#tw: callout post
mused-like-roses · 4 months
// I really, really, REALLY do not like doing callout posts. But this is probably gonna be the first one I wind up having to do, because of recent interactions:
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// This mun decides to send me the password (finally after they sent like 2 asks before even bothering to send in my password) to my blog. Said mun, and IDK and IDC if it's meant to be a joke or "haha April Fools joke of the year!", decides to add a RL person in their muse list; said person they added goes by 'k_ngc_br_jfs.' I don't mean like a Wrestler such as Will Ospreay or a live-action character like Soldier Boy for example, because at least in those cases it's the character and not the actual person. No, they decide it was funny(?) to add a l_lc_w/real human being that had an awful history of smoking & drinking like crazy, and being cruel to animals. This flatout made me uncomfortable and sick the more I looked and done my research. I proceed to give them an immediate no and explain why.
// A few moments later they DM me (as seen above) saying "haha, it's funny cuz he's a douchebag! Sucks to be you if you can't take a joke!" and then they decide to egg it on by saying they're gonna add another RL l_lc_w/human being to the list. In other words, instead of acting mature and saying something along the lines of "Hey it was a joke, I apologize for making you uncomfortable." and asking if there was anything they could do to help, they proceed to make a total mockery out of both me and the situation and act like it was another Tuesday.
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// At this point I had no other choice but to call them out on this behavior, and proceed to block them.
// All I really ask is for you to please be careful, and block them if necessary.
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boinky-spoinky · 7 months
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They are even excusing it as “coping mechanism” when we all know damn well that aint helping that disgusting shit aint helping, i know victims of abuse copes differently, i am the victim of those things but drawing the smiling critters in horrific or even horrible traumatic non consensual actions is not the right way of moving on, there are better ways to help you, believe me drawing smiling critters, hell even children in non consensual actions is not the right way to help you. If your the victim of these tragedies, I understand you and excusing it as hypersexuality isnt an excuse either, so if you know @ Pachi_rizuu, block him and report and if he ever sees thing, im sorry what you went through, no human being ever deserves to be in that situation, but coping hy drawing cp isn’t helping..
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bendyartistic · 14 days
Be Aware of alexbstudios. (Part 2) TW: uh.. slur, sui mention.
Recently I've been requested by some people to make another awareness post about Alex, and what has been going on since I made my last callout. So.. let's take a look. I'm gonna be honest I have been paying little to no attention to him at all since my post up until this point, didn't think I'd have to.
Ever since I made it, Alex has been talking about me a lot more, and it feels much more obsessive in a way. I think it's funny but also pretty weird considering some of the things he's said about me. Eugh.
Anyways let's get to the stuff from after my callout to the present. This is just a rundown of everything, and there is some stuff I skipped since I didn't feel it was worth mentioning. Once my post had been made, a lot of people went over and said stuff to him (Though I didn't encourage that behavior, I only wanted to make my post so people knew about him, I'm not covering those unless it's important in this.) Little afterwards he made this... post. Erh, are you stalking me and other people?? ALSO don't say the r slur man, like what.
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I find it really creepy that he has this list, and has notes along with them about why/who they are. Also why'd he spell my partners name like that? 💀 Next a little after that he reblogged someone's art and introduction saying this. (I don't want to really @ people in this, nor get anyone involved unless they asked to be.)
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I still don't understand how Alex views me, but saying this in a reblog no less is so strange. Reblogging another post, saying this with it...
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You're right Alex, I didn't need you in my life, yet here we are. Unfortunately. Besides that, no, 12 year old's should NOT be on Tumblr at all, even with restrictions, said restriction should be having the app blocked from their device.
I'm just gonna.. move on from that. Alex reblogged an art post, where he proceeded to @ over 50 people, myself included, saying "surely you can see the problem". I can't fit the entire thing sadly. I don't get what the point in these posts are honestly, besides annoy everyone. He's done it before as well. He got into a small bit of beef with a handful of folk not too long ago, which I got @'ed in at some point I think, didn't really pay much attention to it. Basically the original post is someone talking about art supplies and asking what one's other people use, which I personally think was a very neat post. Alex comes around though for some reason going off on nonsense. Hello? Who invited you!? (Again, censoring names cuz I don't want to get ppl involved.)
