#txf requiem
sentientsky · 3 months
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Sophie Mackintosh, from ‘Cursed Bread’ (slightly edited)
alex changeling i am biting u. why.
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bakedbakermom · 7 months
txf + text posts (6/?)
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whovianderson · 4 months
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It’s fine I didn’t need my sanity anyway
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bisexualfbiagents · 10 months
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Can I see her?
THE X FILES | Redux II (5.02) and Requiem (7.22)
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the x files + text posts part 4 (briefly considered looking up some revival screenshots for the last one but then remembered that the show only had 7 seasons and nothing after that. je souhaite was such a great series finale, wow)
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numinousmysteries · 3 months
i'll always have a soft spot for post-requiem fics written in the summer of 2000 when we truly had no idea how things were going to play out after that absolute mic drop of an episode. writers came up with some wild and wonderful scenarios (lots of which were waaaay better than what actually happened.)
One of my faves is Promises to Keep by Prufrock's Love (which is NOT a straightforward MSR story by any stretch of the imagination and is probably not everyone's cup of tea but it is certainly mine).
For something fluffier there's My Favorite Word by Mish (and the sequel, My Favorite Day.)
And there are hundreds more of them on Gossamer here: http://fluky.gossamer.org/html/postep-07x22-1.html
any other favorites from this crazy time? bonus points if they involve mulder wearing scully's cross when he was abducted. never before had the glisten of a zipper sent a fandom so ablaze.
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agent-troi · 6 months
Eight Nights of Mulder, Night 5: Miracles
Summary: Scully finds out she’s pregnant… but this time, Mulder is there to share her joy.
@eightnightsofmulder @today-in-fic
ao3 link
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“Scully, they’re taking abductees. You’re an abductee.”
She put her hands on her hips and glared at him. “Do you want to become one yourself, Mulder? Because that’s what could happen if you go back out there.”
“I can’t let it happen to you again. I won’t. I’m not gonna risk…” he paused to swallow around the lump in his throat. “...losing you.”
Her eyes welled up with tears, and he could feel his doing the same. In unison, they moved into one another’s embrace.
“Don’t go back,” she whispered. “Please.”
Before Mulder could respond, he felt her suddenly go slack against him. He stumbled as he caught her limp body in his arms. “Scully? Scully!”
He saw her eyes twitch beneath half-closed lids. “M’ld’r…” she murmured sluggishly.
“I’m here, Scully. I’m here, and I’m not leaving. You hear me?”
“Mmmm…” There was a light sheen of sweat on her forehead. His panic escalated, and he bent at the knees to scoop her up in his arms and cradle her against his chest. She’s so small…
“Agent Mulder?” Skinner had emerged from the conference room, followed closely by the three Gunmen. Their eyes widened when they saw Scully. “What happened?” Skinner asked.
“I don’t know, I think she fainted.” Mulder could barely hear his own voice over the sound of his heart hammering in his chest. “I’m taking her to the hospital. You guys stay here with Krycek and Marita and see what else you can find out.”
He made it to the hospital in record time, Scully regaining consciousness along the way but still weak enough not to raise more than the faintest objections when Mulder told her where he was taking her. When he told the admitting nurse that he was her boyfriend, Scully raised her eyebrows at him but didn’t say anything. Thankfully, the nurse believed them, so he was allowed to wait with her while they ran a series of tests.
“I know it’s technically true, since we’re together now,” she remarked as she sat on the examination table, her legs swinging back and forth as they were too short to reach the ground. “But ‘boyfriend’ just sounds so… juvenile. No, that’s not the right word. It’s just not… enough… to describe what you are to me.”
Mulder sat in a chair which he’d pulled up right next to the table, squeezing her hand gently as he looked up at her. “If I’d said I was only your ‘partner’, they wouldn’t have let me in here.”
Scully chuckled. “Half the time people assume we mean that in a romantic sense anyway. I think it’s fitting. It describes every aspect of our relationship, personal and professional.” She paused to let out an adorably enormous yawn, and Mulder couldn’t help but smile despite his lingering concern. “And it would’ve described…” 
Her voice faltered as she suddenly looked away from him, down at her feet. “If we’d gotten our miracle, we would’ve been partners in that too.”
