#tw covid 19 mention
one-time-i-dreamt · 2 years
M&Ms were the cure to COVID and a zombie virus?? Ryan Bergara and Shane Madej were there. Shane caught the zombie virus. :(
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disabled-pixie · 1 year
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Covid isn't over! We're now going into an endemic! It will continue to evolve and make new variants, each more deadly than the last. I know people will say, "It will only kill the already disabled and elderly." Thanks for condemning my life and thousands of others to death because you wanted to go back to "normal life" and didn't do the bare minimum of getting vaccinated!
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fretbored34 · 1 year
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All thanks to the plague 👍
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irisbleufic · 1 year
I’d be in the hospital right now if not got being fully vaxxed and on Paxlovid, I’m pretty sure. There’s a poem in The Sting of It called “DNR” where I juxtaposed the fucking terrifying experience of having H1N1 (swine flu) in London in early 2011 with reading a letter one of my great-grandmothers wrote home from the hospital where she was treated for (and died from) tuberculosis. Signing my mom’s DNR order is mixed up in there, too; eerie now that she’s finally gone. All I can think of his how it felt to have H1N1 for 6 fucking weeks without benefit of a vaccine or any medication more useful than Lemsip, wondering how much worse than that my current situation would be without treatment. My fever was so high for a week of it that I was delirious; I remember repeating “I think I’m dying” pretty often during that week. Aside from the colon cancer wringer of 2.5-3 years ago, swine flu was the sickest I’d ever been. The sheer awareness that my current COVID situation could be so much worse is just…I don’t know, bad flashbacks. They’re keeping me awake to the point I didn’t sleep till 4am last night. I’m afraid to fall asleep. I keep thinking about that poem, how the ghosts I captured in it haunt me even after the attempted exorcism of writing.
(The closer I’ve gotten to death in my four decades of life, the more I fight to live. 2012-me is floored by how much more was to come, how much more fight I have left.)
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moonbunnie7 · 2 months
Can I ask y’all a genuine question?
To the people who take covid seriously do u ever get disgusted looking at peoples bare faces and low key get triggered over someone coughing and sneezing into the air without covering their faces?
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look i didnt cope well with covid and lockdowns and stuff and i turned to a lot of different things to keep me vibing somewhat normally but i think my favorite coping mechanism was the aesthetic pinterest board i created for my emotions titled "Apocalypse Aesthetic"
its actually really interesting to see how my brain was functioning in the worst times through what i thought reflected the state of the world
here are some highlights
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like idk
its just cool how i picked up something dumb like an aesthetic pinterest board and just decided to go to town with making it an accurate reflection of what i felt the world was like at the time
and it was something i added to when i was feeling like i needed to get stuff out of my head? and its like? not depressing as it could have been?
and now looking back on it
its like im an archeologist digging through the history i lived through
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artemis-pendragon · 1 year
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94monkeys · 2 years
Hello from COVID isolation
Where there's nothing to do but post... except work I suppose.
So here's what happened: On Wednesday I was about to head out to see friends. I had a little tickle in my throat, nothing I would even take meds for, but I took a rapid test just in case... wherupon I got the very faint positive I already posted.
For safety's sake, I did not go see friends and I ran the apartment isolation plan we used when my spouse got it. I immediately took a second test of a different brand, and that was negative. I have not tested positive since then. Thursday I felt more tired than usual, but that could have been from canceling all the things, notifying everyone who was a close contact and stressing about these outcomes (also adjusting to sleeping on an air mattress, which is fine... but not my bed). Today I feel quite good actually.
As far as I can figure there are one of two equally unlikely options:
a) the test was borked
b) I had COVID, fought it off enough that I didn't notice, and only caught it at the tail end. (I don't regularly take tests so I hadn't taken one in weeks... probably just before we babysat my sweet nephew.)
I guess b) is a little more likely because last week I was at a client conference where I know people tested positive after (plus it was in a hotel so a lot of in and out traffic), although I don't know if I was their close contact. I was masked 95% of the time when I was inside, the remainder being drinking water and iced coffee indoors but away from everybody. Most people were not masked, of course. On the other hand, cooking a baby and whatnot, I am very aware of my symptoms and how I'm feeling—probably more than ever before. It's hard for me to believe that it would be so mild that it wouldn't even occur to me to test.
Post-test I felt really sad and guilty that I had failed to protect my sweet decembaby by maybe/likely getting COVID. But as my sisters remind me, I did as much as I could—it's society and the prevailing YOLO COVID attitude that failed me. Yes, it would have been safer to not drink anything or at least go outside and try to find something—but dehydration and exhaustion are real! (And I don't even know if it was the conference—the next most likely vector is public transit, which I really can't avoid because I have to go to work, I can't walk there and I don't have a car.) I played the hand I was dealt. I am glad my OB got back to me right away and gave me sound guidance on how to deal.
