#tw brain washing
“Hrm- Mr. Vox? If they’re gettin at what I think- have ya messed with Roxxy..? Ha- have you fucked with my head that I ain’t know about?”
@a-hazbin-spider (?)
"...Your head? No. You're not mine-- Don't think Val would appreciate me doing something like that without his order or permission...as far as far as Roxenne is concerned... Consider it me doing her a fucking favor-- She was a mess-- literally-- most sudden trauma deaths are."
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He says that...but it's not like there's no ulterior motives there...
He has his personal reasons...but also--
He's gotta keep a level of control over the souls he owns.
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itachanta · 1 year
While having in mind everything I've analyzed and read about Vash loving and wanting humans to have faith in him, despite being distant to them at the same time, this scene came to my mind. And I couldn't stop thinking about Vash's scared and ashamed face when Nai talks about the chance of Meryl and Roberto finding out about his guilt, and implicitly leaving him.
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That Knives, who is deep in Vash's mind, trying to erase and modify all of his most important memories, pulls out specifically those two while saying that, and while psychologically torturing him, is only further proof to me that Vash really cares about them deeply, Meryl specially, being his embodiment of all his hopes in humanity, of Rem's dreams, the one who followed him and was there after waking up from one of his worst moments.
And I will never fucking shut up about that.
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newtabfics · 1 year
ONLY IF YOU ARE COOL WRITING THIS. IF NOT JUST DELETE BUT LIKE DARK FIC STUFF???? Hear me out, Volo, right? Psychopath right? Yandere????👀👀👀Cuz like...what if instead of a battle he uses Giratina to somehow brain wash Y/N into being his worshipper but then he gets too caught up in that gorilla grip to care about destroying the world and it works out because he'd become obsessed with Y/N
Ok but like what if shes into it too👀
She felt as though she were a stranger looking through her eyes as she choked on his cock. It wasnt a matter of hating this. In fact, before the battle began she would have happily been in this position.
"Look at you. Some chosen hero. You...fuck...look wonderful swallowing me down. I always knew you would. I cant wait to fuck you even more senseless than you already are." His head rolled back as he gripped her hair, forcing her to deep throat him before pulling back. "Present yourself for me."
Volo watched with pride as she stripped down and bent over a wrecked pillar, practically displaying her soaked cunt for him.
She was practically crying out inside, begging for him to stop teasing and to just fuck her already. Instead he rubbed the fat head of his cock along her folds, relishing in how she twitched and rocked back.
"Be honest. How much do you hate me?"
"I dont," she whined. "I need it. I need to serve your cock. I wamt to worship you, please."
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whump-about-it · 8 months
Nothing but a Monster
@febuwhump Day 2: Solitary Confinement
CW: captivity, brain washed whumpee, suicidal ideation (brief), devolving mental state, supernatural whumpee, uncontrolled power.
This was supposed to be a punishment for Whumpee. Being forced into a room alone. Meals passed to them on a tray through a metal slot in the door. No contact with other people. Not even being able to see a face or hear another human voice.
To be fair, some of it was torturous. There were no windows in Whumpee's cell. And the single florescent light in the ceiling, flickered incessantly and was slowly burning out. The mattress was like concrete and the water that came out of the sink in the corner smelled and tasted like sulfur. Worst of all, there wasn't anything to do in the cell other than think; and Whumpee's least favorite place to be was the inside of their own head.
Whumpee knew they would probably go insane if their were left in here too long. But they didn't really mind that. They considered it penance.
They had hurt so many people.
Whumpee could yell and scream at their captors all they wanted that they couldn't control their powers. That they hadn't meant to hurt anyone. That some of those people were their own loved ones. But they knew no one would believe them. They didn't even believe that themselves most of the time. If they really hadn't wanted to hurt all those people then they would have tried harder to control their powers. Or isolated themselves sooner. Or ended things all together. But something inside of them must have liked it. That's what Whumper always said. If they really wanted it to stop than they would have been able to.
