#tw: body phobia
liquidpaperfoundation · 4 months
Is there a middle ground between toxic diet culture and fat activism? I'm really sick of the only sides of discourse being either "IF YOU HAVE EVEN THE SLIGHTEST HINT OF BELLY POOCH OR GOD FORBID CELLULITE YOU ARE A DISGUSTING PERSON" or "ACTUALLY OBESITY IS ALL GENETICS AND BEING 400 POUNDS IS HEALTHY ACKSHUALLY". Like, You Are Both Insane.
Yes, obesity is unhealthy. It increases your risk of so many problems, like heart disease, stroke, diabetes, arthritis, skin infections (from moisture trapped under fat rolls), blood clots, infertility, and so much more.
No, shaming people is not kind or helpful in any way.
Yes, genetics, chemical exposure, mental illness, and so much more can make it difficult to control your weight. Yes, different people have different natural body types.
No, weight loss is not impossible. No, you are not "genetically" 300 pounds.
Yes, society's beauty standards for women and men are ridiculous and even contradictory and have nothing to do with what a healthy human body actually looks like. Yes, you can't necessarily tell if somebody is healthy just by looking at them. Yes, BMI is BS. Yes, the ghouls are always making up some shit about cellulite or buccal fat or hip dips just to make you feel bad about having a perfectly normal body.
No, that doesn't mean that all bodies are healthy. Eugenia Cooney is too goddamn thin and Tess Holliday is too goddamn fat.
Toxic diet culture tells us that our bodies are bad and morally wrong and we should be willing to do anything to get thinner. That's bad.
Toxic fat positivity tells us that becoming addicted to junk food and getting morbidly obese is "self love" and that wanting to eat healthy or exercise at all is tantamount to anorexia, and that if you don't want to be hundreds of pounds overweight you are a bigot. Also bad.
People really need to stop spitefully taking the most extreme opinions. It helps nobody except the jerks who want to sell us stuff.
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stareyed-knight · 11 months
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Day 25: Possession
Do you think being possessed in Kirby games hurts? Anyways we should have an all horror themed Kirby game imo
Alternate versions under cut!
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batwynn · 1 year
Me, immunocompromised and blessed with Emetophobia, reading that the new COVID variant includes 2-5 days of barfing and that everyone’s seen someone doing that in stores and in the middle of the road and at work and—
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roseworkshop · 3 months
I'm so FAT.
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I'm so FAT.
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randomcharacter101 · 2 years
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sob-dylan · 11 months
maybe i’m making something outta nothing, but has anyone else noticed that in “body positive” clothing campaigns, the plus size models never have double chins? they’ve all got beautifully sculpted jawlines and high cheekbones… like, yes, they’re fat, but they’re fat everywhere except the face. it vexes me.
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indiaalphawhiskey · 2 years
Why is lizzo posting those pics? She should start a diet.
I’m only answering this to make myself perfectly clear: you will not fucking fat shame or body shame a single person to me or on my page ever.
Get off the internet and put work into healing the drastic self-hatred that pushes you to find whatever dregs are left of your self-worth through anonymously insulting anyone who doesn’t fit the patriarchy’s definition of beauty. Please.
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If you've noticed an uptick in reblogs from me about loving your own body, rejecting diet culture, and saying "fuck fat phobia", it's because a friend's daughter has developed a really serious eating disorder.
I will be tagging any eating disorder posts with "tw: eating disorder" so block that if you need to.
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weirdcat1213 · 1 year
I don't have many contributions to make to ✨️uncanny vash✨️ cuz idk how to draw but I think it would be cool if there were eyes where his scars are. Like a scar opens and pum, eye
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imacrispian · 2 years
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purpleflameb0i · 9 months
Something I'm doing to help me create environments for my silly goofy fictional world:
Base each place off of certain fears and build from there.