I'm going to isolate through Monday (5 days) and get a PCR test that will hopefully fully clear me. Props to my insurance's 24-hour nurse line for talking me through this and also complimenting me on my COVID preparedness (sad laugh). Cruel irony, I was supposed to get my updated booster on Saturday and now I either have to put it off for a few weeks or a few months if I actually did have it (which I hope an antibody test will establish, but I can't get that within 2 weeks of positivity). (Update: An antibody test, at least the common consumer type, cannot distinguish between vaccine antibodies and infection antibodies. Sorry about the misinfo.) So close, yet so far!
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hi everyone, i am still on my break but my parents have both tested positive for covid (it’s mild) so any positive and healing thoughts/vibes would be much appreciated!
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anti-ao3 · 2 years
unpopular opinion but i think we should still be using masks. it should still be the status quo. i am so sick of people telling me i don't need to wear a mask anymore, because THE PANDEMIC ISN'T OVER, PEOPLE ARE STILL DYING AND BECOMING DISABLED WITH THE POST-COVID EFFECTS. please wear masks and vaccinate if you can.
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fishmonarchy · 1 year
So I probably developed IBS from the last time I got Covid. Never mind that I have gotten 5 shots. Never mind that I always wear a mask and only go out when I must.
Anyway, I haven’t been eating much to avoid going to the bathroom ‘cuz every-time I do I have to go. I finally got to see the gastroenterologist and the pills they gave me seemed to be working. I got over confident and ate a normal amount. Breakfast, snack, lunch. Every two hours. Portions too. Almost didn’t make it to the bathroom. The meds are supposed to make it so I don’t go so much?!!!
Anyways, again. Please stay safe because although it’s a 98.2% recovery rate, it’s gonna mess one organ up or another. I got gut. Someone might get lungs or brain or maybe even constant fatigue. Hear about hair loss and mind fog too.
In the US post Covid symptoms could be considered a disability recognized by the ADA. So also be aware of your rights.
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perditus-a · 2 years
|| going to be off for a few days - tested positive for COVID and am not feeling too well rn ||
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favesblog · 1 year
actual good responses to "why are you still wearing a mask?":
it fucks severely 😌
this is my Kakashi cosplay 🙄
i'm cooler than you 😎
i got mono from your dad 😔
my body, my choice 😷
i wouldn't be able to keep the bitches off me without it 😏
i'm actually in the witness protection program 🤫
why, you wanna make out with me? 😘
mind your own FUCKING business 🖕
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sunlightswallowed · 2 years
Fucking calm down Greg it’s tumblr rp
Okay. Listen. I know this was probably meant to piss me off and give you a giggle about how It’s Not That Deep, Bro. But let me tell you a story. I don’t like bringing current events into RP space so I’m gonna try to tag this as thoroughly as possible, so people aren’t triggered or made uncomfortable. But I’m tired of being told to calm down.
I am a substitute teacher. I work in a middle school with fifth through eighth grade. I have spent the last two years dealing with Covid protocols and having to enforce them in a school district where most of the parents think the whole thing is a hoax and wearing a mask is traumatic for Little Timmy. I’ve done all this while being unable to tell anyone I know my preferred pronouns or the name I gave myself because being openly queer could lose me my job.
I have, in one school year, dealt with five students between fifth and eighth grade attempting suicide. I have dealt with one kind, sweet fifth grade girl, attempting more than once while at school. I have had a child tell me every single day that he wants to die, and all I can do is send him to the counselor. I have been hit and kicked and bruised and then been yelled at because my tone when telling Bobby not to physically hurt me was too harsh. I had a kid ask me today if it was safe to go outside for the end of the year pool party.
I have done all of that while legally blind, while trying to navigate a world that is not meant to be accessible to me, and facing mockery when I trip or need help, or being accused of faking because I have a phone and I have some vision so I can’t be Really Blind. I have constant headaches because of the strain trying to monitor 25 kids at a time puts on my one half-functional eye.
I woke up today thinking about what the hell I’m supposed to do if some monster with a gun happens to come in while I’m substituting. And I come home. To where I can relax. To where I can get on my computer and read and write and pretend I live in a kinder world where I don’t have to think about these things. And all I see is people talking about how a small box on their screen irritates them or is stupid or is a waste of time even though it’s a function that can help me access a space that feels safe for me better. And there are so many things going on in my life that I’m angry about and can’t do anything about. But I’ll be damned if I don’t at least make my voice heard on this one little thing that I Might be able to influence people on.
I’m so fucking sick of being told to calm down. Fuck you.
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I’m probably gonna start uploading a bit slow because I just got diagnosed with covid :( this is the second time I’ve had it (the first time was Christmas 2020 before vaccines were super available in my state) so I kinda know what to expect. So don’t worry about me!! I’m gonna get lots of rest and stay very hydrated, and im still taking requests. Expect some aot characters comforting you when your sick 😈
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starry--skies · 2 years
Guess who has covid 🙃
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