#twosetviolin fanfic
brettyandeddy · 1 year
🧁 I couldn't let go of the bakery AU before giving you all of the behind-the-scenes treats and some bonus content. 🧁
Thank you for loving this friendly neighbourhood establishment! This AU has brought me endless joy for six months straight. ❤️
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I’ve been looking for this fic and I just can’t find it I don’t know why 😭
It’s TSV with a Brett/Eddy pairing and is set in an alternate universe where music is banned because musicians can wield magic. It’s usually elemental magic - it’s later discovered that Brett has fire and Eddy has water, but the story starts with Brett not even being a musician. He had played the clarinet for a few weeks when he was a kid and that’s it, but recently he was brought to prison where a group of people sang themselves free. They are brought to an underground (literally) place where musicians hide until they overthrow the government. Hilary Hahn rides a dragon. It’s amazing but I really can’t find it… if anyone knows what it is please tell me?
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Hi! I'm Wednesday or Wendy
Dyslexic, ADHD, and autistic
18+ and occasionally unhinged
I'm a whore for musicians old enough to have families
I'm a twt immigrant from one of the many times we thought twt was gonna die, so forgive me for being tumblr illiterate
I like: My Chemical Romance, Twosetviolin, Frank Ireo, Gerard Way, Eddy Chen, Green Day, Guns 'N Roses, DEVO, Nirvana, Meat Loaf, Hole, writing, rambling, and being funny
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korruptbrekker · 1 year
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More fic fanart! This spread is for no breaks to my heart at night by @twosetmeridian It's a wonderful little fic about genderfluid!Eddy who's a biker and Brett who's the local librarian; highly recommend if you want a cute little love story.
Though, fair warning, there is some transphobia at the end by the antagonists that results in physical violence. Just a heads up for those who want to read it because it isn't tagged. (objective) (no shade; genuine)
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aq-s74 · 23 days
well here goes nothing...
I posted my first B2TSMP fic. written in one sitting, edited a month later.
the extrovert (Momo) and introvert (Tchaik) have a talk.
hope you like it :D
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silverbladexyz · 2 years
For the fanfic writer emoji ask:
🎶,🛒,✨ i hope it’s not too much lol
also i know you got covid so i really hope you’re doing okay, and i hope you get enough rest and that you’re feeling okay!!<3
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
Nope, I don't listen to music while I write, because I actually need silence to be able to focus and write something. And for what song I've been playing on loop, 'Sell Out' by TwoSetViolin because I'm a huge twosetter lmao. Oh and also La Campanella by Paganini because I like the violin too 🎻😈
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
I've actually never thought about this really! Uhmm, I would say a lotta backstory, as well as a lot of description and imagery. I do include a lot of setting too, as well as what the characters were doing in the scenes. I'm still lacking on feeling however
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
*contemplating for 10000000 years*
Um... I can keep the characters in character? I hope.
Also thank you, I'm feeling great actually! Got my appetite back, just still can't taste food or anything yet
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ninetailedfoxmanchi · 2 years
Hey everyone,
You've probably seen this coming for months but I think it is time to finally address this clearly.. I've decided not to write any more fics. There are several reasons for this; the most important one being of course that I do not have any inspiration or aspiration to write them. Then there is also me distancing myself from kpop and the world surrounding the character inspiration of my fictions. I hope you can understand and find comfort in the fictions that I did write. I will still remain on the other side of the screen if you ever need me, but I don't think I will write any more fics, at least not based on those which are already posted.
An immense thank you, something which I cannot find the words for, to everyone in this community that inspired and supported me throughout this writing journey, even when things were more personal than just creative
Thank you as well for all the requests which are still in my inbox and I won't be able to write! Thank you for all the texts of support, asking how I'm doing and how school is! I can't thank you enough because it truly meant the world to me that even though we do not know each other in real life, you still cared about me
In just a few words, I am doing okay. I managed to pass all of my exams although with some difficulty. I needed some time for myself after the examination period because it was truly cut-throat in terms of stress, anxiety and effort. But I am feeling much better now, I have a summer job, I cook a lot of new, delicious food, I am able to take care of myself and I've even started practising my violin again! (I played for three years as a child but then grew to hate it and I would never have touched it again if not for the two absolute wonderful people Brett and Eddy of Two Set Violin!!)
