#twins are either funny or tragic
gunpowderraven · 11 months
critical role: by someone that hasn’t seen any of it
hi so we recently got into dimension 20 and our friends have been tugging us towards critical role for a very long time at this point but we still haven’t watched any of it nor do we know all that much about anything that actually happens in it. however we do intend to actually start watching soon so we decided it was the perfect opportunity to make one of those ‘all the things i know about this thing i haven’t watched’ posts, show it to our critrole friends, and then actually get into critrole and be able to look back and laugh about it later
also the images are all sourced via friend so this is all one hundred percent no wiki no google knowledge, just from tumblr and discord convos and stuff. and some cast compilation videos that were very funny
update: we are now watching cr3! liveblog tag for silly lb -> #cr3 lb
vox machina
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from left to right:
- i have literally no idea who the two halflings are. i’ve never seen them before in my life. what. uh. paladin and bard? im literally just guessing. who plays these characters. what
- grog? grug? this is travis’ pc maybe. also hypothesizing hes a half-orc barbarian or something similar? ive seen like one clip of him
- percival frederick von something something de rolo i think there’s a iii in his name as well, his name is long and very german but he does not have a german accent. or a french one. at separate times i have thought this character was german and french and then i heard him talk and was like. What. anyway i know he’s taliesin’s pc and he invented guns and is also possessed sometimes by big bird demon, and he has a nifty plague doctor mask. also tragic backstory. his entire family is dead i think. no mercy percy! he has a thing with vex? also his hair did a wilbur. the gay people on tumblr love this twink. i also think i love this twink
- vax’ildan! i think i may have actually spelled that right! half-elf? vex is his twin? and he’s... liam’s pc i think. yeah that’s it. he gives me angsty boy energy tho. not as much as percy but this boy has seen some shit. also he might be a rogue or a ranger who even knows. he looks like gay jon snow
- vex’ahlia which i definitely didn’t spell right. i think the next one is marisha’s pc so this one is... uh... laura? i think she’s the ranger actually. i think she has a bear. not like a gay bear like an actual animal bear. though it could be gay too i dunno. she has a think with percy. or everyone wants her to have a thing with percy. i genuinely can’t tell. anyway get that traumatized twink girl
- keyleth... marisha’s pc. some kind of spellcaster? maybe sorcerer? wild magic? she Also has a thing with percy maybe. or vex. or both. who even knows. everyone wants that twink. one time she threw herself off a cliff and turned into a goldfish and almost died and it was hilarious
anything else i know about this:
- there are evil bitches called the briarwoods and they might be vampires
- this is the one that got a tv show and might have also been the first critrole campaign idek
- d. ragons? chromia something. dragons. i hope i haven’t been lied to about the dragons. i hope there are actually dragons in this. there’s like a chromium something with dragon symbols tho
mighty nein
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from left to right:
- mollymauk! ...tealeaf? another taliesin pc. the trans people like this one. i don’t know what their pronouns are. but theyre slaying every time i see them at any time. no idea what class but maybe a spellcaster?
- ...beau? i know her exclusively through lesbian ship art so i know her name is beau something bc that’s the ship names but i don’t know if that’s short for something. monk? no clue. also no clue who plays her either. maybe marisha?
- i have seen this character but i do not know their name. or anything else about them
- oh this is the sad wizard boy caleb widogast. he’s gay for essek thelyss (or something. i didnt spell that right) who is a npc i think. yeah. sad wizard. every time i see him he’s just being a wizard and sad. the gays love him too but he’s more of a distraught otter than a sad twink. maybe he and percy should start a club tho. also i think he’s played by liam
- i KNOW this character’s name i think it starts with s but i can’t remember for the life of me. scriv? scrat? no thats the rat from ice age. possibly a menace? i think im getting them mixed up with someone else. they look cool as hell though
- jester!! laura pc i think perhaps. i want to get drunk with her and tell her about all of my problems. yeah. i dont know anything about her actually. beaujester exists tho i know that
- YASHA. CRUSH ME HOLY FUCK. sorry im normal ? her voice makes me a little crazy insane. ive seen a few clips of her. mostly gay shit with beau. uh she’s played by ashley and she could kick my ass very easily
oh my god there’s another photo
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- i think there’s only one character different here and it’s caduceus clay fun fact i hated this mfer for really dumb shitty personal reasons for a while before deciding it was very stupid to blame a fictional character for interpersonal drama and now im fine with him. wait does mollymauk die or something. wait a second. no, wait, fuck—
anything else i know about this:
- yeah i got nothing. no idea about the lore or the plot or anything bc i pretty much exclusively see gay ship art of these pcs. love wins i support it
bells hells
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from left to right, one more time:
- look my brain is just saying gertrude from dungeons & drag queens but obviously that’s incorrect. so i don’t know who this is
- or this! but she looks very pretty and i love the little... monkey... bird? pls tell me these two characters have some kind of wild opposites dynamic they look like they do
- LITTLE ROBOT GUY . fcg? fgc? i think it was the first one. uh. liam pc? ?????? i think he gets bitches
- orym...? i know one of these characters is named orym. and i think it’s this one. i also see gay fanart of him
- i don’t know who the guy underneath him is
- or the lady with the purple hair god i really don’t know shit about this campaign sorry
- ashton greymoore, taliesin pc, my friend luna loves this guy, he’s. rocks? he’s rocks. groovy.
- someone in this campaign is named like dorian or something and im guessing its this one bc idk who they are either
anything else i know about this:
- flying.......... ship?
- this is the ongoing one i think
thank you for coming to my ted talk, i can’t wait to look back at this in a few months and laugh my ass off. hope u enjoyed this mess
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restinslices · 4 months
tried to make these as differently as possible
His baby is planned so he's not as nervous as other people 
Bi-Han is ridiculously confident. He's helped with his younger brothers and he knows the basics of what a baby needs so honestly, he's pretty sure he's got this in the bag
He did not have it in the bag
Here's the thing; his younger brothers didn't depend on Bi-Han to survive. They had their parents. Plus, Bi-Han spends too much time thinking about his child as an adult warrior and completely skips over them being a child
This baby is depending on him and his partner at all times and they're a baby 
I'm gonna make them all girl dads because listen-
I think patience would be something he'd both struggle and be good at
He's patient when it comes to small mistakes, like knocking something over but he can be a bit impatient when it comes to developing certain skills and when they make bigger mistakes 
Y'all know how Kratos is hard on Atreus but it's because he cares and want him to be prepared for when he's gone? That's Bi-Han
He'd also struggle with saying things in a child friendly manner. I don't mean swearing, I mean he has to pause and think “how do I say this without hurting their feelings?”
He naturally has a harsh sounding tone so he has to try his best to not sound mean. He can't double down 
Since I mentioned speaking, he is not using a baby voice 
People get excited with their first kid and are like “oh my gosh look at my little baby!” and speak all high pitch but he's not doing that at all. He's using his normal voice and adult words with a newborn
Some people have nicknames for things. For example, when my nephew was younger we'd ask if he wanted “nom noms”. Bi-Han doesn't see the point in doing that. He's asking his toddler “do you want food?”
I can understand if people would think he'd be this super grump dad that hates all types of noise but in my head Bi-Han understands that kids make noise and cry. Does it annoy him? Yes. Is he screaming for them to quiet down? No. His world was never gonna stay quiet once he decided to start a family 
Speaking of yelling, I don't think he does it often. Bi-Han is the type to pull his kid to the side and quietly threaten them. Like when your mom would pull you to the side and say if you kept acting up in the store she was gonna whoop you in the bathroom 
He also has “the stare”
Shit gets shut down quickly 
The definition of “wait until I tell your dad”
He'd train his daughter like he'd train anyone else. He's not going easy on her. If anything, he'd be harder on her because she has more to prove 
There's so much he doesn't know how to deal with since this is his first child and honestly, that emo phase probably kicked his ass more than he'd like to admit
The bang, the extensions, the checkered wristbands, the studded belts-
It's embarrassing for him to mention how genuinely concerned he was. He had no idea what was going on and telling her to train harder didn't take the hair dye out her head 
Speaking of which, I think Bi-Han’s biggest mistake as a parent would be trying to mold his child into becoming a mini him. It's not because he thinks he's 10/10. It’s because he's a solid Grandmaster. 
“Back in my day we learned obedience” type shit 
The type to say “I hate when my dad did this” then proceeds to do it to his child 
He'd need help when it comes to emotional awareness and seeing his child as their own individual 
He may accidentally snub them of childhood moments they deserve. It's not with malicious intent, it's more of a “our enemies don't sleep so we won't either”
Imagine if him and his kid ended up having the same distant relationship him and his dad had-
Tragic but definitely possible 
Kuai Liang 
Probably also had a planned baby 
He may only want one child because he's worried he'll end up having another him and Bi-Han
Which is why I think it'd be funny if he had twins-
Follow me camera 
He's expecting one baby. That's it. That's all. 