Regret and agonized longing pierced his heart, just like it had back in Oregon when he’d watched Scully hold Teresa Hoese’s baby. He’d wanted that for her– with her– so much, but whatever cruel God was in charge of dispensing miracles had decided it wasn’t meant to be.
The door to the exam room opened, and in walked the doctor, who looked like she was trying not to smile. “Miss Scully?”
She handed her a manila envelope, which Scully immediately opened. Mulder looked at the doctor anxiously, too afraid to read it himself. “What is it? Is she okay?”
A gasp caused him to turn his attention back to Scully, who was pressing one hand to her mouth as if she were trying to hold in laughter or tears, or both. “Scully?”
His partner looked up at him with an unreadable expression. “I’m… I’m pregnant.”
She laughed softly as tears of joy slid down her cheeks. “I’m having a—”
“We’re having a—”
“A miracle,” they finished in unison. Mulder pulled Scully into his arms and spun her around, laughing and crying with her. 
“I told you not to give up, Scully.”
“You did,” she murmured into his shoulder. “I’ll never doubt you again.”
He snorted. “Liar.”
Scully laughed again. “I can’t believe this is happening.”
“I thought you believed in miracles?”
“I thought you didn’t?”
Mulder smiled and kissed her forehead, cradling her face as she gazed up at him with wide-eyed joy and wonder. “Well, maybe now I do.”
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deathsbestgirl · 4 months
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thinking about this too much and i'm going straight to requiem with it.
if mulder knew during en ami, had been going to doctors...with the way scully's cancer was interfered with, her infertility, her pregnancy. i think it makes sense that mulder was also being monitored & interfered with. csm would have known.
part of what i like about en ami is he's finally treating her as more than an experiment or as a way to get to mulder. he didn't want scully to tell mulder about this, it was a caveat for him telling her anything. he spends the time psychoanalyzing her and trying to make him see as more than a villain. he tries to humanize himself. tells her she can have the cure for cancer, all human ailments. he tells her how she'd die for mulder but won't let herself love him. everyone knows she would die for mulder, sacrifice anything for him, give him anything. and it goes both ways.
csm may know a lot, but he doesn't know everything. he can plan for a lot, but he can't plan for everything.
if what happened to mulder from biogenesis through amor fati is the cause of his brain disease, something csm stole, had surgically removed from mulder and put into his own brain...was there concern for himself? granted, it couldn't have worked. it was a failed experiment, but having part of mulder implanted into him that developed a disease?
he did want a cure. and if it did exist, he could have taken it for himself. leaving mulder & scully with nothing.
csm doesn't know everything and he needed to figure out what scully knew. if she knew, not only would she have been driven as a doctor & as someone who was infected with a deadly cancer, but she would want it for mulder.
in the end, scully leaves with a blank disc and csm (presumably) throws the real one into the water, unlikely to by seen again. but that doesn't mean he doesn't have the cure. something, i think he would be interested in. to save his chosen few should the need arise.
but before that can happen, mulder is abducted. i know most people interpret mulder's reaction as angry, and that's part of it. his fear, especially concerning scully's tendency toward belief (beyond the sea, all souls). i think it's more complicated than that though. he knows about his brain disease. he remembers scully's cancer too well, her abduction, emily. mulder knows what scully would sacrifice for him. he knows what she sacrifices for others & the world. her safety, her autonomy, literally anything she has to offer. he knows what he almost did to get her cure for cancer...if mulder told scully about his brain disease, if she went along with csm without even knowing about it. there's no telling what she would do if she did know.
(mulder didn't want her to be used again, the way they both have been. he knows the pain of manipulation. he knows how her abduction affected her, and himself. they both know loss at the hands of this conspiracy several times over. he doesn't want this to be scully's life.)
the audience doesn't always understand how crazy dana scully is, but fox mulder knows very well.
in requiem, mulder tells scully the cost is too high. not for all the reasons they've been told, but the personal cost. he's at a point where he's starting to believe it isn't worth it. he wants her to live, like she wanted him to live. well, differently. mulder wants her to pursue the normal life she doesn't have, that she left behind to stay on the x files & to be with him. mulder was going to keep scully safe, he wasn't going to let her be abducted again. he convinces her to stay, but scully won't let him go alone. someone needs to have his back.