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I'm honestly kind of wondering why he even showed up. He pretty soon after made this dumb post as if it could have some effect on the situation.. uh?
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I guess mark your calendars guys for this date, where we have to immediately forget everything and forgive him! /j And there's this response he gave to an anon responding to his ✨patience✨ post.
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Dunno, so far it hasn't because he's still talking about it, so clearly he hasn't gotten over it enough to let it blow over.
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He's giving me those like.. stupid sigma edit vibes sometimes. Y'know what I'm talking about? Yeah. Also I'm not sure what to say about this really, but it's pretty funny.
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Context for this next one: You and the person on your lockscreen fight god..? That's a weird one.
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Wdym racist though? 🤨 Genuinely kinda curious about that. Btw wouldn't that make you like.. 9?? On a different note, I saw him previously talk about this "friend" he has going to a mental hospital, but I know nothing about it, nor do I really want to, however reblogging on an art post saying this feels off. Think the emotes are what do it.
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Don't joke about mental hospitals at all, I shouldn't have to explain why. I'm going to move on from all the short stuff now because I do wanna start talking instead of making short joking comments.
Alex made this post, and so it begins with him talking about me again, eh?
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Alex, you're already doomed. I can't put it any other way but from what I've seen maybe only 1 or 2 people even like you. The rest either hate you or want to avoid you at all cost, and I don't blame them at all considering you act like a fool and make everyone uncomfortable.
For my thoughts on you? I don't like you, never did. I just have to put up with you because this is the internet, and you'll probably never truly leave me alone like I once hoped. It's a shame honestly that you cannot follow a simple request from anyone. Don't think I don't know about your planned "response post" you're making, I'm still waiting for it. I don't know what good it's gonna do you though. Personally I don't care if you make one, I'd just read it to see the stuff you make up in it lol. (Edit: He decided to stop working on it after seeing this post lol.)
Enough of my rambling, I should continue with this so I can stop talking about him sooner. Regrettably I had to actually look up what this was about, I felt.. iffy reading it.
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Saying gyatt right afterwards wasn't funny. At all. I'm quite upset now. There was absolutely no reason for that.
I was gonna be reasonable and say something genuine but I don't feel like it anymore, this ruined my mood. All I have to say is as much as I dislike you, don't actually do that. Sadly moving to the next nonsensical thing, he made a poll post asking this. (It's still ongoing btw)
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Are people like.. forced into giving a reason? Like if I for example chose Bendy, am I immediately supposed to state my reasons? What if I don't want to, are we being held at gunpoint? What's up with that? I'm too lazy to interact with the post, I don't really feel like it anyways even if I wasn't lazy. Which one would you choose though lol I'm going to be serious now again cause this last thing is really just.. what the fuck. Palestine related 🍉, someone asking for help came to Alex, and this was his response to it...
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MY GOD Alex. Did you really have to respond to that in this immature, insensitive fucking manner? Could it have not been in one of your stupid rambling posts. It should've been. I'm sorry to the person and I'm sorry I had to read it. You're pretty sick honestly. You need help.
That's it. I'm done.
In conclusion:
Alex is still the same and is still never going to change probably. He still shouldn't be here and I believe he really should get off now more than ever. If not I fear what else he might do next.
All I can really tell you folks is please, DNI with Alex, just leave him alone and block him. You're again not obligated to, but I am suggesting it if you want to be left alone by him. And hey, maybe you'll make it onto his dumb creepy list too, who knows. Alright, I'm finished, I stayed up way too late for this... I'm tired. Cya.
Reblogs are much appreciated, it helps spread the word, thanks.
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sunny-sourzii · 2 months
Yeah no this is definitely exactly the news I wanted this morning (sarcasm)
I'm so fucking disappointed. I looked up to this guy.
