#tw. mention of scars
crikeygatormate · 1 year
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I Promise - K.B ; Part Three
Summary: After your clan had been exiled and shunned from the western lands, your family grew to hate the royal family who they felt betrayed them. In return you were sent on a mission to reclaim your families honor, but you would come to find out that your mission came with a price.
Dragon Prince!Bakugou x AFAB Reader
Warnings: hmm not a lot, lmk if I missed some, but just intended violence, scars on reader, ofc grammar errors
A/N: I'm glad everyone has been liking this story so far :) it's been fun to world build with this one! According to my outline I'm thinking it might be eight parts, we'll see lol we've got a long way to go!
Part Three
When you finally woke, it was morning. The sun was shining through a crack in the tent flaps illuminating a small sliver of the furs on the floor. You blinked and sat up, rubbing your eyes as you glanced around. This tent was full of plants, and different medical instruments as well as art. Your eyes widened when you saw a painting of your dragon. 
“Oh, you’re awake,” A gentle voice said from deeper within the tent, and a man with green hair came forward. He was tall, built like a warrior, not a healer. He glanced at where you were looking and smiled, “Looks just like your dragon right?”
You nodded, “yes, it’s beautiful, you’re quite talented.”
The healer grinned, pleased with your answer as he pulled up a stool and sat down next to you, “thank you, but more importantly how do you feel?”
You looked towards your leg, it was wrapped in cloth, but it didn’t hurt not like last night. “It feels much better.”
“Good, glad to hear it. I’m Midoriya, the clan healer, I don’t think we’ve been properly introduced,” Midoriya said as he stuck out his hand.
You took it, surprised with how firm his handshake was, and you told him your name.
Midoriya hummed as he placed his hand back on his thigh, “Well, I’d like to keep you here for a few more hours, just to be sure you’re back to normal, but that’s up to Kacchan.”
“Kacchan?” you repeated, raising an eyebrow.
Midoriya nodded, “Katsuki.”
“Oh,” you said, feeling a bitter taste in your mouth. Even though he saved you, he did leave you out there to die in the woods. 
“He should be here right about,” Midoriya said as he lifted the tent flap to look at his sundial, which almost immediately got blocked by Bakugou’s shadow. “Now.”
You lifted your gaze to see Bakugou’s hulking figure in the middle of the entrance to the tent. He was still covered in your blood from last night, and you could see your bloody hand prints on his chest, neck, and face. 
“Get out Deku,” Bakugou snapped, giving his friend a harsh push out of the tent and yanking the flaps shut as he walked toward you and sat on the stool next to your bed. He remained silent for a few moments, examining your wounds. You were mostly healed, just a few scabs on your calf from the pincher. “You healed nicely.”
You frowned, “Lucky me.” You wished more than anything that this mission was over and your enemies were gone, you wished Bakugou was gone. That pompous jerk, you glanced at him again, jutting out your bottom lip as you narrowed your eyes.
“I guess you have a right to be pissed at me-”
“You left me knowing those insects would be out!” you snapped, how was I supposed to fend for myself? I had no weapon because Sero took my spear away from me.”
“I know, look,” Bakugou hissed as he ran his hand over his face, “it was a lapse of judgment alright?”
You scoffed, “whatever.” You looked away from him, still feeling more than upset. Despite your current feelings, this was the moment you were looking for. The moment you could slip past his guard and progress your relationship with him.
“Don’t be such a brat, you’re fine. Kirishima got stung by one once,” Bakugou snapped back, clearly done with your attitude.
You huffed, glancing back at him. He did seem to be somewhat conflicted with himself. This was good. “Alright,” you began, letting your shoulders drop, “we can just forget about it, okay? I’m fine thanks to Midoriya.”
Bakugou rose a brow, clearly confused as to why you were letting him off the hook. Why would you do that? You’re people were full of hate, they held a grudge. He knew that for a fact, he saw that when he met your mother when you were both kids. He wouldn’t ever forget her cold gaze, it felt like ice was pelting his skin when she looked at him. 
But when he looked at your eyes, there was no malice. Your amber eyes were warm, welcoming. Had he misjudged you? 
No, there was still a glint of scheming behind your eyes. He still couldn’t trust you. 
You offered him a small smile, “what? Not used to someone letting you off the hook? Can’t say I’m surprised your grandmother seems to run a pretty tight ship around here.”
Bakugou pulled himself out of his thoughts and scoffed while shaking his head. It was then he noticed something around your neck that wasn’t there before. It was his necklace, “why do you have that?” he asked.
You furrowed your brows and glanced down seeing a leather necklace around your neck. It had a few gemstones on it, carnelian, quartz, and a bear claw? That wasn’t yours. “Oh, I don’t know, I woke up with it.”
Bakugou snorted, glancing outside to see Deku talking with Kirishima. Damn idiot must have put it on you last night. He absently rubbed his neck, feeling your dry blood flake off his skin, did you yank it off by accident? Maybe that’s how you got it? He let out a sigh, as he looked towards you struggling to untie the leather knots that held his necklace around your neck. “Whatever, just keep it for now. I’ll get it later. Don’t lose it, it’s worth more than your entire clan,” Bakugou snapped as he stood up narrowing his eyes at you before leaving you in the tent alone.
Your eyes widened in shock as you looked down at the necklace, and then you grinned. This was a big step in your friendship, which meant you were that much closer to achieving your goal.
The next few days you spent in camp so you could finish healing. It was nice though, you learned where everything was and even met some people that didn’t seem to hate you for your family name.
Your favorite part of camp was probably the market. Every family in the clan had some sort of speciality that could be traded which meant that the market was busy everyday with something new. Personally, your favorite trader had to be an old man who was a beekeeper. He would have a huge spread of various honey’s he collected from his hives along with honeycomb, and beeswax that he’d turn into different moisturizers. 
All in all it was very impressive to you, considering you had no idea what a bee was up until now.
“So this honey,” you began as you pointed to the dark golden liquid in the jar, “comes from insects?”
“Yes,” the beekeeper, whose name you learned was Gran, said, “for the hundredth time yes! If you keep comin’ back here asking me about my damn bee’s-”
You grinned and held up your hands, “sorry, sorry, it’s just so weird that you eat this stuff from them?” 
Gran rolled his eyes, “look if I give you some will you leave me alone? I have paying customers here,” he snapped while leaning around you to see a growing line of irritated people.
You shook your head, “I couldn’t-”
“Just take it,” Gran grumbled and tossed you a frosted glass jar filled with honey and some honeycomb.
You caught the jar and gave him a sheepish smile before darting away from the rest of the people in line. You didn’t miss how someone cursed you out as you passed, one man even spat at your feet. Not that you really cared anymore. These people would have what's coming to them in due time. 
For now, you were more interested in your honey. You made your way across camp, holding the jar up to see the sunlight illuminate the honey, making the gold liquid glow. 
