#tw native boarding schools
“We were in the mountains and returned home at the end of summer, just before school started. My gram/tupa always had a coffee tray next to her rocking chair. It had her coffee, roll-your-own tobacco, and on the other side of her chair was her 30-30 rifle; her gun was always next to her.
They came again end of summer, and she said, “No you’re not taking them."
She took a stand, I’m sure, because of her own boarding school experience. People knew who the strong ones were, and they knew: Don’t even try to take her grandkids, you’re not gonna get past her.
My gram/tupa was my hero, I lived with her most of the time. She lived alone for about 35 years after her second husband died. She did her own hunting, and she said she was the first woman to get a cougar in our community.”
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froggybangbang · 2 years
kaniCanadian Boarding Schools: Canada's Assault on it's Native Population
Trigger Warnings.
Like. All of them, though there are no graphic images. But this is the Canadian history and the least I can do as a white person born in Canada is to share it. It should be shared. Please share.
For those who are in a position to be able to give:
This is Nouveaux Sentiers, a foundation that gives money back into the communities:
https://nouveauxsentiers.com/ (English website up soon) They have camps and give out grants.
This a the Carrier Sekani Family Services:
https://www.csfs.org/payments/donations They found various programs, not least of which are the Pillars of Hope & Strength which will be placed in northern BC in memory of the women whose lives were taken on the Highway of Tears (You can read up more about that HERE)
If you know of more, reputable, places to give feel free to add them below.
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astro-rainbow777 · 6 months
♈︎ 𝔄𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔰 𝔦𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢𝔰 ♈︎
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✶ Aries in 1st: Being ruled by the planet Mars, these natives give a bold and invigorating first impression. What you see is what you get with Aries in the first- they have a raw and honest personality- which can be off putting for some people because it can be taken as rude depending on the person/situation- but I have to say you must admire them for being so tenacious and authentic in nature. I can hands down say the best quality about Aries in the first is what you see is what you get! They have a strong ego here, are not ashamed of their behaviors, body or personality - regardless of what others say to or about them. ✶ Aries in 2nd: Bold spenders, can be quick to have, give away and lose money. Fleeting self worth and values- can feel and act confident one hour and then shy and shameful the next. Values honesty, integrity and sense of self- this may be because they don’t have the greatest sense of self. Believes that kids and the younger generations have the most value in the world. Having children of their own could be of the greatest importance- OR (and this is a big or) they could never want kids and value connecting to their inner child and independence greatly. It’s one or the other. Can feel at war with their finances and self worth.
✶ Aries in 3rd: Athletic and popular in middle school/high school. Known for their leadership skills and qualities amongst their peers, classmates, cousins and siblings. Can be the youngest of their siblings or babied by others. Intellectually motivated, driven and competitive. Impulsive and passionate in their speech. May say things for shock value or improv their actual knowledge. Finds stimulation in an intellectual debate and arguing. It’s hard to win an argument with these people because they speak so quickly- their arguing style is just backing people into a corner mentally, they don’t give up easily. However, they can regret things that they say when they are angry or upset.
✶ Aries in 4th: Huge indicator of raising yourself as a kid. Family required you to be very active, you could be the most successful in your family as an adult because of this. Family is a point of weakness for you, mainly because they possess a lot of “childish” qualities. You may feel like your parents/guardians were big babies and never grew up. You could put a lot of energy towards your family, but could have a shorter fuse with them over all people. You may be the youngest out of your entire family. Your family could be competitive with you our vise versa. Your family could be the start of your “Villan Arc” 💀- your family may have childish values, argue a lot or they may be a “board game family”. TW - Worst case scenario- violence in the home.
✶ Aries in 5th: Play fights when flirting, aggressive flirters, acts like they hate their crush. I have this placement lmaooo and I LOVE to play fight with my man- like btch?! You wanna go!?!?!? It’s so much fun to me and usually leads to s*xies ayyye. But that’s definitely a me thing, I love to talk smack to my significant other- that’s how it’s always been. Being competitive, NO BORING DATES EVER! Known to have secs on the first date. Passionate- goooood lovers. Either wants to have kids right away or doesn’t want kids at all- this I huge independence thing that keeps them from not wanting to have kids. You can’t be the baby, if you have a baby! Commitment issues.
✶ Aries in 6th: Enjoys active routines and work place. Known to work in establishments with competitive pay and many enemies in work place. Can be scene as bossy by their coworkers. Needs to be weary of being hypocritical of their coworkers. Temper at work. Benefits from a workout routine. Needs to take out stress and anger from work & daily responsibilities. Can be very active or have hyper pets, may need a big back yard to run their dogs or other animals in. Competitive in health and motivated to be the best version’s of themselves. Picky with their diet and what they decide to put in their bodies. Can have an all or nothing attitude- because theirs definitely a reason why they are so picky. Usually this stems from poor self care habits and bad physical health. ✶ Aries in 7th: Passionate and assertive lovers, the fire they feel for their committed partners are unmatched. They may loose interest beyond physical lust- especially if they don’t take they time to figure out whether or not they ACTUALLY like someone. These individuals could truly find good in anyone so it’s important that they don’t project their desire for commitment onto someone else. They can date or be friends with some bold and persistent personalities- even bossy. It’s important that these natives find someone who will give them some wiggle room to find themselves. These people find out who they are through trial and error in their relationships - it’s typical for these natives to have “failed relationships” that lead them to find out what they definitely don’t like- which leads them to their ultimate truth.
✶ Aries in 8th: This gives the native a hyper-vigilant quality to the native with Aries in 8th. In the past the native may have been made to feel like they didn’t belong, maybe they were bullied, or judged for something they couldn’t control. This may lead them to be on edge, secretive and even defensive about who they are authentically. They are very protective about who they actually are because they have been hurt before- many of these people are Virgo Risings, so it’s interesting to see that this may be one of the reasons why they are so hard on themselves and receive a judgmental sort of reputation. ✶ Aries in 9th: I love this placement so much honestly, because a lot of these natives have the philosophy that they can go after anything that they want. They have a particularly strong sense of self and actually may have a hard time understanding why other people don’t go after what they want or believe in themselves and their dreams. This is a super hard working placement IMO - it gives very much that “I want it, I got it!” vibe! It’s very possible at a time in their life that no one believed in these individuals so they just had to prove themselves to the world, and that’s so beautiful.
✶ Aries in 10th: Go getters in their career- they do best when they are their own boss- they definitely don’t do well with being told what to do because of their sensitive nature. However, they have a lot of creativity and art to give to the world. They need a career that is authentic to who they- a simple 9-5 WILL NOT cut it for these people. So if you’re an Aries 10th and you’re still trying to make your boring, loveless day job work- this is why. It is not in your genetic code to be running someone else’s business 😂 you are the business starter- not finisher! Quit diminishing your own light because I know y’all are hard on yourselves regardless. Pick your hard and go after it!
✶ Aries in 11th: Leaders of the pack, these natives love bringing their friends together and being absolutely crazy with their friends. They are naturally socialites and feel their best when they are interacting in their community and collaborating with like minds. These people live for their down time, special niche hobbies and interests. They work hard to play hard. They may also have some pretty strong humanitarian values they stick by, these natives have no problem with telling people their opinion on any given situation and they really don’t care what you have to say about it 😆
✶ Aries in 12th: With Aries in the house of isolation, hidden endings, mental health, dreams and subconscious awareness- this can make a native who suppresses their anger deeply and keeps a lot of their authentic reactions to themselves. They may feel more comfortable expressing this rage internally or when they know nobody else is around. They may be completely out of touch with their anger and impulses. They could have to isolate before taking action towards their authentic desires or dreams. Dreams can be violent and they may have intense nightmares. These natives can work out their best alone- although they usually like to workout with someone, this keeps them from pushing themselves for fear of being ugly or vulnerable. They don’t like to show their struggle to others, complain or their authentic side.
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Happy Aries Season Everyone! I hope you are all safe and navigating eclipse season /mercury retrograde with ease. I am making a series out of the signs in the houses. I hope y’all are enjoying my content! Love you and thank you so much for reading my content and giving me feedback. This is such a sacred study to me. It is my life.
