#ty for the qs!! these are fun ones
thatsmistertoyou · 28 days
Phannie ask, V and Z
V - Video Game; What video game do you most want to see on dapg?
I just want them to play something with a story all the way through!! something with like 12 parts so I can just put on a playlist and have a whole days worth of background noise.
I’m a Zelda bitch but I don’t think they’d ever play something like TOTK more than once. but I’d be on board for once! see how far u can launch a korok! play the mini games! idk!
lbr I’d watch them play like a dress up game on Barbie dot com. but if I have to make specific requests: Stray, more Overcooked, or finish Dream Daddy!!
Z - Zebra; What words or phrases have you picked up from dnp and/or always make you think of them?
I say mic-ro-wave and my parents have no idea what I’m talking about. I also quote the craft videos all the time. if you make a mistake, just think about it for the rest of the day!
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hirokiyuu · 1 year
17 44 51 52
17.  they’re crying—what did it take to make them cry?
HMMMM this is a fun one bc for yuujin 99% of the time their reaction to bad thigns is just Push It All Down and Accept It u kno. or get angry. like literally anything that happens to them in twst their reaction is either :| or >:/
i think. they might cry tears of relief at some point tho. catharsis would hit them a lot harder than any sort of bad stuff. end of book 6 stuff definitely they were teary-eyed i think wwwww
44. what lies do they tell others?
WWW QUESTIONS AIME DAT ME SPECIFICALLY....... they tend not to lie Directly but theyre v good at evasion and redirection. the moment anyone tries to make them talk abt their feelings they are fuckin playin 3d chess abt it to get out of there
the only way to get around this is to either be good enough at reading them that you can guess what theyre not saying (leona) or prove urself trustworthy in other situations until they finally come to you to talk abt stuff themself (vil)
51. what element of their backstory are you proudest of?
HMMM i think. and this might sound a bit insane. but im really happy w/how i worked in like......... a lot of monotonous misery??? wwww like yes big sad backstory moments are fun but for yuujin there isnt really.... any one big moment as like The Big Moment That Made Them Sad u kno. like. the whole point is theyre eldest of seven and their parents are so busy working bc They Have Seven Kids To Take Care Of so taking care of the other six ends up falling to yuujin and like. the misery is less like ohhh what if we have no money! or cant eat! bc they do have those things. the misery is like. runa and makoto are fighting again so i have to break that up and while i do i have to make sure the youngest doesnt try to run out the door and when mitsukis home i have to make sure she eats something and then encourage mutsumi through her homework and also make dinner and then get everyone into bed and and and, and so its like. just the weight of it. more than anything else. the slowly accumulating misery. LGKHSADLGKHADSG I SOUDN SO TERRIBLE BRAGGING ABT THIS
52. how would they dress themselves up for a formal event?
HM...... see the thing is. they ahve no (0) money. i think for anything that takes place in their original world theyd just borrow one of their dad's suits and deal w/the fact that it fits badly. post-isekai........ tbh i think post isekai they only go to formal events With people at which point they immediately make it that persons problem. oh im supposed to go to a party hm? well im from another dismension. i have no money. ill need to borrow clothes.
i do think that later on assuming they stay in twst + their rship w/leona stays p steady i think its just like. leona throws money at the problem and makes someone (ruggie) go buy them both clothes so neither of them have to worry abt it. worlds laziest duo
OH i do think the one thing theyd bother with is changing out their piercings tho. they have eyebrow piercing + lip stud + several earrings and i think the one thing theyd like is changing those out www its the only place vil can get them to care abt fashion ALKSHGLKHASGD
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toxicanonymity · 9 months
i need more raider joel more than i need air in my lungs
Night air.
3500 words, raider!Joel x f!reader | ✨gif
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Raider master list ⭐ Joel master
reader-curated playlist | sweet pea (smut songs)
“‘s’too cold out here, sweet pea. put on a shirt, would ya?" Your heart flutters at the implicit invitation and you return with a flannel over your nightie. . . He makes room for you, but doesn’t take his eyes off the fire as he lets you climb into his lap. You study his face and see something new flickering behind it. Worry.
You want to ask him what’s wrong, but you don’t.  "When are you gonna come to bed?” you ask instead.
SUMMARY: Joel brutalizes a bad guy, gives it to you hard, then works on something for you and gives it to you slow. His POV is revealing. WARNINGS: I8+, POV alternates, ANGST, Joel's trauma, overkill violence, dubcon (stockholm syndrome) unsafe P in V x2 (hard then soft), dark fluff, f masturbation, somnophilia, staying inside, NO Y/N. A/N: ty @milla-frenchy for Qs & recs 🖤
—--- JOEL——
Yeah, Joel killed two of his own men, and they had it coming.  He caught them red handed on their way into your room in the stash house. It still makes his blood boil to think about. If they hadn’t walked into that room talking about you like a piece of meat, those two men would be alive. Joel would do it again in a heartbeat.  
He’s not surprised when the others are shaken, but if they’re good men, they have nothing to worry about.  When things remain tense longer than he expects, Joel rounds them up for a group meeting. He puts you in the usual room with his trusted guard Carter posted at the door.  The meeting becomes heated. 
“No one’s gonna be left at this rate,” one man barks.  “They ain’t gonna say it,” he gestures behind him to the other men, “but I will. She shouldn’t be here.” 
Joel’s voice raises with his blood pressure. He asks, “What’d you say to me, Harold?" as he stands up. 
Louder, maybe loud enough for you to hear, Harold repeats, “She shouldn’t be here.  It’s bound to happen.” Bound to happen? These low-lifes are bound to put their hands on Joel Miller’s girl? Joel can feel the beat of his rage in his veins. All his muscles tense. 
He takes a deep breath, exhales sharply, then says matter-of-factly, “I’ll show ya what else is bound to happen.” 
Joel picks up his rifle. 
"Yeah, kill me," Harold chides. "Kill us all."
Joel shakes his head no. His voice is deep and flat.  "Not until ya beg me to." Now he’s gotta make an example out of someone. 
Joel forces Harold outside, then puts his rifle behind his back and lets Harold take a swing at him, just for fun.  When Joel gets this wound up, he needs to feel something. After getting clocked square in the jaw, Joel beats him until he’s barely conscious. Then, Joel hoists Harold, who is not a light man, and impales him on a sharp, severed fence post. 
Joel puts his rifle around front again, leaving Harold alive but doomed, and heads back toward the house.  He’s almost to the door when Harold manages to groan through his gurgles.  Joel turns around, calmly raises his rifle, shoots him in the head, then keeps walking. He goes back inside, chest heaving, wiping blood splatter off his face with his wrist. The rest of them are still inside. No one came to Harold's defense or ran. Joel stares down the men, and based on the faces he sees, he’s not worried about any of them.  
“Rest of ya got nothin’ to worry ‘bout,” he reassures them. “long as ya leave her ‘lone.” 
