#tw:gun mention
🔪 - melee weapons
🔫 - ranged weapons
💞 - expressing their feelings
😓 - acknowledging mistakes
Melee weapons: Not sure if this counts as a weapon exactly, but she has sharp talon-like claws for nails and tends to use them to slash open an opponent's throat if the situation calls for it. As for actual weapons, her close combat style focuses largely on speed and agility, so she doesn't like big clumsy weapons. She prefers a short, bladed weapon like a dagger that she can weild easily and won't hinder her movement or weigh her down.
Ranged weapons: Depends on the weapon. She's not the best shot with a gun, but she's incredibly good with a bow. She can also throw knives with impressive accuracy.* It really just depends on the weapon for this one.
Expressing feelings: Hah, nope. Even if she wanted to talk about her feelings (which she doesn't) she really couldn't. She's a bit socially inept in general, and even worse with talking about emotions. She's one of those people that tries to explain something, fails to get the point across, gets frustrated, and gives up. She's just overall terrible at talking about her feelings.
Acknowledging mistakes: Ohhh boy. Yeah. She knows she makes a mistake and is incredibly hard on herself about it. She holds herself to a standard of absolute perfection, and when she makes a mistake, no matter how small or insignificant, she will internalize it and drive herself crazy over it. Perfection is a really big obsession for her, and she is hyper aware of anything she does wrong.
*mod throws knives (when chronic illness/pain doesn't make it impossible, that is), and it's harder than you think. To get an accurate shot you have to be able to judge the length of the flip on that particular knife and how many flips it will take to hit the target properly. Movies make it look easy. It is not.
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orangelemonsstuff · 1 year
Gangster/Mafia!Leona x Bartender!Reader
Silver Bullet Au
Summary: A passed out someone was infront of the doorstep of your bar, a kindhearted being you are you take care of him and his wound.
Tags: Wound Tending, Slight Blood, TW:Gun, Crowley is Mentioned, Slight Angst if you squint, Bartending.
there's another person passed out infront the steps of your bar, bloodied, beaten and bruised up like every single person that ends laying down in front of your establishment as always
"Uh sir? are you...okay? dead?" you lower yourself close to and asked to the laying body nervously
shit is he dead?
you immediately check the pulse in his neck and thank the great sevens there's still something beating in there
it's closing time already and you have no time to call an ambulance to get this man out of your sight or the energy to deal with the police and their questions about the man or what your bar is doing in a dangerous part of town
you sigh.
you have no time to get this man proper treatment to a proper hospital
but you have the time to be a kind oh so good person to be deciding to treat him. plus it'll be a convenience to you if this person is affiliated with the authorities and could get your bar and you a good name in the public
slowly you try to lift up the man's arm to carry in your shoulder but stopped as soon as he growled a hurt grunt at you. must've sprained him
while still lifted by the arm you got a closer look at him
a lion beastman with a hair brown as a muddy rained ground that falls to his beautiful face and a scar on his left eyebrow were blended in with the pained expression he has
by the way he is dressed... he looks like a mob from a gang that roams around this town or even at the underworld
okay, he looks like he does affiliate with the government but in the bad illegal way, you might be in more danger now.
eh fuck it, you would look like more of a murderer if you leave him here, there would be more eyes on you if you do that and someone saw it.
with a last push you propped him up to your plush sofa in one of the tables, properly this time.
it was a struggle getting him inside not to mention the minutes that took you to properly sit him up in the sofa without him falling over and causing brain damage to his passed out state
how could somebody look like they hadn't eaten for days be that heavy? no matter, he's already here and it's time to use your first aid skills that you've used on those young hooligans that pass by in your bar all beaten up as always.
tons of bruises here and there but it's nothing that you can't take care of, you stood up to get your kit, your eyes not leaving the beautiful man sitting unconsciously in your sofa
opening it, you first took the scissors to cut the shirt's sleeves, out not long before you remove his blazer and plopped it to his side
you're undressing a literal stranger, this could get you to prison for attempted assault however... he looks terribly hurt, he needs care and your intentions are purely clear with first aid kit in your hand. the authorities might not forgive you for doing this without his consent or by the fact you did not turn this man into the police or to an hospital, but what good would it do if you turned this man over either?
