#twice they rolled down their window in the car
snowangelkiller · 2 years
if i had a nickle for every time a kid in public yelled "FURRY" at me I'd ahve 3 nickles. Not a lot but it's weird it happened 3 times
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bibannana · 2 years
Han *slaps the Millennium Falcon affectionately*: This bad girl is the best ship in the entire galaxy.
*camera pans over to Leia who looks unimpressed*
Leia *out of earshot*: The Millennium Falcon is the type of ship that you got to hit to start, but only after tapping the steering twice and jumping on the loose floor panel just right.
(Thanks @soliloquy-of-nemo for the idea ha)
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gallusrostromegalus · 1 month
Might I inquire as to what, precisely, a Mustain't is? (Aside from a string of letters I hesitate to Google in that order.)
In October 2014 I went on a road-trip to the Dryest Place In America.
I was having a rough year, very depressed from having dropped out of college for the third time. I decided a road trip was in order to re-set my brain and get a little distance. Being that it was October, and therefore all the campgrounds in the American Southwest were filled with people who have the good sense to camp in reasonable temperatures, I elected to take my parent's minivan so I could car-camp anywhere suitably isolated, and looked up some of the southwest's geographic extremes- the highest place I could drive to (Pikes Peak), the lowest place (Badwater Basin), and for fun, the Dryest Place in the continental US, which turned out to be the Pinacate Volcanic field just west of Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument. It gets rain maybe twice a century and has no standing water, despite being less than 100 miles from the gulf of California.
It's a startlingly beautiful and alien place. The ground is a deep chocolate brown to black volcanic sand, and in mid October, the rabbit brush is turning bright yellow as it shifts to autumn, the organ pipe cacti are a dark green and stand, partially concealed in the brush at exactly human height. The air is alive with birds and insects and bats at night. The stargazing is like looking into the eyes of God.
You get there by driving down a little dirt road called "El Camino Del Diablo", or "The Devil's Road".
I drove out about three hours from Glendale, AZ to get there, arriving at sunset, and felt a profound sense of peace. I stargazed, listening to the bats hunt and sing, and slept peacefully for the first time in months.
I stayed out there for three days, sketching and painting the landscape, taking strolls through this almost alien landscape, and enjoying the light and sound and total absence of human intrusion besides myself.
On the fourth night, it was a new moon, and I awoke in the middle of the night. Something was amiss, and it took me a while to realize it was because I could NOT hear the bats. I was sleeping inside the van with the rear windows rolled halfway down rather than trying to set up the tent, so I when I sat up, I looked out of the van's reflective windows to discover what at first appeared to be A Horse.
It was something between pale gray and bright white in the starlight, standing maybe a dozen feet from the van, sniffing curiously. It made sense- I was in the middle of mustang country and there was quite a bit of foliage in the area for it and it did look like a truly wild horse- lumpy where the bones were jutting out, dusty about the hooves and face.
I was instantly seized by the sort of paralytic fear Sleep paralysis is made of. I couldn't move. It wasn't quite looking at me because it couldn't quite see through the windshield into the shadowy into the shadowy interior, but I had the distinct impression that if I looked away, it would know, and get me.
I already had problems with horses. My beloved Aunt Helen's Prize mare tried to kill me on two separate occasions, and the year before I had to carry my sister-in-law backwards out of a slot canyon whilst reciting the Saint Crispin's Day Speech as loudly as possible to keep a mustang from trampling us to death.
This is approximately what it should have looked like:
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Instead, it was... off. like trying to draw a horse from memory.
The waist tapered in.
The legs were slightly too long or the torso slightly too short, probably both.
The ears were Triangular.
The head wasn't quite right- Too narrow and the jaw wasn't heavy enough.
The tail was too long and arced unnaturally away from the body.
The neck arched.
The nostrils were too high and close
The mouth too long.
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Whatever this is, a Mustang it Ain't.
I watched it from the back seat as it sniffed around the front of the van, curious with about the side mirrors. It moved around the van, nibbling experimentally on the front door handle. It came up to the side windows, sniffing like a dog, and it's breath didn't fog up the glass.
Finally, it came up to the rear window, which was rolled halfway down to let the fall night air in. Not even half a pane of glass and two feet of air between us, and I could clearly see it's bright blue eyes.
Horses have Elongated pupils to give them a wide field of vision, and eyes that rotate sideways in their sockets so the pupil remains parallel to the ground. Rather creepy to watch, especially the ones with blue eyes.
A real horse that was curious about the interior of the van would have come up to the window more or less sideways, and looked at me with something like this:
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Instead, the damn thing walked up and faced the back window head on, staring back at me with this:
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I'm not sure how long we watched each other like that, eyes locked. My eyes burned. I couldn't blink. My mouth was dry. I couldn't swallow. My throat began to ache. I couldn't make a sound. My skin began to twitch, like I was severely dehydrated. I couldn't move. My lungs burned. I couldn't move. I couldn't move. I couldn't move. I couldn't move.
Something was touching the side of my hand on the seat next to me. It's my water bottle.
The realization must have broken the terrible paralysis in the lower parts of my brain first, because by the time I consciously realized I could move again, I was already flinging my water bottle out the window at it.
The top was open, and splashed out the window at the Mustain't.
I've never heard such a scream out of an animal. Something halfway between the sound of unquenchable rage vibrating in someone's chest and the way rabbits cry out to God when the dogs catch them.
It jumped back, pivoting away from the van, snarling at the water bottle. I don't think you're supposed to be able to see All of a horse's teeth at once, no matter how angry it is.
I watched it run into the night for some distance, it's pale body visible against the black sand and the dark gray shadow of the ancient volcanic cone it was headed for.
When the blood stopped pounding in my ears, I could hear the bats again.
I debated leaving right then, but I didn't want to get out of the van with that thing in the area, nor litter by leaving the water bottle out there. I also had the awful idea that if I left now, it might somehow be able to follow me home. I ended up staying up three hours to watch the sunrise, shaking and trying to figure out if I'd woken up from a vivid dream, if my meds had stopped working, or if that had really happened. I didn't dare move until I actually felt the temperature rise, before stepping out of the van to grab the bottle. I had my camera ready- I was still using a DSLR back then- to take pictures of the hoofprints, to show how close it had gotten to the van.
No hoofprints.
Beetle tracks in the soft sand around the van, and the clear foot-and-wing prints of a bird that had hopped around then taken off. But no hoofprints.
I went over the entire campsite with the tent broom, to make sure I removed every scrap of evidence I had ever been there, including my footprints, grabbed my water bottle, and drove the three hours back back to Glendale, then decided to do seven more hours of driving to Moab, Utah just to put more than 500 miles, the state line and at least nine things that could be considered "running water" between me and the Mustain't.
I still have that water bottle. It has a dent in the bottom from hitting something, but that could have happened at any time. Strange thing though. I can't drink that bottle dry. I'll have it on me, drink whatever I've put in there- water, juice, iced coffee- and eventually feel like I've drunk the whole think and that it's empty. But I open it up and it's still at least a quarter full. I drink that. I get thirsty. I open it up again. ...and there's always a mouthful left.
Not sure what the side effects of drinking from a bottle cursed by a Mustain't to always have some left are, but it lives in the Emergency Breakdown Kit in my car now, just in case I meet another one.
(I'm a disabled artist and make my living telling stories, please consider supporting me on Ko-Fi or Pre-order the Family Lore book on Patreon)
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hiyori-ii · 7 months
nvmd men are the worst - i take back all the nice things i may have ever said about a man
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ms-demeanor · 3 months
If you're new to me yelling about this: my neighbors feed a feral cat colony but provide no other care to the colony like neuter/spay or vaccination. They free feed the cats, which attracts skunks, and they have (at the moment) about 20 cats in the colony, which attracts coyotes.
My dog has been skunked twice, she can't be outside in our yard unsupervised for even a minute because otherwise she'll try to eat cat shit because there's cat shit everywhere in my yard because the neighbors also haven't provided litterboxes or a sandbox for their ferals (their entire yard is paved) and if she has to go outside at night I need to clear the yard for coyotes before I let her out even in the small fenced area by our bedroom.
Also there are fleas fucking *everywhere* and even though my dog is on medication to prevent fleas I need to de-flea her twice a week in the summer; this is the case for every dog owner on the street.
The street I live on has a speed limit of 25mph but I hear cats getting hit frequently, so frequently that we have a resident group of crows who hang out and wait for them to become roadkill.
I have a collection of photos on my phone that show kittens with broken legs, kittens with missing eyes, kittens with horrible ear mite infections, and I have a dedicated shovel that I use for moving cat corpses that show up on my property. The cats that die on my property die from abscessed wounds from fights with other cats, respiratory infections, renal failure, and injuries from being hit by cars.
My spouse is immune compromised, and while toxoplasmosis is not a serious risk for most people, it IS a serious risk for people who are immune compromised (as are all the other infections that cats can potentially carry), which means that it's unsafe for me to grow vegetables in my yard for us to eat and it's unsafe for him to work in the yard.
I'd love to maybe open my windows at night and keep down the electricity costs of using the AC, but I can't because the entire side of my house that faces my neighbor's yard reeks of cat shit and piss year round.
Those are my next door neighbors.
Last week I was walking my dog as a neighbor around the corner was pulling out of her garage; she paused and rolled down her window and pointed at the cats on her lawn and said "Head's up, my cats are weirdly aggressive about small dogs and they just got let out so they're full of energy right now" and I nodded and crossed the street and didn't yell at my neighbor but *the temptation was there* because A) why are you letting your aggressive animals roam and B) Why are you letting your cats shit all over the neighborhood and C) Why are you exposing your owned cats to the risks of the large and territorial feral colony that is a literal stone's throw away from your house?
Anyway, and as always, Keep Your Fucking Cats Indoors.
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fairy-angel222 · 7 months
—how they breed you when you make them jealous
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐬: 𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎, 𝐍𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐈, 𝐓𝐎𝐉𝐈
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: smut, degradation, praise, breeding, baby trapping, mean doms, choking, exhibitionism, hair pulling, rough sex, spit, daddy kink, hair pulling, somnophilia
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What the fuck did you think you were doing? Gojo seethed to himself. Who the fuck were you with and why were his hands on you. What would seem to be a normal friendly hug had blue eyes glaring at you through the cafe’s window.
Gojo plastered on a fake smile, the bell ringing as he walked through the door. You looked up with a wide smile, “baby.” Gojo’s eye twitched as the man behind you smiled too, “Hey man, Y/n’s told me so much about you.”
You frowned as your boyfriend took the man’s hand in a bruising grip, giving it an unnecessarily hard shake. “And you are?” He questioned, forcing himself to keep up the nice guy act.
“Oh, i’m Haru, an old friend of y/n’s” Gojo scoffed internally, his arm making its way around your waist. “Well, Haru, we’ve got to go now,”
Waving bye to your friend, you bit your lip as you looked up at the white haired man, “are you mad?” Gojo scoffed, “Nope.. not at all.”
A lie.
You found yourself sprawled out on the back seat of Gojo’s car in the parking lot for anyone to see. Your legs were spread up in the air as Gojo took his anger out on your cunt.
Your eyes were wet with tears as your boyfriend hammered into you. “How many times do i have to fucking tell you, hmm baby?” He scowled. “How do I get it in your dumb little brain that you’re mine.”
Gojo’s bright eyes darkened as he sped up his pace, thick cock ramming into your g spot with every thrust. Your boobs bounced as your body rocked with his hips, the entire vehicle being moved from side to side.