The men nod. Joel thinks about adding, and I’m not the only one you’ve gotta worry about, tempted to warn them that you know your way around a pistol and can handle yourself. One bullet, right between the eyes of that fucker. Joel thinks about it all the time. There’s something about his little sweet pea being a badass. And thank god, because he almost lost you. 
“Now back to business.” 
They discuss the rival crew they think sent two guys to Joel’s trailer, only for Joel and you to kill them. Joel doesn't think the crew is stupid enough to cause any more trouble, but agrees someone has to keep watch Just in case. 
Joel almost reminds his men that he holds all the smuggling routes and contacts, just in case they’re concerned enough to pull something.  But he doesn't need to say it. He dismisses them and grabs a duffle bag before collecting you from Carter. Carter asks what to do with Harold, and Joel says leave him for a while.
When the two of you get back to his trailer, Joel is ready to fuck out his anger. He sees himself in the mirror, chest heaving, veins about to pop, blood splatter on his hairline. God damnit, Harold. Joel  showers because he doesn’t want any part of Harold getting close to you. Not even his blood. 
You’re in the kitchen getting a glass of water when Joel walks out of the bathroom in just a towel.  He crosses the kitchen, drops the towel, and pins you against the counter, pressing his hardness against your ass. He backs up enough to scrunch up your dress and growls, "good girl," when he finds you panty-less and wet. You knew. You were ready for it. 
He grunts as he shoves himself into you, and he gives it to you good. "No one’s," he thrusts, "gonna," he grunts "touch ya." He plunges into you twice more, breathing heavily, then adds, “but me.” The power of his hips sends you to your toes with each thrust. He wraps an arm around you to hold you steady and watches over your shoulder as your tits jiggle with each punch of his hips. It doesn’t take you long to come.  Then he curls his hands under your arms to hold your shoulders down from the front and begins to pulse with a low groan. He leans his head against yours and cradles it from the other side as he catches his breath, then asks, “you good?”
You nod, “mm-hmm,” and he pulls out, feeling better. 
In the following days, things settle down in Joel’s group and get back to normal. The rival crew doesn't show up.
One night, Joel leaves you inside the trailer while he sits out by the fire, as he often does.  What you don't know is that he's not just sitting, drinking, and thinking.  He’s working on something.  He’s been making things for you. He hasn’t given you anything because nothing’s good enough, and it’s probably not going to get any better, but he keeps doing it.  Sometimes he feels a little silly, but they’re things that will help both of you.  Practical things. 
He made a thigh holster for your gun. There was an old one without the straps in the weapons cache which is just a small room of chaos in the stash house, no telling what else is in there.  He used part of a belt for the top strap and some black ribbon on the bottom, for the time being.  It would be better than nothing, but he hasn't given it to you in case it wouldn’t work. Maybe it doesn't matter. As the weather changes, you'll probably need new clothes, anyway. Maybe even pants, he internally grumbles. Sweaters, too, so your chest won’t be exposed. 
Tonight, Joel has another strap of leather with him, one that wasn't right for the holster. He also has a pot of water and a steel nail with a makeshift handle so he doesn’t burn himself. He heats up the tool and uses the hot nail head to emboss the strap with bold letters. He’s been working on it all week, and he’s only on ‘E.’ It’ll be first name only at this rate. You might not wanna wear it anyway, but it’s for your own good.  
Joel’s almost lost you twice now. If there’s anything he can do to make someone think twice about touching or taking you, he’ll do it. Because Jackson, may he burn in hell, was right. Joel can’t have his eyes on you every single second. He's told you before: you tell’em you belong to Joel Miller. They’ll back right off when they hear it.  But it doesn’t hurt for them to see it, too. And of course Joel wouldn't mind seeing it himself. 
Joel’s fingers are too big for work this small.  He accidentally makes the vertical line of the E slanted. Ah hell, this whole thing is no good anyway. You may never see it at this rate. But it feels good working with his hands, especially on something he thinks could help keep you safe and keep you his. You're a good girl, his good girl. 
He should be thinking strategy, what’s going to happen with these warring crews, but that’s just not where his head’s at.   
—--- YOU 🌸🫛—-----
You listen to the fire crackle and pop, longing for Joel to come to bed, longing for him to hold you, and more.  He seems to stay outside longer than usual. When he adds a new log to the fire, you get impatient and decide to go out. You put on your shoes and go to the door, pushing it open just an inch. The rail to the stairs is blocking your view, but he's looking down at something. His jaw clenches in the firelight and he raises his eyebrows as he looks up.  You slowly open the door, stepping out onto the stairs in your nightie.  He puts something down on the ground, out of view.  
“‘s’too cold out here, sweet pea. put on a shirt, would ya?" Your heart flutters at the implicit invitation and you return with a flannel over your nightie.  As you approach, he takes a swig of whiskey and puts the flask down.  His eyes are dark as he watches the flames.  He makes room for you but doesn’t take his eyes off the fire as he lets you climb into his lap. You study his face and see something new flickering behind it. Worry. You want to ask him what’s wrong, but you don’t. 
"When are you gonna come to bed?” you ask. 
His brows knit as he looks at you. For a few seconds, he concentrates on picking lint off the flannel and smoothing your nightgown. 
“I dunno, sweet pea. Got some stuff to figure out.”  
“Can I help?”
He shakes his head no. You put your arms around his neck and rest your cheek against his shoulder. Then you slowly roll your face against him so your lips touch his warm skin and your nose rests on top of his shoulder muscle.  You close your eyes and stay like that for a moment.  He doesn’t stop you. Then you dare to press your lips ever so slightly into his skin before pulling your face back to look at him, your lips disconnecting with a barely perceptible smack. Joel’s still looking at the fire, but he allows himself a subtle smile as he exhales a silent laugh, then cradles your head.  “Go to bed, sweet pea.” He kisses your temple. “I’ll be there in a li’l bit.” 
You take the flannel off and get in bed, still smelling like the fire. You think of getting naked, eager to feel Joel however he wants you. But maybe he likes undressing you, and it’s chillier than normal, too.  You lay under the covers getting wet and tingly thinking about what he'll do when he comes to bed.  
The fire is still blazing.  There’s no sign of him putting it out.  It doesn't seem like he's coming in soon, but you're too turned on to just go to sleep. You close your eyes, recalling the feeling of Joel’s warm skin on your lips by the fire.  The way his eyes sparkled. The way he always opens his arms for you to get in his lap–that seat is always yours whenever you want it. 
You think about how handsome he is. Even, or especially when he’s looking rough.  All dirty and beat up when he got home that one night, muscles pumped up. His sexy stitches. You play a montage in your head of all the times you’ve heard him yell, seen him stomp around ordering guys to do this or that. How fiercely he protects you. Your lip creeps under your teeth and you close your eyes. 
All the way turned on, you slide your hand down between your legs and imagine him walking in and ravaging you.  You recall how urgently he fucked you at the kitchen table after he thought you almost died.  You recall the time he fucked you naked in missionary and and marked your neck.  You try to visualize the look in his eyes.