hell, even if you did turn him over, he might be the one that comes after you next if not the authorities already.
you just didn't want to fully undress him that's why you're cutting up the sleeves instead of unbuttoning it. that truly just it.
aside from his well built pectoral there's not that much bad bruises other than the purple part, you learned better than to touch it, one should let it heal by time but you just happen to have a ointment for it that might help heal
you lightly tap the purple bruise with the ointment in your hand before throughly applying it to the whole part.
you pick up your antiseptic to apply to the small cotton you picked with tweezers, you prop yourself up as you press it to a small wound yet it made the man flinch awake
he grabbed your hand roughly it felt like it'd be red by now as he pull you in close to his angry face
"what the hell do you think you're doing?" you didn't answer his question and firmly took your hand away from his grasp, he didn't do anything and just watched as you held up a bandage at him.
peeling off the wrapper, you properly took off the side and applied it to the small wound. while you bind the bandage cloth on large opened ones after cleaning it.
you move to his face next, he had a slight wound near his mouth. it doesn't bleed yet red as if fresh
another small cotton was took out from its plastic home, imbed with betadine this time you press it to the small cut, you swear you can hear him growling and hissing either at the pain or at you but you don't care, it's small but still needs care.
lowering yourself down to his knees, once again the scissors are in your hand, and before it tears up to the fabric at his pants he stops you by grabbing your hand once again
"Why are you cutting it up?" he asked assertively and cold
"unless you want me to take care of your wounds with no pants then sure be my guest" you replied viciously as you contiuned your cutting, it's a small cut to his pants it's not going to kill him, plus the blood staining it is more noticeable than the cutted part of the fabric
you proceed to apply more antiseptic to the cotton. you clean his wounds with it, lightly tapping as he stayed quite.
too focused on your work you didn't notice him picking up his gun hanging from his side pocket swiftly before pouting it at you
"I'm going to fucking kill you." he clocked his gun as it points at your head, you halt at your tending
"at least let me tend it before you do that, it looks bad." you continue to press the cotton on the wound harder this time making him flinch the gun and let its metal mouth kiss your forehead fully
you're not that scared of guns anymore especially with what you experienced, a bullet in your head would mean you're just another person that Crowley has to replace
you press cotton to stop the bleeding as you reach for the long band aid and wrap up the huge wound on his knee
you realized he already lowered his gun yet his pained expression never changed, you stood up to leave him and went inside the staff room
letting him alone together with your cash register isn't a good idea but what could he do at the state? rob you while limping? yeah that's definitely a good idea for him.
you come out with a orange bottle and popped out a pill from it
"swallow it" you hand it to him with a serious tone
"I'm not taking a pill from a strange-"
"it's a painkiller, here's the prescription" you hand him the bottle with the intelligible written word "Painkillers" on the tag
"what are you? a nurse?" he examined the pill unbelievably close to his face
"no, just a bartender." you stood up away from him as he still examined the medicine in his hand, you open your mini fridge to take out some of your bottles and a glass
it caught his attention to look at you, pill still in hand. his green eyes watched you as you stir the glass, clinking with the stirring spoon
"here. figured you'd have a dry throat, plus it's a good drink you won't even notice the pill" you hand him the drink as you watch him chuckle deeply
"hah, giving someone a painkiller together with alcohol to swallow it... you're funny"
"i get that a lot, oh and also it's on the house" you tell him as you get back to putting back your first aid to their kit
"it shines." what? oh. he held the glass up above from his head. the buzzing sound of the pin light over him was making his drink shine
"yeah, that drink is called Aurora Jungle Juice. good for parties and surprises" you say as your eyes follow his amused expression.