Whumpee was nothing but a monster. And humanity was safer with them in this cell. Anyway, they also didn't have to worry about hurting anyone when they were in here. The anxiety that was always twisting in their stomach was a little less, and they enjoyed that. So really it wasn't a punishment at all. Sure maybe they would waste away and go insane. Divorced from the world and totally forgotten accept for the poor soul who had to feed them. But at least the world was safe from them.
And Whumpee could take comfort in that.
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knightoflove · 8 months
I’m gonna need you guys to tag rabies tbh
I’ll put it up on my pinned. It’s a huge form of paranoia for me. My mind is constantly telling me that I have it and that I’m going to die, so it stresses me out a lot.
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mygirlmm501 · 1 month
Can you feel my excitement? I want to write this so badly!!
"As his watering eyes adjusted to the brightness he recognized Glokta sitting opposite him and his face suddenly filled with hope. A sadly, sadly misplaced hope."
Now, originally, this is quoted from "The Blade Itself" by Joe Abercrombie, but it really makes me think of a good ol', conditioned whumpee, friends to enemies. Ya'know, someone from a friend group is kidnapped and conditioned into their perfect weapon, and then run into the friends again, be it a mission or by coincidence, and they recognize him..but he doesn't. Sooo....things happen. And maybe this could be a time similar, where their friend's eyes fill with hope upon seeing their friend as the only one in the room after being kidnapped, but that hope slowly (or quickly) dissolves into horror as they realize, that something, is horribly wrong. 😀 
Bonus props if their old friend tortures them!!!!!!!!! I mean, can you imagine the emotional horror and scars that would leave for likely all the rest of their life???? Your best friend, torturing you for information. Information on the rebel group he was apart of?? 
AHH!! Love it!!!
"There was a sharp knock at the door. Rew's face jerked up, filled with hope again. Now now, dang it!" 
Oooohhhh buddy. This just keeps gettin' better and better! I can see it now!!! A RESCUE MISSION!!! The cocky "Lance" of the group knocking on the door before coming in any ways just as the conditioned friend is getting up with a snarl on their face to see who is interrupting his interrogation of the other friend, only to see the WHOLE  team BURST through that door, and then watch as all the friends faces morph from that victorious "We're here to save you!!!!!" to " " "[Whumpee]...?" The one who whispers it's voice, soft, baited, hardly daring to breathe, to hope.. as the Whumpee simply snarls, asks who they think they are and who one earth "[Whumpee]" is (aka, THEY DON'T RECOGNIZE THEIR OWN NAME!!!!!! THEY'VE BEEN GIVEN A NEW ONE!!!) aand proceeds to order a guard inside the room to remove them and teach them their place.
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clockwork-soul-heart · 6 months
Do you think you have the right to force this upon her?!
You disgust me!
Force? No. It is merely a push in the right direction.
And even if she did not want this. She will have no choice.
All that matters is my princess's happiness.
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Thanks For The Memories (4)
"Knock knock babe~"
The moljul gently taps on the door before he enters...
The tiny foxy little lady has been down for days...she looked so small in the massive guest bed her tiny body occupied.
Covered to the chin, eye closed while she rested like a sleeping beauty...that is until the painted lid makes an attempt to lift its self from the weight of a deep sleep...
One that she couldn't remember even falling into...
"Heeeeey~ There you..." His voice buzzes out in a soothing vibration and a smile, "How you feelin'? Feelin' good? Yeah?"
The vixen could hardly speak...
It came out in drunken slur of Garbled Gibberish.
"Yeah I bet you do huh..." He chuckled, "I did give you the good juice." he hums placing a tray by the bed, "Don't forget to hydrate...and try to eat huh?" he hums, "Paid good money to have that delivered..."
"Mmmnhhhwhhrs ToNy..."
"Hmm? Tony?" His eyes narrow...she's speaking a little more clearer... If he gives her anymore juice he may as well liquidate her mind...
"What kind of nonsense are you spouting?" he says in a low tone,
"Think you're confusing your dreams with reality here..."
Her groans of denial poured out from her dizzily...
It was a struggle for her to lift herself from the mattress, and for but a brief moment, a twinge of guilt glitched across his screen...