So when it's revealed he's having twins, he's shocked and afraid 
Bi-Han’s betrayal did a number on him. He doesn't really know why Bi-Han was so angry. He knew about his frustration but he didn't know it'd go this deep and he'd let their father die. He's worried he'll upset one of them and history will repeat itself 
Him dying isn't the problem. The family breaking up is what he's worried about 
Because of this I think he'd accidentally become a helicopter parent
He's overly affectionate to his children. Affection is fine but he smothers them and watches everything they do 
He tries so hard to keep the family together, but it does the opposite. Now his kids are desperate for space. Both from him and each other 
Before we get to that sadness though, Kuai Liang is a great dad 
He trains them and if one has his powers and the other doesn't, he makes sure to not show favoritism 
Idk if he'd be corny enough to buy his twins matching shit. If he doesn't, Tomas will and he won't stop him 
Anything they give him, he's 100% keeping 
He uses a hair tie they painted pink instead of his usual one 
He frames all of the pictures they draw for him 
He attends all their little tea parties and let's them harass him about how much sugar is in his tea 
He doesn't spoil them but he doesn't not spoil them 
He doesn't give them everything they want but he'll get them stuff if it makes him think of them 
Like a doctor's toy he randomly saw 
He tries to be very active in their life when he's not busy 
He has safety plans in case his clan is attacked. They're at war and he doubts the Lin Kuei will spare his children 
I think all the brothers would let their kids know about their job and their responsibilities. No point on keeping it secret. They'll have to do it one day too 
Some parents get really sad when their kids grow up but I don't think he'd get sad. Idk, I just think he'd see it more as an accomplishment. Not everyone makes it far and he's always worried about their safety 
Remember when I said his kids would want space? 
This would probably happen in their teen years and he'd be so confused because wdym he still managed to fuck up?
I think how he'd feel would be a mix of “well they're kids” and “damn, I blew it” 
Overall I think he'd put way too much pressure on himself when it came to becoming a parent and this stresses him out more. At some point though he'd have to learn to let them be them and learn that honestly there's not much he can do
He does his part by being a loving father. He can't make them stay together or make them stay loyal. That's just the goal 
Besides that I think Kuai Liang would honestly be a pretty solid dad. He genuinely loves and cares for the people around him and it'd show with his children. He'd do all the dumb shit some dads are too embarrassed to do with their children. 
He's just a bit smothering 
A lot a bit-
Tomas Vrbada
He actually wants multiple kids 
He doesn't want a whole football team but wants his own little family 
His kid is probably planned too and I think he's possibly the most excited 
I can really see Tomas being a good dad and I think starting his own family that's just his would mean a lot to him 
Yeah he has Kuai Liang and their new clan and for a while he had the Lin Kuei but it's not the same. He wants his family that's only his and is related to him by blood 
So with that being said he's already reading books and watching videos before the baby is even here 
He still feels unprepared when she actually gets here 
First of all girl dad Tomas has no shame. Put the makeup on him. Dress him up in the dumbest shit imaginable. Have him do a duet with you. He's doing it all 
Overall he wants to give this child a way better life than he had 
His family was killed so the bar is in hell but moving on-
I think Tomas could accidentally spoil his child. Can y'all see it? I can see it 
My sources or reasoning? I just think he's the most likely out of the 3. He goes from “I'll give them a better life” to “and I'll buy this and this and this-”
Don't get it misconstrued though, he's still training them to be a warrior. War is everywhere and he got some shitty ass luck 
Imma be real… Tomas might be a leash parent-
I can see him getting tired of this kid running off and he gives up and buys it 
I can see him teaching his kid to do all that smoke shit and they accidentally fly up in the air 
This is another reason for the leash 
I can see Tomas feeling like an outsider with the Lin Kuei so he tries his best to make his child feel confident 
And that confidence can easily turn to arrogance 
He's complimenting their abilities at every turn and I think balance can be something that slips his mind. He's thinking “man I wish I got more compliments and felt more seen growing up” and takes it to an extreme 
So his child is now kinda a cocky asshole, which is something you may expect from Bi-Han’s kid but his would grow up being a bit insecure in a “I can never please him” way. Tomas’ kid is arrogant because “my dad is always pleaded with me”
It's hard to get right 
He's present in everything. Not in a smothering way though, he's just there 
If he has to miss any important milestones or events, he definitely tries to make up for it 
Like if he missed a dance performance, when he comes back he'll ask them to redo it in front of him 
He wants to be present for everything, even if it's small. Idk. I think he'd just really value these moments he'll never get back. He'll have more kids but he'll never see this particular kid dance ballet again 
He adjusts nicely to parenthood I think. It's a challenge but he's confident enough to take any failure he does on the chin and move on 
And if I said he takes the emo or scene phase really well, what are y'all gonna do?
Some kids do coke. Listening to BVB seems like the better choice 
Definition of a spine made of jelly 
Puppy dog eyes work with him. I don't make the rules 
I do, but moving on-
The spoiling part would kick his ass so bad. He'd have to get that shit under control at some point because it's like, no shit your child becomes defiant and spoiled. You give them everything 
They'd have a positive relationship overall. I think spoiling would be the main problem 
My thoughts are unorganized as fuck and I'd like to apologize because now I'm going back in time to say he'd take his child hunting as soon as he could 
His family hunted together and it was usually a nice fun bonding activity so he does it with his child 
I mention this for the first child because his judgment of what's appropriate at a certain age is so off
She's 4 and he's “saddle up. Let's go hunt this large unnamed animal!”
Nothing bad ever happens to the Kennedy's-!
His child is kicked by whatever they were hunting 
Has to be reminded several times that his baby is not a buff grown man like he is that can take some damage. They cannot just thug it out Tomas 
Besides the multiple injuries and spoiling though, he'd be an alright dad with his own little family 
Probably plans on having another one once his kid is like,,, 2 because he's insane 
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a return to the monsters and mommies au designs, this time properly lined and in color! :D posted in the middle of the night just like last time though because i have problems <3 there are some small changes to these designs, but for the most part i was pretty happy with them so this was mostly just to give myself a color reference for them all lol
gonna ramble about small decisions i made below the cut, but its not necessary at all to understanding the designs! just wanna dump my thoughts somewhere :P
for the most part, the kids' designs are the same as i do them for normal canon, but there are some small differences. i've never really done a proper reference for their kid designs either though, so i guess no one would even notice LOL
freeman family: well, firstly - nick's last name is freeman in this au LOL but its easier to refer to him as nick close so people know who i mean as opposed to nicholas foster. usually, i draw nick close with blue hair (i think he goes through a range of colors, but blue is my default), but i do this because he does it to honor morgan. since she is alive here, instead, his default is pink because thats his favorite color to dye it! morgan and nick both have various bead jewelry because i like to have the headcanon that morgan is really into pony bead jewelry; this is also why all of my nick and nicholas designs have the same trans pride necklace, morgan made it for him :] both nick and morgan wear glenn's old clothes, both of them are wearing his shirts in this piece. aaand morgan has subtle heterochromia as a reference to the split timeline! she always has it, it doesnt just magically happen or anything, but its just a small nod to that.
wilson family: its real important to me that grant got his dad's exact coloration except for his gray eyes, which are all carol. why is this important? i dunno! its just interesting to me. also, carol doesnt usually leave her top buttons undone, but upon entering the forgotten realms, she unbuttons it because otherwise her shirt will pop open while she's doing things (to be honest, as a person with a larger chest myself, her shirt probably still pops open but it does help-!). usually i draw grant with a gay pride necklace, but since he doesnt come out pre-forgotten realms in this au, i tragically had to drop it. i miss my rainbow grant. please come home, baby.
oak-garcia family: i always forget to do mercedes's tattoos in my sketches because tbh i never know exactly what to give her. but! but. this time i just went for it. these tattoos arent necessarily set in stone, but i think theyre cute. the tattoo hidden by her skirt is an oak leaf for henry :] her gem necklace is also the same color as his eyes! her skirt is supposed to be, like, tie-dye or maybe more bleach washed, but i dunno how to draw that so whatever. the twins are, like, 100% the same as usual, i just gave sparrow a pink bead necklace instead of the multi-colored necklace i use for my default canon design lol. also, i think i drew the twins slightly too tall here, which is funny because theyre the only ones who are notably shorter than their mom HDFJKGHK
stampler family: i struggled a lot with what colors to give samantha, because i wanted her to have a bright color palette but not anything garish or patterned. originally she was gonna have a white shirt, but then i realized that would make it so all the moms had white shirts and i just couldn't have that LOL so i ended up landing on red for her! it matches with terry junior, so i thought that'd be cute :] terry's design is probably the most different from my default for him? which still isn't a lot but i swapped his dark blue flannel for a black undershirt instead. i cannot explain why i did this. it just felt right in the moment. i gave him a sweet revenge shirt instead of the usual black parade shirt i give him because... well. if you know, you know. and finally, terry gets a little concert admission bracelet!! i always do that, but i just wanted to point it out because i think continuing to wear an admission bracelet for ages after a concert is a very teen thing to do. i always felt so cool doing that in high school hehe
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sohcah--toa · 2 months
bullet train/マリアビートル details ~
Hello!! I recently dug up the Bullet Train script (if you search it up, you should be able to find it relatively easily!! I'm not sure if it's completely reliable but it seems to be the first version) and listened to the soundtrack. (It's awesome, you should listen if you haven't already!!)
There's a lot of stuff here about マリアビートル, I hope you enjoy reading 🥳 (It's really ridiculous)
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I attached a photo for reference in the book!! :D (there's highlighter marks, I'm sorry) His backstory is tragic and aahh noo 🥹... I won't say much on it because we're all thinking the same thing. In the script, this is carried over when Lemon passes out because of the water. But apparently, in the final movie, this isn't shown a lot. In the book and movie, they aren't brothers and have a considerably colder relationship, so I can understand why the childhood scene in the cut is so much more wholesome. (Still supersuper cool though!!)
