#tw anti asian racism
newsfromstolenland · 2 days
In one private chat group conversation, a Mountie was accused of saying a new female employee "was overweight and insinuating that the shape of her vagina was visible through her clothing."
In another, a second RCMP officer allegedly bragged about "Tasering unarmed Black people" and called a sexual assault investigation "stupid" — drawing comments from other members of the online group who "made fun of the victim" and said, "she's a dumb Mexican c--t."
An investigator with the RCMP's professional standards unit detailed those allegations and many more in a search warrant sworn to obtain evidence now being used to call for the firing of three Coquitlam Mounties for violating the force's code of conduct.
The CBC has obtained a copy of the search warrant — which recounts behaviour which led the officer who sparked the investigation to complain to RCMP brass about what he saw as "atrocious" and "racist and horrible" activity in a private group operating on the Signal messaging app.
Full article
Tagging: @allthecanadianpolitics
More from this article below the cut, because I think it's important to understand just how much fucked up shit they were saying:
(tw misogyny, domestic violence, racial profiling, anti-Indigenous racism, racism)
The documents reveal that investigators also reviewed 600,000 messages posted to the RCMP's internal mobile data chat logs — finding evidence of "frequently offensive" usage by the three officers facing termination of "homophobic and racist slurs."
"The reviewers had identified a variety of comments that were 'chauvinist in nature, with a strong air of superiority, and include flippant or insulting remarks about clients (including objectifying women), supervisors, colleagues, policy and the RCMP as a whole,'" the warrant says.
Code of conduct hearings against Const. Philip Dick, Const. Ian Solven and Const. Mersad Mesbah had been slated to begin in Surrey this week but have been adjourned until March of next year. All three officers have been suspended since June 2021.
Although Dick, Solven and Mesbah appear to be the only Mounties currently facing code-of-conduct hearings, the court documents say seven other officers were also part of the private chat group — including two supervisors.
Among the details contained in the search warrant are allegations one of the officers facing discipline joked about a domestic violence victim, calling the victim "a dumb f--king bitch, should've worn a mouth guard."
The whistleblower — Const. Sam Sodhi — claimed that outside of the private chat group, members of the group also "belittled Indigenous people, talking about how they were 'stupid' or 'drunk' and saying they have 'unfortunate bodies' and all have fetal alcohol syndrome."
"They would say, 'We're not going to the reserve,'" the search warrant claims Sodhi told investigators.
"We're not going there because we're not going to help those people."
According to the court documents, Sodhi was posted to Coquitlam in 2019.
"As part of that process, he wrote a letter about wanting to work in an urban centre and help at-risk youth that didn't have role models," the warrant claims.
But Sodhi claimed that on his second day at work, Dick — his trainer — asked him: "Are you a cool brown guy, or are you a Surrey brown guy? Because in that letter, you're whiny, like, 'Ooh, I want to help brown people.'"
Sodhi claimed there were two chat groups for members of the Coquitlam detachment assigned to Port Coquitlam — one for all members of the watch and a second private group that began on WhatsApp but then moved to Signal. He said he was told once he was "worthy" of the private chat group, "we'll add you to it."
The officer claimed he was admitted to the private chat group in March 2021 but left after a few days because of the "constant negativity." He said he was then accused of "not being a team member" and encouraged to return.
According to the search warrant, Sodhi complained to his superiors in May 2021, and a chief superintendent mandated an investigation into five Mounties — including a corporal who was accused of failing to take measures to prevent misconduct.
The probe initially focused on text communications between the RCMP's own laptops — known as Mobile Data Terminals. Investigators reviewed messages between the five men from January 2019 until May 2021.
"When members of the [Signal] chat group realized there was an investigation, they opined that the investigation was probably about 'MDT chats' ... since the private chat group was kept 'amongst the trusted' and 'there's no way this got out,'" the warrant says.
Examples cited from the RCMP computers include statements like, "Why do brown guys have unusually high pitched voices." "As an idiot woman would say ... 'toxic,'" and, "I just racially profile pulled over a car."