While you were so busy inspecting the honey, you failed to miss two pairs of eyes watching you closely. 
“Look at that creature,” Mitsuki snapped, watching you from a distance. She was seething at the fact that you were still here. “Why hasn’t she left?”
“Ask the ancient hag that,” Bakugou scoffed, as he shot you a quick glance, and then looked back at his reflection in the bowl in front of him. He was carefully painting red lines down his bare chest, trying hard not to mess up. 
Mitsuki huffed, “if she steps one toe out of line, you have my permission to eliminate her-”
“What is with you two?” the queen mother’s frail voice sounded from behind Bakugou’s tent. “She hasn’t done anything wrong-”
“But she will, mother,” Mitsuki snapped as she turned her enraged gaze towards her mother, “it is in her blood.”
“We don’t know that,” the queen mother said as she inspected Bakugou. “All she’s done is pester Gran about honey for the past three days. She’s nothing like her mother, it’s clear to see that.” She paused, taking a rattling breath as she turned to her grandson, “Katsuki, keep those lines straight, none of your suitors want to see sloppy work.”
“Whatever,” Bakugou snapped, not bothering to look at his grandmother.
You soon found yourself under a large willow tree beside a wide shallow creek. There were a few water birds waddling around the edges of the creek, ducking their heads into the current to catch a mouthful of minnows. 
You let out a sigh, as a warm breeze shook the branches of the tree above you, making the leaves rattle softly in the wind. It was so nice here, and so pretty. The people here took that for granted. They didn’t know what it was like to not feel plush green grass beneath the feet, or have clean flowing water. 
Or to be able to experience the gifts that mother nature bears to her friends. Like the honey you were given. You undid the top of the jar, setting the lid on your knee as you inspected the honey, it was a viscous liquid, and sticky looking. 
Without giving it a second thought you dunked your finger into the jar and pulled it out, watching as the golden liquid clung to your finger. You stuck out your tongue, giving it a tentative lick and to your surprise it was sweet. 
In fact, it was the best thing you've ever eaten in your whole life. Before you could even register you had your whole hand in the jar trying to yank out the honeycomb inside. 
“If I didn’t know any better, I would think you were a bear,” Bakugou’s grandmother said from behind you.
How you didn’t hear her sneak up on you, you had no idea, but that didn’t matter. You were more embarrassed that she had caught you with your whole hand in a jar of honey. “Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t see you,” you began, completely caught off guard as you tried to yank your hand out of the jar.
“It’s okay, go back to eating your honey,” she said with a chuckle as she moved beside you and then sat down with a soft groan. She then placed her cane next to her as she leaned back against the tree. “It’s not often I find myself this far outside of my tent but I have to admit, this is  a nice view of camp.”
You nodded, wondering if she figured out you would come out here to scope things out. If she was starting to suspect you. 
Although you were also out here to enjoy nature and get away from the people who could barely stand your entire existence. “It is impressive.”
“I imagine so,” Bakugou’s grandmother said as she watched you take a bite of the honeycomb. You had honey dripping off your chin, and then she noticed the necklace you were wearing. It was Katuski’s, it was made after he killed his first bear. 
You chewed on the honeycomb, savoring its sweetness as you glanced at the queen mother again. “What brings you out here?”
“Watching my grandson scare away his suitors,” she said with a sigh as she lifted her hand to point to where Bakugou was storming towards a group of women.
“Oh?” you said as you wiped your mouth with the back of your hand, “he gets to choose?”
“He does, to some extent,” his grandmother answered, “we have this tradition that the prince or princess must choose their partner before obtaining the throne. We have a pool of suitable partners put together for them, usually this is decided by our elders. It’s a bit like a ceremony and the healer has a vision.”
“A vision?” you asked with raised brows.
Bakugou’s grandmother nodded, “yes, in our clan our healer is the one closest to our ancestors. They see and understand what we do not. Along with healing the sick and wounded they also guide us. Young Midoriya has done well after his mentor, Toshinori passed.”
“Interesting, back in my home, we didn’t have anything like that,” you said remembering back to your home. The decisions were made by your mother. She was swift with her judgment and anyone who didn’t impress her was thrown into the streets at night, which were wildly unsafe with rogues and murderers. Most of the unlucky people who faced your mothers judgment did not live to see the next day. 
Your home was chaotic at its best. There were no rules except to survive. If you had a piece of land or a shack of your own, you had to fight for it. Every person fended for themselves. 
The honey seemed unappetizing now as you set the jar beside you, watching as Bakugou talked to a tall girl with wildflowers braided into her hair. “How do the visions impact his choice?” you finally asked.
“Well, this was Midoriya’s first time, so he wasn’t able to give us a clear picture. I believe he said he saw a bear, the ocean, a good amount of blood, something about a large beast, red dahlias,  and a ladybug. It was rather confusing to a good majority of the elders, including myself.”
You huffed, “well, hopefully Bakugou figures it out fast, looks like he’s done for the day.” you mentioned with a chuckle as you watched him stomp off and one girl clearly kicked dirt in his direction.
“That brat,” Bakugou’s grandmother hissed, “here help me up will you? I’ve got to get back.”
You nodded, standing up fast and quickly washing your hands and face off in the creek so you weren’t covered in honey before helping the queen mother up. She was looking more frail today and you heard her let out a rattly breath again. “Are you doing alright?” you asked as you let her cling onto your arm.
She looked up at you, “oh yes, thank you I’m fine. It’s just when the nights start to get cold like this, my lungs give me trouble. In fact,” she began glancing at the mountain range ahead. The snow was starting to creep down the face of the mountain. “We should be packing up to move to our winter camp soon.”
You gave her an odd look before remembering that they were nomadic. It would make sense for them to leave when it got cold here to go somewhere warm. “Where would that be?”
“Oh, it’s my favorite,” the queen mother smiled as she shut her eyes, “we go to the ocean.”
As the week went on you were mostly left to your own devices still, due to how intense Bakugou’s courting was. He would be out in the fields all day talking to girls. You learned everytime he chose someone, he would have to bring them to Midoriya, where they would have to be approved. All week you saw a frustrated Bakugou storm out of the tent followed by the sound of crying. 
Which meant he was in a rotten mood. He stayed true to his grandmother's request to teach you his clan's ways, but he had a short span of patience for you and more often than not he would call you some foul name and then leave.
“You have to use a saddle,” Bakugou hissed as he pointed to your dragon. “It’s part of our customs.”
“But I don’t want to use a saddle,” you argued, “it slows her down and it restricts me.”
Bakugou growled your name as he took a threatening step towards you, “well if you want to stay here, you have to use a fuckin’ saddle.”
You rolled your eyes, “she’s not gonna like that.” As if she understood your words your dragon pressed herself close to the grass, letting a low hiss pass through her teeth at the sight of the large saddle on the ground. 
