Hush… none of that… ssnot your fault.” Liz breathed out in sniffles, accepting your embrace and pressing into you even more, “I know she’s not… my real daughter but if anything happens to her… I… I don’t know what I’d do…”
You two sobbed in each other’s arms for a while. It was only when someone came banging on Liz’s office door with no sudden warning that the two of you jumped apart and off the couch. You went to unlock the door and storming in came a furious Rita.
Rita wouldn’t even hear it from you. She took your phone immediately. All the way back to the squad room, the car was silent between the three of you.
Casey had figured out that you had run away, and she had immediately called SVU. They had divided and conquered all the places they thought you’d go. And the second Liz wasn’t answering her own phone, Casey knew that was where you had gone.
Back in the squad room, Munch began analyzing your phone. You sat in one of the detectives chairs, fidgeting and bouncing your leg, under Rita’s intense gaze. She had made you tell the team everything that had happened. She was not going to let you slip away again. Over her dead body.
Liz immediately threw a fit and started ordering people around. After looking at the files that Olivia and Amara had compiled, it took her five minutes to put it together. Liz found a perp who had escaped jail, whom Olivia had interrogated, Rita had represented and lost, She had judged, and Alex had prosecuted and won.
The second the team had their perp, they began canvassing possible areas. The man leased a piece of warehouse property near the river as it was discovered, so that’s where everyone rushed to go to.
Everyone was on edge.
“I’m gonna go!” You exclaimed to Rita.
“No you are not!!” She shrieked back.
“Why not?!! She’s the love of my life!!!” You yelled, tears running down your face as you screamed.
“Because she might be dead, Y/N!!!!”
Practically the entire squad room went silent at this. They all stared at you and Rita. But quickly, they all began their work again, and the team ran out to the location to find Alex. Both Rita and Liz held you back as you fought to get outside and in a squad car. But they held the upper hand. You collapsed in both of their arms, desperate and exhausted, completely out of energy.
The team did indeed find Alex, although she was barely breathing. They immediately sent her to Mercy’s, where Rita and Liz already had you there waiting. You sat in the waiting room, in between the two woman, shaking and fidgeting restlessly.
Hours went by with no update. Eventually, it was all too much for you. You leaned against Rita’s shoulder for some comfort and before you could stop yourself, you were falling asleep.
“Y/N, love, wake up…” Liz gently woke you, making you snort lightly as you came back to reality.
She was offering you a hand, which you eagerly took to stand up. The nurse came up to you.
“You may see her now. One at a time please.” The nurse told the group of you.
Everyone looked at you and pretty much all agreed in unison and with mere looks that you would be the person going in to see her first.
You entered the hospital room, and immediately came up to Alex’s bedside. You felt relief wash over you that she was here with you and that she was okay. You held one of her hands as she came to.
“Mmm heyyyy…” Alex said in an extremely scratchy and hoarse voice, her head turning slowly towards you.
Tears of joy began to spill out and down your cheeks. You squeezed your wife’s hand lovingly.
“Hi Lex…” you whispered, “How are you feeling…?”
“Like someone pumped an entire pharmacy through me…” Alex groaned lightly, “mm pretty sure I was drugged… most of the time I couldn’t move or speak…” her tone got sad and overwhelmed, as tears started to form on her sapphire eyes.
“Hey hey, it’s okay.” You comforted Alex, who met your gaze again, smiling at the sight of you, “You’re safe with me now, that’s all that matters…”
Alex lightly squeezed your hand now as she smiled. It would be a long road to recovery, but the important thing is that you would be with her every step of the way.
Her squeeze on your hand faded, which you just attributed to the blonde being tired. But then her eyes closed… and then you couldn’t hear her breathing. You jolted when the heart rate monitor started going off.
Suddenly, there were 4-5 hospital staff members in the room, pushing you aside. You stood in the corner of the room, with your hands over your mouth, silent tears flooding down your face. You heard the designated coding sound come from the machine, and you collapsed onto the floor. Everything went numb.
You could vaguely hear a nurse giving you her condolences. You didn’t even reliaze that you were walking out of the room until you stood in front of the group that loved Alex the most. You were violently shaking, you felt like you couldn’t breathe.
Liz was the first own to come up to you, to see what was wrong. And Liz was the first one to understand… You fell to your knees and cried into your hands, not caring anymore. You’d lost the love of your life, your wife, your everything.
Liz looked more emotional and out of control than she’d ever been. She kept stammering that it couldn’t be true, but once a doctor came out and told the entire group the news, Liz let out a distraught wail, covering her face in her hands as she sobbed. Casey immediately buried herself in Liz’s embrace which Liz of course accepted. The last thing you remember about that day was Rita coming up to you and embracing you on the floor…
Alexandra Cabot Masterlist
Olivia Benson Masterlist
Casey Novak Masterlist
Elizabeth Donnelly Masterlist ~Coming Soon (;
Rita Calhoun Masterlist ~Coming Soon (;
Amanda Rollins Masterlist ~Coming Soon (;
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169 notes · View notes
rqgnarok · 9 months
leave a light on - nolan price
prequel for love you better now, but can be read individually
fandom: law & order, law & order special victims unit
wc: 4,735
warnings: canon presence of injuries, blood, violence, weapons, and hospitals. female reader.
summary: nolan's wife gets shot. he tries and fails to deal with that.
author's note below! masterlist / ko-fi / ao3
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Nolan misses Liv’s call thrice before he calls for a recess.
The first two he’s stuck cross-examining the DA’s witness and he doesn’t realize how many times Liv has tried to get him on the phone until the third time she calls. He can’t answer, obviously– Judge MacNamara is lenient but not enough for Nolan to take a call in the middle of the day– but the call goes to voicemail and his screen lights up with Liv’s other attempts to reach him.
He immediately knows it’s bad. And he immediately knows it’s about his wife.
His chest constricts with his panic, breath catching and refusing to enter his lungs as his brain tries to catch up to the situation. The courtroom is suddenly too small and suffocating, his tie a noose around his neck.
It takes McNamara calling his name several times and the DA snidely wondering if the defense needs a minute for Nolan to somewhat snap out of it, pressing on Liv’s contact before the judge finishes adjourning for the day.
“Nolan,” she says, shaky. 
Not Price, which is what he’d expect from his wife’s coworker. They’re all friends, sure, but during work hours they fall into the habit of keeping everyone at arm’s length. Not right now, for some reason, and Nolan is tiptoeing the line between fine and about to crumble on the courthouse steps from a knock-out panic attack. 
“What happened?” Because something must’ve happened. His wife has one of the most dangerous jobs out there, life-endangering experiences being the norm and coming home not-dead being a good day. But if Liv is calling– if Liv is calling and (Y/N) isn’t…
Nolan has been psyching himself up for this day since (Y/N) first told him about joining the police academy. He’s still somehow not ready. 
He will never be ready for this. 
Olivia hesitates for a second too long and Nolan’s fear gets the best of him. “Olivia. What happened?”
Her voice cracks at (Y/N)’s name. Nolan grips his briefcase so tightly on the way to the hospital that his hand goes numb, nails digging into the skin of his palm until it’s red and tender. 
The knot of anxiety in his belly doesn’t unclench despite the quick, easy ride to the hospital. New York traffic seems to be doing him a favor, but it isn’t the physical distance he’s worried about. That one at least he’s able to cross. There’s nothing he can do if his wife is… if she…
Nolan finds a sea of cops and NYPD blue as soon as he crosses the threshold into Bellevue, worried and talking over each other as they watch over one of their injured own. None of them are familiar faces and his panic increases tenfold, the sound of his heartbeat in his ears drowning out doctors, officers, and detectives. 
Suddenly, the sea of people parts for her, and Olivia is in his line of sight, giving Nolan’s brain something to focus on other than the never-ending possibilities of what he might be facing here. She looks disheveled, shirt askew and vest still halfway on; her hair out of place, and her expression haunted, but no blood. There’s no blood on her and it's an important distinction for Nolan to make when she seizes his free hand in hers.
“Nolan,” she says, and her voice sounds like static, just like it did on the phone. It isn’t the line but Nolan’s brain filled with noise, like cotton in his ears and mouth and eyes stopping him from receiving the world clearly. “Nolan, are you okay?”
“What happened?” he asks again. Liv hadn’t explained, not really. She only told him that (Y/N) was hurt and they were taking her to Bellevue. You should come too, she’d said, and should had sounded more like need, which did nothing to soothe Nolan’s raising hackles.
Nolan’s breath stutters. He knows what happened, but he can’t comprehend it. The hand holding his briefcase is shaking. He asks once more when Liv only blinks at him, mouth open and no words coming out. “What happened?”
“We were chasing a suspect via foot,” and Nick’s there, too, by Liv’s side, like an apparition Nolan might’ve conjured. His brows are furrowed, jaw tense. “We caught him mid-rape and separated to cover more ground. No one had mentioned a gun during their disclosures, he wasn’t supposed to be armed.”
“(Y/N) caught up to him first,” Liv continues, voice dry, shaking her head. “He– Shots went off but we didn’t know– he must’ve known we were onto him. Got his hands on a gun after the first wave of assaults.”
Nolan bites the inside of his cheek. He tastes blood and thinks of his wife, and stops.  
“She was alone for two minutes tops,” Nolan wonders if Liv thinks she’s being reassuring. “She’d been shot, we called a bus right away.”
“Where?” Nolan asks tightly.
Liv blinks. Nick answers, “What?”
“Where, where in her body was she shot, how–” he struggles for a full breath and only comes out half successful. “How bad is it?”
“Did you– did you not see her?” he wonders, biting. Nolan turns back and forth between his wife’s coworkers, losing his patience. “Were you there, was she– Jesus, Liv, how bad is it?”
“The bullet hit her chest,” Nolan loses all fiery, defensive passion right then and there. His own heart stops for a second, or at least that’s what it feels like when his chest is engulfed by a pressing ache that numbs him all over. 
“They took her straight into surgery,” Nick continues when Nolan doesn’t say anything to that, unable to leave his partner to the wolves. “Liv rode with her in the ambulance but there wasn’t– it’s in their hands now. They’re taking care of her, pal, okay? She’s getting help.”
Where was the help when she was alone chasing after a fucking criminal, where the hell were you, huh he wants to say; wants to shout and curse and point and make a scene, but the words get stuck in his throat and in the next blink he finds himself seated in the waiting room, still surrounded by cops.
God, Nolan thinks, pressing his fingers to his tightly closed lids. When, in their fifteen years of knowing each other, could he have seen this coming? The bright-eyed, furiously righteous kid halfway through law school and the pretty girl who took one of his classes as an elective, only to completely destroy one of his classmates during a debate that made up half their grade.
Nolan had watched, mouth barely open in amazement as quiet, back-of-the-class (Y/N) didn’t flinch while delivering the final blow and bringing her team to victory. She snuck out before he could talk to her– do something stupid like congratulate her with stars in his eyes and an invitation for coffee on his tongue, but it didn’t matter.
It didn’t matter because the next weekend his roommate dragged him to a party and she was there, she was everywhere now that Nolan was unconsciously looking out for her. He ran into her in the hallways from one class to another, in the library, at parties and restaurants. It was like the world was screaming at him here! Here, look this way! Here it is, the rest of your life waiting for you! All you gotta do is look! 
He’d been there for hours already, bored and annoyed out of his mind when he saw her across the room. After nursing the same red cup of warm beer and looking at his watch every couple of minutes, calculating the appropriate time to bail he saw her. She’d been leaning against a wall, her expression changing from concealed humor to disbelief to a laugh that had her hiding behind her hand, entertained by whoever she’d been speaking to.
Who it was, Nolan doesn’t remember. He doesn’t even think about the cliche of it all, how the world faded when their eyes locked across the room and (Y/N) gave him a smile, shy, shrugging and turning back to her conversation. 
The funny pressure on his chest didn’t dissipate when he finally got a chance to exchange words with her. After the final exam, Nolan left the lecture hall and sat heavily on a bench by the door, catching his breath from the adrenaline of a month worth of study finally being over. 
(Y/N) was there, too, smiling sheepishly up at him as she crouched against the wall, elbows on her knees. Her expression brims with shy recognition as she nods. “How’d you do?”
She was talking about the exam. Nolan’s embarrassed to this day by the time it took for him to catch up. His cheeks were flushed when he answered. “I’m, uh, not flushing out yet, I hope.”
“You don’t sound too sure.”
“Ask me after I’ve slept some 12 hours,” he sighed, messing nervously with his hair. “Things usually seem less dire by then.”
“Would some coffee do the trick?” and Nolan didn’t know it then, but (Y/N) was nervous, bravery swelling inside her chest as she asked him for the first day of the rest of their lives. In the end, she’d been the one to catch up to all the signs, all the serendipitous opportunities to finally end up where they were supposed to. 
“Coffee can work,” Nolan, young and eager, said slowly. He couldn’t stop grinning, high with lack of sleep and the attention of a pretty girl. “You’re buying?”
“It’s only fair,” she shrugged, but there was something giddy about her expression that he still sees in her face to this day sometimes, bright and young. “You look like you’re about to drop dead.”
“And I still seem like worthy company?”
“I think we can pull a few good hours out of you yet,” a few hours, a few years; Nolan will be as sleepless as he was then on his wedding day out of pure excitement. They’ll have spent the night before the ceremony talking on the phone while they slept in separate rooms because their friends are sentimental little fucks like that and wouldn’t let him even kiss her goodbye before the big day. 
He’d described the few hours apart as agony in his vows, had made the crowd laugh and (Y/N) cry with the sentiment, and he wishes he hadn’t now. He shouldn’t have said a damned thing, shouldn’t have manifested any sort of agony into their lives because now the illusion cuts off sharply, and then he’s back in the waiting room, a nurse calling (Y/N)’s name while he plays with his wedding ring and bites the inside of his cheek, staring blankly into the hallway. 
Liv’s still there for some reason, as are some other officers and Amaro, while the others hunt down the man who landed their friend in the hospital. Munch had snapped at the Captain when he told him he couldn’t stay. Fin had to lead Amanda out of the hospital by the shoulders, too stricken to do it herself. 
Liv and Amaro stand when they hear the nurse but it takes Nolan a few moments to gather himself back together enough to pay attention. She tells them, gently, “She’s out of surgery. She lost a lot of blood, but only some of the bullet’s fragments hit her heart. It was touch and go but the doctor was able to extract all of them.”
Nolan’s lungs open up and he gets the first full breath washing over his body since Liv called. He must make a sound, because the attention in the room shifts to him, suffocating and inquisitive. His vision blurs for a second, not because of tears but adrenaline, his heartbeat pumping in his ears.
“She’s extremely lucky,” she continues, and she’s looking right at Nolan when she says this, like it's supposed to help. Like that’s what luck means, almost-but-not-quite bleeding out while your heart is stitched up back together. “Most people with injuries like this don’t even make it past the ambulance.”
Nolan closes his eyes in anguish. He presses his closed fists against his forehead, elbows on his knees, back hunched. It’s almost like he’s trying to disappear into himself, away from the image of an ambulance opening its doors when arriving at the hospital only to be met with his flatlining wife, the sound echoing through his brain and overriding every other of his senses.  
“There’s still a long way to go,” she continues, softer, realizing she’s hit a nerve. She turns to Liv and Nick, who are paying rapt attention even as Nick walks close to him to put a hand on Nolan’s shoulder, tight and steady. “She won’t wake up anytime soon. Her body needs rest and to recuperate from the most acute of her injuries. And the doctor would like to talk about next steps once she does.”
Next steps, Nolan thinks. Next steps, the only next steps he’s aware of are those that lead to his wife, the nurse walking him to her room. Olivia and Amaro trail behind him like a couple of guard dogs, standing alert for any sign of Nolan backing out or collapsing into his grief.
He just might. He feels queasy, nauseous with exhaustion and worry. But then he sees his wife, and, really, nothing else matters. 
“Sweetheart,” he says, devastated, walking to her bed across the hospital room. “Oh, honey.”
Despite his eagerness to touch her, Nolan flails when (Y/N)’s finally within arms reach. She looks asleep for one blissful, hopeful moment, but then Nolan blinks and the light settles; the ashiness of her skin, the uncomfortable placing of her body, the blank expression devoid of dreams or nightmares or consciousness. 
He’d usually be embarrassed to have a witness to such a personal display of affection, but not even Liv and Nick standing tall at the door can stop Nolan from eventually cupping (Y/N)’s face in his hands and kissing the apple of her cheek, lingering and gentle. He’s afraid of touching the rest of her, of jostling her too badly, but the steady noise of the heart rate monitor is a constant, loud reminder that (Y/N) won’t fall apart that easily.