So yes, generally, life is good... life is better than it was, so hang on tight through the tough times because it will get better although it might take a long time.
Yours truly and most lovingly,
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letsgochopin · 3 years
has a fanfic!1!!1 this is my perception of Eddy discovering Brett's illness.
A horrifying thud came from the hall. Eddy lifted his head off the pillow, removing his earbuds and listening intently. "Brett, was that you?" Eddy called out. No response. "Brett?" Silence. Eddy scooted to the end of his bed, stuffing his phone into his pocket. Brett was probably asleep and didn't hear him—but what had caused that noise? Eddy could've been hallucinating, or it could've been from the neighbors. Still, if something had happened. . . It wouldn't hurt to check, right? Eddy stood up, walked to the door, and opened it. Nothing seemed off. He stepped out of his room and looked around. Everything seemed perfectly fine. Eddy turned to walk back inside. "I—ah. . . Ed. . . dy. . ." a small voice croaked. Eddy turned back around and rushed to the end of the hall. Brett was lying motionless on the floor. Eddy dropped to his knees and supported Brett's head carefully over his lap, feeling his forehead. "Hey, what happened? Brett, come on, are you alright?" he faltered, gently slapping Brett's cheek. "I. . . I c—can't. . . " Brett gasped. "You—you can't what? You okay?" Eddy asked desperately. Not too long ago Brett had seemed a bit. . . off, like he was dehydrated. They both ignored it, though, but then after they filmed that one video Brett was feeling very far from well. Eddy shouldn't have ignored it. Brett was getting paler by the second. Eddy hoisted him up and onto his lap and pulled out his phone with shaky hands. "Stay with me, Brett, I'm gonna call 911. Hold on," Eddy begged, pulling Brett's head to his chest.
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apricot-aprico · 3 years
*confession time*
I know MY fanfic are related to my social anxiety, fixed concept, unconscious biase, prejudice and hidden sexual tendency. I might even say my fanfic is some kind of action based on my angust to reality. (So if you're a shrink, you can analyze me. but it's another line🤫)
Many twosetters who had shipping glasses were died at the scene brett talked with chaik in their tour. Of course me, too. But next I felt a little bit uncomfortable.
Why? Bc he refered to equal right to love...too ideal and wholesome for this diverse and inclusive world. On the flip side, my ficfuel is...it can't be seen, but geek, distort and decadent. Im talking about preference, not orientation.
I'm surely activated from them in vids. I'm using that inspiration to till my rotten soil. I'm feeling like there's a no intersection.
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incorrecttwoset · 4 years
Lesson time with Dani:
The lesson we can all learn from this is that if we kEEP REMINDING THEM ABOUT THEIR PROMISES THEY WILL DO IT. (Pulls up list of promises that someone posted on reddit) OKAY NOW-
Lol back to the lessons.
How can we NOT simp for fem!Brett and fem!Eddy when this fuckin fandom is filled with so many amazing and talented artists like Reika and Groundclothee. And by that logic, it makes sense that we'd aLSO SIMP for Liszt!Brett and Paganini!Eddy. (I also saved that anim on both my twt acc and reddit acc because it was just so fUCKING CUTE I SWEAR. I looped it for like so long omg)
And also, remember when their lofi music came out? Sigh... good times. I downloaded both onto my google music since spotify premium costs money that i do not have. But I will still back the petition for them to release the diss tracks on spoti since that means they are not just classical musicians, they are MAINSTREAM MUSICIANS. MUWAHAHAHAHAHAH (also i would totally buy that vinyl if it actually existed. Might not have a vinyl player but dAMN IT LOOKS BEAUTIFUL. I DIDNT EVEN NOTICE THE DETAIL UGH)
Also, we know that Eddy can play the piano (probably thanks to his sister, Belle Chen. Check her stuff out its super cool!) and that Brett can... kind of play the bass and guitar. What other instruments can they play? And just own? How did they end up in their possession? Can they actually play them all decently? How often does Eddys two violins fight? Does the viola just watch the instruments kill each other in the background? Is the triangle a part of the illuminati? Is the stomach and chest technically an instrument? wHO KNOWS
Oh yeah, if Twoset actually gets an anime and manga, guess whos gonna become a full fuckin weeb. (Im a casual anime watcher okay. I havent finished assasination classroom and karasuma is so emotionally constipated. And karma? He is my sweet, sweet, murderous bæby boi) lol imagine if Eddy was one of the main animation production people and showing them his past drawings. Ugh that would be the dREAM.