“I mean, maybe she doesn’t have to wear it,” Kirishima said with a shrug, "it is pretty uncomfortable during long rides.”
“Did I ask for your input, shitty scales? No. 
 So keep your trap shut,” Bakugou hissed. 
Kirishima snorted and shook his head before sharing a glance with your dragon and then shrugged.
You folded your arms across your chest, “I bet your grandmother would be fine if I rode bareback.”
“The ancient hag is not on your side,” Bakugou hissed, “just cause you two talked for a bit doesn’t mean shit. You're still a brat, and a traitor.”
“That line gets old,” you said as the wind started to pick up, making you have to raise your voice. “Why don’t you go and talk to another suitor? Kirishima can teach me more-”
“That’s not Kirishima’s job,” Bakugou interrupted, “you’re my responsibility, and like hell I’d leave you with him.”
“Well maybe you should go, man?” Kirishima said gently, “I think, and I mean this nicely, you need a break. It can’t feel great that everytime you bring someone to Midoriya you get turned down.”
Bakugou’s upper lip twitched. He was pissed as hell at Deku. That damn healer was set on staying true to his vision. Well, Bakugou thought that vision was shit, it literally meant nothing. He just needed to have a betrothed before the fall festival which would be in the coming months after the clan traveled to their winter location. His mother’s old war wound was forcing her to give up her throne sooner than expected and he had to step up, yet he was failing all because of a stupid damn vision.
“It’s fine, Katsuki, nothing is going to happen,” Kirishima assured again.
Bakugou shot you one last glare before storming off, muttering about something under his breath. 
“Well I feel better now,” Kirihsima laughed as he came closer to you, “he’s been wound up for weeks now.”
You snorted, “don’t know how you manage to put up with him.”
Kirisima smiled, it was bright, “you’ll learn to love him in time, he’s a good guy.”
You gave Kirishma a weak smile. That was far from true. Bakugou was part of the family that condemned yours. He was the farthest thing from a good guy. 
Kirishima hummed, sensing a bit of your apprehension, but decided to leave it. “So tell me more about your dragon?” he asked as he walked forward letting your dragon sniff his arm.
“Oh, well I don’t know that much about her. She’s not like you all,” you commented to him. Hoping he didn’t ask too many questions just due to the fact that your dragon was from the royal clutch after all. 
Kirishima laughed, “she isn’t at all. I can’t say I’ve seen a green one before. Back in my homeland, most of us are bright red, aside from a few being maroon.” He paused and looked at you briefly, “are you planning on staying with us for a while?”
You were taken back with his question, and your heart jumped in your chest. Why did he ask that? Did he want you to leave? Was he able to sense that you were going to betray his and Bakugou’s trust someday? You swallowed thickly, “um, I was thinking it would be nice to stay with you the clan till you reach your winter grounds.”
To your utter surprise Kirisima smiled again, “good, I’m glad to hear that. Despite what everyone else thinks, I like having you around.”
You furrowed your brows, “what makes you say that?”
Kirishima shrugged, “just instinct, I guess.” He rolled his shoulders, “well, why don’t we try out this saddle then?”
You sighed, “alright, fine. But if she throws me off, you’ll have to catch me.”
Kirishima snorted and then helped you saddle your dragon. It was a little touch and go as she clearly didn’t like having straps around her chest to hold the saddle in place. After a solid thirty minutes of struggling she was ready. 
You tentatively climbed onto the saddle. It looked almost ridiculously small on your dragon's huge back. She turned her head to look at you as you sat down, and stretched your legs in the seat. The leather creaked and groaned as you adjusted your seat. “This is wildly uncomfortable,” you muttered.
“Just need to break it in,” Kirishima said,  “it’ll get better with time.” He then looked to the sky and squinted. Aside from the wind, the weather was perfect for flying, especially since this was his first time shifting since he was poisoned with silver.
You watched Kirishima look down to the ground and then crouch, you weren’t exactly sure what he was doing until he stretched his wings and suddenly his form shook. Before your eyes he transformed into a huge crimson dragon. He was much larger than yours, and instead of having just back legs and using his wings as front legs when walking, he had front arms too. 
Your eyes widened as he walked forward, the ground seemed to shake under each step till he was eye level with you. He chuffed, causing a hot burst of air to hit your face, making you sputter. Kirishima made a throaty growl, which you thought could have been a laugh.
Kirishima took a few more steps past you, letting your dragon position herself to take off after him. Then he took off, running. The ground  shook after each step and his claws left deep grooves in the ground after every step. Then he bunched his back legs and jumped up, flapping his wings as he took to the sky. 
You heard a few children squealing as they ran to the edge of camp to watch Kirishima fly. Your dragon wheezed and moved forward, following Kirishima’s steps before jumping up and following him into the sky. 
You frowned, holding onto her spike as the saddle slipped sideways, maybe you didn’t tighten it enough? Nonetheless you followed Kirishima up higher and higher until you were above the clouds.
He seemed happy to be back in his true form. He was darting around the clouds and diving down into some, making them split apart and wisp away in the strong wind. 
You smiled, watching him play in the sky. He was sweet, and was easily the kindest person in the clan, besides Midoriya, and maybe Bakugou’s grandmother. It made your heart ache at the thought of betraying Kirishima, which was unsettling. You had only been in the clan for a little over a week and you were already getting attached.
While you were lost in thought, your dragon, obviously surprised to see Kirishima having fun, was curious as to what he was doing, and took off at a speed you’ve never seen her travel before. 
“Whoa!” you yelped as you almost got flung off the side of your dragon as she chased after Kirishima, weaving through the clouds.
Kirishima’s red eyes widened with delight and he took a swooping dive down to the ground, and then your dragon followed him.
Your stomach lurched as you flew straight down screaming at the top of your lungs as your legs flew out straight behind you. You had your arms tightly wrapped around your dragon’s spike as she caught up with Kirishima, flying next to him as they dove towards the ground. 
Your eyes were watering as you tried to see how close the ground was. However, to your horror you were heading towards a lake. Even through your watery eyes you could make out a few commoners mulling around the water side, now obviously pointing at Kirishima and your dragon racing. 
You could see Bakugou sitting at the water's edge with a girl who was talking animatedly but then she pointed at you. He stood up abruptly leaving his suitor to run to the shore of the lake, waving his arms rapidly. 
“Kirishima!” you shouted above the roaring wind, not like he could hear you. The water was getting closer and closer by the second and Kirishima pushed himself faster, and your dragon followed suit. They were flying so fast that you had no option but to shut your eyes, they simply wouldn’t stay open. 
Suddenly your dragon pulled up, making your legs and body slam back down into the saddle, which was already loose. Your eyes shot open as you scrambled to find your seating but the sudden change in movement had you unbalanced and to your horror the momentum of your body had you falling sideways. 
You scrambled to grab onto the straps of the saddle as your hands slipped from the spike you were holding on, but it was futile. You were falling. 