And then, when you’re just about to come, you remember that one morning. Those few seconds you kissed, when he kissed you back. He had pulled you into him before he knew what he was doing. You still savor that fleeting moment he was grinding against you, his plush lips locked with yours. You can practically feel it.  And that’s enough to put you over the edge. You turn your head into the pillow and brace for your orgasm. 
—----- JOEL —------
You must think Joel can't hear your pretty little sounds when you touch yourself, but over the crackling of the fire he could swear he hears you moan into a pillow. His nose can't help but twitch into a little smile. He lets the fire die as he finishes the 'E',  then he comes inside and washes off the smoke in the shower. By the time he gets in bed, you're asleep on your back with your left arm on your chest. 
He carefully gets into the bed, spreading his weight out to not jostle the mattress. He's to your left, lying on his side, facing you. You’re so pretty and peaceful with your eyes closed and your sweet lips just slightly parted. An urge has been growing in his chest. He’s tried to push it away, but it's only grown, and he's afraid he can’t stop it happening. 
He can’t bring himself to do it when you’re awake. He can’t let himself see how happy it makes you. The loss feels inevitable, and it gets closer and closer.  The panic he felt when FEDRA had you on the ground.  The devastation when it sounded like you were shot outside his own trailer. It gets worse every time. And last time, there was something new. Two losses flashed before his eyes.  The loss of you (in the present and future), and the loss of what could have been–at least for a while, when he had the chance. The worst part is, he doesn't know which would hurt more.  
His eyes fall on your mouth again. 
If he does it now, it won’t mean anything. It won’t change anything. If he does it now, maybe this urge will stop pulling at him every time you’re close.  And then he can tell himself it never happened. Yeah, if he does it now, it can be like it never happened. Like he never let himself get that close, never gave you hope that he could be anything more than the terrible man he is. 
His lip twitches as he watches you sleep.  Then his breathing syncs with yours, and for a moment, everything fades away but you and him and the physical need that's tugging at him.  
Joel leans over you, careful not to wake you, and he hovers over your pretty face. It's happening. His heart races as his face drifts toward yours, drawn to you like a magnet. 
He closes his eyes, presses his lips gently into yours, and something rushes through his blood to every part of his body.  Fuck.  He's instantly soothed. With your lips still locked, he takes one breath through his nose then pulls away. He takes a deep breath, expecting the buzz to fade, expecting to hate himself. But you're so pretty and your lips were so soft. He almost chokes on his own saliva.  He's quickly gotten hard.
Still fast asleep, you sigh and your nose twitches. You hum the prettiest little "mm," and roll over on your right, facing away from him like you normally sleep. 
He pinches his eyes shut tight. He has to have you. 
Joel curls himself around you, inhales your hair, and cups your breast. He presses his cock against you, hardening to full strength by now.  He lets out a deep but quiet, "Mmm," not enough to wake you up. The exposed skin of your back and shoulder is so inviting, he's salivating. His arm slides from your breast down your nightie to your mound and you sigh. He lifts his head to see if you're awake as he aimlessly caresses you over your nightie. Your brow furrows with his light touch. Aw, sweet pea, he thinks to himself. You're just so cute. He presses a gentle kiss into your neck where it meets your shoulder, and he begins to ghost your clit through the fabric. 
You sigh again, but still don't seem to wake up yet. He presses your mound so your hips tilt for him, and he pulls up the nightgown. He tests you with a finger and finds you wet but pulls back and pauses to add saliva to his tip.  He teases your entrance with his cock, and you sigh "Mmm, Joel," as you begin to stir awake. He pushes the curve of his tip just slightly inside, then holds your breast. 
He asks, “You 'wake?” 
“Mmm,” you answer weakly. 
"wake you up?" His cock prods at your tight, wet entrance, pushing in a little further.. He's itching to be inside you, but he's taking his time, captivated by your peacefulness. 
Your spine arches and you push back on him, taking another inch of his cock in with a moan as you stir awake. "Joel,” you sigh. 
He presses his lips into your neck and lets them linger.  You ask, "are you awake?" 
"Mm-hmm," he answers, his voice deep and gravely.  He groans softly as he pushes his cock into you. He takes a deep breath as your insides make room for him. It dawns on him that he's never taken the time to savor the moment your bodies are joined, but shit, it feels good. He didn't know it could feel so good like this. He’s feeling every groove of you in slow motion. Each centimeter of you greets him with a tight, warm hug.  You push back on him with a moan, bringing your bodies together. 
Oh, sweet pea. You want it so bad, and you take it so good.
—---YOU 🌸🫛—---
Joel’s cock spreads you apart and he buries his length in you slowly at first, palming your breasts. He pauses, all the way inside you, and removes your nightie so your naked bodies are flush. It feels like a dream. The way he kissed your shoulder, the way he’s fucking you right now with his whole body cradling yours, each thrust so deliberate, you can’t help but still wonder if he’s truly awake. If you're truly awake. He grunts softly each time he bottoms out. His sighs and moans are deep and gravely. 
“Sweet pea,” he whispers against your neck, “ohhhh, you — ohh, you take it so good, baby.” His hand slides down your stomach, between your legs. He whispers in your ear,  "God DAMN, youfeelsogood,” he inhales sharply, then sighs your name.  Your nipples harden and you get goosebumps. 
“Joel,” you whimper at his fingers on your clit.  The fullness of his cock was enough, and the addition of his hand has you twitching already.  
“Shhh, it’s okay,” he whispers, and his voice is so soothing, you relax again. He slows down his pace, his length sliding snugly into your warmth slow enough to feel the drag of his tip inside you. He touches your clit and you whimper again. He adjusts his hand to touch it less directly, pulsing his flattened fingers.  That’s what you need. You moan. 
“Good girl.” 
You wanna ask him again if he’s really awake, but you don’t want to break the spell. You let the silence linger, peppered with moans and sighs from each of you. You’d love for this to last forever. You love every way he gives it to you, but the newness of this is something to savor. After a few minutes, sweat begins to bead and run between your bodies.  You’re both breathing heavily. He gropes at your breasts and the entire front of your body, like he can’t get you close enough. His breathing gets ragged.  You memorize the feel of his cock dragging thick and slow inside you.  Then he adds his hand again. His thrusts become more powerful.  “Come for me, I want you to– nnngh.” 
“Joel,” you whine. 
‘Ohh,” he moans. 
“Joel, I’m–”
“Go ‘head, baby—ugghh—-you can do it”
Your upper back presses into his chest.  He groans and holds you tight as you convulse against him and choke his cock with your climax. “Ohhhh, baby, mmmm.” He bottoms out and pulses inside you as you’re still coming.  He sighs "ohhh," as he fills you up with his warm release. Your body hugs him more with every pulse of his cock.  
When you’re both finished coming, your bodies are still joined. You relish the fullness of him inside you.  You expect him to pull out any minute, but his breathing regulates with yours. 