Liv and Nick linger behind him, talking quietly amongst themselves in sharp whispers. It might or might not be an argument, and in Nolan’s mind it feels like both an eternity and a couple of seconds. He would kick them out if he could gather the energy to care about it. Eventually, Benson takes a few apprehensive steps into the room, seemingly having lost whatever fight she and her partner were having. 
“We’re on our way out,” she murmurs. “There’s a lead on our guy, the Captain’s calling us all back to the precinct. But if there’s anything…”
She trails off. Nolan doesn’t answer, studies instead the bridge of (Y/N)’s nose and the shape of her eyebrows, tries to count her eyelashes and catalog the bruises on her face. Liv sighs defeatedly and reaches for him.  
“Whatever you need,” Liv says firmly with a hand on his arm. Still, her steady presence is undermined by the way she keeps looking at (Y/N) like she’s already attending a funeral. Nolan suddenly can’t stand her, even if she rode the ambulance with (Y/N) to the hospital and kept her semi-conscious until the doctors took her off her hands. “We’re here for you, alright? All of us, Nolan. I’m serious.”
“Thanks,” he says, voice rough and cracked from swallowing down his panic and tears. He clears his throat but it does little to clear up his words. “Thank you, Liv. For everything.”
Her lips tighten in an unpleased line, but she nods and leaves the room with one last squeeze to his shoulder. He’s being ungrateful, the fact doesn’t escape him. Liv’s the one who found her, who held her hand in the ambulance before they drove her off to surgery. Nolan owes Benson his life.
The thought alone makes him so nauseous he has to clench his eyes shut, jaw tight, entire body trembling. God, what would he have done? What will he do, if something happens to (Y/N)? She isn’t out of the woods yet and if something goes wrong, if her body decides to cave in, if the wound gets infected, if there’s something they didn’t catch, if, if, if, if–
He lifts his head and catches his wife’s face, lax and motionless. Once again, the panic settles. He hasn’t gotten the chance to let it unfold the way it needs to. 
“I finally got you on your own,” Nolan says, soft, careful not to disturb the semblance of peace in the room. (Y/N) doesn’t answer, no matter how badly Nolan wants her to. “You’re very popular. A tough one to find these days, you know.”
She wasn’t even supposed to be in today. Cragen had called mere hours after they’d gone to bed– at the same time for the first time in weeks– and Nolan had done his best to stay up after the phone rang and (Y/N) began quickly getting ready. She’d kneeled next to his side of the bed and Nolan had leaned in to kiss her without thought, an automatic notion he wishes he’d paid more attention to now. 
I’ll call you when I can, she nudged her nose against his temple before pressing a kiss there. Nolan had already been half asleep at that point. Love you.
Love you back, Nolan mumbled, jutting his chin forward blindly. One more. 
He continues as if (Y/N) had spoken. “You’ve got half of the NYPD out there waiting on you. The nurses are rioting, but I don’t think anyone’ll leave until you wake up.”
Nolan’s voice loses the battle, it breaks right at the end of his sentence and so does his composure, eyes burning with tears that for some goddamned reason just won’t fall.
“Please,” he begs to the sky, to God, to no one. “Please, please, please. Wake up.”
He presses his forehead to his wife’s limp hand maybe a little too harshly. Even if the skin is cold and her grip is nonexistent, the relief the touch brings Nolan has him sobbing.
An hour ago she was in surgery, out of reach and sight even if she was already getting help.
Three hours ago she was bleeding out in some alleyway in Queens, struggling for her radio to call for help. Seven hours ago she was kissing him goodbye, smiling against his mouth despite the dark nature of the sudden case because Nolan kept pulling her in for one more kiss.
One more, one more, one more, his pleads begs now. Wake up and give me one more, sweetheart, come on now.
“Please, honey,” he whispers, wet and nasal with emotion. “I’m not ready for this. I’m not ready yet, I didn’t– I don’t–”
The words don’t come. Nolan chokes, holds (Y/N)’s hand in his own, and breathes, breathes, and breathes. 
Life moves on. 
Nolan doesn’t cry. God knows why, but he can’t, his body on automatic while his mind solely focuses on (Y/N)’s condition. The nurses know him by name and he makes record time to the apartment and back to the hospital for showers and quick naps, some food for the little appetite he has. 
He doesn’t even think to be offended when his boss places him on indefinite leave. Nolan can’t bring himself to care, he would’ve stacked up every sick day and vacation time available to stay at (Y/N)’s side as much as he could anyway. 
The squad offers to stand guard almost daily, which Nolan appreciates, but his object permanence has gone to shit. Whenever he doesn’t have eyes on (Y/N) his panic rises again like a tidal wave, never quite crashing but dwindling whenever he sits next to her at the hospital, hand on her ankle or arm or somewhere he can easily look for her pulse, weak but steady. 
It’s desperate, he knows, and more than a little pathetic, but Nolan feels like he’s allowed. Until (Y/N) wakes up to tell him he’s been worrying over nothing he will do as he pleases.
He talks to her. It’s another coping method that borders on delusion but no one has called him out of it yet. Not even Liv and Amaro, who have caught him more than once speaking quietly into the lull of the hospital room, holding his wife’s hand and drawing soothing motions with his thumb against her skin.
Mom drove into the steps again. The ones in the driveway? They were already loose from last time and now she has Dad driving through every Home Depot in North Carolina to find the right match. 
Jill sends her best. Last time I saw her she was talking my ear off about her kid’s college fund. Apparently her husband lost half of it during Tuesday night with the boys, whatever that means.
Munch says he owes you 20 bucks from the Giants game from two weeks ago? Which is weird, because you haven’t watched a full game since, like, ‘02. Not like you’re missing anything, but still, your accuracy to outsmart Munch in his own line of work is pretty outstanding. 
It helps. Or it helps enough; whenever he ventures over what they’ll do once she’s awake and at home together the illusion breaks and so does Nolan’s voice. He trails off, feeling foolish, the weight of his delusion pressing on his chest.    
“It’s not silly,” Munch tells him during one of his visits, the book he’s been reading to (Y/N) resting on his lap. “It’s helpful and it doesn’t hurt anyone. You’re talking to your wife. If I’d done more of that back in my day then maybe I’d still be married.”
“To which one?” Nolan asks, his lips tingling with the want to almost smile.
Munch points at him as if saying yahtzee. “Exactly.”
He’s so sure it calms Nolan more than you’d expect. So far Munch is the only other person who talks about (Y/N) like she’s still alive and thus, the only one who doesn’t make inexplicable helpless rage wash over Nolan whenever they’re in the same room. 
He’s the one with him when (Y/N) wakes. She does so in a panic, waking Nolan up from his uncomfortable sleep in the chair next to her bed. It’s a sudden flail after another as her heart rate monitor goes crazy and she doesn’t answer any call of her name, terrified and in pain.
It’s awful. Nolan doesn’t think he’ll ever forget how she almost tears at her stitches mid her panic while doctors and nurses gather around her and kick Nolan out with quick accuracy. There’s nothing he can do to help and he knows it, but he’s never supposed to be in a position in which he can’t help her.
He’s doomed to watch from a glass window, helpless, as his wife suffers without anyone to reach out to.  
She woke up but had to be sedated, a nurse tells him after, it’s normal for patients to be unaware of their surroundings after waking up from long periods of unconsciousness. We still haven’t been able to determine neurological damage, so we’ll have to wait until it wears off. 
“Kid, kid, hey,” Munch says, oddly alarmed after coming back from the cafeteria with two coffees and finding Nolan sitting outside (Y/N)’s room, crying into his knees. “What’s wrong, what happened? I was gone for fifteen minutes–”
Nolan tries to explain but the words get caught up in his throat, his grief taking over his sense of logic. She woke up, he meant to say. She woke up and she didn’t know where she was and I stood by like an idiot to watch her suffer. 
After he’s talked down from a panic attack he says, voice a mere croak. “She woke up. They don’t know– but she woke up.”
Munch sighs, visibly relieved as he squats next to Nolan, squeezing his shoulder in support. “Good. That’s good, hey– Nolan. That’s good, okay? That’s one step closer to getting her back. This is good.”
He repeats those words to himself like a mantra. This is good, this is good, this is good, and doesn’t dare to close his eyes for something other than blinking until (Y/N)’s conscious. It’s hours later, deep into the night when she opens her eyes again, groggy and disoriented, blinking into the dark hospital room. 
“Honey,” he says, quiet and so, so relieved. (Y/N) doesn’t appear to hear him and a flash of fear seizes his heart. He presses the button and calls for a nurse, edging closer to the bed. “(Y/N/N). Hey, honey, you with me?”
Arduously slowly, (Y/N) follows the sound of his voice. She blinks at him, gulping and saying, dry as the Sahara. “Nole.”
It’s the most glorious thing he’s ever heard. The smile that pulls at his mouth is unconscious, ripped from him almost against his will. He goes to touch her face, hands shaky and reverent. “Yeah. Yeah, sweetheart, it’s me.”
He offers her a drink and grips her hand all through the nurse’s examination, which she passes with flying colors. While she’s tinkering with her IV, (Y/N) asks him, “Bellevue?”
“Yeah,” he says grimly, thumb rubbing soothing motions against her skin, trying to infuse some warmth. 
“Shot?” she wonders next.
Nolan hesitates. “You don’t remember?”
“Guessin’,” she slurs, tired, blinks getting longer each time she closes her eyes. 
The nurse pipes up then with the same explanations she’s given Nolan the past few weeks: the bullet to her heart, the long-lasting surgery, and the even longer coma. (Y/N) nods in all the right places but her head rests against the pillow and her expression remains blank, like she’s not retaining any information.
“Anyone… else?” she asks.
“No,” Nolan responds, watching how tension falls off her frame when he confirms this fact. He wishes he felt the same, a selfish part of him wishes it had been someone else; Liv or Amaro or Fin here in this hospital bed instead of his wife. It’s true, even if the thought is followed by guilt. “No, everyone’s fine, honey. Working their asses off and worried out of their minds, but okay. It’s just you.”
(Y/N) hums and then promptly falls back asleep, breaths settling into an even rhythm. It’s then that his eyes water and his tears fall on the scratchy hospital sheets where (Y/N) lays.  Oh, Nolan thinks, almost surprised by them. So this is what it takes.  
Nolan bows his head and lets himself cry in silence. His breath keeps hitching, and the nauseating feeling of panic he’s been nursing for weeks finally explodes. He can’t feel his hands and feet, body numb all over. 
The next time he looks up, hours later, is because (Y/N)’s reaching to touch his face, tender and shaky. He snaps to attention like a soldier called to his battalion, but there’s no trouble chasing after them, no bad thing happening for once. They’re okay, alone and safe in her hospital room while nurses and doctors and visitors keep passing by just outside the door.
“You haven’t slept,” (Y/N) croaks out as she drops her hand from where she’d been gently pressing at the bags under Nolan’s eyes, tired from that simple movement. Her chest rises and falls with breaths that are a little too labored, but her eyes are fixed on her husband, worried. “Nole.”
It almost makes him smile: (Y/N) worrying about other people while she lies with a hole in her heart on a hospital bed. Nolan would laugh if he were sure it wouldn’t immediately turn into crying again, but there’s nothing funny about this. Nothing.
“‘m alright,” he promises, weak and croaky and wet from previous cries. (Y/N) looks a little too out of it, but also like she doesn’t believe him for a moment. He amends: “I will be. And so will you. You’re gonna be okay, honey.”
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happy new year!!! i wanted to start the year giving you a little something after being so absent the last couple of months and i've had this piece in my drafts for ages! it was originally waaay longer but i thought i'd end it on a happy note and maybe make a part two if anyone's interested?
anyway! i hope you guys enjoy what has become one of my favorite pairings to write and i hope you had a good time last night and a great 2024! thank you for reading!
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x-bluefire-heart-x · 5 months
Forever and Always
So first I owe an apology to @autumntheblogger who requested a sequel to Our Family. It has taken me a while to write this and be happy with it. But it is finally here and I really hope it was worth the wait.
I recommend reading Our Family first, which is linked below but you don't have to.
Warnings: None. Just good old fluff.
Prompt List
Our Family
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You smiled softly as Rafael whined low in his throat as you slowly moved out from under his arm that was wrapped tightly around your waist. You wiggled out of bed looking back at him as you sat up, his forehead was wrinkled as he reached out to you in his sleep. You huffed out a laugh putting your pillow in his reach before leaning over and pressing a kiss to the furrow in his eyebrows. It was a similar event every time you got up before him, it was rather adorable, although a little bit amusing at the same time.
You swapped your shirt for the one of his that was sitting at the end of the bed as always before you padded down the hallway, checking in on Noah before continuing to the kitchen. Rafael had had a long night, a difficulty in a case causing him to stay later than he normally did these days, so you wanted to cook him a nice breakfast before he had to head into the office.
You were half way through cooking waffles and some egg and bacon when you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist and lips on the back on your neck before Rafael buried his head in the crook of your neck.
“You could have slept a little longer babe,” you whispered.
“Hmm, I could have, but you weren’t there,” Rafael whispered pressing kisses up and down your neck. “There is no point sleeping in if you aren’t with you.”
“Sook,” you teased.
“You are so mean to me, Carino,” Rafael whined, you could feel him pouting. “Don’t make me tell Liv on you.”
“Ooh, bringing out the big guns huh?” you asked lightly running your fingers along his forearm. “You know she would be on my side right?”
“Fine, I’ll tell Finn,”
“Also on my side,” you turned your head enough to kiss him on the temple before you pulled out of his arms to plate up the rest of the food. “Could you get our son?”
“I can go get our son,” Rafael grinned sneaking in one last kiss before going to get Noah. It didn’t matter how much time had passed since you had told him that Noah was his son as much as he was yours, he would always get so happy to refer to Noah as “his” or “our” son. You shook your head a little as you brought the plates to the table, being sure to grab Noah’s sippy cup with his juice and Rafael’s cup of coffee. You could hear him coming back down the hall, humming softly to Noah.
“So, what is the plan today?” he asked, getting Noah settled.
“Hm, gotta drop Noah off at day care, then I have a meeting with a client that’s probably going to take all day,” you sighed, already feeling the headache that this day will induce.
“Wait, is this that guy that keeps changing his mind?” Rafael asked raising an eyebrow.
“Yes, after we agree, he calls and then says he doesn’t want it that way anymore, it is doing my head in,”
“Next time he tries, tell him your boyfriend is a lawyer,” Rafael grinned. “A verbal agreement is a legally binding contract.”
“Mhm, my boss will love it if I subtly imply that I will sue one of our top paying clients,” you roll your eyes.
“Well, the option is there,” he placed a kiss on your forehead as he stood up. “Thanks for breakfast I gotta get into the office.”
“Have a good day!” you were too focused on helping Noah eat to see the look on Rafael’s face. His hand went into the pocket of his pants and stayed there as he headed out the door, looking back once to the scene at the kitchen table before closing the door.
Rafael stood outside the station one hand in his pocket fiddling with the box that he had been carrying around for months, since you had told him that he was Noah’s father. He had been standing there for a lot longer than he ever wanted to admit.
“Counsellor?” Rafael jumped at the sound of Nick’s voice behind him. “Are you going in?”
“Yes, need to speak with Liv about the new case you lot have dumped on me,” Rafael cleared his throat attempting to cover up how nervous he was.
“We haven’t given you a new case,” Nick raised his eyebrow as he followed Rafael inside. “And you’re jumpier than normal, it’s too early for you to have had enough caffeine to make you like this considering your tolerance.”
“I hate detectives,” Rafael muttered.
“You’re nervous,” it was not a question as Nick’s eyes traced the movement of Rafael’s in his pocket. “Congrats.”
“Not a word…I haven’t even told Liv yet,” Rafael pointed his finger at Nick. “And I want to ask for Liv’s blessing…and Finns.”
“My lips are sealed,” Nick promised as they entered the bull pin.
“Why is one of my detectives telling you that his lips are sealed?” Liv questioned, her eyes narrowing as she catalogued every movement Rafael made before her eyes zeroed in on his hand still in his pocket. “My office. Finn, join us.” Her tone left no room for argument.  
“Good luck,” Amanda winked as both men followed Olivia into her office. Rafael felt his heart pick up speed, he knew Liv would notice straight away, but he had not considered her tone to be that specific one, it was her Lieutenant voice. And the way Finn walked ahead of him was the same way he walked into the interrogation room.