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-- 2) "I'm forever blowing bubbles"
The original reason why this song was chosen for Bullet Train was because of Tangerine's West Ham United sticker (turns out, that's a football club). Hey!! But wait a minute!! There's a funny coincidence because Ladybug in the book was trying to become a football star. He has a quote that's like "my friend told me that someone like me could either become a footballer or a criminal, so I did both" and he says that his first crime was stealing a football.
The song delves into themes surrounding fortune as well!! I love their music selection 🙇‍♂️😤
Okay this part (in a way...) contains spoilers for Three Assassins, which is the first book of the "series"! ! The story revolves around a guy named Suzuki, who appears again in Bullet Train!! He kinda-sorta becomes friends with Ladybug and it's like 😊 they are so happy. To be completely honest, Suzuki's a bit traumatised but so is Ladybug, right?? Lovely friendship!!
It's also so interesting that he's reading a hotel buffet menu because his wife used to love eating at buffets and he adopted the habit of hoarding all the food as well. He's on the train to meet with his dead wife's family (which was extremely difficult for him after her passing).
There's this other book in the series called The Mantis or AX for the Japanese version. This one isn't talked about a lot but if you like family stories, this book is so so soo good. It really pulled at my heartstrings when I first read it but I can't say too much without spoiling everything. Anyway, it makes a few references to Bullet Train and literally starts with the main character, Kabuto (an assassin), having a flashback to talking to Tangerine and Lemon during one of his missions, where they had the same target so they worked together. The Twins really respect him, actually, but find it funny that he's so careful around his wife (YES KABUTO, AN ASSASSIN, HAS A WIFE). Some characters reappear so.. :")) yay!!
-- 5) 777
Ladybug comes back!! He comes back in the latest book in the series; 777. So far, the Japanese reviews have been pretty positive and I think there's an English translation coming in November!! 🥳 I like how the title is 777; 7 like 7 tails in Nanao (七尾), car 7, his favourite number is 7 (if I recall correctly), 7 the "lucky number".
-- 6) THIS GUY
No one asked but I heavily dislike the Prince in the book. (to be honest, who doesn't...) He's just mean for no reason and likes ruining people's lives, makes fun of poor Ladybug (this really isn't that bad compared to the other stuff he does) and yeah, the list goes on. Also apparently he (heavily) tortures other schoolmates and it's not like he gets paid for it like the Twins or the other guys. He just does it for fun?? OK!! The premise of his character is amazing and it's great to see a villain that's actually just straight evil but since he's designed that way, we are validated when hating him ww. He talks about politics as well for some reason... keeps referencing historical tragedies.... man.
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The Pusher is back too!! Weee~ (not really)
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In the movie, it seems as though this entire part got cut out which, like, is reasonable. I attached a photo from the Grasshopper (2015) movie for reference hahaha. The guy in the black suit is the Pusher!! Yeah, he pushes people!! (not in the fun way!!)
He is in charge of protecting Wataru from the Prince's guy, although he's reluctant at first. He's obsessed with bugs and stuff. Whenever he opens his mouth, it's probably going to be about bugs. The Pusher's also strangely poetic. Maybe it's because he likes old bands like the Rolling stones? Oh!! And he gets mentioned in The Mantis.
And speaking of the Kimura family, Yuichi Kimura says something very true and it's:
"who do they gotta make the train toilets so nasty"
This is very much a fact. In Mariabeetle, he gets kidnapped when he's 8 years old because he gets mistaken for a rich kid (after he lost a bet with his wealthy friend and had to wear his "rich person backpack"), then in the place he's being held captive, he escapes by HIMSELF since his dad isn't able to give the guys money for his son back (since they took the wrong person!!). But heyy he's resourceful and smart.
AND guess what?? He gets traumatised because there was this other boy being held but Ladybug didn't save him and it's haunted him ever since. This is also one of the reasons why he ends up helping the Prince even though he knows it won't do him any good.
Obviously, it gets worse from there. He makes it back to his family and they're pretty happy. Unfortunately, they're far from rich and Ladybug has to study extremely hard to get into a college. Spoiler alert, he doesn't. THE THING IS!! He studied so hard!! It's just that during his exam, some kid sneezed on his paper and he wiped it, smudging all his work and even his name!! Nanao! No!!
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To the Lighthouse - Virginia Woolf
"We perished, each alone."
-> He really loves that quote. A lot. Also he's a Virginia Woolf fan!!
2. Forbidden Colours - Yukio Mishima
-> He's also a Yukio Mishima fan... I wonder if he's ever read "The Sound of Waves". What would he think about it? Hahaha this will keep me up at night 😅 (<- SLANTED EMOJI!!)
3. The Sailor who Fell from Grace with the Sea - Yukio Mishima
-> To talk about Article 41 of the Penal Code of Japan. (Mr Kotaro Isaka, the author, studied law, by the way!! It's interesting!!) However, here, Tangerine quotes Mishima on Article 41 ;)
4. Hemingway and Faulkner
-> Actually it's a collection so it's not really a book recommendation but these two people are real - Ernst Hemingway (the Old Man and the Sea guy) and William Faulkner. They didn't really get along, by the way, and even though they respected the other's work, they criticised more than praised. Sounds like the Twins.
5. Demons - Fyodor Dostoevsky
-> "Crime is no longer insanity, but simply common sense, almost a duty; anyway, a gallant protest."
I think the author is a heavy Fyodor Dostoevsky fan, just because he also referenced his works in Three Assassins.
6. Crime and Punishment ;D
-> "Science now tells us, love yourself before all men, for everything in the world relies on self-interest."
(CONT'D) yeahh this book was referenced in Three Assassins and one of the characters is obsessed with it. Glad to see that Tangerine is a fan too hahahaha.
Opinionated text here but Lemon is plain awesome.
"Between the principal's name and Doraemon's gadgets, it was blindingly obvious which one was more important."
To each their own and I know he's a criminal but he seems like he has no enemies. Sounds very wholesome.
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She's in Three Assassins AND the Mantis!! Hypercool. In both books, the Hornet is a team of a male and a female. The female is eliminated (this word choice ww) by Ladybug but the male is still up and kicking, though Ladybug feels bad about it. They use poison needles, like the movie, but they trigger anaphylaxis, which is a really dangerous allergic reaction that causes body shocks.
"If people knew that they might be killed by someone tomorrow, economic activity would grind to a halt."
... well 😅 take from that what you will.
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(that's Suzuki!!)
Cela dit... that's all.... so long, I'm sorry. But thank you so much if you read until the end!! I hope you at least found it a bit entertaining!! :"))
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radioroxx · 2 months
wait okay in isolation and setting aside any possible evidence that might prove this is false, which one of these two theories/scenarios seems cooler
Dess and Noelle are identical twins and Dess has been pretending to be her sister because she tought no one would miss her/because she wanted to have her life and friendships
Dess is a human
okokok. for funny reasons im saying the first one. i think maybe you were probably going for something a lil more tragic n whatnot but the idea that these happens to be identical, yet arent actually related is really fucking funny. especially if you factor in the possibility that their parents just. either dont care or didnt notice (“theres two of them?? since when?? well. fuck. i guess”)
HOWEVER for interest reasons definitely the second one appeals to me more. im a simple guy and im so so curious about the human situation in deltarune. ik dess being human wouldnt answer eeevery question, but at the very leaaaast kris isnt the only human anymore. and that says somethin. idk what. but something. yknow
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will80sbyers · 1 month
Sometimes I think about all the theories about Hopper's daughter being connected to the lab but if Hopper knew about the lab because he brought Sarah to receive their help then why was he so surprised in season 1 when he discovered all the things about it, that wouldn't make sense... At most they could have faked Sarah's death without him knowing and then experiment on her but I don't see how that plot could be necessary, it seems overly complicated!
Another thing that I would find overly complicated are the multiple timelines theories, it's too much to put on the table in the last season especially because the show has been based in tangible actions and events until now even when what happens seems a bit fantasy like Max coming back to life it all goes back to the science behind it with El acting like that machine that makes the heart beat again because of her telekinesis etc so to make a jump of multiple timelines now it just changes the nature of the show too much
I think it's possible that some type of time travel is included but it must stay in the really simple type with maximum 2 timelines or a time loop that starts when it ends- like Vecna being sent into his own past when he dies for example, like him dying and transforming into the black mass of particles and then being sent back in time with the gate
The twin theories / lost or switched child could be possible imo but it would feel a bit cheap for the type of show for me, I think those are ideas that fit best a different type of show... They are fun writing choices that I do enjoy sometimes but they always make the show be soap opera coded when they use it and I don't really want that for Stranger Things... Even if star wars used it that's one of the things I personally don't like from that saga, same thing for the villain being related to the hero... I just think it makes things a bit weird even if I can accept it as a storyline it's not something I would want in this show specifically, my opinion is that it does make the quality decrease a little bit
The theories where everything is a dream or manifestation and stuff like this are awesome ideas when they are used for tragic / very serious shows but I don't think ST fits inside that category either
Now what I could see are things like:
The underdog getting all they want & becoming the hero because of their good heart
Love saving the day / true love's kiss
Found family winning together against the darkness because they love each other
Each character confronts their deepest fears in a series of visions and overcomes them
Lots of action fight scenes
Something kinda simple and funny ends up being the solution that kills/stops the monsters
People losing memories
Corruption arc & possession
"Corrupted" character tricks the villain that underestimated them
Love confession speeches / moments
Friendship/Family speeches
A big happy sequence of silliness after the villain has been defeated
Happy ending but with some losses
Reveal of secret magic abilities from the "weak" character
Death of a mentor figure + hero sacrifice
The lame character turns out to be badass
Fake death moment where they cut making you think someone died and then they come back last minute to save the day
Characters end up being disabled because of the fight / losing limbs etc
Sidekick characters arrive in a team as a back up when the battle seems lost
A character is related to one of the minor antagonists and that stops them from attacking
Multiple battles at the same time
The final BIG battle
Wedding proposal during a battle
The villain gets finished off by their own creature
And many other ideas that I can't remember now but that fit the vibe of the show more than the others imo 🌈
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fantomette22 · 3 months
Hey!!! 3, 13, 20, 49 for Dores and Caryll in your interpretation!