At some point, Joel's breath stutters abruptly, and you realize he's fallen asleep like this. Holding you close, body curled around you, cock gradually softening inside you. It isn't long until you drift off, too. 
Smut continues here: asleep inside
Next major chapter: hunger
Thank you so much for reading and engaging. Please consider commenting or reblogging to show raider Joel your love, even if this post is old. 💖 Love you guys. I love your passion for him. Your engagement motivates me. <333
Friendly reminder that there will be no pregnancy in this fic, Joel was snipped pre outbreak. 
@toxicfics for notifications, make sure your phone is set to enable push notifications from tumblr. Some of my fics are pretty dark!
⚠️ Since so many people are saying tags aren't working, I may discontinue the tag list soon, sorry ⚠️
All Joel:@ethanhoewke @silkiers @eiviea @evyiione @xdaddysprincessxx @queerly-anxious @chernayawidow @ambassadortotrilliusprime @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @jasminespringtime @romanarose @fandomsfallnomore @djarinxore @blackvelveteen1339 @manazo @wolvesandvampires @taeslarityy @str84pedro @lokanda  @kyloispunk @filthfairy @fieryglutenfreechickennoodles @harriedandharassed @moonlightdivine @worhols @fan-fiction-floozy @cutesyscreenname   @weddingfairy @pedropascal-whore @spideysimpossiblegirl @feministfanboi @gracieispunk @prettypartyfavor @am-3-thyst @babeincolor @milla-frenchy @switchbladedreamz @within-the-depths @am-3-thyst @may-machin @pedromania91 @sloanexx @paleidiot @yourmistysecret @bean-is-reading
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erisenyo · 6 months
Hey there, can I ask how you come up with your OC names?
Anon I am THRILLED you asked because I am about to dump so much in-my-head-only worldbuilding on you, so much more than you probably needed or wanted lol.
As always this is not short, and forgive in advance the butchery I’m about to do of like, all of phonetics and linguistics.
OKAY so generally speaking, when it comes to names I have a set of foundational building blocks/general guidelines for the various countries and I work from there. These are based on phonetic characteristics of the canon names we see, and then from there I'd start layering in additional fun along groupings I've noticed around gender or class or family lines or whatever if I want to take the worldbuilding that deep.
So for example, with the Water Tribes…
We have Sokka, Katara, Hakoda, Bato, Kya all from the South, so I pick out...
Hard K or T sounds being quite common
Primarily A and O as vowels
Vowels being between consonants (ie, being single vowels)
Names being 2-3 syllables
In the North, we see Yue, Hahn, Agna Qel’a, Arnook, Kanna, Pakku...
Some similarities with the Ks and hard Qs
Now we see some softer ‘gn’ and ‘hn’ and L sounds, and the addition of P (which makes Bato’s “B” and Sokka’s “S” stand out)
Some ‘oo’ instead of ‘o’ vowels (so double vowels)
Hahn and Yue with no hard consonant sound at all (and both upper class!)
So that gives us some basic starting blocks to start building up names that sound like they fit within the Water Tribe culture in terms of sounds, as well as some potential regional and class differences to start working with! (Maybe Q sounds are only in the North, and upper-class people have soft consonant names, for example.)
Similarly in the Fire Nation…
The royal family is Zuko, Azula, Ozai, Azulon, Sozin, Iroh, Lu Ten, so...
A lot of Z and K sounds
(Male) names that end in N
A lot of two-syllable names (with the emphasis on the first syllable)
A lot of riffs on each other (Sozin and Ozai, Azulon and Azula, Azulon and Zuko)
Iroh and Lu Ten stand out as having fairly distinct names comparatively, with the “oh” ending and the softer "Ir" and "Lu" starts
Chan, Zhao, and Ruon-Jian are the other upper-class guys we see, which gives us...
short syllables again
N endings (for men) agai
The ‘two word’ name again (so Lu Ten's name naming structure is used elsewhere)
The introduction of “Ch” and “J” and “R” and double-vowel sounds (ao, uo, ia)
We also see Roku and Kuzon...
So very similar names to our royal bunch with those Ks and Zs and oku/uko and uzon/ulon sounds
Also older names from 100+ years ago, and commoner names
Mai, Ursa, Ty Lee as our upper-class ladies gives us...
short syllables again
‘two word’ names again
M sounds!
Mai and Ursa both don't have a hard consonant stop
Some phonetic/vibey similarity with “Mai” and “Ty”
And adding in Chit Sang (another commoner!) (presumably!)...
Another two-word name
Introduces the ‘ng’ ending
Leverages a lot of the consonant sounds we already saw
Uses an “it” usage of the "I" vowel (vs Iroh’s I)
So pulling it all together, in addition to those foundational consonant and vowel sounds, we also see that the royal family has a distinct naming convention that may be rooted in archaic naming styles.
And we can start to build out some ideas around gendered naming, family/honorific naming, and some potential class/pre-unification culture differences, as well as some space to speculate about why Iroh and Lu Ten’s names are so different from the rest of the royal family, too (as well as the ammunition to suggest that Zhao comes from a family of suck-ups lol)
Moving onto the Earth Kingdom (where I truly went wild)…
We start off with Toph, Haru, Long Feng, Kuei, Jet, Bumi, Poppy, Lao, and there's a lot of varability here!
Generally, the names are one or two syllables and start with a consonant
We see more double-vowel pairs (uei, ao), perhaps in the upper class but just as many single vowels
Consonants are hard or soft, and don't seem to group like the Water Tribe or FN royals did around particular sounds
Names end in vowels or hard sounds or softer 'ph' and 'ng'
Those guardrails are fairly wide and broad for feeling out distinct-sounding names, but it makes sense given how huge the Earth Kingdom is and its history of war, displacement, movement, etc.
So for a fic like That Love You've Been Looking For which was super EK-centric and focused on worldbuilding, I ended up breaking it down into broad regions and leaning into place names as well to help articular some basic rules:
In the southwest (Gaoling, Toph, Lao, Poppy), I decided that there’d be a mix of single and two-word names, and that the ‘ph’ ending would be used by women and the ‘ng’ ending for men
On the western coast (Haru, Omashu, Bumi), I went with primarily two-syllable names that follow a ONE-two pattern (PA-lo, BU-mi, CHE-lu, HA-ru) and went with mostly softer consonants
In the north (Ba Sing Se, Si Wong Desert, Long Feng), I went with short multi-word names where each part would be a single syllable
And in the center I was kind of pulling it together from what was left, but I went with names that end with an ‘an’ or ‘in’ sound and echoed some of the place names I was using
So we have some building blocks for the various regions, this time that we can use to indicate where someone’s family could be from and to give each region a more specific feel.
For Kyoshi...
I generally lift the Earth Kingdom rules, but view it as more of a trade-center and melting pot (Suki could fit in WT or FN rules), so it's deliberately a lot looser and with more variation.