“Gonna have to fuck a baby into you to drill it in your head.” He grunted, not slowing the movement of his hips until you were shaking for him. Your eyes blurry with tears as small ‘m sorry’s left your mouth
“Good. You should be. Show me you’re really sorry and take it yeah? Take it nice and deep.” he groaned, hips rolling roughly into yours.
Small babbles and hiccups echoed throughout the small car, your hand gripping tightly onto the side of the seat as your orgasm washed over you. “F-fuck,” you moaned, pussy tightening around him as you creamed.
Gojo smirked, bottoming out inside you as his eyes met yours, slender fingers pushing themselves past your lips and resting at the back of your tongue. “Gonna fill you up kay baby? Gonna let everyone know that you’re my little slut only.” he growled.
You shook your head in protest, your little waits muffled by his fingers. Gojo cursed, his eyes never leaving yours as he bred you deep. “There we go, gonna look so pretty carrying my baby.”
Your eyes widened when you heard a throat clear awkwardly. Scurrying to cover up but being held down by your boyfriend instead. Your cheeks flushed in embarrassment as you looked up to find Haru.
“U-uhm.. you f-forgot your sweater y/n.” His cheeks were beat red and his dick was strained against his pants. Never in a million years would he expect to see you like this.
Gojo grinned as he looked at the male, slowly pulling out of you to give your friend a sight of his cum leaking out of your swollen pussy. Haru’s breath hitched and Gojo’s head tilted. “Like what you see? Too bad you’ll never have it cause it’s mine.”
Silently watches as you innocently entertain two guys who were clearly flirting with you. How stupid could you possibly be. Pushing his glasses further up his nose, Nanami sighed. Did he always have to remind you that you belonged to him? You should have known that by now.
And you most certainly should have known that no man ever has innocent intentions. Getting up, Nanami walked up to you with a face void of any emotion. Tapping you twice on your back to indicate that it was time to go. You even had the audacity to tell the two men bye in your sickly sweet voice.
The ride home was silent.
You kept trying to strike up conversation but pouted when all you got in return were uninterested hums and nods. “Kentooo,” you whined. “Why won’t you talk to me?” you frowned. Your boyfriend simply glanced at you and scoffed. Watching as you rest your head against the car door and let your eyes close shut.
You woke up with a small whimper, soft moans falling past your lips. You felt so good, your pussy clenching around.. a cock?
Your eyes shot open to find Nanami in between your held up legs. His eyes dark as he hammered into you. His thick, veiny cock abusing your g spot as it fucked into your abdomen.
A loud mewl left your mouth as Nanami’s hand made its way around your neck. You felt so full, his cock stretching you out and forcing you to take him deep. Entire ten inches reaching deep within your belly. “K-kento.. so deep.” you whined.
Nanami grunted, tightening his grip on your neck to bully his entire cock into you. “I’m gonna fuck a baby into you, let you know who you who you fucking belong to.” He groaned, looking deep into your eyes with a glare.
You whimpered loudly, eyes blurry with tears as he fucked you dumb. “Nngh, ‘m cumming Kento, ‘m cumming so hard,” you sobbed, toes curling as you babbled out his name.
Nanami scowled as the thought of you with another man crossed his mind, his grip becoming a bruising one as he snapped his hips into yours at an unforgiving pace. “Fucking take it baby. This is exactly what you needed. Get it through your dumb head that you have an owner.” he spat, watching as you shook uncontrollably underneath him.
Screaming loudly as your body was rocked with his thrusts. Nanami groaned at the way you began to squirt, threatening to push his cock out at the mere pressure.
Stilling inside you, Nanami let his hot ropes of cum coat your insides. His hand around your neck finally loosening as he kept his cock plugged into your sopping cunt. You were his. Now you would have the stomach to show it.
Watches with a smile as you dance. Taking note of all the men that were eyeing you like food. Eyeing you like you weren’t already owned. He was sat on the club’s couch with his legs crossed, arms spread out along the chair’s backrest and head tilted with a smirk. His eyes roamed his waist, his hips, and his ass. Every part of you was his.
And you knew that, you were just so oblivious to all the hungry stares directed at you. Toji stalks tall towards you. Towering over your figure and nodding towards the exit. Understanding that it was time to leave, you made your way outside to wait for your boyfriend in his vehicle.
Five minutes passed and you frowned in worry. Where was he? Your thoughts were cut off by the driver’s car door slamming shut. Toji using a rag to wipe blood off his bruised knuckles.
“Toji-” before you could open your mouth to speak, you received a warning glance from your boyfriend to keep your mouth shut. You swallowed hard, wondering what the hell your boyfriend had gotten into. Especially since he was smiling like a maniac as he drove.
At home, you found yourself on your hands and knees, loud moans and mewls spilling past your plump, drool filled lips.
Toji’s thick cock pounded into you hard. His hips snapping roughly into yours. Rough hands held your hips in a bruising grip, his cock forcing its way deep into your tight hole and ramming into your g spot with each movement.
You let out a loud cry, the flesh of your ass shaking with each contact. “F-fuck— d-daddy, nngh, feels so good,” you whined, a yelp leaving your mouth as you were yanked up by your hair. Your back flat against his chest allowing him to fuck you even deeper.
Toji had one hand tangled in your hair, the other held your throat. Your whimpers and moans echoing in the small room as your pussy squelched lewdly. Toji’s smirk never faltered, kissing up your neck and to your ear.
You clenched hard when he groaned softly, deep voice rasping in your ear “Fuck you’re taking daddy so good, gonna fill you up with another Fushiguro hmm? Gonna look so hot all round and swollen with my son. Your tits leaking with milk for daddy to take care of you. Does my little slut want that?”
You whimpered loudly at his words, clenching down on his cock as heat built up in your stomach. “Mhm, wanna feel you deep. Wan’ carry your baby so bad.” you mewled. Eyes rolling back as Toji rolled his hips up into yours.
Toji brought his teeth down on your skin hard, nearly drawing blood as you moaned. Pulling your head back even further, Toji leaned down to press his lips against yours, sloppily swallowing your moans before pulling away with a string of saliva connecting your lips.
Your mouth hung open in short pants, your boyfriend letting a thick glob of his spit fall onto your tongue. “Fuck, gonna show all these assholes that you’re mine yeah? They probably won’t even live to see it.” You let out a silent scream, feeling Toji’s cock absolutely destroying your gummy walls.
“O-oh fuck, d-daddy, ahh,” you moaned, body trembling as you reached your orgasm. “Gonna cum, fuck, gon’ cum on your cock.” Little incoherent chants of his name falling past your lips.
“Cum f’me baby, make a fucking mess.” He groaned, tightening his hold on your neck as your slick dripped down his cock with one final cry. “There we go,” he grunted, thrusts getting sloppy as he buried himself deep inside you, ropes after ropes of sticky cum painting your guts white.
Your knees felt weak as you came down from your high. Eyes fluttering closed as you steadied your breathing.
“Now, who do you belong to, baby?”
“You.. i belong to you,”
“Good girl. Might even keep my cock in you so that you don’t spill any of daddy’s cum.” He chuckled, knowing full well that he was being serious.
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teaboot · 3 months
I'm the lowest level licensed security you can hire
I work foot patrol for shit like wet cement, construction sites, malls, libraries, outreach centers, and local events
My job is, essentially, human scarecrow
I am not permitted to carry a gun.
I am not permitted to carry a taser.
I am not permitted to carry pepper spray.
I am not permitted to carry a baton
I am not permitted to carry a knife or any multitool containing a knife
I don't have a plate vest
I'm not permitted to make any physical contact outside of administering first aid or in self defense, which must be made in minimal force required to ensure personal safety
I escort employees to make bank deposits, ask aggressive or violent people to leave, and take notes on safety hazards in patrolled areas
If someone bleeds, throws up, or takes a dump somewhere they shouldn't, it's between me and the custodian to make sure nobody slips in it bay bee
It is none of my business if someone is doing drugs. If they aren't an active danger to themselves or others then they're golden
If you're selling drugs in clear view I will ask that you please do that elsewhere, ideally with more discretion. End of interaction
If you are using drugs in clear view I will tell you *exactly* where the property ends so you can smoke your bong 3 feet outside of that line where I can't do shit if someone complains. End of interaction
Site Security is not police. It is not LPO. Someone could point you out as you run off the site and say "I saw him shove a microwave down his pants and walk out" and it would be approximately none of my business.
Overdose in the bathroom. I will verbally check twice that you are conscious, and if I get no response I will warn that I am coming in to check on you. If I find you on the ground I will again try to speak to you, warn that I am touching your shoulder, and give you a jiggle. If I can't wake you up I roll you into recovery and wait for paramedics.
Threatening or harassing staff. You cannot make passes at the highschooler operating the pretzel stand. You cannot tell the bank teller you'll "track him down eventually". The lady at the nail salon said she didn't want to marry you six times now and now I'm your problem
Abuse, endangerment, or neglect. If you leave your baby on the sidewalk so you can shop by yourself then I will be the jerk who ruins your day. If you hit your kid I will become very much your problem. If you locked your dog in the car with the windows rolled up six hours ago and it isn't getting up when I tap the window I'm gonna be the biggest pain in the ass you'll see all day
Safety hazards. Don't shoot off a bottle rocket in the parking lot. Yes it's very cool and you probably won't hit anything important but there's a pretty big empty lot like six blocks away man, what if you nail a kid or something. If you wanna take your bearded dragon to the food court, keep him in your coat or in a carrier. Climb the telephone pole on Tuesday because thats my day off
Client complaints/concerns. Boss says you've been here living in your car for three days and it's time to move on. You and I know it's been a month but between us if you switch locations every couple days around the lot she won't catch you again till at least May. As long as you don't leave a bunch of trash laying out we're good.
If you have tattoos on your face, throat, or hands and you wanna pull something you gotta be so incredibly discrete, is so incredibly easy for Law Enforcement to track you down you have no idea. I know like 3 guys with face tattoos in town, one of them's been my buddy since highschool and the other 2 were introduced to me like "watch out for a guy with a star on his cheek, his name is Patrick Sturblish, he's 43 years old and I saw him pocket a redbull once".
Always assume someone is operating the cameras live.
The courts are so insanely overwhelmed all the time, if you nab something small and vital like bandages, tampons, underwear, whatever and don't have a long list of priors usually even a cop won't bother trying to charge you. If I can't tell you not to steal for the consequences then at least don't get cocky about it
In my own experience if you walk into a big store and straight up tell someone "I don't want to steal but I need this very badly" then usually someone will find a way to get it to you
If someone tells me you're stealing on camera I will let you know that someone caught you and it's your last chance to put stuff back before they do something
If you pull a weapon on me or someone else while I'm working then I'm required to inform police so please don't do that thank you
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waitimcomingtoo · 11 months
Two Normal Arms
Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!reader
Synopsis: when Peter breaks his arm, he notices he gets a lot of attention from you. So much attention that he prolongs the broken arm as long as he can
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Peter had a strict no texting while swinging rule.
That rule was broken one night on patrol during a particularly heated back and forth text conversation with Ned over whether chili was a soup or an entirely different category of food. Peter didn’t feel like waiting until he got home to respond, so he texted with one hand while he shot webs with the other. His eyes were glued to his phone as he went to grab a web that wasn’t anywhere close to where he thought it was. He went crashing to the ground, landing right on his right arm. He heard the crunch loud and clear and let out a little whimper. Peter peeled himself off the pavement and pulled his mask off to look at his arm.
