#tw: gunshot wounds
littlelcvestory · 11 months
76 wesper because we love some angsttt
i love angst !!
76. “You need to wake up because I can’t do this without you.”
tw: blood and gunshot wounds
The job was supposed to be simple.
In and out without a sound.
And yet—
“Clear the table, now,” Jesper demanded when he pushed his way back into the Slat. Nina was anxiously biting her thumb and her eyes widened in horror when she saw Jesper.
Jesper and Wylan, who was carried in his arms, his face sickly pale.
“Oh, Saints, is he breathing?”
He laid Wylan down on the table, being as gentle yet as quick as possible. “Yes, but I don’t know how long he has.”
Blood fell like a broken faucet off the table and onto the floor.
Wylan's blood.
Jesper tore away Wylan’s soiled shirt, wincing at the sight of the bullet wound. He realized that the bullet hadn’t gone clean through him— the bullet was lodged somewhere in Wylan’s body.
“Inej, get the medical supplies and water. Please, hurry,” Nina said, weaving around Jesper and putting pressure on the wound.
This would’ve been easier if Nina hadn’t taken the parem all those months ago. She might not have been a Healer, but she’d fixed up Inej on the Ferolind. With the effects of the drug, though, there wasn’t much she could do.
“Jesper.” Nina’s voice was strained. “You have to get the bullet out of him.”
Here’s the thing— Jesper loves the thrill of a shot going right through his target. There is nothing thrilling about pulling a bullet out of his boyfriend. 
Desperately, Jesper kneels at Wylan’s side and screws his eyes shut, feeling for the bullet with his powers. He feels the metal— it’s lodged an inch below his skin.
With a deep breath, Jesper pulls.
Wylan’s body seizes beneath his fingers. He doesn’t wake.
There is so much blood.
An agonizing minute goes by as Jesper finally gets the bullet out of Wylan. It’s slick and coated with blood and Jesper tries not to hurl all over the floor.
The night goes by in a blur as Nina cleans and wraps the wound and brings Wylan to a bed. Jesper doesn’t leave Wylan’s side. Tears sting his eyes as he holds his boyfriend’s hand, checking his pulse every second. 
Nina has to practically pry him away from the bedside and says, “Please go rest, you’re going to drive yourself insane.” 
“But what if—”
“Rest, Fahey. I will look after him.”
Jesper silently lays Wylan’s hand next to his body. “Thank you, Nina. So much.”
She puts on a strained grin and nods.
He casts one more glance at Wylan. Jesper brushes his curls from his face and kisses his forehead. “I love you.”
Then he retires to bed.
Sleep doesn’t find him.
Jesper tosses away the blankets and silently goes down to the room Wylan is in.
Wylan is still asleep, granted, it’s only been a couple of hours, but Jesper knows Wylan is strong. He’ll recover soon, right?
“I know you’ll be fine, merchling,” Jesper says into the empty room, to Wylan, when he sits in the chair he’d never left just a few hours ago. Something about him still looks beautiful, even when he was unconscious and lying in bed, sick.
“Kaz said the job went well,” he said. “That’s a lie, though, because, well. Do I need to say it?”
All he hears is the sound of Wylan’s breathing and the creak of his chair.
Jesper takes his boyfriend’s hand again. “You need to wake up, Wy. I can’t do this without you.”
What does he mean by ‘this’? He means life, himself, the Barrel. How could he have survived this long if he’d never met Wylan? He was his light, his reason for living. He wasn’t sure he could live without him.
The candles burned low.
Nina came back in the morning to find Jesper asleep in the chair, holding Wylan’s hand.
Wylan was lying awake, gazing lovingly at Jesper, his hand stroking his boyfriend’s.
The demo man and the sharpshooter, Nina thought fondly to herself. They were made for each other, she decides.
But she knew that already.
sorry about that (i think?)
anyways! i am slowly but surely making my way through writing my wesper romeo and juliet au!! it's tough work at the moment but i'm so excited to get to the good parts of it <3 i will be posting the first chapter as soon as i finish it (which might be. a While from now bc im working at a pace of like 5 paragraphs per day LMAO please bear with me it'll be worth it i promise !)
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darlingbandit · 6 months
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Desperado came out when I was too young to be interested in it, so I’m only now discovering how good it actually is.
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sortofanobsession · 1 year
Will o’ the Wisp - Ch. 7 (Umbrella Academy WIP) Diego x Reader slow burn
Author’s note: Another chapter. Events of Episode 1x06 The Day That Wasn't. Rough Translations are at the end. Enjoy.
So as it goes, Y/N = your name. Y/N/N = your nickname.  Reader pronouns She/Her.
Tag Requests are Open just message me.
Primary Pairing: Diego Hargreeves x Female!Reader (Slow Burn Season 1)
Series/TUA Masterlist
Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 8
Word count: 4k+
Content Warning: Gun Violence, Gunshot Wounds, Drugs, Withdrawals, Mentions of Death, Knives, Arguing, Sibling Rivalry, Guilt, Cussing/Swearing, Canon Typical Neglect, Manipulation, Violence, Angst
Chapter 7: Nothing That Matters
“Oh, good,” Luther says as he sees Klaus. “You're up. We need to talk. You, me, and the others. So meet me in the living room. Like, now-ish.” 
“Yeah, that sounds like a real rager,” Klaus replies. “But my schedule's already chock-full.” 
“Yeah, no time for that,” Luther says. “The world's ending in three days.”  
“Excuse me?” Y/N stares at him as Allison gives out the coffee she brought for everyone. 
“Three days?” Allison repeats. 
“That's what Five said,” Luther tells them. 
“The old bastard did mention the apocalypse, come to think of it," Klaus says. “He just left out the part about how soon.”
The glow around Y/N shifts, intensifying before seeming to pull tighter around her. She rubs her arms. She thinks about everything she has talked to her brothers about in the past few days and consciously pulls the Wisp in to try and hide her feelings better than she has in the past. She and Five used to be close. It's not until she feels Diego next to her that she looks at him. “I thought it was drunk hyperbole,” she tells him.
“We all did,” Diego assures her. 
“But can we trust him? I don't know if you've noticed, but Five's a little…”  Allison asks, whistling and gesturing that he is cuckoo.
“Our little psycho,” Klaus chuckles. 
“He was pretty convincing,” Luther notes. “If he wasn't trying to stop an apocalypse, those lunatics wouldn't be chasing him.” 
“That's why they were after him?” Diego asks.
“What did Five even see?” Allison asks Luther. 
Luther hesitates, “Uh... Apparently, we all fought together against whoever was responsible.”
“And he didn’t tell you, Y/N?” Allison asks.
“No, he told me that he had it handled, and he’d tell me if it didn’t work.” 
“I guess it didn’t work,” Diego states.
“Okay.” Luther says awkwardly as he stands up from his seat, seemingly wanting to move on. “So, here's the plan.” Luther begins, “Uh, we go through Dad's research…” 
“Wait, what?” Allison asks. “Hold on, hold on.” 