And everywhere has a Lee/Li, so none of these rules are hard and fast, and I imagine too that there’s a ton of cultural mixing and fads and trends and whatnot in naming across various regions.
A quick note from a process standpoint--
This approach is very much not trying to find names within various existing real-world cultures. If I'm writing ATLA canon-world, I tend to stick to the idea of leveraging real-world contexts as a base rather than a strict guide. Something I wanted to flag, as there are other ways to go about OC naming that lean much more heavily into researching the naming conventions of various cultures throughout history, thinking about translation and name meaning, etc.
And also, if I need a lot of names, I'll often use the Fantasy Name Generator and look for names that either fit or that I can tweak into the above 'rules.' (Otherwise I accidentally start giving people ship names lol, RIP to Mailee, Maizula, and Yutara, you lived on under new personas)
I also don't always dig as deeply into the way names can signify class or status or whatnot, either. It can be very fun, but sometimes you just need a one-off name so your POV character looks like they actually interact with the people they nominally see every day haha
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phoen1xr0se · 27 days
hiiii phoenix
i just wanted to say i loved your fic dont fall away from me its so gorgeous, and i cant wait to hear more of the lighthouse story too, but i was wondering which story you prefer to write? is it easier to write one or another? and do you have any favourite characters?
sorry if too many qs, and thanks agian for all the beautiful words 💜
Thanks so much for the ask and the kind words 🥲
I think both stories were easy to begin with, then became more difficult as they each developed more threads that needed tying up. Don't Fall Away From Me I'd possibly say was more difficult in that I tried as best as possible to keep within canon.
Favourite characters - oof, tricky 😬
From DFAFM, Muriel, obviously. I adore them, with my whole heart. I also grew fond of my OC Jophiel, and Furfur and Gabriel were extremely fun to write, the comic relief of the otherwise fairly angst ridden series!
From There Is A Light, it has to be Crowley. His desperate desire for love and kindness, mixed with utter certainty that he does not deserve it is just, ugh, a writer's dream. Sometimes a little too close for comfort to write about, but yeah he's a rich and fragile character I adore writing for. Also honorable mention to Dog, the absolute MVP of the story so far.
I'm curious now which characters readers like from my works? Answers in comments/reblogs?
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des-no9 · 17 days
Writer Qs
Was tagged by the lovely and wonderful @choccy-zefirka to do this little writer questionaire <3
Do you write in order?
I used to be unable to write out of order at all, but now I can more so. Although I still find it quite difficult. It's mostly due to me rarely planning any fics in-depth and just going and writing where the characters and mood take me. So before I write one scene or whatever, I need to know the vibe, mood, decisions etc of the previous scene to have that flow and continuation. Writing out of order to me it sometimes feel like I'm breaking that mood, or it's disjointed etc.
I guess I kind of see a piece of writing as a music composition.
Do you start with something in particular?
When I start writing, I hash out at the top or bottom of the doc usually the characters, premise, vague idea, setting etc as a kind of anchor and guideline (terrible memory issues) and use that as a dumping ground for discarded lines, sections, to throw down lines of dialogues and scene ideas that come to me as I write that might make into the fic, start another one etc.
How fully formed does your writing come out on the first try?
Very polished and fully formed. I'm an edit as I write person, needing the structure, feel etc of the writing come together AS I write.
How many drafts do you go through?
Just one. I very, very rarely do first/second drafts. Just a final pass over to catch spelling mistakes and refine.
Tell me about your process?
Hone in on one of my billion ideas and inspirations in my head or titled black g-docs/some with a rambling premise in the doc, and go wild. I usually write intensely on a fic for a day/couple of days. I write a lot of shorter stuff 2-5k range. When it starts creeping to 10k it starts tying together a little more complex and not really something I can do in one sitting. I don't really do multi-chapter fics. If I do, they're short.
I need to be comfortable, cup of tea, accessable snacks, good music going. I can't watch anything when I write, except Hannibal. That's the only thing I can watch when I write lol. It's a huge inspitation.
Also sometimes spite is just one of my biggest motivators haha.
thank you love! this was a lot of fun. Too anxious as always to tag anyone, but if anyone wants to do this too, please do!
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jackwolfes · 9 months
*drops a bunch of Qs🥰*
❌ 👀 📚 🤯 ✅
[?s] // ty friend!!!
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
yknow im solidly a "down to try anything once" kind of writer! there are certain kinks and whump tropes that make me really squicked out (graphic eye trauma is just a big ol NOPE) but like! never say never i guess!
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
to be honest i've been struggling to finish anything lately so i'm starting a lot of new things and finishing nothing 😅 but i'm trying to go back to some silly ol one-shots and PWPs in the hope that that motivates things, so most recently a very fun lil fic with rockstar jesper, a lil bit of illegal drug use, and kinky dom wylan
📚 Would you ever want to turn writing into a career?
yes and no! i think i'd like to write original fiction and have it published but not as a career. i mean like, if i could be a career author i wouldnt say no, but i think i'd prefer a smaller scale kinda indie self published sort of deal.
🤯 What's a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)?
i def don't have the focus or commitment to make writing sci-fi work, although i really do love sci-fi and wish i could write more! i'm just much more comfortable in fantasy or modern settings!
✅ What's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to?
well 😅😅😅 i mean quite a few different things because i'm so very self-indulgent and really like certain tropes/kinks/dynamics ie friends with benefits to lovers, hand metaphors and motifs, precarious situations with uncomfortable/unwanted flirting, cheeky bit of voyeurism... i really could just go on and on
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mostlymaudlin · 2 years
Something’s Gotta Give Now, 1, 11 & 13 (cause your love your jams)
TY i love this fic!! might be my fave snowbaz thing ive written.
1: What inspired you to write the fic this way?
so this fic was supposed to be for crack fest lol. i was just talking to @sillyunicorn the other day about how i am really terrible at letting myself be very silly in writing -- i get very caught up in, like, "but they wouldnt do [insert silly thing] because [characterization thing!]" and then i ruin all my fun. THAT BEING SAID, i think that starting out by INTENDING to write crack manifested into something really goofy, if also loaded up with other emotions. i think that this is perhaps the only way i would've been able to stomach writing a break up/getting back together fic.
11: What do you like best about this fic?
i genuinely think this is my most well-written snowbaz fic in a lot of ways. ive said this before about it i think, but it was a return to writing snowbaz after id just spent a month figuring out how to write andreil. writing new characters was super challenging, but it taught me a ton -- and it was exciting to bring the new perspectives back to snowbaz. i think i had grown rather complacent writing snowbaz, so this fic just feels fresh to me in a way that some of my older writing doesnt anymore.
also, id been wanting to do a "baz plays a cheesy vampire in a cheesy tv show" thing ever since i joined this fandom hahaha. so i was PUMPED to get that in there
13: What music did you listen to, if any, to get in the mood for writing this story? Or if you didn’t listen to anything, what do you think readers should listen to to accompany us while reading?
ok, who am i?? bc there's no playlist associated with this fic. wild.
i wrote this in 1 night lol. and based on the publishing date, i was probably listening to this playlist, which i describe as "upbeat but still winter." and honestly, this makes sense, because thats kind of the vibe? at its core, this is a fic about people who care about each other, but broke up because of some pretty epic miscommunication and martyrdom. because of this, they had to weather a years-long winter of a breakup. but like, its also VERY silly, and the general tone of the story is for sure upbeat.
wow. metaphor.
also, the title is from one direction's "one thing," because there are 1d references in this hahaha. always more boybands. especially boybands as a comfort listen <3
from this list of fic Qs!