"i see." he released a sigh as he closes his eyes, his thumb still playing with the painkiller you gave him.
he shot the pill straight to his mouth before drinking the liquor, his eyes catches yours and you two stare for what it felt like an enternity
"tasty, you poisoned it?" he grinned at you as you scowl
"if i want you dead I would've left you infront of my bar hours ago and i would've pretended i left an early hour and didn't noticed you there" you snarked before standing up and delivering back your first aid kit to the medicine cabinet.
you could feel his intense gaze following you but you pay no mind to it, you get this kind of stare a lot especially from observing customers.
you put back the first aid kit carfully as hear footsteps behind you got closer and before you could turn back at him he was already in front you.
how could a wounded up person be that fast?
"hey, I'm gonna come back. and i want what you gave me earlier" he commanded playfully as he grinned at you
"Great, that drink is 50 madols. better sure to pay that time because even if death is near you, i wouldn't serve it for free" you say turning you back again at him closing down the cabinet door
"yeah that too." he whisper but you didn't hear, he preferred it that way, you wouldn't even notice the way his hand touches your hair
"too close" you smack his hand away lightly but making sure it doesn't get near you
"right..." he chuckled once again before putting a space between you two and walked away towards the door
"remember me, dear bartender. I'll surely come back." you hear him as he walked out of the door making the entrance bell ring to inform you he's outside
what a strange man.
Leona puts two of his fingers inside of his mouth taking out the medicine you gave him earlier. still fully intact and dry
he snickered at it as he held it up above his head like what he did to the beverage you also give out to him.
oh those bastards are going to pay for betraying the Savannaclaw and beating up it's leader like nothing
not even thinking about the consequences if he survived
but he's also got to thank them, without them he won't even met you at all, he has to return them the best favor he had so he'd truly show his appreciation
his appreciation for meeting a finally interesting person.
he cracks his knuckles as ideas flood his brain on what will he do with those scumbags
and what will he do to have you.
"I'll come back for you, dear bartender"
an: HELLO EVERYONE, hoW YA DOIN?? anyways first of all the drink that was in here was from chapter 78 of Alcohol is for Married Couples (great manga btw u should read it) i haven't tasted it yet but the chapter has the reciper for it if anyone wants to try it!! the credits for this au still goes to @jackplushie (i miss them till this day) but their aus are what keeps me going. hope you guys liked this :>
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diioonysus · 2 years
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out of ideas, nowhere to run looking right down, barrel of a gun and so I dream, voices in my head
                                                        -nowhere to run by stegosaurus rex
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codenamed-queenie · 4 years
Class In Session Pt. 3
Jason: I'm gonna go easy on y'all tonight since it's 3am and I haven't slept a wink in 72 hours.
Jason [under his breath]: Startin' to feel a little like Red Robin these days...
Jason: ANYWAY, what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put up a classical painting, and you lucky f**ks get to tell me who painted it. Any questions?
Clayface: *raises hand*
Jason: Okay great.
Jason [pulling up his powerpoint slides]: First up, we have this lovely piece entitled 'The Scream of Nature', or 'The Scream' as it's more commonly known.
Jason [smirking]: One of my personal favorites.
Jason: In fact, this is exactly what Robin's face looked like that time I bought a pair of fuzzy black mittens from Target and wore 'em out on patrol. When he asked why I was wearing 'em, I told him I skinned his cat.
Jason [chuckling]: His reaction was even more priceless than the original piece. But moving on...
Selina [On an undercover mission for Bruce and Still Not Completely Sure Why she was dragged out of bed for This]: ಠ_ಠ
Jason: So? Who painted 'The Scream'?
The Rogues: ...
Jason: ...
The Rogues: ...
Dr. Strange [tied up and gagged in the corner]: ...
Jason: ...Edvard Munch, guys!
Jason [grumbling as he fiddles with his laptop]: I guess that wasn't exactly a no-brainer...honestly with a name like that, the guy should be in here...
Riddler and Anarky: *scowl*
Jason [sighing deeply]: What-f*****g-ever. I don't get paid enough for this s**t anyways.
Two-Face: You're getting pAid--?
Jason: 'Course not! I'm doing this out of the goodness of my own f*****g heart! So shut the h*ll up and listen, aight?