Olivia closed the door behind the two of them before she walked around her desk, Finn taking his spot right beside her as they both stared Rafael down. It was rare for him to be on the receiving end of those looks, at the same time. He now knew how a suspect felt when Liv and Finn would team up. Rafael felt sweat start to build on his forehead as he took a deep breath.
“I am aware that the both of you already know what I want to ask,”
“Well, you aren’t very subtle Counsellor,” Finn mused. “You’re more wired than I have ever seen you.”
“Have I mentioned lately how I hate detectives?” Rafael asked trying to buy himself some more time. He had originally had it all planned out but he found himself struggling to remember everything he had practiced.
“Quit stalling Rafa,” Liv teased, which helped Rafael relax a little. “I wanna hear what you have to say.”
“I wanted to ask for your blessing to ask y/n to marry me,” Rafael forced out. “I love her with my entire heart and soul. I could not imagine my life without her. Or without Noah, the two of them have changed my life for the better. I mean I have a life now, before I wasn’t really living but y/n and Noah brought light and love to my life. They helped me to live again.”
Olivia’s lips twitched as she struggled to keep her face neutral, she didn’t want to break too early but her eyes gave away everything. They brightened with happiness with every new word that left Rafael’s mouth. She knew the two of them would be a forever thing from the moment they started seeing each other but to hear how much her sister had impacted Rafael’s life was another thing entirely, especially when she already knew how much he had impacted her life as well. Finn on the other hand had no issue with holding strong. He needed to rib the ADA a little.
“Not our permission?” Finn raised an eyebrow. “Isn’t that normally what people ask for? Not blessing?”
“My carino is her own person and I don’t believe she would appreciate if I asked for someone else’s permission to marry her as if she was property,” Rafael pointed out. “But to have the blessing of her sister, who raised her and your blessing Finn, who has been such an important person in her life. That would mean a lot to me, to know that the two of you trust her heart to me.”
“Well,” Liv said her voice a little heavy and if Rafael peered a little closer he could have sworn that he saw some tears forming.
“I got questions,” Finn demanded, still not giving in but his demeanour had softened. Rafael fought so hard to not roll his eyes but Olivia did not.
“Of course you do, one would forget that I was the one who raised her,” Liv muttered.
“Alright, Finn,” Rafael sighed before squaring his shoulders. “What questions?”
“When are you planning to pop the question?”
“This Saturday, it’s the anniversary of when we met,”
“I am trying very hard to restrain myself right now,” Olivia muttered as she stood up and walked around to stand in-front of Rafael, she pulled him into a tight hug which he returned in kind. “I whole heartedly give you my blessing to marry my sister. I know you will continue to make her happy and that you will continue to be an amazing father to Noah.”
Finn kept his arms crossed as he moved to stand in-front of Rafael, his eyes narrowed. He stared Rafael down but Rafael did not waver as he held the detective’s stare. He had never wavered before and he definitely wasn’t about to start now. But the stare down didn’t last long before Finn’s tough shell broke, his lips pulling back into a smile as he threw his arms out wide.
“Well, that’s all I wanted to know,” Finn grinned. “Was just pulling your leg, there was no way I wasn’t giving you my blessing to marry Little Benson, she would have throttled me.”
“Good to know that is the main reason,” Rafael muttered shaking his head.
“I mean of course I think you’re good for her as well,” Finn shrugged. “But she’s a Benson.”
“Little unsure if I should feel complimented or insulted by what that implies,” Olivia narrowed her eyes at Finn before deciding it wasn’t worth it. “I want all the details. Now.”
“Of course you do,” Rafael had resigned himself to this the moment he bought the ring.  
“I was thinking, this Saturday I could take little Noah for an aunty/nephew sleep over, it’s been a while,” Liv stated as the two of you were getting your nails done. It was a little earlier than normal but Liv had insisted on changing your appointments to Friday instead of the Saturday two weeks from now. And Liv had insisted on choosing your nails, and for you to choose hers. You narrowed her eyes at your sister, tilting her head to the side before you looked at the calendar on the wall and saw the date.
“He’s proposing,” you didn’t even ask, you just stated.
“…damnnit,” Liv cursed. “I really thought I could have gotten this past you.”
“You might be the detective but I was raised by you,” you shrugged. “Plus, these nails are like fancy nails. Not to mention you and Amanda taking me shopping yesterday and insisting that I try on really pretty dresses and to get the one that is almost the exact shade of Rafael’s eyes. And tomorrow is the anniversary of when we first met.”
“I now understand why Rafael always says he hates detectives,” Olivia laughed shaking her head. “I didn’t realise you had picked so much up from me.”
“Yeah well,” you just shrugged again. “You were always my hero Liv, of course I wanted to be able to do what you do. Plus you did drill into me to be observant and then Finn even started teaching me recon shit.”
“Part of me wants to offer you a job but the other part of me definitely wants you to stay as far away from police work as possible,”
“As if I would take it anyway,” you rolled your eyes. “No offense but I like my job too much and I get paid really well. Plus I don’t get shot at so.”
“Yeah, yeah alright,” Liv grinned. “So, I get Noah on Saturday, and Sunday until lunch, then his dad gets him while, you and I go out for dinner and you tell me everything.”
“Liv, I don’t think you’re going to want to know everything,” you giggled, your heart fluttering in excitement. You may have been nonchalant when you stated what this was all about but truthfully you were nervous. Even knowing what Rafael had planned you had no idea how he was going to do it.
“You are a terror,” Liv rolled her eyes.
“Little sister’s prerogative,” you shrugged. “But yes, I agree, you can have Noah up until Sunday lunch, which we will all have together, and then you and I will have a dinner in? I doubt I will be up for going out.”
The two amazing women who always did yours and Liv’s nails both giggled at that.
“I remember when my husband proposed to me,” the one doing Liv’s nails sighed. “We didn’t leave our room for days.”
“Liv showed me the dress you will be wearing,” your technician grinned. “These nails will go beautifully with it.”
Liv had chosen a golden base for your nails, that simmered gently, with a pale green swirling pattern overlaying it. The pale green was almost a perfect match for your dress and Rafael’s eyes. You smiled softly holding your left hand up in-front of you, imagining the ring that will be sitting on your ring finger tomorrow night.
“Have you seen the ring?” you asked.
“I have,” Liv nodded. “It’s gorgeous and very you. Rafael did a good job choosing it. And that is all you get from me.”
You pouted a little but knew you would rather have that as a surprise. Since you technically ruined the surprise that he was proposing to you in the first place.  
“Come on! We want to see,” Amanda sang as she held Noah on her hip, with Oliva beside her.
You stood in-front of the mirror in Olivia’s bedroom, brushing down the front of your dress. Amanda had volunteered to help do your make-up when Liv mentioned that you had worked out what was happening tonight, and she had done an amazing job. It was a beautiful subtle look that managed to empathise your cheekbones and bring focus to your eyes. Olivia had curled your hair and pinned the sides up, so nothing obscured your face.
“Alright, alright! I swear you are more excited than I am,” you laughed walking into the lounge room, blushing at the looks on the two women’s faces. “Is it too much? Will he know that I know?”
“You look beautiful,” Liv whispered her eyes tearing up a little.
“I don’t think he will care,” Amanda smiled. “Not when he sees you. What do you think little man?”
Noah cooed clapping his hands and reaching out for you. You allowed him to latch onto one of your fingers as your stepped forward to place a soft kiss against his chubby little cheek.
“I hope you have fun with your aunties tonight,” you smiled.
“Oh, don’t you worry,” Liv wrapped an arm around your waist holding you to her side. “Manda, Noah and I will have lot’s of fun tonight.”
“Though not as much fun as you,” Amanda wiggled her eyebrows. “He’ll be here any minute.”
You giggled, holding in the small squeal that wanted to escape when a knock sounded on the door.
“Make that any second,” Liv squeezed you before going to let the man of the hour in.
“Breathe,” Amanda whispered kissing you on the cheek as Rafael walked into view and you felt your air in your lungs leave you in a rush. He was wearing your favourite suit, which thankfully complimented your dress perfectly.
“Carino,” Rafael breathed. “You take my breathe from me.”
“Well, you two need to get going,” Liv started pushing the two of you towards the door when you failed to say anything in response. You couldn’t, you found for once you had no words. This was the man you were going to spend the rest of your life with and tonight was the start of the next chapter of it.
“Rafael, this place is beautiful,” you whispered as the hostess led you to your table. Which was in a quiet corner, lit candles decorated it, and a bottle of expansive red wine was breathing next to a vase filled with peonies and lilac. Your favourite flowers.
“Tonight is a special night,” Rafael pressed a kiss to your temple as he helped you into your chair.
“The anniversary of our first date?” you asked tilting your head to the side as he poured glasses of wine.
“Exactly,” Rafael grinned, you could see the nerves that he hid behind that smile. You reached across the table and grabbed his hand squeezing it once, as a gentle smile pulled at your lips.
“You always spoil me Rafi,” you pulled your hand away to focus on the menu in-front of you. “You look especially handsome tonight. Amanda had to remind me to breathe.”
“Turn about is fair play,” Rafael teased. “Everyday I must remind myself to breathe, when I wake up with you in my arms, when you smile at me I feel the world stop.”
You felt your heart squeeze as your stomach fluttered before it stopped, contentment settling over your body as Rafael pulled a box out of his pocket.
“I was going to wait until dessert but I found I can’t,” Rafael chuckled, as he slid the box to the middle of the table. “Carino, everyday that we have been together has made my life better, happier and brighter. The day you told me you loved me I knew that I would know no better happiness, until you told me I was Noah’s father. You have given me a home, a family. I know that your love has made me a better man and I promise you that everyday I will be sure to be deserving of your love, of your heart and of our son. You are my heart, my soul and the very breathe in my lungs. I wish to wake with you in my arms every day. Carino, my love, will you marry me?”
Rafael opened the box as you tried to stop the tears that fell down your cheeks. Nestled in blue fabric was the most beautiful ring you had ever seen. It was also far from a traditional engagement ring but it showed that Rafael knew you. For you never wanted a traditional ring. It was a black band twisted around itself, with lines of silver and gold entwined along it. Three gems sat in the band, the middle one held above the others by the twisting of the band, wrapping securely by the gold and silver. It took you a moment to realise what the gems represented, and when you did your heart ached with love. They were your birthstones, Noah’s, Rafael’s and yours.
“Rafi,” you breathed holding out your left hand for Rafael, he lifted the ring from the box holding it just over your ring finger before he slowly slid it down. “Yes, always.”
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daddydoddsjr · 2 years
If the Law and Order people wanted to impress someone on a date, what would they go for?
Pairings || Law and Order SVU characters x GN!Reader
Contents/Warnings || First date fluff, mentions of alcohol, mentions of anxiety sorta
Authors Note || sorry that asks are coming out slowly, i’ve been hyperfixating on a different fandom :’)
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Rafael Barba
Flowers on the first date kinda man
Would take you somewhere expensive
Probably a quiet, fancy restaurant where the two of you could have nice conversations in a calm environment
Refuses to let you pay, not even half
If it’s going well, he’d maybe want to walk around the city afterwards so your conversations can continue
He definitely planned all of this to try to be impressive
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Sonny Carisi
Instead of a restaurant, he’d want to cook for you
His cooking skills are impressive enough
But he also impresses you just by being himself— an attentive listener and a perfect gentleman
Doesn’t mean he’s not freaking out on the inside, though
You can tell
Probably would google how to impress someone on a first date tbh
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Olivia Benson
Hybrid bookstore/coffee shop date
Isn’t really worried about “impressing” you, so she just acts as she normally would
Would want to pay for your coffee though
And unintentionally impresses you by the amount of books she’s read and the conversations she makes
But who wouldn’t be impressed by her in general anyways?
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Amanda Rollins
Paint and sip class !!
She’s confident and isn’t very nervous
The sip part of the class definitely helps calm any nerves that arise
Thinks the paint and sip is fun for a first date
And hopes maybe it’s just a little impressive
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Fin Tutuola
Wouldn’t be great at planning the date himself
Either Olivia helps or you’re the one planning the date
He’s also definitely more nervous than he says he is
Despite this, he impresses you with how funny he is
Also offers to pick you up to go wherever you decide
And pay for anything, or at least split costs if you try to decline his offer
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Joe Velasco
Dinner date at his favourite restaurant
Really, really hopes you like the food as much as he does
Possibly a nightcap afterwards so you’ll have more time to talk and continue the date
He tries a little too hard to impress you by trying to show off his knowledge on any subject you bring up
But you can tell he’s anxious
But the fact that he’s trying so hard is cute
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Elliot Stabler
Central park date
Walking around a bit, sitting and talking on a bench, getting drinks and food from any food carts that are around
Tries to impress you by paying for anything you want and being attentive
He’s a little awkward
And protective despite it being the first date
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claires-audience · 6 months
Guys we really need to start paying more attention to law and order OC as well because its Elliot’s show and it allows us to see his side of the story so there are a few instances where Olivia makes an appearance and he asked her once “what is this” and replied “a friendship”. Another time he asks her about her relationship while he was gone and she replies “ seriously?!”. In OC he takes his chances to ask her around whenever he can but in SVU thats not so much the case because it’s Olivia’s show and we wont know how she feels unless she voices it out.
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adi06lena · 1 year
Y/n: Is stabbing someone immoral?
Amanda: Not if they consent to it
Fin: Depends who you’re stabbing.
*olivia contemplating taking in the these strays*
Carisi: YES?!?
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idontplaytrack · 6 months
Mama Bear
Olivia Benson x teen daughter reader + younger brother Noah (ft. Amanda & Fin)
Warnings: fluff, slight descriptions of vomiting
In which, reader falls sick for the first time in a long time, driving Olivia into full on mama bear mode while having to juggle work and also making sure that Noah was taken care of
Olivia was making breakfast when she heard your usual morning alarm clock go off. However, when you didn’t turn it off like you usually would, she initially thought you just wanted to laze in bed for a little bit. Still ten minutes go by, you didn’t walk out and your alarm went off again. That caused alarms to go off in her head. Olivia turned the stove off and walked up to your room, knocking on the door.
“y/n, time to wake up, honey.” She opens the door after that, surprised to see your curtains closed and the blanket basically covering your head completely.
“No.” You mumbled into your pillow.
You never did this. “Honey, what’s wrong?” Her immediate reaction was honestly to worry, but she didn’t show it. Obviously. But it’s not like you could see her face.
“My head hurts so bad, Mom.” You croaked.
Now, the panic really set in. She hasn’t heard you admit you weren’t feeling well in at least 3 years. It was always an occasional cold or headache that you got, but this time around? You were really beaten down.
“Is sissy okay, mama?” Noah asked, Olivia turned her head to see him standing in your doorway.
“She’ll be okay, she’s just not feeling too good this morning. Give me a minute and I’ll bring you breakfast, okay, honey?”
“Okay.” The boy agreed quickly and left you and Olivia alone again.
“Baby, can you sit up for me please?” She requested, her hand rubbing your back comfortingly, “Is it just your head that hurts?”
“I don’t know.” You managed to tell her, your lower lip quivering, signalling to her that you were about to cry. Something she’s always knew about you- you cry easily when you’re ill. “My ears? I can’t- I can’t really hear that well on one side.”
“Oh, I think you have an ear infection, sweetheart.” Olivia realised, “Just- stay here and give me a minute to get Noah sorted.”
Olivia rushed back outside to give Noah his breakfast of pancakes and scrambled eggs then grabbed her phone to text Lucy to come over and keep an eye on Noah, then she texts Fin to tell him that she won’t be at work that morning, explaining why as well. He didn’t even need an explanation.
The doctor confirms Olivia’s suspicions of an ear infection. A double ear infection, an after effect of a cold which caused there to be fluid buildup in your inner ears and a bit of hearing loss — which thankfully, will resolve once the prescribed antibiotics kick in and run its full course. The doctor also gave you three days off of school in order to recuperate. But let’s face it, even if she didn’t, you would’ve stayed home anyway- even normal talking had you flinching. You couldn’t imagine spending a whole day in school feeling like this. Your head also felt like it was going to explode if people kept talking to you. It even hurt to open your mouth- so eating was the least of your worries currently. Finally, after a noisy drive, you were back home. Once the front door opened, Noah tackled you with a hug. “Hi, bubby.”
“Sorry you’re not feeling good.”
“Thanks, bub.” You ran a hand through his hair.
“y/n, go to your room and I’ll bring you a little something to eat before you take your meds, hm?”