A review of the chat logs also allegedly found the three officers facing termination "appeared to use 'goldfish' as a slur for Asian people."
"For example, they talked about how 'goldfish' have 'bulging eyes' that 'can't see anything,' how a Korean church in the detachment was a 'goldfish church' and how 'goldfish' were bad drivers (a common Asian stereotype)," the warrant says.
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punkeropercyjackson · 7 months
When a Batfam stan ages up to date and sexualize Damian using his arab heritage as fuel,they should be kicked down an entire flight of stairs
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when you thought prismatic-bell couldn’t get more racist & islamophobic
that’s because i somehow missed this one
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ID: screenshots of a post that was reblogged by @prismatic-bell
@girlactionfigure: “NORTH KOREA VS PALESTINE
JUN 20
If you can imagine what a bubble the people of North Korea are in - ruled by their dictatorial supreme leader - what their minds must be like - how lacking in the intellectual skills of modernity they are - how they’ve been denied any contact with critical thinking - a veritable fantasy island separate from the actual reality of the real world - then imagine what the Palestinians in Gaza are like after decades of hardline Islamic fundamentalist rule - living in a bubble of jihad and racism - all their experiences from kindergarten to mosque to media tightly controlled by Hamas - no free press - no free media - taught jihad and racism every day - a dictatorship that daily removes them from the fresh air of truth and critical thought - taught to kill yourself for Allah every day - taught jihad - taught racism - taught kill the Jews - every day - no art in your house other than images of conquered Jews - no music other than songs of killing Jews - all of this pumped into your head every day from birth - taught never to question things and any rare moments of dissent met with lethal force - if you can understand this then you will see that if Kim Jong Un is removed - North Korea will still have a lot of problems to solve with its population - and so will Gaza when Hamas are gone…
Palestinians are not like you
You want to believe they are because you've been brainwashed into believing everyone and every culture is ultimately the same
But it's not true
Palestinians are different from you
Not because they are biologically different - but because they've been made different
Our hardware is the same but our software is different
Palestinians have been made ignorant
Yes - ignorant
If you live in a dictatorship that brainwashes you and removes critical thinking skills - you are made ignorant
You are taught not to question things or think
Palestinians have been made racist
They've been made violent
You might not like these words - because you are western-centric and lack actual empathy
Empathy isn't just seeing the love and beauty in others - it's also being able to accept other people might be very different to you and see the universe in very different ways - some of those ways negative
The Palestinian people don't think or feel like you because you haven't grown up in an Islamic fundamentalist dictatorship - denied all critical thinking skills - and brainwashed in jihad to such an extent that you think blowing yourself up and killing and raping people are beautiful things you hope to do again
This is the fundamental problem of the conflict
After Hamas are destroyed there is a multigenerational challenge to deprogram and de-Nazify Palestinians of the worst ideas and worst ways of thinking that exist in the world
There will never be actual peace until this challenge is met openly, honestly and head on.”
@prismatic-bell’s tags: “#hamas #Gaza”
End ID.
as always there are receipts on @disgustingechoes because you have to fucking see it to believe it
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findmeinthefallair · 1 year
Happened the other night but we had a minor racism incident where a teen slammed into my brother on purpose, blamed him for knocking into them, and shrieked at him to eff off to China. He was uninjured but I heard it happen quickly, a few metres behind me. For this to happen in peak summer tourist crowds, in central Edinburgh..apparently this kind of attack has worsened a lot since Brexit, though I hear London is cosmopolitan enough that it is generally much less frequent there. But it's pretty brazen of these racists. And ofc..they get the home country wrong, assuming we all come from there.
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mogai-sunflowers · 1 year
oh my fucking god. i'm going to talk about this a little bit because i'm fucking livid. i am not a person of color so I don't want to speak over anyone, and i'm not an expert on this topic, but... this is way too fucking far, even for radqueers.
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[Image ID: A screenshot of a coining post by tumblr user @/centipedekiyoko. It reads:
“Transgeisha: A transid term where you wish to be a geisha.”