"...Get some rest, Babe..." he said softly and draped the sheet over her.
"You'll forget it all in the morning..."
To Be Continued (?) Part 1 here
Part 2 here
Part 3 here
part 5 here
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dudes my room may have carpet beetles
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bearsinpotatosacks · 1 year
Feed Me Poison; Fill Me 'Til I Drown - Whumptober Fic
From behind his back, he produced a glass of opaque black liquid. Ethan’s arms began to shake, and not from where he was trying to resist the guards. He knew what that stuff was. It was the reason his throat burnt when he swallowed, why he could feel it thick with scarring, why words scratched his throat raw. 
"No," he managed to whistle out. It was all he could manage now, speech so painful he'd mostly given up, apart from desperate moments like these. "No."
Ethan’s been captured by someone they call the Code Breaker, known as so because of his ability to break anyone. Will Ethan manage to escape his methods? Or will he just be another of his victims?
For day 14 of @whumptober . Also on AO3.
Words: 860
They stepped closer, all he could do was back away, away, away. It didn't stop anything. Didn't make himself disappear or make them give up. They strode over in long strides, crossing the room in an instant as if they were supernatural. He wouldn't have given up before, he would've fought or resisted more but he couldn’t deny that he'd changed in here.
The guards grabbed him by the hair and pulled him toward the centre of the room. Another two grabbed his arms as he struggled. On the tiled floor, his feet slid about like it was made of ice. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t get a good hold, not the slight rough texture of the tiles or the grout in between. He was helpless.
After they’d applied enough pressure so he couldn’t move, he entered the room. The Code Breaker entered, called so because of his ability to brainwash anyone, break anyone beyond repair. Even Ethan.
"Pull his head back." The Code Breaker said.
From behind his back, he produced a glass of opaque black liquid. Ethan’s arms began to shake, and not from where he was trying to resist the guards. He knew what that stuff was. It was the reason his throat burnt when he swallowed, why he could feel it thick with scarring, why words scratched his throat raw. 
"No," he managed to whistle out. It was all he could manage now, speech so painful he'd mostly given up, apart from desperate moments like these. "No."
"You know what this is, don't you?"
Ethan nodded. He tried to pull his body away from the guards and felt his body slip along the floor. He could barely move without their help, without their approval and say so. The guards pulled him up again and held him tighter, hard enough that his hands began to tingle.
The Code Breaker came closer. He jabbed two fingers in his mouth. Ethan heard the dull voice in the back of his head telling him to bite them off. He didn’t listen. He'd already tried that.
"Open wide." He said in a sing-songy tone.
He raised the glass and tilted it so the liquid began to pour into Ethan’s mouth. Some of it splashed onto his cheek, his nose so he struggled to breathe. It ran down his chin, tickling his neck as he struggled. He tried to breathe but couldn’t, pain rippled to his lungs, rising slowly as he kept trying to take air but not enough came in.
Then it hit. Deep down, all around, a growing tingling. Sour and sharp. A twinge at first then hitting like antiseptic on an open wound. Hitting his throat and rippling outwards in an almighty roar. He couldn’t focus, couldn’t breathe or fight as it burned down his throat and he was forced to drink every last drop. 
It tasted vile too, not that he could taste much with his tongue burnt by that acidic substance. He didn’t actually know what it was. All he knew was that it hurt. It took away everything he thought he was, bit by bit, every time.
Once the glass was empty, The Code Breaker removed his fingers and patted him on the cheek. The guards let him go, let him sink to the floor as the liquid kicked in. He heard their footsteps echo as they walked away, the light switching off to leave him in darkness, complete darkness. 
He never saw them for long, just enough to start the process of inflicting pain and leave him to deal with it alone. Alone to deal with the fact that he was, in fact, fallible. Mortal. Merely human. Pathetic on the floor as the pain took over, his body shook with cold, fear and agony.
That wasn't the worst part. It never was. He knew what would come. And the fact that he knew was a sign that this was only the beginning. Because whatever was in that liquid made him forget that it was all hallucinations, that they'd given him this to hurt him, to break him. 