“Maybe I should try and find those assassins. I can-” Y/N starts.
“We need a plan first,” Diego tells her.
“As I said, Dad’s research,” Luther tries to explain again.
“Wait a tick, wait a tick, wait a tick.” Klaus asks. “What actually happened the first time around?” 
“Yeah." Diego agrees. "What are you not tellin' us? Come on, big boy, spit it out.” 
Luther sighs and mumbles an answer. “We died.” 
“What was that?” Allison asks him.
He coughs and clarifies. “I said, uh, we died.”
Y/N reaches over without thinking and grabs Diego’s hand. He grips her hand tight. It is too quiet as it seems to sink in. 
Diego tosses a knife in the air and catches it like a nervous habit behind the bar. Y/N has her elbows on the bar in front of them and rubs at her temples. He watches her closely as she leans heavily against the surface.
"No, we need to figure this out."
"Is it just us?"
"It's everybody."
"In the house?" 
"The whole planet?" 
"No, outside the house."
"Everyone died."
"Wow," she breathes and startles slightly when she feels a hand on her back. She looks up to find a slightly concerned-looking Diego glancing from her to the entryway where Viktor and Leonard now stand. She follows his gaze and immediately strengthens up. Diego's hand stays where it is. She finds it oddly comforting. She isn't used to people showing up and her not noticing through the Wisp. Her brothers might be right, and she is pushing it too far. She leans into Diego without thinking. He doesn't seem to mind. He just shifts his arm around her shoulder and pulls her in tight against his side. On instinct, she pulls the Wisp in as much as she can to dim her glow and lets Diego sort of shield her from the stranger now in the room. 
Viktor gives her an odd look at how she practically shrinks into Diego's side before shifting their gaze to Diego's stern look and then to the others.
"What's going on?" Viktor asks.
"It's a family matter."
"A family matter. So you couldn't bother to include me."
"V, we-" she tries but gives up as the others start. She just leans further into Diego. 
"You're okay. I got you," he whispers to her, nearly against her temple, before he turns back to watch the rest of the group. 
"No, it's not like that," Luther tries. 
"We were-"
"Don't let me interrupt," Viktor tells them.
"I'll fill you in later when we're alone," Allison tells her.
"Please, please, don't bother,” Viktor says. “And I won't either."
"Viktor, that's not fair."
"Fair? There's nothing fair about being your brother,” Viktor looks at them all. “I have been left out of everything for as long as I can remember. And I used to think it was Dad's fault, but he's dead. So it turns out you're the assholes." 
“Ouch,” Klaus says. They all feel it. 
Y/N leans her forehead against Diego’s shoulder and wishes the ground would just swallow her whole. They all feel guilty. Diego doesn’t like that feeling, so he does what he does best, focuses on something else. Something he can do. Like running his hand along her arm to anchor her. To give her something else to focus on too. 
“Viktor’s just angry,” Diego whispers. “You always tried, but Dad never let him in on what mattered.”
“Doesn’t matter, V still hates us,” she says, but it comes out mumbled on his shoulder.
"I'm gonna go find Viktor and explain," Allison says.
"No, wait, there isn't time." 
At that, Y/N just closes her eyes and basically gives up holding her own weight. She knows Diego has her. The Wisp is still hidden away. And she takes a moment to just embrace the dark. One moment of weakness won't kill her. She misses the confused look from Klaus and the concerned one from Luther. "Get on with it," Diego mouths, holding her tight as best he can with his good arm. 
"We need to figure out what causes the apocalypse," the discussion starts again.
"Now, there are loads of possibilities. Nuclear war, asteroids.” Everyone seems to be at least somewhat focused. 
She just listens.
“But I'm thinking this is about the Moon."
"Right? Dad must have sent me up there for a reason,” Luther agrees. "And I was giving him daily updates on the conditions, I sent field samples."
"The first thing we need to do-is find his research."
"Hold on. Hold the phone," Klaus interrupts. "We all died fighting this thing the first time around. Remember?” 
“Klaus, shockingly, has a point,” Diego says. “What gives us a win this time?"
"Five. Last time we didn't have him. We weren't all together. This time, we'll have the full force of the Umbrella Academy. That's what we need."
"So, where's Five now?"
"Nowhere I've found," she says as she finally opens her eyes and lets the Wisp form. She attempts to strengthen her resolve. They have too much to do. It’s selfish for her to put all her strength in Diego. He has his own fight to finish.She moves to stand on her own. 
"Well, he had a plan to change the timeline," Luther informs. “He'll be back soon."
"I'm going after Hazel and Cha-Cha," Diego says as he pulls away from her now that she has it more together. She smiles sadly. She knew he’d say that.
"What, right now?" Luther asks.
 "Hell, yeah. Three days. I'm losing light by the minute."
"Wait, Diego," Luther tries to stop him. "Look, I know you wanna avenge your friend, but we got a bigger problem here."
"She wasn't just some friend. If I'm gonna die, I need to know I killed those bastards first."
"It's not about Dad," Diego says. 
"It's not about me."
While Diego and Luther argue, Klaus looks at Y/N
“You okay, Sunshine?” Klaus asks.
“Just a bit tired,” she admits. “How about you? You look a little green around the gills.” 
Klaus chuckles. “No need to worry about me, Sunshine.”
“Wanna take a nap like the old days?” she asks. 
“Don’t tempt me with a good time,” Klaus smirks. “But raincheck, there’s something I need to do.”
“Okay.” She huffs a laugh.  
"The longer I wait, Hazel-” Diego continues to argue. 
“You don't have to do this alone,” Luther tells him. "I know how important this is to you."
"Stop making it about you." Diego glares. 
"I'm coming with you," she says since she couldn’t convince Klaus to rest. Maybe she could help keep Diego out of trouble.
"You're staying here," he tells her. 
"Not happening," she shakes her head.
"Not up for debate," he insists. "You're exhausted, and you didn't even notice Viktor got here. Your guard is down because you need sleep. Fin de la discusión."
"Klaus? Klaus?” Luther looks at Klaus as he starts to leave. “Klaus!"
Klaus is caught. "Yeah! Sorry."
"So, what?” Luther affronts. “You're giving up on the world, too?"
 "Yeah, pretty much.” Klaus nods. “Yeah. Mm-hmm."
"So that's it. You're cool with us all dying in three days? I can't believe it."
"It's just us,” Luther looks at Allison, but Allison already has her mind made up. He can tell she does. “Oh, please, not you, too."
"I have to book a flight back to LA. If this happens I have to be with my daughter, custody be damned. And you said it yourself we need the full force of the Academy to even stand a chance.
I'm sorry, Luther."
Luther looks over at Y/N.
“I’m here, Luther. I’ll help, but Diego’s right. I’m no use to anyone if V and her friend could get the drop on the Wisp. Anyone can. Just give me a couple of hours to rest up, you find that research, and I’ll help you go through it. Or I can search once I’ve gotten some sleep.”
“Fine,” Luther relents. 
