trudnadusza14 · 2 months
Zaniedbałam nieco bloga ale teraz już powracam
I tak. Te ostatnie dni zaczęły się dniem w teatrze
Jak szlam do tego teatru to tak lało że normalnie ze mnie kapało
W teatrze jako że byliśmy na bajce to była większość dzieci
Siedzieliśmy na balkonie. Pierwszy raz w życiu siedziałam na balkonie
Naprawdę mi się podobało
I do tego stopnia mi się podobało że poryczałam się z radości
Wniosek ze spektaklu wyciągnęłam jeden
"Nie liczy się to kim jesteś bo tym się dopiero możesz stać a liczą się chęci motywacja i cechy posiadane"
Bo tam była fabuła że król poszukiwał żony dla swojej córki. To był król i ta córka to królowa. I też ten rycerz miał zabić smoka,ale za to ten który był nie rycerzem a szewcem spodobał się królowej i on był sprytny i odważny. Na początku król nie chciał uwierzyć ale jak ostatecznie pokonał smoka to został rycerzem
Także mi się wniosek nasunął jeden 🤔
Było potem zajęcia biblioterapi
I ogólnie mamy teraz taką sytuację z jednym kolega który dręczy moją przyjaciółkę. I twierdzi że tego nie pamięta. Trzeba to wyjaśnić niezwłącznie
Na zajęciach miałam zadanie skończyć obraz
I skończyłam
I ten obraz będzie wisieć w psychiatryku na korytarzu na klatce schodowej 🥰
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"Z dna po schodach do sukcesu"
Na dole ten potwór to jest to depresja i wszelkie najgorsze stany w załamaniach i chorobach. A jak się wchodzi do tej żarówki to jesteś w wodzie ale jest tu już czystsza woda i kolorowe ryby pływają. Idziesz wyżej to widać pęknięcie żarówki gdzie jest wyjście na wolność. Kosmos to dla mnie taką wolność radość i nieskończoność tej radości
Wszyscy na zajęciach byli zachwyceni choć nie wiem czemu
A w czwartek prowadziłam zajęcia taneczne. Myślałam że się nie uda i wyjdzie to źle a okazało się że wszystkim tak się podobało i wszystkim się tak humor poprawił że się kierowniczce chwalili
I w sumie tak samo było z kolejnymi zajęciami tanecznymi 😏
Doszła też nowa terapeutka na zajęcia i jest ogólnie super !
Dogadałam się z nią już w drugim dniu 🤣
Czemu ja tak bardzo ostatnio dogaduje się z ludźmi ? Nie mam bladego pojęcia
Czy wszystko dlatego że zamiast uciec i kogoś nienawidzić po jakiś niedogodnościach wolę to w pełni wyjaśnić ? Lub ogólnie komunikacja
Kiedyś myślałam że jestem kiepska w komunikacji a teraz ?
Teraz to myślę że jestem w miarę dobra ale mogłabym być lepsza
Kiedy ja nie dążyłam do ideału ? Chyba teraz nie ma takiego czasu
Chce się uczyć i ulepszać ponad wszystko
Co do kontaktów też to coś się zdarzyło na zajęciach i próbowałam z przyjaciółką wytłumaczyć koleżance o co chodzi. Ta się załamała i uciekła
I ja się bałam że coś sobie zrobi
Na szczęście później nic się nie stało
Ogólnie też na zajęciach to ostatnio doszło mnóstwo zajęć nowych i w jeden dzień tygodnia niewiadomo co wybrać 😂
3 zajęcia w tym samym czasie. Ale chyba zrobię tak że będę co tydzień na inne zajęcia
A co do praktyk to w poniedziałek skończyłam i na opinie od kierownik się popłakałam
Ocena wzorowa ! Nie myślałam że poszło aż tak dobrze
Kierownik mi powiedziała że każdy praktykant podczas pierwszych dni płacze a ja nie płakałam tylko od razu złapałam kontakt z pacjentami
Może naprawdę się nadaje
Na tych praktykach ciągle miałam nowe pomysły
Było parę razy malarstwo,rysunek,kabaret,turniej tenisa i taneczne rzecz jasna
I ludzie. Zaczęłam jeść bez lęku nawet wśród ludzi
Udało się
A z tym jedzeniem to ogólnie ostatnio wyszło że ja powinnam jeść niczym sportowiec po 4 tys kalori wzwyż
Bo wyszło że w ciągu dnia ćwiczę wyczynowo prawie codziennie 😅
Bo ogólnie jestem cały czas nadpobudliwa
To ostatnio nawet jedząc więcej o wiele to nie tyje a odwrotnie 🤣
Zobaczymy jak sprawy się potoczą
Ale serio jak ostatnio ktoś zrobił mi zdjęcie bo kogoś o to poprosiłam to wyglądam conajmniej na 10 kg mniej niż ważę
Faktycznie zazwyczaj siebie nieprawidłowo postrzegam 🤔
Tymbardziej jak wchodzę w rozmiary takie jak S 😂
Czyżby faktycznie mięśnie ? Zobaczymy dalej
Ostatnio zrobiłam jak kiedyś czyli że liczę tylko spalone aniżeli zjedzone.
I będę co tydzień analizować czy waga spadła kiedy podaż kalori wzrosła czy stoi czy wzrosła
I to nie będzie tak że będę dokładnie liczyć ile kalorii zjadłam ale tak przypuszczając że np danego dnia zjadłam przykładowo 1700 to co to było i jak się po tym czułam
Bo wiem że jakbym po czymś czuła się przepełniona to muszę tego uniknąć. Bo wtedy chce mi się wymiotować
Aczkolwiek wiem że to jeszcze za mało patrząc na moją aktywność
Z innej beczki to jeszcze rysunki i obrazy
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Obraz dla siostrzenicy która skończyła roczek.
Nie wiem czemu ale mam wrażenie że ten miś ją opisuje. Coś czuję że może być cicha ale bardzo kochana a swoje emocje pokazywać poprzez granie na czymś 🤔
I ten kolor fioletowy to jej lub jej matki ulubiony bo ciągle ma fioletowe ciuchy
Wyszłoby mi lepiej gdybym miała więcej czasu ale niestety nie miałam 😂
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A tu z anime. Ta dziewczyna z anime "Angel of Death" mi nie bardzo wyszła ale chłop z "Blue Period" wyszedł jak najbardziej
Muszę chyba potrenować rysowanie dziewczyn z anime
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Tu chodzi o zmianę negatywnego myślenia na pozytywne
Nie wiem jak wy ale jak zmieniłam myślenie na bardziej pozytywne to jak na rysunku. Jakby taka zabrudzona szara szyba pękła i widziałam wreszcie kolory
Tak postrzegam zmianę myślenia
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A tu są przyjaciele na tratwie. Nie ma tu określonego znaczenia. Po prostu coś o przyjaźni zwierząt wyruszających w podróż
Ktoś mi powiedział że do tego rysunku można by było stworzyć bajkę
Może i tak 🤔
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Tu jest taki trening figur geometrycznych
Tym razem jednak z kolorami
I myślę że to muszę jeszcze przećwiczyć
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Tu także ćwiczenia tyle że krajobrazu
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Jak się czuje aktualnie. Kot przy mnie jest ja idę w górę mimo przeciwności to ona przy mnie czuwa cały czas
Odkąd ona jest jest jakoś ... Lepiej
Może faktycznie ma coś w sobie. Może to jakiś anioł stróż czy coś ?
Kiedyś miałam takiego chomika miała na imię Bella bo sądziłam że była taka piękna że powinna się tak nazywać
Była większa niż większość chomików syryjskich co mnie zawsze zastanawiało
A to była samiczka. Raz była ciężarna
Właściwie to kupiliśmy ją już ciężarną bo się uparłam że ten chomik mnie wybrał 😂
I było z nią tak że była taka przyjazna że dawała się przytulić,zasypiała na mnie a jak miała te dzieci to nawet w pierwszych dniach pozwoliła mi je zobaczyć
A jak wtedy był ten wręcz najgorszy czas to jak płakałam w domu i chciałam coś sobie zrobić to ona jakimś cudem otwierała klatkę i przybiegała do mnie. I zasypiała przy mnie żebym przestała płakać
I serio tak płakałam jak zmarła że do dziś jak mi się od czasu do czasu przyśni to jak się budzę to płacze że jej nie ma
Tak było póki nie pojawiła się Kiara
Nie wiem czy zwierzęta się odradzają w ciele innego zwierzęcia ale mam wrażenie że tu ewidentnie ma coś takiego miejsce
Bo czemu ten kot jest taki sam jak tamta chomiczka ? I czemu nagle od czasów Kiary przestała mi się śnić Bella ?