“Well that’s not good.” He mumbled when he saw the curve in a place his arm didn’t typically curve.
He knew there was no way he could swing home with the arm but he was too far to walk. He looked around and realized he was in your neighborhood. He’d been to your place once before when Tony first bought you an apartment and wondered if he could find it again by memory. He ran up and down the block until he spotted a window with a light on near the top floor of a building twice the size of Peters. He could see a little Iron Man flag in the window and took a leap of faith that that was your apartment. He cradled his arm to his chest and gingerly climbed the side of the building until he reached the window. He used his head to knock on the window and sighed in relief when he saw you running to open it.
“Peter? What are you doing up here?” You whispered.
“I’m sorry. I would never bother you at home but I got hurt really badly and I can’t swing.” Peter winced and held up his arm. You could see exactly where the break was and put a hand over your mouth.
“Oh my God. Come in.” You said as you wrapped an arm around him and helped him inside. You helped Peter sit down on your couch before sitting on the coffee table in front of him.
“Let me see this.” You said and gently moved his hand away from his arm. It was bent in an awkward way and resembled an “s”, something you didn’t know arms could do.
“Is it bad?” Peter asked you.
“One second.” You smiled sweetly and calmly walked into the next room. When you returned, you had a forced smile on your face.
“It’s not bad.” You answered him.
“You went over there to gag gagged, didn’t you?”
“I did. I’m sorry.” You cringed. “Broken bones gross me out.”
“Oh shit. You think it’s broken?” Peter asked and held the arm up. It limply hung in the air and you gagged again.
“Peter, honey, it looks like a fish hook.”
“Yeah. That’s probably not good, right?” He asked as he looked at it.
“I need to get you to a hospital.” You decided and grabbed your car keys.
“A hospital? That won’t be necessary. There’s no need for all that fuss. Can’t we just wrap it up and call it a day?” Peter laughed nervously.
“I don’t think so. I can put bandaids on your other cuts but this needs to be looked at by a real doctor.”
“You said you’ve seen every season of Greys Anatomy right? Can’t you just put on an episode and do what they do?”
“All they do is have sex during work hours. We can’t do that right now.” You shook your head as you threw your coat on. Peter stopped panicking for a second and felt his face heat up.
“But later?” He asked. You playfully rolled your eyes at him and set your keys down.
“Hang on. We gotta get you out of those clothes.”
“Really? Now?” Peter gulped and grabbed his shirt with his free hand.
“Well we can’t get checked out as Spiderman without the doctors seeing this pretty face.” You teased and cupped his chin before walking towards your room.
“Oh. Right.” He blushed and touched his chin.
“I’ll grab some of my stuff.” You called from your room. You returned shortly with a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie. Peter pressed the button on the center of his suit and shimmied out of it before making eye contact with you. You gulped and quickly turned around to give him some privacy. Peter blushed and stood up to shake the suit onto the floor. He gingerly stepped into the pants and pulled them up with one hand. When it came to the hoodie, he knew there was no way he could put it on with one arm.
“Um….” He said as he struggled to get his head in the hoodie.
“You need help?” You asked over your shoulder.
“Yes please.”
You laughed and turned around to help Peter get dressed. You pulled his head through the opening and laughed when his messy hair stuck straight up.
“Thank you.” Peter smiled shyly as you fixed his hair.
“Anytime.” You smiled back.
“I kinda hate that your pants fit me.” He said sheepishly and looked down at the pants you had given him.
“Why? I think you look great in my clothes.”
“Oh. Well thank you.” He blushed. “You’d probably look great in mine.”
“I don’t know if I have the muscles to fill out your suit.” You sighed and nodded towards his discarded suit.
“It doesn’t have to be the suit. You’d look good in just my T shirt.”
“Just your T shirt?” You asked coyly, making Peter go bright red.
“I didn’t mean it like that.” He quickly explained.
“We can put your theory to the test later. Let’s get your arm looked at first.” You said and pulled him towards the door. Peter gulped and made it all the way to the car before stopping in his tracks.
“I can’t go to the hospital.” He blurted. You stopped and looked at him and we’re supposed to see the embarrassed look on his face as he cradled his arm.
“Why not?” You asked him as you put your hand on his shoulder. Peter looked at your hand before looking into your eyes and sighing.
“My aunt would never be able to afford it with her new job.” He admitted. “We’re barely making rent as it is. I can’t put this on her.”
“So don’t.” You shrugged. “Put it on my dads card.”
“I can’t just charge my medical bills to your dad.” Peter laughed uncomfortably.
“Sure you can. He won’t even notice. And if he asks about the card, I’ll just tell him I was shopping.” You insisted and pulled Peter towards your car.
“I can’t ask you to do that.” He shook his head and stayed where he was.
“You’re not asking. I’m offering. Actually, I’m forcing. Get in the car.” You insisted as you opened the passenger door. You playfully pushed him into the car and buckled his seatbelt for him. You then climbed into the drivers seat and started the car.
“Thank you.” He smiled shyly when you looked over at him.
“Of course. You can trust me, Peter. I’m your friend.” You smiled back and started to drive.
“Right.” His nodded as his smile faltered a little at the word “friend” but he didn’t say anything. By the time you pulled up to the hospital, Peter was in bad shape. His arm was swelling and causing him more pain than he had ever felt. You opened his door and helped him out of the car, feeling the way he was barely able to hold himself up.
“Hey, Y/n?” Peter winced and held on tight to you.
“Yeah, Peter?”
“Do you think you could lift someone my size?”
“Maybe. Why?”
“Because I’m about to pass out.” He said right before collapsing onto the ground.
When Peter woke up later in his hospital bed, he felt a whole lot better. So much better, in fact, that he didn’t even notice the giant blue cast on his arm. He didn’t know if it was the morphine he had been given or fact that you were sitting at his bedside with your hand that was keeping him pain free.
“Hey, Peter.” You smiled softly at him and brushed the hair off his forehead. Peter sat up a little in his bed and smiled back.
“So pretty. You look nothing like your dad.” He said sleepily.
“What was that?” You laughed even though you had definitely heard him.
“Want jello.” Peter said and licked his dry lips. You held his cup of water to his lips and helped him drink as the doctor came in.
“Oh, good. He’s awake.” The doctor said.
“Woah. What happened?” Peter asked ad he noticed his cast.
“We had to do surgery on your arm to set the bone back into place. You’ll be in a cast for the next six to eight weeks.”
“I didn’t know your favorite color so I picked blue. I hope that’s okay.” You explained sheepishly.
“Blue is great. Thank you.” Peter smiled at you as he slowly felt more with it.
“It’s a good thing your girlfriend brought you in when she did. You had free fluid in your arm. It could’ve been much worse if you hadn’t come in right away.” The doctor told him.
“Oh. She’s not my-“
“Thank, doctor. Is there anything we should do now?” You cut him off as you turned to the doctor.
“He’s safe to bring home. Just keep the arm elevated and don’t get it wet. I can prescribe some pain meds as well.”
“Thank you. And could we get some jello too please?” You requested.
“No problem. I’ll be right back with that.” The doctor smiled and left the room.
“You broke your wrist, elbow and radius bone. Which I just found out is the bone in between your wrist and elbow. Who knew it had a name? But that’s why the cast goes so high.” You explained to Peter once you were alone.
“Damn. That’s a lot of bones. No wonder it hurts.” He said and shifted uncomfortably in the bed. It didn’t actually hurt that bad, but he liked it when you were worried about him.
“Oh no. It does? Can I do anything?” You asked and brushed his hair back again. Peter blushed and smiled softly as he looked into your concerned eyes.
“Just keep holding my hand, please. It helps with the pain.” He said and faked a cough for added measure. You fell right for it and squeezed his hand.
“It’s gonna be okay, Peter. I won’t leave your side. But do you want me to call your aunt?”
“No, this will just freak her out. I’ll tell her tomorrow.”
“Okay. You could crash at my place tonight if you want. I’ll drive you home tomorrow so we can tell her together. I wrote down everything the doctor said since you were still knocked out.”
“Wow. Thank you.” Peter smiled in appreciation when you showed him the list you had made. You smiled back and put the list down on his bedside table before looking at him. Peter was gazing at you intently because he could tell you had something on your mind.
“I like the color you picked.” Peter said to cut the silence.
“Oh, thanks. I was gonna go with red but I always thought you looked best in blue.” You said without looking at him. Peter blushed at the casual compliment and tilted his head to get you to look at him. You finally did look into his eyes and smiled softly.
“Peter, could I….”
“Yes?” Peter sat up eagerly at your question.
“Sign your cast?” You finished your sentence and he sat back in his bed.
“Oh, sure.” He agreed. You pulled a sharpie out of your bag and wrote your name on the front of Peters cast. Peters face reddened when he saw how big you had written it and he looked at his cast proudly.
“First one.” You smiled and put the sharpie down.
“Probably one of the only ones that will be on here.” Peter chuckled.
“Oh, really? Maybe I should add something else then.” You said and picked the sharpie back up. Peter couldn’t see what you were drawing until you gently turned his cast towards him.
“Do you like it?” You asked timidly. Peter looked at his cast and saw that you had drawn a big heart around your name.
“I love it.” Peter blushed. “Thank you.”
“Of course. It’s an honor to be the first.” You told him. “Oh, and I went by the tower while you were sleeping and grabbed some of your clothes. The doctor said I can take you home once you can stand on your own.”
“I feel great, actually. Thanks for getting the clothes.” Peter thanked you as he got out of his bed. He got changed in the bathroom and met you in the room once he was done. You helped Peter get signed out before taking him back to your apartment.
“Stay here. I’ll make up the bed for you. Can I get you anything?” You asked as you helped Peter sit on your couch.
“Could I have some water please?”
“Of course.” You cupped his chin before going to get him a glass of water. Peter would be lying if he said he didn’t love the way you were babying him because of his injury. You returned with his water and sat beside him on the couch.
“Is there anything else I could get you?”
“I would love to shower. But I can’t get my cast wet.” Peter frowned and looked at his cast.
“You don’t have to.” You said and got back up. You returned shortly with a black garbage bag and held it up to show Peter.
“You’re a genius.” He smiled and got up from the couch.
“I aim to please.” You shrugged and opened the bag up. Peter went to put his arm inside but you stopped him.
“Um, you should probably take off your shirt before I put this on.” You said sheepishly.
“Oh. Right.” Peter replied and tried to take his shirt off, which proved to be difficult with only one hand. After watching him struggle for a bit, you grabbed the hem and helped him take it off. Peters face reddened as you pulled the shirt over his head and he smiled softly. You did your best to keep your eyes on his as you tied the bag around his arm and tried not to look at his body.
“There. That should protect it from any water.” You said as you never broke eye contact.
“Thanks. That was really smart.” Peter said quietly. You stayed staring at each other for a little too long before you snapped out of it.
“The bathroom is the first door on the left. Shampoo and conditioner is all in there. And I have extra towels under the sink.“ You said as you stepped away from him.
“Cool. Thank you.” He smiled once again before walking to the bathroom. Your garbage bag idea worked perfectly and he was able to clean himself without getting any water on the cast. He dried himself off to the best of his ability with one hand and stepped back into his boxers and sweatpants from before. That’s when he realized he had left his shirt out in the living room with you. Peter gulped and fixed his hair in the mirror before going to find you again.