“It’s a few hours, and then I can get back to going at lightspeed. I’ll be able to literally speed this process up. So, wake me up when Five gets here, or you find anything. Okay, big brother?” She gives his forearm a squeeze to attempt to reassure him. 
“Yeah, okay, I will.” He agrees. He notices Allison raising an eyebrow as she gathers her things. 
“We get gruff, and she gets off easy?” Allison smirks, but there is a hint of hurt to it. “Since when is she your ‘little sister’? Or is it because you’re Number One and she’s Number Eight?”
Luther is confused for a second by the strange look. “She says it because I’m literally huge now. She thinks it’s funny, and it’s not mean, not the way she means it. It…solidarity? I don’t know. It’s- she wanted me to know I’m not the only that can’t hide who they are. She can’t just turn the glow off. She means well. But that’s not important. She’s right. She needs sleep. She’s the only other person that has been trying to get everyone on the same team. And honestly, she keeps Diego in line better than anyone else. She’s trying to help, probably too much. And that’s more than anyone else is willing to do. That and her plan actually works and could benefit all of us. I don’t see anyone else trying. Or staying.”
“Rude,” Allison says. “But point taken.”
Y/N goes to get something to eat and is absolutely shocked to see Grace.
“Mom?” she smiles. 
“Y/N, are you alright? You look tired.”
“I am, but you’re back. That’s great. Diego will be so happy.”
Grace smiles. “How can I help you?”
“It’s fine I was just going to get a snack and take a nap.”
“Sit, I will make you something to eat,” Grace tells her.
“That’s not necessary, Mom, I can-”
“If you truly are tired, then I must insist,” Grace states. “It’s for your safety. Can’t risk our little ray of sunshine.” 
She knows better than to argue with Grace. So she sits at the table and waits. Grace starts to make her something to eat. She smiles when Grace sets a bowl of fresh oatmeal in front of her. 
“Something hearty that hopefully won't upset your stomach while you rest,” Grace tells her.
“You always know just what we need,” she smiles up at Grace. “Thanks, Mom.”
“Anytime, Y/N,” Grace returns her smile easily. “I am happy to help.” She listens to Grace tidy up the kitchen as she eats. 
“I hate this room,” Diego says.
“Oh, it got me high enough. I picked it clean of anything of value after Daddy kicked the bucket.
That's it, tighter and higher. Ooh. Ouf! Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.”
“Ooh! Aah! - Aah!”
“If I see a boner, I'm out,” Diego tells him. “End of the world and you wanna get sober all of a sudden. Don't get me wrong, man. Good by you. But I'd think you'd wanna pop every pill on the planet.”
“Oh, the thought did cross my mind, believe me,” Klaus admits, “but there's something I need to do, and the whole pesky thing doesn't seem to work unless I'm sober.”
“Is this is about conjuring the one you lost? What was her name?” 
“His name was Dave,” Klaus says. “We soldiered together in the A Shau Valley in the Mountain of the Crouching Beast.”
“Well, Dave must have been a very special person to put up with your weird-ass shit.”
“Yeah,” Klaus agrees. “Yeah, he was He was kind, and strong, and vulnerable, and beautiful.
Beautiful. And I was foolish enough to follow him all the way to the front line.”
“You fought in the shit?” Diego is a bit shocked. 
“Oh yeah, baby.”
“How'd they let you do that?”  
“Let me? War couldn't take enough bodies. Please. Including his.”
“Hey, look at us,” Klaus says. “Loggin' in some quality bro time before the end of the world.”
“Yeah, might as well.” Diego admits. “Everyone I like is already dead.”
“Ah, yes. The lady cop.”
“Mom, too. I let them both down. So here I am. Alone with you.” Diego pats Klaus’ shoulder.
“You still have Sunshine. Doesn’t Y/N count?” Diego doesn’t answer. He just turns to leave.
“Ah, shit!” Klaus curses.
“What?” turns around to ask.
“I need to pee.”
Y/N changes course on her way to her room when she hears voices in what is usually just a quiet storage area of the house.
“You know, no, I,” She hears Klaus say. “I think I think this was Whoa. Wait.” She hears when she is closer to the door. “I think this was a bad idea.” 
“What is-” she asks herself but stops.
“I just I should have had just one last hit to ease me into it. That's all I need.”
She sighs. 
“No, no, no.”
“I'll be right back,” Klaus says.
“I don't think so,” she hears Diego say.
“That's not how it works, Diego.”
“Nope,” Diego's tone confident. “Sit down.”
“Diego, listen,” she hears Klaus beg. “Just listen.”
“Just listen.”
She moves closers when she hears Klaus coughing and groaning.
“Sit your ass down. Sit down. Sit down.”
“Stop it!”
“Get off!”
“Get…Get off! Get off!”
She couldn’t stand it anymore, she rushes in. “What the fuck?!” She stares in shock at the scene before her. Diego is tying Klaus to a chair. 
“Sunshine!” Klaus shouts. But Diego doesn’t stop. “Damn it, Diego! - Damn it! Stop it!” Klaus puts up a fight. She goes to stop him.
“STAY PUT!” Diego shouts at Klaus. She slaps Diego across the face the moment he turns to her so he can explain. Both Diego and Klaus freeze, stunned by what just happened. 
“EXPLAIN NOW!” she demands.
“He asked me to!” Diego shouts as Klaus goes to get up. Diego moves to stop him.
“STOP!” She shouts. “Just…stop.”
“Tell her,” Diego demands of Klaus.
“Sunshine, I-” Klaus starts. He eyes the angry red tint of the Wisp. 
“The truth,” Diego instructs. When Klaus doesn’t say anything, she looks at Diego.  
“He asked me to tie him up so he could sober up and would be able to summon the guy he lost.”
“And he changed his mind?” she asks.
“I’m right here,” Klaus grumbles. 
“He’s an addict, of course he’s going to fight it, he-”
She held her hand up to stop him. “Okay, just…” she weighs her options. None of them seem anything short of painful or distressing. “And you both agree this is the only way?”
“He said it was," Diego explains. "And he agreed the first time I tied him up. Then he had to pee.” She sighs and rubs at her temples. If Klaus had admitted that this is how it needs to be. It might be true. She knows how he is with these things. She gets why he asked Diego. He knew she wouldn't have done it. She caves too easily when Klaus begs. She just hates to see her siblings suffer.
“Okay,” she relents and waves at Diego. When it’s clear she might actually let Diego finish, Klaus starts begging again. 
"Seriously?" Klaus stares at her. "Come on, Sunshine, please."
"If you told him this was the only way," she says. Diego takes it as the go-ahead to keep tying Klaus up. 
"Don't you love me?" Klaus tries, his eyes on her.
"Of course, but if I-" she starts, but Diego isn't having it.
"Don't put this on her," Diego scolds. "You asked for this. She offered you a nap and probably cuddles like when you were kids. You said no. You said it has to be this. We already went over this."
“Listen, listen. Listen to me. Listen to me. I can conjure her for you,” Klaus tells him. His sister gapes in shock. “Patch! I can-” 
“Don't use her name like that, okay?” Diego half snaps. She looks between them, unsure if she should step in and just end this entire situation.
