#tw: fire death
kyuhudraws · 4 months
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Strong bird prince!
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llutik · 8 months
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That night he dreamed of the feast Ned Stark had thrown when King Robert came to Winterfell. The hall rang with music and laughter, though the cold winds were rising outside. At first it was all wine and roast meat, and Theon was making japes and eyeing the serving girls and having himself a fine time…until he noticed that the room was growing darker.
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sporeclan · 3 months
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So. I was not messing around when I said this one would be severe.
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motrothi · 5 months
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Catelyn Holding Robb
I was listening to "I Have Never Loved Someone" by My Brightest Diamond, and it made me sad about them. Go listen if you'd like to be sad too.
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doodlerose · 7 months
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raccoonscity · 3 months
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Make Me Choose: Best Remake → Resident Evil 4 Remake (asked by @hereticstations)
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cckittycreative · 3 months
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I really love this version of the song and I just really wanted to do a lyric comic to it for Cult of the Lamb. I'm pretty happy that I made it through this entire project as I tend to falter midway through these kinds of things and they never get finished. Apologies for the faint watermark - I attempted to run this through Glaze before posting it and, while I knew there'd be artifacts, I didn't realize just how badly it would affect the transparency and blur of certain panels and it....looked really bad. So I opted to put a faint watermark over each panel as low as I could make it.
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strawhatghost · 1 month
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tw// Creepy Imagery, Eyestrain, Death under the cut
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Luffy can only have one brother at a time in canon, Sabo 'dies' and Ace sticks around, Ace actually dies and then Sabo comes back and sticks around, the three of them can't coexist on the same plane of existence.
Which lead me to make an au where Ace survived Marineford, except Sabo did die as a child.
until he gets resurrected by a devil fruit, much to Ace's horror.
I'm calling it the Time Capsule Au and boy oh boy do I have THOUGHTS and IDEAS for it, might post about it more later teehee
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wingsofwater · 2 months
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[ID : a digital drawing of a pale blue dragon with a mane of icy spikes and dark blue antlers. it has a darker blue underbelly, with black flecks across its scales and green-tinted talons and wings. it is staring up at the sky with blank, white eyes, pressing its talons together in prayer. it is holding a spear in its mouth, the other end stabbed through its neck and dripping dark blue blood. the background is of a muted night sky with faint auroras, and behind the dragons head is a sketchy circle like a halo or eclipse. END ID]
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dailyworldcinema · 11 months
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Jeanne d'Arc (1900) Dir. Georges Méliès
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mj-thrush-gxn · 6 months
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Sophomore Slump
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meguutron · 4 months
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drawings of @frootloopsl atla death note au ☆彡
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 2 months
Blue and Fire Engine Red #3
TW: reference/depiction of school shooting (no onscreen deaths)
Kara’s choice of bar proves to be the perfect opposite of the bright and open firehouse. Its dim ambience feels cozy, and the low light helps ground her, letting her release some of the bravado that fueled the sexually charged tit for tat she’s been firing towards Lena. She hopes tonight will be something more than that. 
Of course, that doesn’t keep Kara’s insides from positively melting when Lena walks in the door. She looks positively pedestrian out of uniform, in a loose muscle tank layered over a snug tank top, and her jeans even snugger. But her gaze glints when it finds Kara in the small two person booth towards the back. Kara’s chosen a relatively isolated corner– not to hide, but rather from a desire to not share the woman who slides in across from her.
“Glad you found the place okay,” Kara greets, grinning. 
“Yeah, you kind of forgot to mention that it was literally underground.” Lena wrinkles her nose when Kara’s grin widens puckishly. “Fink.”
Kara laughs. “Let’s just say it makes for a good conversation starter.”
An arch brow answers her. “So you bring girls here a lot then.”
Pink lips soon soften into a teasing grin. “Relax. I’m joking.”
Releasing a sigh, Kara lets her shoulders relax. Before she can say anything, a waiter appears to take their drink orders. 
“The first of a few, I hope,” the girl says brightly. She turns towards Lena first. “Your usual, Lena?”
Green eyes twinkle at Kara in the low light, clearly enjoying the way Kara’s mouth falls open. She’s been had.
“That would be lovely,” Lena returns. 
The server nods, then turns to Kara. “And what can I get you?” 
Kara tries not to frown. “Rum and coke,” she grumbles dejectedly. “And onion rings.”
“Excellent choice! Your drinks will be out momentarily, but the rings will take a few minutes. Is that okay?”