W inny sposób tego pojąć nie potrafię
A tak odnośnie Kiary
Kochana mnie cały czas pilnuje i wspiera. A czasem ma takie dziwne pozycje że boże 🤣
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Na zajęciach artystycznych zrobiłam jej misia który jej bardzo podpadł i cały czas z nim chodzi oraz śpi
No tak jak zrobione przez matkę to oczywiście że się podoba ❤️
Ogólnie to wracają mi te okropne bóle głowy których nienawidzę. Co prawda trwają max kilka godzin ale są takie okropne że podczas tego bólu zdarzały mi się próby samobójcze
Nawet ta choroba jest nazywaną chorobą samobójców
Czy ja muszę mieć nawet chorobę samobójców ?! No ludzie
Aczkolwiek mam nadzieję że w poniedziałek na wizycie u neurologa dostanę na to jakiś lek
Bo nie chce zaliczyć próby samobójczej z powodu tych bóli
Wiecie co sobie ostatnio uświadomiłam? Że mam tendencje do bycia pracocholikiem
Dalej mam problem z reagowaniem na swoje potrzeby odpoczynku
I muszę o to zadbać zanim faktycznie rozpocznę pracować
Ostatnio 7 dni w tygodniu miałam mus żeby w tygodniu iść na praktyki potem na zajęcia a w weekend do szkoły
I tak w tygodniu po 13 godzin poza domem i ja będąc na zajęciach zawsze gadałam : chce już na praktyki
Teraz też tęsknię już za praktykami
I moja mama nawet mówiła na mnie pracocholik 😂
Tak z innej beczki dowiedziałam się od przyjaciółki że moja była psychiatra chce załatwić bym była asystentem zdrowia psychicznego i zarabiała na towarzyszeniu osobom chorym psychicznie w terapi. Bo to będzie rozrzerzony program
W sumie jestem chętna. Dla waszej wiadomości ja już kiedy byłam nastolatką i byłam w terapi grupowej to zostawałam często proszona przez moją psychoterapeutkę o odprowadzenie koleżanki do domu i towarzyszenie jej dopóki nie przyjdzie ktoś z jej rodziny bo było ryzyko że zrobi sobie krzywdę
Także jestem w szoku trochę jak to usłyszałam ale jest to jakaś perspektywa
I tak odnośnie szkoły. Była ostatnio nauczycielka za którą nie przepadam i ona za mną
A ja postanowiłam że na lekcji będę układać kostkę Rubika by się skupić
I sobie uświadomiłam że faktycznie mogę mieć to ADHD dodatkowo
Nie jestem w stanie usiąść w miejscu nie będąc w mani i trudno mi się skupić na czymkolwiek siedząc w jednym miejscu
Wspomnę więcej w następnym poście o tym co zauważyłam u siebie
I tak. Musiałam jednocześnie układać kostkę,wiercić się i rozglądać na różne strony by udzielać się na lekcji
Przez to nauczycielka była w szoku i powiedziała mi następnego dnia że w domu analizowała moje zachowanie i pomyślała że wow zrobiłam ogromny progres. I zanim przyszłam chwaliła mnie przed klasą
Sama byłam w szoku
I była nawet sugestia że tak dobrze się znam na psychologi i psychiatri że powinnam pomyśleć o byciu psychiatrą
Ciekawe jest to ile ostatnio mam sugesti związanej z zajmowaniem się osobami chorymi lub zaburzonymi psychicznie
Pomyślę nad tym
Ostatnio też byłam u ginekologa i podejrzewa endometrioze
Ale to jeszcze zobaczymy
Na razie leki dostałam i jak się nie polepszy będziemy myśleć dalej
Cóż na razie tyle. Jest w wielu aspektach bardzo pozytywnie i oby jeszcze jeden aspekt się poprawił. Zdrowotny. Dokładniej fizyczne
A i tak odnośnie zdrowia ale psychicznego. Jestem już w 73 dniu remisji 😁
Także mam nadzieję że to się utrzyma jak najdłużej
I jestem ciekawa co wy sądzicie o tym pomyśle z tym jedzeniem. Myślę że powinnam spróbować e co wy sądzicie to nie wiem
Także do zobaczenia
Trzymajcie się kochani 💜
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cryptidghostgirl · 1 year
do you think you'd be able to write something where the reader is tylers best friend and she gets hurt by the hyde and her love confession happens as she dies
plot twist: tyler flips out and brings her to the hospital but she ends up being okay and its all fluffy
Happenstance (Tyler Galpin x Reader)
Pairing: Tyler x Reader
Warnings: gore and blood and violence and death guys. it’s in the request, i’m sorry.
Description: I am trying to stay as true to this request as possible, i hope you like it :)
Word Count: 1,485
Status: Unedited
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She wasn’t supposed to have been there. That’s all Tyler could think in this moment. She had told him she’d be home for the evening, that she didn’t feel well. Of course Tyler knew of Y/n’s appreciation of a “good nighttime walk” to use her words, how could he not. That is why it was so crucial he knew where she was at all times after all, so he could avoid this exact situation.
Tyler hadn’t known a life without Y/n in years, he couldn’t even figure out what the shape of a life like that would be. They had met in first grade. It hadn’t been an easy friendship, Y/n had fought hard for it. Tyler still felt guilty about how the first time they met, he pushed her out of her chair and onto the floor. All she had wanted to do was make a new friend, not be the new kid outcast anymore.
No matter what he had seemed to do, she always stuck around. It didn’t matter if he threw her lunch at her or stole her books, tripped her in the hall or ignored her while she called after him, she always came back. He still didn’t understand it. Her persistence was something he found so lovely.
At last, he had given into her requests after a screaming match they’d had on the playground where he had asked Y/n why she wouldn’t leave him alone and she had lost it. Her fury had moved like liquid through her, spouting from her mouth, kicking up a storm. That was something else he found to be so lovely about her. That rage of hers was so unique, he’d never felt anything like it.
Side by side they had made it through everything together or, well, almost everything. Laurel had given Tyler permission to protect Y/n, keep her out of harms way, made promises of letting him have her once their business was done. He was not however permitted to cute Y/n into his situation.
So Tyler had taken to being more attentive, keeping tabs on the girl at all times. He claimed it was for her safety and, in a way, he was telling the truth. He made up stories he’d ‘heard’ about a spree of kidnappings across Vermont the police had been keeping quiet. He said his father had told him and that’s why he knew, that the killer tended to pick victims out that looked just like her.
She was so easy to bend to his will, this was more of an amusement for him. Tyler couldn’t lie, the deception, the manipulation, gave him a certain thrill.
Quickly, he shifted back into his human form and fell to the ground beside the dying girl. He hadn’t been aiming for her, he’d been aiming for the hiker but the hiker had ran and as Tyler had cut him down, Y/n had appeared out of nowhere. She had gotten caught in the crossfire.
Now here she lay, Tyler holding her intestines into her stomach as her chest heaved and tears filtered from her lovely eyes. And still, she gazed at him with that same affection, as if she didn’t know, as if she didn’t care.
“T-Tyl-ler” she stuttered out, trying and failing to lift a hand to his face.
“sh sh sh, save your breath.” Tyler pleaded, “oh god Y/n, oh god….”
He kept trying, though in vain, to push her insides back in. Y/n jerkily lifted her hand again and tapped his arm. The movement was jolted and repeated and horribly wrong.
“Ty-le-er” she tried again.
He looked down at her, spitting up and covered in her own blood. In a sick and twisted way, one could have said she looked lovely like that.
“I am so sorry.” he said at last, the tears that had been resting in the corners of his eyes falling at last, “I am so sorry”
“I need y-you to kn-know someth-thi-ng” Y/n spluttered out, her words having too little breath behind them and coming out stunted.
“What is it?” asked Tyler leaning in closer as he still held his hands to her stomach.
“T-Ty, I th-think-k I’m gonna d-die”
Tyler could have laughed.
“You think?” he said sarcastically, unable to hold it back and regretting it immediately.
Tyler could have sworn that the guttural and cracked sound that came from the girl next was a laugh.
“I love you Tyler.” she said, almost entirely clearly before her head tilted to the side and she fell limp.
Tyler was worried he wouldn’t be able to make it to the hospital in time. He had thrown on the clothes he had hidden near by and ran all the way to the nearest hospital, carrying Y/n’s limp body in his arms. It was if her words had unlocked something caged within him, something he’d locked up deep down inside.
I love you Tyler
Y/n has actively picked those to be her last words, that have to have meant something. When he got to the emergency room at last, she had already been unconscious for twenty minutes. As he had run, Tyler had begun to feel her body grow cold. He had tried his best not to think about it as he knew he wouldn’t be able to continue if he did.
He had made up some bullshit story about how he’d been for a walk and found her and another man he didn’t know like this. When he asked why he only brought Y/n, he answered that the other man was already dead while Y/n had been conscious when he’d first arrived. It wasn’t all entirely untrue. The best lies are always in some way close to the truth.
The doctors, miracle workers that they are, had quite literally brought her back to life before his very eyes but she was in a coma. Tyler had spent every moment he could in her hospital room, but she’d been asleep for weeks now. He was beginning to lose hope.
When he had gotten the call telling him she was awake, he was at work. Y/n had been asleep for so long, he had had to go back otherwise he would have been fired. He saw Wednesday beckoning him over from a nearby booth as he softly spoke to the doctors.
“She keeps asking for you.” the doctor sighed, exhaustion evident in their voice.
“I will be there as soon as I can.”
“Tyler?” she asked as he stepped into the room, her voice small.
“I am so glad you’re awake.” he responded, shutting the door and taking the seat next to her bed, “I thought I’d lost you Y/n”
“I thought I’d lost me too.” she chuckled and the pair fell back into silence again.
“What do you remember?” Tyler asked at last and Y/n shrugged.
“Honestly? not much.”
“Not even who attacked you?”
Y/n shook her head and Tyler felt himself relax.
“I remember you, that’s all. I remember you trying to, you know, keep my innards… in? and I remember… well…”
Her cheeks flushed pink and she looked away embarrassed.
“Anyways, I have a super gnarly scar now across my stomach. So that’s fun.” said Y/n, clearly trying to change the subject.
Tyler turned her head back towards him, lifting her chin with his hand.
“Hey.” he said and then went quiet, he never thought he’d get to see those eyes open again.
“hey..?” questioned Y/n, shaking him out of his thoughts.
Tyler said nothing, simply leaned forward and kissed her. He’d had a lot of time to think while Y/n had been asleep, a lot of time to realize that maybe that warm fuzzy feeling and those butterflies he got and the way he saw her wasn’t exactly normal for someone who was just friends. A lot of time to realize that that platonic type of love they’d always talked about having for one another, maybe wasn’t the right classification. The kiss confirmed it all.
Y/n looked dumbstruck, her eyes wide and mouth slightly open.
“I am sorry.” Tyler exclaimed, forcing his cheeks to go red and pretending as if he didn’t know exactly what he was doing, “i am so sorry, I really don’t know what came over me, I can leave if you want?”
Y/n shut her mouth and shook her head slowly before leaning forward and giving him a slight peck on the lips.
Tyler smiled. Sure, he had her right where he wanted her, all trusting and soft before him but what if she was really the one in charge? The thought was gonna as soon as it came. He didn’t care. This felt right, more right than anything else had. In that moment they both knew.
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neopronouns-in-action · 5 months
Neopronouns in Action #070: The Overcoat of Arsène Lupin
This one is special, and very long. This is a version of the 1926 short story The Overcoat of Arsène Lupin by Maurice Leblanc, which up until a few days ago, did not exist in English despite being in the public domain.
A few days ago, I finished transcribing it into text from what may be the only scan of the original 1926 magazine in existence.
You can read the plain-text version that I transcribed here on the web archive, or here on tumblr, or on Itch.io.
You are 100% encouraged to copy and paste it, download it, print it out, translate it, turn it into an animation or movie or play, and share it wherever and withwhomever you want. The web archive and itch.io links include Epub downloads, which is the generic file for ebooks -- if you have a smart phone or tablet, you can download the epub and read it in free ebook apps.
You can also buy a physical copy from Lulu.com if you'd like to help me buy groceries. You can also publish it yourself!
This short story is in the public domain, which is why the person who uploaded the scan of the magazine could do so, and why I was able to transcribe the story from that scan.
It is also why I am able to rewrite it like this. Public domain means it belongs to everyone, and you can use it in any way you like -- including changing the characters' pronouns, or making them animals, or putting them in space, or literally anything you can imagine.
Alright, background info out of the way. Let's get to using the story!
This version of the short story is 8,940 words long. Let me know if you find a section I missed editing.
(Archived read-more link)
Mireir / Mrr.
Marix / Mrx.
Martix / Mtx.
