#ty for asking haha :))
forecast0ctopus · 1 month
Hi hi!! First off I gotta let you know you're easily one of my favourite artists on Tumblr and I'm pretty sure you're single handedly pulling me back into the star trek obsession with your art (I love the shapes and colours they are very special to me. Also the way you draw bones....love that old man)
But if you don't mind me asking!! How do you go about drawing legs/arms? It's one of the things I'm struggling most with at the moment but I LOVE the way you draw em. No pressure to answer tho ofc!!
Hope you're having a nice day :)
THANK YOU i'm sorry iit took me uhh two and a half months to get to this but i really appreciate it!! I really wanted to give some kind of answer for you but that took a while to get to oops anyways here's how i personally approach arms/legs:
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nothings suuuper concrete because of course things can always change with body type, weight, or how muscley a character is. i just kind of look at everything from an anatomy perspective, simplify and exaggerate for readability, and uhh also i like shapes and pointy things :]
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bbq-potato-chip · 20 days
Please, draw Saiki wearing a cool outfit (literally anything you find interesting and would wear).
Thank you ❤
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!!!!!!! of course !!!!! i wanted to put him in some casual fits as well if thats ok-
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oni-tengu · 1 year
Roxy, what's the dumbest thing you've seen Dirk do?
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TG: theres 2 many times to count tho lbr
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pumpumkins · 2 months
If you're open to drawing transformers, I am begging on my hands and knees for Tarn doodles
Just the silliest of doodles. A single doodle, if that's too much.
Ps I love your art I want to eat it so bad 💕
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"may your skull become the foundation for the future greatness of the decepticons"
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jesncin · 7 months
OK 1) Y'all's DC Art has permanently altered my brain chemistry. Your Lois has become the definitive one in my mind. 2) Have y'all ever given any thought to Conner Kent/Superboy? I feel like there's a lot there to unpack and I trust y'all to be profoundly compelling with it.
I feel so honored whenever anyone says that gosh thank you!! ;_; and well since this is an ask about Lois and Conner:
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While Lois is often known for using her charisma to get answers out of people she interviews, I think Lois Liando has a lot of empathy for other marginalized people. She sees the way Conner is forced to grow up too soon, how guarded he is when he's offered help, the way he's unfairly judged as a threat, and she sees herself in him.
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evercelle · 5 months
Ever if you make Aventurine or Wanderer merch (or just about anything glittery) I will buy it so fast. Gosh. I take the Venti glitter shaker with me EVERYWHERE and the XV shaker lives in my ita backpack, always on display. I’m checking in often to see when the Lyney and Lynette ones will be available to get even more glitter shakers in my life. They’re my favorite types of merch by far and it’s led to showing so many people your store! Idk where I was going with this but. More glitter things please 💳💸💰
you're partially in luck, cuz i have wanderer and aventurine merch in my next shop update! ...though neither of them are glitter shakers, sadly. here is a little sneaky peek as an apology :')
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portsandstars · 3 months
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Some more pictures from the last time I wore this cosplay, hopefully I can do a full photoshoot soon:)
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deerspherestudios · 9 months
If Mychael had the Internet thanks to Y/N (somehow it would have turned out to provide him with all this), which sites would he like to visit more? Scientific? Gaming? Or sites with different videos like YouTube?
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I love him so muuuch! The cutest mushroom boy!
I want to kiss his whole face and hug him tight!🍄 ≧▽≦
And I tried to draw him ● 3●
I think he'd be into arts-and-crafts or recipe blogs mostly, asking you to look them up when he's in the mood haha!
He's more of a reader, so he wouldn't find much enjoyment out of videos. It feels weird for him to be looking at people talking to the camera and not feeling a sense of hostility from them. Feels too jarring for him.
But! He'd be absolutely obsessed with DIY candy kits.
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strawowoberry · 3 months
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This is actually so cool what
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blackjackkent · 13 days
Prompt fill for @astreamofstars from this ask meme: Lord Huron Lyric Prompts
Khalid (and Jaheira) - "watch for a sign in the midnight sky"
My first attempt at proper writing of Khalid! Deeply enjoyed this and I hope you do too. :D
Khalid fidgets aimlessly with one sleeve of his armor, trying in vain to get the leather greaves to settle more comfortably in place. It is all new equipment, purchased out of his scant funds on his arrival in Baldur's Gate, and it has not yet had time to become fully broken in. 
Had he been able to bring his amlak armor from home, perhaps he would feel more comfortable now. Miserable though he was in Calimport's city guard, his armor at least had been very good, carefully polished and molded to his body from months of hard use. But it has been left behind, along with everything else about his old life - the corruption of his superior officers on the one hand and the disinterested cruelty of his father and half-brothers on the other. 
So here he is, for better or for worse - half a world away in ill-fitting armor, chasing rumors and wild hope. He has heard the tales of an institution where his skills would go to better use, a group of warriors who fight not for power and coin but for balance. Perhaps the Harpers will prove to be the true family he has been searching for.
The recruiter he spoke to - a furtive, laconic fellow with a hand always on his dagger - said Khalid measured well in conversation, but that the only real test of a new Harper was action. “Wait tonight in the square in Norchapel,” he had said with the ghost of a smile. “I will have some of my people find you near midnight. Identify yourself to them, and they will have a task for you. Prove true in that business and there may be a place for you among us.”
It's a cold night. The Norchapel square is empty and lit only by the ominous flickering light of the single streetlamp under which Khalid is waiting. Privately he is starting to wonder if this is part of the test - to hold to his patience in spite of the chill and silence - and if the task that lies ahead could in truth just as easily be done in daylight. But nevertheless he waits, just as instructed, as the clock in his mind slowly ticks from midnight on towards one o'clock. 
