#tw: dui
buddiebeginz · 2 months
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powdermelonkeg · 2 years
Okay but given that you can make alcohol from just about any plant, a world built around Minecraft could have SUCH a liquor cabinet.
You’ve got your basics, the potato and wheat vodka, gin, whiskey, then rum from sugarcane or beet sugar if you’re feeling a little adventurous.
Then you’ve got the fancier things. Dandelion and melon wine, spike vodka, pumpkin liqueur, applejack. Zhuyeqing jiu and chocolate liquor if you REALLY want to go for the cool stuff.
You’ve got mead and all kinds of moonshine, everything from carrots to kelp to sawdust brandy if you live out in the Badlands. Sunflower and rose spirits, lilac wine, even milk liquor and advocaat if you want to deviate from plants a bit.
But then you’ve got the plants that don’t exist in our sphere.
Chorus liqueur, dripleaf absinthe, glowberry champagne and sweet berry wine, glow lichen beer and crème de spore blossom, golden apple cider, glistering cordial. For the truly danger-seeking, wither rose lanique.
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neuroticboyfriend · 6 months
Does your activism and positivity include drunk drivers?
this is probably a hate anon but im going to dignify it with a response anyway. because yes, it does.
disclaimer: i am not saying drunk drivers bare no responsibility for their actions. they do, as we all do. part of why we (all people) are responsible for our actions is bc we have awareness of them. we can make choices. and when our capacity for choice and awareness is diminished (i.e, when we are mentally disabled), our responsibility is too. note that i say diminished, not gone. that's important.
anyway. i know people with DUIs and they have grown into much safer, happier people. people can change, and addicts (disabled people) need support to make that change. disability (human) rights cannot depend on someone's morality. they wouldn't be rights otherwise. they'd be privileges... and we all know turning rights into privileges leads to oppressions.
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i-am-still-bb · 7 months
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No. 7
“I paced around for hours on empty; I jumped at the slightest of sounds.” | Alleyway | Radio Silence | “Can you hear me?”
Fili/Kili, T Fast Car (formerly Dead Batteries) AU
429 words
A/N: Comes after I'll Call Out Your Name, But You Won't Call Back.
Fili expected Kili to call, so they could talk about the whole college thing. Kili usually was the one to reach out after any disagreement, no matter which of them had started it or was wrong.
But he didn’t.
And Fili wanted to call or text. But then too long had passed and they had even more to apologize for because of the silence. And every time Fili started to type anything—usually just a “hey”—he stopped because it wasn’t right. It was not what he wanted to say.
And then most of the summer had passed.
And then Kili was gone. 
And now when Fili would type out that short message, just to make contact again, to see if Kili would even reply to him there was even more there, what if Kili was out doing something and this message interrupted him? What if he was studying? What if he was in class? What if he was with someone else now? 
That last one hurt the most. 
Fili didn’t really believe it, but he had seen how fast people moved on from relationships that they had vowed would last forever in a court, in a church, or even just under the bleachers at a high school football game. 
And then six months had passed.
And longer. 
No one really texted Fili anymore. Things had been petering off throughout the fall. But after that DUI in December his phone really was silent. And even if they had called, Fili did not have a car or his bike anymore. And he couldn’t even borrow a car because his license was suspended for six months—his punishment along with a $750 fine and 96 hours in jail. 
He knew Kili was home for Christmas.
Fili lost himself in online video games. 
After the new year Fili signed up for some classes at the local community college. He just picked some random general requirements, whatever had room left. His mom would have to drive him to campus on the days he had class, but he felt like at least he would be moving forward rather than sitting still while everything else changed.
In March the ping of the phone made Fili jump. He had not heard the notification for a text message in so long. 
It’s Isa, from Bio with Humbug, want to study together? I’m going to flunk this midterm.
Fili smiled at the purposeful butchering of Instructor Humbert’s name. 
Sounds good. But I don’t have a car.
I’ll pick you up.
And things moved forward even without Kili by his side.
Taglist: @silvermoon-scrolls @dubhlachen
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strangeswift · 2 years
Look I made a helpful diagram of my metamorphosis.
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True story!