At the notice of your absence your dragon quickly turned around flying back down towards you with her back claws outstretched to catch you. 
Your eyes were wide as the water came closer and closer. You could hear Bakugou shouting at Kirishima. It didn’t matter though, you would hit the water before anyone could catch you. It probably wouldn’t hurt that bad, you were about thirty feet from the water. 
A claw hooked into your shirt just before you hit the water, tearing the tunic you were wearing right from your body. You landed into the water with a grunt, wincing as water shot up your nose. 
Bubbles floated up past your face as you opened your eyes briefly, and started paddling towards the surface of the lake. After a few short moments you surfaced sputtering and shaking. Above you your dragon and Kirishima were hovering above the water, making waves with every flap of their wings. “It’s okay, I’m fine. Just go land.”
You watched as the two dragons flew to the shoreline and landed. Kirishima’s form shook and he shrunk back down to his human form, and immediately sprinted into the water shouting apologies.
“Shitty scales!” Bakugou shouted, “get back to the shoreline and watch her dragon, everyone is scared shitless of that thing.” He was referring to the common folk fleeing the opposite direction from your dragon, especially now because she was obviously distressed from losing her rider.
You continued paddling towards the shore, fighting the strong current as best you could. You swam a few times in a pond that would show up after a big rain back home. It wasn’t nearly as deep at this lake, or as clear. You wrinkled your nose at the memory of that pond. It was filthy, and mostly mud and silt, but you were thankful you did swim in it or else you wouldn’t have known how to swim back to shore now.
You huffed, lifting your head up to avoid a wave as you got closer to shore, and then you realized you were now closer to Bakugou who was swimming out to get you. To your horror you glanced over your shoulder to realize that your shirt was floating a good ways away from you, your dragon must have ripped it when she tried to grab you.
With hot cheeks you turned around in the water and paddled back towards your shirt. How humiliating.
“The hell are you doing!” Bakugou shouted as he continued to swim towards you. 
“Just go back to shore,” you replied with chattering teeth as you approached your shirt. It was mostly shredded, but at least it would cover your chest. 
“You can’t be out that far, damn it,” Bakugou yelled, picking up the pace, “there’s a reason why we don’t swim in this lake, dumbass!”
Just as you were about to grab your shirt, it disappeared under the water followed by a few big bubbles. A sense of dread filled your gut as a large tail poked out of the water and slapped the surface.
Then you turned around as fast as you could and swam towards Bakugou with big eyes. “The hell is in here?” you shouted as a dark shadow started to swim underneath you.
The water rippled next to you and a beast of fish, bigger than Kirishima in his dragon form popped its head up out of the water. It was looking at you with one giant unblinking eye before it ducked back under the water. 
You almost froze at the sight of the fish but instead you swam as quickly as you could. You were so focused on getting out of the water that you didn’t even care when you ran right into Bakugou who was getting ready to pull you out. 
“You’ve got to be the unluckiest person I’ve ever met,” Bakugou began as he went to push you off his chest. You were clinging to him like some drowned rat.
It was horribly embarrassing that you were pressed into his bare torso with yours, but you wouldn’t dare pull away now that people were starting to gather close to you both. “Whatever, look I need a shirt,” you hissed, looking up at him with warm cheeks.
It was then Bakugou realized the situation he was in, and his ears turned bright red when he looked down at where your chest met the bottom of his own chest. He quickly averted his eyes, swallowing thickly as he yanked off his fur lined cape and held it out. It was soaking wet and heavy as hell but you obviously didn’t care because the moment he took it off you snatched it out of his hand.
“Thanks,” you muttered, quickly glancing up at him as he cleared his throat and gave you a nod. 
Kirishima was running towards you with your dragon awkwardly running after him, and he was shouting your name before he came to a halting stop in front of you, “I’m so sorry, I should have never made you fly like that when it was your first time in the saddle, and you almost got eaten by the giant catfish-”
“It’s okay,” you said with a small smile, “it was just an accident, and if I wasn’t in the saddle I definitely would have stayed on. So let’s do it again, yeah? 
Kirishima nodded, “I’d like that.”
After you had returned to camp you made your way back to your tent to get a new shirt. Your other shirt was more of a loose tunic and the sleeves were long, which was good for when it got cold at night. It was a little small on you though, which was unfortunate, you just would have to avoid lifting your arms above your head so the hem of the shirt wouldn’t lift up.
After your little incident with Bakugou today, you would like nothing more than to see him again, but you had to return his stupid cloak. It was mostly damp now after drying in the sun for the rest of the afternoon, so it wasn’t nearly as heavy as it was before.
As you thought back on the events of the afternoon, you felt your face warm again. There was a strange feeling in your stomach, it felt almost like there was something flapping in your chest. You let out a breath, as you placed the back of your hands against your cheeks to cool them down. 
While you continued to walk through camp towards Bakugou’s tent, you happened to walk past someone cursing and then the sound of crashing objects. You tilted your head and moved towards the sound and to your shock it was the queen, Mitsuki. 
She was clutching her abdomen and was clearly in pain as she tried to use the hilt of her ax to stand up. 
A dark sense of foreboding rushed over you and it was like you felt your mother standing behind you. Her cold hands were wrapped around the top of your shoulders like vulture talons, and she was whispering in your ear.
This is your chance, the queen is alone. No one will know. 
The fluttering feeling in your chest dropped like lead in your stomach and you took a step forward. Your hand was shaky as it blindly reached towards a rock on the ground. It wouldn’t be pretty. 
You paused, swallowing thickly as Mitsuki swore again. She was panting and sweating, obviously struggling to overcome whatever was causing her to be unable to stand. 
Do it! Useless child!
A rush of cold wind pushed past you and ruffled your top, making it rise past your stomach. The scar across your abdomen seemed to ache as your mothers voice rang through your ears again.
You took a step forward, hearing blood roar in your ears as you grabbed the rock. Mitsuki was finally able to stand. She was wheezing almost as she looked down and to your shock she yanked up her own shirt.
It was then you saw a scar identical to yours on her abdomen. The rock fell from your hand and Mitsuki looked up to see you standing in the shadows, she was about to curse you out till you took a step forward and she immediately noticed your scar. 
You both looked at each other in silence. 
Was her scar from the same person who gave you yours? Surely it had to be, that was your mother’s trademark cut after all. 
Mitsuki opened her mouth to speak but her leg buckled again. 
This time you rushed forward to grab her arm and held her up. “Here,” you muttered as you wrapped her arm around your shoulder, “where do you need to go?”
“Midoriya,” Mitsuki said through clenched teeth as she eyed you warily. 
You nodded as you helped her limp to Midoriya’s tent, and avoided the common folk eating their dinners around campfires in front of their tents. 
After a few moments you delivered the queen to Midoriya who rushed her. He thanked you heavily before shutting the tent flap and leaving you alone to your thoughts. You felt like everything you had somehow known was standing on the edge of a knife and for the first time in your life, you didn’t really know what to do.