“Watch for a sign in the midnight sky,” growls a voice almost at his elbow, making him jump. He hadn't heard anyone approach. 
Then he steadies himself, swallows nervously, and gives the counter-phrase without turning around. “F-f-for by the m-moon's light, we unearth all s-secrets,” he says earnestly. 
His new conversational partner emerges out of the shadows and into the light of the streetlamp where Khalid can see him. He's a big, bulky human with dark skin and hair, broad and muscular, which makes it all the more impressive how silently he moves, his feet rolling heel to toe across the cobblestones.
On his left is a brass dragonborn with a pair of lethal-looking katanas and an incongruous cocksure grin. On his right is a young half-elven woman, about Khalid's own age, with a quarterstaff in one hand and an expression as unreadable as the stone wall behind her. All three of them wear the subtle silver pin of the Harpers at the fastening of their cloaks. 
“By the moon's light indeed,” the human says pleasantly, reaching out a hand for Khalid to shake. “You'll be our new recruit, then? Khalid yn Munir?”
Khalid hesitates as he releases the handshake. “J-j-just Khalid,” he finally says quietly. 
“As you wish,” the Harper agrees. He doesn't seem surprised; Khalid is no doubt not the first initiate to be leaving something behind. “My name is Vartan. This is Kambas and Jaheira,” he explains, gesturing at each of his companions in turn. “We are to accompany you on a test of your skill and commitment. Hold true and the Harpers shall welcome you.”
“Y-y-yes,” Khalid says earnestly. “I am ready t-to assist in any way I c-c-can.” 
He gets rather stuck on the last word and Kambas laughs softly, a rumbling noise like an avalanche. “Twitchy little thing, isn't he,” the dragonborn says. 
As mockings go, it’s far less malicious than the ones Khalid is used to; indeed, the Harper doesn’t seem to be saying it with cruelty. It’s just an observation, as if he was commenting about the weather. Khalid is already shrugging it off automatically - but to his surprise, the half-elf, Jaheira, stirs suddenly. She’s been watching Khalid in silence with deep, appraising intensity, but now nudges her companion with the butt of her staff.
“Do not be unkind, Kambas,” she says sharply.
The dragonborn’s grin widens and he lifts his hands defensively. “Just messin’ around, Jay,” he says with an air of affable mischief.
“Choose your targets with more care,” she says firmly, “and while you are at it, do not call me that.” She rolls her eyes and catches Khalid’s gaze; a subtle smile twitches her lips up at the corners. “You see you should not take it personally; he is a little shit to us all in equality.”
“So is maintained the balance,” Vartan intones, and Kambas laughs again.
Khalid feels himself start to relax, and smiles back at Jaheira. “I th-thank you for the s-s-support,” he murmurs.
For just a moment - almost as if in spite of herself - her smile settles into something less sardonic and more genuine, and he finds himself struck to inner stillness by the way it lights her eyes. She is a few years his senior and her face already bears the marks of whatever violence in which the Harpers have employed her, but the smile does a great deal to soften it, to show an edge of kindness beneath the cool front. She looks at him and seems pleased with what she sees.
After so many years flanked by various flavors of cruelty, he finds himself utterly captivated by that soft edge, that approval. He stares back at her and feels heat climb up his neck. His tongue, already given to betraying him, feels heavy as lead in his mouth and in that moment he’s not sure he could speak at all.
Then it’s gone. The moment passes; her eyes hood over again and she looks away from him towards Vartan. “Well. Shall we be about it, then?” she asks briskly. “Let us see what our new Harper can do.”
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ethosiab · 9 months
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warden etho ? pretty please
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did you. did you read my mind or something? because i started designing a warden etho for funsies and checked my phone and saw this notification mid way through gathering references
(vote boat boys and ill draw something for you)
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ask-shane · 16 days
YOURE BACKKKK HI SHANE WELCOME BACK SHANE!!! this reminded me of you /affectionate
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glad this is the impression i leave behind. what did i expect…
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thanks for welcoming me back. this is what i’d call a “cold” welcome.
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crow-quet · 8 days
Might I suggest Lunacord fan child/next gen?
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what a fun one !!! :D getting to mix and match everything was an enjoyable little puzzle for me :3c
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thelonelyshore-if · 9 days
that willow ask made me wonder how jay or anyone else really would react if mc accidentally by instinct called sierra willow 😔 my mc hates willow sm but it’s just a case of anger as a shield for worry and vulnerability
Ough I love this askkkkk.
Jay would just feel soft towards MC, especially if they had a good relationship with Willow. Like..."You miss them, don't you?" Jay can't imagine being apart from their sister for an extended length of time. It just isn't something that happens in Easthaven.
If MC didn't get along with Willow and accidentally called Cricket by their name, Jay would be amused. Especially if Cricket being a little shit is what prompted it lmao.
Cricket on the other hand would be instantly fascinated. She'd beg MC to tell her who Willow is and then when she hears that they're MC's little sib she'd be fascinated. Just like "omg tell me all about them!!!"
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gomzdrawfr · 1 month
This may cheer you up some. My pipes busted a couple weeks ago and I’ve slowly been crawling underneath the house to fix them a little at a time.
Sadly I am currently have a bit of a terf war with a big brown rat.
We’ve started calling him Jo Cheddars. Obviously he works for the small mammal mafia. Someone must have put a hit out on me because last time I was down there to fix the pipes he ratted me.
I came away from the interaction with more fixed pipes and two small rat prints on my ass.
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reds-skull · 25 days
Hi :) I love your art, so I was wondering if I could use it on my header (with credit)?? I'm remaking my theme to CoD, so yeah. (I meant this one, btw ⬇️)
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Hi! Of course, thank you for asking <3
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