And that PP reveal... that was something. I can't spoil because im not the one doing the reveal, they are. It'll ruin all the LL40hrs build up. So the only thing i can say is... watch the vid.
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jayteacups · 3 years
When you get this, please respond with five things that make you happy (but only if you want to)! Then, send to the last ten people in your notifs (anonymously if you want). You never know who might benefit from spreading positivity ♡
Aw thank you <33
Things that make me happy:
Reading and writing fanfiction - pretty obvious coming from a fanfiction blog, but still, it's so much fun to write and the fanfic writers on this platform and on AO3 are so damn talented their stuff makes me feel thingsssss
Sushi - my no1 favourite food, it's so damn good, I could live off just sushi for the rest of my life and I'd never tire of it
Unwinding at the end of the day by watching my favourite YouTubers: TwoSetViolin, the Try Guys, Xiran Jay Zhao, Cinema Therapy, to name but a few.
Being able to sleep in. I am not a morning person and I never will be one 😂
Listening to music - i've been rediscovering middle school me's love for Taylor Swift. 1989 is a BOP. I also listen to BTS very often lol
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our-reb00t-boi · 3 years
so I was trying to finish the draft for a fanfic (😫) when I got side tracked and now I have this rough idea of a devil may cry noncanon fanfic, it's not out yet
it's a self-contained story and I actually wanted to incorporate music but
got nooo idea how to do that and of course I researched and ended with the TwoSetViolin community and channel
perfect 👌
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firewoodfigs · 4 years
catch up!
tagged by @bringingglory, @meridianheroine and @by-nina - all equally lovely people!!! I hope you’re all holding up well <3 
Three Ships: I know we said three, but let’s pretend I can’t count because I’ve been on a bit of a shipping spree recently xD 
ROYAI!!!! enough said I think the fact that I spend a good portion daydreaming and waxing all kinds of sappy poetry about them is testament enough to how much I love them. I love them sm I replaced my wallpaper (which was of my bf) with them instead 
Beth & Benny from The Queen’s Gambit is another golden ship for me cos like. the ~ intellectual understanding ~ like they just gET EACH OTHER AND I LOVE IT love is everywhere but common sense and understanding are not 
I really, really love Chuck & Blair from Gossip Girl. they just work so well together and their chemistry was /chef’s kiss also that one prom scene where someone was like who even voted for Blair to be prom queen and chuck was like me. I voted for her about a hundred and fifty times. like??? iconic ma’am 
BEN & LESLIE FROM PAR so wholesome and I love that we r finally getting portrayals of what healthy relationships ought to look like on mainstream media. so underrated 
in my middle school days I was head over heels over minakushi aka Naruto’s parents LMAO I still think they should have done away with Boruto and just given us a backstory on Minato & Kushina but oh well. guess that’s what fanfic is for 
I also shipped Squall & Rinoa before I even knew what love was. Also Cloud & Tifa MAN the FF7 Remake gave me so many feels!!!!!! 
ALICE & JASPER FROM TWILIGHT LMAOOOOOOOO yes I was obsessed with twilight as a twelve-year-old sigh but also proud of my twelve-year-old self for having the ~ taste ~ to ship them!! 
anyway yes I cannot count this is clearly >3 but whatever...... 