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real-life-cloud · 8 months
#the sky speaks#vent time!!#tw suicidal ideation#i wish i could just hate my mother it would be so much easier#but shes trying so hard and in so much pain#but shes so TIRING to be around !!!!#she got in a wreck this evening. she was drinking and driving around to all of people who don't talk to her anymore#shes getting a dui i guess?#and this is just one thing in a looooong list of shit shes pulled#ive heard her scream and sob so much today. but now shes also saying she wants to die. over n over#full on existential crisis. she feels no purpose and is so lonely#she left this morning to go shopping tyen just never came home. my dad asked me to call her and she answered and just said#i can't. im sorry. and hung up on me. then she turned off her phone and we didnt know where she was for a half hour#and i was so fucjing worried that shed killed herswlf or somthing i couldnr even remember rhe last thing i said to her?#i hugged her for so long when we finally got home#but im just so tired of loving her#shes still down there crying but i cqnt listen tk her anymore. my head is pounding. i wanna sob. i never wanna cry again.#i kinda wanna die too but i feel like i cant tell anyone really. moms such a mess how could i possibly put these feelings onto dad or thomas#and not mom. god. shes thw reason i feel like that. evwry time. im so tired of her falling apart that id rather not be here.#if i had just sucked up being on my period and went shopping with her today this wouldn't have happened. but that shoyldnr be how it is!!!!!#im allowed ro stay home!!! i shouldnr have to babysit her!! but ive felt like i was HER mother aince i was 17#im just so tired
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neshajblog · 1 year
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Hello, my name at birth was Jahnesha, but I recently decided to change my name to Nazalia. I changed my name because I feel like Jahnesha was a weak minded individual who did what was best for this reputation she felt like she had to uphold. Don’t get me wrong, she was so ambitious and loving, but she wanted approval from the people who ended up hurting her the most. She thought if you were nice, was always there for people, bent over backwards for others, and was always a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on, then people would love and respect her. Being a people pleaser rarely worked out in her favor, and she put herself in so many avoidable situations. She wasn’t dumb, as she was still learning, but I just wish that she would’ve seen the signs sooner. People pleasing resulted in an eating disorder, a DUI, being a burden to her family and friends, job losses, lost of an apartment (not evicted thank God), and loosing her truck. She understood that she put herself in these predicaments, and she can only blame herself. When she got in that accident almost a year ago, Jahnesha died that night, and Nazalia was born. I won’t say that I won’t miss her, as she was somebody that was so beautiful inside and out, I just wish she could’ve seen it for herself. The fun loving person people knew her to be, was actually a façade, because in reality she hated herself so much. I hope to make her proud this year, and every year after, by living and loving my life to the fullest. RIP Jahnesha aka the old me❤️
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pinkspiraling · 1 year
be mean to me!!!
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spockulative · 2 years
you know who has my whole heart? the people who have fancy non-alcoholic cocktails at their bar. i want a nice little sippy-sip. i also want to drive myself home whenever i want without having to wait to sober up.
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theplatinumplayboy · 1 month
Both Uso's are drunks that get behind the wheel. Can't stand neither of those cheaters.
Anon said it, not me!
#MicDrop 🫳🎤
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sunshine-on-marz · 2 years
Ry-my bestie
Abigail: Abigail Douglas (search “Abigail Douglas DUI death”)
So me and ry where talking about Abigail and a guy was making insensitive comments, ry was explaining what happened and said “she was having a mother daughter day, as one does” and the kid said “I don’t hang out with my mom like that” and I just turned and said “yea I can tell” so yea that just happened
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sirthisisa-wendys · 1 year
Hi Wendy, I hope you're doing great. I was wondering if I could request a small (husband)-South fic where the reader calls him in the middle of the night drunk asking for a ride because readers friend got arrested for drunk driving
Tysm ❤️
DUIs: South Terano x Fem!Reader
wc: 737
tw: fluff
There's a something buzzing in South's dreams.
Oddly enough, it sounds very persistent. But he's in the middle of something important, so he can't be bothered to--
It ceases, and South continues down the path in his dream, the same dark alley where he met Dino for the last time. Gun in hand, he feels around for the walls in the darkness, stepping carefully in puddles of warm water.
"You should've---" The rest of the noise is garbled, overshadowed by the consistent rumblings again. It's as if the dream is suddenly cut short as he's launched back into the realm of reality. South groans long and hard, easing up out of his sleeping position and into a sitting pose on the edge of the bed.
It's only 1 am.
The noise-maker vibrates hard once more, dropping to the floor where South spies it and picks it up carefully. Your name is flashing on the screen, and with a sudden haste he can't ignore, he answers the call.
"You still out?" South begins, but your voice is small and stuttering on the other end.
"What's wrong, baby?"
"I n-need you to come and... pick me up."
"Are you in trouble?" South stands up as he speaks, looking around in the darkness for his shoes and a shirt.
"Lacey got arrested for drunk driving," you admit. South grits his teeth together, but sighs it out. Lacey would answer for why she had you in the car while drunk later. "Don't know where we are."
South doesn't panic at all. Thankfully, he still has an Air Tag on your wallet - something you were prone to losing - and he could locate you without too much effort.
"Just stay calm," he urges you gently. "And stay right there. I'm on my way."
"I'm really drunk; what if they take me, too?" South shakes his head as he starts up the car.
"They would've taken you along with your friend if that were the case." South puts you on speaker and locks in your location, and - though he'd never admit it - he speeds towards you.
You're not out too far, maybe only twenty minutes away, but when he pulls up on the scene, there are a few cops that turn his way. South gives them a stare that isn't entirely friendly as he steps out of the car and walks over to you.