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goldenhypen · 3 months
random tmi of the day ?
fav food / drink ?
fav subject / topic ?
fav aesthetic ?
any celeb or irl crushes ?
fav book / quote / literature ?
fav song u listened to today ?
fav time of day ?
intro/extro/ambivert ?
ever dreamt of idols ?
10 QUESTIONS FOR U <3 optional to do !!!!
here to spread some joy in the mundane !!!!
send to ur fave blogs to show luv + some fun Qs
awwww ty for sending this in 🥹🫶🏻🫶🏻
there hasn’t been much interesting happening so far but i did get distracted and wrote quite the jake drabble 🫠
sushi and bubble tea 🤭
probably anything art related or kpop related or dance related tbh
i rlly like warm tones,, and going off of that i like vintage aesthetics
no irl crushes cuz jake and i are married actually
one of my favourites is ‘this time it’s real’ by ann liang :’>
effortless by a.c.e omg literally the only thing i’m listening to these days
probably right before bed bc i like my downtime 🥹
introvert :’>
ahahaha,,,,,,,,,, yes 🥹 SOME OF THEM ARE INSANELY STRESSFUL but i did write about a cute one here which i lowk forgot about until recently 😌
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nicolos · 3 years
6 & 32!
ty gabby!!!
6. which shows do you think are underrated and need more love?
first off, black sails. i think everyone i know who's seen it has been insane about it, but that isn't enough people. everyone who likes pirates, the GaysTM, the sea, stories, stories about stories, mythology, men or women... watch black sails 😤
apart from that, niche shows like the trust fx or c4 utopia (NOT the amazon ver) that i think are just fantastically made and really should be watched by more people but are also really hard to recommend
32. what’s one show you could watch over and over?
so some shows that I DO watch over and over are the thick of it, c4 utopia, aaaand... atla? doctor who, elementary. i don't know, this is a long-ish list, but in general i think things that aren't super dependent on having 'spoilers' or only seeing the plot once. the fun parts are the 'how they get there' - monster of the weeks my beloved, i guess.
thanks for the qs!!!
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toxicanonymity · 1 year
WELCOME ABOARD! This blog has amazing readers which makes it a lot of fun. Check your content settings to make sure you can see everything. Heed warnings on fics. UPDATED 4/30/24.
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Tox/Toxy, she/her. millennial. Blog is 18+.
As of 5/31/24 all WIPs are on hiatus.
Do not copy, translate, or repost* my work. Do not put it into AI or make bots of it. Ty for understanding.
*reblogging ( 🔁 button) is encouraged.
Q: Are Requests open?
A: no, not for new fics. but feel free to send thots, particularly on my stories. if I use it I'll tag you. you can also ask Qs about lore, etc.
Q: Will you write more every inch/left in Lincoln?
A: I plan to. More here. For Every Inch, there are three more parts planned.
Q: When is [fic] coming back? How many chapters?
A: IDK, sorry. If I knew I'd tell you. I have to delete asks like this for my sanity. I get overwhelmed. In the future, I'm not planning to release things as I write, I'm gonna try to finish everything before posting. Problem is I have a lot of one shot fails / play as I go AUs. We'll see. I can tell you Every Inch has 6 total parts.
Q: Did you read my fic?
A: I'm sure it's good but I'm a slow/bad reader. I'm also overdosed on pedro rn. More here.
Q: AO3
A: Here, not everything is on there but lmk if there's something you'd like me to prioritize as I work on bringing everything over.
Q: Tag list?
A: Please follow @toxicfics, use the person icon to turn on notifications, and use this trick for getting a tab on your dashboard just for your blog subscriptions so you can see what you missed.
Q: Are the fics always dark on this blog?
A: No.
Q: What is the brothel?
A: I HC my characters as living in my brothel which has its own crack sideblog @toxicbrothel and tv show.
Q: What are Joelkémons?
A: Reader-coined term for the Joel variants on this blog. Some listed here: Joelkémon cards.
Q: Can we make your characters into bots?
A: No, please don't do this. It makes me feel bad and they don't even work. Every time it puts me farther away from updating the fic. Please. o not copy, repost, translate, put in IA, or make bots of my work. Please lmk if you ever see my work made into a bot, copied, etc.
Q: Who's night walks!Joel? Who's thighs out?
A: Night Walks is an AU where Joel is your hot, older, creepy pothead neighbor. Night walks masterlist. Thighs out (another AU) is your boyfriend's hot slutty dad.
Q: What's a HOG? Who/what is GILF?
A: Hot Old Guy, from Silence can never be bought pt. 2 and 5. GILF is grandpa I'd Like to Fuck and may refer to the one from Pawn Shop (Joel in his 60s) @gilfjoel.
Q: Who is Dr. Rock?
A: Hot sex therapist who roleplays my characters. Dr. Rock is also the poster boy for avoiding discourse.
Q: Do you still write slashers?
A: Yes. I just wrote my first Thomas Hewitt in March 2024. Main/slashers masterlist.
Q: What other fics & blogs do you rec?
A: Please check out @toxicrecs
Q: How can I stay motivated to write without getting a lot of notes?
A: Please see these posts: here and here.
Q: Why did you unfollow me?
A: As a Tumblr noob, I followed accts all willy nilly--i was impatient to diversify my dash by account. But now I want it more diverse by fandom too. I recently put my dash in chronological mode and began seeing a lot more of some people. If we've never interacted, I don't want to feel like a lurker. Or I could've lost (some or all) interest in your fandom. Or I may have forgotten why I followed you, especially if what you're posting has changed. Or I might be wanting to reduce the discourse I see. Or it could be be something like what's described below that I don't want to see.
✨Q: Am I blocked? Why can't I see your main blog from my account? / Did you soft block me? What is going on?
⚠️ A: The most common reasons I block are for policing or judging what others post, kink shaming, or spreading harmful rumors. ⚠️
When it comes to rumors and shaming, silence is not a sign of guilt or agreement. It's confidence in the truth and desire to keep harmful takes off the dash. As a rule, I would ignore and block false accusations, rumors, or kink shamers instead of giving them a huge audience by responding or addressing it.