“Okay.” You quietly agreed and walked into your room.
“So, what’d the doctor say?” Asked Lucy.
“Double ear infection, bit of a hearing loss in one ear but it’ll go away once the meds take effect.”
“That’s good. Do you want me to just keep an eye on her too so you can go to work? I know how much you hate missing work.”
Olivia chuckles, “Ah, I think a bit of time off would do me some good. I already told my squad I won’t be going in today.”
Lucy nodded.
“Yeah, so you can go if you want.” Olivia says.
“No, it’s okay. My day’s free. It’ll probably be better if I stay for a little longer, at least. Seeing that you probably need to take care of y/n.”
“Thank you.” Olivia smiled lightly, proceeding to go boil some water in the electric kettle in order to make you some oatmeal. She slathers a couple tablespoons of peanut butter onto the top of the oatmeal before bringing it to you on a tray, along with a cup of water.
The worst symptom was the unpredictable, sudden stabbing pains that you’d get that will literally bring tears to your eyes. “Okay, I need the painkillers.” You told your mother decisively.
“I’ll bring it for you now. But here’s some oatmeal so the meds won’t hurt your stomach, okay?”
“Thanks, Mom.”
Flashing you a smile, she leaves the room to retrieve your medications from the dining table. You fought through the ache and ate a few spoonful of the goop, though you actually really liked it…despite how unpleasant it may look. Your Mom knew exactly what you liked to eat and how you liked it.
“Here, take this for the pain and fever first. Eat a bit more oatmeal then take one of these antibiotics pills, okay?” She took them out for you, then she just sits there with you. You nodded wordlessly and just did as she told you to.
“Take the antibiotic pill with the oatmeal, honey.” She suggested- no, reminded you. “I know it’s hard for you to do it, but please?”
You whined.
“You need to take it, baby.” She cups your cheek, stroking it with her thumb, “Otherwise the pain will just get worse and we don’t want that.”
You held your breath and put the pill in your mouth, swiftly chasing it with a spoonful of oatmeal. You swallowed the whole mouthful before the chalky medicine could dissolve too much.
“That’s my girl.” Olivia smiled of relief, “Okay, you still want the oatmeal?”
“No, thanks.”
“Alright, I’ll take of that. You get some rest.”
When evening comes around, you were still asleep. You fell asleep a good four hours ago and only got woken up when you heard a new voice. Wait- it was one you recognised. Fin’s
“She’s in her room. Asleep.” You heard your Mom tell him.
“It’s okay, I just wanted to drop this off. Got her a little something to cheer her up.”
You groggily sat up in your bed then stood up, dragging yourself on your feet to the bathroom. Randomly shivering, now that you were away from the warmth of your sheets and blanket. You hurriedly washed your face with the cleanser to rid it of the greasy feeling. When you made your way out to the living room, he was still there, playing with Noah.
“Oh, you’re up.” Olivia realises.
“Yup.” You forced a smile.
“Hey.” Fin greeted you.
“Hi Fin. Thanks for the uh…thing you got me.” You said.
“No problem. It’s just a little something.” He shrugs.
“Mom, where- where’s my water bottle? I can’t find it. I thought I had it in my room.”
“Ah, I just washed and refilled it for you. It’s in the fridge.” Olivia recalls. While you drank some of that cold water to hydrate, Fin was chatting with your Mom- Telling her she didn’t have to worry about work. But you all knew her and knew that as much as she was a loving mother, she also loved her job and would be working all day if life allowed her to.
“Just go back to work tomorrow.” You pretty sure you slurred.
The adults glanced at you, slightly amused. “You heard her.” Fin says.
“Are you sure?” Oliva asks.
“I’ll just be clingy tonight, then I’m pretty sure I’ll feel a bit better tomorrow- better enough to not be clingy.” You shrugged, sitting at the table, gripping onto your cold, olive coloured Nalgene with both hands. Noah laughs. You did too.
Your gaze falls on the box of chocolate on the table in front of you. Your fingers reached out to peel off the clear plastic wrap. “Ooh, can I have one? Please, sissy?”
“Sure, Noah.” You cleared your throat, chuckling. “Here, pick one.”
“Yay!” He cheered, jumping off the couch and running over to you to take a look at the selection.
“Fin, you really shouldn’t have.” Olivia says.
“Can’t stop me. Or Carisi and Rollins who are on their way with dinner.” He shrugs.
“Oh, my God.” Liv inhales. “You can’t be serious.”
“Do I look like I wanna mess with you right now?” He squinted, “Look, I got one grandkid, the squad’s kids are like my own, too. Just let me spoil ‘em once in awhile.”
“Once in awhile? You get her a box of chocolates and some chips every month.”
Fin laughs, “We all need a little treat.”
As if on cue, there was a string of knocks on the door, making you jump and seethe in pain. Noah looks at you worriedly for a moment. “I’m okay, bubs. Just my ears being a little sore.”
He nodded, quickly more interested in the box of chocolates once again. Liv got up to answer the door, giving you a squeeze on the shoulder when she walked by you.
“Sorry, I should’ve given them the heads up to not knock.” Fin said.
“It’s- it’s fine, don’t worry about it.”
Unexpectedly, your stomach felt heavy after dinner. Like it just did not feel right. But, everyone else seemed right as rain. You deduced that it must’ve been a side effect of the antibiotics. By then, Fin and Carisi had left, Noah was sitting with Olivia and Amanda when you got up from your seat on the couch, leaving Amanda alone chatting with your Mom. You quietly retreated to your bedroom, and sat on your bed, wishing for the sickening feeling to pass.
You hear the creaking of your door, causing you to look up. Amanda leans on the doorframe asking if you were okay. “Uh, not really?”
“Do you need me to get your mom?”
“I don’t- think so. Just the antibiotics making me feel a little, ugh.” You took in a sharp breath, then a sip of water- slowly. “Oh, God.” You jerked, scrambling to your bathroom. A very worried Amanda trails after you. The little bit of food you had for dinner spills out from your mouth, leaving an extremely uncomfortable burning sensation in your throat. You felt a hand on your back, and the blonde’s voice assuring you at you were okay. Seconds later, another voice- your Mom’s.
“She’s alright. The antibiotics upset her stomach.” Amanda says. “You ready to get back into bed?”
You nodded, “I want to- uh, rinse my mouth.”
“Okay, easy, easy. You got it.” Amanda held onto you while you hear your Mom fluffing your pillows then she leaves, and returns. You hear the sound of a plastic trash can hit your floor.
Amanda helps you back into bed, your Mom pulls the blanket up to cover you properly. “Thanks.” You smiled, now feeling a tad embarrassed about what’d just happened.
“Don’t mention it,” The blonde smiled, “Feel better soon, hun. I’m gonna get goin’, Liv. I’ll see you back at work soon,”
“Alright. Good night, Amanda.”
You watched her leave, then your gaze pans over to your Mom. “Don’t worry about me. I’m fine- go back to work tomorrow.”
“Okay, okay.” Olivia agrees, “I’m gonna leave your door open, so if anything- I can probably hear you better, alright?”
“Alright.” You shrugged.
She presses a kiss to the crown of your head,“Good night, sweet girl.”
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nophunleague · 3 months
stare decisis: chapter three - ira
ira: latin for annoyance
wc: 951
rafael barba x original female character
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“I told you this wasn’t going to end well,” Quinn boasts in a sing-songy tone as Barba enters the shared reception between their offices. She’s sitting in a chair across from Carmen’s desk; almost like she was waiting for him to come into work today. She sips her coffee smugly, smirking as he stops in his tracks. 
“Morning Miss Brady. Smug are we today?” he sighs and opens the door to his office, she follows him in.
“Only proportionally to what is warranted.”
“You seemed to be worried about rights violations while we were acting in our official capacities; Amaro was arrested off duty so I’m not sure this act is proportionally warranted,” he says as he sets his briefcase down on his desk. She stalls for only a split second then speaks again.
“It wouldn’t have gone that far if they would have stopped pursuing the case when you told them to,” he rolls his eyes.
“You haven’t been here long enough to make that call. Amaro always ends up in trouble; one way or another,” she already knows that Amaro is not Barba’s favorite person so she largely brushes the comment off. 
“I heard IAB already pulled him in and started an investigation. As reckless and stupid as what he did was, I would hate to see a good cop ruin his career over a creep like Simon Wilkes,” she stares into her coffee mug, her reflection shown in the dark liquid. 
“Tucker has never been his biggest fan so I think he’ll at least take a hit on his jacket for this,” Barba admits as he pulls case files from the briefcase on his desk, eager to get to work. 
“Well that sucks. I’ve got first appearances today so I’ll see you later,” she says to him before slipping off to court for the foreseeable future. 
Finally leaving the courtroom after hours and hours of first appearances, Quinn makes her way back to her office when she’s stopped by her name being called out behind her.
“Miss Brady! Miss Brady,” she turns around to see a tall and slender man with short but graying hair. Cop, she thinks to herself. 
“That’s me. And you are?” she asks, he pulls out his credentials and flashes his shield. She recognizes the name from her conversation with Barba this morning. 
“Ed Tucker, Internal Affairs Bureau. I’m here about-” she cuts him off.
“Nick Amaro,” he nods but says nothing else.
“Are you going to ask me a question or just stand there and look stupid?” he almost takes a step back at her tone, she stares him down. 
“My office is under the impression that you staunchly opposed the SVU squad’s continued investigation into the Wilkes case. Is that true?” he pulls out a pen and notepad as he asks; she thinks for a moment. 
“I opposed my colleagues in the Special Victims Unit acting in their official capacities to investigate an obviously disturbed individual.”
“In their official capacities?” he asks, trying to copy down every word she says.
“Yes, but what they do on their own time is not my business,” she explains, adjusting the strap of her tote bag on her shoulder. 
“So you have no opinion on what Detective Amaro did to Mr. Wilkes?” she can sense he’s getting annoyed with her answers.
“I do not,” a small smirk twitches at her lips. “If that’s all Mr. Tucker, I haven’t eaten lunch yet and it’s oh, well, three o’clock. Have a great day,” she glances at her watch and begins to walk away. 
“They fought awful hard to not lead me to you. There’s something more, I’m sure of it,” he calls out from behind her; she keeps walking. 
Olivia is in Barba’s office when Quinn returns from first appearances and her first run in with Tucker. She’s only really returned to the office to grab her wallet before she slips out for a late lunch. 
In Barba’s office she can faintly overhear a charged conversation. “Rafa, if Nick is going to have a chance at getting back on the squad, she’s got to stay away from Tucker,” she hears Olivia plead to Rafael. 
“She’s never met him, so I don’t know how you expect her to stay away from him,” she hears him respond. Grabbing her wallet from her desk drawer she decides to peak into his office as she steps out. 
“I’d really hate to butt into a conversation that doesn’t involve me; but oh wait, this one does,” she speaks and she pushes his office door open, their eyes widening as they realize she’s back. Barba springs to his feet, Olivia merely turns around to face her. 
“Sergeant Benson was merely expressing her frustration with the IAB investigation into Detective Amaro,” he explains. 
“No need to cover it up, I heard. It just so happens that Tucker tracked me down on my way back up here. We had a little chat,” she crosses her arms across her chest as she leans against the door frame, her slender arm saved from the cool metal of the frame by the sleeve of her blazer.
“Well I certainly hope you didn’t contribute to ruining a good cop’s career?” Liv stares the attorney down, not letting up on her position that Quinn should not be involved in the investigation. 
“We’ll have to wait and see,” Quinn doesn’t let up either. Even though she knows she didn’t help or hurt Amaro’s case, she knows the squad still doesn’t like her so whatever she says isn’t going to help in building the relationship with them. “I’ve had a long day. Barba I’m stepping out for lunch. Good to see you Sergeant.”
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kayyybenson · 1 year
Sick - Nick Amaro
    I stood closely behind Nick as he interrogated the suspect. He wanted me to stay behind him, just in case he tries to attack us. He was a step up from the shitty partner I had in Atlanta, and I loved it, Amanda always teased me claiming I had a 'crush' on him. But that's just what twins do to each other, we're not identical appearance-wise, but personality-wise we're practically the same.
    "You know we found your DNA on the victim right?" Nick dropped his voice to seem threatening.
    "I didn't rape her. I promise."
    "Then why did we find your semen in her!?" I yelled.
    "I don't know!" I suddenly felt nauseous. I'm assuming I went pale because Nick turned to me, concerned.
    "Y/N?" Nick slowly approached me, but I scooted to a corner to throw up the lunch that cost me $20. "Yikes, you good?"
    "I don't know." I gasped. He led me out of the room. Amanda and Carisi took our place. 
    He handed me the trash can that was next to his desk. "Maybe you should go home, you are clearly under the weather."
    "No-" I threw up again. "I'm fine."
    "Girl, if you don't go home I am personally going to sedate you and drop you off in the middle of nowhere." Fin cut in.
    "Jesus Fin," I mumbled, head still in the trashcan.
    "Take the rest of the day off Rollins," Liv gave me a concerned look.
    "Which one?" She did not like that joke, I groaned and grabbed the keys to Amanda's car, we carpooled today, something we usually don't do. "Tell Mandy I'm taking the car."
    "You are not driving when you can't keep your food in your stomach." Nick protested grabbing the keys from me.
    "Wha-hey!" I yelled trying to get them back, I guess I moved too fast because I retreated back to my chair and threw up once again.
    "Amanda will be taking you home," Liv said. "You both can go, just stop puking in my squad room." I let out a long groan and let Amanda drag me by the arm. Once we got to our apartments she opened my door and led me to the couch. 
    "I told you the eggs were bad." she chuckled, I groaned and threw a pillow at her. Our apartments were conjointed so she unlocked the middle door and Franny ran in jumping onto me. 
    "Hey, girl! Oh, I missed you! Hi, baby." I hugged her and rubbed her fur. Eventually, I went to the kitchen and grabbed a Gatorade from the fridge, hoping to get rid of the nausea. When I just felt sicker I stared at the open fridge "Screw it." I grabbed a bottle of wine, not even bothering to pour it into a cup before drinking some, and falling to the couch.
    "Hey Y/N." 
    "Hey, Mandy." She dropped a bag onto my counter. "What's that?"
    "I went shopping, Nick is coming in with some bags too. He wanted to check on you." She smirked at me before leaving for her apartment, Franny following close behind. Nick walked in soon after, carrying two more bags.
    "You know you shouldn't drink wine when you're sick." I flipped him off and he smiled. "Amanda said you liked (Flavor) ice cream and (Favorite Candy), so we got some of that. And this. He pulled out a huge stuffed animal.
    "What is that?" 
    "A get well soon teddy bear." I covered my mouth and chuckled. "What?"
    "Nicky, it's just food poisoning." He pushed the stuffed animal towards me anyway.
    "Take it, Amanda said you have a stuffie collection." My face got hot and I avoided eye contact.
    "What-I-I have no idea-" I ran to the bathroom and puked again. 
    "Just food poisoning my ass." He stood behind me, pulling my hair into a ponytail. Once I was done he led me to my bedroom and pushed all my stuffed animals off to the side. I laid down and he tucked me in, setting some water on the nightstand. He went to walk off but I grabbed his hand.
    "No, stay. Please,"
    "Y/N, there are stuffed animals everywhere, there's nowhere for me to go." I kicked them all off my bed and pat the empty space. He gave me a look and laid next to me.
    "You smell expensive," He chuckled and pulled me close to his body, he was warm, and his breathing was calming. "Nick?"
    "Yeah Y/N?"
    "Why do you care so much?"
    "Excuse me?"
    "You heard me."
    "Well, there's a lot of reasons."
    "Go on."
    "After hearing about how shitty your old partner was I guess I wanted to make sure you have a good experience at SVU, but somewhere in there..... I fell in love."
    "With who?" I felt nauseous again and bolted to the bathroom. "Ah, shit!" I yelled when I stubbed my toe. 
    "I fell in love with you. Look at you, you're gorgeous, I'm glad you and Amanda aren't identical, one is enough." I couldn't hold my laugh in and ended up rolling on the bathroom floor.
    "I love you too Nick," I said once I stopped laughing, he leaned in for a kiss but I stopped him. "Nah-uh. Still sick."
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cathrrrine · 9 months
based on this incorrect quote i posted
how the svu characters would react to your “would you still love me if i was a worm?” text
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Sonny Carisi
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Amanda Rollins
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Nick Amaro
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Fin Tutuola
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Rafael Barba
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Olivia Benson
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Elliot Stabler
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Part 2!