“Sunshine, please,” Klaus looks up at her.
“Diego, maybe-” she starts.
“We all know he can't conjure shit until clean,” Diego says to her before turning back to Klaus. “I don't wanna see her until I can tell her that I buried the bastards that killed her.”
“Please. Please, Y/N, Diego. Please. Please.” Every alarm is going off in her head to help him.
“Trust me, Luz, this is probably the safest way to do this. He can't hurt himself this way,” Diego tries to assure her before again turning to Klaus and holding up a bucket. “This is for next time. Puke, pee, whatever you need. Multipurpose. See?” 
“Diego…” she starts, but he stands up and grabs her wrist, and tugs her towards the door. 
“He’ll thank us later.” 
“Y/N! Diego! Guys, please come back! Diego! You prick!” 
Diego doesn’t let her go until they can’t hear Klaus shouting anymore.
"Luz," he starts as he sees her looking back the way they came. "You have to trust me. Trust him."
"Maybe I should use Wisp to-" she starts to walk back, but he cuts her off.
"To what? Make sure he stays in the chair while he begs and prods at your psyche. He will say anything in that state. You heard him. He already questioned if you loved him. And we all know you do. Because you have always looked after him. He will tear you down, and you'll end up hurting. And he'll sober up and then feel bad, I would hope. He'll apologize, and you will forgive him, but ultimately, you'll both be more broken and worse off than you started. Or you cave, he gets high, he still ends up hurting you, and none of us can do anything. So I'm going to stop you now because I don't want any of that. Not for you. Not for him. This is what he wants. To see Dave, to be able to use his powers for something other than the shit dad made him do. I know you are used to saving him, but if we survive all this, he needs to be able to do this all on his own." She looks back down the hall.
"But he-" 
"Hey," he grabs her chin gently with his good hand and turns her to look at him. "This sucks for you after what happened. You thought you lost him. I know, but it'll be good for you too. You won't have to worry as much if he is sober and can handle things better." 
"Okay," she agrees. 
"Good," Diego pulls her into a one-armed hug. 
"But are you okay?" She asks when they pull apart.
"What?" He looks at her. "He didn't make it easy to do one-handed but-"
"He brought up Patch, and earlier, you said-"
"I just want to find the assholes that killed her-"
"And shot both of us," she adds.
"Oh, I haven't forgotten," he grumbles. "And we don't have much time to do it." 
"Want me to look for them?"
"Not yet, but if it comes to it, I'll let you know."
He makes sure she actually goes to her room before he heads downstairs to leave. He is shocked when he runs into Grace.
"How are you walking around?" Diego asks Grace. 
"One foot in front of the other," she replies easily. "Why? How do you do it?" 
"Mom, I - What's the last thing you remember?"
 "Oh, let's see," she begins. "March 21st. Sunset was 7:33 p.m. Moon was waxing crescent. Dinner was Cornish hen, rice, carrots."
"Mom, that happened over a week ago," Diego tells her. "Do you remember anything else?"
"No. Not until I made breakfast earlier for Y/N," she admits before adding. “I suppose that's odd.”
“You made breakfast for Y/N?” He asks. His sister hadn’t mentioned it. Then again, she had been focused on Klaus when she found them. He can’t really blame her for not mentioning it. But it was odd.
 "She looked so tired, but she was headed off to her room to rest when she finished. Is she not there now? I should check-”
“No, Mom, she’s there. I just left her there.”
“That’s good. She needs her rest,” Grace says before shifting the topic. “I wonder what the weather is like today. It would be nice to go to the park."
"Dad, never let you off the grounds," Diego tells her. Grace grips his good hand.
"Your father isn't here anymore," she says, hinting she knows more, but Diego doesn't notice, or if he does, he doesn't care.
"You can do whatever you want, Mom," he states.
“Unless you’d rather wait for your sister?” Grace offers.
“No, no…she needs her rest,” he nods. “Let’s go.”
He takes her for a walk in the park, where no one can hear them.
"Dad was wrong for keeping you locked up all those years. I should have said something. We all should have."
"There's something else that needs to be said, Diego. Pogo and I, we've been lying. Lying to all of you."
*Five resets everything, and it’s back to earlier in the day, 8:15 a.m.*
Diego keeps Y/N tucked into his side and ignores the odd looks he gets from their siblings. He really doesn't care. 
"We all died fighting this thing the first time around." He feels her tense against him as Klaus reminds them. "Remember?" 
"Klaus, shockingly, has a point," Diego says. "What gives us a win this time?"  He moves to block her from the violent swirling portal and pulls a knife to face any threat that comes through. Five drops out of the portal and onto the bar with a briefcase. Diego feels her grip tighten on his shirt.
"Je-Jesus!" Allison startles.
"You guys, am I still high," Klaus asks. "Or do you see him, too?" 
"Five?" Y/N asks as she moves out from behind Diego. "What happened?"
"Five, where have you been?"
"Are you all right?"
"Who did this? 
Five steals Allison’s coffee after getting down off the bar. 
"Irrelevant." Five says. "So, the apocalypse is in three days. The only chance we have to save our world is, well, us." 
"The Umbrella Academy," Luther adds.
"Yeah, but with me,” Five states. “Obviously. So if y'all don't get your sideshow acts together and get over yourselves, we're screwed."
"Who cares if Dad messed us up? Are we gonna let that define us? No." Klaus shakes his head, seemly agreeing with what Five has said. Five continues. “And to give us a fighting chance to see next week, I've come back with a lead."
"I know who's responsible for the apocalypse,” he tells all of you. “This is who we have to stop."
"Harold Jenkins?” Allison reads. 
“Who the hell is Harold Jenkins?" Diego asks. 
"Fin de la discusión." End of discussion.
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He’d had these feelings of intense anger since the invasion began. 
At first they were fleeting, he’d shake his head or distract himself with work and they’d disappear, but lately they’d been harder to escape from: punching crates, pushing himself to exhaustion, even starting arguments he didn’t really want to be apart of, none of it worked. It’s like his blood was boiling, filled with a need to hurt someone: himself, the Reapers, his fellow soldiers, his friends. 
It had only gotten worse since Thessia; something he didn’t think possible. Hearing Liara so openly dismiss the Alliance, hearing the Commander take her side, it was like the boiling in his blood had turned into an inferno. That’s when the whispers he’d been hearing since leaving Earth started to get louder; when the itch in the back of his head turned to voices. 
Whilst the Commander was talking to Vega, Owen reached for the grip of his pistol. He didn’t know what he was doing, he didn’t want to do this - no matter how mad he was at Shepard. His entire arm shook as he tried to stop - his throat was too thick to shout a warning - and despite his efforts, the pistol left its holster and was aimed at the Commander. 
A shot rang through the cargo bay. Then another. 
