#tvd theories
anewkindofme · 4 months
Damon: I'm so glad you could make it, Stef. Enzo, this is my brother. If I ever need a kidney, this is where you get it. Enzo: It's so nice to meet you! I always wanted a brother. Damon: Really? Why? Stefan: I love you too, Damon. Bonnie: Really? Why?
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highqueenofnarnia · 11 months
Y’all TVD would’ve been so much more fun if Damon and Stefan slipped into Italian when they were angry. Like they have to be fluent in it (maybe it was actually their first language depending on how they were raised), so it would’ve been so fun to see them explore that. Or like, I have an Italian friend who gets a hilariously strong accent when talking about anything Italian and it’s beautiful.
Seriously, Damon and Stefan actually being bilingual would have added a lot of fun (just imagine them having an argument half in Italian and half in English haha).
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hazellevessque · 1 year
The Secret Shanghai fandom is the definition of “delulu is my only solulu”
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marsneedstherapy · 1 year
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nexus412 · 4 months
Damon compelled Elena to love Stefan! (indirectly)
Yes, yes, we all know the story began with Stefan saving Elena from the Wickery Bridge accident, leading him to Mystic Falls, and sparking their epic romance. But let’s not forget that pivotal night when Elena had a fight with Matty blue eyes and ended up walking alone on the outskirts of Mystic Falls. Who does she encounter? That’s right, Damon.
The two talk for a brief moment before Damon leaves. But before going, he compels Elena to "find everything she's looking for and forget this ever happened."
But before compelling her, Damon says something else as well. He tells Elena that he believes she craves a love that consumes her, a love filled with passion. Elena’s reaction suggests she agrees. This moment (according to this theory) set off a chain of events that many viewers might have overlooked. Soon after this encounter, Elena breaks up with Matt, and soon after, she meets Stefan. In Stefan, she discovers all the things Damon mentioned – the thrill, the passion, the consuming love. That’s why she falls for Stefan so quickly and intensely.
Consider this: despite developing feelings for Damon, Elena continues to choose Stefan repeatedly. It’s not just out of loyalty or comfort; there’s something deeper at play. Elena’s pattern of choosing Stefan persists until a significant change occurs – she becomes a vampire.
Elena’s transformation into a vampire is not just a physical change; it also breaks the compulsion Damon placed on her that night. For her to become a vampire, she had to die, which nullified the compulsion, freeing her from the cycle of always choosing Stefan. This shift allows her to finally consider Damon as a genuine choice, unclouded by the previous compulsion, and her feelings for Damon stay the same even after her sire bond is broken.
This, if its true, adds more layers to the love triangle, suggesting that Damon’s initial influence on Elena was more profound than we realized. It wasn’t until she was freed from that compulsion that she could genuinely explore her feelings for Damon, leading to her eventual shift in affections.
So, what do you think? Let me know!
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stars-and-darkness · 11 months
so @averseunhinged has been talking about how weird it is that finn was able to acclimatise to the 21st century after spending 900 years daggered in a box, and @impossiblekryptonitecolor tagged me on it (tysm for the rec!) so in case anyone's curious about my take, the way i personally make peace with it in my mind hinges entirely on the 2005 doctor who tie-in novel only human by gareth roberts that completely rewired by brain when i read it at fourteen (as this silly time travel show is wont to do).
in only human, the characters of doctor who are faced with a neanderthal man who somehow ended up stranded in the 21st century. the neanderthal in question, das, doesn't return to his own time at the end of the novel: he learns to live in contemporary times, he falls in love with a modern woman and he stays in the 21st century.
and over the course of the book, his acclimatisation is presented in a way that genuinely resonated with me. he realises that he's in a new time that's so impossibly different. he accepts that there are so many new things that he doesn't understand yet.
essentially, technological advancements? even if they seem like magic to him, he understands that they're actually a product of nearly 30 thousand years of human development. that's just how it is. he finds out about planes and accepts that humans can fly immediately because the modern man seems obsessed with 'going fast'.
what he has trouble with are concepts like lying, and that what he sees on tv isn't reality. things that finn, being significantly younger than a neanderthal, should have no problem with. (there are OTHER concepts he might have issue with, but things like social self-disciplining may just be beyond the scope of The Vampire Love Triangle Show.)
there's still no explanation for his modern english, though. at least i can say that esther learned it while creeping on everyone from the other side.
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fanaticforlife · 1 year
TVD - Damon Salvatore Tribute
“-Why don't you let people see good on you?