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A 5000 word Peter Stone/Reader for anonymous requester.
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It was the small kisses that traced up your shoulder and up the side of your neck, the large hand on your opposite arm that brought you out of your own thoughts; the familiar and comforting smell of expensive cologne and plain soap, the warmth of the bare chested body behind you as you pulled your shoes on over your foot.
“You’ve had that look on your face all night,”
The voice rumbled in your ear, sending goosebumps up your body, but still you continued to finish getting dressed, standing up and staring at the blue eyed man who was now leaning on his arm and looking up at you. “You know why. I’m sick of having to constantly sneak around like teenagers. I feel like you’re ashamed of me-“ You began before you were abruptly cut off. “No. I’m not ashamed of you, and you damn well know that. If we declare our relationship then everything is under scrutiny. Every case, every interaction; it’s something we need to really think about before doing this,” The man stated simply, now sitting at the edge of the bed with the blanket pooling around his waist; “Give it a few more weeks, and we can do it. Okay. Just a few more weeks to get some things in order,”   You could feel the frustration in your chest, “Yeah I know, it’s what you said last night as well. And the week before that, and the week before that. You can kinda see why I’m a bit hesitant to believe you this time around,” A look of defeat suddenly crossed his face and he let out a small sigh, “Yeah I get it,” He placed his face in his hands and looked down. Your jaw cracked a few times before letting out a small sigh, “Peter,” You took a deep breath in and swallowed deeply, your heart pounding in your chest, “I love you, and I’m sorry that I keep bringing this us but I don’t want to be your secret anymore. If you don’t feel the same back that’s absolutely more then fine, we can go back to being colleagues and that’s that; but I can’t keep doing this anymore if you have zero intention of letting this go any further,” You picked up your backpack by his bedroom door. “Are you going straight home?” He asked, looking over at you, his shoulders deflating somewhat. You shook your head, “Liv called me in, a john and stabbed a sex worker so Finn and I are going to head to the crime scene,” A moment of silence fell between you both, “Stay safe,” He stated simply, looking back down at his hands. “Yep,” A small, simple, easy reply. Detatching yourself before he made you detatch from him. You could see it in the way he suddenly withdrew from you. You knew what was happening before he even had to say it. You were pushing the idea of declaring your relationship to his boss and he was shutting it down. You told him you loved him and he once again was shutting down.
As you stepped out of Peter's apartment, a wave of emotions crashed over you. Love, frustration, and a sense of defeat battled within, leaving you feeling sick with anxiety. The cool night air did little to soothe your  thoughts as you made your way to meet Finn and Olivia.
The drive to the crime scene was silent, the tension palpable between you and Finn. He shot you a concerned glance every now and then, but you brushed it off with a forced smile, not wanting to burden him with your personal struggles. He had been your partner since day one, becoming both your mentor and a close friend. The care you had for the older man was like that of a daughter to a father, a person who you could always talk to when you needed them, but tonight you couldn’t bring yourself to truly talk to him. How were you even meant to begin with talking about your relationship issues when you couldn’t even tell him you were in a relationship?
Arriving at the scene, you and Finn began your investigation, focusing on gathering evidence and interviewing witnesses. Despite your best efforts to keep your mind on the case, thoughts of Peter kept creeping back, clouding your judgment.
As the night wore on, you found yourself growing more distant, lost in a whirlwind of emotions. Finn, sensing your distraction, gently nudged you, concern etched on his face.
"Hey, you okay?" he asked softly, his voice pulling you out of your reverie.
You managed a weak smile, nodding. "Yeah, just... got a lot on my mind."
Finn studied you for a moment before nodding understandingly. "Well, you know I'm here if you need to talk, right?"
You nodded gratefully, grateful for his support. "Thanks, Finn. I appreciate it."
Finn nodded before adding, “You know, if it’s about a guy, I can do that too? I worry about you sometimes kid,” You chuckled softly at Finn's comment, grateful for his attempt to lighten the mood. "Thanks, Finn. It means a lot to me."
He gave you a knowing look, his expression softening with understanding. "I may not always understand what's going on in that head of yours, but I know when something's bothering you."
You sighed, feeling the weight of your secret relationship pressing down on you. "It's... complicated, Finn. Really complicated."
Finn nodded, his eyes filled with empathy. "Love usually is. But you don't have to go through it alone, you know. Whatever it is, I'm here for you."
His words touched your heart, and you felt a lump form in your throat. "Thank you, Finn. I mean it."
He reached over and gave your shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "Anytime, kid. Anytime."
The night took an unexpected turn when you and Finn received a call about a suspect spotted in a nearby alley. Rushing to the scene, adrenaline pumped through your veins as you prepared to confront the potential threat.
As you and Finn approached the alley, you saw the silhouette of a man lurking in the shadows. Without hesitation, you called out for him to freeze, but before you could react, he lunged at you with surprising speed and ferocity.
Pain exploded through your body as his fists connected with your face and chest, sending you crashing to the ground. He straddled your waist as you lay on the ground, a sharp, blinding white pain seared throughout your entire body, blooming from your stomach. Through the haze of agony, you heard Finn shouting for backup as one, two, three gunshots echoed through the ally, but you were too focused on trying to breathe through the pain. Suddenly, a loud groan left your throat as the heaviest weight you’ve ever felt sat on top of your wound. You knew it was Finn putting pressure on it but you also knew it was the most painful feeling you’ve ever had. His voice was a steady anchor amidst the chaos, reassuring you that help was on the way and that you would be okay.
As paramedics rushed to your side, you felt a sense of relief wash over you, knowing that you were no longer alone in your pain. Finn stayed by your side throughout the ordeal, offering words of encouragement and support as you were loaded into the ambulance and whisked away to the hospital. <><> Peter Stone sat at his desk, poring over case files with a furrowed brow. The dim light of his office cast long shadows across the room, matching the weight of his thoughts. His mind was consumed with the recent conversation he'd had with you, the woman he loved, yet couldn't fully claim. Was he shocked when you said those three simple words to him? Of course he was. He never really knew what it was like to love a woman and he wasn’t even sure if what he felt towards you was actually love. But when you said it, the way you said it, the way is stomach twisted and turned, the way his heart skipped a beat and almost froze completely. He knew he loved you just as much. The earlier argument was one you had both had so many times over the time you had been together, it was one that he kept promising to rectify but every time he went to do something about it something in the back of his head made him freeze. He was scared. He was scared not just of declaring your relationship, but of loving you. Had be been with women before? Of course he had. Had he been in relationship before?
Yes. But there was nothing like this. No one had ever made him feel safe and calm after a long day the way you did. Nothing made him smile more then when you would knock on his door in the same clothes he had seen you in the precinct wearing earlier, knowing you had come straight there to him after work. The way you would sit on his couch with your feet on his coffee table, the smell of your body wash in his shower; every little thing you did either annoyed him or made him adore you; And he loved you so much.
Just as he was lost in thought, his phone rang, jolting him back to reality. The time said it was just past 11:30pm, he had made his way back to the office just after you left. His brain no longer allowing him the pleasure of sleep he usually got when you had been with him. With a gnawing sense of unease, he picked up the receiver, his heart pounding in his chest.
"Stone," he answered, his voice betraying none of the turmoil within.
"Peter, it's Liv," came Olivia Benson's voice on the other end. "We've had an incident. It's [Y/N]. She's been seriously injured."
The world seemed to tilt on its axis as Peter processed Olivia's words. His mind raced, a thousand scenarios playing out in his head, each one more terrifying than the last.  His brain finally settling on the one that terrified him the most. That you weren’t going to be okay.
"What happened?" he demanded, his voice taut with worry.
"She was attacked while on duty," Olivia explained, her voice steady despite the gravity of the situation. "She's in surgery now, but it's bad, Peter. Shes lost a lot of blood. We're doing everything we can."
Peter's chest tightened with fear, his thoughts immediately turning to you and the danger you faced every day in the line of duty. And as Olivia continued to speak, outlining the extent of your injuries and the uncertainty of your condition, Peter felt a surge of guilt wash over him.
Guilt for keeping your relationship a secret, for not being there to protect you when you needed him most. Guilt for letting his own fears and insecurities stand in the way of declaring his love for you openly.
As he listened to Olivia's words, Peter made a silent vow to himself. If you pulled through this, he would no longer hide his feelings for you. He would shout them from the rooftops if he had to, damn the consequences.
Because in that moment, with the possibility of losing you looming large in his mind, Peter knew one thing for certain: he couldn't bear to live in a world where you weren't by his side. And if it took a brush with death to make him realize it, then so be it.
With a determined nod, Peter thanked Olivia for the update before hanging up the phone. Rising from his desk, he made his way out of the office, his thoughts consumed by one thing and one thing only: you.
<><> Peter’s footsteps echoed through the sterile halls of the hospital as he made his way to the waiting area where Olivia and Finn were already seated, their faces etched with worry. As he approached, their eyes met his, filled with a mixture of concern and anticipation. His stomach was in knots the entire was there, every red light, every corner seemed to add what felt like hours to his drive. His brain swirled in dangerous thoughts. What if you died before he got there? What if he never got to see you again? He felt sick with anticipation on the way there and seeing your colleagues faces and Finn’s severely blood stained shirt only made it worse.
"Peter," Olivia said, rising from her seat to greet him. "Any news?"
Peter shook his head, his voice barely above a whisper. "Not yet. She's still in surgery according to the nurse I asked on the way in."
Finn stood up, his expression grave. "Damn. Any idea how she's doing?"
Peter swallowed hard, the lump in his throat growing larger with each passing moment. "Not yet. The doctors haven't said anything."
Silence hung heavy in the air as they all took their seats, the tension thick between them. Peter could feel the weight of their worry pressing down on him, suffocating him with its intensity.
Minutes stretched into hours as they waited anxiously for any word on your condition. Cheap coffee only seemed to make the bile in his throat rise higher, almost forcing him to vomit while his stomach twist and turned while the clock ticked ominously in the background. His eyes watched Olivia pace briefly as she made calls to your Chief and who he assumed were your family members. Every now and again he felt Finn’s eyes on him, as if he was watching him carefully, curiously. Wondering why the ADA would be so concerned with you being here. Peter could almost sense the moment that Finn finally figured it out. The other man sat back in his chair, placed a hand on his back and said simply, “She’s going to be fine. She’s done more stupid things then this,”. The hospital bustled around them, a flurry of activity and noise that seemed to fade into the background as they focused on the one thing that mattered most: you.
Finally, a doctor emerged from the operating room, his expression somber as he approached them. Peter's heart leaped into his throat, his pulse racing with anticipation; the look on the doctors face made his heart expect the worst. It felt like it was about to beat straight out of his chest.
"Are you here for [Y/N]?" the doctor asked, his voice gentle yet tinged with sadness.
Peter nodded, his voice barely a whisper. "Yes. How is she?"
The doctor sighed, his gaze sympathetic. "She's stable, but it was touch and go for a while there. She suffered multiple injuries, including severe internal bleeding and a punctured lung. We were able to stabilize her, but she's not out of the woods yet."
Relief washed over Peter in a wave as he absorbed the doctor's words. You were alive.  You were going to make it. As the doctor explained the extent of your injuries and the treatment you would require, Peter felt a hand on his shoulder. Turning, he saw Olivia standing beside him, her eyes filled with concern.
"Peter, can I talk to you for a moment?" she asked softly, gesturing for him to follow her.
Nodding, Peter followed Olivia to a quiet corner of the waiting area, away from prying eyes and ears. Once they were alone, Olivia fixed him with a searching gaze.
"Peter, I need to ask you something," she began, her voice serious. "Is there something going on between you and [Y/N]? I’ve been wanting to ask this for a few weeks now, but I couldn’t be sure. But now…"
Peter's heart skipped a beat at her question, his mind racing as he tried to formulate a response. He couldn't lie to Olivia, not about something like this.
"Yes," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "We're... involved." It felt like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. Telling someone felt like a brick from the wall that was stopping your relationship from moving forward had been moved. He almost wanted to laugh, of course you would be right about that.
Olivia's eyes widened in surprise, but she quickly regained her composure. "I had a feeling. The way you two interact, the tension between you..."
Peter nodded, guilt gnawing at his insides. "We've been trying to keep it under wraps, especially with everything going on at work. But tonight... we had a fight. I pushed her away, and now..."
Olivia placed a comforting hand on Peter's arm, her expression sympathetic. "Peter, you can't blame yourself for what happened. You didn't know this was going to happen."
Peter shook his head, his voice choked with emotion. "She was pissed with me when she left tonight, I know she was,”
Olivia squeezed his arm reassuringly. "You'll have plenty of time to make it up to her once she's out of surgery. Right now, we need to focus on supporting her and making sure she pulls through this."
Peter nodded, a sense of determination settling over him. "You're right. I won't let her down again."
<><> “Peter, Peter wake up,” His eyes shot open upon hearing Olivia’s voice. For a brief moment he wasn’t sitting in the most uncomfortable chair he’s ever sat in his entire life trying to get even an hours worth of sleep. The brunette woman gave him a gentle smile, “The doctor said that she’s stable enough that you can go see her now. I thought it would be best if you go sit with her, just make sure you keep us updated okay?” She gave his thigh a squeeze as she stood up to her full height, Peter following soon after. He rubbed a hand over his face, waking himself up a bit more; “Wha-what room is she in?” “ICU 7,” Olivia gave him a somber look, “I’ll bring her some stuff that you can give to her from her apartment,” Peter waited for a moment as Olivia walked past him before calling out her name. Waiting until she turned around he gave her the first small smile he could muster, “Thank you,” “You both deserve happiness. And if I can give you even a small bit of that, I will. I’ll be back in a few hours,” Olivia nodded before turning around and walking back down the corridor. Leaving Peter with  shaking hands, unsure of what he was about to face. ICU 7’s door was plain. There was absolutely nothing significant at all about it. Peter would almost say it was too clean. His hand couldn’t bring himself to open the door, he wanted to. He needed to see her but his was almost scared to see what was on the other side. With a heavy heart, Peter Stone entered the hospital room where you lay unconscious, hooked up to various monitors and IV lines. The tube down your throat with the machine on the right breathing for you gave him a solid reminder that you were just that close to losing your life. Almost 12 hours ago you were under him, your lips pressed to his as your nails scratched down his back, and now you looked just a shell of yourself. You were pale, almost white. It made him almost want to cry, this wasn’t you. There was no sparkle there. It was almost like he was waiting for you to suddenly open your eyes to make a comment about him being over dramatic.  The steady beep of the machines provided a somber backdrop to the scene, punctuating the silence that filled the room. He took in a deep breath, the smell of antiseptic assaulting his nostrils.
Pulling up a chair beside your bed, Peter took a moment to gather his thoughts, his gaze fixed on your still form. You looked so fragile lying there, a stark contrast to the strong and vibrant person he knew you to be.
"Hey," he whispered, reaching out to take your hand in his. "It's me, Peter. I'm here."
He was waiting, almost anticipating a response. But your hand just remained limp and the machine continued to pump air into your lungs. Peter felt a pang of guilt twist in his chest. He should have been there for you, to prevent this from happening. Maybe if you didn’t argue there could have been a chance he could have convinced you to play hooky like he was planning, But instead, he had let his fears and insecurities get in the way, pushing you away when you needed him most.
"I'm so sorry, [Y/N]," he murmured, his voice thick with emotion. "I should have told you how I feel. I should have fought for us, instead of letting my own doubts hold me back."
Taking a deep breath, Peter continued, his words tumbling out in a rush of emotion. "I love you, [Y/N]. I've loved you from the moment I met you, and I've been an idiot for not saying it sooner. You mean everything to me, and I can't bear the thought of losing you."
Tears welled in Peter's eyes as he spoke, his heart laid bare before you in the quiet of the hospital room. He knew you couldn't hear him, couldn't respond to his confession, but he needed to say the words out loud, if only to ease the burden of his guilt.
"I promise, when you wake up, I'll be here," he vowed, his voice barely a whisper. "I'll be here for you, [Y/N], for as long as you'll have me. And I'll do whatever it takes to make things right between us."
With a heavy heart, Peter leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead, his lips lingering against your skin for a moment longer. Then, with a sigh, he settled back into his chair, his hand still clasped tightly in yours. <><>
Days had passed since Peter's confession at your bedside. Each moment felt like an eternity as he waited anxiously for any sign of improvement in your condition. The hospital staff worked tirelessly to stabilize you, but the road to recovery was slow and uncertain. They allowed him to shower there, his laptop constantly by his side as he tried tiredlessly to catch up on the ever-building unanswered emails. It was a nice distraction to the heartbreaking scene in front of him. His phone would ring occasionally from the team at SVU asking for updates- Olivia passing them on to your family who were unable to catch a flight to get to you.