Shepard had hit the deck, moving to cover behind the work benches. As they peaked around the corner, Owen stood beside his ship, blood pouring from two gunshot wounds to his chest, pistol still in hand but arm hanging at his side. The Commander watched as his glowing eyes returned to their natural blue, blood spurting from his mouth as he muttered something sounding like an apology, and collapsed to the ground.
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feychek · 2 months
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Uh yeah. So I actually finished all episodes available (help) and decided to return to my sketched ideas to finish some of them.
Most of them is Arthur traumatised in different ways, sorry Arthur. Really want to try draw John how I see him.
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mj-thrush-gxn · 4 months
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-and what would you say to a bad guy who’s not there?
Sell, sell, sell.- barenaked ladies
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mewcharm · 2 months
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i hope my insurance covers this!
dm for comms! here are my prices!
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Can't afford any CoD merch so Imma make one myself HAH. This started as a random sketch at midnight before I sleep for Febuwhump! Turned out, I actually liked the entire idea and the composition of it so I continued the WIP and voila!
Tried greyscale panting and for this one it looks pretty good. Here's the timelapse should you like to see it (o゚v゚)ノ
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angeltk · 5 months
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TK STRAND IN EVERY SCENE 1.08: monster inside
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[i.d.: 4 part screenshot repaint of emesis blue, of the russian roulette scene. images as follow:
close up of blue soldier. text stylized to look like a closed caption reads: “SOLDIER: You’re going to make it, Fritz.” the scene is in very blue light.
blu medic, bloody, seated across the table from soldier, holds a revolver under his chin. he is half lit in red light. “MEDIC: I know.”
“[SFX: BANG!]” the muzzle flare from the revolver lights everything in sudden bright light. medic shoots his brains out.
the scene takes a wide shot. soldier, spy, and previously medic sit at a table under a lightbulb, black briefcase on the table. medic is in the family guy death pose, the revolver by his side. the scene is still largely blue, save for medic in a red spotlight. reactions are as follow: “SOLDIER: NO! / SPY: Goodbye, Dr. Ludwig.“ /end i.d.]
yes i did 4 paintings for a barely noticeable joke
references under
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[i.d.: 4 screenshots of the scenes referenced in the redraws. /end i.d.]
hey thanks for making it this far :) here is a lovingly rushed drawing of the fourth image
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[i.d.: rough sketch of spy and soldier standing at a table. they both look at a dead medic in the family guy death pose on the floor. soldier is frowning. /end i.d.]
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Whump Potluck!
To celebrate 400 followers (!!!! What?!??), I encourage everyone to share a recipe for their favorite whump scenarios. And, because everyone always has more than one favorite (I know I do!), share another recipe! And another if you like! Not only does this get the info-nugget out of your brain, but you could find others who enjoy the same thing and it could even help some struggling writers! Better yet, why not use these delicious recipes as writing prompts? I'll start with my own favorite recipe:
Comfort Can Hurt
Blood loss
Thrilling/Intense rescues
Panicking teammates
Grasping hands (for comfort, to keep from getting separated, trying to break free, etc.)
"Just hold my hand. You're gonna be fine."
Can't breathe/Catch their breath (!!!!!)
Struggling against caretakers because it hurts
"[Name], you need to calm down!"
Involuntary sedation
Can't go wrong with some classy whump tropes, am I right? Here's one more:
Martyrdom Idiot Heroes
Strong/Angry at the world/Distant whumpee (thinks everyone couldn't care less about them)
Pushing past their limits
Gunshot injury
Blood loss
Injury reveal (jacket/coat w/ a white undershirt? (!!!))
Collapsing (with a dash of teammates rushing to catch them)
"It's okay, we've got you."
Sunshine medic turning into angry, no-nonsense medic
Soft/Hazy awakenings (esp. if everyone else is sleeping nearby/standing guard)
Confusion at being coddled
"Pull that stunt again and see what happens."
See?? Delicious. Feel free to contribute or modify recipes to fit your personal tastes <3 no recipe is too niche or too flavorful!
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darlingbandit · 7 months
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fanfics4all · 2 months
Gunshot Wound
Request: Yes / No Thank you @badthingshappenbingo​ for my card! 
Requests are closed <3 Have a nice day/night
Jennifer Jareau x Daughter!Reader 
Word count: 3273
Warnings: Being shot and I think that’s it
Y/N: Your Name 
Y/N/N: Your Nickname
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A/N: Reader is 16 in this! 
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
If you enjoy my work, you could also show support by buying me a coffee! 
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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It all started with a super rare day off with my Mom. It was just going to be me, her, and my little half-brother Henry. We were both so excited to be able to spend a Saturday with our Mom since her job takes her away a lot. We were all playing when Mom got a call. 
“Y/N can you watch your brother for a second?” She asked and I nodded. She gave me a smile and walked to the side yard. I distracted Henry while Mom took her call, which she didn’t look exactly happy about. She came back into the room and sighed. 
“I need to go, we’ve got a case…” She said and Henry frowned. 
“I’m going to call the babysitter, can you watch your brother until she comes?” She asked and I shrugged. 
“I can watch him, Mom.” I said and she bit her lip. 
“I don’t know when it’s going to be done.” She said and I nodded. 
“So when Dad get’s back-” 
“Dad is part of the case.” She said while Henry was distracted. My eyes widened and she motioned me to follow her. 
“Henry, come inside and grab some juice.” Mom said. We followed her inside and Herny ran to get his juice. Mom pulled me over to sit at the table while Henry was watching cartoons. 
“Is Dad okay?” I asked, worried. 
“Dad is fine, his partner was shot.” She answered and I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. 
“I really don’t know how long this will be, Y/N.” She said and I nodded. 
“I get it Mom, I can take care of Henry.” I said and she sighed. 
“Call me if you need a babysitter to help you.” She said and I smiled. 
“I promise, now go, Dad needs your help.” I said. I got up and went to go watch cartoons with Henry. 
It’s been hours since Mom and Dad left for work. Henry was upset for a little while about Mom having to leave, but I distracted him enough to forget about it. Mom told me I wasn’t allowed to look at the news at all, which I understood. She hated when I knew about local cases. I was too distracted by Henry to even think about looking at the news. However the thought of my Mom and Dad were constantly in the back of my head. I had Henry watching cartoons while I was making dinner for us. I pulled out my phone bit my lip. I haven’t heard anything from Mom or Dad since Mom left. 
“Don’t check the news under any circumstances.” Mom’s voice floated through my head. 
“I know Mom… but you and Dad haven’t answered any one my texts…” I whispered to myself. I took a deep breath and pulled up the news on my phone. My eyes widened and I dropped my phone on the counter. 
“Y/N/N? You alright?” Henry called. 
“I’m fine Henry! Just had something slippery on my hands and dropped my phone!” I called back. 
“Okay!” He called back and I hoped went back to watching cartoons. I quickly picked up my phone and called Mom. 
��Please pick up, please pick up…” I mumbled to myself. 
“Y/N? Are you alright? Do you need a babysitter?” Mom answered. 
“I’m fine, Mom, we’re fine. Are you? Is Dad?” I asked quietly so Henry wouldn’t hear.