Thank you Faree! :D Ask game here
First I tried to draw this morning but failed so thanks for the ask i got inspired to draw a lil something!
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(And then they got lost. They do have weird shenanigans with eldritch stuff. So they will be fine. Actually their friendship is quite funny i love it)
3. What first drew you to this character?
Hm well for Caryll they seems like quite a very important character we know nothing about! In lore I mean. Runes are so op I'm glad they exist 🙏 everyone used them and it seems quite important! Caryll didn't make/translate all the runes but the first one to do so while a students at Byrgenwerth! It's so impressive so it made me wonder who they were... and we don't know what happened to them too ;-;
As for Dores I guess I got interest thanks to the fans actually giving a damn and drawing Dores ! Also ""her"" link with Willem, gatekeeper and probably Gehrman by extension made me think and wonder about their missions in the pthumerians labyrinth. Plus idk Dores seems to have quite a wild personality! that's very cool. And the set descriptions and the 2 hunters is very interesting
13. If you could draw effortlessly and as much as you wanted, what scene (s) would you draw for this character?
Caryll : Hm... lots go things lol. Caryll do have a huge role in my Bloodborne stories and is very present so I have lots of ideas XD but would be difficult to draw... hm maybe caryll with tons of hunters around them and explaining smt. Or Caryll staring at water (sea/lake), or caryll fate... or idk smt with lot of runes to draw something esoteric when they ear great ones! Caryll & friends too. But I would also like to illustrated Caryll getting very scared and encountering a sick man who's at the early stage of beasthood. At Byrgenwerth. During prom night. Yeah can't wait to write that XD
Dores : hmm either Dores' childhood (with almost everyone treating her as a weirdo creepy kid 💀 and featuring Gehrman) or well badass fighting against pthumerians. That also make me think I need to draw Dores being task to watch the kids (Rom & Laurence when they were younger) by Willem while he's out and she panicked and ask if they wanna see organs in jars or smt. Or maybe draw her withe the twins. Yeah I haven't decided yet if the Madaras twins are her kids or long lost brothers I am hesitating because there's the 2 guys with the graveguard set too. OR ALSO (sorry last one) Dores doing artisanal liquor and almost accidentally killing people. (I mean Laurence is the only one who almost died but he was fine after few days. Her other attempts where better)
20. Do you feel affectionate towards this character?
Caryll is my lil guy (gender neutral) 🥺 I love them so so much they remind me of one of my friend too. I really like Caryll I am so mean for all the tragic scenarios I imagined toward the end of their life 😔 but I swear the 3 decades before that are very wholesome if we forgot some lil details. But yeah must protect and deserve the world. So yeah.
Hm idk if it's "affection" but yeah I do like my versions of Dores yeah! I really like to develop her backstory and personality and I can empathise with lot of things she went through that weren't easy.
49. What’s your favorite personality trait in this character?
Well it's purely headcanons but I like their soft sides? I think.
So Caryll kindness and everything would be ok attitude.
As for Dores her more harsh and scary traits are very cool but with her very close friends she can show a way more carrying side <3 she still a bit of a brute XD but I like this too. Everyone is always surprised of it at first.
Hope it answer! Thank you a lot Faree I really like to wrote about it!
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overthinkingtaleblr · 6 months
This is the guy who runs Poltertoast, you had a tma taleblr au?! Pls pls tell more
I had a TMA Taleblr AU! I developed a lot of it with a close friend who had recently gotten into TMA at the time, and I still think about it a lot tbh. Basically the idea was ‘Taleblr, but the characters bend to the whim of TMA rules’ and was sometimes an exploration of how far things could go. We had a lot of antagonists as Avatars. And a lot of tragic ends…
Here’s some highlights so I don’t just throw the whole plot into your face all at once—
To begin: a part of TMA includes Jon dropping by the states, so if we want them to interact, it happens here. Maybe if he does his world tour earlier in the story, PIE can come back and get involved with the evolving situation right at the end of season 4.
Since the Avatars and other things done by the Fears are basically paranormal, PIE would start their exploration thinking it’s ghosts and stuff and come into a horrific realization as time goes on. By which I mean, similar to Jon, their search for answers has been turning them into the things they’ve been seeking to understand and maybe destroy.
CBF is a creature of the web, one who left a severe impact on Ghost after he survived it as a child. Probably based on the growing anxiety of how a child sees the world and how they may be tricked into allowing bad things to happen thinking it’s friendly.
Similar to Ghost, Spooker is also touched by the Fears before joining PIE. His dad ran a Desolation-based cult that’s boiled over and led to most of the members and some innocent people dying in a fire. One of the members ascended to being an avatar from it, but it still cut their member count down to two. While being touched by the Desolation, Spooker is eventually consumed by the Spiral, becoming an avatar similar to the Distortion.
The Toasts are a bit depressing. Johnny isn’t introduced to the fears until after joining PIE and even then he doesn’t fully understand what they’re chasing. At one point, he encounters a monster that seems to target twins and assumes that means it would be coming for him next, but the Stranger entity takes Gavin instead and the worst part to Johnny is that he didn’t notice the difference. Toast also starts leaning down a Hunt path that he either gets pulled out of or we get a free werewolf.
Entering this world with the least amount of context for anything, Chris’s reaction is to research as much as possible. Seeing as most of the people on the team are avatar-touched or aware that the avatars are willing to talk to them, Chris struggles not to see them as extensions of humans and can’t bring himself to the hunt-y mindset. He likely goes down the path of the Eye instead, learning and learning until that knowledge eats him. It would be funny if he and Jon met early on, agreed on the safety of their shared methods, and then reconnected after said method ate their humanity.
The Unicorns are inside of a Lightner— A ‘the last unicorn’ paperback that makes the reader consider themself.. One of the unicorns. I’m guessing it’s just Stardust in this situation (the book IS titled the LAST unicorn) but part of his goal would likely be making more. In a destructive manner— the book and the unicorn who possesses it are both aligned with the slaughter. in order for Stardust to stay around, the book has to stay open.
Spooker’s niece, Poppy, lives with her desolation-cult grandpa, friends with several young avatars, and a borderline caretaker of the Last Unicorn Lightner. Her alignment is to the fears themselves, and she thinks it’s funny to mess with PIE’s head. (She does not respect them, and kind of sees other humans as food for entities.) She may not be an active threat, but she is dangerous.
Light Zeron and James Maloney have similar stories, being so afraid of something that when they eventually managed to co-exist with their own fear, it made avatars out of them. Light is aligned with the Dark and Maloney to the Vast (bird-themed!), and they’ve both come to enjoy their new jobs, even as they still harbor the fear that fed their entity.
Maloney used to work with Princeton Quagmire, who (if I remember right) was centered around trying to find a way to destroy the entities. They haven’t consumed or taken to him just yet, but Maloney isn’t the first time he lost an employee. His other accomplices at the moment are Jenny Toast and ‘Officer Starbucks’.
Though it freaks her out a bit, Jenny and Maloney stay friends through his transformation. This likely does not bode well for her own fate…
Maxwell is an avatar of the Hunt, Aimee is aligned with the Lonely, and neither of them realize how deep down the rabbit hole they’ve dug themselves. Maxwell just constantly wants revenge, but his definition keeps changing, and Aimee doesn’t understand why she seems to be on a different path to the rest of the world. They’re friends with Poppy— even if they don’t understand what they’ve become, she supports the change.
I don’t remember considering the Acachallas, but Sally could easily embody the End and Spencer could be an incredibly powerful Buried avatar.
To anyone asking “Why were most of them avatars? Why not just kill them?” I like the trope of someone coming back Wrong, and that happens multiple times if the character is basically hollowed out and replaced by an entity of fear.
I might be missing or misremembering some things ^^; but YEAH— that’s the general vibe of the tma AU. I had a story in my head where Jon’s visit to the states was extended by encountering these mfers— including meeting Poppy Soup herself at one point, her being very coy about knowing something that Jon doesn’t, and him being confused about how someone who feels so human knows so much about what’s going on. His interaction with PIE probably devolves into an argument.
+ my old doodle from when i first announced this au
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deusexlachina · 6 months
Cheeseaged Exocolonist Age 17: Treat people's mental health issues by giving them a steady supply of drugs
In which we help Tangent by not Helping Tangent, and Sol becomes that therapeutic bartender archetype but intentionally and it's the closest thing any of these fuckers are getting to real therapy.