"Are you her husband, sir?" one of the cops asks, and South nods once, pulling you close after placing his jacket around your shoulders, despite it not being cold. "Her friend is on the way to the county jail for the evening. She blew a--"
"I really don't care about that," he mutters, ushering you towards the car. South opens the passenger side door and helps you inside before closing it, then walking back to the driver's side.
"Anything else?" he asks the cops, who are just standing about like lazy children.
"Nope." South grunts and slides into his seat, starting up the car, and then backing out of the spot. The ride home is pretty quiet. It's not for lack of conversation, but you're nodding off, finally safe and warm in the car you love the most.
"Why didn't you bring the bike?" you pipe up as he stops at a red light.
"You can't hang on to me in your condition, babe."
"Oh, yeah..." you murmur, then slip back into your drowsy spell. Before the light turns green, you reach out to hold his hand, and he squeezes it gently. As the light changes, South presses a kiss to your knuckles, then continues on, driving in the darkness toward home.
Your gently awoken out of your sleep by South taking your shoes off, each falling to the ground unceremoniously. You're carried to the bedroom, where you lazily wrap your arms around South's neck and allow him to strip you out of the outfit he helped you pick out. Each touch is tender and loving, and when you're laid in the bed and tucked in, your arms reach out for him.
"Night," you mumble, and South leans into your embrace, kissing your cheeks over and over, making you giggle before you slip back into your much-needed slumber. It isn't long before he joins you in the bed, his arms wrapped around you carefully. And in his dreams, the darkness doesn't come back, not even a shadow.
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rgnaroc · 1 year
                               ♡     𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐢𝐚 𝐬𝐨𝐲𝐭𝐮̈𝐫𝐤 𝐠𝐢𝐟 𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐤
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semi-private commission: click the source link below to be redirected to a payhip link with 300 gifs of rabia soytürk in duy beni ( episodes 11-18 ). thanks for your interest !   (* ^ ω ^)  . all of these were made from scratch so don’t edit, repost or claim as your own. possible tw: water, eating, kissing.  
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star-crossed-mid · 11 months
V2 of dub voice hcs
I wanted to create my own dub voice hcs for the gods and other scm characters. In this rendition I changed a few voices and dialogues for specific characters, also changed the sprites depending on the dialogue. Tw for violence/nsfw/ etc etc
Voltage managed to find high ranking voice actors to voice Scorpio, Leon, Huedhaut, and Zyglavis and I 100% recommend reading those stories all the actors match the character and do a phenomenal job.
can u tell my other interests are superheroes and horror media
Time stamps:
Non Zodiac Chars: MC: 0:10-0:24 | Hiyori: 0:25-0:38 | Eris: 0:39-0:52 | The King: 0:53- 1:34 | Altair: 1:34- 1:51 | Vega: 1:51 - 2:04 | The Dark King: 2:05-2:47 | Crow: 2:48-2:58 | Servilla: 2:58-3:08
Punishments: Zyglavis: 3:12-3:40 | Scorpio: 3:41-5:01 | Partheno: 5:02-6:01 | Ichthys: 6:02-6:47 | Krioff: 6:48-7:22 | Dui: 7:23-8:27
Wishes: Leon: 8:30-9:48 | Karno: 9:49-10:01 | Teorus: 10:02-11:12 | Tauxolouve: 11:13-11:58 | Aigonorous: 11:59-13:04 | Huedhaut: 13:05-13:35
This list is def gonna change in the future. If anyone has any voice recs pls send I love reading different interpretations of the chars.
I'd like to think that lingual tones in the heavens is still very stuck in regal/renaissance periods aka mfs break out the 'wherefore art thou' in heated discussions. Except Scorpio, Scorpio's dialogue is modernized but voltage writes him like he's from new york which is just really funny to me.
EDIT: Some characters have 2-3 different voices, I put them as a range of voice hcs
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liigainenglish · 8 months
JYP player Severi Lahtinen sentenced to jail
tw rape
JYP player Severi Lahtinen has been sentenced to two years in prison. Lahtinen was found guilty of rape that happened in the summer of 2022. Lahtinen had by reports raped a sleeping woman who had been brought home from a festival due heavy drinking and drunken state. Lahtinen denies these allegations and claims the sex was consensual.
Lahtinen also has an existing conviction from a DUI that lead to probation and fines. The DUI conviction is also the reason why Lahtinen was sentenced with unconditional imprisonment in today's case. The sentence is not lawful yet as Lahtinen has complained to court of appeal.
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graiceabrams · 2 years
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by clicking on the source link you will be able to access to #174 gif icons of rabia soytürk. all gifs were created from scratch by me. if you plan on using or find this useful please give a like or reblog, it will be very much appreciated.
( * )  please don’t claim as your own, redistribute or edit in any way. ( * )  tw: eating.
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