“Hey. All clean?” You asked when he came back into the living room.
“Yep. Could you take this thing off of me?” Peter asked and held up his arm.
“Sure.” You gulped and went over to him. You put on your best performance of pretending he wasn’t shirtless and glistening from the shower as you untied the bag and pulled it off. You made eye contact once again and quickly looked anywhere but his naked torso.
“Do you need help getting your shirt back on?” You asked and hoped the answer was yes.
“It’s okay. I think I can do it. You’ve already done so much.” Peter said as he grabbed the shirt. He managed to get one arm and both shoulders in before realizing he had no way of getting his cast through the shirt.
“I’m stuck.” He whined, making you laugh a little. He had his good arm sticking out over his head and his shirt riding up like a crop top .
“Aw. Look at you.” You chuckled and carefully pulled his broken arm through the shirt.
“Thanks. Again.” Peter laughed as well now that he was dressed.
“You’re very welcome. Now follow me. I’ll show you your bed.” You said and brought Peter to your guest bedroom. You had set it up for him while he was in the shower and put lots of extra pillows so he would be comfortable.
“Is there anything else I can do for you?” You turned to him to ask. Peter looked down at your lips for a moment before going back to your eyes.
“Um….” He trailed off and looked over at the bed.
“How about some sleep?”
“Yeah.” He laughs through a yawn. “That sounds really good. Thanks for taking care of me.”
“Anytime, Peter. Goodnight.” You squeezed his arm before leaving the room. Peter stayed frozen in place for a minute and tried to touch his arm where you hand had just been, then remembered it was broken.
Peter woke up the next morning to the sweet smell of pancakes. He got out of bed and noticed that the pain in his arm had almost completely gone away. He flexed his fingers, something the doctor mentioned that he probably wouldn’t be able to do for a while, and realized his arm was probably mostly healed. He decided not to mention that discovery to you as he went to go find you.
“Good morning.” You smiled at Peter when he walked into your kitchen.
“It’s a very good morning. Hi.” He smiled back as you handed him a cup of orange juice.
“Sit. Eat. I can cut it for you if you need.” You offered as you put a plate of pancakes in front of Peter.
“That’s okay. You don’t have to.” Peter smiled gratefully and picked up his fork. He went to pick up his knife and remembered his arm was in a cast.
“Hm.” He hummed when he realized his dilemma.
“Here. I got it.” You chuckled and took his fork. You cut Peters food up for him as he watched you with a dreamy smile. He’d never gotten this much attention from you before, or any girl for that matter. He was starting to think this broken arm was a gift from God.
“After breakfast, I can take you home and we can tell May together.” You offered as you got up and grabbed a spray bottle and a comb from the bathroom.
“Thank you. For everything. You’ve done so much already.”
“Please. I’ve barely done anything.” You scoffed and proceeded to wet his hair and then comb out his bed head. Peter turned to look at you with his newly styled hair and you sheepishly put the comb down.
“Okay. I see your point. I just like to take care of people. And I feel bad that you broke your arm. I’m sorry if I’m doing too much.” You explained as you sat back down.
“That’s okay. I’m not used to be taken care of like this. It’s kinda nice.” Peter admitted without looking at you.
“I think it’s nice too. To look after you.” You replied. You looked into each others eyes for a moment and exchanged a smile. Peter finished up his breakfast and got back into your car to go tell May what happened. As you explained to her everything the doctor had told you, all May could focus on was the pretty girl Peter had brought home.
“Wait, sorry, who are you?” May interrupted with an excited smile.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I’m Y/n Stark. Peter works with my dad. He got hurt on patrol and my apartment was as close by.” You explained.
“It’s so nice to meet you. I’m so glad Peter had such a lovely girl to take care of him. And that he knew where your apartment was. Because he’s been there before?” May asked and clasped her hands under her chin.
“Oh my God.” Peter groaned and hung his head. “It’s not like that, May.”
“Peter’s a friend.” You chuckled. “But I was happy to look after him.”
“Well I appreciate that. And I know he does too. He talks about you all the time, you know. I just didn’t realize it was you. He didn’t tell me how pretty you were.” May added.
“May.” Peter said warningly.
“Oh, thank you.” You laughed awkwardly. “Well, I should probably get going. See you later, Peter.”
“She’s cute.” May said once you were gone.
“She is. But you’ll probably never see her again because you just scared her off.” Peter groaned.
“I don’t know. Don’t think I don’t see that signature on your cast. It’s gonna take a lot more than an overbearing aunt to scare that girl off.” May said coyly.
“Wait, you really think so?” Peter asked.
“I’m just saying. I wouldn’t go to that length for just a friend.” May shrugged. A smile crossed Peters face as it occurred to him this broken arm might have been exactly what he needed to get you to like him back.
Peter walked into campus next day with his cast in a sling. He went to the table he usually sat at between classes and saw Ned already sitting there.
“Hey dude. You never texted me back last- OH MY GOD.” Ned screamed and pointed when he saw the cast.
“Calm down. I’m okay. I just broke my arm.” Peter said with a huge smile.
“Uh, why do you seem so happy about it?”
“Because Y/n Stark took care of me.” Peter whispered excitedly as he sat down.
“Wait, Tony Starks daughter?” Neds eyes widened. “What?! How?”
“I couldn’t swing so I had to go to the nearest apartment I could find, which was hers. She drove me to the hospital and got me clothes while I was in surgery. Then she brought me home and let me sleep at her place.” Peter explained.
“You slept at a girls place?” Ned’s jaw dropped as he grabbed Peters shoulders.
“I know! I wish you could’ve seen it, Ned. She was so worried about me so she did everything for me. I’m talking combing my hair, cutting my food, she even helped me get dressed. Honestly, I think she might like me.”
“That’s hilarious.” Ned laughed. “Good thing you didn’t break your funny bone. Oh my God, wait, did you?”
“No, dude. I’m serious. You should’ve seen her. She was all over me in a way she never has been before. I think this broken arm is the best thing that ever happened to me.”
“Peter!” Your voice came from behind Peter so he and Ned turned around in confusion.
“Woah. What’s she doing here?” Ned asked and shook Peters arm.
“I have no idea.” Peter replied as a smile broke out on his face.
“Hi. I hope it’s okay I showed up like this.” You said as you sat down beside Peter.
“It’s totally okay. I’m happy to see you.” Peter said and leaned on his good arm to stare at you.
“I know it must be hard to do things for yourself with only one hand, so I thought I would bring you lunch. My dad mentioned that you always eat all the peanut butter when you’re at the tower so I made you a PBJ. Do you like those?” You asked him.
“I love them. Thank you so much. This is so nice of you. You didn’t have to do that.” Peter said and touched your arm.
“It’s okay. I wanted to. I also cut you up some apple slices and packed a juice box.” You said and showed Peter was else was in the lunch bag you had brought.
“No way! I love apple juice.” Peters eyes lit up when he saw the juice. He reached for him but you put your hand on his arm.
“I got it.” You smiled at Peter and put the straw into the juice box. You then held the juice box up so that he could sip it, all while Ned watched in disgust.
“Oh my.” Ned mumbled.
“Are you doing anything tonight?” You asked Peter.
“I don’t think so. Why?”
“I figured since you can’t go on patrol while you’re healing, you could come hang with me at the tower. My dads been working on some new technology and I think you’d be a great help.”
“Yeah, yeah that sounds awesome.” Peter grinned and nodded his head.
“Oh, good. You said yes.” You smiled timidly. “I could pick you up after class?”
“Sure. I get out at 4:25.”
“I’ll be here. See you later, Peter.” You squeezed his arm and got up to leave.
“Did you see that? This arm is a goldmine! She’s never been this interested in me!” Peter exclaimed once you were gone.
“No girl has!” Ned said with equal excitement.
“This is even better than the spider bite. I hope I never heal.” Peter sighed happily and looked at his cast.
“Can I sign it?” Ned asked and fished in his backpack for a pen.
“Of course.” Peter smiled and moved his cast towards Ned. Ned gently held Peters arm in place and tried to write on the top of his cast above his elbow.
“Ugh, it’s too curved. Can you flex so I can get a solid surface?”
“No, I can’t flex my broken arm. And your name is just three letters. Is it really that hard?”
“I wanted to draw the blue amongus guy. Please?” Ned whined.
“Fine.” Peter rolled his eyes and flexed his arm the bets he could to give Ned a flat surface. When he did this, the cast cracked in half and fell in two pieces onto Peters lap. Chalk from the inside filled the air, making Peter and Ned cough as they waved it away.
“Oh shit.” Peter said and flexed his arm back and forth. Sure enough, it was perfectly healed.
“Dude!” Ned coughed. “I’m pretty sure you’re not supposed to do that.”
“My arm is healed. Damn it!” Peter groaned and slammed his now healed arm on the table.
“Isn’t that a good thing?” Ned asked as he drew an amongus character on one of the halves of Peters cast.
“No. My broken arm was the one thing making Y/n pay attention to me. Without it, she’ll want nothing to do with me.” Peter sighed and rubbed his face.
“Maybe you could break your other arm?” Ned suggested. “Or both arms?
“I’m not gonna break my arm on purpose. That’s too crazy. I just need a new cast.” Peter said as he began to brainstorm.
“Maybe not. Maybe you just need some tape.” Ned said as he held the two halves of the cast together. Peter looked at the two halves and smiled as he formed a plan.
Peter texted you that he’d meet you at the tower instead so that he could rush home to work on his plan. When you opened the tower door to greet him, the first thing you noticed was that his cast had been wrapped in duck tape down the middle that was then colored with a blue sharpie. You could see spots of wet Elmer’s glue around the obvious crack, despite the sling Peter had placed the arm in.
“Hi!” He greeted you.
“Hey, you. What happened to your cast?” You laughed and raised an eyebrow.
“Oh, nothing. I just scuffed it a little.” Peter lied and pulled it deeper into the sling.
“Uh huh. Come in.” You chuckled skeptically and led him to the lab. You held the door open for Peter and noticed him touching it with his broken hand as he passed through. You were already skeptical and decided to play with him a little.
“This is so cool. Your dad never lets me in here.” Peter said as he looked around the lab in awe.
“What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him. Come sit.” You smiled innocently and patted a chair at the lab table that wasn’t pulled out. Peter pulled it out with his broken hand and sat beside you. You eyed him curiously and he gave you an awkward smile. You decided not to expose him just yet and let him help you with a few things around the lab for an hour. He was beyond excited just to be there and you didn’t want to ruin it just yet.
“Can you figure out this formula for me?” You asked and handed Peter a marker.
“Sure.” He smiled and went to the whiteboard. He started writing with his broken hand and you watched with an amused smile.
“You should probably use your other hand.” You said, making Peter freeze.
“Oh. Right.” Peter forced a laugh. “I keep forgetting it’s broken. Which it definitely is. You saw it.”
“I did see it. Does it still hurt?” You asked and touched the sling.
“Oh yeah.” He lied. “Real bad.”
“Aw. Poor baby.” You pouted and brushed some hair off his face. Peter gulped and blushed under your touch as he made a fist with his broken hand. You noticed him moving his supposedly broken hand and decided to tease him a little.
“You know, it’s really a shame your arm is broken.” You said and took a step towards him.
“Because we have the place to ourselves. We could’ve had a little fun together. But obviously we can’t, with your broken arm and all.” You replied and watched his face carefully for a reaction.
“A little fun?” Peter gulped again as you got even closer.