Jason [bringing up another painting]: Now. This one should be so easy, even Grundy could get it--
Grundy: *perks up hopefully*
Jason: So.
Jason [flinging his hand towards the screen]: Who painted the F*****G Mona Lisa??
The Rogues: ...
Jason: Really? NO one? NO ONE knows who painted one of THE most iconic paintings LITERALLY ever?
The Rogues: ...
Harley Quinn: *clears throat*
The Other Rogues: *lean forward expectantly*
Jason: *raises an eyebrow*
Dr. Strange: *raises both eyebrows*
Harley: ...
Harley: Dah Vinki??
Jason [left eye twitching]: *pulls out his gun*
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oldmankneez · 3 years
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           noooo don’t hold me at gunpoint you're so sexy ahaha
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greenpumpkinart · 4 years
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voidselfshipp · 4 years
Late night calls
Summmary: ryad is called for an unexpected detective job late at night..his wife,jerico, isnt too happy about it and begs him to come back safe...he did, wisihing to hide a bandage around his arm.
Tw: inj*ry mention
Ok to rb
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The rain hit the Window softly, its dark at night, wind blowing outside as the clouds prepare for a storm, warning with lightings And thunders.
Jackal had to leave for an emergency case, and the rain would ruin any possible small clue, he rushed out the bathroom,hair Neatly brushed, a bulletproof vest under a dark purple button up shirt, a black tie and a black vest, he had his , as jerico called them,fancy shoes and pants,a gun Holder strapped to his tigh,and around his torso and of course his hat, he was missing however, his trusty beige trenchcoat.
He Walked quickly to the sofá, and there was the culprit of the dissapearence of his coat.
--amor..I really really need my trenchcoat back...
Jer looked up from her phone--but its big...Warm and comfy like you!
Ryad sat with her putting her on his lap, arms around her waist pulling her closer-- bebé I really...really need it-- he leans in.
Jer looks away-- I just...dont want you to go...what If...something happends to you?!, what if you come home injured...or worst--
Before she finished he kissed her cupping her cheeks,the passionate yet tender kiss made her melt, her head shoved in his chest,the scent of deodorant, clean clothes and coffee making her relax.
-- I promise ill come back safe...ill always come back to you
Jer clinged to his shirt but nodded, handing him his coat.
He hugs her tightly pressing soft kisses to her neck.
--Ill be going amor...
--eu...anda con cuidado.. (hey be carefull)
--siempre-- (always) he lifted her face up by the chin,kissing her for a bit, then parting ways rushing outside the appartment to the crime scene.
And jerico was left there worried,clinging to the spot he had sit in.
The case jackal rushed out of home for at late hours of the night was sure to be interesting, Specially because he was shot in the arm while pursuing a suspect he then caught.
He came home with a bandage he tried to hide.
But unbeknownst to him, as he took off his shirt with a sharp pain in his bicep, jerico took a look at the bandage.
--And what the fuck happened to you?
He freezes as he turns around to meet his wifes gaze.
--oh...babe...hey I didnt thought you were up....
--Do you have any idea how worried I was?!, huh?--He sat with her,she hugged him tightly-- are...are you okay?...
He nodded and kissed her-- im sorry..
She just sighed and kissed him again.
Ryad then lays on bed with jerico ontop of him, hugging him tightly as the storm raged outside.
--ill always come back to you amor...I promise...
Jer kissed her husband again, just to make sure he was there.
--Lets just rest now..youve had a rough night...
He nodds whispering a soft I love you, tightly hugging her back, ready to protect her at all costs as she clings to his trenchcoat.
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miss-floral-thief · 3 years
Moth man gun
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brokenxtragedies · 5 years
Jennifer's chocolate brown eyes held a dubious glance on the male, who was holding some sort of gun in each hand. Unbeknownst to her, it was a Fistagon, but nonetheless, she felt unsteady near it. “Point that thing at me again and see what happens” Tilting her head slightly; Jen snarked at the boy who couldn’t be much older than her. Although, he didn’t seem to be the brightest either. A flat exhale of air parted between both brims of Jen’s mouth, as she rolled her eyes to the side.  How she even got here was an entirely different story, today all she wanted to do was figure out everything that was going on with her recently. 