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He also made dubs of MY COMICS
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I'm so disappointed and disgusted. Pedophiles lurk everywhere. I fucking can't.
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I JUST WANT RHYLIE TO STOP BEING SO DAMN OBSESSIVE OVER ME!!!!!!! Believe me guys!!!! I had enough of her! She’s faking her death just because I was ignoring her, My friend @galacticsomewhat got bulled by my toxic friend!!!! And I don’t care if she’s using one of you or manipulating you tiny little asses for your own pleasure!!! I just want her to leave me the fuck alone!! She’s not a friend! SHES A FUCKING CREEP!!!!!!! There I said it!! I hope you finally understand what I meant!
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also good thing @galacticsomewhat showed me sum evidence so prepare to rage at Rhylie my friends:
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parokka · 2 months
random, but please block (and report if possible) "importantonarrival". she's openly a pedophile supporter, pr0shipper/c0mshipper, a l0licon, and selfships herself with a 8 year old in a very sexual way. i got proof if you want me to send it in dms but one check at her account should expose her. she lurks occasionally in the parappa community.
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mildlymoistq-tips · 7 months
Roughly an hour to 2 hours ago there was a post on Twitter calling out Alex Kister and things he did to friends and workers. The information given in through a 10,860 word (27 page) document going over people’s past interactions with him and things he’s done to them. No names are given. As stated before this was released an hour or two so not many people have seen it. It’s still best to spread the word. I will be posting the document here as well as the Twitter user who posted this. THERE ARE NO TWS TO THE DOCUMENT SO I WILL PROVIDE THEM.
This is all the information we have as of right now. We will have to wait for any updates (to come) but as of right now BE ADVISED.
Manipulation, mention of sexual content, death/suicide threats, self harm threats, sexual harassment, hypersexuality, sexualization of non-con, interactions between adult and minor, brief sexualization of minor(s).
IF I MISS ANY TWS PLEASE LET ME KNOW!!!!! I haven’t yet finished the document so there might be some warnings I missed!!!!!!
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rinnyluver69 · 1 month
Another callout,,
Reminder that this person, @/littlecutewriter is a proshipper who ships Rinny x Nappy and calls it “toxic yuri.”
They’re currently stalking me at the moment because I called them out and are now making horrific accusations against me. Mind you this person is an open proshipper and is 14 years old drawing Nappy porn, who mind you is a child. I made two callouts on them on Twitter;
1st callout: https://x.com/rinnyluver96/status/1815630064374923579?s=46
callout I made today due to them making accusations against me (calling me a p3do all because I called them and another minor out for drawing actual cp) : https://x.com/rinnyluver96/status/1823015849235505454?s=46
Reminder if you’re a proshipper, DO NOT INTERACT.
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surelynotapornbot · 1 year
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Outed? By Tumblrs non-existent algorithm? It's more likely than you think.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 1 year
There was a callout post going around about this new trend of artists making colouring books featuring background characters with cat ears, and how antisemitic that trend was.
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punkzombie · 2 months
/ not to be rude but I just read (and skimmed) the large callout post and it just reminds me of why diaries exist
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teruthecreator · 1 year
(tw for racism, pedophilia, transphobia, child impregnation mention)
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yeah idk why y'all read this
i was originally going to just post this and have some tags with my reasonings, but i realized that opens me up to too much bullshit from people who may think i'm being unnecessarily mean or whatever. so i'm going to explain exactly why the screenshots above are something i hold issue with.
firstly, and i just want to get this out of the way, this post is not intended to be a hit piece against the creator. i've seen how she reacts to any mild-mannered or slightly joking criticism, so i know this post is probably going to not land well. but it isn't my intention to make her mad or anything--she's writing a piece of content for the internet, which means she is just as open to criticism as any other poster. and what i intend to go into in this post is criticism. i'm allowed to do this, as that is the nature of the internet. people are allowed to critique whatever they please, and if you don't want critique then you shouldn't post. simple as!