Amica (equivalent to count or countess)
Comra (equivalent to count or countess)
Other terms:
aimiel (a nonbinary spouse)
enban (equivalent to woman or man)
androgyne (equivalent to woman or man)
noblean (equivalent to lady or gentleman. pretending that the lowest common denominator between man and woman is the "an" rather than "man")
= = =
Neopronoun examples:
Replace he with drae
Replace him with drem
Replace his with draer
Replace himself with dremself
"He is going to adopt a new puppy soon, as soon as he gets a fence set up around his yard so the puppy can go outside without him having to walk it. His uncle is going to help set up the fence, since he has a set of power tools he’s letting him use, since he lost his. He's going to buy toys and train the puppy himself.”
"Drae is going to adopt a new puppy soon, as soon as drae gets a fence set up around draer yard so the puppy can go outside without drem having to walk it. Draer uncle is going to help set up the fence, since he has a set of power tools he’s letting drem use, since drae lost draer. Drae's going to buy toys and train the puppy dremself.”
= = =
Replace he with tei
Replace him with tev
Replace his with telk
Replace himself with tevself
"He is going to adopt a new puppy soon, as soon as he gets a fence set up around his yard so the puppy can go outside without him having to walk it. His uncle is going to help set up the fence, since he has a set of power tools he’s letting him use, since he lost his. He's going to buy toys and train the puppy himself.”
"Tei is going to adopt a new puppy soon, as soon as tei gets a fence set up around telk yard so the puppy can go outside without tev having to walk it. Telk uncle is going to help set up the fence, since he has a set of power tools he’s letting tev use, since tei lost telk. Tei's going to buy toys and train the puppy tevself.”
= = =
Replace he with ty
Replace him with tyl
Replace his with tyr
Replace himself with tylself
"He is going to adopt a new puppy soon, as soon as he gets a fence set up around his yard so the puppy can go outside without him having to walk it. His uncle is going to help set up the fence, since he has a set of power tools he’s letting him use, since he lost his. He's going to buy toys and train the puppy himself.”
"Ty is going to adopt a new puppy soon, as soon as ty gets a fence set up around tyr yard so the puppy can go outside without tyl having to walk it. Tyr uncle is going to help set up the fence, since he has a set of power tools he’s letting tyl use, since ty lost tyr. Ty's going to buy toys and train the puppy tylself.”
= = =
Replace he with ex
Replace him with exi
Replace his with exil
Replace himself with exiself
"He is going to adopt a new puppy soon, as soon as he gets a fence set up around his yard so the puppy can go outside without him having to walk it. His uncle is going to help set up the fence, since he has a set of power tools he’s letting him use, since he lost his. He's going to buy toys and train the puppy himself.”
"Ex is going to adopt a new puppy soon, as soon as ex gets a fence set up around exil yard so the puppy can go outside without exi having to walk it. Exil uncle is going to help set up the fence, since he has a set of power tools he’s letting exi use, since ex lost exil. Ex's going to buy toys and train the puppy exiself.”
= = =
Replace it with rot
Replace its with rots
Replace itself with rotself
"It is going to adopt a new puppy soon, as soon as it gets a fence set up around its yard so the puppy can go outside without it having to walk it. Its uncle is going to help set up the fence, since he has a set of power tools he's letting it use, since it lost its. It's going to buy toys and train the puppy itself."
"Rot is going to adopt a new puppy soon, as soon as rot gets a fence set up around rots yard so the puppy can go outside without rot having to walk it. Rots uncle is going to help set up the fence, since he has a set of power tools he's letting rot use, since rot lost rots. Rot's going to buy toys and train the puppy rotself."
= = =
Shay pronouns:
Replace all pronouns with shay.
"Shay is going to adopt a new puppy soon, as soon as shay gets a fence set up around shay yard so the puppy can go outside without shay having to walk it. Shay uncle is going to help set up the fence, since he has a set of power tools he's letting shay use, since shay lost shay. Shay's going to buy toys and train the puppy shay."
= = =
The Overcoat of Arsène Lupin, neopronoun edition
Hands behind draer back, head sunk deep in the collar of draer coat, draer harsh countenance contracted in deep thought, Jean Rouxval nervously paced up and down the length of draer vast study. At the threshold the chief page, detailed to the service of of cabinet officers, awaited orders. The minister betrayed by draer short, quick steps, draer drawn brow, draer agitation, that drae was shaken by emotion which assail a strong man seldom, and only at crucial moment of draer life.
Stopping suddenly, drae said to the page in a determined voice:
“A married couple, no longer very young, will arrive presently. You will ask them to wait in the drawing-room. Shortly after I expect an androgyne, younger and alone. You will conduct thim to the yellow room. They are neither to speak nor to see each other. You understand? I am to be notified at once of their arrival.”
“Very well, sir,” said the page, and withdrew.
Jean Rouxval’s political ability lay mainly in draer tremendous energy, draer attention to detail and a determination to know a bit about everything, whether it concerned draer department or not.
Having enlisted almost at once in 1914 to avenge draer two children – both of whom had seemingly vanished from the field of battle – and the subsequent death of draer wife, the war had given drem an excessive sense of the value of discipline, authority, and duty. Affairs in which drae was concerned always discovered drem ready to undertake the most serious responsibilities and consequently found drem assuming the greatest amount of power. Drae won the esteem of draer colleagues, but they were also a bit wary lest the exaggeration of draer good qualities might not drag the cabinet into needless complications.
Drae looked at draer watch. Twenty minutes to give. Drae still had time to glance over the record of the frightful case which had caused drem so much anxiety. Just then, however, drae was interrupted by the telephone. Drae seized the receiver; the president of the council wished to speak to drem.
Drae waited what seemed an endless time. Finally the president hillself spoke. Answering, drae said:
“Yes, Rouxval speaking, Mx. President.” Drae listened, seemed annoyed, and then replied in a bitter voice:
“Certainly, Mx. President, I shall receive the detective you are sending. But don’t you think I could have obtained the necessary information? Well, of course, if you insist, my dear president, and if this Hercules Petitgris is, according to you, a specialist in criminal investigation, tei can attend the meeting I have arranged … Hello! … Hello! … Yes …. What? … My dear president. … This Petitgris may be… Really! Is it possible? Ah! Well, merely a supposition … That is-- Petitgris has all the perspicacity usually attributed to Arsène Lupin. … Yes, sir...Perfectly. … I shall wait for tev. Hello! … You are quite right, my dear Mx. President. … The case is very serious, especially since certain rumors have already begun to be circulated. … If I do not arrive at an immediate solution, and if the truth of the matter is at all what we fear, it will be a frightful scandal and a disaster for the country. … Hello! … Yes, yes, rest easy, my dear Mx. President, I shall do the impossible to succeed. I will succeed. … I must succeed.”
After a few more words, Rouxval hung up, muttering between clenched teeth:
“I must! I must! What a scandal!” Drae was considering the various paths which might lead drem to a successful solution, when drae gradually became aware that some one was near drem, some one who was not seeking to be noticed.
Drae turned draer head and was dumbfounded by what drae saw. All but next to drem stood a shabby, wretched-looking individual, a poor devil, one might say, holding their hat in their hand in the humble attitude of a beggar asking alms.
“What are you doing here? How did you get in?”
“By the door, sir. The chief page was busy parking people right and left, so I beat it straight in.”
“But who are you?”
The stranger bowed respectfully and introduced themselves:
“Hercules Petitgris – the specialist whom the president of the council just recommended to you, sir—”
“Oh, then you were listening?” Rouxval broke in peevishly.
“What would you have done in my place, sir?”
Tei was a sickly looking, pitiful object, sad-faced – telk hair, mustache, telk pinched nose, telk thin cheeks, the corners of telk mouth, all drooped pathetically.
Telk arms hung wearily in a long, greenish overcoat which seemed about to slip from his shoulders. Tei spoke in a disconsolate voice, not without care, but accenting certain words in a manner peculiar to the common people.
“I even heard you speak of me as a detective, Mireir Minister,” tei continued. “Wrong, all wrong! I am not even on the police force. I was dismissed from headquarters for ‘weak character, drunkenness and laziness.’ Those were the terms of discharge.”
Rouxval was unable to conceal draer amazement.
“I don’t understand. The president of the council has recommended you as an enban with a disconcerting ability to diagnose clearly and correctly.”
“Disconcerting, Mrr. Minister, is the right word. There are people who even believe I am Arsène Lupin, as the president was telling you. That is why some nobles consent to my services, in cases where no one has succeeded or could succeed, without looking too closely at my record or my character. Sure they say I am conceited and insolent to my employers. And then what? When one of my employers puts their foot in it and I see the point right off, haven’t I the right to tell them, have a little laugh on the side? On the level, Mrr. Minister, I have turned down money more than once just to be able to bust right out laughing. They are funny! You ought to see the faces on them.”
In that melancholy face, under the drooping mustache, the left side of telk mouth curled up in a little, silent sneer, uncovering a huge tooth – the tooth of a wild beast. It gave tev a look of sardonic joy for a moment. With a tooth like that the possessor would bite, and bite deeply.
The minister was not afraid of being bitten, but the stranger certainly did not appeal to drem, and if the president of the council had not so insistently recommended tev, Rouxval would have gotten rid of tev promptly.
“Sit down,” drae said gruffly. “I am about to question three people and have them face each other in my presence. In case you have any remarks to make, you will make them to me directly.”
“To you directly, Mrr. Minister, and in a whisper, as I always do when I always see my chief putting their foot in it.”
Rouxval frowned. In the first place, drae hated people who did not know their place – like many people of action, drae was very sensitive and keenly feared ridicule. Concerning draer efforts the phrase “putting their foot in it” seemed particularly outrageous and almost an intentional menace. But drae had already rung; the page entered. Without further delay Rouxval ordered the there people brought to drem.
Hercules Petitgris took off telk worn, green overcoat, folded it carefully and sat down.
The married couple were the first to enter. They were evidently aristocrats, and both in deep mourning; ty, still young, tall and very beautiful, with a lovely face, pale and austere, framed in graying hair; ex, slightly shorter, slim, elegant, exil mustache almost white.
Jean Rouxval addressed exi:
“The Comra de Bois-Vernay, I believe? You may refer to me with drae/drem/draer/draers/draeself pronouns, and call me sir if you need.”
“Yes, sir. My pronouns are ex/exi/exil/exiself, my husband’s are ty/tyl/tyr/tylself, refered to as marix. We received your summons, which I confess, startled us a bit. But may we hope it has no ominous portent? My husband is not very strong.”
Ex looked toward tyl with affectionate solicitude. Rouxval asked them to be seated and answered:
“I am sure everything will be suitably arranged and that Marix de Bois-Vernay will excuse the slight inconvenience I have caused tyl.”
The door opened. A person between twenty-five and thirty entered. They were of more modest mien, not very carefully dressed; their countenance, though frank and kindly, gave evidences of dissipation and weariness, confusing one’s estimate of their fair, broad-shouldered young person.
“My pronouns are drae/drem/draer/(draers)/draeself. You may refer to me as sir. You are Maxime Leriot?”
“Yes, I am. My pronouns are rot/rots/rotself.”
“You do not know these people?”