“You looked at the news!?” She hissed at me. 
“I’m sorry! You and Dad weren’t answering my texts and I was worried…” I answered. 
“We’re fine, Y/N, I need you to stop looking at the news please.” She begged, she sounded off. 
“Okay, I promise, can you just please answer my texts? I’m really worried, Mom.” I whispered and she sighed. 
“I’m sorry for worrying you sweetie, I’m fine everything’s gonna be okay. Just focus on Henry and I promise I’ll text you in an hour.” She said. She said everything is going to be fine… I grew up with just my Mom at first and I picked up some profiling along the way. My Mom was lying to me. 
“Mom?” I asked. 
“Y/N, I really need to go. Just let me know if you need a babysitter.” She said and hung up. I sighed and put my phone to the side. 
“Something’s wrong…” I mumbled to myself. 
“Hey Y/N! Look who’s home!” I heard Henry call and I turned to see Dad with a woman I’ve never seen before. 
“Dad!” I said and rushed over to him. I went to hug him then noticed he looked a little worse for wear. 
“Dad? Are you alright?” I asked. 
“I’m fine Sweet heart, Mom thought you could use a little help and sent me over with my partner-” 
“I’m Izzy.” The woman cut him off and offered me her hand. Alarm bells were ringing in my head. Mom said his partner was shot.
“Uh, hi.” I said, shaking her hand. I glanced at my Dad and he just smiled at me. I heard a sizzling behind me quickly turned around. 
“Oh shoot!” I said and rushed to take the pot off the stove. I heard the two adult talking in a low voice that I just couldn’t hear. When I turned back around Dad was kneeling down to look at Henry. 
“Daddy let’s play!” Henry said. 
“Daddy can’t play right now, I gotta go to work. But this is um-” 
“Izzy.” The woman said again. 
“Izzy.” Dad whispered. 
“Can you say hi to Izzy?” Dad asked. 
“Hi Izzy.” Henry whispered, he was nervous about this woman too. 
“She’s gonna stay with you and Y/N until Mama comes home, okay?” Dad said. 
“Okay.” Henry said, sounding sad. 
“Hey.” Dad said, gaining his attention. 
“I love you.” Dad said to him. 
“I love you.” Henry said back. Dad hugged him. 
“You’re gonna be okay.” Dad said which made my anxiety skyrocket. Dad sent Henry into the living room to play and I walked up to him. 
“Dad?” I asked with a nervous tone. 
“Come here Y/N/N.” He said and motioned me to come hug him. I stepped into his arms and wrapped mine around him. 
“Everything is gonna be okay.” He whispered and I looked up at him. He was lying just like Mom was… He moved next to my ear and whispered so only I could hear. 
“Keep your brother away from her.” He whispered. I looked into his eyes and nodded. I’d protect my brother with my life and I think my Dad knows that too. He kissed my head and gently pushed me to follow Henry. I watched him walk out the house. 
“Hey Henry, you wanna help me finish cooking?” I asked and he smiled at me. 
“Yeah!” He said and I quickly picked him up. I walked him into the kitchen and watch the woman look around our house. I was so anxious about her presence here, but I just had to focus on protecting my brother. 
As I was cooking Henry started getting antsy and wanted to go color. I sighed and put him down. I led him over to the table where he got in the chair all by himself, and grabbed some paper and crayons. He quietly started coloring and I went back to the kitchen to hurry up and finish cooking. 
As I was just about to finish I heard Henry talking to the woman. I cursed myself and quickly finished the cooking. Once everything was done I left it on the stove to keep warm and walked out to find Henry on the woman’s lap. My eyes widened as I watched her touching his hair. 
“Let me tell you a story.” She said and I gulped. 
“Hey, Henry, foods ready. You hungry?” I asked as I walked over to him. 
“I wanna hear the story, Y/N/N.” He said. Izzy smirked at me and held Henry a bit closer to her. 
“Sit down, listen to the story, Y/N/N.” She smeared at me. I gave her a tight lipped smile and sat in the seat Henry was sitting in. I heard my phone ringing in the other room, but I knew if I moved she’d hurt my brother. She just smirked at me. 
“I really think we should eat Henry.” I said and he started to reach for me. 
“Y/N/N!” He said and I quickly pulled him out of her lap. I went into the kitchen and the woman followed. She grabbed my phone from the counter and smirked at me. We heard the gate opened and the woman went to go check the window. 
“Henry, go hide.” I whispered and he rushed off. I moved to run for it but I heard a gun cock. 
“Where do you think you’re going?” She asked and I slowly turned around. 
“Come out Henry!” She called out. 
“Don’t listen to her Henry!” I shouted. 
“You little bitch!” She growled at me and I tried to run. She shot at me and I screamed in pain. 
“Drop it!” I heard my Mom growl. I couldn’t focus on what they were doing, but I knew Mom was fighting with the girl. 
“Mommy!” I heard Henry shout. 
“Henry!” Mom shouted. There was more fighting and then I heard a thud. I kept pressure on my lower left back and stayed laying on the floor. I heard footsteps coming closer to me and someone knelt down. 
“You alright, kid?” I recognized the voice of David. 
“It hurts a lot.” I groaned. 
“Let me see.” He said as he gently moved my hand. He looked at the bleeding wound and sighed. 
“The bullet is still inside, but your Mom and I are gonna get you help.” He said and I nodded. 
“I know…” I said. 
“Y/N/N?” I heard Henry asked in a scared voice. 
“I’ll be fine, Henry.” I said and smiled back at him in my Mom’s arms. David pushed his arms under me and lifted me up. I groaned as he lifted and flipped me over so I was facing him. I felt his hand put pressure on my wound and I groaned again. 
“I know, Y/N, just hang in there.” He said. They rushed me to the car and Mom got in the back with me and she locked Henry in so he couldn’t really see me. Mom gripped my hand and she had tears in her eyes. 
“I’ll be fine, Mom.” I said and she nodded. 
“I know sweetie, you’re so strong.” She said and I smiled. 
Once we got me to the hospital the staff rushed me inside. They got me into surgery quickly. I obviously didn’t remember any of it but when I woke up my Mom, Dad, and Henry were all standing around my bed. Dad was in a hospital gown too. 
“Mom? Dad?” I groaned as I tried to sit up. 
“Hey, lay back down, you need to relax.” Mom said as she pushed me back down. 
“I’m alright, Mom.” I said as I hugged her tightly. She hugged me tighter and I felt myself struggling to breath a bit. 
“Alright Hon, let our daughter breath.” Dad said with a laugh. Mom wiped her eyes as she pulled back from me. 
“Are you alright, Dad?” I asked and he nodded with a smile. 
“I’m fine sweet heart, we gotta worry about you.” He said and I shook my head. 
“I’m fine.” I insisted. 
“Y/N, you took a bullet to the back.” He said with a frown. 
“You told me to protect Henry.” I said with a small shrug. 
“I didn’t mean risk your life.” He said and I smiled. 
