#ty again for the ask!
spicyraeman · 3 months
13 & 14 for vir! (And rûngrim)
Thank you for the ask! Rûngrim got a bit of a rework recently so it was fun to do these for her :]
[Tav Ask Game]
13. What was your Tav's first reaction to Lae'Zel?
Virran: already answered here
Rûngrim: Lae’zel is the most familiarly acting person Grim has met since she left her orcish hometown, it's grounding in a way. She's immediately impressed with Lae’zel’s martial prowess and enjoys her hit first ask questions later approach to things.
14. What was your Tav's first reaction to Shadowheart?
Virran: Maybe it's the adrenaline of still being alive or the pure desperation in her eyes, but where pre-abduction Vir would have just left her in the pod (survival always comes first), current Vir takes the time to find a way to get her out, despite his protesting instincts. The ensuing conversation is where their interest truly gets piqued though, the obvious Sharran gear and poor deflecting off the strange object she’s carrying are definitely things he wants to pry about if they get off the ship alive.
Rûngrim: If she hadn’t been able to simply rip open the pod with her strength alone she probably would have left her behind, not out of malice but simply survival. She thinks she's nice enough (to her at least) but finds the way she talks around things headache inducing.
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payte · 2 months
You totally don't have to answer this one 'cause it'd be a spoiler, but with Sim legacies babies (usually) come soon after weddings and with Cindy and Henry getting hitched I'm super curious: the Princess Legacy rules say you can go in whatever order you want, and you skipped the Swan Lake gen for Cinderella. So, any hints which gen might come next? Totally no pressure to answer! ~too shy to ask off anon 🤣😭
Thank you sm for the ask! 🥰
I can give you a small hint : Things are about to get hairy...👀🤫
A sneak peek of next gen is coming up in my beach babes posts at the end of July, if you want a more outright answer! (if not, I'm tagging it Princess Legacy Spoilers!)
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crowndaz · 2 months
Hi, I just stumbled across your blog, and I was curious about Prism and his story. Is he supposed to be Four Swords or Four Swords Adventures Link? Or is he a new Hero of the Four Sword?
Hi! I'm so glad you asked and I hope you're in for a VERY niche answer FJKDHDJFG
Prism is my attempt at answering how/why the Palace of the Four Swords exists in a gameboy edition of Alttp! It's a bonus, postgame content dungeon that just. Went ENTIRELY unexplained and like immediately forgotten lmao
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rhvpsodos-fr · 7 months
Arcane - What are your favorite gene combinations? If you've already answered this one by the time you get to it though, flip it and tell us your least favorite gene combos.
Thankyou for the ask!!
Sooo I really can’t answer this one without mentioning Pinstripe/Toxin… it’s not a combo I’m suuuper into anymore but I used to be OBSESSED. I think it’s still the most popular combo in my lair!
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That said, I do still really love bold, vibrant genes, especially those that feature an accent color!
I love using Blend together with a more busy prim/tert…
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Or just going all out with something crazy xD
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And to answer the second bit just for fun, I don’t dislike a lot of genes/combos and generally think there’s a use case for everything, but….
Circuit with anything. I can never find any use case for it.. xD
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red-eft · 9 months
✨-🍀 🧊🎓 for BUG!! :D
my bug !! thank you for the ask!
✨: how did you come up with the oc's name?
i couldn't think of a good name for her so i just shortened bugbear to bug.. fits as a cute nickname especially since she can't remember what she used to be named :o
🍀: what originally inspired the oc?
ohh.. despite bug not having a story or any major development compared to my other ocs, she's deeply personal to me because of how i made her.
at first, i read about how broken a bugbear barbarian/rogue multiclass can be in dnd. i came up with her initial concept- an outcast that set out adventuring in search of someplace she'd belong.
that idea somehow became the question "what if bugbears were physical manifestations of emotion?" i chose loneliness for bug because it was the emotion i felt most at the time and felt the need to direct it somewhere. she embodies the despair and fatigue that constant isolation brings. she wants to break out of it, but can't bring herself to do it since self-isolation is part of her core being. she's basically the dog behind the fence in that art by anna haifisch:
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but lately i've found out that shit really does get better, so maybe it'll get better for bug, too... :> !!
🧊: is their current design the first one?
yep! tbh i've drawn her twice and. haven't drawn her since oops. i think when i draw her again someday i'll use the gift art a friend made of her as a ref, i love how he drew her ^^
🎓: how long have you had the oc?
since july 2023!
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iceicewifey · 7 months
🎼 and 🎵 for the music ask game :))
wah ty for the ask!
。⋆˚ 𝒎𝒖𝒔𝒊𝒄 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒅 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝒂𝒔𝒌𝒔 ˚。⋆♪˚
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🎼 ; Give us a song that matches your S/I's vibe!
ough... there's several in Shay's playlist, but if I had to pick one that fits her the most, I think I'd go with 'Faster' by Within Temptation.