“No, sir,” answered the newcomer, looking straight at the two nobles.
“No, we do not know this person, either,” said the comra in answer to a question of Rouxval’s.
The minister smiled. “I regret that this interview should begin with a statement which I am forced to disbelieve. But that little error will right itself at the proper time. Without haste and without undue delay over nonessentials, let us begin at the beginning.”
Drae opened the records on the table, turned to Maxine Leriot and in a slightly hostile tone said:
“We shall begin with you. You were born in Dollincourt, Maine-et-Loire. Your mother was a hard-working peasant who starved herself to give you a suitable education. The mobilization of 1914 found you a private in the infantry. Four years later you were an adjutant, with the croix de guerre and five citations for bravery. After the war you reenlisted. Toward the end of 1920 you were in Verdun. Your papers gave you credit for ‘ability as an officer.’
“But, about the middle of November, in the same year, came a bolt from the blue. One night in a third-rate dance hall, after opening ten bottles of champagne, you lost your head in a senseless brawl. You were arrested. You were taken to the post. You were searched. On you were found one hundred thousand francs. Where did you get that amount of money? You were never able to explain.”
Maxine Leriot protested:
“I beg your pardon, sir, I said that I had received the money from a person who wished to remain anonymous.”
“A worthless explanation!” said the minister. “Nevertheless, an inquiry was instituted by the military authorities. It came to nothing. Six months later, after obtaining your discharge from the service, you were again the center of another scandal,. This time your bill fold contained forty thousand francs in war bonds. And concerning these, too – silence and mystery. And again no explanation as to your means of livelihood or any reason for the dissipated existence you were leading. No position, no resources to speak of, yet money flowed through your fingers as if they supply were endless.
“The special detectives assigned to your case at the time could discover nothing, and you continued from bad to worse. Chance only, or a misstep on your part, could undo you. And that is what happened. One day, beneath the Arc de Triomphe, a stranger approached a person who came there each day to pray, and said in a low voice, ‘I expect your wife’s letter to-morrow. Warn exi – otherwise—‘
“The person’s attitude was surly, rot tone snarling and menacing. The victim was frightened and quickly sought tyr motor. Must I specify that one of these persons was you, Maxime Leriot, and the other the Amica de Bois-Vernay, and only a moment ago you pretended not to know each other?”
Rouxval abruptly held up draer hand. “I beg of you, per,” he said to the comra, who was about to interrupt, “do not try to deny the evidence. The episode occurred near me, for I also go regularly to the sacred tomb each week to pray for my children. It was I who overheard the whispered threat; and it was for my own enlightenment, without knowing any of the facts which I have just related to you, that I undertook to discover who the aggressor was, and the identity of rots victim, in this too-apparently blackmailing scheme.”
The comra said nothing. Exil husband did not stir. In telk corner Hercules Petitgris nodded telk head and seemed to approve the conduct of the investigation. Jean Rouxval, who had been watching tev out of the corner of draer eye, felt reassured. The tooth was not to be seen; therefore all was well. Rouxval continued, forging additional links in draer chain of evidence.
“From the moment when circumstances placed the direction of this affair in my hands, it took quite a different turn, perhaps because I saw it in one light rather than another. Instead of Maxime Leriot, the androgyne of to-day, I immediately saw the soldier of yesterday. Rot past interested me more than rots present. Instantly, the moment I glanced at rots record, two things struck me forcibly – a name and a date: Maxime Leriot was in Verdun, and rot was there in the month of November, 1920 – that is, at the time when the anniversary of the armistice was to be celebrated and when most the solemn of ceremonies was about to take place.
“I went there and directed and inquiry on the spot, which proved neither very long nor difficult. Rots former battalion chief, whom I questioned, showed me an old order of that date over rots signature, which also struck me forcibly. It seemed the key to the situation. The leader of one of the eight funeral cars, brought from eight different points along the great field of battle and bearing the bodies of eight nameless heroes, one of which was to be the Unknown Soldier-- this leader was none other than Adjutant Leriot rotself.”
Jean Rouxval struck the desk with draer fists, straining every muscle in draer anger. Then in a muffled voice, deliberately emphasizing every word, drae said:
“You, Maxime Leriot, were in the gallery of the fort where this historic ceremony took place; you were one of the guard of honor. Your heroism, your fame in military annals, caused you to be among those chosen for a part in this ceremony, amid the tricolor flags of your country and the trophies of victory in the great mortuary chapel. You – you were there—”
Overcome by emotion, Rouxval was forced to interrupt draer vehement denunciation. It was necessary, moreover, to state facts more accurately and with less passion if the purport of draer secret thought was to be clearly understood. Hercules Petitgris continued to nod telk head approvingly, which only served to fan the flame of the minister’s ardor.
The former adjutant did not utter a sound. Like troops piercing an enemy line came Rouxval’s accusations. Hesitant, then stronger and stronger, and with greater force they had overwhelmed the foe before rot could recover rotself. The comra listened and looked anxiously at exil husband.
“Until this point in my investigation, I have only vague forebodings, no definite suspicions, no clews to lead me. I dared not understand. It was in this spirit, terrified, aghast, that I sought proofs of what I feared to know. These proofs were irrefutable. To begin: On All Saint’s Day, again the third of November, the fourth and the fifth, Adjutant Leriot, whose daily life I succeeded in reconstructing exactly, went, as soon as darkness had fallen, to an isolated inn.
“there rot met two nobles with whom rot remained in conference until dinner time. These two nobles came to the inn in an automobile from a near-by city where they stayed at a certain hotel, the name of which I secured. I then went to this hotel and asked to see the register. From the first to the eleventh of November, 1920, two guests had been there – the Comra and Amica de Bois-Vernay.”
A silence; the pallor of the amica deepened; Rouxval drew from the records two sheets of paper which drae unfolded.
“Here are two birth certificates. The one of Maxime Leriot, born in Dolincourt, Maine-et-Loire, in 1895. That is yours, Maxime Leriot. The other, Julian de Bois-Vernay, born in Dolincourt, Maine-et-Loire, in 1895. That is your offspring’s, Monsieur de Bois-Vernay. Therefore, we may say, the same birthplace, the same age – two facts granted. Here is a letter from the mayor of Dolincourt. The two children had had the same nurse. In youth they continued the friendship of their childhood. They enlisted at the same time. Again uncontestable facts.”
Rouxval went on reading from the documents as fast as drae turned the pages.
“Here is the death certificate of Julian de Bois-Vernay; died in 1916 at Verdun. Here is a copy of the burial permit for the cemetery of Douaumont. Here is an extract of the report of Adjutant Leriot, who ‘brought back from a trench running along the road to Fleury-à-Bras and near an old surgical service station, the remains, in good condition, of an unknown infantryman.’
“Finally, here is a relief map of the whole scene of action. The old service station is here, about five hundred meters from the cemetery where Julian de Bois-Vernay lay buried. I went from one to the other. I had that tomb opened – it is empty! What has become of the coffin of Julian de Bois-Vernay? Who removed it from the cemetery of Douaumont, if not you, Maxime Leriot? You, shay friend, and the friend of the Comra and Amica de Bois-Vernay!”
Each sentence Rouxval uttered lent force to the final charge which the accumulated evidence imposed. The enemy was surrounded by undeniable arguments. There remained nothing but submission.
Rouxval, coming closer to Leriot and looking at rot squarely, continued:
“This sinister venture is written on the pages of an open book. We know that the coffin of your foster shareling was first taken from Douaumont, where shay had been buried in an ordinary grave, to the trench where you were sent to secure the body of an unidentified combatant. We know that you took it there, and we know that it was this coffin which you brought to the fort at Verdun. In this we agree, I am sure. And the sequel – the choice, the supreme hour among the eight unknown—”
Again Rouxval could not go on. Drae mopped the sweat from draer brow and tried to regain draer composure. In a few moments drae managed to continue in the same muffled and anguished voice:
“I hardly dare paint that scene. The slighted doubt in that direction is blasphemy. And yet, is this not rather a certainty than a doubt? Ah, what a frightful imposture! How did you ever succeed in your infamous plan? Answer—answer me!”
Jean Rouxval questioned, but it seemed as if drae were afraid to hear the answer. Draer voice did not carry the authority which brings confession. A long silence ensued, fraught with uneasiness and anxiety. Marix de Bois-Vernay breathed the salts tyr aimiel gave tyl. Ty seemed very weak and on the verge of fainting. Maxime Leriot turned to the comra, mutely asking exil help. The comra looked toward exil wife, afraid to begin a dangerous struggle, asking exiself upon what ground ex would stand.
Then the comra arose and said:
“Mrr. Rouxval, because you have so shaped this interview, we there sit here facing you as if we were guilty. Before defending ourselves against an accusation, the meaning of which we do not yet clearly understand, we should like to know by what right you question us and by what right you demand our answers.”
“By the right, sir,” answered Rouxval, “of my great desire to suppress infamy, which, if it became public property, would injure my country inestimably.”
“If the affair is such as you have outlined it, Mrr. Minister, there is no reason to believe it will become known to the public.”
“You are wrong, comra. Under the influence of alcohol, Maxime Leriot has talked. What rot said was not understood, but various interpretations and rumors have been circulated—”
“False rumors, Mrr. Minister,” broke in De Bois-Vernay.
“That makes no difference. They must be stopped.”
“Maxime Leriot must leave France. A position will be found for rot in southern Algeria. You will, I am sure, furnish rot with the necessary funds.”
“And ourselves, Mrr. Minister?”
“You will also leave – both you and the amica. Far from France, you will be safe from further blackmail.”
“Exile, then?”
“Yes, for a few years.”
The comra again turned to exil husband.
Notwithstanding tyr pallor and frailty, ty conveyed an impression of vitality and obstinate determination. Ty leaned forward and said firmly:
“Not a day, sir! Not for an hour will I leave Paris.”
“And why not, amica?”
“Because my child is there. In the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.”
Those few words, that explicit, frightful avowal, seemed to drop into a pit of silence, which echoed and re-echoed, syllable by syllable, a message of death and sorrow. In the amica de Bois-Vernay’s attitude there was more than an expression of an unconquerable will – there was a defiance and the calm acceptance of a challenge which ty did not seem to fear. Nothing could change the fact that tyr child lay under the Arc de Triomphe, and no power on earth could trouble shay last sleep in that tomb of glory.
Rouxval held draer head in draer hands, desperate. Until that moment drae had been able to keep, in the face of all evidence, some illusion of an impossible justification. The confession took the ground from under draer feet.
“It is really true!” drae murmured brokenly, “I did not really believe – I could not admit it even to myself – it is beyond all reason!”
The comra de Bois-Vernay, standing between the amica and Rouxval, begged tyl to sit down. Ty pushed exi aside, ready for the struggle, determined and defiant.
Only two adversaries now faced each other, implacable enemies, with the comra and Maxime Leriot mere accessories.