Then, finally, a glimmer of hope emerged as you began to show signs of improvement. The doctor discussed removing the tube from your mouth and throat, explaining that it was a procedure he wouldn’t want to be around to watch. It was an internal battle he was fighting before a friendly nurse, one who had been bringing him late night snacks from the nurses station, placed a hand on his arm and reassured him that you’ll be in good hands and it’s nothing they haven’t done a hundred times before. She was giving him a chance to go freshen up before seeing you. It felt like hours, the drive to his apartment, the shower, the re dressing, getting your favourite food from the takeaway place down the road, before making his way back to the hospital. One part of him wanted to bring you back flowers, but the other part of him heard you mocking him for being over-romantic and reminded him that you didn’t always like romance.
Yet, Peter was there, as he had promised, seated beside your bed with a laptop open in front of him, but his attention was wholly focused on you. When he noticed the subtle change in your demeanor, his heart skipped a beat, and he set aside his work, all his attention now on you.
"Hey there," he said softly, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Welcome back."
Your vision was blurry, your mind still foggy from the effects of the medication, but his voice was a lifeline in the darkness. Slowly, you blinked away the haze, trying to focus on his face.
"Peter?" you murmured, your voice raspy from disuse. You winced slightly, every bone and muscle crying out in pain as you slightly moved.
"Yeah, it's me," he replied, reaching out to take your hand in his. "How are you feeling?" You tried to speak, but the rawness of your throat made you grimace in pain. It felt like you had tonsilitis all over again.
"It's okay," he reassured you, his voice calm and soothing. "You're in the hospital, but you're going to be okay. The doctors had to intubate you to help you breathe, but you're getting better. Do you need anything? I have food, water, what do you need,” You pointed to the water bottle sitting on the table next to him, something which he grabbed and unlidded quickly. It was like you hadn’t drank anything in years, the whole bottle was almost finished before you pulled it away. Peter watched with bated breath as you took small sips of water, relief flooding through him as you finally seemed to find some comfort. He couldn't help but marvel at the resilience you displayed, even in the face of such adversity.
"Better?" he asked softly, his eyes filled with concern as he watched you carefully.
You nodded weakly, your voice barely above a whisper. "Thank you."
Peter smiled, a warm, genuine expression that reached his eyes. "Of course. Anything for you."
As you settled back against the pillows, Peter reached for the container of food he had brought, offering it to you with a gentle hand. "I got your favorite," he said, a hint of uncertainty in his voice. "I hope you're hungry. The doctor said you need to take it easy but I know you’d probably be hungry,”
You managed a small smile, gratitude shining in your eyes as you accepted the offering. "Thank you, Peter. You didn't have to do all this."
He shook his head, his expression earnest. "I wanted to. I wanted to make sure you had everything you needed when you woke up."
The two of you fell into a comfortable silence as you ate, the only sound filling the room the quiet hum of the machines monitoring your vitals. It was a small moment of normalcy in the midst of chaos, a reminder of the bond you shared and the love that bound you together.
As you finished your meal, Peter reached for your hand once more, his touch gentle and reassuring. "I'm so glad you're awake, [Y/N]," he said softly, his voice filled with emotion. "I've missed you."
“I’ve been here,” You pointed out, a small, weak smile crossing your face. Peter paused eating, a shadow crossing his face, “It’s not the same. It wasn’t the same. I’ve had a gun pointed at me and I was less scared then what I was when I got that phone call from Liv,” You looked down, your appetite suddenly gone and the air in the hospital room becoming thick, “I didn’t go out intending to be stabbed,” “We had an argument that night about the same thing we always do. And that was all I could think about. Was that you weren’t going to make it and you thought that I didn’t love you,” You pulled shrugged a shoulder, “And do you?” Peter's heart clenched at your question, the weight of it hanging heavy in the air between you. He took a deep breath, his gaze searching yours as he gathered his thoughts. The idea of him waking up to you every morning, being able to hold your hand in public, to kiss you. The idea of being able to tell you that he loved you every day and every night meant more to him then you would ever fully be able to comprehend.
"Yes," he replied, his voice steady despite the turmoil raging within him. "I love you. More than I can put into words."
You met his gaze, uncertainty flickering in your eyes. "But why didn't you say anything before? Why keep it a secret?"
Peter sighed, his shoulders sagging with the weight of his guilt. "I was scared. Scared of what it would mean for us, for our jobs. Scared of losing you if things didn't work out." You opened your mouth to retaliate but he held up a hand to cut you off.
"But that's no excuse," he continued, his voice tinged with regret. "I should have been brave enough to tell you how I feel, to fight for us instead of letting my fears hold me back. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry that I let my own insecurities get in the way of our happiness"
Tears welled in your eyes as you listened to Peter's confession, his words echoing the doubts and fears that had plagued you both in the weeks leading up to your hospitalization. But beneath the pain and regret, there was a glimmer of hope, a flicker of possibility that maybe, just maybe, you could find a way to move forward together.
Reaching out, you took Peter's hand in yours, the warmth of his touch grounding you in the present moment. "I forgive you, Peter," you said softly, your voice barely above a whisper. "We've both made mistakes, but that doesn't change how I feel about you."
Peter's gaze softened, his heart swelling with love and gratitude. "I don't deserve you."
You shook your head, a small smile gracing your lips. "We’re idiots but we deserve each other, Peter. And whatever happens next, we'll face it together."
In that moment, as you sat together in the quiet of the hospital room, surrounded by the steady beep of the monitors and the hum of the machines, you knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, as long as you had each other, you could weather any storm. And with a renewed sense of hope and determination, you leaned in to press a gentle kiss to Peter's lips, sealing your love and commitment to each other once and for all.
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I’m here for you
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Joe Velasco X Reader 
A/N: I hope everyone enjoys this !! If you like my work please comment like and reblog it means a lot to see interactions on my work. 
Me and Joe had this will they wont they thing going on for a while now. You felt like the vibes were there but it was hard because he was a quiet guy. 
You also were a little reserved so no one had the guts to talk to each other. But slowly by surely the two of you opened up to each other. Talking and texting every chance you got.
It had only been a couple of months and you were head over heels in love.  
Lately thought he had gone through a rough patch and you were trying to be there for him without stepping on toes.
 Olivia our captain was against me even talking to him. Which i personally didn’t understand. 
I Mean I know what he was accused of but i think we all deserve the benefit of the doubt.
 I mean just become someone decided to secretly record an interview we should all turn on him. I feel like he deserved to tell his side of the story. 
I let everyone in the unit how I was feeling about the situation which was causing a lot of heat in the unit. 
“Y/N what did I tell you about staying away” Captain Benson asked. 
“All i did was text him to make sure he was doing that’s all” I said 
“You disobeyed my orders i told you flat out no communication” She said 
“I didn’t ask about the case or anything he’s my friend I ‘m not going to turn my back on him especially when he needs people now” I said in a defensive manner. 
Cap just looked at me and I could tell she was trying to find the right next words to say to me. 
“Listen to me I am saying this because you are a great detective and you have a great career ahead of you and you need to stay focused okay” She told me 
The words she said to me kind of irritated me a little bit but i kept my composer and bit my tongue. I didn’t want to start a fight and cause more tension. 
“I understand cap” was all you could muster out at the moment. 
“Your dismissed the days over just go home and get some rest and think about what I said.” She said. 
“Yes Ma’am thank you” I said 
She put her glasses on and started pulling some papers out of her giant stack she had and started focusing on them. 
Finn and Amanda both looked at me with worried look on their faces. I think when I walked out I looked a little mad and upset. 
“You know she’s right you just gotta focus on you at the moment” Amanda said 
Something in you broke a little and what ever you had been pushing down had worked it way up.
Because you looked over at them sitting in their desk and then spoke out 
“I find that a bit ironic considering your history of dating you and Nick Aamaro and then getting pregnant by Lt Murphy who you were under by the way. Me and Velscao are friends and im finding it pretty messed up that were just supposed to turn our back on a friend” You snapped. 
Finn looked surprised as hell and Amanda was taken back and not sure on what to say next. Which you didn’t even bother giving her the chance.
You quickly gathered your stuff and then headed out. In the background you heard Finn say 
“Just let go and let’s go home” He said 
You walked out the squad room and headed downstairs. You were to worked up to even wait for the elevator. 
You ran down the stairs and then headed out the front door. The fresh air hitting you in the face made you instantly feel a little better. You just headed to the car and threw your stuff in. 
You didn’t even think about going home you just began driving. You tried to clear your head to make you feel a little better. ]
Your stomach started growling and you decided to stop for some dinner. There was a local diner that Joe introduced you to. 
You pulled up and got out and walked in . It was pretty quiet and you were thankful for not having to deal with people. 
You sat in the booth you and Joe always sat in. You were looking at the menu but not really even paying attention. 
You tried to push back frustration tears from everything going on. Suddenly a man wearing a hoodie sat across from you which scared the crap out of you
“Omg what the hell” You asked 
You heard a familiar laugh and then calmed down immediately when you realized who it was. 
“Joe what the hell are you doing here” You asked 
You looked up at him he gave you a sad look. 
“I guess i just wanted to see you”  He said 
“Yeah me to but how did you know I was here” You asked 
“Because I know you I figured you were just getting off of work and was probably hungry so you came here and sat in our booth” Joe said 
You blushed and smiled at him knowing you so well. Or were you that predictable you thought 
“How are you with everything” You asked 
“It’s been hard you know having to turn on Chilli and not also you know” Joe said
“ you know what” You asked 
“Not being able to talk to you. You have no idea how long I have been wanting to talk to you and see you it killed me” Joe said
“It’s not fair that Cap thinks she can just dictate our personal lives you know I missed you to a lot I have been wanting to see you It killed me too not beng able to see you” You told him. 
“I don’t want to bring you down with me” Joe said 
“You wouldn’t do that I’m here for everything the good and the bad” You said grabbing his hand. 
He took your hand and looked up at you and smiled and gave your hand a squeeze. 
“I’m here for you always” you said to him 
“I know and that’s the problem he said
Your face kind of dropped and it was hard not to feel hurt. 
Joe noticed your face and took his other hand and grabbed your free one and squeezed both of them together. 
“It’s not like that i don’t wanna drag you down with me I love you to much” He said 
You gave him a surprised look followed by a smile 
“You love me” You questioned 
He laughed a little bit.
“I’m being serious” you said pouting 
“I know me to I’m trying to tell you I love you. Like more than friends you know and I don’t wanna be the reason your career goes up in flames” He said 
“Listen here Joe Velscao” you said 
“Oh my whole government name it’s serious” Joe said smiling 
“Shut the hell up and listen I love you so much and you are the best part of me and I am a better person and detective because of you know and I know it’s only been a couple of month but when you know you know and I just know” You said rambling towards the end. 
Joe leaped towards you and kissed you hard. You kissed him back and you were both smiling in each other’s faces. 
The kiss broke and he sat down. 
“Listen Y/N i love you so much and like you said when you know you know and I do feel that way about you which is why I wanna protect you” Joe said 
“I’m here i’m a big girl we are going to figure this out together but you gotta tell me the truth that stuff you said in the tapes was it true” You asked 
“Yeah it is but to a point i’m clean I never touched drugs ever but with the dad and son Chilli covered my ass and I owe that to him to help and try and cover his” Joe said 
“I know you feel like that but you also know what ever is going on in the past you gotta close the wound and it should be on your time not anyones else’s okay but you know what the right thing to do is” You said 
“I know I know your right and i know what i gotta do i just don’t the accusations and the rush to judgement” Joe said 
“I get that and I agree that’s not fair to you and you shouldn’t have to prove who you are after all the hard work you been doing. But this is where we are so you need to go and sit down and talk to Oliva and be honest with everything and let the cards fall where they do” You said 
“Yeah you're probably right and I know it’s just hard actually doing it” Joe said 
“I will go in with you tomorrow okay i got you. You won’t go in there alone.” You said 
“Thank you” Joe said squeezing my hand
“Now let’s eat I’m hungry that’s the whole reason why i’m here” You said laughing 
“Yes Ma’am” Joe said 
The waitress came back over and the two of you ordered. Of course she knew what you were getting because it was the same old thing. 
“So uh after this little confession is this considered a date” You asked 
Joe’s face lit up red and he looked up at you and smiled. 
“Nah trust me you deserve a much better place than this for our first official date” He said 
“Oh you don’t know what you just walked yourself into. Because i am going to take you to the most expensive restaurant i can in New York” You said laughing 
“Oh you the person who orders the most basic food ever you wouldn’t even eat the nice food so good luck with that” Joe said laughing 
“Don’t worry about me” You said smirking. 
You both couldn’t contain your laughter of that. Joe really loosened up and relaxed and you both dropped the work conversation after that. T
alking about everything from your favorite shows you would watch together. 
The food came out just a little bit later and you both shoved your faces with food. It was either really good or you were really hungry.
The rest of the night you both laughed and talked. You also couldn’t help but wonder how Liv was going to take you defying her orders but that didn’t matter right now. 
Because there is no one else you would rather be with than Joe. Nothing could keep the two of you apart from each other. 
No matter what happed the two of you would always be there for each other 
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x-bluefire-heart-x · 3 months
You're Drunk
Alrighty this chapter of Dating App pretty much wrote itself! I really enjoyed writing it so I hope you all enjoy reading it. There is a several week timeskip and this is also where the timeline fuckery happens. Pease ignore everything about why Carisi is around so early cause I kinda of forgot that I wanted to rewrite some scenes from the earlier seasons before Carisi is in it, but like...I love Carisi and I have other plans so.....Timey Whimey wibbley wobbley stuff begins.
Also pretty sure this is my longest chapter think it is like 6000 words.
Let me know if there is anything in particular you would like to see in this series. Like an episode of the show with her put in it or just something random. Also let me know if you want to be added to the tag list for this.
Warnings: Drinking, talk of sex, sexual implications, teasing, drunk conversations. I think that is it, if I missed something let me know.
Master List
Prompt List
Chapter List: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10
Tag list: @pear-1206
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“That is the fourth time you have checked your phone in the past two hours,” Lily pouted as she placed drinks on the table, Shannon and Courtney trailing behind her each carrying a cocktail and a shot. The four of you had made plans to go out for drinks the next time your schedules all aligned. Shannon and Courtney desperately wanted all the details on you and Rafael. The last time you able to catch up it hadn’t been the time to discuss such details. You friends were gossips but they thankfully understood that there was a time and place for such conversations, like drinking at a bar.
“I know, I’m sorry,” you quickly shoved your phone back into your pocket. “Rafael had a tough day in court, Liv said the team was taking him out for drinks since we already had these plans.”
“Aw, and you’re worried about him,” Shannon cooed, she was a little further gone than the rest of the group, she was smaller and had a lower tolerance. “When do we get to meet him?”  
“Soon, I promise,” you smiled. “I just-”
“Wanna keep all that deliciousness for yourself?” Courtney asked wiggling her eyebrows.
“Did she tell you two about how he got on his knees to take off her shoes?” Lily grinned. The other two both gasped, nearly shouting no as they turned to you expectantly.
“Lily!” you groaned, giggling a little. You were going to tell them. Just after a few more drinks.
“Take your shot and tell us!” Shannon bounced. “Come on.” You all picked up the mystery shot Lily had brought over, you thought it would be best to never know what was in the things she brought. A little like the cocktails Lily made when you all last got drunk together and you ended up downloading the dating app. You shook your head and knocked back the shot coughing a little when the strong burst of alcohol hit your throat.
“Alright, geeze,” you nodded, sipping your cocktail. The other three leaned in close, even Lily who you had told before, there were benefits to working with your best friend. You kept the details limited, not telling them everything but you painted the scene perfectly. You all finished your drinks and ordered another during the time it took for you to fill in your friends on not only your first time but near about everything that happened since.
“Damn girl!” Shannon sighed, pushing her long red hair over a shoulder. “You lucked out with this man. I don’t think my first time ended in spectacular orgasms.”
“I mean, mine did but that was just because I was with a woman for my first time,” Courtney grinned. “And when I finally slept with a man, I was assertive in what pleased me but still wasn’t great.”
“Yeah, it took maybe my third boyfriend before I started being able to orgasm with a man,” Lily agreed.