Lena nods, giving the girl a winning smile. “That’s totally fine, Jess,” she purrs. “We’ll be here for a while.”
Jess moves away to another table, leaving them to themselves. Kara glares at Lena, who shrugs with an abashed grin.
“I served with Jess’ brother.”
Ears pricking with interest, Kara leans forward. “Bartender?”
Lena blinks, then lifts an eyebrow. “Army.”
Kara’s eyes widen in surprise. “Oh! Wow, I didn’t even think… sorry. Medic?”
Lena nods with a hum.
“So if I talk to Jess’ brother, he’ll tell me about some daring rescue where you saved his life?”
Lena holds Kara’s light gaze for a long beat before looking down at her hands, folded on the table in front of her. “Not exactly.”
“Oh.” Kara’s stomach falls out from under her as she realizes the implication. Her cheeks start to burn. “Oh.”
There’s a long moment between them, and KAra is desperate to fill the silence.
“Thank you for your service—”
“Don’t,” Lena cuts in sharply. She takes a breath, only for it to huff out of her an instant later. “Can we talk about something else?”
Kara quickly nods. “Yeah, of course. I’m sorry–”
Jess returns then, delivering their drinks. Lena’s quiet murmur of “thanks” confirms how uncomfortable she is, and Kara kicks herself again and again for having wrecked the mood. The date has ground to a halt, she knows, and it’s her fault. Even so, she clings to hope when Lena tries to salvage the conversation.
“What about you?” Have you always wanted to be a cop?”
“Hah, well…” Kara gives a nervous smile. The short answer is no, not always. Long answer is… kinda dark, honestly.” 
To Kara’s surprise, Lena gives a dark chuckle. “Well aren’t we the pair,” she drawls. 
Kara feels some warmth creep back into her extremities. “I don’t mind talking about it though, if you don’t mind hearing it. If you’d rather not–”
“Whatever you’re comfortable with sharing is fine with me. It must be important if it led to you becoming a hero of law and order, so– I’d love to hear it. But no pressure.”
With a nod, Kara considers where to start. “Have you ever heard of Midvale High?” When Lena shakes her head, she continues. “Ten years ago there was a school shooting. Twenty-three students died. I was one of the survivors.”
Lena watches her solemnly, and though she seems content to simply listen, Kara lifts her hand to stave off any condolences or sympathy that might be heading her way. 
“It’s okay,” she promises. “I got all the therapy, and I got to a place I can comfortably talk about it. And you know, it was the usual story: kids are awful to one kid, kid gets depressed, then angry enough to do something about it. For us, that kid was Kenny Lee, and he was my best friend.”
That’s the most shocking part, for most people. Like she said, school shootings are tragically common, but rarely does anyone realize that the shooters might actually have a friend or two.
“Kenny was a good kid– quiet, smart… he just had the wrong combination of interests, or maybe he just had the wrong face. I don’t know. The others were just… cruel. And no one did anything about it. Until one day Kenny did.”
“Did he hurt you?” Lena asks quietly. 
Kara shakes her head. “No. No, he… he started in the cafeteria. I usually eat with Kenny, but he missed the first half of the day, so I ate in the bathroom that day.” She wasn’t well-liked either, so eating alone in the cafeteria always gave her enough anxiety to avoid the place.
“But I heard it. The gunfire… all that cement and linoleum… it echoes, you know? I bunkered down in the bathroom as best I could. When the shooting paused, I heard the police sirens. I thought… I didn’t know if they’d find me where I was, so when I thought it was safe, I crept into the hallway.”
Her heart had stopped when she’d recognized the back of Kenny’s head at the end of the hall. She’d gasped, and he’d whirled, lifting the weapon in his hands. When locked eyes, the rage in Kenny’s gaze had shocked her, but a moment later it gave way to apathy.
“NCPD, put the gun down!”
The sound of a new voice startled them both. The rifle Kenny held jerked, and Kara’s whole body flinched. But Kenny didn’t put the gun down. 
“Y-you’re going to have to kill me,” he stuttered. Kara stared at him. He looked like her friend, but there were bloody footprints behind him, and his pants were spattered with blood and… brain matter, Kara realized in horror. Her best friend had stood over someone and shot them in the head.
Trembling, Kara’s gaze bounced between Kenny and the officer who had spoken. The officer was small, barely taller than Kara, but exuded calm authority even as Kenny hefted the gun higher against his shoulder. It was too heavy, Kara realized. He wasn’t used to the weight.