CW for brief discussion of suicide and drugs - this is the heavier part of Tangent Lore.
By age 17, Rex has nearly finished work on his bar. I tell him he's completely finished, because my past memories say it's not the size that counts, and also that Rex is going to die soon because he is part dog. So he opens it immediately.
After I am done attempting to visualize the architecture of a bar that could be halfway completed for one intended size and then quickly finished off at a last-minute different scale, I spend some time in the place. I perform a song onstage to celebrate, and also because that boosts creativity, the most optimal skill I have yet to max out.
A little later, Dr. Instance walks into the bar, which is also a cafe. Instance is a mad scientist and Tangent's teacher, gender-affirming care provider and adoptive mom. She is an evil influence on Tangent, sculpting her into a ruthless mad scientist with no self-care who is increasingly alienated from nature and, with it, her twin brother Dys, which will lead to tragic results for both of them and maybe the whole planet unless Sol intervenes. But also, she helped Tangent transition before she was 10, so that's pretty based. As parents of trans kids go, she's honestly not so bad.
Instance laments that we suffer from having no psychotherapists in the colony. She vindicates this statement by guzzling blep (a Vertumnan drug with the properties of coffee, marijuana and LSD that both she and Tangent drink liberally - see "no self-care") and deciding to tell her 17-year-old barista/bartender about how the previous therapist, Tangent's birth mother, killed herself.
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You can either tell Instance that the colony needs a counsellor or that you could be a counsellor. If you pick the former, she suggests you could do triple-duty as a barista/bartender/counsellor. If you pick the latter, she reminds you that you lack specialized training, that being a counsellor is a heavy burden even if you do have the specialized training, and then suggests you could do triple duty as a barista/bartender/counsellor.
I assume Instance is pushing me into this very unhealthy role because she's trying to get her daughter therapy, and she knows she can't give Tangent therapy herself, not least because she's clearly the source of about a third of Tangent's mental health issues in the first place.
Fortunately for her, I agree to work as a counsellor, because I am also trying to help Tangent. But I am not trying to Help Tangent, because if I Help Tangent, even once, she will become a supervillain, ruining her life even if you stop her evil plans.
This year, I go a step further and get negative Helping Tangent, by affirming that colonization is bad and we can avoid the mistakes of Earth. If you've helped Tangent once, this is your chance to stop her from being a supervillain. We didn't Help Tangent at all, but I still like this dialogue and it's worth highlighting. It's a very heavy scene, especially if you've seen where her dilemma can lead. In a different part of the same dialogue tree, Sol can offer to have no-strings-attached sex with Tangent to relieve each other's stress.
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I screenshotted this one because it was funny, but I don't actually pick it in this run, partly so I can get negative Helped Tangent and partly because sleeping with Tangent simply does not offer Sol any mechanical benefit. You do get a solid card from it, "Releasing Endorphins," but honestly, at this point improving my deck further would be a purely academic exercise. I am already getting Super Goals on every check without trying even a little. I don't need to Release Endorphins by having sex, I can just enjoy the high of being a god who decides who lives and who dies and who's decided to improve the world simply because she can.
That, and Tangent's currently my patient.
In Dragon Age terms, Helping Tangent is like Hardening Leliana. Conversely, what we're doing here is like Softening Shrek.
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sobredunia · 8 months
I'm watching nier automata gameplay and I have a few thoughts about it (I'm on a section the video calls route A or smth?? I'm in the middle they just found out aliens are dead)
Why are the robots having pretend sex
Who is this sephiroth ass why is there a twin brother why does the eye being covered by the hair change between shots????? I don't know if it's an inconsistency or on purpose or what
The moment they told us that average androids cannot speak to humans I immediately suspected something was fucking UP. I bet that either the humans are dead and it's just one human or just one Android doing severe cunty levels of gaslighting. I do not trust that message that there are a hundred thousand humans on the moon and yet none of the fucking robots have seen them there's a fucking reason for that I KNOW IT
I love 9S he's my little guy. 2B please be niceys and call him Nines he wants to so bad cmon
I find it really funny that one of the few things I knew about this game before going in is that the opera motherfucker has an incredibly tragic backstory trying to be beautiful for someone and that 2B's ass has several thousand polygons
There's gotta be a reason for the androids to have a bandage over their eyes there has to be. Something something about them not being able to truly see the world around them due to them being blinded by their own prejudices something something
Why are the sephiroth brothers redesigned by a yaoi artist what's going on why did they choose to look so slutty
I've only had pascal for twenty minutes but if anything happened to them I'm killing everyone in this solar system and then myself
Oh yeah I also got a theory that the aliens used human minds or something human to create their machines and that's why they can speak and they have pretend babies and have the most awkward sex. This is just like metal gear rising revengeance actualOh my god this is just like that opera singer machine with the androids keeping them alive to attack oh my godddd the parallels
Speaking of oaralells fucking bet that the machines and androids on both sides r gonna realise they're not so different and rise against the humans/aliens for using them to to their silly wars instead of growing a pair and fighting themselves in hand to hand combat
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hxhhasmysoul · 6 months
So, if you asked to write your top 5 fav from JJK and HxH, what genre will you put them (or you agree that they should be in shounen)....
HxH top 5+:
Gon - he fits battle shounen well but he's also do great in a sports show. Any type of adventure story would suit him, it wouldn't need to be fighting related, he's so curious. And also detective stories, he's very perceptive. But also psychological horror or thriller where he has to face the darker parts of his personality. And high fantasy, Gon's obviously an elf or a hobbit or like a cross between them.
Killua - he would do well in some slow burn romance, period probably where a lot is unspoken. He could also do well as an eccentric detective, genius with poor people skills but actually very observant and empathetic on the inside XD
Alluka (and Nanika)- shoujo, possibly a magical girl one but with slightly darker undertones. You know, both cute and creepy. Or like darker, maybe supernatural or horror yuri drama. Nanika would either be her twin in this, or the dark magical being connected to her like she is in hxh. And obviously gothic horror.
Canary - she would also make a great magical girl, but also any kind of story of reluctant heroine would suit her - she serves the Zoldycks out of necessity but she also grew very emotionally invested in that. Also yuri drama would suit her very well. And considering how she scammed Amane in the Election arc I feel like some kind of story where she uses her wits to achieve her goals.
Leorio - apart from the obvious aka any medical drama, any scenario where it's him against the system. Probably cyber punk would suit him well, because of how such reality would clash with his values. But also rom com, he'd be kinda bad at it and it'd be funny.
JJK to 5:
Yuuji - I mean he's a shoujo manga heroine, I stand by it wholeheartedly. He's be good in slice of life but also in something very dramatic and painful. And he'd be perfect for romance where he's the clueless one and others pursue him, maybe even harem anime. Also some kind of story where he has a service job and deals with it, kinda heavy but funny story, probably heart warming in the end. Also musicals to utilise his singing skills and charisma.
Nobara - any story where she's the underdog climbing to the top or where she has assert herself against the world. She'd be great in slice of life too, especially comedy. And stuff with yuri on the side though no romance for her as the main plot, like she's more about her goals. And anything where she's ride or die, can be as tragic as Thelma and Luise but also a lighter play on that trope.
Kenjaku - comedy, obviously. Horror, duh. But also spy thrillers, both as the main character, kinda an anti hero, or the villain. And like any historical drama that is intrigue and/or creepiness heavy. And cyber punk with the body hopping. And obviously any story about them being an overbearing parent with a difficult relationship with their kids, like heavy family drama. Kenny's got range.
Sukuna - porn. Any story where he's the ruthless ruler or contender to power - period drama, modern, sf, crime. Any story where he's a cannibalistic serial killer, especially styled after true crime where he'd have groupies. Reality tv where he's the hated judge. But also some heavy drama where he has to deal with societal rejection and/or has to face the personal consequences of the way he is, like the thing Gege is denying him rn. Or a more silly and topey high school drama version of that like a bully getting his comeuppance and rethinking his life, something teen oriented.
Yorozu - so like mad scientist anything for her. But also Crazy Ex Girlfriend kinda thing where she slowly works through her issues and gets over seeking validation in shitty men. Also like Sex and the City but like if Samantha was the main character (as she should've been). Like a reverse rom com. She'd also do well in musicals and super hero stories before the started to strive for being serious, because she's over the top.
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cicada-and-pomegranate · 11 months
I feel like if 9/11 happened again, no one would really react.
I think a lot of people were horrified on 9/11 because they didn’t know things like that happened. The boomer generation is all like “never forget”, acting like it’s the greatest tragedy since the Holocaust, and acts like joking about 9/11 is paramount to joking about genocides, but they went to school every day to learn about how to hide from a nuclear bomb.
At the end of the day though, the most that 9/11 effected the lives of most people acting like 9/11 is the world’s greatest modern tragedy is that they have to take their shoes off at the airport. 9/11 had disastrous effects, of course, but not on the people most intimately obsessed with its tragedy.
There’s a 2002 episode of Arthur where a school fire is used as an analogue for 9/11. (I really wish they just used real 9/11 that would have been so fucking funny) One of the plots is about Buster feeling bad about not really caring about the fire. At the time that was a super important message for kids, because why the fuck would they care? They probably don’t even know how much 3,000 is or necessarily what death is or maybe even where New York is. It’s unrelated to them.