Harmful takes in the wild / targeted harassment: blocked. And if a post is bad enough--such as calling for targeted harassment of writers or trivializing a serious crime by casually accusing writers of it, I may block people for positively interacting with it. I don't want to be on your dash if you share those views, even if it's about som thing I don't write. On my blog, it's important for readers to understand fiction can't be equated with real life. And who's to say I won't offend or traumatize you on a different topic one day? It's for your own good.
You can get blocked on anon too.
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dearanemone · 3 years
B and U
Hi!! Ty for the Qs☺️
B: Any of your stories inspired by personal experience?
This is a hard question. Because, all of them are, in one way or another. I think I’ve mentioned it before but I do give away a lot of myself in my writing. It’s just hard to explain why or how without saying too much, explicitly that is.
Étude was born from my biggest, oldest passion: music.  But it also was a way of putting into words all of the losses I’d endured up until 2016. A few events also happened to me in real life, but again, not so much I can say without spilling the whole truth.
The main character in ‘Bluebird’ is basically a self-reflection into ‘What if I had made all of the wrong choices?’. I wrote ‘Hanakotoba’ when I was in the process of grieving a relationship.
Alexandrite, the main character of a mystery/crime story runs away from home. I also ran away from home. Jasper, from the same story, has a best friend that disappears. The boy who gave me my first kiss also disappeared.
And then there’s Linger; the one story I thought I was writing just because I loved a few movies too much until I realized I’d given Laurent my worst trait.
I guess no matter what I do I can’t stop my own life from bleeding through the pages of all those worlds. Maybe that’s disappointing and not professional, but tbh I don’t care now. I think I used to, but now what the fuck right?
U: Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
Anna Green, who wrote The Heart Rate of a Mouse and The Black Rose Season. Her writing changed me as a person. Her stories live within me to the point I still randomly find myself quoting her in my daily life. That’s how much of an impact she had. The prose, the flow, the! characters! the elements to such messy but realistic romance. How she can describe the music industry both biasedly and objectively. I love it all. Could be listed among my favourite authors of all times.
Mechanical_Candle constantly writes stories I find both interesting and touching. They’re just my kind of fanfic. Slightly sad, slightly tumultuous. Driven, intense, tangible.
Then, my friend Kazarina (@kazarina-writings) God, where do I begin? She writes stories like indie films. They have so much colour, so much vibrant details without them being overwhelming. They leave you in a haze and then you never forget them. Literally entering through the window of another world, a step through a mirror.
I’m going to cheat and name a fourth fic writer, because my friend Blue (@veretianstarburst) has this thing for writing a million stories in one. They’re so rich in feelings, imaginary and personality. I can immediatly tell her writing apart from a hundred others. It’s dinsctintive, it’s fun until it’s heart wrenching and then back to fun again.
Once again, ty for the Qs, I really enjoyed them💓
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adamsvanrhijn · 3 years
is it a very big difference writing in past tense vs present tense? i'm asking you because you're a writing prophet (and nice to your anons)
:-3 thank u... I try my best @ both
This is a fun question & actually something I have talked about before but rarely on this blog I think? There are actually a few elements to this!
So caveat that I'm only talking about English because that's my native language and the one I write in. (Almost wrote "right" just now which would destroy any credibility in making this post ajfnjsjd I just woke up.) Additional caveat that this is all very subjective and up to personal opinion. :-)
On the surface and in terms of the end result, no, it isn't. A well-written piece of prose that is converted into another tense really shouldn't be so different as to make it confusing or unreadable.
But, a well-written piece of prose in one tense will be written with that tense in mind. Converting the tense of a text after it has been written can indeed result in clunky structures and require some fiddling around, and the word count can actually be pretty significantly affected dependent on writing style.
People do think differently when using different tenses, to the point that in psycho/neurolinguistics there is ongoing debate about whether or not, & how, lexical (vocabulary, parts of speech) and morphological (word form, tense, possession) language structures take place in the same parts of the brain in the same way within categories and I have seen at least a couple of studies about verb tense. It is a very controversial topic but developments in this area would mean a lot for e.g. language rehabilitation for stroke patients, anyone with forms of aphasia, etc. It also has implications with regard to formal and functional linguistics, universal grammar, and a lot of other stuff you didn't ask and probably don't want to hear about hahaha.
But regardless of where in the brain it happens, I think a writer is generally going to approach tenses differently, consciously or not, because verb forms serve different functions.
People often say that the vibe between tenses (and POVs) is different—e.g. the idea that third person limited point of view in the present tense is dream-like, or choppy (in a full-of-action way). Some people say it makes more sense, or, vaguely, just feels right/better to have first person point of view with present tense. Or that past is better for lots of narrative prose and exposition.
I don't necessarily agree with those associations but I know I do tend to have some differences in style when writing different tenses? And some people are most comfortable in one tense and will just stay in that zone as often as they can, so the writing process can indeed be different and have different associations with it in general which is the simple answer to your question.
And then just on a conventions/syntactic note you do have to use different tenses to get across variation in modality and, for dialogue, what I forgot the English terms for but in French is called indirect & direct discourse which is basically, are you quoting someone directly —
He said, "fuck, I forgot my keys."
or referencing/rephrasing what they said, like —
He swore and said he had forgotten his keys.
In present tense that's
He says, "fuck, I forgot my keys."
He swears and says he's forgotten his keys.
And this is obviously up to personal interpretation and extremely subjective but personally, I'm not fond of that instance of indirect when it's written in present. My instinct actually was to change it to "tells me he's forgotten his keys", even though that connotation isn't necessarily reflected in the direct version, whereas "told me he'd" in the past tense example doesn't do it for me as well as said does. So for me at least, voice and style do change when I am writing in different tenses.
Modality or mood is like, indicative, interrogative, subjunctive etc. In some languages these are reflected in how the verbs are structured (verb morphology). English subjunctive is somewhat out of vogue and has some complicated standards I myself am inconsistent with, especially when writing across tenses. So thinking about that and putting it into practice can be a different experience for the writer, especially if they're more competent & have a better understanding of e.g. past subjunctive more than the present.
Anyway IDK if that actually answers your question but I hope it at least makes sense haha. Ty for the compliment & in general I hope people feel comfortable coming to me w/ Qs about stuff!! (I don't get to every ask though unfortunately.)
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ttlmt · 3 years
1, 8, 14, 23, 37, 48 :)) all I know about gifs are “🥺prettie” so pls forgive me asking a lot lol
no need to apologize!! ty for the qs it was fun <3
1. what are your top three favourite sets you’ve made?
i guess it’s not a set exactly but my whole dapgbee series is something i think i will always be proud of and it really helped me grow a lot as a gifmaker. this set always makes me emo whenever i see it again i love it sm. i also just really love this edit.