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dreamofmetoday · 2 years
tw: mentions of abuse
this post is focused on the common negative manifestations of the harder moon signs to help understand them better.
the moon represents your mother, childhood and occasionally older sisters or grandmothers. the moon is fallen in scorpio and in detriment in capricorn. these are factually the worst moon signs and are associated with a difficult upbringing. other difficult moon signs are: aries, gemini and libra. notable mentions: sagittarius, pisces. moon signs are both perception and reality.
moon in scorpio (fall)
theme: emotional suffering
being an only child, outright abusive mother, the mother is being abused, the mother is unable to cope with a loss (and is therefore not able to nurture the child without interference of her own pain), the native is sent to boarding school/overseas homestay, an older sibling (sister) is unwell (and the mother is forced to focus on her and not the native), the native becomes overly sensitive to guilt tripping, the child witnesses the mother often emotionally manipulate others or knows she keeps many secrets.
moon in capricorn (detriment)
theme: restriction
being the eldest child, extreme strictness that allows no freedom, the mother forces the native to maintain a certain weight, the native is forced to overwork in some way (exercise, study, chores), the mother is invasive of the child’s privacy, since the mother is tense and unapproachable it means emotions are frowned upon - the vibe of, ‘stop crying or i’ll give you something to cry about’, the child witnesses the mother being strict on herself and the other parent often.
moon in aries
theme: forced independence
only or eldest child, the mother is absent or the native is left on their own often, the mother is always working, the native doesn’t see their mother and lives with a grandparent or another relative, the native had to do things on their own very young (walk to school, make dinner or school lunch, clean etc.), a strict household which causes the native to make their own decisions secretly, the native often feels they aren’t rewarded unless they really fight for it, the native often witnesses the mother treat others very aggressively, the child works to earn money from a young age, the native is sent to boarding school/overseas homestay. (think of matilda from matilda)
moon in gemini
theme: emotional neglect
having a young mother or alternatively being the youngest child, emotionally distracted mother, the mother is more of a friend than parent (this can also manifest as having a sister who is a lot older), the mother has lots of friends and is really social at the expense of the child, the native has a lot siblings or family that get more attention, the mother is lax but distant and forgetful so the native is left to their own devices, the native often gets confusing and conflicting messages from the mother causing a confusing and conflicted image of the mother. (think kevin from home alone).
moon in libra
theme: repression
image and family honour is considered extremely important, ‘putting on a good show’ is considered extremely important, the native is expected to adhere to certain beauty standards and maintain a certain weight, there is an overemphasis on manners at the expense of the native’s emotions, the mother is aggressive but aggression back is heavily punished (the native gets used to the mother taking things personally in general), the native is taught that finding a partner is important or grows up watching the mother focus on this a lot, the native often witnesses the mother backstabbing or gossiping about others.
moon in sagittarius and pisces is also somewhat often associated with difficult childhoods and can have some common negative manifestations, though these moon signs would not overall be considered negative.
for moon in sagittarius, since the mother is often associated with still being concerned with her own freedom, she can be a woman that is focused more on travelling, socialising or dating than on the child which creates distance that can be hard to heal. sometimes it’s associated with the mother being closer to another sibling which encourages the native to search for ‘greener grass’ elsewhere (both of these examples often result in the native moving far away from home or wishing to). for moon in pisces, this is considered a chaotic energy in which the (emotional) turbulence of the mother often upsets the native’s day to day living circumstances which can be taken highly personally by the native.
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vague-mintyboy · 16 days
I am rewatching Misfits and Magic in preparation for the new season, and I am determined to figure out the exact date when The wizarding world of Misfits and Magic (WWMM for short) cut off technologically. I mean like Brennan keep saying, everything is technology so at some point the world was contemporary. So I will be keeping track of specific technology that stands out. I will update this post as I watch.
I will not count technologies an individual may have as some wizards are shown to have family etc in the NAMP world. This is a list of the wildly accepted technology.
So far no travel technology canonically described (in no real order)
Notable known technology
- Velocipede bicycles
Invented June 12, 1818.
So far this is the most recent date we can get. This specific type of hike also comes up in episode 2 so it isn’t a one-off from a more open-minded character. Dr. Boodle even implies that the school offers students complementary velocipedes in episode 2, so this technology is not considered out of place in the WWMM
- Tobacco pipe
While pipes in general can be traced back to Ancient Egypt, English Pipes do not become popularized until the late 1500s with the colonization/subsequent genocide of Indigenous Americans. This is when Tobacco in particular gets pairs with Pipes as it is native to the Americas.
- Parchment
Invented in Pergamum, 1500 BC.
However, it is not popular in England until seemingly 1500 CE, so this date keeps coming up.
- Indoor plumbing for water but not toilets
(so far unclear if that includes sinks or a water pump or what)
I knew this was going to give me trouble. Also TW a lot of literal shit talk.
Plumbing in general can be dated back to the Neolithic period but Aabria does say they have water pipes. If we are assuming these pipes are iron, and the typical shape then this would date to 1455
However, we can get more specific as the use of toilets/plumbing integrated gives us a cut off date. While again there are examples of various cultures using water to clean their versions of toilets, the flushing toilet is not invented until 1775.
This creates a problem. As shown Velocipedes were not invented at 1818. However, this could mean than instead of a single cut-off date, the transition to seclusion was slightly more gradual. As the lack of toilets seems to me more systematically in-forced (while velocipedes are easier to integrate) I am confident to say that by 1775 the wizarding world began to close itself off but had not fully done so. It also makes sense for typical public toilets/latrines not to be integrated into wizarding society as those are unhygienic and so a magical solution would be warranted, and that would still fit the contemporary needs. Furthermore the idea of pooping somewhere and then cleaning it matches with the social etiquette of latrines (versus just magicing away the waste pre-actual pooping.) this shows that socially pre-1755 the wizarding board was contemporary with medieval Europe.
- Pushbroom
Evan’s broom is specifically called a pushbroom. The pushbroom’s patent was filed in 1950! However, I could attribute this to the broom shop owner being particularly connected to the outside world? Or maybe it is just an older broom that looks similar to a pushbroom so Evan calls it that.
- Mop
Traditional mops (not just rags) seems to appear by the late 15th century for ships, and the idea is popular in association with more general cleaning by the 1840s.
- toffee
Toffee first becomes a word for candy around 1843. However, this was a general word for taffy-like candy. English toffee seems to be often dated to from around 1890s but that date is unreliable. https://www.etymonline.com/word/toffee
- Tea
Tea does not arrive in Europe until the 1600s from China. At the start, tea was still consumed like Chinese tea (no milk or sugar, etc). England then takes over the industry in 1858 with the government taking over the East India Company / relying on colonized India for tea production instead of China. However, this didn’t really affect popular culture / tea consumption habits until the 1900s and then really boomed in WWII.
I do admit that a handful of savvy more-modern Wizards could have taken tea’s popularity and broke into the untapped Wizard Market. However, even then you’d expect to see some sort of cultural difference (like how McDonald’s in different countries all have different menus, etc).
Notable technology not known about
- Nukes
We know definitively that nukes are not generally known about, so the WWMM is definitely completely closed off by 1945 bc even if there was slight connection people would know. Even if the WWMM closed after because of nukes people would know.
- Radio
Repeatedly radio is confirmed to be foreign. Radios were invented in 1899, and audio transmissions were then added in 1906.
Conclusion so far:
The WWMM was relatively contemporary with NAMP Britain through the 1500s. However, by 1755 WWMM began to close itself off. At least, architecture stopped being updated with modern plumbing which reflects a larger systematic shift. However, there was still a steady exchange of ideas through the 1840s, as tea, velocipedes, toffee, and modern mops all are treated as everyday items. However, by 1906 major technological trends went unnoticed, and certainly by 1945 the WWMM was completely cut off from world-wide news.
I feel like it is likely that by 1906 the WWMM stagnated completely and looked relatively the same to season 1’s world.
Currently, my theory is the political strife leading up to WWI, likely before the actual war, lead to the intellectual closure of the WWMM. However I will repost/update this with any new info. Also feel free to add your own insights.
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mjso-soupp · 3 months
Meet me in the South
Chapter 2: I’m not native
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(Subaru Sakamaki/Fem!American!Reader)
Word count: 2.7k
TW: Mentions of blood, and Bullying(idk lol?)