9/11 happened 21 years ago. It can legally drink in the US. If you actually remember the significance of what 9/11 was when it happened, you’re kind of old now. Young people either were Buster or they learned about 9/11 in history class. It’s a meme now.
I’m going to New York in about a month and I’ve already planned to take a photo of the 9/11 memorial and caption it “I forgor”. I don’t fucking care; I wasn’t alive in 2001. I think older people need to accept that 9/11 is now a historical event rather than a modern tragedy, and a historical event with a comparatively low body count.
The fact that 9/11 gripped the nation for decades after isn’t just a consequence of the place and time it happened; it was intentional. It was a terrorist attack; it was meant to be flashy, it was meant to be destructive, and it was meant to be scary. Making 9/11 out to be the worst thing ever projects Al-Qaeda’s strength.
We’ve now lived through entire months in which every day has killed more people than 9/11. Of course that’s always been true, but not from one collective, abnormal cause. When you become desensitized to death, it’s no longer tragic. One death is a tragedy, a million is a statistic.
The constant propaganda about 9/11 being the worst thing ever, counterintuitively, makes it seem less bad. It normalizes it to the point that it’s not the tragedy it once was. Especially when you didn’t live it because you were not yet alive.
This doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad thing, I mean no one cares about the myriad obscure genocides which killed hundreds of thousands to millions, but 3,000 people who happened to have a statistically higher income (the Twin Towers housed financial offices and the flights that were hijacked tend to have a lot of business travelers, especially on a morning flight early in the week)? Greatest American tragedy literally ever.
I think people not caring about the faceless people who died on 9/11 and ended up getting turned in to patriotic martyrs and caring more about the faceless people who die every day because governments around the world think it’s in their best interests for them to is a good thing. It’s an inevitable part of moving forward in time; the sands of time erode all but the number of bones.
So joke about 9/11. It ends the era of “never forget”, and brings about that of the perpetual apathy that faces all historical events with the inevitable bored child in an elementary school classroom asking the teacher why he should care about dead people.
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ladylilithprime · 4 months
History Never Repeats
Series: Fluffy Faerie Tales
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Sastimmy/Jamstiel (Jimmy Novak/Sam Winchester/Castiel), past Dean/Lydia, past Sam/Jess
Rating: Teen and Up
Tags/Warnings: Half-Fae Sam Winchester, Half-Fae Dean Winchester, Jimmy and Castiel Are Twins, Selkie Jack Kline, Sam Winchester Is Jack Kline's Adopted Father, Sentient Baby/Impala, Brief Allusions to Canon-Typical Violence, Child Death, Baby's Backstory Is Really Tragic Y'all, Protective Dean Winchester, Faerie Name Conventions, Allosexual Dean Winchester, Minor Acephobia/Virgin-Shaming
Summary: Ceridmael had perfectly valid reasons for going off on his brother's little human pets after they nearly got him killed in an alicorn attack. He may have been lacking all of the facts when he did, though.
For: @fluffyfebruary challenge!
Prompt: Day 24: Apology
Read on AO3
THE WORST THING about apologies when you were a faerie was that you actually had to mean them.
Granted, being a faerie also meant that you got very good at playing by the exact letter of your agreements and not a bit more, something for which Ceridmael, the Iron Prince of the Summer Court, was well known. Unfortunately for him, his younger brother Serendderch also knew it and tended to account for it whenever making bargains with Cer growing up, and he had taught their youngest brother Arianwaladr. For all Cer had a silver tongue, Seren and Ari were absolute rules lawyers well before the term came into common parlance.
The thing was, Cer was a Seelie prince, albeit a half-human one. He was used to putting on a strong front and proving himself over and over and over again. As a prince, he didn't apologize, because he had to be very, very careful to never be in the wrong, and if he ever was? He had to make the other person believe he wasn't, or make a quick getaway until tempers coolled and the other person either forgot about how bad it was or just stopped being angry enough for him to distract them with a gift and a funny story that swept the whole thing under the rug. It worked on his mother and brothers nineteen times out of twenty, and the outlier was usually something spectacular that even Cer had to admit he had messed up.
He was also very used to being the one who had to take care of his little brothers, especially Seren, from the moment they were laid in his arms as pink and squalling newborns with delicate leaf-pointed ears just like his. His number one foundational touchstone, as charged by his father: "Take care of your brother." So when something happened that he couldn't protect one of them from, it always felt like a rip in the core of his being and, like a wounded wolf, he lashed out. He had lashed out at that creepy fucker styling himself as a demon king that had made an appearance during Seren's time away that he hated to think about, and Seren had mostly forgiven him for it, at least enough to let him pretend the horned asshole didn't exist. And he had lashed out at the little human pets whose literally virgin asses had made them tasty beacons for the alicorns and gotten Seren run through by one of those damned cloven-hooved, flesh-eating ponies from the abyss.
Only this time Seren wasn't inclined to forgive him without an apology. Cer had left when his injured and pale brother had yelled at him to get out before he got up off his sickbed and threw him out, not wanting to risk Seren reopening his wounds, and he had figured that he'd give it a few months for Seren to calm down and realize he was right, that the little human pets who'd got him hurt weren't worth the hassle and the estrangement, and they could go back to normal.
But he hadn't.
And then Seren had gotten their mother involved. Cer could have gotten around a territory ban from Seren because, skilled mage or not, he was still Cer's younger brother. But their mother was a full-blooded faerie princess with four more millennia under her belt than either of them, and for some reason she had decided to take Seren's side. Her ban from his little brother's territory was much stronger, and had resulted in Baby stalling out when they had hit the bridge to get onto Seven Mile Island. Seren had driven out with that other human he had hired, the redheaded lesbian their cousin Gilda had had a fling with, and Seren had laid down the conditions while the girl had gotten Baby back up and running, talking to her the whole time. Apparently she had told Baby what was going on, because his darling girl had spun her radio dial to Metallica's "Unforgiven" for seventy-six miles before switching to dubstep.
Cer had missed spending Midsummer with his brother because Seren expected him to genuinely apologize to those pathetic pieces of monster bait, and he wasn't welcome in Seren's territory until he did.
The other thing was, Cer had actually kind of liked the twins when he had first met them. Jimmy was personable enough and a decent cook to boot, and anybody who made cookies that looked and tasted like mini pies the way Cas could was usually guaranteed to be golden in Cer's book. He had actually thought Seren had been trying to hook him up with Cas after tasting those cookies, and it had been a bit of a shock to find out that no, it was his little brother making time with not just one twin but both. Except that "making time" seemed to be missing a few key steps if they were throwing up the all you can eat signal for a carnivorous quadruped that was drawn to virgins for the taste. Not that Cer got that, either, but still! What was the point of saving those two fine asses at the risk of his own if Seren wasn't even going to tap 'em?
The question, when he voiced it to Catrin while borrowing her liquor cabinet, earned him a smack upside the head.
"Pull your head out of your hormones and ask yourself that question again, genius," she told him tartly. "Absent sex and the fact that Sam probably would have done the same damn thing if it had been that kid of his at risk, what reason would he have to put their lives above his own?"
"Oh come on, Cadi," Cer rolled his eyes. "They're human! Sure, they're a bit more accepting of the magical population than most, but Seren's not that stupid!"
"Watch it," Cadi growled, waving her wooden spoon at him. "Don't forget my husband is a human, as is your own father!"
"Yeah, well, they're exceptions that prove the rule," Cer muttered. "Most humans are cowardly magiphobes who can't handle the idea of hooking up long term with another species. Hell, a lot of them get weird about hooking up with someone who's got more or less melanin than them! Seren's known these two bozos, what, since this February?"
"And he commissioned my help in making them a pair of matching jackets out of the hide of the alicorns he killed defending them with a lining of alpaca and silk that he knit himself," Cadi said, leaning back against the counter. "He gifted those jackets to them last month, and they proposed to him in return."
"So?" Cer scoffed. "He spends six or seven decades playing house with them if he's lucky and then I have to pick up the pieces after he buries them, so what?"
"Idunn gave them two of her apples last week," Cadi told him flatly, grabbing for the paper towels to clean up the spray of whiskey. "That's what. So you had better think real hard and real fast about that apology if you want to get to see Sammy get married."
"Shit," Cer muttered, and poured himself another drink.
The thing about apologies as a faerie was that you had to actually mean them to even get out the words because, half-human or not, an outright lie was still impossible to force across your tongue and past your lips. And damn it, Cer was having a really hard time mustering up honest regret for how he had reacted. Seren had been impaled and could have been killed, and it would have been their fault for being out in the middle of the street during an alicorn incursion! That wasn't "casting blame on innocent people" or whatever Seren had said; that was fact!
"And what the hell kind of example is this setting for that kid of his anyway?" Cer muttered under his breath. "You don't jump into a relationship with someone you just fucking met!"
The radio clicked off. Cer only had a moment to really be thankful for the reprieve from dubstep before it clicked back on again. "...There are many things that I would like to say to you, but I don't know how..."
"You know you can talk to me about anything, babygirl," Cer protested, frowning. Limitations of her physical form aside, Baby never had a problem with making herself understood. Case in point, her habit of taking over the radio for her own purposes, even overriding his attempts to use the tape deck.