i am also making no attempts to posit myself as better than the creator. i'm not doing this for clout or moral superiority or any of that dumb shit. i simply want to discuss something that's been bothering me for a bit, while simultaneously warning people who haven't read this yet (who may be sensitive to the issues above) to steer clear. if things like casual racism or transphobia aren't properly tagged, then readers who are affected by such things run a risk reading this! same goes with people who are triggered by lewd content involving minors. i wanna make sure people are getting a more critical scope of this work than what has been hoisted up by others.
okay, now that i've gotten that out of the way, i'm going to get into my points.
firstly, the subtle and not-so-subtle racism throughout this fic, especially in relation to serizawa. i'm white, so there is only so much i can speak on without trampling over the words of other fans of color, but some of this feels so blatant it's odd it hasn't been noted earlier. it's important to note before i go into it that serizawa is specifically written as half-black half-japanese for this fic, in case the screenshots don't make it abundantly clear. but there are just too many moments of casual racism in this fic. i'm not talking about the plot point of serizawa being bullied as a kid for being mixed; i'm not mixed, so i can't speak on the accuracy there but it is well-known that black people face a lot of racism in japan. i'm talking about how it seems everyone else has these racist moments that aren't acknowledged by serizawa or the narration as being bad.
reigen hypothesizing over serizawa's exact ethnic background is just strange. yes he's a fairly observant guy (he has to be, with his job), but there is no canonical evidence to suggest he would immediately jump to theorizing whether serizawa is american or not. and the way it's posed in that first quote--"he has darker skin and the kind of hair texture that would likely indicate African ancestry"--is not great. that's an extremely inappropriate way to bring up someone's race. i don't think most people would stare at someone and be like "hmmm well your nose shape and hair texture would suggest you're of this race". it's racial essentialization that is only slightly covered up by the excuse of "oh he tweets in english". there are some other smaller moments of questionable wording, like calling serizawa's afro "sloppy" when it isnt (which btw there's another issue with the creator only referring to an afro as a "fro". it's a hairstyle; you're allowed to use the actual name of it). even if reigen cuts his hair in canon, he never states it's because serizawa's afro looks sloppy. (also there's something to be said about the casual racism baked into making your employee cut his natural hairstyle for a job, as that is a very real issue many black people face when wearing their natural hair or even protective styles in the workplace.)
i'm especially bothered by toichiro's very casual racist remarks. toichiro in this fic is a general bother of mine (most of which can be boiled down to "he would not fucking say that"), but the way she chooses to characterize him in relation to serizawa feels gross. calling a black man a slave should be a very obvious red flag, but also saying serizawa (again, as a black man) has a "brutal masculine appeal" is also extremely stereotypical and racist. and really there is just no need for it; toichiro's actions in canon prove how shitty of a guy he is without the need for him to be racist (along with other things i'll get to in a bit). as my girlfriend put it: he doesn't need to be a member of the fucking kkk to show he's a bad guy.
there's also, again, the very casual racist remark of calling serizawa a "dog". i don't care if that isn't the intent; when you are writing a character of color you need to be aware of your wording, even in insults (unless she intended to make tsuchiya racist, which i don't think she did).
secondly, the eugenics/child pregnancy bit. it is surreal to even have to write this, but i seriously do not understand the purpose of either of these bits in the story. they are so minor yet so jarring you can't help but wonder why they're there. once again, i do not think you need to have toichiro doing esper eugenics just to prove he is an evil guy. he has nuance, and by making him casually reference child pregnancy (like that isn't an INSANE thing to say) reduces that nuance to nothing. that's the only reason i could see why that bit was included: to make toichiro look worse. but, even still, the author is running the risk of potentially triggering victims of csa or people who don't want to see that by not properly tagging the mention of it (or, at the very least, warning readers in the intro notes). the only other explanation for it would maybe be shock factor??? but that's a pretty shitty thing to use for shock factor, if i'm honest. also the fact that the esper eugenics was referenced again in a more recent chapter just has me very disturbed and confused. there isn't a canonical explanation for why we see less espers who are women than espers who are men, but that doesn't mean we need to jump to fucking Eugenics. it's weird!