“You know….” You smiled coyly and walked your fingers up his arm.
“No.” Peter swallowed. “I don’t know.”
“Come on. You’re telling me you haven’t dreamed of fooling around in one of the giant rooms in this place?” You asked and wrapped your arms around his neck.
“And you’re saying that’s what we would be doing? If my arm was healed?” Peter asked with wide eyes.
“Uh huh. Too bad it’s not.” You sighed dramatically and took a step back. Peter looked down at his fake broken arm and contemplated telling the truth.
“Yeah. That’s too bad.” He mumbled.
“Hey Peter?”
“Catch.” You said and tossed a paper weight at him. Peter caught it with ease in his broken hand, making his cast break in half again. You raised your eyebrows as Peter squeezed his eyes shut.
“Shit.” He whispered.
“Don’t feel bad.” You chuckled. “I knew you were faking it the second you walked in.”
“You did?” Peter sighed and pulled the cast and sling off.
“Come on, Peter. Duct tape?”
“I know. I’m not a craft boy.” Peter admitted with defeat.
“I can tell. So what’s with the fake cast?” You wondered as you folded your arms.
“The first one was real. I swear. But it healed quicker then I thought it would and I didn’t need it anymore.”
“Then why would you tape the cast around your healed arm?”
“Because I didn’t want you to know it was healed.” Peter mumbled, just barely audible but you still heard it.
“What?” You laughed. “Why not?”
Peter sighed again before looking into your eyes. You looked at him expectingly and he knew there was no way out of this.
“Because then you won’t hang out with me anymore.” He said with a sad smile.
“What?” Your smiled faded as your arms dropped.
“Before I broke my arm, I had trouble getting you to even look my way. But that night in your apartment, I never lost your attention. Not even once. And then you showed up at my school and met my friend and I guess I liked that so much that I wasn’t ready to let go of it yet. So I taped my cast back together to keep your attention a little longer. I’m sorry.”
“Peter, I didn’t do all those things because you have a broken arm. I did them because I like you.” You said as walked back towards him.
“You do?” Peter raised an eyebrow. “Even though I have two normal arms?”
“It’s something I’m willing to look past.” You smiled teasingly. Peter smiled back before winced and gripping his shoulder.
“What’s wrong?”
“I kinda triggered the injury when I broke the cast.” He grimaced and moved his shoulder in a circle.
“Aw. Do you want me to kiss it better?” You laughed sarcastically.
“Yeah. Can you?” Peter replied with equal sarcasm and held up his arm. You moved his arm down away from his face and leaned in to kiss him. Once Peter processed what was happening, he was able to kiss you back. He wrapped his now healed arm around your waist to pull you in, feeling the dull ache he got from moving it but deciding it was worth it.
“Any better?” You asked once you pulled away.
“Much.” Peter smiled and went to kiss you again.
Tag List 🏷️
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xxbimbobunnyxx · 5 months
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Thinking about Frat!Rafe and his frat bros having a car wash, not because they need money, no, it’s all just one big real life thirst trap. Their rich dad’s fund the frat so they’re absolutely going to just use the money on more beer. He begs you to come by because you’re “the only girl he wants to see there” and it doesn’t hurt that he can flex his hot girlfriend and the nice car he bought you on his bros.
“Rafe, you literally took my car through the car wash yesterday.”
“So? Don’t you wanna see me all soapy and wet, baby?”
So of course you end up going. You put on a slutty little outfit because if you’re going to go, you’re going to look hot. When you pull up next to him he smirks at you, his hair is slicked back from being wet, and his bare chest is glistening in the sun, little droplets of soap and water dripping down his abdomen. He runs over to your little car, leaning down to look at you, tapping his finger on your window. You roll your eyes as you roll it down.
“There’s my girl, gimme kiss.” He has to practically fold himself in half to push his head into the window, he takes your face in his hands and presses his lips against yours. When he pulls back, eyes roam the little pink top that accentuates your tits perfectly and the matching little pink skirt that’s ridden up your thighs while you were driving. “Damn baby, this all for me?”
“Always for you, daddy. Now chop, chop, wash my car.” You snap your fingers at him, sending him a wink before rolling your window up.
And wash your car he does. He makes a whole scene of it, pressing his swim trunk covered cock against the drivers window while he soaps up the roof, laying practically his whole body across your windshield, his soap slick abs on full display against the glass. He draws little hearts in the soap, blowing you kisses, sending you those fucking smirks that drive you crazy. When he’s done, he pulls open your door, practically ripping you from the drivers seat.
“You didn’t think I was gonna let you come here and not get my hands on you, did you?” One of his large hands laces through your hair while the other grabs your hip, pressing your back against your wet car before crashing his lips against yours. It’s a hungry kiss, all tongues and teeth. His brothers whoop and cheer around you but you don’t even care because he feels so good. “Now chop, chop, baby, run along. I’ll see your cute little ass later.”
He pats your ass twice before pulling away from you, opening your door for you and walking away, leaving you breathless and wet in more ways than one.
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2K notes · View notes
slttygeto · 1 year
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synopsis: on your night out with your boyfriend, you start feeling a little needy which results in him taking matters into his own hands. but after being rudely interrupted by his best friend, suguru knows exactly what to do with you.
content warning (so much omg): porn with a bit of a plot, fem! reader, established relationship, there's a bit of a dom/sub dynamic between reader and geto but it's not very obvious, dry humping, making out in the car, semi-clothed sex, sex on the couch, cunnilingus, blowjob, praise<3 lots of it, pet names (baby), dirty talk, suguru knows how to talk, size kink, fucking on satoru's couch, throat/face fucking, squirting, strength kink. heavily not proof-read (i was too tired) really, just grab your shower head.
word count: 3,5k
note: thank u for almost 9k followers! and most importantly, i need to get railed by this man. and very soon.
another note: my one and only @aurelianamu was the one to suggest the idea btw!!!
comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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suguru loved you like this. when you were so horny and needy that no thought in your head was cohered, and all you cared about is having his cock inside you. the way you got flustered as you watched him drive, your face turning red and your breath catching in your throat when he fixed his pants or his shirt rode up a little to reveal the happy trail beneath the fabric. or how you immediately turned to look out of the window when he put his hand on your thigh, praying that he wouldn’t squeeze it.
suguru found it so amusing, how you were trying to act like none of it was affecting you but he could feel the way you were squeezing your thighs together, or shifting on the seat to grind your pretty clit against something, anything, even if it was the seat of his car.
which eventually resulted in him pulling the car over in a pretty dark area and ushering you to straddle his lap.
it wasn’t the most comfortable position, but you did not care—suguru’s lips are on yours. suguru was kissing you so good you were starting to feel dizzy, his hands were squeezing your thighs, your ass, your waist—and your were slowly starting to lose your mind at the electrifying feeling of his rough, big hands on your skin. he pulls away from your lips and kisses down your neck, smiling when you quickly melt on top of him and your hands are shakily placed on his shoulders, squeezing them to let him know he was making you feel so good (although your sounds were making it pretty obvious).
you start moving your hips back and forth on his crotch, and despite being pretty out of it and dizzy, you smile when you hear the muffled groan of your lover, his lips pausing at a certain spot on your neck before switching to his teeth.
he pulls away from your neck and stares at your hips, at loss for words at the way you swiftly roll them back and forth on his pretty visible bulge and he sighs, a hand gripping your side before staring up at you—your flushed face and fucked out look.
“fuck, you’re so sexy.” he whispers under his breath and lets his other hand find your other side, squeezing hard enough to make you pull up your shirt for him to see your skin. “that’s right, that’s it baby.” his praise sends tingles down to your pussy, and you think to yourself that there’s no way you were going to cum like this—in your clothes, in suguru’s car in some random place he found. but it was happening, and the realization that you were going this far just because you were horny for your lover seems to soak your panties even more.
but the moment is short lived when suguru’s phone starts pinging. once, then twice and then the sound of notifications is louder than your moans and your lover’s groans, and it’s hard to ignore it now. you huff a little when he reaches for his phone on the front board of his car and his eyes squint in annoyance trying to see who could possibly need him right now.
of course it’s his best friend.
dude i left in a hurry this morning for a mission and i kinda dont know if i turned off the stove or not
you live pretty close could you pleaseeee go check on it for me?
ill pay you
actually i wont but pls go check it cause im really far away from home
suguru sighs out loud and leans back on the head rest of the seat. he sees your disappointed stare along with your flushed cheeks and brings a hand up to your face, thumb caressing your jaw before tracing your lips.
“sorry baby, we’re gonna have to start driving.”
“was it satoru?” your immediate and correct guess on who could possibly interrupt such a great moment has your lover smiling to himself before placing a hand behind your head and pulling you closer to him. he kisses you sweetly, tries not to deepen it but when you whine against his lips and pull away, he almost says fuck it and pushes his seat back to fuck you on all fours.
“it must be urgent,” you say against his lips before shuffling back to your seat. “come on, lets go.”
suguru hates when you’re this disappointed and sad, he wishes he could tell satoru he didn’t see the messages and take you to the back seats of the car to fuck your brains out. but he knows that satoru knows him too well, and that there’s no way he didn’t see the messages.
he starts the car and on the way there, suguru comes up with an idea. he doesn’t share it with you, knowing that you would immediately shut it down and flat out refuse. so he waits until you two get there to share his plan with you, knowing very well that a simple kiss and grinding his painful bulge against your core would easily make you give in to it.
when you arrive to satoru’s place, you feel tired, worn out. you and suguru did absolutely nothing beside dry humping, but having it be interrupted so suddenly made your mood drop a bit too hard. you stand in the living room of the strongest himself, looking at the various framed pictures of himself and your lover through every single ugly, awkward and embarrassing phase of their lives and it’s heartwarming.
but one thing you can never get used to is how expensive satoru is. you forget that he swims in money, and so his apartment was a duplex that reeked of opulence, with furniture that probably cost more than your yearly income. you try not to touch anything and choose to stand next to the couch while your boyfriend checks the house to see if his best friend did indeed leave anything on.
“he needs to put cameras here or something,” you say when you see your boyfriend approach the living room with a relaxed stance, hands in his pockets.
“hm, why?”
“it’s pretty fancy, you don’t think he could get robbed?” suguru smiles at your worry and places a hand on the back of your head before pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“i’m pretty sure anyone who thinks it’s a good idea to rob satoru is stupid.” it doesn’t ease your worry but you decide to let go of it.
“well, if everything is safe then let’s go.” suguru’s hand doesn’t leave the back of your head. instead, it travels down to the small of your back and pushes you closer to him, your chests flushed against one another.
“we’re not in a hurry baby, and we were in the middle of something before coming here.” you freeze when you realize what he was insinuating and your hands immediately go up to his chest, in hopes of making him realize what he was suggesting in the first place.
“baby… we’re in satoru’s house,” you laugh nervously, hoping that the mention of his best friend's name snaps something in him-- but you don’t try to push him away, the arousal that you felt in the car coming back in strong waves when you notice the lustful stare of your boyfriend.