There was a rustle of static, and then the music came back with, "...by now, you should've somehow realised what you're not to do...."
Cer sighed. "You know why, Baby." Hell, Baby was a pretty big part of why Cer thought Seren should know better than to get so attached to a couple of humans he barely knew that he'd marry them, especially if they'd gone and somehow gotten ahold of two of Idunn's big time guarded super special Apples of Immortality! It had been devastating enough when Lydia had turned out to be the kind of woman who would throw her own baby across the room against a wall when she saw pointed ears because the damn nurses hadn't let Cer into the delivery room in time to glamour her to look human like he did himself, and they'd been together for two years at that point!
"...Papa I know you're... upset..."
"C'mon, Baby, Madonna?" Cer rolled his eyes. He had thought he'd managed to teach his daughter an appreciation for proper music.
There was a burst of static like a sigh, then, "...'Cause I was always your little girl/But you should know by now/I'm not a baby..."
Cer grimaced. "Fine, Emma, you know why I have good reason to think Seren's being stupid about this."
"...You always taught me right from wrong... daddy please be strong/I may be young at heart/But I know what I'm saying..."
"You've got a few more decades before you know more than me about love, young lady," Cer huffed, tapping the steering wheel pointedly.
The radio dial swiveled dramatically, and then burst out, "...Mama, ooh... I don't wanna die/I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all..."
"No, no, Baby, Emma, please don't even think that!" Cer shouted, clutching at the steering wheel desperately. "Please, kiddo, you being conceived and born was a treasured gift, and your mom never should've tried to take it away from us. Her being scared and stupid is not your fault!"
The radio clicked off sharply. Silence reigned, just the sound of Baby's engine and the road beneath her wheels for a long moment. Then the radio clicked back on. "...My life's a spectacle, a sad story... I know you had your dreams of a better life/This time we ain't making it through..."
"That's not your burden to bear, sweetheart," Cer murmured, stroking the steering wheel with his thumb. "Stars and supernovas, kiddo, that shouldn't ever weigh you down, and I wish I could spare you that... I wish I'd been faster...."
"....If I'm laden at all/I'm laden with sadness/That everyone's heart/Isn't filled with the gladness/Of love for one another/It's a long, long road/From which there is no return/While we're on the way..."
Yeah... his baby girl never liked it when her family was fighting. Cer had done his best to keep her from being exposed to more violence than the occasionally unavoidable road rage, but he and Seren were both stubborn, opinionated immortals and arguments happened. For Baby's sake, they usually cleared it up quickly, and the fact that Seren was actually putting his foot down and getting their mom involved was honestly a very clear sign of how strongly he felt about it this time.
"...Maybe we can try it if you let me/Take you by the hand... who understands... it's time... I'll admit that I'm scared/'Cause I've never really cared as much as this/It's worth the risk..."
Cer snorted. "A little disjointed there, kiddo. You trying to say I should just go talk to Seren's humans and see if they're really gonna be a good fit for him in spite of evidence to the contrary?"
"...You got a fast car/Is it fast enough so we can fly away?/We gotta make a decision/Leave tonight or live and die this way..."
One little problem with that plan. "You know what's gonna happen the moment we set foot or wheel on the bridge," he warned her. His mother's mojo was no joke, after all.
"....Call me, beep me/If you wanna reach me..."
"Who the hell is playing Kim Possible on the radio?" Cer huffed, rolling his eyes. Still, point taken. He pulled out his cell phone and, after a moment's hesitation, dialed the number for Lighthouse CommodiTeas.
The phone rang twice before clicking with the connection as someone picked up. "Lighthouse CommodiTeas, how can I help you?"
Well, that was easy. It was one of the twins, though without seeing them he couldn't tell which one. "Is your brother nearby?"
"Ye-es? Did you wanna talk to him, or...?" came the hesitant answer, sounding rather bewildered. Jimmy, then. Cas tended to sound more like a deadpan robot for some reason.
"Can you get him so you're both on the line?" Cer asked, absently drumming his fingers against the steering wheel before a crackle of static from the radio made him stop. "I only wanna say this once, and since I can't set foot over there until I do it's gotta be like this."
There was a long moment of silence, and then Jimmy said in a carefully neutral tone, "Please hold."
There was an odd click like the phone receiver being set down on a flat surface, and Cer could hear the background bustle and murmur of customers and drinks being ordered and made for several long seconds that he tried not to count. He had reached seven four times before there was a clatter of the receiver being picked up again and Jimmy's voice was back.
"Alright, Dean," he said in that same controlled neutral tone. "We're both listening."
"I need to tell you both a little story first," he said, leaning back into the warm, supportive embrace of the driver's seat and closing his eyes, trusting his baby girl to keep them steady on the road. "About a faerie in hiding and the woman he wanted to marry."
"Sam told us about Jessica," came the more flat tones he knew belonged to Cas.
That was actually very interesting that Seren had been willing to open up about his almost wife from three hundred years ago, and good to know, but... "Her name was Lydia," he said, bypassing the topic of Jess for a moment. "And about a year into our relationship she got pregnant with my child."
There was a sharp inhale of breath, but whichever twin had done so, the one who spoke next was calm. "We're listening."
"Everything was fine up until the day our child was gonna be born," Cer went on, reaching up to scrub at his eyes. "This was back before things like ultrasound were really taking off, so up until then I had just been using an illusion on the image, same way I had a glamour hiding the fact I wasn't human. Didn't want the docs and nurses freaking out, right? And it wasn't gonna matter since I'd be right there in the delivery room when our kid was born... but then she went into labor while I was at work and the nurse wouldn't let me in 'cause we weren't married. So I wasn't there when the screaming started.
"Her family was Lutheran," he added, a little inanely. "That's not an excuse for what she did, but you two were raised Catholic so you can probably guess what must've happened when our kid came out with pointed ears where everyone could see. The nurses couldn't stop me busting in the door at that point, and... well, long story short, I only had a few seconds to rescue my baby girl's soul before her body died, and a 1967 Chevy Impala with enough personal connection to tie her to. And a lot of rage to work out." He swallowed. The radio was silent. "That was only forty six years ago, and I'd been with Lydia for nearly two years when she tried to kill our baby girl. If you know about Jess, you know how long Sammy mourned her after being with her for three years. You've only known him seven months."
There was silence from the other end of the line, and Cer wondered if he had finally cracked those stubborn human twins. Then Cas spoke up softly. "Jimmy and I have met Geth. He told us his full name without hesitation, and permitted us to hug him when we said goodnight after our meeting. That meeting was what convinced Sam to show us his true form beneath his own glamour for the first time."
"You know we only exist because our mother thought we were a changeling?" Jimmy said, almost conversationally. Cer blinked his eyes open and frowned. Had he heard that right? "She went to church every night for weeks praying for an angel to come take the changeling monster away and bring back her real, normal son. She didn't know about the enchanted blocks of wood, and autism didn't look very normal to her twenty-two years ago. And thanks to your brother, the only ones who actually remember we weren't born twins are the two of us, our mom, and the angel who split us apart. We get being judged for something we can't help. It happens every day, and we're human."
"Mostly," Cas added. "Did you know normal apple seeds have cyanide in them? That was the most daunting part to eat."
So they had already eaten the apples. Seren wouldn't be losing them to old age or disease, and only something really determined to kill them would even stand a chance... assuming Seren didn't kill it first, or train them to do it themselves. And they apparently had the guts to literally embrace Cer's brother's more dickish other half and not get vivisected for it. "Okay. For whatever it's worth to you, while I'm not sorry for trying to protect my brother, I am sorry for letting my issues keep me from getting to know you well enough before as more than just two more humans with the power to hurt him." At the burst of static from the radio, he huffed, "Look, that's the best I can do right now, okay? I can't get to know them if I can't get near them!"
"It'll do," Jimmy said, a hint of a laugh in his voice.
"For now," Cas added, more flatly. "We will expect to see the accompanying change in behavior when you arrive. Which will be?"
"...walk five hun-dred miles..."
"'Bout eight hours or so," Cer translated for Baby. "Assuming this was good enough for Mom's curse, anyway."
"Guess you'll find out when you get here," Jimmy said.
And really, Cer supposed that was fair enough.
The songs Baby uses to communicate with Dean are, in order:
"Wonderwall" by Oasis
"Papa Don't Preach" by Madonna
"Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen
"Hold Me Down" by Daniel Ceasar
"He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother" by The Hollies
"Understand" by Keshi
"Fast Car" by Tracy Chapman
The "Kim Possible" theme song
"I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)" by the Proclaimers
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whatwhywhowherewhen · 9 months
Homestuck No Game AU: Canon-Imitation Universe: Stridlondes
This is both a comprehensive backstory to potential fics and the barebones of two aus, Stridlonde focused because they fit the style of fan content I like
Harleyberts and all here
I got everyone from both timelines in! I think! I also made charts!
The Guardian versions of the kids are in black bubbles, and everyone else is in gray bubbles. The horizontal lines each mark a year and the higher up the person is the earlier they were born. The numbers are the age differences between characters
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Alpha Dave And Alpha Rose treat each other like siblings but are not biologically related. Their childhoods are as ambiguous here as in the web novel
Alpha Dave has a fling with someone and a baby (Beta Dirk) is dropped on his doorstep 9 months later. He is not prepared for parenthood. Raises him as best he can but does not properly guide him nor create a child-friendly environment. Generally immature parenting style with a bit of too little too late on the side. Maybe some conflicting needed accommodations and a mutual lack of understanding. He and Beta Dirk have a blow-up fight when Beta Dirk is around 17-19 and cut contact.