thirdly (and this is probably one of my biggest problems and the main reason i wanted to make this post), the weirdly lewd/sexual language shou uses constantly, along with referring to reigen as a pedo or a creep at several points. frankly, i think it's pretty fucking gross for someone in their near-40's to be writing a 12-year-old talking so casually about sex like that's normal. which, i'm sorry, but it's not. yes, teens know about sex and like to joke about lewd shit. but a 12-year-old is not about to make references to a grown man's virginity. 12-year-olds draw dicks on their desk bc they think it's funny. 12-year-olds say the word "buttfuck" because it has the words "butt" and "fuck" in it, and those are the two funniest words on earth to a kid that age. i literally do not understand the purpose of having shou be so lewd all the time. for one, it doesn't make sense for his character. shou is shown time and time again to be extremely mature for his age, but that maturity extends to shit like assembling a counter-terrorism unit and extending a hand to his father to allow him to try again. and even then he's still just as naive as any other kid his age! the omake where he's telling his guys to go to the "far right corner" based on ritsu’s advice proves that he still has plenty of blindspots that are indicative of his age. leaning into this raunchy, lewd version of shou is just weird. and, again, i think it is made a bit weirder given the author's age!!! not ageshaming or whatever--i'm 23 and i write fanfic, clearly i cannot judge there--but it is just extremely inappropriate in my opinion. also having shou be more versed in sextalk than serizawa is odd too and speaks to a larger issue of serizawa's infantilzation throughout this fic, but that's something i can get into in another post if people want an explanation.
also, the way she constantly calls reigen a creep and even has him being accused of being a pedophile during the twitter cancellation is extremely inappropriate when, again, there is NO CANONICAL BASIS FOR THIS! everyone just calls him a fraud and a scammer during separation arc; there is never a reference to reigen being seen as a pedophile in that arc. and, yes, while there are versions of mob psycho where reigen is very clearly written as a creep (looking very specifically at the netflix adaptation), that doesn't mean it's good. honestly, the creep mentions all just feel like really poor jokes that do not land in the slightest.
finally, the transphobia (aka WHY IS SHIMAZAKI A CHASER). i literally do not know what else to say other than: why? why is this a thing? why is he a chaser? what is the purpose of this? is it a joke? i feel like it's supposed to be, but seeing as the author is cis i don't think that's a joke she should really be making. it not only comes out of left field, but it's just kind of a weird thing to ascribe to a character for no reason. not to mention, it's uncomfortable! trans women deal with enough creepy antics from cis men in real life--why must they be accosted by this guy too? it's just weird and uncomfortable.
i wanna round out this post by saying, once again, that i'm not trying to attack anyone with this post. but i do hope people come away from this with a new perspective on this work, and maybe think twice before recommending it uncritically to someone. to the author specifically, i hope you can read my post without rage or indignance blinding you. i might be a little blunt or rude in parts, but it's only because i'm passionate and i don't mince my words when it comes to things i'm passionate about. to the readers, understand i am not judging you for reading this fic without noticing these things. your own life experiences will give you certain blindspots and there's nothing wrong with that. i have plenty of blindspots of my own! it's what makes us human.
there is more i could say, but this post is long enough. i ask that if you come to me in my inbox or in dms about this that you treat me with respect, as i will do that for you. writing something like this took a lot out of me, as i'm usually not so open about my opinion on shit like this.
have a good day :-)
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twisting-echo · 11 months
Grayluftw Callout Post!!
This document contains screenshots of the DM history of the disturbing, homophobic, and gaslighting behavior of @graylunation
This also has a lot of talk/discourse centered around Helluva Boss characters.
This document may have triggering content, so please read at your own discretion.
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number1spongebobfan · 5 months
tw callout
Hey everyone I feel bad for doing this but please block and report this user.