The city was surrounded by a curse and though some people’s memories remained intact, Jen was not one of those lucky ones. Instead, her past had been taken from her, and all that remained was the knowledge of her powers. Powers she wasn’t certain where they came from but knew she didn’t have much control over them either. Somedays Jen even had dreams of what she could do , which itself scared the hell out of her. Although she had no desire to hurt anyone, she would protect herself if necessary.
“ Not to be a total a bitch, but can you wrap this up, I was doing something.” 
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margotnetwork · 4 years
character framework
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Full Name: Irina Balinska
Nicknames: Rena
Age: Thirty Seven
Sexuality: Pansexual
Date of Birth: September 16th
Place of Birth: Petah Tikva, Israel
Gender: Female
Current Location: Redwood
Languages: Hewbrew, Spanish, English
Religion: Ashkenazi Jewish
Education: High School Graduate and Bachelor of Psychology and Criminology
Occupation: Homicidal and General Detective
Drinks, Smokes, & Drugs: N/A
Zodiac Sign: Virgo ( references: one, two )
Likes: Long Baths, Red Wine and the Gym
Dislikes: Noisy Children, Slow Walkers and People
Bad Habits: Having a Resting Bitch Face
Secret Talent: Can play multiple instruments ( Harp, Piano, Guitar )
Hobbies: Working out daily, going to the gun range.
Fears: Being alone, being misunderstood, loosing people.
Five Positive Traits: Confident, Assertive, Respectful, Dependable and Reliable,
Five Negative Traits: Isolated, Distant, Judging, Close Minded and Cold.
Other Mentionable Details: ( can include mental disorders, quirks, etc. )
Tattoos: Has a small anchor on the heel of her foot, dad’s initial behind her ear.
Piercings: Ears.
Reference Picture: N/A
Parent Names: Raymond and Elle Balinska
Parent Relationship: Father deceased ( was closed ), Mother alive ( Strained )
Sibling Names: N/A
Sibling Relationship: N/A
Other Relevant Relative: N/A
Children: N/A
Pets: N/A
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prettybirdrp · 4 years
Krane’s ears range. The smell of gunpowder filled the street, smoke still rising from the muzzle of the pistol. He clutched his side, warm blood seeping from between his fingers. The sounds of a crowd forming began to envelope him as he collapsed to his knees. “Someone call 911!” a voice shouted from the crowd. “The fuck’d you actually shoot him for!?” “He lunged for me!” “Two things. One, he didn’t. Two, that doesn’t mean you shoot him dipshit!” The sounds of the duo arguing were quickly drowned out by the sounds of sirens, and even from his delirious state he could tell the police had arrived. He felt hands moving him gently onto a stretcher, and then everything grew dark. --- Krane awoke later, not entirely sure how much time had passed. The room was brightly lit, and the ceiling was pure white. He moved a shaky hand in front of his eyes, trying to block out some of the light. He wasn’t dead, was he? “Hello?” His voice croaked as he tried to speak. @cursedxmuses
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Christopher was a little on-edge, had been since the Independence Day festivities commenced the night before. Andie loved the fireworks, of course, and was pretty proud that she had the Declaration of Independence and Preamble to the Constitution memorized. He wasn’t quite as enthusiastic: every time a firework exploded, he flinched, his ears rung, fists clenched, vision faded. “Shit,” He stopped, put a hand on the wall. There were six right in a row-- now that the sun was going down, they’d be more frequent. “I’m surprised they still blow things up for celebrations.” At least guns were illegal.