“I’d do anything to protect my brother.” I said and my parents smiled. 
“Well, we’re really glad you treat him as if he’s your full brother…” Mom started and I looked at them confused. 
“Why wouldn’t I?” I asked. Dad wrapped his arm around Mom’s shoulder and pulled her closer. 
“Y/N, your Mama and I are gonna get married.” Dad said and I quickly sat up, ignoring the pain. 
“Really!?” I asked with a huge smile. 
“Y/N! You need to lay down, you’ll rip your stitches!” Mom said, trying to push me back down. I grabbed her hands and looked into her eyes. 
“You finally said yes? Will’s really gonna be my Dad now?” I asked with tears in my eyes. 
“Yes sweetie, Will is going to be your Dad for real, now lay down.” She said and I happily obliged. 
“When’s the wedding?” I asked, feeling giddy now. 
“Your Mother wants to do it Monday.” Dad answered. 
“Am I gonna be able to come?” I asked with a frown. 
“We’ll talk to the doctor and I’ll let him know we’ll have a doctor on property.” Mom said with a wink. I giggled and shook my head. 
“I’m so excited! Can I wear my light pink dress?” I asked and they just laughed. 
“Yes you can wear your pink dress.” Mom said. 
The next day Dad came to pick me up at the hospital, since Mom convinced them that I’d be fine at home. He came into my room holding a bad and my light pink dress. I looked at him confused and he just smiled at me. 
“I thought you’re getting married on Monday?” I asked and he nodded as he set the things now. 
“We were, but David overheard and we’re gonna get married in his yard. Mom thinks it’s just a party.” He said and I squealed in excitement. 
“Help me get ready?” I asked and he nodded. Dad helped me get dressed and told me I needed to take it easy tonight. The doctor gave us some crutches as a just in case, but I didn’t really think I needed to use them. Dad insisted on bringing them anyway. 
“Come on, we’re meeting your mom and Henry there.” Dad said and I nodded. He helped me in the car and we were off. 
When we pulled up to David’s house I was so excited! I couldn’t believe my Mom was getting married to someone who actually liked and cared about me too. It’s all the two of us ever wanted. I got out and rushed over to my mom. I hugged her tightly and she laughed. 
“Well you’re feeling better.” She said and I smiled up at her. 
“I am! Look what Dad brought me to wear.” I said and did a spin. 
“I thought you wanted to wear that tomorrow.” She frowned and I nodded. 
“I still can, but this way the whole team can see how pretty I am.” I joked and she shook her head with a laugh. 
“Y/N, the doctor said to take it easy.” Dad said coming up to us. 
“I am.” I said and he shook his head. 
“Running to your Mama is not taking it easy. Don’t make me make you use the crutches.” He said and I groaned. 
“Okay, I’ll be good, promise!” I said and both my parents laughed. 
“Come on, let’s go inside.” Mom said and we all held hands. We walked inside and into the backyard. 
“Hey.” Mom said when she saw David. 
“Someone knows how to throw a party. You don’t mess around.” Mom said as she gave him a hug. 
“What can I tell ya? I’m the host with the most.” He said as he hugged her back. 
“No kidding.” Mom laughed as she pulled back. 
“Hey, look who’s here.” David said and Grandma walked up next to him. 
“Mom?” Mom asked and Grandma just smiled. 
“Okay, what’s-what’s going on?” Mom asked Dad. 
“Well we couldn’t get married without your Mama.” He answered. 
“I might’ve overheard a proposal yesterday?” David said. 
“And I couldn’t wait till Monday.” Dad said. 
“Okay so this is why you guys are so dressed up, huh?” Mom asked as she looked at me and Henry. 
“Yes and you will be too. I brought something borrowed.” Grandma said, holding up a wedding dress. 
“Mom, is that your dress?” Mom asked. 
“It is, let’s go see if it still fits.” Grandma said. 
“Can I help?” I asked and Grandma smiled at me. 
“Of course!” She said and gently pulled me along. 
Grandma and I helped Mom get into the dress and I was so excited. She looked absolutely beautiful. I’ve always wanted this for my Mom and I literally couldn’t be happier for her. 
“Mom you look so pretty.” I said and she smiled with happy tears in her eyes. 
“Thank you Sweetie.” She said and kissed my head. Once everything was ready Mom, Grandma, and Myself were walking downstairs and out the back door. Dad stood there with Henry at the alter with a man there to marry them. Grandma let go of Mom when we reached the front and I went to as well, but Mom stopped me. She pulled me up with her and I stood right by her as she married my now official Dad. I cried when they kissed and hugged them both tightly. I finally had a full family. 
We all sat down to eat and everyone was talking among themselves. I sat next to Henry and Jack, who I was so excited to see. The three of us were all talking and slightly playing pretend. I was about nine years older than Jack and eleven years older than my brother, but I loved spending time with them. Dad clinked his glass to gain everyone’s attention and stood up. Everyone looked over to him and he smiled. 
“I’d like to thank everyone for being with us tonight and sharing in our special day.” He started and smiled down at Mom, who was holding his other hand. 
“But I still have one more surprise for my two very special girls.” He said. Mom and I both looked at him confused and he motioned for me to come over to him. I stood up and walked next to him. 
“Y/N, I know you care for your Mama a lot and I’m so glad you gave us your blessin’ before we even had to ask.” He said and everyone chuckled. 
“But I’d like to make everything more official and ask you and your Mama if it’d be alright if I officially became your Daddy and adopted you.” He said and I gasped with tears in my eyes. 
“R-Really?” I asked and looked between them. 
“Yes really. You’re Mama and I have been talkin’ about it for some time now and I said if we ever got married I’d like to adopt you as my own.” He said and I hugged him tightly. 
“Yes! Yes! A million times yes!” I cried, not able to hold in my tears. Dad wrapped his arms around me and gently squeezed me. 
“We already started the paperwork incase this day ever came, so we just gotta get a court date and make it offical.” Mom said, standing up. I turned around and hugged her tightly, not realizing I was crying into her dress. 
“Thank you, Mom!” I cried and she gently rubbed my back. Dad wrapped us both in a hug and kissed my head. 
“Why is Y/N/N crying?” Henry asked and Dad went and picked him up. 
“They’re happy tears, buddy.” He said and I pulled back to smile at him and wipe my eyes. 
“Very happy tears.” I said and everyone chuckled. This was not only my Mom’s perfect day, it was mine too.
Tag list: @les-bio-lie @tashy-bear @ashwarren32 @hollie-blogs-blog1 @lover-of-books-and-tea @nerdygaloresposts @teenwolfbitches28 @kmc1989 @drw0301bieber @lady-of-lies @ravenmoore14 @ravenempress101 @cillianchamp @rowanthomasknapp @rachelxwayne @ready-4-fanfiction @pettyjayy @bruisedfists-and-splitlips @answer-the-sirens @andreasworlsboring101 
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serickswrites · 4 months
Heaven Don't Cry
Warnings: guns, gunfire, blood, gunshot, wound, unconsciousness, unclear character status, caretaker and whumpee
Caretaker dragged Whumpee away from the gunfire. Everything had gone so wrong so quickly, Caretaker wasn't even sure what set off the chain of events that led to Whumpee being shot. They just knew that Whumper shot Whumpee in the chest and they had to get Whumpee out of there. Whumpee needed help, fast.