Last Song I Listened To: Paganini, 24 Caprices, Op. 1: No. 24 in A Minor LMAO HAHAHAHA I don’t even play violin but I just like listening to classical music when I'm at work because it helps me focus (and also I can’t sing along to it so that reaaaally helps) 
Currently Watching: I’ve been binge watching all the meme videos from TwoSetViolin ‘cos they’re hilarious LMAO haven’t really been watching anything on Netflix lately tbh but oH I tried watching a bit of Bling Empire and it is kinda cringe but also oddly addictive LOL someone stop me pls I m trash. ALSO I STUMBLED ABOUT COMEDIC GOLD if u go on youtube and search synthetic rose you will find a bunch of hilarious twilight memes. I laughed so hard I cried 
Currently Reading: The Queen’s Gambit, The Grape’s Of Wrath, The Handmaid’s Tale, clearly fanfic has permanently destroyed my ability to focus on one book at a time but I ain’t complaining lolol
How’s it going? I am not thriving, but I am surviving xD last week was especially rough at work because the workload was pretty bad, but this week is manageable so far and I’m looking forward to having good food with good company!!! Hope you’re all doing well^^ 
idk who hasn’t been tagged yet (I'm always late to the party LOLOL), but if you see this and would like to do it just say I tagged you <3 
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sambarvadai · 4 years
#6: the curious art of crunchtime creativity (2/2): aha
posted on 14 nov 2019
exams happened yesterday, and also i wrote this blog post yesterday, but now it’s all gone and i’m rewriting it. c’est la vie! edit before posting: it is one week later and another exam has happened and now i have more material to write about. c’est la vie pt2!
so. there’s a second type of creativity – calling it creativity isn’t accurate; most would consider it to be going down the rabbit’s hole that is the internet. we’ve all done it before, somehow finding ourselves staring at something in horrified fascination with no clue as to how we ended up there. in my case – or at least, in this context, it is mostly subject-related, specifically to the subject on which i am about to write the exam. (future me: the exam is over) please note: this has only applied to tamil and chinese, the two languages i take (english doesn’t count. you can’t study for english), because those have scopes so wide that they might as well not exist at all. hence, it’s not me, it’s the subject. we move on.
chinese is a lovely, lovely subject ((please forget the fact that my exam is in two days and i’ve barely started studying) <– this exam is now over i hate it) and my love for it came from this book i found when i was starting out. it taught the story of each character by broke it down into radicals and connected these radicals into a coherent plot that told its meaning. that was a long sentence. so this made learning chinese, which is, primarily, a pictoral language, quite manageable.
a tangent here: simplified chinese is harder to understand pictorally as compared to traditional chinese, because in the name of simplification, many radicals have been bastardised to mean completely different things from what they were actually intended to be. for example, the character for listen (听, 聽), as you can see, has been grossly simplified from including the radicals for ear and heart to just including the radical for mouth. kinda sad, isn’t it
anyway back to story so i have amazing friends who kick my ass into studying and will absolutely scream at me for browsing taobao two days before the exam (which i did haha) and it’s great learning chinese in a chinese-speaking country because you have so many somewhat-native-chinese-speakers who will correct your chinese but still encourage you to strive on and not make (too much) fun of you. it’s lovely because my friends have similar pop culture exposure compared to me, so if i drop in a random korean reference or whatnot they get it. it’s really, really great and cool, especially when i want to write fanfic in chinese and they get it B)
speaking of fanfic, i recently discovered twosetviolin (why recently, you ask? i’ve been seeing their thumbnails in my recommended for ages but never clicked; sorry) and i was hooked. so naturally, i turned to fanfiction (idk if i actually ship them but the stories are cute). surprisingly, there was a large amount of chinese fanfiction about them, which led me to lofter (chinese tumblr)! and i learnt so much vocab from that and it was so so fun to read, because it was seeing familiar tropes in a slightly-less-familiar language. i do want to continue learning chinese, so hopefully this will prove to be a good gateway into the language.
the tamil section’s going to be shorter because it’s been a while since the exam, but anyway, i shall try my best.
tamil has been my pride and joy for the last four years, in no small part thanks to my peers and teacher who made me love the language and love myself for inheriting the language. i once regarded tamil as a burden and hated speaking it because of how i stumbled and had a funny accent. now, though, my accent is a lot better, and i speak it much more naturally. it’s still a work in progress, but i love the language so much more and that has translated directly into (or has affected) how i interact with my peers and family. i’m a lot more confident expressing myself in the language, and i like speaking it and making a connection to other people who have chosen the language.
because that’s what it is, isn’t it, you choose a language. you can choose to reject the language you were born with, or you can choose to cultivate it and respect it. you can choose to learn a language that was not yours to begin with, but has grown to become close to you in a different but equally inexplicable manner. you choose the language, and you give it the acknowledgement it rightly deserves.