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daiwild · 1 year
changing room mishap
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Kons a lil confused but he will ALWAYS get pissed at bad guys hurting his friends
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pileofmush · 9 months
luffy is for the sad, pathetic, touch-starved bitches. the ones who shiver at the mere brush of skin. who wince whenever their friends go in for hugs, unsure of where to put their arms. the ones who are so, so aware of their proximity to others. so careful not to brush fingers when walking side to side with a peer, or when handing a pencil to a friend, because they’re sure that one affectionate squeeze of the arm could leave their innards a puddle at their feet, creeping toward the nearest drain.
when you meet luffy, you think he’s one to be admired, not touched. you see the way he infects everyone around him with his reckless abandon. hanging off shoulders and dragging people to and fro. his crewmates are used to it. they scoff and wiggle under his weight for show: for there’s a sense of relief when monkey d. luffy has his eyes on you. you can tell in the automatic decompression of their shoulders, in the languid way they turn to him—saplings curving toward the sun. 
you see it, and you envy it. respect it. respect him. but that’s the extent of your thoughts on the matter.
you never considered that he would turn his sights on you. 
but he does. 
he picks you up like you’re something shiny, holds you up to the light and squints. and whatever he finds must be satisfying, because after that, he doesn’t put you down. 
it overwhelms you, at first. he tugs on your cheek at the sight of a frown, like you’re the one made of rubber, and your heart does a funny jig that’s actually not funny at all. he pokes you in the ribcage to grab your attention, and ignores you when you try to tell him that a verbal cue would work just as well. he grabs your hand, instinctively twining your fingers, and pulls you along when you stop in your tracks.
and you feel—you feel like a puddle. be careful your mind warns, or you’ll slip.
but luffy’s there to catch you when you fall.
and that’s what’s so terrible about him, you think. he’s the question and the answer. 
and he’s burrowed himself under your skin. 
how foolish of him to touch you so casually and expect you not to revel in it. not to crave his pokes and his prods more than you crave air. how foolish of him to drape himself over you like a weighted blankie and not expect you to desire him by your side, always, to keep the cold at bay. he’s a fool and you’re a pauper.
but, sometimes, you think he knows what he does to you. he has to. oh, how he’ll laugh when he catches you staring at his hands. bound over until he’s right in front of you, place a thumb under your chin and tilt until your gaze meets his. his eyes are dark, but so, so bright. you want to look away. you don’t. 
everything is so easy for him. it's unnerving. he plops his head in your lap one day with a carefree grin. you still—hold your breath like a child playing hide and seek. he cracks open an eye, like he can read your thoughts. or maybe he can just feel you tremble.
“what’s wrong?”
you rack your brain for an answer he could understand. “what do you want me to do?” you hedge. 
luffy furrows his brows. “whatever you want,” he says.
“no, i mean—where do you want me to touch?” 
he shrugs. “wherever you want.”
and you feel—you feel like you want to run your hands over every inch of his skin until you have a mental map of his body you could navigate through touch alone. you want to put him in your mouth. you want to inhale him like a drug, want him to burn the back of your throat 'til it stings. you want… him. 
you settle for caressing his jawline. tracing the slope of his nose. his eyes flutter shut, and you pause, but he grabs your hand and plants it firmly on his face. and it feels, it feels like you’re the question and he’s the answer. it feels like maybe, just maybe, you’re okay with becoming a puddle of a person, for him. 
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stories left untold
18+, mdni.
been cooking up this one for awhile i hope y’all like it
readers can expect: fem reader, an established relationship: playful banter with big ‘ol boyfriend jason todd, flirting in a dressing room, car sex, fingering, unprotected penetration (reader is on birth control), a resulting creampie , tw mention and discussion of scarring, it ends a little angsty if you squint
your boyfriend, jason todd, loves literature.
but the only thing you read is him. as long as the two of you are dating, you’ll never want a book.
he’s covered in stories. the scars scattering his body tell you about his past, even if he might be hesitant to. but he humors you, relishes in the fluttery feeling of your delicate fingers all over his massive body.
and sometimes, he’ll tell you the story himself, if you’re lucky.
you’re straddling him, the couch cushions dipping under your knees. you’ve never talked about it, but you somehow always end up on his lap.
jason loves it, because he gets to study you up close, under the guise of you doing the same to him. his hands roam over your thighs and hips, his callouses creating friction against your smooth skin. having you on his lap grounds him, having you so close keeps him sane. you hum as you run a thumb over the scar on his lip, leaning down, kissing him.
“got that one fightin’ as robin-” he starts. you pepper his face with kisses, reaching his mouth again and cutting him off.
he smiles as he kisses you back, pinching your waist and making you squirm for interrupting him.
“as i was sayin’, i was up against some of two-face’s goons,” he continues. “two of ‘em, ironically enough—”
you kiss him again, biting his lip. he groans low in his throat, grabbing a handful of your ass.
“you gotta stop with that. let me finish.”
you shake your head, batting your eyelashes at him. he playfully rolls his eyes, and reaches his own hand up to your face to tug on your bottom lip.
“but i was up against two of ‘em, and while i had it under control, batman dropped in to help me,” he eyes you warily, leaning his head back.
you widen your eyes at him like a warning, a stupid grin on your face.
“but bats surprised me, and one of the goons took that opportunity to split my lip open. thanks a lot, guy, right?” jason pushes his lip out to show you the scar.
“the thing is, i wouldn’t have this scar without the element of surprise, which, in my line of work, is a crucial thing to be able to employ.” his thumb twitches where it’s resting on your waist.
before you know it, he’s spun you around and down, your back on the couch cushions that your knees were just pressed into. a smile plays on your boyfriend’s lips, making his scar dance. he lowers himself over you, flicking the button of your jean shorts open.
round one: you.
he’s following you around a department store as you look at clothes, his muscular forearm supporting the weight of all the clothes you’ve tossed his way.
he lumbers after you dutifully, just happy to be there.
some dude hits your shoulder as you walk past. it was pretty hard, but you don’t even think of it. it’s saturday, the mall is insanely crowded—you’re bound to get bumped into.
you glance back to make sure jason is still following you, but instead catch a glimpse of the daggers he’s staring at the man that shoved into you. you giggle to yourself, grabbing your boyfriend’s hand and pulling him away.
he’s still glowering, even now in the perfume department.
“if i didn’t know any better, i’d say this is you pouting.” you stare at him pointedly.
“people need to watch where they’re goin’.” jason shakes his head, rolling his eyes.
“jay, i’m not some delicate flower.” you smile up at your boyfriend, linking his fingers with yours. he nods, agreeing. “but thank you for looking out for me. i love you.”