-Because when people see good they expect good. And I don't wanna have to live up to anyone's expectations”
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karouvas · 10 months
I think Bonnie’s expression arc would be so much better to me if Shane was played by a woman…
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kmze · 6 months
I was on reddit the other day and I saw some people say that Plec had complete control over tvd s4 onward along with Dries and that's why plots like sire bond happened.I thought Plec was the sole showrunner of tvd during s3 when KW was gone even though he was credited as executive producer.In fact,I have also heard Plec and Kevin both decided to introduce the sire bond plot in s3 through Tyler because they wanted to sire Elena once she transitioned.Is there any truth to any of those claims about Plec?I don't think Plec single-handedly made all the decisions.The network was involved too.Ian had once said network shut down Bamon as early as s2 to protect the triangle.Klaus was originally gonna die in s3 which was Julie's decision but the network & KW prevented that from happening.Just so you know I'm not excusing Plec for her shitty choices like the forest flop or how Bonnie's storylines were handled.She was not a pushover but she was also definitely not in complete control of everything that happened.That's not how shows work.Your thoughts?
Hey anon, so I'm going to do my best to answer based on how I understand things but as far as what's said on Reddit lol, those people are a lost cause. People read one thing and they think that's the be all end all, and for whatever reason that sub is majority SE fans so they tend to look at KW with rose colored glasses. So please take everything I'm saying with a grain of salt just because I don't work in the film/tv industry so I don't know how much networks affect shows storylines but I do have a good idea of which showrunner was in charge each season and who was probably making the decisions. Under the cut because as usual I wrote a lot.
There were three showrunners for TVD and for the most part their order of decision making went Kevin > Julie > Dries. Kevin left after he wrote 3x01 to do the Secret Circle (the book is in the same universe as TVD but I don't think the show was). Once Kevin left to do that I don't think he was as involved in the storyline on TVD, I'm sure Julie and him kept in touch but mostly he let her steer the ship. So for 8 seasons here's how I see it:
Kevin and Julie
Kevin and Julie
Julie and Dries
Julie and Dries
Dries (but still reporting to Julie)
Julie and Dries
Dries (until Julie took over when Dries left cause she fucked everything up)
Julie (but Kevin affected the ending and possibly some of the storyline)
While I do think the decision on Klaus was a network thing I don't think the sirebond or Bamon was them. With Klaus it's the network because it's about saving a character for a spin-off, I know at some point they were going to do a Tyler/Caroline spin-off instead and they scrapped that for TO. I cannot find an article to back me up but I thought Joseph said once that they wanted to chemistry test him with Candice when they were thinking about keeping Klaus alive and that's where the KC birthday scene was born. So I think that's a mix of both, the network wanted to keep Klaus and they needed to soften him up a bit and picked Caroline for that.
The sire bond was Julie and Dries I believe, they kind of said as much here. It was done in order to move Elena onto Damon faster and since the show was always about a love triangle I don't think the network cared how it was done. I think it is possible Kevin and Julie talked about the sire bond as a way to speed up DE because I know they said they had Damon kill Jeremy in 2x01 to slow down Damon from being too heroic (which don't even get me started on RME). As for Bamon that I think was all Julie and probably Dries, because Bonnie's treatment started really going downhill in S3 after Kevin left and didn't get better until S6. I know that Kevin helped Julie plan out some of S6 so he might have been the one who rescued Bonnie and had the prison world idea. I know he made sure she wasn't killed in the finale too, I mean I am 100% of the notion that Julie and Dries hated Bonnie because they're racist (or at least internalized racism). I don't know if the network had much to do with that, not that they couldn't be racist as well I just think that was more a showrunner thing and maybe they used the networks as a scapegoat with Ian.
I have a theory about the showrunners and why the show's direction changes based on who's in charge. Basically I think each showrunner has their OSG (one-special-girl) and their decisions tend to revolve around that girl. For Kevin its Elena, that's why Elena gets all the high-cachet male attention in S1 & S2 (Stefan, Damon, Elijah, Matt). For Julie it's Caroline which is why in S3 Caroline starts getting more love interests and why I think Julie picked Caroline for Klaus' chemistry test instead of Elena (which is what Kevin would have done). I also suspect Julie wouldn't let Kevin kill or hurt Caroline's endgame to prop SE back up in the finale. Instead Caroline got Stefan AND Klaus' endgames and Elena got the chin kiss. Then there's Dries who I actually think her OSG is Katherine BUT she'll use Elena if she must but a lot of time she'll do it in spite. That's essentially why I think S5 went the way it did. Dries loves Katherine and gave her the human plot and also Stefan for a bit. Then she came up with Kathlena which ended up being a hit against SE because Stefan couldn't tell it was Katherine when before he always figured it out first.