Notes: Im really proud about how this one turned out, updates may be more frequent since I do have a clear schedule for now.. Thank you for my two best friends for helping me through this (ahem, bubble and Iris..)
I like feeling the water rush under my feet, in the creek behind the church.
My friends fingers gripping my bare shoulder, scared she’ll slip and fall.
I laugh and tell her it’s okay if she does, I’ll get wet with her.
We walked the winding creek down to the river, my friends waiting on the bridge above.
She held my hand when we stood on the edge of the bridge, it’s not far. It'll last a few seconds.
I feel my insides become lighter when we jump, our screams resonate together and pierce the quiet air.
Water shoots up my nose. Once I reach the shore, she smiles at me.
“See? It wasn’t so bad.”
February 20th 2004
“Damn, you take forever to wake up.”
The bed sunk under the weight of the two, Subaru observing her resting face, the sun went away, taking the long shadows it placed on the earth with it, and the heat it blessed life. The last seven days were warmer in the night, occasional outings gave energy to both brides and life in the mansion was thriving. Her body was huddled under the king size sheet, curled in hopes of beating the chilling air in the mansion that never left. Her eyes cracked open, fluttering open to meet Subaru’s piercing gaze.
“Is it time for school..?” She whispered, propping up on her elbow. Rubbing circles on her lids.
“Hurry up, Reijis gonna be on our asses. You wouldn’t wake up so I just sat here waiting.”
“You were watching me sleep?”
“N-not like that! Tch, I was just passing the time. I went to sleep earlier than usual, and couldn't go back to sleep.”
“Okay..” His face grew red, standing up abruptly and walking to the door.
“Just, hurry up and get ready, okay?” Slamming the door behind him, leaving the girl on the bed confused.
“Can you tell me the answer to number five?”
Her head lifted slowly in confusion, the bright fluorescent lights hindering her vision whilst attempting to observe the surroundings. It was class time, the lesson had been slept away. Everyone was staring at the sight before them in her groggy awakening, watching her jaw stretch open for a yawn while her arms stretched behind her back, cracking it loudly. The teacher stood at the front of the board, ruler in one hand, chalk in another, waiting for a response patiently.
“Me?” She replied,
“Yes, you. You would have a clue about what’s going on if you weren’t sleeping.”
‘What class am I even in again? There’s kanji scribbled on the board, how many kilometers are in a mile again…? This is math right?’ Bright eyes finally adjusted to the bright room, noticing a group of girls in the corner covering their mouths.
They giggled. The one that stood out, leaned over to one of the petite girls next to her, whispering in her ear causing her to giggle continuously. They eventually made eye contact with her.
The girl's name was Hana, her hair was as dark as the atmosphere around her, that fell down to her waist, eyes of emerald green that slanted ever so slightly, making her look angry all the time. She also wore her uniform loosely: Blazer that fit her a size too large, button up with a couple of them missing, short skirt that questionably adhered to the dress code and a new pair of mary jane’s everyday. All her friends however, were short: Hair, Height, and short of dignity. As opposed to her menacing personality, she was surrounded with all the bubbly, gyaru girls? And they practically worshiped the ground she walked on, wiping her fake tears for her. Her father was a politician that worked with the Sakamaki brothers' father, that was the word around the class.
“debu.” Her friends laughed even louder this time, the teacher just rolled her eyes and walked back to the board.
“Enough of that. Please try to stay awake for the next lesson.”
“Yes, maam.”
Then the bell rang, signaling lunch, everyone rushed out of the room, crowding the halls. Hana and her friends watched the girl leave the room, turning their heads, smirking when they collaborated on their idea.
The bench on the top of the roof was her designated spot, no one would greet her up there. She had gotten used to sitting peacefully, listening to the wind howl while eating whatever the cafeteria was serving. Occasionally Laito would pop up, but not much
mind was paid to him
“Look who it is, it’s debu!” She stood up and walked towards the girl. Her eyes sent a glint even through the dark night and the moon shone on her shiny polished nails.
“Hey, Debu!” Her lips parted into a wide grin, licking her red lips. The bride's face dropped into a worried expression, her heart began racing, quickening her breaths.
“What does that mean..?” Hana laughed, bringing her hand onto her hip, her pocket knife metal shining.
The same girls laugh echoed behind, the bride snapped her head around, facing the three girls.
“Gaijin, they’re such an eyesore. Don’t you agree, girls? Maybe we should teach her a lesson.”
The pocket knife flipped open in the swipe of Hana’s wrist, lunging at the bride. Hana’s arm wrapped around the brides shoulder and held the blade up to her neck.
“Stop—what are you doing!” The cold blade pressed down onto the bride's pale skin, droplets of crimson earned a hiss from the frightened girl.
“This will teach you to stay away from what isn’t yours.” The blade slicing a thin line into the bride's neck, she closed her eyes in response, chewing on her lip to muffle a scream.
“Oi! What the hell do you think you’re doing!”
Hana jumped at the sound of the vampire's voice, she shot looks at the three girls, dropped her grip on the bride and fled, along with her group. Leaving the bride confused once again, she held her neck, blood streaming down onto her white button up.
“Fuck, are you okay— You’re always causing trouble for me! I can’t waste this, okay, I’ll clean you up.”
“I’m sorry—I didn’t see them coming.”
“S-shut up, they’re gone now.”
He brought her in close, taking in her scent before pressing a flat tongue along the incision, Lapping up any remaining crimson that didn’t leave a mark on the pure white blouse.
“Thank you.”
“Tsk. don’t thank me idiot.”
“Come on Shuu, it’s your turn!” Yui squealed, the sleeping blond had missed the past turns, everyone groaned watching him crack his eye open, unbothered.
“I don’t even enjoy this, just go ahead for me.” he crossed his arms, sitting next to Yui on the couch, observing everyone’s moves.
“Damn man, you don’t have to be a buzzkill. Hey, you! Take his turn.” Ayato barked at the bride sitting calmly in the corner, tugging at the bandages wrapped around her neck that bothered her. The pale skin ached from how tight Subaru tied it, also the constant tugging and readjusting he went through to get it just right. He gave up after the third try, huffing and tying it lazily.
“I don't play pool.”
The redheads face dropped in anger,
“Does anyone take this shit seriously anymore? You all are just afraid to get beat by Ore-Sama!” he groaned, placing the stick down before slumping down onto the cushion.
“Don’t get so worked up Ayato! Bitch-Chan has a lot on her mind, she’s practically scratching for someone to pay mind to her!”
Laito appeared next to the girl, leaning in close. His pearly whites shine in the dim lighting of the room. Warm puffs of air tickled against her cheek, causing her to flinch.
“Fufu..Subaru’s not here, just tell me and I’ll tend to your needs~ We all know Subaru doesn’t.”
“No, it’s okay—I'm good.” She waved her hands in front of her face, blushing at the suggestive offer. Laito had begun trying to make advances towards her, his bride seemingly disappearing into thin air after that night. She wasn’t bothered though, Subaru wouldn’t allow it really.
“Are you sure Bitch-Chan?” The smirk on his face widened, amused at her flustered response. She nodded her head quickly, becoming silent for a moment before blurting out.
“What does Debu and Gaijin mean..?”
Two of the triplets laughed out loud, the corner of Shuu’s mouth turned upwards.
“Damn Chichinashi! Where’d you learn those words?”
The bride’s eyes blinked in surprise and widened, blushing before looking down at her lap. fidgeting with the hem of her skirt,
“Awe Bitch-Chan, did someone call you that at school..?”
“I mean, yeah..”
Yui’s face became worried, swinging her legs slowly over the couch and plopping down on the couch next to the bride.
“I’m sorry they were so mean to you… It’s not true.”
“What? Can you just tell me what it means..?”
Yui and Laito gave each other a quick look, but turned their gaze back to the confused girl.
“If you won’t tell her I will!” Ayato exclaimed, “Debu means fat, and Gaijin means foreigner.”
“What!?” The bride stood up abruptly, stomping to the silver floor mirror and standing before it.
“Am I really… Fat?” Twirling 360 in the mirror observing all the curves and dips on her body, poking at her belly whilst sighing.
“You’re bigger than most girls Bitch-Chan~ You know, more area back there.”
She stared at him with an annoyed expression, lifting her arm up and looking over her shoulder.
“I mean I work out so does it really matter if I’m larger…? I’m not even large! I'm healthy so what does it matter!”