He'd get delusional, every time. Think they were coming for him, every time. And get hurt when they left him, told him he was actually worthless and it wasn't just what The Code Breaker said, every time.
It made him believe he was the one going mad. This was all his fault and not theirs. Sometimes, if it really worked, he'd forget he was even here, with The Code Breaker and just alone, on a mission or wherever else he used to go. He honestly wasn't sure anymore, what he used to do and where he used to go. 
"Ethan?" Benji called from far away.
It was starting, he thought, as his heart skipped a beat. Maybe it was him this time?
"Ethan? Are you here?" Luther had joined too.
He hated how his body jolted. How his brain ran with the idea that it was actually them? It could be. He hadn’t left this room in how long? He couldn’t remember. So it could be them. They could be here.
They could be, right?
I originally was going to write a Maze Runner fic based on the theme flare but when I saw the lyric title for this day it hit me with a whumpy image of someone being forced to drink a horrible acidic substance. And Ethan came to mind. If anyone knows Tumblr lingo (which I just don't but I'm trying) then he’s a poor little meow meow, just trying to save everyone no matter what, he’d sacrifice himself without question if it meant the world was at peace forever. And this makes him the perfect whump candidate. Thanks for reading! @whumptober-archive
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newtabfics · 1 year
Twisted. Ganondorf x Fem!Zonai Princess OC Master List
Summary: Ganondorf notices the way the princess shies away from him and enacts a plan to manipulate her. Little does he know, Zonai are much more animalistic than the stories lead him to believe. You can't fight your instinct when it comes to your mate. Triggers for manipulation on ganondorf's part. Hypnosis/Mind Control magic. Murder. blood. But more, oh so more importantly...We do be fucking Ganondorf so like...snoo-snoo ;)
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Chapter 1: The Tragic Princess.
Chapter 2: Goddess Be Damned
Chapter 3: By His Power.
Chapter 4: Rightful Place.
Chapter 5: At His Side
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buyingaradspaceship · 10 months
I think it’s beautiful
Going outside in the cold winter air to grab the parcel that arrived while I was asleep from the garden
It’s 1pm and I only just got out of bed
The harsh freshness catches me off guard for a moment
Forces me to really notice
I notice the brown leaves in their resting place
The bird bath glazed over solid
A robin curiously hopping closer
I notice and it’s beautiful
I take some deep breaths and I give the robin some seeds
I soak it up because as wonderful as it is I know I probably won’t go back outside today
The parcel was candles
They smell beautiful
The postie drew a smiley face on the ‘sorry we missed you’ card
The neighbours were putting up christmas lights
Everything feels so still
And I think, what if I died in 2014?
Not ‘what if’ in the sense of ‘imagine if that happened’
More like ‘what if it’s true?’
A part of me, at least
A piece of 2014 me might be a ghost
I want to honour them but I also don’t want to be haunted anymore
If I died that day so what?
Shit happens
Then it’s winter again
And I wonder why my life is strung out like this
It isn’t cohesive
It’s bubbles on a web
Today I lived
Insignificantly but boldly
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soup-is-here · 10 months
like fr tho when you talk about ocd symptoms with people who don’t have it you really walking on eggshells🧍‍♀️
Honestly !! Ive had some Gross ones since like 12 years old that I've kept p hidden for years. The amount of times I've heard "you sound insane" just from family members?? Like damn I guess I'll go be distressed without any adult emotional support then
The only person I talk about the bad ones with now is my therapist so I don't ruin my Well-Adjusted persona
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loamblogging · 2 years
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pro gamer tip: never throw away excess egg wash and flour dredge, combine them and fry in a pan until crispy👍
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saiibeo · 1 year
me: I'll probably nap so I can exist better also me: randomly getting hyperfixated on making a the iconic scre.am poster for corvus' scre.am verse
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erabundus · 2 years
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anonymous &&. said... My dear little puppet, a birdy told me of your relationship with kaedehara and that beautiful scarf he gave you. Don't you think it would be such a shame if something were to happen to him like what happened with dear sweet Niwa. I have heard his heart is pure and full of life. ~the doctor
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the  wanderer  stood,  his head bowed, a LONELY FIGURE  accentuated  against  an  ugly,  endless expanse of roiling gray clouds.  he  didn't  move;  his  chest  had  long  since  ceased  its  steady  ( habitual ) rise  and  fall  the  moment  indigo  gaze  settled  heavy  upon  the  apotheosis  of  all  his  LOATHING.  what  a  farce.  did  the  doctor  forget  so  easily  that  he  had  plenty  of  experience  getting  under  people's  skin?  picking  at  flaws,  exposing  weaknesses,  transforming  what  one  held  dear  into  a  blade  between  their  shoulders  —  they  were  such  fundamental  manipulation  tactics,  he  couldn't  help  but  feel  INSULTED  having  them  turned  on  him.