I do agree that Julie isn't a pushover, I definitely don't love a lot of the stuff she's done and the show has ALWAYS had bad consent issues. Sometimes I think people act like the consent issues started in S4 with the sire bond but Caroline in S1 and Andie in S2 were repeatedly raped, compelled and abused by Damon and that was all under Kevin. The sire bond was just the first time Elena got that same treatment and people started to notice. Ultimately I think much of the direction of the show was Julie because she was in charge the longest, even 5&7 where she worked on other shows, she had final say. The only reason she let Kevin switch the death in S8 was he was the one who got TVD greenlit (since he was a bigger name) so she did owe him. I've also seen it speculated that since she said no to DJ on Dawson's Creek for PJ she didn't want to take another endgame away from him.
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albatros-brumaire · 9 months
Theory that Ayana and the spirits did not save Henrik because his birth was the result of dark magic (Esther's deal with Dahlia to have children)
Ayana specifically says "The spirits will not give us a way", not that she or they couldn't bring him back.
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after getting my heart shredded by chloe gong, here are my reasons why roma and juliette could be alive & why they couldn’t be. hear me out <3 
- the two wanted a world of peace where bloodshed was not tearing apart everything. maybe they left after surviving miraculously and separated themselves from reminders of the white terror, memories being too painful.
- juliette and roma are gangster masterminds. no matter how sudden the explosion was, juliette could have had a plan and could have saved the two or vice versa.
- they survived the explosion. option 1. their ancestors saved them. option 2. a miracle occurred. after, A. stolen transportation and moved to the countryside the two visited or any countryside. B. ran away then bribed people to leave the city/country. C. stolen transportation/bribed people and hide out in shanghai, living with different identities/having different identities as they were too scarred. and, the reasons of the two not reaching out one. they were happy enough in each other’s presence. two. they did not want more painful memories resurfaced. three. one of the two died and the other killed the self or was too heartbroken to care anymore.
- if the two survived yet remained alive, they didn’t want to reveal themselves as alive as it could have their “deaths” be in vain (context. their deaths and star crossed lover story was a reminder of how useless the blood feud was and was a constant reminder of the citizens of shanghai why peace should occur. whenever blood appeared, their story was whispered and helped the slow end of the bloodshed).
- would roma really willingly never see his sister, his cousin, and his best friend ever again? (unless from observations far away but that is highly unlikely seeing as the world is big and information is limited). vice versa to juliette.
- as “evidence” points, they were in the heat of the explosion. it’s impossible they survived without interference or a miracle
honestly besides the first point, without imagination and hope, it is easy to believe that the two died. however, as it was supposed to be an open ended ending for our own speculations, i just know in my heart something happened in the midst of the explosion. their story is too full of passion and love and survival and grit to end like that, however heroic and romantical it is.
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melmedardasworld · 2 years
Always so funny to me when tvdu fandom understand heightened emotions except for when it comes to Tyler Lockwood. Hybrids have like heightened emotions x 1000, look at Klaus, Hayley, Jackson.... no one calls them angry or annoying as much as I see them call out and villainize Tyler.
Like, even the humanity switch is often used as a excuse (bs imo) to provide context of the shitty things done by Stefan, Enzo, Elena, Caroline etc. and funny thing is Tyler never even shut it off (when he had all the reason to) and still (rightfully) wanted his revenge, but he's treated as if he's supposed to suck it all up, be this bigger person, and just get over it all.
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nicolos · 11 months
so according to the wiki, esther gave Klaus a necklace that made him weaker, so he wouldn't trigger the werewolf curse by mistake. Ignoring the bit where it's completely insane to make your child weaker you Know your husband picks on that kid specifically, but also the idea that she knew for sure he had the werewolf gene.... do witches have parental identity spells? did she know when she was pregnant?
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angrygirlromero · 1 year
so I just came from tik tok and I know that not everyone shares the same opinions on things but I’ve seen people comparing tsitp with tvd a lot lately, mainly because of the brothers situation but everyone is just dragging belly all over my fyp, and honestly at some points she did frustrate me as well but then when it comes to Elena it’s almost the same cause everyone drags her as well, but my point leads up to Katherine, everyone loves her? I get that she’s iconic but she did the same thing as belly and Elena and no one drags her, and I’m not degrading Katherine love her, but just my thoughts…
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thebanyantee · 2 months
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