The two laughed again. Kanato finally spoke up after watching the scene unfold,
“Dolls are frail and skinny, not muscular like you.”
Teddy rested on his lap, facing the girl twirl in the mirror. Its eyes suddenly held so much judgment, she had to contain her fright towards the stuffed bear.
“I think you’re beautiful! It doesn’t matter what they say, as long as you’re healthy.”
Yui complimented, smiling nervously whilst clasping her hands together.
A loud creaking caught their attention, Subaru and Reiji walked in simultaneously.
“The fuck you standing there for?” Subaru questioned
“Someone at school called Chichinashi here a fatso!”
All three of the triplets bursted out into boisterous laughter, the girl's face dropped into a low frown. Reiji rolled his eyes, pushing his glasses up before speaking.
“Whilst she may not be to our standards, I read in America they prioritize fitness and muscle training as opposed to striving for a lean structure here in this culture.” his eyes narrowed before speaking once again,
“I am glad I found you both are here, you and this lazy, good-for-nothing have something in common. I received word from your teacher that you were sleeping in class, now I also read in your file you were transferred here to seek advanced education, although I do not see how sleeping in class can be proof of that. Let me make this clear for you, I cannot have you sullying our name, so If I hear you are sleeping in class again, I will see to it that I punish you thoroughly.”
The triplets grew silent, giving each other looks trying their best to not snicker. Goosebumps grew on the girl's arms, her palms clammy from embarrassment.
“And you,” Reiji spat, awakening the blond sleeping vampire. Shuu cracked his eyes open, visibly annoyed that there was such a commotion surrounding him.
“It appears you are set to graduate this year. Although, I hardly believe you will make it through this semester before failing, like you always do.”
He smirked while crossing his arms, walking over to the couch and looking down on his older brother.
Everyone watched as the blond on the cushion sat up and swung his legs over the couch. Eyebrows furrowed downwards, his lips as well into a scowl.
“You just had to ruin the mood, like you always do.”
“Did I hit a nerve brother? Why don’t you lay down and sleep away the hours, something you’re familiar with?”
Shuu shot up off the couch, balling his fist,
“Playing the eldest doesn’t mark your title.”
Reiji’s smirk dropped, his shoulders tensed up but relaxed after realization the sets of eyes resting on his figure,
“I have done more for this household than your faltered brain could ever comprehend! Absolutely no one would miss you if you left—as a matter of fact, go ahead. Leave, see if anyone is this mansion bats a lash, go ahead and save the burden for the rest of—“
Reiji’s sentence was cut short by the sound of Shuu’s fist delivering a blow to his face. Contact between the two resulted in an immediate snap, blood spurring outwards on the ground, splattering on the black and white tile. Metal frames clinked against the floor, shattering the thin glass, scratching at the tile.
“If you want to carry on the name so desperately, for that man.. I’ll let you, this family means nothing to me.”
Yui’s face became sullen: If Shuu decided to leave, would he take her? He would be leaving her here to fend for herself with the other vampires available in the mansion, having that immunity meant she could last an eternity being tormented by these people—without an end in sight. For once, the girl didn’t feel a burning envy towards Yui. For once, she felt sorry, sorry and relieved that for once, she wasn’t being preyed upon.
Reiji sat on the floor, cradling his nose to stop the bleeding. His nose was bent, it wouldn’t be the perfect shape his father had gifted him with, Shuu had thoroughly deformed it with that one single hit, he also decided to leave with Yui while everyone watched as Reiji sat on the floor in disbelief, his eyes saucers racing with thought yet nothing could be said. The damage was done, he achieved the thing he wanted most, he was next in line.
“Tch. Let’s go,” Subaru whispered to the girl, pulling her away from the crime scene. Her eyes lingered on the splattered mess on the floor, Reiji was looking for a rag to clean the mess up.
February 21, 2004
“Don’t forget me. Okay?”
The girls intertwined hands, staring at eachother one last time. Shuu had decided to bring Yui along after all. Everything was booked last night to ensure their departure,
“Where are you going..?”
“I don’t know, Shuu said somewhere far away.”
The girl squeezed Yui into a tight embrace, frowning with tears stinging at the whites of her eyes. Petting the blondes hair slowly,
“Please be safe Yui,” Her voice cracked with soft lips trembling, pulling away eventually. The driver slammed the trunk shut,
“I’m ready when you all are,” Said the driver, opening the limousine door. Shuu put his hand on Yui’s shoulder and looked down at her.
“I don’t want to be here a second longer,”
The girl walked next to Subaru. His eyes hard with unreadable emotion, watching as the blondes boarded, finally escaping. Triplets watched as well the sudden pause Shuu took before fully entering the limousine, his eyes softening observing the household he lived in all those years. Yui’s small hand waving an eternal goodbye to the inhabitants of the house, smiling with no worry. She was free. The door slammed behind them, simultaneously when the limousine began driving away. Subaru’s head following along the shrinking image.
“There goes our eldest, maybe we’ll lose another.”
Laito said, turning on his heels before walking inside. Other two triplets followed close after.
Her fingers turned blue from how long the two stood there, listening to the cold wind howl and prickle at their pale skin. Huddled together with their arms intertwined,
“May be time for us to go,” She pulled away from the albino, clasping her hands together before walking into the mansion as well.
Shuu’s words appeared in his mind, turning his head to see Reiji's figure in the window peering out into the darkness,
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frostbytemyrik · 11 months
Land back is literally Nazi 'blood and soil' ideology. The idea that a certain people have a unique connection to the land of a certain region and are the only rightful rulers of it. Every group of 'indigenous' people killed or forced some other group of people off of that land they're on before they took over it. Everyone is a colonizer if you go back far enough. It's totally incoherent.
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Posting this publicly so other people can see this too to confirm I'm not just going completely mad. Are y'all seeing this? Did someone really just roll up to my inbox and claim the Land Back movement is comparable to Nazi ideology? Am I making up this clownery?
Anyway, cite your sources. EVERY group is a bold claim. And even then, that doesn't excuse the atrocities committed unto them by the European colonizers, nor the devastation that said colonizers continue to bring upon the planet and Her people.
From an ecological standpoint, stewardship is crucial to many environments. Native humans have tended to the land, and when colonizers "settled" it, they disregarded any care that it may need and, through a mix of killing Natives off and forbidding them from lands they were on first, keept and still keep them from tending it and never bothered learning to tend it themselves. It's the major reason why the Australian wildfires were so devastating.
But we aren't looking at this from a purely ecological standpoint, are we? We're looking at it from a humanitarian perspective, too. When we show up where other people already are and violently remove them from where they've lived for countless generations, make them houseless, starve them, defile their sacred spaces, mass murder their main sources of food and fabric, forcibly convert them to our religions, separate them from their families, and punish them for speaking their own languages... is it right? Does the fact that some of these nations have warred with others in the past make this okay? Does that make this treatment justified? (I'd think this is a rhetorical question, but considering this anon showed up I feel the need to specify: the answer is OBVIOUSLY NOT.)
This is just the list that I, a white man in the US, came up with on the spot, and this is only about a few of the abuses committed by the US alone. There's a lot more to be added here. No people deserve such mistreatment and no people ever will.
The continued persecution of Native peoples around the world will not end until the rights to stewardship of lands they had stolen from them are acknowledged.
Edit: Whenever I come back to edit this, Tumblr deletes all my sources in that big block of atrocities, so I'm just posting them all here below. TW for racism, genocide, and...just about everything else.