“Oh,” you tilted your head biting your lip. “I’m never letting him go then. I mean orgasms are great by myself but with Rafi, they’re something else.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Shannon playfully shoved you. “Keep bragging.”
“As if you three can talk,” you wagged your finger at them. “I had to hear all about your sexual exploits. I’m totally bragging about how he made me orgasms several times before he fucked me.”
The four of you burst into a fit of giggles before you all cheered and took another round of shots and moved onto other topics of conversation throughout the night. It had been a few hours since the night started, more rounds of shots had happened and bowls of fries, pizzas and other table snacks had been consumed to at least attempt to soak up some of the drinks. Your phone buzzed against the table, the screen lighting up with a picture of Rafael that you had taken when he wasn’t looking. His contact’s name visible for the world to see ‘Sexy Lawyer’, you hadn’t changed it since he put his number in it.
“Ooh, it’s mister magical fingers!” Courtney oohed as you picked it up.
“Hush,” you waved for your friends to be silent. “Hey babe.”
“…Chica,” Rafael sounded a little confused before he chuckled a little. “Are you still with your friends?”
“Ask him if he has any single friends that are as good in bed as he is,” Shannon tugged on your arm.
“Shh!” Lily whispered. “You’ll make her turn on her librarian voice. It’s scary.”
“I’ll take that as a yes,” Rafael’s amused voice called your attention again.
“Yep, are you? Ooh!” your attention taken again. “Is Liv there? And Amanda? Do they wanna come and join us girls?”
“No invite for me? I see how it is,” Rafael feigned offense.
“We’re having girl talk and a girl’s night,” you waved your hand around. “I’ll make it up to you.”
“Oh Chica,” Rafael’s soothing voice cooed through the phone at you. “You’re drunk, aren’t you?”
“Duh, we’ve been drinking for…a few hours by now,” you rolled your eyes.
“Wait, the whole team can come!” Lily interrupted. “That way you can meet the rest of his friends, we can meet him and his friends. Win-win.”
“Ooh yes!” Shannon agreed, with Courtney nodding beside her. You could hear Rafael chuckling in the background, it was slightly muffled and you could hear other voices, one that sounded a little like Liv.
“Rafi,” you whined, pouting a little when he didn’t respond straight away. “Rafi…are you coming?” You forgot you hadn’t actually asked if he and the team wanted to join you and your friends but after Lily’s suggestion it sounded perfect and all you wanted was to cuddle with Rafael. Your friends sniggered, taking your words in a much different context to what you had meant them to be.  
“Now I’m invited, am I?” Rafael’s voice finally answered you. “I don’t know, you didn’t seem keen at first.”
“Rafi, don’t tease,” you continued to pout. “Will you please come and join us? Liv and the team as well?”
“Ask nicely, Chica,” Rafael was enjoying this far too much. He didn’t realise that when you were drunk you had very little filter.
“Oh please, please, Rafi,” you lowered your voice only slightly, your tone slipping into the tone you used when begging Rafael to let you cum. “Please come and join me. I miss you. I need you. To be here. With me, with your arms wrapped around me.”
Your three friends stared at you, mouths open and eyes wide in shock. They had never heard you speak with such a tone before or say such things before, especially in public.
“Baby,” Rafael groaned. “You can not speak to me like that when I am near my friends.”
“But you said to ask nicely,” you pointed out. “I’ll keep doing it unless you say you’re all coming.” There was some commotion on his side of the phone before you could hear him speaking in Spanish.
“Hey, it’s Liv,” Liv’s voice replaced the Spanish, her tone definitely amused.
“Liv!” you cheered perking right up at the sound of her voice. In the several weeks since you had meet her, the two of you had met up for coffee and Liv had been over for dinner a few more times when schedules aligned. During this time the two of you had bonded quickly, and you really enjoyed being around the older woman.
“We’re all heading your way, you’re still at the same bar?” Liv assured you. “And thank you for giving me so much more material for teasing Rafa with.”
“Yep, we haven’t moved except to get more drinks,” you assured her. “And you are most welcome.”
You both ended the call, well, you’re pretty sure Rafael wanted to speak to you more but Liv hung up the phone before he could get it back. You grinned at your friends.
“They’re on their way,” you nodded to the cheers of your friends.
“Oh my, he is even better in person,” Lily murmured causing everyone to turn towards the entrance of the bar just in time to see Rafael and five other people walk in. You perked up, almost bouncing in your seat as you waved your hand to get their attention.
“Rafi, Liv!” you called drawing their attention to your table ignoring the other patrons giving you looks. All that mattered was that Rafael made eye contact with you and sent you that impossibly soft smile of his, as his entire face softened and his whole body seemed to relax. Liv was right beside him and was able to see the complete change in him as he saw you and she laughed lightly at how excited you were to see him as well. Nearly bouncing in your seat as you grinned at him.
“She is adorable,” Amanda whispered.
“Just wait until you see them together,” Liv whispered back. “Cutest bloody couple ever.”
“Does this mean we will get to try her food now?” Finn asked.
“Of course that’s your concern,” Nick rolled his eyes.
“Man, I got my priorities right,” Finn shrugged. “The food Liv and Rafael bring into the office smells divine.”
Rafael moved right to your side, sliding his arm around your waist and pressing a kiss to your temple as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, almost falling but Rafael kept you on the seat by pressing himself as close to you as possible. Since you and your friends were sitting on stools you were roughly the same height as Rafael which made it easier to snuggle into him and press kisses along his neck before pulling away to make grabby hands at Liv.
“Liv, hi!” you smiled as she came around to your other side to hug you.
“Hey, there, you all been drinking water tonight yeah?” she asked looking over you and your friends.
“Of course,” Courtney was making near heart eyes at Liv and you couldn’t blame her, that woman was gorgeous.
“Guys this is Rafael, and this is Olivia,” you introduced the only two people you could. “Everyone, this is Lily, Courtney and Shannon.” You then turned pointedly to Rafael, who just narrowed his eyes at you in slight confusion. “Rafi, introductions.” You pouted lightly removing your arms from around Liv to wrap them around your man again, trying your best to look up at him from under your lashes.
“Alright, alright Chica,” he chuckled gently stroking your cheek. “This is Nick, Amanda, Carisi and Finn. This is Lily, and her friends.”
You smiled at him pressing a kiss to his cheek before turned to look at the other members of his friend group who were all sitting around the table, Liv next to you closest to Shannon, Nick and Amanda sitting in the two free seats next to Lily, Finn sitting at the other end of the table and Carisi sitting on the free seat next to Courtney. And Rafael was happy standing next to you with his arm wrapped around your waist.
“We need drinks,” Lily said. “Finn, help a girl out.” Finn just shrugged and followed the woman to the bar. You couldn’t help but smile at your bossy friend as she led Finn to the bar smiling up at him.
“Be careful with what Lily brings back,” Courtney warned. “She always buys potent cocktails.”
“But yummy!” Shannon assured.
“I’ll get us some water,” Liv laughed. “I daresay we’re all gonna need them. And maybe some more food.”
“Ooh, yes more food!” you nodded. “I’m definitely hungry again.”
“We’ve had like two pizzas and two bowls of fries and a bowl of wings,” Courtney quickly listed off on her hands. “How are you still hungry?”
“Don’t know but I am,” you pouted. “So…more food?”
“Noted, when you get drunk you get hungry,” Rafael smiled. “I’ll come with you, to help carry the glasses. I’ll be back, love.”
You narrowed your eyes briefly but at the promise of them ordering more food you released your hold on him.
“Come back quickly, please,” you begged. Rafael just chuckled kissing your cheek, checking the table number before following after Liv who immediately started talking about how adorable you were when drunk. You looked back to the table. “It’s so nice to finally meet all of you. Including Finn.”
“Same here,” Carisis smiled.
“Hmm, we had been all curious about the woman who was able to get Barba to smile,” Amanda added. “He only tends to smile when he is about to demolish the defence and that is a completely different smile.”
“Ah, yes I know which smile you are talking about,” you giggled. “I rather like it.” Though the reason for that smile was probably a little different when you saw it, the others were a little confused by the sudden red that coated your cheeks and went down to your throat.
Amanda, Nick and Carisi all shared a look at that information, filing it away like good detectives to tease the Counsellor with later. Although in the first five seconds of seeing you and Rafael interact, they had a large number of things they could tease him about. Including what seemed to be an uncontrollable desire to always be in contact with you, and the never-before-seen softness to his features.  
“So, any of you single?” Shannon asked giggly.
“Shannon,” you groaned. “Do try to be a little subtle sweetie.”
“What like you were?” she challenged raising an eyebrow. “Begging Rafael to “come”.”
“Oh, shush, that’s completely different,”
“It’s really not,”
“Is so,”
“Girls,” Lily interrupted returning with Finn who was looking incredibly confused by the current back and forth. “Really?”
The detectives were trying so hard to restrain themselves from laughing but it was a challenge that is for sure. Amanda leaned towards Finn to fill him in, causing him to bark out a laugh before trying but failing to cover it with a cough. Lily and Finn quickly handed out a round of shots and placed two jugs of some cocktail in the middle of the table and passed around glasses.
“Finn, I was just saying it is good to finally meet all of you!” you drew the attention back to the fact that you hadn’t met any of the detectives but Liv yet and tried to subtly inform Shannon and the others that you didn’t need them to make things awkward by hitting on them within five seconds. “I have heard quite a bit about you all, from Rafi.”
“He talks about us?” Nick asked, scoffing lightly. “I bet it’s mostly complaining.”
“Well, a little but mostly not,” you shrugged.
“Seriously?” Carisi needed to be sure he heard you correctly.
“Well, yeah, I doubt he holds back with his complaints at work,” you nodded, causing the others to laugh at how right you are.
“Good to see everyone is getting along,” Liv interrupted, returning with a bottle of water and some glasses, Rafael right behind her with another bottle of water and more glasses. “Definitely a good idea to get two bottles of water.”
“I think everyone may regret their choices in the morning,” Rafael quipped.
“I won’t!” you called making grabby hands at Rafael the moment he was in your sight. He smiled indulgently at you as he moved back to your side, his arm finding its way back around your waist, rolling his eyes a little as you sighed happily as you snuggled into to him.
“Oh, you probably will,” Liv said eying the shots that sat in-front of everyone. “Do I want to know what this is?”
“Nope,” Lily grinned picking hers up. “Now come on everyone, bottoms up.”
You and your friends eagerly picked them up, the detectives and Rafael however eyed it a little suspiciously, even Finn, who hadn’t quite heard what Lily had ordered. You turned your pleading eyes to Rafael, nodding towards the shot. He sighed, deeply, already regretting this decision as he picked up his shot. Grinning in triumph you turned to Liv, giving her the same look. Rafael watched in interest as his best friend tried very hard to ignore you, but he was able to watch as Liv’s eyes kept shifting to you and then away before her face scrunched up and she also reached for the shot glass. She shot Rafael a look, but he only raised an eyebrow.
“Now you know what I mean,” he told her.
“What?” you asked looking between the two.
“Well, who would have thought anyone would be able to get Liv to do anything,” Finn grinned. The rest of the detectives nodding in agreement, stunned over what they had just witnessed. The girls shared a look of confusion but their drunk minds quickly forgot about the odd moment.
“Come on,” Courtney begged, her hand lightly grabbed Carisi’s arm before looking towards Nick and Amanda.
“Alright fine,” Carisi laughed picking up the glass looking to the others pleading with his eyes to join him.
“I will make it an order,” Liv added turning on her Sergeant voice. The other three all resigned themselves to whatever was in the shot glasses as they picked them up.
“Bottoms up!” Shannon, Courtney, Lily and you all cheered, tapping the glasses on the table before throwing them back. The detectives and Rafael hesitated one second before copying them.
“Oh, god what is that?” Carisi asked face screwing up as the alcohol hit his tongue.
“I don’t think I want to know,” Nick coughed, reaching for the water that Liv had poured for everyone.
“Sook,” Lily giggled teasingly.
“Can I have some water?” you whispered to Rafael your hand playing with the tie he was wearing.
“Of course, Carino,” Rafael reached for his glass of water handing it to you with a kiss to your temple not noticing the phone in Amanda’s hand that was angled towards the couple. Liv raised an eyebrow at the blonde who merely shrugged, already sending the image to Liv and to Rafael. She figured the couple didn’t have a lot of candid photos of them. Smiling happily at Rafael, you handed him back the glass turning your attention back to the table.
“What are in the jugs?” Amanda asked a little wearily as she reached for one.
“I ordered those,” Finn assured her.
“Somehow I’m not overly assured by that,” she muttered but poured herself a glass regardless and sniffed at it. “Oh, is this just margheritas?”
“Yeah, they didn’t have a lot of options for jugs,” Finn shrugged.
“Good choice!” Shannon eagerly reached for the other jug to pour herself a glass. “Can I pour one for anyone else?”
Courtney pushed her glass towards Shannon with her fingers nodding as she did. “Obviously, I haven’t got work tomorrow.”
“Lucky,” Lily muttered but poured herself one anyway.
“Lily, do I have work tomorrow?” you asked turning to your best friend your brows furrowed as you tried to remember your schedule. Lily squinted at you, mouth opening a little as she tried to remember as well.  
“No, sweetheart you do not,” Rafael answered instead. “You have tomorrow and the following day off to recover from tonight.”
“Aw, he knows her schedule!” Amanda cooed leaning into to Nick.
“Of course I do,” Rafael said drily. “Why would I not?”
“Good point,” Amanda muttered sipping on her drink.
“Ooh! What food did you order?” you asked turning to Liv, one hand leaving the grip it had on Rafael’s suspenders to tug on the end of Liv’s blazer.
“We got more chips and some wings,” Liv informed you grabbing hold of hand and squeezing it gently, finding it difficult to stop the coo that wanted to escape. She found you adorable when she met you the first time, but apparently drunk you put that adorableness to shame.
“Yummy!” you wiggled in excitement at the prospect of food before a frown took over your face as you looked between Rafael and Liv.
“What’s wrong?” Nick caught sight of your frown first.
“Carino?” Rafael quickly turned to you, his free hand coming up to tilt your chin towards him.
“I want to cuddle with you but I don’t want to let go of Liv’s hand,” you whispered, shaking the hand that Liv still had hold of, tightening it in case Liv tried to let go of your hand.
“Darling, how drunk are you right now?” Rafael asked with a fond look, his thumb stroking your pouting lips.  
“Hm…a lot drunker than I was when I downloaded the dating app we met on,” you answered honestly. “Like way more, that shot definitely threw me over the edge.”
“I thought so,” he chuckled. “Want some more water?”
“Yes…but that means I have to let go of either you or Liv,” you pondered looking between Liv and him, lips pursed as you tried to make a decision. “Oh, I know, you can help me!” you grinned, ecstatic that you had solved the problem.
“Surely, he won’t, right?” Finn asked. He was slightly regretting joining but at the sometime not, he was getting a lot of material to tease not only Rafael but also Olivia. Plus, your friends weren’t too bad and he had been wanting to meet you.
“I don’t know, Barba seems very different with her,” Carisi answered shrugging his shoulders.
“Very different,” Finn agreed.
“I-,” Rafael was about to say no, but upon looking at you he once again found he could not say no to you. “Alright, fine.”
“No, way,” Nick muttered as Rafael did exactly that.
“I’ve known her for years,” Lily whispered to Nick. “Trust me, she is adorable and once someone gets to know her it is very hard to say no to her. If you were in his place, you would do the same thing.”
“I doubt it,” Nick turned to Lily raising an eyebrow in doubt.
“Oh, you poor deluded man,” Lily flicked his arm. “We’ll see, it even worked on Olivia, who is not dating her. One day you will have that look directed at you and you will eat your own words.”
The waiter came with the food interrupting anyone from being able to comment further on the fact that Rafael Barba, the man who didn’t relent even with victims, relented under a single look. Rafael set the glass down, pouring more into it, as he wanted to get you to drink as much water as possible otherwise tomorrow morning will be horrible for you. Though…he was a little curious how you would be with a hangover.
“Yay, food!” you cheered letting go of both Liv and Rafael.
“Thought you didn’t want to let go of us?” Liv asked waving her now free hand. Your eyes narrowed as you watched her hand, sure that you were meant to be doing something with it.
“Don’t confuse my poor Chica,” Rafael scolded. “Her poor brain probably can’t handle too much at once.”
“I must have missed the part where my boyfriend suddenly became a comedian,” you muttered crossing your arms. “Stay at your day job.”
“Now see, I was waiting for this,” Finn grinned folding his arms.