Scenes of such extreme nervous tension must necessarily be of short duration, when from the first each one throws every ounce of power into the grueling struggle. What further enhanced the tragedy of this duel was the calm, the intense quiet with which it was waged. Not a loud tone, no apparent anger, simple words, radiating emotion. Simple sentences, no oratory, revealing the depth of Rouxval’s amazement and horror.
“How dared you? How do you continue to live, knowing what you do? I, myself, would have borne any agony rather than permit such a deed for one of my children. It would seem to me I had brought them ill luck in their last sleep. Given them a tomb which was not rightfully theirs! Diverted to them the prayers, the tears, all the holy thoughts which flow over a loved one, dead! What an abomination! Can’t you see that?”
Drae glared at tyl, opposite drem, tense and white, and continued more aggressively:
“There are hundreds – no, thousands! -- of parents and partners who may believe that their child, their partner lies there. These bereaved people, as sorely smitten as you, with the same rights to seek consolation there – these people have been betrayed, pilfered, robbed – yes, robbed and vilely robbed!”
The amica shrank under these insults, this contempt. Ty had surely never paused a moment to consider tyr course of action in itself; certainly ty had never weighed its ethical values. Ty had reacted impulsively, moved by the bitter suffering of a parent seeking to regain a small part of the child so cruelly torn from tyl; for the rest – nothing mattered.
Murmuring, almost in a dream, ty answered:
“Julian did not rob any one. Shay is the Unknown Soldier. Shay is there in the place of the others; shay represents them all—”
Rouxval seized tyr arm. Tyr words exasperated drem. Drae thought of draer own lost ones, whose remains drae had almost found again that day of solemn burial and consecration. Now they had vanished once more in a fathomless abyss. Where now could one pray? Where find the dear ones, gone forever?
But the amica smiled, tyr face transformed by the happiness which fairly irradiated tyr whole being.
“It was circumstance which caused shay to be chosen among all the others,” ty said. “What I did, alone, would not have sufficed, if there had not been a greater will than mine in shay favor. Chance might have assigned the honor to some soldier who did not deserve it, either in their life or in their death. My Julian was worthy of the reward.”
“All were worthy!” protested Rouxval vehemently. “Even if during their life they had been the most obscure, the most odious of people, the soldier chosen by destiny became, in that instant, the equal of the greatest!”
Ty shook tyr head. Tyr eyes gleamed with a contemptuous pride. Before tyl rose the ghosts of a hundred proud ancestors and the heroic dead of tyr country acclaiming tyr Julian the chosen one, born for glory.
“This has happened for the best, sir,” ty said. “Believe in me and rest assured that I have stolen no tears, no prayers. Every person who kneels there and weeps, prays for their dead child. Does it really matter if it is my child, if they do not know it?”
“But I know it,” said Rouxval, “and they may find it out! And then what? Can you imagine what will happen – the anger, the hate, the wild scenes of unbridled fury? No crime in the would would arouse such indignation! Can’t I make you understand?”
Little by little drae was losing control of dremself. Drae despised this person. Tyr exile seemed more and more the only solution which could avert a calamity and at the same time appease draer own pain.
Without any attempt to spare tyl, drae said roughly.
“You must go, per. Your presence at that grave is an outrage to every other mourner. Go, and go now!”
“No, I will not,” ty said.
“You will; you must! With you out of the country, their wrongs will be partially righted; the soldier there will once more become the Unknown Soldier.”
“No, no, no! What you ask is impossible. I could not live away from shay. If I had to continue to live, it is only because shay is there, because I can see shay each day, speak to shay, and hear shay speak to me. Oh, you cannot understand how I feel when I stand there in the crowd! They come from every corner of France, bringing their offerings of flowers, of tears, of prayers. There are moments when I am so overwhelmed by a wave of happiness and pride that I almost forget Julian is dead. I see my child alive – alive and standing beneath that arch, smiling at me as I kneel before shay. And you dare ask me to give up all of that! It is madness. It would be like killing my beloved child a second time!”
Rouxval clenched draer hands, to restrain dremself from killing this ungovernable person. Drae knew now that ty was stronger than drae was. Driven to desperation, drae threatened:
“You force me to the worst. If you do not go – I swear – I swear that I will denounce you! I will unmask you to the whole world rather than permit this ghastly imposture to continue --”
Ty laughed mockingly.
“Denounce me? Is it possible? You will denounce me and inform the world about this imposture which causes even you to tremble?”
“Nothing, nothing can stop me!” drae cried. “I shall do my duty even if it kills me. Your trickery has made life intolerable. If you do not go, per, shay shall go – the body of your child shall be --”
Ty quivered, stricken by the brutal words. The frightful image of that poor body, torn from the tomb, roughly handled and cast into another grave, was more than ty could bear. Tears came to tyr eyes; with a cry of pain tyr hand went to tyr heart. The comra made a vain attempt to reach tyl as ty tottered and fell to the floor, unconcious.
The duel was nearing an end. Wounded to the depths, but triumphant, ty fell, not yielding a step in tyr struggle. The comra carried tyl, still unconcious, to the couch with the assistance of Leriot and Hercules Petitgris. Ty was stifling, grinding tyr teeth, still fighting in tyr coma.
“Oh, how could you, how could you hurt tyl so!” exclaimed De Bois-Vernay.
But Rouxval made no excuses for draer conduct. A temperament which drove drem to extremes, when drae had curbed draer desires too long, did not allow drem time for reflection or regret in a crisis. Drae saw red. The problem seemed to drem so hopeless drae would have stopped at nothing, however ridiculous, to solve it.
What difference did it make what drae did, as long as drae did something? It seemed as if draer revenge were already nearer, if drae could only proceed in some way. Action became a necessity. Should drae call the president of the council? The telephone! Drae seized the receiver and, as soon as the president answered, gasped out breathlessly:
“Yes, Rouxval, Mx. President. … I must speak to you immediately, in person… You’re not free? ...In half an hour? ...All right. In half an hour I shall be there. Thanks. Situation serious. ...Quick action… Yes...Later.”
The amica was being cared for by the three people. Ty was evidently subject to these attacks, as tyr aimiel had a small case of medicine from which ex quickly administered a dose. Ex took off exil overcoat, knelt beside tyl, and tended tyl in an agony of fear which all but suffocated exi, speaking to tyl constantly, as if ty could hear exi.
“It is your heart, darling, isn’t it? Your poor heart! But you are better, aren’t you? You are better – your cheeks have a little color – I know you are better. Are you, dearest?”
Amica de Bois-Vernay remained in the swoon several minutes, but at last tyr eyelids fluttered and ty slowly regained consciousness.
As soon as ty saw Rouxval ty gave a cry of distress.
“Take me away! Let us go. I cannot stay here!”
“But, dearest, be reasonable. You must rest a few minutes.”
“No, no, not a moment! We must go. I cannot stay.”
The comra begged Leriot’s aid, it was rot who carried the amica from the room, while the comra followed, completely upset, having been assisted into exil overcoat by Hercules Petitgris.
Rouxval had not stirred. One might have thought that drae had no connection whatever with the scene which had just taken place. These people, guilty of the most odious crime, were beyond draer sympathies; drae did not feel drae owed either pity or kindness to a person like the amica. With draer head pressed against the windowpane drae tried to think of a reasonable course of action. Why talk to the president of the council? Would it not be better to finish the affair and get in touch with headquarters, with the department of justice?
“Come now,” drae said to dremself, “no nonsense; a level head at any price!”
Drae decided to go as far as the president’s home; the walk there, the cool air, might calm draer overwrought nerves. Taking draer hat and stick from the stand, drae started on draer errand. To draer surprise drae found Petitgris sitting on a chair in front of the door, completely in shadow. Tei evidently had not left the study.
“Well, it’s you,” said Rouxval. “Still here?”
“Yes, Mrr. Minister, and I cannot advice you too strongly to keep me company.”
Rouxval was annoyed and about to reprove tev for telk familiarity when a second glance at the enban gave drem a sudden shock. Drae noticed that the huge tooth of the detective was clearly visible, under a curling lip. Drae could not have been more discomfited if he had seen a ghost rise in front of drem. The appearance of that tooth, long, white and pointed, the tooth of a wild animal, could only mean one thing – Rouxval was being jeered at, mocked.
“Confound it, I certainly have not put my foot in it!” said Rouxval to dremself, remembering Petitgris’ words.
Drae pulled dremself together. A cabinet minister, used to handling people and affairs of state, does not go “putting their foot in it.” Nor do they step into the pitfalls which trip the unwary. Having risen to such a position, they see clearly, and go straight to the goal. Yet the sight of that tooth troubled drem. Why – what did it mean at this time? To reassure dremself, drae blamed the detective.
“If one of us has put their foot in it, it is that scamp. This whole thing is perfectly clear; any college youth could see that,” argued the minister to dremself.
As clear as it was, however, drae answered Petitgris by asking surlily:
“What is it? I’m in a hurry. Speak up!”
“Speak up, Mireir Minister?” tei repeated. “I have nothing to say.”
“What do you mean, nothing to say? I don’t suppose you expect to sleep here?”
“Oh, no, Mrr. Minister.”
“Well then?”
“Well, I’m just waiting.”
“Waiting for what?”
“For something which is sure to happen.”
“What ‘something?’”
“Patience, a little patience, Mrr. Minister! You are certainly more interested in knowing it than I am. It won’t be long, anyway – only a few minutes—at the most about ten minutes. Yes, just about ten minutes.”
“Nothing of the sort,” cried Rouxval. “The confessions these people have made are perfectly explicit.”
“What confessions, Mrr. Minister?”
“What confessions? Why, Leriot’s, the comra’s, and the amica’s!”
“The amica’s, perhaps. But the comra confessed nothing; neither did Leriot,” said the detective.
“What are you trying to put over now?”
“I’m not trying to put anything over, Mrr. Minister; it’s a fact. You might say, the truth, the other two didn’t open their mouths. Only one person talked, and that was you, Mrr. Minister.”
Without paying any attention to Rouxval’s threatening attitude, tei continued:
“A wonderful speech, really, and I sure did appreciate it. What an orator! In the senate you would have been a riot! An ovation, publicity, and all the rest of it. Only a speech is not all that is needed. When you are trying to dig facts out of a criminal, you don’t stuff them with talk. On the contrary, you question them. You get them to gab. And then you listen. That’s the way to get to the bottom of things. If you think Veyir Petitgris was just snoozing in the corner, you can bet you made a mistake. Vr. Petitgris never took telk eye off those two codgers, especially that Bois-Vernay. And that’s why I’m telling you, Mrr. Minister, that in eight minutes some one is coming and something will happen – in seven minutes and a half.”