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freyjadahl · 3 months
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  *     ◟    :     FREYJA DAHL ,      some say you’re a    THIRTY ONE  lost soul among the neon lights.      known for being both  OPEN MIND  and  COMPULSIVE,  one can’t help but think of  ENJOY THE SILENCE   by   DEPACHE MODE  when you walk by.    are you still a    ASSOCIATE   at    THE BURNING GODS,     even with your reputation as the  THE FALLEN ANGEL?     i think we’ll be seeing more of you and   PALE MOON LIGHTS, WARM TEAM AND SNOW FLAKES  although we can’t help but think of  DAPHNE BLAKE ( SCOOBY DOO ), STEREOTYPICAL BARBIE (BARBIE 2023) and ELSA (FROZEN )  , HYPNOS (GREEK MYTHOLOGY)   whenever we see you down these rainy streets.   
name — freyja signy aurora dahl nickname(s) — none. age / dob — thirty-one / ??? affiliation — the burning gods / associate sexual orientation — heterosexual / heteromantic height — 5'6" / 1,68m occupation — heiress, model, actress & influencer residence — manhattan birthplace ⏤ stockholm
mother — linnéa dahl ( 60 ) + ( heiress + socialite ) father ⏤ baldur dahl (65 ) + ( ceo + economist + billionaire ) brothers — 3 marital status ⏤ single issues ⏤ 1 ( a baby named alice ) pets ⏤ boo dahl ( ragdoll cat )
tw: misogyny, neglect ish
Freyja has been a very observant kind of person since a child, very quiet. Almost didn't talk to people. On the day she was born, there were famous northern lights (aurora borealis) in the sky, and her family said the sky was blessed with her presence, therefore her father added her name 'Aurora'.
Her family wanted to expand their business in NYC, despite the things were doing well in Europe, and more specifically, Sweden. She studied in a boarding school and another part of her life homeschooled. Freyja was the youngest of three men, during her time in school she was a quick learner and her grades were always the highest it was one of her strategies to draw her parent's attention and for being the only 'woman' her father didn't think she'd be as good as her brothers.
Adapting to a new country wasn't very difficult for her, she never had an issue with the language, to begin with, in fact, she was often mistaken as a native. She had a bit of difficulty with social interaction due to her time homeschooled.
Everything in her life she always had to work twice to excel in anything. And yet, she was never appreciated for her efforts. Freyja didn't let it defeat her. In a way, not being as appreciated as the rest of her brothers, stimulated her to battle to get all the things she wanted. It doesn't mean she always got what she wanted.
She graduated in entrepreneurship and archeology. During her graduation, she met that she quickly felt smitten with him. It was something that she always broke up, made up with, and broke up again, this was their cycle until this got tiring to her, and she put an end to their relationship.
If there was something she wasn't aware of when things didn't get well in some of her family's business, they tended to take desperate measures to keep things up. It was like the popular belief 'desperate times, desperate measures'. That's how she became an associate of the Burning Gods.
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blacksapphicguide · 1 year
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Riverdale (TV series)
2010s TV series (Completed). Drama, Mystery, Crime, Romance.
Plot points:
Based on the Archie comics.
Darker themes: surrounding murder.
Inappropriate age-gap relationship.
Competition among female characters; power dynamics and male attention influence.
Familial relationships - dysfunctional and functional.
High school environment and dynamics.
Murder investigations.
Solving of mysteries.
Trauma, and dealing with trauma.
Supernatural drama.
Time-travel drama.
Multiple LGBT characters.
Sapphic couples - black and interracial.
TW:// *see below*
Black sapphic characters:
Toni Topaz [bisexual] Vanessa Morgan Thomasina Topaz [bisexual] Vanessa Morgan Melody Valentine [lesbian] Asha Bromfield Nancy Woods [lesbian] Djouliet Amara
Toni x Cheryl [Choni/ Cheroni/ Chopaz/ Red Serpent] (interracial sapphic couple: black Native x white) x Peaches N' Cream [Tonipeach] (black diverse sapphic: black Native x black) Thomasina x Abigail (interracial sapphic couple: black Native x white) Melody x Nancy (black lesbian couple) x Ginger (interracial lesbian couple: black x white latina)
Sex & Nudity - Moderate
Multiple shirtless and in-bra scenes.
Mild sex scene (no nudity, shirtless).
Implications of sex.
Themes of prostitution.
Violence & Gore - Moderate
Display of a dead bodies.
Character is hanging on a board with multiple bloodied wounds.
Bear attack.
Display of hanging suicide.
Character is tied up and branded.
Gang violence.
Display of a serial killer.
Setting someone on fire.
Character getting shot in the head.
Profanity - Mild
Vulgar expressions for sex.
Use of ass, asshole,, bastard, hell, bitch, idiot, etc.
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking - Mild
Drugs: implication of taking prescription pills that aren't needed.
Character gets hooked on a fictional drug.
Minor character overdose.
Alcohol: Social drinking.
Alcoholic characters are present.
Smoking: Occasional cigar smoking.
Frightening & Intense Scenes - High
Character bashed their head into a locker multiple times. Blood and frothing at the mouth are seen.
Bullying with physical altercations.
Implied cannibalism.
Revealing of self-harm scars.
Character gets sent to conversion therapy.
Character gets hit by a car and dies from the injuries.
Characters jumping out of windows.
Use of weapons - guns.
Verbal abuse by a parent toward their child.
Instances of suicide, cults, pedophilia, organ harvesting, incest, and the likes.
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devilsgatewayhq · 2 years
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Name: Sawyer Decker Age: 38 Occupation:  Owner of Decker & Associates Law Firm & Criminal Defense Attorney Time living in Tonopah: Native, but left for college at 18, and recently returned about a year ago Neighborhood: Glenn Estates Gang Affiliation: Lawyer for Sons of Silence Face Claim: Claire Holt
Biography: (TW: Abusive, neglect, drugs, alcohol )
Sawyer Decker came as a surprise to Jeffery and Andrea Decker, as they had already been blessed with a son two years prior. She would be their only daughter. The Decker family lived in a spacious home on their family ranch just outside the city limits, providing Shepherd and Sawyer with a life of luxury. However, despite never lacking for anything, life in the Decker household was far from easy. Jeffery, a former Board Member for The Enterprise and highly feared, was often absent due to work. When he was home, he subjected Andrea to physical abuse, with no effort to conceal it from their young children.
As soon as Sawyer reached the age to venture beyond the confines of their home, she eagerly sought any reason to stay away. It had become clear to her that she wanted escape Tonopah Valley. Once she turned eighteen, and her acceptance into New York University was announced, it only further cemented her determination. A couple of years after she departed, Sawyer attempted to persuade her mother to break free from Jeffery's grasp. However, her mother adamantly declined, leading Sawyer to make the difficult decision to sever ties with her, holding her responsible for perpetuating the cycle of victimhood and resisting the pursuit of a better life.
Just before entering college, Sawyer rekindled her connection with Roman McNulty, and their relationship quickly blossomed. College proved to be challenging, but she persevered, eventually earning her degree. Immediately afterward, she enrolled in law school. Four arduous years later, she proudly graduated. Shortly after completing her education, Sawyer seized an opportunity at Remington Law Firm, embarking on her career as a criminal defense attorney. She began as an associate and steadily climbed the ranks, eventually achieving the position of partner.
Roman had proposed and Sawyer accepted. Their engagement stretched on for quiet some time, during which Sawyer dedicated three years to meticulously planning every aspect of their dreamlike wedding. However, on the eve of their rehearsal dinner, she unintentionally overhead a conversation between Roman and his father that left her stunned. Roman confessed to working for her father, gathering information about her life and reporting back. The revelation came as a shock, leaving her uncertain about how to proceed.
With her brother in the city for the wedding, Sawyer immediately sought him out at his hotel. She confided in Shepherd, hoping that he could leverage his connections with the police department in Tonopah to uncover more about the contents of Roman's conversation. Their wedding was a mere four days away, and Sawyer found herself grappling with an agonizing dilemma.
Upon receiving Shepherd's confirmation of what she had overheard, Sawyer found herself wrestling with her options for the next two days. On the morning of her wedding day, she made a dramatic decision: she simply did not show up. Instead, she remained in their shared apartment, dedicating most of the morning to packing her belongings hastily into her car. Her abrupt choice was a closely guarded secret, one she only shared with her brother. Subsequently, when Roman was deployed the day after the the wedding that never happened, she returned the engagement ring to his sister.
Last year, Sawyer received a call from Shepherd informing her that their father was on his deathbed. Despite her initial reluctance to return home, she ultimately made the decision to move back to Tonopah and currently adjusting to her new life.
She was the queen bee in high school. Mean girl, cheer captain, prom queen. She ran Tonopah Hills High School.
She is a very private person, and her older brother is probably the only person she confides everything with – and even then, it’s like pulling teeth.
She recently established Decker & Associates now that she intends to be in Tonopah Valley for the foreseeable future.
She has no tattoos and doesn’t plan on getting any.
