#twa sisters
greencheekconure27 · 1 month
* based on the ones I see referenced most
Propaganda is welcome!!!!! (Including recordings and art)
Please reblog
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lobotomy-jpeg · 1 year
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O' the dreadful wind and rain
[id: Digital sketch of Rose and Pearl from Ghost Quartet. They're sitting on the grass, Roses hands on Pearl's knee. They're both wearing loose dresses, Rose a pale red and Pearl a pale off white. Rose is sporting a solemn expression and is looking away out in the distance. Pearl has a hint of a smile on her face and her eyes are closed. /end id]
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comparativetarot · 6 months
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Ten of Swords. Art by Nara Lesser, from Neurotic Owl’s Faerytale Tarot.
Twa Sisters
If you don’t know this ballad/set of ballads, the basic story in the variation I know best is:
Two sisters are in love with the same man; the older dark-haired one (brunette! Evil!) drowns the younger golden haired one so she can have him. A wandering bard finds the . . . bones and hair? Skeleton and hair? Actual rotting corpse? in the stream and naturally thinks ‘Aha! Harp making materials!’ AS ONE DOES. (I’m going with bones already cleaned by fish and whatnot and hair just sort of floating with them because I’m a fan of the least gruesome option). He makes a harp from her bones – in at least one version it’s her breastbone and fingers, more on that in a minute – and strings it with her hair and goes merrily off to play at the nearest house, which is naturally the home of older sister and ill-gotten husband.
Naturally the harp sings the song of the murder all on its own, everyone learns the truth, justice I guess?
No details are given about what happens when some dude turns up at the door with the most metal harp possible just ready to act like it’s normal.
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sinjones · 5 months
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yunhsuanhuang · 10 months
So the miller he was hung on the mountain head
The sister she was boiled in lead
I'll be true unto my love
If you'll be true to me
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my brain: hey remember that drawing you did of the primordials and the adamant prison
me: yeah I loved that one. took me over two hours of focus and checking the pages a lot to get the hands right.
brain: cool cool so hear me out. draw it again. with no references. and you only get 40 minutes.
me: you know what why not
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swedishwatermelon · 2 months
my fave fairy tale/folk tale retellings:
thorn by intisar khanani (retelling of the goose girl legend)
the guinevere deception by kiersten white (retelling of the classic arthurian legend)
these violent delights by chloe gong (romeo & juliet retelling but in shanghai)
the book of lost things by john connolly (a mashup of many fairy tales in one world)
because you love to hate me by amerie (13 short stories from the villain's perspective)
sistersong by lucy holland (retelling of the folk ballad 'the twa sisters')
how to be eaten by maria adelmann (classic fairy tale characters in a trauma support group)
tangleweed & brine by deirdre sullivan (feminist retelling of princesses & heroines from the brothers grimm)
warm bodies by isaac marion (romeo & juliet except romeo is a zombie in a post-apocalyptic world)
cinderella is dead by kalynn bayron (retelling of cinderella but queer & feminist)
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Kagami: you know, my mom went on small world at Disney and apparently the song plays 27 times!
Adrien: she counted!?!?
Chloe: Well, what else is she gonna do?
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ghostswerepeopletoo · 2 months
Sing out, Louise!
12 - Ghosts in Folk Music
Ballads and broadsides, sailors and skeletons, sisters and sampling, and… have you seen the ghost of John? We touch on some common themes and formats as well as academic approaches to analyzing and archiving folk tunes/lyrics. Come for the intertextuality, sociofunctionalism, politics, and anthropology—stay for the boos.
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liildenniison · 5 months
“Maybe ‘fuck off’ will be our 'always.'” -Glade ( @gladeorange )
“Or maybe? Fuck off means. Fuck. Off.” Dani replied, as she rolled her eyes at him. If there had been a manager around to hear her say such a thing to a customer, for sure she would’ve either gotten a warning or even could have been fired. But it was only Dani working at the thrift store for the night, being stuck with the closing shift, and with there being a shy of an hour left until it was time to for her to close, there wasn’t any other customer around to either. In fact, there hadn’t been any customers around for the last half hour, the redhead doing much of nothing on her own until she pulled out her sketchbook and decided to kill the time drawing. It was just her luck that once she heard the bell ring from the entrance door a few minutes earlier, signaling Dani that someone had came in, that the ‘customer’ who came in had to be the one person she had no interest in seeing. Glade. 
“Welcom— Oh.” Not even finishing with her greeting, the redhead had rolled her eyes at the sight of him before immediately directing her gaze back at her sketchbook. And as she continued to draw, she mentally hoped to herself that he wouldn’t come her direction, that he would go and do whatever it was that he came inside the store to find, and either luck out with the item and leave without a word. And if Glade did happen to find something here he wanted, maybe he would be smart enough to let the transition go quietly so Dani could ring him up and have him out the store in no time. It wasn’t until she heard him say “Hey~” from right besides her, his voice so close to her ear as an indicator of how close he was to her, was when the redhead let out an annoyed sigh. Why did she think he would actually leave her alone? “Fuck off!” Dani had bit out in reaction, jerking away from him and taking a step back before shooting him with a quick glare. Her comment had only brought amusement to his face, like he had been expecting for her reaction to be that way, and so when he then made that ridiculous counter of “fuck off being their always” that’s when Dani rolled her eyes at him again and said what she had said.
“What are you even doing in here, Glade?” The redhead asked, in no mood to be entertaining him right now. It’s been so long since she last seen him, why was he suddenly here now? When she was alone and stuck at the closing shift of all nights! 
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borealiszero · 11 months
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An angsty drawing of pyrrha followed by three sillies
[ID start: a series of digital drawings, the subject being Pyrrha Halloran.
1st image: Pyrrha is looking over her left shoulder, head tilted. Her face is blank, drawn over with black pencil, only showing her slitted left eye, glowing red against the darkness. The background is hatched black ominously
2nd image: a plushie version of Pyrrha from an almost bird-view perspective, above and below her written 'Sploinky yoinky' in all caps
3rd Image: a chibi version of her, looking to the right, expression emulating the :3 emoticon.
4th image: Pyrrha is facing the screen, wearing a star-shaped sunglasses, smiling positively and giving a thumbs up, while behind her there was a blurred image of her crying and screaming in despair, indicating her true feelings under those rad sunglasses
// end of ID]
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greencheekconure27 · 2 years
"Martin Carthy & Eliza Carthy - Bows of London"
Child Ballad time!
(One of these days I'll make a playlist of all the variants of Twa Sisters.For reasons.)
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bookofmac · 2 years
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Ghost Quartet 🤝 The Hazards of Love
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cmonbartender · 7 months
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Binnorie (1902) - John D. Batten
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aw a little guy! It's so adorable! 🥹
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septemberbells · 1 year
sorry, i can't make it today. yeah, i'm laying the bent to the bonny broom. you know how it is.
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