Blood bubbled on Whumpee's lips as they weakly tried to put pressure on the gurgling bullet wound in their chest. Whumpee coughed. Their frantic, short breaths were wet and gurgling as they struggled to take regular, even breaths. Whumpee coughed again.
"Hang on, Whumpee, hang on," Caretaker repeated as they moved. Whumpee had to hold on. Tears stung at the corner of Caretaker's eyes. This wasn't happening. Whumpee had to be ok. Whumpee was ok. This wasn't happening.
"Don't," Whumpee gasped for air, "cry, Caretaker. Don't."
Caretaker heard Whumpee gasp for air, blood dribbling down their chin. "Stay with me, Whumpee. Just hang on. Just a bit longer." They prayed to the heavens that Whumper would be taken down quickly and help could get here. They prayed that Whumpee would be ok. Their silent pleas to the universe becoming more urgent as Whumpee's hands dropped limply from the wound. Caretaker watched in horror as Whumpee's eyes fluttered closed.
Caretaker stopped dragging Whumpee. "Come on, Whumpee. Stay with me. You were hanging on. Come on," Caretaker pressed their full body weight onto their hands over the wound. They had to stop the bleeding so that Whumpee had a chance. Whumpee had to be ok. This wasn't happening. "Come on, Whumpee. Please. Please, I need you," they sobbed.
They couldn't help crying. This was all too much. They needed Whumpee. Whumpee had to be ok. "Please, Whumpee. Open your eyes. Stay with me. Please, Whumpee, please."
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tildeathiwillwrite · 5 months
Merry Whumpmas 2023 Day 28: Scars
Week 4 of this bullshit. Only 3 more days left to go! Enjoy.
This is a direct continuation of Day 6: No Where to Go.
Hero x Villain Masterpost
TW: painkillers, anesthesia mention, death mention, surgery, burn scars, mentioned abuse
Hero awoke slowly, their thoughts moving sluggishly through their tired mind. Their eyelids were heavier than bricks, but they forced them open, unease and uncertainty roiling in their stomach. The harsh lights overhead hurt their eyes, and they squinted, trying to filter out the brightness and make out their surroundings.
“Oh, you’re awake now.”
Hero turned their head, finding Villain leaning over them. They realized they were sprawled on a flat, uncomfortable surface. Villain’s head was bowed, their concentration intent upon Hero’s side. Hero tried to see what they were looking at, but they couldn’t raise their head.
“Sorry, I guess I didn’t sedate you enough,” Villain mumbled, reaching for something out of sight. “You were already unconscious, so I had to estimate. I think I gave you enough analgesics though. Does it hurt?”
Hero realized with a sudden jolt of fear that they couldn’t move anything but their eyes and head. Were their arms tied down? They couldn’t feel any restraints… “N… no…” they whispered through numb lips.
Villain nodded, distracted. Their hand returned, now clutching a pair of tweezers with gloved hands. The gloves were splattered with blood. “That’s good. Let me know if that changes. It’s not gonna be fun once they wear off.”
Hero swallowed, eyes darting about the room. The walls were exposed brick, and the only lighting appeared to be the one directly overhead, illuminating Villain’s work. Whatever that work was. Was the blood on their hands Hero’s? The only exit appeared to be a door to Hero’s right, behind Villain.
Metal clicked on metal, and Hero’s eyes darted back as Villain exhaled in relief. “Got the bullet out. Now I just gotta stitch you up and give you some more analgesics and maybe some anesthesia.”
Their words sounded almost foreign to Hero. The only thing they understood through the hazy fog was that Villain… seemed to be helping them? “O… okay….”
Villain worked in silence for a few minutes. Hero still couldn’t see what they were doing, so they gazed at Villain instead. Sometime between when Hero had passed out in that dark alley and when they’d woken up in this room, Villain had removed their mask. Their hair had been hastily pulled back, and Hero could clearly see their profile.
They looked normal enough at first, but as Hero’s eyes adjusted to the harsh lighting, they noticed the long, dark scar snaking down Villain’s face. It was old, blending in with their skin tone, but unmistakably a burn scar.
As if in response, the skin on Hero’s upper back tingled, where one of their allies had grazed them during a training session. They’d been drilling reflexes by launching small fireballs at Hero nonstop until they got hit. Once they did, the ally chastised Hero and ordered them to go to the medical bay. They didn’t even help Hero to their feet.
The incident had been almost a month and a half ago, and the burn still wasn’t fully healed. The affected skin itched constantly, especially when Hero tried to sleep. But Hero’s team leader refused to give them anything besides a small amount of aloe on the grounds of ‘building pain tolerance.'
It was all bullshit, as Hero later learned when they broached the idea of taking a break from the team for a little while. None of their ‘allies’ had responded well.
Hero closed their eyes. They didn’t know how long they were trapped in the team headquarters before escaping and fleeing to Villain’s section of the city. They barely remembered most of it, and they didn’t want to. But thinking of it brought images of Whumper, of them beating and belittling Hero for their weakness.
But Whumper was dead now.
Villain had shot them.
Villain had saved Hero.
As if in response to Hero’s thoughts, Villain spoke. “Alright,” they said softly, “I’m done.”
Hero opened their eyes. Villain massaged the sides of their temples, bloody gloves removed. “You’re one stubborn person, Hero,” they said, mouth cracking into an exhausted grin.
“Uh… tha… thank you….”
A look of concern crossed Villain’s face. “You’ve lost a lot of blood, both from the gunshot and…” they gestured to the various cuts and bruises all over Hero’s body. “Honestly, it’s a miracle you woke up at all. I patched up the worst of it, but you’re gonna be recovering for a while.”
Hero blinked, the memory of their team leader fresh in their mind. “Are… are we… safe… here…?”
Villain glanced over their shoulder to the door. A beat of silence passed before they answered. “Yeah, pretty sure. We’re in one of my safe houses right now, no one saw us come in. And the only one who saw you come to me is now dead in an alley which—” they grimaced— “isn’t going to bode well for me whether or not your former team connects the dots.”
“...I’m… I’m sorry I…”
Villain held up their hands, scowling. “Do not apologize. You needed help, you still need help, and I promise you: I’m not gonna let those assholes lay a finger on you. Understand?”
Hero nodded to the best of their ability. Their movement was still limited, but they had begun to regain sensation in their fingers and toes. They wiggled them experimentally. It was like moving someone else’s hand.
The motion caught Villain’s eye, and they smacked the side of their head. “Right. Analgesics. I’ll be right back, you do not want the painkillers to wear off anytime soon.”
Hero watched them leave. They slowly exhaled, trying to calm their racing nerves.
They were safe.
Villain had promised.
Everything would be okay.
Part 1 | Part 3
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