In her younger years, she wasn’t one to shy away from a physical fight – now she tries to think before swinging her fist.
She was arrested during her senior year in high school for hitting someone over the head with a beer bottle.
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jaexverse · 2 years
↳  posts ᤩ full profile ᤩ playlist ᤩ pinterest board ⌇ #yd&b
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University Student. 20 years old. Basketball Captain. Campus Heartthrob. Artist. Campus Playboy (Allegedly). Barista. Frat Brother.
tw/cw ; drug usage, alcohol usage, controlling family, sexual content, rumors of sleeping around, potential violence.
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Jaesung was born to his parents in their mid-twenties and while he can't remember his early toddler years, he was told his parents were around more and by the time he turned around 4-5 his parents had basically been non-existent in his life. This had, understandably, upset the young boy, but he wasn't totally alone—he had Mrs. Cha and his brother, though he seemed to be more set on winning his parent's approval and praise. And so the youngest Jeon was left on his own with his maid, having to find his own ways to entertain himself as his brother would be too busy studying to play with him.
During his late elementary years, his family had relocated to the United States, as his father had plans to expand his company. He struggled because he had to learn English, and kids would often tease him had he not understood what they were trying to say. Eventually though, he was a fluent English speaker and could hold long conversations with native English speakers, though he's still learning to this day.
As time passed, Jaesung got more and more rebellious and would often act out, hoping to get his parents' attention—especially in his teens. He'd drink and come home drunk and or high, sneak out to hang with his friends, skip school, and just get himself into trouble. He was that typical rebellious kid in middle school all the way through high school. Though often he'd avoid going home to his quiet house, choosing instead to stay at a friend's house or sneak out in the middle of the night to get up to mischief with his admittedly not so much of a good influence friend group.
Jaesung was out of his family's house as soon as he could. It was maybe a month or two after his 17th birthday that he packed up and was out of the house without looking back. He had rented an apartment while he finished his last year of high school, living there on his own until he was eventually off to his chosen University. He purposely picked one that was a way from his home, but in a last-ditch effort to get some sort of acceptance from his family, he enrolled in the business major with plans of joining his elder brother at working at the family company. His apartment was kept, but he currently lives on campus in the frat.
His parents hadn't even praised him for it—it was almost as if he was expected to take that major and then live his life furthering the business. 
The first year was.. fine. He'd made new friends, attended most of the parties held by students, and enjoyed planning and throwing the ones with his frat brothers. He hadn't been interested in girls but would chat with them out of friendliness. But one night, he talked to a girl—was his usual friendly and somewhat flirty self—and everything seemed to go well. Until it was not. She had forced herself on him, successfully stealing his first kiss. There were videos, cameras, people watching and talking about it—but he was frozen. He'd eventually come to his senses, pushed her away and disappeared out the door of the house party. From there, the rumour of him being a man-whore had spread around campus.
Second year of Uni starts and Jaesung is a whole new person. He's quiet, ignoring girls and brushing them off with his coldness that seems to linger over him. He'd often skip his classes; no longer interested in fighting for his parents' love and instead does what he wants. More often than not, you can find him in front of an easel or a large canvas with a paintbrush in his hand in the studio his University had confirmed. And while he goes out his way to disregard women, there's this one that he can't help but tease—he doesn't hide who he is from her and finds he can be himself; even if that pissed off and confuses the other women on campus.
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maelx · 2 years
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was that andré lamoglia spotted down at the shoreline of east hamptons main beach? must just be, mael couto, the twenty three year old bartender. whenever i hear starry eyed by you me at six it reminds me of them. they are known for being gullible but they make up for that by being amiable. they have been living in the hamptons for twelve years.
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basic stats ;
⟶ full name: mael paolo mariano couto ⟶ nicknames: no nicknames, just goes by mael as his name is rather short ⟶ three things he likes: getting high, long walks by the beach, random adventures at three am ⟶ three things he dislikes: chipped nail polish, close minded people, scary movies ⟶ gender: cis male ⟶ height: 5 ‘ 10 ⟶ age: twenty three ⟶ birthday: november 14, 1999 ⟶ zodiac: scorpio sun, aquarius moon, capricorn ascendant ⟶ right handed or left handed: left handed ⟶ eye color: brown ⟶ hair color: light brown ⟶ piercings and tattoos: a cartilage piercing on his right ear, a small hoop piercing on his left earlobe, the name ‘mariano’ tattooed on his inner right bicep ( father’s name, also one of his middle names ), a small surfboard tattoo on his left ankle ( click here ) ⟶ languages spoken: portuguese ( brazilian portuguese, also native tongue ), spanish, and english ⟶ sexuality / romantic orientation: homosexual / homoromantic ⟶ place of birth: joão pessoa, brazil ⟶ last five songs listened to: cabeça voando by raí saia rodada & xand avião, vitamin c by can, honey, there’s no time by feng suave, você de mim não sai by luan santana, closer to the sun by slightly stoopid ⟶ five aesthetics: a beat up surf board, encouraging people to make the stupidest decisions known to mankind, smudged eyeliner, walking into a room and forgetting what you were going to do, a soft smile that can warm the coldest of hearts ⟶ character inspo: eric effiong from sex education, maxxie oliver from skins u.k, simon eriksson from young royals
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background story ;
it was valentine’s day in brazil for boyfriend and girlfriend mariano couto and mael dos santos. several drinks and joints later and mael and his twin sister are ( quite literally ) conceived. his parents are fifteen years old and have no idea what they’re doing
! tws for labor complications, death ! fast forward nine months, and mael and his twin sister are born. unluckily, his mother was so young and not at all ready to have a child, let alone two, so she had several complications during birth, which, unfortunately, resulted in her death. with this, mariano named his first born son after his mother without thinking about it twice, leaving his daughter’s name for his own imagination ( hint hint, wanted connection! )
he now had to take care of two babies all by himself, while he was basically a child as well. needless to say, he acted a lot more like mael’s older brother rather than his father
they had a place of their own which maels’ father inherited from his mother ( or mael’s grandma ), but even with a paid off house, and a hefty inheritance, mariano blew most of his money on vices, mostly alcohol and weed
since he could remember, mael could identify the smell of weed and alcohol clear as day. still, despite his demons, mariano wasn’t exactly a bad father  –  he was just a young one who didn’t get a chance to live his life because he had kids before he was even legal
that didn’t change the fact that mael grew up around all these… influences. his father’s friends’ were certainly characters, asking him to go buy them beer when he was just a kid ( fyi, this is a thing in south america lmfao ), lighting up cigarettes for them during movie nights, and even learning to roll perfect joints by the time he was seven. he grew up surrounded by things any average kid wasn’t surrounded by, which greatly influenced the person he would become
the attention he lacked at home, he tried to regain at school. terrible grades, an attitude, that kid that talked back to the teacher, literally cut off a girls ponytail once because ‘her hair was on my desk and it was annoying me’… you get the idea. he was that kid your parents begged you not to hang out with. teachers thought he was the devil, but in reality, he just wanted attention, to feel validated in someway, even if it was in all the negative ways
and one day, when he’s barely eleven years old, his father barges into the house screaming excitedly ‘i won the mega-sena, i won the mega sena!’ ( mega-sena is basically the brazilian lottery ). the first thing he does is buy a bunch of weed and alcohol, and the next thing he does is sell their house and most of their belongings and travels with his son and daughter. they go to the states, europe, just about anywhere you can think of, and after all that’s done, they settle in the states
mael struggles a lot at first ( mostly with the language ), but eventually, it becomes his home. they buy a real nice house by the beach, and his school is a lot nicer than his old school in brazil
it’s around this time that his father starts seeing this woman that would soon become mael’s step mother, not to mention a woman who would show up in all his nightmares to come
mael does like her at first. she always buys them food, she smells nice, and she appears to make his father really happy  –  what more could he ask for in a step mom? however, things take a swift turn
! tws for molestation, general inappropriate relationships for the next two bullets, please proceed with caution or skip over this if you’re triggered ! and one day, when it’s just her and mael home alone, his father and sister out doing god knows what, she wanders into his room and suggests they play a game. one thing leads to another and before mael knows it, her hands are down his pants and she’s kissing him. honestly, he kind of? doesn’t know what to do. it makes him feel super uncomfortable and unsafe but it just happened out of the nowhere and it was very random so he kind of just? sits there, traumatized, scared, and before he knows it, his father and sister are walking through the front door. he was twelve years old when this happened
it happened a couple of other times after that, all the times they were alone, and all the times she repeatedly told him that they would never believe him if he said anything, so despite wanting to tell his father what happened, he never did. in fact, mael never told anyone what happened, practically buried it into the grave, deep inside his ‘childhood traumas’ folder. in all honesty, he felt trapped. not only was this woman the reason they had citizenship in the states now, but she also appeared to make his father very happy, so instead of speaking up about it how he should have, he began hanging out with his friends a lot, practically never coming home at one point because she didn’t make it feel like home  –  she made it feel like hell ! end of tws !