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He keeps harassing me and calling me names and trying to put curses on me it's upsetting me. He's attacking me for my faith. I never attack people of different faith than me so why is he doing this to me? smh.
Even if you're an atheist or a Muslim or Hindu or anything else you have to admit that this is cyberbullying and this behavior is unacceptable.
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rustedbread · 1 month
HEY! BLOCK THIS PERSON! I ALREADY DID BUT LIKE THEY AIN'T GOOD! YOU HAVE ME AS A MUTUAL? BLOCK THEM This is not a call to harrass them, fairly they'd enjoy the attention! so just block them! TRIGGER WARNING: INC*ST
so like, everything I need to say is contained in this one screenshot wow <<Chilipowder9>> you really know how to handle stuff well! yep!
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what a banger what an absolute hoot what a knee-slapper! you absolutely got them there! absolutely! yeah! fun fact I only mooted them out of like, needing to their vibes were off and I have a thing for telling vibes, it's not my only resource but fairly every single predative person I've met, I've gotten bad feelings around they've turned out to in fact be predative people oh and before I go tagging everyone, here's the ask I sent/was going to send to them! \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
    Hello there, I am a person that knows you so please actually listen to me when I say this. It is concerning to me that you actively ship the siblings of The Coffin of Andy and Leyley, whether it is a coping mechanism or not. The reason is fairly simple, I am of the personal belief that engaging in or positively viewing incestual relationships is immoral and something to be purged from yourself. The matter of it possibly being a coping mechanism does come into play a tiny bit, however, while they may control you your coping mechanisms can be warded off gradually, which is something I highly recommend because you will scare off people by convincing them you are a creep. If you truly wish for people to see why you believe anything contradictory, responding negatively to already negative sentiments held to you will not gain any favor.
    Other people might not have said it properly so let me word this in a way I hope gets to you, it isn't good to publically and unashamedly ship two siblings together. I am not knowledgeable of why but I can assume it is due to early life traumas for which I lend out my condolences, you may be using this to cope however it is not okay for the long term, especially in the case that you do not recognize it as being wrong. Coping mechanisms can be very much something you cannot control, however, they will be broken eventually if you have the drive to do so, especially if you recognize that what you are doing isn't good, which I need you to see, it is not good and cannot easily be excused. I am well aware of the nature of unwanted coping mechanisms being a detriment, this is something you can ward off though as well as the fact it isn't the only way you can cope with whatever problem you may have. If you cannot recognize that this behavior has to change, then I believe you are beyond my help, and I wish you luck with your therapist.
    However, I hope you will respond with this by considering that publically shipping two siblings together is in no way responsible behavior, and should be condemned. Your therapist may suggest engaging in media to understand your trauma but from my understanding, this doesn't mean to publically ship siblings, what I can assume your therapist meant was to engage in media on your own to properly understand more about yourself and your own personal trauma not to possibly make it worse by shipping two siblings together. By chance what trauma you have, I will never know, however, I do know that seeing stuff related to your trauma will only lead to worse and slower healing potentially stripping away the possibility entirely which by shipping Andy and Leyley, you are doing. Trying to cope, okay, fine, you need to do that on your own though because publically shipping two sibling characters is not responsible behavior, nor is it the proper way to cope because it is directly glamorizing something that should never be glamorized.
    The fact you do it as a way to cope is an excuse, it is not a good one because of the fact it is not a good or proper way to handle your trauma, it's a coping mechanism sure but it is a harmful one. What you need to do is not what you are doing currently as what you have done is only dampening the severity of incest, which is not something that should be done as it is a very gross issue. So please do recognize and change this behavior, as it will not help anyone if you act like this, it will only make you get worse because you aren't properly recognizing what you are engaging in is wrong. Trauma is no get-out-of-jail-free card and coping mechanisms or not you still need to make sure you aren't doing something inherently immoral, and make sure what you're doing isn't going to influence the actions of yourself or others into doing or endorsing immoral actions. It isn't a real relationship and I recognize that however, it is still immoral because shipping them is not the same as engaging with the media itself, a responsible way to view The Coffin of Andy and Leyley would be to recognize that it is immensely unhealthy the relationship they have, but still taking it in and seeing the flaws in them both. If it's fictional it can still be immoral to engage with and that needs to be recognized, fiction is a mirror to the world and if you genuinely ship two siblings then you need to change, no beating around it by saying you need to consider changing, you need to change. this was before I realized how AWFUL of a person they were, I still had some hope but sadly, yknow, we all know the result of that here's some more posts of theirs! if you still need convincing!