the wind was howling.
what  started  as  a  gentle  breeze  swiftly  grew  louder  with  every  subsequent  word  out  of  the  doctor's  mouth  —  until  (  by  the  time  he  finished  )  it  threatened  to  drown  him  out  entirely.  it  was  like  a  chorus  of  a  dozen  ghostly  voices,  all  shrieking  in  agonized  fury  as  they  barreled  towards  a  (  painful  )  crescendo.  the  sky  above grew  dark,  as  if  to  herald  a  rising  storm.  yet  still,  the  wanderer  did  not  move.  even as his scarf dragged in the wind. even  as  the  gale  battered  him  with  enough  force  to  topple  someone  twice  his  size.  even  as  an  errant  gust  of  concentrated  anemo  sliced  across  his  cheek.  BLOOD  dripped  a  thin  line  down  the  side  of  his  face  —  the  wound it stemmed from  quick  to  close;  testament  to  that  wretched  durability gifted by the god of eternity.
it was then, and only then, that ren finally raised his head.
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his  eyes  GLOWED,  two  pinpricks  of  blue  glaring  (  as  wide  as  they  were  hateful  )  from  beneath  his  hair.  they  cast  strange  shadows  across  his  features  —  turning  something  soft,  something  beautiful  into  the  mask  of  a  wrathful  DEITY.
the wind was howling.
❝  shut  the  FUCK UP.  ❞  in  contrast,  his  voice  was  clear;  the  gale  seeming  to  rise  and  fall  in  tandem,  as  though  they  were  one  in  the  same.  stupid.  stupid. stupid.  stupid  of  him  to  get  worked  up  over  this.  stupid  of  him  to  get  close  to  kaedehara.  stupid  of  him  to  believe  he  could  have  anything,  anything  in  this  world  without  it  crumbling  apart  in  his  worthless  hands.  even  so,  even if he was completely irredeemable, ren  knew  he  wasn't  incapable  of  learning  from  his  MISTAKES  —  the  past  couldn't  be  changed,  but  it  could  be  made  to  never  repeat.  he  wasn't  about  to  let  one  of  niwa's  blood  fall  victim  to  that  man's  sadistic machinations.  not  again.  never  again.
❝  do  not  presume  you  have  any  right  to  talk  like  you  OWN  ME.  ❞  ren  ground  out  through  his  teeth.  ❝  my  strings  were  cut  a  long  time  ago.  since  you're  such  a  gossip  these  days,  i  thought  you  would  have  known  that.  ❞  redirect.  distract.  provoke. this was his fight, his personal demon; let him shoulder the BURDEN and go for the throat.
❝  kaedehara is  just  another  human.  nothing  more,  and  nothing  less.  do  you  think  you're  being  CLEVER?  ❞  the wanderer  tilted  his  head  and  arched  a  condescending  brow.   ❝  his  name  is  only  in  your  wretched  mouth  because  you  assume  that  is  all  it  takes  to  get  a  rise  from  me ...  you're  becoming  awfully  predictable,  doctor.  ❞
he raised his hands. the wind howled — then coalesced into anemo swirling around his wrists.
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❝ ... i'm going to enjoy FLAYING you alive.  ❞
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