i don't know if mulder knew he would be abducted, that they were taking abductees with the brain activity he exhibited on biogenesis through amor fati. either way, he gets taken and not her.
scully doesn't find out about his brain disease until after mulder's been abducted. she denies the possibility because he would have told her, like she told him. when doggett suggests he doesn't trust her, she throws water in his face in a crowded bullpen. scully finds gibson in the desert, wanders the desert in search of mulder. hoping he'll turn up, having dreams of what he's going through.
scully suffers without him, has her prayers answered when he returns from the dead. she saves him from becoming a monster, and his brain disease is cured. and what if...this is what was on the disc? turning these people into hybrids eliminated human vulnerabilities, cured diseases, brought them back from the dead.
csm couldn't actually have scully know that. is a cure that takes away your humanity worth it? would she have found a way to counter it? (well, yes because she did.)
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moiraiinesedai · 2 years
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THE X-FILES | Requiem (7x22)
“What’s wrong, Scully? You look sick.”
“I don’t know what’s wrong. I was starting to get ready for bed and I started to feel really dizzy - vertigo or something and then I just… I started to get chills.”
“You want me to call a doctor?”
“No, I just want to get warm.”
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cock-holliday · 2 years
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Not to be dramatic, but I’m blowing myself up
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soufflegirl · 11 months
in je souhaite mulder and scully are finally in a place where they can drink beer together and watch a bad movie and just be. they've closed samantha's chapter and scully is fairly happy and mulder is finally at peace. and then requiem happens and mulder disappears and scully is pregnant and alone. and then mulder is dead and she has to bury him and move on without him while carrying their child and she is alone, alone, alone. and then mulder comes back and the world went on without him and what is his place in a world where scully is pregnant and has a new partner and the x-files weren't shut down because he wasn't there? and so his paranoia comes back and he can't sit still, he can't stay in a place, he has to move and prove that the world still needs him. and scully doesn't know how to be around him and how to communicate with him and tell him that she's carrying their child, their child! and it makes me so sad, because scully was fairly happy and then she's suddenly so alone and mulder was finally at peace and then he doesn't know where he fits in anymore
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the-meghan-m · 6 months
kinda just realized seasons 1 and 7 are mirrors of each other
season 1 starts in bellefleur, oregon, the beginning of a journey, and season 7 ends there, the end of that journey (in a way)
season 1 ends with the establishment of much of the mytharc with “the erlenmeyer flask,” and season 7 begins with a new mytharc
in season 1 we ask the question of what happened to samantha, and in season 7 we answer it
i’m sure there are more parallels but i’m too brain dead to think of them
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whovianderson · 4 months
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Gillian freaking Anderson you are such a good actress and right now I hate you for it
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x-files-scripts · 2 years
The X-Files - “Requiem”
Written by Chris Carter
April 14, 2000 (GREEN)
Deleted scene: Scully admits she’s no longer “a complete disbeliever.”
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This deleted scene is another callback to the pilot...
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In this draft, Mulder gets under the covers with Scully...
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frogsmulder · 2 years
1. “I love you, please don’t go.”
Non te Deseram
a requiem missing-scenes au set before and at the end of the ep; about 1k words; rated t; tagging @today-in-fic Part 1: Fluff
There is a light sprinkling of sunshine trying to make its way through the blind when Scully awakes in the arms of her lover. The spring light is soft and quiet, she imagines it is slightly overcast outside, the sky a mix of blue and grey, sun and rain. Soft and quiet are Mulder’s snores behind her, his breath tickling the back of her neck where his nose is buried in her mussed hair. She sighs. She can’t stay too long, so she takes the moment to enjoy every sensation. The scratchiness Mulder’s morning stubble against her back; the hairs on his legs tickling her thighs where their legs are twined; the weight of his sleep-dead arm across her waist. She is at home. She shuffles deeper into the bed and his body, revelling in his warmth. Scully lets out a short breathy laugh when she bumps into his morning erection: their previous night’s antics clearly not enough to wear him out.
Feeling him rouse behind her, she turns her head back, listening for his predictable morning hum. On cue, Mulder hums and mumbles against her back, something she assumes is supposed to resemble “morning”.