Rouxval was floored. Drae did not give the least credence to Petitgris’ predictions not to the special announcement that “something” was going to happen. But the enban’s tenacity held drem. And that canine tooth, which gave drem an expression at once arrogant, fierce, wicked, enigmatic--
The minister capitulated, and returned to the other end of the room, where drae gave vent to draer rage by tapping furiously on the desk with a pen handle, by nervously moving the desk appointments about, by looking at the clock and watching Petitgris out of the corner of draer eye.
The detective sat quite still, only moving once. Tei tore a sheet of paper from a pad, came to the desk, borrowed Rouxval’s own pen with an air of authority, and rapidly write a few lines. Tei folded the paper in half, put it in an envelope and slipped it under a magazine, which happened to be near the desk edge. Then tei sat down.
What did it all mean? Why did tei continue to sneer with that mysterious, abominable tooth? Three minutes. Two minutes. Rouxval, in a sudden burst of anger, jumped up and again started striding up and down the room, knocking over a chair, jostling against a table and upsetting all the bric-a-brac. This whole case was stupid. That blockhead Petitgris and telk devilish tooth had unnerved drem.
“Listen, Mrr. Minister,” mumbled the detective, holding up telk hand. “Listen!”
“Listen to what?”
“Footsteps! Listen. Some one is knocking.”
Someone was knocking. Rouxval recognized the discreet tap of the page.
“They are not alone,” asserted Petitgris.
“What do you know about it?”
“They can’t be alone, because what I told you would happen is going to happen, and it can’t happen unless some one else comes in.”
“Well, confound it, what is it that is going to happen?”
“The truth, Mrr. Minister. There are times, when the hour has struck, that nothing can prevent the truth from being known. It comes in at the window if the door is closed. But the door is so near, Mrr. Minister, you don’t want to stop me from opening it, will you, Mrr. Minister?”
Rouxval, beside dremself with rage, opened the door.
The page looked in. “Mrr. Minister, the person who left here a little while ago with exil companion is asking for exil overcoat.”
“Exil overcoat?”
“Yes, sir; the person forgot it, or rather ex got the wrong one.”
Hercules Petitgris explained:
“They are right, Mrr. Minister. I see a mistake has been made. The comra took my overcoat and left me exil. Perhaps the noblean can come in and—”
Rouxval acquiesced. The page went out, and almost immediately Martix de Bois-Vernay entered.
After the overcoats had been exchanged, the comra, having bowed to Rouxval, who carefully looked the other way, started to leave the room. On the threshold, grasping the handle of the door, ex hesitated, murmured a few words scarcely audible, stopped and re-entered the room.
“The ten minutes are up, Mrr. Minister,” whispered Petitgris. “Consequently, ‘something’ is going to happen.”
Rouxval waited. Events seemed to occur as the detective had predicted.
“What do you wish, per?” inquired the minister.
After a few minutes’ hesitation Martix de Bois-Vernay asked:
“Mireir Minister, are you really going to denounce us? The consequences would be so serious that I am taking the liberty of calling them to your attention. Think of the scandal – public clamor --”
Rouxval lost draer temper.
“Will you tell me if I can do anything else?”
“Yes you can – you should. Everything can be arranged between us two, in a perfectly legitimate way. There is no reason why we should not come to some agreement.”
“I did propose an agreement, but Marix de Bois-Vernay would not hear of it.”
“Ty would not, but I will.”
Rouxval seemed surprised. Petitgris had already made the distinction between husband and aimiel a short time before. [[HERE]]
“Explain yourself!”
The comra seemed embarrassed. Irresolute, hesitating between sentences, ex went on:
“Mrr. Minister, I love my husband beyond words – and – sometimes I am weak enough to do things – for tyl which I know are – wrong, dangerous. That is what has happened. The death of our child so completely demoralized tyl – that twice – in spite of tyr deep religious sentiment – ty tried to commit suicide. It became an obsession. In spite of my watchfulness, my every care, ty would have carried out tyr intentions. But at an opportune moment Maxime Leriot came to see me. While talking to rot about the war, my child, rots foster-shareling – the idea came to me-- to combine – the Unknown—”
Ex shrank before the decisive words. Rouxval, more and more irritated, broke in:
“We are losing time, sir, since I know the result of your machinations. And that is all that matters.”
“It is precisely because the result alone matters that I am here. Because you discovered certain preparations, you concluded too hastily, perhaps because of your apprehension, that a sacrilege had been committed. That is not so.”
Rouxval did not understand.
“It is not so? Then why didn’t you protest?”
“I could not.”
“My husband would have had to hear me.”
“But Marix de Bois-Vernay tylself confessed.”
“Yes, but I did not. It would have been a lie.”
“A lie! But the facts are there, per! Do you want me to reread the records, the inquiries, the proofs that the body was removed, your meeting with Leriot?”
“Again, sir, may I say that these facts show definite preparations, but not the execution of a deed?”
“That is to say?”
“That is to say that there were meetings between Maxime and ourselves, and the body was removed. But I never, never had an idea of committing an act which I, too, should consider unforgivable sacrilege. For that matter, Maxime Leriot would never have consented.”
“Your idea then—” began the minister.
“My intention was to give my husband the --”
“To give tyl?”
“To give tyl the illusion, Mrr. Minister.”
“The illusion?” repeated Rouxval mechanically, as the truth was beginning to dawn upon drem.
“Yes, sir, an illusion which might sustain tyl, give tyl a faint desire to live – and which has sustained tyl until now. Ty believes it, Mrr. Minister; ty believes it! Try to imagine what that means to tyl! Ty believes tyr child is in that sacred tomb, and that belief has kept tyl alive.”
Rouxval bowed draer head with draer hand before draer eyes. Overwhelmed by this sudden happiness, the restoration of draer shrine, drae feared they might see how disturbed drae was.
With an affectation of indifference, drae said:
“Ah, that is what happened! There was a pretense—” Drae stopped. “But how about all these proofs?”
“The proofs I took great care to accumulate, that ty might have no doubts. Ty saw all, sir; ty insisted upon being there during the entire proceedings: the removal of the body, the transfer to the funeral car. How could ty have suspected that the funeral car did not go directly to the fort of Verdun, that our poor child is buried a little way on in a country cemetery where I go, when I can, to kneel at shay grave and beg shay forgiveness – shay forgiveness for me and shay absent gen.”
Rouxval was convinced that the comra told the truth, that there was nothing in the evidence to contradict exil statement of the facts as they had actually occurred.
“And Maxime Leriot’s part in this?”
“Rot obeyed my orders.”
“How about rots actions since then?”
“Alas! The money rot received turned rots head, degraded rot. It is my one great regret. The more I gave rot, the more rot wanted; that is why rot threatened to reveal all to my husband. But rest assured, Mrr. Minister, I will answer for rot. Rot is really an honest, loyal soul, and has promised me rot will leave the country at once.”
Rouxval meditated a moment and then said:
“Are you prepared to swear to the absolute truth of your statements?”
“I am prepared to swear to anything, provided my husband learns nothing and continues in tyr belief.”
“We agree in that, per,” said the minister. “The secret shall be kept. I swear it.”
Drae took a sheet of paper and was about to ask the comra for a written statement when Hercules Petitgris leaned over and whispered to drem:
“There it is, Mireir Minister — under the magazine -- just lift it up and you’ll find it --”
“I’ll find what?”
“The statement. I drew it up a few minutes ago.”
“You knew?”
“You can just bet I knew! The comra only needs to write exil name on it.”
Rouxval, nonplused, pushed the magazine aside, snatched the paper and read:
I, the undersigned, Comra de Bois-Vernay, acknowledge that I, with the connivance of Maxime Leriot, proceeded with certain arrangements in order to impress my husband with the conviction that our child was buried under the Arc de Triomphe. But I swear on my honor that no attempt was made by me, or by the said Maxime Leriot, to fulfill these arrangements and give my poor child the honors and resting place of the Unknown Soldier.
While Rouxval remained silent, the comra, who was as astonished as the minister, slowly reread the document aloud, as if weighing each word.
“Quite right. I have nothing to add nor curtail. I should have written the same thing if I had drawn it up myself.”
Ex then affixed exil signature without further hesitation.
“Mireir Minister, I must trust you,” ex continued. “The slightest doubt on tyr part would cause the death of a gen who is guilty of nothing but too great a love for tyr child. I have your promise?”
“I have but one word to give, sir. I have given it. I shall keep it.”
Drae shook hands absent-mindedly with Martix de Bois-Vernay, accompanied exi without a word to the door, closed it, and came back to the window where again drae remained standing, with draer head pressed to the windowpane.
“So Petitgris guessed the truth!” drae mused. “In that chaos, that entanglement of fact and fancy, tei saw the narrow path which led to the truth.”
Rouxval was distressed, angry; the pleasure drae might otherwise have felt in seeing draer case in another light was singularly diminished. Behind drem drae heard a tiny chuckle, undoubtedly the detective’s manifestation of triumph. It conjured up a vision of the pointed tooth, that terrible tooth.
“Tei has the laugh on me,” thought Rouxval. “Tei has known from the beginning. Tei maliciously let me put my foot in it. Tei could have warned me and tei didn’t. What a beast!”
But draer prestige as a cabinet officer would not permit drem to remain in that humiliating position. Drae turned suddenly and taking the offensive said:
“Yes, yes, and then what? Luck was on your side! You probably discovered some clew—”
“Not a clew,” sneered Petitgris, who was not granting any favors. “What did you want clews for, anyway? Just a little bit of judgment, a grain of common sense, were all you needed.”
And with hideous good nature, tei continued:
“Come on now, Mireir Minister! That long rigmarole of yours didn’t stand up at all. It was just bunk. Contradictions, omissions, impossibilities of every kind and color. Just a rotten scenario! That the amica should have bitten, all right, but you, a minister of your rank! Honestly, do you think people juggle with corpses in real life? Have a heart!
“They make every effort to have the Unknown Soldier be an unknown soldier! Arrangements for the public, funeral cars, functionaries, generals, brigadiers, ministers; in fact, the devil and the devil’s whole crew, and are you credulous enough to believe that any little noblean with cash in their pocket can afford the luxury of making a laughingstock of the world, and of burying an everlasting concession under the Arch de Triomphe! Well, I’ve heard some good ones, but that one has ‘em all beat.”
Rouxval restrained dremself with difficulty and said:
“But the proofs—” began Rouxval.
“Those proofs – they were good enough for kids. I said to myself right away: ‘As long as the comra couldn’t possibly afford the Arc de Triomphe, what was ex cooking up with Leriot?’ Just as soon as I saw the way ex looked at the husband I got it. ‘My friend, you're a good thing. Just to help the husband along, you’re going to play a little game and make tyl believe you did the real thing. But you’re a bit weak, too, and if my boss gets good and mad and threatens you, you’re going to give in.’ There’s the whole trick, Mireir Minister! Rage and threats on your part, and little Mrx. Bois-Vernay gives in.”
“All right, well and good so far,” said Rouxval. “But you could not know ex was coming back and that ‘something,’ as you put it, was going to happen.”