anyway. the love for the language stayed largely within class, where our teacher showed us ancient tamil poems and translated them for us, showing us that themes of love, kindness, filial piety, and so many more have not changed one bit in the last 2000 years. recently, however, i found oldtamilpoetry.com, in which the blog-writer translates tamil poetry into bite-sized pieces. as i stayed up late reading the archives, i felt the language settling into my bones, draped over me as comfortingly as a childhood blanket. it was reassuring. calming. lovely.
this, i now realise, is just a really long love letter to my languages. these are my languages now, and i’ve made them my own by finding the beauty in them. that beauty was best discovered in the moments before exams, when pressure drives you to look for alternate ways to make learning bearable. this was when i discovered why i actually love the language – and love learning, really. yeah.
i don’t know where i was going with this but YES. tldr, during exam periods, i find how beautiful subjects – languages – are. it’s really cool, and i recommend you do it too. just go down a rabbit hole and find what makes you click. find that pull factor that makes you realise that yeah, this was worth it. this is probably kind of incoherent but hey. hopefully a bit of you resonated with this!
please watch out for part 3. idk when ill post it, but yeah! it’ll be a wrap-up to this academic year, or maybe just exams in particular. important! because i have quite a bit of reflection to do about that too. hope you enjoyed reading this haha thanks for reading so far !!!!!!!!!!! legitimately bless you owo (pls check out twosetviolin theyre amAzing) stay tuned for more !11!1!!
anbudan, noon xoxo
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izcana · 3 years
when you get this, please respond with five things that make you happy! then, send to your last ten people in your notifs (anonymously). you never know who might benefit from spreading positivity♡
1. Music
My all-time favourite composers are Chopin and Debussy, but I'm currently in a "Russian composers mood", so I've been listening to a lot of Rachmaninoff and Prokofiev.
My current favourite pieces by Chopin and Debussy are probably Nocturne in G major (Op. 37 no. 2) and Clair de Lune (suite bergamasque III), though it's very hard to decide.
If you get the time, I also recommend these pieces: Tchaikovsky violin concerto in D major, Sibelius violin concerto in D minor, (Clara) Schumann piano trio in G minor, Prokofiev piano sonata no. 8 (mvt 1, 2, 3), Chopin piano concerto no. 1, Stravinsky Sonata for 2 pianos, Mozart Sonata for 2 pianos, (Fanny) Mendelssohn piano trio, Chopin Ballade in F minor, (Clara) Schumann piano concerto in A minor, Mozart piano concerto 20, Mozart piano concerto 25, Beethoven piano sonata no. 8 "Pathétique", Beethoven piano sonata in A flat major, Mozart violin concerto no. 4 in D major, Bach Mass in B minor, Mozart Requiem in D minor, Rachmaninoff Prelude in G minor, Brahms Rhapsody in G minor, Bruch violin concerto (mvt 1, 2, 3), Bach violin sonata no. 1 in G minor, Dvorak violin concerto in A minor, Barber violin concerto (mvt 1, 2, 3), Tchaikovsky piano concerto no. 1, and Ysaÿe violin sonata no. 3 "Ballade".
I try to practice as much as I can, but sometimes procrastinating is the way of life... :)
@taylorswift is amazing – I can't wait for Red (Taylor's Version)! My current favourite albums are folklore, reputation, and Fearless (Taylor's Version), though I alternate a lot.
2. spending time with friends and family
Where I am, we can't really go out yet, so that's mostly 2-hour video calls.
3. Reading
I’m not too particular about what it is. biographies, fantasy, realistic fiction, historical fiction, history, fanfics, etc.
2021 book recs: The Maze Runner (James Dashner), 13 Reasons Why (Jay Asher), They Both Die At The End (Adam Silvera), Keeper of the Lost Cities (Shannon Messenger), Sherlock Holmes series (Arthur Conan Doyle), Anne of Green Gables (Lucy Montgomery), Kira-Kira (Cynthia Kadohata), Flipped (Wendelin van Draanen, Dead City (James Ponti), and Land of Stories/A Tale of Magic (Chris Colfer).
4. watching youtube
TwoSetViolin (website)
5. crafting
Thanks, Anon! (see original post here)
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