“and? satoru is not here,” his other hand rests on the back of your thigh and travels up to your ass, squeezing the flesh. “I left my baby hanging,” he leans down and brushes his lips against your quickening pulse. “you were so close in the car, I’m sure I can make you cum quickly, yeah?”
normally, you wouldn’t have agreed to this, to being fucked stupid on satoru’s expensive camel leather couch in his living room. you would’ve pushed your boyfriend’s head away from between your thighs and told him how absolutely insane all of this was. normally, you wouldn’t be this fucking horny to begin with.
but you were, and it was stopping you from thinking straight.
suguru on his knees was already enough to make you drool, but the way he had pushed your skirt up and gripped your thighs before diving into your pussy—you were starting to think all of this was a dream. but when you looked down and locked eyes with an eager looking suguru, tonguing at your clit before sliding his nose over the sensitive bud and dipping his tongue past your folds, you felt how real all of this was.
you were a mess, chest heaving and hands not knowing what to hold onto. they rest on your boyfriend’s shoulders but you quickly retreat them when he starts sucking on your clit so good, your back arches off of the couch.
“oh—“ you buck up your hips but suguru easily pins you back down with a single hand. “oh god.” you sigh and throw your head back, hands gripping onto the couch.
your boyfriend looks up once again, and he has to hold himself back from fisting his cock at the sight of you—a fucked out mess from his mouth. your hair was everywhere, and your lips looked swollen from his kisses. you don’t seem to notice the way he’s staring at you, solely focused on the way he’s sucking on your clit and he chuckles. he does and watches your eyes roll to the back of your head, so fucking pretty.
you try to fuck yourself on his tongue, grinding on his mouth for any sort of relief. your could taste your orgasm, it was at the tip of your tongue and when suguru pins you down to the couch with his strong hands, watching his arms flex is what sends you over the edge.
“that’s right, baby come on,” his praise makes you whine out loud. “come on baby, let that pussy make a mess on me.”
you cum on suguru’s tongue with a mixture of a cry and a whine, toes curling and your thighs shaking as you try to come down from your orgasm. each kiss your boyfriend presses to your clit as you let your orgasm wash over you sends a jolt through your body, and right when you think he’s done, he’s standing up and the visible bulge in his pants makes your mouth water.
you expect him to free his cock from his pants, and the eager look on your face makes him chuckle.
“what? you want this?” his hand palms his cock and you nod, hands resting on his thighs as his bulge is now at eye level with you. “this is what you’ve been wanting all night, right baby?” his hand rests at the top of your head, and your chest swells with something when you look up at him and find him staring down at you, looking so proud. butterflies dance in your stomach as you hold eye contact with him, your hand tracing his bulge with delicate fingers.
“go on, kiss it,” your hands start to unbuckle his belt but his quiet “ah, ah” makes you halt your movements.
“kiss it through the pants baby, I don’t think you’re ready to have it yet,” you don’t try to protest, fingers grabbing his thighs before pressing a kiss to his bulge. you drag your tongue over the fabric of his pants until you reach his belt. you push up his shirt and kiss his stomach before sliding your tongue over the same happy trail that almost drove you crazy earlier that night.
“one more baby,” his hand rests under your chin and tilts up for you to look at him. you kiss the bulge again, and again and again. you hear suguru chuckle from above and his hand caresses your throat for a bit.
you watch with eager eyes as his hand starts to unbuckle his belt and you rest your hands on the back of his thighs, patiently waiting for him to throw the belt somewhere before you’re unzipping his pants and freeing his cock from its confines. you hold his heavy in your hand, stroke it a couple of times before kissing the angry tip.
“fuuuck, look at you,” his hand goes back to your neck and squeezes it. “not so worried about satoru finding out anymore, hm?” the lazy grin he flashes you makes you shift on the couch and you’re suddenly aware that you’re grinding your pussy against satoru’s couch.
you shake your head and tap the tip of his dick on your lips and then wrapping them around the sensitive head. you pull away from his cock completely before kissing the base of his cock, the sight of you appreciating his cock with kisses and licks makes suguru place a hand on top of your head.
“shit, baby,” you lick all the way from the base up to the tip before pushing his cock inside your mouth. your hand wraps around the rest of his cock and you start to bob your head at a slow pace, your smaller fingers trying their best to stimulate all of his cock. suguru looks absolutely breathtaking from this angle.
his hair was sticking to his forehead and he had his shirt pull all the way up, holding it in place with his hand. his hips buck towards your mouth a few times and you gag each time, pulling away from him to breathe only to wrap your mouth around him not only five seconds later. he wishes he could find your eagerness amusing, but he finds it hot. he can feel his thighs tingling and the drool that’s trickling down to his balls makes the sight of you sucking him off on his best friend’s couch even hotter.
“yeah, just like that,” he sighs and throws his head back. his eyes flutter shut and you take it as a sign to go faster, your other hand finds his balls and you carefully start to fondle them, you hollow your cheeks and bob your head faster.
“fuck baby, mhm,” he looks down at you and finds you staring up at him, flashing you a smile that reaches up to his flushed cheeks. “god, I could fall in love all over again.”
you let go of his balls and slowly let go of his base before bracing yourself on his thighs. suguru watches as you inhale before pushing his entire cock down your throat, gagging and then pulling away.
“b-baby,” he chokes out, his hand finding the back of your head. you repeat the same motion once, and then twice and the faster you got, the harder it was for suguru to have complete control over himself.
“breathe in for me,” his hands grab your face and you do as he tells you, closing your eyes as you brace yourself for the contact. suguru starts fucking your face at a slow pace, but it picks up when he hears the sound of your throat being absolutely destroyed. you gag on him a couple of time and there’s drool on your lap and on the couch, but you don’t let it stop you from nuzzling your nose against suguru’s pubes.
your boyfriend chokes out a few curse words as he cums down your throat, and when he pulls away, his hands are all over your neck, caressing it and praising you for taking him so well. you cough a few times and there’s tears running down your cheeks, but you still manage to flash your tall lover a drunken smile and your hand finds its way towards his very sensitive cock.
“baby—“ he tries to protest, his eyes squeezing shut.
“more suguru,” you kiss the tip and he almost falls over. “I want more. if we’re gonna do it on satoru’s couch, might as well make it worth it, yeah?”
you were the devil, and suguru who usually bragged about how hard it is for anyone to trick him was easily falling in your trap.
he towers over you on the couch and kisses you so roughly you’re pushed back on the couch. your legs wrap around his middle and your arms find his neck, and you can’t deny how good it feels to have suguru’s big body covering you whole with so much ease.
his cock quickly hardens from you two making out, and when you feel it poke your thigh, your hand reaches down to stroke it and your thumb grazes the tip.
“you’re having too much fun,” he whispers against your lips and you giggle, but it quickly dies down when he pushes past your wet folds with so much ease. you don’t need time to adjust, but the force in which he was fucking you with knocks the wind out of your lungs.
“satoru will never find out what we did on his couch,” he says, out of breath. “he will never know that I ate this weeping pussy so good on his couch,” his hand then finds your neck and squeezes with a lazy grin. “or that I’m fucking it stupid while he’s away on a mission,”
each word goes straight towards your pussy, your brain seems to stop functioning because you stop responding to your boyfriend and your lips are parted in pleasure. his thrusts are getting rougher and sloppier, and he presses a hand on your stomach with an eager grin.
“if you’re gonna cum on me again, might as well make it messy.” you don’t understand what he means at first, too lost in the feeling of your approaching orgasm on your fingertips. but when it washes over you in violent waves and small cries and suguru fails to pull away from you, but chooses to press harder on your stomach, you start to panic.
“suguru—“ you choke out a sob when the tip of his cock keeps abusing the same spot and over again. “suguru, it’s too much—!”
“you can take it,” his voice is low and his eyes are fixated on the way your squelching pussy seems to not want to let go of him. “just one more baby, okay? one—“ he sighs out and his pace falters for a second but he finds eagerness once again when he sees your head thrown back and hears the cries of pleasure.
he pushes your legs up to your chest and presses them there as he pounds into you with all of his strength. the couch starts moving with each monstrous drive of his hips, and your eyes widen when you feel something down there.
“suguru wait—“ your hands try to push at his shoulders. “m-messy, it’s gonna be messy!”
“good,” he keeps fucking into you and pins you down to the couch with his weight. “come on, I know this pussy can make a mess,”
your eyes roll to the back of your head when you feel his pelvis rub down on your clit, and along with the tip of his cock incessantly abusing that sensitive spongy spot, your body finally lets go and you let the earth shattering orgasm wash over you in shaky waves and a loud cry.
suguru curses under his breath when he feels you spray him with hot liquid but he doesn’t stop and continues to fuck into you until he empties himself inside you with a groan before pulling away from you, afraid to hurt you by plopping himself on top of you.
it takes you a good minute to catch your breath, and suguru caresses your stomach snd thighs, soft praises fill the air before you can finally look him in the eye with a less hazy mind.
“hi baby,” he says softly, a hand resting on your stomach.
“hi,” you reply in a voice barely above a whisper and he leans down to press a kiss to your forehead.
“let’s get you cleaned up, yeah?” you don’t say anything and let him lift you up and carry you to one of satoru’s guest bathrooms.
despite feeling drowsy, your earlier concern resurfaces at the top and when you jolt as your boyfriend sits you on the toilet seat, he quickly expresses his worry about hurting you.
“did I hurt you?”
“are we gonna clean satoru’s couch before we leave?”
suguru stares down at you in amusement but answers you anyway.
“I’ll get a cleaner baby, you don’t worry that pretty head, okay?” you hum in response. there’s silence for a moment before you speak up again.
“that poor cleaner,” you say sleepily, head resting on suguru’s stomach. “give him a tip, okay?”
your boyfriend stifles a laugh and pats your head.
“yeah baby, no problem.”
two days later, you’re laying in bed with your boyfriend, watching a random show on TV before his phone starts pinging again. you both lock eyes before he's checking who's texting him. and lo and behold,
i told you my couch is comfortable
but damn getting a cleaner for it???? you two sure got comfortable
suguru shows you the messages exchanged between himself and his best friend and he laughs when your face still turns a red color.
“I told you he wouldn’t mind.”
“no! he knows we’re messy!” your boyfriend pulls you on top of him and his hand lands on your ass with a harsh smack.
“you mean filthy,”
“not the point!”
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2023 ; all works belong to @ slttygeto. do not repost my works on any other platofrm.
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sttoru · 1 year
omgg how about car sex with gojo?
⟣ tags. gojo satoru x female reader. unprotected, creampie, breast play. spanking. big dick satoru bcs. yes.
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you wouldn’t have agreed to this if satoru’s windows weren’t tinted. luckily for both of you they were and it was in the middle of the night—an empty parking lot serving as the perfect setting for your ‘activities’.
“shit—look at you, riding this cock so fuckin’ well.” satoru grins, slumping back in his seat, legs spread with his hands on your hips to guide you back and forth on top of him. you were doing most work however, bouncing and sometimes grinding against him in attempt to take his massive length in as far as it could reach.
“nghhh, ‘toru, s’good.” your fingers dug into his shoulder and curl around the material of his shirt. the condensation on the car windows becomes more noticeable the more you two go at it. your mixed breath, gasps and moans fill the air whilst your combined thrusts make the car itself shake in its place.
satoru’s hand lands harshly on your ass once, and then twice for good measure. he relishes in the sensations of you tightening up whenever he’s spanking you; “yeah? i know it is. you wouldn’t be bouncing on my dick like a desperate and greedy little thing if it wasn’t.”
you felt like you could run out of breath at any moment thus you slowed down a bit, pressing your upper body against your lover’s to calm yourself down—the pleasure chasing was a tiring task after all. especially when satoru’s mainly letting you do all the work while he’s lazily leaning back against the headrest.
he did look as handsome as ever; the light blue dress shirt crinkled and slightly unbuttoned at the bottom to let you see his abs tensing with each grunt, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows which allowed you to see every vein on his arms whilst his hands played with your breasts. the one thing that perfected that look were his sunglasses which rested on the top of his head. satoru had apparently took them off to see you in all your glory;
“already tired, hm?” he chuckles once he notices how much you’re struggling to resume your movements. his hand strokes the back of your head lovingly, the other still playing with your tits, “want me to help you out?”
you nod with a weak ‘please’, too exhausted to ride him any further all on your own. you had already came thrice whilst he had reached his climax only once.