Like, The Garden (a place in my world) is based off of zoophobia (animals) and carnophobia (meat), and I'm planning to up it by a lot
It would be overrun by animals, most of them huge
And some parts of The Garden would be made of rotting meat due to a parasite overrunning the world
Some of the animals would be amalgamations of meat, eyes, and other organs
This is just one example, but I do have more (however I haven't thought much about those yet)
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zukkacore · 1 year
Tw for eating disorders seriously, but I really wish there was more sympathetic portrayals of the binge style of disordered eating that don’t make it a fucking joke or use it as another way to shit on fat people, paint us as ugly and gross or portray eating as like a moral failing bc like I used to think I had a healthy relationship with food bc I’ve (mostly) stopped restricting but I realized that bc I was used to other people trying to restrict what I ate when I had the money to buy my own food I just would buy junk food all the time & I would over-order & eat it in my car in secret & feel this obligation to stuff myself & while a fraction of the impulse was to satisfy a craving and that’s fine so much more my motivation felt like pure spite & it made me realize what people mean when they say EDs are so much abt exercising control. It’s so hard to uncouple my frustration with myself with the shame I feel around weight gain but I do believe that my frustration is not even mainly about that it’s that I can feel myself binging on foods I don’t even like that much, like mid-meal I can feel myself getting bored or overwhelmed with what im eating, I overstuff myself out of stubbornness bc I resent being told to restrict, and then I feel awful afterwards bc I ate too much & nutrition wise, it’s not the best. All food is worth something, eating is better than not, but yeah, probably not the best & it reflects in how my body feels. Like, I wanna emphasize too the fast food is affordable and there’s no prep required and also people are allowed to eat things that are fried and taste good, god forbid, there are any myriad of reasons people wanna eat it so this isn’t me saying anything about anyone but myself & I feel like the shame we (especially as fat people) sometimes feel for indulging in food is societally imposed and not necessary. We are allowed to eat food just bc we enjoy it. But I feel like I’ve done every little to actually enjoy my food lately, it all just feels fueled by spite and resentment
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roseworkshop · 3 months
coming soon.
A comic about how I feel with my body and mind.
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I'm so FAT.
By, me! Roseworkshop.
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cichocicho · 1 year
Hey Irena! Weird question maybe, buuut I also feel romantic love deprived pretty often lately and the “I have to get prettier” aka lose weight get in shape etc comes to my mind A LOT… so maybe I’ll have more chance? Lol. I know I shouldn’t be thinking about this but nonetheless it pops up in my mind, I mean I live in this society after all - does this happen to you too? How do you deal with it?
hey! first of all i’m so sorry that you feel like this too, it can get really hard sometimes, being all alone when it seems like everyone around is in a happy romantic relationship. i want you to know that however you look like you are good enough and you deserve all the love. even though my self confidence has improved massively in the last couple of years i still sometimes feel like i’m not pretty enough and honestly, the fact that men are never trying to pursue me just seems to prove the point. i’m on the thinner side so i don’t know the struggle of feeling like you have to loose weight in order to be attractive so unfortunately i can’t offer any advice when it comes to that :( but i think feeling good in your body comes from within and when you feel comfortable and cute you radiate that energy into the world and other people can sense that. for example today i was wearing a nice outfit and my favorite jewelry and it made me feel attractive even though usually i don’t consider myself pretty. anyways, i hope i’m making sense. thank you for your message!
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rr-sheep · 2 years
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trans-lycion · 2 years
Emetophobia warning
Ever since i experienced paxil withdrawals and was throwing up like 5 times a week for a month and then weekly for a month after that, ive gotten really chill with it and i can kind of tell far in advanced if its happening. In these cases i'll treat it like a spa day lol not like this is fun for me but i can set up all my amenities; damp washcloth, water bottle, put my hair up in clips and a scrunchie, maybe something to sit on, something to read on my phone. Makes the process much less horrifying and prevents the anxiety that comes from rushing or franticness
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