Beta Dirk moves in with his bad-influence acquaintance, Lil Cal, who might be Caliborn. He's basically living the same lifestyle we see in canon but with additional social-influenced self-destruction behaviors
Alpha Dave has another fling, possibly with the same person because it's funny that way, and gets another baby (Alpha Dirk) dropped on his doorstep. This time he actually reads the parenting books and is fully wanting to raise the heck out of this kid, including a binder/computer drive full of notes for things to do/say at different life stages
At the same time, Alpha Rose is in a long-term lesbian relationship and they decide to have a kid (Alpha Roxy). The method is up to interpretation
About 2.25 years after the Alpha Stridlondes are born, Beta Dirk and Alpha Rose's younger sister (Beta Roxy) have the most unfortunate one-night stand between a probably gay man and his female close family friend ever known. It was so awful and morally awkward they decide to split up the resulting twins by gender and pretend the other parent doesn't exist. Canon-typical shitty parenting ensues due to their respective issues. Everyone be grateful that the kids don't have to deal with an attempt at co-parenting from these two
Next comes the drama. When the Alpha kids are around 5 (could be older, could be younger and the story would still work), the Alpha Dave and Rose and Rose's wife die tragically, probably in a plane crash. Dirk and Roxy are home with an older neighbor. Dirk is put in the custody of his next of kin while Roxy is adopted by said neighbor with an agreement and financial support from Beta Roxy and the wife's family
Preschool-aged Dirk sees toddler Dave and decides that's his squishy now. They bond in a very Strider fashion. Around 3-5 years later somebody calls CPS on Beta Dirk and a lack of evidence that Dave is also being mistreated ends with Dirk being removed from his custody while Dave remains. Dirk spends his childhood "raising himself" using Alpha Dave's notes and refusing/not knowing how to connect to any new family. He befriends Roxy and though her meets Rose and Beta Roxy when he's 16 and is finally convinced to visit her. He is either recognized by Beta Roxy or sees a picture of the Alpha guardians and manages to figure out Beta Roxy is Dave's biomom, and therefore a potential legal guardian for Dave. The master plan unfolds from here
Option 1:
Dirk plans to frame Beta Dirk for (hopefully attempted) murder or another crime with a suitably long punishment. All the kids are in on it and help in some sense or another, except for Dave whose role is pretty much "get out of there".
Cue a tension-filled road trip from hell which could involve Dave having to choose between allowing Beta Dirk to be caught actually committing the crime Dirk tried to frame him for and going with Kid Dirk or going back with Beta Dirk and facing whatever consequences arise
Could be angsty, could be an opportunity for Dave to take initiative regarding his feelings towards Beta Dirk and living by and developing his personal philosophies early on in life by forcing him to take active part in making his fate
Option 2:
In this one, Dave is the one who's baited. I watched a video summarizing all the crazy stories about people claiming they wrote My Immortal. One of these involved a woman claiming she wrote it to try and get famous in order to get in contact with her brother who was separated from her by foster care.
Turns out she lied about nearly everything, but imagine she only lied about half of it. Dirk sets up Roxy to fake having written an infamous fanfic. Rose is helping her sell it by coaching her on writing style and edgy fandom culture.
Once it blows up into a giant meme/event, they say they're looking for a 13-year-old boy. Dirk starts feeding out stories and personal info about Dave without mentioning his name or relation to get his attention. They announce a competition. Finish these stories or phrases correctly to prove you're the guy or just share your name if you think you might be him. Either Hal exists or Roxy writes a program to sort all the responses. They receive the longest, most unnecessarily long tirade that not only answers correctly but also goes on about his unrelated thoughts for 2 extra pages.
"It's him," says Dirk, a single manly tear running down his cheek. They all introduce themselves through pester chum and convince Dave to create trickily specific photos and video diaries around the apartment to "prove it's really him". They then send him plane tickets to John's house, where they claim to live, so as to not raise suspicion that this isn't a dumb internet gimmick Dave won.
The moment Dave lands they spring a custody battle on Alpha Dirk using all the evidence Dave collected of how unsafe the apartment and living conditions are, alongside evidence of the giant mansion and steady job Beta Roxy has. That Alpha Dirk already had one kid removed from his care helps their cause. It's over disappointingly quickly
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dynmghts · 2 months
plots please + shinsou / izuku / katsuki
one for each, coming right up! i'll probably throw in a couple brief ideas in there, so don't mind me lmao
I. HITOSHI + KATSUKI. The most tragic part of canon is that they always got close to interacting with one another, and then they just... Never did. Or it was way too brief for my taste. I'd love to look into a potential not-quite-friendship dynamic during high school - especially with Shinsou moving into the hero course, which Katsuki's already acknowledged that his Brainwashing Quirk would be annoying to deal with lmao. I'd also love to keep exploring them in a Pro-Hero setting! Overall though, I can see them first getting along when Katsuki's after some quiet company, growing a friendship when they find common ground, and from there... Well, wherever the muses go, right?
II. IZUKU + KATSUKI. If there's anything I've learned from interacting with Izukus, it's that I'm physically incapable of NOT having 30475234 different plots for them. Their bond is messy. It's complicated, jagged, and there are so many different directions their dynamic could go. They're practically inseparable. Deciding on a direction isn't easy, but I do like the idea of them being almost-but-not-quite with each other (which is torturous but it feeds into their miscommunication trope), or them just being silly goofy teenagers doing silly goofy teenager things... I thrive on anything that either feeds into their angst or lets them heal from their past. Two sides of the same coin.
III. KATSUKI + KATSUKI. What happens when you put two of the same person in the same room? And what happens when they're both Bakugou Katsuki? Honestly, there's so much you can do with these two; I already wrote a thing of these two meeting under wacky Quirk circumstances where they're both technically canon but different (because our interpretations are different), but I would also love to see a moment of worlds colliding (like Fantasy AU meets canon, for example)... And I am also a sucker for a twins AU. I always feel a little bad for Mitsuki and Masaru ending up with double trouble in the form of Bakugou twins, but my god, it's also so funny to see how they interact under the brothers pretence. How does their shared childhood play out? Which of the two get the canon experience? The possibilities are exciting!
@fighterbound / PLOTS PLEASE, ACCEPTING.
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Question: Who would be a character you like/love the most or most identify with? appreciate all you do for this tiny fandom! :>
First of all, thanks!!! Just humbly reposting stuff and discuss whatever people want to discuss :) Second of all, that’s a good question!
Can’t say I wholly identify with anyone, but I do relate to a deadpan look and kind of please-leave-me-alone attitude both Gretchen and Aton are giving, since irl I have a severe case of resting bitch face and on top of that I’m introverted as shit.
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As of the character I like/love… wooo boy, where do I even start… I'm gonna ramble for a bit, so please bear with me here. My absolute faves are Tim and Astaroth Matauzier and let me explain why.
Short and simple, I always like funny pathetic losers who get their asses kicked (just look at some of my other faves).
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And wow does Astaroth get his ass (nose) kicked a lot.
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Doesn’t help that his human counterpart Tim is poor little meow meow, who’s also getting his ass kicked, but in this instance I just feel sympathy for him, cause here it’s absolutely undeserved.
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And for the long reason why I like them… I like the creative potential they have. Not in a sense of development, but the whole concept.
So Tim was supposed to be only that – Tim. But he’s been literally split into two characters since his birth and I kinda can’t treat them like a single one. At least not fully. They were two different people for 14 ass years, how can you unify that and not have some bumps in the road so to speak. Just this fraction is already fascinating enough, how can a person grapple with being two? Two set of beliefs, two set of memories, two behavioral patterns. Top notch angst/psychology fanfic material amirite or amirite.
But it doesn’t stop there! They were presented like two separate characters and then Francis dumps this infobomb on us that Tim and Astaroth's been one person all along, which is… fine, I could run with that, but his explanation doesn’t make sense?
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He claims you can’t see Tim and Astaroth at the same place at once, which implies he’s been switching between two of his personalities and teleporting between the human/park world. And then in literally a few panels he says there were two bodies he jumped between. Huh???
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Also this weird line.
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So which one is it? Was there a single body or was there two? I'd say it's an important difference. Either you have a teleporting dude with split personality disorder or you have one brain shared between twins.
I know this could be a translational issue, but some of native French speakers can’t understand Francis’ explanation either??? HUH?????
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Yeah, I also can't for the life of me understand how no one noticed a child constantly disappearing out of thin air for 14 years straight. This weird discrepancy is what makes it so interesting though. My friends and I spent hours discussing, guessing and straight up headcanoning how this child works.
Obviously headcanon territory here, but we came up with “there were two bodies with shared but split consciousness; when one body was active, the second one was sleeping or dissociating or being awake but severely absentminded”. That way he won't disappear randomly and school bullies will have reasons to pick on him. And we headcanoned that when they've become one they were having conversations in their unified head and fought for the driver's seat, which could potentially be either funny or tragic, your choice.
If you survived this long ass ramble/rant congratulations and sorry it took so long :D But I do love this stupid child-who-became-office-rat and he absolutely lives rent free in my head.
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fanart by @martapreliy 
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