Then, there is a flag. It has 13 horizontal stripes, of varying sizes but in a symmetrical pattern. From top to bottom, the colors are black, medium purple, purple, blue, red, white, golden, white, red, blue, purple, medium purple, and black. End ID.]
this is truly appalling. first, let’s just start with the fact that the geisha are not an aesthetic. they are a deeply important part of Japanese culture, and they have been for nearly 8 centuries, and that's AFTER they were inspired by aspects of Chinese culture. i bet this person would not be able to tell you what geisha even means in Mandarin (aka the language geisha is in, it literally translates to art person, usually interpreted as artisan), or that geishas were originally men, or that they are HIGHLY trained in MANY aspects of Japanese culture. the geisha that this person is imagining- the makeup and hair and attire? that’s just the surface of what the geisha are.
girls usually start their training to become a geisha around the age of 14-15. they live in separate housing and undergo rigorous training for YEARS. they become experts and masters in Japanese culture and arts. and they don't do it so that white strangers can fetishize them and shit. there is absolutely importance to the typical geisha appearance and style- but it's impossible to fully appreciate the depth of even that, if you're not from that culture, so you can't just fucking say "oh im transgeisha now" because you like the aesthetic. if you don't have the experience of that culture, you can't just "become" one of the most honored traditions from said culture. when geishas don their traditional attire and makeup, it's their culture. when we do it, it's called yellowface.
so let’s talk about the term “yellowface”. it refers to when white people use orientalist stereotypes and caricatures to dress up as, impersonate, and/or act as Asian people/characters. and for over a century, white people have been doing exactly that with the geisha- trying to dress as geishas, without knowing any of the cultural significance of them, or bothering to find out how to even accurately "portray" the geisha. American film has LONG endorsed this kind of stereotyping, and it has led to an EXTREMELY orientalist, racist, anti-Asian Hollywood and media culture in America. Asian creators in that industry have long spoken about this term and the issues it describes.
but yellowface is exactly the sentiment this "identity" reeks of. a persona of Japanese culture, not anything more. Japanese people are not our aesthetic. if you can't even recognize the basic humanity of the people whose culture you're taking, then why the fuck are you even making terms like this in the first place?
again, i'm not trying to be preachy about this. i would greatly welcome perspectives from actual Japanese people about this, I just saw this earlier and it hasn't left my mind since because it's so horrible. please block and report this person.
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According to declassified military documents it’s likely that unknown thousands of Vietnamese civilians were killed in Vietnam. Torture was common, even of people who were likely farmers and innocents. It’s very likely that soldiers murdered civilians and lied about them being enemies to boost their body counts; it’s likely that the higher ups were aware of this (discrepancies in body count vs confiscated weapons is INSANE, lots of suspicious stuff, some veterans spoke out & were covered up/discredited). Source: The War Behind Me by Deborah Nelson (2008)
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wafflesrisa · 1 year
Okay the more I think about it, why was there not an immediate apology after Martin Brundle called Zhou a colonialist ethnic slur on live television
Why was there just seconds of uncomfortable silence??? Hello??
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eoieopda · 1 year
damn, people are so sad at times. bullying, throwing hate for no reason to people who have been nothing but nice to everyone, and putting them under a fire while bring anonymous themselves 99% of the time.
tumblr used to be such a comfort but that comfort is being replaced by anxiety, slowly. and i am sorry you had to go through part of that.
i’ve definitely gotten some p gross anonymous hobgoblins in my inbox, but i’m more concerned about the deteriorating vibes on this site from a general standpoint (primarily as an observer.) i do appreciate the concern, though! 💕
i shall engage in discourse under the cut because no one has solicited my take here. then, i will step off my soapbox and resume my usual thottin’ and boppin’ because being here with my silly little moots, feeding my silly little delusions is supposed 👏🏻 to 👏🏻 be 👏🏻 healing 👏🏻
cw: general reference to anonymous allegation of anti-asian/anti-korean racism in a fanfic (truly not discussed in any detail whatsoever because that’s not actually even the point here); discussion of anon hate & “cancel culture.”