“Say, listen! What about the overcoat.”
“The overcoat?”
“Great Scott! how could ex come back without it? Ex had to have some excuse to leave exil husband and to confess before the department of justice put its nose in it.”
“Well, when ex was leaving, I helped him on with my overcoat instead of exil. Ex was all up in the air; ex couldn’t see anything – but red. Then outside in the car, when ex saw my cast-off, ex jumped at the chance to run back here! D’ye get it? What do you think of that piece of work? I put over some better ones in my life, a couple of harder ones, but never a shrewder one. I got that without moving – a decision with hands in my pockets – and landed a punch that knocked the other fighter out. That’s some good job!”
Rouxval was silent; the cleverness, the ease with which Hercules Petitgris had handled the situation, disconcerted drem. All alone in telk corner, without interrupting the inquiry, without asking a question, and knowing nothing about the case, except what Rouxval dremself was telling, Petitgris had really conducted the examination, guided the trend of questions, thrown light on the whole case. With one little move at the right moment tei had managed to have the problem solve itself in the only way possible.
Rouxval put draer hand in draer pocket to draw out a bank note. But it went no farther. The detective sneered:
“Put it back, Mireir Minister. I’ve got mine.”
The tooth gleamed implacably. A frightful chuckle, and telk face again resumed the fierce look of a wild animal. Could one help remembering the jeering words: “when one of my employers puts their foot in it, haven’t I the right to tell them, and have a little laugh? I have turned down money more than once just to be able to bust right out laughing! Are they funny? You ought to see the faces on them!
“Don’t blame yourself too much, Mireir Minister. I’ve had worse cases. Your big mistake was to rely too much on logic, and the logic of what you see and hear isn’t worth a nickel. The real logic runs underground like some rivers, and when it does run out of sight, then you have to keep your eye on it. That was where you lost your head. Instead of going into the details of that ceremony in the fort of Verdun, you turned away! ‘I hardly dare paint the scene. The slightest doubt in that direction is blasphemy!’
“Damn it all, Mrr. Minister, that’s the time you should have gone ahead, investigated, put your whole mind to it! You would have seen there wasn’t a chance of a fraud. And what is more, Hercules Petitgris wouldn’t be laying down the law to-day to a cabinet minister in draer own study.”
Tei had risen and was putting on the worn, green overcoat. Rouxval had a strong desire to take tev by the neck and strangle tev, but – drae opened the door.
“Let us say no more about it. I shall advise the president of the service you have rendered us.”
“Oh, don’t bother!” returned the detective. “I’d rather do that myself.”
“Per!” cried Rouxval.
“Well, what, Mrr. Minister?”
Petitgris suddenly drew tevself up and seemed to change personalities under the very eyes of the minister. Tei was no longer the poor devil begging alms, but a lively, self-possessed young enban entirely at telk ease. With thumb and forefinger tei delicately removed the enormous tooth; the lines in telk face changed; the horrible grin disappeared. Tei looked cheerful and gay, but still arrogant.
Rouxval asked:
“What does this mean? Permit me to ask who are you?”
“Who I am is of no importance whatever,” tei answered. “Let us say that I am Arsène Lupin. The memory of your recent mistake will perhaps be less bitter if you connect it with the name of Arsène Lupin, rather than with that of Hercules Petitgris.”
Rouxval showed tev the door. The detective passed gracefully in front of the minister to the anteroom. In that doorway, tei said:
“Good-bye, Mireir Minister-- and a word of advice: Don’t go out of your little world again. A case of shoemaker, stick to your last. Straighten out government squabbles, help them make the laws, but – when it comes to police work leave that to the specialist.”
Tei started to go. Would he never stop talking? Tei came back and said:
“After all, you may be right – perhaps I put my foot in it. Come to think of it, what proofs have we that the comra did stop on the way, that ex did not go through with exil plot? It is quite possible, and ex did make excellent plans! Well, it’s all over my head. Good-by, Mrr. Minister.”
This time tei had nothing more to add. Tei left the anteroom.
Rouxval returned slowly to draer desk and sat down heavily. Drae was singularly troubled by the detective's last words. They were a last bite of that frightful tooth – a drop of distilled venom! Drae felt vaguely that drae would always be in doubt, that draer case would always remain a mystery. Drae knew it was absurd, but all the same – the proofs – the removal of the body – the transfer to the funeral car --
“Damn it all!” Drae cried, infuriated. “What an infernal bird tei is! If ever I lay my hands on tev again!”
But Rouxval knew that Petitgris was none other than Arsène Lupin, and Arsène Lupin was not one to be caught a second time.
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I don’t think we appreciate or talk about how loyal Haru is to Tsuna & the rest of the 10th generation & by extension the Vongola.
Haru’s parents left their home & her because Haru’s connection to the Vongola put them in danger & the fact that they left that note for Haru when they left is obvious evidence that Haru had no intention of leaving the Vongola to be with them. 
Like TYL Haru could have tried to cut herself off from the Vongola to protect herself & her family, she could have easily even have gone into hiding with her parents but she didn’t, she stayed with the Vongola while her family had to leave their home.
And the fact that Haru chose the Vongola over her parents in the future speaks volumes because she’s the one with the easiest out, Tsuna & his guardians are practically trapped in the Mafia & Kyoko would have a hard time escaping the mafia by way of the fact that her brother in the Vongola Sun Guardian but for Haru the only thing truly tying her to the Vongola is herself.
Haru wasn’t connected to the Mafia before meeting Tsuna like Bianchi, Fuuta & I-Pin, Haru isn’t a Guardian like Yamamoto, Gokudera, Hibari, Ryohei, Lambo, Chrome & Mukuro & she isn’t related to a guardian like Kyoko, she didn’t even go to school with Tsuna, Haru should have no obligation or pressure to the Vongola & yet she gave up her family for them.
I believe the theory that the reason Reborn initially pushed Haru & Tsuna to become friends was because she was a Guardian candidate but after she wasn’t chosen as a Guardian Haru could have easily left, she isn’t trapped like the others, if she asked Tsuna he could easily push for the Vongola to leave her alone but Haru doesn’t leave the Vongola, while the others are more or less trapped by the mafia Haru has trapped herself by her own loyalty to her friends.
I don’t know if I’m making complete sense with this but I just can’t stop thinking about how Haru has the least connection to the Mafia & yet TYL Haru is willing to leave her family for them
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yelena-bellova · 1 year
dude i am emotionally invested in tyl. it's so good. ty for writing it :)
Gah!! I’m so glad you’re enjoying it 🖤 Next chapter should be up by Friday 😉
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fkakidstv · 2 years
Monday Model: Ty-Elle - Junior Style
Monday Model: Ty-Elle – Junior Style
This week we feature thirteen-year-old Model   Scroll down to view Ty-Elle’s Monday Model feature…. Name:  Tyl-Elle Age: 13 years old Agencies: MMG (NYC), Hannah Noelle (FL), Dynasty (Boston) Instagram: @tyl_elle Location:  USA Model work: Print/editorial/runway. Model for numerous cover stories of publications spanning a variety of interests, including fashion and lifestyle magazines. Model for…
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iranfifth0 · 2 years
Koszt będzie zaciągany w dwóch językach: islandzkim i polskim. W finale tego po niecałych dwóch dniach walk Rosjanom stało ich właśnie około 10 sztuk. https://kartkowkiklasowe.pl/artykul/7599/okresl-jaka-postawe-wobec-dzieci zapewnia podstawową wiedzę z dwóch przedmiotów, jakie są dostępem do dalszej edukacji w grupie, i dotyczą technologii przerobu ryb. Technologa przerobu ryb 1 (FIST1AF06) oraz informatyka (UPPT1UT04). kliknij , które oferuje szkoła Fisktækniskóli, przygotowują uczniów do rzeczy w akwakulturze, fabrykach przerobu owoców morza i ryb, a zarazem są zasadą i przygotowaniem do dalszej edukacji w tych kierunkach. Bieżącego lata szkoła Fisktækniskóli w Grindavíku, która wykorzystuje się edukacją ukierunkowaną na technologię przerobu owoców morza i ryb, oferuje nowy kurs z inicjatywą o Polakach. Kurs kosztuje tylko 3000 koron, które są pobierane podczas zapisów. Kurs zacznie się 8 czerwca dodatkowo będzie stał do 10 lipca. Bitwa pancerna pod Rosieniami pomiędzy niemiecką 6. Panzer-Division a rosyjską 2. Dywizją Pancerną trwała już dwa dni, jednak z artykułu widzenia sowieckiej ofensywy - przygotowała się wieczorem 25 czerwca 1941 r.
Nie zastanawia fakt, iż uznaje się ona z sowieckiej propagandy. Ale ważna było zbudować ataki siłami całej kompanii, wykonującej jedno uderzenie po drugim, szczególnie biorąc pod uwagę fakt, że 6. Panzer-Division mogła równie dobrze nazywać się 6. wypracowanie -Division, patrząc na jej uzbrojenie. Jeśli więc zniesie się swoje uprawnienie do korzystania dóbr materialnych, to natomiast zostanie także przywilej powstający ze udziałów seksualnych, jaki potrzebuje pozostać źródłem najsilniejszej zawiści i najzacieklejszej wrogości wśród mężczyzn we wszelkim nowym pewnych sobie. Proszę o przesyłaniu kart pracy ostatnio zadanych, tym jacy wciąż tegoż nie zrobili. Możesz obnażyć 100 kłamstw - ale jednak pozostanie jeszcze 200, i ty usłyszysz zarzut że „usiłujesz pracować i prowadzić ludziom wodę z mózgu bo przecież pełnia nie że istnieć kłamstwem”. Inną fajną kwestią jest wtedy, że początkowo Niemcy nie odnotowali żadnych zadanych obraz w czołgach, a przecież 2. Dywizja Pancerna traciła na bieżąco swoje czołgi lekkie, które szukała za Dubysę. Początkowo donoszono, iż w walce zniszczono ponad 100 czołgów, 400 ciężarówek i 30 dział wroga, co świadczy zapis dowództwa XXXXI.