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georgia-jereau · 4 years
Status: Open
Location: The Dive
There were only so many bars in town, but this place was quickly becoming Georgia’s go-to. She’d spent the morning talking to cleaning services and contractors, trying to get her house back in order. People had lost entire homes, and she felt for them, but maybe selfishly, she thinks they’re all pretty much okay. A house was just a house, after all. As usual, there’s a gun in her purse that’s hanging off the back of her chair. Less usual were the shoes she had on, since her feet still hurt too much to wear heels. Luckily, she hadn’t needed to go and get stitches and that was a good thing. As she was looking over the bills to repair the house, another email came in about a delay on the app her team was working on. With a sigh she put the phone down and closed her eyes, sucking in a calming breath. The martini she had been nursing wasn’t cutting it. “Could I get two fingers of scotch with some water please?” she asked, reopening her eyes and finding the bartender. “Before I shoot someone again, just to feel better.” she muttered beneath her breath as they went to grab her drink and she downed the one she’d been having. Her mind flashed to the person she’d shot most recently, his face burned into her brain. Georgia’s eyes scanned the space around her, hoping the anxiety was residual and not because he was standing over her shoulder.
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deadmansgun · 4 years
@mcmcntomorii​​ || Starter
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Here he was, sitting alone in a camp, John’s mind was racing. So many things were bothering him, so many things plagued his mind and he couldn’t even think clearly. It may not have seemed like it, but John really was happy and blessed for the birth of Jack, but still, despite this, there was this unshakable doubt in his mind about Jack. He knew how Abigail was when she first joined, although no one said anything, there was a lot of hinting that she may have had her way with some of the other guys, but who really knew? John knew him of all people shouldn’t be one to judge considering what he had just done.
Letting his foolish doubts and fears control his impulses, John left the Van Der Linde Gang, he just couldn’t stand being there right now, how did he know Jack was really his? Truthfully, John did feel bad for turning his back on them, but then again, maybe they’d forget about him, he did leave of his own accord after all, he wouldn’t be surprised if in a few days or a week, he’d be nothing more than a very distant memory. The Van Der Linde Gang already had enough capable enforcers already, John could never live up to their expectations, he was sure they would be better of without him, but he had to admit, it felt a little lonely being by himself, after all, he hadn’t been by himself in a very long time. When he was a child after his parents were murdered and robbed, he lived his life as a street thug, stealing from people’s satchel bags and horse saddles before Dutch took him in and taught him everything, part of the reason why he felt so guilty.
At least he knew how to hold his own this time, but his future right now felt completely uncertain and that did worry him a bit. As dusk arrived, looking in the distance, John could see the light of a lantern not too far from his camp, the sight was quickly changed when John heard gunshots. Pulling out a pair of binoculars, John saw a young woman running away from a small group of outlaws on horseback, she seemed to be holding her own very well and she seemed to get off her horse to finish off the rest of them. Her shots were killing a good lot of them and he could tell she had very good aim, until he saw something not too far on the opposite direction the woman was facing, it was another outlaw and he was trying to sneak up to her, a knife in his hand. John knew right there that she’d be killed as she seemed to have her focus on the group as she continue to fill them with bullet holes. 
Thinking fast, John picked up his Rolling Back Rifle and took aim, in a few seconds, he watched for the right moment through his scope where he could get a shot, and the moment the man could even get the chance to lash out at her throat with his knife, John pulled the trigger, the echo of the gunshot rang throughout the area as the bullet hit the outlaw directly in the head, his blood spilling all over a rock and some plants nearby as his body fell to the ground with a thud.
The others were dead, and the one he shot had been the last, John left his camp and went to approach her to see if she was hurt or not, once she looked his way, he put his hands up and threw his rifle over his back letting is hang, he wanted her to know he meant no harm.
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[{ ☠ }] - “Are ya alright there miss?” 
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voidselfshipp · 4 years
A New Beggining
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Ok to rb
A/N: Possibly polyam relationshipp w/ multiple f/os.
Survivor entered the dropships bedroom area, her boots dragged on the floor, she tugged at her necklace, squeezing the locket.
--You must be the New legend-- Wattson said,approaching them-- welcome!whats your name?
--nice to meet you jerico!let me introduce you to the rest of the legends
Jerico quickly shook their head-- its been a couple of very rough days for me,ill go rest first...maybe later?
Wattson nodded pointing at the empty room,the curtain Wide Open, its basic and almost empty--thats your bedroom
--uh thank you--they Walked hunched trying to speed to her room,feeling Like everyones watching her.