protect your peace, y’all!
disclaimer: the bulk of the anon messages i’ve seen this week focus on allegations of anti-asian racism, specifically a scene in a fanfic where a bts member experiences racism & xenophobia in america. this anon crusade was the straw that broke the camel’s back (it’s me, i’m the camel) but it is absolutely not the only example of the problem here. as a reminder, things i am: a korean immigrant who lives in america. things i am not: a mouthpiece for 1) POC as a collective, non-white whole; 2) asians; 3) koreans; 4) korean immigrants; 5) korean immigrants in america; 6) immigrants, anywhere. literally *any* thought you see on this blog is me speaking my individual mind on my own, individual behalf.
i’ll start off by saying that i don’t have an issue with people going to creators and saying, “you did this thing, and i think it was harmful for xyz reason.” i don’t have an issue with people doing that anonymously, either. this kind of interaction isn’t inherently toxic.
for example, in january (i think?) i discovered jackson wang, thought he was a babe, and dug his music. i wrote a drabble that featured him. shortly thereafter, i got an anon message that (essentially) asked why i would post a drabble about him because he was problematic.
the short version of that answer is that i didn’t know anything about what the anon was referring to. however, because this person brought the issue to my attention, discourse ensued and i did learn about it. ultimately, i came to agree with the original anon that he was not a person i wanted featured on my blog/in my content. the lesson was learned; the drabble was deleted; and things were resolved (in that i got no additional anon messages about this, etc.)
unfortunately, that situation appears to be a statistical anomaly. now, there are hate blogs focused on bts content creators (which is exactly as stupid as it sounds.) i won’t say the name of the blog because i think it’s like a “bloody mary” situation and i do not wish to summon that buffoonery and goonery into my space, now or ever.
i would just….. really, really like a mission statement to explain what the hell the purpose of these blogs and anonymous crusades is supposed to be.
it’s clearly not to meaningfully address conflict and promote changed behavior because the anonymous bombardment continues even after targeted users begin taking accountability & remedial measures. and if that’s supposed to be the goal, i can’t wrap my brain around why no one on those blogs is permitting that process to occur.
so, if no space/time is given for anything constructive to happen, the only purpose i can identify for these blogs is to ceaselessly criticize people whether or not it’s constructive — regardless of the target’s response — until the person they’ve set their sights on feels so beaten down that they ultimately leave the platform.
i’m serious — what does that solve? who does that help?
definitely not the marginalized groups these anons are purporting to advocate for because, from where i’m sitting, this kind of anon swarming just muddies the message and exacerbates the problem.
no one is going to want to try harder or know better if this is what they’re met with, even when they try to respond in good faith. no one in the relevant, marginalized group benefits, either, because someone that could evolve as an ally just got fucking clobbered.
*if you’re in that marginalized group and you disagree with the anons, you’re an “apologist,” “ass-eater,” etc. so, it seems that not all of our voices matter? what was that about speaking over POC (specifically, in this instance, asians)? 🤔
like, do these anons actually want people to learn/change, or do they want a public execution? those things are mutually exclusive.
since the latter is what their ham-fisted tactics result in, i think that was always the goal. and i hate that. i don’t think that makes anything better — for anyone.
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lesbiradshaw · 2 years
anyways. feel free to be unhappy with the fact that liam has a new gf in the movie and definitely feel free to make criticisms about how the tw writers roped in a no name asian actress to be kira’s thinly veiled replacement since they refused to pay arden right and think all asians are #interchangeable despite profiting greatly off our cultures but just remember being racist towards an actress or character (who you havent even seen on screen yet) under the guise of being supposedly anti racist makes you a weird pathetic freak loser and it doesn’t count as helpful commentary. 💓
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Say it with me now:
I’m going to try and figure out who died, maybe track down some resources, but it’s pretty much a live-update situation.