“We don’t want to do that,” the officer said. Her tone was cool and clear, traveling easily down the corridor. “My name’s Officer Grant. What’s yours?”
“K-Kenny,” he stammered. Sweat beaded and slid down his forehead. 
Officer Grant nodded. There was a shuffle of footsteps as more officers moved into a formation behind her. Kenny’s finger curled around the trigger, but Officer Grant lifted her hand to both put him at ease and to tell her people to hold off.
“I’m sure you have reasons for what’s happened today,” she said. “And I’m sure they feel like good ones. But no one else needs to get hurt today.”
“Yes they do!” Kenny snapped back into his rage, his features warping back into an unfamiliar mask. “He– he wasn’t there! I have to– he deserves–” His gaze locked on Kara, imploring her to understand. “He wasn’t there, Kara!”
Kara’s heart stopped. She knew exactly who he meant. Jake. The worst of them all. Kenny wanted– he was hunting. But there’d been so much gunfire already– how many people did Kenny hurt instead? Her vision wobbled, and for the first time she realized she was crying. 
“Everything feels so big right now,” Officer Grant continued. “I have a son, and his emotions get so big, he just doesn’t know what to do with it. This may have felt like the only way, Kenny, but it’s not.”
“B-but… I…” Kenny sounded small again.
“You still have decisions to make, Kenny. You’re making one now– you haven’t hurt Kara.”
Kenny looked at her, tears of his own streaming down his face. “She– she’s my–” He shook his head. “She doesn’t deserve to die.”
“There are a lot of other people who don’t deserve it either. A lot of families who don’t deserve to have dinner without their kids. Your parents don’t deserve to lose their son.”
His resolve wavers. He hitches the gun again, but from exhaustion rather than ire. “I don’t know. I don’t know anymore.”
“You can choose to put the gun down, Kenny,” Officer Grant pushed gently, sensing the ground she’s gained. To Kara’s surprise, the officer’s focus shifts to her for a pointed moment before returning to Kenny. “Kara doesn’t deserve to watch you die.”
Kara’s throat locked then. She stared at Kenny, desperate. “Please, Kenny,” she croaked. Kenny didn’t look at her. “Kenny, PLEASE!”
Her legs almost gave out when he looked at her, his despair palpable. Kara knew in that moment he’d planned to die that day; the alternative would be years in prison, maybe an entire lifetime. Kara didn’t know what she would choose either. 
After a long, tense moment, Kenny exhaled shakily before taking a step back. He knelt. Leaning forward, he’d slid the rifle across the floor away from him before interlocking his fingers behind his head. Before Kara could blink, officers swarmed Kenny, locking his handcuffs on his wrists and confiscating the rifle. 
Officer Grant, though, came to Kara. 
“Are you okay, Kara?”
An avalanche of sobs came crashing out of Kara, and Officer Grant opened her arms and held Kara as she crumbled.
“Officer Grant talked Kenny down,” Kara continues, blinking her way back to the low-lit bar. Lena waits on the other side of the booth, her features patient and calm. Kara offers a small, quiet smile. “She talked him down, by talking to him. Not as a monster, but as a person. Her compassion won out over his anger, and it saved lives.”
Lena reaches across the table, clasping Kara’s in hers. Her thumbs rub soft circles against Kara’s skin, further grounding her back in the present. “She inspired you.”
Kara turns her hand, letting her palm settle fully in Lena’s. “She did. A few years later, she was the one who gave me my badge. Literally. Her signature is on my graduation certificate.”
“I bet she remembered you.”
“She did,” Kara confirms. Then she snorts, dispelling the somber mood. “Not that it won me any favors. In fact, I was pretty sure she hated me right up until she pinned my badge on my chest.”
Lena laughs. “Oh, man, I could spend days telling you about basic. The worst.”
Kara squeezes the hand in hers, giving a genuine smile. “I look forward to it. But first…”
She pauses when she sees Jess heading towards them with a basket of food in her hands.
“Onion rings!”
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fansids · 2 years
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I realized that absorbing the fourth ring could've come with severe consequences, and I've not known peace since.
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deluls · 5 months
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Two years ago, on an one fine spring day, my daughter was murdered by someone with a bear-shaped keychain. Who is it? Only the culprit knows the answer. Step forward and confess your sin. If you don't, everyone here will die.
Death Bell (2008) dir. Chang
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one-time-i-dreamt · 1 year
I was burned at the stake for insulting a fictional character.
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