“Morning, to you too,” she teases and laces her fingers through his resting on her stomach. “You want coffee?”
He shakes his head, letting the rough of his stubble scrape against her skin. She shivers, knowing she’s made a mistake when he chuckles and does it again. “Mulderrrr,” she whines, but his lips soothe the scratch with tiny kisses.
Journeying up to her ear, Mulder presses a kiss to her lobe before mumbling, “You’re the only thing I want.” He punctuates his confession with a wiggle of his hips, eliciting a giggle from her. “Is that supposed to be funny?” he jokes.
Quickly, Scully extricates herself from his hold before she succumbs to temptation, escaping his arm that stretches out after her. Engaging the puppy-eyes, Mulder resorts to begging. ��I love you, please don’t go.”
She tries to remain stern– “You know we don’t have time. Remember: we have the expense evaluations today–” but her rebuttal is tainted by a smirk.
He pouts, letting his arm flop onto the mattress. “Party pooper.”
“I’ll make some coffee,” she calls after herself as she walks out of the room.
Part 2: Angst
Scully stands in the darkened doorway of Mulder's bedroom, watching him hastily pack for his flight out to Oregon in a few hours. He darts from one draw to another; she admires his single-minded focus, never straining from the people he needs to help. She sees it as he licks his lips; the final items stuffed into an overnight bag; the file they opened placed on top. He picks it up scanning the details again although she knows he already has every account committed to memory. He runs his hand through his hair and an urge befalls her to fix the spikey tufts left behind for him. "I love you," she murmurs from a distance. 
He looks up at her with wide, mossy eyes, flecked golden in the orange light of the lamp. In earnest, his innocent gaze captures her heart in a fist of fiery iron, melting her final resolve. "I love you too," he answers simply, letting the weight of his affection carry his words. 
A panging ache shoots through Scully's heart: a terrible grief she can't comprehend overwhelms her. She sees him the–as she does now before her–but he is standing amongst familiar trees and bathed in an ethereal glow. She shakes her head: no. "I love you, Mulder." Stepping into the light of his room, she follows her heart. "Please don't go." 
He meets her and takes her hands in his own warm, large grasp. "Scully, I have to. There are people that are relying on me–they need me."
She holds his stare and feels his pleading in the wide innocence of his eyes, his furrowed brow. Let him be the hero, fulfilling that hole of crippling guilt his sister left behind. He looks so young when he sets himself missions like this, reminding her of when they first met: determined and stubborn. It’s why she fell in love with him. Yet Scully doesn’t want him to play the hero; doesn’t want to lose him in some grand act of selflessness. "I need you. I– I have a terrible feeling about all of this. I need you here. I need to know you are safe."
He cocks his head, looking so intensely at her she can feel it all the way in the marrow of her bones. Reaching forward, he tucks her hair behind her ear then gently holds her cheek in the palm of his hand. His voice is as soft and sweet as honey, like his touch. There is worry written in his eyes; they flick from side to side. "This isn't like you, Scully–"
"Mulder," she cuts him off: exasperated, exhausted, emotional. Leaning into his hold, she closes her eyes and sighs. "Please. Trust me, just this once… Please."
"Hey," he hushes her, "Always." 
His arms come to wrap around her like the final missing piece of the puzzle and she at last feels safe, able to relax in his embrace. The quiet ticking of the clock in the living room slows. Ear pressed to Mulder’s chest, time is replaced by the thud of his heart and the wave of his breathing, cresting and falling, lulling her. Despite the temporary serenity, Scully can’t shake the feeling of grief like an omen waiting to pass. 
That night she sleeps restlessly, and in the morning, she hears the news from Skinner: people with anomalous brain activity–the very same Mulder experienced a year prior– had been abducted. Rushing to the toilet, she throws up in the basin, gasping for breath when it's over. A comforting hand rests on her shoulder and she looks up to see a concerned Mulder looking down at her. “Scully, I think we should get you to the hospital.” Finally, she agrees. 
When the second piece of news falls in their laps, Mulder cries at her bedside holding her hand. She can’t believe it, needing to see the charts herself, but the evidence is there. She turns to him, confused but elated, and grins.
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gingerteaonthetardis · 10 months
not to be a boomer but
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