“love you too, princess.” his face softens as he gives you a little smile.
you pull up your intertwining hands to eye level. “now what about this one?”
his eyes flash as he realizes what you’re indicating. a scar snakes up the length of his index finger, white and defined against the tanned skin of his hand.
“paper cut.”
you’re in the dressing room now, your giant boyfriend sitting on a little stool next to the floor to ceiling mirror. you twirl, turning this way and that to see all angles of your reflection.
you turn to him, raising your eyebrows. he shakes his head, frowning at the deep blue dress you’re modeling.
you sigh, taking it off to toss it in jason’s face. he makes a choked noise, pulling the dress off of his head. he smirks at your lack of clothing, looking you up and down.
“oh, keep it in your pants,” you scoff, grabbing another dress off its hanger. “so, your finger?”
“bad paper cut.” jason deadpans as he puts the blue dress back onto its hanger.
you blink at him, surprised at the lack of story.
jason nods at you. “a really bad papercut.”
you make a face when you realize he’s bullshitting you.
“no, jay. really.”
he sighs, feigning annoyance. “so nosy!”
you shoot him a look before stepping into the dress, turning around so he can help you. he stands. his hand brushes your ass.
he chuckles under his breath, caught. “sorry, i couldn’t find the zipper.”
“riiiight.” you smile to yourself as he slowly pulls the zipper up your back.
he leans down, brushing your hair to one side.
he kisses your neck, sneaking an arm around your waist to pull you closer to him. good thing, too. your knees would’ve given out with no support if he’d kept up the attention to your neck.
his eyes are on you in the mirror, hungry, tracing their way up your body in this dress. something nudges your ass, and you snuggle back into your boyfriend. he nips your earlobe. his other hand reaches up to your tit, finding your nipple through the fabric of the dress. it peaks at the feeling of his fingers, rolling the nub between his thumb and index. you let out a breath, and watch jason’s eyes darken in his reflection. the spot behind your legs starts throbbing. it sort of jolts you back into reality, and you turn out of jason’s arms. the look on his face makes you want to burst out laughing. you poke his stomach.
“jay, we’re in a dressing room!”
his eyes glint as he inclines his head, wrapping his arm back around you.
“your point?”
he pulls you flush to his body, and the two of you connect like puzzle pieces. you let out a breath at feeling his hard cock pressing into your stomach. you grab the collar of his shirt, and he leans his face down towards yours. he slants his lips, parting them with his eyes fixed on yours. you dodge him, giving him a little kiss on the nose. he harrumphs under his breath at being swerved, grumpy. you wrap your arms around his neck, batting your eyelashes at him.
“take us home?”
“sure thing, princess.”
you turn around so he can unzip you, and you watch him in the mirror. his lips are stretched into a smile. jason kisses your cheek as the deep red dress drops to the floor.
“so i’ll buy this one?” you ask as you put your clothes back on.
he’s got a hungry look in his eyes as he nods, running a hand through his hair.
you check out, your boyfriend tapping his card on the reader and flashing you a smile. the sales clerk is practically drooling. hey, you can’t blame ‘em, but still.
all jason can think about is the way you were looking at him in the dressing room.
he’s contemplating the logistics of installing a floor to ceiling mirror on the wall opposite his bed when you slide an arm around his waist. his arm automatically slings around your shoulders, and he presses a tender kiss to your hairline.
he grabs the bag from the cashier and your hand with his free one, leading you out to the car.
“baby, what?”
“what? jay, i didn’t say anything.”
“your body language is sayin’ plenty, princess.” he side eyes you, his lips pursed.
“the cashier was checking you out. like, pretty hard.”
jason grimaces as he unlocks the car.
he opens your door for you, closing it after you’re seated and buckled.
he gives you a quick kiss, starting the car. the sun is setting, painting the two of you in a soft, golden light. his hand finds your thigh like they’re magnetized, giving it a squeeze. seeing his fingers pressing into the smooth skin of your thigh reminds you of the conversation you’d been having.
“hey, jason?”
“hm?” he glances away from the road, gauging your expression.
“so what is that scar from?”
“i told you, princess, paper. it’s a paper cut.” the corner of his mouth is twitching, he can’t even keep a straight face.
“jay, oh my god.”
“if you must know, it’s from when i learned how to throw batarangs.”
he launches into the story as streetlights wink in and out of the windows, flashing through the car. his tale involves a much younger batman and a very stressed out alfred standing by with a med kit.
“i almost lost my finger.”
“you’re like, way too nonchalant about that.”
“psh, i’m nothing but chalant, baby.”
you giggle, running a hand through the hair at the nape of his neck as he drives. he suddenly switches lanes, turning the car into an empty parking lot. he parks, turning the car off.
you look at your boyfriend, amused.
“you are so easy.”
he leans over the center console, pulling you into a deep kiss. he bites your bottom lip, sparking a fire in your lower belly. he pulls away, staring into your eyes.
“you can’t expect me to just sit here and do nothing when you play with my hair like that.”
“oh, so chalant.”
he scoffs, scooting his seat all the way back. “just get over here.”
thankful for nightfall, you unbuckle, climbing over the center console to straddle him. you make it onto his lap, feeling his rigid length even through the layers of fabric between the two of you. you cock an eyebrow, surprised he’s already fully hard. jason looks away sheepishly.
“you were bein’ a tease in the dressing room.” he cups your ass, squeezing. “help me out, princess?”
you nod, smiling and brushing a strand of hair out of his eyes. a nearby streetlight sheds just enough light into the car, as he runs his hands up your thighs, you grinding your hips against the length between his legs. he groans, and you reach down to unbutton his pants. the wet spot in your underwear grows as he nips and sucks along your jaw. he kisses your neck, moving down to your collarbone as you scoot his pants down his legs. he tenses as you brush your hand along his cock, smiling up at him.
“hi, gorgeous.” he says, as he kisses you on the cheek.
“hi, jason.” you reply, looking up at him through your lashes.
your boyfriend suddenly grabs you by the waist, shifting you so that you’re turned around, facing the steering wheel. you make a surprised noise, repositioning on his lap to get your balance. jason groans in response, your ass flush to his crotch. you lean back against him as his hand makes its way under your waistband, brushing against the curls covering your sex.
“may i?” he whispers, his voice rumbling into your ear.
“mmhm,” you reply, desperate for some relief.
his other hand cups your tit, giving it a squeeze. the familiar calluses on his fingers brush your clit, sending a spark of pleasure through your body, but he goes lower, sliding two fingers along your entrance. he gathers the wetness, rubbing your aching folds. his fingers start working between your legs, rubbing your clit in the familiar rhythm he knows you like. you stifle a moan, the pace already bringing you dangerously close to the edge.
“good thing i still have that finger.”
you can practically feel his smirk from behind you.
“oh, shut up.” you retort, shaking your head.
“well, since you asked so nicely.” he replies, punctuating the work of his fingers with kisses on your jaw, your neck, your shoulders. jason nudges your legs wider with his, opening the gap of your thighs to bracket his legs. he reaches into your underwear with his other hand, gathering slick on his middle finger.