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🎵 ; What song would you recommend to your F/O?
I would not /j okay but tbh I can see Shay trying to force Vanilla to listen to Quiet Riot's 'Metal Health' album because that's the one she named her stand after... don't think he'd like it too much tho tbh jhdfbhj
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lookbluesoup · 2 years
Out of all your characters, who is the easiest to rp?
Thank you for the ask! :3
I would say Nahte is the easiest, just because I have so much practice with him. But it's a bit hard to narrow this down, actually. 🤔 Depending on my mood and the situation the character is in, how easy it is to get in their head can vary a lot. Sometimes I still don't know what to do with him xD
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For example, Nahte's usually a very patient guy, but he's got pretty bad claustrophobia, and will go absolutely feral in defense of someone he loves. In some situations where his good intentions are at odds with his triggers, despite having been writing him for years, I have to ponder for a while to decide where he's ultimately going to fall on an issue.
And though there's a lot of core traits that make Nahte, Nahte, I also have a bunch of AUs for him that can change his life experiences, values, upbringing, etc. The world he's placed in will influence his personality traits differently. He is, for example, pretty strictly monogamous in his Fallout 4 self, because of how he was raised and the expectations of characters/culture around him. But in FFXIV, he grew up as a traditional Keeper of the Moon, where polyamory is the norm rather than the exception, so he's much more open to it. But in all his AUs, he's demisexual, and in one way or another struggles with feeling like an outsider or defective at times for being unable to approach physical pleasures casually.
I sometimes also feel like he suffers from "bloat" in that because I've written him for so many years, there's a lot of established little details and nuances to remember about him, and I do forget things.
Ultimately this is all probably why I enjoy writing him still after so many years, though, because I have a lot of different worlds to stick him into and examine how his core traits would play out differently, too. He's familiar and I have a good handle on him, but there's still plenty of "new" stuff for me to learn about him that keeps writing this character engaging.
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quillinhand · 1 year
hi hi!
do you like your pride flag (if you have one)?
how long have you been using your current labels?
characters you headcanon as lgbtq+?
celebrity crush?
Hi! Thanks for the ask!! Ok so:
yup! I’m bi and yes, I adore my flag. I even made a keychain for it(lemme know if u want me to post it) today. It’s just, purple is my favorite Color and there’s something about the bi flag that just calms me.
About two years. I came out last year.
I have so many queer characters lol. I’ll mention a few.
Harry Potter, Remus Lupin and Ron Weasley, he/him bi
Severus Snape he/they pan ace.
Hermione Granger, she/her, pan.
Sirius Black(he/him) Draco Malfoy, he/she/they, either aro-ace or bi
James(he/him) and Lily(she/her), bi.
i have others( again, lemme know if u want me to post them.)
Scarlett Johansson and Tenoch Huerta, if I really had to name them. I find them attractive and admire them a lot more than I’m crushing on them.
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billystorm · 1 year
Ohh the headshots are so cute! How many cats do you think are gonna be in each clan?
ty!! ideally something like 30-35 absolute max? this is including npcs and confirmed pcs so far tho. the clans are at 19 (grotto) and 22 (arch) each. honestly as long as both clans can balance out to an extent i dont really mind what they each reach
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iyote · 2 years
(Also hi! Hope you’re having a good day!)
your song is: At A Later Date by Joy Division! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ceHzceD8QpQ
Human beings are dangerous and they call me in the dark But everything gets twice as cold in marching for a lark There's loads of things I'd like to do if I could find the time Working really tires me and I think I'll turn to crime
A rare recording of early Joy Division. Also yes I am having a good day! thank :D hope you have a nice day as well
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spicyraeman · 1 year
Does Luis prefer sweet or savory breakfest?
Ayyy, thank you for asking ‘bout my boy!
Luis 100% prefers a savory breakfast! He grew up in the Welles household, so most of his meals were traditional Mexican dishes made by Mamá Welles. Eggs, beans, and meats are a must have for him, he'll pay top dollar just for fresh ingredients.
His favorite breakfast dish, by far, is Enfrijoladas. It was a big staple of his childhood and holds a lot of nostalgia for him.
Sadly though, he's an abysmal cook, so if he wants anything home cooked for breakfast he has to go to his Mamá's (which he doesn't mind at all!).
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payte · 3 months
If you get this, answer w/ three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog! (no pressure! ❤️)
Thank you so much - sorry for answering this a little late!! 🥰
I think I've shared this on here before but I love making cosplays! I'm currently working on making a cyborg GlaDos cosplay from the game Portal!
Even though I love the horror genre, I can be too much of a chicken sometimes to watch/play things myself. Sometimes I'll watch movie reviews/explanations and other people play scary games instead 😅
Going off of that last fact, my favorite scary movie is Scream and I've managed to watch it (and make other people watch it) many times!
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mvshortcut · 2 years
🐇💥❤️🦋 for the writer's ask game :D
Hey thank you so much!!!