his pre teen to early teen years is when he began trying just about everything. alcohol, weed, cigarettes, before he began getting into heavier stuff around his sophomore year of high school. to be clear, his friends weren’t bad influences, he was. they didn’t encourage him to do bad things, it was the other way around. he went out so much, he practically lived on the streets or at the houses he was staying over that night. he had a tight knit grouo of friends, but the truth is that mael wasn’t very well liked by a lot of people. he was bullied by most who weren’t in his circle of friends and was usually taken advantage of ( he’s simply too nice to say no ). this is what caused mael to drop out of high school at the age of seventeen, in his senior year
he’s always been a very artistic person, really into drawing and painting and anything involving arts and aesthetics. it showed in the way he dressed, spoke, and carried himself. he loves to draw, paint, but he considers his artistic talents a hobby
again, he dropped out of high school on his senior year, never looked back. he lived with his father for a while before he eventually became a bartender and raised enough money to have his own place. it’s a small, cozy apartment with paintings he’s drawn all around the walls. mael’s father has surprisingly invested the money he won really well. but mael doesn’t want to rely on his father for his own expenses
mael tends to just crumble up his childhood traumas tbh just? doesn’t talk about it. it never happened. definitely didn’t lead him to making all the stupid decisions he’s made today  –  nope, not at all
he’s pretty gay, came out when he was fifteen years old through a social media post with the caption ‘let’s get one thing straight, i’m not’. his father and his sister are probably the most supportive of him
he’s not the type of person you can come to when you want to be talked out of doing something stupid. odds are he’ll say ‘that’s so dumb haha... do it!’ will legit drive you to do the stupid thing, doesn’t have the best judgment and definitely trusts people too easily ( explains why he gets fucked over so much )
he has a bearded dragon he named jake long ( the last american dragon he said ). he also has a shih tzu named pawarotti
he really wants other people’s approval. in fact, he craves it. call it his upbringing or whatever, but mael just wants to be good enough for somebody, anybody really. he’s a huge hopeless romantic, falls in love with any cute guy that gives him the minimal attention, then gets upset when they don’t feel the same thing for him. he’s a dreamer. wants to get married, white picket fence, all that jazz
i’m gonna end this here because i don’t want it to be too long, but below is his birthchart and some headcanons for some extra tea!
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headcanons ;
he loves the beach, makes it his business to go back to brazil or even california at least once every two months. he loves to surf. something that he genuinely enjoys with no catches
surprisingly? a vegetarian, with thoughts to become a vegan real soon. he loves animals a whole lot and has been a solid vegetarian for over three years now. he started off a pescatarian, made his way towards vegetarian, and eventually wants to be vegan. his father claims he’s a ‘fake brazilian’ as meat consumption in brazil is huge, but mael just can’t do it
he loves music in portuguese. his first ever genuine gay crush was luan santana, a brazilian musician. mael basically loves him. has met him three times and has the fattest crush on him, would drag his father to attend his concerts with him because no one else wanted to go with him
mael can be very sensitive. honestly, don’t be mean to him because he might just go home and cry about it later. he basically remembers any mean thing anyone has ever said to him, needs therapy for sure, but will probably never attend
he loves painting his nails. his favorite colors to paint them are red and orange, he also has a thing for rings, has at least two rings on each hand because he likes the way they look
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birthchart ;
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briarrosedahl · 15 hours
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name — briar rose dahl nickname(s) — none. age / dob — twenty-nine / ( 31/12/1994) sexual orientation — heterosexual / heteromantic height — 5'6" / 1,68m occupation — heiress, model, actress & influencer residence — emerald mist birthplace ⏤ reykjavik, iceland. time since arriving in kismet harbor⏤September, 1 (2024) , had visited this place before, but not to live.
TW: pregnancy, death, toxic relationship mention, grief, car crash
Briar has been a very observant kind of person since a child, very quiet. Almost didn't talk to people. On the day she was born, there were famous northern lights (aurora borealis) in the sky, and her family said the sky was blessed with her presence.
Her family wanted to expand their business in NYC, despite the things were doing well in Europe, and more specifically, Iceland. She studied in a boarding school in UK and another part of her life homeschooled. Briar was the youngest of three men, during her time in school she was a quick learner and her grades were always the highest it was one of her strategies to draw her parent's attention and for being the only 'woman' her father didn't think she'd be as good as her brothers.
Adapting to a new country wasn't very difficult for her, she never had an issue with the language, to begin with, in fact, she was often mistaken as a native. She had a bit of difficulty with social interaction due to her time homeschooled.
Everything in her life she always had to work twice to excel in anything. And yet, she was never appreciated for her efforts. Briar didn't let it defeat her. In a way, not being as appreciated as the rest of her brothers, stimulated her to battle to get all the things she wanted. It doesn't mean she always got what she wanted.
She started her acting and modeling career by accident, one of her brother's friends could not attend their own show, and she had helped them to memorize the lines, and she replaced the actress. This happened when she was still a teenager, before graduation, and had the luck to get an agent and auditions.
She graduated in entrepreneurship and archeology. During her graduation, she met that she quickly felt smitten with him. It was something that she always broke up, made up with, and broke up again, this was their cycle until this got tiring to her, and she put an end to their relationship.
In the whirling of ups and downs with her ex, she back to him again. This time they married. That relationship resulted in a pregnancy. On June, 2nd she had a son named Lars.
Unfortunately, her husband died F1 accident, a week before their son was born. Her agent talked about Kismet which is a good place with an infant. She purchased a home there and moved with her son alone.
Despite being a public figure, she is very shy. She was nominated to Oscars five times but still hasn't won. 3 times as best actress and 2 as best supporting actress. But had other awards like Golden Globes, BAFTA's, EMMY's, etc.
At the moment she is on maternity leave, enjoying the time with her son, and exploring the city. Learning how she chills, since she is a very workaholic person.
will be found here: xxx
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ofamaranthine · 4 months
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🍑 welcome to beautiful atlanta, carissa clark! i can’t believe you’ve been in the city for her whole life as a real estate agent. i guess that makes sense for 32 year old. no matter; we’re happy to have you for your + sociable self, even if you can be a little - nosy. you also remind me of high heels clacking against the floor, evening glasses of wine, & brand new office supplies, but that might just be me. ( elizabeth lail, cis woman, she/her )
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i. basics
birth name: carissa marie clark nicknames: n/a date of birth: december 31st of 1991 - thirty-two years old place of birth: atlanta, georgia, usa residence: atlanta, georgia, usa - lives in the chapel apartments occupation: real estate agent sexual orientation: bisexual relationship status: single big three: capricorn sun, scorpio moon, sagittarius rising mbti type: entp-t aesthetics: high heels clacking against the floor, evening glasses of wine, brand new office supplies, the smell of a brand new car, the smell of fresh coffee in the morning, a fresh coat of red lipstick, getting into fuzzy pants after work
ii. sparknotes / tw - misogyny, child neglect
carissa was born into wealth as her parent's last chance at a biological child. to say they were disappointed that she was a girl would be an understatement.
her father was a neurosurgeon and her mother was a lawyer, so their jobs gave them the perfect excuse to spend as much time away from her as possible.
she was essentially raised by a series of nannies, all of whom would quit after having to deal with her parents.
carissa was sent away to a private boarding school as soon as she was old enough, attending the same school until she graduated.
while in school, carissa got amazing grades and was very involved in her school, all in an attempt to have her parents change their opinion about her.
carissa attended a semester of college in chicago before deciding it wasn't for her.
she moved back to atlanta and got her real estate certificate, using all of her people pleasing skills to excel at her job.