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original ship art! gross!
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yeah,.. you're just mentally ill not like you're ignoring your problems and refusing to grow nooo, you just are mentally ill and can't grow past it at all ... ... ... can you tell I don't think being mentally ill alone is a good excuse?
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Admitting to shipping them! absolutely deplorable behavior! wow, you shouldn't be mutuals with minors!
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That is NOT what your therapist meant buddy! also what does that second part mean? I genuinely don't have any idea, I'm not being sarcastic here
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Number one! not denying JACK shit and sexualizing a random person! [sarcastic] wowzers! you really are the whole package ain'tcha?
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really this one is such a gem like buddy buddy you ain't even trying what is worse than incest? there isn't much! I'll tell you that! so uh yeah yeah they probably shouldn't be trusted around minors it's always the 20 year olds! I bloody swear! I'm assuming they are 20, because whoops! they say they are 17-20 that's real weird! you should be actually able to communicate that, mayhaps even if it's system stuff! buddy! buddy buddy! PUT YOUR BIOLOGICAL AGE YOU FUCKING WEIRDOOOOO anyhow if you are one of my mutuals, block them oh, and my apologies for making you have to see this truly @isthatkangelfromnso @analoghorrorisyummy @omorayy @kallie-draws-omori @ddlcbrainrot @isthatboyfriendfromfnf @br0-k3n-sch00lb01 @starfilled-galaxy @ffelix143 @personadaylight @that-one-teto-fan that gets most of the people I assume this would apply to, but let's do another round to make ABSOLUTE sure! @introvertedindielover @mikshroomthesilly @clock-onyx
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kestalsblog · 10 months
TW Abuse and Spoilers: Fizzarolli and Blitzø's Conversation About Mammon
One line that really stood out to me in the latest Helluva Boss episode was when Blitzø, after overhearing Mammon verbally abuse Fizz, said, "You let him talk to you like that?"
This is such a common reaction when people try to tell others they are being abused, and one of the primary reasons people sometimes choose not to say anything because, frankly, it's a humiliating thing to hear. It shifts the blame onto the victim: you let him talk to you like that? Suggesting it's something that can easily be stopped, something you can prevent that you're simply choosing not to do. It's a gut punch.
Look how Fizz immediately looks away from Blitzø after he hears this and crosses his arms, becoming smaller, more protective of himself, and defensive.
Now, I don't think Blitzø, as harsh of a character as he is, meant this line in a cruel way. Most people don't. They feel the way he does with his following line - "If he talked to me that way" - because they like to think they are people who would never be abused, who would never let that happen to themselves. It feels impossible to imagine. (Not suggesting Blitzø has not experienced his own forms of abuse of course, but maybe not with the exact same dynamic as Fizz. He also simply has a more aggressive personality than softer Fizz.)
The point is - abuse is not something you can just prevent, and someone needs to hear that today. It can happen gradually, sneakily, over years and years until you've become so accustomed to it that you just respond with Fizz's typical "I'm fine" or "That's just the way [they are]." Because it's too exhausting and humiliating and shameful to say anything else.
Letting people abuse you is not something that happens. What happens is you become so traumatized, too beaten down, and too ashamed to resist anymore and seek help. It's not a sign of weakness or being a pushover or a people-pleaser. It's not a sign that your abuser is a stronger person than you.
It's just the unfortunate, terrible dynamics of abuse, and phrases like "you just let this happen?" are not actually helpful or empowering, but actively detrimental and traumatic to the victim.
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