“aww, all right, pretty.” satoru chuckles before slowly lifting your hips up and off his lap, eyes darkening for a second once he sees the mess on his dick and thighs—your own slick mixed with his cum staining his skin. it made him want to devour you right away.
he lays you down over the backseat and wastes no time climbing between your legs, pumping his length with one hand whilst looking down at your body spread out for him in such a small place.
having spent the last half an hour seeing you bounce on his cock whilst he did nothing but smack your ass or play with your tits was all for this moment—he was gathering and sparing his energy to fuck you good at last;
“hold onto me, angel. can’t guarantee you’ll be able to walk straight after this.”
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victoryverse · 7 months
simon and price's reactions to you going commando on a celebratory dinner after the guys are back
simon: would go feral when he would place his hand on your waist to hold you close, when you would be wearing a little black dress, made of a thin flimsy material.
he would be shocked when he doesn't feel the pantyline, and would smooth his hands there twice just to make sure.
his eyes would be blown out, gulping down hard because he knows you would be wet down there, and he would definitely punish you after for doing that
maybe it would be sooner, in the bathroom stall of the club. you would go there together, something about you not feeling well
they would nod, and the second the door would close, a sharp spank would land on your ass, making you yelp.
"oh? that stings?"
you would nod, a cute pout as he would pull the dress up, and up and up, till you would protest and want to pull it down.
"oh? is it? you want to cover yourself? just now your bum then?"
you would give him doe eyes, and he would have none of that. turn you around and been you over on the sink, but making you look at yourself in the mirror
his finger would slip inside, cunt too wet and slicky to resist. his thick digits would curl and twist, making you moan and whimper.
"like that? huh? like being a little slut?" as he drills his fingers into you, his index and middle going inside and out at an unforgiving pace.
"rub your little clit. make a fucking mess" he would command, and your shaky fingers would reach between, rubbing your puffy and swollen clit till you;re coming undone.
squirt all over the place, pools of wetness slipping out with each thrust, as he pulls his fingers out and pushes them back in.
"oh yeah, fuck, let it all out." mixed with "yeah, good girl good fucking girl" and "now, if you are needy outside, the whole club is gonna see just how bad how I want to punish you.
price: would get a hint of it because you would be all giggly and blushy while leaving the house, and he's a smart man, so...
would purposely make you sit on his lap at the club. the lights would be dim, so dim that the large tent in his pants is almost invisible.
you would be dumbfounded when he would pat his lap, knowing you were done for. you tried being mischievous, and this man would make sure you knew the consequences of it.
"c'mon baby, sit on your captain's lap" soap would tease playfully, only for you to roll your eyes at him and slowly, make your way to him.
you would try to sit only on one thigh, but he would grab your bum with his strong hands, pick you up and reposition you so your clenching hole is right above his boner.
a whisper of "you asked for it" while he would place you perfectly, a moan ripping from your lips at the hard intrusion.
"oh god" would also slip off, making them turn their heads. you would smile, but they aren't idiots, would definitely know what's going on.
"good girl. now stay like that. one grind and you're getting fucked in the backseat"
do you want that? yes. would you obey him? no. absolutely not.
the night would end with the car being parked in a dark alleyway, with windows fogged up as you rode him with all you had. hips bruised and cunt tingling from the sensations.
"don't you dare stop. you brought this on yourself" while he fucks up into you, his pubes and leg hairs all wet from your arousal. plenty of it would run down continuously, wetting and making a mess everywhere.
not that he would care. would suck on your nipples while you would push up and down on his cock, his tip brushing against your spongey spots with each thrust.
you would feel him in your stomach, his cock rearranging your insides and making your mind go fucked.
when he would cum, would flood your pussy with it, making you clench hard to hold it in. then, he would make you sit beside him while he drove back home.
"the seat should be dry when we get home. no wet patch or I'll hide all your panties tonight. none to wear when you;re getting ready for office tomorrow.
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luveline · 6 days
hey love! first of all: i have to admit i started watching criminal minds for the first time earlier this year only bc of your spencer fics! can we get more stripper!reader and spencer? love your writing!!!
thank you!! It’s a slow routine. You begin in a crouch in your underwear, just like at the club. Chest to your knees, arms twisted with the backs of your hands touching. But, unlike at the club, this underwear is comfortable. There’s nobody watching, and you won’t make any tips. You don’t have a pole nor a stage. 
You run through the routine but forgo any pole tricks. You stretch for long, slow minutes, dancing from one space to another. The music in your head isn’t anything you’d play at home, but it works to keep time. You end on your knees again. 
It’s not fun. 
You stretch toward your phone and pick it up. Spencer’s texted you twice in the ten minutes you weren’t on it. 
Hi gorgeous, the first begins, do you want to sleep over? I can make you dinner. 
The second, Sorry, I don’t think I’ve ever called you gorgeous before, is that weird? Please come over and pretend I didn’t say that if it was weird
A third pops up while you’re reading. Can I come get you? 
You text him back with pleasure. He’s the only guy in your life who talks to you just to talk, without thinking he could fuck you if he says enough right things, even though he has fucked you. Hi babe you can call me anything it’s not weird, I’ll come over! Not working this week, maybe I can stay two days(?) let me know so I can pack enough clothes 
You can stay all week, if you want to. I miss you 
You imagine him holding his phone, his cheeks pink with blush. 
I miss you too, you text back. 
Just bring what you want to and we can work it out later
Working it out later could mean anything with Spencer. He’s silly enough to try and put you in his clothes, and generous enough to take you shopping if it saves the time it takes to drive you home. 
You’ve packed a bag of clothes and shower things when your phone rings. Spencer’s contact photo covers the whole screen, the two of you together with your face cut out, his smile wide. You were both a teeny bit tipsy. 
“Hello?” you answer, bringing the phone to your ear. 
“Hi!” He sounds nervous. “I’m outside. Am I gonna get towed?” 
“Not if you stay in the car. I’m on my way down right now.” 
“Okay, see you in a second,” he says. 
He never looks comfortable behind a steering wheel. You aren’t sure why he doesn’t sell his car, maybe because it’s dirt cheap to maintain. He never seems happy to be driving is all. 
He smiles when you approach his door, which is better. He rolls down the window. 
“Are you okay?” he asks. You bend at the knees to see him better. 
“Why wouldn’t I be?” 
“I had a weird feeling about you, like you weren’t alright.” 
You lean down further. “I’m okay.” 
He grins. You’re waiting for a kiss he doesn’t give, finding yourself a subject for his staring, completely still as his gaze follows around your face. He makes no move to kiss you, and for a moment insecurity blossoms. 
“Well, you look okay. Are you getting in? It’s cold,” he says, nodding toward the passenger side.
“No help with my bags?” you ask, closing the door when he tries to open it. “Kidding.” 
You round the hood and climb inside. Then Spencer kisses you, polite but emphatic, one on your lips and another just under your jaw as he squeezes your shoulder. You feed into them lovingly.
“Maybe you can stay at my place forever? That way I can stop missing you all the time,” he says, pulling away slowly. 
“And when the mystery is gone?” you ask. 
“I don’t want mystery with you.” 
Spencer takes your bag from your lap and shoves it into the back seat. You drop the smaller one on your shoes. 
“Do you wanna get pizza or something?” he asks. 
You hold your jaw where he’d kissed you. “Sure,” you say, tingles of his kiss lingering under your hand. 
“Or Chinese? What do you want?” 
You want more kisses, but you love that he always gives you options. “Pizza for sure. Curly fries, too. Hold my hand?” 
Spencer takes it with gusto over the gearstick, and whatever felt like it was missing earlier fills itself in. “Wait,” you say softly, before he can take the car out of park, “just…” You grab his side and drag him toward you for a hug. Holding hands wasn’t gonna be enough —Spencer doesn’t know it yet, but you love him, love how safe he makes you feel, love how fun he makes your life. You can be yourself with him, no matter who that really is.
Spencer holds you, his hand across your shoulder blade rubbing soft lines. 
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fremulon · 4 months
Crowley was rather proud of the Employee Hellpline. There had been a contest, about twenty years back, to create the most confusing phone structure possible, and Crowley had won. (He'd got inspired by calling up a telecom company to cancel service. Despite the fact that he'd made the call without an account, he'd left having agreed to a phone/television/Internet bundle and two magazine subscriptions.)
What he’d forgotten was the fact that he was an Employee, and thus had to navigate the labyrinthine obscurity of the Hellpline every time he needed to put in a request for a little extra power or office supplies. Fortunately, he didn't tend to make many calls; unfortunately, this meant that any insight he gained into the pattern had generally evaporated by the next time he had to face it.
Which was how he came to be sitting in his car, twenty minutes late for lunch, being informed in a monotone that he’d better listen carefully to the following menu, as options might have changed.
“For complaints about colleagues, press 1. For complaints colleagues made about you, press 2. For accounts payable, press 3, then 8, then turn the phone around and repeat. For accounts receivable, enter your ID in reverse. For all other financial requests, spell the first 10 pages of the Bee Movie script using your keypad. For—”
There was a knock at the window. “Are you quite all right?” Aziraphale said.
Crowley rolled the window down, half-listening to the phone menu. “Sorry I’m late—”
“You weren’t late. You drove up twenty-five minutes ago and took the ‘Reserved for Customers of AZ Fell & Co’ spot. So no actual customers have been able to park here this entire time. Which is dreadful,” Aziraphale added happily. 
“This concludes the menu. Make your selection in the next four seconds or this call will be terminated. Four…three…” Crowley racked his brains attempting to remember whether accounts payable was 8, then 3, or— “Good-bye,” the voice said, with gloomy satisfaction, and hung up.
“Ahhh, sanctify it.”
“I’m trying to get this reimbursement through. I had to buy eighty live bats for this work thing, and apparently that kind of order can’t go through the normal process. So I’m on the Hellpline. But this consecrated phone—”
“Didn’t you design the system?”
“Might’ve done.”
“May I?” 
Crowley hit Redial and placed the phone in Aziraphale’s outstretched hand.
Aziraphale listened thoughtfully to the first list of menu options, then tapped the phone. He listened a bit longer, tapped twice more, said, “Mammal, not otherwise specified,” and handed it back. 
A voice crackled in Crowley's ear. “Accounts payable, living creatures from twoscore to nine dozen. How can I hinder you today?”
“One sec,” Crowley said, and moved the phone away. “How’d you do that?”
“It was yours, wasn’t it?” 
“I suppose I simply know how to thwart you,” said Aziraphale smugly. “Go on,” he said, nodding at the phone as he got in the car. “We’re late.”