carissa was a natural. she was persuasive, funny, warm, and made a hell of a sales woman.
quickly made her way up the ladder of power, eventually getting her own billboards and advertisements.
she cut her parents off at twenty-six, finally getting fed up with their distaste for her.
carissa is currently working extremely hard at her job, she is a complete workaholic but can often be found enjoying wine after a long day at various different bars.
iii. fun facts
she's got a few billboards of her face up around, she always takes a picture of them when she sees them
carissa has wine mom energy, she LOVES her white wines. so if you ever need a gift, wine is always your best bet.
she is a big fan of classic rock music, she'll jam out to some metallica before selling a multimillion dollar mansion.
she adores romance novels. she'll always have one with her and has strong opinions on them.
she's allergic to strawberries, but still eats them anyway. the rash around her lips is worth it.
there is rarely a time you won't see her in some type of high heels, whether it be classic high heels or high heeled boots, she is always wearing them. and yes her feet constantly hurt.
she can run in high heels, but refuses to drive
she has a king charles cavalier named jewels. jewels is the light of her life, the apple of her eye, she ADORES that dog.
occasionally takes an edible or two or three or four and just sits and vibes.
carissa LOVES to gossip and she has a way of getting people to tell her things they usually wouldn't tell people. your secrets are never safe with her, even though she insists they are.
iv. connections
her best friends !!!! i imagine she has a little group of friends who she gets brunch with like every weekend.
maybe one of her clients, someone who's looking for a new place.
a fwb, she definitely has quite a few at the moment. bonus points if they have feelings for her.
a cousin, childhood friend (also an atlanta native), family friend, any of those kind of connections!
someone she's on bad terms with for one reason or another.
a frenemy, they act like best friends together but talk so much shit behind each other's backs.
mutual crushes, carissa would be in denial about her feelings because she doesn't like to image herself in a committed relationship.
a wine tasting buddy. someone who loves wine just as much as she does and will go wine tasting with her.
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minkova · 2 years
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Oh, look! It’s [MILA MINKOVA]! I heard they’re [37], a [FEMALE], use [SHE/HER] pronouns, have been in town for [18 MONTHS] and are actually from [SOFIA, BULGARIA]. They are currently working as a/an/the [PROPERTY DEVELOPER] and living in [LIBERTY HILLS]. You know, I personally think they look like [JESSICA LOWNDES], but that’s crazy, right?
Triggers:   Death, teen pregnancy, military mention, murder, organised crime mention (in past), mention of firearms in extras. 
general information.
full name: ludmila kseniya konstantinova pavlova mikova
known as : mila minkova
age :  thirty-seven
place of birth: sofia, bulgaria
zodiac : gemini
gender  : cisfemale
nationality : american
religion: atheist
orientation : pansexual
relationship status :  Married twice, once divorced, once widowed, now technically single but... it’s complicated
physical attributes.
face claim : jessica lowndes
height  : 5′4
weight: 114 lbs
hair color  :  brunette
eye color : light sea green
tattoos  :  a few
background information.
hometown :sofia, bulgaria / trousdale, LA.
current residence: Liberty Hills
spoken languages  :  english, bulgarian, spanish, italian, russian, turkish, romani (balkan & vlax)
education level : college graduate
occupation: property developer
familial information.
mother: nadežda pavlova nee minkova
father : dragomir pavlov
siblings :nadya pavlova,  aleksandr pavlov, stefan pavlov.
children   freya jacqueline ksenya minkova-fallon (9)   quinn romeo aleksandr mcgregor (21)
significant other: none, but has been in love with/ crushing on Cal Lucas for some time.
connection ideas.
a nanny for Freya (9)
previous blind dates/ potential here for one-night stands in the past
*death TW* People from her late husband’s life (his parents are Bridgeport natives and he grew up here. He passed away in 2013)
Mum friends
Property people
anything else really! 
triggers in biography: Death, teen pregnancy, military mention, murder, organised crime mention (in past).
Ludmila  Kseniya Konstantinova Pavlova  Mikova knew something was different about her family. Travel was prevalent, moving from city to city, traveling wherever her family needed for her father to set up another chain in his luxury hotels. As she found out in later years, this was a front for his illicit dealings and wayward ways.  In her early teens, she’d discovered the real truth behind her family and their businesses, but it didn’t change her perspective on life much. Why would it? This was all she knew, and at the end of the day, her family was just like any other!— although all that hand-to-hand combat and other martial arts training during her childhood now made more sense, while she was still a small woman, Mila could protect herself to some degree if needed. 
Her life had been set up for her in Trousdale, California, this becoming a base of sorts for the Pavlov family, and the traveling with her father lessened as she aged, however, they had family homes all over the world and would holiday as often as they could, so Mila never really felt as if LA was her home. She was 16 when she fell pregnant.  Mila’s parents weren’t the most supportive of her relationship or the fact that their daughter was pregnant at such a young age. They didn’t have much to do with her during the pregnancy, ultimately asking her to leave the family home. When her son was born and his father seemingly took off, Mila turned to her brother, who took her in for a little while until she was able to get things sorted. 
After her mother changed her tune and begged Mila to return home, she did, only to be met with an ultimatum. She agreed to her mother’s terms of getting ‘help’ by giving her mother temporary custody so that Mila could attend school and finish getting her GED. While it seemed like a good enough plan at the time, Mila’s mother enrolled her in a boarding school and let Mila have very limited contact with her own child until she finished her studies.  Mila fell into a depression, feeling as though she were cut off from the world, her family (aside from her brother), and her son. she fell back into old habits, began seeing her son’s father again on the weekends, and tried to get some semblance of her own life back. 
When school was over, she moved back home, but her mother wasn’t happy with how she’d spent her time and refused to give her back custody of her child, even though it had been a little over a year. It was around this point that Mila decided to take control and (with the help of her brother) managed to get a handle on her mother and gain custody of her son again.
Mila got her life on track and went to night classes at college so that she could work or spend time with her son during the day.  She managed to walk away from the experience with several qualifications in business, real estate, and property development.
While she was single for most of her son’s young life, Mila found herself reconnecting with her son’s father time and time again, regardless of how well the man had his life sorted. The pair ended up getting married when Mila was still fairly young and starting her career, but while it was nice to be a family, Mila soon discovered that he wasn’t the man for her and ended up ultimately showing his true colours. her divorce was finalised around the time Mila got into working for the family business, developing five-star hotels and luxury resorts around the world.
She can’t exactly remember how she met jack, it was possible through a friend, but all she remembers was how utterly smitten she was with him from the very beginning. jack was a navy seal, a man who quite literally put his life on the line for his country time after time and continued down that road. Mila was well and truly in love and the moment he asked her to marry him was quite honestly, one of the happiest days of her life. eighteen months later and Freya was born, without her father in the country and sadly, without ever meeting her father. while Mila doesn’t know exactly what happened to jack on tour, she knew the man, while only shortly in her life, had come into her life to give her Freya.
Unfortunately for Mila, her father was killed a year later, sending her brother to fill their father’s shoes within the family. With her youngest now nine, Mila has spent the time buying property and throwing herself into life and work, while not dealing with any grief to come to her over those three years.
To move her daughter closer to her paternal grandparents, Mila decided to move to Bridgeport. She’s been in town for eighteen months now, her family with her, though her son now does his own thing. she’s scouting a new area for a resort or hotel to expand the family chain and she’s hoping one pops up soon. It’s not Bulgaria, it’s definitely not LA, but it’s home, at least for now. 
mila decided to move away from the pavlov/pavlova name when she left school, opting to use her mother’s maiden name of minkova. she isn’t particularly close to any of her family, aside from perhaps her brothers, but wanted to put some distance between her and the pavlov name.
She has two Dobermans and a dachshund (which is technically freya’s). She also has horses as Freya is obsessed.
She has been shooting since she was 7 attending competitions for her school back in middle school. Something her father got her into.
She was captain of her school Equestrian team.
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revolutionarytea · 3 years
While the remains of boarding schools victims are being returned to their families for proper burial, I think it’s high time that the remains of Matoaka (Pocahontas) were returned to her tribe so that she can rest alongside her ancestors and family - not in an unfamiliar land. With all the dna testing and technology of today, they should try to figure out what grave belongs to her so that she can be returned
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