“all good, princess?”
“yes, jay.” you peek up at him, smiling.
he kisses your forehead, holding eye contact as he slides his finger into your entrance. you moan at the intrusion, growing louder as he adds a second finger. all the while he keeps up his pace on that sensitive bundle of nerves.
“that’s right, beautiful. let me hear you.” jason kisses your shoulder, his fingers curling inside you, hitting just right.
you say your boyfriend’s name, causing him to pick up speed, groaning low in his throat. you feel his cock twitch under you, and you squeeze your eyes shut. you curl your toes, whining, as it all becomes too much, shuddering as the orgasm crests like a wave. your boyfriend continues working on your clit while you ride out your orgasm. you lean back against him, breathing heavily. he takes his fingers out, leaving you feeling empty. he grabs your jaw, kissing you, his fingers wet against your skin. he leans down to take your shoes off, tossing them onto the passenger’s side. he pulls your underwear all the way off, hooking them around the stickshift. he loops an arm around your waist, lifting you off of him to shove his boxers and pants down to his ankles, exposing the muscles of his massive thighs. he sets you back down, and you rub your wetness against the length of his ruddy cock, his tip shiny with precum. jason hisses, his head falling back against the headrest, his eyes closed.
you smile, loving that no matter how often the two of you do it, his reaction is always the same. like he hasn’t been touched in years, like he’s been blessed by the powers that be to have this moment with you. jason peers down at you, his jaw clenching as you grind against him. he scoots down the seat, shifting, taking the liberty to turn you again. you face him, settling your hands on his shoulders. he swipes a thumb across your clit, and you hum, your thighs tensing.
“like that, princess?”
“uh-huh,” you reply, breathless.
“you want more?”
your boyfriend chuckles at your response, pinching your waist.
“anything for you,” he replies, taking himself in his hand.
jason fists his cock, pumping once, twice, before grabbing your hips and angling you over his length. you suck in a breath as his tip opens your entrance, jason focused on giving it to you slowly, giving it to you so you can take it all. you fist a hand into the fabric of his t-shirt, catching a glimpse of his biggest scar, marring the path of hair from his belly button into the junction of his thighs. he’s never told you the story behind that one. but it’s a harsh reminder of how much your boyfriend’s been through, how hard he’s lived. but he’s still here with you, still here to have these moments with you. he pulls out, only to thrust back in, increasing the stretch. the slight squeeze of his hands on your waist only increases the pleasure, the feeling of being weightless in your boyfriend’s grip only furthers your need for all of him.
“please, jay?”
jason looks up in surprise, squinting at you. you’re not one to beg, and he’s usually not one to make you. he’d give you the world if he could.
“whatever you want, princess.” he slowly thrusts all the way inside of you, still wanting it to be comfortable for you. bottoming out, he groans, grabbing your thigh. “feel so good, baby.”
you hum in agreement, pulling yourself up to find the friction you’re looking for. your boyfriend gets the hint, placing one hand back on your hip, the other with a thumb at your clit. you moan at the sensation, jason picking up the pace. he doubts he’ll last long with how needy you’re being, needy for him, especially in this position. you lean forward into the hard planes of his chest, and his hands find your ass. thrusting into you, fucking you, hard. the wet sounds of skin slapping echoes out into his car, bouncing off of the fogged up windows.
“wet for me, huh, princess?” jason growls into your ear, driving into you harder.
you whine into the crook of his neck, a hand gripping at the hair on the back of his head.
jason grunts at the feeling, nipping and licking at the soft skin of your neck.
“‘m close, baby.” the rhythm he’s found is perfect for the both of you, the angle leaving you breathless.
jason’s thighs flex under you as he finishes inside you with a shout, groaning as he plants a warm kiss on your lips. you lean back, and his hand finds your clit again, circling the sensitive nub. he thrusts into you, hissing through his teeth. your back arches as your second orgasm rocks you, leaving you moaning and panting.
your boyfriend can’t take his eyes off of you, off of your fluids mixing on his cock. jason kisses you, swallowing your sounds as his tongue finds yours, swiping through your parted lips. he rubs your back as you nestle against him, the two of you breathing heavily.
round two: you.
some part of him, some deep, dark part, worries that one day he’ll tell you the story behind one of his scars, and it’ll scare you away. it’s not rational, he knows that, but who said anything about being rational?
you’ll never actually push him for a story, or an explanation, knowing he’ll tell you in his own time.
you doubt he’ll ever tell you the story behind his biggest scar, the one that runs up the length of his chiseled torso, branching off across his chest to his shoulders in a Y shape.
once when you were laying in bed together, talking, cuddling, kissing, you traced it with your fingertip, following the line of it down to his waistband. you stopped when he drew in a breath, pulling your hand back. the acute pain expressed in his eyes surprised you.
you tried to apologize, eyebrows pinched, wondering why he looked like he was in pain when the scar was long healed.
jason was panicked, his heart fluttering behind his ribcage at the prospect of confessing his biggest secret to you. he couldn’t tell you, even though he knows he should. he wouldn’t even know where to start, even though he knows he should at least start somewhere. he just wouldn’t know how to tell you that he’d died and come back to life.
so he kissed you instead.
your mind rushed with thoughts as you wrestled with making him explain or letting him distract you with his lips, his body over yours, his huge forearms bracketing your head. he nudged your legs apart with his knee and you were hopeless.
round three: jason.
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clownpalette · 7 months
You have to move on!
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Fr revenge's tears is like the goriest story I have 💀💀 (spoiler) everyone dies at the end-
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moonit3 · 7 months
a soulmate au with a yandere who isn’t reader’s soulmate, can you imagine it? the angst, the pain, the sobbing and the eventually bloodlust made the yandere when noticing the universe is separating you away from them? this is peak.
the potential scenarios i have in mind are down below, but first some warnings/notices: yandere, scarring, blood, killings made the yandere, breaking inside reader’s house (the yandere, not me), blood, mentioned kidnapping, identity theft, body modification (such as plastic surgery).