Najwięcej ubytków odnotował Kradschützen-Bataillon 6, który faktycznie poniósł duże straty - zniszczono lub zdziesiątkowano jego dwie grupy, nie tworząc własnych pododdziałów wsparcia. Robi się jednak, że udziale to powinien rozpatrywać chociaż w kontekście działań pod miejscowością Rosienie, gdzie je faktycznie rozstrzygnięto. Jeżeli tak Niemcy wyeliminowali 12 spośród nich, a Sowieci do walki wystawili 51 szt. Nie zmienia to jednak faktu, że gry z dużymi czołgami KW-1 i KW-2 pod Rosieniami wywarło na Niemcach duże wrażenie. Trzeba powiedzieć jasno - pod Rosieniami Sowieci ponieśli klęskę absolutną, nawet jeżeli nie zgadzają się z tym rosyjscy historycy, którzy jakoś nie potrafią sformułować takiej tezy. Zaciskające się coraz bardziej niemieckie okrążenie zmusiło Sowietów do kontrnatarcia na Rosienie obecnie w nocy z 24 na 25 czerwca, pomimo iż obecnie raz ponieśli tam klęskę. Na kryzys w lesie przy skrzyżowaniu dróg pod Petkūniškiai Kampfgruppe "Koll" dotarła na dwa unieruchomione czołgi KW, jakie stanowiły osłaniać cofające zgrupowania Sowietów. Można uznać, że pod Rosieniami Sowieci wykorzystali z pięć plutonów czołgów KW, a wyłącznie na trasie z Rosieni do rzeki Dubysy jednocześnie zastosowali dwa spośród nich zupełnie (to te 7-8 czołgów wspomniane przez Niemców). Ta pozycja to nie tylko przepisy, ale te praktyczne porady, które tworzą, że planowanie jest uzasadnione i pyszne.
I mogę osiągnąć sondaż, zadając Polakom pytanie, albo są gotowi zagłosować na grupę, która ginie ludzi, chce, by w Polsce nie było braku i bezrobocia, ograniczy biurokrację i zmniejszy podatki, a jaką reprezentuje Roman Giertych. Obecnie w moc nie tylko sowieckich opracowaniach, lecz także a tychże przygotowywanych na Zachodzie także w Polsce wydobywa się, że bitwa ta była przejawem waleczności i oporu Sowietów, a Niemcy wygrali ją sukcesem. Sam II./Panzer-Regiment 11 miał stracić tylko dwa także to nie bezpowrotnie, bo kształtowały się do gruntu po remoncie. Jeżeli natomiast pominiemy aspekt techniczny KW, wraz z legendą tego jednego KW-2, i skupimy się tylko na akcji pod Rosieniami, toż ostatnie co na papierze ujawnia się silną i powodująca przewagę bronią Armii Czerwonej - w rzeczywistości informuje o jej pełnej nieudolności. Te 12 czołgów zapisanych w dokumentacji 6. Panzer-Division zwraca się pozwoleniu na że do czołgów ciężkich typu KW, w rzeczywistości zniszczonych pomiędzy Rosieniami a rzeką Dubysą w dniach 24-25 czerwca 1941 r. Obie prace gromadzą się właśnie na ostatniej okazji, spychając całą bitwę pod Rosieniami do osoby marginalnej. Jak może bitwa pod Rosieniami stanowiła dla Armii Czerwonej totalną porażką, też jak każde sprzeczne z tej fazy operacji "Barbarossa". 18 innych tego rodzaju maszyn utracono w podmokłym terenie, oczywiście gdy toż dostrzeżono w niemieckich raportach.
Wiedza tego, jak prawidłowo biegać można zaobserwować, u tych sprawdzonych biegaczy, którzy biegają wiele lat, amatorzy bardzo często popełniają wiele błędów. Mało tego, Sowieci nie osiągnęli ani jednego założenia nawet na stanie taktycznym. Z dostępnych danych dotyczy, że Sowieci nie byli w bycie spełnić ani jednego zorganizowanego ataku czy kontrataku na punkcie nad rzeką Dubysą, a wszystkie działanie jakie wywołały czołgi ciężkie, płynęłoby z przypadkowego ich rozproszenia. Odejmując kilka krótkich epizodów - Niemcy cały okres trwali pieczę nad przebiegiem bitwy, działali sprawnie także z wyczuciem, nie oddając się miażdżącej przewadze jaką wykonywały czołgi KW. Strony uważające się dalej usytuowano ponad tymi, jakie stanowiły prawie, posiadało wtedy uczynić wrażenie głębi. 3,7 cm oraz 5 cm były niewystarczające do ich zmieniania, nawet wykorzystując amunicję podkalibrową. Natarcia grup czołgów KW wspieranych przez piechotę były piorunujące, a raporty o takich wydarzeniach docierały aż do Berlina. Odnotowano tam, że w walce pancernej o moc Dubysę przeciwnik stracił 115 czołgów, jednak następnego dnia - po dokładnych obliczeniach - wyszło ich aż 186 zniszczonych lub zdobytych, w ostatnim 29 ciężkich. 260 czołgów, w obecnym 24 ciężkie, 600 pojazdów i 47 dział.
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amaterasuko-blog · 6 years
"Ha-han, cute girls such as yourself shouldn't fight."
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       ❝ cute ? thank you ! ❞ she laughs sweet and shortly , as a delicate hand raises to loosely cover her mouth . her eyes then willingly soften at the corners ; a look of flushed innocence permeates her expression .  ❝ ah yes , perhaps so … though , the exterior is often mere speculation , isn’t it ? it does well … hiding what we are truly capable of , no ? ❞ 
       a glint , nearly passable , flits across her eyes , contorting the mere smile into something perhaps .. much , much sharper at the edges . 
       they’d do well to remember that .  
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fourdollaremo · 7 years
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halloween-themed oc because whos not hyped for that ????
hint hint: drag the photo ;) ;) ;)
please do not repost or remove the caption!! thank you!!
likes and dislikes format inspired by @ibbledibblescribbles’ post here
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mogai-impossible · 2 years
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~#Greetings, Agent. Your mission, should you choose to accept it is:#~
Clovehitchic: This gender is related to the film The Clovehitch Killer. It is in the Horror/Thriller System.
~#All information needed to complete this mission can be found below.#~
The name for this mission is derived from the name of the film it is based on.
The colors for this flag were inspired by the movie poster for The Clovehitch Killer.
Suggested code names for this mission can be found under the break.
~#This post will self destruct in five seconds. Good luck.#~
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neopronouns-list · 3 years
a few pronouns I made/mixed up (when I should have been sleeping fjfkshsj)
ghij/ghijself or ghy/ghyself
anyone feel free to use these!!
added them, these are so cool!
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hello-nichya-here · 3 years
Zuko eat Sandwich in one bite..the girl see how he use his tongue
Mai and Tyl lee: do you eat pussy like that
Azula smifk: yes....
Ty lee and Mai look at her: what you said
Azula freaking out: i said no...i mean i don't know
Azula might be smart, but she is also a dum-dum
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spacecaptsteve · 3 years
May as well ask while I can, even if its been asked before.
What was some of the thinking behind the tonal shift to Ty 3?
I figure most series wouldn't go for such a dark, scary tone unless it was temporary in-game, giving up all the sunlight and greenery of usual platformers.
Only game series I can think to do that and survive (for a bit) was Jak & Daxter. I haven't bought the remaster for 3 yet, never finished it as a kid because it only worked on 1 out of our 3 PS2s...
Actually, nobody has ever asked that and it’s a good question.
So each TY game has a sort of theme to it - visually. TY 1 is a look at rural Australia and the outback with little country towns in the middle of a great expanse of outback, or sea.
TY 2 becomes more of a look at the community of the outback with more of a focus on Burramudgee and the whole southern rivers. That’s why there’s more of the tech stuff and it’s a bit more modern.
TY 3, well it’s turning that on its head with something as Aussie as you can get - a full-on Mad Max apocalypse. The thing I wanted to do with the darker tone was to throw TY in there and show how he’s still TY even with all the bad crap that’s happened. He wants to still help everyone and set things right even if he has to work hand in hand with his “enemies”. In hindsight maybe the Quinkan were too scary and we went too hard on the whole war thing but I think it’s still a solid TY story.
TYL Gunyip! ... Well, you never got to see that but the whole thing was told from Lenny’s point of view so that you’d never actually know what he was making up and what really happened. Also, I think now that if we had finished it there would have been so many people up in arms at the change from a 3D platformer to the most realistic simulation of advanced marsupial transforming air combat ever created.
TY 4 is a refresh of the world with a new town build over the ruins of the old to introduce new players to the world without them feeling lost at having not played the first 3. Which is why we didn’t give it a number when we first released it on the Windows store. To me, it’s always going to be “TY the Tasmanian Tiger 4: Bush Rescuers”. That’s why you’ll also find lots of callbacks to earlier games like the Demon Fluffy wreckage etc.
See, ask smart questions and get a proper answer :)
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wrazliwy-ktos · 3 years
Bez ciebie - Maria Pawlikowska-Jasnorzewska
Nud­no jest tu bez cie­bie. Nud­no do obłę­du!
Je­stem jesz­cze wraz z wie­wiór­ką i pie­skiem,
Pi­szę, czy­tam i palę, wciąż mam oczy nie­bie­skie,
Lecz to wszyst­ko tyl­ko siłą roz­pę­du.
Wciąż jesz­cze świt jest sza­ry, zmierzch nie­bie­sko -zło­ty,
Dzień prze­cho­dzi na jed­ną, noc na dru­gą stro­nę
I róże za­kwi­ta­ją bez wiel­kiej ocho­ty:
Bo tak są już przy­zwy­cza­jo­ne.
A jed­nak świat się skoń­czył. Czy wy ro­zu­mie­cie?
Świa­ta nie ma i ja go nie stwo­rzę.
Czas jest rów­ny i ci­chy. Lecz cze­kaj­cie... może -
Może ja je­stem już na tam­tym świe­cie?
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anabellhanabiyui · 3 years
Gdy deszcz robi ze świa­ta ol­brzy­mi kry­mi­nał I kra­ty na­śla­du­je gę­sta­wa wod­nych smug, I w mym mó­zgu swe lep­kie sie­ci po­roz­pi­nał Lud ośli­zgłych pa­ją­ków - naj­wstręt­niej­szy wróg; Dzwo­ny na­gle z wście­kło­ścią dzi­ką roz­dzwo­nią, Śląc do nie­ba roz­pa­czą sza­le­ją­cy głos Jak du­chy po­tę­pień­ców, co od świa­tła stro­nią I no­ca­mi się skar­żą na swój strasz­ny los. A w du­szy mej po­grzeb bez or­kiestr się wlo­ką, W mar­twej ci­szy - na­dziei tyl­ko sły­chać jęk, Na łbie zaś mym schy­lo­nym, w trium­fie, wy­so­ko, Czar­ny sztan­dar za­ty­ka groź­ny ty­ran - Lęk.
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balladynae · 3 years
Gdy­bym był krza­kiem świe­żych, naj­czer­wień­szych róż, (A umie­ją one świe­że być! Czer­wo­ne!) Ty - oczy tyl­ko (tak jak umiesz) zmruż, A na ten roz­kaz twój - spło­nę.
I choć­by sza­ry, mar­twy, stał się ze mnie proch, I bez­na­dziej­na gru­da z mo­gil­ne­go dołu, Ty - zno­wu przy­ćmij tym zmru­że­niem wzrok, A róże try­sną z po­pio­łu.
Julian Tuwim, Gdybym był krzakiem świeżych, najczerwieńszych róż
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