🐇 Do you write for yourself, for others, or both?
Hmm, probably a bit of both! I write for myself in the sense that I'm just playing with toys in my sandbox. Usually some idea will hold my brain hostage until I write it. (Also it's often me looking at Mr. Benedict or Milligan or Ms Perumal etc and thinking "I am going to create a parental figure that is so loving-")
But I also write for others in the sense that when I write a funny line of dialogue, I'm thinking "oh I hope this will make them laugh!" Or another example would be this fluff fic with Mr. Benedict and Constance because I know that 90% of the fandom would sell their soul for a single hug from Mr. Benedict (myself included). So I definitely had that in mind while writing that one!
💥 What is one canon thing that you wish you could change?
Books: Hmm, I really can't think of anything besides why wasn't SQ in Riddle of Ages? Still mad about that. Also I've always seen Rhonda as a lesbian in the books but in Riddle of Ages she canonically has a husband (which I'm really happy for her! They seem like they have a really sweet family. I just really love the idea of lesbian Rhonda though.)
Show: I missed the "Mill-Again" explanation! Also I wish they had kept Sticky's parents. It was just such a great opportunity to continue the theme of "adults are flawed and family can be the people you choose to love" (plus great disabled rep with Mrs. Washington - she's such a wonderful and sweet lady!) But I do understand why they changed it; it's hard to tell the story fully within their show time frame and a rushed telling could end up sending the completely opposite message to kids.
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
oh shit I have to pick one??
Ok here's a sweet/kinda sad exchange:
“What should I say instead?” SQ asks quietly as he assembles his s’more. “Or what could I say instead?”
“Nothing at all,” Mr. Benedict sighs, sticking the final marshmallow directly into the flames. “You work on perfecting your burger flip and filling the walls of your apartment with artwork, and get a library card if you want. And if one day, you find yourself saying, ‘I want to go back,’ then you go.”
SQ’s silent for a moment. The marshmallow hisses in the firepit.
“I want to get a library card,” SQ says.
“We’ll go tomorrow,” Mr. Benedict says.
advice I needed to hear at the time so it is very dear to me (from 46 Fairview St. Apt. 2A, Stonetown)
And here's a funny one:
In truth, though Milligan would never admit this aloud, he considered managing the grill to be the sacred honor and duty of any self-respecting dad—and Kate deserved the best of dads, which meant a dad that was worth his keep at the grill.
Read this again the other day and it made me laugh. Grill dad Milligan for the win (from Time and a Half Chapter 2)
I really tried to pick one I promise-
🦋 Which character is your favorite to write?
Milligan, because I've spent so long on Time and a Half that I've adopted him as my dad now. Also Rhonda and Number Two's banter is always so hilarious to me because they're both insane (affectionate) but in very different and complementary ways. Also I had a blast writing McCracken and the other Ten Men in Time and a Half!
Sorry for writing so much but I had fun doing this <3
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verved · 2 years
Similar to that last ask, what would verve’s opinion be on organic stuff like plants and animals? Would they have a favourite?
Oh Verve absolutely loves organics. While it's a pipe dream, they would love to be a xenobiologist, and they do study it on their own when they can. They find all of it equally fascinating but gravitate towards animal life over plants.
While stranded on an organic planet, they had little to do for the several thousand years they were stuck there, so documenting as much organic life as they could was one thing that let them keep their sanity, but it eventually lost its appeal. For a while after that ordeal, they couldn't find the same joy as they once did in organic life, but it didn't take too long before they moved past it.
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barely-corporeal · 5 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers (ó ꒳ ò✿)
:o thank you for the ask! @kaz-of-crows
my spotify soundtrack! last time i checked it's almost 8 hours long, and i'm constantly adding new songs (it's probably so much longer at this point lol)
my dnd character!!! i started playing a campaign with some of my friends, and i'm having a great time! my little guy is a harengon sorcerer and i love him aaaaa
drawing! i've been practicing with anatomy lately, and i've been getting better? i think? i've been branching out into drawing poses that aren't just standing up straight, and i consider that a win in my book
kirby! i've been saving up to get the newest kirby game for a while now, and i'm so excited to play it :} i also have to finish return to dreamland eventually, but i'm not complaining about that, the more kirby the better lol
splatoon! i've finally gotten back into playing again, and it's been pretty fun! i've been playing the dlc non-stop, and i'm so close to fully completing it. it's difficult, but in a very fun way :D
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mysdrymmumbles · 8 months
For Idri:
Lapsang Souchong: If your OC was a scented candle, what would they smell like?
Chai: What is your OC’s comfort food/drink?
Ty for the ask!
Lapsang Souchong: If your OC was a scented candle, what would they smell like?
Idri's candle would smell like cinnamon and sugar.
Chai: What is your OC’s comfort food/drink?
Grapes for food, and hot chocolate with a small splash of rum in it for her comfort drink.
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