8. what gif trend do you hate?
i’m not a big fan of like purposeful miscaptions? like when you put captions from something else onto a different media? mostly cause it confuses me esp if it’s not clearly labeled and i think there’s other ways to webweave
14. how long does it usually take you to make a set?
depends on the set and the source material really. i have actions (shortcuts) set up for dnp gifs, so i just need to adjust the colouring to make them work each time depending on the lighting and their outfits and such, so i can usually do them in like 10-30 minutes. i find dan’s emo lens and phil’s wall bg a bit difficult to colour sometimes tho. for like tv shows and music videos with more complicated lighting, it can take me closer to an hour and for like proper gif edits it can be a multiday project tbh
23. what is the thing you gif when you don’t have anything else you want to gif?
pinofs. there’s so many cute, funny, and quick, clips and i can take and and all the colours in phil’s old background are so much fun to mess with
37. what sets if any do you have planned to make in the future?
i have so many spn ones planned you have no idea alsjdj and theres a couple from more recent phil vids that i still havent got around to yet. i’ve also been meaning to try to do more complicated gif edits/graphics, but i need inspo first. i’m thinking i might do something with dodie or louis lyrics.
48. how much would you say you’ve improved since you first started giffing?
gosh so much oml. colouring alone, i had no idea what i was doing when i started and now i love playing around with changing colours and adjusting the lighting and such. i also didn’t know how to adjust the framerate for the longest time or how to export properly. this post is a really cool direct example of my first ever gif to a year later.
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missmaxime · 4 years
20 21 31!! (And good luck!!!! 🤞🤞🤞 For the job I mean not the qs)
Thank youuuu!💖💖 (And yess fingers crossed. It’ll probs take a little while, I’m sure they want to put out that vacancy for outside people as well). 
20. What’s your favorite part about the fanfiction writing process?
It’s probably a tie between the prep (getting the idea, just letting your thoughts flow in your head, no deadline just writing things down until you get the story) and the actual writing part. Especially the moment when I finish connecting scenes A and G with scenes B through F. Which brings me to:
21. What’s your least favorite part about the fanfiction writing process?
My complete incapability of writing placeholders. I tried it before but once I write basically a skeleton-scene like that I find it impossible to flesh a scene out anymore, especially if I already wrote the scene after that in full already. A little while ago @pynkhues made a post from her Pirate AU where you can see how her placeholder scene transformed into the final scene, and I tried that on a scene from Ain’t No Sunshine. But I just got stuck on the whole fic until I deleted the placeholder and wrote the whole scene in it’s almost-final form like I usually do.
I also kind of hate putting the codes in for AO3 in one go. So I try to just write all of those in while I’m writing the fic. But I always forget some, or put in a broken one, so I still have to spend time fixing that. One thing I wish someone else could just do for me.
31. Of the characters you write for, which is your favorite? Has that choice been swayed at all by your followers/readers’ reactions to certain ones?
Aside from my sidestep into Turner POV for Ain’t No Sunshine, I have only written Beth and Rio POV. And while I did enjoy that sidestep a lot, both Beth and Rio are my true favorites. I prefer to not switch between POVs within a fic, but I do like the variety of writing one fic Beth POV, and the next one Rio. Both have such fun and weird and emotional depths, just in a different way. Because they’re both real, but also real dramatic.
EDIT!!! Also obvs wrote Jane POV! (As @sothischickshe pointed out in the comments, ty) I have no idea how my brain skipped over that, because it's one of my favourites too! I looovee writing her, and the positive audience response has only reinforced they way I write her. I'm very careful with the wording and dialogue, because often when i see people write kids or teens they write them too adult, and it really puts me off. So all the positive reaction to this fic has really fuelled me to keep writing her the way I intended to!
Most of the fics I have written were one-shots, so audience response can’t really change that. But the (in a foetus-stage) follow up for The Girlfriend Experience will be a Beth POV. Even though it was a very deliberate choice to write such a tight Rio POV, I can understand there’s like a million questions left open. And I feel like writing the next part in the series from Beth’s POV might answer that better than me in the comments.
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ejunkiet · 4 years
8, 15, and 24 for the detective ask? also, I got into twc because of you, I followed you back in the shadowhunters days and then I started seeing twc posts and I 👀 and now I'm in love with the whole thing so ty for that ❤️
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I am very pleased to have converted you to twc, this is the best news - and bless you, those shadowhunter days... what a wonderful throwback!
Thank you for the Qs! :D Now.... sticking with Emma, I’ve already posted 8, so I did 18 instead:
18. What do they think of Douglas? (I already did 8, so swapped to 18!)
As Bobby is her Ex, Douglas is just that poor sap of a kid working in her office, trying to impress his dad. (One day she will crush his phone, though. By ‘accident’.)
The rest of these are going beneath the tag, as 15 is a doozy.
15. What do they think of Unit Bravo? How has that changed throughout the story?
Emma Kingston - and let’s break it down.
Adam. Her relationship with Adam was very rocky to start. 
It didn’t take her long to pick up on the fact that he was lying through his teeth on some things, and obfuscating/actively trying to omit the facts for others, and - she’s trying to solve a murder for Christ’s sake, what the hell does he think he’s doing? She doesn’t give a crap about jurisdiction or the role of the Agency in this - she just wants to find the son of a bitch who is killing people in her town, and if he’s not going to help her, then he can get the hell out of her office.
She has beef with him for pretty much the entirety of book one - and does her best to work behind his back where she can, having Verda analyze the blood samples she’s found at multiple crime scenes and follow up with his own research when the hospital lab work falls through. She gets that he means well, sometimes, and the fact that he’s so relieved when she makes reasonable decisions pisses her off like nothing else, but she honestly doesn’t see what Nate sees in him.
In fact, for most of book one, this assessment applies to most of Unit Bravo, as Mason and Felix both set her on edge, for different reasons. 
Mason is the most obvious - his outright aggression and general moodiness makes him a dangerous, rogue element that she can’t predict (and with his attitude she’s honestly surprised that he’s an asset to the Agency). 
With Felix, it’s more that he’s chaotic. Intelligent and flirtatious, with a sharp tongue, his comments are more astute than they have any right to be, and that fact belies his playful, eager nature - and she likes him, but she doesn’t quite trust him, not in the same way she felt she could with Nate.
After the revelation and more time spent with Unit Bravo, this all changes. Adam is still frustrating, but he’s competent, and understandable when he’s not hiding any obvious secrets, and she grows to rely on him, for his strength and his advice on facing the supernatural. She’s also come to understand Mason more as she sees glimpses of the man beneath the armor, and while they may not be best friends, they’re teammates, and good ones at that. 
Felix - is her BFF. Her partner in crime. With her wits and his cutting tongue, they shred through the gossip during the local town hall, and she’s never had so much fun scandalising suburban housewives in her life.
24. How did they handle the fight with Murphy? Did they get bitten?
Emma was bitten on the neck, although she did manage to escape the hospital bed, as a tired detective recovering from an impromptu blood transfusion was not much use at the start of the fight.
She did however manage to pull herself together to help Adam take down Murphy with some ingenious sourcing of local materials, and Murphy remains firmly in jail atm.
Thanks again for sending the questions!! :D
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