They werent.
They finally closed the curtain and sighed in relief, unpacking a few things she could rescue before leaving.
Some books, clothes, and a family photo.
They held it between her hands with tears prickling at the corners of her eyes.
Suddenly two mewls come out of her bag as a black and a white cat jump out of It, transforming into two wolves.
They caressed under the animals' chin, they smiled-- Im alright...it still hurts-- they whispered.
After fixing her things she sat on the bed taking her shoes off, sighing as she touched the screen besides her bed.
" planet T-9
Heavily covered in toxic smoke, no survivors have been identified"
She squeezed the locket tightly--Please mom...dad be there...just you wait till I get more money,im coming...
She then fell on the bed her two wolves resting their heads on her chest.
Jeris hand caressed the black wolves pelt-- What is it void? Youve been very quiet
Void whined and closed their eyes.
--What do you say icaro?--the white wolf perked up--somebody seems lacking in the cuddles department
The black wolve grunted.
She chuckled and closed her eyes, quickly falling asleep.
"all that I remember was a loud noise and something that opened.
I was there laying on my small bed for maybe an hour before I felt someone picking me up.
I was hungry and cold.
i remember training with my parents,the wrestling the obstacle course,I remember laughing and goofing around with mom and dad
mom teached me her blacksmithing ways,I knew how to craft a sword, and I knew how to shoot a gun
Dad teached me about plants and animals, I had books and books of it
the older folks telling stories of our people, the festivals and the music
and I remember that day well
the town was in a panic, the creatures had gone mad and a war broke out
In the last instance of battle they took me away to safety and gave me a few things, the last thing I saw were my parents looking up at me, and then the smoke covered them
i screamed for help, I Cried and cried,just Like the last time I was in a scape pod like that"
Jerico jolted awake with a scream as tears ran down her face natalie busted in and sat right besides her--Are you okay?--her french accent seemed to snap her out of It.
--Can we talk about this later?
It was already dinner time when she woke up, as she Ate she sat right Next to Gibraltar--So...I think ill make it quick-- jer said-- recently...my planet broke out into a war...between humans and beasts...im the last one of my planet and i--, the last people I saw as I left were my parents, and im scared they arent in this world any more ...
Natalie scooted closer to survivor and hugged her tightly, she didnt fight back as she kept eating--Im sorry that happened to you mon ami
Gibraltar then patted her back--Dont worry, I bet your parents are still around,but if its any comfort you got us now!
Octane and mirage chirped in--Yeah compadre!-- Octavio said-- you got Us now and we are one hell of a family
Bloodhound who was quiet till now perked up-- I sense your family is important to you, so it is to me, togheter we Will slatra the beasts that prey on your home
--Hey would you look at that! You have a friend already!-- mirage said--Im Eliott by the way!
--nice meeting you eliott,im jerico
Out of the corner of her eye she saw revenant, a tall dark red bot look away, she had noticed the cold expression he had for the last couple of hours shift into something like compassion, but when they met gazes all he did was grunt and walk away.
After dinner bloodhound and survivor stayed talking in hounds quarters softly as the only thing that they heard was caustic working,octane playing games and they softly talking.
--How was it...--hound asked-- before the war?
--oh it was beautiful, we'd go on a weekly hunt with my dads best men, we'd have festivals twice a week to honor the hunt, id train most of the week and at night my parents and I would sit and eat dinner togheter
Bloodhound smiled under their mask and nodded-- that sounds like fun,what about...the festivals?
--We would dance and tell stories, eat till we explode and sing, Everyone even outsiders were welcome to participate,the older generations would tell stories of the gods
We danced all night under the stars barefoot, it was nice...
Hound was super excited to know more, they kept asking questions until both fell asleep,jerico rested her head on hounds shoulder, they arms loosely wrapped around her waist while their head rested ontop of hers.
Artur, void and icaro rested on their owners lap in silence as the moon moved on the Sky.
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miss-floral-thief · 4 years
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Just packing in a last minute possible ship to make it more tragic, huh?
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