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cheonmaneechan · 2 years
Republicans so high off their Roe v. Wade win that there's deadass people trying to reinstate forms of segregation style discrimination in places like texas against chinese people. Motherfucking fascists so bold they tryna be a step away from "No Negroes" signs via blatantly illegal legislation, just waiting for the federal government to do something and seeing how much bullshit they can get away with in a short span of time.
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thewokecatgirl · 2 years
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serious-cutie · 2 years
Here Are Some Resources About Anti-Asian Violence
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AITA for calling my sister a racist because I got defensive? TW for SA mention and racism mention.
so first of all let me clarify both my sister and I are mixed, however we are not part Asian.
I (24F) started really getting into k-pop back in 2016 or so, bc it was a source of comfort for me as I tried to recover from really difficult things (bullying and being SA'd by my ex partner) it truly became something that gave my life meaning and I saw these idols as deities, attractive, talented and funny.
when I speak about idols I kindof use a lot of exaggerations and some sexual jokes so. a couple of weeks ago I was talking about how insanely attractive they are and my sister (29F) gently told me "hey have u considered that maybe you're dehumanizing them a bit?" I won't deny it, I got defensive. I didn't like the way she seemed to imply that I had a fetish for Asian people or that I don't know how to enjoy things in a normal way. I told her "hey if you don't find Asian people attractive you can just say that, stick to your guns and admit you're a racist". I did this because like I said k-pop kindof gives my life meaning and I felt like she was trying to take that away from me. she got upset and said something like "I do think lots of Asian people are attractive but you're making it creepy, if you had an East Asian person next to you I don't think you would be so crass. racism is an ugly fucking thing, I know this and so do you so don't throw that word around"
I do think that being mixed/being a poc can still make you say or do racist things so I used that against her, so she simply shook her head. but now I think I might be the asshole. looking back I didn't think she was being anti-Asian but I got so defensive I called her a racist because she knew she would look like a racist if she even tried to argue back. so I do feel like an asshole for resorting to that tbh.
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snookpal · 10 months
Rant about that “Slugass” user
> Casually check my notifications at 6am
> “Slugass liked your post.”
> Realizing i said “Bezerk” in said post
> Block her ass to prevent her reblogging me
> …Relief!
But in all fairness, Slugass (the user i mentioned) wouldn’t be in my blocklist if she weren’t calling the word ‘Crazy’ an “ableist slur” when she literally has a comic about Usop making TransMisandrist (or transphobic idk) Jokes towards Tubee and calling him a “trans vest-tight” (yk what i mean.)
Idk if this was to make fun of the word or if it’s a genuine anti-trans slur
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Here’s what it reads:
“Now that you’ve come out as trans, Can i make trans jokes at you?”
“Go ahead!”
“B-But i don’t wanna make you feel bad…”
“Go for it! I won’t cry!”
“But you might”
“I Promise i won’t cry!”
“*Ahem.* LMFAO TR__NSV____TE!”
Idfk if she even is Transmasc or not, But it did kinda set off a few red flags in my head.
Plus i remember her posting an image of tubee with the caption “He’s a 10 but uses the r-slur ironically” Which would be *to her* internalized ableism.
oh and btw This is the word he said
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And a message to Slugass IF i wanna unblock her
Stop making words “ableist” bc they aren’t !!!!
And probably LEAVE OTHER USERS ALONE? just because they said something that you think is bad DOESNT MEAN YOU GET TO REBLOG THEM AND JUST CALL THEM OUT. /SRS
We BETTER not forget the time you used RACISM TOWARDS ASIAN PEOPLE as an excuse for someone saying the word “insane”.
I’m not asian so i’m not saying much on the topic
But her posts are enough to piss me off to the point where i just wanna barrage her with insults but THANK GOD i’m holding myself back because she would post shit like THIS.
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sorry bout that i got angry
So erm yeah Stay safe !!!! :PPP
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Tw anti-asian racism and anti-chinese racism Asian fetishization and Chinese fetishization
(If this video autoplays for you. You should know that you can go into Tumblr settings to turn off autoplay)
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