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matching tattoos!
the moment they noticed the difference from yours tattoo from them was horrible, the numerous plans they made inside their head to finally approach you were immediately broken down and their smile was gone.
this can’t be real! ITS MUST BE JUST A MISTAKE THE UNIVERSE MADE!!!! you are destined to be with them til your last breath like they always planned, but things don’t always go like planned, so they have to adjust to make things work to their needs.
already knowing how your tattoo looks like, the yandere don’t hesitate to pay a great amount of money to change the tattoo they have. the process hurt a lot, but it was worth it when they finally introduced themselves by showing their new tattoo to you.
the realization in your face when you see the matching tattoo on their arm is truly amazing, eyes sparking when you hugged them and asked them if a date sounds good and who is them to refuse?
the world is grey until meeting the soulmate’s eyes!
the yandere expected you to be responsible to make them seeing the colors of the worlds, but they were caught off the guard when they accidentally looked into someone’s else eyes, someone that isn’t you. and it didn’t took much time for the yandere to get rid of that person themselves, it was really easy actually. that idiot was into the delusion they were in love with each other.
and when they came after to watch you, the yandere finds out that your soulmate has already died a long time ago, making your world becoming grey once again. what a devastating news! (nah, they are smiling inside), but the death of your beloved doesn’t change the fact that you can’t love again.
in fact the yandere tells you that he also lost his soulmate and gains your compassion by the sweet lies they tell you, it’s doesn’t take time to get closer to you and then dating.
you couldn’t be happier to have a relationship with another person after your world turned grey again and the yandere couldn’t be happier to be with his true soulmate, but he can’t forget to feed the other one who lives down on their basement, after all they still need to see the colors on the world to choose the best clothes to fit your eyes.
soulmate share each other names on the wrist!
the name they have on the wrist doesn’t match your and nor does your match their, but that don’t last long after changing their whole identity just to be yours. is that a crime? probably so, specifically after he literally obliterated that stupid person who dared to steal their rightful position…but you don’t need to know about that part and also the part they adapt themselves to become your real soulmate.
the money they spent to resemble someone they weren’t, the time they lost to mimic the voice that stupid loser and the people they had to eliminate to not bring any suspicion are worth. they are doing this for you, to your name and to make sure that anyone else hurts you, but you don’t need to know that!
their face hurts a little every time they smile at you (which is often), but that doesn’t matter. blood comes out of their nose one a while (the surgeon told them to not force themselves after the surgery) and sometimes you notice how their voice keeping failing, is something wrong with your significant other? they assure it’s nothing, but you can’t believe them….
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@moonit3 writings
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kaysdenofchaos · 1 year
Who is k! Don?
🚨TW: BLOOD 🚨 (below description)
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K! Don:
K! Don comes from a divergent branch of BS! Don in the world of Mikeyverse, something I’m in the making of with @phykoha. He’s one of the main BSS! Timelines, which are bad ending timelines but caused by a bit of.. multiversal intervention :]
The Don I’ve shown is him post-recovery arc, putting his age around 25! His original timeline was destroyed, so he resides in the King Todd! AU (crack AU where Todd achieves world peace and domination), studying physics and receiving lots of puppy therapy. He still grieves the deaths of his brothers (COUGH his reasons darker than most), but he’s a pretty cool dude!
If you ignore the fact that he’s committed mass genocide anyways./hj
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Anyways what a silly little guy! :D
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kdramamilfs · 1 month
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"I got these scars when I was tortured in Manchuria. When I first took off my clothes in front of the Deputy, I told him they were self-inflicted, and he loved it. Sick pervert ... But his perversion made it easier for me to serve my country."
PHANTOM | 유령 (2023) dir. Lee Hae-young
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infizero-draws · 11 months
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sigh. alexa play icarus by the crane wives
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hqbits · 3 months
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this man is taking over my brain hepl anyway body + scar hcs
also, im taking commissions! info under cut
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uncanny-tranny · 11 months
One of the hardest things to actually accept, in my experience, is that you eventually have to forgive yourself for the harm you did to yourself. A good way to move on from that is just being able to let your past self rest in peace. Don't stomp on their resting spot, they need to be at peace. They deserve to be at peace, and so do you.
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POV: You're getting adopted into a polycube after trying to murder them while on drugs
Put him in your pockets! PUT HIM IN YOUR POCKET--
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drinkinboilingcoffee · 3 months
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Was gonna do this in a larger post but god knows I’ll never finish that, so here you go for now. A few notes:
-William wears long clothes and gloves (even in hot Utah weather) to hide springlock scars. The springlock failure (which was a s@icide attempt, I’ll get more into that later) also left him mostly blind (has the layout of the Diner memorized by now)
-Mike has vitiligo (wanted to combine the lighter and darker skinned sprites he has, hope that works?) (he’s 13 btw)
-Mike is EXTREMELY accident prone, so he always has some sort of cut or bruise he has to cover up
-Mike is transmasc! Usually wears a binder but is more casual around friends and family
-This is 1983, before Evan or Charlie died and before William really lost it
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basilpaste · 2 months
〔You Dream of Giving Up.〕
(the following piece contains a brief depiction of drowning. please stay safe!)
post-canon osis thing because i got normal about it.
〔You dream about drowning.〕
〔You dream about everyone drowning. Of watching heads dip under water, of struggling bodies giving in. You dream about not being able to do anything, because the water is also filling your lungs. Of crying out in pain and making no sound, burning from the inside out even though you're freezing.〕
〔You dream of giving up.〕
〔You jerk awake, choking on your own spit.〕
〔No. No no no!〕
〔You've had this dream before.〕
〔Hah! Hahaha! You're back. You must be. If you had that dream again then you're sure you're back. The sound of splashing water roars in your ears.〕
〔You feel like you can't breathe. You gasp for air but you can't get enough in. No! No. C'mon, Isabeau! You'll just go back again if you can't calm down! And that'll just make everything worse.〕
���You just. You need to breathe.〕
〔Just breathe.〕
〔… and out.〕*
〔Your breath hissed when you breathed out.〕
〔You jam your lips together with force, sliding them roughly against each other.〕
〔Your scar is right there on your face. You still have a scar. It's still there.〕
〔Just to make sure, you glide your tongue along your top lip. You feel the way it lifts.〕
〔The scar is there. And you are here.〕
〔You're free, Isabeau.〕
〔You've been cut loose. Patched up.〕
〔You're something new.〕
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(TW - Repeated Child Abuse, dissociation, mental illness, mentioned death!)
Endos dni!
This, is a Nightmare sans that came to me in a dream, where he was a system. So, I've built upon it!
After suffering such... extreme, abuse from thr villagers, again and again and again. He was near always.. dissociated, at such a young age...
In this AU, dream didn't exist. Nightmare was the only guardian of both light and darkness, positive and negative.
However Dream, is one of Nightmare's headmates. He has, the following:
Night (AKA passive) - Host.
Dream - Little.
Guardian (AKA older dream) - Caregiver, protector.
(Corrupted) Nightmare - Persecutor, trauma holder, protector.
Shattered - Persecutor, gatekeeper.
Dream was the first headmate that Night was aware of, Dream often co-fronted or was co-conscious after a back run in with the villagers, and basically Night would begin dissociating and kinda... forget. He knows the villagers are bad, but he doesn't think they're nearly as dangerous as they are.
Eventually the bad sanses, lead by Killer after the death of their Nightmare, find this guy in an AU- and uhh adopt Systemare!
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kriimhild · 1 year
We gone too far #15-16
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threat a specific human
foul language
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i'm terrible at English sorry about that.
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16 tw: blood/scars
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