The rest of the table who were watching this like it was their dinner entertainment, tried not to nod in agreement with Finn. They dished out the food onto the plates that were placed on the table along with the food. Those who were nearly done with their margherita’s pouring themselves another glass. The detectives hadn’t had too much to drink before they joined you and your friends, so they still were no were near the level you four where at so they were able to hold in their amusement. Your friends however, were getting even further along where unable to hide theirs, the giggling muffled a little by their hands.
“For my girlfriend to insult me?”
“For Rafi to be mean?”
The two of you asked at the same time turning your eyes onto Finn who seemed a little shocked by the response.
“Creepy,” Shannon whispered.
“Extremely,” Carisi agreed. “They’ve only been going out what like two or three months? And they’re already in sync like that?”
“Actually, it’s closer to four months,” you shot at them before going back to the food that Rafael had put on a plate in-front of you. “Being precise with timelines is important, as a detective you should know that.”
“Oh, I see it now,” Amanda said around a mouthful of chicken wings.
“We all see it,” Nick agreed. Pouring another glass of the margherita, noticing that the two jugs were getting empty fast. He glanced at his watch, a little surprised by the amount of time that had passed.
“What do they see?” you leaned towards Liv confused.
“Why you and Rafi get along so well,” Liv whispered back.
“Oh, you mean apart from the fact that the man is gorgeous, charming, sarcastic and incredibly intelligent?” you tilted your head to side. “Oh, and good in bed.” There was a round of near choking around the table as they heard your comment, being drunk you thought you were whispering but you in fact were not.
“Alright, you are definitely cut off,” Rafael pushed the glass of the cocktail away from you. “Eat some more food.”
“Don’t be pushy,” you whined. “And give me my margherita back.”
“Eat some more food and drink some more water and then I will,” he commanded pushing your plate towards you before picking up his own margherita. You leaned towards him wrapping your arms around his neck so your mouth was right next to his ear.
“Or, give me back my margherita and when we go home, I’ll get on my knees and suck your cock the minute we get through the door,” you whispered seductively. “And then, I’ll strip naked for you, put on your vest and ride you.” You moved away a little to allow him to turn his head to look at you.
You felt Rafael’s hand on your waist tighten and you had the pleasure of seeing the red creep up his neck as his eyes started to burn. He swallowed, the knuckles on his other hand turned white as he gripped his drink. He was very grateful that you still had enough thought to whisper that in his ear rather than saying it loud enough for the rest of the table to hear.
“Chica,” he warned eyes taking in your cheeky grin. “That’s out of line.”
“Hm, we’re not in a court of law my dear,” you giggled. “So, counsellor, do you accept the terms?”
“No,” Rafael stated, smirking as your mouth dropped open in surprise.
“Really?” you were shocked. “But…I want my margherita.”
“Then drink some water and eat,” Rafael raised his eyebrow at the water he pushed towards you. “And you will.”
“Fine,” you huffed pulling your arms from his neck. “Then I won’t suck your dick.”
“…please tell me I wasn’t the only one who heard that?” Finn muttered.
“We all heard it,” Liv muttered eyes wide and looking away.
“You are naughty!” Shannon giggled leaning as far as she could to swat at your arm. “Is that what you whispered to him?”
You nodded holding the glass of water eyeing it suspiciously, cheeks puffed out as you sulked. Olivia lifted her drink out of the way of Shannon’s flailing limb, trying very hard to restrain herself as she watched the marid of expressions that passed over Rafael’s face. Shock, horror and that last one was a little unclear, but oddly enough she could still make out the fondness that he has for you in his eyes as he watched you giggle at your friend but still sulk over not getting your margherita.
“This has got to be one of the most entertaining nights I’ve had in the longest of times,” Amanda giggled. “And Barba the look on your face was priceless.”
“I hate all of you,” he answered, drowning the last of his margherita before grabbing your glass and drinking that as well.
“Hey!” you squeaked. “That’s mine.”
“You hadn’t finished your water or your food,” he groused.
“You’re not getting sex,” you glared at him.
“We’ll see,” he smirked at you, slowly licking his lips, your lips parted as you felt warmth slowly build, you had to squeeze you legs together as your eyes glazed over.
“Is he?” Nick asked, not even wanting to finish that sentence.
“That is the sign for me to go,” Finn decided standing up, a look of near horror on his face. His eyes squinted as he looked between Rafael and you. “It was good to meet all of you. Maybe next time a little less alcohol.”
“Agreed,” everyone agreed.
“I think I’ll also call it a night,” Amanda smiled. “I should go and walk Frannie before it gets too much later. Are you girls fine to get home?”
“Aw, that is so sweet!” Lily leaned into Amanda smiling up at her. “I’ll be fine, I’ve gotten home when I have been way more drunk.”
“If you’re sure?” Amanda asked.
“Mhm, though I can’t say the same thing for Courtney or Shannon,” Lily nodded towards the two other girls who were leaning against each other and giggling.
“True,” Amanda agreed, eyeing them both.
“I’ll help with them,” Lily patted her arm. “Shannon lives on the way to mine so I can take her in an uber with me. Courtney however, lives in the opposite direction.”
“I can take her,” Amanda offered.
“Ooh I get to ride with the pretty detective?” Courtney asked bouncing in her seat. “It’s my lucky day.”
“I wanna ride with the pretty detective,” Shannon muttered.
“You ride with me,” Lily pointed at her. “And you better say you’re lucky with that.”
“Duh,” Shannon rolled her eyes. “But I get to ride with a pretty librarian all the time.”
“I am both offended and fine with that,” Lily shrugged as she quickly drowned the rest of her margherita. “Is anyone else heading my way? Can take two more in my uber.”
“I’ll take you up on that,” Finn nodded.
“Carisi, you coming with?” Amanda asked, a particular look in her eye as she looked at the Italian.
“Sure, that okay with you Courtney?” Carisi asked, not wanting to tag along if she wasn’t okay with it.
“Two pretty detectives?” Courtney asked. “Getting better and better.”
“I think that’s a yes,” Nick muttered. “I’ll be fine on my own. Liv, you good getting home?”
“I’ll be fine, I live in the opposite direction of all of you,” Liv smiled. Everyone turned to Rafael and you, both currently still arguing over him drinking your drink. “I think they’ll be fine.”
“Yeah, I don’t think it’ll be a good idea to share a ride with them,” Nick grinned. “It might get a little awkward.”
“Hey, lovebirds,” Carisi teased. “You two ready to go home?”
“Not with him,” you muttered, turning your pleading eyes to Liv.
“Oh, no,” Liv laughed reaching out to squeeze your cheek. “You are going with Rafi. Maybe you can tease him to feel bad about drinking your alcohol.”
“Ooh, could idea!” you nodded, trying to climb off your seat. “Come on bub.”
“I’ll never forgive this betrayal, Liv,” Rafael promised as he kept hold of your waist keeping you from stumbling. “She’s really good at teasing. It should be a crime.”
“Oops,” Liv grinned. “Come on.”
The group made it’s way out of the bar, Liv, Lily and Amanda helping Shannon and Courtney. They were surprising stable, only a little unsteady after sitting down for so long and drinking as much as they had. Nick, Carisi and Finn were all at the back keeping an eye on everyone else, they didn’t even realise that they had done it until Liv glanced over her shoulder and raised an eyebrow as the group waited for their Ubers together.
“What?” Nick asked crossing his arms. “You know me, you can’t even pretend to be surprised by this.”
“Alright, that’s actually fair,” Liv rolled her eyes.
“Rafi, the world is spinning,” you whined, looking up at Rafael, your hands were once again holding onto his suspenders.  
“Aw, my poor Chica,” Rafael cooed lightly brushing the hair out of your eyes before pulling out his phone to order an Uber, his other hand still held you tightly against his side. “Let’s get you home, my apartment or yours?”
“Yours, please,” you grinned up at him, all annoyance over him stealing your drink gone. “I sleep better at yours now.” You nuzzled your face back into his neck, sighing happily as his scent surrounded you.
Rafael felt his heart melt at that, the two of you rarely slept away from the other these days. The first time you had been in his bed when he got back from a late night in the office it had been surreal, he had to stop for a moment and appreciate that fact that you wanted to be there when he got back. It had happened after he got an emergency call, the two of you had been having dinner at his and you were prepared to head back to your apartment when he left but he offered for you to stay at his without even really thinking about it, all he knew was that he wanted to come back to his apartment with you still there.
“Looks like our ride is here,” Amanda motioned towards the car that just pulled up pulling everyone out of their conversations. Carisi moved forward ready to help with Courtney. “Tonight, has been…entertaining and enlightening.”
“All of this has been off the record,” Rafael warned looking pointedly at all the detectives.
“Sure, counsellor,” Carisi agreed, a boyish grin on his face. “Next time we need a warrant and you don’t want to do it I’ll just call y/n up and she can get you to do it.”
“Nope, that is an abuse of my power,” you claimed not lifting your head from Rafael’s neck. “Only use it when absolutely necessary.”
“Noted,” Finn said.
“Alright, Shannon, Finn our ride is also here,” Lily waved towards another car that pulled up. “It was lovely to meet all of you, should do this again sometime.”
“That would be nice,” Liv agreed.
“Thirded!” you called. “I loved meeting the rest of Rafi’s friends!”
“And we definitely enjoyed meeting you,” Nick assured you, chuckling a little.
A round of goodbyes followed as everyone managed to get into their Ubers with minimal issues. Assuring everyone that they would message when each member got home safe and sound. The more sober members of the group thoroughly entertained by the drunker members attempt to converse with the drivers before getting sleepy.
“Alright, Carino, here we are,” Rafael huffed as he gently set you down on his bed, hands hovering just in case you started to sway a bit too much but when you stayed upright, he moved around his room, gathering some clothes for you to sleep in. A little selfishly he grabbed one of his shirts for you, along with a pair of your panties that you kept here. “Alright, let’s get you changed, that make up off and some more water into you.”
“Rafi,” you looked at him biting your lip as your hands struggled to undo the buttons on your top. “Let’s have sex.”
“I thought you said no sex for me because I was mean,” Rafael laughed, grabbing the make up removal wipes you kept on the dresser. He warmed at the thought that there were daily items you used all around his apartment.
“Oh yeah,” you mumbled before shrugging. “Really that’s punishing me as well and I don’t deserve that. I deserve your talented fingers, tongue and cock.”
“Lord help me,” he muttered rubbing his forehead as his cock twitched in interest. He had tried so hard to keep it down at the bar after you whispered to him but here in the privacy of his own apartment it was becoming a hassle. “Baby, you are really drunk, so that is a no on the sex.”
“Maybe but I wanna,” you promised him. “I fully, whole heartedly consent to you railing me. Besides you’re already getting me undressed.”
“To get you into something to sleep in because you are drunk,” Rafael explained patiently. This was the first time he had ever seen you drunk and it was both amusing and difficult as he tried to get you changed. “Come on arms up, there we go.”
Thankfully, in your drunken state you eagerly followed his directions as he changed you and gently wiped off the make up you were wearing. Being sure to get every last spec of it. He wasn’t about to try and get you through your entire skin care routine but he figured you could do that in the morning or he could help you if you were hungover. Who was he kidding? You were going to be so hungover.
“Sex?” you asked one last time as he got you to drink some more water, leaving a bottle on the bedside table before he quickly got changed and slid into bed beside you, tugging you close.
“You’re drunk,”
“…yeah…” yawning you wiggled into a more comfortable position of sleeping mostly on Rafael’s chest. “Night bub…” soft snores followed after that as you drifted off into a drunken sleep.
“Tomorrow morning is going to be something,” Rafael muttered pressing a kiss to the top of your head, wrapping his arms around you as he listened to you breathing, letting that lull him to sleep.
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The Sounds of Justice (9)
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Warnings: canon typical violence, cursing, non-consensual drugging, descriptions of character death, mentions and descriptions of jail, car crashes, lying, manipulation, guns, yandere themes, mafia AU, mafia Rafael Barba (trust me, he needs the warning), mentions of rape (not to the reader), and unwanted advances (nothing happens to the reader).
Chapter 9
At the top of the stairs in Gibbs’ basement, on the other side of the open door, the chill from the night air was even more noticeable.  Your boss didn’t look up from the area that he was focusing on the wooden frame of his boat but you knew that he had registered your presence.  Descending the stairs, you made your way to the opposite side of the boat to Gibbs and accepted the sandpaper that he thrust at you.
“You should be sleeping.”
“I can’t.”  You confessed after you identified where you needed to use the sandpaper.  This wasn’t your first time in your boss’ basement and it was an open invitation to any member of Gibbs’ team to visit Gibbs in his basement and talk through any problems that you were facing.  “The what-ifs keep buzzing around in my mind.  What if I hadn’t had breakfast that morning?  What if Barba’s second-in-command had gotten the dosage wrong?  Or what if he decided that Sonny and I weren’t worth the hassle of keeping us alive?  What if I hadn’t gone with Sonny to that warehouse?  What if Sonny had been hurt worse because I didn’t put together that Barba was the one we were really searching for?”
“What if you stepped off the path at the wrong time and you got hit by a bus?”  Your boss questioned without missing a beat.  “What if you fell down the stairs just now?”
The repetitive movements of your hand allowed your mind to drift back to the case and concentrate on the facts of the case while your mind absorbed what your boss was telling you. 
“I’m disappointed in myself,” you exhaled.  “I had all this training and experience from the BAU and from NCIS and I still didn’t see Barba’s betrayal coming.  I should have known better when he took an interest in me.”
Gibbs snorted sceptically, “It wasn’t just you that he deceived.”
“Yeah, I know.”  You responded.
You and your boss lapsed into a comfortable silence until you remembered something else.  “Barba’s now in a federal prison and Interpol has the relevant information.”
There was a slight displeased twitch of your boss’ lips at the mention of Interpol.  The less he had to deal with Interpol, the better.  Especially when it came to their boss, a former insurance salesman.  The dealings that he had had with them in the past were less than pleasant and Gibbs had promised himself that he would do whatever he needed to do to keep the interactions between you, Tony, Bishop, Torres, Ducky, Palmer, Abby, Ziva, and McGee to a minimum.  Gibbs was grateful for the fact that you had remembered about Rule 45 which meant that Interpol was up to date and wouldn’t be bothering his team unless there was a dire need.  Gibbs hoped that never happened.
“Rule 11?” Your boss quizzed.  His voice belied none of his thoughts.
“When the job is done, walk away.”
“Move to your right.  That panel needs more sanding.”
Meanwhile, Rafael Barba sat at a white circular table on a hard chair with his hands cuffed on top of the table after his trial in front of the Naval Court.  To no one’s surprise, he was found guilty on all accounts.  He had to give the officers in charge some credit; they were remarkably efficient and swift in dispensing justice when they learned that two of their own were impacted as a result of his actions.
Regardless of the fact that he had not been there very long, Rafael was still entitled to visits.  He tuned out the mindless chatter in the room and focused on his cuffed hands.  A shadow appeared on the tabletop and unhurriedly, he moved his gaze to the person who cast the shadow.
“I see you got my message.”
Rita Calhoun settled down opposite him, “Never thought I’d see the day when Rafael Barba sat in federal prison as a prisoner.”
Rafael cast his eyes around the spacious and poorly designed room.  He made eye contact with one of the guards and jerked his chin upwards.  The guard paled and gave the order for the room to be cleared.
When the room was empty, Rafael spoke again, “Though it is not the same as the outside world, I have a substantial amount of influence in this prison.”
Rita laid her briefcase on the table, “And I presume this is where I come in?”
Rafael inclined his head.
“Then we had better get started on your defence.  I believe the sympathetic angle would be the best bet.  You will have to assure the court that you are not a threat to society which includes you promising that you won’t seek any opportunities to take revenge on the NCIS and SVU teams that played a role in your arrest.”
Rafael was silent and a calculating gleam appeared in his green eyes that had dulled slightly from his time in prison.  While he was afforded some luxuries due to his position on the outside, nothing compared to the comforts of home.
“If the court senses that you will harm Special Agent (Surname)--”
“NO!” Barba thundered, “She is not to be harmed.  If anyone attempts to do so, they will deal with me!”  He thumped his hand on the table for added emphasis and he enjoyed the involuntary jump from Rita after his proclamation.
“The others are not to be harmed either.  I will not take the chance that (Name) might risk her life to protect one of them.”
“I’ll give the order,”  Rita promised.
“Good to hear.”  Rafael smiled but it didn’t reach his eyes, “With your assistance, I’m sure that I’ll be released very soon.”
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