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obsessivevoidkitten · 10 months
And The Law Won
Yandere Police Officer x Gender Neutral Reader (CW: Imminent noncon, coerced oral sex, cum swallowing, handcuffing, kidnapping, chloroforming, general yandere behavior, abuse of power, DILF) Word Count: 754 (Drabble that became a minific, deleted due to typo that had already been reblogged a lot. Hope you all enjoy)
It all started when you were driving home late one night. You had been held up at work and all of the roads were pretty clear at this hour, you hadn’t encountered even a single car on the road the entire time. So you didn’t really see much harm in running a red light or two. But almost immediately after you had, even at 3 in the am a police car was on your tail, seemingly materializing out of nowhere. You pulled over and waited for the inevitable ticket. This was just great. You were already so behind on bills and the tickets were ridiculous. You sighed in defeat as you rolled down your window while thinking to yourself that you would never financially recover from this. The officer approached your window, a tall and fairly muscular looking older gentleman. He was a grizzled bear of a man who appeared to be in his mid 40s. His voice was deep and authoritative. “I am Hewlett, the chief of police. Do you know why I pulled you over?” “I ran a red light…” You said meekly, unable to meet the intense gaze of his eyes. “You ran two red lights,” he corrected harshly. He could see you look even farther away in embarrassment and shame, you clearly dreaded the ticket that was about to come your way and would probably go pretty far to avoid it. Times were hard. And he had gotten pretty good at telling how far an individual would go to avoid a hefty fine. “I am afraid I am going to have to write you two tickets.” You were fucked, you could never afford two separate tickets! He smirked. “Or…” He started. And before you knew it he was on the other side of the vehicle, where your car would shield him from any potential passersby, with you sitting in the passenger seat. Your head bobbing back and forth on his cock. Now you knew why the Chief of Police, someone of such a high rank, was doing traffic stops at an out of the way light. He ran his strong calloused hands through your hair as you dutifully blew him. The warmth felt amazing. You were pretty good at this. Your jaw hurt, but it was worth it to avoid two tickets. Something about you made his heart beat faster. Maybe it was the way you looked up at him intermittently to read his face to tell if you were pleasing him, maybe it was just the way you carried yourself, or just how obedient you were and how easily you melted to his desire. Whatever it was didn’t matter really, he just knew he needed more of you. His balls tensed and his cock throbbed, suddenly your mouth was full of his cum. He held both sides of your head and spoke one more command. “Swallow.” You did without hesitation, even though the lingering flavor made you feel dirty. Even after you got home and washed your mouth out twice over. The next time you drove home you made sure to take a new route. Even though it was 15min. longer. But it wouldn’t help you now. Hewlett had your license plate info. A few nights later, when you were watching some youtube videos to relax after work, you heard a sudden crash at your window. You went to investigate, thinking maybe the neighbor’s cat had knocked over another one of your terracotta flower pots. Your window was smashed open. You turned around to rush out the door. At best there was a vandal in your neighborhood, at worst someone had broken in. It was the latter. As you ran you smacked right into Hewlett, his all black attire barely visible in the shadows. He grabbed you and pressed a rag to your face. You were out cold quickly. When you woke up your head was killing you and your thoughts were fuzzy. It took a good few minutes to completely be aware of what was happening to you. You were handcuffed to a bed in a room that looked like it had been sound proofed. Hewlett stood over you grinning, grinding his lubed cock into your entrance as those rough hands of his rubbed your thighs. “Oh good, you’re awake. Now we can begin~” You struggled weakly against the cuffs. But it was no use. You thought you were fucked when you were about to receive two tickets, but no. Now you were truly about to be screwed.
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cyberkinks · 2 months
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⤷︎︎ 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐬, sneakylink!?chan, wom!reader, him being gentle and rough, fingering, a little oral sex, multiple positions, him still being gentle and kinda rough, pillow talking, praising?.
⤷︎︎ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬, use of foul language, use of pet names (maybe), misspellings (maybe).
⤷︎︎ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞, friends to lovers?, smut, fluff, idol au.
⤷︎︎ 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲, during a party 3 weeks ago, you and chris had a moment in your bedroom and every since then, he was on your mind so you decided to pick up the phone, finally.
⤷︎︎ 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐫, this is for entertainment purposes only!
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: hello everyone, i randomly wrote half of this in my notes and finished writing the rest here lol. but i hope y’all enjoy and a side note, i need someone like this. 🥲
⤷︎︎ 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝: no, unedited.
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it was a dark night. you were home alone since your roommate went out to celebrate her birthday with her friends. you would’ve went but you felt too “sick”. that was obviously a lie and you know she’d ask you about it the next day. you felt fine but…there was one person lingering on your mind and you couldn’t seem to get him out.
christopher bahng. yeah. that’s right. every since your last interaction with him at the beach party. his ghostly touch remains on your skin which ignited a fire inside of you.
you let out a shaky breath as you slid your hand down your underwear, gently placing two fingers on your clit. you thought of everything about him. his smile, his laugh, his voice, the kisses, his touch. everything.
your head went back as you roll your sensitive pearl in slow motions, moaning as your legs opens wider. it felt so good. you were getting lost in the sensation of the pleasure you were giving yourself. the feeling of euphoria swoops over you causing the fire inside you to spread in the right places.
you need more. you want more. you glance over at your phone and picked it up without hesitation and dialed chans number not even thinking twice about it.
the phone continues to ring until you hear a voice. “Hello? y/n?” his voice makes your clit jump. “u-um, hi, i’m sorry. i-i know it’s late but…i need you to come over.” you admit.
“Huh? why? is everything okay? did your hand get stuck in the sink again?” he asks jokingly but you couldn’t even react because you were over the moon. “no, nothing like that, i just…i need you.”
his breath hitches. “okay, i’ll be over in a few minutes.” you took a deep breath. “okay, see you then.” is all you say before hanging up the phone.
20 minutes later, you hear a car beeping outside. you got up from the bed and threw on a near by jacket and slips on your slippers and out the door you went.
when you reach his car, he rolls down the window and you smile softly at him. “Hi.” you greet him. “Hey, mind if i come in or…” he licks his lips. “you can come in.” you nod.
he turns his engine off and hops out the car and closes the door behind him. he grabs your hand and looks at you. “why’d it take you so long to call me?” he asks you out of curiosity and you shrug. “I didn’t think you’d pick up.” you answer honestly and he nods in understanding. “i see, but i did, didn’t i?” he moves closer towards you. “yeah, this time.” you whisper. his arms snakes around your waist and you instantly melt. “i’ll always pick up for you.” he says while tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
you hesitate but you let him kiss you. his lips were so soft and sweet and you couldn’t get enough. you kiss him back, placing your hands on top of his chest. “chris.” you hum against his lips right before he deepens the kiss, gently sliding his tongue between. the kiss lasts for a few minutes before you finally broke apart from it.
no hesitation was visible from either of you. you grab his hand to lead him inside the house locking the door behind you. once you reach your bedroom, he instantly climbs on top of you as your laying down against the soft mattress.
he took off your jacket then his before kissing you again and butterflies fills your stomach. you felt him gently rolling his hips against yours, moaning lowly against your lips along with you.
“chan, please.” you try to reach between your bodies to unzip his pants but he stops you and pins your arms down against the mattress, intertwining his fingers with yours.
his lips trail down to your neck, leaving small kisses and marks behind. you tilt your head back to give him more access. the fire was ablaze. your body was heating up for him. it was becoming too much. “fuck me.” is the words you spat out making him grunt against your neck. “all you had to say, love.”
this man-.
he peels back from you and gently pulls your shorts down then your underwear, exposing your silky wet fold to him. he wanted to dive in so bad with his tongue but he restrains himself for a moment.
with two fingers, he spreads your wetness around and teases your hole making you whine. he gently slips two fingers inside of you and began pumping them. he leans down and starts to suck and lick on your clit, making your moans louden “Fuck!” you fist the sheets.
you were rocking your hips back and forth against his tongue. with your other hand, you grip onto his hair pushing his head deeper. once he felt he was done preparing you, he removes his fingers , only using his tongue now. his hands grips into your thighs, pinning them down as he ate you out like a starved man.
your eyes roll back as your mouth fall open. “o-oh god!” you cry out in pleasure, gripping his hair tighter. he grunts against your folds, licking and slurping as he pleasures you and his hips were rolling against the mattress.
soon, you stop him. “wanna cum on your cock.” those words almost made his head spin. he climbs on top of you again and leans down to press his lips against yours again, slipping his tongue inside allowing you to taste yourself.
while doing so, he unzips his jeans before pulling them down along with his boxers making his hard on fling out. he strokes himself a little before reaching in his back pocket and grabbing a condom. he pulls away from your lips to open the package and gently slips the rubber on himself as you watched. “ready?” he asks and you nod.
chan watches your facial expressions while slipping himself inside of you, stretching out your walls. you gasp and your mouth fell open again as you grabs onto his shoulders.
he places your legs on his shoulder as he grabs your waist, slowly sliding all the way in. a breath releases from him. his head went back as he slowly thrusts, letting you get use to his size once again before slightly speeding up.
you look down, watching as his cock slips in and out of your sopping wet hole which turns you on even more. you boobs were moving with every thrust which made his head spin. it was all too much.
your moans, the way your body reacted, how cute you look underneath him. all needy and dirty. it did something to his brain.
he pins your legs down to the mattress and began speeding up some more, fucking you a little faster. “princess.” he moans, gripping your thighs tighter. “mm, channie!” you whine. “fuck yes!”
your moans grew louder and more . it was like music to his ears.
you didn’t expect him to switch positions on you but he did. you were now on all fours, gripping onto the headboard as you look back at him. his eyes were glued to the way your ass recoils with every single thrust. my god.
“Mmph! taking me so good.” chan groans. your eyes rolls back as you held onto the headboard tighter. your juices were leaking down your thighs as his thrusts got rougher and sharper. “feels so fucking good!” you whimper.
a slap went across your ass making you squeal at the quick action. it happens 3-4 more times. with his free hand, he grips onto your neck and gently kisses your lips softly. as his thrusts began to slow down, you felt yourself getting closer as your body began to shake.
you beg him to keep moving as his hands grips onto your waist. he groans before gripping onto your hips tighter, pounding you at a quick pace. “m-mm, cumming!” with a few more thrusts, your orgasm hits you like a freight train.
he slows his thrusts down, moving slowly back and forth helping you down from your high . he places small kisses on your back as he stays inside of you for a while before finally pulling out. he lays down on his back and slides underneath you and begins to lick you clean.
his hands grips onto your ass while slurping up your juices until there was non left. he gently rubs your ass before giving it a playful spank.
soon after, he cleans you up with a wet cloth before helping you put your clothes back on.
once you both were appropriate, you both got back in bed, unsure of what to say to each other. it was lingering in his thoughts but he didn’t know how to approach the conversation but it needed to be resolved.
you put your knees up to your chest, thinking of what to say. you thought for 50 seconds and before you could speak, chan does. “you know, i like you and you like me, right?” you nod as you look over at him. “then, why don’t we just…stop whatever this is and actually be in a relationship?” he lays his head on the headboard.
“I don’t know if i’m ready for one, chris…i mean.” you took a deep breath. “my last relationship…” he stops you. “but i’m not him, okay?” “i know, i know.” you rub your forehead. “i just…i’m scared.”
he reaches and grabs your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours. “don’t be, i’ll never hurt you, you have my soul.” he says placing your hand where his heart is. you felt your eyes tearing up a bit . “and you have mine.”
“So, it that a yes? you’ll try with me?” he softly smiles at you with those beautiful dark brown eyes. you always got lost in them. “Yes, i will.”
and the deal was sealed.
𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 © 𝐜𝐲𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐬
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